18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cosmic Intelligence-Agency
    The astro highlights of 2023: Dates and Degress to keep

    - 3 major planet new sign ingresses:
    Saturn to Pisces, Pluto to Aquarius, Jupiter to Taurus

    - Nodal axis ruled by Venus and Mars,
    then Mars and Venus as axis shifts form Taurus /Scorpio to Aries/Libra

    - Venus Star retrograde Point Leo - not since 2015

    - Mercury retrogrades in Earth signs

    - Major aspects to look out for : eg Pluto square Nodal axis,
    Jupiter square Pluto and a few others to note.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The latest Astrology report from Demitra Vassiliadis 1f929. 1f30f. 1f31e. 2652. 1f31a. 1f320. 1f30f. 2728. 1f499.

    The latest Astrology report from Demitra Vassiliadis 1f929. 1f30f. 1f31e. 2652. 1f31a. 1f320. 1f30f. 2728. 1f499.

    THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JANUARY 20TH: At 3:30 AM EST the Sun leaves responsible, executive Capricorn,
    and rides his solar chariot into the friendly skies of Aquarius.

    The Sun will be illuminating our friendships, alliances, collaborations and beloved communities
    as he travels through the sign of the water bearer.

    The next four weeks are a wonderful time
    to cultivate our social lives, build our networks and advance projects that require group effort and teamwork.

    The Aquarius Sun will also be helping to liberate us from patterns that bind us.

    It’s time to get to higher levels of consciousness that can free us
    or offer a higher perspective on areas where we feel stuck or bound.

    Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon keeps our focus on defining goals,
    setting boundaries and building the self discipline that leads to success.

    Luna begins her day merging forces with Mercury,
    now direct in Capricorn to nurture our executive intelligence
    and the goals and ideas we are clear about and ready to advance.

    Luna will harmonize with Uranus tonight to help us make breakthroughs
    that could lead to greater success, prosperity and material upgrades.

    ARIES: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your social sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating your friendships, alliances and group activities for weeks to come. It’s time to put your best foot forward and build your social muscle. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your executive intelligence, inspiring you to act on chosen goals. She then confers with Uranus to nurture breakthroughs in your fiscal and material life.

    TAURUS: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your career sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to successful collaboration for weeks to come. It’s time to build your professional dream team. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your professional goals and your mission statement. She then confers with Uranus to nurture breakthroughs in your belief system that could be game changers.

    GEMINI: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your philosophical sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to friendships alliances and adventures on your increasingly high wave length for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture the goals regarding mergers and visionary breakthroughs you are ready to act on.

    CANCER: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your sector of emotional depths, ancestors and mergers in the pre dawn hours, where he will be illuminating liberating new relationship patterns and emotional dynamics for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your goals within partnerships along with breakthroughs in your social patterns.

    LEO: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your partnership sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to glorious, authentic relationship and brilliant collaboration for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your committed goals and the work habits that support the breakthrough you are poised to make.

    VIRGO: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your work and health sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to daily success at work, and radiant health that comes from group support, for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture the creative goals or childrearing goals you are committed to as the prepares you for creative breakthroughs that are on their way….

    LIBRA: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your creative sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to romance, your inner child and your brilliant creativity for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your commitment to your domestic happiness and your professional success. It’s a great day to prepare for fiscal mergers and breakthroughs.

    SCORPIO: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your home sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating the path to your authentic domestic happiness for weeks to come. It’s time to get your home in order, honor your ancestors and enjoy beloved family connections. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your elective intelligence and mental discipline, which is leading to professional breakthroughs.

    SAGITTARIUS: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your sector of mind, in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating your native brilliance, awakening inventive powers and helping to free your mind from falsehoods and misconceptions for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your financial and executive intelligence, which leads to breakthroughs at work and on your bottom line.

    CAPRICORN: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your fiscal sector of values and possessions in the pre dawn hours, where he will be illuminating the path to fiscal success, financial freedom and profitable collaborations for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture your commitment to yourself, and to the goals that take care of you and the delightful creative, breakthroughs that await you.

    AQUARIUS: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your sector of self, in the pre dawn hours, where he will be illuminating you and your native brilliance, powers of invention and radiant charisma for weeks to come. It’s time to delight in acts of self expression, as we head into your birthday season. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture the dreams and goals you are committed to and the breakthroughs you have been in the midst of for a while now…More are coming..

    PISCES: The Sun rides his solar chariot into Aquarius in your spiritual sector in the pre dawn hours where he will be illuminating your dreams, visions and spiritual practices that lead to enlightenment for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Capricorn Moon merges with Mercury this morning to nurture the social and group goals you are clear about that will be leading to constructive, profitable breakthroughs.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    1m ·

    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies With A Goodbye Note On Capricorn Season..!!!

    Goats Replace With Water-Bearers ♒︎ ♒︎ ♒︎ Welcome To The Aquarius Season Folks!!


    Here comes Aquarius ♒︎ Innovative & Humanitarian Season To Breakfree
    & Seek Independence By Changing The Laws Of Traditional
    Societies Using The Unconventional Thought process
    Which Is Very Progressive & Futuristic While Still Coping With Past Influences…

    " ' ..."

    So Handle The Life & Flow Of Aquarius ♒︎ Water-Bearer ♒︎
    With The Addiction Towards Uncertainties & Shocking Energies Which
    Have Come Together To Make You A So Futuristic That Upcoming Generations
    Should Remember & Follow Your Footsteps By
    Recalling Your Innovation & Progressive Work..."

    ♒︎ : Sudden Desire To Revolt Through a Progressive
    & Futuristic Mindset, Fascination Of Past & Future
    Using The Talents Of Fictitious Science, Computer Programming
    With The Focus On Independence & Mental Freedom...

    , , ,
    , , & -

    : An Unconventional Month & Madness Ahead

    Jan 20, 2023, Sun enters Aquarius ♒︎

    Jan 21, 2023, Sun Opposition Lilith In Leo

    Jan 21, 2023, Sun Conj Moon In Aquarius (New Moon)

    Jan 25, 2023, Sun Sextiles Jupiter In Aries

    Jan 28, 2023, Sun Squares North Node In Taurus

    Jan 30, 2023, Sun Trines Mars In Gemini

    Feb 1, 2023, Sun Sextiles Chiron In Aries

    Feb 4, 2023, Sun Squares Uranus In Taurus

    Feb 16, 2023, Sun Conjunct Saturn

    , & : Through Saturn rules Aquarius traditionally
    but Uranus being a modern planet provides energies &
    a balance of copying up the past while being futuristic & this is why Aquarius is a fixed sign
    that seeks MENTAL & Physical security for
    themselves & for the suffering class of OPPRESSED societies
    because they know the pain of other people & due to SATURN & URANUS,
    Aquarius SUN & Season makes natives around the world work for more Humanitarian work,
    projects & joint ventures (At larger scale),
    & that Humanitarian instincts will be based on “Equality”
    & equal rights system for everyone who joins them as “One”...
    World is seen through as ONE unit in Aquarius eyes…

    The Ruler Planet Uranus Is also getting direct the same day Sun ingresses into Aquarius
    so its a plus point that you could utilize &
    channel & structure your innovative instincts &
    talented skills into better manifestation for Humanity
    through the charged-up electricity
    inside you to break free & challenge the authorities
    to help oppressive & suffering class of societies you are living in by joining hands
    with larger groups, NGOs & Peers globally & work for the betterment of the living standards
    & human rights for the whole month &
    season of Aquarius in 2023…

    Enjoy this electrifying, revolting & breaking-free season ahead
    & utilize these energies in Humanitarian efforts,
    reach out to the suffering people by joining hands with the larger groups,
    build more groups on social media & help those Artists who have no work &
    lost their jobs.

    This is a month where you can help them recruit, money, clothes, resources help, etc

    With much love, care & best wishes for Aquarius Season & a new start for 2023 ahead for you all...

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Aquarius #AquariusSeason #zodiac #horoscope #horoscope2023 #February2023 #January #astrology #Astrologer #astrologypost
    #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #humanity #humanrights #HumanityFirst #humanitarian #zodiac #future #futuretechnology
    #breakingfree #revolt #uranus #UranusRetrograde

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    Solar Superstorm is a major new production that takes viewers
    into the tangle of magnetic fields and superhot plasma that vent the Sun's rage
    in dramatic flares, violent solar tornadoes,
    and the largest eruptions in the solar system: Coronal Mass Ejections.

    Because SUN is detrimental in Aquarius & Exalted in Aries, the sun just erupted
    a trillion tons of plasma into space.

    Luckily this process isn't pointed toward our beloved "EARTH".

    But Aquarius season wouldn't mind this eruptive & disruptive electricity though lol


    View: https://www.facebook.com/581162078/videos/1650211948748380

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Raising Vibrations


    New Moon In Aquarius 21st January .

    This week the Aquarius New Moon offers you opportunities to grow, to change in self

    and to express your own personal inner power
    with humility Aquarius the water bearer is pouring high cosmic frequencies,
    down into our earth Gaia and is mostly associated with
    truth freedom, abundance, enlightenment and peace.

    Whatever stage you are at on your journey the New Moon in Aquarius encourages
    and inspires us to ascend in our future timelines .

    To recognize your inner Power is found in your existing abilities

    Embrace the new moon energy in Aquarius and allow it to work its
    powers into your life

    As You Reach your Higher States Of Consciousness,
    You Will No Longer Need Things To Be Sugar Coated.

    You Will Appreciate The
    Truth Because You Know This Is How You Evolve.

    The Most Evolvement Will Come With Facing The Truth in and of All Things.

    You are an old soul with much wisdom in you.

    You know how to learn from experience and grow stronger and more loving, even
    through life's challenges.

    Trust yourself and life.

    You are growing now, towards your divine destiny.

    You may need guidance to find your way through unfamiliar situations, as you
    broaden your horizons, now.

    Allow those who are wise like you to be your companions as you choose not to believe in the voices of fear .

    It is not what you have done that matters

    it is what you do now. It is not who you believe yourself to have been that matters;
    it is how you choose to be now.

    If you have been punishing yourself in any way for a decision you have made in your life,
    or for some perceived failure or other, you are
    asked to take on a more soulful perspective.

    Dissolve residue of regrets, guilt or shame as soon as you can give yourself permission to do

    Always ask yourself what can be learned from any given situation
    and what can be forgiven and how you can you bring more

    To love self instead.

    Starseed Souls in this new moon something new wants to come into your awareness ,
    something new wants to happen for you in your
    life This is healthy and to be encouraged.

    Try not be scared to do things differently now. It is time to "break new ground".

    To rely on
    your strong intuition and instincts, even if your mind is afraid
    because it doesn't feel in control of the process.

    No matter how old you are, or how young, no matter what age or stage in life
    you may think you are supposed to be at, you are being
    asked to clear your mind of expectations or judgements and instead,
    just love who you are and where you are . in your life.

    This is your
    unique journey.

    Any belief that you cant or should not, follow your dreams because of your age, roles, gender or religious background,
    or any other issue, are to be put aside now.

    It is never too late to begin something. It is never too late to finish something. It is never too late to forgive.

    It is never too late to decide
    to just be happy in the moment and free yourself from past judgement, pain or suffering.

    It is never too late .

    If you have been suffering from fatigue or depression, feeling overwhelmed
    with responsibility or burned out, feeling old before your
    time so to speak then this Aquarius new moon also brings higher frequency healing energies
    into areas needed this helps us to
    transmute past healing and transmit
    our healed energies into the collective this is how we energetically work , all for each other .

    The new moon encourages us to take some time out just to replenish yourself by connection with your child within.

    This may be through
    play, breaking your routine or exploring a new places .

    Playing music , drawing , art expression , it might be finding new music you like ,
    dancing , movement , swimming , soaking in baths , pools rivers and oceans ,
    finding some new things to do in nature whatever sparks
    the inner child’s curiosity and excitement

    These new moon energies are guiding ascending souls to brand new beginnings .

    New moon Affirmation :

    Abundant energy flows freely to and through me.

    I am filled with new moon energy, passion, and vitality.

    I release perceived limitations and boundaries.

    I embrace all potential and possibilities.

    Everything I'm looking for I can find within myself .

    And So It Is

    In Loving and dedicated LightWorker service

    Written by Ascension LightWorkers

    Image 'Etsy'

    Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'



    Looking forward to serving you.

    Always in the light with you

    Jo 2764.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · ·

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    20 jan 2023 to 19 feb 2023
    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies With A Goodbye Note On Capricorn Season..!!!

    Goats Replace With Water-Bearers ♒︎ ♒︎ ♒︎ Welcome To The Aquarius Season Folks!!


    Here comes Aquarius ♒︎ Innovative & Humanitarian Season To Breakfree
    & Seek Independence By Changing The Laws Of Traditional
    Societies Using The Unconventional Thought process
    Which Is Very Progressive & Futuristic While Still Coping With Past Influences…

    " ' ..."

    So Handle The Life & Flow Of Aquarius ♒︎ Water-Bearer ♒︎
    With The Addiction Towards Uncertainties & Shocking Energies
    Which Have Come Together To Make You A So Futuristic That Upcoming Generations
    Should Remember & Follow Your Footsteps By
    Recalling Your Innovation & Progressive Work..."

    ♒︎ : Sudden Desire To Revolt
    Through a Progressive & Futuristic Mindset, Fascination Of Past & Future
    Using The Talents Of Fictitious Science, Computer Programming
    With The Focus On Independence & Mental Freedom...

    , , ,
    , , & -

    : An Unconventional Month & Madness Ahead

    Jan 20, 2023, Sun enters Aquarius ♒︎

    Jan 21, 2023, Sun Opposition Lilith In Leo

    Jan 21, 2023, Sun Conj Moon In Aquarius (New Moon)

    Jan 25, 2023, Sun Sextiles Jupiter In Aries

    Jan 28, 2023, Sun Squares North Node In Taurus

    Jan 30, 2023, Sun Trines Mars In Gemini

    Feb 1, 2023, Sun Sextiles Chiron In Aries

    Feb 4, 2023, Sun Squares Uranus In Taurus

    Feb 16, 2023, Sun Conjunct Saturn

    , & : Through Saturn rules Aquarius traditionally
    but Uranus being a modern planet provides energies &
    a balance of copying up the past while being futuristic &
    this is why Aquarius is a fixed sign that seeks MENTAL & Physical security for
    themselves & for the suffering class of OPPRESSED societies because they know the pain
    of other people & due to SATURN & URANUS,
    Aquarius SUN & Season makes natives around the world work for more Humanitarian work,
    projects & joint ventures (At larger scale),
    & that Humanitarian instincts will be based on “Equality”
    & equal rights system for everyone who joins them as “One”...

    World is seen
    through as ONE unit in Aquarius eyes…

    The Ruler Planet Uranus Is also getting direct the same day Sun ingresses into Aquarius
    so its a plus point that you could utilize &
    channel & structure your innovative instincts &
    talented skills into better manifestation for Humanity through the charged-up electricity
    inside you to break free & challenge the authorities to help oppressive &
    suffering class of societies you are living in by joining hands
    with larger groups, NGOs & Peers globally & work for the betterment
    of the living standards & human rights for the whole month &
    season of Aquarius in 2023…

    Enjoy this electrifying, revolting & breaking-free season ahead
    & utilize these energies in Humanitarian efforts, reach out to the
    suffering people by joining hands with the larger groups,
    build more groups on social media & help those Artists who have no work &
    lost their jobs.

    This is a month where you can help them recruit, money, clothes, resources help, etc

    With much love, care & best wishes for Aquarius Season & a new start for 2023 ahead for you all...

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.


    #Aquarius #AquariusSeason #zodiac #horoscope #horoscope2023 #February2023 #January #astrology #Astrologer #astrologypost
    #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #humanity #humanrights #HumanityFirst #humanitarian #zodiac #future #futuretechnology
    #breakingfree #revolt #uranus #UranusRetrograde

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