18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles

    Dark super new moon 1f31a. conjunct Pluto

    says release the toxicity, clear cancel delete the psyche’s shadow beliefs

    & purge any attachments to it.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astrology for Mindful Living

    20 JAN 2023
    Maryanne Savino
    Awesome and so inspiring!! 1f60d. 1f499. 1f929.
    The latest Astrology report from
    Krisy Martucci
    Astrology for Mindful Living 1f31e. 2652. 1f31a. 1f320. 1f319. 1fa90. 1f300. 1f30f. 1f31f. 1f499.
    This New Moon portal in Aquarius (Jan.21/2023) is a continuation of the intense
    and transformative Lunar cycles that punctuated 2022.

    This month, we may feel like we are straddling 2 worlds or 2 states of consciousness.

    Its like we have one foot in the past and one in the future.

    The key to release us fully into the future is healing
    and transforming some deeply rooted psychological material holding us captive,
    looping in repeated karmic cycles.

    I realize it seems like this theme has been with us forever,
    but things take as long as they take.

    Pluto stands at the very end of Capricorn,
    and that in and of itself is extraordinarily cathartic and intense.

    What from the past HAS TO die?

    What fears, traumas, insecurities and limitations need final release,
    so that we can get on with life in a new and fresh way?

    Anytime planets are at the end of a sign, ready to move into the next,
    matters of that sign can rise up to a serious level of intensity for completetion.

    Pluto in Capricorn brings serious lessons of responsibility and accountability.

    Pluto is about empowerment and disempowerment
    - along with themes of control. Both together are about conditioned limitations
    that result in fear based responses to life which create lower states of consciousness
    , leading to dysfunctional behavior on a personal and societal level.

    Id say that is pretty accurate when examining the current state of the world.

    This New Moon is in Aquarius, BUT its right at the beginning
    - so its still attached to Pluto in Capricorn doing its "shadow work".

    This is frustrating.

    We can taste the new state of consciousness that wants to land.

    We have an inner knowing that freedom and liberation from our past patterns is possible,
    BUT Pluto STILL is NOT finished - he leaves no stone unturned until he is firmly into Aquarius.

    So, we need to be okay with continuing our healing work of releasing the past and all those things
    that no longer serve our highest good.

    We are most definitely changing and mutating.

    We are fully aware of the need for a higher state of consciousness in order to improve our lives
    both personally and collectively.

    We cannot move into higher states dragging around old paradigms,
    concepts, beliefs, ideologies, behaviors, patterns, habits, memories,
    experiences rooted in survival and fear consciousness. ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE.

    So If you are feeling like your getting pulled back into resolving matters that are again raising their heads
    - when you thought they were completed - you are not alone!

    This time can feel like the 7 headed monster has been released and you are in charge of slaying it,
    especially with that recent Mercury retrograde in Capricorn that was conjunct both Pluto and Venus is Capricorn.

    The GOOD NEWS is that we are slowly on the upswing.

    All retrogrades are clearing, Uranus is moving direct
    and this New Moon in Aquarius signals forward momentum.

    So while there are still some lingering matters to deal with
    (some that may feel quite intense and potent), there are also doors opening,
    signifying a new path and a new pattern is available for us to embrace.
    A new consciousness is emerging.

    Liberation is possible.

    We are not stuck in the same old, same old.

    The trick is to be willing to embrace the NEW.

    Can you do this?

    Jupiter in Aries will sextile the New Moon in Aquarius.

    This gives us massive courage, bravery and optimism to see the light beyond the shadows of the past.

    Saturn is also conjunct Venus in Aquarius.

    This all about committing to new ways and seeing the value and beauty in new ways of living your life.

    The heart gets up upgrade here.

    We are realizing there are other ways (above and beyond the old paradigm) to experience love
    and abundance, and this requires us to embrace our self worth and self love.

    It also requires a willingness to release those attachments
    that were conditioned by the old consciousness
    - now DYING.

    The key during this new moon cycle is to open yourself to the NEW
    that wants to land which requires an open mind (Aquarius!).

    With the Nodes in Fixed signs (Taurus/Scorpio) and with Saturn in Aquarius
    making a square to them for all of 2022, the goal was to RELEASE fixed habits and attachments
    - and STILL IS.

    The more you are willing to be brave enough to embrace/envision the NEW
    while letting go of the limitations and fears of the past (or security structures),
    the more improved ways of living will open up for you.
    Vesta and Neptune transiting Pisces are also opening up our heart and minds
    to potentials and possibilities beyond what has always been,
    what has come before, and what we subconciously 'expect' based on past experience.

    Having said that, the cracken has REALLY been released
    and the shadow of the collective is rising to be dealt with
    - and it may feel this way until March, when there will be several planetary shifts
    that mark an easing of this shadow work so that we may focus on creating
    and building in the new energies available to us.

    I empathize with those of you who feel exhausted or whose nervous systems are frazzled to the core.
    We have been through a lot, and have processed a lot.

    Be gentle with yourselves as you move through this cycle, and take it one day at a time.

    You're doing a great job - we all deserve metals for doing this work.

    Hopefully at this New Moon, we can see more of the light at the end of the tunnel,

    embrace new potentials and continue to trust this unfolding process that will continue this new year in new ways.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    “I am protected & supported.
    The Universe has my back
    because I believe in myself
    and my vision unconditionally.
    Everything is coming together
    nicely, I have nothing to
    worry about. All is well.”
    ~ Lukas Notes
    2728. 1f49c. 1f499. 1f49c. 2728.


    posted by:
    Maryanne Savino

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 11m ·

    Quick Astrology thoughts on Upcoming New Moon In Aquarius
    & Saturn Conjunction Venus in Aquarius!!!

    As we move into the Aquarius Season ahead, the whole focus will be on this innovative
    & detached Humanitarian & water-bearer ahead.

    Aquarius is the sign of watching big dreams, wishing on things that are nonexistent
    as of now because of the very futuristic URANUS influence
    but also the significance of ancient & traditional ruler “Saturn”
    who rules time & he's a teacher, father & a strict TIME LORD in Astrology,
    as well as Aquarius/11th matters, are related to idealism, humanitarian & detachment...

    Sun, Moon, Saturn & Venus in Aquarius Saga:
    A Fair Play Game By The Complicated Heart

    Last night, the wandering heart was taken out of my innovative chest
    & this last disbeliever, complicated heart & disobedient was also expelled
    from the zodiac circle of the whole Astrology because Aquarius rules Astrology.

    There is no motivation stuff attached to the archetypes of Saturn & Saturn uses the phrase
    & concept of “Discipline” in life to slowly develop motivation which is a requirement of "Mars"
    in Astrology to help natives to follow the instructions of Saturn + Mars for complete mythology
    & complexity of 'Motivational Discipline" in life for better & controlled universe.

    No wonder why SATURN & MARS are both Husbands & fathers in Astrology
    (Also Jupiter which I will talk about some other time in a different post)
    & especially for women & female natives,
    Saturn & Mars are important players in her life.

    As Mars is Aries 1st & Scorpio 8th, Saturn is Capricorn 10th
    & Aquarius 11th & Uranus is Aquarian 11th solely being the higher octave of MERCURY….
    For sure..!!

    Whereas, Uranus's conception about Motivation is through developing suddenness
    & electrifying & shocking possibilities…

    So yeah there is a huge contradiction but still,
    URANUS & SATURN competes with each other hand in hand, head to head…

    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chinese Zodiac Elements: How to Know What Yours Is and What It Means

    Chinese Zodiac Elements: How to Know What Yours Is and What It Means (yahoo.com)

    Jaime Wright
    Fri, January 20, 2023 at 10:31 AM EST·11 min read

    You’ve probably heard of the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs—rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig—which repeat on a 12-year cycle. But did you know there’s a corresponding element that can give us even more information about the year and ourselves? For example, 2023 isn’t just the Year of the Rabbit, it’s the Year of the Water Rabbit! So what does it mean that 1989 was the Year of the Earth Snake? Or that 2002 was the Year of the Fire Horse? Let’s take a deep dive into the theories behind the elements, what each of the elements means and how you can discover which one you are!
    What’s the origin of the Chinese zodiac elements?

    There are five elements of the Chinese zodiac: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These are derived from the Five Elements Theory—or Wu Xing—a philosophy used to describe the relationship and interdependence between all things. This teaching is all about finding balance and embracing the process. As one energy waxes, another wanes. All elements are interconnected and there is no hierarchy. This theory forms the basis of not only the Chinese zodiac but of other Eastern traditions like feng shui, holistic medicine, acupuncture, divination (such as the I Ching) and martial arts.
    In Tropical Western astrology, there is a similar concept of four elements––earth, air, fire and water––originally described by Plato in Timaeus. These ideas around the elements and how they relate is the root of why we call fire signs feisty and water signs sensitive. Without one element (or type), the other element doesn’t exist. None are better or worse than the other and all play off of each other. Ultimately, the goal is harmony. All of the astrological archetypes that have now become memes originated here.

    In the Five Elements theory, it is the interaction between the elements that both creates and destroys energy. When the elements interact, like the opposing sides of a yin yang symbol, progress (whether positive or negative) is inevitable.
    The cycle of the Five Elements goes in a specific order and can be remembered through noting the different processes of creation and destruction through them. The creating (generative) interactions are:
    The destruction (overcoming) interactions are:
    In the Five Elements Theory, creation and destruction are complementary processes in which the ultimate goal is harmony.
    What do the Chinese zodiac elements mean?

    Because all of the elements work together, they each have different priorities and people born under certain element types have distinct personality traits. A successful team needs all of the pieces of the puzzle: the visionary wood person, the adventurous fire person, the peacekeeping earth person, the strict metal person and the artistic water person.
    Remember that each element is only one part of the puzzle (which also includes the zodiac sign for each year). Some elements resonate more with particular zodiac sign—like wood with rabbit and rooster with metal. Let’s get into the details of each so you can identify which one you are. Remember to keep your Chinese zodiac sign in mind as well (you can find a quick guide to that here) as that adds yet another layer to understanding how the element works for you.
    1. Wood: Grounded Visionaries

    People born during wood years are patient, compassionate and understanding. Like the extensive roots of a mighty, ancient tree, these people are wise beyond their years. Always growing. Wood people are as warm and sociable as they are stable and practical. Trees send messages to each other through their underground network of roots and likewise for wood people, communication and growth go hand in hand.
    Because they are so focused on expansion and opportunity though, wood types can become overly competitive or obsessed with achievement for achievement’s sake. When too focused on winning, they can become intrusive and disrespect others’ boundaries. Their vision is strong, but it shouldn’t get in the way of other people’s progress!
    Wood people are excellent planners and decision makers and are often associated with extremely wise creatures like owls. To combat their occasional tendency to work themselves into the ground or overindulge, they should engage in regular exercise (something slow and muscle-building like yoga or Pilates) and get plenty of rest.
    Wood Associations
    Season: Spring
    Planet: Jupiter
    Symbol: Dragon
    Climate: Windy
    Zodiac sign: Tiger, rabbit
    If the last number in your birth year is 4 or 5 then your element is wood.
    Recent Wood Years: 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015
    2. Fire: Thrill Chasers

    Those born during fire years can’t help but chase an adventure. Creative and persistent, these people are just deeply passionate about life. Fire people are extremely motivated, and once their spark is ignited, they won’t stop until they’ve lit up the whole village…or, alternately, until they’ve burned the village down. Fire types want to take anyone and everyone along for the ride. And unless you want to be swallowed by the flame, there’s absolutely no getting in their way!
    Because they run on passion, fire people are thrill seekers who bore easily if what they’re doing becomes too repetitive or mundane. They don’t do well in work environments where every day is the same and can be a bit flighty. Freelance is definitely better for them than working at the same company forever. Fire types will leave a job or a relationship at the drop of the hat if something more exciting gets their attention. Spontaneity is their love language.
    Because they need constant stimulation, fire people can suffer from anxiety and insomnia if they’re not careful about regulating their nervous system. Fire people run hot. To cool down, they should take in the scenery on long walks and be super vigilant about staying hydrated!
    Fire Associations
    Season: Summer
    Planet: Mars
    Symbol: Phoenix
    Climate: Hot
    Zodiac sign: Horse, snake
    If the last number in your birth year is 6 or 7 then your element is fire.
    Recent Fire Years: 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997, 2006, 2007, 2016, 2017
    3. Earth: Contemplative Mediators

    Those born during earth years are natural peacekeepers. Responsible and justice-oriented, these people are the peer mediators on the college campus and the nerds in high school who always make sure the group project is handed in on time. Earth types are who Mr. Rogers was talking about when he said, “Look for the helpers,” and they are best at helping their friends, family and anyone who truly values them. Earth people remain calm even when they are in the eye of the storm.
    Though they are expert problem solvers and crisis managers, earth types can sometimes go too far with their power and become a bit self-centered and controlling. These people move a mountain to help you, but they’re not happy if no one gives them credit for it. A simple “thanks” is not enough for earth types.
    To (perhaps ironically) keep themselves grounded in their business—rather than just living to help everyone else—earth people should make time for meditation and stillness. Yes, there’s always something to fix but it doesn’t always need to be fixed immediately. Clarity comes with patience.
    Earth Associations
    Season: Between summer and autumn
    Planet: Saturn
    Symbol: Cauldron
    Climate: Rainy and wet
    Zodiac sign: Dragon, dog, ox, sheep
    If the last number in your birth year is 8 or 9, then your element is earth.
    Recent Earth Years: 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989, 1998, 1999, 2008, 2009, 2018, 2019
    4. Metal: Driven Ice Queens

    Love them or hate them, people born during metal years always get the job done. These people are unyielding and rigid, often giving off major Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada vibes. Metal people are regimented minimalists who are on the offensive. For them, satisfaction comes with finding the simplest path to a job well done. They’re also extremely loyal and ferociously protective of their loved ones.
    Metal types are disciplined and have high moral standards and though that’s something to be respected, they also can be judgmental and controlling. Sharp as knives, when metal people are mad, their words can cut. It’s imperative that they learn to lighten up a bit and realize that rules and structure are important, but they aren’t everything.
    Metal people can tap into their softer, more compassionate side though volunteer work in their local community. It’s good for them to experience things that grow outwards rather than just upward. They’re humbled through being a part of something larger than themselves that still has a tangible impact. Because they have trouble letting go—even after a deep betrayal by a loved one—they should practice deep breathing and meditation to find their inner calm.
    Metal Associations
    Season: Autumn
    Planet: Venus
    Symbol: Tiger
    Climate: Dry
    Zodiac Sign: Monkey, rooster
    If the last number in your birth year is 0 or 1 then your element is metal.
    Recent Metal Years: 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2020
    5. Water: Introspective Artists

    People born during water years are sensitive and introverted, typically needing lots of time for self-reflection. With their thoughts always spinning—and heads sometimes in the clouds—they like to stay away from drama and observe from the sidelines. Water people will step into stressful situations only when they know their voice needs to be heard. Water types love their own company and their happy place is spending a rainy day inside, reading and journaling. Water types are filled to the brim with creativity and inspiration. They’re sympathetic perfectionists who love to coordinate activities that make everyone happy.
    Empathetic to a fault, water types can sometimes let their loved ones take over their lives and can lose themselves in others’ stories. On the flip side, they can also isolate to protect themselves and become passive or self-indulgent. Because water people keep so much inside, when they do let it all out, it’s overwhelming for their family and friends.
    To find balance, people born during water years need a calm environment. They also should push themselves to get out of the house and socialize because even though they can always entertain themselves, they’re fueled by being around others. No matter what, water types are generally fearless and have strong willpower. Don’t underestimate them just because they’re sensitive!
    Water Associations
    Season: Winter
    Planet: Mercury
    Symbol: Turtle
    Climate: Cold
    Zodiac Sign: Rat, pig
    If the last number in your birth year is 2 or 3 then your element is Water.
    Recent Water Years: 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993, 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013
    What does it mean that 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit?

    2023 is not just the Year of the Rabbit, it’s the Year of the Water Rabbit. Because both Water (our Introspective Artist element) and Rabbits are known for being super sensitive and creative, this year moves at a slower pace. It’s a time to reflect. Like an artist stepping back to gaze at their canvas before painting the next big strokes, this Water Rabbit Year is for looking at the big picture. 2022 was also a Water Year (the Year of the Water Tiger), so now we have our second year in a row to look inward. After all we’ve been through since 2020, we need all the time we can get to process!
    Those born during a Water Year are literally in their element this year––so here’s looking at you, those born in 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993 (or any other year that ends with a 2 or 3)! Water types thrive in a calm environment, but can also err toward isolation. Putting ourselves out there requires more conscious effort this year, but on the other hand, quiet meditation and concentration comes very easily.
    As mentioned before, this is our second Water year in a row, but while last year’s Water Tiger Year was more tumultuous, this Rabbit Year stands to be a lot more chill. Some of us might struggle with the stillness, especially the thrill-seeking Fire Types and driven Metal types. But as we look to the future, sometimes the best thing to do is to stand back and observe rather than push endlessly ahead. This year, let’s look to the artistic, dreamy Water types to show us the way!

    Your Monthly Horoscopes: January 2023

    Chinese Zodiac Elements: How to Know What Yours Is and What It Means (yahoo.com)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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