18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The latest Astrology report from Mitchell Scott Lewis 1f929. 1f31e. 2652. 1f319. 1f31a. 1f31f. 1f30f. 2728. 1f499. 1f320.


    On Friday January 20th at 3:30 A.M. EST we enter the fixed part of winter. As those of you who follow my work know, I am not a fan of
    this season. While it’s nice to cozy up with a warm blanket, warm body, fireplace, and hot chocolate, it’s also pleasant to sit on a beach in
    the Bahamas with a warm breeze and a Pina Colada. If I had to choose… But we are where we are. The hardest part about this time of
    year is that it is relentless. The holidays have passed, there is no spring on the horizon, and we all know that winter will be here for a
    long time to come. That’s what the fixed part of any season is like. But use this time to your advantage, whether you’re in the chilly
    Northeast, the bitter Midwest, or you’re lucky enough to be sitting in the warm sun somewhere.

    Aquarius wants new and exciting input. It is looking for something different – an adventure or a project that will be stimulating to the
    heart and mind. You can’t just get caught up in the endless dark and cold. You must find the light and spirit within you and find positive
    ways to project it. That’s what Aquarius wants. It’s a high minded sign and deals with the greater good. It’s a very creative energy, often
    called the sign of the genius, so try to use this to your advantage. I’ve done some of my best writing in January & February. In part
    because I couldn’t do much outside, also because I was forced to find outlets that challenged me, and in doing so I found the impetus to
    explore new worlds in my mind and on paper. Some of my most original and inspired works in music and writing have come out during
    this month. I highly recommend that you examine what’s going on inside of you, and try to find outlets to express it. Be bold, challenge
    yourself to think outside the box, and recognize that this is the sign that we say rules humanity (although they all have a part in that),
    and while this energy is prominent it’s a good time to look at the world’s problems, not just your own.

    - Mitchell Scott Lewis 1f319. 1f320. 1fa90. 1f30f. 1f31f. 1f300. 1f31e.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    New Moon 1f31a. in Aquarius 2652. is tomorrow, Saturday, January 21st, 2023. 1f499. 1f320. 1f300.
    Maryanne Savino

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Rory Cj Frankson

    20 JAN 2023·

    It's a winter wonderland in the night here,
    the quiet of falling flakes that flutter and drift to the adding blanketing white.

    So it is here in the Caribou North of well central BC Canada
    equally taken winters bluster is not the deep chill.

    Coming south from the Arctic sweep.

    Still months away here in 2023, awaiting Spring tides,
    to arise and melt into the mighty Frazer.

    Now, more than half frozen the flow passing under the Walking Bridge,
    that separates us. As the Westside of Quesnel.

    A favored winter feeding ground, right behind in the forest of my Apartment's balcony.

    Truly a picture window of this winters nights glow in the low clouds of the city.

    All the birds that gather, squirrels play through the trees in their nervous chatter
    it seems to sound that way.

    Something my Elder told me has come to pass.

    Wildlife is mixing more and more at lower altitudes,
    due to weakening of the Atmosphere's at higher elevations.

    More, the changes in their temperaments are effected.

    Migrating birds pathways, are changing also, as they follow emanating magnetic patterns.

    Built into their developing DNA.

    North to South polarities of the consultancies of weather in Global Warming.

    Is changing Ocean Currents. The frozen Poles.

    Each have their dynamics in our current Generational cycles.

    Those shifting of predictable seasons.

    Elapsed time we the Human race the only species on Plant Earth that mark.

    Time x a Time record these shifts over time and strive to understand the changes there of.

    We are beginning to see what the Ice Melt's effect on ocean temperature changes, in the Atlantic.

    Of the smallest of things, such as the Plankton's blooming from the frozen conditions of the Southern Pole.

    Their patterns flow the Ebb and Flow of the Pacific Oceans evaporational Cycles.

    Bring to us the cross currents of weather systems.

    There are ongoing balances the Creation responds and adjust, to whatever is loosed to, and into.

    The multitudes of environments of Earth's continuing changes.

    We live through in concert with our Generational adaption in the seeming Inconsistencies of the Now.

    The only constant in the Universe is Change.

    We must accept that... that can not be changed.

    If we close ourselves to those of what happenstance, may bring our ways.

    Into whatever future, we will realistically experience. Our now.

    Is to be left to our future children, to contend.

    It is the Nature of our ongoing contraction and expansion, of the Human Reality.
    of The past, the now and the what is our collective intentions, meet.

    The reality of conditions.

    Deep thoughts, like the nights winter pass outside my window,
    on the World. I and We.


    Simultaneously, day to day.

    With the constant rising and setting, of the Sun.

    In our Human measure of. Time.

    To live and Breath to create and generate into what will be, an unknown Future.

    Yet we must Ride the Tides of ever changing and adjusting,
    to that Surface Tension.

    In what we claim to contain

    . That thrives to be alive, and cognoscente.

    As only the Human Race can.

    The climate of change has begun to become.

    More and more evident.

    As our Awareness expands into a Mass Realization.

    We may Arrive @ our Destinies.


    To a hoped for Understanding and an Acceptance.

    To Change.

    With the challenges of War no More.

    Tops the Charts of One World.

    Our engaged Circles, are overlapping.

    In the Cultural dynamics of our ethnic pasts.


    It is unavoidable.

    To be Continued

    All reactions:
    3You and 2 others

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      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      when was that photo taken ? and, any idea what time of the year, or, the date of it ? and/or who took it; very interesting shot - nice writing too

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ~Susan Lynne Schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "This old story,
    I've had a tight grip on it for so very long,
    I can't let go, because it's the only way
    I've ever known in order to survive,
    and if I let go, I will fall and crash.
    Ohh I just can't. No, I can't!"

    Ohhh, but you can my dear child of the Universe.
    You see, when you surrender and fall down the rabbit hole
    into the unknown, your life will be forever changed.
    You will rise out of the ashes like the Phoenix
    and all that has kept you from living your most authentic self
    will have perished in the flames
    And you will birth forth into a new and beautiful sense of wonder and belonging
    Fall....Crash... Burn Baby!!
    You Got This, you Mighty Warrior Goddess!
    You Have Arrived!
    And So It Is!!
    - Maryanne Savino

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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