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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Its all about the CONTROL !!! save and open in paint for ZOOM !


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Corruption - canada
    Kory Teneycke – Real Reason

    Why Did Doug Ford Change His Mind on Vaccine Passports?
    Follow the Money

    This summer Premier Doug Ford announced that he was against vaccine passports.
    A few weeks later he changed his mind and implemented a mandatory vaccine passport,
    stripping many basic freedoms from over 1 million Ontarians.
    Why? The answer: Follow the money.
    Doug’s Campaign Manager is Kory Teneycke. Kory is the CEO and Co-founder of Rubicon Strategies,
    a lobbying firm that represents AstraZeneca, Pfizer (a member of Innovative Medicines Canada),
    and over 100 other bio-tech and big tech corporations. Kory took a “leave of absence” in May to run the Ontario PC Party’s re-election campaign. However, he is still the Director, CEO, and Co-founder of Rubicon. Kory’s company is profiting from PC Party decisions like vaccine passports.
    Is it right for Kory to be intimately involved with PC Party decision-making while his company profits and Ontarians suffer?

    Please call your Member of Provincial Parliament today and ask him or her to work to investigate Kory Teneycke.
    To find their contact information, put your address in the Find My MPP window.
    I know you are busy, but please take time to fight for freedom.
    Your phone call will bring about change.
    To MPPs, 1 phone call represents 1,000 constituents who are upset but will not call.
    If not you, then who? If not now, when?
    Below are screen shots from the Ontario Lobbyists Registry showing Rubicon’s contracts.
    AstraZeneca has a direct contract with Rubicon Strategies Inc.
    As mentioned, Pfizer is a member of Innovative Medicines Canada which also has a contract with Rubicon.
    links on:
    Kory Teneycke – Real Reason

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau

    To Pandemic Profit-Making

    Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau To Pandemic Profit-Making (capforcanada.com)

    Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau
    To Pandemic Profit-Making

    December 6, 2021 by Brad
    In a video interview, Rick Nicholls, Conservative MPP for Ontario,
    delivers allegations regarding a connection between elected government officials
    and bio-tech companies based in British Columbia.“

    “I always say ‘follow the money’.

    I know that there is an individual who was a campaign manager
    Doug Ford who is a lobbyist, and is the founder
    and one of the chief principles of his strategies company here in

    “They represent Pfizer, just to name one,
    but even
    Johnson & Johnson.

    There are about six pharmaceutical companies
    that his lobbying company represent.”

    MPP Nichols then shifts focus to federal political players:

    Justin Trudeau, he’s not a doctor at all.
    And so what gives him the right to go ahead?

    I heard something the other day that he has interest
    in a company that produces some of the particulates in the vaccine.
    I’d heard it’s like a
    17% interest.

    So he’s making money hand over fist.”

    Let us be clear: this is not a revelation of fact.

    It is an opinion– an accusation by one elected official toward another.

    Responsible journalism calls for this distinction.

    But seeing as we have gone down this path,
    a second video interview reinforces some of Mr. Nichols messaging.

    A YouTube interview with Dr. David Martin
    –an individual criticized for his Covid opinions by media
    – speaks of something more specific:

    “Most Canadians do not realize that Canada itself,
    but specifically University of British Columbia(
    realized in 2005 that if it was going to be relevant in bio-tech space,
    it had to be the research hotbed for establishing the delivery mechanism
    mRNA vaccines could be developed.”

    In the video interview, Dr. Martin claims
    that two British Columbia-based bio-tech companies
    are “the reason why both Moderna and Pfizer have the ability
    to deliver the [vaccine program.]”

    Martin continues:

    “Most people would be shocked to find out that when you
    have the PM of Canada telling the world that the only way
    to return to a ‘new normal’ is through the vaccine…
    Justin Trudeau did not tell the public
    was that
    he had a financial stake in the outcome
    of that being the selected pathway forward.”

    “Without the Canadian contribution of Lipid nanoparticles technology
    British Columbia, we would have no meaningful response
    in what are being called vaccinations.”

    Again, we interject with a caveat.

    One man’s opinion verifies nothing.

    Secondly, YouTube videos have been known to be taken down,
    hence the potential for a future broken link in terms
    of information contained herein.

    What we have here are opinions of two Canadians
    – one an elected provincial MPP, the other a medical doctor.

    As a corollary, let us reference what has been labelled
    the Winnipeg-Wuhan Covid Scandal.

    A brief review informs us that the opposition Conservative Party
    spent the last two years pushing the Liberals to divulge
    why two Chinese nationals were fired from a government-funded
    Winnipeg bio-tech lab.

    How did Justin Trudeau respond toward a legislative procedure
    to investigate the details?

    The Liberals launched a lawsuit against one of their own MP’s
    – House Speaker Anthony Rota
    – asking a court to block an order to produce relevant documentation.

    How much more “sketchy” can the world of pandemic politics get?

    Cover-ups, Big Pharma, unexposed bio-tech deals. All of it eschewed
    by Canadian media as the strong-arm of government
    continue their inoculation agenda.

    Post navigation

    Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?
    China’s Influence On Canadian Media “Has Become Normalized” Says CSIS

    5 thoughts on “Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau To Pandemic Profit-Making”

    1. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Brian Dougan
      December 7, 2021 at 1:22 am
      This whole sordid affair reminds me of a scientist’s eureka moment: He discovered the molecular shape of benzene–In a dream. In his dream; he saw a snake chasing its tail.
      From there; he worked out benzene’s ring shape (hexagonal) configuration. Relevance (sort of) to todays’ article: The WEF/UN/WHO/Big Tech/Pharma control world governments. (Example; Trudeau.) Trudeau seems to control the courts/provinces. Local authorities try to bend us to the larger will. We close the circle; the majority bowing before the “mandates” of the Feds/Provincial health lords. The courts rule in favor of Trudeau; “Charter” be damned.
      We’re the tail; with the head trying to devour us. What this monstrous hydra can’t see; or comprehend –A house divided against itself will not stand. Those with eyes will see; those with ears will hear, and understand.
      The deceivers and the foolish will go on deceiving, and being deceived. It won’t be pretty. Big Pharma and a Canadian biotech company –With Trudeau enriching himself at our expense. Who would have thought?
    2. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Barkhouse Shirley
      December 7, 2021 at 2:59 am
      This really needs further investigation and disclosure!!
    3. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 13, 2021 at 9:54 pm
      Dr Martin is correct and if you dig deep enough there are 2 private foundations who have benefited greatly (Clinton&Trudeau) from big pharma.
      Also the Shermans paid the ultimate price with their philanthropy but were an obstacle for big pharma rolling out COVID19 vaccines.

    Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau To Pandemic Profit-Making (capforcanada.com)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Why Did Doug Ford Change His Mind on Vaccine Passports?
    Follow the Money

    This summer Premier Doug Ford announced that he was against vaccine passports.
    A few weeks later he changed his mind and implemented a mandatory vaccine passport,
    stripping many basic freedoms from over 1 million Ontarians.

    Why? The answer: Follow the money.

    Doug’s Campaign Manager is Kory Teneycke. Kory is the CEO and Co-founder of Rubicon Strategies,
    a lobbying firm that represents AstraZeneca, Pfizer (a member of Innovative Medicines Canada),
    and over 100 other bio-tech and big tech corporations.

    Kory took a “leave of absence” in May to run the Ontario PC Party’s re-election campaign.

    However, he is still the Director, CEO, and Co-founder of Rubicon.

    Kory’s company is profiting from PC Party decisions like vaccine passports.

    Is it right for Kory to be intimately involved with PC Party decision-making
    while his company profits and Ontarians suffer?
    Please call your Member of Provincial Parliament today and ask him
    or her to work to investigate Kory Teneycke. To find their contact information,
    put your address in the Find My MPP window.

    I know you are busy, but please take time to fight for freedom.

    Your phone call will bring about change.

    To MPPs, 1 phone call represents 1,000 constituents who are upset but will not call.

    If not you, then who? If not now, when?

    Below are screen shots from the Ontario Lobbyists Registry showing Rubicon’s contracts.

    AstraZeneca has a direct contract with Rubicon Strategies Inc.

    As mentioned, Pfizer is a member of Innovative Medicines Canada which also has a contract with Rubicon.

    Sign the Petition

    Kory Teneycke – Real Reason

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?

    Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected

    To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?

    December 5, 2021 by Brad
    Out of all the mysteries related to the origins of Covid-19, the Wuhan-Winnipeg Covid connection
    should be standing on the shoulders of giants.

    No matter how incriminating the evidence, the Liberal government of Canada remain untouchable in this regard. No greater cone of silence exists than what can be referred to as the “Wuhan-Winnipeg covid scandal.”

    In June, 2021, the House of Commons rebuked the president of the Canadian Public Health Agency for refusing to turn over information related to the dismissal of scientists from the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada.

    On November 23rd, 2021, on the first day of the new Parliament, federal opposition parties moved to force the Liberal government to release secret documents on the firing of the scientists from Canada’s highest-security laboratory.

    Meaning that the Liberals have done a grand total of nothing to reveal the motive for the firing of scientists Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng. What are they hiding?

    Back in December, 2019, Alberta Health Services became aware of reports coming out of China regarding a strange flu. By mid-December, AHS began doubling orders of personal protective equipment(PPE). In late December, orders were placed for a half-million N95 Covid masks.

    On December 31, 2019 the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission in China reported a cluster of cases of “pneumonia” in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The novel coronavirus was thereafter identified as the culprit.

    Five months previous to this– in July, 2019– CBC News confirmed that a Chinese national had been fired from a science lab in Winnipeg, Canada. The firing took place in March, 2019. An RCMP investigation followed to determine the circumstances related to exporting the pathogens to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

    Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng were removed from Canada’s only level-4 lab over what was described as a “policy breach.” The two Chinese scientists subsequently disappeared.

    Liberal Government Cover-Up Of Reason For Firings

    The Trudeau government’s vigilance in withholding reasons for the firings continues to this day– two and a half years after the firings. Yet, as a result of media spin, the general public are unaware of the actual circumstances.

    After two years of denial subsequent to the outbreak, the Covid lab-leak theory began to gain traction, implying that the virus originated in a Wuhan research lab. After gaining office, U.S. President Joe Biden launched an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

    In a statement from the White House, Biden said the “U.S. Intelligence Community has agreed on two likely scenarios — human contact with an infected animal, or a laboratory accident.”

    In June 2021, the president of the Public Health Agency of Canada was brought to the House of Commons and admonished for “failing to turn over unredacted documents related to the firing of two scientists at Canada’s highest security lab.”

    “In an extraordinarily rare procedural move, PHAC president Iain Stewart was escorted to the bar in the House of Commons chamber, where he was reprimanded by House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota.”

    How did Justin Trudeau and the Liberals respond to a legislated procedure that had not been invoked in nearly a century? They launched a lawsuit against House Speaker Anthony Rota– a Liberal MP– asking a court to block his order for production of the documents.

    Justin Trudeau had sued one of his own MP’s in order to prevent evidence from becoming public knowledge.

    This is how much the Liberals do not want details available to the public. It is on record that scientists in Winnipeg shipped Ebola and Henipah pathogens to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in March, 2019.

    But not Covid pathogens? Considering government vigilance to repress the truth, could a cover-up have taken place to obfuscate the original source of the pandemic?
    Post navigation
    Covid And The Common Cold May Have Merged In Omicron Variant
    Canadian Politician Ties Justin Trudeau To Pandemic Profit-Making
    7 thoughts on “Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?”

    1. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 5, 2021 at 9:12 pm
      Repress the truth. If true that is so sad. People need the truth.
    2. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 5, 2021 at 9:57 pm
      I posted my suspicions of the Liberal Communist Chinese “researchers” being escorted
      from the Winnipeg Lab within a month of the Chinese Virus being spread from Wuhan.
      Trudeau and his Liberals are definitely hiding something.
      Where is the Opposition?
      Where is the RCMP?
      Where is CSIS?
      Why are the Liberals not being investigated?
      Are Canadians being forced to conduct our own “research”?
      Is this one of the many reasons Trudeau wants to disarm Canadians?
      Why is he scared of us?
    3. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Brian Dougan
      December 5, 2021 at 10:25 pm
      Figuratively speaking; “Lord of Canada” Trudeau buried the evidence
      –Along w/ the bodies of Barry and Honey Sherman.
      There is probably enough (hidden) incriminating evidence–against all of Trudeau’s crimes
      –To bury him deep enough to reach China.
      Wouldn’t that be a glorious day–Trudeau finally convicted of all of his grievous crimes.
      No more tap dancing; bullying; smirks; or wanton disregard for the law. Stripped of office; sentenced to the max.
    4. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 6, 2021 at 5:19 pm
      In December of 2019, I got pneumonia. And it fucking kicked me hard. Was it covid? I highly doubt it.
      Regarding the Winnipeg lab – this is one of the reasons trudeau called the election.
      The libs in power are acting extremely suspicious in regards to the labs
    5. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      John Fox
      December 6, 2021 at 5:22 pm
      I truly do believe that this is just another cover-up by Trudeau and his ilk.
      I believe that he a genuine traitor to Canada who will do anything to retain power.
      He believes that he is above the remainder of Canadians and his arrogance just oozes from his pores …
      just like his father.
      He has just done whatever the hell he wants.
      He has locked-up innocent Canadians and forced them to actually pay for their incarceration,
      he’s left a sordid collection of lies, scandals, cover-ups and crimes the likes of which this country has never seen.
      Yes, I believe there is a serious cover-up going on.
      God know what crimes he’s trying to hide.
      His quasi-communist leanings really make me wonder what kind of payoff he is getting this time.
    6. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 7, 2021 at 5:12 pm
      Accountability is in order

    Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Covid And The Common Cold May Have Merged In Omicron Variant

    December 4, 2021 by Brad
    When questioned on an ability to distinguish Covid from the common cold, Dr. Rakel Kling,

    Northern Health medical health officer in Canada, stated the following:

    “There is no easy way to discern between the common cold, influenza and COVID-19.”

    As reported by the Toronto Star,

    “all three conditions share varying levels of fever, coughing, runny nose,
    and sneezing, but are not limited to just these.”

    Then came the Omicron variant. According to the National Post,
    the recent variant of COVID-19 “likely acquired at least one of its mutations
    by picking up a snippet of genetic material from another virus

    – possibly one that causes the common cold

    – present in the same infected cells.”

    Let Cultural Action Party speculate on an association between Covid and the common cold
    – one which media are unlikely to emulate.

    Firstly, an attempt to place the situation in context. In basic terms, there are two types of “Covid people” in Canada.

    Those who buy what government, media, and our health industry are selling, and those who do not.

    If one peruses mainstream media,
    they are likely to draw the conclusion that the “anti-vaxxers” are a small community of paranoiacs.

    Conversely, to cruise through social media is to discover a virtual army of those who wouldn’t trust government
    and media on the topic as far as they could throw them.

    CAP fall into the latter category.

    Thus, our belief system is such that the Covid epoch of history is a contrived condition.

    On this basis, we offer the following:

    Historically speaking, the health and pharmaceutical industries have never been able

    to monetize the common in order to maximum revenues.

    But what if this all-pervasive health condition were to intermingle with the dread that is Covid?

    Would this not provide a platform for uber-billions of dollars to made in healthcare and big pharma profits?

    Not that the pandemic would ever be limited to these parameters.

    Covid is a diverse phenomenon.

    It has come along way since first discovered in Wuhan, China.

    Contained within is the power to condition individual citizens toward specific behaviors.

    Its sociological ramifications are beyond vast

    – the virus contains potential to change the nature of society for all-time.

    Interesting to contrast these ideas with media presentation.

    With all the profound changes in society that come with Covid, mainstream media
    never touch the topic of its impact on a social level.

    Let us offer a quick example– the tradition of shaking hands.

    As a wild guess, we imagine this tactile experience has been part of civilization for the past 8,000 years.

    It has now disappeared– and chances are high it shall never return.

    Not a fundamental example of sociological transformation?

    Of course it is, and media say nothing about it.

    Serving as a microcosm of a “new world order,”
    media eschew all non-medical implications of the pandemic.

    In terms of what government and media never speak of–the future of society

    – we offer a potential scenario:

    Life works like this– every three months citizens are informed of a new variant,

    and every three months Canadians are strong-armed into getting a jab.

    Thus, life transitions to a roundabout of running to a medical clinic in search of the latest designer inoculation.

    Sponsored by Amazon.com, a bonus points program is in place for the most-proactive.

    Prizes include a matching set of rainbow-coloured masks for the whole family.

    Runners up receive a free oven mitt.

    Covid as ubiquitous as the common cold? CAP will not rule it out.

    To synthesize the two into a singular health condition is to monitise the most prevalent health condition on earth

    – the common cold.

    The result being a mountain of profits for Health Industry and Big Pharma executives and shareholders.
    Is A Lab In Winnipeg, Canada Connected To The Original Outbreak Of Covid?
    7 thoughts on “Covid And The Common Cold May Have Merged In Omicron Variant”

    1. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 5, 2021 at 3:04 am
      Follow the money and you’ll see who stands to gain the most to keep this going to keep the suckers lining up for shots that do nothing but tear apart the human factor and all these self proclaimed elites get to drink the blood of there victims and laugh in your faces.
    2. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Bruce MacKenzie
      December 5, 2021 at 6:10 am
      BAWHAHAHA!!! What a great article!!!
      The sad part of it is…it appears to have a deep and strong basis in fact!!!
      Sort of “Oh my, the worse it gets…the worse it gets!!!
      Well apparently that’s the master plan. Let’s see what we can get these dummies to do next!!!
      I have no doubt, all we have to do is wait and see…
    3. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      David Hollett
      December 5, 2021 at 9:19 am
      So tiring all the stuff gov wants you to believe. Time to stop with big pharma n gov bs!
    4. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 5, 2021 at 2:16 pm
      But the common cold is caused by coronaviruses so to say it merged with COVID doesn’t make sense
    5. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      December 6, 2021 at 12:09 am
      Duh. Uh, like who can’t see through the scam?

    Covid And The Common Cold May Have Merged In Omicron Variant

    old medical books

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