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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    DO THESE DEMOCRATS who say they care about the world - care ???
    NO doubt, they put up posts, but, THEN they do NOT answer them ???
    why ???

    Stephen Cocconi
    August 10, 2021 ·

    Thank goodness the Lord won't let this happen to us, right?
    Um wait....ah. I know snarky. But some people only react to snark.


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      • Carla Hilger
        That's the reason why the IPCC, the WHO, the WTO, and the WEF, just to name a few, should be closed down · 17w

      • Susan Lynne Schwenger
        i'm NOT sure how so many intelligent people in the usa; do NOT understand that many rules get rescinded under a state of energy !!!

        • susan Lynne Schwenger
          i'm still waiting for the list of all the amazing things BIDEN has done for the usa; he's been in office long enough to do remarkable things to weave great changes in america - is gas prices below $1.00 yet ???

      • Susan Lynne Schwenger
        looks like that guy in NYC cuemo ? (sp) he has resigned

      • Carla Hilger
        It's all over the news.

      • Susan Lynne Schwenger
        Them: You won't be able to attend a concert or football games if you don’t take the 1f489.
        Me: I couldn't care less
        Them: You can't go to a large shopping mall…
        Me: I'll survive
        Them: You can't drink at the bar
        Me: I don't drink anyways
        Them: You can't enter night clubs
        Me: I don't go out at night
        Them: We'll tell your employer
        Me: I’m self employed
        Them: You can't be in the city
        Me: I prefer living out in nature
        Them: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King
        Me: It’s gross and unhealthy anyways
        Them: You can't eat at restaurants
        Me: I'll order takeaway or I will cook at home (preferred)
        Them: You can't shop at large grocery stores
        Me: I can grow my own food and continue to buy from local farmers
        Them: You can't be part of society
        Me: I already checked out
        Them: Your kids can't come to school
        Me: I homeschool already, or never bothered to have kids
        Them: You'll be on your own
        Me: I'm surrounded by my family and tribe and all the people reaching the same conclusion all over the world
        Them: You can't choose for yourself
        Me: I just did
        Them: What can we tempt you with?
        Me: Nothing
        Them: We're coming for your guns
        Me: i do not own one
        Them: we will kill you
        Me: good without a 3d body, i could be very free, or, some folks would find, they will be back with God, and, with Jesus for eternity 1f642. as, thing are on earth, right now, there is NOT that much to live for, when you are losing all your 'freedom' and; free will and choices !!!
        hmmmm... so, it seems like when they have nothing you want they have absolutely no force, nor any power. And that is when the 'real' force, and, the real power will come back to the people - you are a lot more powerful than you think, remember, your choices determine the state of the consequences !!!

      • Susan Lynne Schwenger
        i was always taught we should create heaven on earth

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          hmmm , sadly 5d is a low astral harvest - your higher self is 7d

          • Susan Lynne Schwenger
            just like male/female is only at 3d - it doesn;t exist in intellect/or emotions; etheric, low or high astral, higher self / essence or core; or monad

      • Carla Hilger
        Two different ideas Ds, Density and Dimension.

      • Carla Hilger
        Mike Huttinger the 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, are all necessary for physical beings. But everything should develop in the proper order. 5G is literally cooking us because the radiation is too strong for most. However all these rays and frequencies out of the machines run horizontally, therefore you can shield yourself through strengthening your vertical frequencies which will push the super-booster high horizontal frequencies right out your door.
      • Carla Hilger
        And btw., Elon Musk is sending his starlinks into position to create a different and less harmful and cheaper web/Wi-Fi running there, that'll very likely shut 5G down and out.

      • Carla Hilger
        In regards to Mobster Cuomo again, there is a backstory the MSM wouldn't tell you. Cuomo is a heavy gambler, and it came to a point where he had a loosing streak and asked his wealthy friends for a nice chunk of money.
        Then he lost all of that and asked again, and got the money he needed. Then he lost the whole bunch again and his "friends" got seriously vexed and wanted him punished by pushing him out of office for good. So they started and kept the sex harassment cases against him alive, which ultimately worked.
          • Susan Lynne Schwenger
            you can write the relations for 13 lines of spirit that flow thru the 12d's - i did it with tony - and; it is proper relations/physics/maths applied
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            • · 15w

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        • Susan Lynne Schwenger

          =AZWNb1lpgJMu_pyM0q-wXMY6Osku4udrEKwsyO65Kn3y5XKrJmjnIwu2eIgMUg03UxebgYwWpOpAnqF69tqAvwE71Aqht_NYGS2jWngGgQVyuFuC3ymzSAWErOIE6xoSW9o&__tn__=R]-R'] 784_n.?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=be1KQgKA12IAX-Igoy_&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

          • Like
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          • · 17w

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          still trying to figure out why a lot of people did NOT pay their rent, they earned more than they normally do; but; they did NOT bother to pay the rent - entitlement ???

          =AZWNb1lpgJMu_pyM0q-wXMY6Osku4udrEKwsyO65Kn3y5XKrJmjnIwu2eIgMUg03UxebgYwWpOpAnqF69tqAvwE71Aqht_NYGS2jWngGgQVyuFuC3ymzSAWErOIE6xoSW9o&__tn__=R]-R'] 303_n.?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=wEq3oREMQP0AX-kkda2&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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          • · 17w

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          yikes ...india swings the first bat

          =AZWNb1lpgJMu_pyM0q-wXMY6Osku4udrEKwsyO65Kn3y5XKrJmjnIwu2eIgMUg03UxebgYwWpOpAnqF69tqAvwE71Aqht_NYGS2jWngGgQVyuFuC3ymzSAWErOIE6xoSW9o&__tn__=R]-R'] _cat=111&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=Nb56uifjAngAX-xUZL5&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          it strikes in election years ?

          =AZWNb1lpgJMu_pyM0q-wXMY6Osku4udrEKwsyO65Kn3y5XKrJmjnIwu2eIgMUg03UxebgYwWpOpAnqF69tqAvwE71Aqht_NYGS2jWngGgQVyuFuC3ymzSAWErOIE6xoSW9o&__tn__=R]-R'] 908_n.?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=5olcCA7mGKsAX9fYv8G&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          a lot of local people here; who employ 5 to 50 people - decided to just sell everything - close their businesses - and; enjoy life - why put in 18 hrs a day for 7 days a week - never having holidays - worrying about paying employees - so; about 35,000,…
          - yes; 35 million businesses have closed their doors - and; it is estimated that another 10-15 million might stay open til christmas; and will close their doors the beg of 2022 - taking the whole year as a tax dodge - just like havinga baby the lat day of 2021 - and; you claim it; for 1 year; but; baby is alive only 1 day 1f642. - never again; will i ever be a slave to income taxes (figures are canada/usa)

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          another thing that is happening; is restaurants etc; can NOT get people to go to work; they shifted from unemployment - straight to welfare - not sure; how they plan to pay that - since; a lot of businesses closed - gov't do not make money - NOTHING is FREE - TAX PAYERS pay for it all - i heard Biden plans to jack up income taxes to 50% + (crazy, i know) at one time in canada; i paid 52%

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          local food banks used to get a lot of donations; now with 60%+ of businesses closed - they are NOT getting enough stuff - and; might close their doors

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          PANICKED ??? most people NEVER knew what it was like to have 2 weeks off - it was great - then; the 2nd set of 2 weeks even better; by the time i reached 6 weeks off - i almost knew for sure; there was NO way i ever planned on working again - i turned off the phone so my employees could NOT contact me; and; sent them an email advising them as 'private contractors' there was NO work due to government NOT allowing me to be open - so; for them to contact the government - NEVER again will i be a slave to the machine !!!

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          if you have 50 employees; and; they make on average $600 per week; all of a sudden ; you don;t have a $30,000/week payroll - so; after 6 weeks; you are actually pretty rich $30x6=180,000 - i never realized HOW much employees cost my business
          - but; NOW; it is ZERO AND total freedom

        • Susan Lynne Schwenger
          i think a lot of people are going to have wakeup calls - driving to work in clothes you haven;t paid for; and; driving to work in a car you haven;t paid for; to live in a home you haven;t paid for - is NOT living - it is being a slave

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    india - why NOT in the news ???


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    iT iS just a mask.
    iT iS just six feet.
    iT iS just two weeks. (feb 14/2000 til NOW, is NOT 2 weeks0
    iT iS just non-essential businesses.
    iT iS just non-essential workers.
    iT iS just a bar.
    iT iS just a restaurant.
    iT iS just to keep you from overwhelming the hospitals.
    iT iS just until the cases go down.
    iT iS just to flatten the curve.
    iT iS just a few inmates.
    iT iS just to keep others from being scared.
    iT iS just for a few more weeks.
    iT iS just church. You can still pray.
    iT iS just prayer.
    iT iS just until we get a vaccine.
    iT iS just a bracelet.
    iT iS just an app.
    iT iS just for tracing.
    iT iS just to let people know you are safe to be around.
    iT iS just to let others know who you have been in contact with.
    iT iS just a few more months.
    iT iS just some more inmates.
    iT iS just a video.
    iT iS just a post.
    iT iS just an email account.
    iT iS just for protecting other from hate speech.
    iT iS just for protecting others from hurt feelings.
    iT iS just a large gathering but NOT for protests.
    iT iS just a few violent protests.
    iT iS just a little micro chip.
    iT iS just a blood test.
    iT iS just a test.
    iT iS just a scan.
    iT iS just for medical information.
    iT iS just to store a vaccination certificate.
    iT iS just like a credit card.
    iT iS just a few places that do NOT take cash.
    iT iS just so you can travel.
    iT iS just so you can get your license to drive
    iT iS just so you can vote.
    iT iS just so mail-in voting can be legal.
    iT iS just a few more years.
    iT iS just a statue.
    iT iS just a monument.
    iT iS just a building.
    iT iS just a song.
    iT iS just a lyric.
    iT iS just an anthem.
    iT iS just a few words.
    iT iS just a piece of paper.
    iT iS just a book.
    iT iS just a movie.
    iT iS just a TV show.
    iT iS just a cartoon character.
    iT iS just a piece of cloth.
    iT iS just a flag.
    iT iS just a dog at a protest.
    iT iS just a clump of cells.
    iT iS just a fetus.
    iT iS just a religion.
    iT iS just a holiday.
    iT iS just your guns.
    iT iS just the police.
    iT iS just the military

    And "iT iS JUST"...
    THE WAY that they planned it.

    2% of the impassioned can rule over the 98% with impunity !

    As the cattle cars can be heard approaching from a distance .......


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