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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Unvaccinated will have ‘miserable, very lonely life,’ top Australian doc warns

    13 Nov, 2021 14:16
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    The head of the Australian Medical Association in Queensland has issued a dark warning to those who refuse anti-Covid vaccination, saying they not only face fines and fraud charges, but will be separated from the rest of society.
    Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won’t be able to hide,” Dr. Chris Perry said this week, while speaking to Channel 9 television network in Australia.
    The medical association president was discussing the future of Queensland residents who decide to dodge a vaccination mandate. Calling those who have decided against vaccination “crazy,” he said, “There’s a whole pile of issues, a whole pile of problems if you try and get around the system.”
    Even those who have an exemption from mandatory vaccination will face difficulties, as they “won’t be able to get a doctor to sign [that] off,” Perry said during his speech, warning clinicians of possible fines for deciding to exclude someone from the jab. “The patients who tell lies can be charged with fraud,” he added.
    This week, the Queensland government announced it would extend vaccine mandates against coronavirus to include all private healthcare staff. People have been given until December 15 to get double-jabbed and present proof in order to continue not only with their work, but also their private life as normal.
    You won’t be able to go anywhere for any entertainment,” Perry told viewers, pointing out that proof of a person being fully vaccinated will be needed to go “into most venues.” To those who don’t have a certificate, he said,
    You will have a very, very lonely life.

    Fines of AU$1,378 have been announced for those Queensland residents who are believed to have breached the pandemic-related orders. Meanwhile, businesses have been advised to call the police in the event of a suspected breach. “The pubs and the clubs are going to have to find out whether people are vaccinated before they allow them in, otherwise their businesses will go bankrupt,” according to the medical chief.
    WATCH Thousands protest over Covid-19 ‘tyranny’ in Melbourne
    Australia, which has registered some 188,000 cases of the virus out of 252 million worldwide, has some of the toughest Covid-related restrictions in the world. Its citizens have experienced some of the longest and strictest lockdowns, as well as vaccine mandates in certain areas.

    Unvaccinated will have ‘miserable, very lonely life,’ top Australian doc warns

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Alcohol 'boosts immune system and makes vaccines more effective' | Daily Mail Online
    Can a glass of wine a day keep the doctor away? Alcohol 'boosts the immune system and makes vaccines more effective'

    • U.S. scientists have found for the first time that voluntary moderate alcohol consumption boosts immune responses to vaccination
    • The research could pave the way for potentially new ways of improving the ability of humans to respond to vaccines and infections
    • The findings add to those of previous studies that show a glass of wine with dinner can improve heath and cardiovascular function in particular
    PUBLISHED: 09:36 EST, 17 December 2013 | UPDATED: 09:39 EST, 17 December 2013
    It's news that may remove some of the guilt when quaffing wine at the Christmas party.
    Scientists have found that moderate alcohol consumption could bolster the immune system and potentially boost the body's ability to fight infections.
    The research could pave the way for potentially new ways of improving peoples’ ability to respond to vaccines and infections, benefiting vulnerable populations, such as the elderly for whom the flu vaccine, for example, has been found to be largely ineffective.

    U.S. scientists have found that moderate alcohol consumption, such as a glass of wine at dinner, could bolster people's immune systems and potentially boost our ability to fight infections

    The study, conducted by an immunologist at the University of California, Riverside and published in the journal Vaccine, could also lead to a better understanding of how humans’ immune systems work.
    ‘It has been known for a long time that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower mortality,’
    said Ilhem Messaoudi, lead author of the research paper and an associate professor of biomedical sciences
    at the university’s School of Medicine.
    • ‘Our study, conducted on non-human primates, shows for the first time that voluntary
    • moderate alcohol consumption boosts immune responses to vaccination,’ she said.
    To study the impact of alcohol consumption on the immune system, the researchers
    trained 12 Rhesus macaques to consume alcohol on their own accord.

    They first vaccinated the animals against small pox and then allowed them to access either four per cent ethanol,
    as well as water as an alternative fluid and food.

    To study the impact of alcohol consumption on the immune system, the researchers trained 12 Rhesus macaques (pictured) to consume alcohol on their own accord

    The researchers then monitored the animals' daily alcohol consumption for 14 months and vaccinated the animals again seven months after the experiment began.
    The team found that over nine months after the animals began self-administering alcohol, their daily ethanol intake varied markedly among them.
    ‘Like humans, rhesus macaques showed highly variable drinking behaviour,’ Professor Messaoudi said.
    ‘Some animals drank large volumes of ethanol, while others drank in moderation.’

    Animals that consumed more alcohol, averaged a blood ethanol concentration greater than the legal limit of 0.08 per cent and were therefore designated 'heavy drinkers.'
    Monkeys in the second group consumed less alcohol and typically had blood ethanol concentrations of between 0.02 and 0.04 per cent, making them 'moderate drinkers'.
    ‘Prior to consuming alcohol, all the animals showed comparable responses to vaccination,’ Professor Messaoudi said.
    The research could pave the way for potentially new ways of improving peoples' ability to respond to vaccines and infections
    ‘Following exposure to ethanol, however, the animals showed markedly different responses after receiving the booster vaccine.’
    The researchers found that as expected, the animals that drank the largest amounts of alcohol showed greatly diminished vaccine responses compared to the control group.
    But animals that drank moderate amounts of ethanol displayed enhanced vaccine responses.
    ‘These surprising findings indicate that some of the beneficial effects of moderate amounts of alcohol consumption may be manifested through boosting the body's immune system,’ Professor Messaoudi said.
    ‘This supports what has been widely believed for some time: moderate ethanol consumption results in a reduction in all causes of mortality, especially cardiovascular disease.
    'As for excessive alcohol consumption, our study shows that it has a significant negative impact on health.’
    Alcohol abuse kills 22,000 people prematurely in the UK, according to Pru Health and approximately 25,000 people in the U.S. annually.
    Around a third of men and a fifth of women in the UK admitted drinking over the weekly recommendations.
    ‘If you have a family history of alcohol abuse, or are at risk, or have been an abuser in the past, we are not recommending you go out and drink to improve your immune system,' Professor Messaoudi said.
    ‘But for the average person that has, say, a glass of wine with dinner, it does seem, in general, to improve heath and cardiovascular function in particular, and now we can add the immune system to that list.
    ‘Next, we plan to harness our observations made in this study to address bigger questions on the immune system, such as how can we boost our immune responses to vaccination, a particular challenge for our elderly.’

    Alcohol 'boosts immune system and makes vaccines more effective' | Daily Mail Online

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "72 shots from 0 to 17 equals insanity"
    - susan lynne schwenger
    The eXchanger

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    "72 shots from 0 to 17 equals insanity"
    - susan lynne schwenger
    The eXchanger

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    @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d
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    Always and in all ways:
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Welcome to the New World Order

    Queensland Health
    November 8 at 8:22 PM ·
    1f4e2. Restrictions for people who aren't fully vaccinated
    Once Queensland reaches its 80% double dose milestone (estimated to be 17 December),
    people who aren't fully vaccinated (two doses) against COVID-19 will be unable to 1f447. :
    1f3e5. Visit hospitals, residential aged care, disability care accommodation and prisons.
    Exceptions apply for medical treatment, end-of-life visits, childbirth and emergency situations
    1f37a. Visit hotels, pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants and cafes
    1f483. Attend nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke bars, concerts, theatres and cinemas
    1f3df. Attend sporting stadiums and theme parks
    1f3bc. Go to musical festivals, folk festivals and arts festivals
    1f4da. Visit Qld Government owned galleries, museums and libraries
    People can access essential retail services and public transport regardless of their vaccination status.
    1f492. Weddings will be limited to 20 people if anyone attending is unvaccinated.
    No limit applies where everyone is vaccinated.
    1f4f1. Businesses will check your vaccination status on entry.
    Soon your proof of vaccination certificate can be linked to your Check-In Qld app
    to make it simple and easy to prove your vaccination status.
    Once restrictions ease and our borders re-open, we expect outbreaks in the community
    that will put pressure on our hospital system.
    These measures will be in place to protect both unvaccinated people,
    and vaccinated people who are most vulnerable to COVID-19.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This Gal makes an interesting comment...
    Tallulah Rose Magoffin says:
    "What worries me is they tell us
    we will ALL get covid
    which contradicts the strict restrictions
    we've been living with for nearly 2 years"
    AND, THEN, SUSAN SAYS: AND, Since they NEVER ISOLATE it, does IT really eXist ???
    or, is it a bioweaponized form of THE FLU ???
    2700+ IMPORTANT TOPICS on my posting board

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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