14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The combination of Webb’s super powerful vision and a magnifying trick of gravity is allowing astronomers to resolve things never before seen in the early universe. Let’s dive into the mysteries of distant galaxy MACS0647-JD: https://go.nasa.gov/3Fp3nMt
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    1f338. 1f338.

    Transiting Waxing Crescent Luna Conjunct Cauda Draconis
    - KETU At 13° & advances to the rest of the SCORPIO Points
    & forming the nasty Squares with Saturn while opposing the URANUS & RAHU in Taurus

    1f48b. : 1f48b.

    Waxing Crescent Luna, Ketu in SCORP Creates 180° angle
    with Uranus in Taurus, 90° Sq with Saturn in Aquarius
    & 150° Quincunx Chiron in Aries & Squares SAT-♄ in Aquarius

    A - :

    1- Moon At 17°SCO 264f. 27’

    2- Saturn At 18°AQU 2652. 35’

    3- is Uranus At 17°TAU 2649. 28’

    AN opportunity to walk through your past life & traumatic Childhood & memories of the shadow past
    associated with your psyche & animus system related to the events which were beyond your will, conscience & control
    & today is the day to recall those memories & resurrect your childhood through delving deep into the memories
    just to recollect yourself today

    ❝ & …❞

    , , & :


    War Between Strong Will, Ego Drive & Concerns Related To The Past life & Sorrowful Events
    Occurred During The Traumatic & Suffered Childhood Through The Stingy Demons
    & Their Events Which Were Beyond Our Consciousness & Control
    & Today Is The Time To Recall Those Griefs & Painful Memories Associated With it.

    The Ketu & Luna Conjunction SCORPIO Opposes Uranus In Taurus & Creates 150 Degrees Stressful Energies
    With The Wounded Healer CHIRON In ARIES: Unfavorable & Evil Spirits With Medical Health Issues
    Can Arise Today To Demand Serious Health Concerns With Medical Tests To Be Done Immediately

    The uniformly unfavorable 8th matter of unconsciousness (SCORPIO) clashes with the strong will
    to establish one`s identity in the society Or environment he's living in (1st ARIES CHIRON)
    & the traumas associated with it including high sexual urges which are uncountable today
    due to the stuck in the past life & the events that occurred in life which were very much beyond one`s conscience
    & will
    Past Life, Childhood Memories & Taboos Of The Family Including Sexual Desires, Relationships, Illegitimate Affairs,
    Traumas, Power Struggles & Manipulative Partners & Unnurturing Parents.

    Themes & Past Related Sorrowful Griefs: The traumatic shadows of the martian demons w
    hich have passed now will have their revenge back through stingy poisons surrounding our thought process today
    & hurting us psychologically again".

    All this heavy & deep configuration in the sky (Especially Luna Over Ketu in Scorpio) can make you very depression prone today
    with an element of clashes & psychological differences among family members because you are so stuck in past
    & whole ancestry system will be delved into the ” of the family structure
    & background and this can hurt the feelings of each individual who has been suffering
    due to the each one`s evil spirit grudges & dark mysterious acts just to take revenge for the grudges
    they all keep inside their heart & today they can sting each other with some evil-spirit intentions
    & games being played which can badly damage the reputation of your whole family among the society
    & other families you are living in through difficult domestic affairs such as Violence, Taboos & Mysteries
    which are kept secret from each other & it might be revealed today unconsciously due to the external factors
    & games coming through someone else who might manipulate you & your family members
    & after getting hold on to the secrets of you & your domestic affairs, those manipulative forces
    might reveal them & engage all of your family into the serious disputes (8th matters)
    & even inheritance system through manipulation can be lost or bring disputes within family members…

    Better to consult lawyers today & prepare yourself for the worst of it.

    There could also be a secret sexual affair being run into the family
    & destroying you psychologically upon revelations coming through those members
    indulged in such activities secretly because remember that is a sign of investigation
    & deep research once you get a clue about cheating & manipulation coming through your partner
    & this way you can really stalk them to reveal what's cooking among them against you
    & your whole family system…

    So basically, a traumatic time ahead so be careful & avoid violence & watch out for “ & ”
    coming through the manipulative family members Or you could sting them using your high grudges over past
    & shadow events which have created a negative impact on your deep psyche & the psychological system
    & thus, you have never forgotten the pain either you received through the controlling or ignorant Parents
    during your childhood Or the partner you have been living together with has never fulfill your emotional needs
    due to unavailability, cheat Or abuse…

    Today is the day to recall those memories, investigate what is cooking behind the scenes against you
    & your children Or stalk your cheater & manipulative spouse to catch him having sexual taboos
    with someone else redhanded…

    : you know the / axis is related to Possessions, Income, Cashflow, Monthly budget/Expenses
    you make & of course the Inheritance & Shared resources but KETU sitting with Luna in 8th just drains you
    in terms of poverty, loss, loss of confidence due to being badly stuck in the past events
    & as I said earlier you had no control

    Or conscience over those traumatic, painful & sorrowful events...

    So now you cannot pay full attention to your financial matters
    & this can drain you through heavy loans, bankruptcy & loss of possessions
    which you have made with struggle throughout the life…

    Be careful & don't let those assets of you slip away & don't take loans from banks
    Or someone else who could manipulate you through evil spirit instincts to loot your money & inheritance…

    Until the next time,

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Taurus #SolarEclipse2022 #ScorpioSzn #scorpiomoon #scorpioseason #Fixed #stubborn #values #valuesmatter #pastlife #pastliferegression #caudadraconis #dragontail #southnode #lunareclipse2022 #Leo #Aquarius #Saturn #SaturnDirect #astrology #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #tarot #tarotreading

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    Transiting Waxing Crescent Luna Conjunct Cauda Draconis
    - KETU At 13° & advances to the rest of the SCORPIO Points
    & forming the nasty Squares with Saturn while opposing the URANUS & RAHU in Taurus

    1f48b. : 1f48b.
    Waxing Crescent Luna, Ketu in SCORP Creates 180° angle with Uranus in Taurus,
    90° Sq with Saturn in Aquarius
    & 150° Quincunx Chiron in Aries & Squares SAT-♄ in Aquarius
    A - :

    1- Moon At 17°SCO 264f. 27’

    2- Saturn At 18°AQU 2652. 35’

    3- is Uranus At 17°TAU 2649. 28’

    AN opportunity to walk through your past life & traumatic Childhood
    & memories of the shadow past associated with your psyche
    & animus system related to the events which were beyond your will,
    conscience & control & today is the day to recall those memories
    & resurrect your childhood through delving deep into the memories
    just to recollect yourself today

    & …

    , , & :
    & &

    War Between Strong Will, Ego Drive & Concerns Related To The Past life
    & Sorrowful Events Occurred
    During The Traumatic & Suffered Childhood Through The Stingy Demons
    & Their Events Which Were Beyond Our Consciousness
    & Control & Today Is The Time To Recall Those Griefs
    & Painful Memories Associated With it.

    The Ketu & Luna Conjunction SCORPIO Opposes Uranus In Taurus
    & Creates 150 Degrees Stressful Energies
    With The Wounded Healer CHIRON In ARIES:
    Unfavorable & Evil Spirits With Medical Health Issues
    Can Arise Today To Demand Serious Health Concerns
    With Medical Tests To Be Done Immediately

    The uniformly unfavorable 8th matter of unconsciousness (SCORPIO) clashes
    with the strong will to establish one`s identity in the society
    Or environment he's living in (1st ARIES CHIRON) & the traumas associated with it
    including high sexual urges which are uncountable today
    due to the stuck in the past life & the events that occurred in life
    which were very much beyond one`s conscience & will

    Past Life, Childhood Memories & Taboos Of The Family
    Including Sexual Desires, Relationships, Illegitimate Affairs,
    Traumas, Power Struggles & Manipulative Partners & Unnurturing Parents

    Themes & Past Related Sorrowful Griefs:

    The traumatic shadows of the martian demons which have passed now
    will have their revenge back through stingy poisons surrounding our thought process today
    & hurting us psychologically again".

    All this heavy & deep configuration in the sky (Especially Luna Over Ketu in Scorpio)
    can make you very depression prone today
    with an element of clashes & psychological differences among family members
    because you are so stuck in past & whole ancestry system will be delved into
    the ” of the family structure

    & background and this can hurt the feelings of each individual
    who has been suffering due to the each one`s evil spirit grudges
    & dark mysterious acts just to take revenge for the grudges they all keep inside their heart
    & today they can sting each other with some evil-spirit intentions
    & games being played which can badly damage the reputation
    of your whole family among the society & other families you are living in
    through difficult domestic affairs such as Violence, Taboos
    & Mysteries which are kept secret from each other & it might be revealed today
    unconsciously due to the external factors
    & games coming through someone else who might manipulate you
    & your family members & after getting hold on to the secrets of you
    & your domestic affairs, those manipulative forces might reveal them
    & engage all of your family into the serious disputes (8th matters)
    & even inheritance system through manipulation can be lost
    or bring disputes within family members…

    Better to consult lawyers today & prepare yourself for the worst of it.

    There could also be a secret sexual affair being run into the family
    & destroying you psychologically upon revelations coming through those members
    indulged in such activities secretly because remember that is a sign of investigation
    & deep research once you get a clue about cheating
    & manipulation coming through your partner
    & this way you can really stalk them to reveal what's cooking
    among them against you & your whole family system…

    So basically, a traumatic time ahead so be careful & avoid violence
    & watch out for “ & ”

    coming through the manipulative family members

    Or you could sting them using your high grudges over past
    & shadow events which have created a negative impact

    on your deep psyche & the psychological system & thus,

    you have never forgotten the pain either you received through the controlling
    or ignorant Parents during your childhood

    Or the partner you have been living together with has never fulfill
    your emotional needs due to unavailability, cheat Or abuse…

    Today is the day to recall those memories, investigate what is cooking
    behind the scenes against you & your children

    Or stalk your cheater & manipulative spouse to catch him
    having sexual taboos with someone else redhanded…

    : you know the / axis is related to Possessions, Income,
    Cashflow, Monthly budget/Expenses you make
    & of course the Inheritance & Shared resources but KETU sitting with Luna in 8th
    just drains you in terms of poverty,
    loss, loss of confidence due to being badly stuck in the past events
    & as I said earlier you had no control
    Or conscience over those traumatic, painful & sorrowful events...

    So now you cannot pay full attention to your financial matters
    & this can drain you through heavy loans, bankruptcy
    & loss of possessions which you have made with struggle throughout the life…

    Be careful & don't let those assets of you slip away & don't take loans from banks

    Or someone else who could manipulate you through evil spirit instincts to loot your money & inheritance…
    Until the next time,
    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    on 26 oct 2022

    SAYS: Rob Gray
    "i've seen it from my office window in Austin, TX, USA, AND,
    they did it during SXSW with drones.
    it's not as cool as people make it out to be."

    Nanette Crist says:
    Oh no and I thought we already had too much pollution ...
    now they want to wreck the Stars
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    I congratulate you all for surviving yesterday`s nasty Eclipse
    that occurred in SKY right on the SAROS 124 at 2°♏︎07’ 1f982.

    1f49d. , , & ! 1f49d.

    But here is the deal, Since Eclipses occur near or right
    on the NODAL AXIS configuration in the sky (Ecliptic Points Of Luna),
    Eclipses usually give aftershocks for some more days & even some people
    & events occur before the ECLIPSE actually takes place.

    in Pakistan, the whole country is mourning today the obnoxious death
    of a renowned "Investigative Journalist" name "Arshad Sharif"
    who got assassinated in the HEAD a few days ago,
    he was under Solar Eclipse influence big time & couldn't survive it.

    Similarly, ECLIPSE Points remain in the sky for some more days, especially with this SOLAR ECLIPSE where The
    "☋ - ☋ 1f48c. " presence is near the Mighty Solar SUN & it's not over yet (Until it's over).

    What happens is, SUN has to travel some more days until he joins the 1f31f. ` ☋ 1f31f.
    right on the 5th of November & then SUN On Tail ☋ will ignite the remaining influence/shocks
    & repeat those remorseless & emotional events by smokescreens once again.

    So be careful & avoid unnecessary travel until & don't make advancements in close relationships
    & even don't try to plan "Child Conception" during those dates as well...

    Because after the 5th November meeting taking place between SUN & KETU,
    we are going to have LUNAR ECLIPSE in #Taurus going to occur on 8th November
    & this will test the patience & possessiveness of TAURUS/SCORPIO Polarities once again
    with emotional, mourning, Scary, Fearful & dangerous RELEASE once again
    (Full Moon Eclipse Releases some energies)...

    so be careful folks until the 5th & 8th of November & let this SAT-URA Square be widened
    & the influence of RAHU & KETU be over soon & let SUN & LUNAR CYCLES (Chandara) pass them by peacefully,
    then you can make any important decisions of your life including Long Journey traveling, Marriage, Child Conception
    & important projects of your life which demand actions, assertion & emotionalism.

    Be wiser 1f64f. 270d.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    WASAGA BEACH ~ Longest Fresh Water Beach in The World
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    North of the Moon


    North of the Moon's quick notes for October 27, 2022:
    Connecting through truths. It's time to get real says the Cosmos!

    The Moon entered Sagittarius overnight and *poof* all the secretive moods of yesterday morph
    into needing some socializing and intellectual conversations.

    But, not just the usual prattle - discussions about purpose and philosophy are on the menu.

    Expanding your mind, your heart, and your wallet are typical topics at this time.

    Why? Because Jupiter retrograde is falling back into Pisces tonight.

    Ideas that will expand your world are on the horizon.

    Listen to others.

    They can be a source of new information.

    Moon in Sag tends to mix adventure into everything.

    So, lighten up and have fun even if it's just a trip to buy food.

    It may be difficult to decide on purchases now.

    Don't overspend.

    Write - I can never say it enough - down your thoughts, goals, and feelings today.

    Notice any blatant or repeating ideas, signs, numbers, etc that you see.

    Affirmations and hidden messages are in them.

    Be sure to stretch your body before you do anything physical

    as the thighs and hips are vulnerable to injury right now.

    Enjoy your day and those around you. Travel well! 2764. NotM

    ☆ The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is still affecting our energies.

    Self care is very important.

    Ringing ears, exhaustion, or sudden aches are prevalent.

    Hydration is extremely necessary as the vibes are rising.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif



    A Distinctive cosmical shift in energy…


    ╏╠══[ 1f312. 1f312. ♐︎ ♐︎ ]       1f4a6.


    -, , , -,
    & . :

    1- Trines JUP in Aries

    120° △ Jup ♃ in ARI 2648.

    2- Sextiles SAT In Aqua

    60° ⚹ SAT ♄ In AQUA 2652.

    3- Squares NEP in PISC

    90° □ NEP ♆ In PIS 2653.

    4- Opposing MARS In GEM

    180° ☍ Mars 2642. In GEM 264a.

    5- Sextiles Merc in Libra

    60° ⚹ MERC ☿ in Lib 264e.

    6- Squares JUP In ARI

    90° □ JUP ♃ in ARI 2648.

    7- Goes VOID

    & & . …


    Then she advances towards creating the Sextile minor energies with Sat in Aquarius
    which is direct for some days now by leaving its retrograde motion & restrictiveness behind…

    Sat will add some responsibilities factors to this carefree (Otherwise) Lunar Cycle in Sagittarius
    & makes her responsible towards the family burden on her shoulders & this way,
    you will be more receptive & submissive towards the needs of the family members ahead
    by creating your headstrong & feel all the pressure & absorb that burden into your workaholic & endurance abilities
    & also withholding your own desires, emotions & putting your demands aside for the family & domestic sake.


    This Luna will get mature into Sagittarius & start creating distressful & distrustful energies
    with NEPTUNE in PISC (Stressful Squares With Higher-self)
    & this will make you prone towards Transcendence With Higher Self
    & create A Strong Vibrational Pull Towards Empathy, God, Musical People
    & Strong Spirituality with ability to pick up the moods of other people in your surroundings
    through receptivity & high sensitivity using SIXTH Sense, Intuition
    & through Spirit-guide (If utilize this stressful energy wisely through knowledge & proper guidance)...


    Then around the 29th midway & traveling in the final decan of Sagittarius,
    this Crescent Luna will start creating Push/Pull energies with MARS floating in GEMINI
    & this will make you Prone for Bold, Daring, Quarrelsome, Capacity Of Leadership,
    Competitive With Aggressiveness & Strong Resistance Towards Authorities.


    29th October 2022 will be a good time for seeking knowledge & broadening your visions
    & mental abilities because of the minor energies between Crescent LUNA in Sagittarius & Merc
    (God of communication & Messenger) in the sign of LIBRA

    & this will add some stability in all documentation process of your life in terms of communication, verbal
    & theoretical or maybe you will be more vocally active,

    which will be useful for the business orientation ahead as LIBRA MERC brings balance
    & harmony into the daily DEALING

    & Interactions with partners, friends & family even & basically
    good for business ventures & professional tasks…

    Regards, & I hope this Sagittarius Crescent Lunar Cycle will eliminate the heaviness & gloomy aftershocks
    of the nasty SOLAR ECLIPSE we recently survived in Scorpio & give SCORPIO Venus some kind of Optimism
    & a Ray Of Hope for 2.5 days until the Luna stays inside Sagittarius & ingresses into CAPRICORN ahead…

    ██▓▒░⡷⠂ ⠐⢾░▒▓██

    #astrologymemes #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #zodiac #zodiacsigns #predictions #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #healing
    #higherself #prophecy #philosophy #Sagittarius #mooninsagittarius #waxingcrescent #tarot #intuition #jovial

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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