14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 Oct 2022
    October 23rd, 2020

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Repost (Since FB Algorithm removed my previous post & same content i am posting it
    through my Astrology Post Share this time, i decided to use this technique)...

    can u see this post now?

    Hi Beautiful souls & my friends... How's it going?

    Hope you have enjoyed the VENUS CAZIMI today with Creativity, Fashion, Aesthetics,
    Improving Looks Through Personal Grooming, and all that


    There is some tension building up in SKY right now...

    Astrology Update: Mutable T-SQUARE In Sky For 22nd October 2022

    Energies: Mars In Gemini, Neptune In Pisces & Waning Crescent Luna In Virgo
    Discontenting Right Now Via Stressful Energies…

    Virgo, Gemini & Pisces

    Discording, Disbelieved, Confused, Flighty & Chaotic Mind

    Astrologer Aatif

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur

    Hi Beautiful souls & my friends... How's it going?
    Hope you have enjoyed the VENUS CAZIMI today with Creativity, Fashion, Aesthetics,
    Improving Looks Through Personal Grooming, and all that Socializing...

    There is some tension building up in SKY right now...

    Astrology Update: Mutable T-SQUARE In Sky For 22nd October 2022

    Energies: Mars In Gemini, Neptune In Pisces & Waning Crescent Luna In Virgo Discontenting Right Now Via Stressful Energies…

    Virgo, Gemini & Pisces

    Discording, Disbelieved, Self-doubts, Self-Critique, Confused, Flighty & Chaotic Mind

    Themes: Confusion, Chaotic Thoughts, Mysticism, Spirituality, Deception, Fluctuations Of Ideas, Belief-system,

    Ability To Perceive & Receptiveness

    About Someone Or Getting Dissent About Something through misconceptions, Misunderstandings

    & Disbelief On Your Own Abilities (Lack Of

    I start my argument about MUTABLE (Virgo, Pisces & Gemini) Stressful Chaos

    In Mind & Sky right now with such statements;

    A welter of Worry, Nervousness, & Confusion With Agitative Impulsion & Basically,

    it makes Your Mind Your Ally, Try to Utilize it in Constructive

    Ways, Such As Learning, Teaching, Gaining & Sharing Knowledge, Spreading HEALING Through Spirituality,

    Creativity, and Artistic Ventures.

    Rather Than, Using a War Of Words Being Keyboard Warriors On Social Media & Contradict Dissents.

    The high amount of RECEPTIVITY circulating in minds today,

    higher sensitivity to the point of creating different perceptions (as per one`s own

    likings & dislikes), & this way your confidence & will be shaken out of moodiness

    & emoting with FLUCTUATIONS (Moodswings & flighty

    ideas/verbality/concepts) in reception & perception you create about other people around you

    (At home, because of Moon`s presence in VIRGO), &

    other people opinion & perception about you through misconception & dark sarcasm & instinctual deception…

    Maybe due to external leg pulling or

    feedings with WRONG news, rumors about you… either way, it's disturbing & frustrating.

    Be careful about deceptive elements (especially jealous women) in your family

    who would play tricks to unsettle your nurturing instincts at home

    which would bring more misunderstanding between you, your mother

    & other family members.

    Also, there is an immense risk of Marital Clashes

    tonight because of intolerance towards dissents or just for the sake of contradicting

    other people's opinions & points of view…

    Be careful & let this short-lived Lunar Cycle pass you by with peace

    & without disturbing your DOMESTIC Nurturing system (Involving whole family

    members, especially Motherly figures/Guardian/Custodians at home)...

    Try to bring some stability instead... Be focused & chose your goals & tasks

    wisely, until the LUNA Ingresses into LIBRA in a few hours....

    Astrologer Aatif
    #mutablesigns #Gemini #Pisces #Neptune #marsingemini #Mars #retrograde #LibraSzn #ScorpioSzn #transits #prediction #predictions #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #tarot #healing #healingjourney #confusion #chaos #thoughtoftheday #thoughtful #flight

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Postman had a hectic time with loads of greetings cards to be handed over to residents in his beat .
    And he got a generous "Baksheesh " from most of them .
    Today the greetingcards are hardly received by anybody .
    How times have changed
    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      i once went into the store to get a nice card - $8.00 and that was about 10 years ago

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    19m ·

    Distinctive cosmic energies for the Scorpio Season…

    Sun & Venus Ingresses Scorpio - Welcome To Scorpio Season

    A Revengeful Sexual Sting Which Will Haunt Preys Like A Highly Possessive Addiction Around… 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d.

    A Major Shift & Tilt in Energies From The Scales Of Libra

    Towards The Tenaciously Poisonous & Highly Possessive STING of Scorpio
    1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d. 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d. 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d. 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d.

    Energies Of Scorpio Season (Sun & Venus):

    This is going to be a very intense Scorpio Season this year,

    because of the New Moon in the form of a Partial Solar Eclipse

    occurring right at the start of this Scorpio Season

    & the middle of November, We Are Going To face a lethal LUNAR ECLIPSE as well in Taurus

    & Afflicting the both Scorpio & Taurus Polarities aka (2/8) Axis respectively…

    So this is going to be huge

    Themes Of A Scorpio Season: The Mighty Sun & EGO Shift Towards Values,

    Sexuality, High libido Power For Eroticism, Connectedness

    Psychologically & Kind Of Government Level in Terms Of Financial Situations

    & Dealing Of One Country With Another By Lending Or Borrowing

    Debts/Money & Assets.

    The start of the Scorpio Season is critical & has to be dealt with with care

    & caution because what happens is, SUN & VENUS despite losing

    Or leaving Libra Sign, are still under the Rays & Radar of PLUTO sitting in Capricorn

    which should create some power struggle in terms of personal relationships

    & disturbs the whole domestic system at “Psychological Level” through High Manipulation

    Of Sexual & Romantic Partners, Extra-Marital Secret Affairs, Manipulation In Joint Resources

    & Getting Suspicious By Some Gold-Digger elements of the Society

    (At the highly personal level, with whom you are emotionally & psychologically connected)...

    so dont build trust during this Season (Especially a week within the Eclipse takes place)...

    Note: The reason I am writing this article on Scorpio Season is,

    I have already written insightful lengthy stuff on a Partial Solar Eclipse

    taking place on 25th October 2022...

    So I was waiting for that to occur but I am mixing up a few excerptions of my Article on Eclipses

    into this Scorpio SUN


    See you in another Article about Solar ECLIPSE Tomorrow…

    Feel free to send me PM for Personal Readings & Predictions...

    Wishing You A Very Happy Solar Ingress InTo Scorpio (A Very Stingy Scorpio Season Ahead)...

    Regards, 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d.

    Astrologer Aatif


    #Scorpio #scorpioseason #ScorpioSzn #scorpiowoman #ScorpioNation #Scorpions
    #ScorpioKing #astrologypost #astrology #Astrologer #fortuneteller #fortunetelling
    #zodiac #zodiacsigns #tarot #zodiacmemes #intuition #intuitive #intuitiveguidance

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    Distinctive cosmic energies for the …

    ミ★ & - ★彡

    1f496. ´ *•.¸ 2665. ¸.•** A Revengeful Sexual Sting Which Will Haunt Preys Like A Highly Possessive Addiction Around **•.¸ 2665. ¸.•*´ 1f496.

    & 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d.

    ( & ): This is going to be a very intense Scorpio Season this year,

    because of the New Moon in the form of a Partial Solar Eclipse occurring right at the start

    of this Scorpio Season & the middle of November,

    We Are Going To face a lethal LUNAR ECLIPSE as well in Taurus

    & Afflicting the both Scorpio & Taurus Polarities aka (2/8) Axis respectively…

    So this is going to be huge

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. : 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    The Mighty Sun & EGO Shift Towards Values, Sexuality, High libido Power For Eroticism,

    Connectedness Psychologically & Kind Of Government Level in Terms Of Financial Situations

    & Dealing Of One Country With Another By Lending Or Borrowing Debts/Money & Assets.

    The start of the Scorpio Season is critical & has to be dealt with care

    & caution because what happens is, SUN & 1f496. 1f496. 彡 despite losing

    Or leaving Libra Sign, are still under the Rays & Radar of 1f48b. ᑭᒪᑌ

    sitting in ♑︎ which should create some power struggle in terms of personal relationships

    & disturbs the whole domestic system at “Psychological Level”

    through High Manipulation Of Sexual & Romantic Partners,

    Extra-Marital Secret Affairs, Manipulation In Joint Resources

    & Getting Suspicious By Some Gold-Digger elements of the Society

    (At the highly personal level, with whom you are emotionally & psychologically connected)...

    so dont build trust during this Season
    (Especially a week within the Eclipse takes place)...

    This SUN Ingress Into SCORPIO Chart has some interesting stuff...
    Which is, the Co-Ruler of this SUN & VENUS in SCORPIO is " 1f170. " and 2642. is
    creating ✿༺ ° ⚻ ༻✿ Stressful Energies with both of them so this is very powerful indeed.

    This adds some extravagance & exaggerating stuff to this SCORPIO Season & its ignited passionate Revenge,
    Libido & Sexuality & taking them to the next level because SCORPIO is never a "Lazy" Sign mind you,
    they deal in Action & deep planning for powerful Release & execution (A typical Scorpio

    Jupiter will surely push SCORPIO-Related matters out of proportion
    by a huge exaggerative blow & powerful Scorpio STING. So be careful & control
    your temperament here. this will make you very competitive
    & might be holding grudges only to take revenge at a suitable time,
    which could be very dangerous for your Enemies & your psychological & mental health as well...

    , , , & , .

    Note: The reason I am writing this article on Scorpio Season is,

    I have already written insightful lengthy stuff on a Partial Solar Eclipse taking place
    on 25th October 2022...

    So I was waiting for that to occur but I am mixing up a few excerptions of my Articl
    e on Eclipses into this Scorpio SUN

    ✿༺ … ༻✿

    Feel free to send me PM for Personal Readings & Predictions...

    Wishing You A Very Happy Solar Ingress InTo Scorpio (A Very Stingy Scorpio Season Ahead)...

    Regards, 1f975. 1f982. 264f. 270d.

    ██▓▒░⡷⠂ ⠐⢾░▒▓██


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    21 oct to 30 oct /2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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