14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Algonquin Park #AlgonquinPark #Algonquin_Park #ontario #canada
    Photographer: Andrea Henry ·
    20 OCT 2022
    This morning... 2744.
    Oct 20,2022


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    Astrology Update: 21st October 2022
    Distinctive archetypal goddesses affecting the Friday…
    ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ⚳ ⚳ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
    In ♍︎ Maiden VIRGO ♍︎ 270d. 1f483. 1f60d. 1f64f. 270d. 1f483. 1f60d. 1f64f.
    ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ♍︎ ⚳ : ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
    The Earth Goddess Is Gonna Make You Happy But Through Criticism & Finding Minor Details In Your Daily Behavior & Lifestyle & Brings Improvement Through Her Criticism & Analytical Mother instincts...
    Those Archetypes About this Earth Virgo GODDESS CERES Of Food, Grains, Agriculture & Mothers is related to the Nurturing, Nourishment, Herbal Medicines & Wishes/Desires Of Others…
    ミ★ Give you love without the pain
    Show you light beyond the rain
    Gonna make you happy now ★彡 --- ミ 1f496. Celine Dion 1f496.

    ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ: Number 9 is associated with the overseas connection using the high wisdom & intellectual skills & ability to find the truths of life through intuition, Journeys & knowledgeable PHILOSOPHY in different areas of life.
    1f496. Ceres & Luna Energies: 1f496.
    A Dedicated mother who is keen on service for her children & attuning her intuition in tireless, undaunting work to raise her children through nurturing & nourishment.
    ✫☼☾ 2601. ɌS # 2601. ☾☼✫
    This transit of 1f318. Waning Crescent LUNA 1f318. On CERES #1 Goddess Of Nurturing & Nourishment invites you to align your intuition towards the nurturing needs of others around you (in your family) more than before. If you are Mother then you should be well attuned towards the emotional needs of those children who are otherwise, emotionally distant from you for quite a while now. Today is the day to talk to those using your intuition & undaunting service to bring nourishment into their innocent life & years..
    Apart from catering to the emotional desires & needs of others' instincts of CERES-MOON, you should be well aware of how to take care of those who take heavy DRUGS & require attention in the REHAB Camps. This transit is crucial for those who are addicted to drugs because what happens is, CERES brings addictions & going overboard with something in life, be it DRUS, Alcohol heavy usage, even those who are on Anti-depressant medicines, tend to take them in high-potency & bring a lot of damage to “Serotonin levels”, like increasing Serotonin excessively is also dangerous for Mental Health (Going overboard through exaggeration(, Also obesity issues through the addiction of eating SWEETS (Maltodextrins Sugar), as CERES is associated with the grains, agriculture & food-related stuff of daily life & intake of humans...
    So be careful & instead, utilize this short-lived LUNA-CERES energy for service to others through Care, looking after & bring emotional & friendly nurture to the lives who are broken & desire your attention more than ever before…
    Regards, 270d. 1f483. 1f60d. 1f64f.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Ceres #waningcrescentmoon #balsamicmoon #moonconjunctceres #mooninvirgo #Virgo #motherhood #mother #nurture #nurturingmother #nurtureyourself #nurturing #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrology #Astrologer #fortuneteller #zodiac #zodiacsigns #tarot #motherlove #mothercare

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Photographer: Brian Combs
    21 OCT 2022·

    This is my first image taken with a new camera, The Uranus-C one shot color camera by Player One.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    #Astrology 23rd Oct
    Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Aquarius & Aries Alert

    Venus Goes "In The Heart Of The Sun - 17 Mins". 270d. 2696. 1f49e. 1f483.

    Venus Cazimi Day In Libra At 29° 264e. 26’

    VENUS CAZIMI DAY: Distinctive cosmical conjunctions celestial festival in the sky today.

    Lets Farewell Libra Season with VENUS CAZIMI State Of Sensuality & Beautification in the sky

    9 to 12 months the Sun Conjoins & Romanticize itself with the planet of Love, Beauty, Jealousy
    & Aesthetics aka Venus. When these two align, they
    form a Medieval Aspect that’s called “CAZIMI” (Which is also known as “in the heart of the sun”)

    Venus Cazimi (Ven Conj Sun) Chart: Very Funny Energies For This Traditional Chart:

    - Anaretic 29 Libra

    - Venus Cazimi

    - Ruler Of Rahu & Uranus In Taurus is also VEN & VEN is in the HEART of The SUN (Cazimi State),

    - Rulers Of Mercury, Sun & Venus is Only The VENUS & VENUS Trines To Mars in GEMINI,
    While MARS is also the Ruler of JUPITER (Aries) &
    hence there is a Square between MARS & JUPITER as well

    - Rulers Of Sun & VENUS Also Create 150° ⚻ Inconjunct Jupiter At 0 ARIES

    - Rulers of this Cazimi Venus are also Into their "FALL" Position (Sun, Mercury & Venus in LIBRA).. lol this funny & complicated

    - Uranus, Rahu, Mercury, VENUS & SUN Rulers are collectively into "VENUS"
    & while VENUS is into DOMICILE LIBRA, & Since "Saturn" Exalts
    there & Creates Squares to the URANUS in TAURUS today...
    it could add some DISRUPTION & CHAOS through power-struggle & brings RIOTS to
    unsettle the peace of Cities/Countries as many countries are having PROTESTS going on,
    including PAKISTAN...

    - Pluto is In Capricorn Which Has a Ruler "Saturn" in Aquarius while Saturn is EXALT in LIBRA
    & there are 3 Celestial Bodies/Planets
    Transiting/Floating in LIBRA today, among which, two of them are under CAZIMI State
    (VENUS Conj SUN) & interesting VEN & SUN are both
    creating TRINES to the Natural Exalted RULER of Saturn
    aka MARS lol

    Abraham Ibn-Ezra writes On Cazimi State:

    “A planet joined with the Sun is like a person sitting with the king in one chair…”

    Themes: Aesthetic Sense, Flirtations, New Love, Addictions with Overindulgence 270d. 2696. 1f49e. 1f483.

    A state of the planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the SUN…

    Planets "in the heart of the SUN" become harmonized by the Sun and become highly Benefic Planets or energy.

    Cazimi is known as “In The Heart Of The Sun”, & CAZIMI ( 2640. ☌ ☉) occurs
    whenever a Planet comes very very close to the SUN that it loses everything
    & this has to be in the range of within 17 Minutes
    which is written as “00°17’”, 17 Minutes or more close to the SUN…

    (Planet near 17 mins close to the Sun is affecting its sitting in the heart)
    so the Rule for the planet to be called CAZIMI is 17 Mins.
    within 0° 17′ of the Sun)...

    Regards and Lesson here is to, Avoid laziness & over-indulgence in SEXUAL Eroticism
    (Being Womanizers), Eating too many Sweets, Alcohol &
    other Addictive habits you may possess as this state in SKY increases the chances
    of Exaggeration of everything you desire deeply & turn those
    desires/wishes & pleasurable Hobbies into Addiction…

    [​IMG] (This is very affectionate energy in the sky and according to your House Cusp activation or triggered through
    (☌ ☉) that you would like to welcome any kind of intimacy within your relationships (Just don’t go overboard with it).

    You should consider renovating or decorating your home or invite family members and have a blast of parties
    around also you could be a Love Guru for your friends and end up arranging their meeting or
    “Date” with your own money being organizers (Libra loves arranging the Events like Decoration
    & Aesthetical Catering such Dates & meetings being reliable Social beasts).

    Making commitments with CAZIMI VENUS could be long-lasting because Libra demands reconciliation
    & diplomatic skills to bring Harmony into the PARTNERSHIPS through “Still carry on” instincts, and focus on Reconciliation
    rather than just being flirtatious (Typical indecisive LIBRA while choosing partners, once they chose life partner
    & get married, they stick to it through a balance)…

    Astrologer Aatif

    Read the full article here on my blog for complete insights about this VENUS CAZIMI Energies affecting your life today:
    Astrology Update for 22nd October 2022 – Venus Cazimi Day – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)

    14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (cosmosdawn.net)

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Venus #venuscazimi #cazimi #venusinlibra #venusconjunctsun #sunconjunctvenus #libra #LibraSzn #libraseason #astrologypost
    #astrologyreadings #astrology #astrologymemes #solareclipse #partialsolareclipse #scorpioseason #Scorpio #ScorpioSzn #medieval #ancient
    #traditionalastrology #chaldean


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Well, Astrology is a complete Science & occultism of exploration of the deep "human psyche".
    (Purpose of life happened on Planet EARTH) - A Superior form of the mind`s Curiosity
    Or human reach at first glance (when we start to get familiar with surroundings
    & external/internal factors we face or deal with, in our childhood).

    Firstly, I came to know that, a person is incomplete with just the "Sun Sign"
    that we first know or have been keen on reading
    the horoscope in weekly magazines throughout our childhood...
    as it was much more complex & beyond just a SUN SIGN significance
    affecting a person`s life & characteristics (Traits).

    Secondly, Studied & practicing Astrology, mainly because, to test how strong my intuition was or actually is,
    and of course to connect the dots of what the actual linkage is between happening beyond the reach of humans (As Above),
    & things (Auspicious & Evil-Spirit) occurring with humans back on Earth (So Below)...
    Why do you folks study this occult of knowledge aka "Astrology"? what are your thoughts?
    Astrologer Aatif
    #astrology #astrologymemes #Astrologer #astrologyreadings #asabovesobelow
    #occult #occultart #occultism #occultscience #predictions #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #zodiacsigns #Zodiac

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    Hi Astrology Lovers & Curious Minds, I am back with new Teaching Stuff For You

    Note: i have made two posts, one for this Group & other one more graphical
    & generalizing for the main PROFILE for different viewers..
    this one i will make for teaching perspective for you FOLKS...

    Astrology Update for 22nd October 2022 aka 22 OCT 2022

    VENUS CAZIMI DAY: Distinctive cosmical conjunctions celestial festival in the sky today.

    Lets Farewell Libra Season with VENUS CAZIMI State Of Sensuality & Beautification in the sky
    9 to 12 months the Sun Conjoins & Romanticize itself with the planet of Love, Beauty,
    Jealousy & Aesthetics aka Venus. When these two align, they form
    a Medieval Aspect that’s called “CAZIMI”
    (Which is also known as “in the heart of the sun”)

    Venus Cazimi (Ven Conj Sun) Chart:

    Very Funny Energies For This Traditional Chart:

    Important Facts About Cazimi Chart

    - Anaretic 29 Libra

    - Venus Cazimi

    - Ruler Of Rahu & Uranus In Taurus is also VEN & VEN is in the HEART of The SUN (Cazimi State),

    - Rulers Of Mercury, Sun & Venus is Only The VENUS & VENUS Trines To Mars in GEMINI,

    While MARS is also the Ruler of JUPITER (Aries) & hence there is a Square between MARS & JUPITER as well

    - Rulers Of Sun & VENUS Also Create 150° ⚻ Inconjunct Jupiter At 0 ARIES

    - Rulers of this Cazimi Venus are also Into their "FALL" Position (Sun, Mercury & Venus in LIBRA).. lol

    this funny & complicated

    - Uranus, Rahu, Mercury, VENUS & SUN Rulers are collectively into "VENUS" & while VENUS is into DOMICILE LIBRA,
    & Since "Saturn" Exalts there & Creates Squares to the URANUS in TAURUS today...
    it could add some DISRUPTION & CHAOS through power-struggle & brings RIOTS
    to unsettle the peace of Cities/Countries as many countries are having PROTESTS going on, including PAKISTAN...

    - Pluto is In Capricorn Which Has Ruler "Saturn" in Aquarius while Saturn is EXALT in LIBRA & there are 3 Celestial Bodies/Planets Transiting/Floating in LIBRA today, among which, two of them are under CAZIMI State (VENUS Conj SUN)
    & interesting VEN & SUN are both creating TRINES to the Natural Exalted RULER of Saturn aka MARS lol

    Here Comes Venus CAZIMI ( 2640. ☌ ☉) - Venus Conjunction SUN Occurs In The Heart Of The SUN
    A state of the planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the SUN…

    Planets "in the heart of the SUN" become harmonized by the Sun and become highly Benefic Planets or energy.

    Cazimi is known as “In The Heart Of The Sun”, & CAZIMI ( 2640. ☌ ☉) occurs whenever a Planet
    comes very very close to the SUN that it loses everything & this has to be in the range of within 17 Minutes
    which is written as “00°17’”, 17 Minutes or more close to the SUN…

    (Planet near 17 mins close to the Sun is affecting its sitting in the heart)
    so the Rule for the planet to be called CAZIMI is 17 Mins. within 0° 17′ of the Sun)...

    Also, in HORARY Astrology, it's a great ACCIDENTAL DIGINITY Strength for the Planet to be considered Beneficial
    & hence it increases the Numbers (Strength)... A planet that is situated, in the heart of the Sun,
    is in a position of the greatest accidental strength & also indicates that it's a different story
    & situation than “Via Combusta'' & “Burnt” which are considered as highly MALEFIC
    due to the excessive HEAT of the SUN… So CAZIMI is favorable.

    Cazimi Indicates the rebirth point in a planet's synodic cycle and symbolizes the union of the soul with the Divine upon death.
    According To Abraham Ibn-Ezra: “A planet joined with the Sun is like a person sitting with the king in one chair…”

    you could end up getting into some addiction because CAZIMI ( 2640. ☌ ☉) indicates your addiction
    and you should all avoid extra usage of Alcohol or Sex addiction could be the issue within your Relationship
    that could lead you towards creating a lot of marital & domestic problems due to this negative shit.

    Having said this, you are extremely lucky today because of 2640. ☌ ☉ in the sign of Capricorn
    and it would surely provide you extra charm in your personality that others find it easier to get close to you,
    get your numbers, give you more offers or proposals than before you could end up winning back the love your CRUSH
    because you are so open today in making your confessions to your Crush...

    CAZIMI TRINES Mars In Gemini & Inconjunct Jupiter In ARIES At 0 Point: Cazimi Conjunctive VENUS & SUN In Libra
    Indicates Personal Unionship, Favorable Partnerships, Relationships based on Equality & Harmony,
    Pleasing Everyone Through Easygoing & Flirtatious Means, Artistic Influence Through Aesthetic Sense
    & Beauty Ornaments (Love for Arts & Artists), Traveling To Different Countries & Building Up Ties
    & Making Connections Using Intellectualism of GEMINI & LIBRA around & growing your social circle
    & perhaps meeting with renowned Artists is another possibility…

    This is very affectionate energy in the sky and according to your House Cusp activation
    or triggered through ( 2640. ☌ ☉) that you would like to welcome any kind of intimacy
    within your relationships (Just don't go overboard with it).

    Enjoy this CAZIMI DAY Folks & use Creativity & Romantic Ventures To Ease up your life ahead...
    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    22 OCT 2022
    Greg George

    Saturn S/Direct 18 2652. 35 I'm back in business 1f642.
    Have the tests been worth the effort?
    There are rewards for your hard work.
    kicks in on 22 OCT 2022 til 27 OCT 2022


    23 OCT 2022

    APOD: Milky Way and Zodiacal Light
    over Australian Pinnacles (2022 Oct 23)
    Image Credit & Copyright: Jingyi Zhang
    Explanation: What strange world is this? Earth.
    In the foreground of the featured image are the Pinnacles,
    unusual rock spires in Nambung National Park in Western Australia.
    Made of ancient sea shells (limestone), how these human-sized picturesque spires
    formed remains a topic of research.
    The picturesque panorama was taken in 2017 September.
    A ray of zodiacal light, sunlight reflected by dust grains orbiting
    between the planets in the Solar System, rises from the horizon near the image center.
    Arching across the top is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.
    The planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as several famous stars are also visible
    in the background night sky.

    Starship Asterisk* • APOD Discussion Page

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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