14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif commented.
    Astro Aatif

    Astrology Predictions For LEO, ARIES, Sagittarius, LIBRA, Aquarius, Scorpio & Taurus Zodiac Signs
    18th October 2022
    The 1f317. Last Quarter Luna 1f317. LEO ♌︎ Trines (A Fire Trine) Retrograde JUPITER ♃ IN ARIES ♈︎
    & 60 Degrees Sextiles ⚹ With MERC ☿ In Libra ♎︎: An Optimistically Hopeful Fiery Message Is Clear

    Create mindful moments throughout the day, & keep on reminding yourself that YOU ARE LOVE and miracles are natural. 1f49d.

    Themes: Real Estate Matters, Helping Needy People Though Generosity, Goodwill & Benevolence, Long Journeys & Travel,
    Loving Mother & You've got a generous and expansive nature and an easy-going, philosophical approach to life.

    Keep an eye on your goals and don't hesitate to go for them when your opportunity presents itself.

    J. T. Santana

    Enjoy this influence & resurrect your life with HOPE, Optimism, Being Extrovert
    , and exploring the best lifestyle through adventures & highly motivational ventures/endeavors ahead.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Leo #moon #lunarcycle #leomoon #lastquarter #astrologypost #astrologymemes
    #Lunatic #jupiter #retrograde #Aries #firesigns
    #FireSigns #Modality #Predictions #FortuneTelling #Astrology #Astrologer #Tarot
    #Psychicenergy #intuition #Motivation #Enthusiasm #LIFEstyle #Luxuries
    #Extravagant #ZodiacSigns #Horoscope #October #LibraSZN #LibraSeaon #Scorpio #Aquarius #Taurus


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    18 oct 2022 ·

    Astrology Update: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Capricorn & Cancer Alert
    - Love & Romance Is In The Air Tonight (Reminds Me The Song Of Phil Collins)...

    Mars 2642. In Twinned Gem 264a. Air Trine △ With Aphrodite Goddess Venus 2640. In Libra 264e. - The Scales 2696. 1f975. 1f483. 1f4aa. 1f49e.

    This LEO Lunar Cycle is heavily aspected in the sky & one after another interactions
    between Planets/Celestial Bodies Up there are irresistible energies for an Astrologer to think anything else.

    Air Trine Between LIBRA & GEMINI - A Romantic & Sexual Saga Between Cardinal & Mutable 270d.

    Here come the most romantic & soft energies in the sky along with the passionate
    & fiery Last Quarter LUNA in Lioness/Leo sign.

    There are two AIR TRINES currently following from LIBRA TO GEMINI,
    considering all intellectually active physical bodies (mars & sun) have harmonizing relationships
    flowing between them.

    Firstly, the Air trine from Gemini To Libra SUN & another one is the same Signs
    but this time, it's Beautiful & Alluringly delicate VENUS in LIBRA indeed…

    Let's focus here on the VEN & MARS: Masculine & Feminine Connections
    In The Signs of Libra & Gemini Respectively

    How will this connection manifest into the Physical Sexual Encounter Ahead??

    Flirtatiousness, Seduction Through Voice & Words Using Witty Ideas To Propose The Lover/Crush
    & Win Them By Showing A Beauty Of Venus,

    Intellectualism Of Gemini, Fashion Sense Of Aesthetical Libra VEN & Strong Communicative Skills of GEM Mars...

    Major Concerns Are Between - Animally Manifested (Mars is an Animal Beast
    When it comes to Sex & Women Hunt) Energies Of Mars (Warrior)

    Seducing The Soft, Delicate & Beautiful Receptive Venus in LIBRA sign
    & this is beautiful intellectual connection based on communication, different dating ideas
    & ability to form ties based on Socializing & perhaps, through Social media encounters.

    “From Chat To The Bedroom”.

    Themes: Love, Affection Will Be Manifested Through The Real-time Meeting
    Between People Who Want Mental Stimulation & Relationship Can Kick Start
    Though Dating in Some Library, Social Apps, & Through Socializing Or Could be,
    Partners Turn Into Lovers Due To Interactions & Easy Flow Of


    Persuading Lover Through Witty Ideas To Mesmerize Them Through Seductive Voice, Texts,
    & Socializing Encounters Or Meeting Through Friends Circle Or Over The Internet Formation Of Connection.

    High Attractiveness To Others Due To Irresistible Physical Beauty & Aesthetics, Ideas,
    Intellectualism & Ability To Communicate With Ease. Artistic Dating In Some Art-Gallery,
    Movie Theater, Library & Media Interaction.

    Plan your day according & dont go overboard with flirting around
    because LEO Luna is kind of showoff through showmanship & this VENUS, Sun &

    Mars connection is going to get more substantial with the upcoming VENUS & SUN interaction
    building up on 22nd October 2022.

    Regards, Go Find A New Love Today, By Utilizing All These Sexual
    & Romantically Irresistible Energies Of LEO Luna, Libra VEN & Gemini Mars

    Harmonizing Together... 2696. 1f975. 1f483. 1f4aa. 1f49e.

    Astrologer Aatif


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Aurora Borealis on Saturn captured by the Hubble Space Telescope

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    Good morning folks...
    So this Libra Season is almost about to end, but today with SUN & PLUTO tension in the air arousing the PAST memories once again,
    i was making some research for the upcoming Eclipse that is gonna hit us soon.
    i was shocked by the data i collected...
    SOLAR ECLIPSE - October 25th, 2022 (Excerption of my detailed article in a few lines)
    Hints: this Partial Solar Eclipse is going to haunt us all the way towards 2025 Year (5 times with the same pattern until 2025)
    with the same repetition of the energies & events that have been occurring in our life recently & even this ECLIPSE
    has similarities with the NEW MOON occurrence on 25th September 2022 in the LIBRA

    So this is very interesting & powerfully manifested in terms of a repeat of the Celestial cycles again & again...
    Stay tuned... 1f9d0. 2620. 270d.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #solareclipse #partialsolareclipse #newmoon #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonintentions #Scorpio #Scorpions #scorpioseason #LibraSzn #Libra #libraseason

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    6h ·

    Astrology nugget for 19th October 2022!!!
    (20th October in Pakistan)...

    ꧁༺ , , & ( ) ༻꧂
    Distinctive Cosmical tension in SKY with the challenging
    & perhaps the toughest energies to give farewell to this otherwise,
    beneficial & harmonious LIBRA SEASON so far… (ㆆ_ㆆ)

    ♎︎ - ♇ ♑︎ - ♑︎

    Scales & Balance of Libra Is Disturbed By Hades (Pluto) The Underworld GOD & DON…

    ❝ & !!!❞

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    Short-lived unsettling & sheer determination to undergo radical transformation in personal relationships,
    professional & educational life today… (ㆆ


    Unsettling Energies For The Personal Relationship & Professional Life Due To Sense Of Control
    & Influence & Agitation To Challenge Everything Due
    To High Strength & Power In Personality Which Is Hard To Get Persuaded By Others,
    Today, You Might Feel Like Going Into The Dark Shadows Of
    Personality To Find Out The Hidden TRUTH Which Is Untold By The People Close To You,
    Also Solving Mysteries Of Life Would Become Easy Due To
    Sheer Determined Powers Of Making Deep Research
    (Digging into the matters through investigation) & Read Between The Lines…

    The lesson to utilizing this strong energy afflicting your physical body & mindset (Thought process)
    is to remain humble & use this energy in some RESEARCH-based stuff in life, finding truths through investigation
    rather than just wasting yourself challenging your authorities & bringing trouble
    at the domestic environment, because CAPRICORN can unsettle the terms & bonds with the PARENTS
    because it's the natural MC/10th affairs that indicate PARENTAL problems.

    So clashes can arise there with Father figures or authorities at your workplace which can come hard at you today so

    be careful because, on the other hand, ❝ ❞ is very very uncertain about her energies,

    as she is losing LIGHT & going into complete darkness into the sky & ignites the EGO feelings more than ever before…

    Today, it will be so difficult for people to prove you wrong because you will continue to challenge their belief system
    (Or your own KNOWLEDGE)
    because you know, (Positively) that you can dig deep & bring out the reasons
    to make them WRONG but Negatively, this can bring power struggle &
    clashes between you & those who are authoritative figures, be it PARENTS (Father especially),
    partners (Libra Partnerships), Or could be Marital
    Life & Domestic structure getting disturbed

    (if by chance ❝❞ is also involved into this configuration in SKY).

    Use this energy wisely & try to bring BALANCE of LIBRA using Diplomacy
    while control on your RIGIDITY & Self-Righteousness...

    ██▓▒░⡷⠂ ⠐⢾░▒▓██




    #astrology #pluto #plutoretrograde #sunsquarepluto #suninlibra #LibraSzn #libraseason
    #Libra #scorpioseason #Scorpio #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #astrologymemes


    • Elisa Camara
      Horned Capricorn is a femenine energy.
      So yes, defenitly SaturnRx in last degrees before enters direct.
      Cancer the Moon ruled planet is already enjoying the energies Venusian Libra.
      Very Harmonizes beauty and the magic in Life.
      Another Asteroide in consideration i will say Ceres.
      So yes both Malefic Vs Benefit are in big play in the sky.

      • Astro Aatif
        Yeah because CERES is currently having good ties/bonding with the RAHU in Taurus..
        So been good nurturing but this SUN-PLTO tension is something to care about today

      • Elisa Camara
        thanks for sharing.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif

    : 270d. 1f64f. 1f975. 1f64f.

    /, & / !!

    1f338. 1f338.
    1f318. 1f318. Is About To Leave The LEO - The Lion In The Sky
    But Conjoining & Hanging Around On Fixed Bright Star 2b50. REGULUS 2b50. At °’

    The current moon phase for today is the 1f318. 1f318. .

    On this day, the moon is 24.18 days old and 28.01% illuminated In the sky in terms
    of visible and is decrescent. 5 days left to the next phase, New Moon.

    … Meaning losing light & getting almost dark up there.
    But right now, the Transiting 1f318. 1f318. is falling right
    onto the most significant STAR 2b50. Regulus"

    (Alpha Leonis, the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Leo and one of the brightest in the entire sky)
    at 29 LEO & goes all the way to the current placement Or position of 2b50. 2b50. at ❝°’❞…

    Themes & Conclusions Of The Darkest Waning 1f318. Crescent 1f318. Lunar Cycle Passing Over 2b50. REGULUS Fixed 2b50. :
    Accidents, Promising Public Image & Recognition, High Ranks In Government, Gains But With

    Destructive Consequences

    This 2b50. star 2b50. imparts to its natives martial honors, great authority, success,
    and a fondness for power and authority...

    But also gives a native a very very scandalous action indeed.

    This time around, you should be lucky enough to have gained by speculative ventures
    or endeavors like gambling Or any other quick investments in Cryptocurrency.

    Also, if you are on some authoritarian post, you will have acceptance by the public
    and you will get a lot of recognition. But also watch out for dangers from friends
    or enemies or friends who turn out to be false friends. Also, today, you are subject to violence,
    accidents, and sublime illness. So be very very careful while driving or having clashes with someone.

    This is a very very dangerous and tricky 2b50. with evil spirits as well as bestowing so many benefits upon your paths...

    But the danger is there as well... Also, you might be feeling so much mental pressure
    & restlessness as well because you are constantly striving for a better position
    and recognition in life which is typical of the Attention Seeking abilities of "Leo ♌︎ Luna
    & then Analytical 00 Degrees VIRGO Lunar Cycle"...

    Be careful for some hours & enjoy this most glorious transit on 2b50. REGULUS 2b50.
    & happening in the darkest of SKY…

    Regards, 2b50. 270d. 1f64f. 1f975. 1f64f.
    ꧁༺Astrologer Aatif ༻꧂


    20 Oct 2022
    #fixedstars #Regulus #regulusstar #alphaleonis #Leo #LibraSzn #libraseason
    #astrology #Astrologer #astrologyreadings #astrology #astrologypost #fortuneteller
    #tarot #tarotreading #misfortune #destiny #destruction #destructive #waningcrescentmoon #balsamicmoon

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Photographer: Patrick Brennan
    20 Oct 2022 ·

    There's a lot of honking and squawking going on these days across the street from Jill's Oakville apartment.
    Canada Geese are gathering to plan their flight path to the south for the winter.
    There's plenty of stress noises at night too as the coyotes who live in the park across the street see this gathering as a floating feast.

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