13 July 2022 ~ Full Moon ~ Usa Pluto Return ~collective Dark Night Of The Soul

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 12, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    6h · 14 July 2022

    Here comes the toughest transit of July 2022 so far

    Venus Squares Neptune - The Tell-Tale Broken Heart

    Reality check for Mutable Axis & Signs; Pisces/Virgo & Gemini/Sagittarius

    The Saga About The Betrayals, Deceptions & Lies Coming Through The Cheaters Who Once Supposed To Be Your Saviors & Soulmates

    ”I guess I thought you'd be here forever

    Another illusion I chose to create

    You don't know what you got until it's gone

    And I found out just a little too late

    I was acting as if you were lucky to have me

    Doin' you a favor I hardly knew you were there

    But then you were gone and it all was wrong

    Had no idea how much I cared…”

    Themes & Major Problems: Despite knowing the fate of the relationship,
    you still continue to be in & hoping against the hope that they`d stay forever
    & they are sure your soulmate

    (Which was manifested only in your head full of imaginations)

    & you continue to remain into self-denial & for years & years, you just keep ditching yourself
    more than they can actually bring damage to you & your heart.

    Its actually you who keep on denying the reality because of the FOG on your MIND & Heart
    about the Deceptive Person who was actually very mean & selfish towards you
    & was only passing/killing his time but you were never gonna believe
    that just because you have a habit to not recognizing the reality check
    with the realization of the outcome of the relationship ahead
    (Which always be that way), but since you have made up your imaginative world
    with the person that you keep on denying the facts & even if external people
    keep telling or informing you about that Cheater/Liar,
    you dont believe them & only listen to your “Fragile Heart”
    & not gonna listen up the advice of your Brain/Head…

    Another famous possibility with this nasty & deceptive energy between NEP & VEN is,
    falling for your crush who happens to be related to the Media/Artistic field (Typical Neptune),
    & then you develop the addiction

    Or the syndrome of “One day my ideal will come & marry me
    & take me to the castle far away from my family & I will prove everybody wrong.”

    In the end, the results are horrible when you meet up with reality & then all dreams
    you have been building like castles in your heart & head will be shattered
    which results in heavy & escapism into melancholic addictions such as Drugs,
    Intoxicants, Anti-depressants, Insomniac, Migraines & all that Heart-related diseases...

    Be careful folks, dont give your heart to anybody during these days until these energies are intact in the sky…

    Because these Mutable VEN is very very flighty & especially when Nep is already Retrograde,
    there is a danger of falling for your toxic & cheater EX again…

    So yeah, please 1f498. 270d. 1f64f. 1f494.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #neptune #venus #venusingemini #neptuneretrograde #retrogradeneptune #Gemini #Pisces #neptuneinpisces

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Grey Bruce Photography Club ·
    Photographer: Sheila Weir Ward
    13 July 2022
    Tonight's Full Buck Moon
    or Full Thunderbird Moon
    rising over Colpoy's Bay
    #GeorgianBay #GreatLakes #Ontario #canada

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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