13 Jan 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    My dad's kitty
    ~when i was a little girl
    A maine coone cat

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Earth taken 5 mins ago.
    Captured by NASA's GOES-16 satellite
    14 jan 2023

    Earth taken 5 mins ago.
    Captured by NASA's GOES-16 satellite
    14 jan 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    For 13th January 2023!!
    Marriage Goddess A.K.A Juno #3 ⚵ Ingresses Aries - The Ram
    , , , , &
    The Distinctive Archetypal Goddess Takes Revolting Shit In Relationship Sector Of Life…
    Juno In Aries From 13th January - 11th March 2023
    Here Comes Marriage Goddess 1f483. Juno ⚵ Changing Sign - She's On Fire For You…!!!
    & , , , & …
    1f483. : Taking a Stand For Your Own Rights, Confronting Every Influence Which Tries To Create Differences & Rift Between You & Your Spouse, and Revolt Against All Odds While Continuing With Your Commitment In Marriage To Make Your Relationship Stronger Than Before.
    : I Won't Except Our Breakup
    Do You Love Me That Much To The Point Of Being Self-Sacrificial & Making Any Adjustments Ahead To Secure & Prolong Our Relationship??
    Our Love, Like A Road That Never Ends, Is Meant To Be The Kind Of Love Which Would Last Forever & We Are Meant To Be Each Other, Psychically, Emotionally, Spiritually & Connectedly While Fighting For Our Own Rights & Maintaining The Freedom & Freewill Within Close Relationships Is What This Goddess Of Marriage, Commitment & Partnerships In Aries Claims…
    , , , & 1f483. 1f483. !!
    & :
    A well-known factor about Juno is, this marriage goddess is a part of the Goddesses who act like true feminine energy in a person which completes the cycle of LIFE & that Life cycle is based on physical existence due to the deities & goddesses' family, who act like a family to build the psyche process within in a person who might struggle to recognize their true feminine energies, otherwise…
    This way, a divine for the soul development & completion starts because of these ARCHETYPAL GODDESSES living inside our Animus System… You need to solve their mastery behind the archetypes they play through the human psyche & while sitting in the animus system silently…
    The Marriage Goddess JUNO ⚵ believes in "Unbreakable Loyalties & Clinginess To Partners", & under any circumstances, she would definitely want to make adjustments & Sacrifices for the sake of "Commitment" be it professional Or Marital Partnership & She will do anything to remain in relationships despite all odds, tension, problems & disloyalty coming from the “Emotionally unavailable” partners, she will cling to the partnership because she does not believe in divorce, separation & breaking the ties & til the last, she makes all the sacrifices on her end for longevity & sustainability no matter how toxic, abusive & telepathic kind of connection it would be…
    As Juno Ingresses into Aries, The Partnerships, Relationships & Marriages May Undergo Religious Changes Under This Instigating Aries RAM Goddess Influence… & What happens is, JUNO here takes pride in defending her partner from the evil instincts within the joint family system & influence who are trying to create a rift will meet with immense resistance & revolt from this freewill & combative GODDESS JUNO… So Until 11th March 2023, you will need to take a stand for yourself & your spouse because you so want to get your rights back as a couple & find no shame whatsoever in confronting every force trying to sabotage your Marriage Or Relationships these days…
    : Until March 11th, 2023, Juno In Aries Will Conjunct Jupiter, Chiron & Squaring To Pluto, Mercury, Sun & Sextiling Mars Ahead…
    & :
    “Darling I won't Ever Except You To Leave Me For Someone Else & I Immediately Confront From Those Trying To Snatch You From Me & Do Everything To Keep Our Relationship Or Marriage Intact No Matter What Instigating & Revolting The Circumstances Would Be, I Will Stand For My & Our Rights & Relationship…”.
    : 1f646. 1f48d.
    Be it a Romantic Relationship & Business Partnership, JUNO will push you towards standing for your rights while still continuing inside that troublesome & toxic relationship because JUNO means the business of “Commitment’ because once she is committed, no matter the sign or influence she floats through, will remain inside that Relationships forever & with ARIES, she will do everything to ensure the longevity but through revolt, instigative fight for the rights & through immense resistance while confronting with authorities & remorseless inlaws, elders & any other jealous instincts/forces in the family who try to snatch her lovers/spouse/breaking her partnership & marriage, she won't tolerate anything harsh & destabilizing…
    Enjoy this transit & utilize these Goddess archetypal energies in Aries in the fight for you & your spouse & try to snatch any potential partner you are seeing lately & try to remove any hurdle coming between your marriage or revolt against forces to ensure longevity within your relationships ahead….
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #junogoddess #asteroid #goddess #goddessenergy #goddesses #marriagechallenge #marriage #marriageadvice #relationships #relationshipgoals #longevity #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #archetypes #archetypalpsychology #jungianpsychology #commitment #loyalty #Aries #CapricornSeason #zodiac #tarot #juno #juno3

    Ishtar Howell

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