12, 13, 14 Jan 2023 - Mars / Taurus - Aldebaran = Bulls Eye Aka Bullseye

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 10, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Kamey Batiz
    Saturday, January 14th 2023

    Sun in Capricorn 2651. 1f30e. Moon in Libra 264e. 1f4a8.

    Libra energy is about our relationships.

    Not just our partners but friends, co-workers, family and even frenemies.

    If you have a relationship to something,
    Libra is there inserting its scales of balance.

    Remember yesterday when I said things could get weird this weekend?

    Venus is squaring Uranus retrograde in Aquarius and Taurus.
    There’s no better word for this energy than weird.

    You may find yourself in weird situations in your relationships or in activities.

    Or you may also be having a hard time finding your
    authentic self.

    That’s actually the takeaway.

    We live so outside of ourselves we forget that if it’s authentic inside, it will reflect on the outside.

    The weird can be good or it can be bad
    so the most important relationship is the one with yourself.

    Are you acting weird for the sake of being different?

    Real love is better than half of an illusion. 262e. 1f49a. 2728.

    If you’d like to learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you,
    comment below 2b07. or DM me for a free

    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take control of their lives.

    Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool that you already possess.

    If you’d like to support or donate:

    1f17f. PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz

    1f4b2. CashApp $NaliniFlor

    #growwithme #astrology #roadmap #empowerment #birthchart #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #starseed #indigochidren #dailyguidance #selfcare #expandingconciousness #ancestry #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon #capricorn #mercuryretrograde #libra


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    For 13th January 2023!!
    Marriage Goddess A.K.A Juno #3 ⚵ Ingresses Aries - The Ram
    , , , , &
    The Distinctive Archetypal Goddess Takes Revolting Shit In Relationship Sector Of Life…
    Juno In Aries From 13th January - 11th March 2023
    Here Comes Marriage Goddess 1f483. Juno ⚵ Changing Sign - She's On Fire For You…!!!
    & , , , & …
    1f483. : Taking a Stand For Your Own Rights, Confronting Every Influence Which Tries To Create Differences & Rift Between You & Your Spouse, and Revolt Against All Odds While Continuing With Your Commitment In Marriage To Make Your Relationship Stronger Than Before.
    : I Won't Except Our Breakup
    Do You Love Me That Much To The Point Of Being Self-Sacrificial & Making Any Adjustments Ahead To Secure & Prolong Our Relationship??
    Our Love, Like A Road That Never Ends, Is Meant To Be The Kind Of Love Which Would Last Forever & We Are Meant To Be Each Other, Psychically, Emotionally, Spiritually & Connectedly While Fighting For Our Own Rights & Maintaining The Freedom & Freewill Within Close Relationships Is What This Goddess Of Marriage, Commitment & Partnerships In Aries Claims…
    , , , & 1f483. 1f483. !!
    & :
    A well-known factor about Juno is, this marriage goddess is a part of the Goddesses who act like true feminine energy in a person which completes the cycle of LIFE & that Life cycle is based on physical existence due to the deities & goddesses' family, who act like a family to build the psyche process within in a person who might struggle to recognize their true feminine energies, otherwise…
    This way, a divine for the soul development & completion starts because of these ARCHETYPAL GODDESSES living inside our Animus System… You need to solve their mastery behind the archetypes they play through the human psyche & while sitting in the animus system silently…
    The Marriage Goddess JUNO ⚵ believes in "Unbreakable Loyalties & Clinginess To Partners", & under any circumstances, she would definitely want to make adjustments & Sacrifices for the sake of "Commitment" be it professional Or Marital Partnership & She will do anything to remain in relationships despite all odds, tension, problems & disloyalty coming from the “Emotionally unavailable” partners, she will cling to the partnership because she does not believe in divorce, separation & breaking the ties & til the last, she makes all the sacrifices on her end for longevity & sustainability no matter how toxic, abusive & telepathic kind of connection it would be…
    As Juno Ingresses into Aries, The Partnerships, Relationships & Marriages May Undergo Religious Changes Under This Instigating Aries RAM Goddess Influence… & What happens is, JUNO here takes pride in defending her partner from the evil instincts within the joint family system & influence who are trying to create a rift will meet with immense resistance & revolt from this freewill & combative GODDESS JUNO… So Until 11th March 2023, you will need to take a stand for yourself & your spouse because you so want to get your rights back as a couple & find no shame whatsoever in confronting every force trying to sabotage your Marriage Or Relationships these days…
    : Until March 11th, 2023, Juno In Aries Will Conjunct Jupiter, Chiron & Squaring To Pluto, Mercury, Sun & Sextiling Mars Ahead…
    & :
    “Darling I won't Ever Except You To Leave Me For Someone Else & I Immediately Confront From Those Trying To Snatch You From Me & Do Everything To Keep Our Relationship Or Marriage Intact No Matter What Instigating & Revolting The Circumstances Would Be, I Will Stand For My & Our Rights & Relationship…”.
    : 1f646. 1f48d.
    Be it a Romantic Relationship & Business Partnership, JUNO will push you towards standing for your rights while still continuing inside that troublesome & toxic relationship because JUNO means the business of “Commitment’ because once she is committed, no matter the sign or influence she floats through, will remain inside that Relationships forever & with ARIES, she will do everything to ensure the longevity but through revolt, instigative fight for the rights & through immense resistance while confronting with authorities & remorseless inlaws, elders & any other jealous instincts/forces in the family who try to snatch her lovers/spouse/breaking her partnership & marriage, she won't tolerate anything harsh & destabilizing…
    Enjoy this transit & utilize these Goddess archetypal energies in Aries in the fight for you & your spouse & try to snatch any potential partner you are seeing lately & try to remove any hurdle coming between your marriage or revolt against forces to ensure longevity within your relationships ahead….
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #junogoddess #asteroid #goddess #goddessenergy #goddesses #marriagechallenge #marriage #marriageadvice #relationships #relationshipgoals #longevity #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #archetypes #archetypalpsychology #jungianpsychology #commitment #loyalty #Aries #CapricornSeason #zodiac #tarot #juno #juno3

    Ishtar Howell

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