11 Sep 2001 Aka 9/11 Aka 9_11 Aka Nine-eleven In Nyc, Ny, Usa

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 8, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Peter Ell
    1h ·


    Jay Jones
    15h ·
    Their whole plan is printed in black and white.
    Agenda 2030.
    New world order
    One world government
    Mon-archy (one ruler) as opposed to no rulers (An-archy).
    They've spent centuries getting to this point and clearly succeeded. They own everything.
    And you'll own nothing and be happy. 1f643.


    • Deane Thomas
      They have not succeeded yet...
      but all the signs are there for the northern hemisphere...
      it is the time we see the secrets of Oz and move forward
      knowing in our hearts what is true for us! Namaste Brother 2764.

      • Peter Ell
        yes, many are waking up and I hope we are many enough to stop this shit 1f44a_1f3fb.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Leland Reibling
    10h ·

    Ever notice the 9/11 attacks investigation was covered up. In the same manner the pandemic is...
    If we didn't know better its likely the same organization behind it.


    12h ·
    There’s still so much from that day we’re yet to see, 21 years on 1f494.

    articles here:
    Rarely-seen 9/11 footage shows Twin Towers collapsing from below (unilad.com)

    *(posted below from link above)

    Rarely-seen 9/11 footage shows Twin Towers collapsing from below

    Claire Reid
    Published 10:02, 11 September 2022 at BST
    | Last updated 13:13, 11 September 2022 at BST
    Warning: Contains footage some readers may find upsetting
    Harrowing footage caught by a news crew shows the Twin Towers start to collapse in the wake of the 9/11 terror attack.
    ABC’s NJ Burkett was on the scene reporting from just below the World Trade Centre shortly after the first plane had hit and the South Tower began to collapse, sending him and his cameraman running for their lives.

    You can see the footage here:
    Speaking about the incident last year, Burkett told ABC: “It’s very difficult to look at the video, it’s very difficult to hear my voice in that video because had things gone the other way that would be the last 20 seconds or so of my life."
    He went on to talk about the profound impact the moment had on him.

    “I’ve spent the last two decades or so running from 9/11, my way of coping with the post traumatic stress has been to pour myself into my work,” he said.
    “I decided this year that I needed to talk about it, that I needed to face it and begin the process of coping with it and coming to terms with it.”
    The clip was recently shared on Reddit, where users were left horrified by what they saw.
    One wrote: “You can hear the absolute fear in his voice when he gets to ‘huge explosion, raining debris on all of us... We gotta get out of here’.”

    Credit: ABC


    Another said: “Maybe it just goes unsaid, but my strongest feeling that day was simply not knowing if it was over or if we were just seeing the beginning of something. At least a few days passed before that feeling started to go away.”
    While a third commented: “Still hard to wrap my head around what happened that day. So many people dying terrible deaths - just f**king awful.”
    It’s been 21 years since the horrific attack on New York that left almost 3,000 people dead.

    Earlier this month, footage showing the moment an entire class of students found out about the attacks.
    In the clip, which was shared on TikTok, we first see the students as they're laughing around and studying, before a follow-up clip of them watching on in silence as the terrifying news unfolds.
    A newsreader can be heard discussing how a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, causing one student to cover his mouth in shock and another to say: "Oh my gosh."
    If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via story@unilad.com
    Featured Image Credit: ABC
    Topics: News, US News
    Claire Reid


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    Student captured moment entire class found out about 9/11 in sobering footage

    Daisy Phillipson
    Published 13:59, 01 September 2022 at BST
    | Last updated 13:59, 01 September 2022 at BST
    A student inadvertently memorialised the moment his classmates found out about 9/11 after filming the moment as part of a school project.
    Sobering footage of the teens' reactions has emerged on a TikTok page dedicated to the devastating terrorist attacks in the US.
    The first half of the video shows the students as they're laughing around and studying, serving as a stark juxtaposition to the follow-up clip of them watching on in silence as the terrifying news unfolds.
    A newsreader can be heard discussing how a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, causing one student to cover his mouth in shock and another to say, "Oh my gosh."
    You watch it here:
    While it's been more than 20 years since one of the world's deadliest terrorist attacks took place in New York City, to this very day haunting new details of the incident that killed almost 3,000 people continue to reveal themselves.
    This video is no exception, demonstrating just how terrifying it was to watch the events unfold.
    Reacting to the footage, one person explained that they hadn't been born yet, writing: "I can’t imagine what it would [have] been like seeing it on TV."
    "The chills. This isn’t something you can forget," said another, while a third wrote, "It felt like the world was ending!"
    A fourth added: "I was in high school at that time too and remember how school ended and we were all glued to the tv. Crazy to see this."
    One student was seen putting his face in his hands. Credit: @_911_footage_/TikTok
    What makes the clip even more striking is how much of a shared experience it was – if the same were to happen now, everyone would have been on their phones, either filming footage for themselves or watching updates on their newsfeeds.
    But back then, only those who happened to have their camcorders running were able to capture the historic moment.
    Another student similarly filmed the reaction of her roommate as they sat in their New York apartment and watched the scene unfolded in front of them.
    Caroline Dries and her friend Megan were woken up by the first explosion and assumed it was a bomb that had been planted at the top of the building.
    But shortly afterwards, the young women launch into panic as they see the second plane crashing into the neighbouring tower.
    Speaking to CNN in 2011, Caroline – who is now a successful TV writer and producer – said: "We were kids, like we were so vulnerable and so naïve.
    "My reaction was 'there's no way people are going to be jumping to their death'. just couldn't go there.
    "I just remember feeling like I don't know what to do, that feeling of being so vulnerable, so overwhelming.
    "We ran out of the apartment, took the elevator down to the street and it was just kind of pandemonium on the street with no one knowing what was happening."
    Speaking of the significance of the clip, she said: "Sometimes I think you know it would be nice to have not filmed it. To just have run and let time kind of erase all of the details and just move on a little faster."
    If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via story@unilad.com
    Featured Image Credit: @_911_footage_/TikTok
    Topics: News, Terrorism, US News, Viral, TikTok
    Daisy Phillipson

    How iconic 9/11 photo brought two strangers together

    Aarabi Baheerathan
    Published 18:04, 11 September 2022 at BST
    | Last updated 18:04, 11 September 2022 at BST
    The woman in one of the most iconic photos taken during 9/11 has become close friends with the photographer years after the attacks.
    Today (Sunday, September 11) marks 21 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and 21 years since a haunting, iconic photo by Phil Penman was captured.
    Penman, and one of the women in the photo, Joanna Capestro, became close friends after meeting years later.

    Credit: NBCSN
    Joanna, a 39-year-old office worker at the time, was in the World Trade Center, on the 87th floor of the north tower, when the first plane hit.
    American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, crashed into her office building at 8:46 in the morning.
    She recounted: "I was standing by my desk and boom, the plane hit.”

    After the attacks, she fled with a colleague, both covered in dust and debris.
    This was the moment that was captured by photographer Phil Penman, on what was supposed to be his day off.
    Years after the photo was taken, Penman's photos were displayed at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum exhibit in 2015.
    The curator of the exhibit was who recognised Capestro, and fatefully connected her to the man that had captured one of the most profound moments of her life on camera.

    Credit: NBCSN
    The two told their respective stories to The Today Show, in a heartfelt tribute to how their friendship has helped them heal.
    Joanna thinks the photo, and Phil, were a huge part of her healing following the traumatic ordeal.
    She described just how much Phil means to her: "I tell him all the time, 'I love you, Phil, you know, you gave me my life back. Just in a picture alone'.

    “Nobody could understand that because they weren't there. But when they see that photo, they go, 'Well, now I know what she went through'. The picture tells us a thousand words.”
    As the world still struggles to heal following the tragedy, Capestro described the years it took to overcome the trauma, and how she dealt with survivor’s guilt.
    She said: "I really felt so different from that moment on and it took me many years to heal.
    "Post-traumatic stress disorder is not easy. Living with survivor's guilt was not easy. But I have to say when I turned the corner, I owe a lot of it to Phil Penman.”
    Featured Image Credit: Today Show/Phil Penman
    Topics: News, US News
    Aarabi Baheerathan

    Mastermind behind 9/11 attack awaits trial after two decades

    Tom Fenton
    Published 18:05, 11 September 2022 at BST
    | Last updated 18:05, 11 September 2022 at BST
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the supposed mastermind behind 9/11, is still awaiting trial over two decades on from the events that killed 2,974 people.
    Having first been arrested in March 2003, 18 months on from the September 2001 attack, plans to try Mohammed in a military or even civilian court have been delayed several times.
    This means that the Pakistani-born suspect has spent almost 20 years at Guantanamo Bay - despite never actually standing trial.

    Mohammed was first identified as as a high-profile terror suspect almost immediately after 9/11, and it was in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, that he was eventually captured by US forces.
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested in 2003. Credit: Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo
    According to some experts, the difficulty authorities face in trying the 58-year-old in a civilian court comes from the fact that he was subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques' by CIA operatives.
    In the years following 9/11, critics have labelled these 'techniques' as being tantamount to torture, which would be in violation of the Geneva Convention.

    Interrogation methods supposedly included waterboarding and electrocutions, which would immediately discredit anything Mohammed confessed to under the US legal system.
    David Kelley, a former US Attorney General and strong critic of the treatment of alleged terrorists at Guantanamo, regards their lack of a fair trial as an 'awful tragedy' for the families of the victims.
    Having co-chaired the Justice Department’s nationwide investigation into the attacks, Kelley said the situation at Guantanamo was 'a tremendous blemish on the country’s history'.
    Amnesty International report that of the 107 detainees at Guantanamo in 2020, 47 had been cleared for transfer - only to remain without a reason being specified.

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been awaiting trial for almost 20 years. Credit: Shim Harno / Alamy Stock Photo
    In the case of Mohammed, there is little to no hope of a transfer, and attempts to get a trial underway continue to face setbacks.
    Pretrial hearings for Mohammed and four other alleged 9/11 conspirators were set to begin later this month, but ended up being cancelled.
    With the exact details over his alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks still unclear, some families of the victims claim that they just want closure.

    George Haberman's 25-year-old daughter lost her life in the attacks after one of the planes hit the floor above her office. He says it's crucial that Mohammed faces justice.
    He said: “It’s important to me that America finally gets to the truth about what happened, how it was done
    “I personally want to see this go to trial."
    According to CBS News, the attorneys for Mohammed, as well as four other defendants, could try and negotiate a plea deal that would take the death penalty off the table when the trial does eventually get underway.

    If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via story@unilad.com
    Featured Image Credit: Shim Harno / Stacy Walsh Rosenstock / Alamy
    Topics: News, US News, Terrorism
    Tom Fenton

    Unearthed Big Brother USA footage shows moment cast are told about 9/11 attack

    Joe Harker
    Published 19:07, 23 August 2022 at BST
    | Last updated 19:07, 23 August 2022 at BST
    Unearthed footage from Big Brother USA has shown the harrowing moment the housemates are told about the 9/11 attack.
    When terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center on 11 September, 2001 it felt like the whole world was watching.
    In the US only a scant few people were cut off from sources of news that would have kept them in the loop about the attack.

    A handful of those people were housemates on the second series of Big Brother USA, as due to the show's rules they weren't allowed contact with the outside world.
    However, it was decided that the show's rule on a full news blackout should be broken in the extraordinary circumstances, particularly as a cousin of housemate Monica Bailey was listed as missing after the attack.
    Monica, along with fellow housemates Will Kirby and Nicole Nilson, were told the basic information on what had happened on the day of the attack, but the trio didn't get a full and detailed lowdown until the series finale on 20 September.
    Monica Bailey was a contestant on the second series of Big Brother USA. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo
    Producers made the decision to alert the trio about the attack after Monica's sister called them to make them aware of her missing cousin.
    In the video the three housemates are told that the twin towers had been hit by 'hijacked commercial airliners', informing them that 'people were evacuated' and informing the three that they'd been in contact with their families.
    They then went on to reassure Monica that her sister and niece were 'fine' before explaining that her cousin who worked at the World Trade Center had been missing.
    Monica was told her family was waiting to hear more information and reassured that at this point being missing 'doesn't mean anything bad'.
    The moment the Big Brother housemates were told about the 9/11 terror attack. Credit: YouTube/Reality Network
    It was also decided not to show footage of the disaster to the housemates as that would have meant installing a TV, with executive producer Arnold Shapiro telling Entertainment Weekly 'no one inside asked for that'.
    Shapiro explained that Monica did not ask to leave the Big Brother house after hearing about 9/11 and turned down an offer to speak with her sister as 'it would probably unnerve her'.
    The producer went on to say the trio 'thanked us' for the way they handled breaking the news of the terrorist attack to them.
    Monica's cousin Tamitha Freeman worked at the World Trade Center and was missing at the time the housemates received the news about 9/11.
    She was later declared to have died in the terrorist attack.
    If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677
    Featured Image Credit: REALITY NETWORK/YouTube
    Topics: News, US News, Film and TV, Terrorism
    Joe Harker

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    PRAY FOR THE FIREFIGHTS ; and; their families

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Great Gesture from Russia you were never allowed to see..

    Because of the fact that all you are allowed to see about Russia is negative portrayal through rubbish Hollyweird movies..
    here some uncensored images of the honorable gesture Russia did to the United States..
    - Thank you, Russia! спасибо Россия

    Sadly, the last image is the ridiculous coverup of President Vladimir Putin's name
    on the memorial earlier in March this year, because of the corrupt proxy-war in Ukraine..
    More about that:

    New Jersey city protests Ukraine war by covering Putin’s name on 9/11 memorial

    Wendell Rogers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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