11 Countries Have Already Adopted Central Bank Digital Currencies And 105 Others Are Considering It

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 1, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    are you getting it yet ???
    are you getting it yet ???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Copied from Dave Oneegs:
    1f1ec_1f1e7. 1f1e6_1f1fa. 1f937_1f3fb_200d_2642. 1f441. 1f914.
    Every commonwealth country is moving lockstep towards the same plan.
    People are who exposing the plan and the planners,
    are now being demonised.
    Not because they are dangerous to the community…
    but they are dangerous to the PLAN.
    The PLAN is dangerous for the community and our way of life and will lead to digital enslavement.
    Rather than change the plan to one that is more benevolent,
    they would rather keep the plan going,
    and silence those who are explaining and sharing it’s pitfalls to the public.
    Because the plan is so ghastly,
    that no one would opt in to it willingly.
    The only way is to trick and manipulate them into it.
    And once they are in,
    there will be no escape.
    It’s so obvious that we are on the road to social credit.
    Speak out,
    speak truth
    and you won’t be able to participate in the economy.
    No work, no food, no nothing.
    You would think most people could see the writing on the wall.
    But let’s remember a lot of people got poked for a donut or a beer 1f37a.

    • Le Liger
      Facebook has nuked Daves account,

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Smart City Aka Smartcities By Wef / World Economic Forum - Klaus Schwab - Netherlands,

    1. Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret “Smart City” Operations in the Netherlands – Era of Light
      Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret “Smart City” Operations in the Netherlands – Era of Light

      Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret “Smart City” Operations in the Netherlands

      Posted on 06/22/2022 by EraOfLight1 Comment ↓
      Apeldoorn has been transformed by the World Economic Forum (WEF),
      without consulting its residents, into the first “Smart City” (surveillance city) of the Netherlands.

      An unknown Austrian company, RadioLED, has rolled out a 5G network in the city
      based on a secret agreement with the municipality.

      The municipality receives no revenue from the project; the direction lies
      entirely with RadioLED.

      The company also manages the data obtained from thousands of sensors that follow
      Apeldoorn citizens everywhere.

      Apeldoorn Smart City is just one of the many projects that WEF is implementing in the Netherlands.

      The network organization from Switzerland is intertwined through many tentacles
      with Dutch politicians – from Queen Maxima to Sigrid Kaag and Mark Rutte
      – who are implementing the globalist agenda of the great leader Klaus Schwab, the ‘Great Reset’.

      Schwab seeks a global “4th Industrial Revolution,” which should include a “digital identity”
      for every inhabitant of the earth and even a fusion of man and technology
      through the implantation of chips in the
      human body.

      However, criticism of the WEF’s influence is growing.

      The organization is undemocratic, and the agenda its
      ambassadors implement in the Netherlands
      is not subject to parliamentary or public debate.

      Schwab himself makes no secret of the influence he exerts.

      In a 2017 interview at Harvard, he openly
      explains that the WEF penetrates governments.

      “At a reception hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau,
      I realized that half of his cabinet had gone through my Young Global Leader program,” he said.

      The same goes for the government teams of Argentina and France.

      The WEF offers training for “political
      talents” that numerous world leaders have gone through in the past,
      including Angela Merkel, Emmanual Macron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, and Bill Gates.

      “Schwab can call any world leader,” WEF member Ben Verwaayen,
      an Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau, revealed in an interview.

      In Apeldoorn, the Austrian tech company RadioLED has rolled out a public 5G network,
      a first in the Netherlands.

      But what this company does with the data it collects about Apeldoorn citizens and what further
      agreements are in place with the municipality is kept secret.

      Inquiries at the municipality yield nothing.

      Apeldoorn is the first municipality in the Netherlands to start its smart city project at the end of 2021.

      A project in which the city – in collaboration with technology company RadioLED

      – will be equipped with a
      superfast and free public 5G network, traffic lights that ensure cyclists
      don’t have to wait too long for a green light when it’s raining,
      traffic lights at an intersection that indicate whether another road user is approaching,
      and sensors that monitor the cleanliness of the air.

      All of this is intended to contribute to a livable city and address issues of sustainability,
      climate, housing, and transportation.

      Proponents say, “Clever, it makes city living more efficient, easier, and more fun.”

      But what do the people know about the RadioLED company?

      What does the Smart City project actually entail, and who will benefit?

      How many antennas will there be, and where will they be placed?

      Do citizens have a say?

      When will it be the turn of the rest of the Netherlands?

      And also: what about privacy, and what
      are the health risks?


      Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret “Smart City” Operations in the Netherlands – Era of Light
      Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret “Smart City” Operations in the Netherlands – Era of Light

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    was lyyton, bc target to be a smart city ?

    was paradise,ca target to be a smart city ?

    IS, innisfil, ontario canada target to be a smart city ?

    important to research this !!!

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