10 Sep 2022 - Full Moon - Operation Unicorn Vs. Operation London Bridge Has Fallen Down

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 7, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    08 Sep 2022
    Dave MacMillan

    #GeorgianBay #BalmBeach #ontario #canada

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chart by: Celestial Rhythms
    Khoji Vihara

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump
    08 Sep 2022 - 14:48

    Melania and I are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
    Together with our family and fellow Americans, we send our sincere condolences to the Royal Family
    and the people of the United Kingdom during this time of great sorrow and grief.

    Queen Elizabeth’s historic and remarkable reign left a tremendous legacy of peace and prosperity for Great Britain.
    Her leadership and enduring diplomacy secured and advanced alliances with the United States and countries around the world.
    However, she will always be remembered for her faithfulness to her country and her unwavering devotion to her fellow countrymen and women.

    Melania and I will always cherish our time together with the Queen, and never forget Her Majesty’s generous friendship, great wisdom,
    and wonderful sense of humor. What a grand and beautiful lady she was—there was nobody like her!

    Our thoughts and prayers will remain with the great people of the United Kingdom as you honor her most meaningful life and exceptional service to the people.

    May God bless the Queen, may she reign forever in our hearts, and may God hold her and Prince Philip in abiding care.

    Donald J Trump on Gab: 'Melania and I are deeply saddened to learn of the …'

    i'll bet she #SPiLLED_THE_BEANS, GOOD ONES
    14:48 post by trump = (1+4+4+8=17) (sep 08 = 9 + 8 = 17 )
    susan lynne schwenger @13LiNESofSPiRiT

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    Astro Aatif
    3h ·
    10 sep 2022

    The Distinctive Cosmic Energies For
    The FULL MOON IN PISCES On NESSUS On 10th September 2022
    Here Comes The Lunar Cycle In The Sign Of PISCES - The Dual Fish
    At 17°40’ very close to NESSUS Asteroid

    This Full Moon is Squeezed Between The Two Vulnerable & Psychic Connections
    Aka Centaur Asteroid NESSUS #7066 at 15 Pisces & Neptune Retrograde At 24 Pisces

    In Greek mythology, Nessus (Ancient Greek: Νέσσος, romanized: Nessos) was a famous centaur who was killed by Heracles,
    and whose poisoned blood, in turn, killed Heracles.

    The Activation Of Virgo/Pisces Polarity: Self-Martyrdom & Self-Sabotaging

    Virgo & Pisces Both Floats Around The Activation Of Their Service & Caretaking Towards The Needs, Desires
    & Wanting Of The Other People Around Them & This Cause A lot Of Damage To Their (Virg/Pisc - 6/12 Polarity) Emotional Needs
    & This Way This Full Moon Polarity (Virgo Sun & Pisces Luna) Are Exposed to Highly Psychic Atmosphere
    Because They Want To Connect Through Vulnerabilities & Shadows Which Can Easily Be Used & Abused
    By The Deceptive Elements Of The Society (Either Intentionally Or Unconsciously,
    Pisces full Moon is There To Test Their Own Emotional Threshold Levels).

    Full Moon In Pisces Message: A Release To Heal The World Through Compassion, Spirituality & Charity

    Challenges & Release Associated With Pisces Full Moon:

    To Escape Into The Realms Of Emotions, Divine Connections Through Strong Spiritual Tilt
    & Religious Practice & Feelings Towards The People Who Need Us The Most Today
    (Either Through Charity, Hospitalization Or Look after)

    Themes & Energies Of This Full Moon In Pisces:
    Giving & Receiving Through Emotionalism, Vulnerabilities, Deep Recycling Of Traumas
    & Unknown Fears Which Cause A Lot Of Damage To Our Subconscious System
    Sitting In The Animus System & Controls Our Thought Process & Emotionality
    By Exposing Our Vulnerabilities To Our Hidden Enemies Who Are Always Busy
    (Behind The Scenes) in Exploiting Our Shortcomings & Shadow Side…

    The Number Game: 17 Deg Pisces

    This number indicates the matters related to the Children, & the High ego system
    associated with the very Bold Character of a person who likes to be in limelight
    all the time through strong will & his/her Bold Leadership Characteristics
    which is very unlikely for the PISCES Sign though…

    The Sabian Symbol: Pisces 17°

    PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC - "Be entertainer, teacher, and priest"

    We cannot expect our message to gain validation and popularity,
    or even much attention unless we are willing, and capable enough,
    to focus outwardly with the intention of self-exposition.

    According to Rudhyar:

    It is in moments of true excitement that the totality of life is brought to a single center.
    The focus of all attention, of all the senses, is achieved in such rare moments of the absolute intensity of being.
    Yet with the naivety that we associate with performers in a circus big top, such a show of skill and risk is nothing more than a healthy and entertaining demonstration of our highest aspirations.
    Full Moon Conjunct Centaur Asteroid NESSUS #7066 at 15 Pisces

    Themes OF Moon Conjunct Nessus: Violation, Abuse & Getting Obsessed
    With Every Illicit Means You Take To Fulfil The Sexual & Controlling Desires
    & Also A High Manipulation Out Of Severe Jealousy (Poisonous)

    Nessus makes this full Moon highly vulnerable to the point of becoming SCORPIO dark & abusive
    (Either Emotionally & Sexually) like a Pluto ruling 8th (A lot of mystery throughout childhood).

    So this way, this PISCES FULL MOON has instincts which are very abusive & manipulative (One way or another),
    like either you could be vulnerable through exploitation by others Or you have become so manipulative
    that you can bring high traumas & abuse to the life of other people around you through control,
    betrayed trust, highly poisonous jealousy through grudges to the point of taking revenge from someone
    who has previously brought harm to your life

    (Could be in you family - A rivalry of jealous people)

    Or it would be who could be badly exposed through illicit
    Or inappropriate SEXUAL ASSAULTS (So be careful).

    Because what is happening is, NESSUS 7066 is receiving the Opposition 180 deg energies
    all the way from the strong SUN In VIRGO & this combination can make a person very Manipulative
    & they can go to any extent to fulfill their Sexual & Emotional desires
    (Through abuse, tricks, control, jealousy & inappropriate sexual means)...

    Also this FULL MOON over NESSUS or Close to it makes a person very very Abusive
    so I think we should all need to be very careful & distant ourselves from such natives
    in societies until this Full Moon is over the NESSUS or under the Nessus influence for some hours at least.

    Also if you have a traumatic Childhood Or gone through a phase of life with such toxicity & abuse,
    this NESSUS + Luna + Neptune will bring a high amount of Nostalgic about those years
    & today with this full moon occurrence, you might be thinking of all those areas via smokescreens
    occupying your thought process today & can make you very melancholic (very Pisces)
    & you might be thinking of taking revenge from those jealous instincts
    who tried to control you through abuse (Either verbally, emotionally or physically)
    and that is (Nessus) very Scorpio prone or have those instincts

    (As i mentioned in the start that this FULL MOON is in Pisces but have SCORPIO or 8th matters)
    & this way this Full Moon falls between 8th to 12th through going back & forth.

    Earth Trine: Sun, Rahu, Uranus & Pluto

    The Only good news attached to this Full Moon is, An Earth TRINE

    Sun In Virgo, Uranus + Rahu in BULL & Pluto In Capricorn

    This combination will provide this nasty NESSUS 7066 Full Moon somewhat "Stability"
    by making us grounded at least Financially (If not emotionally) because VIRGO, Capricorn
    & Taurus is all about MONEY, Possessions, Authority & Getting higher By Status & Achievement
    through high ambitions in life...

    Uranus will welcome any change Or adaptability we have to take to rescue/escape this emotional, unrealisti
    c & vulnerable FULL MOON PISCES today & Uranus will eliminate any kind of Obsessions/Abuse
    we have developed so far through NESSUS & Neptune in order to Escape...

    & To Escape is "Spirituality & Religious Practices To Avoid Vulnerabilities For the Pisces Moon"...

    i hope you have enjoyed this Read/Post on a Full Moon influence on us ahead...

    Regards, & be careful of your Jealousy, insecurities, self-martyr & self-sabotaging instincts
    & also avoid the controlling, abusive & manipulative partners/friends until the Full Moon influence is done & dusted.

    Instead, use compassion & spiritual practices to defuse any escapism (Drugs & Alcohol)
    attach to the Pisces sign just to avoid the harsh realities of life when you don't find the right answers
    of your compassion, imaginatively crafted LOVE (Unrequited One)...
    1f64f. 270d. 1f41f. 1f420. 2653.
    Astrologer Aatif

    #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #Pisces #fullmooninpisces #Pisces #piscesmemes #september #september2022
    #September10th #fullmoonritual #lunarcycle #Lunatic #Nessus #nessusasteroid #asteroid #God #mythology
    #greekmythology #astrology #Astrologer #abuseawareness #sexual #traumarecovery #healing #healingcrystals #tarot

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Queen Elizabeth would pass away exactly 1776 days after (the sinister?)
    Q’s first post on 10/28/2017.

    She passed exactly 911 days after the day the pandemic was officially declared, “the day the world changed,” on 3/11/2020

    And 77 years and 7 days after WW2 ended.
    Queen Elizabeth of THE UK - england/wales/ireland/scotland


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    09 Sep 2022
    Photographer: Rakan Alduaij @RakanAlduaij

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    09 sep 2022
    iF she was still married to Charles 111
    she would be THE NEW QUEEN

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Sunstar Astrology

    22h ·

    Mercury turns stationary retrograde on September 9, and the Harvest Moon waxes to full in Pisces on the 10th.

    Then on the 11th, (the anniversary of the day the world changed), the Moon in Aries
    will form a conjunction to Jupiter followed by Chiron on the 12th, igniting appeals for reconsideration and justice.
    The Full Moon on September 10th at 17 Pisces 41, hosts a dynamic, colourful, emotional and imaginative energy pattern.

    Thanks to a socially stimulating aspect to Uranus in Taurus, it could prove to be a wonderful window of opportunity
    to enjoy the last official weeks of summer. Moods are likely to be up and mannerisms largely harmonious and positive
    , if somewhat dreamy and impressionable

    – a good time to attend a live performance or go on a ‘healing journey’ on the wings of memory and imagination,
    both words associated with Pisces.

    How will you embrace this magical, mystical window?
    Sign up to receive your weekly horoscope: https://sunstarastrology.com/free-weekly/

    #astrology #harvestmoon

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