09 Oct 2022 ~ Full Moon ~ Experiencing Your Essence

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 9, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Stonehenge Dronescapes is at Salisbury Cathedral.

    · Salisbury, United Kingdom ·

    The 2022 Hunters Moon rising behind the spire of Salisbury Cathedral at 19.08 tonight 1f315. 26ea. 1f60d.
    Although i have been on this line before i still arrived an hour before moon rise at 18.50
    and i'm glad i did, i rode round to the spot i thought i needed to be only to see a load of cables going through the frame between 2 pylons 1f629.
    So a little ride around and i got this spot which was perfect as i had room to rush left or right when the moon broke the horizon 1f601.
    Hope you like it as it's one of my best at the Cathedral 1f60a.
    Single shot
    1f4f7. 0.3s F10 iso400
    Canon R5
    Rf 100-500 - Rf 1.4x extender (700mm)
    #salisbury #salisburycathedral #huntersmoon #fullmoon #moon #astrophotography #october #autumn

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · ·

    2640. VENUS 2640. Opposing The ⚷ Chiron – Wounded Healer

    – 10th October 2022 An Important Transit & Development In Sky For Personal relationships

    & Traumatic Wounds.. Astrology Nugget/Article On The Most Traumatically Aware Of Wounds

    & Healing Psychology Of Human Science Of Astrology Or Lives Of Players Humans Inside This Sensual, Flirty

    “♎︎ Libra ♎︎ Season”… 270d. 1f483. 2696. 1f64f. 1f49e.
    2640. VENUS 2640. OPPOSING THE ⚷ CHIRON – WOUNDED HEALER 270d. 1f483. 2696. 1f64f. 1f49e.

    let’s Try To Heal This Libra ♎︎ Season

    (Healing Partnerships, Heal The Marriage & Marital Life Through Aesthetics Of Life (Music Movies, Creativity, & Arts),

    Sensualities, Sexuality & Realization Of The Factors Involved In Unsettling Us Through Divorces,

    Power-Struggle Or Hidden Factors About What Have Disturbed Our Psyche

    Or What WOUNDS Us, Or What Is The Cure Of Our Deepest Internal WOUNDED Injuries…

    Themes Of Chi/Venus Polarity ⚷/ 2640. : Consciousness Of The Wounds

    Coming Through The Years Of Experiments We Did To Enhance

    Our Receptivity of the VENUS Through Assertion, Fighting & Rebelliousness

    Towards The Authorities Which Once Were very remorseless

    & perhaps Unknown to us due to our Early Age of CHILDHOOD,

    Also, receptivities & Challenging Assertion are present to shake the whole system

    of Consciousness To Improving Self-image & Personal Identity while Keeping a Nice Balance

    (Perhaps its another Challenge for us today to channel Our Will/Ego

    with The Harmonious-Scales of our Diplomatic Personality),

    due to the Aries/Libra axis…

    With the realization & personal revelations, we can develop

    & find ways to create a balance between, Self & Willingness

    To Initiate Pioneering Efforts of ARIES

    & Connectedness & Staying in the Relationship for the sake of Balance & Internal Harmony

    of The Venus in Libra, Dominance & Leadership of Aries &

    Receptivity & Sharing The Personality with the partner through Awareness development

    to fully understand the partner with her full potential to find

    Diplomatic ways…

    Read the full article on my blog here:

    ♀ VENUS ♀Opposing The ⚷ Chiron – Wounded Healer – 10th October 2022 An Important Transit & Development In Sky For Personal relationships & Traumatic Wounds.. – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)
    link to article is here:


    Regards, 1f483. 2696. 1f64f. 1f49e.

    Astrologer Aatif
    #libraszn #libraseason #woundedhealer #wounds #cure #psychologist
    #psychotherapy #psychologist #astrology #healer #astrologypost
    #astrologyreadings #chiron #chironretrograde #Venus #venusinlibra
    #Aries #chironinaries #polarity #reflection #sistersigns


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    Astrology UPDATE: 1f316. Waning Gibbous Moon 1f316. Into Bull 2649. Territory
    Here comes the Lunar Cycle hitting the most stable & her Exalted sign 2649. “Taurus” 2649. .. 270d. 1f64c. 1f316. 1f49e.
    Lunar Cycle Transit: This 1f316. Waning Gibbous Luna 1f316. will stay in BULL
    for 2.5 days from 10th Oct - 12th October 2022
    Luna 1f316. ingresses Taurus - The Bull 2649.

    It is the best time to relax & enjoy the luxurious & cozy lifestyle
    by eliminating the action-oriented ARIES Sign
    & leaving the smokescreens of RAM behind.

    Time to enjoy the EARTHIEST reliability & stability in your life through proper nurturing
    coming through Food, Sensuality & other luxuries of life…

    Bull Energies & Lesson Ahead: Avoid Over-indulgence

    To fully utilize this Lunar Cycle just avoid getting “overindulgence” in matters
    that lead towards Obesity, Sensual Pleasures, & other Venusian activities that lead you towards losing
    your worldly possessions because when the LUNA creates 0 Deg Conjunctions with the Destabilizing URANUS
    & Destiny Gate of RAHU (Caput Draconis) ahead after around 15 to 20 hours range from now on
    (Luna travels 13 deg per day mind you), she will be crossing URA & RAHU by then
    & then she will simultaneously create 90 deg stressful energies with the evil-spirit Teacher “SATURN In Aquarius”
    which is also or still RETROGRADE these days so there could bring some troublesome transition phase in SKY
    & in your life (As above - so below theory), because what happens is, if you abuse the powers
    & stabilities of the EXALTED placements, the KARMIC Saturn surely haunts you
    by the surprising elements (Squaring to URANUS), so there you could get into trouble
    like Separative influences could arise within your most desiring & sensuality based PLEASURE activities

    (Or anything you were intended to go overboard with, either money, sensual/sexual activities
    Or overeating being the sweet tooth & getting overweight issues or stomach upsets
    because LUNA will then enter in CANCER ahead)...

    So always keep in mind that everything you do inside Lunar Cycles, is not going to last longer
    because SHE changes Signs, Moods & attitudes & as she passes through SAT, URA, Pluto & Chiron,
    the KARMIC results are surely FELT deep inside out (Psychologically)...

    Also, excitedly, the MERCURY will also change the SIGN today after some hours…

    So enjoy the Exalted Placements (i will explain later on how MERC enjoys the Exaltation stations)...

    Regards, & enjoy this luxurious, Cozy, foody, & sensual transit along with the LIBRA SUN & VEN,
    & TAURUS LUNA should also ease the pressure you are receiving through the Chiron-Venus 180 deg
    Push/Pull Polarities today… 270d. 1f64c. 1f316. 1f49e.

    Keep in mind that Exalted Placements if not handled correctly/wisely, can create some damage for sure…
    270d. 1f64c. 1f316. 1f49e.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrology #Taurus #taurusmoon #tauruswoman #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astrologymemes #tarotmemes #predictions #october #octobertransits #fortuneteller


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · ·

    #Astrology UPDATE: 1f316. Waning Gibbous Moon 1f316. Into Bull 2649. Territory Lunar Cycle
    hitting the most stable & her Exalted sign Taurus 2649. 1f316. 1f49e. 270d.

    Energies & Themes: It is the best time to relax & enjoy a luxurious & cozy lifestyle
    by eliminating Action-oriented Discordia ERIS In ARIES behind

    Time to enjoy the EARTHIEST reliability & stability in your life through proper nurturing
    coming through Food, Sensuality & other luxuries of life…

    Emotional Security & Nurturing Is Concerned Through
    The Reception Of The Financial Security That Seeks By This Taurus Moon Ahead...

    Bull Energies & Lesson Ahead: Avoid Over-indulgence To fully utilize this Lunar Cycle
    just avoid getting “overindulgence” in matters that lead towards Obesity,
    Sensual Pleasures, & other Venusian activities that lead you towards losing your worldly possessions
    because when the LUNA creates 0 Deg Conjunctions with Destabilizing URANUS ⛢
    & Destiny Gate of #RAHU ☊ (Caput Draconis) ahead after around 15 to 20 hours range from now on
    (Luna travels 13 deg per day mind you), she will be crossing URA ⛢ & North Node by then
    & then she will simultaneously create 90° stressful energies with the evil-spirit Teacher
    “SATURN In Aquarius” which is also or still RETROGRADE these days so there could bring
    some troublesome transition phase in SKY & in your life (As above - so below theory),
    because what happens is, if you abuse the powers & stabilities of the EXALTED placements,
    the KARMIC Saturn surely haunts you by the surprising elements (Squaring to URANUS),
    so there you could get into trouble like Separative influences could arise within your most desiring..
    The Overly indulged "Sensual" based PLEASURE activities

    (Or anything you were intended to go overboard with, either money, sensual/sexual activities,

    Or overeating being the sweet tooth & getting overweight issues or stomach upsets because LUNA
    will then enter in Clingy CANCER/CRAB 1f980. ahead).

    Regards, & always keep in mind that everything you do inside Lunar Cycles,
    is not going to last longer because SHE changes Signs, Moods & attitudes
    & as she passes through SAT, URA, Pluto & Chiron, the KARMIC results
    are surely FELT deep inside out (Psychologically) 270d.

    Enjoy this Taurus Moon (Stability & Materialistically Smooth)...

    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    09 oct 2022

    Beauty of Norway
    Road lights
    09 oct 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Moon 1f319-. 2601-. This is an incredibly rare capture of the Moon 1f316-.
    1f4f8-. : The.Z.Axis

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sarah Saunders

    The Harvest Moon from Costa Teguise, Lanzarote… 1f335. 1f315.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Jennifer O Conghalaigh

    · 09 oct 2022

    Seer update 1f440. :

    Absolutely amazing things are currently happening in the ley lines
    and planetary grids of the Celtic Lands.

    Swords of light are emerging from the waters.

    The Rod principle being restored in the planetary light body,
    which will birth the corrected flower of life
    and organic edenic blueprint that Gaia was destined to be.

    Christ consciousness rising. Excalibur returning sovereignity to the lands.

    The sword of light has emerged from the waters around Skellig

    Michael, lifted by the love of the mermaid priestesses.

    This sword of light of the benevolent Christ King Arthur
    will begin to travel through the Michael line all the way to Jerusalem.

    Gridworkers along this line, take up your stations.

    You are the guardians returned 1f603.

    Big stuff, great stuff. A lot to celebrate and look forward to.

    Promise! 1f984.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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