08 Nov 2022 ~ Lunar Eclipse

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 4, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    Dale Osadchuk
    15m ·

    2022 Taurus Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
    08 Nov at 3.02 am PST- 6.02 am EST- 11.02 am GMT
    7.02 pm AWST Perth- 10.02 pm AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    Full Moons are always visually stunning.

    There is a Mystical quality as Sister Moon shines brightly casting silver blue shadows on the land.

    But when she is totally in Earth’s shadow she appears crimson red and invites us into the Mysteries
    and the magic we can find there.

    This Full Moon total lunar eclipse is offering us the gift of connecting with the Magical Child within.

    To Great Mystery all of creation is magical. It is time for the Human Kingdom
    to release the old perspective of polarity and embrace unity and love.

    When we have a Lunar Eclipse we are completing the lessons of the last six months.

    On Apr 30, 2022 we had a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus.

    The theme has been focusing on what is of true value and importance
    and strengthening our feeling of personal empowerment.

    It has also been about honouring Mother Earth and supporting her
    and her kingdoms to come back into balance.

    This is also the theme of the North Node in Taurus which began in Jan 2022.

    But this Eclipse also takes us back to Nov 08/09 of 2003 when we

    had a Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus 13.

    Our current lunar Eclipse is at 16 degrees Taurus 00.

    On a personal note that was an extremely transitional year for me
    that required me to find my power.

    Still working on it.

    What about you?

    This Full Moon is travelling with the Earth at 16 degrees Taurus 00.

    AND URANUS Rx at 16 degrees Taurus 56.

    The North Node at 13 degrees Taurus (new directions) is also being activated.

    Breakdown or breakthrough.

    We can see protest and rebellion in many area of the world in the last six months
    and things seem to escalating.

    Uranus is the planet of change, rebellion, and “expect the unexpected”.

    So although Full Moons are completion energies Uranus says there are still changes ahead.

    We are working with Fixed Signs at this Full Moon.

    They often resist change but long for healing, release, transformation, and renewal.

    This Full Moon Eclipse is offering us that.

    Venus in Scorpio (release, transformation, and rebirth) guides the Moon
    and the Earth and the North Node.

    Venus is the planet of creative expression, relationship awareness, and self-love.

    She is at 20 degrees Scorpio 13 and opening the gateway to magic and the Mysteries.

    Her companions are the South Node at 13 degrees Scorpio (wisdom gained from the past) Mercury
    at 15 degrees Scorpio 52 (transformed thinking) and the Sun at 16 degrees Scorpio 00 (the deep self).

    Together with the Taurus planets they are forming a T Square
    (feeling backed into a corner) with Saturn at 18 degrees Aquarius 48.

    Saturn is security and foundation. But Aquarius is individual freedom and Cosmic Consciousness.

    At this Full Moon we are being offered a new way to be our true essence self.

    The Scorpio planets are guided by Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn 20 (personal and societal transformation)
    and Saturn (society) is guided by Uranus Rx in Taurus (breakthrough to the new).

    The doorway out of the T Square is the sign of Leo, courage and strength to create a new way
    guided by the compassionate heart.

    Although there are no planetary energies in Leo the mid-point between the Moon and Sun
    is at 16 degrees Leo (action guided by intuitive wisdom).

    Mars the planet of action is Rx at 25 Gemini 02.

    He is activating much duality and confusion at this time.

    He is inconjunct Pluto (what do I need to let go of to experience transformation)
    but he is trine (removal of obstacles and flow) Vesta at 26 Aquarius 55 (courage to be your true self).

    Vesta is also guided by Uranus (breaking through to the new).

    I believe these activations will continue to guide us for journey ahead for a while.

    Embrace the opportunity for change and new vision for your life.

    Our Medicine Wheel Animal Totem guide for Scorpio is Snake, shedding the old and renewal.

    For Taurus we are guided by Beaver, clearing the old and building the new.

    They are reversed for the Southern hemisphere.

    For all of us The Phoenix is the Sacred Totem for Scorpio (rising from the ashes and re-birth).

    As mentioned at the Scorpio New Moon Eclipse of Oct 25, 2022.

    The Phoenix is guiding us on our journey for the next six months.

    The Clan Mother who guides Scorpio is Walks Tall Woman.

    She is the Mother of beauty and grace and the Keeper of New Pathways.

    She teaches us how to Walk The Path of Truth.

    For Taurus we are guided by Listening Woman,
    She is the keeper of the stillness and inner knowing.

    She teaches us how to hear the truth.

    You can find their Medicine Stories in The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams.

    Taurus is active on the Tarot Constellation of The Hierophant,
    learning from experience to become the wise teacher.

    Scorpio is found on the Tarot Constellation of The Emperor, life force and personal power.

    They have been guiding us since Jan 2022 when the North Node entered Taurus (new directions)
    and the South Node entered Scorpio (transformation and releasing the past that no longer serves us).

    They will continue to guide us until July 2023 when the North Node enters Aries.

    Even then the Emperor becomes primary.

    In Esoteric Astrology Scorpio and Taurus are 4th Ray planets.

    Harmony through conflict or harmony through beauty and love.

    It is the Ray of humanity.

    Our Archangel guides are Gabriel, resurrection and rebirth, and Hope, harmony and renewal.

    She reminds us to never give up.

    Send your magical light out into the world and it will transform your life experience.

    Namaste and blessings,

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    To contact me e-mail daleosadchuk@rogers.com I am opening up telephone sessions again soon.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    07 NOV 2022·



    Here come the most difficult & testing times before we say goodbye to the 2022 Years with a RELEASE
    of a final Full Blood Moon but with a nasty TOTALITY of ECLIPSE
    (Complete Earth Shadow Taking Place In between the Sun & MOON)...

    (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ - : , , °’ (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿

    ·.★·.·´¯`·.·★ The Exalted Bull Calling For Intense Upheaval Period In Life That Demands Letting Go
    Of Most Desiring Personal Values, Relationships, People & Materials Of The World ★·.·´¯`·.·★.·

    Every full moon occurring in a Month has a unique name given to it by ancient observers
    & worshippers (Rituals), & Other names for this LUNAR ECLIPSE are;
    Frosty Moon, the Beaver Moon, and the Snow Moon. Because the Winters are coming for sure…


    The Full Moon is completely blocked from the Sun’s rays by the Earth’s shadow (penumbra)
    & this is also called a Blood Moon because the Moon
    appears reddish-orange…


    Number 16 symbolizes Your Mother, Motherly Figure At Home, Ancestory System & Domestic Structure,
    Crowd, Water, Real Estate & Property, Family, Nurturing, Feminine, Household Problems
    & Matters Related To All This…

    : Neck, vocal cords, throat, thyroid gland

    : A handsome artist dashes paint on the canvas,
    in his own inimitable & Unmistakable Personal style

    The Close To URANUS indicates matters about Artists & their unique & individual Creativity…

    Developing a personal talent according to one's own inner lights (self-education Or Self-Taught);
    materializing an inner vision and sharing it with the world (the arts);
    developing a natural, individualistic way of expressing oneself
    (rebellious 'artistes' who carry their own world with them no matter where they go…

    & : Highly Personal Possessiveness Towards Personal Resources,
    Personal Values, Physical sensation,

    Touch & Peace Of Mind Through A Push-Pull Energies From Sex, Death & Rebirth Of Emotions,
    Physical Soul, Shared Resources, Taboos Of Family &
    Building Up Trust Through Intensity Of Scorpio Polarity,
    By A Complete Activation Of Taurus/Scorpio Axis

    Taurus Luna Moto: The Passive Feminine Bull Believes,

    “If Life Is Luxurious, Comfortable With All Nurturing Elements
    At Domestic Environment Are Good, Then A Lot Is Better In The World”

    Scorpio Sun Moto: The Sexually Active, Obsessive, & Transformative SCORPIO believes,

    “The Possessiveness Game Is Seductive Only When We Get Hold On The Partners Forever
    & Stalking Them To The Point Of Feeling Closeness Through Shared Resources,
    Then We Can Transform Our Life
    With An Emotional Connection
    To Bring Our Subconsciousness
    To The Surface Of Conscious Reality,
    In A Better Relish Way”.

    1f338. & : 1f338. ꗥ Comfortable Zones Vs Challenges Comes Through Testing
    & Trying Times, Emotional Release (Let
    Go) Of The Most Desiring Personal Values & People
    (What You Exactly Want & What You Dont) Because "I have"

    Feminine Theme Of This Venus Ruled Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Revolves Around Ground Realities
    & Personal Level Emotions, Values, Possessions, Physical Sensation & High Body Sensuality…
    Taurus/Scorpio Polarities & Shadows Invites Us To Tilt Our Focus From Being Resistors (Taurus Or 2nd Matters),
    & Feeling Of Upheavement Process Of Mirroring Yourself In Your Partners & Environment You Are Living
    Or Possessive About (Scorpio`s desires to merge)
    Through Emotional & Psychological Death & Rebirth (Scorpio Or 8th Matters)

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. - : 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.
    Transformative & Radical Changes Are Likely To Take Place Through Disruptive, Uncertain &
    Shocking Events Which Will Unsettle The Whole Family System & Personal Relationships,
    Psychologically, Transformatively & Traumatically
    Through Sheer Difficulties...

    Sun At 16 SCO 00

    Luna At 15 TAURUS 59

    Uranus At 16 Tau 56

    Rahu/NN At 13 Tau 02

    Saturn At 18 Aquarius 48

    If we connect all dots of this heavy energy in the sky into only thoughtful insight,
    then we will clearly get an idea about how well this LUNAR ECLIPSE
    & Blood Full Moon In TAURUS Would Like To Release The Pressure Of Her Most Desireful Possessions
    & Luxuries (Coming out of her comfort zone), in order to move advance,
    but definitely due to Eclipse & Earth`s Orange Shadow, that Release would not an easy task for Taureans
    because too many heavy energies are afflicting this otherwise very comfortable, nurturing
    & easiest Moon to have in Horoscope Or Easiest Lunar Cycle &
    Transit because we all know its an EXALTATION Points
    of Moon in Sky whenever she travels through BULL SIGN.

    & -
    & ( &

    : The Role Of Solar 143 Saros Series Mix
    With 18 Years Lifespan Of Saros Lunar 136 With 9 Years Of Inteleaves
    Jump In Or Filling The Gap By An Acting BRIDGE

    Linkage Between Lunar Saros 136 & Solar Saros 143 Series (One Member Completes The Other).

    The Solar saros 143 interleaves with this lunar saros with an event occurring
    every 9 years 5 days alternating between each saros series.

    This means that if we calculate the previous ECLIPSE occurring with 136 SAROS series
    then we have to inject Solar Eclipses that take place being the Members of the Saros 143
    with 9 years of difference (interleaving the Lunar 136 Eclipses every after 9 years in between each 136 Series
    by triggering effects with narrow degree range between the signs the Eclipse have taken place)...

    Read the full Article on my BLOG Given Below for complete insights & Significance of this Nasty
    & Most Disruptive & Upheaving Lunar Eclipse that Ever Occurred In The Sign Of the Taurus...

    : https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../talk-of-the.../


    ██▓▒░⡷⠂ ⠐⢾░▒▓██

    #eclipses #eclipselunar #eclipseseason #saros136 #lunareclipse #totallunareclipse #lunareclipse2022 #lunareclipseintaurus #moonintaurus
    #Exaltation #2ndhouseastrology #taurusmoon #TaurusEclipse #November2022 #midterms #midterms2022 #ScorpioSzn #scorpioseason
    #fullmoonritual #Lunatic #valuesmatter #Possession #stubborn

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    on 08 nov 2022 / Eclipse

    1f496. Eclipses On Nodal Axis & Activation Of True Identity:
    1f496. 彡When KARMA judges you through Eclipses & Caught Your Real Face During The Eclipse Totality lol

    Masking Your Face & Intentions Does Not Work Whenever Eclipses Are Occurring On
    2/8 Axis (Taurus & Scorpio Polarities) - "I Have Of Taurus"
    Instinctual Reflection Is Triggered Or Seen Through "I Desire Of Scorpio"

    It Actually Makes sense, Because The FULL MOON & Lunar Eclipse In Taurus
    is being afflicted through SATURN sitting in AQUA (Saturn & Ketu/Dragon`s Tail Affliction triggered Past events
    & KARMIC Results in Order To Make You Much Stronger Through Loss & Separation From Oldest Possessions
    We Have Been Clung To) & then enforcement coming through Dragon`s Head & Tail surely deals
    with KARMIC Past & Life-Path ahead through harsh lessons & through letting go of
    the Nearest & Dearest People we have been attached to...

    Another validity of this statement comes through the Rulers of the FULL MOON (Eclipse),
    such as Stellium in SCORPIO has two Rulerships aka Mars
    (Which is being Retrograde these days) & PLUTO respectively & guess what,
    Mars & Pluto are 5 Signs away from each other & creating a nasty Quincunx angle
    between them which deals into the discovering TABOO Secrets
    & Finding the Real Face through proper investigation & Research
    (Mercury in Scorpio)...

    Bring it on folks.. This Lunar Eclipse will reveal so much ahead & stays in the sky
    until you are completely transformed into a NEW TAURUS
    through the Reflection of Scorpio - The 8th

    2665. 2764. 2665. .¸• 2764. `.¸• 2764. `.¸ Astrologer Aatif ¸.` 2764. •¸.` 2764. •¸. 2665. 2764. 2665.

    #lunareclipse2022 #totallunareclipse #taurusmoon #TaurusEclipse #ScorpioSzn #scorpioseasonScorpio

    • Sophia Raine
      Sun + Mercury are conjunct Zeneb Elgenubi of the claws of the Babylonian Scorpion constellation(Roman Scales),
      signifying altruistic social reform, Venus is conjunct Zuben Eschamali, the more imperialistic star of social reform,
      with Venus ruling Luna as she occults the destroyer of social norms Uranus


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Linda Zelenika Boros



    Republican Security Council

    OANN: This is how you know Tuesday will be a Red Wave!
    It's literally in the stars.
    On Tuesday, the Earth, sun and moon will align to create a Blood Moon eclipse.
    It will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.
    It is the first-ever total lunar eclipse on Election Day.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sacred Dreams


    Full Moon Blessings ~ November 8th 2022

    TOTAL LUNAR Eclipse ~ Blood Moon (1:06 AM – 4:49 AM Pacific Time)

    Feeling on edge? At a point of no return?

    If the ground seems to be shaking beneath your feet there’s a reason for it.

    It’s eclipse season, the tipping point when destiny unfolds,
    synchronicities occur, and old standards get uprooted.

    This electrifying lunar eclipse ban be a catalyst for spiritual awakening,
    but also an omen of surprising and chaotic outcomes.

    The lunar eclipse (also a blood moon) will shine a reddish light
    into the early morning hours of Nov 8, 2022
    — the same day of the US mid-term elections!

    This lunar eclipse has an exceptional planetary line-up with combust Mercury,
    and revolutionizing Uranus.

    Flare ups in communication, organization, travel issues, and misinformation are likely.

    A new consciousness is awakening with this lunar eclipse, and something spectacular
    may be calling you to step forward in a fearless way…

    ~Ananda Shree Vedic Astrology
    art: http://downthedarkpath.com


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