06 Jan 2023 / 07 Jan 2023 ~ Full Moon ~ The Wolf Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 5, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    Something about WOLF MOON IN CANCER (Excerption & Extract From My Blog About The Full Moon & Her Significance On Water Signs).

    The Wolf Moon & The Archetypal Goddesses Of Powerful Feminism - A Display Of Dedicating Your Life For The Greater Cause Of
    Resurrecting The Societies From Domming Into Moral Collapse...

    /, &


    HESTIA remains a virgin in her total commitment to her tasks and so were the priestesses who served her. In some periods, a priestess
    who broke her vow of celibacy was buried alive. So sex & losing virginity was totally prohibited at that time with HESTIA activation…
    But it could go another way around…

    NOTE: Hestia can negate the Virginity lack issues if she develops highly personal & impersonal sectors of the horoscopes & then SEX
    can become her tool (Flame Of Sex), & couple with strong HESTIA activation & once they develop the realization of that Sacredness
    (Sanctity) Of The Flame Hestia Carries in her hands, can secure their losing relationship… this I will explain ahead…

    Even Sexuality & connectedness matters bring a deep recycling process in humans through VESTA if they consider the dedication & tilt
    towards Sexual matters too hard. So the psychologists would be using VESTA in counseling Couples & help them overcome Sexual
    problems they face in life & by which, counselors of Vesta would resurrect their marital life & save it due to their strong sense of it..
    “Using Sexuality to save lives of couples”… & at a personal level, if people indulge into sexual matters, it leads to the activation of
    HESTIA/VESTA in them so badly that they continue to transform themselves through the service of Sex & keep changing themselves
    psychologically & lost in it… But there is a danger of health compromisation involved in it too because the tilt towards one sector
    destroys the balance… Just in the case of VIRGO, & because most Feminine Goddesses are Earth-based (Earthy) & relate to VIRGO
    Archetypes of SERVICE & losing their own health because of Work & dedication, Vesta is no exception there…

    - # The Greek Goddess Of The Soul (Through complete purification & personification process), An
    Awareness Towards The Core Of Humans & Their Belief-System, & She Symbolises The Butterfly (As you can see in the Glyph I used in

    Note: Psyche was the 16th asteroid to be discovered, it is sometimes referred to as (16) Psyche

    Mythologically, Psyche was madly in love with the God Of Eroticism & Sexuality “Eros” & his mother “Aphrodite/Venus” was very
    jealous of her that she once even said, “ , & ”, &
    Aphrodite setup a TRAP of Trivial Challenges for the Psyche to complete one by one to reach to the desired & everlasting love of his life
    EROS… Psyche accepted & through her sheer mental alertness & awareness of the soul, she one by one completed the challenges of
    Aphrodite despite all the hardships & impossibilities she had to face during every setup challenge, but she triumphed in the end &
    Aphrodite had to provide her with access to marry EROS or live together with him…

    So archetypes of would narrate the story of an undaunting successful faithful girl who would do anything to remain in love,
    in touch, in contact with her lover & tries everything to win him, marry him despite facing any kind of worldly hurdles, and blockades &
    challenged coming through the jealous family members (Aphrodite lives in every family system who would try to sabotage the love of
    two souls by creating differences through tricks), but only through mental & soul awareness levels of PSYCHE 16, you could defeat
    Aphrodite. But it requires a lot of endurance, and the ability to cope with pain, suffering & traumas & in the end, destiny is yours with
    the desiring results around… so thats a summary or excerpt of a PSYCHE 16 in a nutshell…

    Psyche 16 In Horoscopes: So Psyche 16 describes the role where you are on the same wavelength and frequency with someone to whom
    you would devote yourself in order for connectedness both physically & mentally, but you need to pass some trivial traps in order to live
    with them or reach your destiny..

    Because the SOUL Of Psyche 16 feels at home only when you find no hurdle between you & that person…

    (), () & / ⚶ ():

    Casting Shadows Of Protection, Deduction, Enduring The Traumatic Pain Of Life, Giving Births To Children While Still Hiding Behind
    The Mask Of A Smile To Dodge Internal Fears For The Greater Cause…

    Together This Trinity Between Ψ (Scorpio), ⚶ (Pisces) & Full Moon (Cancer) is a wonderful Release of emotional
    alertness, and deep emotionalism for the humanity & sufferings of society through a system based on “Intuition & Charity”, where we
    want to connect to the world through our sixth sense, gut-instincts, spirit-guides & the awareness coming through our Souls & we want
    to dedicate our higher self (Pisces) to bring protection for the daughters, children & the mothers globally (Cancer Full Moon), & today,
    we are releasing our mission to live up to the expectations of the societies that demand more of our compassion, intuition & dedication
    & we have to eliminate our one half of the body & soul if we want to give the struggling world with the Compassion, Sympathies being
    the eternal flame of hopes, optimism & helping-hand (Vesta In Pisces)…

    Because # in & ⚶ OR ⚶ In ♓︎ will create a Mask on your face where you will be feeling like
    acting behind the scenes or through the mirror by which, only you could see the sufferings & pain of the societies & family members but
    at the same time, the mirror sends strong reflection & creates a sense of MASK or Protective shield around your personality & because
    of that mirror, the outer world cannot see through the pain you are in your daily life & by hiding your own traumas, insecurities, you are
    providing them best from you being a dedicated acting agent to secure & protect the world who is joining you as “One family unit” &
    comes under your security…. This is deep but intensely protective & psychological…

    : Awareness & Mental Allertnes Towards The Revelations & Shocking News Coming Through
    Family Members Is Possible With The Exchange Of New Communal Living Ideas Within The Very Attached & Protective Family
    (Overdependent), Otherwise Would Have Been

    Hope you are enjoying the peak of the FULL MOON & The Tides Coming Through This Mistial Grand Water Trine & Flow Of Emotional
    Water Between Hestia, Full Moon (Sun In Capricorn, Moon In Cancer Polarities) & Vesta Sextiling The Uranus In Taurus,

    You can read the full-length article here on my blog for a complete understanding of the energies carried by these Archetypal Goddesses
    & Full Moon influence with them triggering your feminism, matriarchal & flow of emotions, nurturance, care & protection towards your
    daughters & entire family while still trying coping up the pressure of professional & authoritative responsibilities of Capricorn Sun &
    Mercury Retrograde.

    Full Moon In Cancer On 6th Jan 2023 At 16°21’ On 6th – 7th January 2023 – Astrology By Aatif (wordpress.com)


    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #fullmoonenergy #fullmoonvibes #Astrologer #astrology #astrologypost #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscope #horoscopeposts #horoscopememes #goddess #goddessenergy #goddesses #mythology #mythological

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Full Moon In Cancer On 6th Jan 2023 At 16°21’ On 6th – 7th January 2023
    Astrologer Aatif #8thHouse\, #Abuse, #DemonStars, 4th House Astrology, Archetypes Of Vesta In Astrology, Cancer Zodiac Sign, Capricorn Season 2022, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon In Cancer On 6th January, 2023, Full Moon IN Cancer Trines Vesta In Pisces, Hearth Goddess Vesta In Pisces, Hestia - Heareth Goddess In Pisces, matriarchal astrology, Moon Opposition Sun, Moon Trine Neptune, Moon Trine Vesta, Moon Trines Psyche 16, Psyche 16 Goddess in Scorpio, Sun Conjunction Mercury In Capricorn, Water Sign Scorpio, Water Signs, Water Triplicity, Water Triplicity Astrology, Waxing Gibbous Moon In Aries On 3rd Dececmber 2022, Wealth, Expansion & Love Astrology, Weaponization & Shootings in USA, Welcome To Sagittarius Season, Wine & Grapes, Winter Solstice 2022, Winters 2023, Winters Astrology, Winters Solstice 2022, Wisdom, Truth & Research, Witty Gemini, Wounded Healer, Wounded Healer & Centaur Family Of Chiron, Wounded Healer Chiron, Wounded Healer Chiron In Aries, Wounds & Traumas, X-Ray, Zodiac & Colors, Zodiac Signs, Zodiac Signs Memes January 6, 2023 13 Minutes
    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies with Nurturing Lunar cycle gets to her fullest illumination in the sign of CRAB – The Protective Cancer Motherhood
    Here Comes a Full Moon In Cancer – A Strange Shadows Being Created Through The Fully Illumanatied “Homecoming” Glows The Whole World Tonight By This Active Deity Of Emotions, Nurturance, Protectance & Motherhood
    Full Moon Forming A Sweet Mystical Grand Water Trine While Connecting Harmoniously with some goddesses
    This Full Moon Narrates A Saga Of A Trinity Of Water Triplicity & A Flow Of Emotions, Psychic Bonds, Spirit guides & Memories Through Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces
    Organs Of The Body: Stomach, mucosa, breast, womb, ovary, etc
    Pagan author Starhawk says About Moon Light & Glow Of A Moon At Night:

    “She Changes everything she touches
    And everything she touches, changes…”

    Following are the energies being formed between Full Moon In Cancer & different archetypal goddesses in Pisces & Scorpio respectively:

    1- Full Moon Trines Vesta In Pisces
    2- Full Moon Trines Psyche 16 In Scorpio
    Keynotes & Archetypes Of Cancer Lunar Cycles:

    Protective Towards Family Members, Motherhood, Nurturance, Ruler Of The Emotions & Moodswings, Strong Memories, Legacy Of Parents & Forefathers Including All Necessities Of The Ancestral Belongings,
    Home Instincts, Sympathetic Towards Needy People, Receptive To The Moods Of The Surroundings, Childish Sense Of Humor, Clannishness, etc
    The Number game: Number 16 Full Moon

    16 is the number associated with the Mother, motherly, Homeland, Patriotic Instincts, Water, Property, Family, Nurturing, Feminine Powers & Sensitivity, Flowing Emotions & Household Matters…
    The Sabian Symbol For Cancer 16°- 17°, Reveals Knowledge & Life
    The Sabian Symbol: Degree Of Cancer The Crab (16°- 17°)

    16°- 17° = The germ grows into knowledge and life
    Whatever we pretend to be is what we yearn to become…
    How can we turn lead into gold, how can we reclaim our spiritual glory when we are imprisoned in clay?
    Perhaps the best answer is, slowly, inevitably, and repeatedly throughout eternity.
    What we realize is that we are the germ of an idea unfolding and this idea, which grows into knowledge, is the experience of our life, as we grow in wisdom and awareness.
    Some stereotypes and facts about Cancer/Capricorn Polarities: Sun In Capricorn, Luna In Cancer/Crab
    The individual may strive after perfection but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his completeness. — C.G. Jung​
    Because of the reflection Cancer takes from Capricorn & Vice-Versa (As per Jung Claims), Cancer loves taking care of people, even when nobody asked them, and its opposite sign, Capricorn, wants to be cared for but would never admit to it; both signs are strongly motivated by security.
    Cancer/Capricorn is so a powerful zodiac sign when it comes to family protection…
    Full In Cancer & Release: Domestic Maternal Vs Authority & Leadership
    Relying On The Emotional & Protective Codependency & Clinginess In Cancer Sign, “The Release Of Full Moon” here is forced (Forceful Cancer/Capricorn Polarity) towards major upheaval because CANCER & CAPRICORN both rules Domestic & Professional responsibilities & this has been done since the era of imposed World Wars & Warriorship & Power/Control issues or related fields of life such as WAR & TERROR & Leadership emerging worldwide is a Capricorn matter whereas, Women taking over the leadership roles of MEN inside the territories of the Domestic & Home structure relates to the sign of CANCER where Women use to protect their children since Men (Capricorn) have no time to look after their children due to their ambitious & professional duties & this is why Pluto is so powerful & it has been in the CANCER/CAPRICORN reflected signs… Anyhow, pluto is a different topic but I just wanted to emphasize the importance of Cancer/Capricorn linkage with the leadership roles both at Home & Nurturing environment as well as professional responsibilities & transformation coming through the life of natives, especially those who are in authority & professional moneymaking role of Capricorn Sun…
    Also, like Virgo, this Cancer ♋︎ Full Moon ☽ upsets the Stomach as much as she can. So be careful about consuming such foods & Herbs which affect intestines & gastric matters. Many people are already telling me that their stomachs are upset today. Also, try not to consume Caffeine in large amounts. (it leads you towards depression and during Full Moon, you are always having Mood Swings). So folks with high Virgo & Cancer points need to be careful for some hours until She leaves Cancer & Enters into Leo ahead or later on…
    The Psychic Trine Between Full Moon, Vesta & Psyche #16:

    1- Archetypes Of Vesta – The Archetypal Goddess Of Hearth In Pisces Trines Full Moon
    HESTIA – The Goddess Of Hearth defines the dedication of the sector we indulge ourselves in while forgetting about our own personal needs badly… A sense of purposeful life revolves around helping out society because of the sense of protection & workaholics, & because of these tendencies, we tend to escape into the sense of dedication too badly or deeply that we tend to lose focus on our personal needs…
    Mythologically, Vesta herself remained a Virgin goddess with a flame in her hand & she resurrect the wrongdoings of society back at that time by taking a leading role with a sense of purpose & dedicated her life to controlling the troops & protectiveness… She, being the Vestal virgin. Hestia was known to the ancient Greeks as the keeper of the sacred flame in the temple and on the home alters.
    Even, She remains a virgin in her total commitment to her tasks and so were the priestesses who served her. In some periods, a priestess who broke her vow of celibacy was buried alive. So sex & losing virginity was totally prohibited at that time with HESTIA activation… But it could go another way around…
    NOTE: Hestia can negate the Virginity lack issues if she develops highly personal & impersonal sectors of the horoscopes & then SEX can become her tool (Flame Of Sex), & couple with strong HESTIA activation & once they develop the realization of that Sacredness (Sanctity) Of The Flame Hestia Carries in her hands, can secure their losing relationship… this I will explain ahead…

    Even Sexuality & connectedness matters bring a deep recycling process in humans through VESTA if they consider the dedication & tilt towards Sexual matters too hard. So the psychologists would be using VESTA in counseling Couples & help them overcome Sexual problems they face in life & by which, counselors of Vesta would resurrect their marital life & save it due to their strong sense of it.. “Using Sexuality to save lives of couples”… & at a personal level, if people indulge into sexual matters, it leads to the activation of HESTIA/VESTA in them so badly that they continue to transform themselves through the service of Sex & keep changing themselves psychologically & lost in it… But there is a danger of health compromisation involved in it too because the tilt towards one sector destroys the balance… Just in the case of VIRGO, & because most Feminine Goddesses are Earth-based (Earthy) & relate to VIRGO Archetypes of SERVICE & losing their own health because of Work & dedication, Vesta is no exception there…
    In Pisces, Vesta means dedication but at the expense of their own personality, choice & they have to experience Selflessly involved or overindulgence into a charity for others so bad, that they tend to lose their own identity & continue to receive betrayals, deceptions, & even experience Self-Sabotaging their own instinctual emotional needs & internal balance is totally lost. Because purpose & dedication is towards the betterment of the people through Nursing, Hospital Paramedical staff, Doctors, Charitable, NGOs, Victimees resurrectors, etc etc
    2- Archetypes Of Psyche #16 The Greek Goddess Of The Soul (Through complete purification & personification process), An Awareness Towards The Core Of Humans & Their Belief-System, & She Symbolises The Butterfly (As you can see in the Glyph I used in graphics)…
    Note: Psyche was the 16th asteroid to be discovered, it is sometimes referred to as (16) Psyche
    Mythologically, Psyche was madly in love with the God Of Eroticism & Sexuality “Eros” & his mother “Aphrodite/Venus” was very jealous of her that she once even said, “Psyche would now fall in love with the ugliest, disgusting & unwanting mortal men”, & Aphrodite setup a TRAP of Trivial Challenges for the Psyche to complete one by one to reach to the desired & everlasting love of his life EROS… Psyche accepted & through her sheer mental alertness & awareness of the soul, she one by one completed the challenges of Aphrodite despite all the hardships & impossibilities she had to face during every setup challenge, but she triumphed in the end & Aphrodite had to provide her with access to marry EROS or live together with him…

    So archetypes of PSYCHE would narrate the story of an undaunting successful faithful girl who would do anything to remain in love, in touch, in contact with her lover & tries everything to win him, marry him despite facing any kind of worldly hurdles, and blockades & challenged coming through the jealous family members (Aphrodite lives in every family system who would try to sabotage the love of two souls by creating differences through tricks), but only through mental & soul awareness levels of PSYCHE 16, you could defeat Aphrodite. But it requires a lot of endurance, and the ability to cope with pain, suffering & traumas & in the end, destiny is yours with the desiring results around… so thats a summary or excerpt of a PSYCHE 16 in a nutshell…
    Psyche 16 In Horoscopes: So Psyche 16 describes the role where you are on the same wavelength and frequency with someone to whom you would devote yourself in order for connectedness both physically & mentally, but you need to pass some trivial traps in order to live with them or reach your destiny..Because the SOUL Of Psyche 16 feels at home only when you find no hurdle between you & that person… i will explain this below
    Connecting The Mystical Trine Between Full Moon (Cancer), Psyche 16 (Scorpio) & Hestia/Vesta (Pisces): Casting Shadows Of Protection, Deduction, Enduring The Traumatic Pain Of Life, Giving Births To Children While Still Hiding Behind The Mask Of A Smile To Dodge Internal Fears For The Greater Cause…
    Together This Trinity Between Psyche (Scorpio), Vesta (Pisces) & Full Moon (Cancer) is a wonderful Release of emotional alertness, and deep emotionalism for the humanity & sufferings of society through a system based on “Intuition & Charity”, where we want to connect to the world through our sixth sense, gut-instincts, spirit-guides & the awareness coming through our Souls & we want to dedicate our higher self (Pisces) to bring protection for the daughters, children & the mothers globally (Cancer Full Moon), & today, we are releasing our mission to live up to the expectations of the societies that demand more of our compassion, intuition & dedication & we have to eliminate our one half of the body & soul if we want to give the struggling world with the Compassion, Sympathies being the eternal flame of hopes, optimism & helping-hand (Vesta In Pisces)…
    Because of these Trinities & Trilogy between Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces & in presence of Goddesses & feminism inside you, today, you have a strong devotion to your family or, at least, a strong desire to care for others. You can display sympathetic understanding and an emotional relationship based on harmony & sexual consultancy for couples in responding to a variety of sexual situations & today your devotion & dedication is vastly progressed from your inward own security & emotionally protective needs to the welfare & protection of the Societies suffering from Sexual issues, Virginity, Protection, Emotional imbalance due to lack of understanding towards Sex & even subtle things that disturb the peace of family life…
    So make a vow this Cancer Full Moon, that you would allow all the family members at home would be allowed to express their emotional RELEASE tonight without the Risk of consequential “exclusion” from the family system? because Cancer is usually receptive & reactive in order to protect but when Pluto is involved by Opposition, you could fall prey of throwing those members out of your HOME who are trying to open and Release their emotional pressure that has been hurting them inside since ages, right? So be careful and understanding…
    So the Release For The Full Moon In Cancer invites us to indulge into the matters of connectedness with the society, humanity & feel their pain & this pain & sensitivity not only comes into the “Personal Relationships” for the protective measures & means, but also the environmental policies as well because of the high receptiveness coming through Goddess of awareness & soul awakening (Psyche), & together the Trinity of this Mystical Trine between Cancer Moon, Scoprio Pysche & Pisces Vesta creates a nice balance of gut-instincts, spirit-guides & past memories which are necesary to walk through the hardships & challenge of life one by one, being the responsive listeners (Receptive to the moods of surroundings, environment, people, family memebers goes Cancer Moon while sending Trines to the Goddesses of intuition, awareness, purposeful & dedicational devotion abilities), & these trines makes this FULL MOON IN CANCER is not really a self-centered into the territories of CRAB within the family, but actually pushing the Release of Cancer Moon to the mass & collective level for the betterment of the society (Vesta – Hearth Purpose Of Life, As a Mission)…
    Full Moon Sextiles Uranus In Taurus: Awareness & Mental Allertnes Towards The Revelations & Shocking News Coming Through Family Members Is Possible With The Exchange Of New Communal Living Ideas Within The Very Attached & Protective Family (Overdependent), Otherwise Would Have Been
    The clinging towards the Over-Attachment is there with the sense of independence as well because of the Sextile this WOLF MOON receives through the URANUS IN TAURUS while Polar opposite Luminary partner SUN in Capricorn trines to the URANUS, so this can balance & provide better awareness to the souls when it comes to the “Awareness & Sense of sexuality, Dedication for the betterment of the societies & the stories I have mentioned above about Feminine goddesses of soul probative & awakening, virginity & sexuality, etc”, Trine towards the SUN & MERCURY in Capricorn will give this WOLF Emotional Moon a sense of individuality within the Relationships & by overcoming the codependency emotional attachment factors, you would be better serving the purpose of Hestia & Psyche towards the betterment of the societies at a larger scales & whole family will appreciate your sense of purpose, dedication without getting too much clingily involved or dependent on them, you go towards the right path of pioneering leadership which is the need of an hour for this CARDINIALITY of Full Moon (Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aries & Moon In Cancer)….
    Full Moon Triggers The Water Triplicity Of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces: A Psychological Grand Mystical Trinity (TWater Trine)
    Full Moon Trine Vesta Trines Psyche provides Cancer & Water Signs folks with ab ability to convert the comfort zones of protective family security & life to the larger scale & make that “Protection” as a symbolism of the Mission of your life this month where you want to resurrect the world order & change the lifestyle of the masses of the societies you are living in because you have made a mission to selflessly forget your own enigmas & personal security & values & dedicating your life for the sake of other people, environment, surrounding moods & fully protect their feelings, daughters being a protective motherly feminism inside you, any threats they receive in real or in their head due to some fears because PSYCHE in Scorpio will defnitely easse out the most fearest demons in the head of the family members & the needy people around you, through your strong intuition, memories & awareness to defeat the demons, manipulators & abductors coming through the threatening elements of the nasty societies who are busy in making schemes to hurt the 4th House family members, & here whole Society & Country & World at collective global has become your FAMILY….
    Because PSYCHE in SCORPIO & VESTA In PISCES will create a Mask on your face where you will be feeling like acting behind the scenes or through the mirror by which, only you could see the sufferings & pain of the societies & family members but at the same time, the mirror sends strong reflection & creates a sense of MASK or Protective shield around your personality & because of that mirror, the outer world cannot see through the pain you are in your daily life & by hiding your own traumas, insecurities, you are providing them best from you being a dedicated acting agent to secure & protect the world who is joining you as “One family unit” & comes under your security…. This is deep but intensely protective & psychological…

    Enjoy the full moon & release the pressure you have received throughout 2022 since the Moon cycles inside Cancer & you all must have gone through all insecurities, fears & unprotectedness but its time to rise beyond your own comfort level of a Cancer Side for the Greater Cause & resurrect the lives of many around you who are suffering from insecurities & seek your protection… You are the feminine mother & can provide all the maternal to those suffering souls using the “Psyche, Vesta & Moon” inside you…
    Lesson To Work On Shadows Of Full Moon & Its Emotional Release:
    Just be careful about getting overboard in emotionalism & overflow of fluids of the body as well as the digestive issues building up in the intestines & stomach today, especially during the peak of the FULL MOON points & Hour, because she will then make you prone to depression, lunatic, and a lot of strange behavioral tendencies that can cause trouble in personal relationships, especially between Parents & Children (Due to CAN/Capricorn polarities)… & since is the Cardinality Full Moon between SUN IN CAPRICORN & Moon In Cancer, there is a danger of developing leadership & role-defining crisis at home, like whom should play a protective force at home & who should be fulfilling professional demands & responsibilities & without being complainant or ranting/whining about the off-balance crisis, if occurs between you & the other family members today…
    With much love & care, enjoy your fertile & intuitive nature today…
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    Something about WOLF MOON IN CANCER
    (Excerption & Extract From My Blog About The Full Moon & Her Significance On Water Signs).

    The Wolf Moon & The Archetypal Goddesses Of Powerful Feminism
    - A Display Of Dedicating Your Life For The Greater Cause Of Resurrecting
    The Societies From Domming Into Moral Collapse...

    /, &

    HESTIA remains a virgin in her total commitment to her tasks and so were the priestesses
    who served her. In some periods, a priestess who broke her vow of celibacy was buried alive.

    So sex & losing virginity was totally prohibited at that time with HESTIA activation…

    But it could go another way around…

    NOTE: Hestia can negate the Virginity lack issues if she develops highly persona
    l & impersonal sectors of the horoscopes & then SEX can become her tool (Flame Of Sex),
    & couple with strong HESTIA activation & once they develop the realization of that Sacredness (Sanctity)
    Of The Flame Hestia Carries in her hands, can secure their losing relationship… this I will explain ahead…

    Even Sexuality & connectedness matters bring a deep recycling process in humans
    through VESTA if they consider the dedication & tilt towards Sexual matters too hard.

    So the psychologists would be using VESTA in counseling Couples & help them overcome Sexual problems
    they face in life & by which, counselors of Vesta would resurrect their marital life & save it due to their strong sense of it..

    “Using Sexuality to save lives of couples”… & at a personal level,
    if people indulge into sexual matters, it leads to the activation of HESTIA/VESTA
    in them so badly that they continue to transform themselves through the service of Sex
    & keep changing themselves psychologically & lost in it…

    But there is a danger of health compromisation involved in it too because the tilt
    towards one sector destroys the balance…

    Just in the case of VIRGO, & because most Feminine Goddesses are Earth-based (Earthy)
    & relate to VIRGO Archetypes of SERVICE & losing their own health because of Work & dedication,
    Vesta is no exception there…

    - # The Greek Goddess Of The Soul
    (Through complete purification & personification process),
    An Awareness Towards The Core Of Humans & Their Belief-System,
    & She Symbolises The Butterfly (As you can see in the Glyph I used in graphics)…

    Note: Psyche was the 16th asteroid to be discovered, it is sometimes referred to as (16) Psyche

    Mythologically, Psyche was madly in love with the God Of Eroticism & Sexuality “Eros”
    & his mother “Aphrodite/Venus” was very jealous of her that she once even said,
    “ , & ”,
    & Aphrodite setup a TRAP of Trivial Challenges for the Psyche to complete one
    by one to reach to the desired & everlasting love of his life EROS…

    Psyche accepted & through her sheer mental alertness & awareness of the soul,
    she one by one completed the challenges of Aphrodite despite all the hardships
    & impossibilities she had to face during every setup challenge,
    but she triumphed in the end & Aphrodite had to provide her with access
    to marry EROS or live together with him…

    So archetypes of would narrate the story of an undaunting successful faithful girl
    who would do anything to remain in love, in touch, in contact with her lover
    & tries everything to win him, marry him despite facing any kind of worldly hurdles,
    and blockades & challenged coming through the jealous family members
    (Aphrodite lives in every family system who would try to sabotage the love of two souls
    by creating differences through tricks), but only through mental & soul awareness levels
    of PSYCHE 16, you could defeat Aphrodite. But it requires a lot of endurance,
    and the ability to cope with pain, suffering & traumas & in the end,
    destiny is yours with the desiring results around…

    so thats a summary or excerpt of a PSYCHE 16 in a nutshell…

    Psyche 16 In Horoscopes: So Psyche 16 describes the role
    where you are on the same wavelength and frequency
    with someone to whom you would devote yourself in order
    for connectedness both physically & mentally,
    but you need to pass some trivial traps in order
    to live with them or reach your destiny..

    Because the SOUL Of Psyche 16 feels at home only when you find no hurdle between you & that person…

    () & / ⚶ ():
    Casting Shadows Of Protection, Deduction, Enduring The Traumatic Pain Of Life,
    Giving Births To Children While Still Hiding Behind The Mask Of A Smile
    To Dodge Internal Fears For The Greater Cause…

    Together This Trinity Between Ψ (Scorpio), ⚶ (Pisces)
    & Full Moon (Cancer) is a wonderful Release of emotional alertness,
    and deep emotionalism for the humanity & sufferings of society through a system
    based on “Intuition & Charity”, where we want to connect to the world
    through our sixth sense, gut-instincts, spirit-guides & the awareness coming through our Souls
    & we want to dedicate our higher self (Pisces) to bring protection for the daughters, children
    & the mothers globally (Cancer Full Moon), & today, we are releasing our mission to live up to
    the expectations of the societies that demand more of our compassion, intuition & dedication
    & we have to eliminate our one half of the body & soul if we want to give the struggling world
    with the Compassion, Sympathies being the eternal flame of hopes, optimism & helping-hand
    (Vesta In Pisces)…

    Because # in & ⚶ OR ⚶ In ♓︎ will create a Mask
    on your face where you will be feeling like acting behind the scenes or through the mirror by which,
    only you could see the sufferings & pain of the societies & family members but at the same time,
    the mirror sends strong reflection & creates a sense of MASK or Protective shield
    around your personality & because of that mirror, the outer world cannot see through the pain
    you are in your daily life & by hiding your own traumas, insecurities, you are providing them best
    from you being a dedicated acting agent to secure & protect the world who is joining you as
    “One family unit” & comes under your security….

    This is deep but intensely protective & psychological…

    : Awareness & Mental Alertness
    Towards The Revelations & Shocking News Coming Through Family Members
    Is Possible With The Exchange Of New Communal Living Ideas
    Within The Very Attached & Protective Family (Overdependent), Otherwise Would Have Been

    The clinging towards the Over-Attachment is there with the sense of independence
    as well because of the Sextile this WOLF MOON receives through the URANUS IN TAURUS
    while Polar opposite Luminary partner SUN in Capricorn trines to the URANUS,
    so this can balance & provide better awareness to the souls when it comes to
    the “Awareness & Sense of sexuality, Dedication for the betterment of the societies
    & the stories I have mentioned above about Feminine goddesses of soul probative
    & awakening, virginity & sexuality, etc”, Trine towards the SUN & MERCURY in Capricorn
    will give this WOLF Emotional Moon a sense of individuality within the Relationships
    & by overcoming the codependency emotional attachment factors,
    you would be better serving the purpose of Hestia & Psyche towards the betterment
    of the societies at a larger scales & whole family will appreciate your sense of purpose,
    dedication without getting too much clingily involved or dependent on them,
    you go towards the right path of pioneering leadership which is the need of an hour
    for this CARDINIALITY of Full Moon (Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aries & Moon In Cancer)….

    Full Moon Triggers The Water Triplicity Of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces:
    A Psychological Grand Mystical Trinity (TWater Trine)

    Full Moon Trine Vesta Trines Psyche provides Cancer & Water Signs folks
    with ab ability to convert the comfort zones of protective family security & life
    to the larger scale & make that “Protection” as a symbolism of the Mission
    of your life this month where you want to resurrect the world order
    & change the lifestyle of the masses of the societies you are living in
    because you have made a mission to selflessly forget your own enigmas
    & personal security & values & dedicating your life for the sake of other people,
    environment, surrounding moods & fully protect their feelings,
    daughters being a protective motherly feminism inside you,
    any threats they receive in real or in their head due to some fears
    because PSYCHE in Scorpio will definitely ease out the most fierce demons
    in the head of the family members & the needy people around you,
    through your strong intuition, memories & awareness to defeat the demons,
    manipulators & abductors coming through the threatening elements
    of the nasty societies who are busy in making schemes to hurt the 4th House family members,
    & here whole Society & Country & World at collective global has become your FAMILY….

    Because PSYCHE in SCORPIO & VESTA In PISCES will create a Mask on your face
    where you will be feeling like acting behind the scenes or through the mirror
    by which, only you could see the sufferings & pain of the societies
    & family members but at the same time, the mirror sends strong reflection
    & creates a sense of MASK or Protective shield around your personality
    & because of that mirror, the outer world cannot see through the pain you are in your daily life
    & by hiding your own traumas, insecurities, you are providing them best from you being a dedicated acting agent
    to secure & protect the world who is joining you as “One family unit” & comes under your security….
    This is deep but intensely protective & psychological…

    Lesson To Work On Shadows Of Full Moon & Its Emotional Release:

    Just be careful about getting overboard in emotionalism & overflow of fluids of the body
    as well as the digestive issues building up in the intestines & stomach today,
    especially during the peak of the FULL MOON points & Hour,
    because she will then make you prone to depression, lunatic,
    and a lot of strange behavioral tendencies that can cause trouble in personal relationships,
    especially between Parents & Children (Due to CAN/Capricorn polarities)…
    & since is the Cardinality Full Moon between SUN IN CAPRICORN & Moon In Cancer,
    there is a danger of developing leadership & role-defining crisis at home,
    like whom should play a protective force at home & who should be fulfilling professional demands
    & responsibilities & without being complainant or ranting/whining about the off-balance crisis,
    if occurs between you & the other family members today…

    With much love & care, enjoy your fertile & intuitive nature today…
    A [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #fullmoonenergy #fullmoonvibes #Astrologer #astrology #astrologypost #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscope #horoscopeposts #horoscopememes #goddess #goddessenergy #goddesses #mythology #mythological

    Full Moon In Cancer On 6th Jan 2023 At 16°21’ On 6th – 7th January 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif

    6m ·

    & : 8th Jan - 10th January 2023
    Here Comes The Lunar Cycle Shift In Energies…

    1f316. 1f316. / - 1f981.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    & , , , , -,
    , ,
    , & & .

    1f338.1f48b. & : 1f338.1f48b.

    - - 1f316.

    This 5th Number in Zodiac Circle indicates & shows the high talents of a native such as Powerful sports,
    Rockstars with Ego-Driven,
    Passionate Human nature… Children Nature & Traits, Child Conception Matters,
    A strong & compassionate love for Children & also
    makes a high Erotic Charisma in his nature & wherever he goes, will definitely attract
    an audience who could be attracted Or drawn to
    him magnetically & physically…

    1f981. 1f338. & & 1f338. 1f981.

    . : Triggers Taurus, Scorpio & Aquarius

    - On January 8th, Gibbous Lunar °’ Enters °ʟᴇᴏ ♌︎

    Energies By Waning Gibbous LUNA 1f317.

    1- Jan 8 Enters Leo At 00° 264c. 00’

    2- Jan 8 Trine Jupiter In Aries At 02° 2648. 08’

    3- Jan 8 Opposition Venus 2640. In Aqua At 07° 2652. 01’

    4- Jan 9 Sextiles Retrograde Mars In Gem At 08° 264a. 14’

    5- Jan 9 Square Uranus In Taurus At 15° 2649. 01’

    6- Jan 10 Opposite Saturn In Aquarius At 23° 2652. 21’

    7- Jan 10 Conjunct Regulus At 29° 264c. 00’
    It's a time to come before or in front of the Public & project yourself as a very talented
    & creative Artist they have ever seen & you can
    shine on the Center stage formula which definitely requires appreciation
    & acknowledgment for showcasing your creative work such as
    Artists like Singers, Painters & Other Media Actors & Actresses
    & Even Social Media TIKTOK Stars Will Get Some Recognition Through
    Their Glamorous Confidence...

    Today, all you want for a whole month is the limelight, showcasing your Artistic work
    & getting appreciated by the audience through the
    sheer creativity of the 5th House…

    , It might be some Melancholic & Isolative times ahead with an element of danger
    of getting SEPARATION from closed circles, people you are usually getting along with
    & even in the close relationships such as Marital Life will go in stressful times, because
    this influence of the FIXED Lunar Cycle in LEO, while traveling through the FIXED sign
    will be triggering the Squares &
    Opposition to the rest of Fixed Signs such as (First Dragon`s Tail ☋,
    Then Opposing The Saturn In Aquarius ahead).

    So (Rahu ☊ & Uranus) & to Sensitive (Venus on 8th Jan & Then SAT ♄
    On 10th January 2023) brings about
    emotional rhetoric due to Rigidity & Stubborness in Belief-System, Personal Values
    & Possessiveness Or even Jealousy factors which leads a person towards craves attention
    so badly that they can become “Attention seekers” for nothing
    & overly-possessive about worldly desires, possessions & even for the People
    they are close to, & demand constant attention from the people around them all the time with
    an element of being impatient for the appreciation & this can push people away because of high Ranting,
    Complaining For Every Wrong Thing Happening In Your Life Being a Whining Whores,
    Clinginess & inability to SHARE Personal belongings, & even Creativity will be
    kept safe/away from people & also the botheration which they can bring due to their attention seeking instincts
    might be hard to handle & control at times because of the High /
    & Fixed Belief & Values system that includes whole Family & put their
    stakes at risk as they might be losing many close allies due to this much rigid nature ahead…


    Firstly, On 8th Jan 2023, upon ingressing into LEO, this gibbous Luna will create a fire trine
    with Jupiter in Aries & will help you
    improve your relationship, bond & ties with women in your family as well as bring adventures
    to the nurturing side between you & the
    family members dependent upon you will admire your generosity
    & you will become more popular in your circles through appreciation
    towards your jovial & larger than life nature & style of charity
    & of course Creativity/Artistic endeavors you start today, will be
    thoroughly appreciated & admire at receiving end of the audience & your fans...

    2640. :

    Around 8th January 2023, Gibbous Lioness Luna will create opposition to the VENUS
    floating in fixed Aquarius & this will give you the
    power to socialize more Artistically & Creatively. But be careful about the over-indulgence matters
    into pleasurable stuff as well as
    shopping a lot being extravagance & losing a lot of money in buying unusual things
    & ornaments which will drain your whole week's
    budget with excessive & generous spend & excess...

    Around 10th January 2023, activates the Polarities between Luna In LEO & SATURN
    In Aquarius & also will Trigger the Fixed Square
    to the Ketu/Tail In SCORPIO & Luna in LEO.

    It means that urge to establish spiritual and emotional connections with others
    is there but also with discontentment and disagreement
    because you might be lacking sensitivity and this can ignite clashes
    within your family system ahead, so, there can be tensions between members of your family.

    You need to be careful in this regard because Lunar Cycle in LEO will create negative /

    The Fixed Axis will go on high stakes of Ego Clashes & Struggle in Families will be likely
    to occur due to difficulties in showing
    FLEXIBILITIES & of course will make natives at home, very egoistic and short-tempered;
    especially when things go wrong and you are
    not getting enough recognition, appreciation & acknowledged for your creative efforts
    in every field of life/profession.....

    The Last energy will be created between Gibbous Luna & Regulus Star before
    she enters into VIRGO ahead, will give you some
    enormous powers to shine through creativity, making a statement that you mean business
    & here to stay with confidence & get the
    glorious lifestyle (especially desiring recognition & fame as per Regulus push)
    for the final time during the whole Gibbous Lunar Cycle &
    perhaps, the final call of glory & fame will be the best time of her ingress
    into LEO sign for 2.5 days…

    Regards, stay blessed you all & enjoy this LEO Lunar Cycle ahead for 2.5 days
    until the 17th when She will ingress into VIRGO later on…

    with much love & care,

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    #luna #lunarcycle #Leo #leozodiac #mooninleo #mooncycles #Lunatic #astrologypost #astrology #Astrologer #astrologyreadings
    #zodiacsigns #zodiac #fame #glory


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    =AZWvbmTHyLpnTkdt2EWDY35XilagKnsfDIEcQ7ug8CgACiCMc7pfjN1h9jTvwi5F-hGUUTGqRWnbiEmJc4yYNLUVUL3qb1uLxtovC9uwplaw-jdk5z_P2kTwHIKadiwVTSv3rT-oh7vbAmQG5JnDGE3ufVWR9T0Mme1plauOOzFCdA&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R'] g_p843x403&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=vlDYr_GDrDIAX_oyoK6&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    Astro Aatif

    23m ·

    : For 9th January 2023 - The Lovers Paradise & Day Of Celebrating Love, Romance & Firtatiousness
    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Love Energies!!
    & & ...
    Predictions For Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo & Pisces
    - & 1f483. 1f57a. 1f975. 1f48b.
    Mars At 8° 264a. 11’ Rx
    Venus At 8° 2652. 11’
    Number 8 in Astrology describes the matters related to the Sexual Taboos, Death & Rebirth issues (Psychologically, Sexually & Emotionally), Pregnancy & Jealousy, Revenge etc
    & : Finding The Love On Social Media, Dating In the Library, On Social Media Apps, Through Socializing & Joining Peers, Finding a Crush By Joining a Friends Circle, Where Love Is An Adventure & A Thrill To Gain Popularity & Sexuality Is Dependent On the Physical & Intellectual Attraction With Creatively & Artistically Active Sexual Desires Manifested Into Physical Sensualism Such As Dance, Sculptures, & Singing
    & : “Since We Are Air Signs Lovers, Can We Just Talk, Talk, Talk Talking About Love & Flirting Through Words, Without Getting Serious About It? 1f483. 1f57a. 1f975. 1f48b. ..”
    : Today, the basic attributes attach to your love life through this conventional & classes aspect of lovemaking, are based on flirting & converting your physical pleasures into creative activities to release through Dance, Drama, Films, Acting & Singing & socializing pursuits, and endeavors by converting flirtatiousness into the release of energies like expressing affection easily on Phone, Social media (Gemini Mars), creating peers with groups through networking & friends circles (Aquarius Venus) by sitting far away from homeland because today you are naturally attracted to others. You enjoy social activity, demonstrate a lively and outgoing personality
    The Shadow Work & Lesson For Mars Trines Venus In Air Signs:
    Basically, VENUS here in Aqua (Fixed Sign) contradicts with basic traits of Venus which is “Codependency & Sensualism”, because, in Aquarius, sexuality is based on intellectualism, individuation & unconventional love style & very freedom-based (Mental Freedom) REBEL of Lovers she projects her to be & Since VENUS is an extreme sign with an abundance of addiction & overindulgence, Trine to Mars could indicate the occasional need of Physical exhaustion & then shutting down through periodic “breaking free” & detachment herself in love & romantic ties & this could create trouble for the Mars who means business in GEMINI because Gemini wants constant stimulation of mind & even Mars in could overdemand the need for Communication & conversations, gossip, chattiness, & long sessions of mind-stimulating intellectual pursuits which VENUS in Aquarius won't be able to provide because of periodic detachments lol but she will always come back after some gap. However, still, Mars will find it very edgy & revolting because He needs constant mental activities with lovers, crushes, Or partnerships he's seeing...
    : Mutable & Fixed But With the Same AIR Element
    So in short, Mars In Gemini (Retrograde) Trines Venus In Aquarius does not guarantee the longevity of relationships & any sexual, sensual endeavor or adventure you sneak through today should be based on short-lived pleasure & intellectualism & should be manifested into socializing, creativity, & any lover coming to you today, should not be taken too seriously because the mismatch of Elements (Mutable Mars & Fixed Venus)...
    So, Mars & Venus, today should be flirting with each other for a limited period of time because both of them do not want to settle down in life by making a family despite heavy Marriage material or potential partners in the long run... Also, TRINE is easy & for-granted energy in Horoscope & Sky that does not possess the GROWTH for couples which is required for them to make a challenging couple that slowly & gradually increases their Compatability, otherwise...
    Dont complain about when love is gone lol & instead, focus on only talk, talk, talk talking about LOVE, SEX, and Romance through long conversations, phone calls, joining peers on social media forums, dating apps, dating in the library, exchanging notes of wisdom such as Astrology & Tarot, & enjoy this transit without getting too much involved in each other…Keep it casual …
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #marsingemini #Gemini #Aquarius #CapricornSeason #January #January2023 #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrology #Astrologer #lovers #romancebooks #romancereads #talking #conversation #gossip #roleplaying #roleplay #sexuality #erotica #erotic #tantricsex #healing #dance #dancereels #dancersofinstagram

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 13m ·


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur

    : For 9th January 2023 - The Lovers Paradise & Day Of Celebrating Love, Romance & Firtatiousness
    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Love Energies!!
    & & ...
    Predictions For Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo & Pisces
    - & 1f483. 1f57a. 1f975. 1f48b.
    Mars At 8° 264a. 11’ Rx
    Venus At 8° 2652. 11’
    Number 8 in Astrology describes the matters related to Sexual Taboos, Death & Rebirth issues (Psychologically, Sexually & Emotionally), Pregnancy & Jealousy, Revenge, etc
    & : Finding The Love On Social Media, Dating In the Library, On Social Media Apps, Through Socializing & Joining Peers, Finding a Crush By Joining a Friends Circle, Where Love Is An Adventure & A Thrill To Gain Popularity & Sexuality Is Dependent On the Physical & Intellectual Attraction With Creatively & Artistically Active Sexual Desires Manifested Into Physical Sensualism Such As Dance, Sculptures, & Singing
    & : “Since We Are Air Signs Lovers, Can We Just Talk, Talk, Talk Talking About Love & Flirting Through Words, Without Getting Serious About It? 1f483. 1f57a. 1f975. 1f48b. ..”
    : Today, the basic attributes attach to your love life through this conventional & classes aspect of lovemaking, are based on flirting & converting your physical pleasures into creative activities to release through Dance, Drama, Films, Acting & Singing & socializing pursuits, and endeavors by converting flirtatiousness into the release of energies like expressing affection easily on Phone, Social media (Gemini Mars), creating peers with groups through networking & friends circles (Aquarius Venus) by sitting far away from homeland because today you are naturally attracted to others. You enjoy social activity, demonstrate a lively and outgoing personality
    & :
    Basically, VENUS here in Aqua (Fixed Sign) contradicts with basic traits of Venus which is “Codependency & Sensualism”, because, in Aquarius, sexuality is based on intellectualism, individuation & unconventional love style & very freedom-based (Mental Freedom) REBEL of Lovers she projects her to be & Since VENUS is an extreme sign with an abundance of addiction & overindulgence, Trine to Mars could indicate the occasional need of Physical exhaustion & then shutting down through periodic “breaking free” & detachment herself in love & romantic ties & this could create trouble for the Mars who means business in GEMINI because Gemini wants constant stimulation of mind & even Mars in could overdemand the need for Communication & conversations, gossip, chattiness, & long sessions of mind-stimulating intellectual pursuits which VENUS in Aquarius won't be able to provide because of periodic detachments lol but she will always come back after some gap. However, still, Mars will find it very edgy & revolting because He needs constant mental activities with lovers, crushes, Or partnerships he's seeing...
    : Mutable & Fixed But With the Same AIR Element
    So in short, Mars In Gemini (Retrograde) Trines Venus In Aquarius does not guarantee the longevity of relationships & any sexual, sensual endeavor or adventure you sneak through today should be based on short-lived pleasure & intellectualism & should be manifested into socializing, creativity, & any lover coming to you today, should not be taken too seriously because the mismatch of Elements (Mutable Mars & Fixed Venus)...
    So, Mars & Venus, today should be flirting with each other for a limited period of time because both of them do not want to settle down in life by making a family despite heavy Marriage material or potential partners in the long run... Also, TRINE is easy & for-granted energy in Horoscope & Sky that does not possess the GROWTH for couples which is required for them to make a challenging couple that slowly & gradually increases their Compatability, otherwise...
    Dont complain about when love is gone lol & instead, focus on only talk, talk, talk talking about LOVE, SEX, and Romance through long conversations, phone calls, joining peers on social media forums, dating apps, dating in the library, exchanging notes of wisdom such as Astrology & Tarot, & enjoy this transit without getting too much involved in each other…Keep it casual …
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #marsingemini #Gemini #Aquarius #CapricornSeason #January #January2023 #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrology #Astrologer #lovers #romancebooks #romancereads #talking #conversation #gossip #roleplaying #roleplay #sexuality #erotica #erotic #tantricsex #healing #dance #dancereels #dancersofinstagram

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    9m ·

    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies With Waning Gibbous Moon Cycle Ingresses Virgo - The Maiden Earth Deity
    Waning Gibbous Lunar In Virgo - From 10th Jan - 12th Jan 2023
    ♍︎ :
    Pancreas, Intestine, Digestive tract, Rectum, Sense Organs: Eyes and Ears.
    Operations & Surgeries Are Recommended During Wanning Moon, But Though it Is Advised About Avoidance Of Operations When The Luna Is Transiting Mutable Sign…
    ♍︎ : Sustaining Into Duties, Spiritually Receptive, Perfection, Realization, Service, Observance, Emotionally Reliable & Grounded & Nervousness
    This Moon Cycle Invites Us To Become Observant About The Issues Related To Health Which Are Developing In Our Body Late & Desiring The Perfection & Nurturance In Personal Relations Based On Trust & Emotional Security.
    Also, With This Earth & Reliable Goddess Nurturance Is Dependent Upon The Practical Consideration & Putting Practicality Before Emotionalism & Getting Nervous About It Is Also Possible With This Transit…
    This Gibbous Virgo ♍︎ Moon Unfolds About inheriting Some Kind Of Dutiful Work, Skills & Legacies Through Your Parents & Forefathers.
    & ♍︎ :
    Jan 10 00°00’ Enters 0° Virgo
    Jan 11 Square Mars At 08°08’
    Jan 11 Trine Mercury At 11°49’
    Jan 11 Trine Uranus At 14°59’
    Jan 12 Trine Sun At 21°57’
    Jan 12 Opposition Neptune At 23°05’
    Jan 12 Trine Pluto At 28°02’
    This whole "Heavily Aspected" lunar cycle for 2.5 days ahead in Virgo ♍︎ can be manifested both positively & negatively… & with the opposition of Neptune, Squaring To Mars in Gemini & Training to Pluto in Capricorn ahead can be tricky & psychologically domineering, highly nervous & negative energies & natives with this heavy Virgo Lunar Cycle (Transits) can go into deep zones of the Shadow sides of the VIRGO which will trigger the whole “Stereotypes” of this Maiden Deity of Service & Observance ahead…
    when negatively used, this Self Control on other people around you can make you repressive authority as well and if while trying to press & make people under your control submissively or making them bow to your orders, you can become LUNATIC with "Sadistic Sophistication" and that can hurt your whole Psychological system (Which is typical to the FULL MOON born people)... & I have seen many Virgos suffering from Depression and their whole psyche gets disturbed and they act weirdly and mentally & emotionally go offline to their deep isolation zones…
    Lunar Cycles in Maiden Virgo 264d. are basically an indication of an inability to learn through the mirror and may project your detailed oriented subjects & Relationships onto others because of confusion & nervousness.
    Virgo do not express emotionalism and rather or instead, they tend to get nervous & quietly or conversationally analyze the situation and find the patterns to normalize their Emotional rhetoric feelings which are withheld and expressed through the analysis, realization, analyzation & verbally giving SERVICE to needy people and this is how they Nurture themselves (Through proper self-less and one-sided Service but left with empty hands because they usually dont get payback for their service, both emotionally Or acknowledgment)
    That said, despite challenges & heavy energies which would make Virgo's side of your very nervous, dual-minded & confused (Virgo Luna, Gemini Mars & Pisces Neptune squares & opposition), there are windows of opportunities to come back as a much stronger Virgo ahead... So dont be so pessimistically conclusive about the negative outcome without having your Horoscope READ by the Professional ASTROLOGER for better understanding and end results... So dont apply bad things and assumed on your own on you lol
    The Nurturing & Manifestation process for this Waning Gibbous Virgo Moon Cycle should be around things that are related to Vehicles, Short distant travel (Because Mercury Rules Transportation & Vehicles) but also Writing, Readings, Conversations, Phone Calls & exchanging ideas... very much a Gemini + Virgo matter, right? because Mercury is being ruled by both Signs.....
    Enjoy this Service-Based VIRGO Lunar Cycle & try to manifest these energies into helping the needy people, and family members dependent upon your critical nature (being perfectionist) & because you are desiring emotional & material security deep down, more than relying on emotionalism & stupid ranting, whining about love & clinginess, you are better to nurture the whole family system while restraining on your emotional side, hiding behind observant & critique yet practical MASK...
    With much care & love,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #virgomoon #moon #moonlight #gibbousmoon #waning #waningmoon #lunarcycle #Lunatic #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #zodiac #zodiac #Virgo #CapricornSeason #lunarmansion #moonmansion #moonmagic #mansion #mansionhouse #fortunetelling #healthcare #intestine #guthealthiskey #maiden

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    06 JAN 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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