06 Jan 2023 / 07 Jan 2023 ~ Full Moon ~ The Wolf Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 5, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    44m ·

    , , , , &

    Here Comes An Archetypal Full Moon 1f31d.
    In Cancer At 16°♋︎21’ Creates A Grand Water Trine Vesta In Pisces, Psyche 16 In Scorpio

    This Full Moon is very compassionate
    & mystical As She Combines Two Archetypal Goddesses Of Asteroids
    (Hestia & Psyche 16) & narrates the saga of Selfless Dedication
    With Compassion, Protection & Security
    At the Collective & larger scale, globally... 1f483.

    Here Comes a Full Moon In Cancer
    – A Strange Shadows Being Created
    Through The Fully Illumanatied “Homecoming” Glows]
    The Whole World Tonight By This Active Deity Of Emotions,
    Nurturance, Protectance & Motherhood

    Full Moon Forming A Sweet Mystical Grand Water Trine
    While Connecting Harmoniously with some goddesses

    This Full Moon Narrates A Saga Of A Trinity Of Water Triplicity
    & A Flow Of Emotions, Psychic Bonds, Spirit guides & Memories
    Through Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces

    : Stomach, mucosa, breast, womb, ovary, etc

    & :
    “She Changes everything she touches

    And everything she touches, changes…”

    & &

    1- Full Moon Trines Vesta In Pisces

    2- Full Moon Trines Psyche 16 In Scorpio

    & :

    Protective Towards Family Members, Motherhood, Nurturance,
    Ruler Of The Emotions & Moodswings, Strong Memories, Legacy Of
    Parents & Forefathers Including All Necessities Of The Ancestral Belongings,

    Home Instincts, Sympathetic Towards Needy People,
    Receptive To The Moods Of The Surroundings, Childish Sense Of Humor,
    Clannishness, etc


    16 is the number associated with the Mother, motherly,

    Homeland, Patriotic Instincts, Water, Property, Family, Nurturing, Feminine
    Powers & Sensitivity, Flowing Emotions & Household Matters…

    The Sabian Symbol For Cancer 16°- 17°, Reveals Knowledge & Life

    The Sabian Symbol: Degree Of Cancer The Crab (16°- 17°)

    °- ° =
    Whatever we pretend to be is what we yearn to become…

    / :
    Sun In Capricorn, Luna In Cancer/Crab

    : "The individual may strive after perfection
    but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his completeness."

    This Jungian statement & concept (Jung studies mythologies in detail
    & that's beautiful in writing) clearly describes the polarity &
    reflection between Cancer Summer Solstice & Capricorn Winter Solstice indeed...

    , & #:

    - – The Archetypal Goddess Of Hearth In Pisces Trines Full Moon

    In Pisces, Vesta Or Hestia means dedication but at the expense of their own personality, c
    hoice & they have to experience Selflessly involved or overindulgence into a charity for others so bad,
    that they tend to lose their own identity & continue to receive betrayals, deceptions,
    & even experience Self-Sabotaging
    their own instinctual emotional needs & internal balance is totally lost.

    Because purpose
    & dedication is towards the betterment of the people through Nursing,
    Hospital Paramedical staff, Doctors, Charitable, NGOs,
    Victimees resurrectors, etc etc

    - # The Greek Goddess Of The Soul
    (Through complete purification & personification process), An
    Awareness Towards The Core Of Humans & Their Belief-System,
    & She Symbolises The Butterfly (As you can see in the Glyph I used in graphics)…

    : 16 , (16)

    Psyche 16 In Horoscopes: So Psyche 16 describes the role where you are on the same wavelength
    and frequency with someone to whom
    you would devote yourself in order for connectedness both physically & mentally,
    but you need to pass some trivial traps in order to live with them or reach your destiny.

    Because the SOUL Of Psyche 16 feels at home only when you find
    no hurdle between you & that person…

    (), ()
    & / ():

    Casting Shadows Of Protection, Deduction, Enduring The Traumatic Pain Of Life,
    Giving Births To Children While Still Hiding Behind The Mask Of A Smile To Dodge Internal Fears
    For The Greater Cause…

    : Awareness & Mental Allertnes
    Towards The Revelations & Shocking News Coming Through
    Family Members Is Possible With The Exchange Of New Communal Living Ideas
    Within The Very Attached & Protective Family
    (Overdependent), Otherwise Would Have Been
    , & :
    A Psychological Grand Mystical Trinity (TWater Trine)

    Because PSYCHE in SCORPIO & VESTA In PISCES will create a Mask
    on your face where you will be feeling like acting behind the
    scenes or through the mirror by which, only you could see the sufferings
    & pain of the societies & family members but at the same time,
    the mirror sends strong reflection & creates a sense of MASK
    or Protective shield around your personality & because of that mirror,
    the outer world cannot see through the pain you are in your daily life
    & by hiding your own traumas, insecurities, you are providing them
    best from you being a dedicated acting agent to secure
    & protect the world who is joining you as “One family unit” & comes under your

    & …

    & :
    Since is the Cardinality Full Moon between SUN IN CAPRICORN
    & Moon In Cancer, there is a danger of developing a leadership & role-
    defining crisis at home, like who should play a protective force at home
    & who should be fulfilling professional demands &
    responsibilities & without being complainant
    or ranting/whining about the off-balance crisis,
    if occurs between you & the other family
    members today…

    Read the full article about the influence of FULL MOON IN CANCER
    & her significance on humans on my blog below, as i have
    discussed everything in detail there

    Full Article: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../full-moon-in.../

    With much love & care, enjoy your fertile & intuitive nature today…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    Read the full article about the influence of FULL MOON IN CANCER
    & her significance on humans on my blog below, as i have
    discussed everything in detail there

    Full Article: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../full-moon-in.../

    #fullmoon #fullmoonvibes #fullmoonritual #mooncycles #lunarcycle #lunar #Lunatic #moonincancer #cancerzodiac #zodiac
    #zodiacsigns #astrology #astrologypost #Astrologer #Hestia #vesta #Psyche16 #goddess #goddessenergy #goddesses #fortuneteller
    #Capricorn #CapricornSeason

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    537cfb732600d272. Compliments of : Nanette Crist
    About Nanette | cristchurch.org

    Nanette was a mere seven years old when she announced her intention to become an artist.

    Her mother was a successful American artist and devoutly religious person whose ancestors were icon painters.

    When twelve Nanette had already sold thirty portraits.

    When she was twenty-one Nanette had a miraculous experience of seeing and communing with God for three days.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Joe Eigo


    Heal the heart chakra for full moon in cancer.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Saturday, January 07, 2023
    07 JAN 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    4h ·

    Even though the official Color associated with ARIES is "RED"
    but when Jupiter is around, there are no RED FLAGS
    & RED LIGHTS for your adventures, outdoors to restrict
    your "Headstrong/ARIES" through "Red Flags" at all...

    You are good to go against the odds, and restrictions through rebelliousness...
    If we look at earth through Jupiter`s expanding & joviality of eyes & vision,
    it's like we are in space & looking at Earth with a broader & visionary microscope of JUPITER.

    Even if its a diving & religiously active spiritual vision,
    Jupiter will give us powers & endorsements for recognizing the power of GOD
    & Universe not still give us REVOLT to go against nature without being too much submissiv
    e towards the Rules, Regulations & Laws of the Universal & Religion...

    This is obviously good because we are at least using our own BRAIN + Head & Activities (Aries)
    to make our own statements through breakthroughs in the Research sector,
    without believing anything on "first-hand information" at first glance,
    we just go out & research with a broader vision, because Jupiter gives us the powers
    to go beyond our mental range, & conservation of the societies or not-so-communal living
    or maybe joint family system & their narrowmindedness influence on us?

    but it's not gonna work when Jupiter is in ARIES
    with all those Green Signals for us to "Revolt", Rebel & Reinstigation..

    Every outdoor adventure & initiation towards instigative actions & thrills gives you a "Green Signal"
    & everything turns green without a Red Light or Red Flag for your adventures & outdoor thrills,
    if those gambling instincts are misadventures, you are gonna get away with them
    & those green lights are so tantric when JUPITER is active.

    Have some outdoor fun until this UNCLE JUPE (Jupiter) ingresses into Taurus
    somewhere in May 2023...

    After all, its a Cardinality activation with Jupiter & Chiron In Aries,
    Pluto staying in Capricorn, & Full Moon & Random Monthly Moon Cycles
    hitting CANCER & for Libra, i have talked about CERES GODDESS OF NURTURANCE
    & GRAIN Cutting & Food, in my previous posts...
    So yeah

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.


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