05 Mar 2023 - Sunset To The Full Moon ~ 07 Mar 2023 ~ Comes In To Mark The End Of The Winter Season!

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 27, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    8h ·
    , , , , &
    From 8th March - 10th march 2023
    Actress Libra LUNA is finding ways to control or balance Her Entire Family So Everyone Gets Nurtured Due To Her High Diplomacy & Skills Of Codependency...
    : Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin
    :Bringing everything uncentered, out of balance, ugly, and inharmonious in daily life back to balance through diplomacy, a luxurious lifestyle, pleasing everyone at home through a well-balanced, aesthetical & pleasant nature,
    , & &
    Enjoy harmony, balance & equilibrium in every aspect of life & especially nurturing is dependent upon equality & intellectualism within personal relationships, creativity & artistic endeavors are higher than before with fruitful income & luxurious lifestyle.
    Transiting Waning Gibbous Moon in the VENUS House Aka LIBRA - The Scales sign pushes natives towards developing lust & desperate needs to be in a relationship, needs to feel loved, to feel whole & create one-to-one partnerships & connectedness with partners at domestic & personal levels & without partnerships & connectedness, you cannot feel the sense of wholeness or your wholesome remains unnurtured, unfulfilled & dissatisfied forever… So making partnerships, relationships & socializing is very important as well the showmance of your Creativity & VENUSIAN nature, endeavors & ventures…
    - 1f314. . :
    March 8th, ☽ Enters 0°Libra At 00°Libra00’
    March 9th, ☽ Opposite Jupiter At 13°Aries51’
    March 10th, ☽ Opposite Venus At 22°Aries03’
    March 10th, ☽ Trine Mars At 23°Gemini03’
    March 10th, ☽ Square Pluto At 29°Capricorn44’
    March 10th, ☽ Moon Leaves Libra & Enters Scorpio
    Gibbous Moon Opposition Jupiter, Venus & Chiron In Aries:
    The Gibbous LUNA in LIBRA Opposing the set of Venus, Jupiter Getting close to the CHIRON indicates the Release of the energies which were previously withheld inside the heart through Aesthetic Sense, Traveling, Romantic Pleasures & Flirtatiousness, Using The Art Of Libra Seduction, Actions, initiations, instigation & also going overboard with the collective forgiveness if your ARIES Points are fully EVOLVED (Because usually ARIES likes to move on quickly & does not hold grudges as such but surely it release its anger once for all though).
    The AIR TRINE formed between Moon & Mars will make a person flighty, indecisive, diversified & distorted in terms of manifesting tons of flighty ideas & turning them into reality is a big challenge for natives today because they dont feel like getting proper motivation coming to execute those ideas & converting them into actions... This way, those ideas keep on floating inside their head & person loses a lot of opportunities & misses the train because of a lack of sense of timing & execution of plans… So watch out for laziness in the brain ahead…
    Enjoy this 2.5 Wanning Gibbouys lunar cycle inside the LIBRA - The Scales & create your home environment beautiful through your aesthetic & Venus side & sense of creativity & this way you will be able to enjoy the AIR TRINES coming through Mars in Air elements (Libra & Gemini) & these 2.5 days will be a blast of harmony, happiness, sociable & intellectually exchanging ideas & tons of planning within family members until the Luna starts squaring with PLUTO in Capricorn ahead on the final day around 10th March 2023 which will test your personal relationships… Other than that, it's a perfect blend of intellectualism, creativity, a luxurious lifestyle, harmony & balance at your personal level for 2.5 days ahead…
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #libramoon #waninggibbousmoon #lunar #lunarcycle #moon #mooncycles #moontides #Libra #aesthetics #aesthetician #beauty #harmony #harmonious #balance #diplomacy #astrologyfacts #astrology #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #astrologylover #zodiacfacts #zodiac #astrologymemes #March


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 1 of 2
    TheVertex Astrology
    Yesterday at 12:57 AM ·
    *AHEM* Class of 2026 - aka babes born 1993-1996 your Saturn Return officially begins NOW. And as the rest of us already know… SkyDaddy Saturn doesn’t play 1f440.
    As you may have already noticed this Full Moon has a 2 for 1 cosmic clusterfuck special 1f60d. lol- not only is it chaotic as hell but it ALSO has SkyDaddy Saturn leaving Aquarius for the first time since Dec 2020 and going into the watery, confusing, illegal substance- infused depths of Pisces 1f605. And this hasn’t happened in ~28 years! And it will be going on for the next 3 years! And if your natal Saturn is in Pisces, Happy Saturn Return! This will only hurt a bit 1f600. 1f609.
    Saturn entered Pisces on March 7th at 5:35am PST/ 8:35am EST (adjust for your time zone) at 0° Pisces, just hrs after the Full Moon.
    OK so why is this a big fucking deal? Honestly, March is *one of*- if not THE most important month of all of 2023- particularly because SkyDaddy Saturn (structure, restrictions, obligations, karma) has been *very* comfortable in his home rulership signs of Capricorn (2018-2020) and Aquarius (Dec 2020- today lol). In those signs there was LOGIC and PRAGMATISM (despite his duel with Uranus who wanted to rebel and create CHANGE.). BUT now he’s going to be moving into a sign he’s not particularly ~CRAZY~ about… Pisces 1f4a6.
    Listen I’m not just talking shit about Pisces over here (I have a Pisces Moon and Mars unfortunately, so RIP me 1f480. )- Saturn is the stern father of the zodiac and thrives in organization, structure, strategy, practicality. Literally all of the things that are the antithesis of Pisces vibes of dreaming, illusion, delusion, and unstructured creative genius. Lol but did I mention delusion already? 1f605. Saturn HATES it here. Remember in Gossip Girl when Blair didn’t get into Yale and had to go to progressive, creative NYU and she was literally *dying* inside? LOL I’ve been binging GG for some more Penn Badgely, sorry 1f600. Or for a less niche example, it’s like if your conservative father tries to be ~supportive~ of your decision to get a liberal arts degree even though he’s cringing all the way through. Like yay, you’re going to school and not just like, joining the circus or some shit but like, *why this.* THAT’S SATURN entering PISCES. Like it could be worse, but he’s not excited 1f605.
    But he’s also going to be whipping into shape the area of our chart (and therefore our lives) that contains Pisces. (Subscribe to TheVertex Experience for this info 1f5a4. ). And he’s going to be faced with the difficult task of adding structure and discipline to one of the most UNstructured of signs. That means infusing creativity, spirituality, dreams etc with discipline, organization— and restricting these areas if they are not up to his standards. Saturn rewards hard work and also integrity as well as things that have a solid foundation- so any area of our lives we’re using to ~escape~ will be under SOLID scrutiny. That means no more spiritual bypassing 1f600. (Love and light community, I’m looking at you 1f440. ) No more living in hopeless fantasy- the rose colored glasses are not just going to be dropped- they will likely be utterly obliterated. Anywhere you are LYING to yourself or others… you get where I’m going with this. Saturn doesn’t fuck around. No more just like ~manifesting~ shit inside your mind- Saturn wants to see sweat equity 1f4aa.
    But yeah, wherever this lands in your chart, you will likely have new restrictions, added responsibility, and you’re probably going to have to work harder at that area of your life than you have in a very long time- 28 years to be precise. ESPECIALLY if you have personal planets in Pisces because the ~spotlight~ will be on you like it’s been on Aquarius for the last 3 years. Aquarius/Capricorn placements, you may now take a damn BREATH. SkyDaddy says you’ve earned it 1f970. I’m NOT stoked on this transit based on where it’s hitting *my* chart BUT as a heavily Saturnian bish myself 1f485. , I actually think this will be a healthy thing for the collective overall.
    Like for one thing, the spiritual community has gotten out of fucking control. No grounding whatsoever to be seen 1fae1. Also the uptick in SCAMS (another Pisces thing because Neptune which is the modern ruler of Pisces rules deception) and people taking advantage of spirituality/ mysticism/ the occult ~popularity~ for financial gain and preying on people’s lack of knowledge. All that needs to end like, yesterday. ALSO people who gained like ~some interest~ in astrology or tarot or other spiritual practices and took like A COURSE and quite delusionally think they know muchhhh more than they do and (perhaps unintentionally) spreading misinformation as far as the eye can see?? (Looking at you, Twitter “astrologers.”) SkyDaddy Saturn is coming for you 1f642.
    Though also why this will in many ways be the over-arching theme and be the most difficult for Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements- SkyDaddy Saturn likes to take his sweet fucking TIME as he moves through this sign and will only reach up to 7° Pisces, the degree of his retrograde on July 1st. That means if you don’t have stuff at very *early* degrees of Pisces, you won’t feel his wrath or authoritarian ways until 2024-2025 1f618. The *not* great news about that though is that that means Saturn will be on what’s referred to as the “World Axis” of 7° at the end of the year and into early 2024. With this and UnderworldDaddy Pluto going into Aquarius for the first time since… 1777… this year (and especially month) is sure to be… memorable 1f605.
    Happy Saturn in Pisces, late 20 something’s- Saturn is about to make you grow the fuck up and get ~serious~ in whatever house he’s in… Subscribe to TheVertex Experience to find out more 1f440. —> enterthevertex.com/experience
    Subscribe: enterthevertex.com/experience
    IG: Instagram.com/enterthevertex
    TT: TikTok.com/@enterthevertex

    part 2 of 2
    TheVertex Astrology
    Yesterday at 12:57 AM ·
    *AHEM* Class of 2026 - aka babes born 1993-1996 your Saturn Return officially begins NOW. And as the rest of us already know… SkyDaddy Saturn doesn’t play 1f440.
    As you may have already noticed this Full Moon has a 2 for 1 cosmic clusterfuck special 1f60d. lol- not only is it chaotic as hell but it ALSO has SkyDaddy Saturn leaving Aquarius for the first time since Dec 2020 and going into the watery, confusing, illegal substance- infused depths of Pisces 1f605. And this hasn’t happened in ~28 years! And it will be going on for the next 3 years! And if your natal Saturn is in Pisces, Happy Saturn Return! This will only hurt a bit 1f600. 1f609.
    Saturn entered Pisces on March 7th at 5:35am PST/ 8:35am EST (adjust for your time zone) at 0° Pisces, just hrs after the Full Moon.
    OK so why is this a big fucking deal? Honestly, March is *one of*- if not THE most important month of all of 2023- particularly because SkyDaddy Saturn (structure, restrictions, obligations, karma) has been *very* comfortable in his home rulership signs of Capricorn (2018-2020) and Aquarius (Dec 2020- today lol). In those signs there was LOGIC and PRAGMATISM (despite his duel with Uranus who wanted to rebel and create CHANGE.). BUT now he’s going to be moving into a sign he’s not particularly ~CRAZY~ about… Pisces 1f4a6.
    Listen I’m not just talking shit about Pisces over here (I have a Pisces Moon and Mars unfortunately, so RIP me 1f480. )- Saturn is the stern father of the zodiac and thrives in organization, structure, strategy, practicality. Literally all of the things that are the antithesis of Pisces vibes of dreaming, illusion, delusion, and unstructured creative genius. Lol but did I mention delusion already? 1f605. Saturn HATES it here. Remember in Gossip Girl when Blair didn’t get into Yale and had to go to progressive, creative NYU and she was literally *dying* inside? LOL I’ve been binging GG for some more Penn Badgely, sorry 1f600. Or for a less niche example, it’s like if your conservative father tries to be ~supportive~ of your decision to get a liberal arts degree even though he’s cringing all the way through. Like yay, you’re going to school and not just like, joining the circus or some shit but like, *why this.* THAT’S SATURN entering PISCES. Like it could be worse, but he’s not excited 1f605.
    But he’s also going to be whipping into shape the area of our chart (and therefore our lives) that contains Pisces. (Subscribe to TheVertex Experience for this info 1f5a4. ). And he’s going to be faced with the difficult task of adding structure and discipline to one of the most UNstructured of signs. That means infusing creativity, spirituality, dreams etc with discipline, organization— and restricting these areas if they are not up to his standards. Saturn rewards hard work and also integrity as well as things that have a solid foundation- so any area of our lives we’re using to ~escape~ will be under SOLID scrutiny. That means no more spiritual bypassing 1f600. (Love and light community, I’m looking at you 1f440. ) No more living in hopeless fantasy- the rose colored glasses are not just going to be dropped- they will likely be utterly obliterated. Anywhere you are LYING to yourself or others… you get where I’m going with this. Saturn doesn’t fuck around. No more just like ~manifesting~ shit inside your mind- Saturn wants to see sweat equity 1f4aa.
    But yeah, wherever this lands in your chart, you will likely have new restrictions, added responsibility, and you’re probably going to have to work harder at that area of your life than you have in a very long time- 28 years to be precise. ESPECIALLY if you have personal planets in Pisces because the ~spotlight~ will be on you like it’s been on Aquarius for the last 3 years. Aquarius/Capricorn placements, you may now take a damn BREATH. SkyDaddy says you’ve earned it 1f970. I’m NOT stoked on this transit based on where it’s hitting *my* chart BUT as a heavily Saturnian bish myself 1f485. , I actually think this will be a healthy thing for the collective overall.
    Like for one thing, the spiritual community has gotten out of fucking control. No grounding whatsoever to be seen 1fae1. Also the uptick in SCAMS (another Pisces thing because Neptune which is the modern ruler of Pisces rules deception) and people taking advantage of spirituality/ mysticism/ the occult ~popularity~ for financial gain and preying on people’s lack of knowledge. All that needs to end like, yesterday. ALSO people who gained like ~some interest~ in astrology or tarot or other spiritual practices and took like A COURSE and quite delusionally think they know muchhhh more than they do and (perhaps unintentionally) spreading misinformation as far as the eye can see?? (Looking at you, Twitter “astrologers.”) SkyDaddy Saturn is coming for you 1f642.
    Though also why this will in many ways be the over-arching theme and be the most difficult for Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements- SkyDaddy Saturn likes to take his sweet fucking TIME as he moves through this sign and will only reach up to 7° Pisces, the degree of his retrograde on July 1st. That means if you don’t have stuff at very *early* degrees of Pisces, you won’t feel his wrath or authoritarian ways until 2024-2025 1f618. The *not* great news about that though is that that means Saturn will be on what’s referred to as the “World Axis” of 7° at the end of the year and into early 2024. With this and UnderworldDaddy Pluto going into Aquarius for the first time since… 1777… this year (and especially month) is sure to be… memorable 1f605.
    Happy Saturn in Pisces, late 20 something’s- Saturn is about to make you grow the fuck up and get ~serious~ in whatever house he’s in… Subscribe to TheVertex Experience to find out more 1f440. —> enterthevertex.com/experience
    Subscribe: enterthevertex.com/experience
    IG: Instagram.com/enterthevertex
    TT: TikTok.com/@enterthevertex

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sunset & Daffodils on south promenade, Aberystwyth
    Wales, UK
    Photographer: Jane Wemyss-Owen

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