05 Mar 2023 - Sunset To The Full Moon ~ 07 Mar 2023 ~ Comes In To Mark The End Of The Winter Season!

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 27, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Todd Graven Photography is in Valdez, AK, United States.
    07 MAR 2023
    I caught the moon kissing the mountain tops this morning as it was setting.
    There was a haze in the air preventing me from getting clear detail but there was a cool looking glow around it.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Phoenix Intuitive Healing

    Happy shedding and full moon in Virgo 264d.
    it’s a great day to do some organizing or cleaning.
    If you don’t have a lot of energy,
    small sitting projects is what I do!
    Today we ground and connect with Gaia, planting our roots in the earth 1f30d.
    How’s everyone feeling?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    29m ·

    Let's go to the Moon 1f31d. & Never come back & enjoy her feminism & YIN because she would bestow her Goddess upon us & we will be carrying every Moon`s deity within us... Every shape of her resonates & symbolizes something & some goddesses ancients used to worship 1f60d.
    A full Moon in Virgo would Release emotions as 1f31d. is opposing NESSUS (Abuse Centaur) & her ruler aka MERCURY floats in Detrimental PISCES & creates Sextiles with the Healing Centaur "PHOLUS".
    As i wrote earlier in my full-length FULL MOON In Virgo post, about the Centaur Asteroids PHOLUS & NESSUS' 7066 influence on this Moon`s Deity VIRGO - The Maiden Virgin Goddess, you should be well aware that, you should be releasing your energies to the full cleansing & healing while writing down your ANTIDOTE Feelings Of Pain & Suffering into words & HEAL the Toxic World.
    Enjoy the pictures of her... shes looking so beautiful in the night sky right now...
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #fullmoon #fullmooninvirgo #virgomoon #Virgo #PiscesSzn #Pisces #piscesseason #pholus #Centaurus #Centaurworld #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astrography #StarsEverywhere #stars #fullmoonritual #fullmoonvibes #lunatics #lunation #lunarcycle #moonlight #moon #moonlovers #astrology




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    LeAnne Miller
    Will it be a positive thing for Virgo moons ?
    Astro Aatif
    Yeah for sure. the whole month will set the tone to become more decisive
    by leaving all confusion & nervousness of VIRGO BEHIND..
    but need to VENT out through words & writings though. & also develop some health regime today
    will set a tone for their overall health because VIRGO needs to relax as well due to overstress of service
    coming through Neptune, which they have been suffering from FOG & lack of clarity since so long now, lately..


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles
    11m ·

    Saturn is at 0° and zero minutes of Pisces as we go live tonight to really dive deeply
    into what this transit means for all dear souls.

    We will look at the Virgo full moon chart, the Inside Degrees placement of the Virgo full moon
    and what that means.

    Tapping into the vibrations in non-linear fashion as we read cards
    for all of the collective zodiacs elemental signs channeled with love
    through the vessel.

    Eternally coded frequency as always 1f49a.

    We look forward to connecting with each you tonight
    & gathering together in community of love.

    This is a weekly service to the Devine.
    We do this out of SERVICE (Virgo)
    We do it for our love of humanity 1f499.
    The 12 Collective 1f499.
    Channeled by Chanda Sparkles 2747.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    38m ·

    With Full Moon in Earthy Virgo sign is basically an indication of inability to learn through the mirror and may project your detailed oriented subjects & Relationships onto others because of confusion & nervousness (Due to the Virgo Sign and also emotionalism comes through the opposing force between two Luminaries in the sky, Aka Sun & Moon which is tough Lunatic energy to handle for many people), and even though, Virgo do not express emotionalism and rather or instead, they tend to get nervous & quietly or conversationally analyzing the situation and finding the patterns to normalize their Emotional rhetoric feelings which are withheld and expressed through the analyze & verbally giving SERVICE to needy people and this is how they Nurture themselves (Through proper self-less and one-sided Service but left with empty hands because they usually dont get payback for their service, both emotionally Or acknowledgment)
    , :
    : Full Moon occurrence affecting Health, Services,s Or Coworkers and you should be doing a lot of household work including going out grocery shopping or also arranging some office or home for someone special...Good for event management skills or professions related to this..,
    : Full Moon occurrence affects your Romance, Children & Even Creative & Artistic skills
    : Those who have Gemini Rising or even MC/10th on GEMINI (Since Virgo Rising has GEM on MC), then you have a powerfully communicative FULL MOON occurring on the 7th Marc and this is very favorable for the content writers as well as heavy Social Media influential, who build the narrative of Political Parties & Leaders using Social Media Teams & being HEADS of Trendsetters on Twitter & Facebook medium.
    If you are Gemini then this Mercury Ruled Full Moon is affecting all domestic matters including REAL ESTATE business is going to flourish because the RELEASE of this Full Moon would be on the Sale/Purchase of Properties or any documentation regarding Car selling or buying or Real Estate matters will be highlighted during this phase...
    : A full Moon is occurring affecting your sector related to communication, neighbors, Siblings & Short distance traveling or small journeys & very very vocalist indeed, sharing all thoughts & pain of daily life through Phone Calls & Emails, or Social Media chit chats on messengers...
    : Full Moon affecting your Financial & Money matters and you would be edgy about getting nurturing through the MONEY FLOW today.
    : For Virgos, Full Moon is affecting your Relationships & enhancing your self-image & improving your perspective by which you see and feel and analyze others, is likely to change in a big way and you`d be feeling more receptive towards the feelings & moods of others and also you want to clear your bad impressions which were created previously due to some reasons. You are so touchy about your first impression of the world...
    : Full Moon is pushing you towards Abandoned stuff (Abandoned to the world but open for you for hideout) which is highly private into the state of being Secluded & into deep zones of Solitude & meditation related to mental relaxation & erasing the sorrowful state of mind.
    : Full Moon is enhancing your social interactions today and you are going to be the life for the parties arranged by your Friends, or you could meet with Someone special via Friendzone or over a Social Media app or it could be a Dating App on your cell phone for you to explore and meeting someone or some friend of your could refer your with an interesting personality who is going to be your special friend ahead... Basically Socializing stuff.....
    : A full Moon is affecting your professional life and could be turning or creating some problems in your office and it could be the boss being edgy & unhappy with you but this time around, since its a Full Moon, you should be able to find out the patterns of your disliking & the things bothering him about you since so long is going to be fully revealed and you should be able to RELEASE the pressure that was cooking up inside your head & inside Office environment...
    : Full Moon is affecting or tilting you towards in-depth research of this Virgo LUNA into the matters which demand higher Belief-system, as well as Religious matters and also higher education & signing contracts about Educational system, being some Faculty related to overseas companies or you could get admission abroad for further Specialization on some subject or could be getting Astrology Degree... Good day for appreciation from overseas authorities...
    : This Full Moon Opposes the Pisces Sun and is affecting you with heavy thoughts which are too taboo for your fragile thought process. You might be thinking too deeply about the process of Psychological changes bothering you for so long and you could be extra emotional towards the people you are extremely controlling. Also, be aware of developing some kind of obsession towards some dubious & mysterious people around you...
    : Since Luminary King SOLAR SUN is in your House & Sign this time around and also since it's a SUN hour, should be very beneficial for your folks to RELEASE the pressure towards your Relationships & Partnerships, and you will be fully involved or surrounded by the special people around you today and you are not able to do things your own and u need someone, some companion today for get things or completing things. Basically, a good time to sign contracts & Business deals around... You should be most affected and happiest and over the MOON with all of your passion & excitement.....
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #fullmooninvirgo #virgo #Pisces #piscesseason #PiscesSzn #astrology #astrologyreadings

    (5) Facebook

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    07 mar 2023
    International womens days
    All women womens day
    ~Visas moteris moterų diena
    ARTIST: Valdas Kvaselis

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Meghan Lynn
    07 MAR 2023

    This morning Saturn entered Pisces where he will stay until 2025/2026
    on the heels of the Full Moon in Virgo.

    This calls to mind the interplay of contrasting forces.

    Saturn is the Lord of Law and Order.

    Of harsh reality, unswaying resolve and unshakable structures and unbreakable boundaries.

    Pisces, co-ruled by Jovial Jupiter and Nebulous Neptune,
    is a vast ocean of criss crossing emotional and psychic undercurrents.

    It is in these waters that all which enters must dissolve,
    where the hard lines become blurred and dreams become real while the reality seems but an illusion.

    The post-peaked Full Moon in Virgo which ushered Saturn into Pisces
    is pointing out a facet of our day to day reality
    which has served its purpose and now must be released.

    When we cling too long to a habit, routine or any of the various motions
    through which we go we deny ourselves the magick of possibility from entering
    and transcending us above and beyond the daily grind.

    This is because the Virgo/Pisces axis is where the Spiritual
    meets the Physical and where the marriage between Magick and Mundane
    continuously renew in the space where body and soul merge.

    To feel, to heal. Without one there cannot be the other.

    How fitting this axis is highlighted as we start to dissolve into the Sea of Karma.

    Welcome to the next Saturn chapter.

    Remember, the new brand of integrity is compassion.



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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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