05 Mar 2023 - Sunset To The Full Moon ~ 07 Mar 2023 ~ Comes In To Mark The End Of The Winter Season!

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 27, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    07 Mar 2023
    Great shot of The Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    07 MAR 2023
    : FULL MOON IN VIRGO - The Maiden
    Predictions For Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius & Capricorn
    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies as the Moon Deity grows full in Light
    & illuminates through the Luminary partner SOLAR SUN
    via strong lights in the night sky in the sign of Maiden - The Virgo…
    Astrology is all about touching the untouched feelings of the human brain...
    A Fully Illuminated Lunar Cycle in Virgo - The Maiden ♍︎ Trines Uranus & Opposing Nessus 7066
    Breaking Free From Traditions, Unable To Sustain In Boredem,
    Seek Excitements To Fully Nurture Ourselves, Analyze, Culmination, Fruition, Completion,
    Ability to Exale the RELEASE through analytical Order
    : &
    Moon at 16° 264d. 40’
    Sun at 16° 2653. 40’
    Nessus 7066 at 16° 2653. 01’
    Uranus at 15° 2649. 44’
    *Observant, Analytically getting confused while Releasing the building presser
    since the New Moon occurrence in Pisces using the Luminary partner SUN.... *
    & - Virgo Is Service & Body Awareness
    While Pisces Is Hospitals & Nursing & Relief/Healing To Patients (Medically & Emotionally)
    & : The Sixth House
    & The Receptive Catharsis Of Mind & Body Through Herbs & Service
    Because what happens is, Virgo Full Moon while having a realization effects out of the full moon,
    gets nervous & goes into confusing mode and deep thought process to analyze the whole situation
    which is irritating the wandering and the MIND with tons of ideas. So yeah...

    This month, Release wouldn't be easy…

    as you can get into stomach issues, or the awareness level between you
    & your body would be so mentally connected & active that you tend to worry about your HEALTH
    & might start some kind of new Health Regime today. Maybe a new way or natural remedies to find
    what eases your stomach & digestive issues or something to give your mind a stress-free HERBAL THERAPY,
    because Virgo rules herbs.

    : Pancreas, small intestine, digestive tract,
    rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears.

    , & : Abusive nurturance between Parents & Children,
    Sufferings due to the inability to learn through the mirror, and may project your detailed oriented subjects
    & Relationships onto others because of your internal confusion & nervousness…

    : Analyze, Culmination, Fruition, Completion,
    Ability to Exale the RELEASE through analytical Order

    : Full Moon At 16°Virgo40’
    The number 16 in Astrology represents the matters related to the Mother, Ancestors
    & Ancestral Belongings, Patriotism Towards Home & Motherland, Water, Family,
    Nurturing, Feminine, Emotion & Domestic Matters

    : 16° Virgo Is A Degree Of Judiciousness, Cautiousness & Economy
    The theme is; “An old man cutting grapes in a vineyard.”
    It denotes a person of an industrious, watchful, and prudent nature,
    who will work with an eye to the future and will exercise providence over his means.
    & he will enjoy fruitful results in late age…

    : Whilst this Maiden Virgin Moon opposes the Nessus 7066
    - The Healing & Abusive Centaur, it's the Uranus who is also trine the moon and sextile the sun today…

    Full Moon Opposes The Nessus must revolve around HEALING but after bringing up triggering circumstances
    around abuse, feelings of jealousy, and toxicity you receive through some of your controlling, abusive,
    or emotionally unavailable PARENT (Especially Father Figure) & this may hurt the whole Nurturing
    & Release process which is necessary for the Full Moon & its Release…

    So be ready to face the music of your past griefs which you have already experienced
    or gone through long ago but those smokescreens are up against you once again…

    because the luminary partner SUN of this Full Moon is in the 12th sector of Horoscope
    which is the natural or instinctual significator of the “Hidden Enemy”,
    & that enemy is interlinked your KARMIC & family process or results, which is, of course,
    some of the toxic, abusive & emotionally unavailable family members…

    Nessus 7066 is a healing centaur asteroid god who is associated
    with uncontrollable lust, revenge, jealousy, and some kind of abuse in a relationship,
    an abuse which a person asks for in a journey of his transformation
    & healing but at the cost of his own will, ego, prestige because he undergoes the very toxic & abusive relationship…

    The ABUSE might come in any form of life, either by external or internal influence
    or the “Karmic Events” which were once beyond the control of natives…

    NESSUS 7066 (A intoxicant box) in Pisces is a prime example of this sign
    & DUAL FISH deity relationship with her escapism in terms of poison, toxic chemicals, or alcohol.

    : Inspirational Writer
    Who Can Bring Healing & Cleansing To The Broken World Through Words,
    Writings, Stories, Poems & Social Media Content writing
    So the MERCURY is Sextiling Pholus In Capricorn Today
    & this indicates that you can bring healing through your self-catharsis while sitting in solitude
    & connecting dots between your animus system & the pain/suffering of the oppressed societies
    because you feel the pain as you have gone through all those traumatic & abuse in your childhood
    & life & you are familiar with that kind of HEALING JOURNEY after receiving enough abuse,
    mental stress & emotional imbalance in your own life previously,
    so you are converting your thoughts & that sufferings in your motivational words so nicely
    & deeply, that your inspirational writing & emotional content which will touch many today...

    Maybe you are giving Tarot & Astrology readings or writing highly emotional POEMS
    & stuff on the issues which are core related to human psychology….

    When Pholus & Nessus (The Centaur Family) are around VIRGO Moon cycles,
    basically, it's an inability to learn through the mirror
    and may project your detailed oriented subject
    s & Relationships onto others because of confusion & nervousness…
    but still writing your thoughts & imaginative thoughtfulness
    into the brilliance of ideas about HEALING
    & Self-Catharsis is important to create a difference in the world...

    You can touch the hearts of many today.

    NESSUS on the SUN in Pisces could indicate that the Release associated with the FULL MOON
    must be revolving around the stressful & uneasy & emotionally disturbed nurturing relationship between You & Your Father & for some hours, until this influence is intact, there would be some clashes between Parents & Children globally at collective scale & this will reveal the HEALING journey of NESSUS to be started from scratch while realizing your KARMIC bond with the Father figure that completes the whole family through strong power-struggle & since NESSUS & ABUSE are interlinked, some of the natives between Parents & Children will have to deal with the abusive, emotionally unstable & heavy alcohol or drug addictives… This will test the PISCES season to the fullest, especially when the Ruler of Full Moon aka MERCURY also transits through PISCES today… Very tough full moon & very nervous as well which is kind of emotionally & abusively disturbed due to the KARMIC baggage of the past events coming from some of the toxic parental figures in your entire family.
    So when the Ruler of the Full Moon is a Mercury & Changeable,
    Mutable & Adaptable Planet, What does it mean with the MERCURY Ruler or Lord-Ship?

    it means that its a very very communicative Full Moon and your Release would be
    or should be around things that are related to Vehicles, Short distant travel

    (Because Mercury Rules Transportation & Vehicles) but also Writing, Readings, Conversations,
    Phone Calls & exchanging the ideas which would be based on analytical & self-catharsis
    towards the complete HEALING JOURNEY...

    which is very much Gemini + Virgo matter, right?

    because Mercury is being ruled by both Signs.....

    Just be careful about the abuse of intoxicants,
    alcohol, drugs & escapism so high
    that you tend to go overboard
    or excessive in taking all these things… & since NESSUS
    is around this Full Moon in Virgo,
    you need to be careful not to fall for the toxic & abusive person
    just to NURTURE your Unhealed mind, heart & psychological soul, within you,
    in search of peace of mind & self-catharsis or experimenting with the pain,
    sufferings & imaginative illusions because,
    since its the PISCES signs & the Ruler of Moon
    aka MERCURY floats through a Detrimental Pisces
    which is difficult to handle while you create illusions
    & go away from the Reality-Check of Virgo Moon tonight…

    Don't be discouraged through the disillusionments
    you have created throughout this Pisces season,
    as your mind is so detrimental today
    & write everything you feel about it in words…

    Bring HEALING through Mindfulness, genius, intuition & self-catharsis
    & try experimenting with different natural remedies
    & herbs to make your nerves
    & stomach/digestion a calming & soothing relief…

    FULL MOON Occurrence and how you RELEASE all the Manifesting process
    & energies which you vowed and created with a wish list upon NEW MOON Occurrence,
    earlier in the month, its time for RELEASING all those pressure tactics,
    problems & energies which have been bothering you since a whole month
    or very first New Moon of the Month which was in into Duality of Fishes...
    Now FISH is having Harmonizing degree & Full Moon opposing that point
    is kinda making this energy pretty tricky & "Yin Yang"...

    Happy Full Moon you all wonderful Earth Maidens...

    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #fullmoon #Virgo #Pisces #piscesseason #PiscesSzn #astrologyreadings
    #astrology #astrologyfacts #astrologer #zodiacsigns #zodiac #zodiacfacts

    Gracie Roberts
    Well that resonates. Started back eating healthier again today 1f319. 1f44f_1f3fb.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mammoth Lakes California March 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Wil Photography

    07 MAR 2023

    Full Moon of March is tonight! (March 7th) also known as the Worm moon
    Rising around the same time as Sunset, fingers crossed for clear skies!
    Also Venus and Jupiter are still looking lovely at the west, best time around 40 minutes after Sunset

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Virgo Full Moon is illuminating the night sky, allowing us to tap into deep inner knowledge
    and wisdom, and bringing introspection, healing, self-reflection and self-improvement.

    Virgo encourages us to examine our thoughts and emotions more closely and to review our intentions,
    and behaviors so we can identify areas where we need to make changes or let go of anything that no longer serve us.

    This can lead to positive changes in all areas of our lives, including our relationships, careers, health,
    and personal development, and we make space for new opportunities, growth, and abundance.

    This celestial energy is associated with healing and forgiveness, and it can help us to gain clarity
    about our past actions and the impact they had on ourselves and others.

    Through this heightened sense of awareness, we may be able to let go of old grudges,
    resentment, and blame that has been holding us back, and move forward
    with a sense of responsibility and accountability.

    Th energy of this Full Moon brings inner reflection, purification, cleansing, healing and transformation,
    allowing us to release any physical or mental clutter that has been weighing us down.

    During this phase, we can identify and shed bad habits, harmful thought patterns,
    reactive behaviors, or any unhealthy and toxic elements that may be holding us back.

    This Virgo Moon may trigger old memories, transporting us to a time long ago.

    We may be feeling sentimental and nostalgic, and we may be contemplating our childhood memories,
    and the relationships we had in the past.

    During this phase, we may find ourselves thinking or dreaming about the people
    and places that have shaped us, both positive and negative,
    particularly the romantic relationships we struggle to let go of.
    ~~Alex Myles

    Full Moon In Virgo: The Start Of A Major Reset – Empath Planet

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This is a month of monumental endings and new beginnings,
    with shamanic Pluto at 29º Capricorn entering futuristic Aquarius on March 23,2023
    - and serious Saturn at 29º Aquarius, moving into multi-dimensional Pisces on March 7, 2023.

    As the two heavy hitters change signs, rules, rhythms and frequencies are dramatically altered,
    spiraling into a new experience of the world.

    Think of going to a foreign land where you don't speak the language
    or know the customs yet
    - and that describes acclimating to these new planetary expressions creating a new foundation.

    March 3 - Venus conjunct Master Healer, Chiron.

    You can soothe, understand, heal and transcend issues that broke your heart,
    shut you down, made you feel unworthy of receiving love and care, or that created barriers
    to love and compassion (beginning with yourself, then extending outward).

    Since judgments block the flow of love, notice beliefs that keep you in protection mode.

    With good judgment, intuition and the ability to say, "No" you are safe.

    Venus-Chiron are in Aries, sparking the impetus to be who you are (the ultimate Self-love)
    without needing permission, approval or agreement.

    March 6 - Uranus sextile the Sun can bring excitement, unexpected changes and opportunities
    that better align your life with your evolving Self.

    It can activate an aspect within you that has been dormant or in hiding, awakening you in some new way.

    Pay attention to inner urges, desires or impulses that arise, as they are not random;
    they are a message from an aspect of Self that is longing to be expressed!

    Express your Authentic Self in some unique way, rather than being on auto-pilot, following your usual path.

    Dare to stretch, if there's something you've been wanting to do or try and have been afraid to make a move.

    This is a day to enjoy this electric energy, which will flow into the Full Moon tomorrow!

    March 7 - Full Moon at 16º Virgo 4:40am PST, when things come to light. With the Sun, Neptune
    and Mercury in dreamy Pisces, boundaries are blurry and you see life through a sensitive,
    subjective lens of soft, subtle energies that can distort reality (creatively or via delusions).

    Maybe you're in slo-mo, wanting to rest and have space to decompress.

    But the Virgo Moon is practical, with a to-do list and is your inner busy bee.

    Virgo wants to organize, purify, take inventory and get rid of unnecessary items and elements,

    as it evaluates everything and won't let you rest until it's done.

    The Pisces planets are compassionate, feeling, spiritual and creative, operating in flow,
    while the Virgo Moon is analytical, all about creating order.

    Tidiness is zen for Virgo, so a good day to clear clutter, donate or give away outdated physical items.

    Both Pisces and Virgo are on the axis of service and they love to help, each in their own way.

    Virgo is a problem-solver who will organize your closet, help you with physical tasks,
    as well as detail-oriented tracking and sorting.

    Pisces is a devoted friend, muse, empathetic listener, lover, playmate or minister to the sick and suffering.

    Stay in the high Pisces-Virgo expressions and don't over-give until you're drained (a lower expression of the energy).

    Uranus trines the Full Moon, bringing an independent buzz to the Full Moon equation
    and activates a radical, innovative or "road less traveled" decision as a last minute destination.

    See what comes up for you or what comes up around you - maybe something that began yesterday
    with the Sun trine Uranus.

    Because it's a harmonious aspect, it's most likely exciting, enlivening and feeds your evolving Self. Yes!

    March 7 - Authority Saturn enters soulful Pisces an hour after the Full Moon until Feb 2026,
    which is a huge energetic shift after spending six years in the two signs it rules (Capricorn and Aquarius).

    Saturn is hard work, structure and limitations and Pisces is about Being, Divine Love,
    selfless service and connecting with All That Is.

    Saturn creates boundaries and Pisces has no boundaries.

    They have opposite agendas, but working together they can be miraculous!

    Saturn can help you manifest your dreams, bring ideas into form, provide creative/spiritual pursuits
    with practical structures and it supports a new understanding of your Being and the world around you.

    This is the perfect time to commit to a spiritual path or practice, to writing or your creative pursuit.

    The daily discipline to do your work is the highest expression of Saturn - and you will reap the rewards.

    Pisces is nonlinear and operates in flow, while Saturn likes predictability, plans, schedules, rules and regulations.

    Saturn offers Pisces a container (boundaries) for the Fish to swim in and be creative, spiritual, intuitive
    and still be productive - and when something's missing or not working,
    Saturn will let you know by exerting pressure on you (heavier than a hint),
    so you get the message.

    Pisces rules selfless service and Saturn creates boundaries
    so you don't give yourself totally away (if you're that type).

    Saturn is a gift to Pisces and everyone has this energy somewhere in their astrological chart.

    The shadow side of Saturn is in Pisces is escapism, checking out via addiction
    (drugs, alcohol, work, sex, shopping, computer, gambling, etc).

    Saturn is discipline and it's the rehab sign, perfect for facing any habits
    or games you use to avoid reality and getting help to get real.

    We are finally turning a major corner, with Saturn leaving techno Aquarius after three plus years for gentle,
    spiritual, emotional Pisces who wants to connect.

    Just think about how far you've come since Dec 18, 2020
    when Saturn went into Aquarius and all you've been through.

    We're moving into a cosmic setup that will feed your Spirit
    in new ways and your job is to flow with the changes.

    You'll have many opportunities to adapt as needed
    and remember, you are missing a huge opportunity
    if you allow the ego's fear to overrule your Higher Self's call.

    We are setting sail in Pisces.

    As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

    © 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
    Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach,
    and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover
    who they came here to be
    and how to create an empowered, meaningful life.

    It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. 2764.
    Lisa E Zimmerman

    Soul Level Solutions

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Monday, March 6th 2023
    Sun in Pisces 2653. 1f30a. Moon in Virgo 264d. 1f30e.

    The strong energetic shifts for the rest of the year are kicked off
    and are going to be noticeable today with the moon entering Virgo
    and building up to a full moon tomorrow.

    Moods will shift big time so, be kind today.

    The Virgo Moon opposes newly entered Mercury in Pisces.

    Mercury does not like being in Pisces and communication will have a tendency
    to be passive aggressive and judgmental.

    Mercury also rules Virgo so the judgy conversation might turn inward
    asking you to evaluate yourself, your health and where you are in your life.

    The Pisces Sun will continue its sextile with Uranus in Taurus which is good energy overall
    but unable to focus much.

    You may find yourself longing for the fun energies we had over the weekend
    as you start to feel this strong tug and pull asking you to lean towards
    your most authentic self.

    There may also be a spring cleaning feel in the air with a strong desire to reorganiz
    e or redecorate, maybe even restructure your life in general.

    This all serves as preparation for what’s to come tomorrow with a very strong full moon
    and the strongest shift in energies we’ve felt in a while as Saturn enters Pisces
    shortly after the full moon arrives.

    Think back to 3 years ago and how we were feeling when Saturn entered Aquarius,
    pretty much changing life as we knew it forever.

    If you’re feeling like a lot is going on and you’re not sure how to handle things changing around you,
    please reach out to a loved one.

    I’m also here to help you understand what these next few years might look like for you as this time,
    it’s personal. 262e. 1f49a. 2728.

    Learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you!
    Comment below 2b07. or DM me for a free consultation.
    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps
    that empowers people to take full control of their lives.

    Let me reveal to you what you already possess.
    #growwithme #astrology #empowerment #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #dailyguidance #selfcare #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon #plutoreturn #revolution #pisces #aries #venusjupiterconjunction #cancer #mercuryinpisces #virgo #saturninpisces

    g_p843x403&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=P5lg-mzP0zYAX-VrzhB&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. Kamey Batiz
    11m ·
    07 mar 2023
    Tuesday, March 7th 2023

    Sun in Pisces 2653. 1f30a. Moon in Virgo 264d. 1f30e.

    We’re in for quite a day today.

    At least we’ll start the day off feeling productive and ready to check some items off our to do lists
    with the Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus.

    For those of you in the Atlantic where I am, the Worm Full Moon arrives at 8:41 AM.

    The rest you guys in the continental US get to wake up to these energies.

    The full moon will be square Mars in Gemini and opposite Neptune in Pisces.

    Full moons are about letting go and that’s what these transits are all about.

    It’s a good day to let go of perfectionism, or idealizing what could be or what could have been.

    Let things come as they may and release all expectations of control over everything.

    Focus more on the day to day and staying healthy through it.

    That’s what Virgo is all about.

    The big event today arrives shortly thereafter.

    At 9:03 AM Saturn shifts into Pieces.

    Those of us with prominent Mutable placements (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
    will feel this energy the most but for all of us, expect significant changes in your life
    over the next three years wherever Pisces falls in your chart.

    Things are about to change dramatically.

    This is not a good thing or a bad thing, it just is.

    Preparing for what you could be dealing with ideal.

    That’s what an astrologer is for. Check out my previous posts about Saturn in Pisces
    to see where this could affect you. 262e. 1f49a. 2728.

    Learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you!

    Comment below 2b07. or DM me for a free consultation.

    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps
    that empowers people to take full control of their lives.

    Let me reveal to you what you already possess.

    If you’d like to support or donate:
    1f17f. PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz 1f4b2. CashApp $NaliniFlor

    #growwithme #astrology #empowerment #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #dailyguidance #selfcare #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon #plutoreturn #revolution #pisces #aries #venusjupiterconjunction #cancer #mercuryinpisces #virgo #saturninpisces
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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