05 Apr 2023 / 06 Apr 2023 - Full Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 3, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    News Feed posts

    Chanda Sparkles
    06 APR 2023 ·

    26a0. ASTROLOGY TODAY: 4-6-23

    We have the moon void of course most all of this day.

    Don’t expect things to go smoothly or fall into place today.

    Often we think something is going to happen and then it feels off or gets changed.

    This is that kinda day.

    This moon in Libra is headed to its 1st ever challenging square to Pluto from Scorpio
    and to connect with the South Node of the moon.

    The purge is on and it may not feel good.

    This is definitely a 48 hours of where we have to caution ourselves not to get pulled into a dark space
    or a low vibe.

    This is psychic and/or psychological surgery.

    We may be deeply wanting to pursue something but change swoops in
    to make it go another direction.

    Hearts could be broken.

    Let it break the heart wide open to becoming whole.

    Loss & sadness can be used as a tool for deep healing.

    Stay in heart centered flow and be ready to shift.

    This weekend by Saturday evening/afternoon, depending on your time zone, things improve…
    ~ defiantly by Sunday the energy feels a bit lighter and more manageable as the moon moves into Sagittarius.

    Hang in there.

    This is eclipse season and that means wild cards are in play.

    We are going through a lot of upgrades.

    Remember, the love that is Creator is also US!

    Tap into that when moments get tough.

    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles 2747.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jason Michael Powers
    11m ·

    “Pink Full Moon and Three Holy faiths are coming together for a religious convergence
    with Eastern and Western calendars.

    What an overlap in the calendar for Passover, Ramadan,
    and Easter, and it only happens three times in a century
    for the holy days to overlap according to the full moon.

    Think of the power in three faiths offering their prayers simultaneously combined
    with the energy of a full moon.

    We have a Libra Full Moon, which is about balance, harmony, and cooperation
    ~ Imagine this
    - it's a call to Peace, inspiring us to a bigger picture of coming together in balance.

    Set your intentions to aim for Love, Joy, Peace, and the power of three,
    creating New Earth with co-creative relationships reminding us
    we can accomplish more together than on our own.”
    ~ Stephanie Phelps

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George

    06 apr 2023

    Aries Pisces
    2649. 2653.
    Venus25 2649. Taurus sextile Neptune25 2653. Pisces
    Enjoy the beauty & splendor of Life.
    Let Love & Compassion flow.
    An attraction/relationship may go to a new & higher level

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Maryanne Savino

    From Astro Butterfly 1f929. 2648. 1f4ab. 1f30f. 1f31e. 1f300. 1fa90. 1f320. 1f319. 1f98b.

    The Astrology of April 2023 ~ Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries 1f31e. 1f31a. 1f30f. 1f4ab. 2648. 2728. 1f320. 2764.
    Compared to March, April 2023 is a breath of fresh air…

    at least until April 20th, 2023 when we have a very powerful Solar Eclipse
    at 29° Aries square Pluto!

    April is a mix of highs and lows. Sun is conjunct Chiron early in the month,
    stirring the same wounds last month’s Jupiter-Chiron
    conjunction has made us painfully aware of.

    Just a few days later, we have an empowering Sun-Jupiter conjunction.

    Having embraced our wound, we are now ready to shine in our true essence.

    Later in April we have a Total (Annular) Solar Eclipse in Aries.

    The eclipse is the 2nd lunation in Aries.

    In March we had a New Moon at 0° Aries, at the beginning of the sign;
    this New Moon is at 29°, at the very end of the sign.

    We are coming full circle.

    We are now ready to live our life on our own terms.

    But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:

    April 5th, 2023 - Sun Conjunct Chiron

    On April 5th, 2023 Sun is conjunct Chiron at 15° Aries.

    The Sun is our identity, and Chiron is a metaphor for the wholeness
    we find when we heal our identity wound.

    When Sun is conjunct Chiron, pay attention to what triggers you.

    To what makes you feel awkward.

    To what makes you feel you’re not enough.

    Don’t brush it off. If there is something that is bothering you,
    it is bothering you for a reason.

    Your wound points to a potential that is yet to be fulfilled.

    What makes you uncomfortable is the KEY to something much greater.

    What is your higher self trying to tell you?

    April 6th, 2023 - Full Moon In Libra

    On April 6th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 16° Libra.

    The themes of the Sun-Chiron conjunction will be activated
    by the Full Moon in Libra.

    The Moon will oppose Sun, Chiron and Jupiter in Aries.

    Sometimes we get so absorbed with our wounds, our goals,
    our journey, that we forget to include the “other” in the equation.

    The Moon in Libra will remind us about striking a balance.

    The Full Moon ruler, Venus, makes a beautiful sextile to Neptune in Pisces.

    Whenever in doubt, compassion is the answer.

    April 11th, 2023 - Venus Enters Gemini

    On April 11th, 2023, Venus enters Gemini.

    Venus is what we value. In Taurus, Venus valued stability and comfort;
    in Gemini, Venus values curiosity and intellectual pursuits.

    Gemini is a Mercury sign, so communication (Mercury)
    in relationships (Venus) is a central theme of this transit.

    When Venus is in Gemini, we find it easier to articulate our feelings.

    Of course, feelings are there to be felt,
    but knowing how to label and put them into words

    can help us understand ourselves and others from a more objective lens.

    In this way, we can rewire outdated relating patterns, diffuse resentment,
    and find a new sense of intimacy.

    April 11th, 2023 - Sun Conjunct Jupiter

    On April 11th, 2023, Sun is conjunct Jupiter at 21° Aries.

    This is your opportunity to gain awareness
    of something very important about yourself,

    and about why you are here.

    Sun conjunct Jupiter will help you build a radiant sense
    of confidence and healthy self-esteem.

    This is not a time to be shy or play small.

    Let your light shine.

    Marianne Williamson said it best:

    “We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
    gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

    Actually, who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

    April 20th, 2023 - New Moon Eclipse In Aries

    On April 20th, 2023 we have a New Moon
    and Total (Annular) Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries.

    Occurring at a final, anaretic degree,
    the eclipse makes a strong statement.

    If the previous New Moon awakened us to the possibilities
    of living our life on our own terms,
    the Eclipse is a strong push forward.

    “Now I understand”.

    “I got this”.

    This is a dynamite Eclipse exactly square Pluto at 0° Aquarius
    that will shake us to the core of our being.

    No more half-truths, no more living half lives.

    The North Node Solar Eclipse in the last degree of Aries
    square Pluto is a call for total authenticity.

    April 20th, 2023 - Sun Enters Taurus

    On April 20th, 2023 the Sun enters Taurus.

    Happy birthday to all Taurus out there!

    If in the Aries season we felt inspired and came up with many ideas,
    now is the time to make things happen.

    Taurus will give us the practical intelligence
    and stamina we need to make our ideas a reality.

    April 21st, 2023 - Mercury Goes Retrograde

    On April 21st, 2023 Mercury goes retrograde at 15° Taurus.

    Mercury is almost conjunct Uranus at 16° Taurus.

    We’re ready, not quite ready for a breakthrough.

    We can see it coming.

    We can see the spark of light being lit just ahead of us.

    But there are still things to be figured out.

    Mercury will embark on a 3-week journey to the underworld, to tie some loose ends.

    By the time Mercury finally conjuncts Uranus (early June) we WILL be ready.

    1f4ab. Astro Butterfly 1f98b.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    City needs trees !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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