05 Apr 2023 / 06 Apr 2023 - Full Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 3, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shadow sculpture (1997)
    by Tim Noble and Sue Webster

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    : FULL MOON IN LIBRA OPPOSING CHIRON - The Wounded Healer In ARIES 270d. 1f483.

    , , , , ,

    ♎︎ - 6 °’ Opposition Chiron On 6th April 2023

    A Venusian Actress Aka Libra Moon Or LUNA is finding ways to control or balance Her Luminary AIRES Sun`s assertion towards the
    series of actions that are falling away without forethought

    : A Release Of Codependency Factors To Attain Balance In Every Aspect Of Life (Be it Relationship,
    Partnership, Marriage, & Overall Family Nurturance & Instincts)

    : 16°- 17° “A RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN”

    This retired Sea Captain is absolutely faithful to the lessons he has learned throughout his journeys spent in the sea, in the countless
    bizarre & testing experiences of his life journey (Perhaps the Sea represents here the course of his LIFE, maybe the Sea is just a
    symbolism, who knows?)…

    & : Submissive & Pleasing Release Of The Masculine Signs & Their Codependency Or

    Aries & Libra are both Masculine & outward signs & together they are creating a Full Moon formation today & this shows a powerful
    release of Fairplay (Fair being & balanced harmony in relationships), while keeping the dominance & codependency factors but is rather
    absurd because these push-pull energies create some off balance, especially on the Libra behalf which otherwise believes in equality,
    pleasing the whole family & submission towards the demands of the partner… Let's see how this struggle goes on, who submissions &
    who dominates today 1f642.

    Powerful awakening of the feelings & emotions about relationships, social status & partnerships that demand balance, harmony &

    = Codependency, Likes Pleasing Everyone At Home & Nurturance Which Is Based On Equality & Harmony, Emotions,
    Memories & Receptiveness

    = Exalted Ego & Drive For Succeed In Life Ahead, Motivation, Core Component Of Your Entire Being & Life

    = Wounds & Healing Through Traumas & Deepest Problems Of Life

    & : Codependency, Internal Insecurities,
    Power Struggle, Indecisiveness & Inconsistent Behaviors
    May Create A Gloomy Plight At Home, Professional & Romantic Environments Today

    For Recognition Process Towards your OLDEST & Eternal WOUNDS, Using Fighting Spirits & Taking Actions Against Authorities To Improve Your Self-image & Prestige You Would Want To Wash The WOUNDS You Had Received In Childhood Because Now You Are Much more Aware Of The World Outside Your Comfortzone & Inner Fears, Peace Because Of High Independence…
    Full Moon Opposing CHIRON indicates the Release of the energies which were previously withheld inside the heart through Actions, initiations, instigation & also going overboard with the collective forgiveness if your ARIES Points are fully EVOLVED (Because usually ARIES SUN likes to move on quickly & do not hold grudges as such but surely it releases its anger once for all though).
    Thats all folks, enjoy this new Moon & dont forget to Release the pressure that has been cooking inside the head, heart, family & relationships/partnerships sectors of your daily life & make sure you are not carried away by these heavy MARS & VENUS energies floating due to Aries Sun & Libra Moon… any personal romantic & professional commitments are demanding to create equilibrium focus so that you dont lose the balance & falling on the tilt through your codependency problems… & especially when Chiron is sitting next to SUN in Aries & opposing this FULL MOON, be careful of not being carried away by high insecurities & extremely impulsive reactions today because you need to Release the pressure coming from external & internal influences today which will demand to confront those superficial demons sitting in your family, close relationships & professional partnerships who have been busy in destabilizing your inner harmony & distracting your focus & decision-making…
    For Personal Readings & Predictions, Feel Free To Contact Me On the Following Social Media Profiles & Handles:


    With love & care,
    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif – Astrology Consultant
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    With love & care, 270d. 1f483.

    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology

    Astrologer Aatif - Astrology Consultant

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmooninlibra #fullmoon #astrology #astrologypost #astrologersofinstagram #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #zodiac
    #zodiacsigns #AriesSzn #ariesseason #Libra #airsigns #moonoppositionchiron #sunconjunctchiron #Mars #chiron #Lunatic


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    : FULL MOON IN LIBRA OPPOSING CHIRON - The Wounded Healer In ARIES 270d. 1f483.
    , , , , ,
    ♎︎ - 6 °’ Opposition Chiron On 6th April 2023
    A Venusian Actress Aka Libra Moon Or LUNA is finding ways to control or balance Her Luminary AIRES Sun`s assertion towards the series of actions that are falling away without forethought
    : A Release Of Codependency Factors To Attain Balance In Every Aspect Of Life (Be it Relationship, Partnership, Marriage, & Overall Family Nurturance & Instincts)
    : 16°- 17° “A RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN”
    This retired Sea Captain is absolutely faithful to the lessons he has learned throughout his journeys spent in the sea, in the countless bizarre & testing experiences of his life journey (Perhaps the Sea represents here the course of his LIFE, maybe the Sea is just a symbolism, who knows?)…
    & : Submissive & Pleasing Release Of The Masculine Signs & Their Codependency Or Dominance
    Aries & Libra are both Masculine & outward signs & together they are creating a Full Moon formation today & this shows a powerful release of Fairplay (Fair being & balanced harmony in relationships), while keeping the dominance & codependency factors but is rather absurd because these push-pull energies create some off balance, especially on the Libra behalf which otherwise believes in equality, pleasing the whole family & submission towards the demands of the partner… Let's see how this struggle goes on, who submissions & who dominates today 1f642.
    Powerful awakening of the feelings & emotions about relationships, social status & partnerships that demand balance, harmony & equality
    = Codependency, Likes Pleasing Everyone At Home & Nurturance Which Is Based On Equality & Harmony, Emotions, Memories & Receptiveness
    = Exalted Ego & Drive For Succeed In Life Ahead, Motivation, Core Component Of Your Entire Being & Life
    = Wounds & Healing Through Traumas & Deepest Problems Of Life
    & : Codependency, Internal Insecurities, Power Struggle, Indecisiveness & Inconsistent Behaviors May Create A Gloomy Plight At Home, Professional & Romantic Environments Today

    For Recognition Process Towards your OLDEST & Eternal WOUNDS, Using Fighting Spirits & Taking Actions Against Authorities To Improve Your Self-image & Prestige You Would Want To Wash The WOUNDS You Had Received In Childhood Because Now You Are Much more Aware Of The World Outside Your Comfortzone & Inner Fears, Peace Because Of High Independence…
    Full Moon Opposing CHIRON indicates the Release of the energies which were previously withheld inside the heart through Actions, initiations, instigation & also going overboard with the collective forgiveness if your ARIES Points are fully EVOLVED (Because usually ARIES SUN likes to move on quickly & do not hold grudges as such but surely it releases its anger once for all though).
    Thats all folks, enjoy this new Moon & dont forget to Release the pressure that has been cooking inside the head, heart, family & relationships/partnerships sectors of your daily life & make sure you are not carried away by these heavy MARS & VENUS energies floating due to Aries Sun & Libra Moon… any personal romantic & professional commitments are demanding to create equilibrium focus so that you dont lose the balance & falling on the tilt through your codependency problems… & especially when Chiron is sitting next to SUN in Aries & opposing this FULL MOON, be careful of not being carried away by high insecurities & extremely impulsive reactions today because you need to Release the pressure coming from external & internal influences today which will demand to confront those superficial demons sitting in your family, close relationships & professional partnerships who have been busy in destabilizing your inner harmony & distracting your focus & decision-making…

    For Personal Readings & Predictions, Feel Free To Contact Me On the Following Social Media Profiles & Handles:


    With love & care,
    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif – Astrology Consultant
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Lahun Caban Michèle
    05 APR 2023
    06 APR 2023

    2023 Libra Full Moon

    05 April at 9.34 pm PDT- 06 April at 12.34 am EDT- 5.34 am BST (summer time GMT)
    06 April at 12.34 pm AWST Perth- 2.34 pm AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    I had said at the Aries New Moon of March 21 be prepared for big energy shifts. And so it has been. I am hoping this Libra Full Moon
    offers us a way to find balance in our lives and most importantly inner balance that creates harmony and peace. It will be important to
    be connected to our Sacred Center as we experience “out there” in the next few months. We have just entered Eclipse Season and that
    always promises the opportunty for transformation. April 19/20 we have a Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Aries (endings and new
    beginnings) and on May 05 we have a Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees Scorpio (healing, release, and transformation). They influence until
    the next Eclipse season in Oct 2023.

    I have always been very sensitive to sound (especially noise). I can hear a car alarm beeping from blocks away. The last two weeks we
    have had heavy construction on the street outside our house to the point where the house has shook. “I can’t hear myself think” has been
    the mantra. The only reason it is quiet today is because we are experiencing thunderstorms. It is noisy but it is a natural noise. And the
    rain is cleansing. I believe this Libra Full Moon is offering us the opportunity to release the “noise” in our lives, especially when it comes
    to relationship. Libra is the relationship sign.

    The Moon is at 16 degrees Libra 07 minutes travelling with the Earth at the same degrees. They are guided by Venus at 24 degrees
    Taurus 08 (self love and empowerment). Venus is sextile Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces 54 (illusion or illumination and mystical
    connection). Sister Moon is opposite Chiron, the healer, at 15 degrees Aries 32, the Sun at 16 degrees Aries 07, and Jupiter at 20 degrees
    Aries 22. Oppositions always ask us to find the point of balance. Chiron in Aries, travelling with the Sun and Jupiter, supports us to heal
    wounds of rejection, betrayal, and abandonment so we can experience growth and expansion of our spiritual vision (Jupiter). They are
    guided by Mars at 05 degrees Cancer 49 (listening to our intuitve guidance as we take action). He is trine (removal of obstacles) Saturn
    in Pisces (spiritual consciousness) and sextile (easy opportunities) Mercury at 03 degrees Taurus 58 (focusing on what is of true value
    and importance). In Esoteric Astrology Mercury is the Soul Centered ruler of Aries.

    As I often say the Universe likes to throw us a curve ball. The Soul Centered ruler of Libra is Uranus currently at 17 degrees Taurus 03
    (breakthrough to the new) He is travelling with the relationship Asteroid Juno at 14 degrees Taurus 42 (what is of true value and
    importance). Uranus is inconjunt (change and letting the old go) the Moon and Earth. Pay attention to what you need to release. This
    Full Moon is supporting us all to do that.

    Our Animal Totem guides for the Libra Moon/Earth are Crow, sacred law and justice and fairness for all, and Raven, magic and The
    Mysteries. For the Aries planets we are guided by Falcon, clear vision, and Hawk, spiritual messenger. They are reversed for the
    Southern Hemisphere. For all of us the Clan Mother who guides Libra is Weaves The Web. She carries Spider Medicine and is the
    guardian of the creative life force. She supports our desire to create and take action to give birth to our visions. She is also the guardian
    of working with the truth. For Aries we are guided by Looks Far Woman. She is the doorkeeper of the Crack in the Universe and the
    Golden Door of Illumination. She is the guardian of the dreamtime and messages from spirit. She awakens us to different dimensions of
    awareness. We can call on these Clan Mother at the Aries Solar Eclipse and for the rest of the year as well. You can find more of their
    Medicine Stories in The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams.

    I feel as if there is much more to say but maybe next time.

    Namaste and Full Moon blessings,

    Dale Osadchuk

    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    We have heavy construction still happening on our street. I have had to put telephone sessions on hold for now as it is just too noisy. But
    it fits with the energy. The message is be flexible and go with the flow..



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Balance The Heartache and Purge the Past Shadows This Libra Full Moon.
    Chanda Sparkles

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