01 May 2023 Into 05 May 2023 - Full Moon Towards 10 May 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 21, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Kamey Batiz
    · 10 MAY 2023

    Wednesday, May 10th 2023
    Sun in Taurus 2649. 1f30e. , Moon in Capricorn 2651. 1f30d. and Aquarius 2652. 1f4a8.
    The day overall looks very productive but with not without some conflict. The Capricorn Moon will trine the Sun and Uranus still hanging out together in Taurus and on the opposite side, will also trine Neptune in Pisces. This is great, creative energy for getting work done and helps us come up with new and innovative ideas. In the background to all of that we have retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces which is still supporting yesterday’s energies of revising or revisiting our long term goals. This is worth noting again because retrograde period will be over on Sunday and we’re going to want to start getting a good idea of which way we’re going to steer the ship once the retrograde is over.
    Now here comes the conflict part. The Capricorn Moon will oppose Mars in its fall in Cancer. This is a tense tug and pull or seesaw effect between our ego and our emotions. This energy adds an element of manipulation to our thoughts and it’s not a good look. Own up to your mistakes and set the record straight if you’ve created some drama lately because the Cap Moon will square Jupiter in Aries which will allow for a happy resolution to whatever that conflict is.
    Late tonight the Moon will enter Aquarius and immediately meets up with Pluto in Aquarius which brings in more power and ego struggles so go to bed early and let that energy pass overnight to start on a better note tomorrow. 262e. 1f49a. 2728.
    Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below 2b07. or DM me for a FREE consultation.
    1f4f8. : Fernanda Meier Photography. Check out her work at FernandaMeier.com
    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take full control of their lives.
    Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool you already possess.
    If you’d like to support or donate:
    1f17f. PayPal @KameyBatizWilson, Venmo @KameyBatiz or CashApp $NaliniFlor
    #astrology #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #selfcare #love #zodiac #sun #venusingemini #sunintaurus #plutoinaquarius #eclipseseason #saturninpisces #taurus #mercuryretrograde #capricorn #aquarius

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mike Jefferies Photography
    07 MAY 2023
    Mike Jefferies Photography
    07 MAY 2023
    Mike Jefferies Photography
    07 MAY 2023

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