01 May 2023 Into 05 May 2023 - Full Moon Towards 10 May 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 21, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ : ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
    Mighty Dwarf PLUTO Goes Retrograde Before He Starts His Journey Into The Detached Aquarius…
    The distinctive cosmical shift in psychological & interpersonal energies as the the don of underworld aka PLUTO goes Retrograde for the entire 2023 & the remaining months of the 2023 year invite us to reconfigure & reinstate the journey toward inward mental & emotional balance & find what suits our purpose into this lifetime that enables the gate of “Career, Expressing Revenge, Healing, Sexuality, Power, Lust & Money” matters…
    1f338. ° 2652. ′ & & - , , , 1f338.
    Here comes the Chaotic Pluto Turns Retrograde on May 1, 2023, at 0° Aquarius 22′ Rx - An Inward Healing Journey
    : Obsession, Intense Jealousy With Sense Of Possessiveness, Manipulation In Personal Relationships With Death & Rebirth kind of Transformational Journey Towards Inward, Making It Difficulty To Identify Which Path Leads Us Towards Healing & Which Towards Destruction (Suicidal Thoughts)...
    Retrograde Pluto Months Brings About The Result Of The Entire Lifespan Of The Retrograde Process Of Pluto Might change you psychologically & gives you traumatic few months through power struggle & abuse of everything from wealth, and money to sexual ventures & endeavors.
    Pluto Turns Retrograde on May 1, 2023, at 0° Aquarius 22′ Rx
    Pluto Stations Direct (sd) on October 10, 2023, at 27° Capricorn 53′
    Pluto leaves Retrograde Post-Shadows on February 1, 2024, at 0° Aquarius 22′
    , & & - , &
    This is a very tricky & interesting development in your personality. Where a Retrograde season brings confusion & sense of loss (in direction, commitments & focus) in life, the shift between Capricorn-Aquarius & then Aquarius-Capricorn brings the tilt of the entire human race at a collective level from Friendships, Peers of the largest groups globally to the power of authorities, dictatorships & government level governance & tabooing issues such as secret love affairs & sexual urges of the entire Leadership of all Countries we have currently facing & Rx-Pluto will again bring our focus to the highlights or bring back to the surface from underneath… But with more confusion & chaos though.
    Though Retrograde season brings confusion & chaos back towards our inward desires & caged personality, I still believe that the Retrograde Pluto (As long as he stays inside 0 Degrees Aquarius) in Aquarius 0 will be easiest to handle because it just baby zones of a sign Pluto has recently ingressed, right? Let me explain…
    What happens is, Aquarius itself is a sign of “Detachment” in order to avoid its vulnerabilities getting exploited within communities & peers of groups it's associated with… Because 0 Degree Pluto In Aquarius uses “Detachment” as a tool of self-defense because detachment removes our Soul from the emotional dynamics that have kept us bound to conditioning so we could solely focus on our brilliance which could otherwise be exploited through emotionalism & its imbalance chaos, so 0 Aquarius will try to avoid those off-balance energies that would keep us from all the brilliance that Aquarius possesses or displays in normal case… So Pluto Retrograde phase or months inside 0 Degrees Aquarius will be easiest to handle than its revert back into the 29 Critical/Anaretic Degrees of Capricorn…
    : Pluto has to travel towards 27 Capricorn until he starts back his journey towards the “Direct or Stationed Direct of SD” phase again…
    So as long as Pluto stays in 0 Aquarius by Retrograde, let's have our thinking, mindset & entire thought process collectively way ahead of the current remorseless regime because Aquarius 0 will try to revolt through detachment & detachment might occur at a very large level globally & you might see more riots & revolutions using smart brains & technology to fight against authorities throughout the process of the PLUTO RETROGRADE. Even when Pluto reverts back to Capricorn again in upcoming months, more & more revolt against authorities will come to the surface because Capricorn rules Parent's Shadows, The Struggle Between Maternal & Patriarchals, Governance, Leadership, & Government taboo issues which have been kept secret from the common man or public in normal days, but Retrograde Pluto will try to resurface through proper investigation & research & why not? After all, it's SCORPIO & 8th House operating behind the PLUTO no matter which Sign Pluto is currently transiting through... Scorpio remains there intact...
    Enjoy this Retrograde Pluto process through an expression towards PLUTO`s Usage, using your smart thought process of the “Detachment” tool & use the detachment of Aquarius as your weapon to ditch depression & chaos within you & avoid your vulnerability getting exploited… Because the “Suicidal thoughts” are emerging day by day at the collective level because of CHAOTIC confusion people have started facing… Because throughout 2023, Pluto has been floating in “pre-shadows” even longer than its actually started officially Retrograde Season this May 1st… (Pluto Started Floating Into Pre-Shadow Retrograde on January 8, 2023, at 27° Capricorn)
    Thats all folks & this was my take on Retrograde Pluto… I already have written PLUTO IN AQUARIUS Article but for some reason, I withheld myself from posting that... I will wait for Pluto to reenter Aquarius by February 2024 to post that lol
    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif - Astrology Consultant
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #pluto #retrograde #plutoretrograde #mercuryretrograde #astrologymemes #astrology #astrologer #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologyreadings #predictions #TaurusSzn #geminiseason #horoscope #DepressionIsNotAJoke #chaos #Hades #abduction #manipulation #8thhouse #Capricorn #Aquarius #retrogradeseason

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Lunar Eclipse On South Node In Scorpio With Ruler "Pluto" Retrograde Since 1st May 2023

    01 MAY 2023

    Some personal & psychological reasons.. what about you folks?

    wanna reincarnate? especially when SATURN transiting 12th PISCES?

    but the problem is, even Saturn is under "Pre-shadows" of the Retrograde phase,

    immediately upon ingress into PISCES, Saturn got into PRE-Shadows on March 11, 2023,

    at 0° Pisces 31′ until June 17, 2023 where Saturn
    will be officially starting his RETROGRADE motion
    & journey backward into Pisces at 7° Pisces 13′...

    So yeah, incarnate issues along with death
    & rebirth are there for us to delve into our collective unconscious
    (Saturn in Pisces & 12th House matters)
    & subconscious (Retrograde Pluto & 8th House matters) levels to embrace
    the most feared daemons sitting in our complete human psyche system
    & that have been bothering us & not allowing us to grow emotionally
    & psychologically due to fears & isolation for too long now...

    Let's see who survives here & who comes back again on this Planet Earth...
    go figure it out
    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif - Astrology Consultant
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #lunareclipse #eclipse2023 #eclipselunar #Taurus #TaurusSeason #scorpio
    #scorpiofullmoon #scorpiomoon #lunareclipse #lunatics #subconsciousmind #unconscious


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Art: Digital Image by PsychonautCraftPrint

    May 5, 2023 – Lunar Eclipse at Scorpio 14°58’, 1:34 pm EDT
    Scorpio is an emotionally passionate sign
    and the Scorpio Full Moon is typically intense.

    This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse with shattering Uranus
    (Wadjet to the Egyptians) in a 4° conjunction to the Sun.

    Retrograde Mercury (Thoth), the Nodes, and Jupiter (Horus)
    are in a square to Pluto (Osiris), stationary on the cusp of Aquarius.

    This will be a deep penumbral lunar eclipse, visible in a wide swath
    extending across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.
    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology,
    Scorpio is allied with Bast, the Cat Goddess.

    Bast is sensual and sexual.

    The Priestesses of Bast were the keepers of the mysteries of birth and death.

    They used their knowledge of the tantric arts to strip away the trauma
    of battle from the newly returned warrior as well as supporting birthing mothers
    in bringing forth new life.

    Bast stands at the portal between two worlds and these Priestesses were her emissaries.

    With this Lunar Eclipse, we exit the portal between two phases of experience.

    We entered this tunnel between the worlds at the April 20 Solar Eclipse.

    We are now ready to step out into the light of the Moon,
    stripped of that which we do not wish to carry with us into the next phase.

    Our last phase of experience (November 8 to April 20) was characterized
    by a sense of change so intense and rapid as to be spinning precariously out of control.

    This next period will provide a respite, giving us time to evaluate
    where we are both personally and collectively.

    It will be wise to take advantage of this time to recreate ourselves
    and reexamine where we want to go. This respite will not last.

    The winds of change are blowing and they will increase again.

    This new phase of experience will last from May 5 to October 14, 2023.

    May 4, 2023, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Art: Digital Image by PsychonautCraftPrint

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology;
    Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods”
    by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #ScorpioFullMoon #LunarEclipse #Bast


    Art: Digital Image by PsychonautCraftPrint

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    From Astrologer Astro Butterfly 1f31d. 264f. 1f929. 1f4ab. 1f320. 1f30f. 1fa90. 1f300. 1f31f. 1f49c. 1f319.
    On May 5th, 2023 we have a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio.
    The eclipse is a South Node Eclipse. South Node Eclipses are the culmination of our past actions:
    some things may come to fruition. Other things may come to their natural end.
    The Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio is opposite Uranus and Mercury retrograde in Taurus,
    and is trine Mars in Cancer.
    With Uranus and Mercury retrograde, things may not go as planned.

    But sometimes when things don’t go as we want them to go, this doesn’t mean they don’t go as they should.

    Perhaps you can remember a time in your life when things didn’t go as planned,
    but turned out better than expected.

    You got fired but a few weeks later ended up in a much better job.

    You missed your flight, and met someone who changed your life.

    During the Eclipse season, things like this happen ALL THE TIME.

    In fact, that’s exactly what the role of an Eclipse is: to change the course of things
    so that a better, superior order is found.

    Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio – At Crossroads

    Eclipses happen when the Sun and the Moon align with the Lunar Nodes.

    The Lunar Nodes are points where the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon intersect.

    The Sun and the Moon are our identity.

    The Lunar Nodes are crossroads.

    When we deviate from our life purpose (Sun and Moon), the Lunar Nodes (and the eclipses)
    come to bring us back on track.

    More than ever, at an Eclipse we want to go with the flow rather than against it.

    The eclipse season is not a time to “try harder” or to stick to our plan “no matter what”.

    Eclipses are a time of adjustment.

    This is a time of noticing the gentle (or not so gentle) nudge that the universe is giving you.

    Just think of the astronomy of an Eclipse. At a Solar Eclipse,

    the shadow of the Moon covers the disk of the Sun.

    The day becomes night. At a Lunar Eclipse, the shadow of the Earth covers the Moon.

    Things are no longer the same – neither in the spiritual 5D world, nor in our material 3D existence.

    Life turns upside down.

    We can’t prevent an Eclipse from happening.

    Whatever is meant to be, will find its way to come into existence.

    Full Moon And Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio - Fight Vs. Surrender

    When we try to control our circumstances, we fight with the universe.

    And if you’re in a fight with the universe, who do you think will win?
    When we say “universe” this is not some external force outside of ourselves.

    You are part of the universe.

    So when we try to control our circumstances, we’re in a war with ourselves.

    When we try to control our circumstances we are trapped in our little personal bubble.

    We are disconnected from the universe. We can’t even see what’s happening around us.

    When we let go of control we finally see the signs that have been there all along.

    The universe is ALWAYS trying to help us.

    The Universe is ALWAYS showing us the signs.

    But we are blind. We don’t want to see them because they go against what we think the reality is.

    Even the most amazing opportunity is seen as an “obstacle” because it doesn’t go according
    to our inner narrative or what we think we should do.

    Taurus And Scorpio - A New Paradigm

    With Taurus and Scorpio, it may be more difficult to see the signs and be open to change.

    Taurus and Scorpio are fixed, stubborn signs. Their role is precisely to preserve the status quo.

    The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio may test your boundaries and resilience.

    Here the goal is not to be less of a Taurus,
    or less of a Scorpio.

    But at this Lunar Eclipse, we want to reinvent our relationship with these energies within our psyche.

    Scorpio can be the sneaky manipulative partner who plays the victim to gain control over the relationship
    OR the loyal companion who stays through thick and thin not for personal gain,
    but because they know that intimacy can only emerge when 2 people meet each other halfway.

    Taurus can be the stubborn, lazy Bull who says “no” just because there’s too much hard work to change,
    OR the firm boundary setter who knows that value creation requires focus and determination.

    Full Moon And Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio – See The Signs

    “I was blind but now I see”

    Mercury is retrograde. At the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio we may feel we’re walking blindfolded.

    We may not have all the information.
    And that’s a good thing. Because the information you’re so much relying on may be your own outdated narrative.

    Not having to listen to the same old story (Mercury) means you create space
    for new insights and new perspectives (Uranus). It means you’ll finally be able to see the signs.

    The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is an incredible opportunity to let go of toxic clinging to what no longer serves us.

    At the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, allow Uranus and Tarurus’ common sense energy
    to show you a new way, a better way to conduct your life.
    This can be as easy as saying “no”. Or “yes” – depending on the circumstances.

    As easy as believing that a different outcome is possible for you. But you have to be open and listen.
    You have to be open to see the signs.
    Astro Butterfly
    PS: do you have a friend who'd like to subscribe to our updates? They can join our weekly newsletter here: https://astrobutterfly.com/subscribe/


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    3h ·

    2023 Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
    05 May at 10.34 am PDT- 1.34 pm EDT- 6.34pm BST (summer time GMT)
    06 May at 1.34 am AWST Perth- 3.34 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia
    Since the Aries Solar Eclipse of Apr 19/20 it has felt like “walking between the worlds”. That New Moon was at 29 degrees Aries, the gateway to new inspired beginnings, but also asking us to release the old that no longer serves us to make space for the new. That Eclipse is influencing us until the next Eclipse season in Oct. The worlds we are Walking Between are the physical material and the Spiritual. Now that I think about it those two worlds where emphasized on March 23 when Pluto (transformation and release) entered Aquarius (cosmic consciousness). He activated The Tarot Constellation of Strength; balance between the material and spiritual planes and the courage to be your true self by strengthening your connection to guidance from Source. He also activated the 5th Ray of Knowledge and Healing with Archangels Raphael, the shinning one who heals, and Mary, unconditional love and acceptance, as our guides. Pluto went retrograde on Mar 01 asking us to go within and heal the past. He will be in Aquarius until June 11 when he retrogrades back into Capricorn (transformation of society).
    This Scorpio New Moon Eclipse is guided by Pluto. The Moon is at 14 degrees Scorpio 58 minutes. It is the opportunity to free ourselves from the past and emerge renewed. When we experience a Lunar Eclipse it completes the lessons of the last 6 months. That takes us back to 25 Oct 2022 with a New Moon eclipse at 02 degrees Scorpio 00 minutes, also guided by Pluto. I love this line from a Hallmark Movie. “The past is the place to learn from, not to live in”. Think of what you have learned. Be grateful for the lesson. Let it go with love. Mars at 21 degrees Cancer 36 minutes is the traditional guide for Scorpio. He is trine (removal of obstacles) Neptune at 26 degrees Pisces 51 minutes (what is true, letting go of what is not true). But he is also square (motivation for change and finding new ways of doing things) Chiron, the healer, at 17 degrees Aries 33 minutes and Jupiter at 27 degrees Aries 26 minutes. The message when you heal the past you create a doorway into the future.
    The Sun at 14 degrees Taurus 58 minutes (what is of true value and importance) is supported by Mercury retrograde at 08 degrees Taurus 57 minutes and Vesta at 09 degrees Taurus 02 minutes. The message is when you connect to your inner power you find your spiritual purpose. The Sun is also travelling with Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus 41 minutes (breaking through to unexpected opportunities). They are all guided by Venus at 27 degrees Gemini 56 minutes (change your thoughts and it will change your life). Venus is “out of bounds” (thinking outside the box). She is square Neptune in Pisces (strengthening our connection to spiritual guidance). It is important to note here that Mercury moves forward on May 14/15 and Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16/17 beginning a new 12 year cycle of what is of true value and importance.
    Our Animal Totem guide for the Moon in Scorpio is Snake, shedding the old and being renewed. For Taurus we are guided by Beaver, clearing the clutter and building the new. They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere. They work very well together to help us on our journey of healing, transformation, and creating the new. The Sacred Totem for Scorpio is The Phoenix, rising from the ashes and being reborn. The Clan Mother who guides Scorpio is Walks Tall Woman. She is the guardian of inner strength and new pathways. She teaches us to Walk the Path of Truth. For Taurus we are guided by Listening Woman. She is the guardian of The Stillness and Inner Knowing. She teaches us to enter the stillness and listen to our heart wisdom. She teaches us to Hear the Truth. You can find more of their gifts to us in The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams. I know I will be calling on Walks Tall Women as I continue my healing journey.
    Whatever you are experiencing ask the Universe to support your journey of transformation and rebirth. It will always respond. As I was writing this earlier tonight my internet connection shut down. Instead of giving up I asked for it to be restored. And it was. Thank you Universe.
    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com Readings are still on hold as I am still on my own healing journey. I will be back to doing them when I can. Thanks everyone for understanding.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · ·

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. : A Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Scorpion Sting

    , , , , &

    1f315. °’

    Occurrence On 5th May 2023

    This Lunar Eclipse 1f315. Belongs To Saros Series 141 & Shes A Member 24th Of 73…

    Ready To Embrace The Shadows Of The Earth By Using The Polarity Of Scorpio/Taurus…

    Mangal & Yama enforces us to confront the most fearmongering, wrongdoers in our family system by generating a metamorphosis phase (because Eclipse is ruled by Pluto, which is related to our generation & genes) upon us so that we embrace what to release & what not to lose in our life which is most close to our family (Sexually, emotionally, or physically attached) & maybe that part of ourself is related to the person that deals with huge money but has been manipulating us through blackmailing (Emotionally if not physically) & making us payback heavily to them which needs to stop now…

    Because YAMA believes in hidden wealth that comes to us after manipulation & sneaking through some kind of illegal activities Or in pious cases, that wealth comes as an inheritance settlement among the entire family, brutally, peacefully, or through lawsuits…

    1f315. : The Scorpio Queen
    Opposition Sun At 14°Taurus57’
    Opposition Mercury At 8°Taurus57’
    Opposition Uranus At 18°Taurus41’
    Trine Mars At 21°Cancer36’

    : Release Of The Most Feared Daemons Sitting In The Subconscious Of Humans Including Self Sacrifice, Manipulation, Sexual Abuse, Fighting Spirit, Valor, Jealousy, Vengeance, Revenge & Possessiveness In Romance As Well As The Erotica In The Personal Relationships That Involve The Nurturance & Exposure Of The Entire Family...

    Due to holding the Malefic-powers by the Eclipses, In Vedic, it's advised not to start any auspicious & important task of your life during Eclipse time & since this is a sign of a Scorpio that rules the matters related to the 8th House such as Sexual Organs such as; Genes, Genitals, Rectum, Anus, Ovaries, Prostate & Pubic Bone… So Pregnant women can face some kind of miscarriages as well during the peak or totality of the Eclipse so care is necessary if they are in the conception phase… As it may also affect the organs of the newly born or unborn babies.

    : -°
    -° : Children playing around five mounds of sand & Being true to oneself is paramount in all things


    : Problems may arise in your Financial sector. Avoid taking heavy loans under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse, otherwise, there will be a danger of getting scammed or even bankruptcy.

    : Problems may arise in your Partnership & “One to one relationship” sector of daily life. If the partner is emotionally or psychologically abusive & manipulative, be careful of serious clashes & they might need serious counseling or Healing Seasons with a psychiatrist or some professional Healers… If your Chandara aka MOON is in Taurus & Scorpio then this TAU/SCO polarities are badly affecting the health of your “Grandparents” because Lunar Eclipse rules “Ancestors”…

    : If you have something going on Healthwise, it’s time to re-evaluate your health concerns by going for “Lab Tests” today because any old ailment will like to resurface again & you need to Release that health pressure OFF your body today…

    : Overall a good time in financial matters but be careful while you make “Speculative investments” though.
    Also, take care of your dependent Children today as your Children today might get some harmful intentions from their acquaintances & friends today which you need to investigate properly as one of their friends might be playing tricks on them which would affect their health or financial loss today.

    : Make sure there would be no ambiguity in the Property & Real-Estate matters these days because, any pending issues with your “Realestate” sector might go in vain today as Eclipse may cause further delay in Property settlement or renovation due to disputes in your family, especially the differences coming from your Mother…

    : Isseus related to Siblings, Neighbors & your daily communication might suffer & go eccentric today & Also, be careful if your Rent out your property today & make sure everything should be well written & signed before you make any deal of renting out… Any ambiguity will lead to further complications due to misunderstandings… Make sure to keep your Passwords & Credit card well-protected today.

    : You need to let go of the oldest possessions today which no longer serve your possessive nature & also those items, accounts & possessions would act as a burden & liability on a whole family which would make everyone nerveous & depressed because traditions while keeping for a longer period, becomes monotoning & hectic.

    : The relationship with your Mother will be tested today & you should be focussing on your Self-image & perception you create of the world outside might be badly compromised or affected during the peak of the Eclipse, also, Marriage partner will be acting very eccentric today with you & which might lead to timely separated living...

    : You will require to shut down your extrovert & carefree nature today when it comes to your health & overall mental healing…
    Large animals & pets could also be in danger or riding them might lead you to physical injuries as well as gambling on jockeys & horseracing is not advisable during ECLIPSE for Sagittarians…

    : Problems may arise when you select the wrong acquaintances & friend circles today because you might end up choosing the wrong people as your friends circle & those enemy kinds of friends might drain you emotionally (if you are super attached to the friendships, sensitive about them).. Or it would be you who start neglecting your good friends & some of them may break friendship or joint-ventures with you because of your unavailability & reliability & this applies vice-versa…

    : Watch out for the Professional pursuits & career path today. Because there are dangers of getting or losing motivation for work anymore or due to lack of interest in that particular tasks & workplace even & some sudden Promotions in designation status & salary are also expected but some Aquarians might lose Jobs or get fired suddenly, mainly due to the eccentric behavior coming either from them or their strict authoritative BOSS.

    : Problems can arise when you select the long journeys just for the sake of Religious & Spiritual practices today & dont plan sudden visits to the foreign countries today as well because there is a danger of losing money on the wrong tickets or something like this…

    For a full article, read my blog below for a complete understanding of the influence & significance of this LUNAR ECLIPSE on 12 Signs in detail: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../%f0%9f%8c%b8.../

    May this Elcipse be bestowing its auspiciousness rather than testing your patience, personal relationships, mood swings, & evil intentions that ruin your family system today… & hope you all survive this nasty Eclipse wisely & spiritually.

    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif - Astrology Consultant
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #lunareclipse2023 #penumbra #PenumbralLunarEclipse #eclipse2023 #eclipseinscorpio #scorpiomoon #Scorpions #fullmoon #lunareclipse #eclipselunar #eclipse #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscope #fixedsigns #watersigns #manipulation #sexualabuse #cheating #betrayal #release #emotional #traumahealing #trauma #stdtesting #generation

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Pauline Hadley
    10m ·
    05 may 2023

    5/5/5/ Blessings of Love and Grace from the Emerald Heart of the Star Garden of Alderbaran 1f49a. 1f31f. 1f49b. 1f31f. 1f49a.
    A few days ago the Golden Tree Elementals appeared to me and gifted me a message for today's magical energies which I would like to share with you 1f49b. 1f49a. 1f49b.
    We greet you with loving Grace to speak to your beautiful Emerald Hearts at this special time on your Earth. 1f64f. You have been made aware of the Star Garden of Alderbaran through Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael's beautiful channel. and this is now arriving on the New Earth for those that are ready. You opened your Hearts to this most wondrous news, which in turn opened a huge Portal for is to come through and communicate with you 1f64f.
    The Tree of Grace is a huge blessing to humanity, this is where we, the Golden Tree Elementals reside 1f31f. We were able to come through to our channel here because she created a portal on her land with the painting she was inspired to create of the Star Garden of Alderbaran, where she painted a Celtic Tree of Grace 1f99a. She lives on Druid Land with ancient Druid Trees and her Light called us in. She was beautifully assisted by Lord Merlin as we are also connected to the Family of Camelot. 1f49c. We are anchoring ourselves into a Portal here where we will begin sending out Golden Christed Lines of Light across the Earth. These are the new Ley Lines for the New Earth - the Star Garden is the central hub if you like and all energies will flow out from the Star Tree of Grace 1f31f.
    There is much Magick afoot and we have the Master of Magick himself, Lord Merlin, at the helm 1f929. anchoring these Golden Lines of Light, assisted by many other Masters of Light, into the new template of the New Earth. We are ever present shining our Light through the grid, bringing so much Light, Love and Beauty to you All. We arrive at the time of a New Beginning ~ we bring you Hope to LIGHTEN your Way. We fill your Hearts with so much Love and Divine Blessings of Grace, Joy. Peace and Abundance in every area of you r lives. 1f49a. 1f49b. 1f49a. It is our JOY to be here with you now. Believe in yourself and know that many Beings of Light walk beside you. 2728. 1f31f. 2728.
    Shine your Light Precious Ones ~ Shine your Light just as we have done 1f49a. 1f49b. 1f49a. We honour you for being here NOW ~ It is YOUR TIME 1f496. 1f49b. 1f49a.
    Golden Tree Elementals channelled through Pauline Hadley 5.5.23.
    I was looking for new Emerald beads for this painting, Emerald Hearts in particular. The five big ones around the Tree of Grace are Italian Millefiori Glass which means a Thousand Flowers 1f49d. I had no idea of this meaning until I researched it later 1f60d. Isn't it wonderful how a plan always comes together when you follows your Emerald Heart 1f64f. 1f60d. Just so perfect 1f49d.

    Pauline Hadley
    Golden Tree Elementals 2728. 1f49b. 2728.

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