01 Mar 2023, 02 Mar 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 25, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The World at Night - TWAN is with Weather and Sky Photography by Kerry in Ontario Canada.
    01 MAR 2023 / 02 MAR 2023

    1f4f7. : Jupiter and Venus from Ontario, Canada.
    From Weather and Sky Photography by Kerry, twanight.org/kerry :
    This past evening really exceeded our expectations 2728. ...
    with Jupiter and Venus getting closer in the next 24hrs
    I figured it would be a good idea to take any opportunity to go out and capture it even if the skies weren't clear.
    In the winter season, we get so much cloud, and depending on where the clouds are,
    it can make for a huge success or a complete wash!
    After dinner, I checked the satellite imagery and thought there would be a chance
    for a few breaks along the western horizon and there were!!
    My daughter and I just had to wait patiently on location while we froze our fingers and toes a little.
    We weren't prepared to spend a long time out 1f9e4. 1f9e3. .. should have known better.
    Anyway, we found this spot several minutes from home by surfing google maps.
    All we wanted were a few nice trees 1f333. .
    If you didn't get a chance to capture this beautiful conjunction last evening, there is another chance today and the day after
    (March 1 and March 2) depending on your weather.
    Look towards the west after sunset.
    1f4ce. Technical details: Canon R6, Canon 24 to105 @ 95mm. F4, iso1600, 6 seconds.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Little Page of Peace
    03 MAR 2023
    2728. When Mercury moves into Pisces,
    things start to slow down
    so that we can finally have the time
    to align with who we truly are on a mental,
    emotional and spiritual level.
    It's time to take a step back from all the external chaos,
    focus on our inner peace and well being
    and remain patient and kind as we treat ourselves
    and others with compassion and understanding.
    Mercury in Pisces can also illuminate our way of thinking
    and shines a light on fresh ideas and creative inspirations
    . When Mercury enters the mystical sign of Pisces,
    our dreams become more vivid, our thoughts start to flow
    and our intuition is especially strong.
    Give yourself permission to just be. 2728.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    03 MAR 2023

    The month of March is full of mysterious possibilities, with numerous important celestial events occurring,
    bringing a much needed shift that offers a sense of renewal, rebirth and new beginnings.

    On March 3 (3:3) an energy portal opens, offering divine interventions, unexpected plot twists, positive energy,
    good fortune, and opportunities for major growth and transformation.

    This is a rare and powerful opportunity to shape your destiny by setting clear intentions
    and taking intentional action to manifest your goals and dreams.

    A portal is a window for transformation, a period of time when the energetic vibration of the Earth
    is higher than usual, therefore it's easier to make life-altering transitions.

    The energy on March 3rd is already magnified due to Venus, Jupiter and Chiron meeting in the sky,
    an extremely powerful energetic alignment that delivers long-awaited and much-needed change
    in our personal lives and closest relationships.

    This is a rare and highly charged alignment that could bring a major shift in our mindset,
    relationships and finances. Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony,
    Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and abundance, and Chiron is a small planetoid
    located in the outer solar system that is associated with healing.

    When planets align with Chiron, it is believed the energies are amplified,
    bringing a deeper awareness of our wounds, so we can remove emotional blockages,
    release old patterns, open up to new opportunities, emotionally heal and spiritually grow.

    March can be a powerful time for new beginnings, as it marks the transition from one season to the next.

    The start of a new month is a chance to reflect on the past and let go of anything that is no longer serving.

    If you would like to read more please click here

    March: The Transformational 3, 33, 333 Energy Portal – Empath Planet


    Thank you
    Alex Myles

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Wil Photography

    28 FEB 2023

    Jupiter and Venus!
    I was so happy to be able to see Jupiter and Venus close together,
    I’ve waited a few months 1f605.
    Visible after Sunset today( Wednesday)
    Tomorrow will be another opportunity where Venus will be on top of Jupiter
    Here’s an iPhone photo taken at 615pm on 28 FEB 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    02 MAR 2023 ·

    Astrology update:
    , , , , &
    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies when it comes to showing brilliance
    & day-to-day communication & interactions with other people as MERCURY
    - The Hermes changes sign from Aquarius To Water of Pisces…
    From 2nd March - 19th March 2023
    Here Comes A Spiritually Genius, Detrimental, Intuitive & Visionary Mindset & Through
    -Process That Flows Into Different Directions At A Time Like A Flow Of River For The Season Of Pisces…
    ☿ : Connecting dots of daily life & day-to-day interactions
    & communication through intuition, mysticism & imagination. We will also show our true colors
    using our emotionalism which is interconnected with the pain & suffering of the societies we are living in…
    & :
    Mar 2, 2023, Mercury entered Pisces
    Mar 6, 2023, Mercury Sextiles Node In Taurus
    Mar 11, 2023, Mercury Sextiles Uranus In Taurus
    Mar 16, 2023, Mercury Conjunction Neptune In Pisces
    Mar 17, 2023, Mercury Cazimi (Mercury Conjunction Sun) In Pisces
    Mar 17, 2023, Mercury Squares Mars In Gemini
    The idea to utilize the energies of this PISCES MINDSET is, you need to capitalize on your spiritual
    & mystical thought process & your mindset should be channelized into knowing & preaching about GOD
    & spread the HEALING message of GOD to the entire human race in whatever medium you can use,
    be it internet, texts, emails, & social media apps, the message should be based on spirituality
    & transcendence or “Mystical Calling”...
    & : A Detrimental, Magical & Mystical Nirvana
    Just avoid & try not to engage yourself in escapism (Away from reality)
    too much that you become vulnerable mentally & emotionally to the deceptive
    & jealous elements roaming in the society around you, & they would definitely try to SCAM you through some
    “Sob Stories” & try to loot you… Because PISCES Mind can be easily exploited
    & diverted to the nonissues of daily life which can definitely expose your Mental
    & Emotional “Vulnerabilism” or you would play the fool through susceptibility
    of masterminds of the scammers or schemers… Dont just carried away with the dual nature
    of your mindset these days until the HERMES/MERCURY stays inside PISCES…
    Try to focus on the constructive side of “HEALING & Preaching Of God” such as healing people
    through your Religious & Spiritual consultancy & ideas, reaching out to those who are suffering
    from something & give them moral support through your “HEALING” words, emails, phone calls…
    A lot of Intuitive Astrologers & Tarot Readers or Psychic Coaches have these placements…
    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #PiscesSzn #piscesseason #Mercury #hermes #mercuryinpisces #watersigns #intuition #intuitive #healingjourney #healing #astrologymemes #astrology #celestial #detrimental

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