[ATTACH] 12 FEB 2023 SUNSET - BLAZiNG BALL of FiRE Photographer:...
[ATTACH] Jupiter & Venus are getting closer! They cross paths next Wednesday, March 1, 2023 passing within 1/2 degree of each other. Last night...
Bill S-233 & New Social Bank Credit System Bill S-233 is currently waiting for third reading in the SENATE, if passed it will be made law...
[ATTACH] Photographer: Andy Gołębiowski we always said ; Red birds are A Sign of The crossed over ancestors coming to visit, while sharing...
#WE are #RiTEALiGNED #RiTE_ALiGNED to: The Great Spirit of God, without using any form of organized religions ~susan lynne schwenger...
12 FEB 2023 #GeorgianBay #WasagaBeach #ontario #canada Photographer: Joyce Annie Cogsell - Kell [ATTACH] 12 FEB 2023 #GeorgianBay #WasagaBeach...
How To Grow Asparagus: Plant It Once & Harvest For Decades by Linda Parker February 25, 2020 - Updated on October 29, 2020 in PLANTS 0...
[ATTACH] A rare conjunction between the moon and planet Jupiter with 4 of it’s moons as captured by astrophotographer Daryavaseum. The good...
EYES OF THE DEVIL | A DOCUMENTARY FILM Documentary about highly organized child brothels / organ harvesting clinics video EYES OF THE DEVIL | A...
24 FEB 2023 iNTO APRiL 2023 ~ A Magical Window of Opportunity ~ Khoji Vihara / Celestial Rhythms A Magical Window Just Opened * Powerful...
[ATTACH] 05 MAR 2023 Rainbow, Scotland...
[ATTACH] 26 FEB 2023 - Andromeda & Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights over Stonehenge Photographer...
=AZVjsC3ZHqQq4MrBLIdxp88jwSSw6hGZAw-QP7iIDePiXZU7reolzpMsXKbp_QjAfbYdAHoXuroLf8p4BOlGqZKnXsrd3lOBkDx9t7j5VfyXCg&__tn__=*NK-R']#ASTROBURSTs Clear...
Watch | Facebook video https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=205073015524714
[ATTACH] #GeorgianBay #WasagaBeach #ontario #canada God’s Country..⛅️ 26 FEB 2023 Photographer: Amanda Palombo
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