Here are some programs that remove hidden formatting characters from a document -- to banish the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR . . . 7-27-2014 TextFixer...
Tony, everything is copacetic now. The "byte boundary" was due apparently to some hidden control characters in the text of one of eXchanger's...
Something wonderful happened! I can write to Xenforo Cosmogenesis. Thank-you! What happened? A reset an hour ago? 11:40 PST 22 Jul 2014
Xenforo responds fully only for members using Windows. (I verified this by going to the library today). Computers used in test: Me @ Home -...
This is a succesful test of Xenforo using the computer (Windows) at the library.
<p>Approx 5:50</p><p>Sunday Jul 13, 2014</p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p><b>I continually get an error when trying to...
TonyB, This is an old topic, but I'm still wrestling with posting images on Xenforo the way I want. Maybe you can help. When I copy images form...
The Secret Garden Inside us a place of beauty and quiet [IMG] When we can’t get away, be with...
We Breathe the Silence [IMG] The breath and life that we feel and know as the most essential part of us is a space of silence in our heart,...
Freedom -- Getting up Close & Touchable Freedom is removing limits -- anything that blocks or separates (e.g. feeling less than, fearful,...
The Narrow Path the path of freedom [IMG] Being free is co-existing — allowing to be present --- with love and kindness — multiple life energies...
Unlimited should be big enough. (I was thinking doubling it to 40) This is the first time I've encountered the limit. Thanks. You made life...
It seems Xenforo will allow no more than 20 videos (MEDIA) in a reply to a post. Not sure how to handle this. I may split a reply into several??...
PATH OF THE COW a direct path for those who cannot wait [IMG] If it could be, this is how it might be: to be where all things proceed and...
Giving Birth to Ourselves what it means in terms of energy [IMG] Stepping into ourselves -- who we really are -- which radiates out -- is...
Yes Yes Yes remembering waters that replenish body and soul It’s a way of looking at things we may have forgotten — but exists still in our...
Love and Drama [IMG] We can’t fall asleep (or do drama) if we want to see the love in our heart and know what is true and real. It seems we...
On the wings of Butterflies [IMG] The knowingness of a sun inside us is how we interpret being alive and coming awake; it operates on us and...
Path of the E Ticket going for the Complete Ride [IMG] This path is not about feeling, feeling good, feeling not so good, or feeling anything....
Help. As it stands, it looks like I will have to start over from March 27 but I'm not sure how to do it differently at this point. Look at the...
Separate names with a comma.