It's a space in-between made of stillness (the same stillness of the trees, the ocean and the land) where things are real and true, the light is...
These are variations of fluidity - the water element. Counterexamples abound on Earth --- they grasp, hold and keep as do judgement, fear, worry...
This is my story as much as I can remember, make up or imagine. This is about what a soul might think before being born on Earth where he will...
Serenity [suh-ren-i-tee] noun 1. the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled "It's the feeling after a good meal" 2. the state or quality of...
I need to know basic stuff that I can use to avoid getting lost. I need breadcrumbs. I need breadcrumbs to help me find home when I'm lost....
What I Want What I want to experience is being of many souls. many beings, many frequencies where energy flows like water while under the covers...
Thank you again Allisiam. M.A.S.H. has special meaning to me. At one time I felt the world collapsing around me. I used to watch the reruns...
I am surrounded by angels. Thank you for sharing "In the arms of an angel" Alllsiam. IThe music is beautiful.
The Cave and the cave dwellers This brings to mind Plato's Cave. These prisoners chained together could only see the shadows of the reality...
Compassion Sometimes life can get too complicated for me so I need a seeing eye dog. Today's lesson is compassion. When a man is insulated...
Your words are encouraging to hear Tony!
[ATTACH] This is my tent. We each have one of these. We put everyone we love inside! Sometimes I feel the wind and rain like it was inside. We...
[ATTACH] Freedom is the ability to choose. It's the first step in manifesting. It 's not what we do that makes us free though, but the...
December 2015 I like this. [ATTACH] But maybe it should say . . . “Love the love that only asks for your company” [ATTACH] That's the...
Roommates - a metaphor for our multi-dimenaional being Upstairs Department responding -- What does being free mean? -- Is "different strokes for...
[ATTACH] To know is sufficient, the how will come later.
I am a happy man and life is good, for the moment at least, and I can ask for no more. I was in Poland for 5 weeks with a new friend from Poland....
[MEDIA] View: "You are my Earth and fire" is a recognizable vibration in my heart. It clears anything and...
Affirmations Of Who We Are [ATTACH] I fully affirm my identity as the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, the Monad -- the IAM Presence on Earth...
[ATTACH] How To Make A Tent prescription for creating soul 1. Remember the energy. Be like a rag doll. Relax your body. Fall into the Earth....
Separate names with a comma.