The Real Epidemic STEPHEN MCMURRAY 3 March 2020 Microchipping Big Brother Problem-Reaction-Solution The Police State Health...
The Pacific Nations and their takeover globalist plan of the UN The 'bad' witch and her apprentice(s)! Now replace the climate change scam with...
1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley...
Treason or political naivety!? [ATTACH] Carlos Villasenor Aceves 13 hrs A letter to our treasonous government Screw you, your Clorox wipes,...
ETs/UFOs are coming or Dragon Space X 5G Coverage Yeah, Those Weren't UFOs Over Cleveland Last Weekend, But It'd Be Cool If They Were When a...
Don't they say that every year there is a flu season? Well the Covid19 is nought but a 'beefed up-meaning they spliced bat dna into a common...
[ATTACH] Willy Wahl April 5 at 1:55 AM Still as an addition to my post with the frequencies and vibes. VIBRATION INCREASE (and Corona / Covid...
Do not watch his videos. Do not share them. Obey your medical authority. Submit. Conform. Watch TV. April 2nd, 2020-15:21 -...
Technocracy [ATTACH] [MEDIA] View: [MEDIA] View:
Immunisation Agenda 2030 Joe Aster IX "Dr. Shiva Ayadurai, the inventor of email and candidate for the senate in Massachusetts, talks...
Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc [MEDIA] Συμεών Αλεξιαδης 1. Maybe...
What about the Q-Phenomenon?! Decoder-Jordon Bermansedert Just curious about something abit of topic here if you don't mind. Do you trust...
A public, legally foundated initiative to counteract globalist enforced vaccination regimes without a Bill of Rights in Australia to parallel the...
The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus James Corbett [ATTACH] Pssst. You. Yeah, you. Are you interested in talking about… things?...
10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic [ATTACH] Following on from our previous list, here are ten more expert voices, drowned out or...
[MEDIA] View: [ATTACH] 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic [ATTACH] Below is our list of twelve medical...
Is 5G dangerous to human health? No need to 'smash your phone', but become aware how EMR interacts with biological cellular structure. The size...
Andy Dean Tony Bermanseder since when is international law above our commonwealth law. Because anything the Australian government has signed...
Who is in political control in Australia? Australians are 'at the mercy' of national bueraucrats, taking their orders from international or...
Separate names with a comma.