orthodoxymoron wrote: [ATTACH] [IMG] An Update for you, showing the correct description for the 'Many Worlds' models of both main stream...
The Holographic Universe as Information Processor and the Creation of discretisized SpaceTime How big is the universe and could it be growing...
shiloh [ATTACH] shiloh Posts: 756 Join date: 2011-03-16 Age: 57 Location: Akbar Ra Post n°29 [ATTACH] Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and...
How the universe has cooled since the Big Bang fits Big Bang theory Astronomers using a CSIRO radio telescope have taken the Universe's...
The Great War of the Memes from December 21st, 2010 to April 8th, 2012 to January 1st, 2014 to April 17th, 2017 in 70 years from 1947/1948 to...
shiloh [ATTACH] shiloh Posts: 723 Join date: 2011-03-16 Age: 57 Location: Akbar Ra Post n°1 [ATTACH] Letter from a Thuban Insider......
shiloh [ATTACH] shiloh Posts: 722 Join date: 2011-03-16 Age: 57 Location: Akbar Ra Post n°1 [ATTACH] The Factuals versus the Nabs [ATTACH]...
[10/30/2014 2:00:19 PM] susan lynne schwenger: is there major problems with the website [10/30/2014 2:00:26 PM] susan lynne schwenger: new...
The Factuals versus the Old Age BS or OABS [ATTACH] shiloh on Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:05 am MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up...
Future Shadows in the Times of Now [ATTACH] 'Adam's Metric Meter' of the Dragons as the Matrix of Thuban - The Pyramids and...
The Coulombic Chargequantum 'e'; its Variation and the Ages of the Earth and the Universe The Alpha-Variation measures shifts in wavelength,...
The Tridecagonal Twin Tetractys of Thuban An Alphanumerical Dragon Matrix for a Starhuman World in JCCJ=13+13=26 26x9 = 234 = 13x18 26x18 = 468...
Dragonnumerology [7:45:13 PM- Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh Za-Rah: But the basics must stick otherwise you will not get the...
[MEDIA] This movie sets the rational framework for the viewer to enable herhim to form a better INFORMED assessment and discernment about the...
All Moderators have been upgraded to have full access in their forums. This includes deleting and hard deleting any posts and threads. If any of...
To all Forum Posters! There are two editors on the forum available; a basic native xenforo one and an advanced tinyquattro. Xenforo forums are...
Aquaries1111 Corner - July 3rd, 2012 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The Dragon-the logoic reflection [ATTACH] In the Sacred Doctrines of...
SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted 3 Hours Ago long time ago, you emailed Haramein some important stuff was this what it was about ??? [ATTACH]...
Posted Apr 22nd 2013 Jorgelito - Posted 3 Hours Ago [ATTACH] Our Expanding Universe I thought an expanding universe meant galaxies and stars...
Dragons Principles of Navigation [ATTACH] A most interesting thread regarding navigation through Dragons and Minotaurs this is. Dragons and...
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