[ATTACH] PCR Inventor Says Fauci “Not a Scientist” 188,933 views Dec 11, 2020 The David Knight Show “Fauci doesn’t understand medicine, he’s...
Death of the Germ Theory 2021 - Birth of Natural Health with Microorganisms A discussion about natural immunity and a discrediting of Pasteur's...
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Autoimmune Disease [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The Medical Science Facts behind the Covid-Sars 2-Coronavirus...
[ATTACH] Individual Freedom Rules, not bureaucratic control - a global revolt against medical tyranny Australia's and most national media and...
Conspiracy realism represents a great intellectual challenge to compliant conformity theorists, worshipping fake bureaucratic authority at the...
Autoimmune Disease following mRNA-Vaccination and the Criminality of Medical Tyranny Exposed Immunology expert Dr. Dolores Cahill and Trial...
The greatest Nuremberg of all time is on its way (NB: translated from German) 17/02/2021 By Jean-Michel Grau Right now, a second Nuremberg...
The reason of the 'Lock Step' Agenda implemented globally by pretend nationalistic governments and administrations It is the worship of the...
A Medical Science Investigation and Examination [ATTACH] You do not catch a virus, but you make it when your cells are poisoned by any toxic...
The New Covenant for a New Heaven with a New Earth Christian Sexuality Encodings Reconfigured The Female within the Male within the Female and the...
A History of Encoded Times Timeline 2024 in 1 Hour of 3600 Seconds - A Parallel Agenda to 2010-2020-2030 1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927...
Legal Safety of Covid 'Quasi-Vaccine' by Police Executive Enforcement Desbina Dan from Melbourne, Australia This is one photo I took of the...
You can use simple mathematical-geometric arguments to 'define' the shape of the earth or the topological form of anything Susan! Geometric...
The Antimatter -Matter Asymmetry as an effect of Quantum Geometry in Diquarks A contemporary 'controversy' and mystery in the Standard Model...
[ATTACH] Paul Craig Roberts, America’s Demise Is Near At Hand January 20, 2021 James Fetzerblog Paul Craig Roberts America R.I.P. For years...
Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy Home About Interview archive Articles Books Guests Contact [ATTACH] The Lies About...
[ATTACH] Dr. Vernon Coleman - Genocide and Disease Control (bitchute.com) In this video, Dr. Vernon Coleman describes the many deaths...
[ATTACH] Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman discuss the basic medical viral theory underpinning the pharmaceutical industry and the cancer...
Great Reset? Putin Says, "Not So Fast" | ZeroHedge Great Reset? Putin Says, "Not So Fast" [ATTACH] BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, FEB 11, 2021 -...
[ATTACH] [MEDIA] View: https://youtu.be/hW0H4llB06c [ATTACH] Covid Culture and Political Bureaucratic Tyranny, a Medical Expert Covid...
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