The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    World Logos Comings.


    7. The Homecoming of the LOVING WAY! (July 1987)
    I got interested in everything to do with the "New Age of Aquarius".
    So many people believed in the "space brothers" and UFO's and governmental cover ups and the necessity to reconnect with mother nature.
    The environment had even become a political issue but politics and finance and such things did not interest me at all. Dead works and dead debates and superficial power is what I always thought of them.

    Sure sometimes a good one comes along. A man with vision, maybe a little unconventional, but honest. So it should be nobodys business who this person might sleep with or what this person does privately. But this world of sanity and realism and rationality is obsessed with person's private sexlifes and what "nasty" things they might have done in their younger days. Just ask JFK and MLK and Mahatma Gandhi.
    Let us presume such a person comes along. He will not last long. A quick bullet and the reestablishment of the predictable status quo. Everything in order. Dumb brainwashed "masses " with the daily portions of soap, sensationalist news and the constant bombardment of violence and some more guns and laws and stockmarkets.
    And just who is in bed with whom and who is suing whom for defamation of character. But the world is rational and truly in the nationalistic way. Our forefathers did it by hard work and our fathers, so it must be alright for junior.
    And God blesses the rich and abundance to the ones who have, because the poor have only themselves to blame. They do not believe in Jesus enough. If they would ask him for work and money he would provide and he who has shall have more and the ones who have not, yes of them shall be taken what they have and given to the haves.
    This is the way of the world and the nature of the God and his Jesus, the son of God which will come on top of clouds and with millions of harp playing angels to reward the faithful churchgoers and to hold everybodys hand.

    Jesus will fix everything up and he will damn all the poor unbelievers. He will destroy all the soothsayers and the witches and the psychics and the astrologers. Jesus will hold everybody's hand and the dead will come out of the graves and have miraculously reformed bones and flesh and sinews. Then old Julius Caesar for one will stand in front of dear old God and plead his good and bad works.

    And Adolf Hitlers body will be reassembled and there he is; stepping from one toe onto the other before the wrathfulness of Jehovah, the father of LOVE?
    Well you can twist things as you like, but things will not be like that.

    The soothsayers and the witches are the psychiatrists and some psychologists or should one say their institutions; which try to explain things in ways which can only be explained by scientific spirituality and things like awareness and perception and relative consciousness. But they refer to the scientific method and drugs and ?
    Nowhere is it said that the second coming of the LOVER will be ON clouds. It is IN clouds and this is a very big difference. The "vessels of mercy" are like clouds and many many references are in all the holy books about the true nature of those things. Try to dissolve some clouds with Your mind in sending energy into it.

    It works and is a good exercise for Your will power.
    So I had never seen any spaceships in the sky but the overwhelming eyewitness reports convinced me of their existence. But what were they? And where did they come from? Extraterrestrial planets, galaxies or from under the water or from inside the Earth or were they cover up operations of a secretive technology produced by under cover scientists?
    I had to find out for myself and my LOVE had always answered all my questions.
    I had asked and I had received. I had desired knowledge and it had been given to me.
    So one night I dreamt about what it all meant, relative to me.

    I expected saucers, but I did not get any. I expected aliens, but there were none.
    There I was running in the meadows and I was naked. Strange I thought, noone is around and I am in this vast green meadow, full of flowers and there was this erotic overtone, due to my nakedness.
    I looked up into the sky and there were many humunguous clouds and they were dark clouds; just like a big thunderstorm was brewing ready to erupt upon an unsuspecting starhuman world.
    Suddenly the clouds seemed to contract and expand to produce a sort of flux and movement. Then I saw it and my inner being rejoiced like it never ever had felt before.
    My whole inner being wanted to jump out of my body when it saw this gigantic and elaborate construction up in the sky.

    There it was - MY HOME, MY OWN PLACE from where I had come and to which one day I would return.
    There was absolutely no doubt about it. I KNEW and KNEW and KNEW. I was longing and crying: "I want to go home. What am I doing down here. I do not belong here?", and yet I knew that I did belong here AND there and that somehow I had the power to make this joyfulness of belonging real for everyone.
    What was it? It was like a city in the sky, but it was also a gigantic spaceship.
    The mother of all mother spaceships - the NEW JERUSALEM.
    It was TRUTH and LOVE and the FUTURE.

    There were constructions and lights sticking out everwhere. If it would land, then it would be like a country in itself, SO big was it. It was in the process of becoming real, but something, a small essence was missing and when this little bit of nothingness would become reunited with the Holy City, then EVERYBODY would be able to see this thing with physical eyes and ALL would believe this enormous LOVING and the KINDNESS of COMPASSION of the LOVING WAY.

    There were a lot of other vessels, smaller ones, motherships. I stood there gazing at the scenario when I understood my nakedness. I had come from there without anything and I would return with nothing except my KNOWING - that would be it.
    I really LOVED those spaceships and I knew that they were real and true in all their ways; which persons had experienced. There were all kinds and all had their purpose to become evident at the appropriate times.
    The physical ONES were sort of computerized, knowing things because of their L-factors and most were VERY benevolent and ALL the nonmaterial ONES were LOVING.

    Isaiah 60.8:
    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°170

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 12:20 pm
    bobhardee wrote:10/25/2015


    bolife-.3113. yggradsil-.3114.

    This gnostic insight of Magamud de Yggdrasil was retrieved directly from the Thuban library of Akbar Ra and is here legacized in context with the New World Dawning

    889-6-.3115. magamud wrote:

    Im just talking straight to you Oxy because you deserve it. You project Genocide when you dont know the relation of Death to life. You do not die. Your energy transforms. We are trying to earn our existence in this Flesh. Without this knowledge the harvest or the Orobourus sounds arbitrary. When in fact its Mercy. Shall our species continue in Devolution? Shall we continue to be on life support? You and everyone here should be commending themselves to be at the End. ITs a tribute to your constitution. You are learning what is God's plan.
    Jesus is part of humanity. Prophets are part of the same system. This is just the real evolution of man and his sovereign place in Consciousness! This is the justice of the universe. Everyone knows it. Don Juan, Osho, Buddha, Krishna, etc etc etc. It all comes back to the One law the loving god of creation.

    Jesus allowed himself to be murdered by man, so he could resurrect and show the power of man. That man has nothing over you, but the one who can forgive sin=IGNORANCE does. This was to show the tale of man and the harvest.
    Original sin=Ignorance had to happen if you want to be in flesh and sovereign. God did not forsake us. You will sin {Be Ignorant} as long as you do not know god. Your soul is not eternally dammed. You will be pissed that the signs were in front of your nose and you did not see it, but you will get over it. Take a vacation and try it again. Life goes on...

    Instead of sacrificing our Sin=Ignorance we sacrifice others to bridge the gap. This is the nature of our species and existence. It is because we are made in his image. We are so close to him that it creates radical passion in us. Sexual disfunction is just one expression of our devolution. We were made to populate the earth! Everything in moderation. Everything balanced. The Road is narrow!
    Jesus left because he showed Gods power. What more could anyone need to know at that time. IF Jesus stuck around it would have created Co-dependence and you would not have been sovereign. This is the meaning of what faith is and why we use it. This is a blessing for our own individuality. Jesus has never left and has prepared the way for the Creator to remind us of his laws. Jesus has prepared a seat next to him during his physical absence. Jesus is care taking the burning now. Nothing wrong with this picture from here. Thank God....


    242-39-.3117. oxy replied:

    Thank-you magamud for clearing that up for me. I have a couple of study-lists which will help me get a better understanding of these issues and concepts. I think I need to just read and read and read -- and let go of a lot of the rest of what I've been doing. I might try to write some sort of a sci-fi novel (which would probably be much different than this thread). I need to figure out a way to generate some revenue. I am getting more and more uncomfortable with my line of thinking -- so I probably need to give it a rest. There's a time and a place for everything -- and my time has probably come and gone -- without me even realizing it. You all seem to be doing just fine without me -- so perhaps it's time to move on -- in more ways than one. Perhaps I should just watch the infowar and the god-off. Perhaps I should prepare to clean-up the mess when it's over. Perhaps I should simply hold the coats. Perhaps it is time for me to get Sirius.

    The Blue Star Kachina And The History Of The World Logos




    This videos relate to particular individualised remembrances as 'Running Water', a wisdom keeper of the Cherokee in 1313 and links to the Hopi prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina, symbolised by the 'Skyblue Dragon' neutralising the 'Red Dragon' of the Apocalypse as the Christ-Antichrist archetype in Revelation.12 in the next two videos.

    Both, the Blue Star Kachina and its Red Star Kachina image, manifested in the World of Old Gaia on June 25th, 2008 to fulfil the Prophecy of the Hopi and to herald the 'Coming of the New World' after a period of Preparation, Insemination and Gestation in a magnificent convergence of the Native Prophecies of the Elders and the 'Sayings of the Ancients' as encoded in scriptures and scrolls of many kinds and including the 'Book of Revelations' of John of Patmos of the Apocalypse of the Armageddon = Dragon Made.
    Red dwarves like Nibiru; binary 'death stars' like Nemesis and cometary extrapolations like Elenin serve to manifest certain encoded archetypes like the 'Wormwood' of Revelation.8.10-11 and can be associated with natural astrophysical phenomena in such symbolic fashions and in context of a metaphysical and 'higher dimensional' timeline encoding and logistic.

    27/06/2008 In La'kech - I Am Another Yourself!

    This is the Mayan Code of Honour, given from Hunab Ku to Quetzalcoatl in the Loom of the Maya. IAmWhoIAm and I shall give you information as to the future of this planet earth and its communication with the realms in which I reside. it is perhaps most convenient to consider the speaker of these words as being a ET Cosmologist or Omni-scientist extrapolated from this planet Earth, meaning from another world either past or future present.
    First of all, this information is free and is given in the symbol of Running Water, who had a life experience as a Cherokee Medicine Man so 700years ago in the continent known as Northern-America. The below excerpt is taken from a website of mixed emotions and agendas, but describes a real identity you all know. I present this story for your perusal and shall elaborate following.

    Once upon a time on the plains of the land that would someday become South Dakota, lived a Cherokee brave whose name was White Star. Being a brave in his tribe, he was a warrior and a hunter and was a great asset to the tribe. Being so physical, he was strong and well muscled, but with his hunting, he was a runner, so he was also quite slender. Anyone would think that one of the women of his tribe would capture his heart, but that was not to be. As he hunted a buffalo one day, he came upon a beautiful maiden from another tribe. She was resting amidst the shade of some trees and drinking from a brook, and her name was Desert Rose. The pair took to each other straight away and after getting to know each other, agreed to meet again, which they did, again and again and again. Before too long, they were in love.
    In her village, however, she was engaged to a man named Walking Stick, named for his great height and gangly body. Her family had set her up with him, and she did care for him, but her heart belonged to White Star. Her relationship to the Cherokee brave was discovered, and she was exiled from her tribe when she refused to give him up. The Cherokee readily accepted Desert Rose into their village, and she married White Star.
    White Star had a friend he grew up with. His name was Running Water and he was destined to be a Healer. White Star and Running Water spent as much time as possible playing together and doing the things friends do, but much of Running Water’s life was spent as the apprentice of the tribe’s medicine man. White Star considered him his best friend.

    When Running Water grew up, he was declared a healer, and he took up the trade alongside the medicine man, although now he certainly had more free time. He spent more time with his childhood chum and they grew close, close enough that they fell in love. It just happened. White Star’s friends were, of course, Desert Rose’s friends, and she liked Running Water very much. With his blessing, they married, and all three of them shared a Tipi and started a family. White Star and Desert Rose had children together. One night, a group of white men and soldiers came into their camp under orders. They went from tipi to tipi, killing those within and taking their children.
    Running Water awoke and went outside as two soldiers were approaching. They were drunk, and determined to follow their orders, although the booze kept them from feeling pain over the things they were doing. Running Water begged them to leave, telling them that there were children inside and that the woman was with child, but they didn’t understand the Cherokee language. They killed him, and then went inside and killed Desert Rose and White Star as they slept. The child that Desert Rose was carrying was Running Water’s. They never woke up. The children were taken, and, like the others, placed in white schools to be ‘civilized’.
    The three were not to be separated forever, and they came back, spread out across the world, but they found each other once more and they loved each other. Perhaps this time, they would have the chance the live their full life together.

    Who I'd like to meet: Any of my family who managed to survive the invasion in our village I would like to see Running Water and White Star again Any other Cherokee/Native Americans; I would like to hear from them too

    In La'kech!

    Running Water was and is Tony B. whose messages are now fading out. We know, that he often called himself as Running Deer, which bespoke of his Love for his friend White Star and their shared Love for Desert Rose.
    There is an additional story to the one above, as there was another squaw, called Shadow Dancer, which was to Running Water as Desert Rose was to White Star.
    Here is the story; Running Water might have told this story before; but here it is again for your consideration.

    Shadow Dancer was a beautiful Cherokee maiden, who loved to move her body in dance and self expression during the day and beginning at an early age. But at night when the men danced about the totem poles and the ceremonial fires to the beat of the drums, women were not allowed to participate and so Shadow Dancer danced with the men, but at a distance as so not to draw suspicion to her doings. But from this activity, Shadow dancer was named.
    Most of the men knew what Shadow Dancer was up to anywhy and tolerated her behaviour.
    Running Water too was enarmoured by this Dancer and admired her courage.
    Shadow Dancer became very curious about the secret of the men and as was the custom, this secret was contained in the medicine pouch, the warriors carried around their neck.

    So one day, as Running Water was bathing in a lagoon supplied with water from a waterfall; Shadow dancer sneaked up to Running Water's medicine pouch to peek at its contents.
    She found the feather of an eagle, a tooth of a grizzly bear and various pebbles, rocks and artifacts in the pouch.
    Running Water caught Shadow Dancer and found himself in a dilemma.
    It was strictly forbidden for a squaw or maiden to discover the contents of the medicine pouch, because and as it was believed, this would take the power of the warrior given by the great spirit manitou away.
    It was a man's initiation to be separated from his tribe and wigwam. He had to go away into the wilderness and find his spirit guides and collect the token symbols of conquering his fears and the elements. Running Water had gone away at the appropriate time and had faced his inner demons and had collected his personalised tokens and placed them into his medicine pouch.

    And now Shadow Dancer had discovered his spirit-magic and what was he to do?
    Here then Running Water decided that the only way for him not to lose his spirit-magic, was to initiate Shadow Dancer as his 'Other Self' and the concept of a Twinship Squaw Warrior was born.
    And so Shadow Dancer agreed to participate from then on as a female warrior and to share the spirit-magic of Running Water.
    And so Running Water and Shadow Dancer became lovers, but not in the form of White Star and Desert Rose, but in the form of a Oneness in two bodies.
    And so it was, that Shadow Dancer too shared the tepee of White Star and Desert Rose with Running Water.

    In La'kech!

    So I am giving a simple message and this message is given in the honour of the Maya and the honour of Running Water aka Tony B.
    The channel Tony B. has ceased to exist as an emissary of Hunab Ku and I wish to commemorate him in a song, he wrote for his beloved Shadow Dancer in the identity of Running Water.

    In the Shadow of Love!

    Here I am, so alone staring at my reflection on the floor.
    How I wish, that my baby would come soon, walking through my door.
    So long I've been waiting for you - in the shadow of love
    - in the shadow of love.

    Where are you my sweet lover, why do you keep me so in despair?
    Everything would be so beautiful, should your love begin to care.
    Come on my baby, take me gently - touch me deep inside, oh yeah
    - touch me deep inside oh yeah.

    Imagine me, my love, my hot body wrapped around you in delight.
    Feel your ecstacy, your desire to have me forever in your sight.
    I dream about you day and night - come on my darling, let us be
    -come on my darling, let us be.

    We could elope entwined my love, like butterflies gliding in the wind.
    Amidst the flowers a new world for us to find, love never to rescind.
    Upon the wings of mighty eagles, we shall soar
    - into our paradise - into our paradise.

    Here I sit, looking at the magic of my clever crystal ball.
    Do I hear the chimes of heavenly bells, answering my call?
    My love is so true, come and release me
    - from the shadow of love - from the shadow of love.

    Composed for Solid Gold: November 29th 1998.
    Dedicated to Sonja and Karen and all their sisters.
    And personally written for my darling Veritas Eikona.

    TonyB. (Emmanuel Melchisedec) aka Abraxasinas.

    The Rising of the Sun, the Running of the Deer and the Flow of the Waters

    The holly and the ivy,
    When they are both full grown,
    Of all trees that are in the wood,
    The holly bears the crown

    Yuletide Carol from Druidic Origins
    Tony 104 of a native Indian emblem of the Running Deer!!!

    Blessings and Joy on the Return of the Light
    (posted by Jordan Stratford+, 21.12.2004)


    I bid you all farewell!

    Abba's Way for Baab!!!

    So this honourable greeting from the Mayan Matrix became lived in a personal experience by Running Water aka Tony B. And perhaps his strong identification with the Egyptian Twinship of Anubis in Anubia and its association as the Shadow or Khaibit might now make a little more sense to all.
    All worldwide and native spiritual traditions are based on the Cosmic Twinship. It was the Ra-Apep transformation of the One into Two as a mirror image first and then followed by Geb-Nut and Shu-Tefnut and then Osiris-Isis becoming a foursome in Set-Nephthys and their offsprings, including Horus and Anubis and Bast.

    So our galactic source Hunab Ku commissioned Running Water to pave the way for the return of Quetzalcoatl - the Plumed Serpent, also known as Kukulkan.
    Other spiritual traditions call this 'return' the 'Second Coming' and the 'Coming of Krishna' or the '12th Imam'.
    I am here to continue the messages Tony B. has given, albeit in a different tone.
    As some might have discerned; his last few messages were of a tremendous profundity and I shall elaborate on the significance of the messages for a while, say until a new directive is given.
    But I should make it clear, that all this information is completely free and is honoured by us as the testimony of Running Water. This is a legacy not just of one lifetime, but of many, as the stories above might indicate.
    The true meaning of all messages from Tony B., here in certain forums and on his CosmosDawn website; is a meaning of a most splendid homecoming, which is possible now for planet earth and as necessary technical information has been sent to this planet.

    The key element for this homecoming is a 'city of light in the sky'. In your scriptures, this is known as a 'New Jerusalem' and it is encoded in other media in various degrees of certitudes.
    For example your scifi movie 'Independence Day' is based on that scriptural encoding, but the agenda of the 'spaceship, a quarter the size of the moon' is rather different in our reality.
    But if you closely examine the scrolls, you will find a cubical measurement of 12,000 furlongs, which describes a length of 2,400 km and which compares to the diameter of the moon of so 3500 km.

    The mathematician might work out that in terms of volume, the 'New Jerusalem' is rather close to the Golden Mean as a percentage using the figures above in 0.616.
    What is the meaning of the 'New Jerusalem', you might ask? I shall elucidate at a later time, but would like you all to know that all and any of you can help to bring the physical manifestation of the 'City of Light' about.

    You see, the 'New Jerusalem' is already here; but you cannot see it, because of its lightness.
    But what you can do is to imagine it to suddenly appear from behind the clouds - and what a sight it would be.
    So I may ask you in the name of your own In La'kech to bring out your science fiction dvd's and your books and your songs and imagine and image and imagine for it to suddenly appear. And the more emotional you can become in those imaginings, the better. This also you might understand if you so choose to consider my following messages.

    Here is a little clue for this; in imagining with emotional energy, you are actually energising an image.
    One thing you should consider so, the 'New Jerusalem' looks not at all like a 'flying saucer' or a 'cigar shaped' mothership or a triangular 'lightplane'. It looks like a 'city of light', and as you would see in flying in on a plane in the middle of the light into say the airports of New York or London or Munich or Paris.

    Why and how this is possible, shall be shared at a later time and any of you who can follow logical discourse, are advised to try to reexamine the channelled messages of Running Water, as within those messages is hidden the 'New Physics' of the higher dimensions.
    But it is not necessary. Because the channelled material has been testimonialised here on the forums and on the CosmosDawn website; the holographic matrix penetrating all dimensions; the information can be used from outside the 3-dimensional spacetime matrix.

    One of your prophets of old has witnessed this in Michel de Nostradame'. He wrote that publication and dispersion of certain data is not necessary, as long as the information exists in some manuscripted form.
    The important issue with all information given to earth from outside its immediate planetary vicinity is that it must be processed within the consciousness of earth. Only then can the planetary mind selfempower its frequency modulations and communicate via its lifeforms with the dimensions above the third.

    You might consider the last posting of Tony B., which addressed the great secret of 'life' in the alphaomega of scriptural encoding being the beginning and the end in the oneness of a circularisation.
    What he said, was that all material things interact inertially through their mass and that this mass can be made to literally disappear in a meeting of the dimensions 3 and 4 and in the form of frequency modulating the lightpath and so the distance light travels to 'inspect' whatever it encounters.

    This then defines things in isolation as a core-awareness.
    So considering an ant or something small in isolation will give a high core-awareness, but ants are not isolated now are they?
    Ants act like they were a unity, say as directed from an anthill.
    So then because an anthill is bigger than a single ant, a group-awareness becomes defined.
    And so the anthill evolves in awareness and consciousness as a holographic 'shard' of the hologram of the forest, the valley, the country, the continent, the planet, the solar nebula from which the solar system forms, the galactic nebula from which the galactic environment forms, the groupgalactic nebula, the supercluster nebula and the entire materialised universe.
    The bigger the encompassment or the envelope, the smaller the core-awareness becomes.
    So can you see what the alphaomega is?

    The beginning is the smallest disorder and the greatest awareness as the alpha and the end is the greatest disorder and the smallest awareness.
    The smallest Running Water has labeled Lmin=c/f* or the wormhole-perimeter and the largest became the Hubble-Radius RHubble=c/Ho.

    The readers more informed on the technical labelings might now realise, that this physics of awareness does something the earthbound physicists have for long wondered about. This physics describes the nature of inertia and something known as Mach's Law; which refers to the universal environment as being a background and a reference frame for the overall dynamics of the cosmos.

    You might consider your concept of Binding Energy to illuminate the matter.
    When you split up some atomic nucleus or atom, you are required to supply energy to that system.
    In other words, to split up say a Helium-4 nucleus (of two protons and two neutrons) into two Deuterons (of a proton-neutron couple), the deuterons 'weigh' more, than the Helium-4 or alpha-particle.

    This is how this awareness integration works and this is how life begins on a planet.
    Take a clump of clay of uniform material. This lump has a constant density and composition and so will have a relatively constant core-awareness.
    Now supply some energy to the clay, say boil it or heat it or radiate it.
    The lump of clay will change its composition.
    This is what happens when a galactic orb first forms; say from a nebula of certain mass, a core conglomerates and because of its rotation a differentiation of the inner regions and the outer regions most probably will occur.

    But let us use the planet earth as an example.
    Differentiating the solid planetary mass into say a denser core than a surrounding mantle under the application of the universal cosmic laws, will differentiate the previous core-awareness into say two components in the core and the less dense mantle.
    But this means that a Binding Energy had to be supplied to the uniform planet to separate the two components and so you can now solve another big mystery relative to the earthbound scientists.
    The Binding Energy to create a core-mantle earth did not come from earth itself, but from the 'Greater Earth Environment', namely the Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays and other such energy carriers from the 'outer space'.

    And the 'particles from outer space' supplied Binding Energy and awareness in the form of the inertia they carried. Then this inertia became transformed into gravita in the equivalence principle for mass and the equivalence of mass as magnetic electricity allowed the communication between core and mantle to manifest in say a label of telluric currents.

    And now you can write your own stories of how life on earth began.
    Radioactive decay of elements changed the thermodynamic equilibrium within the earth and volcanic eruptions created a sulphuric atmosphere, which resulted in precipitation of gaseous clouds and the continuing supply of Binding Energy from 'outer space' caused the first acidic waters to fall to eventually form the oceans.
    Now attempt to describe this in terms of the changing awareness concentrated as the planet earth.

    Every time a change in the earth's constituents occured, a part of the earth separated from the uniformity it hitherto was defined in.
    Now as you know, the smaller things become, the greater the awareness becomes and why?
    Because smaller things as the holographic shards of the Oneness experience evolution pressure in having to try to reattain the maximum awareness of the beginning, that is the Unification of the NonSeparation before the universe expanded.

    So the physics of awareness is a physics of the Binding Energy well understood by the earthbound physicist in their nuclear physics of fusion and fission and radioactivity.
    But the physics of awareness is also a physics of accelerations and so of the classical physics of Newton and the relativistic physics of Einstein.
    The Newtonian physics describes the 3D of inertia and the Einstein physics describes the 4D of that inertia but now with a window into the 4D in the curvature of spacetime and the equivalence of acceleration with gravitation.
    The quantum physics of the 4D then builds on the window of Einstein in the Schwarzschild metric and leaving 4D of spacetime to enter the 5th spacetime dimension, does away with the coordinate systems in a physics of quantum relativity leading to the awareness physics and the boundary conditions as published by Running Water.

    Perhaps some of you can now fathom the reason as to why all things in the universe rotate?
    All things rotate, because they carry awareness and awareness is df/dt as the change in frequency divided by the change in time and so has the units of angular acceleration.
    So what happened to the planet earth as it became more hospitable to life? How did life come about?
    Once water was in abundance on the planet; its evaporation by the sunlight providing the Binding Energy for the awareness; certain microbial lifeforms could evolve from their crystalline ancestors.

    As you know, crystals grow and this change carries awareness and separation potential. Then certain geometric forms are required to accomodate this growth and as you also know, all solids are crystalline by nature in some form - they all have some form of geometry.
    And the way growth is programmed into the geometry is just the way your DNA/RNA is programmed - it is done by magnetic induction of the gravita.
    There exists an universal mechanism of just how spacetime itself became created from its 0-entropy state.
    This universal code is omnipresent in the entire universe and everything grows by it.
    This code is fundamental to a pentagonal symmetry and so will reappear in the geometric awareness carriers, which will lead to what you label as 'life'.
    I shall illustrate and leave it to the mathematicians or puzzle solvers to extend this encoding. It will result in something well known by you, but not appreciated by your scientists to the level it deserves.

    Consider a State of Being, say a sudden awakening from a deep sleep in a proclamation: 'I am awake!'.
    Call this state of being a selfstate, defined in say the binary digit 1.
    Then consider this State of Being to 'remember' its previous Selfstate of being 'not awke' as a binary encoding digit 0.
    The permutative self states of 01 or 10 so become possible, but require a new binary definition of some order in say the concept of 'I experience'.
    So the next self state will be a doublet of the form: (asleep, awake)=(0,1); followed by (awake,asleep)=(1,0).
    The third self state now can only be (1,0,?) using the doublet forms to seek for an extension into triplet form.

    Now define this triplet state as: (OldSelfstate, An Experience, New Selfstate because of the Experience).
    So the first triplet is redefined as (0,1,1)=(1,0,1) and the second as (1,1,?).
    The experience of 'asleep' is followed by the experience of 'awake' with the result that the ?=1*, because the Self of 'awake' is still 'awake' but this 'awakeness' is somehow more awake than the first one and so one requires an exyension of the binary 1 into 1* say.
    But a 'better' definition is possible from the binary doublet states 01 and 10 in terms of orderings.
    The first triplet becomes (01,00,01) and the second (01,01,10), followed by the third as (10,01,11) followed by (11,10,101) followed by (101,11,1000) followed by (1000,101,1101) and so on.

    So a Series of Experience-factors is generated and of the form: 00,01,01,10,11,1101,... and in always Adding the Highest previous experience to the Newest Newstate as the Highest Oldstate.

    But I shall take my leave now and continue some other time.

    In La'kech! IAmWhoIAm.


    'A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul.'

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°171

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Brook Yesterday at 7:34 pm
    Rip roarin awesome post Shiloh!

    Dedicated to Running Deer aka TonyB

    The primer...


    Three N's


    Most impressive insight!

    I'm at 46 and 2 and climbing...

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]



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    • Post n°172

    [​IMG] Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    [​IMG] B.B.Baghor Today at 2:44 pm

    shiloh wrote:

    So close, no matter how far
    Couldn't be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    and nothing else matters

    Never opened myself this way
    Life is ours, we live it our way
    All these words I don't just say
    and nothing else matters

    Trust I seek and I find in you
    Every day for us something new
    Open mind for a different view
    and nothing else matters

    never cared for what they do
    never cared for what they know
    but I know

    So close, no matter how far
    Couldn't be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    and nothing else matters

    never cared for what they do
    never cared for what they know
    but I know

    Never opened myself this way
    Life is ours, we live it our way
    All these words I don't just say

    Trust I seek and I find in you
    Every day for us, something new
    Open mind for a different view
    and nothing else matters

    never cared for what they say
    never cared for games they play
    never cared for what they do
    never cared for what they know
    and I know

    So close, no matter how far
    Couldn't be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    No, nothing else matters

    Allisiam de Sirius


    'A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul.'


    Thank you, shiloh, for a beautiful post, the stories of Shadow-dancer and Desert rose. I can relate to Shadow-dancer so much!
    Thank you for the wisdom crystals in it, present in the quote above.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I so love these lines:

    "But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one".

    That tango-dance that takes two... is revealing unknown parts of who I am,
    slowly shattering my concept of good and bad, right and wrong.
    And at the same time, we're in need of definition.
    To see those 2 slides in 1 frame in an overlay of realities, safe in the presence of that awareness...

    It's like being on wings and flying in and out of that realm, at times so scared
    at times so in fear for what it may do to me, for what it does... to me?
    To find that deep seated concept of things being done to me..
    as if there's no power to decide..
    no power to create...
    in me.
    The humor of seeing all that and witness the fear
    for that force that will bring change....
    in how I'm known to myself, how I'm used to know myself....
    when my mind is busying itself with grasping it, desperate in need of control.....!
    In all of that turmoil, to see also this:
    that all creations are expressions of Supreme Being, they're all on the game-board of life.

    Thank you, for bringing in the North American energy, for I'm so very close kin to that.
    Reading this post, I've found it a clarifying post too, with the presence of compassion in it.
    I prefer to merge that with.... everything else. Oh, I think it's Mother Superior speaking [​IMG]
    In all honesty, I favor it more than the Thuban dragon eroticism
    that seems to me only to serve a state of arousal and nothing more, which is rather boring to me.
    Mother Superior is planning her secret night out now...... ha ha.

    I choose to perceive that post as my Galactic birthday present
    on this day Cosmic Star Lamat 13 Kin 208


    I Endure in order to Beautify
    Transcending Art
    I seal the Store of Elegance
    With the Cosmic tone of Presence
    I am guided by the power of Free Will



    I Define in order to Influence
    Measuring Wisdom
    I seal the Process of Free will
    With the Self-existing tone of Form
    I am guided by the power of Elegance

    In the long count: 47 days (or kin) later it's Blue Crystal Storm Kin 259
    212 + 47 = 259

    Here's where your birthday Mayascope shows some details on the nature of its energy

    In La'kech

    This tubby is part of a post I shared today here

    [​IMG] [​IMG] B.B.Baghor

    When we stop learning and growing, we begin to die; when we believe we have all the answers
    and become wise in our own eyes, we become fools! Have a blessed and beautiful day.

    Not all those who wander are lost.
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°173

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 3:49 pm

    The Many Tokens of the Flowing Brook with the Starry Night of the Painter's Colours

    bastet10. w8indm10.

    The Akashic Encompassment of Higher Order Brook B.B.

    nut-y-geb. thub5.

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  5. admin

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    • Post n°174

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 10:12 am
    Thank you, shilo
    icon_flower. let's say it with flowers... uhmm... and tubbies, today icon_flower.

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I've come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    'Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
    That split the night
    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never shared
    No one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence

    "Fools," said I, "you do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you"
    But my words like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed in the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls
    And whispered in the sound of silence"
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
  6. admin

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    • Post n°9

    empty. Re: City in the sky seen in China

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 9:52 am...


    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls
    And whispered in the sound of silence"


    bobhardee wrote: 10/20/2015

    You got to see this very short film. It really looks like a city is sitting on top of clouds.

    Bob H.

    Thank you for posting this, bobhardee.
    Those images are awesome!

    The veil has always been very thin at the time of Halloween.
    I perceive these phenomena as possible proof of the veil growing thinner.
    Also between dimensions possibly? A "bleeding through" or overlay of 2 dimensional levels?

    Your post reminds me of something that popped up in my mind, the other day.
    It's this Bible text:


    Joel 2:28 I will Pour Out My Spirit...


    September 27th/28th, 1975 - August 4th/5th 2008 - 24th/25th April 2011 - December 14th/15th 2015 - December 28th/29th, 2018
    12,000 + 1335 - 342 + 1205 + 1600 + 1 = 13,600 + 598 + 490 + 1110 + 1 = 15,799
    15,799 = 7x2257 = 7x37x61
    105 = 7x15 = 7x5x3 = 7+37+61

    The Magic of Primed 105 + 15 = 120 Age of Man = 135 - 15

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  7. admin

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    • Post n°176

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 12:48 pm
    Curvature Radii and Pi

    Briefly, all electromagnetic radiation or EMR as the universal mode of data transmission is created by the 'Acceleration of Electric Charges', such as the proton fusion in stars into helium emitting EMR in their centripetal acceleration of the Coulomb charges of say the electron (-) and the proton(+).
    It is because of this reducibility of All EMR to this property of matter, that the notion of a 'spirit' is dismissed by the terrestrial physicists and scientists in general. If all things, including light and all forms of the intergalactic medium are a consequence of the acceleration of electric charges and those charges are ALWAYS associated with matter and mass carrying particles and waves, then the Quantum Big Bang must alse be a consequence of matter as its prerequisite parameter to bring a physical universe into existence.

    The 'Cosmic Secret of the ETs' is that the EMR has a parentage and this is the EMMR and this is what the 'spirit' is. The EMMR is matter independent and it is technically defined in the "Acceleration of Magnetic Charges', which are defined in a higher dimensional form of 'Monopolar Wormhole Radiation' or the self resonance of the 'Little Serpent Abba' entwined with his as her in the 'Little Serpentina Baab' aka the heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) and as the finalo class of the inflationary brane epoch BEFORE the physicality of matter manifested itself in the EMR of the 1st Quantum Big Bang.

    There is a 'Serpent Mapping', defining the notion of what cosmic consciousness or selfawareness are in terms of the physicality. This can also be described as a Charge-Transduction between the 11-D Black Hole Boundary and the 10-D asymptotic cosmology and this is defined in the parameters of a lower dimensional quantum universe and as say defined in the size of the classical electron and its higher dimensional image, both defining a Volume multiplied by this cosmic awareness as a timedifferential and so enabling a new physical quantity, the Thuban Council labels as the 'Starcharge' or the 'Starcouloumb C*.

    The mathematical expression encapsulating this is: Magnetocharge e*=2Rec2↔ √Alpha.LPlanckc2=Electrocharge e for EMR finestructure Alpha and a absolute minimum displacement scale definied in a 'Planck-Length Oscillation' defined as the product of Alpha and this Planck-Length as the first of the superstring classes (I).

    For duality modulation between the supermembrane parts:
    Cellular Micro Wormhole lps/2p ↔ 2plss as Galactic Macro Antiwormhole

    Hyperspace inversion parameter for spacetime quantization:
    1/2p2 from Vuniverse=2p2R3=H.Vwormhole spacequantum=2p2lps3

    H is a quantization algorithmic googol counter H=ABCD=31x2423x36x1242x25x6124x46x5612 from the cosmogenesis

    lss/p = 1/plps ↔ 2ek/me = e*/e

    for the electron mass me = ke2/Rec2 = hc.alpha.e2/2pRec

    This allows an approximation for the transcendental number p in terms of the magnetocharge-electrocharge mapping transformation relative to the empirical measurements of the mass-inertia coupled electron in terms of its Coulomb charge 'e' and its classical electron diameter 2Re by:

    p = lsse/e* = lsse/2Rec2={e/2Re}/lpsc2

    The ratio pspherical/p = sinq/q then shows the deviation of the Euclidean 'flat Pi' of the plane geometry relative to the 'curved' or 'spherical Pi' as a measure of the curvature of the 11-dimensional enveloping spacetime of the Riemannian Hypersphere.


    A initial Thuban approximation from the cosmogenesis is: e=½hA for A2=14x1524 as the coefficient of the Cosmic wavefunction B(n) for Re=2.778x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.61822113x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/ a 'Spherical Pi' = psinq/q for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.86164.x10-15 m* (2.856866x10-15 and for pspherical/p = sinq/q ~ 3.23644/3.14159~1.0302

    A Codata SI-approximation is: e=1.60217653x10-19 C with Re=2.817940325x10-15 m with c=2.99792458x108 m/s
    for p = {1.60217653x10-19/5.63588065x10-15}/8.987551787x10-6~3.16306...for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.8371944x10-15 m (2.841935x10-15 m*) and for pspherical/p = sinq/q ~ 3.16306/3.14159~1.0068

    A final Thuban approximation is: e=1.606456344x10-19 C* (Newton-Raphson method) for Re=2.7777...x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.606456344x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/9x10-6~3.21291...for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.84084x10-15 m* (2.8361x10-15 m) and for pspherical/p = sinq/q ~ 3.21291/3.14159~1.0227

    As the Classical Electron radius Re is a function of the Electron mass me in terms of its relativistic 'restmass'; the mass me=meo/√(1-[v/c]2) increases in inverse proportionality with the radial size (Re) of the electron (Compton wavelength le=h/mec=Re/alpha); the dynamic Re modulates its curvature in Euclidean local spacetime with respect to the hyperspace inversion parameter of the hypersphere volumar quantisation.

    The 11D-Universe so is spheroidally positively curved around a negatively hyperbolically curved universe in 10 dimensions and fractalised in the classical electron volumar as a function of the velocity of the electron, which is binomially distributed about its electromagnetic properties.

    Details can be found in the archives of Thuban.

    Pappus's centroid theorem


    torus--22780--22793-.29592. torus1--22781--22794-.29593.



    PHI and PI in Curved Geometries of Space

    Volume and Surface Area Dimensionality in the {√4 - ϕ -√2} interval
    by the uniqueness of the solution for the quadratic x+x=2x=x2=xx
    or f(x) = x2-2x = 0
    Mathematical Expressions and Derivations1D-Volume-Surface Area Multiplier
    4D-Volume Hypersphere of Radius RTorus=RTV4=½π2RT41/¼RTorus =4/RTorus
    V*=3D-Surface Area Hypersphere = 3D-Volume Horn TorusdV4/dRT=2π2RT3RTorus/4
    V*=3D-Volume Sphere of Radius RSphere=RSV3=4πRS3/31/⅓RSphere=3/RSphere
    2D-Surface Area SpheredV3/dRS=4πRS2RSphere/3
    √4=2.000000...the minimum geodesic value of πSpherical as a Great Circle in the periodicity of πSpherical = πsinhθ/θ with increasing curved diameter
    1/{∑1/r-ln(n)}=1/{Euler's Number 'Little Gamma γ' summing from n=1 to ∞}=1/{0.577215664...}=1/{1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+...+1/n - ln(n)}=1.732454...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}Max={3π/2}= 1.676539...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}3D={4.6692016091...}= 1.671401...
    ϕ= ½(√5+1) =1/( ½(√5-1) = 1.618033...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}Min={3π/2}¼ = 1.473364...
    V*/V*=1=Cuberoot{3π/2}RTorus/RSphere=Cuberoot{Chaos Constant}RTorus/RSphere
    lim{δF}Max={3π/2}~1.67654=1/0.59647= 1.61803+0.0585 for ϕ=1.61803...
    lim{δF}3D={4.6692016091...}~1.671402=1/0.59830= 1.61803+0.05337 for ϕ=1.61803...
    lim{δF}Min={3π/2}¼ ~1.47336=1/0.67872= 1.61803-0.14467 for ϕ=1.61803......
    2xGeometric Mean=2√({3π/2}⅓.{3π/2}¼)=2√({3π/2}7/12) ~3.14334 ~ πEuclidean = πHyperbolic = πsinhθ/θ for θ=0.057854 radian (3°19')
    2xArithmetic Mean={3π/2}+{3π/2}¼~3.14990 ~ πEuclidean = πHyperbolic = πsinhθ/θ for θ=0.12594 radian (7°13')
    {lim{δF}Max/lim{δF}3D}3 = {½.3π/4.6692016091...} = 1.009249...={πHyperbolic /π}3 for πHyperbolic =πsinh(0.135742)/0.135742=1.0030738π =3.1512492... for 7.777° (7°46' 39")
    {3π/2}.√({3π/2}7/12) =({3π/2}7/24+1/3)=({3π/2}5/8)~2.634970...
    2=(1.61803...)2=2.618033...=1+ϕ for relative primeness of adjacent Fibonacci elements 5 and 8 in: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...}
    Hypervolume in 4D&3D for an idealised planet Earth of Radius REarth=RE3D+4D ExtensionRTorus/4=¼RSphere/{2/3π}= RSphere/{96π}
    Curvature Radius of a sphere with radius R is 1/R for a Gaussian Curvature K measured from within the sphere as the product of K=1/RMax .1/RMin. This is always positive for positive curvature in a geometric mean √{1/R2}=1/|R|.
    For a 'pseudosphere' with Imaginary Radius iR, the Gaussian Curvature is always negative for a negative Curvature Radius measured from without the 'pseudosphere' in 1/RMax .-1/RMin. T=1/(iR)2.

    Using the Euler Identity: e = XY=X+Y =i2=cos(π)+isin(π) =-1 with Fibonacci Roots φ and 1/φ for θ=π generalised for θ: e = cosθ+isinθ and e-iθ = cosθ-isinθ for hyperbolic sin definition: sinh(iθ) =½{e- e-iθ}=isinθ and sinθ=sinh(iθ)/i=-isinh(iθ)={e- e-iθ}/2i

    πHyperbolic = Circumference/Diameter=2πiR.sin(r/iR)/2r=2πiR.sin(θ/i)/2r=πi.sin(-iθ)/θ=(πi/θ){e-iiθ- eiiθ}/2i=π{e- e-iθ}/2θ=πsin(hθ)/θ for arclength l=r=Rθ and i2=ii=-1

    More details are below in the 'Let Pi be 3' essay from Wisconsin University and referring to the scriptural approximation for Pi in Euclidean flat space of 0 curvature.

    The hypervolume for the 3D Earth, embedded in 4D hyperspace as an idealised 3D-Spheroid as a 3D-Surface Area or radial derivative of a 4-dimensional toroidal hypersphere, can so be considered to increase its 3D volume as a 'Manifold Inflation' as a function of radial displacement: RSphere/{96π}.

    For a 1000-fold inflation or magnification then the Earth's radius would be 6,706.156773.. kilometers and descriptive for the Thermosphere of the planetary atmosphere, extending from the mean radii of the earth's surface at the poles at about 6,357 km and at the equator at approximately 6,378 km in so 349 km and 328 km into radial hyperspace respectively. The International Spacestation orbits between 320 km and 380 km at a height also characteristic for communication satellites.

    Daniel 7:10
    A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    Jude 1:14
    And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

    Revelation 5:11
    And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

    Revelation 9:16
    And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    7,000,000,000 + 200,000,000 = 7,200,000,000 = 144,000 x 50,000 = Old Humanoid + New Humanoid (Starhuman ET) = Starplanetary Genome Distribution











    The hypervolume for the 3D Earth, embedded in 4D hyperspace as an idealised 3D-Spheroid as a 3D-Surface Area or radial derivative of a 4-dimensional toroidal hypersphere, can so be considered to increase its 3D volume as a 'Manifold Inflation' as a function of radial displacement: RSphere/{96π}.
    For a 1000-fold inflation or magnification then the Earth's radius would be 6,706.156773.. kilometers and descriptive for the Thermosphere of the planetary atmosphere, extending from the mean radii of the earth's surface at the poles at about 6,357 km and at the equator at approximately 6,378 km in so 349 km and 328 km into radial hyperspace respectively. The International Spacestation orbits between 320 km and 380 km at a height also characteristic for communication satellites.

    The Collapse of the Thermosphere
    By Dr. Tony Phillips - Jul 20, 2010

    New research shows that the outermost layer of the atmosphere will lose 3 percent of its density over the coming decade, a sign of the far-reaching impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. As the density declines, orbiting satellites experience less drag.

    Illustration ©UCAR NASA-funded researchers are monitoring a big event in our planet’s atmosphere. High above Earth’s surface where the atmosphere meets space, a rarefied layer of gas called "the thermosphere" recently collapsed and now is rebounding again.
    "This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years," says John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper announcing the finding in the June 19th issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL). "It’s a Space Age record."

    The collapse happened during the deep solar minimum of 2008-2009—a fact which comes as little surprise to researchers. The thermosphere always cools and contracts when solar activity is low. In this case, however, the magnitude of the collapse was two to three times greater than low solar activity could explain. "Something is going on that we do not understand," says Emmert.

    The thermosphere ranges in altitude from 90 km to 600+ km. It is a realm of meteors, auroras and satellites, which skim through the thermosphere as they circle Earth. It is also where solar radiation makes first contact with our planet. The thermosphere intercepts extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons from the Sun before they can reach the ground. When solar activity is high, solar EUV warms the thermosphere, causing it to puff up like a marshmallow held over a camp fire. (This heating can raise temperatures as high as 1400 K—hence the name thermosphere.)
    When solar activity is low, the opposite happens. Lately, solar activity has been very low. In 2008 and 2009, the Sun plunged into a century-class solar minimum. Sunspots were scarce, solar flares almost non-existent, and solar EUV radiation was at a low ebb. Researchers immediately turned their attention to the thermosphere to see what would happen. How do you know what’s happening all the way up in the thermosphere?

    Layers of Earth’s upper atmosphere. Credit: John Emmert/NRL - See more at:

    Emmert uses a clever technique: Because satellites feel aerodynamic drag when they move through the thermosphere, it is possible to monitor conditions there by watching satellites decay. He analyzed the decay rates of more than 5000 satellites ranging in altitude between 200 and 600 km and ranging in time between 1967 and 2010. This provided a unique space-time sampling of thermospheric density, temperature, and pressure covering almost the entire Space Age.
    In this way he discovered that the thermospheric collapse of 2008-2009 was not only bigger than any previous collapse, but also bigger than the Sun alone could explain. One possible explanation is carbon dioxide (CO2). When carbon dioxide gets into the thermosphere, it acts as a coolant, shedding heat via infrared radiation. It is widely-known that CO2 levels have been increasing in Earth’s atmosphere.

    Extra CO2 in the thermosphere could have magnified the cooling action of solar minimum. "But the numbers don’t quite add up," says Emmert. "Even when we take CO2 into account using our best understanding of how it operates as a coolant, we cannot fully explain the thermosphere’s collapse." - See more at:

    Image of an ‘eruptive prominence’ on the Sun captured in March of 2004 by the SOHO spacecraft. Energy from the Sun has a profound effect on our planet’s biosphere. Credit: SOHO - See more at:

    According to Emmert and colleagues, low solar EUV accounts for about 30% of the collapse. Extra CO2 accounts for at least another 10%. That leaves as much as 60% unaccounted for. In their GRL paper, the authors acknowledge that the situation is complicated. There’s more to it than just solar EUV and terrestrial CO2. For instance, trends in global climate could alter the composition of the thermosphere, changing its thermal properties and the way it responds to external stimuli.
    The overall sensitivity of the thermosphere to solar radiation could actually be increasing. "The density anomalies," they wrote, "may signify that an as-yet-unidentified climatological tipping point involving energy balance and chemistry feedbacks has been reached."

    Or not. Important clues may be found in the way the thermosphere rebounds. Solar minimum is now coming to an end, EUV radiation is on the rise, and the thermosphere is puffing up again. Exactly how the recovery proceeds could unravel the contributions of solar vs. terrestrial sources. "We will continue to monitor the situation," says Emmert.

    Based on a science@NASA news release - See more at:

    Quiet Sun Means Cooling of Earth's Upper Atmosphere

    Published by Matt on Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:36 pm via: NASA

    New measurements from a NASA satellite show a dramatic cooling in the upper atmosphere that correlates with the declining phase of the current solar cycle. For the first time, researchers can show a timely link between the Sun and the climate of Earth’s thermosphere, the region above 100 km, an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere.

    Scientists from NASA’s Langley Research Center and Hampton University in Hampton, Va., and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., presented these results at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco from Dec. 14 to 18.


    Data from the TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) mission are being used to understand the climate of the upper atmosphere. Credit: NASA
    Earth’s thermosphere and mesosphere have been the least explored regions of the atmosphere. The NASA Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission was developed to explore the Earth’s atmosphere above 60 km altitude and was launched in December 2001. One of four instruments on the TIMED mission, the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument, was specifically designed to measure the energy budget of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The SABER dataset now covers eight years of data and has already provided some basic insight into the heat budget of the thermosphere on a variety of timescales.
    The extent of current solar minimum conditions has created a unique situation for recent SABER datasets, explains Stan Solomon, acting director of the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. The end of solar cycle 23 has offered an opportunity to study the radiative cooling in the thermosphere under exceptionally quiescent conditions.
    “The Sun is in a very unusual period,” said Marty Mlynczak, SABER associate principal investigator and senior research scientist at NASA Langley. “The Earth’s thermosphere is responding remarkably — up to an order of magnitude decrease in infrared emission/radiative cooling by some molecules.”
    The TIMED measurements show a decrease in the amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Sun. In addition, the amount of infrared radiation emitted from the upper atmosphere by nitric oxide molecules has decreased by nearly a factor of 10 since early 2002. These observations imply that the upper atmosphere has cooled substantially since then. The research team expects the atmosphere to heat up again as solar activity starts to pick up in the next year.
    While this warming has no implications for climate change in the troposphere, a fundamental prediction of climate change theory is that the upper atmosphere will cool in response to increasing carbon dioxide. As the atmosphere cools the density will increase, which ultimately may impact satellite operations through increased drag over time.
    The SABER dataset is the first global, long-term, and continuous record of the Nitric oxide (NO) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the thermosphere.
    “We suggest that the dataset of radiative cooling of the thermosphere by NO and CO2 constitutes a first climate data record for the thermosphere,” says Mlynczak.
    The TIMED data provide a climate record for validation of upper atmosphere climate models, which is an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere. SABER provides the first long-term measurements of natural variability in key terms of the upper atmosphere climate.
    “A fundamental prediction of climate change theory is that upper atmosphere will cool in response to greenhouse gases in the troposphere,” says Mlynczak. “Scientists need to validate that theory. This climate record of the upper atmosphere is our first chance to have the other side of the equation.”
    James Russell III, SABER principal investigator and co-director of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at Hampton University in Hampton, Va., agrees adding, “The atmosphere is a coupled system. If you pick up one end of the stick, you automatically pick up the other – they’re intrinsically linked. To be as accurate as possible, scientists have to understand global change throughout the atmosphere.”
    As the TIMED mission continues, these data derived from SABER will become important in assessing long term atmospheric changes due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    TIMED is the first mission in the Solar Terrestrial Probes Program within the Heliophysics Division in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

    Wyzard, January 6th, 2013 (+11UCT)

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°177

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 9:31 pm

    Is the tubby with an explanation about a Spherical Phi and the calculations/formulas in PHI and PI in Curved Geometries of Space about the subject that is discussed in the quote below, shilo? I find it very hard to grasp the meaning or logic, in reversed order I think? in parts of your post, for I've never had teachings in school that way. I sort of made an association by means of the similarity between a possible point of creation, like a black hole or the center of the thoroid illustrations in your post, plus those calculations in the tubby about a Spherical Phi and

    the move from one dimensional level to another, like described in the last part of the quote below. I may have found a totally unrelated
    subject here, but I wonder if a point of creation of matter corresponds with a point of leaving the physical form. I'm curious, as always 854501.
    And don't reply by dismissing it as ........ splatch or splotch, okay? Thank you! I won't accept that from you. It's solely an inquiry about a possible similarity of subjects here. No discussion about the content of what's present below, por favore..

    (Quote) "The ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 Chapter 12 Mer-Ka-Ba The Human Lightbody page 309:

    Beyond the Fifth Chakra
    Physiologically, you can't see the next chakras as clearly as die five below, but we will see the same phenomenon in the upper part of the body

    [see Fig- 12-28]. (have a look into the book for illustrations, you'll find it on After the spiral exits the fifth chakra, it rotates

    to the left, to the sixth chakra, which is the personal heart chakra. The physical heart is off center on our left side and at 90 degrees to the

    fifth, Christ chakra. Then the spiral rotates to the rear as it rises to the throat chakra.

    The Adam's apple of the male protrudes along this front-to-back plane. But when it comes to the eighth chakra, the chin, the system seems

    to break down. It's clearly a front-to-back flow also, like the throat—no 90degree change. Why? At this point the energy enters into a new configuration, perhaps because it is the eighth chakra, which usually completes the cycle in the 8-chakra system. A new, smaller chakra system emerges inside the head alone that defines the 13-chakra system, yet is separate from it. What is going on? If you study Leonardo's canon [Fig. 12-29], you'll see that the head is drawn inside one of the 64 squares that is further broken up into a 4 x 4 grid of 16 squares. In this drawing you can barely see what I am talking about, but if you can find a good copy, you will see.

    A 16-square grid is a function of a 64-square grid in which the head is exactly the size of one of the 64 squares. So the head is 1/ 64th of
    thesquare around the entire body. The chakra system goes all the way up through the body and through the head, but in the head there's a separate mini chakra system that runs from the tip of the chin to the top of the head. It seems to be an 8chakra system, but I am not positive that the 13 system is not there also. Realize that this mini chakra system is in addition to and inside the 13-chakra system we have begun to study. The chakra points are located at the tip of the chin, the mouth, the tip of the nose, the eyes and the third eve. The other three are

    inside the head and cannot be seen unless we study the internal parts of the brain. Again you can see the rotational pattern in the shape of

    the body part.

    First, the tip of the chin extends outward, facing straight ahead, then the mouth, a vesica piscis, is 90 degrees, extending left and right. The nose faces front to back at 90 degrees to the mouth, then the eyes, also vesica pisces, extend to the sides at 90 degrees to the nose. Finally, the third eye is the place of completion, the fifth point, just like the Christ chakra. It is for this reason that both places, the Christ chakra and the third-eye chakra, are so important-and unique. They both are the fifth and completing chakra within their respective systems. This was the work I was involved with when Thoth left the Earth. 1 wish I had had more time with him on this subject, because it's not in any books. The Egyptians never wrote any of this down. None of the Right Eye of Horns information was written down anywhere except in the Hall of Records. It was all transmitted orally.

    Through the Final Half Step
    Figure 12-30 shows the head, the pineal gland and the thirteenth chakra. Eventually our consciousness is going to be located at the pineal gland, and we're going to want to get up to the thirteenth chakra. The most obvious way is to go straight up, but God made sure that that

    was not the way because it's the most obvious. He changed the angle so that you can't find it, so that you will stay in the pineal until you really master it. Just as on the 8chakra-system drawing [Fig. 12-10]—where there's a block after the third chakra so you can't get into the upper chakras—there's another block toward the back of the head, where the half step is. Experientiaily, it is very difficult to figure it out.

    The Tibetans say that you can't go up to the thirteenth chakra unless you go to the back of the head first. You have to find the doorway, and once you do, you can step through it. There are actually five chakras in a straight line running from front to back, as shown. Three are inside the head, one is in space behind the head, and the other in space in front of the head. Most of us are familiar with only the pineal and the pituitary.

    The Nefilim originally figured out how to get from the twelfth to the thirteenth chakra and change dimensional levels, but their secret was different from the way we're going to do it. The Nefilim went to the pineal gland first, then shot their consciousness forward to the pituitary gland and continued it out into space to the chakra that sits in front of the head. Once they entered that front chakra, they made a 90-degree turn and went straight up. That put them in another world. Because of this rapid change technique they used, which is shaped like an L, the Nefilim became known as the L's or Els. It became their nickname. Later, when the Nefilim were becoming rare on Earth, they became known as the Elders, or the old ones.

    I believe the Earth is going to do it another way—unless you want to go the way of the Nefilim. But I'm going along with the rest of the planet.

    The way I will describe now is how Thoth and Shesat left. The reason we're using this method of leaving is because it's the easiest way known.

    These were some of the instructions Thoth told me on his last day here. We will find our way from the pineal to the point at the back of the head. We have to pass through the crown chakra to get out, so from that back point, we make a 45-degree turn to get to the crown. When

    we reach the crown, we make another 45-degree turn to move up to the thirteenth chakra. You may find the Mer-Ka-Ba becoming unstable because of the rapid 45-degree turn. Don't worry, it will stabilize. Prior to the Fall in Atlantis, we made one 90-degree turn; but it's difficult that way—it's a real shock.

    It's easier to make two 45-degree turns. When you make that first 45-degree turn, you'll find that your Mer-Ka-Ba field will sort of wobble,

    and you may feel really strange. You've got to sit there and center until your Mer-Ka-Ba field restabilizes itself- You will make two shifts separated by about a minute to a minute and & half. When you feel it stabilize again, make another 45-degree turn to connect to the thirteenth chakra. This is what many of the ascended masters have done during their ascension. They make the first shift, wait till everything setlles down, and immediately make another shift. For just a moment you're in a kind of no man's-land, and it's not very stable; you can't stay there.

    If you stayed there too long, I don't know what would happen. But you stay there for only a moment and then whooosh, you make the second shift, which puts you into the next dimensional level, in this case the fourth dimension. - I'm telling you this again so you will remember; you might find this useful at some point. There are lots of ways to directly experience other dimensions, but it requires a more mature soul to make that rapid 90-degree turn. Making these two 45-degree turns is like using training wheels. It's easier, and it's not as likely to throw you off balance.(end of quote)

    little10. icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

    The gap of time between a choice and the result of that choice, seems to close more rapidly.
    It's as mundane as significant, it's as personal as non-personal. Foremost, as I perceive it,
    it's wise beyond words and very beautiful, for never before, has love shown such gentle
    nudging in a welcoming way

    Not all those who wander are lost.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°178

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 10:12 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote: Is the tubby with an explanation about a Spherical Phi and the calculations/formulas in PHI and PI in Curved Geometries of Space about the subject that is discussed in the quote below, shilo? I find it very hard to grasp the meaning or logic, in reversed order I think? in parts of your post, for I've never had teachings in school that way. I sort of made an association by means of the similarity between a possible point of creation, like a black hole or the center of the thoroid illustrations in your post, plus those calculations in the tubby about a Spherical Phi and

    the move from one dimensional level to another, like described in the last part of the quote below. I may have found a totally unrelated
    subject here, but I wonder if a point of creation of matter corresponds with a point of leaving the physical form. I'm curious, as always 854501.

    And don't reply by dismissing it as ........ splatch or splotch, okay? Thank you! I won't accept that from you. It's solely an inquiry about a possible similarity of subjects here. No discussion about the content of what's present below, por favore..

    (Quote) "The ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 Chapter 12 Mer-Ka-Ba The Human Lightbody page 309:

    Beyond the Fifth Chakra
    Physiologically, you can't see the next chakras as clearly as die five below, but we will see the same phenomenon in the upper part of the body

    [see Fig- 12-28]. (have a look into the book for illustrations, you'll find it on After the spiral exits the fifth chakra, it rotates

    to the left, to the sixth chakra, which is the personal heart chakra. The physical heart is off center on our left side and at 90 degrees to the

    fifth, Christ chakra. Then the spiral rotates to the rear as it rises to the throat chakra.

    The Adam's apple of the male protrudes along this front-to-back plane. But when it comes to the eighth chakra, the chin, the system seems

    to break down. It's clearly a front-to-back flow also, like the throat—no 90degree change. Why? At this point the energy enters into a new configuration, perhaps because it is the eighth chakra, which usually completes the cycle in the 8-chakra system. A new, smaller chakra system emerges inside the head alone that defines the 13-chakra system, yet is separate from it. What is going on? If you study Leonardo's canon [Fig. 12-29], you'll see that the head is drawn inside one of the 64 squares that is further broken up into a 4 x 4 grid of 16 squares. In this drawing you can barely see what I am talking about, but if you can find a good copy, you will see.

    A 16-square grid is a function of a 64-square grid in which the head is exactly the size of one of the 64 squares. So the head is 1/ 64th of
    thesquare around the entire body. The chakra system goes all the way up through the body and through the head, but in the head there's a separate mini chakra system that runs from the tip of the chin to the top of the head. It seems to be an 8chakra system, but I am not positive that the 13 system is not there also. Realize that this mini chakra system is in addition to and inside the 13-chakra system we have begun to study. The chakra points are located at the tip of the chin, the mouth, the tip of the nose, the eyes and the third eve. The other three are

    inside the head and cannot be seen unless we study the internal parts of the brain. Again you can see the rotational pattern in the shape of

    the body part.

    First, the tip of the chin extends outward, facing straight ahead, then the mouth, a vesica piscis, is 90 degrees, extending left and right. The nose faces front to back at 90 degrees to the mouth, then the eyes, also vesica pisces, extend to the sides at 90 degrees to the nose. Finally, the third eye is the place of completion, the fifth point, just like the Christ chakra. It is for this reason that both places, the Christ chakra and the third-eye chakra, are so important-and unique. They both are the fifth and completing chakra within their respective systems. This was the work I was involved with when Thoth left the Earth. 1 wish I had had more time with him on this subject, because it's not in any books. The Egyptians never wrote any of this down. None of the Right Eye of Horns information was written down anywhere except in the Hall of Records. It was all transmitted orally.

    Through the Final Half Step
    Figure 12-30 shows the head, the pineal gland and the thirteenth chakra. Eventually our consciousness is going to be located at the pineal gland, and we're going to want to get up to the thirteenth chakra. The most obvious way is to go straight up, but God made sure that that

    was not the way because it's the most obvious. He changed the angle so that you can't find it, so that you will stay in the pineal until you really master it. Just as on the 8chakra-system drawing [Fig. 12-10]—where there's a block after the third chakra so you can't get into the upper chakras—there's another block toward the back of the head, where the half step is. Experientiaily, it is very difficult to figure it out.

    The Tibetans say that you can't go up to the thirteenth chakra unless you go to the back of the head first. You have to find the doorway, and once you do, you can step through it. There are actually five chakras in a straight line running from front to back, as shown. Three are inside the head, one is in space behind the head, and the other in space in front of the head. Most of us are familiar with only the pineal and the pituitary.

    The Nefilim originally figured out how to get from the twelfth to the thirteenth chakra and change dimensional levels, but their secret was different from the way we're going to do it. The Nefilim went to the pineal gland first, then shot their consciousness forward to the pituitary gland and continued it out into space to the chakra that sits in front of the head. Once they entered that front chakra, they made a 90-degree turn and went straight up. That put them in another world. Because of this rapid change technique they used, which is shaped like an L, the Nefilim became known as the L's or Els. It became their nickname. Later, when the Nefilim were becoming rare on Earth, they became known as the Elders, or the old ones.

    I believe the Earth is going to do it another way—unless you want to go the way of the Nefilim. But I'm going along with the rest of the planet.

    The way I will describe now is how Thoth and Shesat left. The reason we're using this method of leaving is because it's the easiest way known.

    These were some of the instructions Thoth told me on his last day here. We will find our way from the pineal to the point at the back of the head. We have to pass through the crown chakra to get out, so from that back point, we make a 45-degree turn to get to the crown. When

    we reach the crown, we make another 45-degree turn to move up to the thirteenth chakra. You may find the Mer-Ka-Ba becoming unstable because of the rapid 45-degree turn. Don't worry, it will stabilize. Prior to the Fall in Atlantis, we made one 90-degree turn; but it's difficult that way—it's a real shock.

    It's easier to make two 45-degree turns. When you make that first 45-degree turn, you'll find that your Mer-Ka-Ba field will sort of wobble,

    and you may feel really strange. You've got to sit there and center until your Mer-Ka-Ba field restabilizes itself- You will make two shifts separated by about a minute to a minute and & half. When you feel it stabilize again, make another 45-degree turn to connect to the thirteenth chakra. This is what many of the ascended masters have done during their ascension. They make the first shift, wait till everything setlles down, and immediately make another shift. For just a moment you're in a kind of no man's-land, and it's not very stable; you can't stay there.

    If you stayed there too long, I don't know what would happen. But you stay there for only a moment and then whooosh, you make the second shift, which puts you into the next dimensional level, in this case the fourth dimension. - I'm telling you this again so you will remember; you might find this useful at some point. There are lots of ways to directly experience other dimensions, but it requires a more mature soul to make that rapid 90-degree turn. Making these two 45-degree turns is like using training wheels. It's easier, and it's not as likely to throw you off balance.(end of quote)

    All things are related in the universal matrix of information and data processing B.B.B; and your 'Flower of Life' mekabah association can indeed become synergized with the so termed 'sacred geometry' with its descriptions by 'New Age' philosophers like Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dan Winter and Jose Arguelles.
    But this association then has a solid mathematical and logistical background such as the Fibonacci series and the 'Golden Mean' such as utilized by the renaissance - and subsequent artiseans; more so then the many juxtapositions used by Nabsers of many kinds.

    As you might have seen, I posted this message also as a reply to the inane and silly thread on the 'Flat Globe' previously known as the 'Flat Earth'. This was done to emphasize the rational approach to answer elementary questions regarding the shapes and topologies of geometrical objects in space.

    Your chakra association with say densities and/or dimensions requires a meaningful definition as what those things are, before any sentient and informed discussion can proceed from basic premises.
    Unfortunately, much of the well meaning but misinformed data you find on the social media does not carry such a necessary data base and further debate on those topics then often deteriorates into human minded characterisations and egocentricities, followed by ad hominem 'face savings' of many of the participators.

    So indeed, your chakras can and often are associated with 'meridian (magneoelectric) currents' in say acupuncture and specific glands and multicellular complexes and bodily organs.
    Then if you invoke the 'Perennial Philosophy', for which the 'sacred geometry' becomes a pillar of foundation and definition, you can associate 'Vitruvian Man' of Leonardo da Vinci with the 'Cosmic Man Purusha' of the Vedas or the Adam Kadmon of the Kabbalah.
    Then to do this from a scientific perspective of logistics; it is preferable to use proper mathematics and the observed physical universe then some ill defined and illogical nabs meandering of whimsicalities and fantasies derived from the human mindedness.
    This constitutes the core of this message about curvatures in the observed and experienced geometry of physical space with its relationship and partnership to the 'sacred geometry'; the latter now rigorously defined in fundamental principles of science, logic and mathematics and rather independent from the often illogical and irrational memeplexes and thoughtforms created by the superficialities of a confused human mindedness.

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°179

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 3:39 pm

    Thank you, shilo, I understand this part of your post as the answer to my inquiry: (much of your posts remain very abstract to me)

    "I wonder if a point of creation of matter corresponds with a point of leaving the physical form?"

    shilo's answer: (quote) "All things are related in the universal matrix of information and data processing B.B.B; and your 'Flower of Life' mekabah
    association can indeed become synergized with the so termed 'sacred geometry' with its descriptions by 'New Age' philosophers like Drunvalo
    Melchizedek,Dan Winter and Jose Arguelles. But this association then has a solid mathematical and logistical background such as the Fibonacci
    series andthe 'Golden Mean' such as utilized by the renaissance - and subsequent artiseans; more so then the many juxtapositions used by
    Nabsersof many kinds".(end of quote)

    Regarding Drunvalo Melchizedek and Jose Arguells being New Age philosophers, I've learned to know them as Old Age 113683. teachers
    both in person. The message of the messenger can only be fully embodied when the walk and talk in life are in sync with each other. This is
    the reason why I choose to include my 3D life, my walk and talk in life, while present in these Mists. Even my artwork. I so wished that some
    of the other members would do the same, for to me, this could add a whole new quality to this Forum, clearing some fog. That's how I perceive
    it now.

    And something entirely different: that spider in the right lower part of the illustration, looks like those I've found in my rooms when I arrived
    in Avalon area. Large, dark and very fast runners, which give me the creeps. I don't kill animals if I can help it and I've learned to catch them
    in a soft towel and bring them outside in the garden. Still, I hold my breath or screech, while running outside with that package in my hand!

    Later yesterday, after sharing my post, new thoughts popped up and I found that changing levels of vibration or stepping into another
    dimensional level, like in the example of my post, is a bead in the evolutionary chain of creation and not a starting point, such as the
    first manifestation of creation eons ago and a "wriggling human tadpole on its way to its womb warm-pond" so to speak.

    The creation of matter is a manifestation of physical form and, when we restrict to 3D planet Earth living conditions in our now, for ease
    of discussion, this form lives through an evolutionary journey that may or may not include leaving physicality, when entering a vibrational
    level that leaves physical form behind. Just now (new thought) I think that manifestation of physical form itself is a result from changing levels of
    vibration and not a starting point. For that's how we arrive on this planet: a spiritual being in physical form. When asking which came first, it
    seems we've arrived in the riddle of "the chicken and the egg" don't you think? Or maybe the chicken, the egg and the rooster?

    Finding out the answer to that riddle is maybe what we're in for, in our now and the coming years, when we've become creators ourselves,
    consciously and with understanding. I've always found the Yin-Yang symbol highly intriguing and full of wisdom. For I agree with mudra,
    that where darkness is present, the equivalent of light is present and vice versa, as shown in the points of the 2 "tadpoles" in that Yin-
    Yang symbol. And so, thanks to this discussion, I've found some good food for thought, probably not the last bite 854501.

    For some reason I don't see my posts published in the format I'm used to.
    Lines and alinea's show up with too much space between them and letters show up in different sizes.
    That's why I return to small size text, see how that goes. Hmmmppphhh! Ortho, help!

    icon_sunny. little10. icon_sunny.

    Not all those who wander are lost.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015

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