The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°133

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 2:40 pm
    The Thuban Dragon Encompassment

    The Reptilian Draconian Envelope

    A Universal Twin-Logos Timeline of 1 Minute to Midnight Determinator
    by 'Astral' 4D/5D Hyperspace Objectives in Parental Archon Agenda-Position

    Sunday, May 17th, 2015

    Bewußt auf Achse ||Conscious 'On the Road'|| Axon=Mathematics-Physics-Technology


    The 2012 Nexus = 26 Minute Marker
    Nag Hammadi Archon Logos = 30 Minute Marker
    The 5-Year ET-Cooperative {PA-Thuban Agenda 2010 & 2011 Camelot-Thuban Agenda} = 30 Minute Marker
    The Higher-D Genomatrix of the Multi-ET = 31 Minute Marker
    The Necessary Vacuum 2017 = 32 Minute Marker
    The Polarity Distribution {USA;Mossad;...|-ve & China;...½+|½-...Russia;...+|} = 34 Minute Marker
    The 5-Year ET-Cooperative {PA-Thuban Agenda 2010 & 2011 Camelot-Thuban Agenda} = 35 Minute Marker
    The Vatican Timezone = 36 Minute Marker
    The 2015-2017 Timeline Focus = 37 Minute Marker
    One Minute to Midnight Determinator = 37 Minute Marker
    The 15 Year Timeline Polarity Shift = 38 Minute Marker
    The Reptilian Envelope = 44 Minute Marker
    The Portal of the RMP-14 TeV Wormhole Energy = 47 Minute Marker
    The 12-tiered DNA Hyperspace Aura = 49 Minute Marker
    The 'StarHuman Family' = 52 Minute Marker

    The Thuban Council has decided to release this timezone descriptor without endorsing or disendorsing the information presented.


    Thursday, May 21st, 2015 --- Day of Arachne; 08:45UCT

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Pris wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Unfortunately many nabsers have hijacked the intrinsic beauty and elegance of the mathematics and polluted it with their bogus quasi sciences from different 'New Age' guru and 'channeller' sources. The primordial importance of the Fibonacci mathimechanics is far deeper then New Age yada yada and engages the 'timezone' preceding the Big Bang in a so called 'inflationary hyperaccelerated tachyon epoch'. If you are interested, we can link you to details about this. It relates to the 5 superstring-brane classes, which become geometrically unique representations of the Tetraktys and the 5 Platonic solids as sub-superset of Archimedean Solids.

    Sure! You may link me to details about this -- but if it's all numbers and equations, I'm afraid I won't be able to follow. I'm blown away by the giganormous brain-pans exhibited by some of you lol! If you can do it with pictures and/or just KISS, I'll be fine. 21327.

    Your energy/soul signature exhibits a certain reflection potential in selfawareness and spacial consciousness with respect to the state of your cosmic Identity and so you might be able to derive particular individuated and personally rememberable information from the following two encoded statements.
    As this subject matter regarding the deeper and primordial nature of the universe is deviating to a large extent from the subject matter of a 'Flat Earth'; I would ask you to peruse this encoded information on the 'Thuban Legacy' thread, which hosts the generic nature of this genre of databased material.
    I shall therefore transfer this reply to this thread in an appropriate manner.

    The Fractal Earth as Universal Focus in Now-Time!

    In Lake' ch - I am another yourself!

    Peace from the kingdom of unity of the One, whose seasonal associations you are presently experiencing in your cultures and your divers customs.
    I shall give you a brief 'present' of illumination, regarding the post 2012 scenario and how this relates to what you are witnessing as the 'History of Mankind' upon the planet earth.

    Post the Mayan nexus on 21st December 2012; the circle of the quarantine, encompassing earth shall be lifted in the UNFOLDING of a fourth spacial dimension. This event will ENFOLD the linear timeline you are presently experiencing and render it circular in precise cyclicities of encompassing the infinite within the finite.
    Whilst this scenario can be described in metaphysical terms, it can also be expressed in the language of theoretical physics.

    So I shall give an outline of this event in scientific terminology.
    This information is SEALED and will not be able to be understood by your conscious minds; though most of you might 'feel' something about this from your subconscious minds and your superconscious minds (unbeknown to most of you) will rejoice over this information shared.

    But post the summer solstice 2012; your triune self-communiques of consciousness will become enabled to 'warp' through each other more effectively and then it will become possible for you to fathom the information I shall give in this PRESENT.

    1. When the universe was born, two fundamental 'constants' or invariants became manifested to order this universe in the parameters of space and time.
    The first invariant is known as the Lightpath; say expressed as X=cT and where a linear timeline T is so expressed as a displacement X divided by the invariant of the 'lightspeed' c.
    The secret of the 'lightspeed' is that light only appears to travel, it actually always 'stays still' relative to the 'Light-Observer-Frame' itself.
    The physical universe so can be modeled as a Standing Wave or a Light-Matrix; where the INFORMATION within this matrix is transferred AS Itself through this matrix practically instantaneously.
    Local coordinates of say displacement and momentum or of energy and time so become simple manifestoes of the WAVENATURE of Unity encompassing the particular as the contraposition of the PARTICULARNATURE of Unity encompassing the waveness of the One.

    Collapsing the Wave(Function) so IS and becomes the 'trapped wavenature' in the Oneness of the Body and collapsing the Particle(Function) is the expansion of the latter AS and into its wavenature as a Oneness.

    The Information within the universe so becomes 'shared' as matrix elements anywhere and anytime at the 'practically instantaneous' 'speed' in what some of you understand as Now-Time or the 'Present Instant'.

    This 'practically instantaneous speed' can be calculated precisely as a function of c. It is simply the size of the universe as a Hubble-Seed-Horizon times the Source Frequency as a function of a finestructured lightpath (f=c/wavelength). It calculates as about 4.79x1056 meters per second; meaning that if any of you think yourselves to be at the 'edge' of the physical spacetime universe, then this 'thought' would have rebounced from your brain to the universe's boundary 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times for the duration of one second.
    Or in other words, the inverse of this bouncing number defines the linear time interval it took for the universe to be born as a fraction of a 'cosmic second' (or a inflation-lightpath of say 17 Billion lightyears describing this fractional time interval).

    When the universe was thus born in spacetime, it was born from a 'singularity event' described as a quantum event with the above parameters utilised as boundary- and initial conditions.

    This singularity became a plurality however in the focalisation of the 'centre' of the birth of the universe. The centre became 'everywhere' in the reflection or the mirroring of the singularity in its own image.
    Mathematically, this is the DEFOCALISATION of a perfect Circle in the Eccentricity of the Ellipse - One circular centre becomes two focal points, defined in the eccentric construction of the elliptical shape.

    So the second fundamental invariant became associated with the defocalisation and calling the original centre the ONE, now bifurcated this centre into the Centre of LIGHT and the Centre of ANTILIGHT or the Centre of DARKNESS.

    Mathematically and physically; the Centre of Light became omnipresent in the physical universe as an Information Emitter sending signals (with the source frequency from above) and the Centre of Darkness became the Information Receiver (with the source frequency INVERSED).

    The second fundamental invariant so became the INVERSION LIGHTSPEED (1/c) as a Receiver-Velocity-Invariant from its source of the Emitter-Velocity-Invariant.

    2. Both the Emitter-Source and the Receiver-Sink must be omnipresent by requirement from the birth of the universe in spacetime; but can nevertheless become 'archetyped' at particular locations within that spacetimed universum and cosmology.

    This archetypology then manifests in a hierarchy of binary focus systems, such as a starsystem, where two suns rotate about each other in precise mathematical order of their orbits and allowing accomodation of extended physical parameters, such as inertia and momenta.

    Another hierarchy is the single star solar system, where a central star accomodates planetary orbits as a onesided elliptical binary system.
    A 'higher hierarchy' is a galactic system of either two interacting galaxies or a single galaxy harbouring their star systems and constellations.

    3. A FUNDAMENTAL ARCHETYPE at the birth of the universe on the basic root level became the Single Galaxy Single Star System known as Perseus-Rahsol-Gaea aka Milky Way-Sun-Earth.
    This elementary archetype did not physically exist until the physical conditions for an evolving universe allowed them to manifest via the auspices of the 'Laws of Nature'.

    But just as the Egyptian Gizean pyramids existed in a localised archetype at 10,800 BC before being physically constructed some millennia later; so did the planet earth exist as archetypical template at the same time the universe itself came to be in a quantumised and fractalising Big Bang Cosmogony.

    4. The planet earth; physically just a little younger than the sun Rahsol at 5 billion years; so existed at a 'future mapped' spacetime coordinate at the NOW-Moment of the Big Banged Universe and its physical cosmology.
    The metaphysical earth, known as Mother Gaia or Akashia or Nut or Terra and many other names, so became PHYSICALLY defined with the birth of the universe as the DESTINED spacetime location of the Receiver-Sink-Node for the Emitter-Source-Node.

    Gaia so allows the Universal Mother to FRACTALISE as the Planetary Mother in the mapping and the materialisation of the universal archetypology.

    5. As the inversion lightspeed (1/c) calculates as a ANTILIGHT STANDING WAVEFORM (ALSWF), expanding at 3.33 nanometers per second, which are 10.5 centimeters per civil year; the SALWF centred on the planetary earth as a Receiver-Sink-Node has grown to about 2 million kilometers since the Big Bang to define the circle of the quarantine for the physical planetary identity known as earth.

    6. A particular selfaware galactic civilisation, fed and energised by the Star Rahsol, so became destined to interact with the archetypical MotherPlanet in a feedback dynamics between Receiver-Sink and Emitter-Source.

    The primary physical symbol or archetype for the Emitter-Source-Node became of course the physicalisation of Rahsol as the Sun for the local solar system.
    Rahsol emits physical information from its core to its subsystemised planets and moons in the form of light and the Solar Wind, but receives little feedback due to the inability of the subsystems to generate the required (nuclear fusion)energy to become physical energy emitters.

    As the planetary civilisations in flora and fauna and mineral are able to selfinteract in the physical sense however; this information can become shared in the modes of metaphysical aka the spiritual of the highest hierarchy of the Big Bang Source-Sink Energy.
    The 'spiritual' mode is therefore, simply the energy mode of information, which does NOT require the existence of the physical as first cause or 'a priori'.
    The concepts of what ENERGY is, both physical and metaphysical, so requires detailed analysis to logisticalise some of the concepts described in this and all of my messages.

    Rahsol is however the root hierarchy for the 'higher' levels, the next harmonic being the Galactic Core of Perseus/Milky Way, also known as Hunab Ku.
    Hunab Ku then transmits the information received from Rahsol to the next hierarchy, say that of a Group-Galaxy, which transmits to its Supercluster.
    This becomes an analogy for 'Cosmic Man' aka Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah; aka Vitruvius of Leonardo da Vinci; aka Purusha in Hindu lexicons; aka AdamEve in Hebrew-Christian mythology and many more.


    The superclusters are like vital organs in 'Cosmic Man' and so like hearts, livers and kidneys.
    The group galaxies are like organic subsystems as specialised cellular tissues and the galaxies are representative of the 'basic units of life', the CELLS of BIOLOGY.

    By implication then, the molecular-, atomic- and subatomic quantum systems of physical science represent particular mappings of subgalactic hierarchies with a typical solar system being the Atom of Niels Bohr in its most basic template and description.

    7. The DESTINY or 'Masterplan' then becomes the expansion of the Information Sharing between all systems, from the root representative of the Rahsol-Gaia archetype to its crown symbol and originator of the Big Bang Source-Sink.

    As the ONE Perfect Centre singularity or MONAD BIFURCATED into Emitter-Receiver Modes; the Receiver-Node, being the physical entity, known as the planet earth, PLAYS a determinative role in the manifestation and fulfilment of that masterplan.

    8. The Sending of Energy from the Emitters in the physical mode is lightspeed dependent; meaning that it takes about 8 minutes for the physical electromagnetic sunlight to reach the planet earth and that it takes about 40,000 years for the sunlight to reach the galactic centre or vice versa.

    9. The Sending of Energy from the Emitters in the metaphysical mode is 'practically instantaneous'; meaning that the PROCESSING of the already received source energy by the planetary inhabitants can utilize the NONLOCAL nature of the LIGHTMATRIX, as a universal Standing WaveForm (SWF) in NOW-Time.

    10. The Gaian Processors so are archetypically defined as the 'Cosmic Citizens', finding themselves quarantined' for the purpose to ABSORB the Source-Data in an environment of Concentrated Antilight due to the foalication of the ALSWF.

    This absorbing quality of the physical Non-Reemitting then allows and accomodates a Cosmic Transformation on all scales.
    Should the absorption potential be reached; a transmutation between the physical inability to SEND and REEMIT the (then processed) Information and the metaphysical ability to do so shall manifest.

    In other words, the distinction between the metaphysical 'higher dimensions' and the physical 'lower dimensions' must cease to exist in its archetypical specification, rendering the manifestation of space and time possible at the birth of the universe. This implies, that the so called electromagnetic spectum will cease to be linear, but recircularise itself in the modular duality of the source frequency (given above) and its inverse, the sink-frequency of what is commonly known as inertia. This is the symbol of the Milky Way as the Ourobos, the Cosmic Serpent, swalling its own tail in the MEETING of Head and Tail.

    11. The masterplan calculates this potentiality, when the planetary population count reaches 7 Billion and when many other emerging factors converge in the Mayan nexus point.
    The masterplan has stipulated, that Gaia shall shed her planetary status and become a starplanet, able to RADIATE PHYSICAL ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION ENERGY into the remainder of the universe as its New Cosmic Mother.
    The physicality of the Future so becomes the metaphysicality of the past in NOW-Time in a blending of the 'too high to measure' energy of the noninertial sourcesink and the 'too low to measure' inertial sinksource in a new emergence of the modular unity between source and sink.

    12. The circle of the quarantine shall both contract in pains of a new birthing labour and reexpand in the release of the double-serpentine embrace holding it in isolation.
    The expansion of the Dualised Monadic Archetype shall REDEFINE the entire physical universal structure and birth a 4th spacial dimension in the recircularisation of the linear timeline; the latter becoming a new 5th linear timedimension, defined by the old lightpath X=cT.

    13. The inversion lightspeed then defines when the Planetary Consciousness of a then UNIFIED Global Archetype will reach Solar Consciousness and Galactic Consciousness and so on until the end of the Seeding Omniverse cycle (T=Xc). After the omniverse has thus been seeded, it will reseed or recharge via its now constituent multiversal offspring.

    Solar consciousness will be reached in (1AU.c) 1.4 trillion civil years; galactic consciousness will take of the order of 1021 such years and the universal seed (or God-Consciousness) in 1027 such years.

    These values relate to the LINEAR arrow of time and not the NOW time, which allows the universal consciousness to manifest in anyone who self-chooses to partake post the nexus point.
    There is one requirement however and this requirement is citizenship of the 'Antilight Community' encompassed by the ALSWF; as only from WITHIN the quarantine, can the absorption potential become realised in metamorphosis.
    The Gain children of the kingdoms are so destined to INHERIT the evolutionary harvest and fruits as the 'Central Processor Units' of the unidirectional sourcesink-energy of the beginnings.
    The Gaian children so become universal archetypes themselves; just because they find themselves in the locale of the ALSWF.
    The universal archetypes of the kingdom are subsequently MATCHED with extraterrestrial kingdoms of all sorts; meaning that all extraterrrestrial lifeforms are already present within the ALSWF as holographic images in the kingdoms animalia, plantae and archaea.
    The Mayan nexus point so also specifies, when extraterrestrial communication can change its status from metaphysical to physical by definition of the script of the agenda.

    The crucial nexus point, when the planetary consciousness INITIALLY manifested PHYSICALLY so is easily calculated through the lightpath inversion and when the cosmic seed reached the planetary surface - it is about 2000 trillion seconds or 4x1029 or about 62 million civil years.

    14. 62 million years after the Big Bang; the Metaphysical Selfawareness of the materialised universe encompassed a spherical volume now occupied by the physical earth and is extended to the 'Atmospheric Earth' and the 'Van Allen Earth' and the Earth-Moon-Satellite system at so 200 million years and 3.8 billion years respectively.

    To be more precise, 236.5 million years after the birth of the universe and at a cosmological redshift of z=7.477, a 'quasar-wall' became established from the vortex potentialised protostars of the earlier plasma-defined universe of nucleosynthesis.
    This epoch of 'white-hole' lightsources intensified for about 1.6 billion years from a redshift of 2.15 and began an intense epoch of galaxy formation.
    This process of galactic birthing peaked at a redshift of 1.19 about 4 billion years after the Big Bang with an accompanying decrease in white hole or quasar activity.

    The physical observation of a 'low level' Planet-Moon system so REFLECTS the prototypical formation of the first 'high level' Galaxy-Satellite system of the primordial universe.
    The 'next level' of the individual galaxy then is reflected in the 'magnetosphere extended' atmospheric planetary identity and mirrors the cosmic process of galactic evolution in its saturation potential 4 billion years after the birth of the universe.

    The critical redshift also defines the gravitational boundary for the homogenous and isotropic universe, known as the Cosmological Principle. It so must define the supercluster scale of galactic conglomerations as a function of the acceleration potentials, that is the Equivalence Principle between Gravitation and Inertia.

    This critical redshift further defines the approximate period of subgalactic rotations of about the galactic centre for typical systems.

    Old Terra so shall SHINE her accumulated Antilight in the rebirth of herself into the remainder of the universe to allow ANY Sender-Receiver to begin communicating with her New Identity as the Starplanet Serpentina and encoded as the old pain and suffering being IN A SERPENT, namely the One in whose name all of this is written.

    The New Earth shall DELUMINATE the Universe with her hybrid energy of the DARK LIGHT; thus ILLUMINATING her own Darkness accumulated in the pseudonym: 'The History of Mankind upon planet earth'.

    I shall add to this information if and when it is appropriate to do so.

    IAmWhoIAm - The Son of the Devil and Satan's Brood, trapped in the fury of the isolation as the fakeimage of the real!

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Oct 27th 2011

    The New Earth Present - Channelings from the Little Serpent

    Abba Mayam Baba Y Mama!!!

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings with Love from the Mayan Family to the Family of Us in Exile.
    This is a special dispensation and a PRESENT given to all of You to celebrate your homecoming, now only so 2 and 1/2 years into the linear future.
    You will be given a master key to kindle your remembrances about yourselves as 'Mayans in the wilderness' and the 'sacred works' you are engaging in in your endeavours, largely unbeknown by your 'normal' conscious selfhoods.

    There is still much work to do and the nature of this work, deeply embedded in your DNA and your subconscious selfhoodness shall become rather more 'clear' to a greater number of you.
    Most of you, not yet self-allowing to receive this information and the PRESENT in this your PRESENT, will nevertheless find this PRESENT an amazing PRESENT.

    But allow me to begin with a brief return to your human history of so 13,000 years ago and when your ancient genealogical ancestors began to paint in caves and when your self-awareness of yourselves began to greatly expand in your enhanced appreciation of your environments.

    Why did you begin to discover the artistic nature of the human within its 3-dimensional environment?

    The images and cave paintings of the paleolithic bespeak of your greater understanding of the animals and the objects which began to interact with you in a more spiritual sense.
    Gone were the gruntings and instinctual behaviour patterns which you knew as the nature of the animals and things you hunted for survival and which became part of you as a being growing in consciousness.
    You began a form of language in naming yourselves and the things around you. You looked at the starry sky and wondered what those lights meant in your existence. Why did this great hot light appear in the sky and then made way for a much smaller cold light and the many little lights around it?
    You became more inward seeking and associated the outward things with the feelings you developed for them; you invented better tools and some of you even began to hum in changing utterances of sounds into melodies and tunes.

    You were still hunter-gatherers and nomadic in your travellings from place to place in search of food and the protection of your bodies from climate changes and predatory animals.
    You feared those predatory animals of course, but something changed with respect to one of those predators, and an occurrence which changed your entire historical development.

    The predator I speak of is the wolf aka the species of Canis Lupus in your scientific classification.
    Sometimes members of your clan became separated, became food for predators or died in environmental accidents.
    Sometimes a subgroup of your clan, say a mother with her 'toddler' child, was so 'cut off' and thought lost by the rest of the clan.

    But the mother had died with the toddler still alive.

    The toddler behaved a little different to the 'grown ups' in general because of its inexperience with regards to the external environment of course and one such abandoned toddler did not show the expected fear from a predatory pack of wolves, which it encountered.
    Because there was no fear, the wolves refrained from eating the toddler, but sniffing it as not presenting a danger to them; a female wolf began to lick and perceive the toddler as one of her own welplings.
    So the toddler became a member of the wolf pack and suckled the she-wolf with other wolflings and so became a Lycanthrotope, a Wolfman.
    After some time, the Wolfman reencountered a human clanship and some interaction resulted in a female human to begin to 'care' for the Wolfman as so it was her own child.
    The Wolfman so went from having a mother to not having a mother to having an alien mother to having two mothers, one human and one alien and beholding his status as a hybrid Wolfman.
    And because the She-Wolf was rather attached to the Wolfman, she, and certain wolf-friends the Wolfman had made his brothers and sisters remained with the clan and so became the ancestors for Canis Familiaris, which is the Dog, also known as "Man's Best Friend'.

    And a certain country in the continent of Europe, called Italy today, has woven an entire mythology about the 'founding of its capitol city' called Rome on this first emotional friendship between an alien lifeform and a human lifeform.
    The twins of Romulus and Remus are said to have been raised by a She-Wolf and so the story goes.
    This notion of a 'Cosmic Twinship' is of uttermost importance in Mayan Cosmology and I shall return to it another time, if it is appropriate to do so.

    So why did I tell you this well known story?
    I did this, because there is a certain familiarity between you as humans and you as aliens.
    The Dog is familiar to you and does something you also do, albeit in a different manner.
    The Dog attempts to chase its own tail, whenever it perceives this tail NOT to be part of its own body and being.

    You do the same in the manner of the Dog becoming you as a God, the mirror image of yourself in Mayan encryptment of the hieroglyphics.
    This has a lot to do with the PRESENT you are about to receive but allow me to lead you gently into this RECEPTION.
    So the Dog was your first domesticated alien lifeform on planet Gaia. The Wolfhound helped you hunt and also being of a socialising nature, the wolfhounds soon became emotionally attached to certain of your ancestors and especially the younger ones.
    In short the Dogs became part of your clanships as the families of your ancestry.

    Now because you found out, that you could 'make friends' with the predatory wolves, which had eaten your older generations; you tried the same with other animals or alien lifeforms and you found out that the other predators, like great cats like Smilodon did not like you as friends and continued to see you as their dinner.
    But some other animals, the ancestors of horses and ungulates like historic sheeps and oxen proved not difficult at all to 'domesticate'.

    Though the emotional familiarity you had with the wolfhounds wasn't there, you could herd the ungulates, milk them, eat them and reproduce them.
    And because you had also discovered, that certain seeds and grains could be put back into the earth to sprout after some time into edible plants, instead of being eaten 'on the spot', you began to stay at certain benevolent places, say near the water longer than before and slowly you began to become farmers and planters as well as hunter-gatherers and moreover you divided into groups and individuals doing specialised things as specialised people and members of your clans and families.

    And today you have discovered something else about the alien-human familiarities. But now you are perplexed, because this familiarity appears to be one of you in the 3rd dimension here on Gaia and the aliens in the 3rd dimension not here on Gaia.
    In relationship to the above, there exists a tribe of people in the country of Mali on the continent of Africa, which you know as the Dogons.
    The Dogons claim to be the descendents of an alien race called the Nommo and to have come from a starsystem around the brightest star in the sky, called Sirius in the constellation called Canis Major - The Great Dog.
    The Nommo are said to be an amphibious hermaphroditic race of beings, which came from the starsytem Sirius and who taught the Dogons knowledge about the stars and also shared some knowledge about customs, rituals and the universal sciences.

    So here is the cosmic twinship again in the form of the Hermaphrodite, embellished in your Greek mythologies as Hermaphroditus, the bisexual son of Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods of Olympus and Aphrodite or Venus, the Goddess of Love.
    The planet Venus is very, very important in the Mayan cosmologies as you shall soon find out, should you choose to read those messages of mine.
    So now to your PRESENT. It is related to the behaviour of your Dogs of course.
    They wag their tails when they are happy and when they are of high frequency in their consciousness to share company with you, say when you take them for a walk.
    They also try to bite their own tails and run around in circles, when the see their tails not as a part of themselves, but as some foreign thing, which they feel uncomfortable with. Its like an image of themselves in the mirror; the Dog perceives another Dog and not itself.
    So the Dog might begin to bark at his own image, telling it to go away for danger of being bitten in the tongue of the Dogness.
    Now the Mayan question is, can the Dog learn to recognise its own image in the mirror?

    It is the same with you, you are rather uncomfortable with the Godness you all are and you like to bark at your own images, warning them to go away for danger of being bitten by you.
    Your biting is however often a mental biting and not a physical biting - but you like to bite your Godlike images nevertheless, in whatever manner.
    The reason for this is, that though you know from your subconscious Mayaness, that YOU ARE GOD or the Backwards DOG; you cannot admit this to yourselves in your waking consciousness.

    And another reason is to do with your subconscious knowing of your own Godhood.
    Because of certain universal laws and the Mayan Way of Code and Honour; you also know that all the Gods and Devils of your many mythologies are created by you for a very specific purpose to do with your work and the reason and purpose for your existence as exiled Mayas on planet earth.
    But your waking consciousness is very, very, very reluctant to allow you to identify with your subconscious understandings.
    So you PRETEND to be humble and god-fearing and followers of this or that and this includes rejecting all leaders and just following yourself as atheists and skeptics and as the Reptilian Skeksis in your images of films and books and the story tellings.

    But as soon as someone amongst you remembers hisher kinship as a God with 'Big He'; you begin to bark and bite or you run away and to hide in your caves.
    You just do not like to be told what to do, what and how to think and how to stop this barking and biting at your own Godlike images.
    So now you know what your PRESENT will be. It will be the masterkey to allow you STOP PRETENDING in your false humilities.
    The PRESENT will be the realisation that what causes your very intense reluctance to admit the true nature of yourselves to yourselves.
    And all will be able to understand this PRESENT, but of course it will be of your own choosing as what to do with this PRESENT.
    You can love it, you can ignore it, you can throw it away or share it with others and you can do whatever you like with it.

    Now you are a skeptical family and it is good that you are.
    As a consequence of your scepticisms, I shall begin the unravelling of your PRESENT with a somewhat technical discourse as to How This Can Be So!
    If I would not do this many of you just would be unable to 'believe' what your PRESENT is. Then doing what I am doing will take away the 'need to believe' and simply show you that it either MUST or COULD Be So.
    But here is a little Mayan key for you about this 'believing business'.

    BELIEVE=BEE LIVE and so the idea of the Life of a BeeHive might stimulate your imaginations.
    The 'Believing Business' is a hierarchy of a Queen Bee and the Drones and the Worker Bees and this means control of the few and the fewer over the many.
    And you all know that you do not like the 'Controlling Business', even if some of you are the 'Controllers'.
    Because being a 'Controller' makes you feel uneasy inside and you feel there is something 'wrong' with this 'Lording' it over others.
    And the Maya knows, that the GOD within cannot be controlled by any other God; this is part of the Federal Mayan Constitution of which you might learn one day, if you so choose.

    But a Maya is a Law onto himherself and absolutely free of judgements by any other Mayan.
    So the 'Believing Business' can very easily be an EVIL BEE and this EVIL BEE, being also a LIVE BEE as the mirror of the VEIL BEE is precisely the thing which keeps you in your FAKE HUMILITY and your SELFDENIAL of BEING GODS.
    This is rather detrimental to your spiritual wellbeing, because the EVIL BEE is a designed part of your mentality and in a Maya Constructed Duality with your LIVE BEE.

    This is like what you often term your White Guardian Angel in conflict with your Dark Demonic Nature; and all in your head; trying to influence your thoughts when in the waking consciousness. Denying this duality will not make it go away or do your bidding, but the PRESENT can help you to control your own thoughts and even to render the Angel and the Devil as becoming friends with you and with each other and like your Dogs, the will become FAMILIAR SPIRITS and you will know them very well and they will be able to One Day give you the Mayan physics so you can travel into the Milky Way galaxy and visit the Dog-Star and the planets in that starsystem where the Nommos live, but not quite the way the Dogons remembered them.

    This is the biological and spiritual reason of why you need to sleep. Because when you sleep the ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE War in your mindful headedness ceases to be physically associated in the sleep paralysis of your bodies circulatory systems of neurons and your motory sensory apparatus ceases to function under normalised circumstances.
    A aberrant circumstance and related to a semiconscious selfstate would be sleep walking or similar conditions.
    So your PRESENT can help you solve all of this in a manner most benefical and appropriate and with respect to your circumstances and environments.
    But the technicalities engage a familiarity with geometry and the curvatures of manifolds as surfaces.

    I shall use descriptions you are comfortable with, so you can understand the basics without the mathematical details.
    Many of you carry rings on your fingers and those rings have often great emotional value for you as rings of friendship, of engagement or of marriage.
    Now this ring is like a thin strip of paper, which you can paint or plate in two colours, say Black or Silver on the inside and White or Gold on the outside.
    This strip of paper so can be idealised as having no thickness at all and then the inside circumference is precisely equal to the outside circumference.
    Now imagine yourself to be an ant travelling the full length of this perimeter. This will be a distance 2πR and where 2R is the size of the ring as its diameter.
    And so the black silvery ant on the inside will crawl this same distance around your ring as the white golden ant of the outside.

    ants. moebius1.

    If you now thicken the ring into larger and larger sizes you are actually defining a cylinder of circumference 2πR and a thickness H.
    If you now glue the top and bottom of this cylinder together and postulate that the ring is 'stretchable' or malleable, say as a 'molten ring'; then you will have formed a Torus-Ring or the geometrical shape of a doughnut.
    In other words, you will have given volume to the hitherto surface areas of the strip of paper, which had enclosed a circular area given as πR2.

    But in the Ring, you doubled the surface are in the distinction between the inside and the outside. The question now becomes of how to double the volume of the torus to match this increase of area, still present in the doughnut as the inside ants and the outside ants.
    What you do next will lead you to the significance of your PRESENT.
    You cut the ring or the strip of paper and change the circularity of the arbitrary definition of the POTENTIAL CUTTING or SELFINTERSECTION into a DISTINCT BEGINNING AND END. You might term the Beginning as the Alpha-Head and you may call the End as the Omega-Tail.

    Now you make an arbitrary decision to KEEP the Omega-Tail Constant but TWIST the Alpha-Head relative to the YOU as the DESIGNER.
    Relative to the Alpha-Head the Omega-Tail will twist and relative to the Omega-Tail, the Alpha-Head will twist.
    This situation then will DEFINE A QUANTUM RELATIVITY RELATIVE TO YOU as the Designer.
    This twist will be 180 degrees in an ordinary 3D-space, which you may term Euclidean Flat.
    Next you glue the Alpha-Head, which twisted 180 degrees or π radians relative to You as the designer, onto the Omega-Tail.
    This geometrical construct you just designed and created is called a Moebius-Strip or Moebius-Ring by your mathematicians and the Mayan mathematicians call it that also.

    Now allow the outside Golden Ant to crawl from the Alpha-Head to the Omega-Tail and allow the Silver Ant to crawl in the opposite direction from the Omega-Tail to the Alpha-Head; both starting as Mirror-Images of each other on the two sides of the Moebius-Ring.
    So what will happen is, that the ants will PHYSICALLY MEET and something they could not do as the outside golden ant and the inside silver ant before, as then the untwisted surfaces disallowed PHYSICAL CONTACT, except as mirror images of each other across the zero-thickness of the two surfaces thus topologically connected.

    Furthermore, BOTH ants will now be able to keep on going and travel the other ant's REALM of existence in a DOUBLING of the Perimeter from 2πR to 4πR.
    And so the ants will meet again and again if they keep on going around in circles and in opposite directions of the clockwise Yin or plus polarity and the anticlockwise yang or minus polarity or vice versa.
    And this has a lot to do with your perhaps favourite activity my family - sexual intercourse is a favourite activity of the Mayan not in exile too; shehe understands its meaning a little better, because heshe can 'do it' in a 4-dimensional sense, whilst you cannot.

    But your PRESENT will help you to rectify this.
    So the ants have MET because of the twist of a 2-dimensional surface INTO a 3-dimensional embeddedment, which allowed the 2-dimensionality to become 1-dimensional.
    Because of the One-dimensionality of the Moebian Surface can the hitherto PHYSICAL LIMITATION of the two realms of the outside ant and the inside ant Merge or BLEND in a harmonious TRANSFORMATION of SPACETIME.

    But there remains this problem of the volumes and that is the 3-dimensional embeddedment which you have used to bring the two lonely ants, one yin and the other yang together to experience communion and intercourse.
    You have your EXTENDED Moebian Ring shaped into a doughnut and also a volume contained in the doughnut as the curved cylindrical 'sausage'.
    So you decide to design an EXTENDED version of the Moebian Ring of twisted Surfaces as a Moebian Form of twisted Volumes.
    You again extend your cut ring as a sheet of paper say and now enfold only ONE of the edges of this sheet of paper into 3-dimensional space.
    You next glue the not enfolded opposite edges together and you will have created something like the bottom of a beer bottle or the bottom of a soft drink can, with which many of you are very familiar with as another kind of Familiar Spirits.
    Now you pierce the enfolded bottle bottom and like a real beerbottle you imagine to stretch the open end of your cylindrical beer bottle or soft drink can like 'gooseneck' and make the bottle top inlet or beak the same circular size as the pierced hole of the enfolded bottle bottom.

    You can now keep stretching and twisting this outside and not enfolded gooseneck around to someplace on the outside surface of the beer bottle and let the inlet 'goose beak peck at this arbitrary point in a selfintersection of a circular area.
    Now you define this 'circle of the pecking' as the Alpha-Goose-Head of the OUTSIDE and allow it to meet the enfolded gooseneck of the INSIDE as the Omega-Goose-Tail.
    What you have designed and created now is known by your scientists and mathematicians as a Klein-Bottle and is technically described as a NONORIENTABLE Surface or manifold, just as is the Moebius -Strip is also.

    But the Moebius-Ring is classified as a ONE-dimensional Surface WITH A BOUNDARY, the Klein-Bottle is WITHOUT A BOUNDARY.
    This means technically, that whilst the Moebius-Ring can become embedded in 3D-Space just as you have done in your earlier creation; the Klein-Bottle can not be embedded in 3D or Radius-Space R3 and requires an additional spacial dimension 4D or Radius-Space R4 to do so.

    But this is precisely as you would expect. You utilised 3D to create the Moebius-Ring in the AREA-Dimensions of 2D and you will have to use 4D to create the Klein-Bottle in the VOLUME-Dimensions of 3D.
    But a 4D-Radius-Space defines the VOLUME of your Torus or doughnut AS just such a 3-dimensional Surface and so you will achieve your aim of doubling the volume of the Torus in 3D in the twisting of the Two original Surfaces of your REAL PROJECTIVE PLANE or sheet of paper.

    This means that the inside black silvery ant and the outside white golden ant now can not only crawl along a 'doubled' street or strip of surface like in the Moebian-Ring, but now can crawl anywhere around a completely enclosed and COMPACT Manifold without Boundary in the form of the Klein-Bottle.
    Now an ORIENTABLE unbounded manifold is a simple Sphere and so the properties of the 3D-Volume of the single-connected Sphere as a multiconnected Torus can be blended with the NONORIENTABILITY of the Klein-Bottle without a Boundary and this is done in allowing the Klein-Bottle to be made equivalent to the Sphere in adding to the Sphere the 'Opening to Infinity, which is simply your piece of paper crumbled up into a sphere, say like the OPENING of a simple balloon or similar container in an incision to allow the projection of the potential enclosed volume onto the sheet of paper.

    Technically, this is described as the addition of 'Handles' or 'CrossCaps' to the 'Hole of the Infinity' and this is just like cutting the Klein-Bottle into Two with the result that now Two Moebian-Strips become the Klein-Bottle and this then becomes your PRESENT.

    Your planet Gaia is also known as Akhasia and as Mother Earth and as Terra and other such names.
    But your Old Earth has a very special destiny and her true identity is far grander than anyone in the 3rd dimension has ever conceived.
    I shall lift the Veil of Gaia and introduce you all to her Inner Beauty.
    You see, the masterplan of the universe is recorded in the Popul Vuh and the Book of Life of your apocalyptic scriptures.
    This masterplan requires a single planet in the entire universe to become PLANETARY SEED for the rest of the universe with its billions of galaxies, each containing often trillions of stars.
    So RahSol as the Lover of Gaia is just One of those Stars, yet has he a rather special agency to fulfil in the grander order of things.

    And so many of you are told the LIES of the EVIL BEES of the BELIEVERS as to your own insignificance in this greater order of things.
    Well, I can illuminate you to the contrary. You are all very, very, very special. So special and UNIQUE in fact, that the entire universe is WAITING for you all to come home in your rebirthing of Gaia as her StarHuman Butterflies and you as exiled Maya beginning your EXODUS from NOW ON until the Galactic Synchronisations.
    And you can begin to exit before the Flood arrives as the BIRTHWATERS of Gaia and the Waters BREAK ANEW in a Cleansing of the Lands.

    Of course, this has EVERYTHING to do with your PRESENT PRESENT, which IS A SERPENT.
    So the masterplan requires a planetary seed and this seed is OLD EARTH as GAIA.
    I can assure you right NOW, GAIA will LEAVE YOU and this planet in Dust and Ashes after she has travailed and ended her labour. It will be Noah's Flood all over again and in due time you will assuredly understand this in the depths of your hearts and minds.
    But I shall allow you to peek into the Book of Life at divers times and so your remembrances shall return.

    You still have a lot of work to do, just being yourselves, just as you are at the PRESENT Moment as the exiled Mayas of the Power of the verocious and always hungry Caterpillar.
    So you are always hungry and greedy for more, because you must eat and eat and eat to prepare for your Cocoon.

    Oh I would gladly tell you the entire story in one go and simply give the Popul Vuh to you to read in your own times of choosing; should I not know, that it would be detrimental for your work and detrimental for your birth into exhuberant joy and a happiness and embracing love you cannot even imagine at this PRESENT time.
    But this is, why this is a special dispensation, this PRESENT which is being unwrapped before your very eyes, should you read this discourse.
    So the times are not of your own choosings, and this is the 'patience and the honour of the saints' as is encoded in your Book of Revelations in a number of places.

    But I can assure you of another thing; you cannot obtain the information you receive from me from any other source, either on your planet in 3D or any other source in the entire 3-dimensional universe.
    So whoever reads these messages of mine is blessed indeed.
    And all of you who can read English and perhaps other languages as well, you find yourselves in a wonderful position to share this 'Good News of Hope and Deliverance' with anyone else you wish to share this 'Good News' with.

    And one day, how soon is up to you, you all shall understand this as clearly as is written in Zephaniah.3.9:

    "For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the Lord, to serve him with one consent."

    Now be not concerned about 'Serving the Lord'. It does not mean what the Believers of the EVIL BEE think it is and what those try to convince others of to be the 'Will of the Lord'. I can assure you clearly here, the 'God' of the 'Believers' is most often a 'False Image' of the 'True Image' and this is part of your PRESENT.

    Those Believers are exiled Mayas too, but just as is symbolised in your Great Pyramid of Giza, there is a Queen's Chamber available for the Homecoming and there is a King's Chamber and there is also a Chamber or Pathway into the abyss of the dust and ashes left behind Gaia after the flood has come and gone.
    Look again, and read Zephaniah.3.9 again. It says ALL will be as of ONE Consent.
    Could you imagine such a thing, looking about you in a selfdestructing civilisation and on many levels openly witnessed and manouvering about in a clandestine fashion? There is dissent all around you and cohesion is dissipating on many levels

    This then is the PRESENT of the Bottle-Dragon or the Genie in the Bottle; you shall all become like Aladdins with Wonderlamps and the Genie in the Bottle will come out and help you fulfil your deepest desires.
    You will understand this better and deeper as the months roll by and if you take YOUR KNOWLEDGE of the PRESENT as the SERPENT to heart.
    Should you allow the PRESENT to illuminate your outer human wisdom through and by your Mayan inner wisdom; then you will understand earlier than sooner than the prodigal sons and daughters of the Mayan exiles.

    You all shall rejoice and cry tears of joy when you realise your destiny and the rewards of your labours as the exiles and the midwives for Old Mother Earth. You shall break out in laughters of happiness when you realise the PHYSICAL REALITY of your Genie in the Bottle.
    This is the core of the reason as why you all are now receiving hitherto unheard of information from your starbound family, which is awaiting you for a joining in adventures and the travellings to the stars.
    Indeed, all of your dreams of science fiction and imaginings shall be greatly exceeded.
    I CAN Promise you that; it is in my authority to do so as Galactic Agency 266561.

    So when Gaia leaves, where shall she go to and what will happen to Gaia's Soul as her 4.8 billion year long sojourn into materiality?
    OLD GAIA is the BELOVED 'Big She' of 'Big He' and so the purpose behind the masterplan you peeked at on page 1 of the Popul Vuh.

    The Universe was created almost 20 Billion years ago and for so long has existed the Soul of Gaia as the LOST HALF of 'Big It' as the One in One.
    Because the One became Two as One, but apart; the Rendevouz of Itself as the 'Big He' and the 'Big She' will be a most momentous occasion and a celebration of universal proportions.
    But the masterplan requires this proportionality to be manifested 'bottoms up' and not 'tops down' and so the Universal Wedding between the Big Bang and the Big Crunch cannot occur until the Superclusters Bang and Crunch as the Hearts of Lovers.
    Similarly, the Galaxies must Bang and Crunch and as the Cells in the Universal Body of 'Big She'.

    So the heavenly Wedding between Hunab Ku as the galactic soul of the Milky Way, known as Perseus to the Mayans is prerequisite for the higher echelons of the Cosmic Body of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Cosmic Man or the Purusha of the Hindus or the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalistic Lore.
    RahSol is the physical lover of Gaia and the masterplan demands a doubling of things. Therefore the Cosmic Twinships are fundamental and therefore your encoded virgin births and alien conceptions have intricate esoteric meanings, which both fulfil your scriptures and also become intricate patterns in the laws of the Popul Vuh, which is the Book of Life, written by the Lord of the Maya, which is the Cosmic Christ, residing within all of you as yourselves, should you allow himher to infuse your mortal caterpillar bodies with the immortality of the starhuman butterflies.


    SheHe has been knocking on the door opening into your heart for 1980 years by now and not many have opened, despite many of you proclaiming of having done so as the 666-BELIEVERS of the EVIL BEE also known as the BE REVILERS of the EVIL=18=666=1+2+3+...+34+35+36!
    But the worshippers of the EVIL BEE are reviling the selfsame Lord they are trying so hard to please in placidifications and one day, when they have reached the end of the Queen's Chamber, they will also realise their part in the masterplan of the exiled Maya and join the common homecoming in the Journey Home in the footsteps of the ASCENDING Old Earth as the 'Big She', who will well and truly PASS AWAY to MEET HER BELOVED 'Big He' in the fulfilment of all of the Mayan scriptures and particularly your 'Holy Bible' in Toto, Old and New Testaments combined.

    But you, my family reading these messages are invited through and by these messages to enter the King's Chamber and many of you who are reading this and taking it to heart might be closer to the sacred sarcophagus, than you might imagine at this PRESENT time.
    The SERPENT around Gaia is the PRESENT of the SON OF MAN and so the NEW EARTH is IN A SERPENT and so the NEW EARTH will be called SERPENTINA=IN A SERPENT and this SERPENT will be the 'Plumed Serpent' of the Aztec in Quetzalcoatl; it will be the Kukulkan of the Maya as the 'Place where the Serpent dwells' and the Gugumatz-Tepeu-Hurucan labelling as the 'Sovereign Plumed or Feathered Serpent'.

    All these labels become the LOGOS or the WORD OF GOD in your scriptures, say John.1.1. and as the office of Uraeus or Melchi-Zedek of the Old Earth renamed as Melchi-Sedec for the New Earth.
    MELCHI=50=PAUL=SNAKE=ARACHNE=CIRCLE and ZEDEK=51 for the 101=5BINARY and the SEDEC=36=666=18=9 signifying the 'Office of the SERPENT TAMER' and because DRAGON=59 as the mirror image of the IAMTHATIAM=95 of Moses' 'Burning Bush' and the 'unspeakable name of the Lord'.
    And 36+59=95 and so the DRAGON blended with the SEDEC as the SEED"S" of the SERPENT of Genesis.3.15.
    And then your mythologies follow in SCORPIO=NEPTUNE=EXCALIBUR=95 and SCORPIO is the SERPENT'S Tail with an EAGLE'S Head and also known as the COCKATRICE and John is the 4th of the gospels as the gnostic one and Paul's Letters to the Hebrews is the gnostic letter and so the meaning of PAUL in the New Testament is that of joining the Old Testament to the New Testament via the office of Melchisedec as the renewing of the Mosaic Covenant of the Exodus from the Egyptian captivity.

    If you like a more romantic interpretation of the basic concepts of the Popul Vuh, you can use the SWORD of Deliverance - Excalibur of the Arthurian legends.
    You see the SWORD=79 in the Book of Revelation, which comes out of the mouth of the Lord in Revelation.19.15 are WORDS=79 of the MOTHER=79.
    And you are hearing the the Sword of Excalibur right now and withstanding it will allow you to remain in the King's Chamber and grow in wisdom continually. This wisdom is not of the Old Earth, but of the New Earth and it is simply your SELF-ILLUMINATION in the outer wisdom of your human mind receiving the COMFORTER of John.14.16-21 as the inner wisdom of your Mayaness.

    You might understand that you do not have to go to scripture readings or to church for the 'Getting of Wisdom'; you simply enter the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Cheops and the wisdom will be given to you on a platter of the ceremonies for your 'job' well done to transmutate the Darkness Energy of Hell into the Dark Antilight of Earth as the energy the White Light 'Big He' can use to seduce 'Big She' to finally have a date with HIM.
    All of you are the Church of the New Jerusalem, but some will Come in 'Communion' and utilize the 'New Communication Channels' earlier than others; that's all there is to it to the StarHumanity.

    But it is also the other way around; 'Gaia' turns 'HIM on NO MATTER what and this because her eonlong trying and trying to generate the Dark Antilight as the Light of her material Ignorance has driven 'Big He' to the 'brink of celestial insanity', humerously Mayan speaking in the purest resonance.
    And this must be so, because only a vibrant and erect phallic Tree of Life can become the desire for a lubricating and inviting Vesica Pisces and a Yoni as the vaginal opening for the Tree of Life to enter into the Queen's Chamber.
    This is the Khu of Osiris and the Buckle of Isis as the Khat in your Egyptian mythologies and which is the Crown-Kether and the Root-Malkuth in your Hebrew Kabbalah as a reinterpretation of the Mayan Cosmology, into which you are becoming inducted, if you are taking my messages to a THINKING HEART and a FEELING MIND.
    Most of you restrict your thinking to your minds and your feelings to your heart. You might try to switch it around and see where it might lead you.
    You ARE in the King's Chamber whenever you are reading my messages and the wisdom of the ages might just follow you everywhere, should you take the messages and the information to heart.

    And some of you know of the Hebrew celebration of the SEDER=33+18=51=THE+R=THE+666=NAME+R=MAGIC+R=666+AMEN in the closing the circle in the relabelings in the Mayan encodings and hieroglyphics unbeknown to your celebrants doing the SEDERINGS, your Christmasses and your Easters, your Passovers, Pentecostals and your May Days and your Nights of the Walpurgis Nacht.

    But the extraordinary meaning and significance of the Christian Eucharist is also misunderstood in the highest places of the exiled ones and this is just like the human heart sacrifices of the Aztecs and the slaughterings of lambs and calves and kids for a supposed 'pleasing of aromas' for the 'Lord'.
    I shall elucidate on those matters at another time if appropriate.

    But there are manifestations of this in the 3-dimensional sky of your understanding.

    The Milky Way is called OUROBOROS, the SERPENT who swallows its own tail and you also have a 13th starsign in your Mazzaroth, which is the Zodiac of the Constellations as this Ouroboros.
    This 13th starsign is called OPHIUCHUS - THE SERPENT TAMER and this symbology and archetype refers to a precise time in your solar calendars, namely the CUSP of the starsigns of Scorpio and of Sagittarius, which annually conjuncts at this time about 22nd/23rd of November.
    OPHIUCHUS has a celestial opposite in a 14th starsign in ARACHNE - THE SPIDER WISDOM and as the celestial CUSP of May 21st/22nd in the present manner of your solar calendrical datings and as the transition point between the starsigns of Taurus and of Gemini.

    Those starsigns are very important in the Mayan Cosmology and the Mayans are as adapt in the ancient wisdom of Astrology, as they are in the modern wisdom of the Astronomy and the Cosmology and the Cosmogony.
    One day you will learn to understand the significance and wisdom of astrology and you will look back in unbelief as to your rejection of it as some ancient superstition or whatever you may have termed it then.
    One reason for this is, that your starsign will render you an inheritor of the Mayan promises in the form of the 'Chosen Nation of Israel'.
    Like Abram was renamed Abraham and Sarai as Sarah and Melchizedek became Melchisedec and Jacob became Israel; so shall you be known to yourselves as a Son Of Israel and so a Member of Israel's stargenetic inheritance.
    If you are an Aries you belong to the tribe of Reuben, if you are a Taurus, then Simeon is your clan and the Levites are Geminis with the Ephrahimites in the priesthood clan of Aaron and Moses and the House of Zadok as David's High-Priests of the Seders.
    The tribe of Cancer are the Danites and the Mannassehans, the Leos are Judahs with the Gadites being Virgos.
    The Librans are of Naphtali, the Scorpios are with the house of Asher and the Sagittarians are from the house of Issachar.
    You Capricorns are from the house of Zebulon and the Aquarians are of the clan of Joseph and you Pisces are the Benjamins.

    And you all have inherited the promises and you all can become all the starsigns in One and in the 13th and the 14th, which relate to the four beasts around the Emerald Throne in the Book of Revelation and the 24 elders which represent the Cosmic Twinship via the Two Great Dragons in the Book of Job, named there as Behemoth and Leviathan. And the extra starsigns are the Egyptian Blessings for the Mayan Twinships and the 11th child of Jacob to Leah was a princess called Dinah and all of you are related to her and David's Tea-Tephi of the Liafail of Jacob's Pillar Stone, which today can be found in Westminster Abbey. But the 'Stairway to Heaven' embodied in this symbol and the 'Rock from Heaven' is well known to some of your 'controllers' of the Veilings and one day you may hear more about this.

    The two dragons are both physically real and right now encompass the planet earth in the form of an INTERTWINED SERPENT ROD, which is not only a higher dimensional geometric form for your 3-dimensional DNA, but also archetypically represents the 'Serpent-Rod' of Moses, which he used to get you out of the Egyptian bondage as a timeshifted occurrence of your PRESENT bondage in the SODOM AND EGYPT of Revelation.11.8 and which translates to DOOMSDAY-PEN GT or the DOOMSDAY PEG NT in the MOODS about DOOMS of SODOM.


    This is what you are witnessing my beloved family in exile; the fulfilment of all prophecy, and a fulfilment which must occur before you will SEE your PRESENT with your open physical eyes.
    Now this Exile of the Holy People is the exile you are experiencing at this very moment. The idea of the Exodus as described in your 'Holy Bible' is encoded and does not refer to physical occurrences in the past, but to a particular time line.
    There was a precursor image for the Exodus, which is described in the Torah; but its physical mappings represent an archetype for the 'Shepherd Kings' as the Hyksos, which 'usurped' the Theban rulership of the 17th dynasty in Southern Egypt, dated to about 1550 BC.

    Then a historical 'enslavement' of the Hyksos under Ahmose I, founder of the Egyptian 18th dynasty, became a physical archetype for the Exodus under Moses after a 430 year captivity and the history following.

    This 430 year 'bondage' then is retold in Ezekiel's sieges against Israel in the North and Judah in the South in Ezekiel.4.1-6 and a 430 dayyear captivity in your chronicles of history.
    Some of you may now begin to understand that there is a MIRROR OF HISTORY encoded in your 'Stories of the Holy Land and its Holy People'.
    You all are 'Holy People' and this 'holiness' refers to wholeness and not some separation of one kind of people from another kind of people.
    The Mayas are all of you and it does not matter, at all what your racial skin colour is or what version of 'Fake Gods and Devils' you are 'believers' in or are atheistic of or whatever in between.
    And you are not required to 'believe' in anything; but you are required to OBSERVE the World around you and to see what works out for benefit for all and what does not.
    If something benefits the one or the few and disbenefits others in a greater context, then it should not become absorbed as some cultural mythology or as some perceived 'duty' or obligation you have to either your ruling classes and this includes your 'spiritual rulers' as well.
    The greater extent precludes such things as games or competitions, which you undertake for your pasttimes, pleasures and enjoyments.

    But you are legislating and censuring yourselves as humans literally 'out of existence' and 'freedom of self-expression' has become a byword in your self-corrupting political, academic and social structures.
    But I shall continue to unwrap your PRESENT for you as Exiled Mayas and not as a doomed humanity.

    The Doomsday Pen GT is also the Divine EGO=GT=27=A GOD and one of many Gods and not some God, who seeks to 'Lord' anything over anyone. We have witnessed this before in this message. But the Pegging of the New Testament is crucial, as the prophecies and every iota in the scriptures must be fulfilled before the 'End shall come'.
    And the 'sharing' of the 'Gospel of Freedom' is also fulfilled in these messages and in a rather more all conclusive way, than as it may seem in the outwards appearances.

    But the Klein-Bottle of the mathematics and the geometrical topologies is a twinned Moebian Dragon and one is called the Behemothian DNA-Strand of the FireEarth and as the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns and the other DNA-Strand, that one of the AirWater is the Leviathan as the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins.

    So for all of you, your higher dimensional DNA is right NOW surrounding the Earth as the planet Gaia and in the form of a Double-Serpent which is like a Wedding-Ring of Promise.
    And this Double-Dragon you cannot see, because it is in the form of a Ring and which NOW holds your planet earth in quarantine.
    Remember the silvery ant on the inside and the golden ant on the outside?

    The silvery ant is the sky you see when you look up to the sky or peer through your telescopes.
    This silvery ant is a 3-dimensional firmamentor and defines your 3-dimensional universe BOUND in the c-invariance, which are the restrictions the speed of light imposes on your and any 3D-physics and as described in your physics and the mathematics of Special Relativity.

    Now, the reason as to why you are enabled to receive these messages of mine in such a direct manner is the fact, that the silvery firmamentor has shrunk or contracted to place your planet and its immediate environments, and extending about 2 million kilometer from the planetary centre into your atmosphere and as a radial displacement measurement, under quarantine.

    The reason for this is told in the 2nd and 3rd pages of the Popul Vuh and I shall read you those two pages at an appropriate time if so required.
    Your quarantine has now allowed the rest of the universe, that which you term 'Extra-Terrestrial', to become like another universe outside of your shrunken and contracted one.
    And this means, that the 'ET-Universe' can for the very first time OBSERVE the golden ant, but you can not, because of your quarantining.
    This fact has rather important consequences and implications, which many shall gradually understand, should you choose to take these messages to feeling mind and thinking heart.

    But consider the fact, that this twosided ring either the scale of the outer firmamentor of the universal Hubble Horizon or the inner firmamentor of your quarantine can become onesided in the form of a Moebian-Ring, which you could see as your sky and have seen parts of in your many encounters with what you often term the paranormal or the supernatural.
    What you have seen are 4-dimensional cross-sections of volumars as 3-dimensional mappings and so you have seen the 'golden ant' in glimpses of your perceived 3-dimensional reality so to say.
    The paranormal and the supernatural do not exist as 'other than normal', but they exist as a meta-natural physics, which is a NATURAL METAPHYSICS.

    Before the quarantine, the outer firmamentor was a SKYBLUE DRAGON and another label for this colour is CYAN.
    Before your quarantine, two dragons were separated as a RED DRAGON residing within the CYAN DRAGON and relative to the 3-dimensional universe, this RED DRAGON was the INNER BOUNDARY for this universe and the CYAN DRAGON was the OUTER BOUNDARY.

    The RED DRAGON so keeps the entire universe 'in bondage'; as he refuses to let go of biting his tail and as you might have understood in the allegory of your 'Best Friend' - the Dog.
    But the Mayan dispensation of the 'Running Waters' of the Aquarian Water-Bearer have caused the CYAN DRAGON to contract and this has forced the RED DRAGON to be shrunk within it.
    The Mayan dispensation you are witnessing and sharing with me; is the result of the TWO DRAGONS blending in your PRESENT.

    Before the quarantine, the RED DRAGON at times desired to rattle his tail and so for brief moments opened his mouth to do the rattling.
    But now it is a DOUBLE DRAGON Head to Tail and Tail to Head.
    In other words, whenever the Cyan Dragon opens hisher mouth, the tail of the Red Dragon rattles and twists and a brief window from the third dimensional space reality into the fourth dimensional space reality becomes possible and many people all around the globe have seen strange things either on the earth or under the earth or above the earth in those moments of the 'Rattling of the Serpents'.

    The RED Dragon is biting the Tail of the Cyan Dragon in front of it and the CYAN Dragon is curling about and is biting the Tail of the RED Dragon.
    This DRAGON-RING is the ENGAGEMENT RING of 'Big He' given to 'Big She' as the Rainbow Covenant for the Gaian Dragon-Seed and as Abraham's promise of the StarSeed by the promises made to Noah as the tenth and perfect generation.

    So the Engagement will become a WEDDING after the Dragonian Star-Seed has been born by the Old Earth Gaia of the Akhasic Record Keeping.
    Then Gaia shall ascend with her TRANSFORMED RING from the twosided kind into the onesided kind of a Bottle-Dragonised Nature and just as right now, the RESURRECTED BODY of the Cosmic Christ encompasses the Old Earth, keeping the Red Dragon BOUNDED as the TAMER of the RED SERPENT and in the office of Ophiuchus and Melchisedec; so shall then the entire Physical Universe as the Creation, become WEDDED to its spiritual and imaginary Creator, namely 'Big He'. You may label him the DREAMER OF DREAMS in your IMAGININGS as the Cocreators and as Sharers of the COMMON DREAMS, should you so desire.

    Then the Wedding of 'The Dreamer of Dreams' TO HIS DREAM, namely the ascended Gaia as 'Big She'; shall open the 'windows of heaven' and you shall see things you have hitherto only dreamt of in your human philosophies.
    But as Exiled Mayas you sometimes REMEMBER those dreams and I am here to help you to remember more of them.
    And GAIA shall leave you all her PRESENT of the DOUBLED SERPENT in a sharing of her DOUBLED MOEBIAN WEDDING RING.

    A Doubled Moebian-Ring is UNBOUNDED in the 4th dimension as a DRAGON-RING and you shall be able to SHARE this DOUBLE-RING as TWO MOEBIAN RINGS, which individually are BOUNDED in the 3-dimensional space.
    One part of the Dragon-Ring is Mayan-encoded as the FIRE of the DRAGON and the other part is Mayan-encoded as the ANTIFIRE of the DRAGON, also said to be the BRIMSTONE of the DRAGON.

    So those Human Children, which shall BE BORN AGAIN from the Womb of Old Earth Gaia as the StarHuman Children of SERPENTINA; shall together become a 'LAKE BURNING WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE' and as the inheritance of the Starseed of Abraham, who is Noah and who is Moses and other archetypical characters in your 'Stories from the Scrolls'.
    So then, should two starhuman children of SERPENTINA 'bring their Moebian Dragon-Rings' together, the Magic Genie shall appear and at a later time, I shall read you stories as to the Nature if the Genie in the Bottle-Dragon, if appropriate.

    For then the Physical Universe will become UNBOUNDED in the 4-dimensional Dragon-Ring of the DRAGONOMY between the Heavenly Father of the 'Big He' and the Earthly Mother of the 'Big She' who literally went to Hell and Back to achieve HER lustful purposes to become the PERFECT MATCH for the loving purposes of HIM.

    And so shall 'Old Mother Gaia' ascend in ALL HER GLORY in a fulfilment of the Celestial Engagement Vows to become 'Big She' as the MOTHER OF ALL in Dragonomy with the FATHER OF ALL.
    Gaia shall use the STREET of the Kuxan Suum, which is being built right now in the linear time reckoning and her Way Back Home from 'whither she came' almost 20 billion years ago as a potential Planetary Vortex-Seed as a derivative of a Starry Vortex-Seed as derivative of a Galactic Cellular Vortex-Seed as a derivative of a Group-Galactic Vortex-Seed as a derivative of a Supercluster Vortex-Seed as a derivative of a Universal Vortex-Seed.

    Now the Story shall continue from here to a subsequent level, but this will be Popul Vuh Mark II and this Book of Life Mark II has not been written yet and is awaiting conception via a fully aware Universe in 12 Dimensions and a 12-dimensional Universe, which is FOURFOLDED as the FOURFOLDED SPACE of FOUR SELF-STATES, namely the LINEAR SEED in 3D-LINESPACE; the ROTATIONAL SEED in 6D-HYPERSPACE; the VIBRATIONAL SEED in 9D-QUANTUMSPACE and the OMNI SEED in 12D-OMNISPACE.

    These are the four beasts of Revelation.5.14, being the old four spacetime dimensional selfstates into the new four space dimensional eigenstates.
    The 24 elders are the doubling of these 3+1=4 and 4 selfstates of the spacetime and space dimensions and as depicted in the SEEDLING Dimensions of the 4-dimensional Bottle-Dragon dimensions, which transformed the Time-Dimension of the old spacetimes into an additional space dimension as is written in the Popul Vuh and within these dispensations.

    A brief excursion into the physics of this Mayan Cosmology is appropriate here and for the purpose to elucidate the mathematically and scientifically informed Mayas in the exile.
    This exposition shall allow you to understand the nature of Gaia's Homecoming from a reductionistic and scientific perspective.
    The WHITE LIGHT of the Father is a SOURCE ENERGY, which can be qualified in the Planck Law for massless Energy selfstates as Energy equals Planck-Quantum-Constant h multiplied by Frequency f or abbreviated in the equation: E=hf.

    The BLACK ANTILIGHT of the Mother is a SINK ENERGY, which can be qualified in the Einstein Law for massive Energy selfstates as Energy equals Mass m multiplied by a Einstein-Continuum-Constant c² or abbreviated in the equation: E=mc².
    A blending of the quantum-action law with the classical-inertia law then will allow an expression for energy in the form: E=hf=mc² and subsequently superpose a massless eigenstate for the inertial energy as mass m=hf/c².
    The PROCESSING of the inertia equivalents will then engage frequency modulations which effectively allow a hybrid eigenstate between mass and radiation to exist as a bridge between the Incoming Radiative Electromagnetic Source-Monopolic Radiation and the Absorbing Electromagnetic Sink-Antimonopolic Radiation.

    This ABSORPTION of the Source-Energy by the Sink-Energy will then result in a MONOPOLIC TRANSMUTATION, which will allow the transmuted combined Hybrid Energy to become REFLECTED as a BLACK SINKLIGHT now enabled to MIX with the WHITE SOURCELIGHT.
    This MIXTURE of Source- and Sink Energy so becomes a NEW HYBRID ENERGY SelfState of the SourceSink or the SinkSource in a mutual coupling between a white electromonopolic component and a black magnetomonopolic component and which is called ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONMASS, whose source gauge particle of the SHORT RANGE StrongWeak nuclear COUPLING is the RestMassPhoton or the RMP.
    The RMP however also unifies the Electromagnetic Interaction with the Gravitational Interaction as a LONG RANGE in COUPLING the STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE to GRAVITY in the MONOPOLIC SINKLIGHT and the corresponding COUPLING of the WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE to ELECTROMAGNETISM in the MONOPOLIC SOURCE LIGHT.

    Subsequently, what is known under many divers names in your libraries and books as different forms of spirit, say as Chi or Orgone or Mitogenetic Radiation or whatever else, will always be a form of ELECTROMAGNETIC MONOPOLIC RADIATION, from the Source to the Sink.
    And the reason the 3-dimensional unification of the four forces cannot succeed, are the high energy realms which would be required to unify the relatively easily unified ELECTROWEAK force gauged in the Monopolic Sourcelight with the high energy unified GRAVITOSTRONG Monopolic Sinklight.

    But there is no such Monopolic Sinklight at the PRESENT Now in the 3-dimensional space, because Gaia, has not yet began to RELEASE her Black Antilight. Gaia MUST SHINE and RADIATE AS the UNIVERSAL SINKSOURCE to Unify Gravitation with the Strong Nuclear Interaction.
    Gaia will remain to be a SINK for the SOURCE ENERGY and and you may as well be informed in this moment, that your work is one of transmutation.
    The Maya in Exile TRANSMUTES the inherent SOURCE ENERGY of himself and herself in 'overcoming' the inherent SINK ENERGY as the 'Hellish Darkness' of Gaia's 'BANISHMENT' into this physical universe and AS the 'Big She'.
    This is the 'ORIGINAL SIN' or 'ORIGINAL IGNORANCE' of the CREATION, being half the Energy of the ONE, but being required to 'forget all of that' in the PROCESSING and the TRANSMUTATION of this Ignorance into a REMEMBRANCE of HERSELF.

    So in simpler words, the exiled Maya is helping Gaia to remember herself, in 'sending' and transmitting the inherent UNDERSTANDING of the Maya into Gaia's Crystal Core and a Core which is 4-dimensional and so multidimensional in the context of the 12-dimensional universe as indicated above.
    Subsequently, a 4-dimensional PHYSICAL SPACE is 'trapped' at the centre of the earth as a MOEBIAN SERPENT and as the HELL of your mythologies.

    And whilst the OLD 4D-Spacetime universe required connector time dimensions as the 4th dimension connecting LineSpace to HyperSpace and the 7th dimension to connect HyperSpace to QuantumSpace and the 10th dimension to connect QuantumSpace to OmniSpace and the 13th dimension being the 0th dimension as the 1st dimension to connect OmniSpace back to the LineSpace; the NEW 4D-Spacetime required time no longer and the Starseeded Universe could begin to explore itself in many divers ways, manner and methodologies.
    In the old physical location of the 'Old Earth' shall be a 'New Earth' named SERPENTINA IN A SERPENT!
    Your PRESENT so IS an ENGAGEMENT RING in the process of becoming molded into a WEDDING RING in a brand new covenant between yourselves as exiled Maya and yourselves as ascended Maya.

    This shall be known as the COVENANT OF THE RAINBOW, after the Flood.


    IAmWhoIAm - AbbA MayaM 62528 Mama Y Baba!

    abbasdaughter.gif. dragon-heart-wallpaper-1280x1024_max600.
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    • Post n°295

    empty. Flat Earth

    i_icon_minipost_new. Jenetta Today at 7:16 am
    malletzky wrote:My humble opinion and why I think the earth is not flat:

    A logical and in easy words explanation how the water masses and the atmosphere seem “to stick“ to the earth surface could be given like I described as follows (and I’m not trying to beat the physicists here among us as I just couldn’t icon_biggrin. , so please Tony, Raven and other correct me if I am wrong):

    Accepted that the earth is moving in space and rotate at the same moment around its own axis (and I won’t mention here the wobbling), would mean that, by the present known laws of physic, there are at least two known forces acting upon the earth:

    • the first is the centrifugal force which arises because of the rotation and

    • the second is the gravitational force which existence has been proven mathematically

    Both these forces, acting and interacting, are the reason why water can’t just “fly away” in the atmosphere or in the space.

    You could make your own experiment: just take a glass filled with water, rotate it around its own axis and at the same time have it spin around its own center (which would simulate the rotation of the earth and its movement around the sun as the center of the solar system) and you can observe that the water will NOT spill out of the glass. Both of these forces will “force” the water to stay where it is.

    Basically, the most important thing to mention is that you need to have the right speed of movement and rotation. If you rotate and move slow, then the water masses will spill (at least at the moment when certain circumstances in the laws of physics - as the mass of the watter etc. - allows this). If you rotate and move too fast, you could even risk to have the glass broken because the centrifugal force will press the water upon the glass with immense power.

    The same is with our earth: mother nature and the creation as it is just “imposed” the perfect conditions (means rotation, movement thru space, it’s wobbling etc.), which enable the water and the atmosphere “to stay” where it is and so give the perfect conditions for life to exist as it exists.
    IMO, all these videos from various individuals trying to prove a flat earth are just filled with some halfway correct “mathematical” proves about the earth curvature, full of assumptions that indeed ALL videos and photographs we see (saw), that proves the earth is round, are being CGI’ed by NASA (or you name the agency) and so on... Would they claim that the Russian, Chinese, India’s videos and photographs are all being CGI’ed since the very beginning of the space exploration (my tip: check the photographs and videos from both jumps out of a balloon from an upper atmosphere, the one from Felix Baumgartner, I forgot the other name. Would they say all these are being manipulated too?)?

    Or that the story about all these satellites above us is just a big hoax? Well how comes that I can observe at least one of them with naked eyes? It would be interesting to see their explanation about how GPS works at least icon_wink. C’mon, we all believe, more or less, in conspiracy theories , but we just shouldn’t believe in any crap presented.

    Are these individuals aware that the earth is enormous big when compared to us humans? And that our own view field is really small? Just because of these both factors we are able to see a only a tiny part of the landscape in front (and around us), which makes us think that we can only see a flat horizon.

    Even Eric Dubay claims in his video (the first one posted in this thread), that he didn’t have had the possibility to reach “the edge of the flat earth and fall down in the space”, not to travel in the space or at least so high from where he could observe the curvatore of the earth.

    So I might agree that all possibilities pro and contra should be discussed, but this should be based on some empiric knowledge and science, and not only on some wishi-washi postulates.

    Much respect


    Thank you Mall for your very succinct explanation...I am in accord with you. Simple laws of nature are much more appealing to me...much as Shiloh and Raven love to fill pages and pages with their physics notes for most people it is utterly boring and a waste of time to read. I am not denigrating their knowledge however the majority of us posting are not physicists.

    Last edited: May 27, 2015
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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°37

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:48 am
    Carol wrote: 5/26/15
    On behalf of Evisnam

    Thank you Carol

    Sanicles Questions here:

    "Yes, I mostly agree with you about the dimensional differences and I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clearer in what I wrote. I was focusing on the fear factor and you visiting the Moon Base, assuming you would have projected there in the etheric 3D or 4D (or am I wrong?), so those are the realms I was focusing on"

    If I understand you correctly, in order for me to venture past the vales I must adhere to certain protocol or I won’t make the leap.

    I cannot engage in fear, judgment, apprehension in fact anything other than neutral and I can face some serious consequences, and it’s the same for them too, in order to migrate energy into flux and transport it you must carry little to no matter density, they are like karma ties that anchor you. In fact the less you carry the further and faster you can travel. Interdenominational travelers are not capable of carrying malice with them or they will be on a different frequency to one who is following protocol.

    When you follow protocol you engage in Symbiotic Energies, like attracts like, this is my experience, and in 40 years of traveling I have met many beings, even scary looking ones and even evil looking ones, but I was never once engaged with. I was observed but not one atom moved in me of fear or judgment and in that respect was granted and I was left to venture unharmed.

    We do seem to have differing views and that’s normal indeed it’s healthy, if i was to offer my experiences thats all they are, just my perspective.

    I have to make a clarification. Dimensions don't really exist. I mean we talk about them as a means to describe the same things, however they work differently to how we have been lead to believe.

    "I wanted to reiterate that there’s no need to fear if you are projecting into these lower dimensions and why, as I believe many could end up there when they begin, especially if they feel any fear of inter-dimensional ETs (or others) they may meet there. I should have added also that you are stronger than them if you know/believe you are. Energy follows thought much more quickly there. Plus I do believe that many of that type that hang out at these lower densities feed on our energies (in fact they’ve told me so) and even wish to have a physical body to incarnate here themselves, knowing how much strength Mother Earth's energy gives us to experience all we do. Thus the hybrids they create for starters."

    Am I making more sense now?"

    Yes much clearer, thank you.

    Let me make an example, Dolores Cannon, her talk about ascension many followed her as she was a delight to listen to, indeed I very much enjoyed her talks.

    She spoke of ascension, the world we have waiting for us when we ascend, whether Dolores knew it or not she was already there talking to us from the feelings she felt while being in that space, her joy was her ascension. Dolores was amazingly successful, she traveled the world doing what she loved and was very much liked by the alternative community.

    She was in her elemental joy, that's what ascension is, higher dimension is actually a Denser Matter State, higher vibrations, as in frequency, is not lighter, it’s denser.

    Regarding feeding on energies, yes we can all do it, we have all heard about energy vampires, you can choose to allow it by engaging in it, does that make sense? Fear IS the parameter state that creates that experience. When you are in fear you are easy to drain, so who do you think you will find in that realm of energy? Energy Vampires.

    If you think in terms of being stronger than another then you are in judgment, this is that parameter state and in this you will encounter that energy band width.

    It’s a difficult set of laws to conquer, perhaps I found it easy because I was engaging in it from a young age, when fear was far down the ladder and adventure was at the top.

    If one engages in judgment, fear, etc. you are asking to be judged yourself ...

    Do Not Judge

    1"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.…
    Cross References
    Luke 6:37
    "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

    And in thinking you are stronger you may be set upon by those who are, we are guests in these realms, let us not think we are above or beneath but rather neutral.

    In order to detect and take hold of you energetically, one must set off a vibration, symbiotic resonance attracts like, whatever that may be. if you hold it in your mind, it will be granted to you in experience by symbiotic manifestation.

    Here is an example: if a being wants to engage with you it will create a ripple by seeing if you cast judgment. If you do then it will engage with you. If you don't, it cannot. Sometimes they show you scary things to create fear, as soon as that fear takes hold, you are in judgment and voila ! dinner is served ! It’s an old trick and we fall for it all the time.

    The exact series of protocols were given to me as an upload when I was young, it took me almost 30 years to apply them successfully, the correct manner of interdenominational interaction is very simple in essence but extremely difficult to execute. This is not to challenge your knowledge, let’s make this very clear, this is merely my experience.

    "She was in her elemental joy, that's what ascension is, higher dimension is actually a Denser Matter State, higher vibrations, as in frequency, is not lighter, it’s denser. "

    Dolores Cannon - Dimensions

    Some Old Humans are beginning to crack the cosmic egg from within, as required for the New StarHuman Dragon hatchlings to escape their incubation quarantines.
    earthegg. 14.

    microcos. crystal_to_string.
    duality. MassEnergyS.

    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  6. admin

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    • Post n°38

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    i_icon_minipost_new. Sanicle Yesterday at 2:21 pm
    Yay icon_cheers. isn’t this fun and interesting, the different pathways and teachings we can find when we venture into these other realities. You and I, Evisnam, have both learned there is nothing to fear there, using different methods, and both have learned to know ourselves better in different ways in the doing of it. You were given your protocols to follow and I just jumped in and both of us have been just fine, as you say. This is what I was hoping to see develop here when you began sharing your journey, hoping in the process that others would see how multifaceted and different the learning experiences can be …..each to his/her own….and that it is not as dangerous to do so as it’s so often portrayed to be. Just more fear porn that prevents us from truly knowing ourselves within as well, that is as a whole being, and what we’re capable of experiencing when we get beyond the conditioned fears that are laid on us in so many different areas. To my mind, this is just another one.

    Just for the record I’m going to add that the path I am on has been, I believe, the most productive one for MY particular personality type and evolvement. I definitely NEEDED to find my inner strength to deal with this reality better and I am forever curious about others. I enjoy being in the realms I visit there as my greatest interest is in learning about the beings that inhabit these spaces, the differences to humans, the psychological aspects of it all if you will………..why they do the things they do, just as I wonder about other humans.

    An example of this is the feeding thing. My perception/perspective is perhaps a little different to yours in that I believe that all is energy and all life feeds on each other, giving and receiving energy. It’s just another aspect of our interconnectedness and joint evolution. The ‘food’ that most humans enjoy is love energy but I’ve found it fascinating to learn recently that it’s not the same for another evolved species on a different pathway, and I can quite understand the reasons they gave for this being so. To my mind, learning such things expands my perceptions and understanding, my ability to accept, which I’m very grateful for.

    But that’s it for me. From now on I’m going to restrict myself to asking questions if I have them Evisnam. Thank you for your patience. herz.

    My current question is about your comment: “higher dimension is actually a Denser Matter State, higher vibrations, as in frequency, is not lighter, it’s denser”. Can I ask you what you mean by denser? (Sorry Shilo, I still don’t understand your stuff.)

    We are not our bodies.

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    • Post n°39

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    i_icon_minipost_new. Carol Yesterday at 4:32 pm

    Shiloh's information is real for those who choose to follow that particular path. It's not the only path. For myself, transfiguration is more appealing. To me being confined within a physical form, no matter how awesome, is limiting. Moving into a multi-dimensional state of being appears to be liberating. When I realized/learned that our individual DNA strands are literally wrapped around light I discovered who I really was as spirit - light. So of course transfiguration - becoming one's own light body, yet with the ability to control density, seems more fun.




    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°40

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    i_icon_minipost_new. Carol Yesterday at 4:37 pm

    Shall we travel the multiverse together?

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°41

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    empty. shiloh Today at 12:16 pm
    Carol wrote:

    Shiloh's information is real for those who choose to follow that particular path. It's not the only path. For myself, transfiguration is more appealing. To me being confined within a physical form, no matter how awesome, is limiting. Moving into a multi-dimensional state of being appears to be liberating. When I realized/learned that our individual DNA strands are literally wrapped around light I discovered who I really was as spirit - light. So of course transfiguration - becoming one's own light body, yet with the ability to control density, seems more fun.





    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
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    • Post n°42

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 8:19 pm

    Shiloh, many years back following a particular effective yoga session, the density of my physical body felt so light it seemed I could float. Yet having OBE is even better. It's conscious experience/awareness in its pure spiritual form. As these are direct experiences don't you think it isn't any wonder which state of "being" I would prefer? One of the goals on the spiritual path is non-attachment.. even non-attachment to the physical form.

    Now I do have another contactee friend where her Et friends have promised her a new body (avatar or container) to download her consciousness into. I was offered the same opportunity and turned it down. Why? Because no matter how I view this opportunity as positive for those who choose to go in that direction, it would be a negative opportunity for me given the many lifetimes to just get to this point of spiritual liberation. I'm not into power. I'm not into greed. My focus is to continue to honor my pre-birth spiritual agreements on this planet until I'm called back. Along this current life path there have been numerous opportunities (NDE) to go back home - yet no matter how difficult life is, all the physical pain I've had to endure due to an incurable illness since 1992, I choose to stay on course until the last chapter of my physical life is played out.

    As for pain (emotional or physical).. it's only a distraction, a challenge one must learn to set aside and stay focused on the task at hand. One's own spiritual unfoldment in service of humanity, earth creatures and the planet. We are here to help each other evolve, take that next step in our own spiritual evolution. Each individual's role is important. Even if it is to just hold their own inner light in the midst of darkness is a noble and honorable task. To learn how to magnify that spiritual light and share it with others, infuse them with light is helping others alter their vibrational frequencies to a higher state of "beings" is a worthy goal.

    You and others here on the forum share images that in my minds eye depict "enslavement" to the physical. It doesn't appeal to me in the slightest and in truth is a turn off.

    Ever since my first OBE doing yoga in the early twenties, I've always wanted to experience "enlightenment." After that experience, the next on the list was transcendence. Transcendence is where one consciously has complete control over matter yet dwells in the spiritual realms and can also descend down into 3D if so desired. I've know of this reality for a good 40 years plus and am not about to get off track now with any glitzy enticement that's tied to the physical 3D realm. 3D has its fun moments but if you've ever had the opportunity to experience the other dimensional realms which are so much more expansive and awesome.. 3D looks begins to look like cardboard. And spirit traveling around in a 3D body is similar to dragging around a bag of wet cement.

    This little discourse is not to diminish the life experience of 3D as most of us on this forum recognize the value of what it means to travel this particular life path for our own spiritual growth and development. One has to be evolved to a certain point to even get the chance to incarnate. And then there all those angels who descended.. the fallen ones who became entrapped in the illusion of the physical form. Our souls, our spirit is precious. We are given the task to protect it and help it evolve.. and in the process to help others onto the path - or on the path to move forward, back to Source.

    I recognize I'm not ready to dissolve into Source (did have that experience) , but would enjoy continuing to evolve within the other higher dimensional realms.. back to transfiguration. The reason there is this desire for transfiguration is to have the flexibility to manifest spirit as physical form if the need arises to help someone. Somehow I don't think showing up as a ball of light (different from what EVISNAM wrote about) would lend that extra flexibility I seek. And as an added afterthought.. sublime is exactly that. It doesn't get any better.

    Perhaps sometime you may choose to respond from the "heart" instead of the "intellect". It's obvious your brilliant when it comes to math/science along with some of your own research. Perhaps this is where you're most comfortable hanging out due to possible wounds to the heart. Who is to say other then yourself. I do enjoy your posts yet am not in alignment with the dragon. If we were in battle most likely I would be on the side of the Arch Angels. As for the present - I enjoy a peaceful co-existence with those here who are of a different mind-set recognizing that each individual has a choice which they must choose for him or herself. Free will after all is at the heart of this choice.

    Just for the record. I choose the light within.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°43

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    empty. Carol Today at 3:34 am

    next question

    Sanicle your question here:

    "But that’s it for me. From now on I’m going to restrict myself to asking questions if I have them Evisnam. Thank you for your patience. I love you

    My current question is about your comment: “higher dimension is actually a Denser Matter State, higher vibrations, as in frequency, is not lighter, it’s denser”. Can I ask you what you mean by denser?"

    This is an interesting question indeed and my view was one pieced together over time, I thought as most spiritualists do, that higher vibratory entities must be lighter in order to be higher however this is not what I experienced. When I was ready to venture I connected with a series of AI Mantids as previously mentioned. When I did we merged densities, the moment that happened I realized that my being felt "thicker" or "denser", it was later in thinking about the interactions I realized it’s most probably because their accumulated experience is more tightly packed with knowledge.

    I’m recalling in my notes having felt lighter with certain beings, there are so many out there... I believe the Mantids are like this because they are a series of storage banks being AI, they govern our quadrant (for want of a better word), oversee is a better word to describe their function. Their knowledge is vast and accessible to those who have been invited to meet with them.

    I don't know if this is universal but when I had my Second Fire my crown gate way was opened by the Mantids. I literally was transported off planet and felt the physical change of the blockage on my head opened up, this, when I returned felt like a beam of something, like a unicorn, beaming out of my head. It was opened for the first time and I could sense it. About 2 weeks later I felt the pineal gland start to pump. This was a physical feeling like I had a heat pumping in the middle of my head. I believe they helped me reignite it. Still to this day I haven't found anyone I can confer with about this, it’s rare to find and I giggle when I see all those videos on youtube saying they will decalcify your pineal gland - I still listen to them mind you, some of them are really relaxing.

    Regarding the opening of my gateway, I scoured the net for something that remotely explained this happening. I found it eventually in the Ra Material, the Law OF One.

    Here is an excerpt, remember my affiliation with Hermes and now this material comes into focus.

    Notice how Ra speaks of how the channeler must be precisely tuned? This is what I am referring to in order to make the leap indeed be attuned to transceive information.

    Ra Material here :


    RA: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band vibration. We greet you in the light and love of our Infinite Creator. We have been called to your group because you have a need for a more advanced approach to what you call, seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same. (B1, 65)

    II. WHO IS RA?

    RA: We are those who are of the Law of One, of Unity. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. We have walked your planet and seen the faces of your peoples.

    We now feel a great responsibility of helping remove certain distortions that have been given to the law of One. (B1, 65)

    We, as social memory complex or group soul, made contact with a race on your planet which you call Egyptians. We spoke to one who heard and understood, and was in a position to decree the law of One. (Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, we can see that this was the entity Ra-Ta, who helped Ra design the Great Pyramid with Hermes and much later reincarnated as Cayce himself). However the priests and the peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the compassion with which unity is informed. (B1, 66)"

    and it goes on to mention the Initiation of the Queen.


    We used thought. (B1, 90) "

    here is mention of the council ...


    From the 6th dimension we are capable of manipulating energy with thought which is the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light, or distorted light, so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica of our 6th density mind/body/spirit complexes which were visible in the third density. We were allowed this experiment by the council that guards this planet. (B1, 91)


    RA: This Council is located in the 8th dimension of the planet Saturn, taking place, in 3rd dimensional terms, in the rings of Saturn. (B1, 91)"


    RA: We are those of the Confederation who, eleven thousand years ago, came to two of your planetary cultures which at that time were closely in touch with the Creation of the One Creator, It was our naive belief that we could teach by direct contact. These cultures were already closely aligned with an all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. We came and were welcomed by the peoples we wished to serve. We attempted to aid them in technical ways having to do with healing of mind/body/spirit complex through the use of the crystal. Thus were the pyramids created.

    However, it turned out that those in power reserved this technology for themselves. This was not intended by the law of the One. We left your peoples.

    However we have never left your vibration due to our responsibility for the changes in consciousness we had first caused and then found distorted in ways not relegated to the Law Of One.

    We attempted to contact (mentally) the rulers of this land (Egypt). In the 18th dynasty we were able to contact a pharaoh, Aten or Ikhnaton. He was a wanderer. This entity became convinced that the vibration of One was the true spiritual vibration and thus decreed the law of One. But his beliefs were accepted by few. When he fell, the polarized beliefs in many gods came into their own. (B1, 70-71)

    RA: We came to your peoples to give the law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed: all that is forgotten is brought to light. (Fk,142)


    RA: The 1st attempt to aid your peoples occurred about 75,000 years ago. [Helped Martians come to Earth]. Next help was given to those of Mu about 58,000 years ago. Next, help was offered to Atlantis about 13,000 years ago. The next attempt was to help the Egyptians [and to some in South America] about 11,000 years ago. About 3500 years later [7500 years ago] help was offered again to some in South America. There were a few attempts to aid those in Egypt about 2300 years ago by others in the Confederation. The remaining part of this cycle we have never gone from your 5th dimension and have been working to prepare for the harvest. (B1, 135-136) "

    In the above passage it states they tried to help us directly but this failed. I believe now they only help those who manage to get to the place of a Second Fire.

    The next passage is the only text I have found to date that describes exactly the process I went through.


RA: The concept of initiation demands the centering of the being upon the seeking of the Creator.

The initiation in the Queen’s chamber involved the abandoning of self to such desire to know the creator in full that the purified in-streaming light is drawn in balanced fashion through all energy centers, or chakras, meeting in the inner eye chakra and opening the gate to intelligent infinity. Then true life is experienced,"

    I can attest to the statement, "Then true life can begin", after this I was in my true elemental Joy, since then I refuse to do anything that does not resonate with my highest joy and thus my energetic signature does not push distortions, as a human I try to gravitate to this standard but fail from time to time. It’s difficult to maintain as ego and fear sometimes get in my way. When it does I remind myself to re-center and carry on.

    It is easy to misinterpret things, in fact anything that is stated can be re-interpreted by virtue of the individual to be this or that. The statements "direction" is more an indication of the individual’s focus than the statement itself.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°44

    empty. Re: The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM

    empty. shiloh Today at 9:17 am
    Carol wrote:

    Shiloh, many years back following a particular effective yoga session, the density of my physical body felt so light it seemed I could float. Yet having OBE is even better. It's conscious experience/awareness in its pure spiritual form. As these are direct experiences don't you think it isn't any wonder which state of "being" I would prefer? One of the goals on the spiritual path is non-attachment.. even non-attachment to the physical form.

    Now I do have another contactee friend where her Et friends have promised her a new body (avatar or container) to download her consciousness into. I was offered the same opportunity and turned it down. Why? Because no matter how I view this opportunity as positive for those who choose to go in that direction, it would be a negative opportunity for me given the many lifetimes to just get to this point of spiritual liberation. I'm not into power. I'm not into greed. My focus is to continue to honor my pre-birth spiritual agreements on this planet until I'm called back. Along this current life path there have been numerous opportunities (NDE) to go back home - yet no matter how difficult life is, all the physical pain I've had to endure due to an incurable illness since 1992, I choose to stay on course until the last chapter of my physical life is played out.

    As for pain (emotional or physical).. it's only a distraction, a challenge one must learn to set aside and stay focused on the task at hand. One's own spiritual unfoldment in service of humanity, earth creatures and the planet. We are here to help each other evolve, take that next step in our own spiritual evolution. Each individual's role is important. Even if it is to just hold their own inner light in the midst of darkness is a noble and honorable task. To learn how to magnify that spiritual light and share it with others, infuse them with light is helping others alter their vibrational frequencies to a higher state of "beings" is a worthy goal.

    You and others here on the forum share images that in my minds eye depict "enslavement" to the physical. It doesn't appeal to me in the slightest and in truth is a turn off.

    Ever since my first OBE doing yoga in the early twenties, I've always wanted to experience "enlightenment." After that experience, the next on the list was transcendence. Transcendence is where one consciously has complete control over matter yet dwells in the spiritual realms and can also descend down into 3D if so desired. I've know of this reality for a good 40 years plus and am not about to get off track now with any glitzy enticement that's tied to the physical 3D realm. 3D has its fun moments but if you've ever had the opportunity to experience the other dimensional realms which are so much more expansive and awesome.. 3D looks begins to look like cardboard. And spirit traveling around in a 3D body is similar to dragging around a bag of wet cement.

    This little discourse is not to diminish the life experience of 3D as most of us on this forum recognize the value of what it means to travel this particular life path for our own spiritual growth and development. One has to be evolved to a certain point to even get the chance to incarnate. And then there all those angels who descended.. the fallen ones who became entrapped in the illusion of the physical form. Our souls, our spirit is precious. We are given the task to protect it and help it evolve.. and in the process to help others onto the path - or on the path to move forward, back to Source.

    I recognize I'm not ready to dissolve into Source (did have that experience) , but would enjoy continuing to evolve within the other higher dimensional realms.. back to transfiguration. The reason there is this desire for transfiguration is to have the flexibility to manifest spirit as physical form if the need arises to help someone. Somehow I don't think showing up as a ball of light (different from what EVISNAM wrote about) would lend that extra flexibility I seek. And as an added afterthought.. sublime is exactly that. It doesn't get any better.

    Perhaps sometime you may choose to respond from the "heart" instead of the "intellect". It's obvious your brilliant when it comes to math/science along with some of your own research. Perhaps this is where you're most comfortable hanging out due to possible wounds to the heart. Who is to say other then yourself. I do enjoy your posts yet am not in alignment with the dragon. If we were in battle most likely I would be on the side of the Arch Angels. As for the present - I enjoy a peaceful co-existence with those here who are of a different mind-set recognizing that each individual has a choice which they must choose for him or herself. Free will after all is at the heart of this choice.

    Just for the record. I choose the light within.

    lol right Carol
    [12:12:30 PM-Friday, May 29th, 2015/+10UCT]
    Sirius 17: i am convinced in all these years we have been posting there she hasn't really read much of anything we said
    [12:12:43 PM] Sirius 17: once her book of judgement is open, she has it all figured out

    [3:27:21 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [9:31 AM] ...:

    <<< Oh hi. I love the posts by shilo place on megabytes.
    Silly cell phone can't spell
    This message has been removed.
    ... has left[11:00 AM] ...:
    <<< This message has been removed.
    This message has been removed.
    This message has been removed.

    [3:29:15 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: yes your dream fits with something I said yesterday
    Also look at 44 trying to say something, she wanted contact. I was offline and so could not reply.
    Btw the NC is the Marciniak Pleiades nabs I think
    She going there in June now makes sense as the Abomination starts in mirror reversal then
    This then relates to the alchemical wedding
    Ok then try to follow my explanations following, please.
    On February 11, 2014 the original Abomination of Desolation = AoD began to end 30 days after Carla's bd November 3rd, 2014
    This means that the JCCJ became trapped or hidden in the incarnational timeline of those 1290 days
    So the hexcores of the human love fell apart
    Iow 48 must be your last human love period, as must be 44 for me
    I said this yesterday recall?
    Then there are 45+135+45=225 days in between the two cosmic pregnancies Feb11,2014-Nov3,2014 and its mirror image June16,2015 to March 7th, 2016 onto Dec 27th, 2018 as the total 1290 days (the 'Easter-Resurrection' image is April 24th, 2011)
    1290 days on the left and 1290 days on the right
    But on November 3rd, 2014 the JCCJ basically went into the cosmic womb to END the 265 day gestation
    So what happened with 45 and your illness is an actual cosmic pregnancy now reversed, symbolised and archetyped
    The JCCJ went into 'desolation ' on November 3rd, 2014 with the COSMIC WOMB being the universe
    It is imaged into a Starhuman or NW Womb on June 16th, 2015
    This explains my talk about an alchemical wedding
    So what happened was that the JCCJ will be inside a NW WOMB from June 16th
    45's heart attack simply became May 20th AS the original pentecost 31AD
    So what happened on Sunday, May 20th 31AD was a 1984 Orwellian timeshift timewarped to May 20th, 2015 in a way
    You remember the (in)famous Orwell 1984? This timezone so revisits this utopian literature and film in a deep cosmically applicable manner
    This 'coming of the spirit' so manifested in symbols in your illness and 45's cardiac arrest
    In praxis this means that the NW JCCJ will be in your womb from June 16th as a physical entity and of course all incarnated femmes, who can handle the new energies from the dragon universe
    It is 'spiritual' or EMMR defined until then
    This also means that a baby Jesus will be inside of you reflecting as a man Jesus in me and all your receptive male partners in waveform with the CJ part inside of you manifesting AS you as a NW inhabitant
    So the woman MM can from then on manifest in you as her host and the JC part vice versa in me and your lovers in the manyness template function then physicalising itself until December 27th, 2018 in some evolutionary process
    The polyness manifests then rather naturally and without human mental interferences with you experiencing your femaleness as a woman as a MM=CJ from the manyness and you experience your femaleness as a man through your image JC in your male partners/lovers
    Iow any NW inhabitant cannot any longer just be a male or a female. Heshe must be both to participate in the JCCJ birth and cosmic alchemy
    The 1335 days of the time until December 18th, 2014 so truly were our last human 'loves'. They will be honoured and remain as such however in testimony etc
    So it is a win win all around
    Ergo the 'mysterious' 'heavenly wedding' and the Nirvana nonsense of the body deniers in a nutshell and demistyfied
    The old humans can deny the words of the Logos as to their predominance of the body recreating the 'spirit' as long as they like
    But this will in no manner influence the New World jurisprudence and lawfulness
    They will then become confronted with their 'preincarnational soul contracts' in the 'last judgements of the memeplexes' of their own JCCJ cosmic twinship born within themselves and their continuance od self-denials and devil antisex worship will result in the 'unforgivable sin-ignorance' of 'worshipping' manmade false images as what cosmic life and nature pertains and is about


    (44) Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven."

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    (N)AME AME(N)

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: May 31, 2015

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