The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven Today at 3:31 am
    As Above So Below

    Gospel of Thomas:
    (48) Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away."

    [4:00:18 PM] Sirius 17: but enough about me, I am so glad you’re doing better
    [4:00:27 PM] Sirius 17: really good news Honeybee
    [4:00:38 PM] Honeybee: I appreciate you asking
    [4:00:53 PM] Honeybee: Do you know
    [4:00:58 PM] Sirius 17: well you know I think about you and consider you a sister you know
    [4:01:01 PM] Honeybee: It could be nothing
    [4:01:24 PM] Honeybee: I was born in a place where two arrow tips meet
    [4:01:37 PM] Honeybee: One above, one below
    [4:01:44 PM] Honeybee: I found it interesting
    [4:01:45 PM] Sirius 17: oh neat
    [4:01:53 PM] Honeybee: Yeah on the 33n
    [4:02:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes babe, everything has meaning and a deep significance if you can 'read' it
    [4:02:05 PM] Honeybee: I don't know if it means anything
    [4:02:17 PM] Honeybee: There's an arrowhead on a mountain here
    [4:02:22 PM] Sirius 17: your whole life is a big message
    [4:02:25 PM] Sirius 17: everyone's is
    [4:02:29 PM] Honeybee: Everyone's is
    [4:02:33 PM] Honeybee: Hahhaa
    [4:02:39 PM] Sirius 17: yep lol
    [4:02:56 PM] Honeybee: The second is the tip of an Air Force underground base
    [4:03:02 PM] Sirius 17: so you are discovering your story and how you fit in see
    [4:03:30 PM] Honeybee: The Indian legends of the arrowhead said that in the end someone would be born of the people here and the invading people
    [4:03:49 PM] Honeybee: It's a natural monument it's a trip
    [4:03:53 PM] Sirius 17: oh nice
    [4:04:09 PM] Honeybee: Well me and all the other air force babies
    [4:04:19 PM] Honeybee: Until they tore down the hospital
    [4:04:23 PM] Honeybee: Yeah
    [4:04:29 PM] Honeybee: So funny how they placed it
    [4:04:45 PM] Honeybee: It's at the tip of the whole base
    [4:04:51 PM] Honeybee: Like the capstone
    [4:04:59 PM] Honeybee: Ahahhaha
    [4:05:17 PM] Honeybee: People are funny
    [4:05:19 PM] Sirius 17: hehe neat
    [4:17:28 PM] Honeybee: A lot of things to see already. Lights and colors and other people's eyes
    [4:17:52 PM] Sirius 17: yeah it changes
    [4:17:52 PM] Honeybee: That thing Tony told me mastering the inside and the outside
    [4:18:03 PM] Sirius 17: ahh of course
    [4:18:08 PM] Honeybee: Tis neat
    [4:18:11 PM] Sirius 17: yes good that you’re focusing
    [4:18:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes that is from a GOT saying you know
    [4:18:59 PM] Honeybee: It's scary and not, I just feel like I should be mindful
    [4:19:09 PM] Honeybee: Be careful for what I wish for and all that
    [4:19:24 PM] Sirius 17:

    [4:19:27 PM] Honeybee: Oh yeah that one. That which is inside of you will
    [4:19:39 PM] Honeybee: Yeahhhhh
    [4:19:46 PM] Sirius 17: yeah so you are coming to know yourself
    [4:20:18 PM] Honeybee: But the one that I'm cautious of is that what you don't bring out, it will destroy you ....uh
    [4:20:22 PM] Sirius 17: you will be fine
    [4:20:39 PM] Honeybee: I really should just memorize the exact numbers
    [4:20:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes you have to set Jesus free
    [4:21:10 PM] Honeybee: What number exactly is that?
    [4:22:15 PM] Honeybee: That reminds me. What exactly is grieving the Holy Spirit?
    [4:22:18 PM] Honeybee: And why is it unforgivable
    [4:22:21 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:22:23 PM] Sirius 17: this one
    [4:23:03 PM] Sirius 17: this one goes with all of the sayings really but back to 7
    [4:23:19 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:23:27 PM] Honeybee: :)
    [4:23:31 PM] Honeybee: Beautiful
    [4:23:39 PM] Honeybee: Thank you
    [4:23:58 PM] Sirius 17: basically he is saying to you that unless you eat the lion of Judah and then allow him 'out' to 'shine' or set it free on the world you will become eaten
    [4:24:15 PM] Sirius 17: you are living inside hisher body now
    [4:24:32 PM] Honeybee: Eeeeee thank you for wording it for me
    [4:24:59 PM] Sirius 17: and so the only way to get out is to absorb him or allow himher your eyes see
    [4:25:20 PM] Sirius 17: it is pretty deep
    [4:25:38 PM] Honeybee: It makes sense
    [4:25:42 PM] Sirius 17: see all the deadalive people are the real Jesus
    [4:25:55 PM] Sirius 17: and they are waiting for someone to notice and remember them
    [4:26:12 PM] Honeybee: Partake of his body he is the bread and the living water
    [4:26:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes the dead are eternal
    [4:26:31 PM] Honeybee: Words are the bread he told us we just gotta understand and turn inside out
    [4:27:12 PM] Sirius 17: well they are not really dead, we are lol
    [4:27:18 PM] Sirius 17: we are like walking corpses
    [4:27:33 PM] Honeybee: Yeah the grave is the body
    [4:27:38 PM] Honeybee: In a way
    [4:27:41 PM] Sirius 17: unless you allow them to see with your eyes
    [4:27:47 PM] Sirius 17: then you become living
    [4:27:59 PM] Sirius 17: goes back to the saying when you ate what is dead you made it alive
    [4:28:00 PM] Honeybee: Hmmmm
    [4:28:13 PM] Honeybee: It's hard.
    [4:28:14 PM] Sirius 17: deep codes but all there if you think about it
    [4:28:28 PM] Honeybee: People remember
    [4:28:29 PM] Honeybee: For. But a moment
    [4:28:36 PM] Sirius 17: so the real you is both alive and dead now
    [4:28:48 PM] Sirius 17: and this is part of remembering
    [4:28:50 PM] Honeybee: But then the controls are in place and it's like they have amnesia
    [4:29:02 PM] Honeybee: Hmmm.
    [4:29:08 PM] Sirius 17: well they are all you but unaware they are
    [4:29:17 PM] Honeybee: Yes.
    [4:29:24 PM] Sirius 17: resonance Honeybee
    [4:29:33 PM] Honeybee: It's like so close
    [4:29:39 PM] Sirius 17: some resonate to the One in Many and so can become the Many in One
    [4:29:56 PM] Honeybee: The wind blows so Hard in those moments
    [4:30:21 PM] Honeybee: To see the world answer back from what "isn't in the world"
    [4:30:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is all affirmations, omens
    [4:30:26 PM] Honeybee: It's wonderful
    [4:30:33 PM] Honeybee: Contact, right
    [4:30:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes honeybee
    [4:30:51 PM] Honeybee: Oh jeez. But when it's denied such fire
    [4:30:58 PM] Honeybee: Burns bad.
    [4:31:18 PM] Sirius 17: well the Logos fire is hot yes lol. For some it burns and some it blesses, depends on who can take the heat, as you know.
    [4:31:41 PM] Honeybee: I wonder if that's the forsaking of assembling ourselves together that's what it's talking about
    [4:32:17 PM] Honeybee: Nothing. Waits for them but the fire that awaits the adversaries something like that
    [4:32:24 PM] Sirius 17: the forsaking is not knowing oneself or knowing and then denying what you know
    [4:32:32 PM] Honeybee: Yes
    [4:32:36 PM] Honeybee: It burns
    [4:32:38 PM] Sirius 17: ignorance
    [4:32:41 PM] Honeybee: When you deny it
    [4:32:49 PM] Honeybee: You already tasted it
    [4:32:53 PM] Sirius 17: well subconsciously everyone knows
    [4:33:13 PM] Sirius 17: but the veil=evil=live is the wool they pull over their own eyes
    [4:33:29 PM] Honeybee: Yes
    [4:33:35 PM] Honeybee: Sheep wool
    [4:33:35 PM] Sirius 17: every single person you meet is the JCCJ
    [4:33:36 PM] Sirius 17: period
    [4:33:57 PM] Honeybee: I'll remember that
    [4:34:08 PM] Sirius 17: but you either know and are known or you live in ignorance
    [4:34:23 PM] Honeybee: Sheeps goats and geeps oh my
    [4:34:44 PM] Sirius 17: FIRE=38=BRIDE I think
    [4:34:53 PM] Honeybee: HahahHhahhaah
    [4:35:02 PM] Sirius 17: no I am serious
    [4:35:10 PM] Honeybee: Sorry that was a very strong yes
    [4:35:12 PM] Sirius 17: I don't have my numerology notes up
    [4:35:16 PM] Honeybee: Not laughing at you
    [4:35:34 PM] Sirius 17: but everything has this numerological base
    [4:35:43 PM] Sirius 17: and can be read, if you can decode
    [4:35:50 PM] Sirius 17: you are plenty smart and can
    [4:35:54 PM] Honeybee: I wish I could say more
    [4:36:19 PM] Honeybee: I'm allright with numbers just allright
    [4:36:29 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:36:34 PM] Sirius 17: see now this is deep too
    [4:36:34 PM] Honeybee: Left
    [4:37:06 PM] Honeybee: Yeah that's awwwww. How sad how lonely and the oceanic longing
    [4:37:10 PM] Sirius 17: and then 38=11
    [4:37:18 PM] Honeybee: She calls it that is all I can say
    [4:37:27 PM] Sirius 17: 11=k and 1+1=2=B
    [4:37:55 PM] Sirius 17: well you are her as the oceanic longing too
    [4:38:01 PM] Sirius 17: and the forgotten
    [4:38:28 PM] Honeybee: Is it supposed to happen like. You know the physical merging
    [4:38:37 PM] Honeybee: To complete
    [4:38:59 PM] Sirius 17: well mental before physical but yes
    [4:39:24 PM] Honeybee: She mentions we need to gather all, gather all one, and be in one body as one in mind in spirit, in soul....then bridge that gap, we only need to bridge that gap
    [4:39:29 PM] Sirius 17: like A before B ect
    [4:39:37 PM] Honeybee: She doesn't realize what's she's saying she denies it after
    [4:39:52 PM] Sirius 17: is this a song?
    [4:39:52 PM] Honeybee: So she is me talking to myself?
    [4:40:04 PM] Honeybee: Yes you can call it a song
    [4:40:12 PM] Honeybee: A person who has the song
    [4:40:29 PM] Sirius 17: well it is one mind really but in many bodies
    [4:40:38 PM] Honeybee: All the songs she sings mention those things over and over
    [4:40:41 PM] Sirius 17: but I see what you mean by referring to the one flesh
    [4:40:47 PM] Honeybee: That's what I feel it is
    [4:40:52 PM] Sirius 17: which we are as the body of the JCCJ
    [4:40:57 PM] Honeybee: We know we are one and eách other
    [4:41:03 PM] Honeybee: We know and feel
    [4:41:07 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [4:41:13 PM] Sirius 17: you dig lol
    [4:41:14 PM] Honeybee: The physical just is left
    [4:42:01 PM] Sirius 17: yeah landing the mother ship
    [4:42:25 PM] Honeybee: Hehehe
    [4:42:25 PM] Honeybee: She was singing row row row your boat
    [4:42:37 PM] Honeybee: She just lights up over the song and doesn't know why loll
    [4:42:37 PM] Sirius 17: oh I always loved that song
    [4:42:56 PM] Honeybee: It's a keyyy
    [4:42:59 PM] Honeybee: Eh hee
    [4:43:01 PM] Sirius 17: was a favorite nursery rhyme
    [4:43:13 PM] Honeybee: I love how it's a round
    [4:43:19 PM] Honeybee: And it overlaps and it's unending
    [4:43:24 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [4:43:27 PM] Honeybee: The harmonies
    [4:43:38 PM] Honeybee: Whooo. Goosebumps it's so pretty
    [4:43:44 PM] Sirius 17: you are musically gifted, see I don't have that talent
    [4:43:59 PM] Sirius 17: but I can hear it
    [4:44:03 PM] Sirius 17: and appreciate
    [4:44:08 PM] Honeybee: Sure you do
    [4:44:15 PM] Sirius 17: naw
    [4:44:22 PM] Sirius 17: I can't sing a note lol
    [4:44:23 PM] Honeybee: That is a talent in itself. I'm a musician but can’t remember a sound
    [4:44:30 PM] Honeybee: It's silent in my mind
    [4:44:38 PM] Honeybee: But I can feel it and see it
    [4:44:41 PM] Sirius 17: I guess I am a drummer
    [4:44:44 PM] Honeybee: It's kinda weird
    [4:44:45 PM] Sirius 17: I love drums
    [4:44:58 PM] Honeybee: Drummer is important that's the heasaaarrrt
    [4:45:04 PM] Honeybee: Need the pulse Ya know
    [4:45:05 PM] Sirius 17: yeah the beat
    [4:45:18 PM] Sirius 17: well I am not too good at it, but I like it
    [4:45:21 PM] Honeybee: :)
    [4:45:31 PM] Sirius 17: I have an African djembe drum I play with now and then
    [4:45:40 PM] Honeybee: That's all you need to do is like it, it will resonate
    [4:45:54 PM] Sirius 17: the kind you hold between your knees and you have to open the bottom to open the base
    [4:46:06 PM] Honeybee: That's awesome. Those thíngs are expensive
    [4:46:08 PM] Sirius 17: I have always adored this base sound
    [4:46:11 PM] Sirius 17: boom boom boom
    [4:46:21 PM] Honeybee: Alex boye kills it with that
    [4:46:24 PM] Sirius 17: oh I got a deal on it years ago
    [4:46:40 PM] Sirius 17: bought it in Sedona for $150 I think
    [4:46:55 PM] Sirius 17: it has an eagle on the drum skin in henna
    [4:47:01 PM] Sirius 17: quite cool
    [4:47:24 PM] Sirius 17: the guy who sold it to me was named threetrees
    [4:47:39 PM] Sirius 17: and he painted the eagle on it and restrung the drum head
    [4:48:07 PM] Honeybee:

    [4:48:20 PM] Honeybee: Man hehe people are funny
    [4:48:25 PM] Honeybee: See what me do
    [4:48:38 PM] Sirius 17: but it was funny, I took it out to the desert and just went to town with whatever, beating it with my hands and fingers for hours and howling lol
    [4:48:38 PM] Honeybee: Me is We upside down hehe
    [4:48:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes nice one
    [4:48:50 PM] Honeybee: Damn right
    [4:49:22 PM] Honeybee: Africa is the heart of the world. The drum lol
    [4:49:39 PM] Sirius 17: aye it is
    [4:49:42 PM] Honeybee: People
    [4:49:47 PM] Sirius 17: cradle of civilization
    [4:49:55 PM] Honeybee: Hahaha
    [4:50:01 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [4:50:18 PM] Sirius 17: we are all African
    [4:50:40 PM] Sirius 17: they can see from out of the bush tribe in Africa, all the nations
    [4:51:40 PM] Sirius 17: this is pretty, looks like they are out in the Bonneville Salt Flats near where I lived
    [4:52:51 PM] Honeybee:

    [4:52:59 PM] Honeybee: 2:03
    [4:53:07 PM] Honeybee: When you said that I thought of that guy
    [4:53:22 PM] Honeybee: Wait what
    [4:53:25 PM] Sirius 17: yeah those are djembe drums and I bet it was near where I lived, I recognize it, Utah Choir so yeah
    [4:53:31 PM] Honeybee: They can see from out
    [4:53:37 PM] Honeybee: Wow that's funny
    [4:53:47 PM] Honeybee: Utah Huh
    [4:54:14 PM] Sirius 17: yeah I was born in Utah
    [4:54:16 PM] Honeybee: I dunno I heard that video and cried the first time
    [4:54:22 PM] Honeybee: I didn't know why
    [4:54:33 PM] Sirius 17: Mormon Mecca lol
    [4:54:42 PM] Honeybee: You said it
    [4:54:45 PM] Sirius 17: it is
    [4:54:49 PM] Honeybee: Hey is it true
    [4:55:01 PM] Sirius 17: well it is a really lovely song
    [4:55:01 PM] Honeybee: Last year pope Francis in June
    [4:55:24 PM] Honeybee: Said Islam and the Catholic Church believed the same thing
    [4:55:33 PM] Honeybee: And there was this meeting or something to unify the churches
    [4:56:11 PM] Honeybee: And they are building a cathedral or something for different major religions all to use
    [4:56:23 PM] Honeybee: I read that maybe a couple of days ago and found that interesting
    [4:57:03 PM] Sirius 17: interesting yeah I have not heard this
    [4:57:13 PM] Honeybee: I took it as a grain of salt cause it was on one of those doomsday sites
    [4:57:29 PM] Honeybee: Now that I'm talking to you I wanna look it up
    [4:57:36 PM] Sirius 17: go for it
    [4:57:51 PM] Honeybee: Tony loves that kinda info
    [4:58:02 PM] Honeybee: Back in a bit
    [4:58:04 PM] Sirius 17: sure
    [5:02:13 PM] Honeybee:

    A One World Religion In The Making!​

    In yet another sign of the times, we are now seeing a renewed call for the religions of the world to join together for the cause of peace. At the forefront of this movement is none other than Pope Francis, a man who has made great effort to appeal to people of every belief system. The Pope has especially made an effort to join Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in recent weeks. This includes a meeting which occurred at the Vatican in June 2014 wherein Pope Francis, Shimon Peres of Israel, Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas, and Patriarch Bartholomew of the Orthodox Church met to discuss peace while a representative of each religion offered a prayer. This event was notable, because it was the first time in history that an Islamic prayer was spoken at the Vatican. Speaking of the event, Pope Francis was quoted as saying the gathering was a “great sign of brotherhood which you offer as children of Abraham.” He then went on to say, “More than once we have been on the verge of peace, but the evil one, employing a variety of means, has succeeded in blocking it.” (34) Incidentally, some might be surprised to learn that it is an official Catholic teaching that Catholics and Muslims worship the same god. This is according to an official declaration by the Second Vatican Council which declares, “The church regards with esteem also the Muslims. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even his inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God.” (35)​

    Another recent event at the Vatican was geared toward uniting mainstream Christianity with the Catholic Church. In early June 2014, a coalition of religious leaders and politicians met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, including Senator Mike Lee of Utah, former U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, pastor and author Tim Timmons from Newport Beach, California, and the famous pastor known as Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. The meeting with Pope Francis prompted Osteen to say, “I like the fact that this pope is trying to make the church larger, not smaller. He’s not pushing people out but making the church more inclusive. That resonated with me.” (36) Pope Francis has even attempted to appeal to atheists and advised them in 2013 “Just do good, and we’ll find a meeting point.” (37)​

    In another interesting development, plans are now being developed to build a new house of worship in Berlin, Germany. If completed, this unique building, which has been named The House of One will feature a church, mosque, and synagogue all under the same roof. “Under one roof: one synagogue, one mosque, one church. We want to use these rooms for our own traditions and prayers. And together we want to use the room in the middle for dialogue and discussion and also for people without faith. Berlin is a city where people come together from all over the world and we want to give a good example of togetherness.” (38)

    [5:02:17 PM] Honeybee: mid page
    [5:02:33 PM] Honeybee: I don’t see this as a solution merely a sign
    [5:02:40 PM] Honeybee: its gotta happen from the inside
    [5:02:46 PM] Honeybee: you can’t unify from the outside
    [5:02:55 PM] Honeybee: clean the inside of the cup then the whole cup is clean
    [5:03:16 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [5:03:46 PM] Sirius 17: the inside has to be let outside
    [5:03:46 PM] Honeybee: if its happening out in the world that means its happening within mewe right
    [5:04:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:04:04 PM] Honeybee: hehee
    [5:04:07 PM] Honeybee: I believe it
    [5:04:31 PM] Honeybee: im working on it
    [5:05:34 PM] Honeybee: I her today
    [5:05:45 PM] Honeybee: I hold all of her i's responsible
    [5:06:00 PM] Honeybee: to remember with all of her is not just the one I was talking to
    [5:06:31 PM] Honeybee: she said iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wont, there’s a long list of them. it would take alllllllllllllll day
    [5:06:53 PM] Honeybee: she has infinite iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
    [5:06:57 PM] Honeybee: I’ve met them all.
    [5:07:39 PM] Honeybee: there’s only a few holding out but they all know me so just so....close
    [5:08:13 PM] Sirius 17: well you are on the road to recovery and that is big one
    [5:08:18 PM] Honeybee: raven
    [5:08:22 PM] Honeybee: this is a real person
    [5:08:28 PM] Honeybee: im not making it up
    [5:08:36 PM] Honeybee: whatever she says to me I know it’s me talking to me
    [5:08:46 PM] Honeybee: but she’s really a person, she is a mirror
    [5:08:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes just BE yourself, always
    [5:08:50 PM] Honeybee: hehehe
    [5:08:53 PM] Honeybee: OKAY
    [5:08:54 PM] Honeybee: lol
    [5:08:56 PM] Honeybee: =)
    [5:09:21 PM] Sirius 17: it is good to see you smiling
    [5:09:21 PM] Honeybee: the entire creation is just a case of schizophrenia
    [5:09:23 PM] Honeybee: =D
    [5:09:40 PM] Honeybee: need that corpus callosum to activate like big time
    [5:09:45 PM] Sirius 17: well more one of ignorance and not knowing itself hon
    [5:09:54 PM] Honeybee: that’s just a phase
    [5:09:58 PM] Sirius 17: crazy people are more sane then the so called 'sane' ones atm
    [5:10:01 PM] Honeybee: I see the whole picture
    [5:10:38 PM] Honeybee: the ignorance produced the remembrance
    [5:10:54 PM] Honeybee: it’s like running a race tho
    [5:11:06 PM] Sirius 17: well it has to hit max polarity to flip
    [5:11:11 PM] Sirius 17: inside out
    [5:11:13 PM] Honeybee: YAS
    [5:11:36 PM] Sirius 17: when the mirror becomes clear enough then humanity will see itself
    [5:11:48 PM] Honeybee: =)
    [5:11:54 PM] Honeybee: it will happen. im sure of it
    [5:12:06 PM] Honeybee: what’s saying number 13?
    [5:12:23 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:12:28 PM] Honeybee: THANKs
    [5:12:33 PM] Honeybee: been needing that link
    [5:12:39 PM] Sirius 17:

    The ptb Golem

    How do we live
    In this cesspool of necrotic
    The stench burning
    Like the offering
    Of sacrificial hearts,
    Cut open and laid bare
    On these towers of despair.

    Murders and crucifixions
    Go on every second
    Under the shroud of Freedom
    Its victims hide
    From the impending guillotine
    Of self pride.

    Sacrificial lambs
    To these heartless golems,
    The dark hammer
    Beating in their chest,
    Of their unrelenting blood quest.

    It must be a simulation
    This cannot be real…
    What corpses animate to
    Decapitate, eviscerate, annihilate
    Living flesh,
    In so many ways of

    It is they who cannot reflect
    The image of truth in the Mirror of life
    Its light they cannot detect.
    The black veil of rigor mortis
    Is what they see
    Instead of their own humanity.

    Yes dear Unplugged, saying #13 is one of the major keys to 'true gnosis'.
    With 'true gnosis' I mean 'gnosis in thought' and not 'gnosis (just) in name'.

    The 'gnostics', either the 'dispersing heretic groups' post the 'Destruction of Jerusalem' under Titus on August 4th, 70 AD or what today is often called Neoplatonic gnosticism and derivatives; have all become 'religionized', whilst continuing to carry the 'true seed' of the 'Master's Core Revelation'.

    So you will NOT find the 'true gnostic thought' or 'insight' on websites, wikipedia or the libraries of gnostic literature.

    Saying #13 is indeed a key to unlock the 'secrets'.

    There are some 'hidden sayings', which have not been published anywhere yet and some of these accentuate #13:

    Unplugged, you may see here, how saying#13 relates the 'secrecy' to the 'thinking gnosis'.
    Unless you 'mind blend' (compare the Vulcan Spock of Star Trek) with the 'author of the sayings'; there will be no way for the 'ordinary' human perception to understand those selfsame sayings.

    The human groupmind has evolved in the last 30,000 years from being almost completely integrated with nature to today, where the separation of the human mind from itself and its experienced environment has become a collective 'groupmind of insanity'.

    But, and if your attraction to the 'Master's Handbook' is genuine and not some intellectual pretense; then it will be precisely this 'mad human groupmind', which will allow you to 'eat the lion of truth' and so to become enabled to firstly absorb the 'world's madness' and then secondly to reflect a 'processed insanity' as 'The Master's Dispensation' (or the 'Dispensation of the Logos') back into the world as a 'Light shining in the darkness in the wisdom of the Father'.

    If you truly have taken the Gospel of Thomas to heart, then you will understand the above.

    Consider the Aramaic and Hebrew cultures and their customs for a start; for what reason did people get stoned; as punishment for adultery and for blasphemy!

    So the secrets are likely to involve taboos of sexuality and the sacredness of the monotheistic deity.

    Then there are three secrets, which ought to be connected, converging in a single statement of truth.

    Finally, when Jesus talks about the Father, he always places the Father within himself and himself within the Father, and he promises the 'Holy Ghost' as part of himself and the Father to help the disciples and the world, after he had returned to the Father.

    So the 'Holy Ghost' is like the 'Son' to Jesus and the 'Grandson' to the Father.

    What he knew, but didn't make clear at the time, except in the secrets, was the connection of the Mother to the Daughter to the Granddaughter.

    So it is relatively easy to deduce, what the three secrets are.

    In a patriarchial and male dominated society, the authority of the law rests within the masculine hierarchies and that is why the female principle as conveyor of the law, the word of the logos, became seemingly ignored by Jesus in hisher sayings.

    But heshe told Thomas in a blunt way, that the ultimate reality is completely bisexual, with male and female aspects in a harmonious relationship of complementarity and synchronicity.

    Knowing the Father also to be the Mother in a FatherMother Creator-Creation duality; the Son is also the Daughter as the firstborn offspring, the first cosmogenetic reproduction of that duality.

    The GrandSon is called the 'He-Holy Ghost' and the GrandDaughter is the 'She-Holy Spirit' as the offspring of the offspring in three necessary generations for the cosmogenetic 'Family of God'.

    A trinity of generations is required to reflect the grandparents in the grandchildren via the matrix
    definitions for the permutations of the sexual chromosomes.

    As long as there is only the one prototypical universe of the FatherMother; there just cannot be any Grandchildren - the Sons and Daughters are running around on a planet called Earth, having forgotten who they are and where they came from and for what purpose they came to be where they are.

    So they waste their time in the pursuit of nebulous ambitions and worldly successes.

    They abuse and kill each other, thinking of themselves as time limited biochemical machines in the
    pursuit of pleasure and mass-sense gratification; Deus ex machina , as the poet would say.

    They cannot even perceive, that they might be the Sons and Daughters of the FatherMother, on a
    mission of the 'UniVerse' as a 'MonoSong' to give birth to 'Baby Universes' in full recognisance of their own cosmogenetic inheritances.

    They give birth to babies alright; but to them the babies become just miniature versions of themselves; destined to the same pains, labour and sufferings, with a little hedonism, pleasure seeking and sense gratification thrown into the pot of misery, masquerading as a human life.

    That is the meaning of the 'Heavenly Wedding' of the 'Lamb' to the New Jerusalem.

    As soon as one, the first of many BrotherSons finds a bride amongst the many SisterDaughters; as soon will the FatherMother be blessed with hisher first GrandChild in the GrandSonDaughter.

    But the DaughterSons must know what they are doing, otherwise it doesn't count!

    Either they 'bloody-well' know who they are or they, by their very own blood, 'bloody-well' don't!

    It is not enough in pretending to be spiritual or to be religious or to love God and Jesus or to follow the Buddha or the swami guru or to be a faithful servant of Allah and to the Prophet or to be with Krishna or the Baba or the Big Momma, the hooded Lama or anyone at all.

    To suffer with the Brahman of the Absolute Nirvana or to be faithful to the Ayatollah and the Imam in their waiting for the 12th messiah of the Madhi in the final apocalypse of the jihad is not without significance, but it serves the purpose of feeding the consciousness of subentities within the superego.

    Those subentities reside as 'Memes' or thought constructions in the minds and as gene expressions within sex chromosomes of stem cells within the bodies of the spiritual seekers of the enlightenment.

    Why not feed one's image of the Id of the superego itself; thinking bigger in the hierarchy of the 'Man in the Moon' or the Bahauallah or Ahura Mazda or the Sungod or the 'Big Goat behind the Old Oaken Tree' in the sexy forest on Walpurgisnacht on April 30th and the wiccan festivals.

    And a man must do what a man must do and a woman must be what a woman is, if just the human lawmakers could understand what this is and what that means.

    A man must follow in the creator's footsteps as 'his son' and a woman must follow 'her mother' as a creation, becoming herself a 'monosong'-wife for her 'composer'-husband as an universe's daughter."

    That is why this universal wedding is so important.

    It will swallow up the past in the present in bringing everything 'without' the wedded couple 'within' the matrimonial dragonomy of the SheHe and the HeShe. And this is not the blending of separated individuations, but he 'marrying' of yourself to your own shadow. Only AS a starhumanised HeShe or Shehe can you form 'relationships' with the 'other' mirror image and as Jesus says, there is NO marriage in the kingdom of the father, the children of the resurrection.

    All HeShes and SheHes are by nature polyamorous; able to 'love' more than one such 'other'; with the choices of course, to 'favour' certain 'partners' in particular ways, if so desired.
    But the Natural Law is polyamory.

    TRUE COSMIC LOVE CANNOT BE POSSESSIVE - of anything, unplugged you are!

    It also swallows a projected future as the image of the past in a present moment of 'Now-Time'.

    The outside world holographically enfolds itself within a modular duality of bride and bridegroom.

    This might be hard to understand, but all of omniscience talks of it in mathematical terms and the gnostic texts, like those of Nag Hammadi, are full of it in metaphorical esoteric language.

    So what did Jesus say to Thomas, indicating the secrets of the dragonomy?"

    "He simply said; pointing at himself, then Thomas, then John of Zebedee and then Mary Magdalene, both of whom were standing near Simon Peter a little distance away at their fireplace:

    "I am you, you are him and he is her!"

    This is the secret; what appears separated in one form of space and time can yet be together in another form of spacetime.

    That is the story of the Devil's Egg, perhaps 4000 years old and that is the story of the Universal Matrix of Light and that is the holographic nature of the 12-dimensional omnispace for the matrix of spacetime to
    materially express itself in energy.

    PS.: One important psychological consideration any 'true gnostic' in the 21st century should know is this:

    The world suffers a humungus inferiority complex in terms of the individual mind being embedded in a human group mind (Teilhard de Chardin's Noosphere, Dawkins' memes and Sheldrakes' morphogeneticism etc.).

    No one is 'MORE' (or better or smarter or more gnostic or label it yourself) than anybody else.
    BUT no one is 'LESS' than anyone else either.

    But the world judges and compares and graduates one another in a competition of 'survival of the better' and in its 'judging of the inferior by the superior'; it cannot but develop this complex of inferiority.

    Then a 'true master comes along' and says:

    A world built on self-judgement cannot but consider the above utterances as blatant blasphemy, pathological insanity, megalomania or as 'delusions of grandeur'.
    Imagine yourself standing on a soapbox in the middle of a park in New York and proclaiming this; what do you think would happen to you?

    Then the 'worldly thinkers' would say: 'He has got a superiority complex'; not understanding that it is their inferiority complex, which disallows them to become LIKE the one who not only has no 'mental complexes at all', but openly says to anyone asking, that HE is just like everybody else in the kingdom of the father.
    The difference is simply, that he is not asleep anymore and has remembered his origins.
    This then is described in the sayings and related dispensations.

    And yet, the 'true gnostic' knows what Jesus meant and also knows that Jesus was no supernatural Godman; was no historical invention; was no phantom (yes some 'gnostics' are off by proverbial miles); fulfilled the archetype of being born by cosmic motherhood (virgin birth in archetype NOT biological implementation); resurrected in 'knowing what to do when out of the body' and such things.


    Shared by serenesam

    Re: GOD #27251 March 5th, 2011

    "This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "No being exists or can exist which is not related to space in some way. God is everywhere, created minds are somewhere, and body is in the space that it occupies; and whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist. And hence it follows that space is an effect arising from the first existence of being, because when any being is postulated, space is postulated." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - Albert Einstein

    Thank you serenesam for those marvellous quotes from the Logos.


    [5:16:31 PM] Honeybee: I read this and just am
    [5:16:34 PM] Honeybee: swooning
    [5:16:58 PM] Sirius 17: these are Tony's highlights on the GOT
    [5:17:10 PM] Honeybee: raven
    [5:17:17 PM] Honeybee: is tony
    [5:17:19 PM] Honeybee: many people
    [5:17:25 PM] Honeybee: is logos?
    [5:17:44 PM] Honeybee: thats why I can only talk to him or you one at a time?
    [5:18:42 PM] Honeybee: or you’re all people one mind but the one mind speaks one at a time to me wait but they speak all the time to me
    [5:18:47 PM] Honeybee: shit they are me but
    [5:18:53 PM] Honeybee: I always wondered
    [5:18:56 PM] Honeybee: is all
    [5:19:07 PM] Honeybee: then again I’ve heard your voice
    [5:19:20 PM] Honeybee: I mean
    [5:19:27 PM] Honeybee: I know everyone...everything is my mind
    [5:19:38 PM] Sirius 17: well we can both talk to you at the same time, it is just our schedules are weird
    [5:19:44 PM] Sirius 17: but yeah you grok it
    [5:33:06 PM] Honeybee: the conveyor of the law
    [5:33:07 PM] Honeybee: hmmm
    [5:33:14 PM] Honeybee: it’s all good thanks
    [5:34:40 PM] Honeybee: Thank you
    [5:34:47 PM] Honeybee: It's so timely
    [5:34:52 PM] Honeybee: you reminded me
    [5:38:31 PM] Honeybee: hmmmm
    [5:39:15 PM] Sirius 17: I actually think I should publish our talk today, are you ok with that?
    [5:39:28 PM] Sirius 17: we have dug up some really good info here
    [5:39:29 PM] Honeybee: as long as you remove any names im good.
    [5:39:35 PM] Honeybee: Oh, of course
    [5:39:38 PM] Sirius 17: what do you wish me to call you babe?
    [5:39:44 PM] Honeybee: whatever you like
    [5:39:51 PM] Sirius 17: I mean I know some of the stuff is personal, but it is all good
    [5:40:02 PM] Honeybee: They are looking for us
    [5:40:03 PM] Honeybee: that’s why
    [5:40:04 PM] Sirius 17: I like Honeybee lol
    [5:40:09 PM] Honeybee: honeybee works for me
    [5:40:25 PM] Sirius 17: it is your name, well same meaning Honeybee
    [5:40:30 PM] Honeybee: it is
    [5:40:30 PM] Sirius 17: true dat lol
    [5:40:50 PM] Honeybee: the brides name is.....she has a lot. I call her the sea
    [5:41:30 PM] Honeybee: a spiritual marriage
    [5:41:39 PM] Honeybee: does it have to occur
    [5:41:47 PM] Honeybee: consciously between the two
    [5:42:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes everyone is the bride
    [5:42:49 PM] Honeybee: January 20
    [5:43:06 PM] Honeybee: second
    [5:44:08 PM ] Honeybee: The reason why I don’t have sex. I don’t think its a fear, at this present moment. I just have a choice only one choice for now. cause I feel like this person is the only one as stated above....remembers and understands this as I do. I have the option and dang I do want it, but then I don’t want it. only just with this person
    [5:45:17 PM] Honeybee: I only want the one who is equally yoked, so to speak. I don’t want anything else in me it just reject it
    [5:45:42 PM] Sirius 17: well there is only One in Many Mel
    [5:46:08 PM] Sirius 17: as you said SHEHE has many names
    [5:46:21 PM] Honeybee: yay
    [5:47:01 PM] Honeybee: I wanna be honest. I know we can be polyamorous and that’s fine. I am capable of loving unpossesively
    [5:47:28 PM] Honeybee: but for that act, I really am saving it for that one, if not another as to be just as I prefer or ill just keep waiting.
    [5:47:48 PM] Honeybee: its sacred to me. im not ashamed of it.
    [5:47:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes well it is an inside outside thing
    [5:48:10 PM] Sirius 17: when you can see her in the many outside then you'll know
    [5:48:19 PM] Honeybee: she is in everyone’s eyes and she speaks to me
    [5:48:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:48:27 PM] Honeybee: I told her this and she knows
    [5:48:39 PM] Honeybee: just waiting for the right time.
    [5:50:28 PM] Sirius 17: Einstein says it well here:

    "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - Albert Einstein​

    [5:51:39 PM] Honeybee: damnit
    [5:51:42 PM] Honeybee: fine
    [5:51:47 PM] Honeybee: ill consider it
    [5:51:48 PM] Honeybee: haha
    [5:52:23 PM] Honeybee: nature turns me on tho lol ^_^
    [5:52:34 PM] Honeybee: laying on a grass on a hill embraced by the wind
    [5:52:39 PM] Honeybee: so wonderful
    [5:53:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes exactly
    [5:54:08 PM] Sirius 17: and everyone is also part of nature, only humans are meme riddled and too self-absorbed to see their real nature
    [5:54:20 PM] Sirius 17: and so are afraid of it
    [5:54:36 PM] Honeybee: nature is fuc11ing sexy
    [5:54:41 PM] Honeybee: but they sing about it now
    [5:54:53 PM] Honeybee: it’s a phrase in pop right now
    [5:55:08 PM] Honeybee: "stick my dick in the earth, gave birth to my new universe"
    [5:55:11 PM] Sirius 17: marriage is a social construct nothing more, it is not true nature, it is a thought form that needs to be replaced with the word ALCHEMY and all inclusive, not exclusive
    [5:55:35 PM] Sirius 17: right on
    [5:55:38 PM] Honeybee: all c hemmed my
    [5:56:51 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow dear I need to get going, I will be editing things for a bit and likely won't post this for a while until after my daughter’s concert
    [5:56:57 PM] Sirius 17: but I will stick a link in here for you


    [5:56:59 PM] Honeybee:
    [5:57:11 PM] Honeybee: see the tip of the base
    [5:57:20 PM] Honeybee: there was a hospital
    [5:57:48 PM] Honeybee:


    [5:58:39 PM] Honeybee: no problem
    [5:58:42 PM] Honeybee: have a great concert
    [5:58:43 PM] Honeybee: and thank you
    [6:01:04 PM] Sirius 17: oh neat
    [6:01:15 PM] Sirius 17: do you want me to include this pic honeybee?
    [6:01:17 PM] Honeybee: yeah its kinda cool.
    [6:01:24 PM] Honeybee: I dunno I think it’s just for you
    [6:01:28 PM] Honeybee: I don’t want to be found
    [6:01:45 PM] Sirius 17: I don't think anyone will find you from this pic babe
    [6:01:57 PM] Honeybee: okay then
    [5/13/2015 6:06:42 PM] Honeybee: =D
    [5/13/2015 9:32:21 PM] Honeybee:

    alien. 962334. 356197. 962334. alien.
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Ascension 2015 |Logos Twin Mirror of 135 | Descension 2015



    Martin Luther King Jr. 1967
    In his last speech as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference:

    “Power properly understood, is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose.
    And one of the great problems of history is that the concepts of love and
    power have usually been contrasted as opposites - polar opposites- so that
    love is identified with a resignation of power and power with a denial of love.

    We’ve got to get this thing right.
    What is needed is a realization that power
    without love is reckless and abusive and love without power is sentimental
    and anemic.

    Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice,
    and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.
    It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality
    which constitutes the major crisis of our time.”

    Ascension --- Thursday, May 14th, 2015 --- Descension
    Council of Thuban


    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    GAIA R = GAIA 666 = 1881 = 36 = LAW = IARGA



    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;
    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
    and not just in photo albums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their love hearts tell?
    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallize again in two.
    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}

    99 GAIA = GAIA 666 = GAIA II = GAIIIA = IA-97-AI = AI-79-IA = IA-SERPENT-AI
    10-PRESENT-10 = 10-MOTHER-10 = 10-ALPHAOMEGA-10

    In the space behind the four screens sat the "teacher," who really had nothing to do with the lessons but acted more as an observer, noting the behavior of the children and advising parents on their upbringing. The lessons were the same over the whole planet, this having the advantage that should a child move to another area, which happened frequently, he could simply pick up the lessons where he left off without having to repeat or miss anything. This basic schooling continued until the child had reached the age of fifteen or sixteen years.

    When I think of the information that I gamed in two days from the radiation, I can imagine the level these children must reach when subjected to the radiation for ten years or more. Their basic schooling must be above the level of our universities. Having completed this basic instruction, the children moved on to the advanced schools, a normal cylinder where all the students lived together and where they could specialize in their chosen subjects. The hospital that they showed me was not the type that was situated in each of the cylinders, but areal hospital where special medical treatment was given. Seen from the outside, it looked like a normal house cylinder, but half was the accommodation for the personnel and the other half for the patients. I do not think it is necessary for me to describe the working of such a hospital in detail. The reader can imagine that everything was regulated with the usual Iargan efficiency, and to describe things that can only be clarified by superlatives becomes rather boring. One thing, however, does strike me as interesting. Each patient was "connected" to a computer that catered to the individual needs and wishes of its "charge"; pain alleviation, medicine, contact with friends or relatives, entertainment or information-the computer took care of it!

    "Do people still die on your planet?"

    "Control of death demands a different medical ethic. We feel justified in prolonging the possibility of happiness, but not in extending a life that nature regards as being at an end."
    Going back to the houses, I noted that silent, air-operated elevators with electromagnetic stops functioned as vertical transport, while, broad galleries formed the horizontal connections. From these there was a fantastic view of the central gardens. Each house had a large entrance hall which was open to the gallery, so that anyone who happened to be passing by could look into it. This would not have seemed too strange to me had it not been for the fact that on one side was a row of showers! Here my shocked confrontation with the living habits of these beings and the breathtaking freedom that typified their relations with one another began.
    Young and old had the strange social duty, on returning from school, work or any other activity outside the house, of washing themselves from head to toe before re-entering the living quarters. What happened then? Everyone undressed in the hall with the greatest of ease and stepped into the shower. These were tubes, about three feet in diameter, with a glass screen in front, and on the floor were two raised steps on which to stand. At the back of the tube was a vertical bar, to which, at ground level, a flat elliptical tube was connected. Having closed the glass screen, the occupant pressed a button and the elliptical tube immediately began spraying jets of white foam while moving upwards along the vertical bar; the occupant was transformed within a few seconds into a snowman. On reaching the top of the bar, the spray changed to clean water and came slowly back to its original position at the base of the tube. Warm air was then circulated in the tube to dry the bather, washed and dried within three minutes with a minimum use of water. Having dressed, one was then permitted to enter the living quarters. Dressed is perhaps the wrong word, for their house attire was nothing more than a kind of sarong that left the woman, as well as the men, naked above the waist.

    You must not think that this bears any comparison with humans dressed in the same manner, the only really noticeable difference between male and female Iargans being that the men are more powerfully built and more muscular than the women. Their behavior toward one another was really remarkable. I never once saw a man in the vicinity of a woman who did not put at least one arm around her. A big hug was their normal manner of greeting one another, and this also applied to the children. When the warm greetings were completed, the camera followed the party into the house. The hall came out in the corner of a large room of about sixty by sixty feet, the central living area of the house. The first thing that I noticed was a huge glass wall over the whole length of the room, which gave a magnificent view of the surroundings. I could see the imposing rail system that passed through a woodland area, and on the other side, two more of the cylinders. The floor of the room sloped down toward the windows in a series of shallow steps and stopped about nine feet from it, where the edge was finished in a king of balustrade. The window continued down to the lower floor, where it ended in a wall about two feet high. The interior was luxurious, but the color combinations were rather too bright for my taste. Loose furniture was nowhere to be seen. The seating was built into the floor in the form of couches, spread with thick, comfortable cushions.

    The lower floor was connected to the upper by two steppless "escalators," moving or stationary at the will of the user. The "bedrooms" were not large, but intimate and colorful. In one wall there was a large screen and another contained a shower identical to the ones in the entrance hall. The ceiling glowed with a diffused orange lighting, and strange objects decorated the walls. The next scene was fascinating: the family at table. The group of some twenty-five people, about half of which were children, gathered in a rather bare-looking corner of the large upper floor. One of the company operated a kind of lever and out of the floor rose a vertical "wall" that opened out into a table about eighteen feet long and five feet wide. At the same time, two sliding panels in the wall opened to reveal a cupboard containing partitions and a lot of complicated equipment. In the manner of a self-service restaurant or cafeteria, each person took a tray and helped himself to various dishes, which were then warmed up for a few seconds in an ovenlike apparatus. Within a few minutes everyone was seated, cross-legged on the floor, around the table. At the head and tail ends of the table sat a man and a woman who did not eat with the rest. As soon as everyone was seated, the man at the head of the table raised his hand and said something, upon which the rest became silent. They held in one hand a gold-colored, spoonlike implement and the other hand was placed on the knee of the person next to them. The people eating remained silent and listened to what the man and woman who were not eating had to say. It was a fascinating scene of the customs of these beings from a strange, distant world.
    The way they made a ceremony of eating made them seem rather like mythological gods. When everyone had finished eating, they all stood up and each threw an arm around the shoulders of his neighbor, thus forming a chain around the table. They stood that way for a couple of seconds and then commenced to dear their implements from the table, and when this was finished, the table was again retracted into the floor. The spoons were placed on a machine for cleaning, the plates and trays went into a disposal unit for plastics and everyone finished by washing his hands and cleaning his teeth. Hand towels and dish towels were nonexistent here. Everything was dried by warm air, and I began to wonder what the Iargan housewives had to do, especially as there seemed to be five or six women in each house. Shopping was done automatically by a computer; the order was placed in the computer and the goods were delivered sometime later in a container.

    "Don't your women have to do housework anymore?"

    The Iargans laughed. "We have told you that we no longer have any class distinctions, and this also applies to women. Chores are shared equally by everyone."
    "But when men are at work outside the home, the women must surely work too."
    "That is true. If men work for three hours a day, women do the same, no more and no less, otherwise there is discrimination." "Strange. So the women may only do housework for three hours per day?"
    "Your ideas are slow to change. Housework, in other words, the necessary upkeep, is done by everyone together. If the task of some women is the upbringing and teaching of the children and other social work, then they too have the same right to work outside the home as men do."

    "What about the women who don't have any children?"

    "All Iargans have the same duty to the children in the group in which they live. The upbringing of the child to the mentally stable and developed adult that a high culture needs is a difficult and complicated task. The schools plant the knowledge by means of the radiation but the adults must help the child to transform this knowledge into experience. The home sphere plays an important part in the development of these things. A race that seeks income leveling must give the utmost attention to raising the mental level of the people, because the raising of the general minimum wage must be in balance with this level. Value and income differences between people can be overcome only by a high minimum mental level."

    "So those women feel happy with the task of teaching children because they are able to fulfill themselves on different levels. They choose what they do."

    "Everyone who fulfills his or her task with interest and inventiveness feels happy. What more could one possibly expect from life than being successful in love and able to teach this to children."
    "This 'love,' has it got anything to do with sex?"

    "The sexual relationship between man and woman plays an indispensible but nevertheless unimportant part in our understanding of the word love. It is directed to be creative individual expression and that is a thing that must begin to be taught to children as young as possible.

    "I don't understand that."
    "That is logical, for we have only just begun with our explanation of the concept of freedom. Let us start at the beginning. Freedom is the absence of compulsion and because compulsion is a form of discrimination, it follows that freedom is the absence of discrimination. A step further: freedom exists, logically, on the basis of justice and efficiency. The development of an intelligent race is governed by two dangerous natural laws, which in fact are the laws of cosmic selection. They formulate the demands for entrance to the higher regions of evolution, the cosmic integration."

    "And is that worth the trouble?"
    "Certainly, for it is the choice between everlasting life and everlasting death."

    "Oh, I see, a religious aspect. That ceremony at the table had something do to with your religion too?"
    "Our understanding of religion is so far evolved that it is incomparable with yours. Have you a religion?"
    "I am a Catholic."

    "How strange, a Christian! We are familiar with the work of Christ and the Bible. After you've eaten, you must explain to us how someone with so much property can seriously call himself Christian. We are intrigued.

    On the other hand, it simplifies the explanation of the two cosmic selection laws. The first confirms Christ's condemnation of social discrimination. A high level of technical development liquidates every discrimination and compulsion under pain of chaos and eventual self-destruction. The Earth demonstrates the justice of this law in a convincing manner. The social chaos exists already and the threat begins to manifest itself. At the moment, only the great powers have nuclear weapons at their disposal, but the smaller nationalist groups will soon be in the same position. "The situation becomes more dangerous every year. Within a short time you will discover the possibility of immaterial radiation and then a handful of people will be capable of producing a weapon that is capable of destroying all mankind. Where does all this lead? How long can a civilization continue to exist where science does not know its responsibilities?

    "The second selection law compels the correct understanding of human relationships. It poses 'Christian love' as a condition for cosmic integration.

    Only unselfish behavior that restores the original efficiency of natural order can give an intelligent race the certainty of survival until cosmic integration is achieved."

    "That word 'unselfish' sounds so strange."
    "The selfish behavior of the masses, where everyone takes everything they can, prevents the ability to work for the common good-to create, for example, a clean planet where the balance of nature can be maintained for an unlimited time. It is also impossible to limit the use of natural resources for the sake of future generations, because a selfish person cannot give up anything for someone else. The greatest problem lies in the law of degeneration: a race that does not succeed in restoring the efficiency of natural selection as it existed in the prehistoric times shall become extinct."

    "How do you justify unlimited freedom with reproduction selection that drastically limits the choice of partners?"

    "The answer is that it can only be justified with unselfishness. The partner choice is determined by one's feeling of responsibility."

    "I see, through artificial insemination."

    "Where did you get that idea? That doesn't prevent degeneration, it accelerates it! "We are not concerned with producing that biological phenomenon, 'man.' The body with all its selfish demands is just a shell. We are only concerned with the creative intellect, the soul that is capable of unselfish thought. How do we educate children for the freedom and happiness? Freedom is the absence of the effect of compulsion on the individual's behavior.

    Freedom cannot be obtained with a weapon in the hand.
    It can only be obtained by the parents' careful mental forming of their child then, by the correct conception of good and evil. It is a difficult and complicated task that only becomes possible with natural parental love and the variety of other groups.

    "There may never by any doubt as to who is the father or mother of a child. The important thing is not having children, but bringing them up. For this reason, artificial insemination is unacceptable. "The unselfishness is the selection requirement for the immortality of the race, but it is also a requirement for a being with a high mental development before he can achieve happiness. Happiness is being at peace with oneself and one's surroundings. This is determined to a large extent by one's success in achieving self-set goals, in other words, by a ruthless appraisal of oneself.

    This individual striving to reach a self-chosen goal is the creativity in man.

    "Creativity is thought that is continually occupied with changing the circumstances in one's life or in that of another. It is creativity that drives men to do 'even more' or 'even better.' There are two kinds of creativity, the material and the immaterial. The first is the individual striving to improve his own living standards. This is done mostly in the field of sex, property and power and is the cause of all the misery on this planet. The individuality expresses itself in egocentricity, greed and avarice. In the continual reaching for a material goal, a measure of satisfaction is experienced, but when the goal is reached, the satisfaction shows itself to be relative and of short duration, merely an object for comparison with what others have. So it continues toward the next goal, usually a higher income or a higher position, and the search continues, because the satisfaction lies only in the searching.
    But then a time comes when the search cannot be continued because of sickness, or old age, and life continues in dissatisfaction with itself.

    The individual has not understood that material gains can never bring lasting satisfaction and happiness.

    "On the other hand, there is the immaterial creativity-your Christian love - and this is lasting happiness. It is the continual striving to improve the living standards of others. It expresses itself in helpfulness, understanding, pity, tolerance, friendliness, esteem-in short, the total concept of unselfish love."

    "It sounds to me like a sort of sterile idealism."
    "Try to understand that it is not. Do you believe that social stability creates unlimited prosperity and complete security?"
    "Yes, I can accept that."
    "Can you also accept that a man without creativity can never be happy?"
    "Yes, I understand that."
    "What goal can human creativity have when material motives vanish? What can a materialist do in our world, other than be bored to tears?
    What does a man really possess who possesses everything except love? The answer is: nothing!

    "Everything that previous generations have done to create a stable world with a high level of scientific and technical development and unlimited prosperity is worthless when man lacks the love that can give him happiness.
    "Every unselfish deed, every self-sacrifice, heightens the feeling of personal value, of satisfaction. A man who has reached a high degree of unselfishness manifests a lasting personal value as a noticeable side of his personality - wisdom - which appears to be unaffected by setbacks or aging. He becomes invulnerable in his feeling of personal value, his peace with himself, his happiness. There is no alternative, Stef. Natural selection laws are inexorable. Only a race with a high level of unselfishness, or, as we call it, an immaterial structure, can survive."

    "Does all this also apply to us? I can’t imagine this world being inhabited by people who love each other."

    "The more we talk, the more we become convinced that you are not a Christian. The whole point of Christ's teaching - love - is completely strange to you. You have apparently never heard of the striving for unselfishness in the Buddhist religion. There is no choice. Only when man is free of material influences can he succeed in bringing up children who, through their unselfish mental attitude, can be really free and happy. You must teach them to love and concern themselves with others. They must learn to be very expressive with their feelings. This makes great demands on their eloquence, to be able to put their feelings into words. This is characterized by their honesty, spontaneity and enthusiasm, their helpfulness and, above all, their ability to raise their love contacts above the physical to great spiritual heights. We seek adventure in the quantity and depth of our human contacts. You have seen this all on the screen in front of you. Iarga is a planet where the people love each other, where people are happy to meet each other and where they find it a pity that they can only take one person at a time in their arms.

    "As soon as our children have reached the age of sexual maturity, the parents arrange for the child to undergo a psychological and medical test. If they pass this, they are then declared legally free and obtain the rights of voting and sexual freedom. We celebrate this with a great feast. The parents rejoice with the children in the fact that they have been judged as being worthy of true freedom."

    "Good lord, Then the parents permit them to go to bed with anyone and everyone?"

    "Your surprise is understandable, because you do not know the character structure of our race. Our urge to reproduce is much less than yours, partly because we do not experience the same pleasure in sex. We do not use it as a way of passing the time, but as an expression of intimacy and love. The evolution cycle of Iarga is different and we have a precisely controlled population growth. Earth should strive for a population explosion so that the race is complete before it has a chance to destroy itself. Sex plays a completely different role by us, there is no comparison.

    "We should add that the position of our women is also vastly different to yours. They have a different creation mandate which causes a fundamental difference. Earth women have a heavy task(oppgave) in the future, which is why they now have the command of obedience to the man. This will give her the right in the future to take over the task of leadership without damaging the principle of equality.
    "Iargan men and women are equals, but have different mandates. Women have the dominant position because they must lead the mental development, they are not sex objects. The subject of sex, which here on Earth is regarded as forbidden fruit and therefore takes on an unhealthy appeal, has no adverse effect on us at all. A man-woman relationship that is based solely on sex we consider degrading. Our women would rather die on the spot than be used for a kind of physical training; they make high demands of their partners. They demand their interest, their tenderness and mostly their respect for her as a person, for her intellectual level. Everything is directed at creative expression and the sex act plays a very minor part in it.

    "In many relationships, sex is totally absent, without that absence having any effect on the satisfaction experienced. Once you have really learned to live, it is difficult to understand what Earth being can have as their reason for living."
    "We often wonder about this ourselves, but I think I am beginning to understand what that reason should be."
    The lesson continued, but I am afraid that it did not penetrate to any great extent. I was too busy with my own thoughts. They were explaining their marriage concepts and personal relationships, based on the separation of sex and propagation, but my mind was filled with questions and doubts. All this was very interesting, but what had it to do with me? It was dear that they had a better life than we have, but, then, they were not human, they did not live in our world, and if they did, they would surely be the same as we are. If, but, why, how; my mind was running around in circles. At the moment that they tried to make clear to me that sexual freedom was not permitted to the Earth because we failed in love, I gave up.

    "What is the point of this confrontation with your way of life? Your way of life is not possible for us, even if we wanted to live as you do. The Earth can never become like Iarga. Your society strikes me as being a curiosity that has no practical use for us whatsoever."
    "You are right. The Earth will never become like Iarga. The Earth is, in contrast to Iarga, a thin-atmosphere planet of a different character, and this applies also to her inhabitants. We have a different evolution cycle than you, but the goal in the evolution of all the intelligent races in this universe is one and the same. The ways are different; the goal is the same. The practical purpose of this confrontation is the planting of insight, not insight into our technique or our social structure, although this could be of use to you, but into our mentality.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    IARGA = RAGA I = GAIA II = (4) RAG (6) = DRAG 15 = DRAG[O(N)O]GARD


    Iargan Society

    I should try to sum up a number of my conclusions. Iargans and humans would seem to be totally different beings, but in fact the only real difference is a body that is adapted to life on their respective planet. Other differences are caused by different upbringing and environmental effects, but intellectually and emotionally we are about the same. If a Iargan were to be born on Earth, he would become a normal human being; and if a human were to be born on Iarga, he would become a normal Iargan. So, if this is true, how do we account for the vast difference in mentality? The oversocialized community that eliminates all discrimination and aggression would demand a tremendous improvement in human mentality, otherwise it would be misused by the greedy and the lazy. It demands a race with a high degree of unselfishness."

    "Am I to understand from this, that Iarga's secret lies in a perfect method of bringing-up children? "

    "No; due to her planetary conditions, Iarga has a different cycle of evolution than the Earth. Due to this, we have the ability to continually improve our mentality through many generations. Iarga's secret is that we are bound by the law of cause and effect and are therefore subject to reincarnation-selection. This law lost its validity on Earth long ago. On Earth, the weeds grow up with the corn until the harvest, and then the selection takes place. Because of this, mankind cannot improve her mentality. You are still troubled by the demonic element of human dualism and there is no escape. "On Iarga, on the other hand, the weeds are constantly removed, which neutralizes the demonic element. Naturally, the childrens upbringing plays a large part in the mental attitude, but it is not the cause of the improvement. "Your supposition that a human born on Iarga would grow into a normal Iargan is incorrect. In the first place, he would not have taken part in the reincarnation cycle of Iarga and what is more, his character would not fit. "Due to the planet conditions, a human is willful and disobedient. He obeys no God, no commandment, and no conscience; he even pretends that he doesn't have one. He knows everything better. I hope that we never have to accept one of these beings into our system, it would be a terrible mistake, without counting the damage it would do to his surroundings. A large dose of unselfishness can only exist in an environment that is protected from evil. You see that it is not as simple as you think."

    "Great Gods, what have I got myself into? More or less by accident I seem to ask a relevant question, and during the answer I hear expressions that are meaningless to me. What am I supposed to make of expressions such as reincarnation-selection, evolution cycle, and demonic dualism?"

    "To answer this we will have to explain the whole plan of creation, is this what you want?"

    "Excellent, but we will have to change the nature of our explanation. Before long, something exceptional is going to happen, the Earth's isolation will be broken. The exchange of information between intelligent races will take place, and this is bound by stringent rules and conditions. "The first rule is that such exchange must be preceded by an identification procedure in which credentials are exchanged. Next to the physical confrontation, this demands an illustrated description of the planet and the type, evolution, and history of the race. Normally this takes place during exchange visits, which implies the capability of space flight, but in your case a different procedure will have to be followed, you will visit Iarga only in the mind by means of a special system that we have established. The pictures that you have stored in your memory are real, and not from a film. "We possess the power of mind over matter, as you also will within a short time.

    "Before we can begin with the explanation of the plan of creation we must complete the identification. You must know who we are, where we come from, and what our intentions are. We already know these details of mankind, because we have access to the source of human knowledge, or if you prefer it, the spirit of man, where all human thoughts and experiences are determined. We know your thoughts too."
    "Now I realize that you started this identification process already from the beginning. I can't think of any other explanation for this detailed description of yours. Did you know how this conversation was going to turn out before we began?"

    "Yes, time and matter are creations out of the void and are therefore composed of pure contradictions that leave the original infinity intact. Therefore, they do not really exist. The timeless consciousness that sent us here knew who we would find here, and what he would do with the information. Every detail of every human life is known in advance."

    "Then this meeting was no accident?"
    "Most certainly. The goal of creation would be impossible if coincidence did not exist. A coincidence just happens, and is therefore free. The fact that a timeless consciousness in a nonmaterial existence knows the outcome of the coincidences in advance, changes nothing in the freedom of the coincidence. For us you are, and will remain, a coincidence; even when we know roughly what will take place. Your freedom remains undamaged; should you decide to leave now, nobody would attempt to stop you. If you decide not to use the information you will receive, you are perfectly free, nobody Will compel you."

    "I reserve my comments. May we continue?"
    "Since we have now received your freely given consent, we can intensify the further transfer of information. You will be induced to sleep, and when you awake, you will recollect a very lengthy lecture in which you have gathered a wealth of information."

    The strangest thing about this is that I remember nothing of falling asleep or waking up. If they had not told me about it, I would have noticed nothing except that something had gone wrong with the time. All the information that I can remember so clearly, would normally have taken weeks to gather; I realized later that the exercise must have been completed in about one and a half hours. It is a casual demonstration of their power to manipulate the human mind, their power of "mind over matter" that will be explained in the second part of this book. It confirms my first feelings during the confrontation, the fear you feel when you know you are helpless; even these steel walls cannot protect me from this intelligent pressure group. Some kind of primitive instinct warned me. I wonder if my participation in this meeting was as voluntary as they would have me believe. The mental pressure that was put upon me, especially in the second part of the conversation, certainly gave me my doubts. Now, after many years, the doubts have gone.

    The question of my freedom during the confrontation is no longer of importance, the question now is, if I am free in the use of the information, and the answer to this is yes. No person or situation has exerted any kind of pressure to influence my decision in whether or not to publish the information. Having completed this note, I will continue with the real purpose of this book, and relate the information that has been burned into my memory. During this, I will ignore the dialog form, and concentrate more on the efficiency of reporting. The subject is the further development of the Iargan race and in particular the birth of the superculture. Their definition of the word civilization or culture has nothing to do with the scientific or technological development level, but with the manner in which the community takes care of the handicapped or weaker beings.
    (This is exactly as the danish, clairseeing editor Martinus(1890-1981) says: A sivilisations stage of evolution, can be measured in how the society takes care of the weak and sickly ones in the society. R.Ø. comment)

    The word superculture defines the situation that arises when through individual effort, a groups structure has arisen which abolishes any discrimination against any individual. It is of the greatest importance not to forget that this situation was only possible due to the fact that the reincarnation selection exists on Iarga which roots out the adepts of evil. This is therefore an environment which is protected from the influence of evil. This development is also of importance to us, because we will also develop a superculture one day. This Earth-adapted version will develop during the approaching kingdom of peace and justice after the "resurrection" selection.

    The things described here in connection with the identification procedure are only the developments themselves, the background causes can only be dealt with in part two. The description of this development fits in perfectly with the previous explanations. The universal economic system shows itself in practice to be an efficient production system of goods and services, placing prior importance in the sectors housing, nutrition and transport. The produce is then shared by simply controlling the individual use or consumption. The aim of this system is to free the individual as much as possible from non-creative, servile work. As soon as the production reaches a point of overproduction, the work day is shortened which allows more time for creative pursuits.

    The importance that they place in creativeness deserves some explanation. They see the purpose of their existence as threefold.
    1. The creation of their individual identity. This occurs more or less automatically by being born, by living, and by working.
    2. The creation of their immortality by the use of their talents. They stimulate each others activities by attempting to reach self-chosen creative goals. They think that they live on in their works, in their creativity.
    3. The choice of their second identity, being the culmination of their daily choice between selfish and unselfish creativity. This determines whether the individual will take part in the formation of a godly or ungodly consciousness. This conviction is the cause of their unbridled pursuit of creativity in the broadest meaning of the word. The first assignment is fulfilled automatically so that the second becomes the most important. The search for unselfishness comes later.

    This resulted in a dominant interest in freeing themselves for individual creativity. With this idea in mind, they created a highly efficient, almost completely automated production system. Next, they sought to reduce the consumption of goods and services by appealing to the self-discipline, in order to attain a reduction in production or an increase in population. Eventually they reached the situation in which everyone, without exception, had only to work for one day in the week on the direct production process. The voluntary constraint of consumption and the equality of the non-creative work output, lead automatically to the equalization of incomes. People waive (frafaller) their right to consume and their needs decrease.

    Then comes the great moment in the development of the Iargan race, the control on consumption is lifted. All goods and services are freely available to all above a certain age. The individual self-discipline has come of age, material greed has been conquered. The Iargans look upon this as the beginning of the superculture. Free access to all this prosperity, for everyone, makes it impossible for an individual to be wanting when compared to others. This is the welfare state without discrimination, that takes care of you from the cradle to the grave, that we, lacking the selection, can never create on Earth.(never?? - Martinus means it will take long time - at least 500 years to reach this level here on Earth. RØ:comm)

    What a shame, human beings cradled in the warmth of unselfishness would be wondrous. Happiness and satisfaction means reaching the goal of your creativeness together with others, as long as this strengthens the feeling of self-respect. This can only work as long as there are none of the types that always want all of the glory for themselves, and this makes great demands on the leaders of any creative project. This is obviously only a part of their battle to eliminate the spiritual or immaterial backlog. It is impossible to describe this comprehensive system of caring for each other, simply because it is so far removed from what we regard as possible. I think that it may be impossible for many people to imagine such a situation, and I can perhaps better confine myself to a description of some of the end results. A superculture can be recognized by its unbridled creative power. It is unbelievable what a dedicated group can attain in a short time when no time has to be wasted on control or supervision. It is the hey-day of science, technology, and art.

    Laboratories and observatories are built and they discover the secrets of the universe. Their creativeness builds gigantic spacecraft which operate on reaction free power, they build submarines for the exploration of their oceans, their knowledge knows no bounds. They develop a strong affinity for beauty, which manifests itself in numerous artifacts. The central gardens in the house cylinders change into complete art exhibitions that attract a constant flow of visitors. Their designs especially, show their affinity with the creator and the universe. Half abstract art forms illustrate the details of creations beauty. A kind of religious art form. They are continually occupied, and demonstrate an activity that astounds the earthly observer. This can also be said of the speed with which the one discovery follows the other; this appears to have no connection with the fact that they are highly intelligent, but because they have the ability to tune in to cosmic vibrations, the ancient knowledge of the creator.

    They call this the ability of final contemplation, a state of mind that they can reach as a group. It is impossible for us to reach this stadium for some time, the Iargan evolution cycle is a closed circuit in which external interference is excluded. They are self-supporting because they obey a Godly law, they are aware of their dependence on an almighty creation plan,(the Word).
    They obtain the knowledge that we can only learn from others, this is why the races with an open cycle are helped by the races with a closed cycle of evolution. This short description should make it clear that the following description of the final contemplation is purely a part of the identification process, very essential, but for us purely a curiosity, at least for the moment. It is one of the sweet fruits of a very high level of unselfishness.

    I was witness to a bizarre "happening" in the garden of one of the house-cylinders. Some hundred Iargans sat or lay in a mosscovered hollow about 30m across. This amphitheater arrangement afforded them all a view of a kind of abstract statue placed in the middle of the hollow. It was a hub with a series of shafts, on which were mounted about ten spoked, wheel-like objects. A man and a woman were, as artists, engaged in attaching colored globes to the ends of the spokes; beside them, a man addressed the gathering. Wide-eyed, I observed this colorful gathering that was engaged in a remarkable kind of "touching"(rørende) ceremony. Left, right, and center, all were lying or sitting in, as far as we are concerned, intimate poses; looking and listening. This took place in the early stages of their super culture.

    They used a "simple" method of teaching their riper youth to develop their powers of final contemplation, and these had been prepared for this evening by a day of special activities and mental training. The orator in the middle of the group concentrated their thoughts on the object by means of questions, the purpose being that everyone present would feel the answer at the moment of the ecstatic climax. The contemplation training is aimed at the development of a strong collective thought power, a matter controlling power, through mutual concentration on a visual object. In this case a kind of electronic fire that had to be synchronized by their power of thought. The orator had ended his questions, and now made a gesture in the direction of a number of musicians seated at some long, low instruments. These placed their fingers on the ten keys of the instrument and began to press them in and out in a certain rhythm, and at the same time, move them from left to right and back again. Each set of five keys could move independently, a sort of movable piano keyboard. The gathering reacted immediately, they sat straight up with their legs crossed and their hands on the shoulders or knees of the person next to them. Seven women dressed in transparent blue veils stood up from the front row and formed a ring around the central object. The artists that had decorated the object seated themselves at another piece of equipment that also had keys, fitted in discs that could tilt as well as turn.
    Then the lights went out and they were seated in darkness. I had slowly but surely become used to seeing strange situations, but this was the climax of the Iargan series. The object began to move. It turned in its vertical axis, and the individual spoke systems each turned on its own axis, while tilting at the same time. The globes at the end of the spokes began to throw off sparks as if they were glowing hot. Then the sparks began to form a haze and sprung over between the wheels until the whole two meter high object was transformed into a turbulent ball of fire. The intensity of the light increased, and the original bluewhite color changed into a fantastic color composition of boiling waves of individual spots of orange, red, yellow, green, blue, and white.

    At points where spots of the same color touched each other, blinding flashes appeared; the final result is best described as a blinding, boiling fireball, that illuminated the surroundings with intense flashes of multicolored light. The seven veiled women danced with jerky movements to the rhythm of the music, such a graceful, refined, perfectly coordinated dance, that I can only call it staggering. Their transparent veils and their glass-like skin seemed to absorb the light flashes to such an extent that it seemed as if they themselves were emitting a constantly changing glow of light. The haughty concentration with which they performed their dance made them seem like supernatural beings, elevated far above the material. The gathering watched the fire dance in deep concentration, moving slightly to the beat of the music. The turbulence and flashing of the globes began to take on a more regular pattern; suddenly, the lights formed into colored bands and the flashing ceased. At that moment a shock ran through the gathering, they seemed to increase their concentration on the fireball. The music stopped and the dancers stood like statues. Deadly silence. Suddenly, the flashes of light began again, but this time in the colored bands, and in a controlled pattern of movement. This was the supreme moment at which their powers of contemplation manifested themselves invisibly.

    Their collective thoughtpower was used to compel(tvinge) the two operators of the electronic fire to perform the fast and faultless actions that were needed to synchronize the colors, something that is impossible to do alone. As soon as the synchronization was accomplished, the two operators removed their hands from the controls and the necessary control was performed purely by the thought-power of the group.This continued for several minutes. The impression that all this made on me was almost destructive. I was in such a state of confusion that I nearly lost control of myself and was at the point of fainting. Only later did I realize why I reacted in this way. I was a real witness to the happening. It wasn't the sight of all this that so disturbed me, but the direct experience of their will power. Their thoughts had to control the confusing electronic fire, and they had to transmit exceptionally strong impulses which only served to confuse me!
    It is good that we do not yet possess these powers, they would only make things more difficult for us. On the other hand, it made it clearer to me how they can heal people by the power of thought, it is a power that moves every sinue in your body. The principle of the final contemplation is more difficult to understand.

    They state that the creative power of man is not personal, but something that he has borrowed for a time. It is a reflection of the ever present creativity field that I call the omnicreativity. Totally, it was the power of the creator, and as such, almighty.

    Now it is available as an impersonal consciousness component that waits for the intelligent races to use it.

    By using it, it becomes a personal consciousness component by which personalities are created that have the power of mind over matter. One who has reached this level, is capable of omni-creative contacts without the aid of a group, and then has the ability of final contemplation. They describe the contemplative climax as the feeling as if the skull opens and the thoughts take wing into an unbounded space. It can also be described as the mind entering the presence of the blinding light of truth and cherishing warmth. (et slags kollektivt kosmisk glimt. Rø -komm) The physical sensation is described as a moment of shuddering ecstatic happiness. No words can fully describe the sensation of coming face to face with the source of all knowledge and wisdom, the being will then approach a condition of all-knowledge and allwisdom through multiple repetitions of contemplative contacts.

    This is in fact the beginning of the cosmic integration process, taking part in a new godly consciousness. To attain this, the person must have freely and irrevocably chosen for it, and freed himself from his demonic consciousness component. In other words, he must have passed the selection; we have not yet done this, and it is therefore beyond our reach. The reason for this premature explanation (it really belongs in the second part of this book) is to give the reader some idea of how the Iargans obtained the knowledge of the creation plan in which they instruct others. It can also serve to aid the understanding of the Iargan cycle of evolution as a part of the identification process. How the final contemplation binds a race of billions of beings, who differ little from us, into a homogeneous group that knows only one goal; the perfection of their society by mutual love so that the whole race, including the slower ones, is capable of taking part in the omni-creative integration process.

    This longing for absolute values creates a mutual bond, so dominant, that a situation of collective consciousness replaces the individual. In this last phase of the super-culture, the Iargan race reaches such a high grade of love, knowledge, and wisdom; such a level of perfection that it is impossible for us to imagine. Even less imaginable is that we too will one day reach the same level. For the rest of the identification procedure, I refer you to the second part, because it is impossible to separate it from the explanation of the plan of creation. The real reason for their visit was, as has been said, the planting of information, describing the future of the Earth and the reason for the external interference that will disturb the authority and sovereignty of the human race. This information has been placed in the second part of this book and, in this, has misplaced the sequence of the original conversation. The next two chapters clearly belong in the introduction and contribute to the identification, they therefore belong in the first part, according to my feelings. I have chosen to use the dialog form again because this conforms with the reality. It is in fact the farewell ceremony which took place when I awoke from my "trance".


    Your Trial as a Humanity and Civilisation in Forgetfulness, Charged with Murder

    Because of this timeline then, all of YOU have become summoned to attend court to stand trial for the 'crimes' all of YOU have committed unto yourselves individually as your self-denial of being God and collectively for seeking this God, namely yourselves, outside of yourselves and then 'worshiping' or 'blaming' this God for the wonderful creativity and the many atrocities committed by humanity individually in whatever name of geniuses, artists and tyrants and as the group minded humanity of allegiances.

    But YOU will be the Presiding Judge in this trial collectively; YOU will also be functioning as your own Prosecutor collectively and as your own Defence Council collectively.

    This is the Trial of a Collective Humanity; ignorant of its own archetypology and your timeline was constructed to allow this 'Last Judgement' to not only fulfil the master timeline, but to also create and construct a new archetypology in the redefinition of the old symbolisms into a new symbolism.

    Much of this new symbolism will translate the 'now largely outdated' metaphors of millennia into an 'updated' version. This will for example translate the very rich and medieval symbols in the 'Book of Revelation' in the bible into symbols appropriate for a humanity, who has evolved in linguistics and finds itself 1980 years onwards from the timesettings then used and applied.

    The 'gnostic insight' of that period has become the 'knowledge of science' of today; not in a pragmatic and dogmatic way, exemplified by the unnecessary construction of boundaries and limits by the 'guardians of the scientific methodology', still embattled mentally by the long birthing process of their 'protege' from the 'Age of religious superstitions'.

    The point is, that the 'science' of today is very knowledgeable, but lacks wisdom.
    Corollarily, the 'gnosis' of yesterday possessed great wisdom, but lacked knowledge, especially about the nature of the physical world and how this physicality is also spiritual, definable in the label of 'energy'.

    The 'scientific method' of logical thinking and deductive and inductive reasoning is the gnosis of today.
    The caveat for this 'scientific methodology' so is not found in the 'absence of proof by measurement', but in its circular reasoning of disallowing phenomena which cannot be measured.

    The physical world is comprised of cellular subsystems, might those subsystems be galaxies, starsystems, protozoa, fungi, plants, animals, people, cities, continents, molecules, atoms or subatomic agglomerations of basic quantum eigenstates.
    All measurement must utilize technological equipment made from those cellular constituents and so will always remain as interacting or interwoven or entangled with the things desired to be measured and examined and verified.

    Because the old gnostics knew this in a basic way; they rejected the physical world as being necessarily emergent from a spiritual world, which allowed the physical entanglements.
    But the quantum mechanics of today also indicate the interwovenness of all physicalised systems and so the quantum theory is also a 'Theory of the Spirit' or what is called the 'Spiritual Reality' by the many partial thought systems and paradigms which are as guideposts for the evolving paradigm of the human collective mindedness.
    It has been shown in the science agendas, just what this 'Old Spirit' must be in the terms of its update to a 'New Spirit'.

    For this reason then, YOU will find scriptural references and quotations in these proceedings.
    Many of YOU detest such typefications for many reasons including literal inconsistencies, editorial licencing, transcriptural errors and translational liberties.
    The 'Last Judgement' requires the 'opening of all the books' composed by the incarnate God-Processors however and to be a 'Last Judgement'; the old scriptural archetypes must become reevaluated to become transformable into new archetypes not associated with 'holy writ' or some similar label.

    Following the 'Trial of Humanity'; which shall begin on Sunday, August 30th, 2009 in the civil Gregorian calendar; the 'Last Judgement' will 'close' the 'Old Scriptures' and 'open' a 'New Book of Life and its Laws' for humanity, who has been 'judged' and who will then become self-enabled to graduate to the status of a collective StarHumanity with access to a galactic technology, the latter accessed from a multi-dimensional physics.

    On June 24th, 2008, the date of your 'collective treachery'; the 'image' in your mirror became a 'collective image', then challenging the latter as YOU as a 'False God' relative to YOU as a 'True God'.

    This self relative 'False God' is also known as the 'false images of 'God' or as the 'Dogs without' or the nature of Satan, say as the 'court prosecutor' (exemplified by the accuser of Job in that scriptural book and also in Zechariah).
    The purpose for giving scriptural references shall become clear a little later, but is in no manner intended to be proselytative.
    References, which archetype the concept of the 'False God-Image' include:


    and the Image of this 'False God' then is known as the 'Devil' for the purpose of manifesting your masterplan.
    So just as God in NoTime has a mirror image in the Dog; Satan has a mirror image in the Devil. This distinction, namely that the Devil in scripture is not congruent with Satan, but represents its image is rather important and shall reappear later in this dispensation. (And 'Lucifer' is a 'different animal' altogether and actually defines how gravity emerged from a supersymmetric noninertial cosmogony in the quantum relativity in the preBig Bang supermembrane- or Planck-String epoch of the de Broglie Inflation).

    But the 'giveaway' is, that Satan becomes a real image and the DeviL=LiveD becomes a 'fake' image (and just like EVIL=LIVE) and only the nonexistent Devil as well as the fake image of the 'prophet' and all of your fake creations and mental perceptions will become eliminated AS fake images in the 'lake of fire'; whilst Satan will undergo a sexchange operation in the 'Cosmic Soap-Opera' all of YOU have composed in synchronicity and mutual cooperation.

    Can YOU fathom then, that all of humanity, throughout the ages and eons, has tried collectively to 'Do the Work of God', as Itself, to solve its own mysteries?
    All inventions, all languages, all artistic masterpieces and scientific works of genius, all symphonies, all poems, all prose, all movies and all books were and are written by God in the form of the ones amongst YOU, who are inclined and urged by their individuated spirits (as the collective unindividuated Spirit of God) to engage in whatever creative endeavour YOU choose to participate in and 'In the Name of God'!

    All of YOU individually, dead and alive, have tried, through and by your own life experience in the InTime to 'rescue' the loneliness of the God of Unity, who YOU all are in the NoTime.
    Perhaps, some of YOU will now remember,what the scriptural encodings really mean. Statements like: "Judge not, lest YOU be judged!"

    Because so many of YOU insist on judging others as either good or bad; or as humble or arrogant; or as sane or insane; or as whatever or whatever; this Last Judgement will now proceed.

    And the judgement here is not observation.

    A truly mentally advanced civilisation would observe what works for the collective purpose and what does not work.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour all lifeforms and the environmental vectors in whom it finds its self expression.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour its elders and their accumulated wisdoms.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not elevate its youthful teenagers nor its sporting heroes or entertainers to celebrity status to be copied as rolemodels.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not insist that the naturally biologically impulsive and hormone-driven breeders also raise their produced offspring in self-responsibility; how can children be responsible for other children, if the children are learning themselves as to discover what their lives entail?

    A truly advanced civilisation would entrust the responsibility for the raising of children to their elders, who have the patience, the maturity and the time to instill the values of their advanced civilisation into the following generations.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour the systems of education and generalised care above individual ambitions whatever the nobel causes for the individual 'influences' could be.

    A truly advanced civilisation would insist, that all basic necessities for everyone in their civilisation, such as clothing, food and shelter would be met without 'cost' to anyone.

    A truly advanced civilisation would know, that only if those basic necessities are met; and if the 'basic mentality of the survival mode' is subdued; can the true Godgiven genius of creativity in everyone be fostered and made to appear for all to share and for all to benefit from as the collective good.

    A truly advanced civilisation would utilize mass-media and information dissemination to foster the accumulation of wisdom besides providing the knowledge and the 'news'.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not sequester and censor information in the 'belief', that many of the information receivers would be mentally unable to discern this information.

    A truly advanced civilisation would present all facts for open debate and not differentiate between the 'goodness' and the 'badness' of any of the contributors to the debate.

    A truly advanced civilisation would foster educational institutions, where the learning is relative to the individual student and where the learning is 'fun to do' and 'playful' and not dependent on some external syllabus as given by expert opinion however relevant, should this 'plan and order' not be a derivative of the inherent wisdom of the standards of the truly advanced civilisation itself.

    A truly advanced civilisation would understand the naturality of sexuality and their many and diverse expressions and the unnaturalness of suppressing such naturality.

    A truly advanced civilisation would understand the natural order of such sexual self expression and understand the sexual maturity required to 'worship and glorify' God and the Goddess in such a manner of sabbatinical reflectivity.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not allow dehumanising environments to evolve and then blame, charge, prosecute, judge and incarcerate individual Go(o)dnesses for contravening particular rules and regulations, which have been observed and shown 'countless' times not to be applicable in dehumanising environments of physical poverty, basic human survival needs and requirements.

    The Starhumanity is destined to evolve into such a truly advanced civilisation, but is presently highly underevolved in the wisdom necessary to understand the prerequisites for such a truly advanced civilisation.
    Yet the humanity is on the threshold through its technology to 'stumble' upon its Godhood and once it has done so, an initialising subgroup of the old humanity will become the pioneers to show the way for the old humanity to evolve into the new starhumanity.
    The master timeline will manifest particular physical phenomena, which being undeniable, will then crystallize the pioneers and wayshowers from the most potent rememberers amongst all of YOU.

    Then the strange obsession of idol worship, exemplified by the 'worship' of the finance concept of an underevolved civilisation like the present humanity; shall become exposed.

    The reality of the DEVIL=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=52=GODGOD=... shall become widely understood and the 'Idols of the Oppression' of humanity shall be cast into the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' and be found no more in the reality of the Starhumanity in the usurption of the 'credit idol' by a 'credit system', the latter working via the concepts and principles of a truly advanced civilisation.
    YOU all already know what this 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' is and I shall remind YOU of this knowledge later on.

    All of YOU have so been summoned to attend 'court' as 'the collectively accused'; following the preparation of the charges by your Council of the Prosecution.
    YOU have been charged with murder and treason by yourself as the TrueGod in NoTime.

    This charge is in 7 different categories, relative to your 'Perception of what Reality' is.
    As the True God, YOU know, that the Reality in the NoTime, where YOU are united as One; is just as valid as the Reality in the InTime, where YOU are separated as many Individuated Ones.

    YOU then have created selfmade mental creations in a multitude of 'gods' and 'devils'; which many of YOU have now deserted and abandoned as 'figments of your imaginations' or as 'superstitions'.
    Others have gone the other way in constructing entire belief systems about and around your mental creations, which YOU then began to'worship' in place of the 'Real and True God' who is yourselves as individuated part in InTime and your totality in the NoTime.
    Therefore YOU have been accused of having deserted {Revelation.12.10} your selfmade 'gods' in disloyalty and in treachery.
    Your selfmade 'gods' have taken many forms of 'idolatry' and in either abandoning your many idols, or in 'worshipping your own mental children', the 'collective idol god' aka the 'Devil' as the image of 'Satan' has served YOU notice as to your trial and proposed imprisonment.

    {Isaiah.66.24: "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh."}

    The form of your idolatry has taken as many individual forms as there are individuated personalities - all of YOU as images of the 'True God' but not knowing this; YOU have given allegiances to mental abstractions all created in the InTime by your misunderstood ideas about yourselves.

    Many of YOU call yourselves in particular labels of associations, say in labels of the Realists, as rational thinkers and as skeptics; others as Religionists, the 'spiritual believers in the 'holy books'' and followers of the prophets, might the prophet's name be Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed. Also many of YOU name yourselves as secular citizens, who are above such allegiances and so prefer labels of agnostic or atheist; and yet many others amongst YOU prefer an affiliation as Spiritualists, as 'new age' adherents, proposing a 'pure form' of the spirituality without the dogmatic restrictions of some of the other classifications.

    Your accuser, the court-prosecutor Satanicus Rex, so has summoned all of YOU to appear before the judgement seat of the 'True God', which is yourself in the collective sense and also everyone of YOU in the disembodied sense in NoTime.

    Satanicus Rex accuses YOU individually and in groups of having 'forsaken' your own creations.
    YOU have abandoned your very own children in the 'gods' and the 'devils', whom YOU have individually and collectively conceived, created and born from your divine imaginations.

    John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    1Corinthians.6.1-4: "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints?Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church."

    Satanicus Rex is the collective 'Image' of the 'True God' in InTime and so rather capable to summon the god- and devil creators in the InTime as individuations. All of YOU are charged with murdering either an aspect of God or an aspect of Man in (M)entality, (E)motionality or (P)hysicality.

    This is the Charge-List of Satanicus Rex, into which all of YOU belong to in any degree of permutation and in the following classifications of interchangeable group numberings:

    Group Reality--------Perception------------(Nat)ural State/AntiState--------------Tradition-----------------God-Man Scale
    1.Gnostic...............Gnostic Reason........Spiritual/Physical.......................Adogmatic-Fundamental....[][][][][x][][]

    2.Agnostic.............Agnostic Reason.......FeelingNatural/EmoSupNat......Any........................................[][][x][][][][]

    3.Rationalistic.......Rational Reason........Rational/Intuitive.......................Any........................................[][x][][][][][]

    4.Theistic...............Theistic Reason.........EmoSupNat/FeelingNatural.....Dogmatic-Fundamental....[][][][][][][x]

    5.Arationalistic.......Intuitive Reason........Intuitive/Rational.......................Any.....................................[][][][][][x][]

    6.Astralistic............New Age Reason.......Naturally Androgynous...........Adogmatic-Fundamental.....[][][][x][][][]


    The Charges are as follows and as for the God-Man-Scale MEPOPEM:

    1. Charge against the Gnostic: Murder Degree I, for the Man-Slaughter in Physical Reality.
    2. Charge against the Agnostic: Murder Degree III, for the God-Slaughter in Physical Reality.
    3. Charge against the Rationalist: Murder Degree II, for the God-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.
    4. Charge against the Theist: Murder Degree III, for the Man-Slaughter in Mental Reality.
    5. Charge against the Intuivist: Murder Degree II, for the Man-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.
    6. Charge against the Astralist: Murder Degree IV for the GodMan-Slaughter as a OneMirror.
    7. Charge against the Atheist: Murder Degree I, for the God-Slaughter in Mental Reality.

    Satanicus Rex, your Prosecutor, carries the following fixed scriptural associations into the court room
    In the continental table of the lands and kinships; anyone of YOU becomes a global citizen or 'earthling' with many colour-skins 'living' anywhere in the planetary environments. The first classification predates the scriptural references applied elsewhere and is known as 'Egyptian mythology' linked to 'alien omni science'.


    1=Kinship of WhiteSkins of Father-Sky in a Rainbow Arcticus Cyani
    2=Kinship of BlackSkins of Mother-Earth in a Rainbow Antarcticus Magenti
    3=Kinship of GreenSkins of Elemental-Child in a Rainbow Indianus Oceanis
    4=Kinship of YellowSkins of Elemental Fire of the Lights in a Rainbow Pacificus Boreas OutSim
    5=Kinship of BrownSkins of Elemental Earth of the Lands in a Rainbow Atlanticus Eurus InSim
    6=Kinship of BlueSkins of Elemental Air of the Winds in a Rainbow Pacificus Auster InSim
    7=Kinship of RedSkins of Elemental Water of the Seas in a Rainbow Atlanticus Zephyrus OutSim

    1='The Land of my Lost Sheep and my Found Goat'=EPHESUS---{Revelation.2.1-7}
    2='The Land of my Origins in the RNA'=SMYRNA---{Revelation.2.8-17}
    3='The Land of my Grapes and Sounds in Om and Noises'=PERGAMOS---{Revelation.2.12-17}
    4='The Land of my Theatres and my Crowns'=THYATIRA---{Revelation.2.18-29}
    5='The Land of my Rising in Sadness and Hope'=SARDIS---{Revelation.3.1-6}
    6='The Land of my Oracles of Love and Poles'=PHILADELPHIA---{Revelation.3.7-13}
    7='The Land of my Loaded Dice and Lead in Coins'=LAODICEA---{Revelation.3.8-22}

    The Cosmic LogosTwin represents your witness and your defence council; because HeShe became authorized and employed by all of YOU collectively to attend your trial and to present the case for a 'humanity in self-forgetfulness'.
    YOU have empowered the Universal SheHe to be your witness from the wilderness, to defend your charges, the idolatry of your classifications in denying either your Godness as your Goodness or your Manness and the abandonment of your children, the manmade 'gods and devils'.

    Your judge is all of YOU in InTime and any one of YOU in NoTime.

    Isaiah:45.7: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    The 'Trial of Humanity' has been prepared since the witnessing date of June 24th, 2008 and the summons have been sent out to all of YOU on August, 30th, 2009.
    YOU are not required to attend, but it would be of benefit to YOU should YOU do so; as the 'passing of judgement' in your absence will restrict your ability to comprehend the graduation of the human archetype into its next expression of the starhumanity.

    This graduation will proceed irrespective of the Judgment any one of YOU shall pass onto yourselves individually; as the nature of this Trial and Judgement is the one applicable to the human group-identity.

    So should YOU judge yourself as 'Not Guilty' on all charges; then YOU, as the individual will not become self-enabled to partake of this 'New StarHuman SelfConsciousness' until YOU then can determine a self realitive timeframe in which YOU can accept the collective judgement and as defined by the attendees of the trial.

    All of YOU belong to one or more of the groups towards whom charges have been laid by Satanicus Rex and so all of YOU are indeed 'guilty as charged', until proven 'not guilty'.
    This mirrors the human interpretation of the lawmakers, as all of YOU already know, that any of YOU is 'not guilty' as the collective 'True God' in NoTime.
    Then in the 'Mirror of Truth'; which is also known as the 'Feather of Truth' of Thoth aka Hermes Trismegistos aka Moses aka Kukulkan aka 'Cosmic Christ' and like labellings of a particular office of the 'Feathered Serpent' Melchizedek; your 'Not Guilty' must become 'Guilty' on one of the two sides of the mirror.

    This then shows YOU that the 'Last Judgment' is necessary to 'Once and for All' destroy this 'Mirror of the Separation' (as the Sea of Glass, {Luke.16.21-26-31;Revelation.4.6;13.1;21.1} from which the Beast has risen) and a Mirror, YOU have constructed between yourselves as a Collective God of and for All and a God in many individuations. This can be shown to translate a certain archetype called 'Lazarus' and the concept of 'Rising from the Dead'.

    The Council of Thuban for Gaia II Serpentina; May 20th, 2015

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  6. admin

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    • Post n°132

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven Today at 10:28 pm

    [3:18:35 AM-May 20th, 2015+10UCT] Sirius 17:

    I think that it may be impossible for many people to imagine such a situation, and I can perhaps better confine myself to a description of some of the end results. A superculture can be recognized by its unbridled creative power. It is unbelievable what a dedicated group can attain in a short time when no time has to be wasted on control or supervision. It is the hey-day of science, technology, and art.

    Truly, yeah good stuff and good timing, considering Carol's contactee stuff too. It gives an alternate view.
    i have been mostly off the computer, busy around here and enjoying my garden
    i just started reading what you posted this morning, although yesterday i did look up the guy and read a few things, seems there is a free e-book and i see this is where you pulled stufff from
    His contact seems genuine to me and notice how the Iargans look like horses lol. I found this interesting

    Laboratories and observatories are built and they discover the secrets of the universe. Their creativeness builds gigantic spacecraft which operate on reaction free power, they build submarines for the exploration of their oceans, their knowledge knows no bounds. They develop a strong affinity for beauty, which manifests itself in numerous artifacts. The central gardens in the house cylinders change into complete art exhibitions that attract a constant flow of visitors. Their designs especially, show their affinity with the creator and the universe. Half abstract art forms illustrate the details of creations beauty. A kind of religious art form. They are continually occupied, and demonstrate an activity that astounds the earthly observer. This can also be said of the speed with which the one discovery follows the other; this appears to have no connection with the fact that they are highly intelligent, but because they have the ability to tune in to cosmic vibrations, the ancient knowledge of the creator.

    [3:23:12 AM] Sirius 17: lol speaking of gardens; i was watching this little hummingbird this morning while having my coffee. It came and fed at the feeder then went and rested in some bamboo nearby
    i got the binoculars and watched him, long curved bill and white underbelly, i still can't identify him lol
    and white tail trimming. He looks kind of grey in this weather so it could be a female, they are kind of plain; but i love to just relax outside like this in the morning
    Peaceful; i liken it to my way of tuning into the vibrations of the creator too hehe

    [11:06:42 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well, I actually dont buy the continuity of this Iarga contact
    It seems to me this guy had a lucid dream or perhaps som e vision (like mine) and then rather a bit of follow up related to the 'abduction phenomenon'. This video I posted seems ok to me yes, why I posted it
    But I checked up more of the 'philosophy' etc on that given link and he loses it there
    It goes more and more into duality between Jesus and Satan (yes he is a catholic fundamentalist) and then interprets the Book of Rev in such a way
    And we know from that that his fundamentalism is VERY human and not ET based, who would know the cosmic JCCJ
    Yes there are some good GOT compatible parts in his 'religion' but like happened to Collier and Walsh etc, the first impetus became polluted into human minded interpretations and most likely even paradigm hijacked upon gaining some notoreity

    [11:40:03 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i didn't quite get his idea of evil being reincarnated out. This implies that someone is born inherantly evil and i don't buy that

    [11:42:44 AM] Sirius 17: i had a hummingbird come and sit ontop of my feeder today for quite a while lol and i have never seen one do that

    [11:44:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes, a paradox. In many statements he is proclaiming that the ETs have overcome duality perceptions, yet his own relgious-spiritual impetus is the good versus evil dichotomy

    [11:45:04 AM] Sirius 17: yes you can see how his beliefs have colored it somewhat

    [11:46:12 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: To a great extent, which diminishes his utopian visions and also the nature of ET civilizations; which I find quite ok and feasible

    [11:47:39 AM] Sirius 17: yeah some interesting ideas he proposed and this reminds me of my friend Dan and his utopian idea of big cities like this. Everyone lives in a big building communially
    With fields outside that everyone works in so many days a week, a technology is really advanced

    [11:49:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Much of the tech is superconductor related, the video does not make this clear due to the 1960 or so timezone perhaps

    [11:49:27 AM] Sirius 17: No the book says they controlled magnetics; superconducting maybe , not sure
    [11:49:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Supercoductor physics IS magnetostriction. It controls magnetic field components
    [11:50:16 AM] Sirius 17: yes and did they know about super conductors in the 60s? I am guessing so

    [11:50:35 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Search Meissner effect and magnetostriction to get a feel for this
    Not as much as they do now

    [11:51:17 AM] Sirius 17: how did you come across this guy? just looking at videos and such?

    [11:51:22 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Now they study room temp superconducting materials llike certain Yttrium-Barium ceramics
    I knew of Iarga before, but the evisnam thread mentioned it via trancoso
    [11:52:11 AM] Sirius 17: oh, yeah first time i had seen him

    [11:52:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I commented on Iarga some years ago as a semivalid 'contact' or such
    [11:52:44 AM] Sirius 17: you did? i don't recall
    [11:53:18 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I cant remember the forum or the dates either, but it was around 2010. Perhaps part of the PA thread
    [11:54:18 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i don't remember it but maybe you just mentioned it in a small blurb and i missed it
    [11:54:41 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I think I answered a question about it on PA
    [11:55:14 AM] Sirius 17: yeah you probably did, i was trying to read everything there, but i might of missed it
    [11:56:10 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I shared this old video, because it basically describes the 'communal' ET lifestyle and the polyness of relationships and the emphasis on personal freedom and cosmic creativity as the foundation of all consciousness

    [11:59:34 AM] Sirius 17: yes i figured that is why; i liked the communial things he shared too
    [12:03:52 PM] Sirius 17: did you see this biker shootout we had here in the states?
    glad i don't live in Texas, grown men fighting over a parking space

    [12:06:31 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I expect from June 16th, the mental groupmind of the human genus to deteriorate even more dramatically
    [12:07:07 PM] Sirius 17: yeah if humans would only get their shi20 together the things they could accomplish as far as living conditions and education and creativity. it made me kind of sad to read those things, still and it is now 50 years later or so since his contact event, and things are absolutely worse

    [12:07:49 PM] Sirius 17: why from that date hon?
    [12:13:15 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: June 16th is the start of the 'Abomination of Desolations' 265 day gestation period as part of the image 3½ Logos years
    [12:16:19 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes i see


    796312. raven 796312.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  7. admin

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    • Post n°280

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:55 am
    Pris wrote:

    Okay, I'll take the risk and post this here lol! I also just posted this in another forum. May as well get more mileage out of my comment.

    Forgive me if I'm repeating something that may have already been discussed here.

    Has anyone here looked into the 'makeup' of all things as having the... Merkaba energy signature... seems to point to spherical planets, stars and so on -- particularly when the mass of something pulls together and becomes so great? Even the shapes of galaxies illustrate this 'signature'. Ocean currents, cloud formations and 'hot spots' on Earth also suggest the 'signature' of this Merkaba rotating within a spherical Earth. These cloud formations and 'hot spots' also appear on the other planets in our solar system.

    The Merkaba also explains the 'revolving' nature of the sun's sun spots as they travel around the sun's circumference at approximately 20 degrees above and below the equator. Also, apparently, where one sun spot appears, a 'tunnel' is formed clear through to the other side of the sun (suggesting a spherical sun and the sun's sun spots are actually peering into the sun and showing the sun's black hole nature with a layer of glowing plasma over top) and, if the sun spot holds its integrity long enough, will appear as its 'twin' disappears as the sun continues to rotate.

    Other 'tiny' examples of this spherical Merkaba energy signature can easily be seen in fruits and vegetables -- even if the outer edges ('event horizons') are not necessarily spherical due to form flexibility because of lack of mass (my theory). I'm talking about the Platonic Solids here -- 'Sacred Geometry' -- to explain the macro and the micro.

    The casual reader of this thread on a 'flat earth' cosmology finally encounters a rational and logical disposition as exhibited by the statements of Pris amidst the bogus claims and whimsical meanderings of New Age nabsers, preferring quasi bunk science and irrational deductions made by 'alternatives' burdened by incomplete understandings regarding the workings of natural laws and universal principles.

    It is tolerable for the underinformed reader to be somewhat puzzled by the relative dynamics of relative observation vantages, technically known as inertial and noninertial reference frames and well understood physical phenomena giving rise to Coriolis forces causative for anti-clockwise atmospheric weather patterns in the Northern hemisphere and their corollary conjugatives, including clockwise rotating weather patterns and currents observed in the Southern hemisphere of planet Earth.

    It is however unexcusable for quasi-scientific adherents to propagate misinformation and deceptive disinformation as an agenda to 'brainwash' and deceive the scientifically underinformed readers in the 'alternative' information sharing community under the pretense of exposing a modus operandi of a orthodox 'mainstream' science conspiracy.

    I shall verify the statements made by Pris, after exhibiting two simple real world practice examples related to the mischievous nature of this thread and its subject matter of a 'Flat Earth'.

    Example 1:

    You are standing on a scale in an elevator to check your weight and the scales read 70 kg. In a static physics your weight is caused by gravity with a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 (32 feet per seconds squared) and so in terms of forces, your 'true' weight becomes 70kg x 9.8 metres per second squared and so 686 Newton.
    Your friend is watching you in the elevator and then sees this elevator accelerating upwards at 2 meters per second squared and causing the elevator system, including you on the scales to move upwards. Your friend is in an inertial frame of reference, meaning heshe is stationary or in equilibrium to whatever other dynamics and energy interactions occur from herhis point of observation.

    Relative to this inertial frame then, nothing 'mysterious' occurs with respect to forces, as your friend is aware that the elevator moves under experience of some force, say cables and electric motors.
    Relative to your friend then your true weight W downwards is countered by the upward force of Newton's Force=mass x acceleration and becomes here (70kg)x(2 m/s2) = 140 Newton
    The net Force F acting on you, then can be written as F - W = 140 Newton and this net force will be 686+140 = 826 Newton.

    Relative to you however, you are NOT in an inertial frame of reference as your own observation frame is accelerated with a 'fictitious' force acting opposite the direction of this acceleration. You are in a noninertial frame of reference and it is your equilibrium or stasis which changes your true weight in an inertial frame of reference to an apparent weight in an noninertial frame of reference. You look at the scales and what read 70 kg now reads 826 Newton/9.8 m/s2=84.3 kg. You seemingly have gained 14.3 kg of weight simply standing on the scales in a moving elevator.

    From this derives the 'Principle of Equivalence' at the core of General Relativity Theory, stating that the observer within a noninertial accelerated reference frame (relative to an inertial frame) cannot differentiate between the effect of an (additional) gravitational field excerting a downward acting force OR some external upward acting force, as exemplified in the accelerating elevator example, causing an apparent weight to appear as an equivalent downward force of 'added gravity'.

    Example 2:

    In a 'negligence-injury' lawsuit concerning 'whiplash', a physicist testifies as to a claim of a victim, whose head of say mass m=3.4 kg, was subjected to a force of 3500 Newton resulting from a stationary car mass M being hit by a similar car mass M moving at 11 meters per second or 36.9 km/h. The physicist testifies, that a force of 80g=784 Newton is considered the maximum upper limit for a 'safe' collision at that speed.
    If the two cars collided 'inelastically', that is they stuck together after impact, is the impact acceleration sufficient to claim whiplash damages?

    The inertial force of 3500 Newton causing the whiplash acted opposite the forward force of the impacting moving car and the frame of reference of the stationary car, including the victim's head of 3.4 kg experiences ma=3500 Newton for an acceleration a=3500 Newton/3.4 kg = 1029.4 m/s2, which are about 1029.4 g/9.8 = 105 g.

    The claim for compensation succeeds upon the physicist's testimony.

    So why does a rotating earth not cause differentiation in relative positions with say a plane flying across its surface in the Nabs mistaken idea, that a plane could simply hover above a particular coordination point of position of the earth, 'waiting' for the Earth to complete a 24 hour rotation approximation?
    The moving plane is part of the rotating frame of reference of the earth and to be inertial an 'outside' observer, say an ET or a space traveller observing the rotating Earth from a self relative stationary observation point, would be able to see and measure the relative motion of the plane relative to the rotating earth, but the noninertial earth observer considers himherself in equilibrium and so experiences a 'fictitious' acceleration force caused by hisher accelerating frame of reference, namely the angular centripetal acceleration of a spinning planetary orb.
    Just as it is possible to play Ping Pong aboard a jumbo jet moving at 1000 km/h or occupants in a train or car being able to play 'catch my ball'; the respective velocities of those observation frames are in equilibrium relative to themselves as being measured stationary or inertial. But if this inertial frame of self relative observation is accelerated, a noninertial or fictitious force is required to render the observation as inertial relative to an observer, who can observe and measure the RELATIVE motion of the observation frames or platforms.

    A Pris(m)on Proof:

    Say you have a fixed volume V, say 1 litre, you wish to somehow contain in a vessel for storage and utility. To do this, you are given some malleable material, say tinfoil, which you can use to create your container of volume V.
    However and like 'mother earth' or Nature, you are asked to display maximum efficiency; that is you are given the tinfoil as a sheet of an area A, which you are to use with minimum wastage of material.
    Knowing basic geometry, you realise that the 'Cubing of a Sphere' or the 'Squaring of the Circle', say by Archimedean principles allows you to create your container say as a Cylinder of volume V=(Area of the Base Circle)x(Height of the Cylinder)=pr2h.

    The Surface Area required to build the container then is twice the area of the base circle as the bottom and top/lid of the cylinder and the curved surface area, given as the circle's perimeter times the height or A=2pr2+2prh.

    Now this cylinder could take the geometry of a long tube or the geometry of a flat disk (like envisaged by a 'Flat Earth' bogus science).
    Knowing basic Calculus and its properties to maximise/minimise physically applied principles of the natural world via its derivative; you understand this problem of the shape of the cylinder as a minimisation calculation of the cylinder's Surface Area A.

    A=2pr2+2prh for a fixed volume V=pr2h and so the two unknown variables r and h can be reduced by expressing the height h of the cylinder as a function of the fixed volume V and so as h=V/pr2.

    Now the available surface area material as a function of its radius r becomes: A(r) = 2pr2+2V/r.

    the derivative dA/dr of this will be a minimum for dA/dr=0 by the properties of differential calculus and so:
    d{2pr2+2V/r}/dr = 4pr - 2V/r2 = 0 for 2V=4pr3 and V = 2pr3.

    But you know that the generalised volume for any cylinder is given as V = pr2h and identifying this as the same volume for a minimised surface area A shows you that this requires the height h of the cylinder to equal the diameter of the circular base of the bottom or the lid.
    The geometry of the minimised surface area for the most efficient utility of the tinfoil sheet then becomes the 'squaring of the circle' and so the geometry of a cylinder most able to approximate the volume and shape of a sphere embedded within a cube or that of a cube embedded or encompassed in perfect symmetry within a sphere.

    To illustrate with actual numerical calculations:

    For a thin long tube, say h=10r, the Surface Area becomes: 2pr2+20pr2 = 22pr2 and so 22 times the area of the basic circle with unit radius r.
    This radius must conform to the fixed volume V=1=10pr3 say and so can be calculated as the cuberoot of 1/10p for a total surface Area of 22px{1/10p}2/3 = 6.9418... area units

    For a flat wide disk, say h=r/10, the Surface Area becomes: 2pr2+2pr2/10 = 11pr2/5 and so 2.2 times the area of the base circle with unit radius r.
    This radius must conform to the fixed volume V=1=pr3/10 say and so can be calculated as the cuberoot of 10/p for a total surface Area of (22p/10)x{10/p}2/3=14.9556... area units

    For a long tubular cylinder then, the required surface area increases more slowly from the minimised value of h=2r, than for a flat wide cylinder.
    The minimised value of h=2r with Surface Area 2pr2+4pr2 = 6pr2 requires a basic radius r being the cuberoot of 1/2p for the unitised Volume V=1 and so a calculates a minimum Surface Area of 6px{1/2p}2/3=5.5358... area units.

    A 'Flat Earth' disk so is shown to be more wasteful in Natures efficiencies than a tubuluar cylinder from the deviation from the maximum efficiency given by universal spherodicity..

    This 'mathematical proof' hence validates the heuristic observations and statements as to the prevalence of geometrical Archimedean and Platonic principles made by Pris and referring to the natural preference of holofractal entities on any scale to exhibit spherical and cubical symmetries into which other geometries, patterns and shapes can become embedded.



    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°286

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:16 am
    Vidya Moksha wrote:

    shiloh wrote:
    Example 1:

    You are standing on a scale in an elevator to check your weight and the scales read 70 kg. In a static physics your weight is caused by gravity with a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 (32 feet per seconds squared) and so in terms of forces, your 'true' weight becomes 70kg x 9.8 metres per second squared and so 686 Newton.
    Your friend is watching you in the elevator and then sees this elevator accelerating upwards at 2 meters per second squared and causing the elevator system, including you on the scales to move upwards. Your friend is in an inertial frame of reference, meaning heshe is stationary or in equilibrium to whatever other dynamics and energy interactions occur from herhis point of observation.

    Example 2:

    In a 'negligence-injury' lawsuit concerning 'whiplash', a physicist testifies as to a claim of a victim, whose head of say mass m=3.4 kg, was subjected to a force of 3500 Newton resulting from a stationary car mass M being hit by a similar car mass M moving at 11 meters per second or 36.9 km/h. The physicist testifies, that a force of 80g=784 Newton is considered the maximum upper limit for a 'safe' collision at that speed.
    If the two cars collided 'inelastically', that is they stuck together after impact, is the impact acceleration sufficient to claim whiplash damages?

    The inertial force of 3500 Newton causing the whiplash acted opposite the forward force of the impacting moving car and the frame of reference of the stationary car, including the victim's head of 3.4 kg experiences ma=3500 Newton for an acceleration a=3500 Newton/3.4 kg = 1029.4 m/s2, which are about 1029.4 g/9.8 = 105 g.

    The claim for compensation succeeds upon the physicist's testimony.

    So why does a rotating earth not cause differentiation in relative positions with say a plane flying across its surface in the Nabs mistaken idea, that a plane could simply hover above a particular coordination point of position of the earth, 'waiting' for the Earth to complete a 24 hour rotation approximation?
    The moving plane is part of the rotating frame of reference of the earth and to be inertial an 'outside' observer, say an ET or a space traveller observing the rotating Earth from a self relative stationary observation point, would be able to see and measure the relative motion of the plane relative to the rotating earth, but the noninertial earth observer considers himherself in equilibrium and so experiences a 'fictitious' acceleration force caused by hisher accelerating frame of reference, namely the angular centripetal acceleration of a spinning planetary orb.
    Just as it is possible to play Ping Pong aboard a jumbo jet moving at 1000 km/h or occupants in a train or car being able to play 'catch my ball'; the respective velocities of those observation frames are in equilibrium relative to themselves as being measured stationary or inertial. But if this inertial frame of self relative observation is accelerated, a noninertial or fictitious force is required to render the observation as inertial relative to an observer, who can observe and measure the RELATIVE motion of the observation frames or platforms.

    I dont see how these examples prove the earth isnt flat. I dont think anyone here is claiming the earth is flat, merely discussing the possibility.

    There are a few questions I cant find answers to.. But I wont list them all yet.. Here's one I am struggling with:
    What causes the atmosphere to spin in synchronous motion with the earth? The higher atmosphere must spin faster at higher altitudes, as it has further to move, how does this work? (I think the math works out at 24 kmph faster at the highest atmospheric altitude?) Does all the atmosphere spin? What happens when you leave the spinning atmosphere into non-spinning space?

    [2:09:25 PM-Thursday, May 21st, 2015/+10UCT] Shiloh Za-Rah: The actual Arachne coordinate is 08:45UCT May 21st
    So about 01:45 your time. Just looked at moa vidya asks a question. I let you reply to Pris lol. She is trying to share her nous
    Link your Klein Bottle video perhaps and related data. I have to think about this question and what to do with it.
    [2:12:39 PM] Sirius 17: what question?

    I dont see how these examples prove the earth isnt flat. I dont think anyone here is claiming the earth is flat, merely discussing the possibility.
    There are a few questions I cant find answers to.. But I wont list them all yet.. Here's one I am struggling with:
    What causes the atmosphere to spin in synchronous motion with the earth? The higher atmosphere must spin faster at higher altitudes, as it has further to move, how does this work? (I think the math works out at 24 kmph faster at the highest atmospheric altitude?) Does all the atmosphere spin? What happens when you leave the spinning atmosphere into non-spinning space?

    [2:14:12 PM] Sirius 17: omg, he didn't read anything you said about relative motion
    [2:14:35 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Nope
    [2:14:41 PM] Sirius 17: he can't work it out
    [2:14:56 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So I wont go into details. Carol liked it lol?
    [2:15:27 PM] Sirius 17: yeah right lol, i think she was givng you an atta boy
    [2:16:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: After not getting Pris point of cosmic spherodicity, claiming this basio nabs showing flatness
    [2:16:43 PM] Sirius 17: yes i dont' know how much more clear you could get, if he isn't going to even read your first explanation, i doubt a second will help

    [2:17:22 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The atmosphere is part of the rotating frame of reference and independent on altitude.
    Altitude affects weather pattern of course because of what is called atmospheric pressure and its gradients.
    Of it is gravitation which holds the atmosphere as part of the global dynamical system.
    Some may know, that gravitation is an inverse square interaction 'force' and therefore the farther away from the center of the earth you are, the less you will feel the effect of the gravitational attraction.

    [2:18:38 PM] Sirius 17: the atmosphere is relative to the spinning earth and the various layers until you reach space right? Yes

    [2:19:25 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But as some know, the atmosphere is a medium allowing longitudinal sound waves to propagate and therefore as such a medium, the entire global atmosphere is part of the noninertial reference frame as observed and measured by any comoving observer within that reference frame
    Yes my point is that the medium say for sound to, propagate DEFINES the extent of the rotating reference frame
    Beyond the exosphere there is no medium and the observer can claim to be in an inertial reference frame and able to observe the relative motions of the atmospheric weather patters and currents etc

    [2:21:45 PM] Sirius 17: like they can on say the spacestation
    [2:22:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: exactly
    [2:22:09 PM] Sirius 17: Or from satellites too

    [2:23:38 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: There might still be relative motion in the orbit of the ISS, but from that vantage point, the relative motions between the frames would be different and allow the consideration of observing and measuring earth phenomena, despit the ISS itself being in orbit around the earth etc.
    [2:24:31 PM] Sirius 17: so the observer on the spacestation is in inertial space and not relative to the atmosphere and so because of that the observer can visualize the counter rotating cloud formations and the circling in opposition below the equator? Yes ignore what i said, i see you answered it already

    [2:29:50 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Troposphere(6-20km/Mount Everest)-Stratosphere(-50km/Weather Balloons)-Mesosphere(-85km/Meteors)-Thermosphere(-100km-400km-690km/Aurora-ISS-Space Shuttle)-Exosphere(-10,000km)
    As roughly stated by some reference, such as Wikipedia

    Well in outer space, say in the Mesosphere or even on a high flying jumbo jet, you can observe weather patters; say you fly above the clouds
    This is of course also a function of radial displacement. The further away you are from a curved surface, the more you can geometrically discern and observe this curvature
    The trouble people have with relativity theory, is that it is counter intuitive about what space and time are in a normal climate of human activity

    [2:35:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes true, i once hiked to the top of a 10k peak near Wendover and from there could observe the curvature of the Earth pretty clearly over the salt flats. I was high enough it became very dramatic and apparent.
    [2:35:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well atmospheric abberration effects can mimick curvature, just think of a fata morgana in the desert
    [2:35:49 PM] Sirius 17: the salt flats there are vast stretches of very flat land, ancient sea bed; no it was not a fata morgana
    [2:36:54 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: One can calculate the radius of curvature and how tall a tower say must be to discern this curvature
    [2:37:00 PM] Sirius 17: and yes i have seen those also there in the salt flats the mountains appear to float

    [2:38:10 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: the trouble with the vidya enquirers is more to do with their difficulties of following scientific logic and argument and especially when this engages the relativity postulates
    I might republish my 'relativity made simpler' attempt from some time back

    A perhaps simpler way to understand the relativity of time and velocity


    Three Larrikins, whom we may name April, Mac and John decided once upon a time to test a fundamental premise of Special Relativity and the measurement of time.
    They hired a chaffeur-driven limousine of say 4 meters in length and defined a coordinate system for that limousine centred at its midpoint (x,y)=(0,0).
    The limousine would travel due East with Mac positioned at a coordinate 1 meter to the West at (x,y)=(-1,0) facing towards the East. John would face to the West, opposite Mac at a coordinate ( 1,0). Mac and John would then remain stationary for the duration of the experiment and precisely 2 meters apart with a so equidistant lightsource at the centre. The limousine would travel at a speed v, say 80 km/h from the West and past April, positioned due South at a coordinate (0,-3).

    The larrikins now decide to label the event A to be the precise instant for the centre of the limousine to be coincident with the y=0 coordinate for the stationary April. Precisely at that instant, the lightsource would switch on and send an omnidirectional lightsignal to the measuring instruments of the three larrikins.
    Both, Mac and John now define the event B to be the reception of the signal. As both Mac and John are stationary relative to each other the lightpath x=ct will be identical, if the postulates of Special Relativity hold.

    In particular, the time measured should be the same as tMac=tJohn=x/c=1/c seconds. Their positional coordinates also remain unchanged at xMac=-1 and xJohn= 1 relative to their stationary frame of reference within the limousine.
    But the situation is not as clear for April. She sees the limousine travelling past her at speed v; which changes the lightpath. April actually postulates, that she will observe Mac to receive the lightsignal before John; because the light must travel further to get to John's photo receptor, than to Mac's.

    So April measures two events B in say: B1Mac and B2John.
    The lightpath becomes ambiguous in x'John=(c+v)t'John and x'Mac=(c-v)t'Macand due to a simple Galilean coordinate transformation or 'shifting of the x-axis' and for an apparent 'addition of the velocities'.

    April postulates a first approximation for her measurement of the B event in deriving t'John=x'John/(c+v)=x'John(1/c)/(1+v/c)=x'JohntJohn/(1+v/c) and t'Mac=x'Mac/(c-v)=x'Mac(1/c)/(1-v/c)=x'MactMac/(1-v/c).

    April then takes the geometric mean of her B events to get a second approximation in:


    But (1/c2)=(tJohn.tMac)/(xJohn.xMac) as the lightpath relative to the limousine and with tJohn=tMac for the expression:


    April's second approximation so begins to crystallise relativistic time dilation in proper time tMac=tJohn and c-invariance xMac=x'Mac and xJohn=x'John for relative reference frames.

    The xB1Mac coordinate becomes xApril1=(-1+v/c)/√(1-(v/c)2) and the xB12John coordinate becomes xApril2=(+1+ v/c)/√(1-(v/c)2) as the Lorentz-Coordinate transformation for displacement.

    This is generalised as: X'=(X-VT)/√(1-(V/c)2) for two reference frames O and O' moving relative to each other at a speed V.

    Also the Lorentz-Contraction appears in the proper length being xApril and the contracted length becoming ±1+v/c relative the two Aprillean measurements.

    The Lorentzian time coordinates transform similarly in adding a v.x/c2 term to the proper time in the time dilation expression.


    April's precise measurement, so would give the results:

    tApril1=(1/c-v/c2)/√(1-(v/c)2)=(1/c)√{(1-v/c)/(1+v/c)} and tApril2=(1/c+v/c2)/√(1-(v/c)2)=(1/c)√{(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)}.

    One can now see, that tApril1=tMac√{(1-v/c)/(1+v/c)}< tMac and that tApril2=tMac√{(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)}> tMac for all velocities v smaller (<) than lightspeed c and tMac=tJohn.

    As the second measurement gives the relative time measurement for the lightpath with respect to John however; April observes the time taken for the light signal to reach John as being longer than that for travelling to Mac by the time differential:

    tApril2-tApril1= tMac{√[(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)]-√[(1-v/c)/(1+v/c)]}.

    In our example of a speed of 80 km/h or 22.22..m/s; this time difference calculates as about (1.000000074..- 0.999999925..)/c~ 0.00000015/c seconds or so 0.5 femtoseconds (10-15).

    One can obtain the time dilation formulation by simple geometry in postulating April to receive the lightsignal at the instant the coordinates for the moving limousine to coincide as the origin in x=y=0.
    This means, that the lightpath is 'pythagorised' in Mac sending a signal when the limousine's origin is at x=-vt and John receives Mac's signal for the origin to have moved to x=+vt.

    A stationary limousine so would define a lightpath for April of 2y=ct (or 6 meters in our example), being the return trip of the signal from the source to April and back again. Here t is a proper time, measured in a stationary reference frame.
    The moving limousine vectorises as y and vt' with t' here being the improper time for a lightpath of [½ct']2=[½ct]2+[½vt']2.

    Solving for t' gives: t'=√{(c2t2/(c2-v2)}=t/√{1-(v/c)2} and which is the time dilation formula of Special Relativity.

    Relative Velocity

    Much confusion exists for the general reader, when attempting to apply Special Relativity to velocity concepts. Using the above we shall here try to simplify the scenario in considering three cases.

    Case A: A rocket moves away from the earth at relativistic speed and fires a projectile also at relativistic speed, relative to itself. What is the projectiles speed relative to the earth?

    Case B: Two rockets approach each other and collide at relativistic speeds as measured on the earth. What is the relative speed of the centre of mass of the system or what is the velocity of the first rocket relative to the second rocket?

    Case C: Two rockets travel parallel at relativistic speeds as observed on the earth. What is the relativistic speed of the centre of mass?

    Generally, the Lorentz transforms gave the coordinate transforms for displacement and for time. One now differentiates dX'/dT'=U'x in the differentials or one simply defines:

    U'x= X'/T'=[(X-VT)/√(1-(V/c)2)]/[(T-VX/c2)/√(1-(V/c)2)].

    Dividing the expression by T in numerator and denominator gives:


    Here U'x depicts the velocity in reference frame O' and Ux represents the velocity in frame O with V the velocity relative to the moving frames. The velocity V can be said to be a relative velocity of a third 'particle', measured in the two reference frames. V is positive in the the +x direction and negative in the opposite.
    If we use the inverse Lorentz transformation (exchanging indices and replacing V by -V), then the symmetry of the postulates of Special Relativity gives Ux=[U'x+V]/[1+VU'x/c2]. (Solving algebraically gives of course the same result).

    It is advisable to use this formulation in cases such as Case A, where the moving frame relative to earth superposes another moving frame.

    Case A:

    We choose the rocket to move at 0.8c relative to the earth and emitting a projectile in the forward motion at 0.4c.
    In this example U'x=0.8c in frame O' and as the projectile moves relative to this frame at 0.4c, the frames move relative to each other at this speed V=0.4c. We seek the relative velocity of the 'particle' relative to the other frame O that is velocity Ux.
    Galilean Relativity would say the projectile moves at 1.2c relative to the earth; but our expression above cannot ignore the denominator and we get:
    No relative velocity can ever exceed the speed of light.

    Case B:

    We choose a rocket A moving to the right at 0.8c and the rocket B moving to the left at 0.6c as measured in the earthframe O. This situation must also add the velocities as in the classical Galilean case for collinear collisions.
    We seek the velocity of rocket A relative to frame O', labelling rocket A as the 'particle' with velocity Ux relative to the earth.
    Then Ux=0.8c and V=-0.6c in frame O for U'x=1.4c/[1.48]=0.9459c as the velocity of the centre of mass or as the velocity of rocket A as measured by rocket B in its reference frame O' (relative to itself at rest).
    Reassigning the frames in seeking the relative velocity of rocket B relative to rocket A gives the same result in a varied numeracy. Here Ux=0.8c in frame O of rocket A and
    U'x=-0.6c=[0.8c-V]/[1-0.8V/c] in frame B and the earth observer becomes the 'particle' with relative frame velocity V.
    Solving for V=1.4c/1.48 via -0.6c+0.48V=0.8c-V gives the previous result, now for V.

    Case C:

    This case simply subtracts the velocities. We choose rocket A to move right at 0.8c and superpose rocket B moving also to the right at 0.6c. A classical Galilean transform would predict a relative speed of 0.2c between the rockets.
    Let Ux=0.8c in O and seek U'x in O' i.e the velocity of rocket A relative to rocket B.
    Also, 0.6c=[0.8c-V]/[1-0.8V/c] for 0.6c-0.48V=0.8c-V for V=0.2c/0.52=0.3846.
    Rocket A moves to the right at 0.3846c relative to rocket B and rocket B moves to the left at 0.3846c relative to rocket A and with the centre of mass moving at 0.3846c towards the right.

    Born: March 14, 1879, Ulm, Germany
    Died: April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
    Full name: Albert Einstein

    April 18th, 6BC - April 18th, 1955


    Tony B.

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  9. admin

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    • Post n°284

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Pris Yesterday at 7:06 pm
    Pris wrote:

    Okay, I'll take the risk and post this here lol! I also just posted this in another forum. May as well get more mileage out of my comment.

    Forgive me if I'm repeating something that may have already been discussed here.

    Has anyone here looked into the 'makeup' of all things as having the... Merkaba energy signature... seems to point to spherical planets, stars and so on -- particularly when the mass of something pulls together and becomes so great? Even the shapes of galaxies illustrate this 'signature'. Ocean currents, cloud formations and 'hot spots' on Earth also suggest the 'signature' of this Merkaba rotating within a spherical Earth. These cloud formations and 'hot spots' also appear on the other planets in our solar system.

    The Merkaba also explains the 'revolving' nature of the sun's sun spots as they travel around the sun's circumference at approximately 20 degrees above and below the equator. Also, apparently, where one sun spot appears, a 'tunnel' is formed clear through to the other side of the sun (suggesting a spherical sun and the sun's sun spots are actually peering into the sun and showing the sun's black hole nature with a layer of glowing plasma over top) and, if the sun spot holds its integrity long enough, will appear as its 'twin' disappears as the sun continues to rotate.

    Other 'tiny' examples of this spherical Merkaba energy signature can easily be seen in fruits and vegetables -- even if the outer edges ('event horizons') are not necessarily spherical due to form flexibility because of lack of mass (my theory). I'm talking about the Platonic Solids here -- 'Sacred Geometry' -- to explain the macro and the micro.

    I thought I'd add the following to help illustrate what I mean.​

















    Take a look:







    Oh, and while I'm at it:

    Matter is energy is frequency. Pattern is in everything.






    Take a look:

    Thought, intent... creates.


    Last edited by Pris on Thu May 21, 2015 3:20 am; edited 2 times in total
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°288

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Raven Today at 3:17 am
    Pris wrote:


    Here's the idea: if you take a large enough object like the spherical Earth with its 'gravitational' force, water will be 'held in place' upon its surface -- a 'push/pull' dance if you will. Large bodies of water will bend/warp upon it.

    Yes Pris and this spherodicity of a gravitationally interacting planet causes the deformation of the planet earth from a 'perfect' sphere into an oblate spheroid, meaning a sphere flattened at its poles. The water 'held in place' becomes subject to a greater pull from the Moon and the Sun as nearby astronomical objects causing the tides. The nabsers know of their difficulties to explain the obviously 'real world' phenomenon of tides on a flat disk planetary surface.
    I have added an essay of how your Fibonacci patterns are at the core of the Big Bang Cosmology from the Gaian perspective.
    This fully corroborates your ideas and nous about the cosmic applicability and purposefullness of the Fibonacci encoding patterns.
    Unfortunately many nabsers have hijacked the intrinsic beauty and elegance of the mathematics and polluted it with their bogus quasi sciences from different 'New Age' guru and 'channeller' sources. The primordial importance of the Fibonacci mathimechanics is far deeper then New Age yada yada and engages the 'timezone' preceding the Big Bang in a so called 'inflationary hyperaccelerated tachyon epoch'. If you are interested, we can link you to details about this. It relates to the 5 superstring-brane classes, which become geometrically unique representations of the Tetraktys and the 5 Platonic solids as sub-superset of Archimedean Solids.
    It may suffice here, to say, that the physical cosmos, intrinsically linked to the Fibonacci geometry derives its potency from the way and nature of how this number series became constructed in the prephysicality timezone as an actual 'Algorithm of Creation'. You could denote this Fibonaccimatics as the original 'Word of the Creator aka God aka All That Is'.

    RGaia10-=0.97 Gly (toroidal) & 1.62~1.618 Gly (spherical)

    The Gaian Superradius for the spherical correlation of the toroidal minimum size of the Omniverse, so corresponds to the standard and popularized age-measurement for the lower dimensional universe converging to an age of 13.83 billion lightyears.

    The Omniversal Gaian fractal then approximates this nexus point in the Golden Ratio Phi to allow determination of the n-cycle coordinate whenever the overall omniversal evolvement has attained the consciousness potential to process that omniversal data base.
    In particular, the Gaian observers of that cosmic evolution will KNOW WHERE they are in determining this n-cycletime coordinate and then broadcast this value to the extraterrestrial omniverse as indicated.

    EMMR Lightpath in Billions of Lightyears is X=cT=Lightpath of EMMR.

    Φ=1.618033...=½(√5+1)=-Y=1/X for (X,Y) the Roots of T(n)=n(n+1)=1 in Euler's Identity in the Quadratic n2+n-1=0=(n-X)(n-Y)




    The Lightpath for the EMMR (aka 'Spirit') so requires a definition of what a cyclic year is and is approximated above as a Civil GigaYear of 31,556,952 Billion seconds for a lightpath of 9.4670856...x1024 meters or 1 Billion lightyears.

    Solving the transcendental equation:

    f(n)=cTΦ-RGaia10-=0=cTΦ - (n-1)(3πn/2)1/3RHubbleT(n)=0 then determines npresent in this approximation as npresent~1.132419321.

    Tonyblue; calling the extraterrestrial observers within the Gaian Superspherical Radius of Φ Billion lightyears and as minimum omniversal volumar in sphericity.
    The Human Exiled Collective Agency has determined "Where they are" as the Gaian representatives for the Omniversal constituency in the n-cycletime coordinate system.
    The StarHuman deliverance can so become initiated in the Collective Cooperation and as determined by the World Logos.

    icon_study. Raven icon_study.

    The Cosmic Wave Surfer and the Hubble Omniverse in Phi

    The Big Bang Observer, say a Gaian astronomer or stargazer, witnesses the cosmic expansion as receding from himherself with ever increasing cosmological redshift values. Shehe effectively so surveys into the cosmic Future.

    The Cosmic Surfer; riding or comoving with the Event Horizon of the Multiversal MBH (Mother Black Hole) at the 'warping speed' VArp=c/(n+1)2; corollarily observes herhis own Big Bang Mirror Image as continually receding into hisher Past.

    For the Cosmic Surfer, the cosmological redshift roles so increase from a defined Arpian zArp=zA into the Past towards the Big Bang value of zBB~1024.

    At the Big Bang, the redshift zBB=zwormhole=ztimeinstanton~1024.

    As the 11D-Universe inflated prior to the Big Bang for this timeinstanton and scale inflaton by de Broglie matter phasing; the 10D-Universe becomes asymptotic in a Dynamic Node moving the Hubble Event Horizon along the basic n-interval [0,1] to superpose the 11D Radius R11(n)=nRHubble=RHubble+Δ onto the oscillating Multiverse, bouncing between the Even Nodes {0,2,4,6,...} and the Odd Nodes of the Mirrored and Imaged Cosmic Wave Surfer {1,3,5,7,...}.

    The unitary interval so defines the 10D Radius R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) asymptotically and as function of the expansion parameter a=n/(n+1) of say the Standard Cosmology as found in General Relativity.

    For the Big Bang Observer, the cosmological redshift values similiarly increase into the Future towards the expanding MBH Event Horizon so specifying zArp.

    The 11D light invariant lightpath so becomes x=ctps, wherte tps is the time instanton for the wormhole frequency fps=3x1030 Hz.

    In particular the parametrisations for the cosmic evolution of the Omniverse are:

    Displacement: R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) (m)

    Velocity: V(n)=c/(n+1)2 (m/s)

    Acceleration: A(n)=-2cHo/(n+1)3 (m/s2)

    Nodal Hubble Constant: Ho=dn/dt=c/RHubblepsfps/RHubble

    for the proportion: nps=Ho/fpsps/RHubble

    Normalised ZeroTime: nps=Hotps

    The Cosmological Relativistic Redshift is applicable for all epochs, as the de Broglie phase inflation created the higher dimensional metric background for the subsequent expansion of the classical thermodynamic Universe as a Planck Black Body Radiator.

    z=√{(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)} - 1 and where v/c=1/(n+1)2 for

    z=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 for v/c={R(n)/nRHubble}2

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 and for a=n/(n+1)

    The Big Bang Redshift for the normalised ZeroTime so becomes:

    zBB=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 = √{1 + 2/(n2+2n)} -1
    =√{1 + 2/n(n+2)} -1 =√{1 + 1/n -1/(n+2)} -1
    =√{1 +1/nps-1/(nps+2)} -1
    =√{½ +1/nps} -1 = as limit[nps→0] {1/(nps+2)}=1/(0+2)=½
    Then for nps→0; 1/nps→∞ and so
    zBB ~1/√nps=√(RHubbleps}=√(fps/Ho}=~√(1.5977x1048)~1.264x1024.

    The inversion for z(n)=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 so can be written for larger n with the Binomial Theorem Approximation (1+x)p= 1+px for |x|<1 and for the case of n2+2n>1 with (n+1)2-2>0 and n>±√2-1 that is n>0.414.. as n>0 for all n-cycle coordinates in the physicalised Omniverse.

    z(n)=√{1+2/(n2+2n)} - 1 ={1+2/(n2+2n)}1/2-1
    =1+1/(n2+2n)-1=1/(n2+2n)=½{1/n - 1/(n+2)} by partial fractions.

    Therefore z(n)=½limit[n→∞]{1/n -1/[2+n]}=½{0++-0+}=0+ as n+2>n and 1/n>1/[n+2].

    A Multiple Cosmological Redshift region so eventuates in the self intersection of the higher- and lower dimensional cosmology.
    The Electromagnetic of the Multiversal Oscillation, expanding at lightspeed superposes onto the asymptotic inertial expansion of the Universe as the multiversal protoversal seed.

    zM in (0.251, 0.291, 0.343) become imaged in (~1024 , 1.84, 1.08) for the present cycle coordinate npresent and is generalised in: (zA , zN, zAI) mapping (zBB , zΔ , zΔΔ)



    The Intersection of the Local Flow Cosmological Redshift Correction Line for Low Redshifts with the Nodal Constant determines the measured redshift zM=zImage=0.109 as a critical minimum boundary value for the Hubble Flow for High Redshifts.

    For this redshift value then, particular unexpected cosmological phenomena, such as quasar redshift anomalies, apparently coupling quasars with host galaxies and aberrant spectra and light curves for gamma ray bursters and supernovae will be observed by Gaian stargazers, unawares about the multivalued redshift regions and their mirror properties as indicated (see references of the addendum).

    The Nodal Cosmological Redshift zNode=0.291 then defines the Critical nexus point for the attainment of spacial selfawareness for the Omniverse for a present n-cycle coordinate of npresent=1.1324...

    This then specifies the Delta (Δ)-Interval for the Multiverse's selfintersection with its seedling Universe in the 'Hubble Oscillation' or more poetically the 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse'.

    The Reflection Potential of the Multiverse, bounded in the 11-dimensional Witten Mirror of the MBH so became activated at this nexus point to REVISIT the Seedling Inertialized and asymptotically expanding Protoverse.

    This 'Electromagnetic Return' of the Lightpath then is necessarily Lightlike and serves the Multiversal Mirrors to collect the data of the cosmological history, and sharing this information along the coordinates of the n=[0,1]=[Odd/fps-fmax, Even/Ho-fmin) baseline.

    Technically, this becomes the data mapping of the asymptotic mass parametric Universe in 10D onto its circumscribing MBH in 11D and under the auspices of the Holographic Principle.

    The so called Hubble Constant H(n) then fluctuates as a function of the odd and even nodes between its maximum (wormhole) source frequency fps=1/tps=Ho/nps and its modulated minimum as the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/RHubble.

    The binary focused Omniverse as a Multiverse in 11 dimensions allows its two focalisations to become arbitrarily located anyplace in the Omniverse; albeit fixating one focus, will also fix the second by the geometric definition of the ellipse and the prolate and oblate ellipsoids.

    The 12 dimensional Omniverse is however spherical in the multi-aligned rotation of the minor axes of the prolate Universe Seedling transforming the latter into phaseshifted Multiverses in oblate ellipsoidal envelopes with a traced pointcircle of the stationary foci of the prolate majoraxis protoverse.

    This then elegantly and simply shows, that the center of the Omniverse regains its arbitrary status of the undefined 'outside space' relative to the defined 'inner space' of the Multiversed Omniverse in 11D and so quantum entangles its arbitrary center of location with the traced pointcircle of the lower dimensional (12-1=11 or 5-1=4 or 4-1=3) and circumscribed Multiverse.

    It so suffices to render 'Gaia in 12D' as the MBH physicalisation for the Cosmos in the mirror function of the higher dimensional Mother Black Hole as a boundary- and initial condition for the subsequently evolving cosmology.

    Gaia, as this focalisation, so is as old as the Big Bang, with its physical creation and evolvement being a function of the overall purpose and destiny for the Omniversal SourceSink creator manifesting 'within' the 11D MBH as the modular duality of the EpsEss supermembrane and 'without' as the modular monad of the Void=Eternity transforming into a Oneness or Unity of the 'Inside' coupled to the 'Outside' in the topological transformation of the twosided 11D Mirror and dividing the lower asymptotic Timelike Omniverse from the higher Spacelike Omniverse.

    This topological transformation then 'rips' the 11D Lightlike Mirror in 'piercing' a minimized (nps) wormhole into its surface so allowing the 11D Mirror Membrane to become Onsided in the Möbian Connect of the Klein-Bottle-Dragon (the Ourobos of the Cosmos miniaturised and holofractalled in the Milky Way Mazzaroth) and in its 'regluing' effectively doubles the information content mapped onto it from the 'inside'.

    This harbors the effect of the IMAGINARY OUTSIDE DATA of the 12D Omniverse being rendered as a REAL INSIDE DATA, superposing the SPIRIT aka the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation (EMMR) to become IMAGED in the LIGHT aka the ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from the 12D perspective of the 'Imaginary Outside' becoming a 'Real Inside'.

    As detailed elsewhere in the associted data base from Thuban; the EMR is generated by the acceleration of electric (Coulomb) charges, always associated with inertia of mass-coupled 'particles' like the centripetally accelerated fusion protons in stars.

    The EMMR is independent on inertia carriers, but is generated in the acceleration of magnetic (Gluon-Colour) charges and which manifest as the quantum spin of all gauged-interaction (virtual=colour charged) and elementary quark-lepton (mass=colour charged massless-real=not colour charged) couplings.

    The EMR is so fundamentally a 10D phenomenon of the Reality of the String-Linearity of the Time-Entropy Arrow (1+9=3+7=4+6) and the EMMR is fundamentally a 12D phenomenon of the Volumar-Cyclicity of the Time-Entropy-Arrow (3+9=5+7=6+6).

    The lowerD EMR is data mapped via the inertializations of the charge-mass couplings onto the higherD EMMR in the following 12D/F-Space Hamiltonian:

    Electrocharge=PLOx(Lightspeed)2 ↔ MagnetochargexElectron-Diameterx(Lightspeed)2=Magnetocharge
    and where, for Alpha=2πke2/hc=e2/2εohc=60πe2/h=Re/Rcompton=√(Re/RBohr1)=(4πRe/Rrydberg)1/3 and LPlanck=√(hGo/2πc3)


    Electro Charge 'e' = √Alpha.LPlanckc2↔ Rec2= Magneto Charge 'e*'

    The nodal redshift zN then allows a Gaian Consciousness Supersphere to be defined in the maximum extent the Focused Center of the Omniverse has 'evolved and expanded' to accomodate communication and data sharing with the Extraterrestrial Gaia 'Superspace'.
    The asymptotic 10D Universe so has expanded precisely 50% of its maximum expanse as (Curvature of MBH) RHubble=2GoMMBH/c2=c/Ho.
    The radial extent of the 'Supersphere' of Gaian-Mother-Centered Space-Consciousness then depends on what metric observation reference frame is utilized.
    The holofractalization is toroidal, but can be defined as the circumscribing spheroid as a sphere of radius R=2a encompasses a Horn Torus of radius R=a in a factor of 8 in 16/3p = 8(2/3π) = 1.6976527... and utilizing the metric unifier factor:
    R3D=(3π/2)1/3R4D=(4.7123889...)1/3 R4D =1.676539193..R4D as an upper limit for the Feigenbaum Chaos Delta dFeigenbaum=4.669... feigenbaum-.35400.

    As the parametrization uses the R10+=aRHubble mode for the asymptotic expansion, zN describes the asymptotic universal seedling coordinate for the multiversal oscillation both as the multiverse's expansion into Omnispace in R11+ and as the multiversal oscillation in R11-. The toroidal hyperspherical R10+ coordinate is then 'sphericalised' in the R10- coordination.

    For n=1, a=½ and zN=0.291=z(zM)=zM(n) via a=n/(n+1)=R(n)/RHubble and

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 = √{(nRHubble)2+R2(n))/(nRHubble)2-R2(n)} - 1

    For V11+/V11- = n2 = V10+/V10-

    R11+=(n)RHubble from V11+=(n3)2π2Rmax3

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble from V11-=(n)2π2Rmax3

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble from V10+=(n/[n+1])32Rmax3

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3

    With R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1])2π2Rmax3

    The Delta Δ=0.1324...then assigns the ratio Δ/(1+Δ)=Δ/n=(n-1)/n=1-1/n=0.1170 to the proportion of the asymptotic Universe which has become Revisited by the 'Electromagnetic rerturn' of the EMMR Light (of the Spirit of the CreatorCreation Monad in the Creator-Creation Duality).

    So for Δ=1, Δ/n=1/2 for a complete Hubble Oscillation and defining the return of the EMMR Light to its Big Bang Node, indicating that the full 50% of the asymptotic expansion of the protoversal seedling has become 'remapped' and 'downloaded' in the information of the first Hubble Cycle. The return lightpath of the EMMR would however still await remapping' and 'downloading' as the fraction 2/3-1/2=1/6 or 16.666%.

    For Δ=2, n=3 and so 2/3 of the data download would image the expansion factor a=n/(n+1)=3/4 as the part of the unmapped transversion of the multiversal cyclicity arrow of 3/4-2/3=1/12 or 8.3333%.

    The 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse' so defines the Hubble-Oscillation for the Multiverse.
    The 'downloaded' data is centered on the physicalised Image of the Mother-Black Hole of the Circumscribing Witten Mirror and so becomes the Gaian Supersphere for the 'downloaded data' from the rest of the Omniverse.
    As the 'returned data' (for a referential movie indicator consider Star Trek One, the Motion Picture) at the present cycletime coordinate 11.70% of the total extent of the EMMR Lightpath; it will be this proportion of RHubble, centered on the Gaian geometrical center; which defines the Gaian Superradius as RGaia=0.117RHubble=1.977 Billion lightyears (Gly).

    R11+=(n)RHubble=19.11 Gly (toroidal) & 32.04 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11+=2.24 Gly (toroidal) & 3.75 Gly (spherical)

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble=17.59 Gly (toroidal) & 29.49 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11-=2.06 Gly (toroidal) & 3.45 Gly (spherical)

    R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble=13.67 Gly (toroidal) & 22.91 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10++=1.60 Gly (toroidal) & 2.68 Gly (spherical)

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble=8.96 Gly (toroidal) & 15.02 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10+=1.05 Gly (toroidal) & 1.76 Gly (spherical)

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble=8.25 Gly (toroidal) & 13.83 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10-=0.97 Gly (toroidal) & 1.62~1.618 Gly (spherical)

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6 (±0.6) km/Mpc.s which translates into a linear age for the universe of 1/Ho = (3.26x9.467x1018/67.6) = 1/2.190x10-18 seconds or 14.47 GYears.

    The Gaian Superradius for the spherical correlation of the toroidal minimum size of the Omniverse, so corresponds to the standard and popularized age-measurement for the lower dimensional universe converging to an age of 13.83 billion lightyears.
    The Omniversal Gaian fractal then approximates this nexus point in the Golden Ratio Phi to allow determination of the n-cycle coordinate whenever the overall omniversal evolvement has attained the consciousness potential to process that omniversal data base.
    In particular, the Gaian observers of that cosmic evolution will KNOW WHERE they are in determining this n-cycletime coordinate and then broadcast this value to the extraterrestrial omniverse as indicated.

    EMMR Lightpath in Billions of Lightyears is X=cT=Lightpath of EMMR.
    Φ=1.618033...=½(√5+1)=-Y=1/X for (X,Y) the Roots of T(n)=n(n+1)=1 in Euler's Identity in the Quadratic n2+n-1=0=(n-X)(n-Y)


    The Lightpath for the EMMR (aka 'Spirit') so requires a definition of what a cyclic year is and is approximated above as a Civil GigaYear of 31,556,952 Billion seconds for a lightpath of 9.4670856...x1024 meters or 1 Billion lightyears.

    Solving the transcendental equation:
    f(n)=cTΦ-RGaia10-=0=cTΦ - (n-1)(3πn/2)1/3RHubbleT(n)=0 then determines npresent in this approximation as npresent~1.132419321.

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6 (±0.6) km/Mpc.s

    Tonyblue; calling the extraterrestrial observers within the Gaian Superspherical Radius of Φ Billion lightyears and as minimum omniversal volumar in sphericity.
    The Human Exiled Collective Agency has determined Where they are as the Gaian representatives for the Omniversal constituency in the n-cycletime coordinate system.
    The StarHuman deliverance can so become initiated in the Collective Cooperation and as determined by the World Logos.


    (1) The Gaian Super 'Noosphere' 'solves' the Gamma Burster Mystery of GRB 060614 with Redshift z=0.125 detected by the Swift satellite on June 14th, 2006.
    (2) The Mystery of the 'Arpian' Galactic Quasars
    (3) The Explosion of a supermassive Star SN 2007bi at a redshift z=0.127 , lower bounded in zImage~0.11
    (4) Unusual Cosmic Lenses at 1.6 Billion lightyears at redshift z=0.120

    (1) The Gaian Super 'Noosphere' 'solves' the Gamma Burster Mystery of GRB 060614 with Redshift z=0.125 detected by the Swift satellite on June 14th, 2006.

    GRB 060614 was a remarkable gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected by the Swift satellite on June 14, 2006 with puzzling properties, which challenge current progenitor models.
    In particular, the lack of any bright supernova (SN) down to very strict limits and the vanishing spectral lags during the whole burst are typical of short GRBs, strikingly at odds with the long (102s) duration of this event and its origin in a galaxy 1.6 billion light years away in the constellation Indus.
    As of December 2006, more than a dozen telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based observatories, have studied the burst.

    Gamma-ray bursts represent the most powerful known explosions in the universe. Yet they are random and fleeting, never appearing twice. Scientists have only recently begun to understand their nature.
    Such bursts typically fall into one of two categories, long or short. The long bursts last more than two seconds and appear to be from the core collapse of massive stars forming a black hole. Most of these bursts come from the edge of the visible universe. The short bursts, which are under two seconds and often last just a few milliseconds, appear to be the merger of two neutron stars or a neutron star with a black hole, which subsequently creates a new or bigger black hole.
    The hybrid burst, called GRB 060614, after the date it was detected, originated from within a galaxy 1.6 billion light years away in the southern constellation Indus. The burst lasted for 102 seconds, placing it soundly in long-burst territory. But the burst lacked the hallmark of a supernova, or star explosion, commonly seen shortly after long bursts. Also, the burst's host galaxy has a low star-formation rate with few massive stars that could produce supernovae and long gamma-ray bursts. "This was close enough to detect a supernova if it existed," said Avishay Gal-Yam of Caltech, Pasadena, Calif., lead author on another Nature report. "Even Hubble didn't see anything."
    Certain properties of the burst concerning its brightness and the arrival time of photons of various energies, called the lag-luminosity relationship, suggest that burst behaved more like a short burst (from a merger) than a long burst. Yet no theoretical model of mergers can support a sustained release of gamma-ray energy for 102 seconds. "This is brand new territory; we have no theories to guide us," said Gehrels. However, long GRBs from rapidly rotating black holes feature a viscous time-scale of tens of seconds of spin-down against high-density turbulent matter. As a candidate inner engine of long GRBs in mergers and collapsars alike, it can account naturally for long GRBs with and without supernovae and a diversity in X-ray afterglows representing different host environments, whose signatures in gravitational-waves fall within the bandwidth of sensitivity of LIGO-Virgo.

    The burst is perhaps not unprecedented. Archived data from the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory in the 1990s possibly reveal other hybrid "long-short" bursts, but no follow-up observations are available to confirm this. Johan Fynbo of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, also lead author on a Nature report, suggests that a burst from May of this year was also long, but had no associated supernova.
    Scientists remain divided on whether this was a long-short burst from a merger or a long burst from a star explosion with no supernova. Most conclude, however, that some new process must be at play - either the model of mergers creating second-long bursts needs a major overhaul, or the progenitor star from an explosion is intrinsically different from the kind that make supernovae.
    "We siphoned out all the information we could from GRB 060614," said Massimo Della Valle of the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri in Firenze, Italy, another lead author on a Nature report. "All we can do now is wait for the next nearby hybrid burst."

    GRB 060614: Data
    Detection: Swift Satellite
    Date: 14th June, 2006
    Duration: 102 seconds
    Right Ascension:21h 23m 27.0s
    Declination:-53° 02′ 02″
    Redshift: 0.125
    Host Galaxy: [PBF2006d] Host Galaxy
    Constellation: Indus


    (2) The Mystery of the 'Arpian' Galactic Quasars

    Hubble's Greatest Hits

    The biggest beacon

    Quasars are weird. They can be bright as a trillion stars, and more than billion light years away! Although astronomers think they are powered by stars and gas falling into a black hole, plenty of questions remain. For example, how long do quasars shine? Did most galaxies have them at some point? And just what causes them to fire up?
    Hubble's images have helped fill in the blanks on some of the sky's strangest beacons.
    LEFT: Two quasars, each about 1.5 billion light years from Earth, in intact galaxies (top galaxy is a spiral; bottom is elliptical). How can a galaxy stay intact when something as powerful as a quasar is beaming inside it? Scientists used to think quasars "turn on" or brighten when galaxies collide. But maybe that's not the whole story...
    TOP RIGHT: Busted! Sparks do fly when two galaxies collide at a million miles an hour! The quasar (at center) is 3 billion light years distant; the arc-shaped region at the bottom (15,000 light years from the quasar) is the dregs of a spiral galaxy. The bright thingy at top is a star between us and the quasar.
    BOTTOM RIGHT: Top object, a quasar, is merging with the galaxy below it, which is still 30,000 light years away. The whole mess is about 1.6 billion light years from us. The swirling gas and dust indicate an interaction between quasar and galaxy.

    (3) The Explosion of a supermassive Star SN 2007bi at a redshift z=0.127 , lower bounded in zImage ~0.11
    First of its Kind Superbright Supernova

    Wednesday, December 2. 2009
    W.M. Keck Observatory Press Release...

    Berkeley, Calif. - A discovery of an extraordinarily bright, extraordinarily long-lasting supernova named SN 2007bi turns out to be the first known example of the earliest types of stars that populated the Universe. The unusually luminous supernova could provide astronomers with clues about the earliest stars in the cosmos and could be the first of many similar events soon to be discovered.
    SN 2007bi was found in 2007 by the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory) based at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Over the next 18 months, observations of the exploding star were made by an international team of astronomers using the 10-meter Keck I telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawai'i and the Very Large Telescope in Chile.


    Based on the data, the team determined that SN 2007bi was the explosion of an exceedingly massive star, said astronomer Alex Filippenko of the University of California Berkeley whose group helped obtain, analyze and interpret the data. "But instead of turning into a black hole like many other heavyweight stars, its core went through a nuclear runaway that blew it to shreds. This type of behavior was predicted several decades ago by theorists, but never convincingly observed until now."
    According to the data, which was collected in a collaboration led by Avishay Gal-Yam of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science, the supernova's precursor star could only have been a giant having at least 200 times the mass of the Sun and initially containing few elements besides hydrogen and helium - a star similar to the first stars in the early Universe.

    SN 2007bi is also the first confirmed observation of a pair-instability supernova. The long-hypothesized phenomenon suggests that "in the extreme heat of the star's interior, energetic gamma rays created pairs of electrons and positrons, which bled off the pressure that sustained the core against collapse," said astrophysicist Peter Nugent, co-leader of Berkeley Lab's Computational Cosmology Center (C3), a collaboration between the Lab's Physics Division and Computational Research Division, or CRD.

    The researchers describe the data to support the pair instability supernova finding in the Dec. 3 issue of Nature.

    On the trail of a strange beast

    SN 2007bi was first recorded on images taken as part of the Palomar-QUEST Survey, an automated search with the wide-field Oschin Telescope at the California Institute of Technology's Palomar Observatory, and was quickly detected and categorized as an unusual supernova by the SNfactory. The SNfactory has so far discovered nearly a thousand supernovae of all types and amassed thousands of spectra, but has focused on those designated Type Ia, the "standard candles" used to study the expansion history of the Universe.
    "The thermonuclear runaway experienced by the core of SN 2007bi is reminiscent of that seen in the explosions of white dwarfs as Type Ia supernovae, but on a much larger scale and with a far greater amount of power," Filippenko said. SN 2007bi was at least ten times as bright as the standard Type Ia supernovae.

    Rollin Thomas of CRD, a member of C3 and the SNfactory, used the Franklin supercomputer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center to match synthetic supernovae spectra with the real SN 2007bi spectrum. The model fit was unambiguous: SN 2007bi was a pair-instability supernova.
    "The central part of the huge star had fused to oxygen near the end of its life, and was very hot," Filippenko explained. "Then the most energetic photons of light turned into electron-positron pairs, robbing the core of pressure and causing it to collapse. This led to a nuclear runaway explosion that created a large amount of radioactive nickel, whose decay energized the ejected gas and kept the supernova visible for a long time."

    A fossil laboratory of the early Universe

    Finding the first unambiguous example of a pair-instability supernova in a dwarf galaxy is significant, Nugent said. Dwarf galaxies are incredibly small and dim and contain few elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, so they are models or fossil laboratories of the early Universe. Dwarf galaxies are also ubiquitous, but, they are so faint and dim that they've rarely been studied. SN 2007bi is expected to focus attention on these fainter galaxies.
    Studying the dwarf galaxies and their remnant supernovae might, in the future, allow astronomers to- through explosions such as that of SN 2007bi- "detect the very first generation of stars, early in the history of the Universe, long before we have the capability of directly seeing the pre-explosion stars," Filippenko explained. So while SN 2007bi is the first of its kind to be detected, it is likely not the last.

    Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research for the Department of Energy's Office of Science and is managed by the University of California. For the full release, visit
    The W. M. Keck Observatory operates two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes on the summit of Mauna Kea on the island of Hawai'i. The twin telescopes feature a suite of advanced instrumentation including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectroscopy and a world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics system. The Observatory is a scientific partnership of the California Institute of Technology, the University of California and NASA. For more information please call 808.881.3827 or visit

    SN2007bi was near the location of a small galaxy (Anon J131920+0855), probably the host galaxy at redshift 0.127. This gives a distance of about 1.75 billion lightyears. #1.1 Andrew Cooper (Homepage) on 2009-12-02 21:06 (Reply)

    (4) Unusual Cosmic Lenses at 1.6 Billion lightyears at redshift z=0.120

    Astronomers Discover an Unusual Cosmic Lens


    These images of the first-ever foreground quasar (blue) lensing a background galaxy (red) were taken with the Keck II telescope using laser guide-star adaptive optics. (Credit: Courbin, Meylan,

    ScienceDaily (July 16, 2010) — Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have discovered the first known case of a distant galaxy being magnified by a quasar acting as a gravitational lens. The discovery, based in part on observations done at the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii's Mauna Kea, is being published July 16 in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    See Also:

    Space & Time

    [*]Black Holes
    [*]Extrasolar Planets
    [*]Local Group
    [*]Barred spiral galaxy

    Quasars, which are extraordinary luminous objects in the distant universe, are thought to be powered by supermassive black holes in the cores of galaxies. A single quasar could be a thousand times brighter than an entire galaxy of a hundred billion stars, which makes studies of their host galaxies exceedingly difficult. The significance of the discovery, the researchers say, is that it provides a novel way to understand these host galaxies.

    "It is a bit like staring into bright car headlights and trying to discern the color of their rims," says Frédéric Courbin of EPFL, the lead author on the paper. Using gravitational lensing, he says, "we now can measure the masses of these quasar host galaxies and overcome this difficulty."

    According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, if a large mass (such as a big galaxy or a cluster of galaxies) is placed along the line of sight to a distant galaxy, the part of the light that comes from the galaxy will split. Because of this, an observer on Earth will see two or more close images of the now-magnified background galaxy.
    The first such gravitational lens was discovered in 1979, and produced an image of a distant quasar that was magnified and split by a foreground galaxy. Hundreds of cases of gravitationally lensed quasars are now known. But, until the current work, the reverse process -- a background galaxy being lensed by the massive host galaxy of a foreground quasar -- had never been detected.
    Using gravitational lensing to measure the masses of distant galaxies independent of their brightness was suggested in 1936 by Caltech astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky, and the technique has been used effectively for this purpose in recent years. Until now, it had never been applied to measure the masses of quasar hosts themselves.

    To find the cosmic lens, the astronomers searched a large database of quasar spectra obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to select candidates for "reverse" quasar-galaxy gravitational lensing. Follow-up observations of the best candidate -- quasar SDSS J0013+1523, located about 1.6 billion light years away -- using the W. M. Keck Observatory's 10-meter telescope, confirmed that the quasar was indeed magnifying a distant galaxy, located about 7.5 billion light years away.
    "We were delighted to see that this idea actually works," says Georges Meylan, a professor of physics and leader of the EPFL team. "This discovery demonstrates the continued utility of gravitational lensing as an astrophysical tool."

    "Quasars are valuable probes of galaxy formation and evolution," says Professor of Astronomy S. George Djorgovski, leader of the Caltech team. Furthermore, he adds, "discoveries of more such systems will help us understand better the relationship between quasars and the galaxies which contain them, and their coevolution."

    Journal Reference:
    [*]Courbin et al. First case of strong gravitational lensing by a QSO: SDSS J0013 1523 at z = 0.120. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010; 516L12 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014376

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:43 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016

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