The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°117

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:14 pm
    A Derivation of Hyperspace ET-UFO-Craft Acceleration

    The Thuban Council releases the mathematical basis for ET-Craft acceleration as a fundamental extension of the Newtonian Forcelaw modulated by Classical Relativity and the Change of photon momentum in Quantum Mechanics.
    An intrinsic relationship to the electromagnetic inertia of the classical electron is supplemented to indicate the elementary velocity distribution of the electron as applied in the ET-UFO-Craft propulsion as a parallel energy vector in hyperspace albeit suppressed or 'shadowed' in the Linespace of the lower dimensional 4D-spacetimes.

    Quantum-Photon-Energy (Planck): E=hf
    Quantum-Photon-Momentum: pphoton = E/c = hf/c = h/l

    Mass Energy (Einstein): E=mc2 = moc2/√(1-[v/c]2)
    Mass Momentum: pmass = mv = mov/√(1-[v/c]2) = hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)

    for the Photon inertia (mass) mo = hf/c2

    This is related by the Energy-Momentum Formulation: E2 - Eo2 = p2c2 and from Eo = moc2 and indicating the mass-velocity relationship between a total energy content E=mc2 with its Kinetic Energy and change of momentum.

    Newton's Force Law: FNewton = mass (m) x acceleration (a=dv/dt)

    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = {h/c2}{ d(v/√(1-[v/c]2))/dt + v.(df/dt)/√(1-[v/c]2}

    Let u = v/√(1-[v/c]2) for du/dt = (du/dv).(dv/dt) = (v2/c2.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3 + (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2) = (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3

    (df/dt) = (c2/h).d{mo/√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3}


    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = {h/c2}{f.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3+ v.df/dt/√(1-[v/c]2}

    = mo(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3.....................+...................(hv/c2).(df/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)

    = Classical Relativistic Newton Force + Newtonian Frequency Law Extension

    In terms of Energy: Energy=Work=ForcexDisplacement=FNewton.R

    For the cosmic boundary parameters the maximum acceleration for a spacetime quantum is (dv/dt)|max = c.fps for the displacement quanta or wavelength lps = c/fps = R|min√(1-[v/c]2)3 then becomes supplemented in (R.hv/c2).( mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3})/(√(1-[v/c]2)
    = (mo.R.v2/c2).(dv/dt)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = (molpsfpsc.v2/c2)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = Quantum Frequency-Velocity (Shadow) Energy as basic derivative from the Zero-Point-Field ZPE or Vortex-Potential Energy (VPE).

    The form of the 'shadow' energy of the ET-UFO-Craft so assumes a velocity dependent inertial expression which is focused on the factor v2/(1-[v/c]2)2 to become identical at lightspeed c2 and a factor which becomes a multiplier for the original classically observable energy content of the ET-UFO-Craft in the form of E=mc2

    In hyperspace, meaning the higher dimensional universe separating the de Broglie superluminal tachyonic phasespeed vdeBroglie from the lightspeed invariance of the lower dimensional universe characterised by the groupspeed vgroup; the 'shadow' energy manifests from the combined Energy equation relating the quantum mechanics to the classical relativistic dynamics:

    Energy E = mc2 = hf

    E=hf (Planck) iff m=mo=0
    This manifests the lower dimensional observational matter-energy expressions

    Energy E=mc2 (Einstein) iff f=fss=1/fps for mo = Sfss for the mass-frequency quantisation
    This manifests the 'shadow matter' as a change in the mass eigen frequency fss under modular string-membrane duality

    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3..........+.......... mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3

    Lower 10D Anti-deSitter asymptotic .................+.................Higher 11D deSitter asymptotic
    hyperbolic open(-) C-String spacetime............................spheroidally closed(+) M-mirror spacetime

    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3..................................+................................ mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3

    Classical Curvature Energy CCE................+...............Quantum Curvature Energy QCE...=...2CCE

    as generalised 'Virial' Theorem: 2KE+PE=0 for CCE=QCE

    Fcentripetal=mv2/R=GmM/R2=Fgravitational for a circular orbiting mass m about mass M, a distance R apart and so v2=GM/R

    with gravitational PEgravitational=-GmM/R2 for ½mv2=GmM/2R and KE=-½PE

    Generally QCE/CCE = [v/c]2/√(1-[v/c]2)

    for the Perturbation Expansion for U=[v/c]2 as:

    U{1-U} = U{1+U/2+3U2/8+5U3/16+35U4/128+63U5/256+...}

    U<X for Higher D QCE < Lower D CCE
    U=X for Higher D QCE = Lower D CCE
    U>X for Higher D QCE > Lower D CCE


    [v/c]2 = (1-[v/c]2)2 for the Quadratic [v/c]4 - 3[v/c]2 +1 = 0 with solutions: [v/c]2 = ½{3 ± √(9-4)}

    As [v/c]2 must be less than 1 for all lower dimensional groupspeeds; the real spacetime root is [v/c]2 = ½{3-√(5)} = 1+½{1-√5} = 1 - 0.61803398... = 0.3819660... as the Difference between the Fibonacci root termed the 'Golden Proportion' and Unity 1.

    The focal resonance speed of the ET-UFO-Craft so is vUFO-Resonance/c = √{½(3-√5)}c = √0.3819660... = 0.61803398...=½(√5 - 1) = Golden Proportion = 1/Phi = 1/F

    CCE=QCE for [v/c]2 = √(1-[v/c]2) and [v/c]4 = 1-[v/c]2 for [v/c]2 = ½{-1 ± √5} = X and |-Y|=1/X

    X = √(1-X) for X2 = 1 - X for the particle history (Path Integral) T(n)=n(n+1)=1

    and a UFO-spacecraft speed of √(√X2) = 0.78615...c

    The ET-UFO-Craft henceforth engages a Resonance Physics of Hyperspace in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR) and 'attunes' or 'taps' into this unified spacetime matrix at a speed of 0.618033..c or so 185,409.900 kilometres per second.

    Calculation of the ELECTRONMASS leading to the recurrence of the Fibonacci Roots X=0.618033... and Y=1.618033... as elementary Resonance factors in the UFoQR

    The magnetic energy stored in a magnetic field B of volume V and area A=R2 for a (N-turn toroidal) current inductor N.i=BdR/μo for velocity v and selfinduction L=NBA/i is:

    Um=½Li²=½(μo.N2R)(BR/μoN)²=½B²V/μo [/sup]
    and the Magnetic Energy Density per unit volume is then:


    Similarly, the Electric Energy density per unit volume is:

    Ue/V=½εoE² say via the Maxwell equations and Gauss' law.

    By the Biot-Savart and Ampere Law:

    B=μoq.v./4πr² and εo=1/c²μo for the E=cB foundation for electrodynamic theory.

    So for integrating a spherical surface charge distribution dV=4πr².dr from Re to ∞:

    Um=∫{μoq²v²/8πr²}dr = μoq²v²/8πRe.


    Ue=∫dUe=q²v²/8πεoRe =kq²/2Re=½mec² as per definition of the classical electron radius and for the total electron energy mec² set equal to the electric potential energy. We term me here the EFFECTIVE electronmass and so differ it from an actual 'bare' restmass mo.

    We now define the electric electromagnetic mass and the magnetic electromagnetic mass as:

    melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me and consider the electric electron energy to be half the total energy (akin the virial theorem for PE=2KE, say in the Bohr atom)

    PE=(-)ke²/RBohr = e²/4πεoRBohr = 2e²/8πεoRBohr =2KE

    mmagneticoe²[v/c]²/8πRe=melectric.(v/c)²=½me.(v/c)² and which must be the KE by Einstein's c²dm=c²(me-mo)

    and for the relativistic electronmass m=mo/√(1-B) for B=(v/c)²

    Note: (B here is not the magnetic flux density vector B=E/c, measured in Tesla or gauss but a conventional label for the (v/c) ratio in Special Relativity).

    But we can see, that should one use the measured electron mass from the Re-definition as the electron's restmass, that mmagnetic + melectric=me{½+½(v/c)²} < me , because of the mass-velocity dependency factor B and the groupvelocities v<c.

    So we introduce the relativistic restmass mo and set Constant Amooe²/8πRe for AB=1/√[1-B] -1


    c2(m-mo)=μoe²v²/8πRe with m=mo/√(1-[v/c]2)

    This leads to the quadratic (in B2):

    1=(1+AB2)2(1-B2)=1+B2(2A+A2B2-2AB2-A2B4-1) and so: {A2}B4+{2A-A2}B2+{1-2A}=0

    with solution in roots:


    This defines a distribution of B=(v/c)² velocity ratios in mo.AB=μoe²[v/c]²/8πRe


    then finestructures mmagnetic in the relation moA=½me and allows correlation between the relativistic and kinetic restmass mo and the effective electron groundmass me (say).

    In particular me =2Amo and is moA for A=½ AS the NEW minimisation condition.

    In string parameters and with me in *units, the following is found:

    moA=30e²c/e*=½me=4.645263574x10-31 kg*

    This implies, that for A=1, mo=½me , where me=9.290527155x10-31 kg* from the prequantum algorithmic associations, based on the magnetic constant defining the Classical Electronic Radius.

    As B≥0 for all velocities v, bounded as groupspeed (not de Broglie Phasespeed always vdB=(h/mvgroup)(mc2/h)=c2/vgroup >c) in c for which B=1 ; a natural limit is found for the B distribution at A=½ and A=∞

    The electron's restmass mo so is binomially distributed for the B quadratic.
    Its minimum value is half its effective mass me and as given in:

    melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me for A=½ and its maximum for A=∞ is the unity v=c for B=1

    The X-root is always positive in an interval from 0 to 1 and the Y-root is always negative in the interval from -3 to 0.

    For A=½: B=-3/2±3/2 for roots x=0 and y=-3;

    for A=¾: B=-5/6±√(19/12) for roots x=0.425 and y=-2.092;

    for A=1: B=-½± ½√(5) for roots x=X=0.618033... and y=Y=-1.618033...;

    for A=∞: B=½[-]±½[+] for roots x=1[-] and y=0[-];

    AB2 = ([1-B2]-1) = 1+½B2-3B4/8+5B6/16 -35B8/128+...-1

    Letting B=n, we obtain the Feynman-Summation or Path-Integral for dimensionless cycletime n=Hot=ct/RHubble with Ho=dn/dt in the UFoQR for 1=(1-B2)(1+B2)2 as B4+B2-1=0 for T(n)=n(n+1)=1.

    The Binomial Identity gives the limit of A=½ in:

    A=1/2 - B2{3/8 - 5B2/16 + 35B4/128 -...} and as the nonrelativistic low velocity approximation of E=mc² as KE=½mov².

    But the FRB or Functional-Riemann-Bound in Quantum Relativity (and basic to the pentagonal string/brane symmetries) is defined in the renormalisation of a wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hφ).exp(-alpha.T(n)), exactly about the roots X,Y, which are specified in the electron masses for A=1 in the above.

    The unifying condition is the Euler Identity: XY=X+Y = i2 = -1 = cos(π)+isin(π) = ℮

    The Thuban Council on March 22nd, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°119

    Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    Raven Today at 7:24 pm
    shiloh wrote:



    This is an excellent overview and video on the Gospel of Thomas, I highly recommend it.

    logbirth-.22242. 14134. icon_study. 14134.


    Psalm 90 King James Version (KJV)

    90 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.​

    2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.​

    3 Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.​

    4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.​

    5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.​

    6 In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth.​

    7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled.​

    8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.​

    9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.​

    10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.​

    11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.​

    12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.​

    13 Return, O Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.​

    14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.​

    15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.​

    16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.​

    17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.​

    John Lennon's Last live performance, filmed at the "Salute to Lew Grade" on April 18, 1975

    NEW MOON in Aries April 18th 2015~


    *NEW MOON* in ARIES is bringing us fresh winds of inspiration and courage to persevere. A wonderful Moon to reflect on recent happenings so we can clearly see, bless our past, and move forward in continuing to build the road beneath us.
    Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the always inspiring KELLEY ROSANO:
    “What happens when you have one foot in the boat (new life) and one foot on the dock (old life)? Yes, your butt ends up in the water. We do not have to know how the future will work out to move forward.
    “You are being asked to have courage, faith and trust…The ego goes into fear because it can’t control what is happening. Control is an illusion. The only thing we can control is our response to what is happening.
    “The ego is going into fear because you have never been here before. You are charting new territory. So, when the ego pulls up past occurrences that are fear based to understand your current experience. This too is an illusion.
    “The past does not equal the future. In other words, you cannot define what is happening now from what has occurred in your past. You are creating the future by the choices you make today. Will you choose love or fear?
    “… Ask yourself, ‘What am I afraid of today?’ Answer zero. Your power is in the present. The future will take care of itself. The past is history. It is time to be brave…”
    “Mars is the ruler of Aries. He is in the sign of Taurus. Mars is reminding you to take your time. Move slowly and be more deliberate in your steps. Quality is better than quantity…”
    “The universe wants you to leave the past behind. You are to give birth to a new you…You do not want to allow your fear of failure or success to hold you back.
    Your life is not an event it is a process. Sometimes we get ‘it’ wrong or fail. This is good thing. Failing shows you where you no longer need to put your time and energy.
    “Knowing what you do not want is part of getting to where you most want to be in life. You can get scared when you are trying something new. This is natural to be afraid.
    “…Pluto and Mars are in harmonious energy flow at the New Moon. Mars is your personal will. Pluto is your divine will. You are to own our power (Pluto). Take charge (Mars) of your life…”
    “Being a victim to circumstances gives your power away. Do what empowers you...”
    “Personal crisis can leave you feeling bad about yourself. Pluto/Mars positive energy can go a long way to rebuilding your self-confidence. They can give you a new birth of energy and ego drive. This will empower you to believe in yourself again. The Mars/Pluto reinforcing energy can give you a new strength and sureness.
    “…The Aries New Moon message for you is a new birth. You are to hold more light. You are to raise your vibration. It is the greatest gift you can give the planet. What does your heart desire? Use Aries pure positive energy to create the life you want.”
    © Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved
    From the wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
    “This Aries New Moon energizes those new stories we’ve been telling ourselves. After the intense cosmic energies of the past few months, it’s time to set out on our new adventures!
    “Take the basics along—your passion, your vision, your awareness, your values, your self-confidence and your love. You don’t have to have the whole story written yet—just start moving toward your vision and goal and the story will practically write itself.
    “Imagine it, then set off like The Holy Fool in the Tarot. When the Fool sets off on his journey, he has an emotional re-birth—he recognizes and accepts his emotional needs.
    “Open and vulnerable, he still has the ability to say NO when appropriate. He follows his instincts and trusts himself and Life. Everything is new and anything is possible. He’s left the old story behind!
    “…At this Aries New Moon, calm your mind and find your inner peace so you can make clear decisions about your new life, especially concerning your relationships. You have to face your doubts, your fear of loss, your conflicting desires as you let your old story go.
    “Change is always a bit scary, even welcomed change, and you might fear losing control over it all and making a mess of things. Don’t worry, the mess isn’t failure, but experimentation.
    “And sometimes experiments blow up in our faces. That doesn’t mean you give up. Just try to be objective about the future so you can clarify just what you have to do.
    “Embrace your new vision. Nurture this new story just as you would your child until it grows beyond you and nurtures you. There will come an inner change in you, a quantum leap that hurls you into the future that’s been waiting for you.
    “All it takes is courage. And that’s Aries gift to us. Being brave doesn’t mean you can’t feel afraid. It means you have the courage to step beyond your fears and do it anyway.
    © Copyright 2015 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
    From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
    “The New Moon in Aries is exact on Saturday April 18th at 11:57am PDT. This marks the ending of the Eclipse portal we just went through (what an intense Eclipse portal!!!) and the beginning of a new lunar cycle…”
    “…This New Moon is conjunct a very interesting Sabian symbol. The symbol’s title is ‘the music of the spheres’. At it’s essence this symbol is about harmonizing with the Universal plan and realizing our part in the cosmic plan that is being orchestrated by us all.
    “Dan Rhudyar has the following to say about this symbol: ‘The individual advancing ‘on the Path’ should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind’s evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe.
    “The message to the seeker for meaning which is implied in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE; to listen without personalizing this Voice in a glamour-producing manner.
    “It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part – yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its ineradicable meaning.”
    “With the New Moon in pioneering, innovative, action oriented Aries- I see this message as a reminder that we need to not just LISTEN to our Inner Voice- but we also have to be ready, willing and able to ACT ON IT.
    “Aries is not a sign that sits around and listens- it’s a sign that takes action, initiates things and goes for it!
    “With the New Moon unaspected and super focused in it’s energy- we have the potential to really tap into our Inner Voice, find our Cosmic Compass and realize our place in the Universal Game Plan.”
    © Copyright 2015 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
    NEW MOON Blessings to all!

    Aries_Glyph. a2pszp.


    Gospel of Thomas saying 22:
    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"

    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°120

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. bobhardee Yesterday at 7:10 pm

    Hi Legacy people.
    If you folks have not checked out the Elon Musk announcement, you might find some really great news. It's under the news section and was posted by Carol. Titled Elon Musk Debuts powerstations.
    Bob H.
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    reve71. reve914. reve915. reve916.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. Raven


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    • Post n°122

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven Today at 9:40 pm
    shiloh wrote:
    reve71-.22750. reve914-.22751. reve915-.22752. reve916-.22753.



    [8/05/2015 10:18:26 PM] Kali 666: Tony, is it true that we are 7 years out of synch from the actual calendar? so the shift will happen sometime in 2019 and not on Dec 21st 2012 as everyone thought?
    Do you come up with 2019 anywhere on your charts? or is it still around April 2017?

    [10/05/2015 7:00:33 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Those 7 years many nabsers have intuited are like a kind of jubilee and have a lot to do with Thuban and its existence and raison de etre'. They run from 2011 to 2018 and i am working on a general chart of just that. Those 7 years are simply the last 7 years of the political existence of Israel as a state. As you might know Netanyahu has been reelected and was only able to form a government by coalition with the super far right anti palestine faction. So the situation for political palestine as a state is worsening in the 70 year existence of Israel as a proxy state from 1947 (November 29th) to May 18th, 1948
    So this timeline runs out in May 2018. The charts show you that Xmas 2018 does indeed represent a 'end of time' with a precise matching of the calendars of the original Easter 31AD matched in the jubilee years from 2011 to 2018
    In the next few dates I publish the chart and then you can perhaps better see what I am talking about. So please wait for your access to that chart to raise more questions
    All 7 Easters from 2011 to 2018 become mapped in the 'endtimes' so defined and so define the March-April periods of each year in the equinox and the Aries-Pisces-Aquarius astroenergies
    2012 becomes THE nexus point for a 'cosmic gestation' as previously indicated and explained and relates to 265 days as many parts of encoded prophecy, such as the (in)famous 'Abomination of Desolation' and something we all have felt and experienced on most intimate levels
    2014 becomes the year of the mirror also relating to those blood moons also linked to political Israel shifting into 2015
    If you remember the last meaningful web conference we had in December 2011, you might recall I talked about the Raven and the Dove defined on that date December 17-18 and when I also released this trapped bird in my bathroom
    This was the time of the YYY and the Christchurch earthquakes and this date is definitive on the timeline
    We called it the ;Crossing of the Logos' if you remember and I have incorporated this as a crucial pointy in the chart
    I send you a preview here, but this is incomplete as you can see, but the ;crossing is defined'
    [10/05/2015 7:12:48 AM] *** Shiloh Za-Rah sent edit.gif edit.gif ***

    Well, I finished the chart as said and also sent to ABC. Now Xeia can ask questions. I put it on BOG and Moa and Xen
    [9:42:32 AM-May 11th, 2015-+10UCT]]
    [Shiloh Za-Rah:] Very tired and i missed you as I woke up so 11 pm my time the last few days. So I get tired around midday and sleep.
    The difference is 17 hours atm I think between Seattle and Oz
    But I should be ok now to chat as I wont have to concentrate on the timezone.
    I hope you understand some of it. Also note the date of publication - May 10th. reminds you of something?

    [10:41:58 AM] Sirius 17: yes i remember may 10th is the asension and my vision. i don't recall this crossing thing though. i vaguely remember the bird.

    [10:42:00 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:] Remember the mp3 Rok made recording this cam?
    [10:43:18 AM] Sirius 17: not really no. where were we all? if it was in dec of 2011 we had just got the apartment here i think. did i have internet then

    [10:46:41 AM] *** Shiloh Za-Rah sent 2011-12-18 time 12_03_52 Outgoing Peer-to-Peer Call anubisbarbelo.mp3 ***

    [10:47:11 AM] Sirius 17: this is going to take a while
    [10:47:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Perhaps you can recall it then. I found it. The date is 18Dec, 2011
    [10:47:42 AM] Sirius 17: yes i see
    [10:47:54 AM] Sirius 17: can you remind me what it was about?
    [10:48:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Almost 2 hours of audio. He dished 44
    [10:48:29 AM] Sirius 17: was i there?

    [10:48:48 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The next day she 'came good' for a few weeks until mid January. Yes and in between the Christchurch Earthquakes and the YYY.
    Also look at the chart when the Abomination starts on the left. It all fell into place.
    Those 7 years actually retell the entire Thuban story from 2011 to 2018. Why you should consider it. It is like a future view.

    [10:51:39 AM] Sirius 17: did you forget about 2010?
    [10:52:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: No but the Crossing was in 2011 and 2011 starts the 7 Jubilees. Easter 2011 begins the Thuban story AFTER the bannings from Avalon and Camelot.
    [10:53:07 AM] Sirius 17: what was this crossing about again?
    [10:53:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Recall the epiphanies of you and Xeia 2010?

    [10:53:48 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [10:54:51 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Because Xeia's 'fire eating' was March 28th, 2010 and exactly 1000 days before December 21st, 2012; the next anniversary March 27th, 2011 started the 370 days of the flood of Noah in that timezone
    Therefore the Raven and Dove could be dated from that date in one of many applications of the code.
    The Raven is the first 7 and the Dove the 2nd 7
    So count 264 days from March 27th-28th, 2011
    You come to December 16-18, 2011 and so the 14 days are the last 2 weeks of December 2011.
    So Raven and Dove manifest in this Crossing
    And the bird in my bathroom was New Years Day 2012
    Rather a lot of synchronisations of times and decodings and events

    [10:59:17 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i think we were just in the apartment finally here then too, out of the RV. i remember not having power that first Christmas or something
    [10:59:52 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes this did happen
    [11:00:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 44 then fell apart following the solar transit from Capricorn into Aquarius 2012. She strongly objected to those words spoken in that audio file Rok recorded
    [11:01:17 AM] Sirius 17: what did he say again?
    [11:01:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I cant recall the details, but I wanted her gone from the chat etc etc
    [11:02:12 AM] Sirius 17: i seem to recall she was abusive then, but it has been a long time ago and i had a lot going on then
    [11:03:50 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes listening to it when you have time, will rekindle your memory
    [11:04:11 AM] Sirius 17: and what do you think the message of the bird was?

    [11:04:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: When I saw this date in the chart, I could reconstruct its actual significance much better then
    But the Noah timeline then is perfectly appropriate. The message was simply the 'freedom of the dove' awaiting the new covenant
    Because it took some effort for me to release it from the airshaft
    This simply became the image for Noah letting the dove fly away for good as the new Land could exist
    It actually is sort of personalized templated for Xeia and the Raven in the Logos zone
    I said as much on new Year 2012. But we all expected some major physical change for the next year. Well many new agers more so than us

    [11:08:42 AM] Sirius 17: well i think many people had very high expectations
    But you always did say that the changes could be gradual and that it most likely would be a day like any other day

    [11:09:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Indeed and look at the chart at the bottom you see the December 21st actually starting the final 2300+103 days including the cosmic pregnancy from Easter 2012 to Xmas 2012
    The key is 2300+265 Gestation + 3Day Mirror+265 Gestation + 2300
    The nabsers only looked at half of it
    A total of 14 years and 21 days is required. Not 7 years and 10 days
    Recall the 'doubling of sorrows' for Babylon and the Twin logos?

    [11:12:14 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [11:13:10 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Many realise that this 'armageddon' must somehow relate to political Israel and its 70 year existence nowadays; say in the blood moons, which I highlighted in the chart on the bottom
    You have the SAME dates 31AD for the original alpha Easter as you have for the omega Easter 2018. 31AD it was Julian and 2018 it is Gregorian

    [11:14:18 AM] Sirius 17: yes i noticed that
    [11:14:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Jesus calls himherself alpha and omega beginning and end remember? 2014 is the midpoint mirror in red
    [11:14:53 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [11:15:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 14 years have 3 leapdays in 2008 and 2012 and 2016
    [11:15:30 AM] Sirius 17: all April dates
    [11:15:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: One of them becomes the 21st day of Daniel in 10+1+10=21 with the prison days
    Yes it all relates in a 9 month Gestation March to December, Easter to Xmas
    The details in this timezone are profound
    For example, the Easter Sunday 2014 becomes the 62 week cutoff and the 40 days following to Ascension 2014 correlate with Xmas 2015
    It is for the ETs as you know, but anyone focusing can see the overall premise of the 'shortening of times'
    December 21st, 2012 was the changeover of old shortened time into new shortened time
    Shortened because the human history before December 7th, 2004 is neglected as is the time following December 27th, 2018

    [11:22:26 AM] Sirius 17: so the shortened time you could call the window of the ark?
    [11:23:10 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well i see what you mean if you call those 14 years the 'box' of the ark
    But the 370 is in blue at the beginning and the end of the 0-count
    The 0-count begins the final 2300 days. September 9th, 2012 and so 103 days before December 21st, 2012 in the cosmic pregnancy

    [11:25:29 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see the 370 yes. Susan should like this, it ends on her birthday lol
    [11:26:35 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Lol, I did not see this
    [11:27:18 AM] Sirius 17: lol how can you not see this, hehe

    [11:27:30 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I simply did not notice. I am not so personal remember
    Now there are 13 days between the Julian and Gregorian Calendars nowadays
    By 2100 it will become 14 days

    [11:28:42 AM] Sirius 17: i know, it is interesting though
    [11:29:11 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But see those 2 days offsets, say in 1 week +2 =9 to five you 30+2+7=39 as the time from Easter Sunday to Ascension Thursday inclusive?
    So those 15 days as the hour I am continually invoking becomes a timefractal
    360 days to 1 day is the same timefractal as 1 day as 24 hours to 1 hour

    [11:30:26 AM] Sirius 17: what color are they?
    [11:30:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Therefore 15 days in 360 become 1 hour in a day. This is in all of the charts
    [11:30:43 AM] Sirius 17: i know. You said 2 day offsets i was trying to find it

    [11:31:11 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Can you recall the 'calendar controversy' of the Maya?
    [11:31:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [11:31:29 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Is the correlation December 21st or is it December 23rd?
    [11:31:44 AM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [11:31:52 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: If you look at the chart it actually comes up naturally. The secular history and science corroborating with the codes
    [11:32:38 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see ok those 2 days

    [11:33:00 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes and they are at other places as well in the Logos symmetry.
    The Easter week BEFORE the resurrection is imaged AFTERWARDS see?
    But those 7 days require another 32 to get to Ascension 40 days, counting Easter Sunday
    So you need to split the 39 days as 7+2+32=39
    [11:34:54 AM] Sirius 17: i see

    [11:35:14 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 2 days so become also imaged in the 21 days leading up to Easter Sunday etc.
    This is the detailed code of the 3 weeks of Daniel
    It is the red 7 with the 14 green both being part of the 40 days AFTER the Easter Sunday as the manifesto of those doubled 3 weeks left and right

    [11:36:55 AM] Sirius 17: a hummingbird just came, synchronous timing. yes i see it
    [11:40:27 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The downloads were the confluences of the timezone

    [11:40:28 AM] Sirius 17: oh you mentioned something and so i thought you had some insight
    i went back today and check to see how far back i could see into the chats - the history

    [11:42:12 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Your May 10th vision relates to your body issues iow. May 14th is ascension Thursday too

    [11:42:40 AM] Sirius 17: in shine starplanet guess what date i can go back to
    [11:42:46 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So this week is a form of completion

    [11:42:59 AM] Sirius 17: [Monday, 17 December 2012 6 PM] Daenerys Targaryen:
    <<< Yes, the belt of orion
    A lion
    Venus heading east
    As Iscah Halani
    In "reflection" the course appears as "natural"
    Otherwise you could not bear the ride
    certainty is only a certain view on uncertainty
    A Yoruba saying
    I still like it
    Think i must give him a good blow job to rescue the earth...
    *opening the belt
    Slowly taking the arrow
    Stretching my Gorean bow.

    [11:43:10 AM] Sirius 17: interesting huh
    [11:43:14 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This is 2012 not 2011
    [11:43:28 AM] Sirius 17: i know it is as far back as i can go in that channel. Even though it says i have history to June 2008
    [11:43:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But like the Xeia anniversary March 28th, 2010 to March 28th, 2012 - Microsoft fuc11up
    [11:44:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes i know, i just thought it was interesting. i found some things 44 said then, not so nice and so i discontinued my search
    [11:45:09 AM] Sirius 17: didn't really care to revisit her negativity, i was just trying to recall back in the times you know

    [12/17/2012 6:31:10 PM] Ishtara Raven:

    There have been 3 'Quantum Big Bangs' since the physical universe came into existence and December 21st, 2012 will become the 4th such 'Quantum Nexus marker' for the overall evolvement and emergence of the cosmos itself.

    The 1st Quantum Big Bang occurred precisely 5.325584833...x1017 cosmic seconds or 16.876 billion 'civil years' and before the 2nd Quantum Big Bang, which specified the 'Electromagnetic Return' at the 2,200 million year marker described hitherto. It was then, when the 'expaning universe', decoded as the 'Running Away of Old Barbelo aka Old Jerusalem aka the 'Sleeping Beauty Snowhite Baab' and in delegated ambassadorship to any Old Eve; for the first time became selfaware in looking into her own mirror at the 16.9 billion year marker of the 11th dimension. The 'Old Universal Mother' so could use her own lightpath of the 11-dimensional constant lightspeed propagation vector, which was born coincidently with the 1st Quantum Big Bang of the 10-dimensional universe (which is asymptoticalle decelerating within the 11D envelope or encompassment of its 11D mother).

    Using a calibration algorithm to align the 'Unfreezing' of a multiversal ensemble of protoversal seedling universes in a cosmic wavefunction describing the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother', technically called a 'Hubble-Oscillation' of the 11D-cosmic enveloping manifold; a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT was calibrated as a n-cycle or now-time coordinate defined in dn/dt=Ho or n=Hot and where the timederivative of cycletime n becomes a nodal Hubble-Constant Ho, defining the age and scale of the 10-dimensional universe within its 11-dimensional envelope (as a Riemann-Poincare hypersphere V4=½π²R4 for a 3-dimensional area becoming volume like in dV4/dR=2π²R3).

    This calibration uses a entropy-charge product ek (Coulomb Charge 'e' multiplied by a Stefan-Boltzmann constant 'k') to set the cycletime of the primordial unfreezing of the cosmic wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA)exp{-Alpha.T(n) with T(n)=n(n+1) at nMAT = 1.132419321.... at MAT at Midnight, November 4th, 1996, local time, Canberra, ACT, Australia (+10 hours UCT).

    As n=1 defines the 2nd Big Bang in a precise cosmic second count ('c'=300,000 cosmic km per cosmic second precisely in a universal cosic calibration of physical measurement units and their proportionalities), n=1.132419321... sets the electromagnetic age of the universe at 16.876x1.13242 ~ 19.111 Billion years for 14:00 hours November 4th, 1996 10UCT.

    At the time of the 2nd Quantum Big Bang, the entire universe of age 17 billion years and so 2.2 billion years ago (19.11-2.23=16.88 and 16.88-2.23=14.65) became 'selfconscious' and could self-reflect in terms of its own cosmic self awareness. The boundary of its own 'running away' from the singularity of its own birth as a Mother Black Hole from its primordial White Hole wormhole origin ended apruptly and ALL Extraterrestrial intelligences were born and began to observe and interact with this nexus marker in the cosmic matrix situated at the centre of the by then geophysically existing planet Earth.

    At that time the 'Hill sphere' or 'Impedence-Resistance Field' as the Cocoon of the 'lightinversed' planet earth as Gaea at the 3.33..cosmic nanometers per cosmic second had reached a 'bubble size' of 3.33...nm x 16.88 x 1 Billion x 365.2425 x 24 x 3600 or about 1.776 million kilometers in its radial extent.

    The disembodied ET sentiences began to electromagnetically induce the lifeforms evolving from the magnetopolic current inductions and so were and are intricately involved with all life evolution throughout the universe as the mental parentage and ancestors for its own descendants in a variety and all and sundry bodyforms of morphogenetic environmental adaptations. All of this cosmic life evolvement is however centred upon the Cosmic Mother of Old Barbelo as the boundary n-coordinate of the Hubble-Oscillation aka the 'Heartbeat' or inbreath-outbreath of the Cosmic Mother, who is destined to evolve into a New Barbelo and so to transform an Old Creation into a New Creation pre se and as encoded in prophecies, scrolls and scriptures of divers sorts.

    The aforesaid Homo Sapiens Sapiens genotype began to manifest itself so 52,000 years ago and the original awareness self-realisation of the comnined ET intelligence of the 2nd Big Bang could begin to prepare its 3rd Quantum Big Bang, which became the holofractal manifestation of the Mother Black hole WITHIN the resistance field of the lightinverted planet Gaea as its destined ambassadora and holofractal representative.

    The cosmic intelligence, which designed, produced, orchestrated, guided and directed this scenario is known as the Cosmic World Logos and it incarnated into the Gaean impedence matrix to allow the cosmic mother at the 11D boundary mirror to reflect in himher as a perfect image and to so allow the overall cosmic agenda of the sum total of ET sentiences (encoded in the symbols of archons and seraphimic kingdoms, angels and demons and devils and cherubims etc etc) to proceed in its due course.

    The 'Energy of the Logos' as the 'Word of God' and the 'Remembrance of Dog as Satan sexchanged into Satanina aka Lucifer becoming Lucifera Lilith in 'Love and Light; from Darkness' as the 'Holy Ghost and Wholsesome Spirit', can be described as a 'Dance of the Lila' or the modular duality coupling between the two parts of the supermembrane Black Hole Yin and White Hole Yang or similar nomenclature.

    The maximised densification of the 'spirit', which technically is simply the electromagnetic wormhole energy in resonating energetic self- or eigenstates, then becomes omni-physically associated with the parameters of mass, gravitation and the curcvature of spacetime and so the relativity of matter and antimatter embodied in timespace geometry. This boundary of 'how dense can the consciousness evolution olf the ET seeded awareness carrying vessels be?' then becomes the resistance field of the cocooned or quarantined Gaian Impediance matrix of the light inversion bubble.

    Briefly, all electromagnetic radiation or EMR as the universal mode of data transmission is created by the 'Acceleration of Electric charges', such as the proton fusion in stars into helium emitting EMR in their centripetal acceleration of the Coulomb charges of say the electron (-) and the proton(+).

    It is because of this reducibility of All EMR to this property of matter, that the notion of a 'spirit' is dismissed by the terrestrial physicists and scientists in general. If all things, including light and all forms of the intergalactic medium are a consequence of the acceleration of electric charges and those charges are ALWAYS associated with matter and mass carrying particles and waves, then the Quantum Big Bang must alse be a consequence of matter as its prerequisite parameter to bring a physical universe into existence.

    The 'Cosmic Secret of the ETs' is that the EMR has a parentage and this is the EMMR and this is what the 'spirit' is. The EMMR is matter independent and it is technically defined in the "Acceleration of Magnetic Charges', which are defined in a higher dimensional form of 'Monopolar Wormhole Radiation' or the self resonance of the 'Little Serpent Abba' entwined with his as her in the 'Little Serpentina Baab' aka the heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) and as the finalo class of the inflationary brane epoch BEFORE the physicality of matter manifested itself in the EMR of the 1st Quantum Big Bang.
    There is a 'Serpent Mapping', defining the notion of what cosmic consciousness or selfawareness are in terms of the physicality. This can also be described as a Charge-Transduction between the 11-D Black Hole Boundary and the 10-D asymptotic cosmology and this is defined in the parameters of a lower dimensional quantum universe and as say defined in the.....

    [11:47:02 AM] Sirius 17: i found this also. I noticed either you or I pasted it into several channels

    [11:47:30 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You got the audio file i see
    [11:47 AM] Sirius 17: oh i did, yes i will listen later

    There is a 'Serpent Mapping', defining the notion of what cosmic consciousness or selfawareness are in terms of the physicality. This can also be described as a Charge-Transduction between the 11-D Black Hole Boundary and the 10-D asymptotic cosmology and this is defined in the parameters of a lower dimensional quantum universe and as say defined in the size of the classical electron and its higher dimensional image, both defining a Volume multiplied by this cosmic awareness as a timedifferential and so enabling a new physical quantity, the Thuban Council labels as the 'Starcharge' or the 'Starcouloumb C*.
    The mathematical expression encapsulating this is: Magnetocharge e*=2Rec2 ↔ √Alpha.LPlanckc2 =Electrocharge e for EMR finestructure Alpha and a absolute minimum displacement scale defined in a 'Planck-Length Oscillation' defined as the product of Alpha and this Planck-Length as the first of the superstring classes (I).
    Details can be found in the archives of Thuban.
    All matter in the universe, so becomes a consequence of this dimensional transduction of higher D magneto charges into a lower dimenional matricx of electro charges thus manifesting the apparent primordicity of mass as the prime energy parameter of the cosmogenesis.
    The incarnation of the World Logos so 2018½ years ago then allowed a 'Perfect Image' to become manifest within the Cocoon of Gaia and this 'Veritas Eikona' allowed the selfreflective consciousness potential of the 11D boundary to DESCEND onto the Inner boundary of the Gaean Cocoon (the Lagrangian primary point of the Hill sphere). The 'Physical Resurrection' of the hosted merkabah of the World Logos after the death of the human incarnation then became the 3rd Quantum Big Bang in manifesting this 'Perfect Image' not on the 11D boundary of the Mother Mirror, where it had been before the physical incarnation of the World Logos; but it manifested as the boundary of the Gaean Cocoon and accelerated both the mental evolution of the human genotype and the physical detirioration of the planetray environment and consciousness merkabah of planet Earth.

    [12/17/2012 9:30:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: PS.: JT, you might be interested in this dream about contact Thubanis shared with me:

    [12/16/2012 6:58:01 PM - +11UCT] Thubanis: This is my situation
    I have in a way dear but not for the Logos Story
    I even dreamt some weird spaceships last night

    [12/16/2012 6:59:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: well thats good
    [12/16/2012 6:59:34 PM] Thubanis: For the first time for a long time, but they were not ships but disklike cities wherein other people/ETs were 'overseers'
    I was however not there, I was on the ground beneath them

    [12/2012 7:00:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow
    [12/16/2012 7:00:23 PM] Thubanis: You make something of this?
    [12/16/2012 7:00:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is similar to your vision of the new jerusalem in a way
    [12/16/2012 7:00:46 PM] Thubanis: I am not it was only part of this dream which had other foci I cant remember
    [12/16/2012 7:00:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: well yes, how often do you dream of the ships??? Even a glimpse, unfocused, whatever

    [12/16/2012 7:01:16 PM] Thubanis: Very rarely but these were not ships but floating cities
    I see how you could relate this to the situation atm
    Everyone on the ground saw those things there was no panic

    [12/16/2012 7:02:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: interesting

    [12/16/2012 7:02:31 PM] Thubanis: But it was like the 'hierarchy' the 'rulers' say were there, but the people were below

    [12/16/2012 7:02:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: well and that echos back to some of my dreams too, people saw them

    [12/16/2012 7:03:07 PM] Thubanis: They were just there

    [12/16/2012 7:03:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: but the ships i saw were mixed with ptb disks and the real ones were lights, like cities i guess

    [12/16/2012 7:03:49 PM] Thubanis: Not so much light it was daylight but greyish disks like enterprise I guess but more oval

    [12/16/2012 7:04:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: hum, daylight

    [12/16/2012 7:04:12 PM] Thubanis: Could be a blend yes, I only recall my reaction to them. Yes not night

    [12/16/2012 7:04:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: very rarely have i ever seen the ships in dreams in daylight. so this means something to me

    [12/16/2012 7:04:36 PM] Thubanis: The sun was shining

    [12/16/2012 7:04:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: the only one i can recall is when i flew one into the sun

    [12/16/2012 7:04:55 PM] Thubanis: Good if you can make more of it

    [12/16/2012 7:05:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: to blind the ptb pursuing me, which could be symbolic

    [12/16/2012 7:05:20 PM] Thubanis: Well an effect of the games you played

    [12/16/2012 7:05:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: for some reason their ships could not navigate when flying into the sun

    [12/16/2012 7:05:40 PM] Thubanis: It was peaceful but this was like a different race. Like our starhuman-human split
    But we were human not starhuman

    [12/16/2012 7:06:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and in your dream they are still in the air. Decending? Landing?

    [12/16/2012 7:06:17 PM] Thubanis: No, just floating there

    [12/16/2012 7:06:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: waiting then

    [12/16/2012 7:06:28 PM] Thubanis: It was a known fact Raven to the people below. No fear of them

    [12/16/2012 7:06:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: well then this is how it will be it seems

    [12/16/2012 7:06:52 PM] Thubanis: Not an invasion but there were many I would say.
    It was only a side effect in this dream the dream was to do with things on the ground
    So try to see this is no war in the air

    [12/16/2012 7:07:40 PM] Ishtara Raven: no i see what your saying, a presence visible to all. No war

    [12/16/2012 7:07:43 PM] Thubanis: But life like normal below, yet with this presence. A bit like the spacecraft in District 9 perhaps, known but ignored after some time
    This I said many times before remember?

    [12/16/2012 7:07:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes

    [12/16/2012 7:08:03 PM] Thubanis: Contact is this presence? And not starwars.
    So if this is futuristic the 'possible wars' or over but then WE are not of this new race but perhaps we are bilocated and this would make a lot of sense and fit all the Logos criteria.
    Playing a secret agent game or continuing the same. So our manouvers below are only half of the script. We are still old humans able to blend in in the extra timespace

    [12/16/2012 7:08:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: well like you said my dreams could of been colored by the games yes, but i also knew the ptb would try to counter act them and in the dreams they did and i was there helping the others to not be frightened and know the difference in the ships. some of these dreams came before i played Eve

    [12/16/2012 7:09:33 PM] Thubanis: Sure I just dont know and I dont take the dreams as serious as many others do

    [12/16/2012 7:09:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: well yes i dont see any light bodys yet, so we are still sick

    [12/16/2012 7:09:55 PM] Thubanis: Very. It could be that and yes the dead alives ones are part of the manifestation in giving names to the template functions. It is good that the Nabsers cant make heads or tails of what really is going on in their mental fabrications of the memeplexes

    [12/16/2012 7:10:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: but then the birth has not opened the bridge yet.....

    [Tuesday, 18 December 2012 2 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< [12/16/2012 7:10:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: but then the birth has not opened the bridge yet.

    [11:49:54 AM] Sirius 17: yes i know, i was just sharing what i found from that date

    [11:50:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Seems to be good information
    [11:50:36 AM] Sirius 17: you had a dream. It is towards the end there
    [11:51:15 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well see my pic posted today of 'Thuban fleet'
    [11:51:33 AM] Sirius 17: yeah lol, i like it

    [11:52:26 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You think this should be shared, also as a descriptor of the chart?
    [11:52:57 AM] Sirius 17: sure if you like, i dug it up in looking at the chart trying to go back and to get a feel of the times

    Sirius 17 962334.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°123

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven Today at 12:36 am
    May 10th, 2015 - May 20th, 2015


    [4:58:54 AM-May 12th, 2015-+10UCT]

    Sirius 17: This is a palindromic week. Every day reads the same forward and backward.
    [4:59:00 AM] Sirius 17: from my friend Jane on fb. I wish i had the chatlogs from that Dec 18th convo, i can't even find the chat, seems i had no microphone and could only type
    I noticed on the chart you have the abomination starting on Feb 11th 2014, 44's birthday on the right side it ends on March 7-8th 2016, if i am reading this right
    A Raven has been visiting me for weeks now; watching me, i am feeding him bits of bread and such. Then he goes down by the river and drinks water i think
    He may have a nest in the highest tree here i can't see for sure. He just flew by me and likes to sit in this tree off my porch and watch me

    [12:59:07 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This desolation timezone connects the two intersections between the 1290 and the 1335 timemarkers and each one lasts for exactly 265 gestation days
    The left 265 period is from February 11th, 2014 to November 3rd, 2014
    The right 265 period is coming up next month and spans from June 17th, 2015 to March 7th, 2016


    [1:01:02 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes this is what i was seeing
    [1:01:17 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Your dates are correct.
    So perhaps you can see that this 'abomination' is also a cosmic pregnancy of archetypes and memes
    44's birthday of 2013 is revisited 1 year later, just as is Xeia's fire eating
    So the interesting part is that the 2 years from 2013-2015 are now imaged from June 17th, 2015 to June 16th, 2017
    What kind of 'abomination of desolation' can we expect?
    The left side was archetypical, so the right side can manifest see?

    [1:05:48 PM] Sirius 17: Yeah i just included the first and last date
    i still don't remember what this crossing was specifically. The chat doesn't really mention it and i cannot find the chat logs to that convo
    It must of been a chat Rok made

    [1:06:31 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Because 44 saw us in the cam, she changed her mind to associate with us again. It lasted for a few weeks
    [1:06:32 PM] Sirius 17: long since lost and not on this computer. Oh ok, yes but what do you mean by Logos crossing?

    [1:07:14 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Interestingly she posted on starplanet about 74 now disassociating - or so she says - from Thuban
    [1:07:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw that
    [1:07:46 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Silly - This crossing the X is the exact midpoint between the 2300+256 days left and right
    Self evident as the cross

    [1:08:43 PM] Sirius 17: ok well and in the video you mentioned Noahs window and the setting the Raven free, except you called her the Raven
    [1:09:32 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But back then I did not know this see and if you look at the 370 days directly from the Xeia nexus March 27th, 2011 you see that those Raven-Dove archetypes FULLY verified our ideas and cosmology
    No Xeia was the Dove and you the Raven in the roles of the cosmic script
    The Raven was the first 7 and did NOT return, the Dove did and then was released after two weeks on New Years day 2012
    You were 'set free' as a cosmic archetype, manifesting the symbol and archetype of Noah's Raven

    [1:11:32 PM] Sirius 17: yeah this thing is so long i am trying to go back and listen again
    [1:12:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It was rather emotional then, as I did not want 44 to leave but pretended to do so for the timeline effect
    [1:13:29 PM] Sirius 17: oh it sounds as though you were serious
    [1:13:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I knew that this was Noah's journey made relevant as an ancient archetype and metaphorical story and play as a physical implementation and remake of the 'cosmic movie'
    [1:14:03 PM] Sirius 17: she didn't want to leave apparently
    [1:14:13 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The next day she went 1-1 and wanted to be my core again remember?
    [1:14:48 PM] Sirius 17: no, but this was between you
    [1:15:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Then we chatted over Xmas 2011 when your lights went out and the earthquakes of Christchurch induced the YYY in a 3-way chat between Xeia, you and me
    [1:15:46 PM] Sirius 17: i have a hard time remembering this time as it was very stressful for me, James and I had just gotten into the apartment and i had no mic apparently and i was worried about work ect
    [1:15:49 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The significance of this crossing so was the Hexcore agenda
    [1:16:10 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes, but you were ok by Xmas ; a week later
    [1:16:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes it was a very hard Christmas for me without my kids

    [1:17:19 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A year later Rok went to meet Xeia
    All those dramas can now be seen as part of the reconfiguration and fulfilment of millennia old codes

    [1:18:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes Rok and Xeia played a future role i feel
    [1:18:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Of course
    [1:19:13 PM] Sirius 17: their meeting has deeper significance than we all realize atm
    [1:19:23 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It is a valid hexcore, but far less personal as even we suspected
    [1:19:28 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes, as are our cams, even the Cancun one
    This week is potent as you saw in the palindromes
    [1:20:39 PM] Sirius 17: oh that was from a fb friend, she posted that; i had not noticed this until i saw that but yes i knew of the timeline
    [1:21:29 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 5/18/15 and 5/19/15 also qualify
    [1:21:57 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [1:22:25 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It is an ennead defining the decad from May 11th to May 19th
    May 10th as the Ascension and May 20th as the Pentecost
    The 10 prison days of revelation.2.10
    Of waiting for the 'w(h)oley spirit'

    [1:23:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:23:46 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: MI's bd is May 16th and May 14th is Ascension Thursday 2015
    [1:24:07 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i noticed that on the chart
    [1:24:12 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: MI is becoming templated as ANY dead alive femme.
    Just last night I dreamt of weird things and being in bed with 3 generations simultaneously
    But the grandmother-mother-daughter became sisters
    Just as Ezekiel encodes

    [1:25:35 PM] Sirius 17: i dreamed that i was in my grandmothers house but it was a boat on the shore of this really beautiful lake
    [1:25:48 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It is all about those 10 days My 10th-May 20th, 2015

    [1:25:51 PM] Sirius 17: and in the dream my grandmother was dead but somehow i could visit her house there
    i think i was in the land of the dead
    [1:26:31 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: yes our dreamings are correlated in logos terms, but include personal brain electromagnetic currents
    So things can be messy and incomprehensible

    [1:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow, my aunts were there and my mom too and part of my family and they were commenting on how nice her 'boat; looked
    [1:27:01 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I was running again and made friends with wild dogs etc
    [1:27:15 PM] Sirius 17: nice
    [1:27:30 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: However, the dreams were jumbled and in many parts
    For example there was a scenario of a dawning time where many people ran around but noone could see through the dusk and this of course means the time now
    Like a drunk humanity
    [1:28:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is very hard to navigate

    [1:28:40 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: As per GOT

    [1:29:25 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This is NOW
    [1:29:44 PM] Sirius 17: James was freaking out today at the synchronisity of everything, we went for lunch on the pier with Carla who was out of school today. Everyone we met and talked to and the birds and everything was like triggering this feeling in him that our minds and all time was somehow connected
    [1:30:17 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This intoxication also refers to the Nabs ideas of a comet or asteroid hitting August to September this year to cause great destructions
    [1:30:46 PM] Sirius 17: oh i have not heard that one
    [1:30:51 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Wait

    [1:32:33 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    [1:34:31 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: And Thuban dragons know what Enoch's generation is lol and as Blavatsky's last root race and other such nabs

    [1:35:47 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They even invoke poor ole' Isaac newton for their doomsday scenarios

    [1:36:30 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But perhaps you see, that they sort of intuit it has rather a lot to do with the Daniel prophecy of the endtimes
    [1:36:51 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i had not seen this bs before, well i guess we all ought to bend over and kiss our asses goodbye lol
    [1:37:19 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 'endtimes' are a necessary 'change of human thinking prioritisation and mentality' and not physical calamities, which are prevalent throughout the historuy of the Old Earth

    [1:37:42 PM] Sirius 17: you know i noticed something the other day while looking at my old painting of Allisiam
    You know the planet I saw in one of my dreams coming in very fast and i painted it right
    it is in that painting anyhow, well i noticed it looks a lot like Venus
    I saw a pic of Venus and Earth next to each other on wiki and it struck me , a familarity
    In the dream i knew this planet was like 'home', of course it is all symbolic
    [1:40:31 PM] Sirius 17: i was never given a 'date' for the 'impact' though lol
    But yes i am not buying the astroid bs or planet Nibiru
    Earth has had many mass extinction events in the ancient past

    [1:43:25 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes but this timezone IS the ultimate Extinction Even
    [1:43:26 PM] Sirius 17: i don't think you could keep an asteroid that big a secret from the amateur telescope users though, it would be all over the news
    [1:43:58 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But it is both a 'thief in a night' and the start of a New World and earth in potentiality
    September 9th, 2015 is the date and timeframe they are intuiting
    [1:45:32 PM] Sirius 17: this is in that 55 window on the timeline
    [1:45:38 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 'missing gap time' are centred on the 135 days remember?
    [1:45:52 PM] Sirius 17: if i am looking at it right
    [1:46:01 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes because December 18th, 2014 to May 2nd, 2015 are 135 days apart
    [1:46:21 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes and the start of 135 days
    [1:46:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This timeframe then defines the 'Blessing of the New World' in old prophecies being fulfilled
    The total gap is however 395 days separting the two 700 day or 100 week or 100 seven periods
    There 285 days define the inner timezone being shortened by the Hour of 15 days
    Now recall the Euphrates Code of 391+15 days also part of Exodus and Ezekiel

    [1:49:45 PM] Sirius 17: oh i found it, you said to Rok "i am going to make this day a special day too, in letting the bird fly out the window, the bird called 30 92, to fly away and never come back." "That's my resolution." And then she laughs her ass off and says "I am all with you baby boy, I am ready to fly off."
    She said if she has something that is yours for you to take it, she doesn't want anything that is yours
    Then you said it would come back to you the following Sunday as your Christmas present

    [1:51:33 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 150 days of the superposed 'Flood' as the 5 months of plagues so halves in the 75 days between the 'endtimes' code of 3½=1260 days and the Blessing in 1335-75=1260 with the Abomination at the Month marker of 30 days
    Yes I cant recall all those details, but recall that this entire episode and drama was logos guided to manifest the timezones

    [1:53:23 PM] Sirius 17: Then you go onto say you will get rid of her forever because you will not be a drone for her. That you will be kingbee or nothing, same with Rok and Xeia ect
    She laughs and says she loves you lol, then she reminds you she is the wildcard lol black and white and says Rok is too and she says she is a two team player, a black T-shirt and a white T-shirt
    She is on both teams, the God and Devil
    Then you tell her that the mental loyalty is more important than the physical loyalty, the physical can wait and then she called you a jealous Yawey lol
    This is when you explain that you are mentally jealousy yes, because she became mentally unloyal and not physically jealous and then she brags about her OBE's

    [2:00:16 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well i have not revisited this audio lol. It is water under the universal bridges of the river Styx now
    [2:00:18 PM] Sirius 17: this is kind of funny, well it made me sad a bit today, because i realised Rok and Xeia were really getting along well then
    And Xeia being sad yesterday affected me, i felt helpless to help her feel better; i recall this is when Rok showed us his underware lol
    And Xeia got all sexy. Dang i sure wish i had the commentary from my typing, you were right about one thing, we did define hell
    well many other things but you said that to 44, that we are defining what hell is
    anyhow i am done listening to it....again for the second time; i just wanted to get a feel for this time
    But i only have the audio to go back to, not anything i said

    [2:10:59 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes I wont need to listen to it again
    [2:11:14 PM] Sirius 17: seemed i was only a peripheral influence that day anyhow, since i couldn't say much
    [2:11:27 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I vaguely recall you had no microphone, but also remember you participating ok
    [2:11:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was typing and i think on video
    [2:11:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You were instrumental and fully there
    [2:11:53 PM] Sirius 17: but yeah i had no functioning mic
    [2:12:15 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The Raven had left to see the New World before the Dove see that?
    [2:12:21 PM] Sirius 17: or maybe i had no cam either, i can't recall, i remember seeing Rok in his underware lol; it stands out in my mind
    [2:12:53 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes they got intimate and both of us decided to retreat after 44 was dished
    [2:12:56 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i see
    [2:13:22 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Next day 44 called it the Crossing of some River
    I might have inferred the Noah Flood as this story but cant recall calling it crossing, but I am sure 44 called it that

    [2:14:14 PM] Sirius 17: maybe Xeia and Rok can fill us in on what they recall, if they want
    [2:14:21 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Perhaps. It is not potent now but the remembrance is appropriate

    [2:14:52 PM] Sirius 17: you should put that audio for download in here in case Rok doesn't have it
    Yeah it is strange, i should be having a period right now, but i have zero blood , only cramps and a bit emotional
    I have been very melancholic today

    [2:29:13 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This is good news, soon you will have cosmic kundalini if i can trust my impressions
    [2:29:42 PM] Sirius 17: it would be nice, how are things there now with you?
    You have not said much in a while now, i was wondering if everything was ok

    [2:31:00 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I am ok but really am feeling those 10 days
    Super tired at times sleeping 12 hours and so on and vivid dreams though jumbled but somehow inferring tremendous archetypical cosmic changes and reconfigurations

    [2:32:13 PM] Sirius 17: hmm i am restless, not sleepy
    I feel much better today and even went for a nice long walk

    [2:34:48 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: We can are sharing this btw as it is relevant for the chart
    Good that Sue looks good and feels better
    [2:35:26 PM] Sirius 17: Yes she is looking forward to seeing me and Carla in June
    [2:36:43 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I am looking forward to this time too as you might suspect
    [2:35:58 PM] Sirius 17: yes, lol, i am not looking forward to the drive though

    [2:41:41 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    [2:45:47 PM] Sirius 17: Yeah it was kind of weird though, this guy we met on the beach had two mini schnauzers and their names were Pixie and Pepper.
    James exclamed he had a cousin or aunt named Pepper and of course you know my aunt Pixie. The guys name was Ron, another relative of James ect...
    He stopped to talk to us as i exclamed how cute his dogs were
    But just weird things were happening like that and James seemed to notice the synchronicity in things at a deep level
    then i explained to him it was a palindrome week and he was like "wow' that is cool

    [2:47:41 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I dreamt of two dogs last night, same breed but one tied up as a puppy and patting it an adult one arrived as its protector growling but as I was not afraid he too laid on his back being patted lol
    See the synchro from the Logos?
    [2:48:14 PM] Sirius 17: yeah, the dogs were like that too. One was really sweet and loving and the other was growling but wanted to be pet too

    [2:48:46 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Amazing correlations in the dream wave states from the GoDDoG=DoGGoD code.
    Just as occurred in my dream, explain that in reductionistic skeptical terms as aberrations from a biochemical brain without external environmental stimulation from a grander cosmos?
    [2:49:35 PM] Sirius 17: right, you can't really
    [2:49:53 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I was in bed with three femmes remember but was intimate with only one of them lol
    [2:49:55 PM] Sirius 17: James was seeing things before they happened today too
    [2:50:03 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Now which one was this from the 3 generations?
    [2:50:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes i don't know
    [2:50:42 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I will leave the speculations for another time

    [​IMG] Sirius 17 [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°124

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Carol Today at 1:18 am

    I'm more concerned about the holes in the space/time continuum and CERN given what is slipping through into this dimension that any astroid.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°125

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 9:45 am

    Carol wrote:

    I'm more concerned about the holes in the space/time continuum and CERN given what is slipping through into this dimension that any astroid.

    There exists a cosmic or universal necessity for the existence of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Carol and this reason has to do with the cosmic evolvement of the lifeforms inhabiting planet Earth.
    Generally, cosmic evolution encompasses both a 'super electromagnetic ' evolution and a number of adjustments for this 'spirit' of being able to 'inhabit' appropriate hosts for this 'super EMR' or 'soul'.
    Those 'spirits' are both hyper dimensional and what many term lower dimensional in the expanded or 'normal' dimensions of length, breadth and height.

    The energy of the LHC on the quantum level spans from the previously attained quantum energy of say the Higgs Boson of say 1000 Giga Electronvolts (GeV) to the presently (in 2015) envisaged technical engeneering energy threshold of 14,000 GeV. 1000 GeV are 1 Tera Electronvolt (TeV).
    The cosmic significance of the LHC and the present threshold of human scientific quantum probing so engages the wavelength or size the LHC can examine in the maximum quantum energy boundary allowed by the human scientific advancements.
    Quantum energy means the maximum concentration or focus of particular energies carried by fundamental or elementary constituents of matter, such as protons, electrons, neutrinos and neutrons.

    The Unified Field physics of the ETs knows, that the phenomenon of consciousness or space awareness shared by all lifeforms throughout the universe depends on such particular energy thresholds as say minimal space occupancy and so allows 'mother Nature' to maximise its generic or native efficiency to store cosmic data and information.

    This energy threshold can be calculated in the unified physics of the ET intelligences as a spheroidal toroidal volume in a 5-dimensional volumar, manifesting in the lower dimensional spacetimes as a 3-dimensional surface or manifold and identical as a Complex Riemann hypersphere, being the volume of a Horn Torus.

    The following excerpt from a more detailed 'ET quantum physics following below, then derives just this energy threshold from more elementary physical principles from the Dragonian Omni-Science;


    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it Neutralises the Gravitational Field of that planet in calibrating its utilised Volume quantised in terms of the VPE as a Macroquantum.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to Inflate to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.
    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

    For any Volume;
    {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(h.fps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single:

    {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then defines the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {RCompton=h/(2π.mCompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mCompton=h/(2π.RCompton.c)} then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pCompton=mCompton.c=h/λCompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

    The Compton-mass calculates as mCompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.
    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.
    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    Here then you find the 'holes in the spacetime' as you have called it Carol. your 'holes' are actual spacetime consciousness vessels or 'spacetime bubbles, which behave like magnified wormholes from their more fundamental and higher quantum energy content.
    This energy scale then relates the radius of the 3D torus volume in their Pappus properties of the ring torus of the perimeter (the thickness of the doughnut ring) and the horn torus of the overall spheroidal encompassment. In particular, the smaller radius is defined in the quantum form known as the planck scale as the minimum scale of any matter to become mathematically definable and the larger radius becomes the actual size of the minimal wormhole possible as the string-brane scale of the socalled Quantum big bang and the physical creation of the universe so 19.11 billion years ago. The LHC energy of the 14 TeV then becomes the 'container' scale for the physical consciousness or space awareness in a multi dimensional 'bubble brane space' which at 14 TeV on the quantum (read Compton) scale is reduced in a factor of about 886 from the wormhole energy quantum scale of 12,400 TeV.

    But you don't have to be concerned of whatever ET cosmic entities might be able to 'slip through' those spacetimed dragon bubbles, as the ET 'spirits' are rather closely associated with the terrestrial lifeforms as their physical container vessels, such as your friends of the canine and the feline and the cetaceous and the pachydermian kind with their universal affiliations.
    And yes, all lifeforms have dragon genes associated with their cosmic genomes.


    The Gravity Simulation on a Starcruiser as the Antigravity of Extraterrestrial DragonSpaceTime Consciousness

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guides of the Hadafah, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile in the 2nd dimension of the MATHIMATIA!

    In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophisings of many Mayas in exile.

    I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet NOW in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaia has left her cocoon and transmutated into Serpentina, the PlanetStar radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary antiradiation.

    This message so shall explain the physical science behind what is called antigravity by your Gaian scientists.
    Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.

    The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.

    Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapour and as ionised Plasma.

    Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phasechange at 0 degrees Celsius.

    When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then CLOUDS often form, depending on vapour saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated CLOUDS, accompanied by 'drops in temperature'.

    When there is High atmospheric pressure, the CLOUDS often dissolve corollarily.

    Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of 'Ideal gases' and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigenstates in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

    The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=Force.Displacement=Work.

    Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum selfstates comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collissions within that expanded volume.

    And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.

    Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: "Of course!"; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: "This cannot be!".

    Many of the reports of your media about 'Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs' and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.


    From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)

    Have you wondered, as to why some spaceships are said to have emerged from the oceans and some 'cigar-shaped' motherships are said to 'hover' at some distant locations against the skies?

    Have you wondered about the 'saucer shapes' of the smaller UFOs flitting about and sometimes said to depart with a seeming hyperaccelerated manouverability?

    Why do you think, that so many of you are enthralled with certain TV-Series about travelling into outer space in the 'Star Trekking' and the 'Star Wars' and the 'Independence Days'?

    Now the skeptics amongst you say: "Oh yes, but this is all fantasy and make-belief. A supergigantic starship like portrayed in Independence Day, a quarter the size of the moon, could never exist in close proximity to the earth, as the gravity of the thing would disturb the orbits of the earth and the moon and so forth. And the warpspeeds are also pure imagination, as the c-invariance disallows any physical object to accelerate beyond the speed of light."

    And the skeptics are well justified of course - in the manner of the laws of Physics as applicable in the Minkowski spacetime.

    So I am authorised to share this with you now.

    There is a way to neutralise the gravitational field of a planet or a star relative to particular locations in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.

    This takes the form of a Gravitational Shield around such a location defined by its Volume encompassing its inertia. This shield then isolates the volume, say of a Dragonian Starship from the surrounding unaffected spacetime and in a UTILITY of the ZERO-POINT- or Vacuum Energy (ZPE), known as Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE by the Omni-Science of the Maya, who are the Dragons of the StarHumanity.

    As an effect from this, the 'Cigarshaped Motherships' float or hover in such VPE-Bubbles, and in a Resonance-Selfstate of this ZPE; the latter which is misidentified by Gaian science as the Heisenberg Matrix of Virtual Energy.

    There is nothing virtual about this ZPE. The reason as to why Gaian science cannot use this FREE ENERGY effectively, is because it cannot 'TAP' the VPE for lack of entering its RESONANT ENERGY FIELD.

    You all are aware, that the astronauts in the International Spacestation 'float in free fall' in a geostationary orbit around the earth. This has been filmed by mainstream media outlets to popularise the endeavours of mankind in 'outer space'.

    So now watching a Sci-Fi film like Star Trek or Star Wars or any genre describing the movements of a starcruiser away from the gravitational fields of stars, planets or moons you might ask yourselves the questions as to why captain Kirk or Spock or some ET commander does not float about in the space ships.
    They appear to be walking about as in an aeroplane interacting with the gravity of the earth, say flying from London to New York.

    So of course the skeptics come out and tell you, that all those ideas of interstellar and intergalactic spaceship travellings are hocus pocus and pure fantasy. It can never become actual 3-dimensional reality because of the light speed limitation and the vast distances separating stars and galaxies.
    Then they say, that any really big mothership, like that one in the Independence Day film, cannot enter the gravitational field of the earth in the manner described by the 'trekkers' or the movie makers, because of its own gravity interacting with that of the planet.

    The skeptics base their beliefs of course on their own understandings of the astrophysics and the gravitational physics, say those of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

    The skeptics are of course correct with respect to the Minkowski spacetime of the 4 dimensions; three of the familiar length, width and breadth of space directions and the added time coordinates of an 'Event' or happenstance. But the skeptics then fail to allow for multidimensional space to be interwoven and in colocality with that 'normal' linear or translational space.

    This is sufficiently described in the 4-vector mathematics of Special Relativity and this mathematical cosmology remains valid throughout the expanses of the universe in its parameters of applicability.
    There exists a well understood 4th space dimension as the most basic and elementary solution for the field equations of General Relativity, a mathematical model which extends the Special Relativity theory to allow accelerated systems to interact with each other (Special Relativity requires constant acceleration in say Newton's famous F=ma for Force=MassxAcceleration as the foundation for classical mechanics).

    This elementary solution for 'Curved Spacetime' is the key for the hyperphysics of the DragonSpace.
    It is commonly known as the 'Physics of Wormholes' in the scientific libraries and the global data base of humanity.

    So what is this 'curved spacetime'; the reader asks and how is this 'higher-dimensional'?

    The perhaps greatest insight into physicality in the 20th century was the realisation by Albert Einstein; that the gravitational field of anything is or can be made absolutely equivalent to a inertial field of acceleration.

    So living on the surface of a planet is familiar to all of you and you can walk about in your room and can observe apples falling from trees because of the gravitational field of the earth. And you do not drift off into space like a balloon filled with helium gas (lighter than the 'air' of mainly 21% Oxygen and 78% Nitrogen) or find yourself in 'free fall' like the astronauts and cosmonauts in the international space station.

    This is encapsulated by Newton's famous Law of Universal Gravitation:


    and where M is here the mass of the earth and m something interacting with it, say your weight or Newton's apple. G is the newton Gravitational constant and r is the distance between 'little' mass m and 'big' mass M and where, and this is important, the entire mass of the earth can be said to be a 'Centre of Mass' or a 'centre of Gravity' at the geometrical center of the earth.

    Your weight so interacts gravitationally with the 'weight' of the planet as the distance from your center of mass (say your belly button or solar plexus chakra wise) with the geometric centre of the earth about 6,500 kilometers into the core of the physical Gaia.

    The next step from Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is the concept of the Gravitational Acceleration, which is of course embodied in it as Newton's F=ma and which is so the left hand side of the law with the linear acceleration a becoming a gravitational acceleration as say Fgrav=magrav.

    So it reads now: Fgrav=magrav=GMm/r2 and the 'little' mass m, say your weight or that of the apple falling off the tree cancel out to give the gravitational acceleration of ANY planet or celestial object say as a function of its 'big' total mass M geometrically located at the centre of the planet or object.


    So if you stand in a lift and move upwards to a higher floor; then you can experience a 'linear acceleration' say from rest after you press the '2nd floor' button say and this 'jerk' you can feel in your stomach say and this also appears like you are momentarily 'getting heavier' as your feet are pressed onto the floor of the lift.

    This was the great insight or scientific gnosis of Albert Einstein. He realised or proposed that this linear acceleration of the lift in an already existing gravitational field; namely that of the earth where the lift is constructed; would be equivalent to some gravitational field in outer space without any lifts or linear accelerations as dominant dynamical occurrence.

    This means that the gravitational acceleration of the earth on its surface becomes a constant because the diameter of the earth is say d=2r=12,800 km and the 'weight' of the earth is Magrav with a Mass M=6x1024 kg and the (local) G-constant=Nm2/kg2.

    Therefore then the Earth's gravitational acceleration on its surface will be about:
    agrav=(6.7x10-11)(6x1024)/(6.4x106)2 = 9.8 m/s2 or about 32 feet/seconds2

    This relates to the anecdotal experiment of Galileo Galilei when he dropped different weights from a tower (say Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy) and they fell at the same rate despite being different in weight.
    The same thing you might have witnessed on the Moon (which has a gravitational acceleration of less than 20% of that of the earth because of its lower mass); when NASA astronaut David R. Scott of Apollo 15 dropped a feather and a hammer for the same effect in July/August 1971.
    This is of course related to an 'upwards force' like air-resistance, which is absent on the moon due to its lack of atmosphere and not to the difference in the gravitational accelerations; the latter which simply reduce the time taken to fall to the ground from their release points.
    In the case of the moon the gravitational acceleration is agrav=(6.7x10-11)(7.4x1022)/(1.74x106)2 = 1.6 m/s2 or about 5 feet/seconds2

    and the time taken to fall 1 metre changes from the earth bound tearth=√(2/aearth)=0.45 seconds to tmoon=√(2/amoon)=1.12 seconds by the laws of elementary Newtonian Kinematics {v=at; s=½at2}for a intial velocity u=0 say}.
    The same effect can of course be also observed on the earth in the form of a 'simulated vacuum', which also eliminates the potential force of 'air resistance'. So the question as to if the Apollo 15 experiment actually occurred on the lunar surface to experimentally prove the hypothesis of Galileo becomes superfluous.

    It 'proved' the Laws of Gravitation in the Newtonian approximation experimentally, to be more technically accurate in the semantics.

    So now we understand, that the gravity of any celestial orb like star or plane to or moon depends on the gravitational field defined by its mass (or inertia) and that this gravity acts in the form of a gravitational acceleration and can be considered to be at say the geometrical centre of the mass.

    General Relativity now relates to this in something termed 'Escape Velocity'.
    If you throw your apple into the air it most likely will fall down again and even might fall on your head like in the Story about Newton.
    So if you impart your apple with enough speed in your thrusting force say, it might be able to 'escape' the gravitational field of the earth.

    Can we calculate such a thing?

    Yes, we know enough about gravity to do such a calculation now.

    Starting with the familiar Newton law for Universal Gravitation again;


    Now one of the most important thing in physical theory is that of the Conservation Laws. They address the continuity of energy and momentum interactions and the dynamics of spacetime interactions of whatever systems.

    One of the cornerstones of this is called Virial Theorem; which states that twice the Kinetic Energy (KE) added to the Potential Energy (PE) of a dynamical system must be Zero or 2KE+PE=0.
    Here then, KE=½mv2 and PE=-GMm/r for a velocity v from linear momentum p=mv and so the Conservation Law in elementary Newtonian mechanics becomes:

    2KE+PE=0 for mv2=2GMm/r and the 'Escape Velocity' law for this basic Newtonian Conservation Law so can be written:

    vescape=√(2GM/r) =√(2agrav.r)

    {A more formal derivation using Newtonian calculus for the mathematically familiar:

    ma=mdv/dt=-GMm/r2 for dv/dt=(dv/dr)( dr/dt)=v.dv/dr= d(½v2)/dr=-GM/r2

    ∫d(½v2)=-GM∫(1/r2)dr for constant mass M and so ½v2 = GM/r for vescape=√(2GM/r)

    as required and as the result from before in the Virial Theorem.}

    So putting the numbers for G, Mearth and rearth into this formula allows us to calculate the escape velovity for the planet earth as:
    vescapeof earth=√(2x6.7x10-11 x6x1024/6.4x106)=11.2 km/second.

    Now we can use the formula for escape velocity to CURVE the Linear Newtonian spacetime into that of the General Relativity of Albert Einstein. We simply upper bound or maximize the escape velocity of any celestial orb in the speed of light 'c' as the natural acceleration limit in the Minkowski spacetime of the 4 dimensions.

    We write: c2 = 2GM/Rcurvature and so define a new Curvature Radius Rcurvature from the old linear Newtonian one, say as the r=6,400 km as the radius of the planet earth.

    So what does this mean?
    It means that anything part of this mass M now 'cannot escape' from the 'Curved Space' specified by this formula known as the Schwarzschild metric and describing the core physics of a so called 'Black Hole'.

    Newton's apple so could not 'leave the surface' of the 'Black Hole' defined by the Schwarzschild metric as its trajectory say would close in on itself in a dimensional reduction from the 3D space away from the 'Black Hole' onto the surface of the 'Black Hole' known as a 'Event Horizon'.

    Now this is well established astrophysics of the human scientific understanding now; but this also describes the interior of this 'Black Hole' as somehow no longer belonging exclusively to the 3d space say away from that 'Black Hole'.

    The interior of the 'Black Hole' so can be rendered as 'higher-dimensional', say as Hyperspacetime and superposed onto the ordinary 3D space which would be there if the 'Black Hole' would not be there.

    Ok now we are ready for the Dragon Science.
    We know what gravity is in terms of the gravitational acceleration and we also found that this gravitational acceleration relates to the physics of the Black Holes in a most elementary fashion by the Escape Velocity of anything within it by the nature of the 'trapped light' within the Schwarzschild metric.

    All we need to do to make the environment inside a stracruiser equivalent to that of the normal manouverings on the surface of the earth; is to SIMULATE the gravitational field of the earth in the geometric centre of the star cruiser.
    And this can indeed be done; not in Minkowski spacetime, but in hyperspacetime and because the Gravitational Energy of the earth is encapsulated in Mearth and so this mass can be 'Schwarzschilded'.

    Now the mass of the earth is approximately Mearth=6x1024 kg and consists of all the matter enclosed in its 2-dimensional surface boundary say. So this like the 'Event Horizon' again and so differentiating the space outside and inside the Black Hole as a dimensional divide.
    Inside the Black Hole it is higher dimensional but inclusive of 3D and Outside the Black Hole it is ordinary 3D.

    The earth is however 3D on the Inside and the Outside. Only an imaginary Boundary surface is 2D.

    The Extraterrestrial Omniphysicist so allows the inside of the Starcruiser to become multidimensional and superimposes the simulated earth gravity into it by the utility of the Schwarzschild metric.

    Heshe writes: Rcurvature=2GMearth/c2=2agrav.r2/c2

    The answer is in the ZPE (or Vortex-PE as VPE) and the Zero-Point-Energy introduced before.
    Any space can be said to harbour a subspace or a subplenum of 'Wormhole Energy' defined in the string parameters and as derived in more technical detail following these introductions.

    The spacetime quantum is Vsq=2π2rps3
    for the VPE-quantum Eps/Vsq=4πEpsps3 = 4πhfps4/c3 = 2.513...x1064 Joules/cubic meter.

    So the 'miniaturized' or 'Schwarzschilded' mass energy of the earth E=Mearthc2=5.4x1041 Joules becomes the determinative parameter for this 'holofractalisation' and not any finestructure on the earth, such as continents, flora and fauna , cities and people.

    The ''dragon spaced" volume of the earth in the curvature metric then is a function of the transformed mass in:

    Mearth=Rcurvaturec2/2G = agrav.r2/G = N.E[/sub]ps[/sub]/c2

    and as a fractional proportion of the subspace energy of the ZPE or the VPE as


    and where N is simply the quantum count of wormhole integrating or summing to the total inertia content of the planet earth and as defined in its mass.
    Here then, Nearth=6x1024/2.2x10-20=2.7x1044 , indicating that this is the number of elementary wormhole spacetime quanta, which are required to become 'Schwarzschilded' by the ET astrophysicist.
    The required VPE then is N.Eps=N/e* (see below) or 5.4x1041 Joules as an Energy Density given by Eps/Vsq=Mearth.c2/Vcrystal

    and so a 'Crystal Volume': Vcrystal=EearthxVsq/Eps=Mearth.c5/4πhfps4=2.15x10-23 m3.

    Dimensionalising this 'crystal volume' into the 3D space inside the starcruiser then sets the core energy of this Crystal or {Warpdrive Engine or Vortex Generator as a spherical volume of 4πRcrystal3/3 and in the case of the earth as Rcrystal=Cuberoot{3Mearth.c5/16π2hfps4} = 1.72x10-8 metres and of the order of the nanoscale in nanotechnology, where 1 nanometer defines 1 billionth of a meter or one millionth of a millimetre.

    This then shows, that the entire inertia of a planet the mass of the earth can become 'Schwarzschilded' or holofractaled by the utility of dragon omniscience and under the auspices of the appropriate resonance membrane physics of the multidimensional and holographically interwoven cosmology.

    So we summarize our treatise to this point and introduce the 'spaceinherent consciousness'!

    The model of physical consciousness as a form of energy encompasses all ideas of 'spirituality' and labels of immaterial existence; if one can qualify and quantify this energy as something capable of existing independent from material parameters. But as spacetime-matter exists in say a commonly shared earthly 3D-space 1D-time experience; this selfsame consciousness-energy is certainly required to influence and to interact with the material realms of the spacetimematter. So this little excursion will attempt to elucidate the nature of awareness as a component for this consciousness of being within say a volume of space and illustrate how this spacial awareness relates to the most fundamental concepts of gravitation.

    What is the consciousness of this planet earth or what is the source energy 'coupled' to the earth's satellite - the moon?
    The sun, a yellow typical star of class G2V on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell chart of spectral classifications encompasses the planet as the gravitational center of the so defined solar system. The sun provides energy for this solar system like a benevolent parent; what is its core consciousness? We recall our basic definition for the Source-Consciousness as the magnetochargequantum e* (in uncommon units of the StarCoulombs) being the inverse source energy quantum (in common energy units say Joules or ElectronVolts).
    {Detailed derivations can be found here:}


    Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit in theStarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'. Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re and for the electronic restmass me. Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant α=2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c and Go as the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

    e*=Volume.Awareness=ElectronField Diameter.df/dt=500 C* as the boundary condition for df/dt=f*2 for a Volume 2Re.Lmin2.

    We considered the manner the Mass of the Earth was calculated by Henry Cavendish in 1798. Newton's Law for Gravitation applied to a 'pointmass' or 'testmass' m gives the Gravitational Acceleration gEarth=9.8 m/s2. Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth and this can be solved for the Mass of the earth as about 6x1024 kg.

    Now every college student in physics is told, that the mass of the earth can be considered to be concentrated at the 'centre of gravity', say coinciding with a spherical mass- or density distribution and which would be the geometric centre of a sphere for perfect spherical symmetry. The 3D-physics then is rendered 4-dimensional in doing just such a 'centering of mass' and in Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Here then the gravitational acceleration is described as a curvature of spacetime around this mass distribution and in an extreme case this curvature leads to a 'total collapse' for this mass concentration into the Schwarzschild metric termed a Black Hole in RS=2GM/c2.

    So replacing the radius of the earth by the LIGHTPATH x=ct will of course define the amount of time for light to travel from the surface to the center of the earth. As the earth is on average so 2REarth=12,735,000 meters across as the lightpath, the time taken is about t=REarth/c=0.0212 seconds or it would allow light to oscillate almost 24 times in between the poles in one second say.

    But the 4D-physicist uses the above in an alternative description of 4D reality.

    Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth becomes GMEarth/x2=gEarth=GMEarth/(ct)2=(2GMEarth/c2).(df/dt)/2=RSEarth.Awareness/2 and as t2=df/dt as a differential.

    So the mass of the earth becomes 'Black Holed' and the deciding factor becomes the gravitational acceleration Awareness=2.gEarth/RSEarth.

    So, using the known mass of the earth and its 'BH-Radius'~9 mm (all calculations use the 'constant' G=Go=1.11x10-10 Nkg2/m2 value as Gok=1 as string parameter in Black Hole physics and G=6.674x10-11 'G-units' for the orbs); AwarenessEarth=2202 1/s2 units and with a BASE-FREQUENCY of about 47 Hz.

    This is the 7th Schumann Harmonic or Resonance for planet earth in the harmonic series: 7.8; 14.3; 20.8; 27.3; 33.8; 40.3; 46.8 in a delta function of 6.5 Hz. The basic Schumann harmonic is simply the circumference of the earth travelled as the lightpath and so is 40,000,000 meters/c~0.133 seconds for a Base-Frequency of 1/0.133~7.5 Hz.

    {This is esoterically encoded in the Book of Revelation as the 'outside' of the holy city in proportion to its 'inside' and as 1,600 furlongs and 12,000 furlongs: Rev.14.20 & Rev.21.16}.

    More generally, the Awareness as hereby described is known as AlphaOmega with Greek Symbols αω=aw as a convenient abbreviation. Those awareness units then inversed and square-rooted will of course become the time taken for the lightpath to the centre of the earth as 0.021 seconds. But this time measurement is also an awareness measurement which so gives a Core-Awareness for the planet earth independent of any frequency modulations df/dt.

    In modern terminology then, the Awareness is an infinite series of factors each giving a contributing awareness differential as a frequency modulation:

    AwarenessEarth = 2202 + ... + ... = Core-Awareness + Summation of frequency differential contributions of earth constituent systems.

    In a similar manner then:

    AwarenessSun=0.18 + Integration ... and for FBase~0.43 Hz with lightpath 6.96x108 meters and gSun=275 m/s2 and RSSun=3 km.

    AwarenessMoon=29,640 + Integration... and for FBase~172 Hz with lightpath 1.738x106 meters and gMoon=1.63 m/s2 and RSMoon=0.11 mm.

    The greater the light-path, the smaller the Core-Awareness and so the Separation between the say Emitter and the Receiver of the Information 'sent' by the lightpath defines this inverse proportionality.

    The 3D-physics of the c-invariance so assumes a deeper significance as it indicates the IMPORTANCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT for the Integration of the individuated Awareness Carriers.

    The Core-Awareness as defined so does not vary in the differential and becomes a direct consequence of the constancy of the speed of light. But any constituent consciousness carriers will be able to Interact environmentally with each other in a collective sense and so Change the Awareness of the Self as the Source-Consciousness. So for example the information exchange between a tree and a hill can be approximated in their 'Black Holed' Inertia, but only as a Core-Awareness and not taking into account the kaleidoscope of interactions in all of the kingdom of crystal, mineral, animalia, archae, bacteria and fungi and so on. So taking the tree and the hill in isolation without the possibility of interaction, their awareness-content would become like a constant as described. But Any interacting environment engages in multitudinous feedback cycles which change the Awareness of that environment.

    A little ant in isolation and about 2 mm in length as the lightpath would require a frequency c/2mm~1.5x1011 Hz and so electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum to 'share' its core-awareness of 2x1022 awareness units. Generally then, the concept of SelfAwareness as here modeled engages a Core-Awareness to which is added or subtracted the environmental interactions.

    So it is like your well understood concept of Density but with a novel twist.
    Your Gaian science applies Inertial Mass to the famous Energy equation: {E=mc2=PV}.

    The Dragon's Omni-Science Quantizes both the Mass m and the Volume V and so becomes enabled to Rewrite the hyperspace expression for Einsteins famous equation as: {E=e*h2}.

    This looks like a simple equation indeed; but the entire higher dimensional physics, inclusive the foundations for the Gaian M-theory are embodied in its simplicity.
    I have obtained permission to show you the derivation for this equation and so I shall do so, knowing that some of you are not very fond of mathematics.

    A better rewriting of the Dragon's equation is:


    This shows, that Einstein's E=mc2 is applied in Dragon-Science to Quantize inertial mass m as msinksource=mss.

    Simply said, any mass m is N-quantized as {m=N.mss=N.hfss/c2}.
    Using Einstein's equation with the Planck equation {E=hf} for the quantisation of energy in the quantum state for massless photons of frequency f and where h is the Planck Constant, then gives the expression above.

    Generally and most fundamentally then; the Dragon-Energy describes the Einstein-Planck Energy relation in its Quantum Selfstate and defines a Mass-Frequency {fsinksource=fss} as Intrinsic Minimum Eigenfrequency for Inertia.

    Most significantly, the secret of M-theory on Gaia and the understanding of the Maya, is the concept of Modular Duality applicable to the parameters of the superstring eigenstates.
    Using Modular Duality, the sinksource winding superstring of minimum Secondary Energy Ess and frequency fss becomes the inverse energy eigenstate for the sourcesink vibratory superstring of maximum Primary Energy Eps and frequency fps.

    Those parameters are embodied in the unity expressions as Coupling-Constants:

    {Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2}.

    There is a great deal to this expression e* in the Dragonian Energy; such as how a particular form of it relates to the Serpentine Electron and how it relates to the superconductive magnetoelectricity, which defines the VPE.
    It shall suffice for now, to state, that e* is the PRECISE Inversed Primary SourceSink Energy Quantum Eps
    and so {E*=Eps=1/e*=hfps} and for a particular resonance formation in {e*=Electron-Diameter times c2}.

    And so we have:

    The only different part to Gaian science in the Mayan omni-science so becomes the nature of the modular duality applied to the frequency modulation between the minimum winding superstring and the maximum vibratory superstring.

    In isolation, both have units of inverse time or Hertz; but in the supermembrane coupling Eps.Ess the frequencies cancel and in the supermembrane coupling Eps/Ess the Planck Constants cancel to give the squared frequency as the inverse of a Squared Time.

    But this Squared Time defines the Resonant Eigenstate of the ZPE of Gaian science as the VPE of Dragon omni-science and namely as the Maximum for Awareness aw=df/dt, maximised as awmax=fps2. Now awareness aw is an Angular Acceleration, independent on the radius as normal dimension and so the antigravitational Forceshield relates directly to the postulates of General Relativity.

    As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is Indistinguishable from an Accelerating Forcefield acting upwards.
    So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.

    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it Neutralises the Gravitational Field of that planet in calibrating its utilised Volume quantised in terms of the VPE as a Macroquantum.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to Inflate to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.
    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

    For any Volume;
    {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(h.fps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single:

    {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then defines the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {RCompton=h/(2π.mCompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mCompton=h/(2π.RCompton.c)} then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pCompton=mCompton.c=h/λCompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

    The Compton-mass calculates as mCompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.
    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.
    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.
    The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

    There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.
    As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a massive Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

    I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.

    A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

    The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy.Time becomes modulated in modular duality tps.tss=1=fss.fps and where the Instantenuity of Time as the Instanton Now specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the Inflaton of the de Broglie phase acceleration.
    This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.

    The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression
    {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3ps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

    But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.

    But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.
    Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.

    The Resonant Energy Awareness is fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM] and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.
    The Density as ρ=M/V calculates as (10,000+50x70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.

    and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

    Resonance so is finestructured as Entropy Permutation States and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.

    Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as Holographic Image of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be Inflated at the Resonant Eigenstate to that volume.

    Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.
    Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.
    This is akin the Evaporation of water molecules in Clouds, the cloud formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.

    To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

    The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.
    In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.

    In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate: awmax=fps2.

    After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; projected onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

    Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become Hybrid Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum Inductions and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively Static Radiation Fields coupled to Mass in Inertia.
    This will be known as Dualised RadiationMass of BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.

    This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

    IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 11:07 am

    You and Oxy have a lot in common Shiloh - sharing massive data downloads. I hadn't thought of it in that way before in terms the cosmic evolvement of the lifeforms inhabiting planet Earth.. as compared to thinking of it as an invasion of the negative hyper dimensional entities out to create chaos. Everyday each individual has the opportunity to choose between good or evil. Those choices determine their own evolutional evolvement or devolvement. I suspect without choice there isn't much opportunity for evolutional growth. You can get techy with me all you want but just be aware that my left brain has a limited capacity before going into overwhelm. Primarily understanding comes to me from direct experience and source. I don't know how you and Oxy do it. You two remind me of Einstein who developed the ability grow and enhance various areas of his brain capacity where you're able to comprehend multiple technical perspectives and understandings on the fly.

    Rather then operating at the normal 10% brain function you two must be up to 15%, with the dolphins being 20%. Have you ever watched the movie "Lucy". I think you would enjoy it.

    As for dragons.. having a reptilian brain as part of our genetic make-up we share instinctual behaviors - however, being a spiritual multidimensional being inhabiting a 3 dimensional physical form, I prefer to focus on Archangel Michael and Gabriel. Once free of the physical form, as a "light" warrior at heart.. they seem like a compatible fearsome duo to hang out with.

    By the way.. I do appreciate the data as it's both stimulating and interesting. 83084. Of course I have to reread it several time to fully grock it but it's all good.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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