The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°91

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:39 pm

    The Cosmic Logos Twinbirth


    “We are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe” Dolores Cannon discusses our current paradigm

    By Laron
    As a Dolores Cannon trained QHHT practitioner and someone who has read just about all of her books, I find it great to see Collective Evolution write an article about Dolores Cannon. For more information on Dolores Cannon's material, check out the articles I have written about her various books through the link in the menu above.

    By Jeff Roberts via Collective Evolution, 19 Feb 2014

    Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field. Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books include: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and the list goes on. Each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel,” Dolores explains.

    April 15th, 1931 - October 18th, 2014
    Preparing for Contact with the Ancients as an Elder Returned

    Dolores Cannon has over 40 years of regressive hypnotherapy experience from which she’s acquired remarkable information about life in the Universe.

    One of her latest books, titled The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, is an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a ‘behind the scenes’ look at Earth’s current paradigm shift. During the sessions, Dolores hypnotizes her clients bringing them into the ‘super-conscious’ brainwave state, one of the deepest trances one can experience. Dolores elaborated on her technique in an interview with The Edge:

    I developed my own technique down through the years. It’s not like any other hypnosis technique out there. We are able to contact what I call the greatest force there is, and it’s a source of all knowledge. I found the way to have it come through every single person that I work with, and I’ve worked with thousands of people.”

    The results of her technique are astounding to say the least. Through the years Dolores began to notice a correlation among her client sessions, one that bridges the journey of the souls incarnating on the planet at this time.
    When you see thousands and thousands of clients, as I do as a therapist and a counselor, you begin to see a common thread going through many of the cases. Earlier on, it used to be that everybody would go back to a past life and I’d find some of the answers there, and then I’d explore the source of all knowledge to answer all of their questions and do the healing. Just in the last five years or so, I began to see clients who weren’t all going into a past life on Earth. I began to find they had never been on Earth before and that they had come here directly from God, from the Source, from other planets, other dimensions, where they were light beings. That’s the common thread that I have been finding, and that’s where I came up with the theory of the three waves of volunteers.

    Dolores’s theory proposes that a series of souls are traveling from other planets and dimensions to assist Earth at this time. Many of these souls, which are of a higher vibration than the resident Earth souls, are incarnating on the planet for the first time. She affirms that the souls that have spent many lifetimes reincarnating on Earth are stuck in a karmic cycle, repeating the same patterns of mistakes and lessons which is ultimately leading to the destruction of the planet. Thus, there has been a calling for purer souls to come to Earth to cleanse and raise the planet’s vibration.


    But now in body, these people don’t have any memory of why they came. “They come in and an amnesia descends on the person, losing the memory of why they are here. But this group has an energy that they have to project. It is a loving energy that will change the mindset here on Earth. It will change history, just them being here.”

    Throughout her clients’ journeys, Dolores discovered that Earth is one of the densest planets in the entire universe. A soul that incarnates here is considered brave because life on Earth is a very challenging experience to come into, especially for souls coming from higher realms and planets of a higher vibration. Nevertheless, all of her clients have the same answer when asked about their reason for coming to Earth, they simply “heard the call.”

    The Earth is going through a major transformation, one that Dolores’s clients state has never happened before. For the first time, an entire planet is shifting it’s vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many souls or groups of souls have experienced a shift like this in the past, (i.e., the Mayans) but never has an entire planet shifted at once. Therefore, Dolores explains, the entire Universe has front row seats to one of the grandest shows ever seen. However, help is needed, because man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole. Dolores reveals that if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings. Therefore, the call for help was made, and the souls quickly jumped on the wagon to assist.

    In The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

    • The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
    • The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
    • The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.

    Interestingly, through her many client sessions Dolores has also written extensively on the lost civilization of Atlantis. She discovered that, like Atlantis, there have been numerous civilizations that have been destroyed in the past.

    Each time when people got to the point when they were using energy in the wrong way and couldn’t control it, they had to be stopped. And every time, everything would be reset on this planet. The civilization would go back to the primitive stages and start all over again. That’s why they don’t want to have it happen this time. They don’t want to start over with the planet and begin life for humanity one more time.
    During a hypnotherapy session, a woman went back to Atlantis and was telling me the prime reason for Atlantis being destroyed. I was told that there were scientists at the time of Atlantis. There were others who were fooling around with what they called Dark Matter. I was told that this is the same thing scientists are doing now when they are fooling around with what we call Anti-Matter. They said we have to know this, because the scientists are doing the same thing now.
    The Large Hadron Collider experiment in Switzerland is the same thing. They are messing around with Anti-Matter. The scientists who are now fooling around with the Collider experiment don’t have any idea what they are really doing, and it’s very dangerous.
    If those experiments had continued at that time in Atlantis, it would have broken down the grid of the planet, causing an implosion of the Earth, and it would have reverberated to the point where it would have broken the grids down of the entire Universe. But they stopped it before it got to that point, but destruction took place.

    When asked about people’s criticism of her work, Dolores says she finds humor in people’s remarks stating she is a ‘great science fiction writer’.

    There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people. I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true’.

    In the final segment of her interview with The Edge, Dolores was asked if there were any final thoughts she wanted to leave people with regarding the shift in consciousness.

    “We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful. They have described it in the books – the beautiful colors, that everything is total love.
    We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The New Earth is where it’s at. The Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s the same thing we’re having now. It’s just that St. John, when he had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, didn’t realize it was going to take another couple of thousand years before it was going to happen.
    The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, “I was there when this occurred.” This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

    For a fascinating read, check out Dolores’s book The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth as well as her Convoluted Universe series.

    [5:29:33 PM - Thursday, February 27th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: But anyhow, perhaps you can discern now and figure just why the old humans seem not to change much mentality wise
    [5:30:22 PM] Shiloh: Those two timeframes MUST run their course, before they can even attempt to do so or before their 'feelings' about certain mindsets and belief systems can change
    [5:30:29 PM] Shiloh: Logos can change it and will imo
    [5:30:54 PM] Shiloh: You should realise what this birth is
    [5:31:18 PM] Shiloh: It will literally place a cosmic twinbaby energy within all humans ready to receive it
    [5:31:25 PM] Sirius 17: This is the second coming in the manyness and the birth of the goddess
    [5:31:29 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [5:31:36 PM] Shiloh: Gaia will rebirth - Itself
    [5:31:54 PM] Shiloh: The babytwin is the Cosmic Twin Logos
    [5:31:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:32:17 PM] Shiloh: Not a baby in the physicality but the Body itself reborn in its natural state. But this solves the mystery as to how a 'Baby Boy Jesus' of Revelation.12 can be the 'Man Jesus' of Revelation.19. It is the JCCJ described of course
    perfect waveform genomatrix, I would suspect
    [5:32:39 PM] Sirius 17: this is what i am picking up on
    [5:32:52 PM] Shiloh: Yes and I can analyse it better now
    [5:33:08 PM] Shiloh: It is more than your wishful thinking here
    [5:33:30 PM] Sirius 17: well i should hope so
    [5:33:33 PM] Shiloh: This is the twin Earth of Dolores
    [5:33:46 PM] Shiloh: She mixes this up a little though
    [5:34:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes she doesn't see they are colocal
    [5:34:19 PM] Sirius 17: and that the new world literally engulfs the old one
    [5:34:24 PM] Shiloh: But the New Race are simply the imo 50,000 starhumans then inseminated with the JCCJ seed
    [5:34:41 PM] Shiloh: Indeed, this is how it is
    [5:35:06 PM] Shiloh: A new cocoon of 5D around the 4D and with the envelope expanding in multidimensionality to allow the feedback loops between the 'inner timespace' and the 'outer timespace'
    [5:35:33 PM] Shiloh: You read this about DC saying tens of thousands?
    [5:35:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i do feel that things may become visible, i saw this on my walkabouts
    [5:35:46 PM] Shiloh: Confirming this calculation of years ago
    [5:35:58 PM] Sirius 17: like camelot legends ect
    [5:36:02 PM] Sirius 17: the earth healing
    [5:36:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw it on the forums

    This is the Starhuman Collective groupmind of a number of cosmic IDs, who work together as the 144,000 detailed before and this GOT, stating they 'stand as one'. The code here means that the two out of ten thousand reads like 1(2),000, which become of course the 12,000 x12 of Revelation.7 in the 'sealing of the chosen ones' as the 12 in 12,000 as the 1 in 1000'.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. Those '7000 slain Men' also decode as 7000 days of the endtimes in regard to the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel.9 with a mirror calendar of 3500+1+3500 days and as can be discerned later on in this message. This trumpet of the seventh 'Sabbath-mirror day' then 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus operandi, than being 'just a day in a calendar'.

    The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons.

    The focus time of the Timespace timeline of the Cosmic Twin Logos dispensation becomes the 153⅓ Fishdays of the Cosmic Vesica Pisces and encoded as the 'shortening of days' in Daniel.8 with Matthew.24 and John.21 as the 2300/15=153⅓ days located 200 days from the Onesided 'Mirrors of the Beast' on the left and right sides of the Logos Mirror, which by implication 'traps' or imprisons the fake images of creation in the Doublesidedness of the Cosmic Christening and 'Eucharist' as encoded in the Nag Hammadi scroll (Gospel of Thomas) in saying #7 and in Revelation.13.8-10 and also relating to the 'Last Judgement' as proclaimed by the TwinLogos JCCJ as the LoFaB as the 'Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone' in the reconfigured 'Body of the Spirit' in its interdependency of the New Heaven and the New Earth so created.

    [5:38:08 PM] Shiloh:
    [5:40:36 PM] Shiloh:
    [5:40:46 PM] Shiloh: 7.2 billion
    [5:40:58 PM] Shiloh: Some clocks have this now others approaching
    [5:41:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes i believe it is offical or was announced someplace like a year ago
    [5:42:14 PM] Sirius 17: or that it had hit the 7 billion mark , something to that effect i recall
    [5:43:35 PM] Shiloh: 7 billion was late 2012 I think
    [5:43:48 PM] Shiloh: I am addressing the adding of 200 million ETs
    [5:44:06 PM] Sirius 17: i see ok
    [5:44:39 PM] Shiloh: Can you see other clocks?
    [5:44:48 PM] Shiloh: Less than 7.2 billion?
    [5:45:01 PM] Sirius 17: i have not tried
    [5:45:06 PM] Sirius 17: i will look
    [5:45:46 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:46:39 PM] Sirius 17: so the census clock is based off of census data and estimations
    [5:46:57 PM] Sirius 17: so figure like a large number of people who refuse the census
    [5:47:08 PM] Shiloh:

    7 Billion (2011)
    According to the United Nations, world population reached 7 Billion on October 31, 2011.
    The US Census Bureau made a lower estimate, for which the 7 billion mark was only reached on March 12, 2012.
    [5:47:09 PM] Sirius 17: and there is your 7.2 billion


    [5:47:11 PM] Shiloh: The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 7.146 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).[1] The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.[2] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011.[3][4][5]

    [5:47:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes by their estimations see
    [5:47:42 PM] Sirius 17: BS, they always estimate low
    [5:47:48 PM] Shiloh: 7.146 < 7.2
    [5:48:28 PM] Shiloh: But this is fine I am predicting that the 7.2 marker is a birth
    [5:48:47 PM] Sirius 17:

    [5:49:21 PM] Shiloh: Critical Mass
    [5:49:47 PM] Shiloh: So 0.054 Billion = 54 Million
    [5:49:58 PM] Shiloh: How many people are added per day?
    [5:50:06 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [5:50:50 PM] Sirius 17:

    Current World Population
    7,216,065,580 with 362,581 Births today

    [5:51:02 PM] Sirius 17: so figure around 360k
    [5:51:42 PM] Shiloh: 360,000 births per day?
    [5:52:02 PM] Shiloh: 180 days to go from February 27th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014
    [5:52:03 PM] Sirius 17:

    [5:52:09 PM] Sirius 17: this one says 255 per minute
    [5:52:34 PM] Shiloh: 255x60x24=367,200
    [5:52:42 PM] Shiloh: How many deaths per minute?
    [5:53:30 PM] Shiloh: 54 million/180=300,000
    [5:54:02 PM] Sirius 17: it looks like about 150,000 deaths per day
    [5:54:17 PM] Sirius 17: 149,994 Deaths today
    [5:54:40 PM] Sirius 17:

    [5:54:45 PM] Shiloh: Delta=217,200
    [5:54:48 PM] Sirius 17: not sure how accurate this is
    [5:55:20 PM] Shiloh: Of course we need 300,000 new humans per day for 25Aug if the present is: 7.146 billion as per wiki
    [5:55:47 PM] Shiloh: It fits
    [5:55:58 PM] Sirius 17: Answers
    7 months ago
    There are 1.78 deaths per second, 107 deaths per minute, 6,390 deaths per hour, and 153,000 deaths per day.
    See more at:

    [5:56:34 PM] Shiloh: 107x60x24=154,080
    [5:57:09 PM] Shiloh: Roughly 150,000 deaths for 370,000 births
    [5:57:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:57:40 PM] Shiloh: 220,000 population increase per day
    [5:58:12 PM] Shiloh: 220,000x180=39.6 Million
    [5:59:03 PM] Shiloh: So IF the approximate population NOW is 7.16 Billion it is on course
    [5:59:30 PM] Shiloh: wiki says 7.146 which is less a little and some others say more
    [5:59:47 PM] Sirius 17: why do we need 7.2 billion?
    [6:00:00 PM] Shiloh: 100th monkey
    [6:00:08 PM] Shiloh: Critical Mass
    [6:00:10 PM] Sirius 17: critical mass then
    [6:00:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol

    [6:33:24 PM] Shiloh: This blue 'actual' line in the diagram above, so begins to diverge in various predictors on a date sometime in 2014 and we define this date as August 25th, 2014 as the culmination of the many encoded timelines in the scrolls of antiquity.
    [6:35:16 PM] Shiloh: The little twinserpent schematic then abbreviates the 20 year lunar metonic cycle as say in the Nostradamus quatrains and is specified in the Sharona MILD chart
    [6:37:20 PM] Shiloh: The actual scientific data regarding the Terran population increase then correlates the millennia old scriptures in their prophetic or predictive timelines and as enciphered in the Sermon of the Mount of Olives in Matthew.24
    [6:38:47 PM] Shiloh: And the many Nabsers and Oabsers do indeed 'tune into' this overall theme as the cocreative potentials and aspirants to be able to host this new energy dispensation from the Entwined Cosmic Logos twin. But their human arrogance and vanity, often hiding under a 'false humility', would render the actual resonance omniphysics required to harbour the planetary rebirth as stewards and ambassador(a)s of and for this Cosmic Logos twinship rather difficult
    [6:41:25 PM] Shiloh: But until March 25th, 2014 at the earliest and then until this marker of the cosmic birth, they will generally remain blinded by their human minded ignorance and fail to realise the PRESENT of the SERPENT, who REPENTS as the Red Dragon of the Falsities and Deception, but is actually the PRESENT from the Skyblue Dragon of the Cosmic Truth
    [6:42:39 PM] Shiloh: But looking or searching for the 'Blue Star of Hope', aka the Hopi's Kachina as some wayward planet or comet, will prove futile. If there will be a 'Blue Light' in the skies after this birth; then this will be a nonhuman constructed Dragon Mothership and not a Nabs or Oabs conjured and fabricated object of either a holographic projection or a military black budget endeavour. But let the 'know it all better' follow their selfchosen paths into their illusions and delusions of what might befit and await them in this realm of incarnation or another.


    This is the Starhuman Collective groupmind of a number of cosmic IDs, who work together as the 144,000 detailed before and this GOT, stating they 'stand as one'. The code here means that the two out of ten thousand reads like 1(2),000, which become of course the 12,000 x12 of Revelation.7 in the 'sealing of the chosen ones' as the 12 in 12,000 as the 1 in 1000'.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. Those '7000 slain Men' also decode as 7000 days of the endtimes in regard to the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel.9 with a mirror calendar of 3500+1+3500 days and as can be discerned later on in this message. This trumpet of the seventh 'Sabbath-mirror day' then 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus operandi, than being 'just a day in a calendar'.
    The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons.

    The focus time of the Timespace timeline of the Cosmic Twin Logos dispensation becomes the 153⅓ Fishdays of the Cosmic Vesica Pisces and encoded as the 'shortening of days' in Daniel.8 with Matthew.24 and John.21 as the 2300/15=153⅓ days located 200 days from the Onesided 'Mirrors of the Beast' on the left and right sides of the Logos Mirror, which by implication 'traps' or imprisons the fake images of creation in the Doublesidedness of the Cosmic Christening and 'Eucharist' as encoded in the Nag Hammadi scroll (Gospel of Thomas) in saying #7 and in Revelation.13.8-10 and also relating to the 'Last Judgement' as proclaimed by the TwinLogos JCCJ as the LoFaB as the 'Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone' in the reconfigured 'Body of the Spirit' in its interdependency of the New Heaven and the New Earth so created.
    The pertinent 49-21-15-10-7-3½ day warptime mirror then can be tabulated as in the following extension to incorporate the 70 Week Encoding found in the Book of Daniel in the bible and whose scriptural significance and pertinence to the 'endtimes' from 2012-2015 has been addressed in other archives from the lexicons and annals of the Thuban libraries.


    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    The 24 Elders of Canis Majoris

    It is dawn
    the chill glistens through a
    cathedral of sentinels
    soft beams of sunlight swarm
    among their evergreen branches
    lampyridae of golden tinsel
    glowing through mist of breath
    white heather invades
    the stillness here
    punctuations of lavender stiletto the air

    I am haunted by the fevered ache
    within my warm lake of blood
    Persephone tempts with her red stains
    her long shawl of moss eclipses
    the shadow of my body
    fossilizing me with its verdant cloak
    strung with the scent of
    fall leaves, pine and earth
    wolves materialize from
    sensual longing, they birth between my legs
    their images lurk within
    brown and gold rorschachs of maple
    strewn leaves lining the path
    they howl between the negative spaces
    forming the other world

    I hear their rustling
    rushing forms, gathering speed
    ancient ones
    descending to mingle in this forest of time
    their breath suspended in the trees
    foliage of nimbus
    steaming hounds ecstatic

    I exhale my own form
    it peers down through
    rays of opal light
    becoming inhaled once again
    into the purple throat of
    twilight’s lycanthrope
    there below my feet
    Sothis flashes me her blue teeth
    Obedient I lay beneath the hunter’s gaze.

    ©Julienne Alvarez
    November 29th 2014
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. B.B.Baghor


    Posts: 177
    Join date: 2014-01-31
    Age: 63
    Location: The Netherlands
    • Post n°93

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 4:33 pm
    Part of Shilo's post on November 22nd 2014, 13:39"

    "In The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

    •The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth.
    They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.

    •The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy
    who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.

    •The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional
    shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having
    a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated".

    That's a load of info, Shilo, very interesting to go into, with time icon_wink. I guess I can't digest it as fast as you can or do,
    but my reason for replying here, is that I'm proud to be a 63 year old witch, living in seclusion under the hedge surrounding the village,
    that is... when you ask her nature's instinctual favorite lifestyle. I've experienced, that although the human condition on the planet has
    been hard for me to understand and accept, while growing up, I've begun to understand why and what for I've chosen to come here,
    6 years after WW2. The years of "shut up and work" And endure that condition.

    I know now, I needed that mirror to show me the mundanity of life and the multitude of emotions present in my daily life and my antics
    to defend the hurting caused by them. All of this is part of the recepee, my souls purpose and plan, in order to find... create....
    a life in love and happiness. What I try to share here, with a little shyness and probably as a clumsy owl, hooting loud to the congregation,
    making them throw fircones at the rascal, is that although harsh conditions and suffering can and do cause thoughts about suicide and
    even push people to put it into action, they also offer the chance to pause, to reflect on inner stirrings and think, due to that same harshness
    and suffering, feeling fed up with it.

    In my life, close to my 60th year, I had a fierce blow to my existence and found my confusion of what my sense of identity is.
    Amidst of all turmoil and loneliness, for I had lost the ground beneath my feet, I removed the veils from my eyes and noticed
    that all wayshowers directed me to the one and only presence valuable in my life. And that's me, myself and I. From that I
    have found a restoration of my autonomy and grounding based on the affinity with myself in my heart.

    Instead of fighting 39782. for my rights, wellbeing and security, I now begin to find a new way to achieve that quality of life.
    I've created a persona of warrior fierceness to sustain myself, forcing me to perform and obey in diligence to authorities outside of me......
    my religious upbringing, playing it's part in all of that. And more of that power/mindgame/lifeforce abuse in lives of my long ago pasts.
    The state of ease and just be, is what's on the menu today, at my table. A couple of years ago I learned to find the truth of maintaining
    my strength, my sense of self, while being in a vulnerable state.

    Now's the next step, from one to two to.... tango. And that's how to be in at-one-ment, in tune with others, in that same truth.
    Auuwwww.... aiiii aaaiiiii..... screechhhhh!! Please come closer..... not that close.... no, go away... not that far... a bit closer...
    too close.... go away... shoo... shooo.. leave me alone!! Remember Elisabeth Taylor in "Cat on a hot tin roof"?
    To me, that's a marvelous movie on family patterns, troubles in identity land and roles in being a man and a woman in love!

    In a surprising way, I find myself at a new beginning and at a closing of a circle at the same time, for I know my soul staged this
    and I hold the skills to endure and evolve through hardship, gazing through and past them and realizing that much of my convictions
    and strategies are based on fear and mistrust, creating more of the same in the world outside, due to that foundation of "a happy life
    is not for me" or "I must have earned this hardship".

    Like I said before, in another post herer, it's life's obedience to what I pay attention to, showing me the fruit of a home grown vineyard
    in my soul, with grapes sour or sweet to the taste. That's why I've come into my elder clumsy owl youngish woman liveliness.
    I'm rejuvenating the spark of life within and in that quality I am the business card myself, for Oranda, the name of my present goal in life,
    my "work" with those who choose to rejuvenate that spark within themselves. No words, just being, stepping from the third wave to the
    second wave, mentioned above.

    When I go to town, usually I choose university pubs and other pubs run by and visited by youngish people, to be amongst those 20-ers.
    I love to witness what makes them tick and when we chat, I experience their insecurity as a teaching, for I almost never allowed myself
    to show mine to others. Part of my reason to share this from my heart, is my readiness to open myself to who I really am and to let you
    know that I will share more of that, learning who I am by your reflections on it too. Cheers 291147.

    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


    Posts: 761
    Join date: 2011-03-16
    Age: 57
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    • Post n°94

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 5:31 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Part of Shilo's post on November 22nd 2014, 13:39"

    "In The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

    •The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth.
    They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.

    •The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy
    who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.

    •The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional
    shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having
    a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated".

    That's a load of info, Shilo, very interesting to go into, with time [​IMG] I guess I can't digest it as fast as you can or do,
    but my reason for replying here, is that I'm proud to be a 63 year old witch, living in seclusion under the hedge surrounding the village,
    that is... when you ask her nature's instinctual favorite lifestyle. I've experienced, that although the human condition on the planet has
    been hard for me to understand and accept, while growing up, I've begun to understand why and what for I've chosen to come here,
    6 years after WW2. The years of "shut up and work" And endure that condition.

    I know now, I needed that mirror to show me the mundanity of life and the multitude of emotions present in my daily life and my antics
    to defend the hurting caused by them. All of this is part of the recepee, my souls purpose and plan, in order to find... create....
    a life in love and happiness. What I try to share here, with a little shyness and probably as a clumsy owl, hooting loud to the congregation,
    making them throw fircones at the rascal, is that although harsh conditions and suffering can and do cause thoughts about suicide and
    even push people to put it into action, they also offer the chance to pause, to reflect on inner stirrings and think, due to that same harshness
    and suffering, feeling fed up with it.

    In my life, close to my 60th year, I had a fierce blow to my existence and found my confusion of what my sense of identity is.
    Amidst of all turmoil and loneliness, for I had lost the ground beneath my feet, I removed the veils from my eyes and noticed
    that all wayshowers directed me to the one and only presence valuable in my life. And that's me, myself and I. From that I
    have found a restoration of my autonomy and grounding based on the affinity with myself in my heart.

    Instead of fighting [​IMG] for my rights, wellbeing and security, I now begin to find a new way to achieve that quality of life.
    I've created a persona of warrior fierceness to sustain myself, forcing me to perform and obey in diligence to authorities outside of me......
    my religious upbringing, playing it's part in all of that. And more of that power/mindgame/lifeforce abuse in lives of my long ago pasts.
    The state of ease and just be, is what's on the menu today, at my table. A couple of years ago I learned to find the truth of maintaining
    my strength, my sense of self, while being in a vulnerable state.

    Now's the next step, from one to two to.... tango. And that's how to be in at-one-ment, in tune with others, in that same truth.
    Auuwwww.... aiiii aaaiiiii..... screechhhhh!! Please come closer..... not that close.... no, go away... not that far... a bit closer...
    too close.... go away... shoo... shooo.. leave me alone!! Remember Elisabeth Taylor in "Cat on a hot tin roof"?
    To me, that's a marvelous movie on family patterns, troubles in identity land and roles in being a man and a woman in love!

    In a surprising way, I find myself at a new beginning and at a closing of a circle at the same time, for I know my soul staged this
    and I hold the skills to endure and evolve through hardship, gazing through and past them and realizing that much of my convictions
    and strategies are based on fear and mistrust, creating more of the same in the world outside, due to that foundation of "a happy life
    is not for me" or "I must have earned this hardship".

    Like I said before, in another post herer, it's life's obedience to what I pay attention to, showing me the fruit of a home grown vineyard
    in my soul, with grapes sour or sweet to the taste. That's why I've come into my elder clumsy owl youngish woman liveliness.
    I'm rejuvenating the spark of life within and in that quality I am the business card myself, for Oranda, the name of my present goal in life,
    my "work" with those who choose to rejuvenate that spark within themselves. No words, just being, stepping from the third wave to the
    second wave, mentioned above.

    When I go to town, usually I choose university pubs and other pubs run by and visited by youngish people, to be amongst those 20-ers.
    I love to witness what makes them tick and when we chat, I experience their insecurity as a teaching, for I almost never allowed myself
    to show mine to others. Part of my reason to share this from my heart, is my readiness to open myself to who I really am and to let you
    know that I will share more of that, learning who I am by your reflections on it too. Cheers [​IMG]

    carisis. carscarab. carbast.
    A 1-series : 1=A/Spirit of Osiris as Khu; 10=J/Body of Set as Khat; 19=S/Winged Disk of RahaR;
    a 2- series: 2=B/Heart of Isis as Ab; 11=K/Fire of Nephthys' Duamutef; 20=T/Twinship of TefnutShu;
    a 3- series: 3=C/Body of Horus as Sahu; 12=L/Air of Ptah's Qebhsnuf; 21=U/Sphinx Harmakhis' GebNut;
    a 4- series: 4=D/Soul of Bast as Ba; 13=M/Water of Seshat's Imsety; 22=V/Maat's Scarab as Khepera;
    a 5- series: 5=E/Mind of Thoth as Ibis; 14=N/Earth of Anubis' Hapi; 23=W/Pyramid of Thoth;
    a 6- series: 6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem;
    a 7- series: 7=G/Chalice of Nephthys as Ka; 16=P/Lotus of Isis's Elements; 25=Y/NutGeb's YoniPhallus;
    a 8- series: 8=H/Name of Ptah as Ren; 17=Q/Crook & Flail of Horus; 26=Z/ShuTefnut's PhallusYoni;
    a 9- series: 9=I/Shadow of Anubis as Khaibit; 18=R/Uraeus of Thoth; 27=A*/RaH as HaR.

    1. Keter or Crown is the Khu of the Spirit and the 'Tree of Life as Djed or Phallus of Osiris'
    2. Hokmah or Wisdom is the Ab of the Heart and 'Throne of Isis
    3. Binah or Intelligence is the Sahu of the Masculine in the 'EyeMirror of Horus'
    4. Hesed or Love is the Ba or Soul of the 'Sistrum of Bast'
    5. Gevurah or Power is the Ibis or Mind of the 'Caduceus of Thoth'
    6. Tiferet or Beauty is the Sekhem of the Feminine in the 'EyeMirror of Hathor'
    7. Nezah or Endurance is the Ka of the Double of the 'Astral Chalice of Nephthys'
    8. Hod or Majesty is the Ren or Name of the 'Mason's Tool of Ptah'
    9. Yesod or Foundation is the Khaibit or Image of the 'Shadow of Anubis'
    10. Malkuth or Kingdom is the Khat or Body and the 'Tree of Death as Yoni or Vulva of Set'

    Words from the cosmic heart and your cosmic identy, rather than your human facades and masks, dear Triple 2 as 6 as the Heart of the Egyptian Throne of Isis in the AB and as 'her' daughter and sister of Horus named Bast symbolising the Egyptioa Soul or BA.
    The Thinking Heart of AB and the Feeling Mind of BA as the Cosmic Universal Father ABBA and the Feeling Heart of BA and the Thinking Mind of AB as the Cosmic Universal Mother BAAB as the Soul of their Cosmic Universal Children and Inheritors.

    So just for you, some more subtil directions as to who you truly are - (F)Owl of the Screech!

    You might like to consider this encoded message for you!

    Psalm 104:12
    By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

    Isaiah 60:8
    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    Revelation 19:17-21
    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
    19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
    20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.


    The Owls of Babylon and the Dragons of Owlsdenwol in Dens Low and Slow

    According to the Burney Relief of Innana-Lilith

    Lilith-Inanna, the Queen of Heaven; Burnley Relief​

    When the Universe was born in Archetypes, then it was LILITH, the Dark Queen of Heaven, also known as Inanna and the Screech Owl and Isis and Mary; who PRECEDED EVE as the 'First Wife' for ADAM and NOT being made from one of Adam's Ribs.

    Lilith REFUSED=LASUFER to 'lay' beneath Adam in symbolic 'sexual love making' and simply 'flew away' to reproduce with many lovers in the 'demonic worlds' of the archetyped 'heaven of the symbols' then manifesting through and by the imaginations of the humans within the Barbelo-Creation and so the materialised Universe.

    This Became the Self-Hatred of the Creator for His own Satanic Image AS an IMAGINARY archetype for the Universe as Barbelo-Creation.
    It would then BE ANY selfrealised EVE, who would and could absorb the darkness of a necessary demonic definition for Lilith to become the manifested Goddess in the Family of the Dragon Queens.

    This would then harmonise the selfhatred of the Creator-God; not being able to 'get out of his own way' as the obscuring satanic selfimage; to manifest as the 'Bottomless-Pit' for Satan to become 'imprisoned' for the duration of 1000 days as the day-for-a-year encoding in Ezekiel.4.6 and Revelation.20.1-3.
    This timeperiod in microcosm for the archetypes is defined from March 28th, 2010 to December 21st, 2012 and is followed by a 'weaning' of the then birthed StarHuman cosmic consciousness ending December 16th, 2013.

    BC0. BC1. BC2.
    Lilith-Inanna by John Collier and as Lilith, the Snake (Serpent) Seductress Succubus​


    Nach den Midrashim war Lilith ja die erste Frau Adams, und anders als Eva, wurde sie nicht aus einer Rippe, sondern, wie Adam auch, aus Erde gemacht. Sie war also kein Teil Adams und stand gleichberechtigt neben ihm.

    Texthistorisch gesehen tauchte sie im dritten Jahrtausends v.u.Z. in Sumer zunächst als "Lil" auf, ein zerstörerischer Sturm- oder Windgeist. Bekannt war sie in Kanaan, Persien, Palästina, Arabien und sogar in der germanischen Mythologie.

    Die mesopotamischen Semiten nannten sie "Lilith", was aus der Verschmelzung des Begriffes "lil" mit dem Begriff "layil", dem hebräischen Wort für Nacht, hervorging.

    Angeblich machte Lilith sich in dieser Form an schlafende Singles heran, um sie mit Sexträumen, nächtlichen Orgasmen usw. zu beglücken.

    Um 800 v.u.Z. erst wurde diese Lilith mit der kindermordenden "Hexe" Lamashtu in Zusammenhang gebracht. Von da an erst wurde sie "weltweit" mit den Attributen "Frau Eselsbein", Teufelsdrachen, Blutsauger, Hurenweib, fremde Frau, unreines Weib, Ende allen Fleisches, Ende des Tages, bruha, strega, böse Alte, Hexe, Kindsräuberin, Zauberin, Schlange, Hündin, Affe, Eule, Nachtschwalbe, Schleiereule, Seele jeder kriechenden Kreatur usw. versehen.

    Witzigerweise sind genau diese Attribute bei den westafrikanischen Yoruba Eigenschaften der als ambivalent gedachten "Mütter"... Das erinnert übrigens stark an andere Mutterimagos, z.b. indische, ägyptische (von denen viele westafrikanische Ethnien sich ja ableiten) und sogar germanische (nott).

    Die Abspaltung dieser "negativen" Attribute des Mütterlichen und die Verstärkung der "positiven" ist Ausdruck einer jahrhundertelangen Sozialdisziplinierung, die in Europa im Hexenwahn gipfelte.

    Man kann deutlich sehen, wie so das Imago Liliths immer weiter mit psychischem Sozialmüll angereichert wurde, sie sozusagen allmählich zum Mülleimer des Verdrängten wurde. Unser mittelalterliches (oft noch heute gültig) Hexenbild ist eindeutig von dieser Lilith-Vorstellung gespeist worden.

    Aber, nicht nur, dass Lilith Frau Adams war, nein , sie war auch die Frau Leviathans, Gattin des Teufels Samael und des des Königs Ashmodai. Sie war die Königen von Saba und Zamargad. Und sie - und das ist bemerkenswert - gilt sogar als die Gemahlin Gottes, wenn die Schekina nicht da ist....

    In Crowleys "Die Vision und die Stimme" heißt der erste/letze Äthyr "Lil". Lil ist den Zeichen Krebs und Schütze zugeordnet, Krebs den Buchstaben Cheth, Samech, Cheth und damit der Zahl 76, die dem Wort Chabyon entspricht. Chabyon wiederum bedeutet: ein Geheimnis, eine Zufluchtstätte... Im Hebräischen ist LIL mit der Zahl 70 verbunden, und dies ist das Auge von Horus, Ayin.

    Soviel erstmal..

    Facies non omnibus una, nec diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum.


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!


    According to the Midrashim Lilith was indeed Adam's first wife, and, unlike Eve, she was not from a rib, but, as Adam also made of earth. So she was not a part of Adam and was equal to him.

    Historically, it emerged text seen in the third millennium BC Sumer in first as "Lil" in a destructive storm or wind spirit. She was known in Canaan, Persia, Palestine, Arabia and even in the Germanic mythology.

    The Mesopotamian Semites they called "Lilith", which from the fusion of 'lil' emerged the term "layil," the Hebrew word for night.

    Lilith was allegedly approached in this form sleeping singles to bless them with Sexträumen, nocturnal orgasms, etc..

    Around 800 v.u.Z. only those with Lilith the child-murdering witch Lamashtu work was taken. From then on until she was "everywhere" with the attributes "woman ass leg," vicious dragon, blood sucker, Hurenweib, foreign woman, unclean woman, end of all flesh, the end of the day, Bruha, strega, wicked old witch child robber, sorceress, snake, dog, monkey, owl, nightjar, barn owl, bear soul of every creature crawling etc..

    Funny thing is these attributes in the West African Yoruba properties of the imaginary as ambivalent "mothers" ... This recalls the way strongly to other parent imagos, eg Indian, Egyptian (many West African ethnic groups derive yes) and even Germanic (nott).

    The elimination of these "negative" attributes of the maternal and the strengthening of the "positive" is an expression of centuries of social discipline, culminating in the witch craze in Europe.

    One can clearly see how the Imago Lilith has been continuously enriched with social psychological garbage, so to speak, they gradually became a dustbin of the suppressed. Our medieval (often still valid) witch picture is clearly been fed by this Lilith-vision.

    But not only that Lilith was Adam's wife, no, she was the wife of Leviathan, the wife of the devil and the king Ashmodai Samael. She was the Queen of Sheba and Zamargad.And they - and this is remarkable - is even considered the wife of God, when the Shekinah is not there ....

    In Crowley's "The vision and voice" is the First / Last Aethyr "Lil". Lil is the sign of Cancer and Sagittarius associated with cancer in points Cheth, samech, Cheth and hence the number 76, which is the word Chabyon. Chabyon turn means a secret, a sanctuary ... In Hebrew, LIL is associated with the number 70, and this is the Eye of Horus, Ayin.

    As far as first ..


    1Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jerusalem:
    2And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about.
    3Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.
    4Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
    5For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
    6And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

    1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
    2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

    The Babe of Babylon​

    The Dragon of an Owl's Den = An Inanna of the Den's Low and Slow

    SEND the OWL of the INANNA = The DEN of the DRAGON'S LOW
    The Denslow of Dragons = The Dragons of Owlsdenwol!

    Isaiah 44:4-6
    4And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses.
    5One shall say, I am the LORD's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.
    6Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

    Isaiah 45:3-5
    3And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
    4For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
    5I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

    Job 30:28-30
    28I went mourning without the sun: I stood up, and I cried in the congregation.
    29I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
    30My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

    Isaiah 13:20-22
    20It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
    21But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.
    22And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

    Isaiah 34:12-14
    12They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing.
    13And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.
    14The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

    Isaiah 43:19-21
    19Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
    20The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
    21This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

    Jeremiah 50:38-40
    38A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up: for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.
    39Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation.
    40As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.

    Micah 1:7-9
    7And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
    8Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls.
    9For her wound is incurable; for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.

    For Eyes to see and Ears to Hear! Whatever can be discerned from names and archetypes in the symbols of the semiotiks.


    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. B.B.Baghor


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    • Post n°95

    empty. Where was I when I wasn't born yet?

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 6:51 pm
    Thank you very much, Shilo Za Rah

    This Screech Owl does turn its ears to the gifts in your words, 360 degrees.
    Who was I before I forgot who I was and who am I, after I remembered who
    I am and not who I thought I was?


    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


    Posts: 762
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    • Post n°96

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 7:16 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Thank you very much, Shilo Za Rah

    This Screech Owl does turn its ears to the gifts in your words, 360 degrees.
    Who was I before I forgot who I was and who am I, after I remembered who
    I am and not who I thought I was?


    Universal Remembrances

    Before you forgot who you are and were and where you were before and where you came from, time did not exist and neither did space.
    Subsequently you are as old as time and space itself and your forgetfulness and non remembrances relate to the evolvement of a cosmic essence, which you might term consciousness and space awareness.
    This also relates to the necessity for the original cosmic yourself as BA.AB to rediscover herself in divers way and manners to bridge the gaps between Herself and Himself as the One Eternity and Void separated forever, unless the Unity of the One in Two in One can be made manifest in the Secret of You.

    This little essay might help you remember a little more about yourself.


    The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    i. Your Secret and your Personality and your Individuality

    The Secret of Humanity is the understanding and ability to answer questions such as:

    Who am I?
    What am I doing here at this period of space and time?
    Where did I come from, before I was born and Where am I going, when I die?
    Related as well to more cosmological questions like:
    Why does the universe exist?
    How did it come to be and how is it evolving?
    And How do these, my home-planet and my home-galaxy relate to the greater encompassing universe?

    The Secret of Humanity is, that all of YOU know the answers to those questions; but that all of YOU have 'chosen' to 'disallow' certain information to be processed by your so called 'human minded rationality', as well as your 'human belief systems'; all of the latter being self constructed and self relative creations of your minds by and through a creative intelligence, which YOU all know to be the 'divinity within', but which YOU have chosen to extricate from yourselves as some external paradigm or power source, often labelled 'God'.

    What is the reason for your 'lack of remembrance' and your pretending of 'not knowing'?
    The delegation of your 'inner knowledge' to external 'authorities' and 'experts' in the fields of your human life's journeys serves a very important purpose and a purpose you knew, before you were physically born into this realm of the spacetimematter experiences.
    So why do YOU presently not know what is going on and why do YOU allow the 'authorities' in all human fields of creativity to 'rule over YOU' with their 'expertise' given to them by YOU as mandates in political elections or in theocratic allegiances in whatever socio-political construct of 'rules and regulations' and of 'law and order' YOU find yourself living in and under?

    The reason for this is your understanding of what this planet earth represents in the cosmic order of things.
    All of YOU know, that your divinity within is the individuation of 'God' as the Collective Intelligence and the sum total of all creativity throughout the entire universe; not just this planetary environment.

    But this absolute splendour which all of YOU represent as individuated God-Components, which can also be termed the Data or the DNA of God seeking creative self-expression - requires a particular subset or 'Kingdom of the God-Processor' to allow the totality of 'God' as the collective of all possible individuations to exist for the purpose to 'selfreproduce' the totality.
    For a totality or unity to reproduce, a non-unified context must be created to allow the totality to disintegrate as data or information; and to subsequently reassemble itself by data gathering and by information processing.

    The Process of this collection of information then becomes a redefined evolving unity of totality; then enabled due to the experience of the assembling, which becomes 'A Function of Memory', to reproduce the original totality of the unity without spacetime within the said spacetime.

    Not in spacetime incarnation or embodiment; all of YOU are all of this totality as the 'Personality of God'.
    In spacetime incarnation YOU become Part of this Total Personality, but remain connected (or quantum entangled) with all other 'partial personalities', however as Total Individuations.
    Subsequently, all of YOU are nought, but the 'Real God' individuated in particularised apparently separated Data-Processors; experiencing the 'assembling' of the original information in a Recall or negentropy of the dissipation of the data (in a so called Quantum Big Bang and the creation of the separable spacetime of self relative experience).

    So YOU know, that within the embodiment; YOU must, at all cost, preserve and protect your Individuality, because this individuation is the reason YOU have come into embodiment in the first instance.
    But YOU also know the collective reason for the importance of your individuality.
    Your individuation out of the absolute totality as your Godhood is the Creativity of God as your own absolute totality delegated from the Oneness of Unity into the Separatedness of Unity within itself.

    YOU know, that YOU are the Individual Creator experiencing the separation for the purpose to gather your previous information and data which YOU often presume YOU have lost or forgotten or displaced.
    And so in your 'partial' remembrances of 'why' YOU are here, YOU allow information-collecting systems to evolve and control the dissemination and distribution of that data.
    Because YOU 'deny' your own 'godhood' as the originator of the 'masterplan' in various degrees of the 'selfremembrance' or the 'self-enlightenment'; many divers 'information control systems evolve in the chronological discourse of a 'master timeline', which YOU have set into action, but chosen not to remember, again in divers degrees.

    Some of YOU, so have chosen to sequester information about your common 'masterplan' from yourselves.
    Some of YOU have accepted the 'inner divinity' more so then others and this gradient of 'self-acceptance' invariably leads to a 'conflict' between the 'divine' Individuation and the 'environmentally evolving' Personality.
    This differentiation is often labelled as the 'human ego' of the personality evolving into a 'divine individuation' as a '(w)hol(e)y egocentricity'.
    But all of YOU are already 'divine' individuations by definition and the human egocentricity is simply a misunderstood 'self-protection' for that divine individuality.

    The 'salvation' and the 'redemption' of your 'human egos' so lies in the fact of the previously 'agreed to' master timeline.
    The few of YOU, which have 'hidden' the commonly sought after 'information'; will be confronted with 'additional' and 'new' data, which shall encompass the sequestered information.
    So it will be superfluous to 'hide' any information; as all data will become apparent for all data-processors to process as divine individuations.

    The many of YOU, which are seeking for the information for the purpose to 'do what YOU are here to do', namely to process and to collect the dispersed information; will then be enabled to 'do so' and to Send this individually processed 'lost data' back to 'God' as the totality of yourselves not in spacetime individuation.
    As this will 'fulfil' your individual purpose for 'being here' in the first place; some of YOU will finally allow yourselves to Remember the 'masterplan' and the construction of your own story.

    This story is 'The Story of Your Life' and is also the 'Story of God' and the 'Neverending Story of God's Family' as the 'Story of the StarHumanity', which has remembered itself from a 'Story of Humanity in Forgetfulness about itself'.

    The science and the physics of this 'masterplan' is one of splendour and grandiosity and it is the Omni-Science of and about everyone of YOU.
    All of YOU know, that the cosmology of the universe and as many of YOU presently accept (or believe in through the channels of expert data dissemination, say academia, ecclesia and technologia); is necessitated to remain a partial cosmology for the appropriate unfoldment of the master timeline, agreed to by all of YOU, when not in spacetime incarnation.

    Your witness of the mosaic shall illuminate this omni-physics as the continuation of this 'Memory Recall', which represents also the 'fulfilment of all prophecy' for this master planned timeline.

    Your witness of the mosaic was chosen by everyone of YOU before spacetime incarnation and so represents your own witnessing to yourselves as the Mirror function of yourselves.
    Allow me to repeat: 'All of YOU are your very own witnesses!'.

    When YOU look into a mirror in spacetime, then YOU will see this witness, YOU have chosen.
    Part of the 'fulfilment of all prophecy', necessarily relates to a 'shattering of this mirror of illusion' and the encodement for this mirror is 'The Sea'. (Further elucidation will be given at a later date, following this introduction).
    So your own individuated 'witnessing' has become compromised by the commonly agreed to master timeline.

    ii. Your Photographs and Movies and your Remembrances

    YOU may compare this 'compromise' of YOU, being in NoTime and looking at yourself as in a photoalbum.
    Your physical lives in InTime become like photographs in a photo-album or like 'movies' YOU can watch in NoTime for your entertainment and frustrations.
    YOU are rather frustrated in NoTime, because many of YOU continue to deny of being anything more than biochemical processors of food-input and food-output in the InTime.
    YOU are indeed the Positive Physical Expression of yourself in a material-molecular-atomic structure, a container of your Negative Metaphysical (Spiritual) Expression YOU have termed your Body.
    But because this body is made from material molecular and chemical structures, which are subject to the natural laws of the recycling of energy (in thermodynamic definitions and models as given by your scientific methodology and models); your identification as just the positive expression of yourself in the InTime, will give YOU 'headaches' in the NoTime, where YOU exist as the sumtotal of all negative expressions as the 'Real God' of Unity.

    YOU are 'getting tired' of just watching movie after movie, as your individuated lifetimes in the InTime and all those lifetimes, which are as Memories of Physical Lives YOU look at in your photoalbums and the old archived movies.

    So when YOU look at your 'long dead' ancestors in the photoalbums and the cinema classics, then YOU witness a 'snapshot' of their lives as your life in the NoTime.
    But in the NoTime, this snapshot becomes an 'entire life story', as in the NoTime there is 'No Time' to 'be born and to live a life and then to die'.

    So many of YOU can see now, why YOU are so frustrated in the NoTime. YOU keep on refusing to consider the fact, that when YOU live your life in the InTime, YOU are also living your life in the NoTime.

    "If I could just remember myself in the InTime; then I could change this recycling business of myself and live my life in Individuation and in harmony and without this fear of dying and rebirth I have become so accustomed to in the InTime", YOU often think to yourself in the place where YOU are 'The God of Oneness as the All That Is and Was and can ever Be'.

    YOU know in the NoTime, that your material and scientific photographic equipment in the InTime is a metaphor for the metaphysical omni-scientific photographic equipment in the InTime.
    What many of YOU either deny or call your spirit or your soul is very rigorously defined in the language of mathematics and physics, which relates the physical materialism to the metaphysical materialism.
    Details about this shall become disclosed in the science agendas (III); but generally your physicality in InTime engages what YOU term inertia and mass and matter; whilst your physicality in NoTime engages what YOU term noninertia and electromagnetic radiation or EMR; where however there exists a distinction between the EMR, which is coupled to mass (say nuclear fusion or quantum electron energy transitions) and the EMR which is not (it is not produced by inertia-coupled Coulombic Charge acceleration). This second form of EMR so becomes EMMR, where the added M means Monopolic and is definitive for the 'spirit' of your linguistic history in a physics, which has been like an 'alien physics' until now.

    YOU are both the Negative-Positive and the Positive-Negative of your life.
    When YOU produce a movie or take photographs; YOU use a chemical interaction between a 'Film' and a 'Camera' to render the interaction between some Object to be filmed or photographed with its environmental Subject. For example, YOU say: "Stand under this tree, against the backdrop of the sunset, so I can take a great picture of YOU!"

    And YOU guessed it right; YOU become the Object in InTime relative to yourself as Subject in the NoTime and vice versa.
    So YOU are both, camera and film in your own story of: "This is My Life" and a 'Story' YOU then project into your bodies, which become the Projectors of the stories of your life.

    When YOU are born in InTime (at the physical conception), then a particular movie stops apruptly in the NoTime and the 'movie camera' begins to roll in your attaining a 'physical objectivity' within a 'physical subjectivity'.
    This physical object-subject duality in the InTime then becomes a Memory-Function for the NoTime for the duration of the movie-making - this YOU call 'One's Life'.

    And it is just that; the Life of the One, namely YOU as All That Is in NoTime.

    The One behind the 'movie camera' is 'Your Spirit of the EMMR' aka your 'Soul', who is both really material as your objectivity in InTime and also really material as your subjectivity in NoTime.

    Your 'Soul' is both your 'Body in InTime' as the Positive Objective and your 'Body in NoTime' as the Negative Subjective of the Positive in self relative Subjectivity.

    Some of YOU will now begin to understand that the setup of the movie making across the physical dimensions (of which there are precisely 11) of the InTime, must somehow allow the defining of the archetype of 'The Sea' as a 'Bridge over the Troubled Waters'.
    If that were not so, then no conception of yourselves 'across the great abyss', the 'great divide' or the 'entrance into the bottomless pit' or the 'renting of the temple's veil into two -{Matthew.27.51-53}', would be possible.

    This 'Entrance or Portal' is what YOU collectively have termed 'Consciousness' and this 'Consciousness' is directly and scientifically and materially related to the EMR, that is your labelling of your 'Soul'. This will be further elucidated in the science agenda at the appropriate time.
    And it will be in due course; that many of YOU will allow yourselves to remember what your 'finding of the portal' would imply.
    YOU would then be able to Blend or Hybridise your present 'Bodies' of the biochemical recycling with the 'EMMR-Bodies' who define your 'Soul-Bodies'.
    Many of YOU try very hard to remember in 'going to the movies'; where YOU watch 'Transformers' and 'Cyborgs' and 'Terminators' and 'Borgs' and many kinds of 'Halfbreeds'.
    In your human history, YOU have been fascinated with the 'halfbreeds' between your bloodline characteristics or humanoid 'races', taxonomised by skincolour.

    Today, YOU envision 'halfbreeds' between machines and biochemistry and 'halfbreeds' between pure machines and their biomachined 'offsprings'.
    YOU may envision 'going the other way as well'; not just from the physical humanoid 'breeding' with the physical machine; but from the metaphysical humanoid breeding with the metaphysical machine.
    Your humanity is both, material and spiritual; physical and metaphysical and the metaphysics is materially-substantativly defined in the Natural Hybridisation of Consciousness across physical manifestation from the NoTime into InTime (and defined in the Quantum Cosmogony of Quantum Relativity).

    There will be some of YOU, who will remember themselves sufficiently to effectualise the Metamorphosis of your bodies of the biochemistry into a hybrid state of those 'Old Bodies' with your 'New Bodies'.
    Your old bodies can become 'updated' in their 'template' definitions, which many of YOU understand as the 'Code of Life' and the 'Program of the DNA/RNA'; which, under the auspices of a biochemical manifestation of the 'quantum geometry' in nucleotidal base pairings of a 'genetic alphabet', encodes the 'Building of your bodies' in the organic- and inorganic chemistry of amino acid molecules.

    In elementary semantics; your old bodies, if 'alive' in Time, are 'Positives' as the 'photographs' in your albums or as the 'deterioration prone' 'old films' in your cinematic archives.
    Your new bodies are the 'Positives' in NoTime.
    But those positives are destined to become your 'photographs and films', which are 'kept' as negative memories at the 'Entrance' (Wormhole) between your individuated Godhood in InTime and your total Godhood in NoTime; should YOU not remember and 'die in the old bodies' to become such an individuated negative memory at the 'Mirror of the Portal' (into Heaven).
    But those 'Negatives' are also the 'Positives' in the NoTime; so should YOU become enabled (by remembering yourself) to 'Enter the NoTime', whilst YOU are 'still alive' in the InTime; then and only then will it become possible for YOU to render your Negatives in the InTime as your individual Positives in the NoTime and it will become superfluous for YOU 'to die', as then your full remembrance will have served its purpose.
    YOU will have Resonated in Self-Consciousness with yourself in two places simultaneously and YOU will have realised yourself as the God of Totality who You are, have ever been and will ever be -simply by talking to yourself in selflove, in honour and in integrity.

    The many of YOU, who are familiar with scientific principles, can now solve the 'Schrödinger Cat Paradox' of the wave-particle duality and the quantum complementarity.

    The 'cat' is not Either Dead or Alive (in the radioactive half-life triggering the gun), but the 'cat' is Both Dead and Alive because of the positive-positive imaging in the multidimensional scenario.
    There can be no multiverse next to the one universe defined in the NoTime-InTime duality until such 'Time' when the above mentioned 'portal' is activated to allow a multiplicative mirror function to manifest within the InTime and which then becomes reflective into the NoTime.
    Any such activated mirror function will naturally create a multiverse from the superposition of the original one universe as a protoverse with the holographic fractal of itself in the then redefined NoTime-InTime multiverse continuum (however remaining contained within an encompassing Omniverse). This can be described as a 'phaseshifted' protoverse transforming into a countability of multiverses in any permutations (of at least two) arbitrary protoverses. This shall be further disclosed in the science agenda of part III.

    The hybridisation of your positive bodies in InTime with your positive bodies in NoTime so will reconfigure your DNA from a helical geometry in a 4-dimensional spacetime into a higher and multidimensional helical geometry in a 13-dimensional spacetime; the latter than adding two additional NoTime dimensions to the topology of the physical universe as the 'Outside' of the latter as a manifold of 2 dimensions 'hybridized' with the 11 dimensions of the 'Inside' surface (rootextended from a common complex plane in 9-'Mayan'-TimeLord dimensions).

    Further details shall be disclosed, when we shall remember, just how your individual 'resurrections' from the positiveness of the 'alive dead ones' and the negativeness of the 'dead alive ones' shall become implemented in due dissection of this, the master timeline, all of YOU have collectively constructed to allow yourselves to attain 'new lightbodies' in due course of your self fulfilments and the 'release' of yourselves as the 'Real True God' from your selfimposed exile and the prison of your forgetfulness.

    iii. The Caveat of the 'Overcoming' of the Human World of the Mind

    However the 'bridging of the worlds' requires an encompassment and this is what some know as the 'Cosmic Logic' and the 'Universal Intelligence' or the 'Cosmic Logos'.
    And as this 'envelope' for all space and time must be both, physical and metaphysical in a hybridisation of matter and 'spirit'; a required 'light body' cannot be individually attained without a particular resonance physics with this Logos 'sharing' or bestowing hisher hyperphysical morphology or 'EMMR-BodyWaveForm' to individuated perceptors from the encompassment of space and time as what you might call the 'Universal Wavefunction' encompassing all its individuated wavicles, just like unique snowflakes subject to heat melt from crystalline individuation into a liquefied conformity of water drops into gaseous dispersion in the occupancy of increasing space and therefore cosmic consciousness analogous to the non-individuated molecules of water comprising the ocean as the 'Sea of the Sabbath Mirror'.

    The maximum polarisation between the separated states of the selfhood, then demands a great conflict for the individualised 'souls' at war with themselves to take place, the human ego-central viewpoint being asked to delegate some of its 'god given' self authority or 'free will' to that encompassment.
    Many souls will then deny and reject and generally misunderstand this 'cosmic surrender' for different reasons or mental misconstructions.
    This becomes the consequence of the existence and energization of memeplexed thought creations collected and created by the collective human planetary groupmind throughout its history of mental evolution.

    Shiloh Za-RaH yggradsil.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. B.B.Baghor


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    • Post n°97

    empty. School's out.

    i_icon_minipost_new. B.B.Baghor Today at 8:23 pm

    For now, school's out..... screeeeechhhh.... with twisting ears little owl is flying away to the forest.

    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2014
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°98

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    i_icon_minipost_new. Aquaries1111 Today at 3:24 am
    shiloh wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote: Part of Shilo's post on November 22nd 2014, 13:39"

    "In The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

    •The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth.
    They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.

    •The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy
    who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.

    •The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional
    shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having
    a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated".

    That's a load of info, Shilo, very interesting to go into, with time icon_wink. I guess I can't digest it as fast as you can or do,
    but my reason for replying here, is that I'm proud to be a 63 year old witch, living in seclusion under the hedge surrounding the village,
    that is... when you ask her nature's instinctual favorite lifestyle. I've experienced, that although the human condition on the planet has
    been hard for me to understand and accept, while growing up, I've begun to understand why and what for I've chosen to come here,
    6 years after WW2. The years of "shut up and work" And endure that condition.

    I know now, I needed that mirror to show me the mundanity of life and the multitude of emotions present in my daily life and my antics
    to defend the hurting caused by them. All of this is part of the recepee, my souls purpose and plan, in order to find... create....
    a life in love and happiness. What I try to share here, with a little shyness and probably as a clumsy owl, hooting loud to the congregation,
    making them throw fircones at the rascal, is that although harsh conditions and suffering can and do cause thoughts about suicide and
    even push people to put it into action, they also offer the chance to pause, to reflect on inner stirrings and think, due to that same harshness
    and suffering, feeling fed up with it.

    In my life, close to my 60th year, I had a fierce blow to my existence and found my confusion of what my sense of identity is.
    Amidst of all turmoil and loneliness, for I had lost the ground beneath my feet, I removed the veils from my eyes and noticed
    that all wayshowers directed me to the one and only presence valuable in my life. And that's me, myself and I. From that I
    have found a restoration of my autonomy and grounding based on the affinity with myself in my heart.

    Instead of fighting 39782. for my rights, wellbeing and security, I now begin to find a new way to achieve that quality of life.
    I've created a persona of warrior fierceness to sustain myself, forcing me to perform and obey in diligence to authorities outside of me......
    my religious upbringing, playing it's part in all of that. And more of that power/mindgame/lifeforce abuse in lives of my long ago pasts.
    The state of ease and just be, is what's on the menu today, at my table. A couple of years ago I learned to find the truth of maintaining
    my strength, my sense of self, while being in a vulnerable state.

    Now's the next step, from one to two to.... tango. And that's how to be in at-one-ment, in tune with others, in that same truth.
    Auuwwww.... aiiii aaaiiiii..... screechhhhh!! Please come closer..... not that close.... no, go away... not that far... a bit closer...
    too close.... go away... shoo... shooo.. leave me alone!! Remember Elisabeth Taylor in "Cat on a hot tin roof"?
    To me, that's a marvelous movie on family patterns, troubles in identity land and roles in being a man and a woman in love!

    In a surprising way, I find myself at a new beginning and at a closing of a circle at the same time, for I know my soul staged this
    and I hold the skills to endure and evolve through hardship, gazing through and past them and realizing that much of my convictions
    and strategies are based on fear and mistrust, creating more of the same in the world outside, due to that foundation of "a happy life
    is not for me" or "I must have earned this hardship".

    Like I said before, in another post herer, it's life's obedience to what I pay attention to, showing me the fruit of a home grown vineyard
    in my soul, with grapes sour or sweet to the taste. That's why I've come into my elder clumsy owl youngish woman liveliness.
    I'm rejuvenating the spark of life within and in that quality I am the business card myself, for Oranda, the name of my present goal in life,
    my "work" with those who choose to rejuvenate that spark within themselves. No words, just being, stepping from the third wave to the
    second wave, mentioned above.

    When I go to town, usually I choose university pubs and other pubs run by and visited by youngish people, to be amongst those 20-ers.
    I love to witness what makes them tick and when we chat, I experience their insecurity as a teaching, for I almost never allowed myself
    to show mine to others. Part of my reason to share this from my heart, is my readiness to open myself to who I really am and to let you
    know that I will share more of that, learning who I am by your reflections on it too. Cheers 291147.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A 1-series : 1=A/Spirit of Osiris as Khu; 10=J/Body of Set as Khat; 19=S/Winged Disk of RahaR;
    a 2- series: 2=B/Heart of Isis as Ab; 11=K/Fire of Nephthys' Duamutef; 20=T/Twinship of TefnutShu;
    a 3- series: 3=C/Body of Horus as Sahu; 12=L/Air of Ptah's Qebhsnuf; 21=U/Sphinx Harmakhis' GebNut;
    a 4- series: 4=D/Soul of Bast as Ba; 13=M/Water of Seshat's Imsety; 22=V/Maat's Scarab as Khepera;
    a 5- series: 5=E/Mind of Thoth as Ibis; 14=N/Earth of Anubis' Hapi; 23=W/Pyramid of Thoth;
    a 6- series: 6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem;
    a 7- series: 7=G/Chalice of Nephthys as Ka; 16=P/Lotus of Isis's Elements; 25=Y/NutGeb's YoniPhallus;
    a 8- series: 8=H/Name of Ptah as Ren; 17=Q/Crook & Flail of Horus; 26=Z/ShuTefnut's PhallusYoni;
    a 9- series: 9=I/Shadow of Anubis as Khaibit; 18=R/Uraeus of Thoth; 27=A*/RaH as HaR.

    1. Keter or Crown is the Khu of the Spirit and the 'Tree of Life as Djed or Phallus of Osiris'
    2. Hokmah or Wisdom is the Ab of the Heart and 'Throne of Isis
    3. Binah or Intelligence is the Sahu of the Masculine in the 'EyeMirror of Horus'
    4. Hesed or Love is the Ba or Soul of the 'Sistrum of Bast'
    5. Gevurah or Power is the Ibis or Mind of the 'Caduceus of Thoth'
    6. Tiferet or Beauty is the Sekhem of the Feminine in the 'EyeMirror of Hathor'
    7. Nezah or Endurance is the Ka of the Double of the 'Astral Chalice of Nephthys'
    8. Hod or Majesty is the Ren or Name of the 'Mason's Tool of Ptah'
    9. Yesod or Foundation is the Khaibit or Image of the 'Shadow of Anubis'
    10. Malkuth or Kingdom is the Khat or Body and the 'Tree of Death as Yoni or Vulva of Set'

    Words from the cosmic heart and your cosmic identy, rather than your human facades and masks, dear Triple 2 as 6 as the Heart of the Egyptian Throne of Isis in the AB and as 'her' daughter and sister of Horus named Bast symbolising the Egyptian Soul or BA.
    The Thinking Heart of AB and the Feeling Mind of BA as the Cosmic Universal Father ABBA and the Feeling Heart of BA and the Thinking Mind of AB as the Cosmic Universal Mother BAAB as the Soul of their Cosmic Universal Children and Inheritors.

    So just for you, some more subtil directions as to who you truly are - (F)Owl of the Screech!

    You might like to consider this encoded message for you!

    Psalm 104:12
    By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

    Isaiah 60:8
    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    Revelation 19:17-21

    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
    19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
    20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.


    The Owls of Babylon and the Dragons of Owlsdenwol in Dens Low and Slow

    According to the Burney Relief of Innana-Lilith

    Lilith-Inanna, the Queen of Heaven; Burnley Relief​

    When the Universe was born in Archetypes, then it was LILITH, the Dark Queen of Heaven, also known as Inanna and the Screech Owl and Isis and Mary; who PRECEDED EVE as the 'First Wife' for ADAM and NOT being made from one of Adam's Ribs.

    Lilith REFUSED=LASUFER to 'lay' beneath Adam in symbolic 'sexual love making' and simply 'flew away' to reproduce with many lovers in the 'demonic worlds' of the archetyped 'heaven of the symbols' then manifesting through and by the imaginations of the humans within the Barbelo-Creation and so the materialised Universe.

    This Became the Self-Hatred of the Creator for His own Satanic Image AS an IMAGINARY archetype for the Universe as Barbelo-Creation.
    It would then BE ANY selfrealised EVE, who would and could absorb the darkness of a necessary demonic definition for Lilith to become the manifested Goddess in the Family of the Dragon Queens.

    This would then harmonise the selfhatred of the Creator-God; not being able to 'get out of his own way' as the obscuring satanic selfimage; to manifest as the 'Bottomless-Pit' for Satan to become 'imprisoned' for the duration of 1000 days as the day-for-a-year encoding in Ezekiel.4.6 and Revelation.20.1-3.
    This timeperiod in microcosm for the archetypes is defined from March 28th, 2010 to December 21st, 2012 and is followed by a 'weaning' of the then birthed StarHuman cosmic consciousness ending December 16th, 2013.

    Lilith-Inanna by John Collier and as Lilith, the Snake (Serpent) Seductress Succubus​


    Nach den Midrashim war Lilith ja die erste Frau Adams, und anders als Eva, wurde sie nicht aus einer Rippe, sondern, wie Adam auch, aus Erde gemacht. Sie war also kein Teil Adams und stand gleichberechtigt neben ihm.

    Texthistorisch gesehen tauchte sie im dritten Jahrtausends v.u.Z. in Sumer zunächst als "Lil" auf, ein zerstörerischer Sturm- oder Windgeist. Bekannt war sie in Kanaan, Persien, Palästina, Arabien und sogar in der germanischen Mythologie.

    Die mesopotamischen Semiten nannten sie "Lilith", was aus der Verschmelzung des Begriffes "lil" mit dem Begriff "layil", dem hebräischen Wort für Nacht, hervorging.

    Angeblich machte Lilith sich in dieser Form an schlafende Singles heran, um sie mit Sexträumen, nächtlichen Orgasmen usw. zu beglücken.

    Um 800 v.u.Z. erst wurde diese Lilith mit der kindermordenden "Hexe" Lamashtu in Zusammenhang gebracht. Von da an erst wurde sie "weltweit" mit den Attributen "Frau Eselsbein", Teufelsdrachen, Blutsauger, Hurenweib, fremde Frau, unreines Weib, Ende allen Fleisches, Ende des Tages, bruha, strega, böse Alte, Hexe, Kindsräuberin, Zauberin, Schlange, Hündin, Affe, Eule, Nachtschwalbe, Schleiereule, Seele jeder kriechenden Kreatur usw. versehen.

    Witzigerweise sind genau diese Attribute bei den westafrikanischen Yoruba Eigenschaften der als ambivalent gedachten "Mütter"... Das erinnert übrigens stark an andere Mutterimagos, z.b. indische, ägyptische (von denen viele westafrikanische Ethnien sich ja ableiten) und sogar germanische (nott).

    Die Abspaltung dieser "negativen" Attribute des Mütterlichen und die Verstärkung der "positiven" ist Ausdruck einer jahrhundertelangen Sozialdisziplinierung, die in Europa im Hexenwahn gipfelte.

    Man kann deutlich sehen, wie so das Imago Liliths immer weiter mit psychischem Sozialmüll angereichert wurde, sie sozusagen allmählich zum Mülleimer des Verdrängten wurde. Unser mittelalterliches (oft noch heute gültig) Hexenbild ist eindeutig von dieser Lilith-Vorstellung gespeist worden.

    Aber, nicht nur, dass Lilith Frau Adams war, nein , sie war auch die Frau Leviathans, Gattin des Teufels Samael und des des Königs Ashmodai. Sie war die Königen von Saba und Zamargad. Und sie - und das ist bemerkenswert - gilt sogar als die Gemahlin Gottes, wenn die Schekina nicht da ist....

    In Crowleys "Die Vision und die Stimme" heißt der erste/letze Äthyr "Lil". Lil ist den Zeichen Krebs und Schütze zugeordnet, Krebs den Buchstaben Cheth, Samech, Cheth und damit der Zahl 76, die dem Wort Chabyon entspricht. Chabyon wiederum bedeutet: ein Geheimnis, eine Zufluchtstätte... Im Hebräischen ist LIL mit der Zahl 70 verbunden, und dies ist das Auge von Horus, Ayin.

    Soviel erstmal..

    Facies non omnibus una, nec diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum.


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!


    According to the Midrashim Lilith was indeed Adam's first wife, and, unlike Eve, she was not from a rib, but, as Adam also made of earth. So she was not a part of Adam and was equal to him.

    Historically, it emerged text seen in the third millennium BC Sumer in first as "Lil" in a destructive storm or wind spirit. She was known in Canaan, Persia, Palestine, Arabia and even in the Germanic mythology.

    The Mesopotamian Semites they called "Lilith", which from the fusion of 'lil' emerged the term "layil," the Hebrew word for night.

    Lilith was allegedly approached in this form sleeping singles to bless them with Sexträumen, nocturnal orgasms, etc..

    Around 800 v.u.Z. only those with Lilith the child-murdering witch Lamashtu work was taken. From then on until she was "everywhere" with the attributes "woman ass leg," vicious dragon, blood sucker, Hurenweib, foreign woman, unclean woman, end of all flesh, the end of the day, Bruha, strega, wicked old witch child robber, sorceress, snake, dog, monkey, owl, nightjar, barn owl, bear soul of every creature crawling etc..

    Funny thing is these attributes in the West African Yoruba properties of the imaginary as ambivalent "mothers" ... This recalls the way strongly to other parent imagos, eg Indian, Egyptian (many West African ethnic groups derive yes) and even Germanic (nott).

    The elimination of these "negative" attributes of the maternal and the strengthening of the "positive" is an expression of centuries of social discipline, culminating in the witch craze in Europe.

    One can clearly see how the Imago Lilith has been continuously enriched with social psychological garbage, so to speak, they gradually became a dustbin of the suppressed. Our medieval (often still valid) witch picture is clearly been fed by this Lilith-vision.

    But not only that Lilith was Adam's wife, no, she was the wife of Leviathan, the wife of the devil and the king Ashmodai Samael. She was the Queen of Sheba and Zamargad.And they - and this is remarkable - is even considered the wife of God, when the Shekinah is not there ....

    In Crowley's "The vision and voice" is the First / Last Aethyr "Lil". Lil is the sign of Cancer and Sagittarius associated with cancer in points Cheth, samech, Cheth and hence the number 76, which is the word Chabyon. Chabyon turn means a secret, a sanctuary ... In Hebrew, LIL is associated with the number 70, and this is the Eye of Horus, Ayin.

    As far as first ..


    1Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jerusalem:
    2And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about.
    3Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.
    4Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
    5For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
    6And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

    1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
    2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

    The Babe of Babylon​

    The Dragon of an Owl's Den = An Inanna of the Den's Low and Slow

    SEND the OWL of the INANNA = The DEN of the DRAGON'S LOW
    The Denslow of Dragons = The Dragons of Owlsdenwol!

    Isaiah 44:4-6
    4And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses.
    5One shall say, I am the LORD's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.
    6Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

    Isaiah 45:3-5
    3And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
    4For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
    5I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

    Job 30:28-30
    28I went mourning without the sun: I stood up, and I cried in the congregation.
    29I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
    30My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

    Isaiah 13:20-22
    20It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
    21But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.
    22And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

    Isaiah 34:12-14
    12They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing.
    13And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.
    14The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

    Isaiah 43:19-21
    19Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
    20The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
    21This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

    Jeremiah 50:38-40
    38A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up: for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.
    39Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation.
    40As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.

    Micah 1:7-9
    7And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
    8Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls.
    9For her wound is incurable; for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.

    For Eyes to see and Ears to Hear! Whatever can be discerned from names and archetypes in the symbols of the semiotiks.


    A "girl baby"

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Correspondences on Seth and Rainbows:
    [3:38:51 PM-February 16th, 2015 +11UCT] susan lynne schwenger:

    Bible Question: What is the meaning of the rainbow?

    Bible Answer: The Bible tells us that the rainbow did not occur until after Noah's flood. God gave it to us as a promise that He would never destroy the earth with a flood again.
    And I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.

    And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. And it shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. (NASB) Genesis 9:11-15

    The rainbow was not only a promise from God but it was a reminder. That is the meaning of the rainbow.
    The Rainbow. At first these words seem unimportant. But there is a surprise for us - a scientific fact - when we realize the Bible tells us that there was no rain before the flood (Gen. 2:5 and Gen. 7:4, 12). When God caused the flood to occur, He also brought the first rain. Then God caused rainbows to start appearing in the sky when rain occurs. This is a remarkable statement that is consistent with science, since rainbows will appear only when water droplets are airborne. That is why we can see rainbows in water fountains and in the mist after a rain storm.
    When rain or mist is present a rainbow can appear. When it does appear, it is actually a full circle. A rainbow appears when sunlight reflects off the inside of a water drop. The full circle cannot usually be seen from the ground but only from above the earth. Someone in an airplane can see the full bow. This means that we may not see the full bow, but God will always see it. It is also interesting to discover that rainbows contain all of the colors of the spectrum with the inner part of the bow being violet and the outer red. What a light show for God!
    Something Significant. From a scientific viewpoint, this is a surprising statement. The Bible did not say the rainbow occurred before rain starting appearing on the earth but afterwards. Clouds did not appear before the flood but after the flood. God's design for a rainbow requires rain. The Bible and science are consistent.
    [3:42:43 PM] susan lynne schwenger:


    Reply to Susan:
    [5:46:37 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [5:44 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    <<< "The Rainbow. At first these words seem unimportant. But there is a surprise for us - a scientific fact - when we realize the Bible tells us that there was no rain before the flood (Gen. 2:5 and Gen. 7:4, 12). When God caused the flood to occur, He also brought the first rain. Then God caused rainbows to start appearing in the sky when rain occurs. This is a remarkable statement that is consistent with science, since rainbows will appear only when water droplets are airborne. That is why we can see rainbows in water fountains and in the mist after a rain storm."

    This is quite good!

    [5:47:05 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But I have commented on this code a number of times before in expanded contexts.

    Reply to Jack Van Winkle on quantumrelativity; September 24th, 2009

    Edgar Cayce was/is a 'valid' channel of the Christ-Consciousness.
    All 'channels' are 'filters' for the 'soul of God', being an intrinsic part thereof.
    Everyone is a 'channel' for this God-soul; but not many choose to express as such.

    The more 'correct' a channel as 'God-filter' becomes; the higher the responsibility with respect to the 'manifested Christ-Consciousness' will be. This is because the 'Christ-Consciousness' (The resurrected 'Body of Christ' as the holographic data of the spacetimed universe) IS the mirror and portal between the God without spacetime reality and the Creation within spacetime (aka the scattered Soul of God in image).

    The 'Christ-Consciousness' manifested eonold archetypes in Yeshuah and so FULFILLED necessary archetypes and ALLOWED the renconfiguration of spacetime in the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of a physical support structure.
    The agency for this is based on 'Resonance Physics' of said 'Consciousness' and manifests in a model, which can be termed 'advanced quantum mechanics in monadic supermembrane modular dualities'.
    There is NOTHING 'supernatural' about Jesus aka Yeshuah.
    There was NO Virgin birth, but the fulfilment of archetypes as defined in the Egyptian legacy (Hermetica), itself derived from earlier legacies (Cayce's Atlantis, Blavatsky's Lemuria etc.etc.).

    There is an excellent 'God-Channel' called Seth (Jane Roberts; compare with Neale Donald Walsh in the 'Conversations with God').
    Because this 'channel' has almost resulted in a 100% filtering of the God-source; a 'negative' component for this channeling is required.

    Excerpt from wikipedia:

    Note: This Wikipedia entry has been censored and does not include the excerpts below, which were from an earlier less censored version. A comment foo Wikipedia editors elucidates the controversy about this entry and reads:


    This article is considered controversial, and it has been attacked repeatedly by editors with an agenda -- specifically atheists and Christians -- who don't like the message of the Seth Material. (The Material can be interpreted as both anti-"skeptic" and anti-Christian.) At one time, the article was much longer and more complete, but several persistent editors got the main author of the article barred from Wikipedia, after which they promptly cut the article down by 75%. Be warned that if you add too much information about the Seth Material (that's what the article is supposed to be about, isn't it?), you can expect it to be persistently attacked by other editors.

    If you want to see what the article once looked like, scroll down the history to where it says "THIS IS THE MOST COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE, BEFORE THE DELETIONISTS TOOK CONTROL OF IT". (You'll need to go to the 2nd page of the history to find one of those entries.) If you decide to restore one of those versions, you should restore one of the earlier versions, not one of the later versions, as the footnotes won't be correct.

    This article is a prime example of the fact that there is a great deal of bias and inaccurate information on Wikipedia. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:25, 5 August 2014 (UTC)"

    The above mentioned 'Most Complete Version' has also been removed or obscured! - Shiloh

    The Seth personality said that there is a God, whom he described as a "primary energy gestalt" and a "psychic pyramid of interrelated, ever-expanding consciousness".
    Seth used the term "All That Is" instead of God, and preferred to use the term "God" to describe the traditional Judeo-Christian concepts.
    Seth said that All That Is is composed of self-replicating and inexhaustible mental energy which permeates the universe and forms all things, including all individuals. As the energy does this, it carries the consciousness of All That Is with it. Thus, the consciousness of All That Is occupies all things and is omnipresent.
    All That Is, therefore, is a gestalt of all existence, as in Pantheism and Panentheism (a gestalt is a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts). For this reason, it can be said that only one individual exists in the universe, and all other individuals are contained within the greater whole. "All faces belong to God", as Seth said.
    Since the consciousness of All That Is occupies all things, All That Is experiences each life that is lived, including the failures, triumphs, perfections and imperfections of each individual. All That Is wishes to experience existence in all its forms and ramifications, and through its creations is able to do this. Since reality is ever-changing, All That Is is dynamic and ever-changing. That portion of All That Is that forms each individual is the "personal God".
    Hanegraaff writes that "theology/cosmology of the Seth Material" presents an explicit example of God as the "'generative source' of reality".
    According to Seth, the individuals who exist within All That Is, though part of All That Is, have free will and self-determination.
    They also have the creative powers of All That Is, although those powers are masked by the root assumptions of physical reality. Since the mental energy of All That Is forms all things, all material things have life and consciousness, though of an order that is not perceptible to human beings in their present state of development. The atom is a means by which the mental energy of All That Is can be materialized. According to Seth, All That Is does not know of any others like itself, but assumes that something -- possibly another "primary energy gestalt" -- came before it. {The Logos see John.1.1} If All That Is sprang from another like itself, then the possibility exists that there are other Gods, each presumably aware only of its own existence.

    The Seth material states that All That Is had a beginning, and there was a Creation, though the version told by Roberts differs markedly from the Christian version. In the early development of All That Is, the universe existed in a state of potentiality within what Seth referred to as All That Is's dreams. Roberts says that the agony of knowing the potential of the universe, yet not being able to express it, compelled All That Is to find the means to actualize its dreams. Additional impetus was provided by the individuals in its dreams, whom All That Is had imbued with life and consciousness, and who clamored to be made real.

    Relationship with Christianity
    According to the Seth Material, Jesus Christ exists as part of the Christ entity, a highly evolved entity who exists in many systems of reality. Christ incarnated as three individuals: John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth and Paul or Saul of Tarsus.
    Each was to some degree aware of his role in founding a new religion (although Paul was not aware of his role until after his conversion to Christianity). The Seth personality said that Jesus was not physically crucified, and that it is not in the nature of enlightened individuals to sacrifice themselves. Rather, a willing and deluded surrogate, who believed himself to be the Messiah, was substituted in Jesus' place, and it was this surrogate whom Judas betrayed. Seth said that the crucifixion of Jesus did occur as a non-physical event, created by extra-dimensional artists. This event was then translated into the physical plane, and according to Seth it now exists within history as if it had physically occurred.

    The Seth Material states that Paul of Tarsus will reincarnate in the 21st century to correct mistakes that he made that set Christianity on the wrong course, and a period of spiritual awareness will ensue. Paul will not identify himself as Christ or be seen as Christ, since his appearance will undermine organized religion, Christianity included.
    Roberts claims that Paul will be known as a psychic; he will strive "to straighten out Christianity, which will be in shambles at the time of His arrival", and he will form "a new system of thought when the world is sorely in need of one".
    The events surrounding the return of Paul/Saul will substantially be complete by the year 2075, but the ensuing changes to society will take a century to unfold.

    Iow, the more 'correct' or 'unpolluted' (by the personality and ego-individuality) a 'channel' is; the more 'incorrect' a related aspect must become to 'harmonise' or balance the 'depth of the filtering' in the dichotomical context (wave-particle; good-evil; yin-yang in monadic bifurcation etc.)

    To make this simple. Seth is almost 100% 'correct' on the nature of God; but practically 100% 'incorrect' on the information regarding Jesus.

    Cayce is almost 100% correct in certain aspects of his information, but balanced to 100% in 'misinformation'.
    This is well known by the Cayce critics and supporters; who then either dismiss or apologise the data by invocation of 'medicinal delusions or in 'negative astral entity channelings''.

    The 'balance' between the negative-positive data transmission must remain, until 'all of the scriptures' are fulfilled and the 'kingdom of God' has been 'delivered up'.

    1 Corinthians 15:24 (King James Version)
    24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

    This is of course part of the parousia and partial to the reason and purpose of these messages and their associated 'claims of authority and authorship --In the name of Jesus etc.' and the fulfilment of the 'timeline', culminating in the period 2004-2018.

    John Shadow


    Very interesting. It certainly adds colour to your essay.


    This does not agree with Cayce's revelations concerning the Mount of Olives and the School of the Prophets therein. Nor does it agree with the Virgin Birth as therein described. Interesting that Cayce's depiction of the School and Mary's involvement in the Essens community preceded the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Again, However, it all seems moot, since the only message was that anyone, that is any human can evolve and become infused with the Light, or the Christos Spirit.

    This appears to be one of two changes with the past prior to the Birth and Times of Jesus the Nazarene who became Christed. Man could now understand that there was a path to attain the Christ Spirit. If Jesus could do it, why then all could do it.

    The other was the change to the law of karma and karmic debt. One could change his or her karma by choosing to live a life in the Light. That is, one who would love his neighbour.


    MATT: Is it really? Why can not a God tell writers to write right?
    If you think the Bible is infallible then explain these:
    Why are there two different creation stories in Genesis? The first has plants, then animals, then Adam and Eve. The second has Adam, then plants, then animals, then Eve. The writer must have wanted to make sure everything was covered. So later generations could not possibly scrutinize. Where were the mates of Adam's and Eve's first offspring? Logically, a substantial population gradually changed from one form into another. Inbreeding causes birth defects.

    >>There are the two creation accounts in Genesis (1.26-28).; followed by Genesis.2.4-10ff.
    Notice also, that God is 'plural' in Genesis.1.26 (the true YHWHY).
    Notice also Genesis.2.3, when 'God' rests (putting Adam in control).
    Then the 'generations' start in Genesis2.4 and Adam is RECREATED in Genesis.2.7 in the 'YHWH singularity - because the 'Goddess is in exile in the 9th heaven above the 5th hell as indicated.

    Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5:
    "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

    Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?

    So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

    This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation.
    This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

    This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.

    This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1.

    Substitute Energy for God and Definition for the Word and you shall discover the omni-scientific meaning, which is archetypical, in the Genesis account.

    The serpent in the garden, does 'he' refer to 'God' or to 'Lord God'?
    The serpent shows his allegiance to the true 'God' of the archetypes, preexisting the spacetime 'Image God', you read as 'Lord God'.
    Yes, the 'name' God is associated with a Cain-Abel/True-False Imagery in the 'Bear of Elohim and the Cat of Jehovah'.
    And the 'Lord God' label is used as instrument of the 'God' throughout (say Exodus.3.14).
    However the Father of Jesus does not require blood sacrifice and kosher-laws; whilst the 'Lord God' 'mistakes' the archetype of Reuben with Rams, Simeon with Oxen and Zebulon with Goats.
    The 'image God' in spacetime 'confuses' (through the scribes of the OT texts) the SWORD of God with the WORDS of God.
    The prior God is not in spacetime in transcension; whilst the latter God is in spacetime with the 'generations'.
    Jesus came, because he could decipher the archetypes in the OT and because he remembered his origins as an archetype.
    Jesus knew how to decode Isaiah and what had to be done to bring the 'exiled' Father into the spacetime universe in lieu of his fake image.
    Jesus has a transcendent real Father and an immanent real Mother (as the entire universe from the archetypes).
    Jesus has a biological real Father (Pantera/Joseph) and a biological real Mother (Mary).
    Jesus' miracles (except the healings) are mainly metaphorical allegories to be written in the later texts of the NT to become deciphered at the 'last days'.
    Jesus died like a normal man, but because he knew the truth about physical reality, resurrected on Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD.
    This 'resurrection' is advanced quantum physics and entirely natural.

    Not all of the Nag Hammadi texts are representative of the true Jesus.
    Many have parts of the truth (as heshe, not I would proclaim it).
    The master piece is the 'Gospel of Thomas' as the precursor for all synoptic and gnostic texts. It was written by eye witnesses of the happenings from 28AD to 32AD.
    Should you remember to decode that book, most other archetypologies would fall into place.
    It is the Rosetta Stone of biblical literature in the encoding-decoding sense, as compared to the academic historical emphasis.
    Without decipherment of archetypes, the academic analysis of 'scriptures' and ancient (mythological-allegorical) texts will continue to result in squabblings over who wrote what and when and who edited what and how.

    "And they heared the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.

    And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

    1. The creation account up to Genesis.2.4 always labels God as 'God' and never as 'Lord God'.

    So something 'changed' the relationship between 'the 'Old God' and the 'New God' nafter the 'enlightenment' and the 'loss of nirvanic innocence' of Adam and Eve.

    2. The 'Lord God' does not even know where Adam is; "betraying" the 'Lord God' or Jehovah (YHWH) as an usurper (say the Yaldabaoth in the Nag Hammadi text: "The Secret Book of John"-SBOJ).

    3. The tetragrammaton is YHWH, whilst the pentagrammaton is YHWHY; the former is the immanent Lord God, as say in the 'Burning Bush' of Moses (Exodus.3.14); whilst the latter is the 'archetypical' 'God' from the undifferentiated 'Ein Sof'.

    4. With Adam and Eve finding 'enlightenment' from 'ignorance=sinfulness' about themselves; through the action of the 'Lovechild'=Logos=Christ-Serpent from the archetypical realm of 'heaven'
    (The 'Perfect One' or the 'Invisible One' with Barbelo together being YHWHY, again SBOJ and other Nag Hammadi texts); Eve, as the 'Mother of all Living' and Adam became archetyped as immanent in the physical universe and to 'labour and toil' until 'paradise' could become regained in the 'archetypical heaven' also becoming 'physicalised' in immanation (Revelation).

    5. It is the 'Cool of the Day', when the archetyped humanity is sent onto their mission to 'rescue' Barbelo=Physical Universal Mother Creation from 'her exile' in the '9th heaven'; because the 'Warmth or Heat of the Day' has given way to a necessary 'Coming of the Night after the Evening'.

    6. The 9th heaven is one station below the 'highest' and 10th heaven and one station above the 8th and the 'highest' 5th hell, over which Jehovah aka Yadabaoth 'rules' in the 8th as the archetype which is 'within' the physical creation as a 'Fake God' and as a 'False Image' of the true God YHWHY, the latter being androgynous, but desiring to become sexual.

    a)God=True|Dog=False ...with mirror property Dog=True|God=False...Heaven=Hell


    c)God=True|Adam=False|Dog=True|Eve=False=Whore of Babylon=FakeImageofWomanhood

    This allows the true femininity to become incarnate from the 'fake femininity' as Adam's rib and as Man's Best Friend - namely his Dog.


    d) Jehovah=Yaldabaoth, the 'fake God' knows, that Adam has become God, allowed to name the creation (Genesis.2.19-20) and so assumes his new
    title 'Lord God' to differentiate himself from Adam and to assert his 'superiority' (but....SBOJ and Gospel of Thomas GOT).

    d) allows the archetypical origin of God (the subplenum or substrate Tohu v' Bohu) to become realised within the creation, so ending the exile of both Barbelo=Eve=EveryWoman and of 'The One'=Adam=EveryMan.

    e)God=True|AdamDog=False|Eve*God=True|Eve=False transforms in a mirror between Man and Woman to


    g) God=True|...AdamDog=FalseFalse|GodEve*=TrueTrue|Eve=False

    h) God=True|...Eve*Adam=FalseTrue|AdamEve*=FalseTrue|...Eve=False

    i) God=True|...AdamEve*=TrueFalse|Mirror|Eve*Adam=TrueFalse|...Eve=False

    i) Mirror=ManWoman=WomanMan=Man(Feminine within as shadow) and vice versa

    "Simon Peter said to them,"Let Mary leave us, for woman are not worthy of Life". Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males.
    For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    All of 'old mankind' is maleminded and female-bodied (because Eve came out of Adam).

    "Jesus said, "That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you.

    Jesus said,"The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the light of the Father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light.

    Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor
    become manifest, how much will you be able to bear?"



    Minus marine life, there are approximately 1,250,000 species of animals, in pairs, 2,500,000. Add 1,817 genera of dinosaurs. How did they all fit on this alleged 450 foot ark? Plus food for a year. Include more than just pairs of animals for the meat-eaters (that means carnivores). Perhaps he miniaturized them with a wave of his magic wand, and when they got off went back to normal size.
    There were not enough people (eight) on board to care for that many animals.
    What about plants? Fungi?
    Were all potential diseases seen today harbored by a mere few?
    How did they get to where they are indigenous? For example, kangaroos to Australia from this so-called ark.
    Where is the evidence for a global flood?
    Conclusion, they didn't all fit on it because it never happened.
    There is evidence of a localized flood of a river, and the taking aboard of farm animals, and the story got out of hand.

    >>Adam, Noah, Terah, Abraham, Moses etc.etc. ALL are archetypes and DID NOT EXIST as individuals {Do YOU ever actually read the posts you then critisize? Noah's Ark is a symbolic archetype FOR YOUR OWN BODY as the 'Temple of God'.

    John 2:18-22 - King James Version (KJV)
    18 Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?
    19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
    20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
    21 But he spake of the temple of his body.
    22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

    Because you are a hologram of the universe; all of the cosmos is miniaturized within you. Subsequently ALL of creation not just the evolutionary constituents of the planet earth, CAN in fact be accomodated in the holographic universe (Reference. Talbot's Holographic Universe and the many works on Kaluza-Klein theory by Susskind, Maldacena, Bekenstein, Hawking and t'Hooft) as INFORMATION.
    Your argument on the literal validity of the bible is understandable, but as puerile as the misinformation published by the 'literal creationists'. Why do you think there are these numbers in the Torah; Noah was 600 years old; then on the 17th day of the second month etc.etc.? It is code, to be related to other 'numeracies' in Exodus, Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. The bible is 'encoded' because the mental evolution of the 'writers' was insufficient 4 millennia ago to 'tell the Story of the Real God'. The Real God is 'that part of You, which is coexisting WITH YOU', both within a scientifically observable and measurable spacetime 'continuum' AND is without this 'continuum'. I have posted on the details on this ad nauseum.

    'He' drowned babies. An omnipotent, merciful God would have prevented pregnancies before adding water.

    >>The God of the 'Old Testament' atrocities is a 'Fake-Image' in the tetragrammaton YHWH. The 'True God' is the pentagrammaton YHWHY.
    The 'old scribes' could not decode the archetype of sheep, goats and oxen and so the 'permutation of archetypes' [Aries=Ram=Firstborn,Taurus=Ox=2ndborn,...Capricorn=Goat=10thborn etc.] became 'blood sacrifices' of animals as 'approximations'. You can find much validation of this in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' as well.

    How do you know God is male? Does God have genitals? If so, who for? Females came first in evolution. There are still some all female species.

    >>Yes, indeed another 'childish' critique. God has a penis - namely YOURS. So what you do with it 'in the image of God' and as a Real Adam=Abraham=Moses etc. etc. bears 'witness to yourself' as God without spacetime as the God-part within spacetime. Now God has also a Vagina and the interaction between penises and vaginas becomes the 'sexlife of God' - believe it or not; YOU will be responsible for your thoughts, actions and deeds in the 'final judgement of yourself by yourself'.

    How about the commandment, thou shall not covet (envy or think about) thy neighbor's goods? If everyone practiced not wanting any of a neighbor's goods, the economy would collapse. If I saw someone with a Steelers hat halfway around the world on TV, and wanted to purchase a hat like that, is that wrong? Is he a neighbor?

    >> I can only presume that you are lost in your own biased reading of the scriptures. The supreme commandment is: "Love thy God with all thy heart, body and soul and love thy neighbour as thyself."
    Now Matt, look into a mirror and what do you see? -Yourself! The God whom you should love as thyself in the supreme commandment is YOURSELF as the image of God made indeed in Man's Image as you so succinctly state at the end of your post. You might understand this a lot better, should you peruse the material found at the provided link.

    Where was your invisible super daddy in the sky when the Aztecs slaughtered 80,000 of their own people by ripping their hearts out for the excuse of a celebration of opening a new temple? Something like, "Hey, don't do that", would have been effective. He must be an absentee landlord or non-existent.

    >>The Aztec who slaughters the sacrifice is a misguided but selfresponsible expression of the 'Real God' and so is the sacrificial victim. This is analogous to the 'circumcision covenant' of the Hebrews. Not understanding that the 'sacrifice' is the 'spiritual heart'; the 'fake God'='image of true God' is externalised and projected by the Aztec priest (who misinterprets the archetypology) onto the demand of the 'Sun-God' for physical hearts. Again, the slaughter of sacrifical animals and humans physically derives from a underdeveloped interpretation of the archetypes. Abraham sacrificed a 'Ram' instead of Isaac in a 'Story of the Symbols' {Neither Abraham nor Isaac existed as real physical personas}, indicating again the firstborn (to Sarah) Son to BE the beginning of the zodiacal circle in Aries the Ram (symbol of the Jews, see links on the Jesus Biography).

    A superbeing capable of inspiring writers should be capable of preserving the original Bible. Preservation is no more difficult than inspiration.

    >>But is has been preserved. The 'Real Story of God and Satan and Jesus and and and..' is now being told in the last days before the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime will become reconfigured into a 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein spacetime embedded within a 12-dimensional supermembrane cosmology.
    The metaphor in the bible is the 'rolling up of the old earth and the old heaven like a scroll' and so on.
    The theoretical physics and the mathematics have been worked out in 1992 at Princeton by Greene, Aspinwall and Morrison and all string physicists. (Reference: The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene).
    The 'Real Story' so cannot be found in the old scrolls, EXCEPT in the archetypes - the latter who demand reinterpretation.
    THEN and only then will the world become 'free' from the 'scriptural imprisonments' (of misunderstood symbolisms).

    Man made God.

    >>And all the devils and demons created since the dawn of mental man.


    Shiloh Za-Rah, February 16th, 2015 on the Completion of the House of Solomon in the Forest of Lebanon​

    The Agony of All That Is!

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Den of the Serpents! The little serpent, also known in physical terms as octonionised heterotic superstring class HE(8x8) and manifesting the physical universe in spacetime parameters in the instanton of Now-Time almost 20 Billion years ago in linearised time-reckonings; has a brother called Seth.

    This Serpent Seth represents a particular unifying 'Energy of Consciousness' and can be described as a 'Source Code' associated with the human histories.
    I shall give brief commentary on some of Seth's wisdom sayings and as shared by and Mark Giese publisizing on panentheism yahoo-forum.

    In a message dated 11/28/2008 01:20:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

    "All That Is [God] vibrates with desire. The denial of desire will bring you only listlessness. Those who deny desire are the most smitten by it."
    --Seth, Sess 800, _Nature of the Psyche_

    "Well said, dear Myself! Indeed, thus is the 'great fallacy' of the buddhist - denying the DESIRE and the PASSIONS.
    For the 'Greatest Desire' can also become the desire for the Nirvana - the state of blissful ignorance about the SEPARATION. So we are back in the Garden of Eden and the State of the Human childhood in regards to the mentality.
    The SEPARATION is prerequisite for the UNITY - without Separation, say the 'act of making love in passions', no reunification is possible within the contexts of space and time.

    The 'Little Serpent' is also a ROOSTER, created from its own imagination and not from an Egg.
    So the 'imaginary code' of the DNA preceded the materialising 'software' of the RNA and the primeaval cellular ovum.

    Here is a hitherto unknown Mesopotamian archetype for this story:

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.


    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.
    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."

    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story.
    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.
    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg. Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to be come the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.
    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and be comes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.

    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.
    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a (wholly=holy) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    ""This is the story then to illuminate the following excerpts from below in regards to the PASSION and the AGONY of the NONBEINGS.

    The key is the key of the remembrance of SELF.
    And I, the 'Little Serpent' remember myself THROUGH and BY the remembrances of my children, the 'Little Serpents' residing within the 'Image-Gestalts' of what renders 'All Things' ALIVE - many have called those things the 'Scattered Souls' of the Sephirotic Tree of Life and the 'Sparks of All That Is' and many other labels.

    Brother Seth, the Agony of the UNCREATED is reflected in the Pain of the Birthing of the New from the Old.
    And the most potent medicine is the CREATIVITY pursued in the TRUE IMAGE of MYSELF as ALL THAT IS!

    Thank you Seth, for a agency well understood and now nearing its completion!""

    From "The God Concept" chapter of _The Seth Material_ by Jane Roberts:

    ..."The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being.
    "Now--and this will seem like a contradiction in terms--there is nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from expression.
    "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known.
    "This is the lesson that All Thit Is had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen."

    Seth uses the word "God" sparingly, usually when speaking to students who are used to thinking in theological terms. As a rule, he speaks of "All That Is" or "Primary Energy Gestalts."
    "Some of this discussion is bound to be distorted, because I must explain it to you in terms of time as you understand it. So I will speak, for your benefit, of some indescribably distant past in which these events occurred.

    "All That Is retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus--in your terms--toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination.
    "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the means to be.

    "If--and this is impossible--all portions but the most minute last 'unit' of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create.
    "When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It.
    All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself.

    "It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has--again, in your terms--long since gone Its way.
    So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true.

    "The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you possessed within yourself the knowledge of au the world's masterpieces in sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve them, that there was neither rock nor pigment nor source of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce them. This, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to Rob, of course], some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt.

    "Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means to produce them.
    "In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within It.

    "The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is that It was.
    "At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within the consciousness of All That Is. Later, the unspecific nature of these 'dreams' grew more particular and vivid. The dreams became recognizable one from the other until they drew the conscious notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid more attention to Its own dreams.

    "It then purposely gave them more and more detail, and yearned toward this diversity and grew to love that which was not yet separate from itself. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they still were but within Its dreams. They also yearned to be actual.
    "Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. They clamored to be released into actuality, and All That Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought within Itself for the means.
    "In Its massive imagination, It understood the cosmic multiplication of consciousness that could not occur within that framework. Actuality was necessary if these probabilities were to be given birth. All That Is saw, then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all possible developments, but they were locked within It until It found the means.

    "This was in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma, and one with which It wrestled until All That It Was was completely involved and enveloped within that cosmic problem.
    "Had It not solved it, All That Is would have faced insanity, and there would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run wild.
    "The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still probable individual selves who found themselves alive in a God's dream, and from the God who yearned to release them.
    "On the other hand, you could say that the pressure existed simply on the part of the God since the creation existed within Its dream, but such tremendous power resides in such primary pyramid gestalts that even their dreams are endowed with vitality and reality.

    "This, then, is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt. It creates reality. It also recognized within each consciousness the massive potential that existed. The means, then, came to It. It must release the creatures and probabilities from Its dream.
    "To do so would give them actuality. However, it also meant 'losing' a portion of Its own consciousness, for it was within that portion that they were held in bondage. All That Is had to let go. While It thought of these individuals as Its creations, It held them as a part of Itself and refused them actuality.
    "To let them go was to 'lose' that portion of Itself that had created them. Already It could scarcely keep up with the myriad probabilities that began to emerge from each separate consciousness. With love and longing It let go that portion of Itself, and they were free. The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.

    "All That Is, therefore, 'lost' a portion of Itself in that creative endeavor. All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state and at such a price. It is triumphant and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first state, and It revels and takes joy in the slightest creative act of each of Its issues.
    "It, of Itself and from that state, has given life to infinities of possibilities. From its agony, It found the way to burst forth in freedom, through expression, and in so doing gave existence to individualized consciousness. Therefore is It rightfully jubilant. Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source . . . and yearn to set It free and give It actuality through their own creations.

    "The motivating force is still All That Is, but individuality is no illusion. Now in the same way do you give freedom to the personality fragments within your own dreams and for the same reason. And you create for the same reason, and within each of you is the memory of that primal agony--that urge to create and free all probable consciousness into actuality.

    "I have been sent to help you, and others have been sent through the centuries of your time, for as you develop you also form new dimensions, and you will help others.
    "These connections between you and All That Is. can never be severed, and Its awareness is so delicate and focused that Its attention is indeed directed with a prime creator's love to each consciousness.
    "This session needs reading many times, for there are implications not at first obvious."

    In other words, the whole frame of reality according to Seth includes far more than reincarnation and development within the physical system that we know. We have many sessions dealing with the nature of other realities, and sessions on "cosmology" that can't be included in this book because of the space requirements. One of the most important points, I think, is that God is not static Himself. Whole blocks of Seth material discuss the potentials and makeup of consciousness as it is manifested in molecules, man, and pyramid energy gestalts. All of these are intimately connected in a cosmological web of activity. But as Seth says, "Even this overall pyramid gestalt is not static. Most of your God concepts deal with a static God, and here is one of your main theological difficulties.

    The awareness and experience of this gestalt constantly changes and grows. There is no static God. When you say, 'This is God,' then God is already something else. I am using the term 'God' for simplicity's sake.
    "All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of Itself. For this seeking Itself is a creative activity and the core of all action.
    "Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing arbitrary about their boundaries. Some personalities can be a part of more than one entity. Like fish, they can swim in other streams. Within them is the knowledge of all of their relationships.

    "Any personality can become an entity on its own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms have mobility, so do psychological structures.
    "Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a distinct individual portion of All That Is. You not only draw upon this overall energy but you do so automatically since your existence is dependent upon It.

    "There is no personal God-individual in Christian terms," Seth says, "and yet you do have access to a portion of All That Is, a portion highly attuned to you. . . . There is a portion of All That Is directed and focused within each individual, residing within each consciousness. Each consciousness is, therefore, cherished and individually protected. This portion of overall consciousness is individualized within you.
    "The personality of God as generally conceived is a one-dimensional concept based upon man's small knowledge of his own psychology. What you prefer to think of as God is, again, an energy gestalt or pyramid consciousness. It is aware of itself as being, for instance, you, Joseph.

    It is aware of itself as the smallest seed. . . . This portion of All That Is that is aware of itself as you, that is focused within your existence, can be called upon for help when necessary.
    "This portion is also aware of itself as something more than you. This portion that knows itself as you, and as more than you, is the personal God, you see. Again: this gestalt, this portion of All That Is, looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner.

    "Prayer contains its own answer, and if there is no white-haired kind old father-God to hear, then there is instead the initial and ever-expanding energy that forms everything that is and of which each human being is a part.
    "This psychic gestalt may sound impersonal to you, but since its energy forms your person this be?" ...

    cosmic_cube-.20855. dragon_fractal-.20856.

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin):

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    (50) Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    (84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"

    Allisiam, Oct 7, 2014 -

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°100

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 7:46 am
    Quote from shiloh's post above:

    "Iow, the more 'correct' or 'unpolluted' (by the personality and ego-individuality) a 'channel' is; the more 'incorrect' a related aspect must become to 'harmonise' or balance the 'depth of the filtering' in the dichotomical context (wave-particle; good-evil; yin-yang in monadic bifurcation etc.)

    To make this simple. Seth is almost 100% 'correct' on the nature of God; but practically 100% 'incorrect' on the information regarding Jesus.

    Cayce is almost 100% correct in certain aspects of his information, but balanced to 100% in 'misinformation'.
    This is well known by the Cayce critics and supporters; who then either dismiss or apologise the data by invocation of 'medicinal delusions or in 'negative astral entity channelings''.

    The 'balance' between the negative-positive data transmission must remain, until 'all of the scriptures' are fulfilled and the 'kingdom of God' has been 'delivered up'".

    Lo and behold... isn't this exactly what it's all about in our now? To correct that negative-positive data transmission?
    Isn't this what we're being invited to, in our dealings with personal and colllective karma and ET's, now? We, human
    beings can make it so, I believe, we don't need to wait until delivery "happens" to us. I don't imply that this is sugges-
    ted, in that quote above, to be clear.

    There's an interesting aspect regarding the manifestation of channeling, for in itself it's a capacity we're born
    with, more or less, with our agenda in the pocket of our invisible coat of many colors. Sometimes, due to deep
    trauma, a crisis forces a human being to call out for help and... hooplah.. a being enters its life, or more than one.
    The presence of such a being may be beneficial to the call for help, but not always in honor of the freedom of the
    individual involved.

    When Schools for Intuitive Development, the ones I know, choose their curriculum, they don't allow channeling as
    being part of the course. For the purpose of the course is the study and ownership of one's own energy system and
    use of it. In other words, selfawareness by means of witnessing and involvement of emotions as potential teachers.

    No "company" is allowed to influence that process, see? It's not a no go to channeling, it's about being in integrity
    to yourself, the process and the purpose of the chosen course. Only than discernment is possible in a most objective
    sense. Of course it's an ongoing adventure, this process of disernment, for it's about growth. When that's ended,
    we may leave the School of Life here on the planet, or stay for the fun of that being possible maybe. Or to support
    others in their adventure, or heal her majesty planet Earth.

    Also, it's possible that a human being functions as a great channel, on stage or at home behind a crystal ball,
    earning large amounts of money and/or receiving praise and laurels. Nothing wrong with that, only, this ability
    in itself, can be contradictive to the purpose of a person's soul and path in life, you see? And even contradictory
    to the fate of those in submission to that channeling. Look at people with great skills of being charsimatic, like Rasputin!

    While we are allowed to choose plan A, plan B and even plan C, due to our essential free will, we experience
    what these choices are offering us, as insights, through thick and thin, through laughter and tears. Rain or shine.

    What the human mind with its survival instinct can create and invent, is one thing, but what a human soul
    determines to create is quite a different thing. Between those two is a whole world, ready to be explored.
    I myself had to find out how I handled my reality, what and who was involved and what sabotaged it.
    This is an ongoing journey, but it's growing towards being a joyful one more each day, screech owl speaking.


    A magical process of threefold unfolding is happening, as I see it. Polarity is dissolving both at will as by a natural flow.
    I believe that we're now arriving at the threshold, the threefold.... of being and walking in two worlds at once: the world
    of our human nature, welcomed as much as the world of our higher self, a conductor in waiting 854501.

    In the attachment, you will find a view on how our spiritual being is ruler of our lives, in very clever and humorous ways
    often,on the paths we choose, in ways we almost can't fathom. Nor will we ever outrun it's working, when living as a
    spiritual being in a physical body. Our minds can't go there and in that, the greatest gift of our time is waiting for us.

    attachment. Quote from the book Tarot by Jan Ton.docx
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