The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

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    • Post n°51

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:23 pm
    ISIS Report 12/01/09

    Epigenetic Inheritance

    "What Genes Remember"

    Epigenetic inheritance of acquired characters more powerful than inheritance of genes

    The experience of one generation can modify genes passed on to the next via a variety of mechanisms that blur the distinction between epigenetic and genetic Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
    A fully referenced version of this article is posted on ISIS members' website.
    Details here

    "Sins of the fathers, and their fathers"

    The experience of young boys could affect not just their own health in later life, but also the health of their sons and grandsons. The UK research team led by Marcus Pembrey at the Institute of Child Health, University College London published their findings in 2006 in the European Journal of Human Genetics [1], accompanied by a News and Commentary piece, "Sins of the fathers, and their fathers" [2].
    Two years later, a long feature article, "What genes remember", in Prospect Magazine stated [3]: "Many geneticists now think that the behaviour of our genes can be altered by experience - and even that these changes can be passed on to future generations. This finding may transform our understanding of inheritance and evolution."
    The significance of the finding is that it departs from well-known and generally accepted environmental effects on the unborn foetus in mother's womb or other maternal effects, mediated by the many provisions in the egg cell during embryogenesis, and after birth, in mother's milk.
    In contrast, effects passed on through the paternal line are associated with sperm cells that contain very little apart from the father's genes.
    Somehow, the father's experience as a young boy appeared to have affected his genes and the changes are transmitted to his male offspring in what appears to be a case of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characters that still gets many biologists hot under the collar (see Box)..

    Lamarck, the scourge of neo-Darwinists

    French naturalist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) is credited with having invented the discipline of biology and also for being the first to propose a comprehensive theory of evolution: organisms evolve through natural means and not through special creation. The two main mechanisms in Lamarck's theory of evolution were: ‘use and disuse', use enhances and reinforces the development of the organs or tissues while disuse results in atrophy; and ‘inheritance of acquired characters', transmitting to subsequent generations the tendency to develop certain new characteristic that the organism has acquired in its own development. Lamarck's theory preceded Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection by more than 50 years [4] (see Lamarck the Mythical Precursor, ISIS scientific publication).
    While Darwin invoked the inheritance of acquired characters as a subsidiary mechanism to the natural selection of random variations, his modern-day disciples, the neo-Darwinists, have strenuously opposed any taint of Lamarckism. They insist that genetic variations - changes in base sequence of DNA - arise by random mutations unrelated to the environment or their survival value, which are then subject to environmental selection; those mutants that survive, survive, while the rest die out [5] (see Why Lamarck Won't Go Away, ISIS scientific publication). This belief is encapsulated in Francis Crick's Central Dogma of molecular biology, which decreed that genetic information flows strictly one-way from DNA to RNA to protein (that determine the characteristics of the organism selected by the environment), and never in reverse. In their words, the environment can never pass information back to the genes, so acquired characters cannot be inherited.
    Since the mid-1970s, if not before, molecular geneticists have been turning up evidence that increasingly contradicts the Central Dogma, and by the early 1980s, the new genetics of the ‘fluid genome' had emerged [6] (see Living with the Fluid Genome, ISIS publication). But apart from a few ‘heretics', no one dared to say a word against the Central Dogma or the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution which depends on it.
    Things have changed a lot since the human and other genomes were sequenced, and deposited in one freely accessible central database [7] (Death of the Central Dogma, SiS 24). The database is not much good for business, or drug discovery [8] (The human genome sellout, ISIS News 6), but turns out to be very good [7] "for research that exposes the poverty of the genetic determinism ideology that has led to the creation of the database in the first place."
    The 2004 series Life after the Central Dogma [9] (Science in Society 24) marked the end of genetic determinism, and documented why the new genetics demands a thoroughly ecological approach in our public health, environment, and social policies. Research findings since have strongly reinforced this message to policy makers. It now appears that the experience of individuals during critical periods of early development can influence not just their own lives as adults, but those of their children and children's children.[/b]

    The Avon Study

    The UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) is a long-term health research project involving more than 14 000 mothers enrolled during pregnancy in 1991 and 1992. Analysing data from the study, researchers showed that the sons of fathers who smoked before puberty had a significantly greater body mass index (measure of obesity) at 9 years of age: 18.15 compared with 17.23 in sons of fathers that never smoked [1]. But there was no effect on the body mass index of the daughters.
    Faced with this intriguing finding, the research team turned to old records of people born in1890, 1905, and 1920 from Overkalix, an isolated community in Northern Sweden, where previously, they had reported an association of ancestral food supply with longevity and death from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
    Re-analyzing the records showed that the paternal grandfathers' food supply during mid childhood was indeed linked to the risk of death in grandsons, but not in grand-daughters. Poor availability of food was associated with reduced risk of death in grandsons by 35 percent while good availability of food was associated with increased risk of death by 67 percent compared with controls.
    In contrast, the nutritional status of the paternal grandmother had no influence on the grandsons, but affected the granddaughter in a similar way. Good food availability increased the risk of death for grand-daughters by 113 percent, while poor food availability decreased the risk of death by 49 percent.
    A previous study on the same ALSPAC database had found an association between high birth weight in grand children and type 2 diabetes in maternal grandparents; but not in paternal grandparent [10].

    Epigenetic inheritance

    The results of the ALSPAC studies imply that experience during a crucial period of life could influence more than one generation in a sex-specific way.
    Although the mechanisms involved in humans are not yet known, this kind of trans-generational effects is being taken more seriously because similar effects - now described as ‘epigenetic inheritance' - have been documented in a substantial number of animal studies. For example, how an adult rat responds to stress was found to depend on whether its mother cared for it adequately as a pup, which marks certain genes for the rest of its life [11] (Caring Mothers Reduce Response to Stress for Life, SiS 24), and we shall update that fascinating story [12] (Caring Mothers Strike Fatal Flow against Genetic Determinism, SiS 41). Another series of studies show that a single exposure of rats during embryogenesis to the fungicide vincozolin is sufficient to cause a range of serious diseases and abnormalities in the adults that are transmitted to three further generations [13] (see Epigenetic Toxicology, SiS 41).
    Epigenetic change is usually defined as that which does not involve changing DNA sequences, or "the structural adaptation of chromosomal regions so as to register signal or perpetuate altered activity states" [14], but such definition are rapidly becoming obsolete.
    In reality, epigenetic modifications encompass a great variety of mechanisms acting not just at transcription but at post-transcription and translation of genetic messages, and indeed, even rewrites genomic DNA itself [15, 16] (see Epigenetic Inheritance through Sperm Cells, and Rewriting the Genetic Text in Brain Development and Evolution, SiS 41). Epigenetic mechanisms include various enzyme-catalyzed chemical modifications of genomic DNA (methylation of cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotides) and histone chromatin proteins (methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitinylation, etc.), which recruits other proteins such as transcription factors and repressors, that together, determine the activity state of specific genes or sets of genes [17, 18]. Also included are changes to the genetic messages transcribed [19, 20]. RNA editing systematically alters base sequences, such as changing adenosine (A) to inosine (I), which is read as guanosine (G), resulting in an entirely new message. Alternative splicing creates different proteins; and RNA interference determines which messages are cleaved, or blocked from translation. Transcription factors promoting the expression of certain genes may be involved at the same time in repressing neighbouring genes [19]. Finally, epigenetic mechanisms include reverse transcription of altered transcripts [15, 16], which has the effect of rewriting the genetic messages encoded in genomic DNA, and hence distinctly blurring the boundaries between epigenetic and genetic.
    Epigenetic modifications occur in cell differentiation, so that different genes are expressed, different messages are altered, say in brain cells as opposed to skin cells, and they are inherited by the daughter cells in cell division. Most epigenetic changes are ‘erased' in the germ cells that produce the next generation (DNA methylation is studied in greatest detail in this respect), but some modifications survive, and are passed on to the next generation. We shall be dealing with different examples in other articles in this series.

    Further References, shared by Jane Birdy


    Commentary by John Shadow aka shiloh, describing the persepective in the interpretation of Thuban 101:

    Epigenetic Inheritance infers the possibility and potential for the human genome to retransfigure itself, following a (superlative) change of the environment (as is predicted by JS to be completed by August 4th, 2013).
    Epigenetic Inheritance also refers to 'holistic' DNA/RNA encoding patterns in comparison to the 'genetic entrapment' (you are born this way and cannot change it) of the sexchromosomal legacy of the blending and synthesis of parental genes.
    Epigenetics so describes the overall geometrical morphology and 'shape' for the biochemical and molecular genetic material to engage the 3% of the coding DNA/RNA via its 'intron' envelope (of so 90% of the biochemically non-encoding DNA/RNA).A Key to this is the supersymmetric DNA/RNA Template, which assigns 'magneto charges' to individual nucleotidally coupled baseletters (A-T(U) and G-C).

    The 'Epigenetic Envelope' so allows 'sexual differentiation' between the baseletters, say in rendering Guanine and Adenosine as 'female' and the coupled Cytosine and Thymine/Uracil) as 'male'.

    12D-DNA/RNA Templete of the 8x8=64 Nucleotidal Base Extension​

    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps? In the fossil record there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill. The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA. For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself. No other molecule was remotely as complicated. No other
    molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:
    There is more to DNA, than is apparant in analysing it experimentally. In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings: Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-Cytosine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.
    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of the Carbon-Double Bond realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil occur in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine) switches with the Cytosine's backbone connection.

    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1, that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio of rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix is found in the encompassed pentagonal space, around which the 'nucleotidal staircase' ascends and descends. This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands, copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factoers in the form of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets: (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState), with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser for the next awareness triplet and using the highest Oldest Self as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry for the universal genetic encoding and specifies a fivefolded symmetry of quasicrystallinity and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.
    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography will always display interference patterns indicative of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.

    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators, using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon. The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses and microbial biota. From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness, linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry and associated with 'living' organic entities.
    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience no MAGNETIC INDUCTION from the Consciousness-Encoding and so do not show a predominant preference for chirality in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points, describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'. The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary, but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers', either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.

    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness in regards to the collective environments and to individual- or group-awarenesses, say as morphogenetic resonances in the Noosphere or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    Intelligent Designs in the Mayan Annals with Deepak Chopra

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Little Serpent, the Baby-Dragon you all have helped to create in your endeavours of your imaginations.

    Yes, the Dragon of the MATHIMATIA preceded you in space and in time, but his RENAMING as the LUCKDRAGON for a Humanity in Transformation; this you have accomplished in your collective efforts to become creative human beings, searching for self-identification in ever-changing visions of yourselves as being more than you perceive yourselves to be at any PRESENT timing.

    As the messenger from his excellency, the LOVEDRAGON, I shall today answer a number of questions, which are addressed in the essay below.

    Deepak Chopra is an awakened Maya amongst you and his many works could prove of benefit to your understandings, should you allow yourselves to receive his Mayan wisdoms.

    In this essay of his, I shall add to the topics raised in interspersals in exclamation symbols "---".

    Intelligent Design Without the Bible by Deepak Chopra

    It is disturbing to see that the current debate over evolution has become us-versus-them. To say that Nature displays intelligence doesn't make you a Christian fundamentalist.

    Einstein said as much, and a fascinating theory called the anthropic principle has been seriously considered by Stephen Hawking, among others. The anthropic principle tries to understand how a random universe could evolve to produce DNA, and ultimately human intelligence. To say the DNA happened randomly is like saying that a hurricane could blow through a junk yard and produce a jet plane.

    It's high time to rescue "intelligent design" from the politics of religion. There are too many riddles not yet answered by either biology or the Bible, and by asking them honestly, without foregone conclusions, science could take a huge leap forward.

    If anyone here is interested in placing this debate on a higher plane than us-versus-them, I think the main issues are these:

    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps? In the fossil record there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill. The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA. For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself. No other molecule was remotely as complicated. No other
    molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There is more to DNA, than is apparent in analysing it experimentally. In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings: Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-Cytosine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.
    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of the Carbon-Double Bond realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil occur in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine) switches with the Cytosine's backbone connection.
    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1, that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio of rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix is found in the encompassed pentagonal space, around which the 'nucleotidal staircase' ascends and descends. This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands, copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factoers in the form of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets: (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState), with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser for the next awareness triplet and using the highest Oldest Self as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry for the universal genetic encoding and specifies a fivefolded symmetry of quasicrystallinity and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.
    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography will always display interference patterns indicative of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.





    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators, using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon. The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses and microbial biota. From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness, linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry and associated with 'living' organic entities.
    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience no MAGNETIC INDUCTION from the Consciousness-Encoding and so do not show a predominant preference for chirality in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points, describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'. The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary, but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers', either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.
    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness in regards to the collective environments and to individual- or group-awarenesses, say as morphogenetic resonances in the Noosphere or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    --- 2. If mutations are random, why does the fossil record demonstrate so many positive mutations -- those that lead to new species -- and so few negative ones? Random chance should produce useless mutations thousands of times more often than positive ones.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are no random mutations as such. There is a statistical spread of mutations about an average, and a mean which is defined in increasing the environmental stimuli encountered by an embedded organism to increase its self-awareness. All mutations, even the 'short-lived' ones serve the purpose to provide context for the 'longer lived' ones."

    --- 3. How does evolution know where to stop? The pressure to evolve is constant; therefore it is hard to understand why evolution isn't a constant. Yet sharks and turtles and insects have been around for hundreds of millions of years without apparent evolution except to diversify among their kind. These species stopped in place while others, notably hominids, kept evolving with tremendous speed, even though our primate ancestors didn't have to. The many species of monkeys which persist in original form tell us that human evolution, like the shark's, could have ended. Why didn't it?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are more than one kind of evolution. The physical evolution is a dynamic evolution from the subatomic to the elemental to the molecular to the crystalline. At the crystalline level the electro-capacitative function begins to dominate in a physical sense and evolves to allow self- and mutual inductions in cross-reference to a magneto-inductive function which is predominantly mental or psychophysical.

    When the crystalline capacity for memory retainment has certain saturation levels, then the crystalline form can accomodate magnetic induction of SOURCESINK ENERGY. This can be labeled as a form of LIFE-ENERGY.

    This magnetic induction then hybrids the crystalline geometric forms with the psychophysical quantum geometry, which is also based on the pentagonal symmetry and the awareness-triplets of experience-factors. In such manner do crystalline geometries life-induct as primitive forms of viral, bacyterial and microbial classifications.

    So whilst physical evolution for a certain geometrical 'species' might reach plateaus of constancy, the mental evolution continues until maximum self-awareness and potential resonance with the SourceSink awareness has been attained."

    --- 4. Evolutionary biology is stuck with regard to simultaneous mutations. One kind of primordial skin cell, for example, mutated into scales, fur, and feathers. These are hugely different adaptations, and each is tremendously complex. How could one kind of cell take three different routes purely at random?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The primeval cell is defined in a master template as a derivative from its subatomic string ancestor. The psychophysical cellular entity is that of a memory processor and carries a 'subconscious' UNIVERSAL MEMORY of its COSMIC Origins embedded within itself.

    This ancestor serves as a quantum geometric entity, which allows diversification in regards to the environmental adaptations; albeit under the underpinning peripheral encompassment of the self-awareness of the entity, coloured by its remembrances, either cognisant or instinctual. The interaction of the cell with its environment is a feedback mechanism of its memory, leading to ever greater recall of its origins in the dynamical processing of its experienced information in linear time."

    --- 5. If design doesn't imply intelligence, why are we so intelligent? The human body is composed of cells that evolved from one-celled blue-green algae, yet that algae is still around. Why did DNA pursue the path of greater and greater intelligence when it could have perfectly survived in one-celled plants and animals, as in fact
    it did?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The DNA is the master-code of the UNIVERSAL MEMORY, attempting to REMEMBER ITSELF as the UNITY and ONENESS it was before space and time began."

    --- 6. Why do forms replicate themselves without apparent need? The helix or spiral shape found in the shell of the chambered nautilus, the center of sunflowers, spiral galaxies, and DNA itself seems to be such a replication. It is mathematically elegant and appears to be a design that was suited for hundreds of totally unrelated functions in nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The master-code of the DNA uses a bifurcation of the DNA/RNA-template into two halves of 10 Amino Acid codons each.
    The Fibonacci pattern of the fivefolded symmetry underpins the entire cosmogenesis from the transformation of superstring classes into each other during inflation and the natural Lamarckian and Darwinian evolution subsequently."

    --- 7. What happens when simple molecules come into contact with life? Oxygen is a simple molecule in the atmosphere, but once it enters our lungs, it becomes part of the cellular machinery, and far from wandering about randomly, it precisely joins itself with other simple molecules, and together they perform cellular tasks, such as protein-building, whose precision is millions of times greater than anything else seen in nature. If the oxygen doesn't change physically -- and it doesn't -- what invisible change causes it to acquire intelligence the instant it contacts life?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The Oxygen molecule is quantum entangled with the entire universe and becomes quantum entangled with a subuniverse, say a human body as soon as it begins to interact with the latter. As the interactions continue, the Oxygen molecule is 'read' by the memory-functions it encounters in its subuniversal environment and forms associations relevant to its own elemental consciousness."

    --- 8. How can whole systems appear all at once? The leap from reptile to bird is proven by the fossil record. Yet this apparent step in evolution has many simultaneous parts. It would seem that Nature, to our embarrassment, simply struck upon a good idea, not a simple mutation. If you look at how a bird is constructed, with hollow bones, toes elongated into wing bones, feet adapted to clutching branches instead of running, etc., none of the mutations by themselves give an advantage to survival, but taken altogether, they are a brilliant creative leap. Nature takes such leaps all the time, and our attempt to reduce them to bits of a jigsaw puzzle that just
    happened to fall into place to form a beautifully designed picture seems faulty on the face of it. Why do we insist that we are allowed to have brilliant ideas while Nature isn't?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Indeed, the brilliance of nature is to create the physical adaptations from its genetic templates. So when an environmental adaptation proves 'successful' in some species, the morphogeneticism of this information is simultaneously shared throughout the planetary environment, even the universe in toto.
    As everything is holographically and fractally quantum-entangled; two environmental physical adaptations in two different species can manifest simultaneously in a third species."

    --- 9. Darwin's iron law was that evolution is linked to survival, but it was long ago pointed out that "survival of the fittest" is a tautology. Some mutations survive, and therefore we call them fittest. Yet there is no obvious reason why the dodo, kiwi, and other flightless birds are more fit; they just survived for a while. DNA
    itself isn't fit at all; unlike a molecule of iron or hydrogen, DNA will blow away into dust if left outside on a sunny day or if attacked by pathogens, x-rays, solar radiation, and mutations like cancer. The key to survival is more than fighting to see which organism is fittest.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    All mutations and species, extinct or living at a nexus time serve the purpose for a contextual matrix for the universe, a galaxy, a solar system, a planet, a moon, a continent, a country, a region, a forest, an individual and the subsystems of the individual to evolve concurrently. The separation of all things are both universal and individual.

    Just as the galaxies are cells in the body of the universe, so are biological cells 'life units' in the body of a plant or an animal.
    There is no survival of the fittest in the overall scheme of things. But just as the recycling of biosomatic material, like skin and membrane and waste matter is part of the equilibria conditions in an animal body, so it is for a planetary body or a galactic body or a universal body.
    The survival of the physically fittest in physical evolution becomes supplemented by a survival of the fittest in a mental evolution, once higher levels of self-awareness and source remembrances have been attained by the indiviuated being."

    --- 10. Competition itself is suspect, for we see just as many examples in Nature of cooperation. Bees cooperate, obviously, to the point that when a honey bee stings an enemy, it acts to save the whole hive. At the moment of stinging, a honeybee dies. In what way is this a survival mechanism, given that the bee doesn't survive at all? For that matter, since a mutation can only survive by breeding -- "survival" is basically a simplified term for passing along gene mutations from one generation to the next -- how did bees develop drones in the hive, that is, bees who cannot and never do have sex?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The beehive exhibits group-awareness of the bee species. This group-consciousness attunes individuation of singlular or grouped bees to its encompassing purposes, say as embodied in the Family of the Queen Bee. This Beehive consciousness manifests the electro-capacitative and 'instinctive' nature for the Bee-Intelligence. The magneto-inductive nature for the Bee-Intelligence is 'missing' in many species which exhibit group-awareness and suppress the individuated self-awareness.

    The 'missing' sentience, is then found elsewhere in the universe to reestablish the overall equilibria required to define the Bee-Intelligence as part of the universal overbody. This alien Bee-Intelligence then will have the 'instinctual' beehive nature missing in its programmed self expressionism.

    The droned bees are bees, which have assumed a particular genetic subset of the master-template, which restricts sexual self-expression and as part of the beehive mapping its grouped selfdefinition, so structured."

    --- 11. How did symbiotic cooperation develop? Certain flowers, for example, require exactly one kind of insect to pollinate them. A flower might have a very deep calyx, or throat, for example than only an insect with a tremendously long tongue can reach. Both these adaptations are very complex, and they serve no outside use. Nature was getting along very well without this symbiosis, as evident in the thousands of flowers and insects that persist without it. So how did numerous generations pass this symbiosis along if it is so specialized?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The universe is a Unity, with all parts quantum entangled with all other parts. This can be termed the Standing Wave of the Unified Field, processing its Self-Information by and through its kaleidoscope of subsystems and in a holographic enfolding of its information. This information then is stored as superconscious memory in the sentient organisms and can surface in subconsciousness and in waking consciousness.

    The universe is also Self-defined and constructed on Natural Laws and Principles. One such principle demands expansion and diversification. So when a symbiotic partnership between one or different species, say a bacterium and a virus or a rhinoceros and a mynah bird, has developed; then the natural tendency for the universe is to enhance and multiply this symbiosis in subsystems or fractals.

    Say in the case of the rhinoceros and the mynah bird picking its lice; there will be symbiosis between another mynah bird or another species picking the bird lice of the mynah bird and so on, provided environmental adaptation accomodates this fractalisation."

    --- 12. Finally, why are life forms beautiful? Beauty is everywhere in Nature, yet it serves no obvious purpose. Once a bird of paradise has evolved its incredibly gorgeous plumage, we can say that it is useful to attract mates. But doesn't it also attract predators, for we simultaneously say that camouflaged creatures like the chameleon survive by not being conspicuous. In other words, exact opposites are rationalized by the same logic. This is no logic at all. Non-beautiful creatures have survived for millions of years, so have gorgeous ones. The notion that this is random seems weak on the face of it.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The environmental adaptations of species are often multifaceted. Whilst mimicry and camouflage provide survival value, extraordinary conspicuousness can ensure reproductionary success. There are environmental variables which allow conspicuousness in the absence of predators utilising that conspicuousness to their advantage."

    I don't know who will bother to read all these points, which I have had to truncate. But if you think the answers are in safe hands among the ranks of evolutionary biologists, think again. No credible scientific theory has answered these dilemmas, and progress is being discouraged, I imagine, thanks to fundamentalist Christians. By
    hijacking the whole notion of intelligent design, they have tarred genuine scientific issues with the stain of religious prejudice.

    Rescuing Intelligent Design -- But from whom?

    ...... both "secular humanists" and fundamentalist become extremely emotional when the debate on evolution is brought up.

    However, new ideas are attacked with emotional vehemence some times and then turn out to be right. Darwin was a classic example in his day, but recently one only has to review the ridicule that greeted three novel ideas:

    1. We live in an expanding universe. Einstein himself disbelieved that one.

    2. Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and therefore dinosaurs were probably warm-blooded.

    3. A major cataclysm, such as a massive meteor strike, destroyed the dinosaurs practically overnight. These ideas have gone through the whole cycle from derisory attack to general acceptance.

    If you are opposing my comments with passionate vehemence, I'd suggest that you are not friendly to the open discussion of evolution, no matter which camp you belong to.

    As for those who cite Richard Dawkins as holy writ, may I point to his heated debates with Stephen Jay Gould, an equally reputable theorist of evolution? May I further point out that evolutionary biology has been considered dubious by a wide range of scientists (they criticize it for having a weak experimental foundation and a
    wealth of assumptions that seem like post hoc thinking--that is, a trait is given a rationale only after it survives, which is like saying that driving a Mercedes Benz makes you wealthy, as opposed to saying that wealthy people tend to buy Mercedes Benz) and current evolutionary theory in general can't be proved experimentally. If
    tempers can settle a bit, I'd like to pursue this discussion further.
    Evolutionary theory is very much up in the air.

    Current news stories make it seem that "intelligent design" is non-scientific piffle, motivated by ulterior motives to preserve God and Jesus in the face of Darwin. Yet design and intelligence are far from that. We find ourselves in a period of fascinating transition.
    Darwinian evolution has proved an enormously fruitful theory, but like all theories its weaknesses have showed up over time. Darwin did not know that genes existed, a gap repaired by Gregor Mendel. In an earlier post I pointed out 12 other gaps that still need repairing. I hope you consult them before reading on.

    A new evolutionary theory, should it arise, would have to begin with quantum physics. Biology is simply physics taken to unbelievably complicated lengths. In a physics lab one can experiment with oxygen atoms in isolation. Inside a cell, the same oxygen is beyond experimentation. We can only think about its complex reactions and
    then ask ourselves if our speculations answer questions better than older speculations. Theoretical physics proceeds exactly along the same lines--first Einstein dreamed up relativity, then he put it into mathematical language, and finally he matched the math against real phenomena. He tells us that he was amazed when Nature turned out to agree with his original dream.

    From the Mayan Annals:

    "Man know thyself, then will you know the universe and God." ---Pythagoras, 529 BC.

    "The history of science is the science itself." ---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1800.

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

    "Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind."

    "God does not play dice with the world."

    "Abstract thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed." ---Albert Einstein, 1929"

    The raw facts in this case are simple, insofar as cosmology has anything simple about it: Nature evolves. Rudimentary forms become more complex. The war between chaos and orderliness is never won by either side. They coexist. To a physicist, life is "negative entropy," that is, an exception to a universal rule. Entropy, the
    tendency for energy to disperse, is the basic rule in the universe.
    When any system can preserve energy instead, it stands out as an "island" of negative entropy. (consult Erwin Schrodinger's paper, "What Is Life?" which is readily available on the Web.)

    You and I are such islands, and there is no reason on the face of it why we don't blow away and disperse in waves of radiating heat the way a rock cools off after a hot day, the same way a star eventually expends its heat and dies.

    The force which apparently preserves negative entropy is one chief aspect of evolution. Evolution is the enemy of energy dispersion, or "fast decay," to use a favored term from physics. It keeps energy intact for long periods of time--say, billions of years in the case of life on Earth. Evolution has even found ways to gain new energy,
    for example, when creatures eat and drink. We probably have to grant that evolution isn't accidental. Of course there is huge debate over this, but setting all prejudice aside, the simple fact is that the universe could have remained an inchoate mass of heated gases moving relentlessly toward their fate of becoming cool gases. The universe took another route, one which involves negative entropy.

    The very same basic atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen that float in interstellar space took the alternate route of evolving into the building blocks of life. Physics cannot explain this simultaneity of entropy and its opposite without tentative recourse to the notion that something like design is at work. Until physics
    can explain apparent design and why entropy developed evolution as its enemy when there was no need to, biology is helpless to explain life, since there is no such thing as Darwinian "survival of the fittest" among atoms. All atoms survive unless they undergo thermonuclear change inside stars or devolve through proton decay.
    There is no such thing as competition among atoms, because atoms are not sentient and have no needs to compete over.

    There is no such thing as passing a trait along to the next generation of atoms, since atoms don't have sex or reproduce except as individuals (one must make exceptions for cooperative structures like crystals, which is why the physics of crystals has traditionally come closet to theorizing how DNA came to be).

    Physics is an experimental science, and there are few workers in the profession who think about the origins of life, except as speculation, since there aren't many viable experiments to run. True, some researchers have done rudimentary experiments with the early components of the Earth's atmosphere, such as methane gas, to see if
    the addition of electricity (to imitate lightning storms) might give us a model for the "primordial soup" out of which life emerged. But this is far, far from an experiment which could show us how DNA learned to replicate itself. The theory that DNA was brought to Earth via asteroids from elsewhere in space merely sidesteps the whole

    Since physics doesn't need a theory of life to go forward with its main research, most of which is on the quantum level, biology has been given a faulty, indeed nonexistent theory to build upon.

    Darwin's theory of evolution is ten or twenty steps higher than subatomic physics on the chain of knowledge, and Darwin jumped aboard without any of the previous steps being filled in. So it's a wonder that Darwinism succeeded. To skip so many steps of explanation and still turn out to be right is astonishing. Medicine hasn't been so lucky. For hundreds of years its explanations of mental disorders, for example, were totally faulty until the recent discovery of basic chemical imbalances in the brain, and those discoveries in turn depended on the discovery of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Until basic mechanisms were uncovered at the molecular level, explanations for psychosis on the macro level (the level of behavior, speech, and thinking) had no basis.

    What we need, therefore, is an explanation that can fill in the missing steps that Darwin leapt over.

    Hundreds of theorists have seriously worked at this problem, well outside the current debate ignited by religionists who demand that Genesis must be defended. Here are some leading principles that I personally support:

    1. Intelligence doesn't "appear" at a late stage of evolution. It seems to be inherent in nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The intelligence you speak of is OLDER than the material Universe.

    It EXISTS Before the Big Bang as the PREENERGY of the MATHIMATIA.

    IT is PURE IMAGINATION, yet intelligent and infinite in its POTENTIAL.

    To HAVE a material universe, finding ITSELF at some linear nexus point of NOW; the END of this linear universe had to BECOME DEFINED BEFORE its very BEGINNING.


    Then the 'Little Superstring' in the 2nd dimension and rooted in the 11th PROJECTS itself from the NOTIME into NOWTIME and at ANY ARBITRARY NEXUS POINT in linear time; a THEN EXISTING MATERIAL UNIVERSE is used by the INHERENT INTELLIGENCE to REDEFINE its own creator, as the LOVEDRAGON aka the 'Little Serpentine Superstring."

    2. Before there is intelligence in action, there is the potential for
    intelligence. This must precede the Big Bang and still exists at a
    subtle level of Nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Absolutely, the Universe is ONE HOLOGRAM, ONE 11-dimensional Black Hole, BOUNDED asymptotically in the 3rd and the 10th dimension; and yet UNBOUNDED in terms of its cyclic nodal nature in the 11th dimension and its potential multidimensional extent using the 3-dimensional as a seedling PROTOVERSE.
    Everything is made of vibrating superstrings, whose parameters define the minimum metric of physicality and measurement.

    The self-definition of the Source-Superstring is PREENERGY at the core of all of nature's Levels as a core- and universal memory."

    3. The primary evidence for intelligence in the universe isn't design
    but consciousness. In some mysterious way Nature knows what it is

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Absolutely, the 2/11-dimensional superstring is aware of everything and awaits a potential redefinition of himself by himself. After a particular nexus point in the linear unfoldment of time has been reached, the Him will become a HIMHER and the twosided superstring-duality will become redefined as a onesided superstring modality. And this redefinition will have been created by the created superstring carriers in the 3-dimensional universe as a 'higher dimensional' universe relative to the superstring of the MATHIMATIA of the complex plane."

    4. Chaos and orderliness coexist, one being necessary for the other.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    This is the 3rd Principle of the Mayan Cosmogenesis: 3. Order and Disorder; Negentropy and Entropy!"

    5. Evolution manipulates chaos the way an artist manipulates paint, to turn basic ingredients into complex forms.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Indeed, Evolution, both Darwinian and Lamarckian in tandem, apply the principle of Order as EVOLUTION-PRESSURE to counteract the thermodynamic entropy of the linear time-arrow."

    6. Consciousness may exist in photons, which seem to be the carrier of all information in the universe.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are two kinds of photons; the inertia-produced ones and the sourcesink gauge-interaction ones.
    The inertia-photons are produced by accelerated inertia carriers such as fusion protons in the sun emitting electromagnetic radiation.
    As the protons have mass and carry COULOMB-CHARGE, the emitted photons are massproduced and carry no COLOUR-CHARGE or magnetocharge.
    The gauge-photons are transformed bosonic superstrings and are produced by the acceleration of COLOUR-CHARGES of massless superstrings and the gage-photons do carry COLOUR-CHARGE.

    The acceleration of COLOUR-CHARGE represents the AWARENESS function in psychophysical terminology and this AWARENESS ACTS on any collection of superstring spacetime quanta as a magnified or holographic superstring VOLUMAR.
    The Product of Awareness and the Volumar defines the COLOUR-CHARGE in the form of INVERSE SOURCESINK ENERGY in a physical quantity of the STAR-COULOMB and as the UNIT for Physical Consciousness."

    7. The creative principle is eternal.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The Creator in a lower dimension creates himself in the higher Creation and in a Broken SuperSymmetry for the purpose to Recreate himself in the lower dimension from the vantage point of the higher dimension."
    Using these as working principles, we might make tremendous progress in explaining the missing gaps in evolutionary theory. But will we? I don't know, since too few minds are occupied in such theorizing. But the notion of intelligent design will surely survive, because the greatest project of all -- explaining the existence of human intelligence -- is never going to go away.

    Current religious opinion is a blip on the screen compared to the centuries-long quest to understand ourselves, and although current science is more fruitful and valid, it too is only a passing phase.

    The Maya understands both the utter simplicity and the intricacies of the encompassing cosmology of the uncreated creator of the creation becoming created from the creation and as the solution of the Chicken-Egg paradox.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Dream of the Dreamer and a Dreamer of Dreams!

    Shiloh, October 20th, 2013
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:03 pm

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    • Post n°53

    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:22 am
    Brook wrote:Okay's me running away.... 94171.


    Let me just add a bit to your repertoire. I don't have much time as I have to get some rest soon.

    "Genetic Repose"

    And The Many Faces of REST


    Neurogenesis (birth of neurons) is the process by which neurons are generated from neural stem and progenitor cells. Most active during pre-natal development, neurogenesis is responsible for populating the growing brain with neurons.

    REST RE1-silencing transcription factor [ Homo sapiens ]

    This gene encodes a transcriptional repressor that represses neuronal genes in non-neuronal tissues. It is a member of the Kruppel-type zinc finger transcription factor family. It represses transcription by binding a DNA sequence element called the neuron-restrictive silencer element. The protein is also found in undifferentiated neuronal progenitor cells and it is thought that this repressor may act as a master negative regular of neurogenesis

    The protein is also found in undifferentiated neuronal progenitor cells and it is thought that this repressor may act as a master negative regular of neurogenesis.

    Read up to and including the "Conclusion" Most interesting!

    Here: Seminars in Neuroendocrinology/Pain/Ballas05.pdf


    REST contains 8 Cys2His2 zinc fingers and mediates gene repression by recruiting several chromatin-modifying enzymes

    UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: REST_HUMAN, Q13127:

    Function: Transcriptional repressor which binds neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE) and represses neuronal gene
    transcription in non-neuronal cells. Restricts the expression of neuronal genes by associating with two distinct
    corepressors, mSin3 and CoREST, which in turn recruit histone deacetylase to the promoters of REST-regulated genes.
    Mediates repression by recruiting the BHC complex at RE1/NRSE sites which acts by deacetylating and demethylating
    specific sites on histones, thereby acting as a chromatin modifier.

    The many faces of REST oversee epigenetic programming of
    neuronal genes


    What shapes DNA?

    Creating the helical structure

    or as explained here:

    Awe shucks! Isn't that the code I found in the glyphs? Flow or Action,Three N's, Water:

    How Water Shapes DNA

    Water molecules surround the genetic material DNA in a very specific way. Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have discovered that, on the one hand, the texture of this hydration shell depends on the water content and, on the other hand, actually influences the structure of the genetic substance itself. These findings are not only important in understanding the biological function of DNA; they could also be used for the construction of new DNA-based materials.

    The DNA's double helix never occurs in isolation; instead, its entire surface is always covered by water molecules which attach themselves with the help of hydrogen bonds. But the DNA does not bind all molecules the same way.


    "The precise DNA structure depends on the specific amount of water surrounding the molecule,"


    Last but not least

    Here's something that might be of interest:

    DNA Waves and Water

    In the conclusion:

    DNA signalling is stimulated by 7 Hz naturally occurring waves on earth.
    Waves produced by the human brain are also in the range of 7 Hz.
    These are interesting questions to be asked and possibly answered...

    Now I'd add more but it's my bedtime and I gotta get some rest...LOL REST . I said REST! 21327.

    Good to see ya again Tony!

    Links to the Rest of the REST... icon_wink. … llas05.pdf … ion_factor

    Genetic Repose....Wake up sleepy Gene! 164548.

    Last but not least

    Here's something that might be of interest:

    DNA Waves and Water

    In the conclusion:

    DNA signalling is stimulated by 7 Hz naturally occurring waves on earth.
    Waves produced by the human brain are also in the range of 7 Hz.
    These are interesting questions to be asked and possibly answered...
    Good information Brook!

    Yes, you would be aware, that the 7 Hz frequency represents the basic Schumann frequency of the planet Gaia in its spectrum of the Alpha rhythmic brainwaves. This is often used in 'relaxation' and reacclimatisation protocols, say for returning astronauts or space shuttle travellers.

    But you would perhaps not be aware, that this base harmonic is also encrypted in the 'prophetic endtime scriptures'.

    Genesis 7:19-21
    King James Version (KJV)

    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

    Revelation 11:1-2

    1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
    2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

    Revelation 14:20

    20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

    Revelation 21:15-17

    15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
    16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
    17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

    One can now decode the encipherments and discern the numerical meanings of those measurements in weaving those codes together.

    If the 'inside court' of the 'Holy City' is in a scale relationship of 12,000 furlongs to 1,600 furlongs to the 'outside court', then this ratio reduces to 120/16 or 60/8 or 30/4 or 15/2 or 7½.
    Now this is the base Schumann harmonic you have mentioned and this can be said to actually represent a 'Love and Light' frequency in considering the 'Cube' of the 'New Jerusalem' as inscribed in a Sphere of a size given by the 7½ Hz and in your 'Water Embedded' 'Vessel for the genomatrix'.

    Now a frequency of 7½ Hz of course implies a cyclic repetition of something, which can also be said to be the transversing of the 'sphere's' perimeter 7½ times at the speed of 'love and light' (pun intended).

    The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,000 kilometres and the speed of light is close to 300,000 kilometres per second.

    Then the frequency of the Gaian 'love and light' 'Water Embedded' Gaian Bubble or oblate ellipsoid will be the 'speed of the lightwave'/'lightpath travelled' or 300,000 km/40,000km.s, which reduces to 300/40=30/4=15/2=7½ Hz.

    Subsequently, the mysterious 'New Jerusalem' is a reconfigured or reborn planetary orb in some starsystem in the planetary decodement of the symbols, allegories and metaphors.

    Thuban has named this 'reborn planet' Gaia Serpentina and this 'Cosmic Mother Gate' for all sentiences is itself encompassed by a wall of 144 cubits, which, as you know describe the 12x12=144 encoding of the the Fibonacci Number and in summation of the initial 11 terms of this series and including the 0: 0+1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+55=143, with the 12th Fibonacci being 89 and the 13th being 144 as 55+89.

    This of course relates to the 12x12,000=144,000 'Elders of the New World', which are intimately related to the 200 Million ETs in a hybridisation agenda for a 'critical mass' human genostock of 7 billion incarnates.

    7 billion old humans + 200 million ETs will become 'as one' in a new genomatic seedling basis of 7,200,000,000/144,000 = 50,000 'Elders from the Stars'.

    Relevant codes are here:

    Daniel 7:10

    A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    Revelation 4.4

    4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

    Revelation 5:11

    11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

    Revelation 7:4

    4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

    Revelation 9:15-16

    15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
    16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    1(2),000 depicts the decipherment of the '2 out of 10,000' and the 12 tribes of Israel are the 24 Elders doubled in male and female, like the 10,000x10,000=100 million doubling in the 200 million and they are the seasonal months and the starsigns of the Mazzaroth-Zodiac and other such associations. Subsequently, any incarnate Gaian, who has a birthday sometime in an arbitrary cyclical calendrical year is a starseed of Abraham and Sarah and an inheritor and natural heir of the legacies of the ancient times.

    Have fun and believe it or not in the fashion of Ripley's!

    Shiloh, October 21st, 2013
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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    Brook on Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:49 am

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Brook Today at 7:49 am
    believe it or not in the fashion of Ripley's...

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out...

    And I am saying this, because in the time I have come to know your mind, I have drawn certain conclusions as to your dualistic philosophy and worldviews.
    What you've surmised and what is actual are two entirely different things Tony:

    I've been saying for a very long time at the Mists I "see things" in Session. I'm part of an Egyptian narrative from the past as I've worked to explain in several posts.

    Yet I've not been quite forthcoming in the telling for fear of ...

    (Accentuate the DOT DOT DOT) 9755.

    Well last year I wrote about a session and "another room". Where it's filled with papyrus and it's mine.

    It contains my past "narrative" and presence today if in the fashion of Ripley'

    In fact I wrote about it here and tried to explain the "code in the glyphs"'s my flipping conscious brain seeing this tentacle titled Thoth.....can you say 180 turnaround?!? My brain at the time could not "compute" what it was in shows me this biological tentacle....and the whole thing was bizarre! But that drawing of the lines above...that was KEY. Key to what I had no idea..but suspected the lines contained some kind of information for processing.

    Then sometime later I get the primer.....the primer led me to "codes" of I've stated several times in this thread.....

    Fist day back at work and it reminded me why I took that break. Upon first entering the room the first time I looked in wonder how I would go through all this stuff..and there is lot's of stuff to find what I needed. Yes it is like Christmas. Lot's of really cool stuff. But where to begin? Little did I know at the time of that thought that was the primer.....the "beginning". All I saw was lots of work ahead to get to it. Going through crates and baskets of papyrus (documents) with schematics and hieroglyphs. Medallions of unusual mineral compounds. and it simply boggled my mind. So I decided to take a break from the session work and clear whatever was in my projected view to be able to clearly see and study the contents of this room.

    So warp drive engage....docking in a parallel quadrant to have a pre entry meeting with four associates. Greeting and salutations very informal and lighthearted. The first recognition in the minutes of this meeting was four chairs / thrones (seats of power) to view. One being out of phase. To be assessed after the primer is found.

    Engaging laughter at the primer seen months prior......

    "BEGINNING"....Say what? Three "N"s in the word.

    And the glyph for N.....

    Beginning having THREE.... N's 'highlighted'. DOH!

    Three wavy lines......

    the three ripples,


    referring to water, or waters became an important hieroglyphic block in itself.

    Okay the code is in the glyphs themselves. And the primer is three wavy lines. So I have to find not only the place where the three wavy lines are in the room. What it is the open room and stamped for viewing.

    The primer itself being a clue as well it is within the object to be yet discovered.

    Sometime the obvious clues as to to "where to begin"...smacks you in the face and makes you go ...DOH!

    So I have to keep this short as I have to go to work now to find the location of the primer. Then I have to find the code in the glyphs to decipher them.

    As it turns out the three wavy lines (represented as the "n's")

    also mean (determined by how they are "grouped" in the hieroglyph)

    Flow or Action

    Today for the first time since writing that...somebody showed me something...



    In the article:

    Appendix 8 The Language of Symbols

    The most important aspects of the knowledge handed down by the priests from generation to generation were recorded in the language of symbols, not words. A hieroglyph might contain several levels of information (meanings). Individual symbols conveyed the meaning of a whole doctrine, while the expression of a single idea sometimes requires the writing of whole volumes of books. Moreover, writing things down in words opens the door to incorrect interpretation and manipulation.

    One of the reasons that humanity has still not recognized the depth of the knowledge of the Ancient Egyptian priests has lain in the incorrect reading of the hieroglyphs.

    There it is! The primer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YOU NEED THE PRIMER to read the glyphs correctly...because than it takes on a WHOLE NEW MEANING.

    Are you Sirius? Damn Straight!

    Beginning! Three N's



    Guide / Artemis nods and smiles (whispers in my ear "see I told ya so")

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    Brook on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:05 am

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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    Brook Today at 9:05 am

    It behooves me to show you one more thing of interest...

    Those wavy lines in the hands on the glypy:


    and this:


    Get it? got it? Good.... 9755.

    Also note: I wrote that long before my son died...and transferred it here to the mists on Oct 2012

    After my son died I have yet to go back to the "room" where the Primer is deeply embedded.

    I suppose it's time eh?​

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
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    • Post n°56

    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:26 pm
    Thank you Brook,
    'we' (pardon the pun)
    we both accomplished a lot of interesting things on that phone call
    ~and, we really came to appreciate, honor, and value
    everything, that we both managed to park into that eXchange
    ~it left me feeling, we have both done this before
    ~it seems that the so-called "great i am" was graduated to "we are" icon_wink.

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger

    My Posts

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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 21st 2013

    I Need Thee O I Need Thee - Acapella Arrangement

    I Need Thee O I Need Thee - Acapella Arrangement​
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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:54 pm

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGEakaTHEeXchanger - Posted 11 Hours Ago

    I noticed that Oxy made comments on the work of Dan Winters
    Grail Bloodlines in Physics: A Beautifully Spiritually Satisfying Answer:
    The REAL GRAIL in Your DNA- Is Fired from Your Heart because BLISS is Fractal.

    by Implosion Group ( ) editorial board

    - ABOUT the work of Dan Winter.
    The message of "DaVinci Code" and "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" is actually quite simple and clear.
    The GRAIL is in the BLOOD. The question, from a scientific perspective, is also simple:
    Is that true?
    Fortunately for science, a hugely exciting path to investigating the question is emerging: namely the pure electrical geometry of how blood gets activated.
    Could this geometric answer at the same time be the pure electrical geometry of physics most pressing question?

    For physics, the most basic issue (usually called THE HOLY GRAIL OF PHYSICS) is the UNIFIED FIELD and to unify the fields, for physics, is in essence the pure electrical geometry of how ELECTROMAGNETISM becomes GRAVITY.
    (Compression of charge can directly become ACCELERATION of charge - called Gravity).
    Not having answered such questions means usually arrogant physicists have to sit with their humble tail between their legs should any child ask "Well, why DOES an object fall to the ground?" It also means that when physicists (as Fosar/Bludorf & others -have written) discover that DNA does in fact become superconductive and MAKE BLACK HOLES, they also have to sit facing the humble pie that they don't have a CLUE what DNA (in the blood) in electrical terms is really DOING.
    All of this paints a picture of the current state of physics as being quite simply not up to challenges of time. How are they to answer URGENT SURVIVAL questions like:
    Why does GMO and cloning deplete the sustainability and survival of DNA? (How embarassing the WAY Dolly the Sheep aged.)
    The rats who had to be forced to eat GMO soy died so fast (the experimenters were breathless) - Who explains these stark raving embarrassments to modern scientists still driving around in cars, powered by dinosaurs farting, while their planet fixes to rot in the stink of not knowing the electrical principle of WHAT IS LIFE, who have no clue to eating the charge inside gravity, and who still think the zero point energy is somehow "free" (disconnectedschizophrenic).

    SO, can the question called THE HOLY GRAIL in physics (namely what geometry that connects electric charge to gravity) ALSO be the scientific answer to what the HOLY GRAIL is (including gravity making measured) IN BLOOD?
    Dan Winter has proposed a radical and dramatically exciting answer which is right now rattling the cage of physics around the world. A whole stable of physicists have joined him to explore the unified physics of Golden Ratio testing his original hypothesis that GOLDEN RATIO based SELF SIMILARITY is the ELECTRICAL CAUSE OF GRAVITY!
    Winter claims specifically that recent new physics for how coherent EKG changes DNA (coherent emotion/love?), and how BLISS and ECSTASY are measured using GOLDEN RATIO in brainwaves, actually confirm his theory about the GRAIL (and gravity making) in blood.
    It started when Dan noticed that the electrical geometry Einstein and Poincare used to model gravity was a nested DODECAHEDRON. (
    Dan's first book, "One Crystals Dance" from 30 years ago, had shown that when you extend the edges of a dodecahedron (all 5-sided faces) outward, you get icosahedron then dodecahedron then icosahedron, infinitely (an ancient Theosophic model called the GREATER MAZE).
    The point Winter made was that this infinite nest was composed of vertices or nodes ALL of which had x,y,z values in a simple whole multiple of GOLDEN MEAN (1.618...).
    Later Winter claimed this was THE ONLY POSSIBLE 3 DIMENSIONAL FRACTAL.

    Now - Einstein knew that INFINITE COLLAPSE was the (Holy Grail) key to connecting ELECTRICITY to GRAVITY.
    Physics is now clear that FRACTALITY is key to infinite compression.
    The problem was, Einstein never knew what a fractal was!
    So how could he know that charge in a fractal was his solution (infinite constructive wave collapse).
    This Winter claiming that CHARGE in a FRACTAL based on GOLDEN RATIO MAKES GRAVITY is such a revelation to physics that numerous serious physicists (Elizabeth Rauscher, Alex K.) have taken on the challenge.
    They realized that not only was the Golden Ratio based nested pentagonal Dodecahedron- the shape Einstein used for Gravity geometry, but it is also the shape of Palladium (and Platinum Group/PGMGold Powder) a key to cold fusion.
    Thus proving that this nest is the only possible 3D fractal, may be the actual KEY to physics of HOLY GRAIL!
    Winter has begun a simple experiment series to PROVE that charge in a fractal is the CAUSE of gravity ( and an international team of physicists, including one of Europes leading fusion physicists, have joined him.

    The other stunning part of this new HOLY GRAIL is Winter's OTHER claim.
    He says that charge in a fractal is not only the missing CAUSE of gravity BUT that it is the ONLY way to efficiently nourish and support DNA!
    This could completely redefine the electric field of success for seed germination, agriculture and even architecture (Winter has been teaching the PHYSICS of Feng Shui for 12 years). He has conducted electric field experiments and measurements demonstrating that fractal (or 'harmonic inclusive' non-destructive compression of charge) actually trigger SEED GERMINATION and measures freshness/life force and vitality ( This, he says, finally defines sacred space and success in architecture and urban design (
    For example, by choosing materials for building, originally simply called 'organic' – the resulting architecture that makes DNA healthy actually is a fractal capacitor! Winter calls the electrical definition of living material a 'phase conjugate dielectric' and the 'switch to turn on DNA radio' (
    Basically, he is saying there is a path curve that looks like the ancient CADUCCEUS based on Golden Ratio, for charge inside DNA, which allows waves of charge (the field effect of 'spirit'?) to CONJUGATE PHASES and achieve IMPLOSIVE COMMUNION in blood.
    What is so exciting is that when you animate this path curve for charge into blood (Golden Ratio caducceus), you get the most stunningly beautiful HOLY GRAIL CUP WITHIN A CUP which is a hypnotically beautiful spiritual rush to see (look at where you can also see the FILM on Real Grail physics which opens and closes with that animation - a film already a hit on google).
    SO, what is the real key to the Holy Grail in blood AND where is the proof for physics?
    AND how could that possibly be a real satisfying solution to the ancient quest for the bloodline of Jesus?
    Well, to start with, there is great agreement that the electrical geometry of DNA in blood is the nesting of this exact Golden Ratio based dodecahedron. Actually, the Golden Ratio is imprinted ALL over DNA. So if we add the electrical idea that Golden Ratio is key to CONSTRUCTIVE charge compression (getting memory packed), we start to get a clue to the deeper functions of DNA and blood.
    Winter takes this dodecahedron nest and shows the CONE it makes (60 degree) based on a Golden Ratio Caducceus (symbol for DNA, Hermes & healers) and then animates that into a beautiful fractal GRAIL CUP - literally one that (being fractal) never runs over - contains infinite SPIN.

    Winter also suggested the scientific study which showed that COHERENT EMOTION/EKG controls the BRAID or programming of this charge absorbing 'Golden Fleece' in DNA ( ).
    His original mathematics (cepstrum) to MEASURE coherence in EKG has earned him credit for inventing the term Heart Coherence (book: 'Instinct to Heal').
    He originally showed Heart Math Institute how to take an EKG, how to spectrum analyze it, and has developed the most superior technology for measuring Coherent Emotion in the Heart (his HeartTuner invention: and
    Simply put, when your heart makes the inclusive harmonic fractal of sounds, which medically identifies immune health ('Irving Dardik', see, this sonic 'pony tail' measurably BRAIDS your DNA into a 'recursive nest'. This nesting, or braiding into recursion of DNA, Winter says is how EMOTION PROGRAMS DNA. The climax of this process is the 7th time the DNA helix thread braided to become visibly a DONUT - a TORUS. Winter says this 'Circular DNA' is implosive and the charge radiance that results from fractal compression by braiding is the mechanism of how DNA is all connected - the fusion into a 'soul invitation' ( His best pictures and scientific links on DNA are at It gets really movie like where Winter says the real LORD OF THE RING was - when this DNA gets into a RING due to the BLISS of pure intention/pure compression.

    He has a complete animation showing the alphabet on the side of the LORD OF THE RING being the compression angles to get charge into the vortex ring DNA in the first place (His controversial origin of the alphabet work ( became the movie PI. He claims Alphabets MUST be based on the Golden Spiral since that is the only non-destructive way to get your field of charge into a tornado and steer it - to symbolize = to embed). This becomes an astounding physics suggesting that the origin of psychokinesis AND symbol begins because compassion (or FEELING for the outside FROM the inside / turning inside out) is simply equivalent to perfect COMPRESSION.
    Winter also claims that the experience of BLISS, ECSTASY and ENLIGHTENMENT is measurable when brainwaves generate this Golden Ratio (based also on work by Dr. Korotkov). This becomes the second dramatically exciting function (EEG - cross hemispheric tuning) of his same biofeedback invention called the BLISSTUNER ( ). The point of relevance to the grail story is that the BLOOD ENERGIZING aura or royal glow, or blue UV field of ecstasy, is actually the result of the whole electric field of the body becoming massive FRACTAL and ATTRACTIVE using Golden Ratio 'self similarity' (fractality). It is simple to visualize fractality in biology - just imagine a rose or a pine cone. All of biology uses this principle to attract the charge field (spirit/chi/orgone/barraka/shakti ) into perfect compression - called LIFE ITSELF!

    SO, if a person (Magdalen or Jesus?) were to experience BLISS consistently, their blood would become more IMPLOSIVE. Is that the Grail? Winter points to meditators who make gravity when they feel bliss, (TM floating) and insect skeletons which make gravity( similar to other recursive capacitors which make gravity ( ).
    Well, at least there are very intriguing clues here that the solution to getting the blood charged with the true physics of Bliss process may actually be the REAL GRAIL. Winter says your blood becomes powerful and gravity making ('star inhabiting' and 'sun god' making) when it has the opportunity to implode with charge in the presence of bliss. When saturated in the DNA nourishing charge fractal environment, which defines the sacred, it reveals how our ancient Dragon Annunaki (Uru/Kelt) ancestors learned to wake up their blood. WHY was the map around all the grail sites FIVE sided (Golden Ratio/Implosive ), including the pent-star symbolizing Magdalen. This leads us to the history part of this problem. Is this the SIEGE PERILOUS part?
    What about the Jesus Magdalen story being the grail? Winter claims to have an answer and here is where we go right to 'Star Wars' history. Winter says the reason the Jesus/Magdalen story melts into confusion, whenever you get out your history microscope, is because the REAL Jesus is Joshua son of Moses ('righteous priest') who is really Akunaton - in EGYPT (300 years efore Pontius Pilate). He agrees with authors Amed Osman ("Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs" and other books) and Lawrence Gardner's "Sacred Ark", who insist that the great DaVinci coverup of the church goes much further back, starting with the Enlil/Yalweh's Rabbi's hiding the real Egyptian origins of the Essenes and Jesus. They all agree that AkunATUN messed up the royal checkpoint by trying to build the DNA activating solar fractal capacitor 'Temple' Amarna. Threatened by the (Enlil/Yalweh) Amun priests, he swipes the cash cow (Gold Powder making electric source ARK OF THE COVENANT), changes his name to Moses and starts the Essenes cottage industry (Gold Powder/Ormes/Spice/Holy
    Communion's white wafer - making). Most historians agree on the blood line cross of the 2 major Essene royal families: David/Benjamin - became Jesus/Magda. Few have noted that the bloodline Essene is Akhunatun and that ATUN means Enki (the DAVID in Hebrew means DWD/TWT meaning Tehuti/Thoth/Hermes-Son of Enki), so it all fits together. But why was the bloodline ATUN (vs AMUN), Enki (vs Enlil), Adonai (vs Yalweh), AKU (vs Draku) ALWAYS hidden by the (Roman government invention) church? Here is where we need Star Wars, or rather the BIG picture.

    We can't cover all that in details here ( but the real juicy part is when the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! Winter starts the story where the Sirian Annunaki (Antu-Enki's Dad) plot to conceive a bloodline to give the losing Humanoids a chance in the war with the Drac Borg machine empire. (Read what Lucas and other writers learned of real galactic history 'THE NINE' at For example, Winter says the Hebrew Alphabet is actually the machine code for tetra 'MATRIX' (+ soulless DNA codon programming) nested magnetic domains used in the ASHTAR central computer - the hive mind of the machine empire. A Ptaa Taal/Ophanic/winged dragon/vestal queen/reverend mother/female - named AIDE was assigned as the surrogate wife (replacing Yalweh/Michael/Enlil's mom) to Antu on Sirius A, to create a bloodline psychokinetic enough to threaten a galaxy-wide scourage of computer controlled robotic machine dominated (heartless) Draco's. (The fallen Saraphim called NEPHALIM - meaning no NA implosion).
    Only the psychokinesis the real SHEM from AN, of coherent KA (body charge field), could have any hope of survival in a heartless machine empire. This Winter says is REAL galactic history and the origin of the Gold Powder slaving Sumerian genetic engineering called the Bible. (Bigger picture needed here...)
    Winter teaches very specifically how surviving death with memory intact is electrically measurable and teachable once we get past the horrifying schizophrenia which separates our understanding of ELECTRICAL coherence from our teaching of a spiritual aura. Now, do we understand the KA in KAthar, KAtholic, KAllisto, MerKAba, even KAlllice (chalice)? See how all the meanings agree: IF KA = the death and dream penetrating COHERENCE of your bodies’ electric charge field, that explains why KA means BOAT TO THE UNDERWORLD in Egyptian while it means HEAVEN in Sanskrit.
    Winter's thesis is that political narrow-mindedness (the Isreali/KAtholic fear saturated religious fundamentalism which elected George Bush for example) on EA's (Enki) EArth (abRAm- RA=Enki) is simply an obsolete leftover from the days when confused or fallen Saraphim (UR) dragons thought the only reason for planting a forest (DNA planted on planets like Earth) was to cut it down (harvest it/insurance and banking). Today we plant forests in order to set them free and feel the bliss of implosive genetic diversity (fractality of DNA radio by phase conjugation) in the electric field of their core.

    This means that we make our vote when the Empire Strikes back, as to whether to join the borg, and be ASSIMILATED into a heartless machine cult, when we MAKE THE CHOICE whether to begin the scientific hygiene necessary to IGNITE OUR DNA WITH BLISS (Electrically measurable a real GRAIL path for charge)! In practice, Winter says, this means: stop eating angry (no diversity) DNA, start eating LIVE FOOD! Run from the city and electro-smog to nature, and DO the yoga. The result of teaching bliss-making and DNA-igniting (Grail in blood) is the COHERENCE of your body’s electric charge field (KA) starting to become sustainable through lucid dream AND death. In this way selfempowerment based on pure principle can replace the obvious travesty that is the current state of old religion on Earth (mostly a parasite for the disempowered who mistakenly choose miracle and personality worship out of a confused fear of their own creation mechanics). Winter says the holy GRAIL is in your heart when you choose the perfect fractal (and very attractive) perfect compression that is LOVE itself. AND he says measuring that (EKG+EEG harmonics) helps makes it teachable!
    (In addition to his 4 books, in 5 languages at, there is another recent book
    largely ABOUT Dan Winter's amazing Implosion Physics: free e-book "Souls of Distortion Awakening, a convergence of Science and Spirituality". It is now in its 9th edition (

    Implosion Group's website is currently referenced by over 10,000 other web articles!)
    The pictures for this article are at:
    publisher inquiries are invited..
    Implosion Group: ,
    Dan Winter:

    What are your thoughts on this Tony ???
    ~Kimberlee Montgomery

    Posted Oct 24th 2013

    Andrew Collins says...
    The Milky Way's Great Rift, aka the Dark Rift or Cygnus Rift,

    bears the shape of a dancing goddess with a hammer-shaped head.
    Did the ancients represent this form in rock art, within some cave somewhere?
    I am sure I have seen this dancing goddess before, but where?
    If you recognise her let me know.
    Photograph: Andrew Collins
    Nut, The daughter of Shu is the Milky Way in the northern sky as a whole,
    although she could be linked with this figure made out of the Dark Rift.
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Posted Oct 24th 2013

    The 12 + 1 = 13 Aspects
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Posted Oct 24th 2013

    Posted Oct 24th 2013

    There ought to be an equation of 12 + 1 = 13 that can be made out of this:
    Nut is the daughter of Shu and Tefnut, the goddess of the sky, and the sister as well as wife of Geb. Geb and Nut had Children who are: Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Horus and Set
    night + day = shu + Tefnut(neith) = Nut + Geb = Thoth (female) 1/2 + Ra (female) 1/2 + Maat (female) 1/2+ Thoth (male) 1/2+ Ra (male) 1/2+ Maat (male) 1/2 (for 3)
    + Eagle (Cosmic Healer ) + Vulture (Cosmic eXchanger) + THE STAR SPIDER (Cosmic Weaver) + The Star Serpent (Dragon Rider - Master ) (for 7)
    + Isis + Nephthys + Osiris + Horus + Set (for 12) and, The symbol of Utchat aka The Eye of Horus for 13
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Is this a question for me Susan?
    Well, if it is, then I would answer, that I always liked Dan Winters' approach in its basic impetus, but would disqualify the Thuban omniscience of being a consequence of Dan Winter's insights. Rather the Winter's fractal geometry derives as a consequence of the inner structure of the 'Unified Field' he mentions.

    For example, his 'charge of gravity' is a little misleading, but rests on a sound principle of cosmic omniphysics, namely the interaction between electromagnetism and gravitation at the gauge level of the subatomic physics. This can very well be named in the form of a 'Platonic Solid holofractal geometry' and so become associated with the curvature metrics of general relativity and the field-particle theories of the standard models. The 'charge of gravity' is however not a compression of the 'charge' but an intrinsic nature of the notion of 'mass' or inertia itself. It is the acceleration of electric charge, that produces the measurable electromagnetic wavepropagation in its own intrinsic mass- or inertia coupled association. The 'problem' in contemporary orthodox physical theory is its choice of placing the necessity for the creation of electromagnetic energy at the preexistence of this mass as the primordial essence in their cosmologies (Big Bang and otherwise). Because all protons and electrons in the Sun or a star carry intrinsic inertia, due to their mass content; the acceleration (angular in quantum spin and rotation and linear in kinematical mechanics), it is well understood, that this acceleration produces say the electromagnetic spectrum of energy from the sun's emission- and absorption spectra.

    As a consequence, the standard models cannot envision a form of 'gravita' acceleration, which would be precursive to any inertia carrying particles or subatomic entities subject to an analogous acceleration. It is this Dan Winters and associates refer to in their attempts to add to the standard models of 'orthodox' modern physical theory. The gauge physics of the 'gravita' understands the 'geometry of the curved metrics' as being mass- and inertia independent in its primordial self-state. This is possible, because all mass is actually quantized in a minimum frequency Eigen-energy or selfstate. The 'gravita' then is like a massless Higgs Boson as a well understood 'Goldstone Boson', which acquires its mass or inertia in a field-gauge interaction between so called 'virtual particles' which are not virtual or imaginary, but which carry a 'quantum geometric colour charge', so differentiating their gauge nature from that of the 'produced' real gauged 'unified field particles', such as a photon from the Sun, being its own antiparticle and created in mass-associativity.

    This is simply a link between the Einstein-Mass Energy Relation and Planck's Law of Quantum Mechanics, which then assigns a frequency equivalent to the mass quantum.
    This 'solves' the mass charge as being required to exist before the electric charge in their quantum forms. Most know, that electric charge is quantized, say in the electron-proton Coulombic charge quantum "e"; but most presume that the mass content of any particle or object forms a continuum of energy given in E=mc2. Dan Winters and co omit the magnetic charge as a progenitor of the electric charge in say its higher dimensional membrane form. It is this magnetopolar charge, which unifies electromagnetic gauge physics with its gravitational longrange partner of the primordial cosmogony. It is then the acceleration of magnetopolar charges as a higher dimensional form of the electropolar Coulomb charges, which not only create the mass or inertia (through the Higgs Bosonic Interaction gauge field), but also generate the 'gravita' as the effect of gravitation and colloquially understood as the propagation of a 'virtual graviton'. The entire notion of the'sacred geometry' esposed by Dan Winters and the majority of the 'New Agers' has a fully justified basis and rests on a solid foundation of the gauge physics of the cosmogonical ontology for the mainstream and alternative cosmologies.

    There exists indeed a 'inbred' supersymmetry between the 'most important number in all physics' (Richard Feynman describing the Alpha electromagnetic finestructure cosntant) and the 'Golden Mean' and the 'Phi' of the Greek architecture and the Fibonacci sequences. The 'roots' or quadratic solutions to the mathematical formulation of the 'supersymmetric' Euler equation are the Fibonacci roots X=0.618033... and Y=-1.618033... The following excerpt from the Thuban archives can detail this in some manner for the researchers not subject to a mind-paralysing mathephobia.

    The Cosmic Wavefunction is the following Differential Equation:

    dB/dT + αB(n) = 0; α being the Electromagnetic Finestructure as the probability of light-matter interaction (~1/137).
    This has a solution: B(n) = Bo.exp[-α.T(n)]; Bo=2e/hA from QR boundary conditions defining:

    T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman Path-Summation of particular histories under the pentagonal supersymmetry given in the (Euler) identity:
    XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp[iπ]=cos(π)+isin(π) and lim [n→X]{T(n)}=1



    This allows the Normalisation of the [Y]2 wavefunction to sum to unity in B(n)=(2e/hA).exp[-α.n(n+1)] with Functional Riemann Bound FRB=-1/2, centred on the interval [Y,...-1,...-X,...-1/2,...(X-1),...0,...X].
    Interval [Y,-1] sets F-Space; interval [-1,0] sets M-Space with uncertainty interval [-X,(X-1)] and interval [0,n) sets the C-Space, encompassing OmniSpace.
    n<0 is imaginary as real reflection of real n>0 of the C-Space, metrically defined at the coordinate n=0 mapping n=nps, which is the instanton tps=fss=1/fps.
    Cycletime n is defined in GR as dimensionless Tau(τ)-Time in curvature radius RC=c.dt/dτ for the pathlength of x=ct and become dn/dt=Ho, n=Hot in QR, with Ho the nodal HubbleConstant defined in c=HoRmaxps.fps.
    The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as: -n......-3...-2...-1...0...1...2...3......n =T(n) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds as outlined in the 13 dimensions of the time connectors.

    Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.
    This allows the Feynman interpretation of Quantum Mechanics as alternative to the formulations of Schrödinger (fermionic 1/2 spin) and Klein-Gordon (bosonic integral spin) as timeindependent and timedependent (free particle form inconsistent with SR in Schrödinger in 1st order t & 2nd order x), formulations respectively.
    The units of B(n) are 1/J, that is Inverse Energy, with A2 an algorithmic constant defining Current-Squared and 2e/h the Josephson Constant in Amperes/Joules.
    B(n) as the universal cosmic wavefunction describes the universe as a potentially infinite collection of 'frozen' wormhole eigenstates at n=0.
    The timeinstanton 'unfreezes' one such eigenstate and activates the protoverse as described elsewhere.
    This then allows the 'Mappings' of the C-Space 'real time n>0' from the F-Space of the 'imaginary time n<-1' under utility of the M-Space interval as 'mirror-space'.
    QR unifies electromagnetic and gravitational finestructures in F-Space using the Planck-Length-Oscillation lP√α=e/c2 from the subplenum definition as the 'Bounce of the Planck-Length'.
    This yields the decisive mapping for the B(n):

    Coulomb Charge e = lP√α.c2↔ 2Re.c2 = e* (StarCoulomb Charge) [Eq.#5]

    But the StarCoulomb is Inverse Energy by definition of the vibratory part of the modular dual heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss.

    Eps=hfps=hc/λps=(me/2e).√[2πGo/αhc]=me/{2emP√α}=1/e*. [Eq.#6]

    mP is the Planck-Mass and Go is the initiatory Gravitational Constant, defined in the FineStructure-Relation, which defines the Planck-Length-Oscillation in the unification of electromagnetic interactions with those of gravitational permittivity:
    Go=4πεo=1/30c with dimensionless c-ether constant [c]unified.

    This defines the MacArthur-Gamma as: "LightMass-Constant" LMC=γMac =30[c]unified.

    Thus Quantum Relativity is defined in the charge mappings between the OmniSpace dimensions; F maps magnetocharges e* onto electrocharges e under agency of the 11D-Witten Mirror, which is a Onesided Surface möbian connecting 10D to 12D.
    The all encompassing source energy quantum is the Eps-Gauge Boson, which manifests as the Gauge mediator for the four elemental interactions, suppressing the weak interaction in a primary triplicity however to allow the Higgs Restmass Induction mechanism to proceed in the defining qualities of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).


    In regards to the 'Holy Grail' and bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene; I would only say, that this qualifies as a more intricate form of Nabs with historical and allegorical implications interwoven within it. Winter's idea of the biblical Moses being identifiable with the Pharaohs and especially Akhenaton is one aspect I would fully agree with however, despite his - to me- obvious mindful extrapolations of Mesopotamian mythology and a generalised creation mythos, which so often has become hijacked and mistranslated by the nabsers to render the historical waters and ponds of discernment even more murky then they already would be and become in the passage of linear timeflows.

    Shiloh, October 24th, 2013

    Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
    Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:10 pm PDT
    Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:10 am UT

    Posted Tuesday, October 22, 2013


    Overnight, here in Pacific time, the Sun shifted signs, leaving the harmony-loving, cardinal air sign of Libra for Scorpio's deep fixed water. Our central star will be traveling through this sign of intense emotion until November 21st, and will join Saturn, Mercury, and the North Node of the Moon, all traversing this sign of transformative power.
    This year's Scorpio season will require careful navigation through a Mercury retrograde cycle in this Pluto-ruled sign, another exact Uranus-Pluto square alignment which falls precisely Scorpio's own solar festival, Samhain or All Hallows, and two days before a New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio. Samhain (pronounced sow-in), which in turn falls just two days before a New Moon and solar eclipse. Samhain marks the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere and is one of four "cross-quarter" days, along with Beltane, Lughnassa and Imbolc.

    Between Scylla and Charybdis

    With so many compelling astrological events happening concurrently over this next solar month, we may find ourselves confronted with difficult dilemmas, choosing between Scylla and Charybdis — in other words, stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.
    Scylla and Charybdis were mythical sea monsters described in Homer's epic poem The Odyssey who plagued sailors in the Strait of Messina, between Sicily and the Italian mainland.


    On the Italian side was Scylla, a treacherous rocky shoal (described metaphorically as a six-headed sea monster), while off the Sicilian coast lurked Charybdis that caused the waters to swirl and seethe into a deadly whirlpool. Together they formed an inescapable gauntlet causing sailors to choose between a rock and a hard place. As Homer described it, the hero Odysseus had to choose between the two while passing through the strait during his famous extended adventure on the Mediterranean. Odysseus opted to pass closer to Scylla and risk losing some of his crew rather than imperil his entire ship in Charybdis' treacherous whirlpool. The painting shown here by the 18th century Swiss painter Johann Heinrich Füssli depicts Odysseus facing this watery dilemma.
    So here we navigating through our own "Strait of Messina" in which several challenging events will try to wrap their tentacles around us simultaneously, and all happening during this dark, Pluto-ruled Scorpio season. It's a good time to examine what Scorpio represents.

    Pluto-Ruled Scorpio: Mistress of the Shadowy Depths

    Scorpio symbolizes the process of death and rebirth, rules the time of year, here in the Northern Hemisphere, when the wheel is turning toward the darkest days of winter.


    The leaves are falling, the days are shorter, and the nights are long. It is a time for rest, winter's long slow preparation for a new growing season come spring. All around us are the undeniable signs that life is beating a fast retreat. Hades has burst forth from the Underworld, standing strong in his dark chariot with his smoldering good looks. He's found his love, Persephone, and they are off to their winter timeshare. Mother Demeter will have to wait until spring to see her daughter again.

    Contrary to the way in which this myth is told, I don't see Persephone as a "kidnap victim" — and reading the myth this way I think muddles the deeper meaning of her story. Rather, I suspect Persephone went willingly, and perhaps the truth of this old tale was lost in translation long ago. The time was ripe for Persephone to shed her old life; and it was her mother, the Goddess Demeter, who couldn't let go, and suffered for it, not Persephone. Persephone's story may be a distorted fragment of an older myth, one of a dark female agricultural figure of death and rebirth. Persephone has to sacrifice her protected life with mother because she has outgrown it. It's time to move on. She releases her past and steps into the unknown future. And for her courage, Persephone is transformed from maid into the Queen of Darkness, co-ruler of the Underworld, certainly not a victim, slave or mere wife.

    This is an important distinction because Persephone is such a potent Scorpionic symbol of regenerative power. The painting shown above, by the French artist Charles-Joseph Natoire, depicts Persephone as the empowered, enthroned Queen of the Underworld sitting quite contentedly next to Hades as his equal. She is wise, powerful, and in the painting is giving Psyche l'elixir de beauté. Psyche had been sent by a jealous Venus to the Underworld on what Venus had hoped would be a "wild goose chase" that would end in Psyche's death. But that's another story....


    According to the Roman poet Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, it was the nymph Arethusa who first reported to Demeter that Persephone was in the Underworld. Until then, she had been searching the world without pause for her missing daughter. Spring failed to arrive each year and famine had spread throughout the world. Ovid wrote that while traveling in her stream below the earth, Arethusa saw Persephone sitting on her throne as the queen of Hades. On hearing this, Demeter immediately got in her chariot and flew to Mt. Olympus to demand that Zeus return her daughter:
    "... That she has been stolen, I will bear, if only he will bring her back; for your daughter does not deserve to have a robber for a husband."

    To which Zeus replied:
    "... If only we are willing to give right names to things, this is no harm that has been done, but only love ... But if you so greatly desire to separate them, Persephone shall return to heaven, but on one condition only: if in the lower-world no food has as yet touched her lips. For so have the Moerae decreed."

    But it was too late, for Persephone had already eaten those pomegranate seeds, and because of this she had to stay in the Underworld. Yet Hades generously relinquished Persephone for part of the year — even when he did not have to — for as the Fates decreed, she was stuck there forever. In the Homer's Hymn to Demeter, there is an interesting passage where Hades speaks to Persephone, and from this we get a pretty good picture that Persephone was no powerless victim, but indeed a revered Queen:
    "... And while you are here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest rights among the deathless gods: those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts, shall be punished for evermore."

    The myth of Persephone's abduction and return is allegorical and illuminates her role as the personification of the renewal of life each spring, life that springs from the seeds of the earth and withdraws back again after the autumn harvest with the seeds for next spring. Persephone was a vegetation goddess, and along with her mother were the central figures of the Eleusinian mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon.

    And so the Scorpio cycle symbolizes this same "descent" — the time when we are called to do the same, or rather symbolically the same: to face what is rotting in our lives, what is dead and dying and let it go, release it. The Scorpio cycle works much like a composter with the discarded, stale contents of our lives. Under cover of winter, what we release is transformed into gold: rich black earth for the seeds of spring. It's the necessary counterpart to vernal gestation, this Scorpionic creation of a fertile ground that supports new life. Persephone goes to the Underworld for six months of the year, embracing her darkness, but she reemerges, transformed and renewed as the May Queen, the Goddess of Spring, every year.

    Scorpio cycles aren't limited to intense, life-or-death issues though. It can be a time to just simply take out the proverbial trash: deal with the clutter and stale air that has been accumulating in your life. Every gardener knows that in order to harvest more fruit, you have to prune your trees every winter. Releasing can be as simple as no longer returning the phone call of someone who — if you are "Scorpishly" honest about it — detracts rather than contributes to your life. It can mean facing where you play the victim and thus lose your power in certain relationships, and stopping that nonsense once and for all; or owning up to the fact that you are sometimes sneaky and manipulative rather than direct, clear and honest. It can be delivering a long overdue message of love, or telling someone who has hurt you the painful truth. It can even be something fun like gathering up all the drab, unhappy clothes in your closet, along with that chipped mug, and carting it all off to the Goodwill. It can be having the courage to start therapy in order to face some deep wounds from the past that still haunt you.

    All you can learn is what your own inward life is and try to stay loyal to that. We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
    — Joseph Campbell

    Scorpio is the only sign to have three symbols — scorpion, eagle, and phoenix — a trinity of transformation. The phoenix is the mythical bird of Arabia, lost in the fire, yet arose from the ashes shiny and new, an ancient alchemical symbol of rebirth. The flames are purification, the burning of the dross — which can be an awful ordeal, exactly like burning in the fires of Hell.

    What we give up, though, is the cost of our transformation, and what makes it hard is the degree to which you or someone else in your life — like Persephone's mother — is holding on and cannot let go. We sacrifice to make room for greater things, but it requires sometimes a powerful act of courage and a willingness to step into the unknown.
    And this, for me, is the meaning and inspiration of Persephone's story and the Scorpio cycle. After all, the planetary co-ruler of Scorpio, along with courageous Mars, is Pluto, God of the Underworld — or Hades as he was called by the Greeks.


    The Scorpio archetype closely correlates with the Tarot card, Death, shown here from the Rider-Waite deck. On the card we see Death depicted as a skeleton in armor riding a white horse.


    Death has already trampled a king and approaches a child, young woman, and a bishop begging to be spared — but no one is immune to Death no matter how powerful, pious or young. On Death's banner is the five-petaled white rose, which according to occultist Eden Gray is a symbol for the life-force and Mars, Scorpio's traditional ruler. The rose also carries the meaning of purity and heavenly passion: transmutation and spiritual perfection, it is an ancient symbol for spiritual joy. While most of us today equate the rose with love, it carries all of these meanings. The rose is also an emblem of secrecy. This is where the Latin term sub rosa, literally "under the rose," arose. When secret societies met in medieval times, this flower was hung from the ceiling to remind members that what was being discussed was to be held in strict confidence, it was knowledge for initiates only.
    The river in the background of the card flows out to the sea, representing the transmuting nature of life: water evaporates into vapor, condenses into clouds, which then rains down as water once more. Matter is never lost, it only changes its form. In turn, Death is the closing of one door so another can open, putting the past behind us to embrace the new day. In the distance on the Eastern horizon, the Sun is rising. Death symbolizes the renewal that comes from release, its larger meaning. An ending yes, but also a new beginning.


    Scorpio Keywords: Magnetic, Powerful, Deep, Intense, Penetrating, Obsessive
    Famous Scorpios (in no particular order): Pablo Picasso, Joni Mitchell, K. D. Lang, Kurt Vonnegut, Sojourner Truth, Theodore Roosevelt, Aaron Copland, Anne Tyler, Albert Camus, Carl Sagan, Charles de Gaulle, Charles Manson, Claude Monet, Condoleezza Rice, Bill Gates, Bjork, Dick Clark, Dylan Thomas, Ezra Pound, Ethan Hawke, Evelyn Waugh, Gerard Butler, Grace Kelly, Goldie Hawn, Howard Dean, Indira Ghandi, John Adams, John Cleese, John Keats, Johnny Mercer, Jonas Salk, Leonardo Dicaprio, Margaret Atwood, Marianne Moore, Marie Curie, Martin Scorsese, Marlene Dietrich, Owen Wilson, Peter Jackson, Richard Burton, Roy Rogers, Sally Field, Scarlett Johansson, Ted Turner, Vivien Leigh, Will Rogers
    Gemstones: Topaz, Malachite, Apache Tear, Boji Stone, Emerald, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Ruby
    Colors: dark red and black


    The Serenity Prayer is, I think, particularly helpful at this Scorpio time of year, especially this year with the North Node of the Moon, Saturn, Mercury and now the Sun all traveling through this sign of deep transformative power.

    But letting go of what no longer works in our lives and what we have outgrown can be a supremely difficult and scary task. Fixed, Pluto- and Mars-ruled Scorpio does not give up until it has exhausted its search for the deeper truth and sometimes that search can border on unhealthy obsession. Keeping a detached perspective can be difficult, especially now, and this simple prayer is a helpful reminder of the importance of knowing that place "where angels fear to tread" and those times in life when it is a much wiser to let it go, and release it to a higher power:

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:01 pm; edited 2 times in total​
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
  8. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:52 am


    Shiloh, October 24th, 2013​

    [11:26:32 AM-Friday, October 25th, 2013 +11UCT] Shiloh: I did not see her leave
    [11:26:51 AM] Shiloh: She must have blocked something
    [11:43:47 AM] Shiloh: 10:39 am October 24th my time
    [11:44:18 AM] Shiloh: October 23rd - October 25th is the code of the 3 days of darkness
    [11:45:37 AM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 16:10-21
    King James Version (KJV)

    10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
    11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

    This is October 23rd, say in an inversion under chaos

    12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
    13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

    This is is October 24th, kinda fits and describes absorption of something in contraction

    17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
    18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
    19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
    20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
    21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

    [11:47:24 AM] Shiloh: This is today, October 25th as the last day and the formation of a new cosmic ID

    [11:48:24 AM] Shiloh: The Armageddon gathering so coincides with her leaving this chat
    [12:07:27 PM] Sirius 17: interesting yes, i am cooking a curry dish atm hopefully it will be done soon; she said nothing to you? Before she left
    [12:16:29 PM] Shiloh: Nope and I had some weird dreams
    [12:17:04 PM] Sirius 17: what did you dream?
    [12:17:22 PM] Shiloh: I had a new core, sort of
    [12:17:34 PM] Shiloh: It was someone very famous lol
    [12:17:42 PM] Sirius 17: madonna? lol
    [12:17:48 PM] Shiloh: YES
    [12:17:53 PM] Sirius 17: god i am good huh
    [12:17:59 PM] Shiloh: How tf did you know?
    [12:18:08 PM] Shiloh: It was very real
    [12:18:09 PM] Sirius 17: cuz i am that good
    [12:18:14 PM] Shiloh: I am amazed
    [12:18:16 PM] Sirius 17: i know things lol
    [12:18:26 PM] Sirius 17: ok weird story for you
    [12:18:37 PM] Sirius 17: about a week ago i was looking at her nude pics on google
    [12:18:40 PM] Shiloh: So this proves to me that this means something
    [12:18:44 PM] Sirius 17: and i saw something there
    [12:18:49 PM] Sirius 17: when she was younger you know
    [12:18:52 PM] Shiloh: really?
    [12:19:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it reminded me of what we saw in dd
    [12:19:18 PM] Sirius 17: and i sat there and tried to figure out wf it was
    [12:19:34 PM] Sirius 17: this was when i posted the madonna stuff remember
    [12:19:36 PM] Sirius 17: the video
    [12:19:38 PM] Sirius 17: and all that
    [12:19:39 PM] Shiloh: No
    [12:19:51 PM] Shiloh: But this dream also related to a 'bet'
    [12:20:12 PM] Shiloh: Some ticket where the number was 2 and the horses name was Emeth but a female
    [12:20:45 PM] Shiloh: It then won the race but became number 4 or 5 and I wondered if I had to protest to the betting company
    [12:20:50 PM] Shiloh: This was agfterwards
    [12:21:18 PM] Sirius 17: lol you and your horse betting
    [12:21:20 PM] Shiloh: But Madonna was with me and like 'started to fall in love' and I did not believe this
    [12:21:38 PM] Shiloh: We had one argument, when she asked about my income
    [12:21:45 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [12:21:47 PM] Shiloh: I said it is irrelevant
    [12:21:55 PM] Sirius 17: and she said?
    [12:22:10 PM] Shiloh: But I knew it was her and that she had all the money anyone would ever need. She accepted my point and changed the subject or whatever
    [12:22:34 PM] Sirius 17: hmmm yes i just wonder why she asked is all and so what do you think this means? Could she be your core Tony?
    [12:23:27 PM] Sirius 17: would be a trip if it were lol
    [12:23:45 PM] Shiloh: Nono
    [12:23:49 PM] Shiloh: BUT
    [12:24:00 PM] Shiloh: Madonna is MI of course and my CJ as MM
    [12:24:34 PM] Shiloh: The number mixup means like 2 or 11 changes to something else
    [12:24:41 PM] Shiloh: It IS the New cosmic ID
    [12:26:05 PM] Shiloh: Madonna=62=Magdalene=Queen
    [12:26:17 PM] Shiloh: 26 backwards as DOG=GOD
    [12:26:40 PM] Shiloh: But actually I dont know the deeper meanings here
    [12:27:09 PM] Shiloh: 38=11=Bride and DD's number
    [12:27:18 PM] Shiloh: But then 44=Elder=8=62 as well
    [12:27:35 PM] Sirius 17: right hmm that is strange
    [12:27:49 PM] Shiloh: I dont know and there are still 10 days to go
    [12:27:52 PM] Sirius 17: i am checking on curry again
    [12:28:29 PM] Shiloh: Now tell me what you feel about Madonna when you felt this
    [12:28:45 PM] Shiloh: My intuition is not strong enough
    [12:38:31 PM] Sirius 17: i just wished that dd were more like her
    [12:38:37 PM] Sirius 17: and that she was your core instead
    [12:39:19 PM] Shiloh: Weird
    [12:39:31 PM] Sirius 17: more like her in the sense that even though she is the 'material' girl she is no longer ignorant you the world and its BS
    [12:39:41 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [12:39:56 PM] Shiloh: kabbalah friendly though the nabs way
    [12:40:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes but this is the zohar you know
    [12:40:23 PM] Shiloh: It is just strange that you would get an impresion over this
    [12:40:24 PM] Sirius 17: she carries a copy of it with her always
    [12:40:38 PM] Shiloh: It was clearly her
    [12:40:45 PM] Sirius 17: and Madonna has catholic upbringing
    [12:40:51 PM] Sirius 17: as you might know
    [12:40:58 PM] Shiloh: Yes Italiano
    [12:41:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes, so yeah this is really strange to me too. I was wishing she could be your core and how would it be if madonna was privy to the 'insider' info like us and what she would then be like
    [12:42:05 PM] Shiloh: Well she is my age plus or minus 1
    [12:42:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [12:42:19 PM] Shiloh: I dont know
    [12:42:26 PM] Sirius 17: i dont either dear
    [12:42:31 PM] Shiloh: What it means actually
    [12:42:58 PM] Shiloh: I added this to the chart
    [12:43:19 PM] Sirius 17: what?
    [12:43:45 PM] Shiloh: Those 3½ days
    [12:43:48 PM] Sirius 17: omg i am a good cook lol
    [12:43:53 PM] Shiloh: It relates to this you see
    [12:44:00 PM] Sirius 17: this curry is the bomb
    [12:44:09 PM] Sirius 17: oh i look at it
    [12:44:11 PM] Sirius 17: on spruz
    [12:45:48 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 6:8
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

    [12:46:08 PM] Shiloh: It is a third everywhere else
    [12:47:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw this
    [12:47:44 PM] Sirius 17: and the astro stuff too
    [12:51:09 PM] Shiloh: Yes it fits with the Death Tarot card
    [12:51:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes transformation
    [12:51:39 PM] Sirius 17: and yeah i can identify with all of it
    [12:52:08 PM] Shiloh: it is a precarious time
    [12:52:15 PM] Sirius 17: i am feeling ok today, had some trouble breathing this morning though
    [12:52:27 PM] Shiloh: It should improve from now on
    [12:52:45 PM] Shiloh: The tail of the Ouroboros catches its head today; closing the Circle of the Behemoth-Leviathan in Job
    [12:54:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw that, i thought it was on the 26th
    [12:55:37 PM] Shiloh: The 25th is the 1st day of the end, say the Old HeavenHell and the 26th is the 1st day of the New HeavenHell as the AlphaOmega sabbath yes
    [12:56:01 PM] Sirius 17: but i can see this is like your squaring the circle pythagorus stuff too right
    [12:56:28 PM] Shiloh: Yes, you could say this is a form of 'Squaring the Circle'
    [12:56:33 PM] Sirius 17: this is it the scorpio wand more or less arcing its way through the mazzaroth
    [12:57:03 PM] Shiloh: It is all related to the final 8 weeks to the Rainbow Covenant
    [12:57:09 PM] Sirius 17: hailing the appearance of ophiuchus
    [12:57:19 PM] Shiloh: Starting September 10th and ending November 5th
    [12:57:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [12:57:54 PM] Shiloh: As the Palm-Sunday to Whit-Sunday timewarp; Ophiuchus is November 22nd-23rd as the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp and as the mirror image of for the Taurus-Gemini cusp May 21st-22nd the Arachne 14th sign say
    [12:58:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know god i can't think of the name of the chart its on either; something pythagorian i used to have all these charts on my old computer, its buried someplace in spruz
    [1:12:59 PM] Sirius 17:


    [1:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: this one the stargates of israel in the octogon of pythagoras
    [1:13:40 PM] Sirius 17: your drawing on the chart reminded me of this
    [1:13:49 PM] Sirius 17: sorry it took me so long to find it
    [1:14:17 PM] Sirius 17: i was searching my computer first thinking i had it
    [1:14:23 PM] Sirius 17: i knew i had it someplace lol
    [1:15:01 PM] Shiloh: It is interesting to compare the Tarot 13-14-15-16 to the Egyptian Cartouche
    [1:15:15 PM] Shiloh: I will add this to the post
    [1:15:40 PM] Shiloh: Yes the Octagon chart depicts the 13th starsign
    [1:16:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i thought you were referring to this in your little diagram on the new chart
    [1:17:31 PM] Sirius 17: i wish i knew what the hell your dream means
    [1:17:47 PM] Sirius 17: i think it is important
    [1:20:37 PM] Shiloh: So do I
    [1:20:54 PM] Shiloh: It is important for the ment-ment template for all cores
    [1:27:45 PM] Sirius 17: where are you posting?
    [1:28:03 PM] Shiloh: spruz and the letters
    [1:30:15 PM] Sirius 17: you know you should say something to Rok and Xeia
    [1:30:20 PM] Sirius 17: in core
    [1:30:31 PM] Sirius 17: i think they are waiting for you to come on
    [1:30:41 PM] Sirius 17: and your hiding lol
    [1:30:49 PM] Shiloh: I will when they talk to you there
    [1:31:01 PM] Shiloh: I am looking for those cards
    [1:31:12 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok


    [1:31:12 PM]

    [1:56:34 PM] Shiloh: I edited and now you can see the correlation between the:
    [1:57:27 PM] Shiloh: 1. Waters of the Murkiness of Scorpio transforming into the Eage-Phoenix of the metamorphosis of the human caterpillar into the starhuman butterfly
    [1:57:49 PM] Shiloh: 2. Earth of the Temperance in the 'mixing of the waters' by the 'cosmic watchers' or observers
    [1:58:07 PM] Shiloh: 3. Sirius or ET connect to the Devil as the harmonisations of the oppositions in a new nondual perception
    [1:58:33 PM] Shiloh: 4. Lotus as the 'Home of the Elements' connect to the Tower of Destruction as the 'Fall of Babylon' as the false image 'Whore=69=Jehovah' of Old Jerusalem-Barbelo
    [1:58:55 PM] Shiloh: For the timeline of the 3½ days of metaphysical darkness from October 22nd to October 26th, 2013
    [2:06:36 PM] Sirius 17: where is the edit again?
    [2:06:40 PM] Sirius 17: sorry i was cleaning up
    [2:06:56 PM] Sirius 17: my kitchen was a disaster after the curry
    [2:11:30 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok i see it
    [2:12:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes i like these egyptian cards
    [2:13:11 PM] Sirius 17: in Tarot, the tower is more like the real death card
    [2:13:23 PM] Sirius 17: if i see it in someones reading it means serious shi20
    [2:14:02 PM] Sirius 17: because it means like earth shattering change ususally
    [2:14:07 PM] Sirius 17: clean slate
    [2:14:34 PM] Sirius 17: depending on how it is aspected to other cards it could mean serious health problems or even death
    [2:14:35 PM] Shiloh: yes and its 13-14-15-16 as the 3½ days of darkness
    [2:14:59 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i see how you have them
    [2:15:36 PM] Sirius 17: the tower is not always bad but it definately indicates ground breaking changes
    [2:15:49 PM] Sirius 17: something so radical and unexpected
    [2:15:58 PM] Sirius 17: i hate that card lol
    [2:16:11 PM] Sirius 17: think of a bolt of lightening through your brain
    [2:16:20 PM] Sirius 17: it gives me chills
    [2:16:28 PM] Shiloh: I like the card
    [2:16:29 PM] Sirius 17: and i mean a real one
    [2:16:49 PM] Shiloh: I dont particularly like the Old World and its human mindedness
    [2:17:31 PM] Sirius 17: well the times i have seen it in a negative aspect in someones reading they died or someone they knew died
    [2:17:39 PM] Sirius 17: i seriously hate that card
    [2:17:46 PM] Sirius 17: for that reason
    [2:18:02 PM] Shiloh: Egyptian #14 is the Thoth-Earth-Pyramid sequence as 5-14-23


    [2:18:19 PM] Sirius 17: it has only happend a few times but it was enough that it freaks me out
    [2:18:56 PM] Shiloh: Well the dreams do indicate this, as does the 'one left and one taken' code in Matthew and in the GOT
    [2:19:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [2:19:46 PM] Sirius 17: i am not afraid of death, but i sure hate to see anyone die
    [2:20:10 PM] Sirius 17: its just such a waste
    [2:20:10 PM] Shiloh: It refers to the old seed dying to become a new seed
    [2:20:39 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i also know what Jesus said about loosing your old life to gain a new one
    [2:20:42 PM] Sirius 17: i get it
    [2:20:49 PM] Sirius 17: fine with me
    [2:21:09 PM] Sirius 17: the old world has nothing for us anyhow
    [2:21:50 PM] Shiloh:

    1 Corinthians 15:35-37

    35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
    36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
    37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:

    [2:22:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes related to the one in the GOT also about the man round about the lamb

    (60) <They saw> a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb."
    They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it."
    He said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse."
    They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise."
    He said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten."

    [2:24:13 PM] Sirius 17: lol number 60=WORD also
    [2:24:21 PM] Sirius 17: the Alpha and Omega
    [2:25:27 PM] Shiloh: Yes and 60=30+30 as the two parts of the Bread imaged and mirrored in each other
    [2:25:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:25:37 PM] Sirius 17: the barley and the rye
    [2:25:59 PM] Shiloh: The Wheat and the Chaff
    [2:26:12 PM] Sirius 17: that too
    [2:26:25 PM] Shiloh: The valuable cosmically and the dross to be thrown away or burnt to ashes for the Phoenix to rise from
    [2:27:08 PM] Sirius 17:

    Ezekiel 4:9

    9 Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof.

    [2:28:04 PM] Sirius 17: what is this one related to Tony?
    [2:28:26 PM] Sirius 17: 390 days i know
    [2:28:38 PM] Sirius 17: but what else
    [2:28:59 PM] Shiloh: Yes it relates to the 'feeding of the multitudes' with the 'manna from heaven'
    [2:29:03 PM] Sirius 17: it is good bread btw
    [2:29:11 PM] Sirius 17: if you actually make it lol
    [2:30:09 PM] Shiloh: The 390 days are the Ezekielian Left Siege of Israel AND the preparation of the four angels of Euphrates, which hold the four winds of destruction and visitation at check until those 390 days are completed
    [2:30:32 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [2:30:59 PM] Shiloh: The date is September 9th-10th, 2013
    [2:31:39 PM] Shiloh: 99 and 100 days before the fulfilment of the Euphrates prophecy
    [2:32:10 PM] Shiloh: It is also encoded in the Dead Sea Scrolls
    [2:32:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i remember talking to you about lying on the left and right sides of the bed, James and I
    [2:32:18 PM] Sirius 17: and how we have switched
    [2:32:19 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [2:39:46 PM] Sirius 17:

    Gavriel Navarro

    Lost on a white tuberose

    How could I tell you I am sad,
    that I miss so much your smile,
    the glow of your light blue eyes,
    the thick perfume of your soul
    pouring sweetly over your voice,
    while I love you in my silence
    beyond desire with no return,
    caring on my lips the warmth
    of your taste, rooted within me.

    As to say so many things sublime
    stored within the pain in my chest,
    that my heart is one ripped rose
    crying blood and honey petals.
    How to remove the gap of absence
    in this outpouring purplish river,
    calling you with the power of agony
    and thus do not let you go this noon
    when the sun shines on this love
    Lost on a white tuberose....

    Gavriel Navarro© 2013​

    [2:40:02 PM] Sirius 17: he is getting pretty good with his poetry
    [2:40:08 PM] Sirius 17: i thought i would share
    [2:40:35 PM] Sirius 17: Barbara and Andrew invited him to our poetry group and this is what he just posted
    [2:41:23 PM] Shiloh: yes its good
    [2:42:18 PM] Sirius 17:

    Gavriel Navarro


    To whom could I ask
    why bodies transmute
    enlightened of intellect
    dissolved beneath the land.

    Today I ask for an extension
    while you get used
    to the sound of my absence
    under my silence.

    I am no longer that blurry man
    that the earth swallowed.
    I am infinite substance
    Twilight and Shadow

    Abyss and rock salt
    undiluted in time...

    Gavriel Navarro© 2013​

    [2:42:23 PM] Sirius 17: he posted this one yesterday
    [2:42:54 PM] Sirius 17: i like it too
    [2:43:23 PM] Sirius 17: i always liked Gav, haunted soul he is
    [2:43:32 PM] Sirius 17: deeply emotional
    [2:43:59 PM] Sirius 17: i appreciate his artistry with words and his depth
    [2:44:25 PM] Sirius 17: it was strange his role with us
    [2:44:35 PM] Sirius 17: and 44
    [2:45:22 PM] Sirius 17: so many misunderstandings that were not necessary
    [2:45:31 PM] Sirius 17: it does feel like we are turning new pages
    [2:45:37 PM] Sirius 17: can you feel it?
    [2:45:49 PM] Sirius 17: like maybe they can see things now
    [2:45:53 PM] Sirius 17: like mudra
    [2:46:08 PM] Shiloh: One can only hope so
    [2:46:13 PM] Sirius 17: aye
    [2:46:16 PM] Sirius 17: i do hope so
    [2:47:03 PM] Sirius 17: do you think 44 will come back?
    [2:47:10 PM] Shiloh: I dont know
    [2:47:51 PM] Shiloh: Can she become Lassie or not? This is the question for me and the MILD
    [2:48:08 PM] Sirius 17: i am sad
    [2:48:14 PM] Shiloh: If not she is free from us and all things Thuban and the Logos
    [2:48:40 PM] Sirius 17: its so sad to me that she couldn't just talk to us like she did you that one day...the whole two years
    [2:48:50 PM] Sirius 17: what we could of all done
    [2:48:57 PM] Sirius 17: and became
    [2:49:06 PM] Shiloh: She is Nabs fuc11ed to the extreme and now by the Barbara Marciniak Nabs
    [2:49:22 PM] Shiloh: 'Clan mothers from the Pleiadeans', come on
    [2:49:29 PM] Sirius 17: i think she left because she was sad about Xeia and Rok meeting
    [2:49:52 PM] Shiloh: BM has some nice points and I have a few books from her, but overall it is just more Nabs
    [2:49:58 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know i just get a feeling that she wishes that it could be you and her but is too stuborn to say her deepest wish
    [2:50:04 PM] Sirius 17: too fuc11ing stuborn
    [2:50:06 PM] Sirius 17: it is so sad
    [2:50:23 PM] Shiloh: One can only try to fathom
    [2:50:42 PM] Sirius 17: i dont either but this is what i felt
    [2:50:51 PM] Sirius 17: maybe i am wishfully thinking
    [2:50:55 PM] Shiloh: Perhaps
    [2:51:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes she has been totally highjacked by the nabs for sure
    [2:52:01 PM] Sirius 17: there will be no more answers there for her
    [2:52:07 PM] Sirius 17: only emptyness
    [2:52:18 PM] Sirius 17: she can't see this yet
    [2:52:34 PM] Sirius 17: it can't be long now though
    [2:52:44 PM] Sirius 17: the world is so empty
    [2:53:05 PM] Sirius 17: i can't even bear to look at our news here
    [2:53:13 PM] Sirius 17: everyday another atrocity
    [2:53:23 PM] Sirius 17: another shooting
    [2:53:27 PM] Sirius 17: this time the children
    [2:53:31 PM] Sirius 17: wild guns
    [2:53:50 PM] Sirius 17: day after day of this emptiness
    [2:54:25 PM] Sirius 17: you cannot look to the nabs for answers when this kind of shi20 permeates the world
    [2:54:36 PM] Sirius 17: and go tralalala
    [2:54:48 PM] Sirius 17: its not fuc11ing funny
    [2:54:59 PM] Sirius 17: its gross beyond gross
    [2:55:36 PM] Sirius 17: but go ahead and go to your nabs conventions and pay your money for some BS artist to tell you what it is all about
    [2:55:50 PM] Sirius 17: buy your books and your crystals and your DVDs
    [2:55:57 PM] Shiloh: It would be funny, were it not so sad indeed
    [2:56:03 PM] Sirius 17: ignore the emptiness around you
    2:56:42 PM] Sirius 17: the whole lot of them are living in LA LA land
    [2:56:58 PM] Sirius 17: oh we'll just wait for the rapture
    [2:57:10 PM] Shiloh: It will be a long wait
    [2:57:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:57:34 PM] Sirius 17: the crows are gathering in big flocks now
    [2:57:43 PM] Sirius 17: carrion feast
    [2:57:51 PM] Shiloh: As written
    [2:58:20 PM] Shiloh: The 'alchemical wedding feast and supepr of the lamb, when all the fowls of heaven are gathered
    [2:59:46 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 19:17-21

    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

    19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

    20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

    [3:00:36 PM] Sirius 17: amen lol
    [3:01:11 PM] Sirius 17: i did see the largest murder of crows ever flying overhead yesterday
    [3:01:15 PM] Sirius 17: it was thousands
    [3:01:40 PM] Sirius 17: i have seen them before in the fall but not this many
    [3:01:47 PM] Sirius 17: it was quite a site to behold
    [3:01:50 PM] Shiloh: It is the new jurisdiction from the highest realms, no matter what the nabsers and the skeptics make of it
    [3:02:03 PM] Sirius 17: i smiled
    [3:02:08 PM] Sirius 17: i knew what it meant
    [3:02:57 PM] Sirius 17: it made me happy inside to see them
    [3:02:59 PM] Shiloh: The Ravens de Noah flying towards the Rainbow Covenant
    [3:03:04 PM] Sirius 17: aye
    [3:03:16 PM] Sirius 17: the new land
    [3:03:27 PM] Sirius 17: they are flying to claim it
    [3:04:34 PM] Shiloh: Yes, because the insider observer can look through the deception facade of the human mind created Devil as the Lived - displaced by the face of the Logos
    [3:05:27 PM] Shiloh: The Janus of new beginnings
    [3:05:51 PM] Shiloh: Iow, Abba has opened the gate of the Baab
    [3:06:06 PM] Shiloh: The Goddess is leaving her cocoon
    [3:06:13 PM] Shiloh: Madonna again
    [3:06:35 PM] Shiloh: 62=Queen=Magdalene=Madonna and she is both black and white
    [3:07:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:08:29 PM] Shiloh: Once the new jurisprudence exists and the 'Words of Jesus' are fulfilled, then the Earth goddess herself will become executor of this new legislature
    [3:09:02 PM] Shiloh: And this will become cosmic law from November 5th, 2013
    [3:09:25 PM] Shiloh: No Nabs or conspiracy theories required
    [3:10:03 PM] Shiloh: It will all manifest naturally in a new track and path taken by the entire cosmos evolving as a reconfigured omni-verse

    [3:11:39 PM] Sirius 17:

    [3:11:43 PM] Sirius 17: can you watch this one?
    [3:12:45 PM] Sirius 17:
    00:00 - 03:00 Animal
    03:01 - 05:57 Set The Right
    05:58 - 09:01 Is This Love? (Bon d'Accord)
    09:02 - 12:09 I'm In Love With Love
    12:10 - 14:58 Keep The Trance
    14:59 - 19:44 History (Land of the Free)
    19:45 - 23:34 (Traveling) Across The Sky
    23:35 - 28:25 Broken (Don't U Feel Sorry)
    28:26 - 31:54 Triggering (Your Senses)
    31:55 - 35:37 Revenge
    35:38 - 39:47 Like An Angel Passing Through My Room (ABBA Cover)
    39:48 - 44:15 Liquid Love

    Bonus Track:
    44:16 - 49:22 No Substitute For Love

    [3:12:50 PM] Sirius 17: this is the playlist
    [3:13:35 PM] Shiloh: Well she was very cosy indeed and really desired my attentions lol. He back and skin was so smooth
    [3:13:49 PM] Sirius 17: its just so weird i was thinking how would it be if she met you for real
    [3:14:08 PM] Sirius 17: she is seeking i know that
    [3:14:09 PM] Shiloh: Oh we clicked , she even said so
    [3:14:17 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:14:19 PM] Sirius 17: i am sure
    [3:14:37 PM] Shiloh: She said something like: "This is why we understand each other so well..."
    [3:14:43 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [3:14:53 PM] Sirius 17: i know she would so get us
    [3:15:08 PM] Shiloh: Who knows, I always liked her energy and love sharing her too
    [3:15:09 PM] Sirius 17: i see her as a Thuban
    [3:15:28 PM] Sirius 17: even though she doesn't know about us likely
    [3:15:30 PM] Shiloh: But one must 'have something', before one can share it lol
    [3:15:31 PM] Sirius 17: higher D she does
    [3:16:09 PM] Sirius 17: lol well if your ever going to meet her it will have to be the Logos that does it
    [3:17:28 PM] Sirius 17: she would make a remarkable whore of Jesus though, wouldn't she?
    [3:17:31 PM] Sirius 17: haha
    [3:17:41 PM] Sirius 17: she is a rebel
    [3:18:06 PM] Shiloh: Oh she would be a magnificent New Jerusalem
    [3:18:35 PM] Shiloh: She is ageless and seemed eternal in my dream
    [3:18:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and sexy as you are
    [3:18:56 PM] Shiloh: I wish
    [3:19:15 PM] Shiloh: Well she saw no 'lackings' in me as others do
    [3:19:25 PM] Sirius 17: you are that sexy dear
    [3:19:27 PM] Sirius 17: we all are
    [3:19:31 PM] Shiloh: Yes, as dragons we are
    [3:19:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes well the 'others' are looking with human eyes
    [3:20:28 PM] Sirius 17: lol how weird Tony
    [3:20:34 PM] Sirius 17: for you to dream of Madonna
    [3:20:46 PM] Shiloh: I know and it was lucid
    [3:21:07 PM] Sirius 17: but you know if the Logos wanted a rockstar it would pick someone like her lol
    [3:21:10 PM] Shiloh: I could not believe, that she wanted me
    [3:21:25 PM] Sirius 17: why?
    [3:21:30 PM] Sirius 17: your hot
    [3:22:05 PM] Shiloh: In my dream, I simply was with her on a bed talking. But then it evolved into a partnership on her instigation not mine
    [3:23:29 PM] Sirius 17: but you know i was thinking along these lines yesterday infact....thinking to myself that we deserve to hit lotto and everything else only possible for the rich...all this should be possible now for us, why should we suffer anymore ? and then i was thinking that immortals don't suffer this world and its BS, we just rule it all.
    [3:23:55 PM] Shiloh: keep on dreaming; it might just eventuate
    [3:24:00 PM] Sirius 17: why not lol
    [3:24:11 PM] Shiloh: ? noT
    [3:24:16 PM] Sirius 17: this is how it could evolve you know
    [3:24:21 PM] Sirius 17: suddenly the poor people become rich
    [3:24:25 PM] Sirius 17: it flips
    [3:24:25 PM] Shiloh: 74=47
    [3:24:31 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [3:24:44 PM] Sirius 17: cosmic justice lol
    [3:24:53 PM] Sirius 17: this of course would be pure Logos
    [3:25:00 PM] Sirius 17: but can you imagine
    [3:25:09 PM] Shiloh: I have no expectations, but one can dream
    [3:25:13 PM] Sirius 17: being in the right place at the right time always lol
    [3:25:45 PM] Sirius 17: well it was sort of a vision and day dream
    [3:25:59 PM] Sirius 17: i don't expect anything either
    [3:26:27 PM] Shiloh: It is amazing and certainly no coincidence, but confirmation of something, that you felt this before I had this dream
    [3:26:31 PM] Sirius 17: but how funny i thought if an immortal hit lotto
    [3:26:51 PM] Sirius 17: cosmic justice indeed lol
    [3:27:01 PM] Sirius 17: well it must mean something
    [3:27:35 PM] Sirius 17: because those who have suffered have had enough
    [3:27:38 PM] Sirius 17: that includes us
    [3:27:44 PM] Shiloh: It does indeed
    [3:27:47 PM] Sirius 17: blessed is the man who has suffered and found life
    [3:27:50 PM] Sirius 17: you know? It is our turn!
    [3:28:24 PM] Sirius 17: but it somehow is not about the money
    [3:28:29 PM] Sirius 17: but the reward
    [3:28:41 PM] Shiloh: Well I was pleasantly surprised in this yes
    [3:29:14 PM] Sirius 17: and so it fits with Madonna not making it a big issue you had no money
    [3:29:24 PM] Sirius 17: it also sort of fits with my situation too
    [3:29:36 PM] Shiloh: Yes, just she addressing this was strange
    [3:29:43 PM] Sirius 17: James told me that he will take care of me even if i can't work again
    [3:30:01 PM] Sirius 17: its not about the money he said or someone taking care of him, but the love and the US as a team
    [3:30:52 PM] Sirius 17: he told me that he was not with me for any of that and if it means taking care of me to prove it he will
    [3:30:59 PM] Sirius 17: to prove he loves me
    [3:31:00 PM] Shiloh: This would be a cool hexcore indeed!
    [3:31:23 PM] Shiloh: Not many would say no to Madonna
    [3:31:26 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:31:35 PM] Sirius 17: i can't imagine no
    [3:32:59 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow, James made me cry when he said all this to me
    [3:33:28 PM] Sirius 17: because that is how i have felt about us all along you know
    [3:33:44 PM] Shiloh: This might also reflect in XeiaRok now
    [3:34:07 PM] Sirius 17: and we are the pearls
    [3:34:16 PM] Sirius 17: of great price
    [3:34:17 PM] Shiloh: As you say, the Logos and waves might integrate from the higher realms now in the JCCJ and the LoFaB
    [3:34:48 PM] Shiloh: We should put this on core
    [3:34:57 PM] Sirius 17: sure you paste it
    [3:35:00 PM] Sirius 17: i always have trouble
    [3:35:07 PM] Shiloh: Ok

    [3:37:07 PM] Sirius 17:

    "Broken (I'm Sorry)"
    (Don't you feel sorry, don't you feel sorry...)

    Broken like a crooked smile
    A little hunched over but I walked that mile
    I've woken from a fuzzy dream
    You never would believe the things that I have seen

    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I'm right where the universe wants me to be
    A lesson that I needed to learn
    But that doesn't mean that it doesn't burn

    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I won't change my story
    Don't take all my glory
    Don't you feel sorry for me

    Tied up with leather and rope
    A little bit of medicine to give me hope
    I'm inky like a smoking gun
    It's gonna take a while to heal the damage done

    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I'm right where the universe wants me to be
    A lesson that I needed to learn (A lesson that I needed to learn)
    But that doesn't mean that it doesn't burn

    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I won't change my story
    Don't take all my glory
    Don't you feel sorry for me

    (A lesson that I needed to learn)
    No pain, no gain, no defective parts
    No dirty business, no forgiveness, no broken heart

    (Don't you feel sorry)

    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I won't change my story
    Don't take all my glory
    Don't you feel sorry for me

    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry
    Don't you feel sorry for me
    'Cause I won't change my story
    Don't take all my glory
    Don't you feel sorry for me

    [3:39:50 PM] Sirius 17: Madonna

    "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room"

    Long awaited darkness falls
    Casting shadows on the walls
    In the twilight hour I am alone
    Sitting near the fireplace, dying embers warm my face
    In this peaceful solitude
    All the outside world subdued
    Everything comes back to me again
    In the gloom
    Like an angel passing through my room

    Half awake and half in dreams
    Seeing long forgotten scenes
    So the present runs into the past
    Now and then become entwined, playing games within my mind
    Like the embers as they die
    Love was one prolonged good-bye
    And it all comes back to me tonight
    In the gloom
    Like an angel passing through my room

    I close my eyes
    And my twilight images go by
    All too soon
    Like an angel passing through my room

    [3:40:16 PM] Sirius 17: these are all songs off of this album
    [3:40:25 PM] Sirius 17: well these two were interesting
    [3:40:28 PM] Sirius 17: they all are
    [3:47:22 PM] Sirius 17:

    [3:47:26 PM] Sirius 17: have you seen this?
    [3:49:00 PM] Shiloh: Fake photoshopped
    [3:49:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes i just found the symbology interesting
    [3:49:50 PM] Sirius 17: being escorted by two ET's lol
    [3:49:57 PM] Shiloh: Yes true
    [3:50:03 PM] Sirius 17: JCCJ
    [3:51:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes the NABS videos on this are prolific
    [3:52:33 PM] Shiloh: And the Nabsers fall for them
    [3:53:24 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:53:33 PM] Sirius 17: Brook doesn't feel welcome at the mists?
    [3:53:34 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:53:47 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder who talked her into coming back
    [3:55:14 PM] Shiloh: siriarc
    [3:56:25 PM] Sirius 17: oh yeah true i had not thought about him
    [3:58:09 PM] Sirius 17: lol Tony your sharing our entire convo on MOA?
    [3:59:08 PM] Sirius 17: trying to get Carol to ban us or what? lol
    [4:01:21 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:01:28 PM] Sirius 17: you should add this in someplace
    [4:01:38 PM] Sirius 17: some of the images and explanation are good
    [4:01:56 PM] Sirius 17: goes with the octagon of pythagoras stuff too
    [4:02:11 PM] Shiloh: Iwas just about to end the 'sharing'
    [4:02:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes well it shows the serpent tamer is cosmic
    [4:02:49 PM] Sirius 17: written in the stars...
    [4:03:16 PM] Shiloh: It is a very important day Raven, when the Tail of the Ouroboros catches its Head or vice versal
    [4:03:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes checkmate lol
    [4:03:45 PM] Shiloh: I dont care if they ban us. This is just for the testimonial now approaching its end and completion
    [4:04:05 PM] Sirius 17: i know you don't, neither do i really
    [4:04:10 PM] Shiloh: I know
    [4:05:20 PM] Shiloh:
    [4:05:42 PM] Shiloh: And

    [11:48:34 AM - Sunday, October 27th, 2013 +11UCT]
    Shiloh: A Lion's Gate to the Cosmic Sun

    [11:48:55 AM] Shiloh: The offering of the old human body to the cosmic lover
    [11:49:10 AM] Sirius 17: Yes hotness
    [11:49:21 AM] Shiloh: Apollo and Artemis
    [11:49:41 AM] Shiloh: Sun God and Moon Goddess
    [11:50:03 AM] Shiloh: The gate is the Baab of the Yoni as the 'Buckle of Isis'
    [11:50:18 AM] Shiloh: Why I chose this pic
    [11:50:38 AM] Sirius 17: yeah its nice
    [11:50:39 AM] Shiloh: The seduction of the cosmic sun
    [11:50:54 AM] Shiloh: You can weave your own interpretations now
    [11:52:38 AM] Shiloh: So all 3 core templates will prevail and exist until the 'Hour' is up in any case
    [11:53:08 AM] Shiloh: I dont know what will be the case after Tuesday, Nov 3rd though
    [11:53:41 AM] Shiloh: This is when Ork is returning or thereabouts
    [11:53:56 AM] Sirius 17: yes i dont like him saying it is over
    [11:54:29 AM] Sirius 17: but maybe our old world roles are
    [11:54:31 AM] Sirius 17: over
    [11:54:40 AM] Shiloh: The way Devo treats him is indicative of the end of this relationship - in human eyes though
    [11:54:46 AM] Shiloh: Yes
    [11:55:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes she is protecting her old world life out of fear of jumping into the new
    [11:55:22 AM] Shiloh: The Ouroboros DID catch its own tail see - on the day of the chat
    [11:55:26 AM] Sirius 17: it is infact a leap of faith
    [11:55:33 AM] Sirius 17: some never jump
    [11:55:54 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [11:56:49 AM] Shiloh: If this will grow into a real core, then this time now is like a cocooning period
    [11:57:10 AM] Shiloh: And all 3 YYYs are together and interwoven in this
    [11:57:16 AM] Shiloh: Until Nov 3rd
    [11:57:31 AM] Shiloh: There will be NO escape
    [11:58:04 AM] Shiloh: October 26th was the AlphaOmega Sabbath
    [11:58:15 AM] Shiloh: You see the significance now of this?
    [11:58:34 AM] Sirius 17: oh yeah and i feel it
    [11:59:06 AM] Shiloh: Yes, last thing I expected was to cam and talk to 44 sort of
    [11:59:29 AM] Shiloh: So no planning on my behalf
    [11:59:35 AM] Sirius 17: none of last night was really expected
    [11:59:56 AM] Sirius 17: but i really did feel that Devo felt better after we talked to her
    [12:00:26 PM] Shiloh: She seemed to come back to her senses
    [12:01:17 PM] Shiloh: Her 3 years of jealousy memes and her Nabs belief in this romance form of the New World caught up with her
    [12:01:35 PM] Sirius 17: you know i dont think they realise what the END really means
    [12:01:57 PM] Sirius 17:

    (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

    [12:02:09 PM] Shiloh: If JCCJ have interacted they CANNOT be separated anymore
    [12:02:21 PM] Sirius 17: nope
    [12:02:29 PM] Sirius 17: it is the BEGINING
    [12:02:31 PM] Shiloh: As said, this will then become the reconfig
    [12:02:35 PM] Shiloh: Yes of the New World using its generated blueprint cores
    [12:03:32 PM] Sirius 17: i am feeling much better physically today
    [12:03:49 PM] Shiloh: The old Eve going back to old Adam will trigger all sorts of regrets and ponderings from the deepest level of her soul
    [12:03:55 PM] Sirius 17: my strength is back more than it was before
    [12:04:01 PM] Shiloh: She forgot her own beingness
    [12:04:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes you are right, it will and she will be filled with regret
    [12:04:30 PM] Sirius 17: i hope this is not the path she takes
    [12:04:34 PM] Shiloh: You looked 'on the mend' yesterday yes not sick to me at all
    [12:05:25 PM] Shiloh: It does not matter Raven. If JCCJ want this as a core, both Ork and Devo will lose their jealousies and old world possessiveness
    [12:05:41 PM] Sirius 17: i am bleeding though, i did start my period yesterday
    [12:06:01 PM] Sirius 17: not quite as heavy as before
    [12:06:04 PM] Shiloh: Hopefully only for a week
    [12:06:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes or a short time
    [12:06:18 PM] Sirius 17: i can't take it lol
    [12:06:21 PM] Shiloh: November 3rd
    [12:09:51 PM] Shiloh: You are talking to Ork?
    [12:11:09 PM] Sirius 17: no
    [12:11:26 PM] Sirius 17: i am waiting like you for him to come back from dinner

    [12:11:48 PM] Sirius 17: i was watching this
    [12:11:51 PM] Shiloh: He is handling this extra well overall
    [12:12:15 PM] Sirius 17: i have all these mushrooms that i need to do something with
    [12:12:55 PM] Sirius 17: well i dont know how he is handling it
    [12:12:57 PM] Shiloh: Yes with veggie soups and on pizzas for me
    [12:12:58 PM] Sirius 17: i am worried
    [12:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: i dont want him to spin into a deep depression should she leave
    [12:13:40 PM] Shiloh: Its an issue yes, as you saw with Adam
    [12:13:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes but i felt Adam also understood me
    [12:14:03 PM] Shiloh: He did
    [12:14:18 PM] Shiloh: But you have the GOT key, Ork has not
    [12:14:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes but Ork has us
    [12:14:35 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:14:42 PM] Sirius 17: no matter what
    [12:14:47 PM] Shiloh: Of course
    [12:15:17 PM] Shiloh: He is in New Mexico?
    [12:15:49 PM] Sirius 17: no they are in cancun or tulum i guess
    [12:15:53 PM] Sirius 17: a little south of cancun
    [12:15:56 PM] Sirius 17: Mexico
    [12:16:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes near Macchu Piccu
    [12:16:27 PM] Sirius 17:
    [12:16:39 PM] Shiloh: He has a rooom for a week in a hotel?
    [12:16:39 PM] Sirius 17: no near teotechuacan i think
    [12:16:53 PM] Sirius 17: the trip is paid for as far as i know
    [12:16:56 PM] Shiloh: Well I dont know the place
    [12:17:15 PM] Shiloh: Hans phoned Devo?
    [12:17:48 PM] Sirius 17: from the sounds of it i guess so or Devo talked to 45 and that is what he said to her
    [12:18:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:18:16 PM] Shiloh: 3D world dramas
    [12:18:34 PM] Shiloh: You dont cancel such a meet except in an emergency
    [12:18:48 PM] Shiloh: And this is emotional blackmail and no emergency physical
    [12:19:52 PM] Sirius 17:
    [12:19:59 PM] Sirius 17: i agree
    [12:21:18 PM] Shiloh: Sightseeing Nabs yes with real energies. But after Devo's proclamations in her reply to mater, her behaviour is a little weakminded
    [12:21:41 PM] Sirius 17:
    [12:22:00 PM] Sirius 17: so yeah they are down in the area of all these mayan pyramids
    [12:22:14 PM] Sirius 17: yucatan penisula
    [12:22:18 PM] Sirius 17: gorgeous
    [12:22:26 PM] Sirius 17: i would NOT leave lol
    [12:22:27 PM] Shiloh: But 45 misses his mum and mum's gotta run
    [12:22:52 PM] Shiloh: False mother instincts human imo
    [12:22:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes well she is feeling guilt pains i guess
    [12:23:03 PM] Shiloh: Rather
    [12:23:22 PM] Shiloh: Dragons feel guilt?
    [12:23:41 PM] Sirius 17: no
    [12:23:47 PM] Shiloh: Or do they think deeply in wisdoms before they act or do anything
    [12:24:09 PM] Sirius 17: they definitely think before they act
    [12:24:13 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:24:44 PM] Sirius 17: and fear does not motivate them
    [12:25:26 PM] Shiloh: Italy's Mount Etna volcano erupts

    ROME | Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:10pm BST
    (Reuters) - Europe's tallest and most active volcano Mount Etna erupted on Saturday, spewing glowing lava into the air and sending a vast plume of smoke over the southern Italian island of Sicily.
    The eruption did not require any mountain villages to be evacuated or cause significant disruption, though airspace over Sicily was briefly closed on Saturday morning, according to Catania airport.
    The volcano is in almost constant activity, although the last major eruption was in 1992. The latest eruption was preceded by a series of underground tremors on Friday.
    (Reporting by Naomi O'Leary; editing by Mike Collett-White)

    [12:25:53 PM] Sirius 17: lol interesting
    [12:26:26 PM] Shiloh: Isn't the place they are called Cataluna?
    [12:27:19 PM] Sirius 17: Catalonia
    [12:27:26 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [12:27:33 PM] Sirius 17: very similar name though
    [12:27:44 PM] Shiloh: [12:25 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< Catania airport. Closed

    [12:27:56 PM] Shiloh: Symbolic synchro
    [12:28:32 PM] Shiloh: Catalonia=Catania + LO
    [12:28:53 PM] Shiloh: Often used in the scripture codes as an expression emphasis
    [12:29:09 PM] Shiloh: Lo, here he comes!

    [12:30:25 PM] Shiloh:

    Genesis 15:3
    And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
    Genesis 19:28
    And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
    Genesis 37:7
    For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.
    Genesis 42:28
    And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
    Genesis 47:23
    Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.
    Genesis 48:11
    And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed.
    Genesis 50:5
    My father made me swear, saying, Lo, I die: in my grave which I have digged for me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou bury me. Now therefore let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father, and I will come again.

    [12:34:37 PM] Shiloh: 7 lo's from Genesis
    [12:36:04 PM] Shiloh: Catania = Canaait = Canaan +O[15]
    [12:37:35 PM] Shiloh: Catalonia = Catania+LO=Canaait+LO=Canaan +[12]LOL[12]
    [12:39:27 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [12:39:30 PM] Shiloh: LOL
    [12:39:47 PM] Sirius 17: i am not sure they will find this funny
    [12:39:54 PM] Shiloh: They wont
    [12:40:13 PM] Shiloh: But the volcano Mount Etna erupted
    [12:40:25 PM] Shiloh: Madonna's place
    [12:40:36 PM] Shiloh: Debbie's House
    [12:40:55 PM] Sirius 17: haha
    [12:41:17 PM] Sirius 17: well 44 did say they fuc11ed shortly before she made her decision
    [12:41:38 PM] Shiloh: Debbie's House of waves in Debra's House of the morphic ODEs
    [12:41:38 PM] Sirius 17: mental and physical explosions
    [12:42:09 PM] Shiloh: If he gave her honey it will prove decisive in a way
    [12:44:47 PM] Shiloh: I felt the kundalini and it became cosmically manifested in an agency
    [12:45:09 PM] Shiloh: They wont be able to run away from that, both of them
    [12:46:11 PM] Shiloh: You think the cosmic Ouroboros, who has waited for millennia will submit to human whimsicalities?
    [12:47:02 PM] Shiloh: Job's Behemoth has caught and entwined with Job's Leviathan
    [12:47:07 PM] Shiloh: 6+6=12
    [12:47:21 PM] Sirius 17: not likely
    [12:47:36 PM] Sirius 17: human problems are not it's concern
    [12:50:40 PM] Shiloh:

    The Queen Dragon Bees became inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 in for the Twinship of Reuben Aries and Simeon Taurus in the Head of the EarthFire of the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the Seagoatian Dragonhorns of the BEHEMOTH.

    The Queen Dragon Bees became inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Levi Gemini and Judah Leo in the Tail of the AirWater of the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins of the LEVIATHAN.

    [12:52:33 PM] Sirius 17: lol i remember this
    [12:53:10 PM] Shiloh: Yes and as a forerunner to yesterday
    [12:53:16 PM] Sirius 17: this was when Mary was with us huh?
    [12:53:21 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:53:40 PM] Shiloh: Mary is like Devo here, returning to the old status quo
    [12:53:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes the day the templates were set into motion
    [12:53:46 PM] Sirius 17: omg
    [12:53:49 PM] Sirius 17: your right
    [12:54:42 PM] Shiloh: The DevoOrk core template here relates the EarthFire to the AirWater via the FireWater
    [12:55:00 PM] Shiloh: A cosmic glue of sorts
    [12:55:25 PM Shiloh: Between the Behemoth and the Leviathan as the Head and the Tail of the Ouroboros
    [12:59:33 PM] Shiloh:

    The Queen Dragon Bees became Inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Dan Cancer with Napthali Libra in the Scales of the Cosmic Justice of the Motherhood.
    The Queen Dragon Bees became Inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Gad Virgo with Asher Sorpio in the Eagle of Andromeda.

    The Queen Dragon Bees became Inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Issachar Sagittarius with Zebulon Capricorn and in the Mirror and Shadow of Dinah Deborah Eagle Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer of the Ouroborus and in the 69 Impregnation of the Fellatio-Cunnilingus Pathway of the Eagle's Delivery.

    The Dragon Queen Bees became Inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Dinah Deborah Eagle Ophiuchus with Joseph Aquarius.

    The Queen Dragon Bees became Inseminated by the King Dragon Bees on October 26th, 2013 and Imaged after 10 Days on November 3rd, 2013 for the Twinship of Manasseh and Ephraim Aquarius Joseph with Benjamin Pisces and in the Mirror and Shadow of Dinah Deborah Eagle Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer of the Ouroborus.

    [1:04:03 PM] Shiloh: 12 starsigns in 13 and 24 elders in 26
    [1:05:36 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 4
    King James Version (KJV)
    1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
    2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
    3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
    4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
    5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
    6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
    7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
    8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
    9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,
    10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
    11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    [1:07:14 PM] Shiloh: The lion is Leo and the calf is Taurus and the man face is Aquarius and the flying eagle is Scorpio as the fixed starsigns and the gospels of Mark and Luke and Matthew and John respectively
    [1:08:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember this was like my one vision
    [1:08:32 PM] Sirius 17: when i saw us all laying around in a circle
    [1:08:46 PM] Sirius 17: our bodies were purple
    [1:09:20 PM] Sirius 17: and we were waiting to breathe or breathing shallow
    [1:09:31 PM] Sirius 17: to get the holy breath of God
    [1:10:01 PM] Sirius 17: all of us in a circle like the ouroborus




    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:39 pm; edited 13 times in total
  9. admin

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    • Post n°59

    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:08 am
    [4:06:37 PM-Friday, October 25th, 2013 +11UCT]
    Sirius 17:
    [4:06:43 PM] Sirius 17: this is interesting too
    [4:12:46 PM] Shiloh: Pretty cold yes
    [4:13:35 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:13:46 PM] Sirius 17: there are some good articles on here the past few days
    [4:16:38 PM] Shiloh: The CMMBR is 2.72 degrees Kelvin and this cosmic space patch is so 1 Kelvin
    [4:17:01 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:17:05 PM] Sirius 17: then there is this one too
    [4:17:24 PM] Sirius 17: both these last two articles coincide with these last days
    [4:17:33 PM] Sirius 17: 'ancient light'
    [4:18:28 PM] Shiloh: Those articles are always annoying to me, as they do not give the redshift
    [4:18:48 PM] Sirius 17:

    (50) Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

    [4:18:59 PM] Shiloh: There is a quasar wall at z=7.477 at so 236 million years after the Big Bang
    [4:19:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes they might if you trace them back to the orignal papers maybe
    [4:19:38 PM] Shiloh: Because their date is wrong, they superpose the 'time after the Big Bang' in those articles
    [4:19:59 PM] Shiloh: Oh I can calculate the redshift from the diistance
    [4:20:20 PM] Shiloh: But their redshifts are actually correct, whilst their times are wrong
    [4:21:00 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:21:14 PM] Shiloh: Always look for the redshift
    [4:21:19 PM] Sirius 17: this one gives 13.1 billion light years away
    [4:21:23 PM] Shiloh: Not their distances
    [4:21:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am
    [4:21:37 PM] Shiloh: 13.1 relative to 13.7 yes
    [4:21:42 PM] Shiloh: Both dates are wrong
    [4:22:09 PM] Shiloh: They are trying to 'cover their tracks' because they know something is fishy
    [4:22:50 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:24:58 PM] Sirius 17:

    Astronomers Discover the Most Distant Galaxy Yet
    Its light blasted into space when the universe was only 700 million years old.


    Astronomers have found a galaxy far, far away—13.1 billion light-years from Earth, to be exact.
    Photograph by V. Tilvi (Texas A&M), S. Finkelstein (UT Austin), the CANDELS Team, and HST/NASA
    Andrew Fazekas
    National Geographic
    Published October 23, 2013

    Astronomers have found a galaxy 13.1 billion light-years from Earth, making it officially the most distant object ever detected.

    A faint, infrared speck of light from this ancient galaxy, called z8_GND_5296, was spotted using the Hubble Space Telescope and one of the world's largest ground-based telescopes, a ten-meter telescope at Keck Observatory at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

    Light from this baby galaxy began its journey when the universe was about 700 million years old and just emerging from the cosmic mist left over from its birth, said Casey Papovich, one of the lead authors of the study and an astronomer at Texas A&M University in College Station.

    The former record holder is a fellow youngster, an ultra-faint galaxy about 100 million light-years closer to Earth.

    Past claims of galaxies at these extreme distances were mined from deep field images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. But many of these would-be candidates turned out to be much closer than previously thought, according to Papovich.

    "Some of our candidates have turned out to be very cold stars—brown dwarfs—in our own galaxy," he explained.

    Redshift Reveals

    The only way to confirm a galaxy's true distance, however, is to do follow-up measurements analyzing the spectrum of light emitted. This can enable astronomers to determine a candidate's redshift—how far its light is shifted into the red part of the spectrum—and thereby its distance.

    Redshift occurs because wavelengths of light stretch out as galaxies move away from observers on Earth. So the higher the redshift number, the more distant the object from Earth.

    Papovich's team found this faint galaxy's redshift was 7.5, compared with the previous record holder's 7.2.

    "Until you have a redshift, there is always some doubt about the exact nature of the galaxy," said Papovich.

    "All the other objects out there with claimed 'most distant galaxy' in their titles are candidates selected using only imaging, and no spectroscopic confirmation like what we have done here."

    The find, described in a study published this week in the journal Nature, is expected to help researchers better understand the so-called era of reionization, when newborn hot, massive stars and their galaxies transformed the opaque hydrogen fog—which filled the cosmos in the first billion years after the Big Bang—into the transparent intergalactic space we see today.

    "The galaxies themselves [in this era of the universe] would be filled with the newly formed, massive stars, many of which could be a thousand times the mass of our own sun," Papovich explained.
    "We have yet to identify any conclusive evidence that these 'first-generation' stars exist in even this distant galaxy."

    How Far Back Can We Go?

    Can we push the record back even further, closer to the Big Bang?

    Richard Ellis, an astronomer not connected to the study, says it is definitely possible. But we do not yet have telescopes powerful enough to do the job.

    "We have the capability, in principle, to push to redshifts of ten and beyond, corresponding to a time when the universe was only 350 million years old, or only 3 percent of its present age," said Ellis, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

    The conundrum for researchers is that looking at larger distances means looking further back in time. That means galaxies become ever fainter as we push closer to the birth of the universe and the Big Bang.

    "For most of the early galaxies being seen by Hubble, there's little hope of confirming their distances with spectroscopy until we get powerful new facilities such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope," said Ellis.
    "Ultimately, to chart the universe in detail at these early times, we need the next-generation facilities."
    Follow Andrew Fazekas, the Night Sky Guy, on Twitter and Facebook.
    [4:25:07 PM] Sirius 17: Papovich's team found this faint galaxy's redshift was 7.5, compared with the previous record holder's 7.2.
    [4:25:24 PM] Sirius 17: so both these articles talk about a 7.5 redshift
    [4:25:45 PM] Shiloh: Yes so you see my previous take of the Quasar wall at z=7.477?
    [4:25:50 PM] Shiloh: Lol
    [4:25:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:26:04 PM] Sirius 17: well why i pointed this out to you
    [4:26:33 PM] Shiloh: Well they use the wrong calculus to align the redshifts with the distance scales
    [4:26:37 PM] Sirius 17: the timing of the release of this article was oct 23rd
    [4:26:53 PM] Shiloh: Thuban uses the parametric velocity and acceleration curves
    [4:27:11 PM] Shiloh: Hmm yes, so I should address this
    [4:27:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:27:46 PM] Sirius 17:

    (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

    [4:27:51 PM] Sirius 17: relates to this too
    [4:28:04 PM] Shiloh: Recall the 'blob' anomaly of a degree size in the CMMBR map from the Planck Probe?
    [4:28:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:28:12 PM] Shiloh: This relates to this
    [4:28:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes the unevenness
    [4:28:50 PM] Shiloh: They 'revised' the Hubble constant to 69, which implies a revised Age of the Universe of so 14.5 Billion years. The old Hubble Constant of 72 gives you the 13.7 Gyears
    [4:29:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes but i don't see them admiting this
    [4:29:35 PM] Shiloh: Because it does not fit their Dark Matter and Dark Energy models, they then 'sweep this under the carpet' in insisting the age of the universe to still be so 13.8 billion years. The 11D universe is 19.11 Gyears and the 10D extrapolation then becomes 14.7 Gyears as a 4.4=2.2+2.2 'anomaly'. Then the 'discrepancy just goes away
    [4:32:17 PM] Sirius 17: when you say Gyears do you mean gravitational years?
    [4:32:43 PM] Shiloh: Gigayears are Billions of years
    [4:32:52 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok lol
    [4:32:58 PM] Shiloh: Gravitational years lol - do not exist
    [4:33:12 PM] Sirius 17: well i did not understand what the G meant so i asked
    [4:33:40 PM] Shiloh: G=Giga and M=Mega and k=kilo
    [4:33:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see it now
    [4:35:32 PM] Sirius 17: a really damn long time ago just say lol unimaginably long
    [4:36:55 PM] Sirius 17:

    [4:42:40 PM] Sirius 17:
    [4:42:48 PM] Sirius 17: When Chakraborty and Petia Yanchulova, a physics student and co-author of the paper, collected and analyzed the dust, they saw a mix of oxygen isotopes that matched the anomalous pattern found in stony meteorites. The degree of the anomaly scaled with the percentage of the atmosphere that was hydrogen, an observation that points to a reaction governed by symmetry.
    [4:43:14 PM] Sirius 17: this is interesting about what they are finding out about the oxygen isotope difference between the inner and outer planets
    [4:44:01 PM] Sirius 17: saying it has to do with symmetry
    [4:59:05 PM] Shiloh: All of fundamental physics and so science revolves about symmetry and the breaking of it Raven. The Higgs Boson is the 'Breaking of the massless symmetry' of gauged Goldstone bosons in technical jargonautics
    [5:03:51 PM] Sirius 17: Yes i understand that, it is interesting because of Gaia and her role, that specifically the oxygen and the rockyness of the planet go hand in hand; it just points to the metaphysical beginings and underpinning of the gaian nodal point and is how i see it anyhow
    [5:09:00 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:09:12 PM] Sirius 17: Einstein predicted gravitational waves -- ripples in space-time, generated by bodies changing speed or direction. Bodies, for instance, such as pairs of black holes orbiting each other.
    When galaxies merge, their resident central black holes are doomed to meet. They first waltz together then enter a desperate embrace and merge.
    "Theorists predict that towards the end of this dance they're growling out gravitational waves at a frequency we're set up to detect," Dr Shannon said.

    [5:09:27 PM] Sirius 17: this article fits with the 18-19th stuff too
    [5:10:07 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow i will shut up now, i am inundating you with stuff lol
    [5:10:18 PM] Sirius 17: just ignore me
    [5:21:57 PM]Shiloh: Yes the gravitational waves are modular to the electromagnetic waves
    [5:22:57 PM] Shiloh: It relates to this latest talk of mine about the charge of gravity being mass-inertia itself
    [5:23:18 PM] Shiloh: On the Dan Winter post of Susan's
    [5:24:05 PM] Shiloh:

    The 13th Bridge:

    <<< did you know ; i have the eye of horus from the burial shroud of amen ra - the princess - one of the last people to own it; was blavtasky
    when she examined it; for someone in the uk
    i used to actually wear it
    itis made of a stone called mak
    my dad; created a way to anchor a 14kt gold bail into it; so; it could be worn on a chain
    it is a bluish color of green
    kind of changes colour; sometimes
    i should dig it out; and; wear it again

    Speak of the devil
    [5:24:47 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [5:30:26 PM] Sirius 17: one day she will understand that the eye of horus is no physical thing....and she'll see with it
    [5:33:48 PM] Sirius 17:

    [5:33:59 PM] Sirius 17: Serpens ("the Serpent", Greek Ὄφις) is a constellation of the northern hemisphere. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union.

    It is unique among the modern constellations in being split into two non-contiguous parts, Serpens Caput (Serpent's Head) to the west and Serpens Cauda (Serpent's Tail) to the east. Between these two halves lies the constellation of Ophiuchus, the "Serpent-Bearer". In figurative representations, the body of the serpent is represented as passing behind Ophiuchus between μ Ser in Serpens Caput and ν Ser in Serpens Cauda. The brightest star in Serpens is Unukalhai or Cor Serpentis "Serpent's Heart", with an apparent magnitude of 2.63.


    [5:34:50 PM] Sirius 17: err head
    [5:35:22 PM] Sirius 17: tail

    [5:37:09 PM] Sirius 17: Meteor showers

    There are two daytime meteor showers that radiate from Serpens, the Omega Serpentids and the Sigma Serpentids. Both showers peak between December 18th and December 25th.[3]
    [5:37:25 PM] Sirius 17: did you know about these metor showers?
    [5:38:43 PM] Sirius 17: Aratus describes the constellation as follows:

    Both [hands of Ophiuchus] firmly clutch the Serpent, which encircles the waist of Ophiuchus, but he, steadfast with both his feet well set, tramples a huge monster, even the Scorpion, standing upright on his eye and breast. Now the Serpent is wreathed about his two hands – a little above his right hand, but in many folds high above his left. ... Toward the Crown leans the Serpent’s jaw, but beneath his coiling form seek thou for the mighty Claws [Libra][4]

    There were two "serpent" constellations in Babylonian astronomy, known as Mušḫuššu and Bašmu. It appears that Mušḫuššu was depicted as a hybrid of dragon, lion and bird, and loosely corresponds to Hydra. Bašmu was a horned serpent (c.f. Ningishzida) and loosely corresponds to the Ὄφις constellation of Eudoxus of Cnidus on which the Ὄφις (Serpens) of Ptolemy is based.[5]

    [5:40:57 PM] Sirius 17: Deep-sky objects

    Messier 5, a globular cluster located approximately 8° southwest of α Serpentis in the head.
    The Eagle Nebula (IC 4703) and its associated star cluster lie 7,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the galactic center. The nebula measures 70 light-years by 50 light-years and contains the Pillars of Creation, three dust clouds that became famous for the image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

    [5:43:57 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:44:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes the Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda become the astrological Dragon nodes of the lunar nodes in Dragon head and Dragon tail

    [5:44:31 PM] Sirius 17: Mythology

    Aquila, with the now-obsolete figure of Antinous, as depicted by Sidney Hall in Urania's Mirror,[6] a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825. At left is Delphinus.
    According to Gavin White, the Babylonian Eagle carried the constellation called the Dead Man (LU.USH) in its talons. The author also draws a comparison to the Classical stories of Antinous and Ganymede.[3]
    In classical Greek mythology, Aquila was identified as Αετός Δίας (Aetos Dios), the eagle that carried the thunderbolts of Zeus and was sent by him to carry the shepherd boy Ganymede, whom he desired, to Mount Olympus; the constellation of Aquarius is sometimes identified with Ganymede.[1]
    In the Chinese love story of Qi Xi, Niu Lang (Altair) and his two children (β and γ Aquilae) are separated forever from their wife and mother Zhi Nu (Vega) who is on the far side of the river, the Milky Way.[citation needed]
    In Hinduism, the constellation Aquila is identified with the half-eagle half-human deity Garuda.[7][8]

    [5:45:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am just finding the cosmic synchronisities
    [5:45:51 PM] Shiloh: You are feeling better
    [5:45:55 PM] Sirius 17: the cosmic story
    [5:46:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am
    [5:46:25 PM] Sirius 17: i am slowly gaining my strength back every day
    [5:48:54 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:50:37 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:50:50 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:51:10 PM] Sirius 17: hehe constillation Antinous, sounds a lot like antonious
    [5:52:25 PM] Sirius 17: Antinous is an obsolete constellation no longer in use by astronomers, having been merged into Aquila, which it bordered to the North.
    [5:52:39 PM] Sirius 17: Aquilaurania and Antinous merged


    [5:52:44 PM] Shiloh: It is a derivative for Anthony and English and Antonius in Latin
    [5:52:58 PM] Shiloh: Eagle de John yes
    [5:53:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:53:23 PM] Sirius 17: Aquila means eagle

    Ptolemy catalogued nineteen stars jointly in this constellation and in the now obsolete constellation of Antinous, which was named in the reign of the emperor Hadrian (AD 117–138), but sometimes erroneously attributed to Tycho Brahe, who catalogued twelve stars in Aquila and seven in Antinous. Hevelius determined twenty-three stars in the first[2] and nineteen in the second.[2]

    [5:55:42 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:55:53 PM] Sirius 17: cosmic butterfly there in Aquila
    [5:56:02 PM] Sirius 17: lots of stuff there
    [5:56:59 PM] Sirius 17:

    α Aql (Altair) is the brightest star in this constellation and one of the closest naked-eye stars to Earth at a distance of 17 light-years. Its name comes from the Arabic phrase "al-nasr al-tair", meaning "the flying eagle". Altair has a magnitude of 0.76.[1]
    β Aql (Alshain) is a yellow-hued star of magnitude 3.7, 45 light-years from Earth. Its name comes from the Arabic phrase "shahin-i tarazu", meaning "the balance"; this name referred to Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed.[1]
    γ Aql (Tarazed) is an orange-hued giant star of magnitude 2.7, 460 light-years from Earth. Its name, like that of Alshain, comes from the Arabic for "the balance", "shahin-i tarazu".[1]

    [5:58:07 PM] Sirius 17: one flying eagle star accompanied by two 'balance' stars
    these are the 3 main stars in Aquila
    [6:01:50 PM] Sirius 17:


    [6:01:57 PM] Sirius 17: Vega is bizarre
    [6:02:18 PM] Sirius 17:

    The name Wega[9] (later Vega) comes from a loose transliteration of the Arabic word wāqi‘ meaning "falling" or "landing", via the phrase an-nasr al-wāqi‘, "the falling eagle".[84] The term "Al Nesr al Waki" appeared in the Al Achsasi Al Mouakket star catalogue and was translated into Latin as Vultur Cadens, "the falling eagle/vulture".[85][note 6] The constellation was represented as a vulture in ancient Egypt,[86] and as an eagle or vulture in ancient India.[87][88] The Arabic name then appeared in the western world in the Alfonsine Tables,[89] which were drawn up between 1215 and 1270 by order of Alfonso X.[90] Medieval astrolabes of England and Western Europe used the names Wega and Alvaca, and depicted it and Altair as birds.[91]

    [6:03:27 PM] Sirius 17:
    [6:03:58 PM] Sirius 17: The Assyrians named this pole star Dayan-same, the "Judge of Heaven", while in Akkadian it was Tir-anna, "Life of Heaven". In Babylonian astronomy, Vega may have been one of the stars named Dilgan, "the Messenger of Light". To the ancient Greeks, the constellation Lyra was formed from the harp of Orpheus, with Vega as its handle.[10] For the Roman Empire, the start of autumn was based upon the hour at which Vega set below the horizon.[9]
    In Chinese mythology, there is a love story of Qi Xi (七夕) in which Niu Lang (牛郎, Altair) and his two children (β and γ Aquilae) are separated from their mother Zhi Nü (織女, lit. "Weaving Girl", Vega) who is on the far side of the river, the Milky Way.[95] However, one day per year on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, magpies make a bridge so that Niu Lang and Zhi Nü can be together again for a brief encounter. The Japanese Tanabata festival, in which Vega is known as orihime (織姫), is also based on this legend.[96]
    [6:05:54 PM] Sirius 17: Vega will be the polestar again in 26,000 lol

    Precession of the equinoxes for the Pole Star. Thuban is toward the right of the image, below the -2000 mark
    [6:10:21 PM] Sirius 17: Thuban is a binary star, with a companion star in a 51-day orbit. The companion has not been directly imaged, and from its mass is probably a red dwarf or a low mass white dwarf.
    [6:12:52 PM] Sirius 17: Thuban is massive
    [6:16:18 PM] Shiloh: The 51 days are a nice code, as 51=Demon=Michael=62-11
    [6:16:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes i noticed that
    [6:16:43 PM] Shiloh: So blending the dichotomized opposites
    [6:17:02 PM] Sirius 17: it is a binary like sirius
    [6:17:14 PM] Sirius 17: but on a much bigger scale
    [6:17:21 PM] Sirius 17: Thuban could become a blue giant
    [6:17:27 PM] Sirius 17: freaking awsome
    [6:17:35 PM] Shiloh: Demona=Devil as the female Devil of the supercodes from the recent histories beginning in Egyptian legends and mythology
    [6:17:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:18:31 PM] Sirius 17: we are written in the Stars, how many NABS people can claim that with their BS?
    [6:18:49 PM] Shiloh: The real Devil being the Finance=Pride of course harmonised in Earth=Heart=52=GoDDoG=GoDDoG
    [6:19:07 PM] Shiloh: Mars=51 as the Demon planet by the way
    [6:19:16 PM] Sirius 17: so they say lol
    [6:19:33 PM] Sirius 17: Shhhh Tony, don't tell them we are Martians
    [6:19:33 PM] Shiloh: Why the nabsers are often obsessed with the 'aliens' on Mars
    [6:19:36 PM] Sirius 17: omg
    [6:19:43 PM] Sirius 17: hahaha
    [6:20:19 PM] Shiloh: Better keep this as a secret from the dragons
    [6:20:38 PM] Sirius 17:
    [6:20:42 PM] Sirius 17: this is also in Aquila
    [6:21:23 PM] Shiloh: The remote viewers travelling to Mars in their 'timewarping tubes' to visit the underground cities there
    [6:22:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the ancient pyramids
    [6:22:34 PM] Shiloh: I actually give the pyramids some credence, but not the Hoagland style
    [6:23:05 PM] Sirius 17: i used to wish i could live on Mars

    [6:24:06 PM] Sirius 17:


    remember this lol
    [6:25:34 PM] Sirius 17: one of my favorite movies back in the day
    [6:25:39 PM] Shiloh: Never saw it
    [6:25:54 PM] Shiloh: Martian murderers from 1980
    [6:26:27 PM] Sirius 17: oh you should watch it
    [6:27:01 PM] Sirius 17: it is a classic with Rock Hudson
    [6:27:02 PM] Shiloh: Better than the nonsense they render nowadays as Martian histories
    [6:27:27 PM] Sirius 17: Wilder struggles to assemble the remaining humans on Mars, who cope with their loneliness in different ways and will not leave their piece of Mars, before Wilder meets a Martian of past or future who tells him the secret of simple Martian life and convinces him to abandon the Earth lifestyle.
    [6:27:39 PM] Shiloh: Right
    [6:28:11 PM] Sirius 17: the movie was full of really cool landscapes that i just loved
    [6:29:07 PM] Sirius 17: it is based on the novel by Ray Bradbury
    [6:29:13 PM] Sirius 17: it was on tv as a mini series
    [6:29:18 PM] Sirius 17: when i watched it
    [6:29:24 PM] Sirius 17: on ABC or something
    [6:29:44 PM] Sirius 17: when i was little a friend of my mothers took care of me
    [6:30:11 PM] Sirius 17: he had polio when he was very young and so he was crippled and could not walk very well
    [6:30:19 PM] Sirius 17: we sat around and watched lots of movies
    [6:30:50 PM] Sirius 17: he was an electronic engineer and could fix anything
    [6:30:51 PM] Shiloh: It was released in 1980, so 20 years before the storyline and this does match the Nosey 20 lunar years and the related 'Nostradamus-Dead Sea Scroll' predictions as the Metonic cycle of the ancient lunar calendars
    [6:31:09 PM] Sirius 17: he was like a second dad to me
    [6:32:41 PM] Sirius 17:
    [6:34:08 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow, lol stroll down memory lane
    [6:34:34 PM] Shiloh: Nah, I rather ponder my future core lol
    [6:34:55 PM] Sirius 17: i meant about me hehe
    [6:35:00 PM] Sirius 17: and Lee
    [6:35:07 PM] Shiloh: I have enough of human histories
    [6:35:09 PM] Sirius 17: i was very fond of him
    [6:35:27 PM] Shiloh: How much older was he, than you?
    [6:35:38 PM] Sirius 17: he was born in 41
    [6:35:48 PM] Sirius 17: quite a bit i guess
    [6:36:07 PM] Shiloh: 1967-1941=26
    [6:36:20 PM] Sirius 17: he did not marry until very late in life
    [6:36:25 PM] Sirius 17: i think he was in his late 40s
    [6:36:45 PM] Sirius 17: it was quite the story and i actually just looked at this obituary
    [6:37:31 PM] Sirius 17: i had a feeling he might of died
    [6:38:15 PM] Sirius 17: I called back near then i guess and he had had a stroke
    [6:38:25 PM] Sirius 17: but i hate funerals and all that shi20
    [6:38:29 PM] Sirius 17: so i did not call again
    [6:38:42 PM] Sirius 17: i wanted to remember him as he was
    [6:38:50 PM] Sirius 17: alive
    [6:39:13 PM] Shiloh: Yes, manifesting the waveform in the body morph

    [6:43:51 PM] Sirius 17: i think i may of told you about him before
    [6:44:19 PM] Shiloh: This is a modern version of the Mars-Earth connection, which I found ok, so too much Hollywood embellished
    [6:44:45 PM] Shiloh: It is from a Edgar Rice Burroughs novel: "A Princess from Mars" from 1917 and released in 2012. The 'Princess of Mars' is a title fitting Susan
    [6:54:33 PM] Sirius 17: hehe i thought she was the princess of Venus
    [6:55:17 PM] Shiloh: BOTH
    [6:55:33 PM] Sirius 17: of course
    [6:55:58 PM] Shiloh: Susan has ineages to all and sundry, dont you know?
    [6:56:34 PM] Shiloh: She is interrelated to everything, even evil dragons and cunning serpents
    [6:56:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, doesn't she have a thread that is like 50 pages long with proof?
    [6:57:13 PM] Shiloh: genie geniussal
    [6:57:24 PM] Shiloh: Aka colossal
    [6:57:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes some site she found
    [6:57:50 PM] Sirius 17: that lists every major super famous important bloodline ever known
    [6:58:37 PM] Shiloh: Well, that why the dragons render her a martian princess a la E.R. Burroughs. It collects the ubiquitousity
    [6:58:49 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [6:59:32 PM] Shiloh: This is a compliment Susan not a derisive comment!
    [6:59:50 PM] Shiloh: This 'Princess of Mars' is one sexy chick
    [7:00:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes she is
    [7:00:23 PM] Sirius 17: if she hasn't seen the movie
    [7:00:35 PM] Sirius 17: Susan does kind of look like her
    [7:00:36 PM] Shiloh: She rejects a martian suitor called Helium for an Earthling called John Carter, well a dragonomised Earthling from the Wild West of Virginia of the Ponderosa Ranch and Country
    [7:01:11 PM] Sirius 17: did you see the whole movie Tony?
    [7:02:02 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [7:02:21 PM] Shiloh: David wanted me to create a DVD for him and so I made a copy for myself
    [7:03:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is a good movie with great special effects
    [7:03:31 PM] Sirius 17: this martian chronicles has two parts or so because it was a mini series
    [7:04:31 PM] Shiloh: Yes, I shared

    Mercury Retrograde: the liminality of being in between becoming

    Oct 24

    Posted by esotericembers


    Mercury Retrograde in between Eclipses

    The painting “Bringing Light without Pain” above is by Roberto Matta, an artist with a Scorpio Mercury and Sun (11/11/1911), and so an apt painter to showcase in this time when Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio and headed toward it’s “inferior” conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio. While being able to bring light “without pain” during this period of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is perhaps unlikely, the goal of connecting with more light, integrating more light into our lives by the end of a deep process of shedding burdensome past patterns or identities is a reachable potential over the next month. Roberto Matta first came to my attention when I saw astrologer Gonzalo Romero present a lecture on Mercury in 2011 in which he drew attention to the artistic perception, expression, and communication of Matta. Gonzalo described Roberto Matta as having a mercurial ability to “make the invisible, visible” through his artistic expression of aspects of phenomenal reality he could perceive. Among other things, Mercury is a function in astrology aligning with what part of reality we choose to perceive and order within our consciousness in order to structure such aspects of our life as how we communicate with others through speech, writing, sound, or art. As a result, when Mercury goes retrograde we have a unique opportunity to investigate what we have been choosing to focus on in our perceptions, and what sorts of habitual mindsets and thought cycles may have been dominating our mental space. With awareness then comes the potential to transform the way we are choosing to think about aspects of our reality that have been leading us toward greater negativity or suffering, in order to shift our mindset to help us create more of what we want to experience in our lives.

    Mercury retrograde time periods have gained a negative reputation in popular culture and sometimes make people wary or fearful of what could happen with mishaps in communication and technology, but in reality Mercury retrograde periods offer many gifts and opportunities to change and reset deep rooted patterns in our being. This upcoming Mercury retrograde periods promises to be one of the most potentially regenerative and transforming retrograde cycles in memory, as it involves three passes with Saturn in Scorpio and happens at the same time as an exact square between Uranus in Aries and Capricorn in Pluto.

    Moreover, there are eclipses occurring at the same time, with a Lunar Eclipse occurring shortly before Mercury stations retrograde, and a Solar Eclipse occurring shortly after the powerful moment of the retrograde cycle in which Mercury and the Sun become conjunct. Mercury aka Hermes is not only the God of Communication but also a God of Thresholds and Liminality, a Guide of Souls who is a Psychopomp able to move between the underworld and the upperworld. The term “liminality” is from the Latin root meaning “threshold” and is an appropriate description for the eclipse and Mercury retrograde period of time we are in since one of it’s meanings from Anthropology is “the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete” (wikipedia).

    In Depth Psychology, liminality has also become a descriptive word used in the process of Individuation when an individual experiences feelings of disorientation and darkness as an old identity breaks down, all the while in a fluid process of becoming more whole or authentic, an “in-between” space of being that can persist for great lengths of time. Now, in the liminal space we are entering in between eclipses and during a time of intense astrological transits, we may feel confused, what we feel may turn out to be very different than it first appears in the moment, and where we are headed may be unclear, but it is good counsel at this time to realize that simply breathing, and allowing ourselves “to be” with whatever is happening in the moment will be a strategy useful to navigate our upcoming experiences. Of course, sometimes experiences suddenly demand that we quickly respond and initiate action, but no matter how intense experiences may become, if we can keep ourselves in the flow of things and persevere, eventually we will begin to realize why we are on the new path events led us to. The alignment of celestial bodies above us is too astounding for it to be any other way.

    Indeed, this Mercury retrograde cycle and other surrounding transits will be taking us to the heart of many of the astrological themes I have been writing about over the past year on this blog. At the heart of this Mercury retrograde cycle we will have the opportunity to open our hearts to a greater extent, as the fourth of the seven squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn occurs on the same day as the inferior conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Scorpio. As there are seven squares between Uranus and Pluto occurring between 2012 and 2015, the fourth one occurring on November 1, 2013 has been linked by many to issues around the 4th Chakra, or Heart Chakra. In order for us to reach a greater heart opening in our lives, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will align with not only our ability to transform the way we are perceiving and communicating, but will give us the opportunity to go the depths of our core soul issues on all levels, meaning in a manner impossible for me to describe with the limitations of language. At the same time, there will be a real opportunity for us to take action to help us transform, as there will be a mutual reception occurring between Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio (this is because Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, and Mercury is the traditional ruler of Virgo), with an exact sextile between Mars and Mercury on the same day that Mercury is conjunct the Sun in Scorpio and Uranus is exactly square to Pluto. Since these intense astrological transits on November 1 come with the dawn of the day following Halloween or Samhain, a night in which the veil between the worlds is traditionally viewed as being more open, we will be in a truly magical night to celebrate Halloween and Samhain in 2013, a liminal space to don our archetypal masks and costumes.
    In order to refrain from delving into astrology geek terminology that could lose all but the most obsessively astrological among my readers,

    I have summarized below several important time periods in October and November of 2013 in connection with this time period of Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Scorpio:

    October 5 – October 9, 2013

    • Mercury in Scorpio conjunct first the North Node of the Moon, and then Saturn between 7 and 11 degrees of Scorpio.
    • At this time Mercury was also at its greatest distance in elongation from the Sun in its cycle, being 28 degrees ahead of the Sun.
    October 18 – October 25, 2013

    • 10/18/13: Lunar Eclipse at 26 degrees of Aries and Libra
    • 10/19/13: Mars in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces at 3 degrees
    • 10/21/13: Mercury in Scorpio stations retrograde at 18º24′
    • 10/25/13: Heliacal set in the West at Sunset for Mercury in Scorpio- Mercury is at the phasis point of being 15 degrees away from the Sun, meaning that Mercury now descends to the Underworld in mythic terminology and will correspond with a more subjective, reflective, and intuitive perception.

    October 29 – November 3, 2013

    • 10/29/13: Mercury in Scorpio retrograde and conjunct Saturn at 14 degrees Scorpio
    • 11/01/13: Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn at 9º26′
    • 11/01/13: Mercury retrograde in Scorpio inferior conjunct the Sun at 9º34′
    • 11/01/13: Mercury in Scorpio in sextile to Mars in Virgo at 10 degrees
    • 11/03/13: Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees of Scorpio conjunct Saturn in Scorpio; Mercury retrograde in Scorpio conjunct the North Node of the Moon at 8 degrees Scorpio
    November 7 – November 15, 2013

    • 11/07/13: Jupiter in Cancer stations retrograde at 20º31′
    • 11/09/13: Heliacal rise in the East at Sunrise for Mercury in Scorpio- Mercury is once again at the phasis point of 15 degrees behind the Sun, meaning that Mercury now ascends to the Upperworld from the Underworld in mythic terminology and will now correspond with a more objective perception as Mercury stations direct and moves forward as a Morning Star.
    • 11/10/13: Mercury in Scorpio stations direct at 2º32′ in trine to Neptune in Pisces
    • 11/13/13: Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus at 10 degrees
    • 11/14/13: Neptune in Pisces stations direct at 2º35′ in trine to Mercury in Scorpio
    • 11/15/13: Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto at 10 degrees
    November 25 – 27, 2013

    • 11/25/13: Chiron in Pisces stations direct at 9º08′ in trine to Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio
    • 11/27/13: Mercury in Scorpio moves beyond its retrograde shadow zone of 19 degrees, while in a wide Grand Water Trine with Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Chiron in Pisces.


    Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

    The most obvious aspect of the current retrograde cycle of Mercury in Scorpio is that it will be conjunct Saturn in Scorpio three times, and that it occurs in between eclipses. Just the fact that a Scorpio Mercury in retrograde would conjunct Saturn three times, station retrograde a few days following a Lunar Eclipse, and then have its inferior conjunction with the Sun occur a couple of days before a Solar Eclipse, is amazing timing. When we consider that the Lunar Eclipse initiating the Mercury retrograde is the first Aries/Libra cardinal eclipse that will become more prevalent in 2014, it gets more interesting, especially since the day of the Uranus-Pluto square and inferior conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun occurs on a dark moon before a Solar Eclipse. However, when we take in all of the other myriad transits occurring during this time period, outlined above, it becomes even more extraordinary. If you have planets in your chart around the degrees of 8 to 10 or so, you will especially want to investigate how the upcoming transits will impact your chart.

    In addition to the prominence of Saturn in Scorpio in relation to Mercury, the next planet that becomes prominent upon a closer look is Neptune in Pisces. This is because when Mercury in Scorpio eventually stations direct on November 10, 2013 it will be in trine to Neptune, and then Neptune will also be stationing direct a few days later on November 14, 2013, meaning that Mercury and Neptune will both be stationing direct at the same time in trine to one another. The connection between this Scorpio Mercury retrograde cycle and Pisces Neptune is deep rooted, and will be important for those of us doing deep processing because the next Mercury retrograde cycle that will happen will be in Pisces and then Aquarius in February of 2014, aligned with Neptune in Pisces to such an extent that when Mercury stations retrograde it will be conjunct Neptune in Pisces.

    Thus, at this time and across the next five months, the universe is displaying clear signs of the significant relationship between Mercury retrograde and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is a planet of illusion, and while one may argue that all of life is an illusion, it is through our perception of reality and what we choose to focus on through observation or belief that often pulls us into illusory thinking leading to behavior misaligned with how to navigate at an optimal level. Since the current Scorpio Mercury will conjunct both Saturn and the North Node of the Moon in Scorpio three times during this time period, our greatest growth will come through taking a brutally honest look at ourselves in the mirror and facing our fears and past wounds in a way that helps transform them like a Phoenix in the fire, so that we can more fully experience the now and be more fully alive in the present moment of our current reality. However, since we will be experiencing this potential at a time of Mercury being retrograde, we will gain awareness of a path toward transformation less through rational analysis and more through following omens, signs, intuition, and images from dream that arise before us.

    In contrast, if we act from a place of past fear or wounding, victimize ourselves or focus on blaming others, it takes us into a greater likelihood of the lower nature of Scorpio, the more manipulative side that will use illusion in order to try to manipulate, control, or shame others. Even if we are doing our own hard work of authentic and honest processing at this time, it will be important to remember that many people around us will not be doing deep internal work, and that many people may continue to act out or throw tantrums of one kind or another from a state of mind of believing that they understand reality in a way that is not actually connected to the deep, regenerative shifts in reality that will be in process at this time. Those fixated in belief of one kind or another, unwilling to examine the underpinnings of their beliefs or their judgments toward others, most likely will end up coming into conflict with others to a greater level of intensity than normal as the square between Uranus and Pluto comes into exactness on November 1, 2013.

    Traditionally, November 1 is known as the “Day of the Dead,” a time to honor family ancestors through artistic expression and symbolic perception that are perfect for a time of Mercury being retrograde in Scorpio. However, the Day of the Dead this year will be an especially auspicious time to also release past family karma that we may discover is a source of limitation for us, as November 1 will be a Dark Moon prior to a Solar Eclipse in which there will be a conjunction in Scorpio between the Sun and Mercury retrograde, in addition to the square between Uranus and Pluto. A great help will be the Grand Water Trine that has been occurring between Scorpio Saturn, Cancer Jupiter, and Pisces Chiron, the transitional celestial bodies of astrology that help bridge the more personal energy of Mercury, Venus, and Mars with the more galactic and “out there” energy of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In fact, Jupiter will be stationing retrograde around the time of the Mercury retrograde cycle when Mercury becomes a Morning Star (this will be discussed in more detail below), and Pisces Chiron will be stationing direct at the end of November at the same time that Mercury will be picking up speed in its forward movement and leaving the retrograde “shadow” zone, meaning that Mercury will be moving past the point of its retrograde stationing at the same time that Chiron in Pisces stations direct. Among other themes, the stationing of Cancer Jupiter and Pisces Chiron during this time reveals that part of our Scorpio Mercury work will be about ancestral memories, family karma, family dynamics of our early childhood as well as all of the “family” dynamics of one sort or another we have created through relationship in our lifetime. The more we can sit with and sense the feelings that come up, without moving into a stagnant mindset of victimizaiton or negativity, the more we can work on releasing some habitual thought cycles that have been limiting our full potential and expression.

    Finally, it is also significant that this Scorpio Mercury retrograde cycle will feature sextiles between Mercury and both Mars and Venus, meaning that there will also be important opportunities to work on our personal issues and behaviors at this time. As already mentioned, Mars being in the sign of Virgo and so in mutual reception with Mercury during this retrograde phase is a perfect use of the Virgo Mars energy, an archetype that can utilize various healing techniques and tools to problem solve and fine tune personal issues and patterns. At the same time of the Lunar Eclipse and the stationing of Mercury retrograde, Mars in Virgo was in direct opposition to Neptune in Pisces, adding even further drive and potential to our ability to deeply examine what sorts of illusions or misguided beliefs or judgments may be operating in our personal sphere of interaction with the world around us. The exact sextile between Virgo Mars and Scorpio Mercury will come at the same time of the inferior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun on November 1, the same day as the square between Uranus and Pluto- this is an extraordinary moment to align our actions and desires with the shift of feeling and perception we could be experiencing, in order to lead us onto a more fruitful path going forward. However, on a cautionary note again with the aspects between all of this and Neptune in Pisces, with Scorpio Mercury moving retrograde, we also must remember that what we could be sensing at this time may be existing in the more ethereal or astral realms than in the physical and concrete reality around us. It is a perfect time, however, to plant the seeds of bright dreams and great visions for our future.

    In comparison, Venus will shift into Capricorn and come into an exact sextile with Mercury around the time that Mercury stations direct in trine to Neptune in Pisces. Within a week, Venus in Capricorn will then become conjunct Pluto and in square to Uranus in Aries. Again, if we have been processing and releasing we could come into an opportunity to gain a greater capacity to begin manifesting greater abundance for ourselves and others in our life at this time. However, if we are still clinging to past beliefs and conceptions about our life and reality at this time, we could just as well face a great personal crisis or come into conflict with others. Since there are so many intense transits occurring during this time, there is no doubt that all of us will be stepping into challenging circumstances that test our mettle, and for those working on developing a more authentic identity for themselves, this newfound sense of identity will also surely be tested. However, Venus coming into contact with Pluto in Capricorn will also be in sextile to Saturn in Scorpio and the North Node of the Moon, and so the difficulties could also be part of a great transformation we will eventually be grateful occurred in our life.


    Guide between the Upper and Underworld

    Despite a wealth of mythic support for the role of Mercury as being a Guide of Souls, the majority of astrological writing focuses on Mercury as being about communication issues rather than the relationship between our conscious and unconscious perceptions and the core issues of our psyche that connect with our ability to rebirth a more fully actualized Self. Demetra George has two lectures I recently listened to entitled “Hermes: Guide of Souls” and “Hermes: Guardian of Thresholds” that are available for a total of fifteen dollars on her website, lectures that are well worth the money for anyone interested in gaining a deeper mythic understanding for the Mercury cycle in astrology. In these two lectures Demetra illustrated how Mercury is a figure who can mediate between the upperworld and the underworld in myth in a similar manner to how in the retrograde cycle we are currently experiencing, Mercury also guides us to a descent into the underworld in order to ascend again back to the upperworld with the potential for a reborn Mercury to utilize in our daily life.

    Mercury never goes more than 28 degrees away from the Sun, and fascinatingly enough at the beginning of October 2013 Mercury reached its greatest degree of elongation from the Sun at the same time it became conjunct the North Node of the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. This first pass of Mercury across Saturn and the North Node at the time it began to shift into its slower phase that leads to stationing retrograde, set the theme for this cycle as being about taking total responsibility for our responses to and beliefs about life with the type of intensity demanded by a triple conjunction in Scorpio between Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node of the Moon.
    During the time from this first conjunction between Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node until now, Mercury has been an evening star and so operating on more of a subjective, instinctual, intuitive, and reflective level of perception. On October 21 Mercury stationed retrograde as an evening star, deepening and intensifying the intuitive sense of Mercury. However, an even more important date to focus on is October 25, when Mercury retrograde reaches its phasis point of being 15 degrees ahead of the Sun- this is the Heliacal set in the West of Mercury at Sunset, when Mercury will shift from a visible evening star to becoming invisible, the day in which Mercury descends into the underworld.

    From this first day of Mercury’s descent into the underworld up until November 1 when Mercury reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun, we will be experiencing the most mystical and mysterious Mercury manifestations, a time in which we will more readily receive messages from our unconscious, intuition, dreams, omens, and signs. As Demetra George has taught, Mercury at this time will be a guide to our subjective and inner realms, and will be able to perceive through symbols more so than the articulation of words. This period of the Mercury retrograde cycle is similar to the Dark Moon phase, a time in which we gain a greater capacity to release old thought forms and concepts in order to prepare for an integration of the new visions on the horizon ahead of us. The ability for deep transformation will be facilitated at this time by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio becoming conjunct with Saturn on October 29, a few days after entering the underworld. This will be a powerful day for intention and to become aware on an intuitive level of what needs to shift and what we can allow to be- we will want to open ourselves at the same time to the possibility that some of the things we are called to shift at this time could be some of the very same things we have drawn great strength and pride from in our past.

    Next, on November 1 we will experience the square between Uranus and Pluto at the same time of the inferior conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Scorpio. The inferior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun is like the potent moment of conception of the Mercury retrograde cycle. Whatever circumstance we find ourselves in on this day, an experience which could be intense as we ride the wave of the Uranus-Pluto square, remember to take the time to do something symbolic, even if only for a moment, to honor the rebirth of Mercury and the potential the moment will offer for us to plant the seeds of a new vision aligned with our passion and purpose. Remember, as this pivotal moment occurs a couple of days before a Solar Eclipse, we may be in a very disoriented and confused state of mind, so any practices we can take into this time period to help us relax, ground, and be present will be helpful.

    Finally, following the Solar Eclipse of November 3, a conjunction between Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and the North Node of the Moon, and then Jupiter in Cancer stationing retrograde on November 7, Mercury will enter its next significant phase of being reborn as a Morning Star and becoming visible again at Sunrise in the East on November 9 when it reaches the phasis point of being 15 degrees behind the Sun. At this time Mercury will ascend to the upperworld again and become more curious to gather new information with a slight shift to a more objective, logical, and conscious perception as Mercury will station direct on the next day. In the weeks following November 10, Mercury will begin picking up speed as it moves direct enthusiastically as the fleet footed messenger again, finally moving out of it’s retrograde zone on November 27, 2013.


    The phase of Mercury retrograde we will enter on October 25 when the Heliacal set at Sunset occurs not only corresponds to Mercury descending into the underworld, it also corresponds to Mercury functioning as the archetypal Magician. Hermes in ancient Greek myth performed magical acts at various times, and then in Hellenistic Egypt the ulitmate magician, Hermes Trismegistus was created through an alchemical combination of the mythic figures of Hermes and Thoth.

    In tarot, however, Mercury has always been connected to The Magician and linked to an ability to use all of the elements, all resources and techniques at one’e disposal, to completely transform one’s life through a clear and strong intention, vivid invocation of a new vision, and the channeling of universal energy. In the image of the Magus above painted by Joyce Eakins from the Tarot of the Spirit deck, one can see the elemental tools of the pentacle, wand, sword, and cup: the use of elemental tools to transform our lives not only corresponds to the Scorpio Mercury retrograde phase we are entering now, but also to the mutual reception with Mars in Virgo that will be ripening to an exact sextile on the day of the inferior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun, the day of conception for our reborn Mercury. Mars in Virgo is a tool user, so it will be wise at this time to center within ourselves through each of our own unique creative gifts, tools, and techniques.

    Like many other tarot decks, the Tarot of the Spirit deck from which The Magus image above is from connects tarot with not only Astrology, but also the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Mercury as The Magician card reveals the primal role Mercury plays in our process of manifesting form in our life through the Tree of Life, as The Magus connects the first path of Kether or “The Gate of Potential,” with the third path of Binah, or “The Gate of Form.” Kether corresponds with the aces of the deck and the concept of Source, the Source of all existence, whereas Binah corresponds with the divine feminine and mother, the realm of receptivity. The only other major arcana directly connected to Kether are The Fool and The High Priestess, so in this way Mercury as The Magician is able to help us transform our lives through wielding the elemental tools because it is the direct conduit between Source and Form in our reality. During this Mercury retrograde time in Scorpio, a time period that may correspond with great calamity around us, may we each take the moment to ground and realize our potential to transform not only our thinking, perception, and communication, but also the very fabric of our lives.


    Eakins, Pamela. (1992). Tarot of the Spirit. Weiser.
    George, Demetra. (2008). Lecture on Hermes: Guide of Souls.
    George, Demetra. (2012). Lecture on Hermes: Guardian of Thresholds. UAC.
    Wikipedia on “Liminality.”

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:03 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°60

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Floyd on Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:31 am
    As I say. There is no such thing as a new age religion. There is no central holy book or creed. Nabs is a misnomer. There are however various alien cults. Many of them who adopt alleged new age beliefs like astrology.

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