The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:44 am
    Jorgelito - Posted 6 Hours Ago

    Re Amen
    Shiloh, I was curious about Amen after reading your blurb. Indeed, he is a most interesting entity. According to this he exists independent of the manifest universe . . .

    Stated differently, Amun was unknown because he represented absolute holiness, and in this regard, he was different then any other Egyptian deity. So holy was he that he remained independent of the created universe.He was associated with the air as an invisible force, which facilitated his growth as a supreme deity. He was the Egyptian creator deity par excellence, and according to Egyptian myth, was self-created. It was believed that he could regenerate himself by becoming a snake and shedding his skin. At the same time, he remained apart from creation, totally different from it, and fully independent from it.

    This actually relates to the Egyptian version of the 'Holy Name=Amen' termed the 'Ren' in Cartouchian form Jorgelito. In that form it is encoded as the 'Secret Path=Ptah' of the Daath as the 11th Sefiroth in the Kabbalah and relates the Egyptian precreation deities of Ptah and Maat with Thoth to the original Egyptian pantheon centered at Memphis. The 11th Daath so becomes a third 'serpent' from above as a white serpent descending to intertwine with the two serpents from below rising as the 'sacred kundalini' of the cosmic lifeform of universal sexuality and reproductive multiplication and commonly known as the black serpent of the left path and the golden serpent of the right path.

    The 'Ren' then links to the 'creation words', which become associated with the 'King of Salem, Shalom or Peace' in the stories of Melchizedek of the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls as the 'Word of God' or the Logos of John.1.1 in the New Testament.
    This nous also became 'appropriated' in the symbolisms of the 'Freemasons' and 'Secret Societies' as the 'Sign of the Cosmic Architect' ordering the primordial Chaos. This is also often claimed as the original 'sound of creation' as the Om or Mo of the beginnings; say by eastern philosophies.
    It is easy to see however, that the pre-Egyptian mythos will crystallize the most 'unpolluted' 'translation' or 'interpretation' of the ancient archetypes and symbols. Those semiotics then become universal linguistics and can then be utilized by the ET sentiences to communicate, say as in the symbolisms of crop circles and claimed writings on crashed spacecraft or remote viewing agendas. ISIS or ISSI or SIIS becomes OMMO or MOOM as the primordial 'hissing' of the Ouroboros as the 'Cosmic Serpent' of the Egyptian Nile mapping the Milky Way galactic 'street' or 'River Hiddekel or Euphrates' in the sky.

    The pre-Egyptian mythos then reinvigorates the timeframe for the present planetary civilization to the time of the present Great Platonic Year of 26,000 360-day-night cycles (which are 25,627 civil years) and encompasses the 'human mysteries' of Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as the constellation associated construction myths of the Sphinx and the Pyramids at the halfway time marker of so 10,800 BC.

    In the preChristian gnostic understanding it becomes identified with Abraxas or Abrasax as the more modern parallel of the 'Universal Mysteries'.

    Carl Jung, Seven Sermons to the Dead

    Abraxas is an important figure in Carl Jung's 1916 book Seven Sermons to the Dead, a representation of the driving force of individuation (synthesis, maturity, oneness), referred with the figures for the driving forces of differentiation (emergence of consciousness and opposites), Helios God-the-Sun, and the Devil.[18]

    There is a God about whom you know nothing, because men have forgotten him. We call him by his name: Abraxas. He is less definite than God or Devil.... Abraxas is activity: nothing can resist him but the unreal ... Abraxas stands above the sun[-god] and above the devil If the Pleroma were capable of having a being, Abraxas would be its manifestation.
    —2nd Sermon
    That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore is Abraxas terrible.
    —3rd Sermon
    Herman Hesse, Demian

    Several references to the god Abraxas appear in Hermann Hesse's 1919 novel Demian, such as:

    The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.
    —Max Demian
    ... it appears that Abraxas has much deeper significance. We may conceive of the name as that of the godhead whose symbolic task is the uniting of godly and devilish elements.
    —Dr. Follens
    Abraxas doesn't take exception to any of your thoughts or any of your dreams. Never forget that. But he will leave you once you become blameless and normal.





    Shiloh, October 4th, 2013 -
    New Moon in the Dragon-Node, Ruler of Libra in the Cosmic Scales of Justice of Maat in Scorpio at 13° at 00:34UCT on October 5th, 2013 at 11°56' Libra.

    Last edited by shiloh on Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:19 am
    Comet Ison Factuals versus Nabs

    [8:43:58 PM - October 12th +11UCT]

    [8:44:07 PM] Shiloh: Just amazing Nabs
    [8:44:32 PM] Shiloh: See again, how all those 'endtime predictions' make NO mention of the Logos?
    [8:45:44 PM] Shiloh: A clear testing tool whenever such information is presented.
    [8:45:50 PM] Hades 88: ison hmm any pics from mars rowers?
    [8:46:04 PM] Shiloh: I dont know, about Ison?
    [8:46:20 PM] Shiloh: Yes, I see, you meant Ison
    [8:46:39 PM] Hades 88: it will go around the sun now
    [8:46:41 PM] Shiloh: I dont know if it will burn up or not
    [8:46:47 PM] Shiloh: I looked the other day
    [8:46:52 PM] Hades 88: if it survives that we can see it in december
    [8:46:56 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [8:47:07 PM] Shiloh: October 29th - November 28th - December 28th is perihelion in 59-60 days or about 2 lunations, which you can focus to November 4th - November 28th - December 22nd as 7 weeks or 49 days
    [8:47:16 PM] Shiloh: You will be with Xeia right until this focus or finetuning zoom begins
    [8:47:53 PM] Shiloh: What did the web say about its status now?
    [8:48:34 PM] Shiloh:
    [8:48:42 PM] Hades 88:
    [8:49:17 PM] Hades 88: this link is very fancy
    [8:49:28 PM] Hades 88: u can zoom in, rotate, pause
    [8:50:08 PM] Hades 88: i think last news was that it's "brightnes" went down
    [8:50:34 PM] Shiloh: Yes my link shows you it is still off peak, but exponentially approaching
    [8:51:44 PM] Shiloh:
    [8:51:50 PM] Shiloh: This is better
    [8:52:46 PM] Shiloh: Magnitude +12
    [8:55:28 PM] Shiloh: Moon is -12.7
    [8:55:59 PM] Shiloh:

    You will notice that the peak of this plot is not shown. Why? Because it's meaningless right now! The CIOC Team believe that ISON's peak brightness (which will occur in the few hours surrounding perihelion) could be anywhere from magnitude -7 to +5 or more, though our current educated guesses are hovering around -3 to -5.
    [8:56:10 PM] Hades 88:

    [8:57:13 PM] Shiloh: Yes they got it at +11
    [8:58:56 PM] Shiloh: maximum on 10-10
    [9:00:32 PM] Hades 88: well atm it is 170 million km away...which is....a lot
    [9:01:15 PM] Shiloh: But from now on the growth rate is steep
    [9:01:36 PM] Shiloh: How steep will determine how bright it gets
    [9:01:44 PM] Shiloh: This is why there is NO Peak
    [9:02:22 PM] Shiloh: Looks like say 85° on the chart

    [9:02:38 PM] Shiloh: If it is say 86° it will get A LOT brighter
    [9:03:02 PM] Hades 88: will it be blue in color?
    [9:03:17 PM] Shiloh: For the incline to catch its peak on November 28th
    [9:03:32 PM] Shiloh: They say it is greenish with methane or other primordial gases
    [9:04:03 PM] Hades 88: do u think there can be any "inconvenience" due to the debris in its tail
    [9:05:36 PM] Shiloh: No

    [9:05:40 PM] Shiloh:

    Case #3: History in the Making

    Third case: “the Comet of the Century”. We're almost hesitant to even describe this outcome because folks will jump all over this. Nonetheless, the possibility does indeed exist that Comet ISON becomes one of the more spectacular comets in living memory. In this circumstance, the comet will brighten steadily and quickly through September, becoming easily visible with binoculars and perhaps even naked eye in some locations by early-to-mid October, particularly for Northern Hemisphere observers. It is gradually lost in the Sun’s glare in late October, but remains bright enough that skilled observers can follow it with their telescopes until a week or so preceding perihelion. In late November, it enters our spacecraft imagers, overwhelming the detectors and pushing us to the limits of our shortest exposure times to avoid saturation. In the day-or-so before perihelion, it brightens by orders of magnitude as the sunlight illuminates its long dusty tail. It may briefly peak near magnitude -8 or -10, not brighter than a full moon (and certainly NOT bigger than the full moon!), but is visible in broad daylight to careful observers who block the sunlight with their hand or the edge of a building. After perihelion, it emerges from the Sun’s glare as a large, bright comet, maybe still magnitude -3 or -4. At this time it should be sporting a very long dusty tail that stretches far across the night sky, quite likely reminiscent of that of its (alleged) analog, C/1680 V1, or the great Kreutz Sungrazer Ikeya-Seki . Northern hemisphere observers will have the best view, but even those in the Southern Hemisphere will get to enjoy the spectacle for several weeks, into 2014, as the comet slowly recedes away.

    Case #1: Epic Fail

    First case is the worst case: Comet ISON is an “epic fail”, to use the popular vernacular. By this we mean that the comet enters into the inner solar system and simply fizzles out, perhaps by way of disruption or fragmentation. Why would it do this? Well, ISON is likely a very “fresh” comet on its first visit to the inner solar system. All of its volatile elements may be fully intact, and it may never have felt the intensity of the Sun’s radiation or gravitational stresses. If true, this could explain why ISON is already so relatively active while still so distant from us. Why is that bad news? Like a light bulb that shines a little too brightly, it may be releasing its ice, dust and gases at a rate that it can not sustain and could lead to it becoming structurally unstable, or simply vaporizing away. The ridiculously over-hyped Comet Elenin did just that, and that is just one recent example of which we have several. If ISON does fizzle, it could happen at any time later this year, whether it be months, weeks, or days from its perihelion, and under this circumstance would be unlikely to reach a brightness that would allow it to attain naked-eye visibility.

    Case #2: Sizzle and Burn

    Second possible case: we get a nice bright comet, that completely disrupts and vaporizes near the Sun. This is a middle-of-the-road outcome, and one that sees comet ISON brighten up through October and November, coming to perihelion in late-November as a bright comet, quite possibly creeping into negative magnitudes in mid-to-late November. Observers will be able to see it with telescopes, particularly in early-October, before it begins to get lost in the Sun’s glare later in October. In mid-November it will appear in our telescopes on the NASA STEREO and ESA/NASA SOHO satellites, likely saturating our detectors (which struggle with objects brighter than about magnitude zero). The comet peaks in brightness in the hours surrounding its perihelion passage but this tough little newcomer to the solar system begins to struggle as the intense solar radiation, and tidal gravitational stresses begin to take their toll, and in the hours following perihelion, the comet begins to dissipate. It may “outburst”, creating a large dusty plume (a la Comet Holmes), but lose its central nucleus. It may become visible as a diffuse object in the night sky, perhaps visible to the naked eye, but fading fairly quickly over the following weeks, and largely gone from all but the most powerful telescopes by early 2014.
    [9:05:54 PM] Shiloh: Those are small dust particles only

    [9:07:30 PM] Shiloh: From August 24th to the December Solstice 2012 anniversary of December 22nd, 2013, there will be 120 days precisely. This is defined as the 'Age of Man' as the encoding in Genesis just before and triggering 'Noah's Flood'. And this is shown in the interwoven chart as the brown oval in the tapestry from August 24th, 2013 to December 22nd, 2013 and as the mirror image of November 25th, 1995 to March 24th, 1996. So this human civilization finds itself embodied in this 120 dayyear cocoon right now.
    So now you can figure out just who those 'giants' from the stars actually are and away from Nabs and mainstream innuendoes regarding ETs or other affiliations. But the 'hybridisations' between those 'giants' and the old human stock is becoming made manifest and unbeknowns to the many 'know it betters' manouvering about.

    Genesis 6.1-4:
    King James Version (KJV)

    1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
    3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    The importance of ISON is not its physicality BUT its timing

    [9:13:27 PM] Hades 88: well i doubt it will have any long term significant impact on the situation here
    [9:15:24 PM] Shiloh: Not the comet no, but the timing of it links to say the many 'predictions'; the older ones of Mother Shipton and Nostradamus and of course the scriptures (wormwood etc) carrying significantly more meaning than the modern claptrap.

    Shiloh, October 12th, 2013

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. magamud on Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:42 am
    Everything falls back to Jesus because he is the way. This is not some mindless conclusion I have been told. This is years of experiencing and searching for the truth. You can see his depth of knowing just by his words. So any "catastrophe" is just a catalyst for you to see the truth, for you to find your foundation before you are Judged on who you are.

    Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

    You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

    For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

    Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:16 am
    Carol wrote:


    Published on Sep 15, 2013 By Professor James McCanney is an expert in physics & comets. Comet ISON is Nibiru.​
    James McCanney

    James McCanney is a pseudo-scientist operating mainly in the area of "electric universe" theories. His ideas are unconventional at best, and at worst they are pseudo-scientific nonsense. To this he adds various conspiracy theories, most of which involve NASA supposedly misleading the public. Astronomer Phil Plait has crossed swords with McCanney a few times, and his take-down of McCanney's ideas can be found at the Bad Astronomy website.

    James McCanney Disinformation Nonsense


    Have you ever gone to a carnival, or a fair of some kind, and played the game "Whack-a-Mole"? It's a table with holes in it, and little mechanical rodents pop their heads out for about a half a second. You have to hit them with a mallet. If you wait too long, they duck back under. But every time you hit one, one or two pop up again. No matter how many you whack, there are always more.
    Pseudoscientists are like those moles. You can whack one down, but then another springs up, like the head of Hydra.
    In May 2003, when Planet X didn't show up as Nancy Lieder claimed, a lot of people thought the whole Planet X garbage would disappear. I knew better. Even as Nancy's life in the limelight was fading, the vultures were circling overhead. Mark Hazlewood was one. He was a Nancy acolyte, but abandoned ship as soon as he was caught by Nancy doing some rather unscrupulous things. Hazlewood was lost in a sea of pseudoscience, without direction. But then he found what he needed: James McCanney.


    McCanney's head popped out of the hole a few years back. He's been making wacky claims for decades, but like most tabloid scientists, it was the internet where he finally found an audience (his website is at That, and fringe radio shows. He was an infrequent guest on many of these programs, but of late-- probably due to several astronomical events, like the appearance of some bright comets-- he has been getting more time. He's been on "Coast to Coast AM" quite a bit, for example.
    His spiel on these programs is pretty much what you'd expect: he says that everything we know about astronomy (and really, all of science) is wrong. He says that NASA is lying to you, scientists are lying to you, I am lying to you. And, of course, only he knows The Truth.
    His topics range rather widely, but he does talk a bit about Planet X, mostly in the guise of his weird comet theory (which I debunk in these pages). Planet X seems to be a topic he has picked up on rather recently, adding it, it seems, as a way to attach a topical flavor to his comet theory. I won't go into his Planet X ideas in these pages much, because I have nailed Planet X pretty thoroughly elsewhere. But his wacky comet theories...
    He has lots of theories, and he will talk about them endlessly. However, he says these things without the benefit of being right. I have run into a lot of pseudoscientists saying wrong things in my time, but McCanney is neck-and-neck with Richard Hoagland for being the wrongest. His theories are not just bad, they're truly awful, just as wrong as they could be. In fact, he's so far off base that's it's easy to show just where his theories fall apart (basically, at square one); and I'll be happy to show you the details.
    So let's go on that journey, shall we? It's neither a tough nor a long one. Just go to the table of contents at the top of this page, and from there you will be able to see just a slice of some of the wackiness Mr. McCanney doles out.

    Shiloh, October 18th, 2013
  5. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:08 pm

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:27 am; edited 9 times in total
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:25 pm

    Very Happy to see you again
    You belong here.

    Love for You


  7. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:31 pm
    mudra wrote:Brook

    Very Happy to see you again
    You belong here.

    Love for You



    Cheers! 14134.
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:03 pm
    9 year cycles
    40° per sign as 9x40°=360°
    Everything is interconnected
    9,360,000 ancient days + 360 ancient days = 9,360,360 ancient days
    9,360,360 ancient days divided by an ancient year of 360 days = 26001 ancient years
    26,001 ancient years divided by 9 ancient years = 2889 ancient years
    ~ Tony Bermanseder
    & Susan Lynne Schwenger
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    Brook on Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:39 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total

    empty. Brook Today at 6:39 am
    THEeXchanger wrote:9 year cycles
    40° per sign as 9x40°=360°
    Everything is interconnected
    9,360,000 ancient days + 360 ancient days = 9,360,360 ancient days
    9,360,360 ancient days divided by an ancient year of 360 days = 26001 ancient years
    26,001 ancient years divided by 9 ancient years = 2889 ancient years
    ~ Tony Bermanseder
    & Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Thanks Susan!

    See what I mean? Susan spent some time explaining this to me and it was amazing.

    Now in retrospect....some might take/mistake it for "new age" reasoning eh?

    9 ~ 9 ~ 9

    Clap Clap


    Are you Sirius? 599874.

    Post last edited Oct 21st 2013
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:37 pm
    Brook wrote:
    [4:41:00 AM] Shiloh: Easier to call us names and evil dragons
    [4:41:16 AM] Shiloh: Let them sit in their judgement seats
    [4:41:21 AM] Sirius 17: yes and this is a microscopic example of the world, far easier to point fingers then to solve problems
    [4:41:25 AM] Shiloh: But Carol pretends to like science
    [4:41:33 AM] Sirius 17: yes as does Brook
    [4:41:35 AM] Shiloh: This is the hypocrisy
    [4:41:39 AM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:41:42 AM] Shiloh: They run
    [4:41:49 AM] Sirius 17: but when shi20 gets too heavy even for her she goes total NABS
    [4:42:17 AM] Sirius 17: i like how Penrose thinks
    [4:42:26 AM] Sirius 17: he is a pragmatic fellow
    [4:42:39 AM] Sirius 17: interesting his history that he struggled with math
    [4:42:47 AM] Shiloh: It is a Nabs forum and only differs from Ryan and Cassidy in having a dislike for the formers and latters
    [4:42:52 AM] Shiloh: The info is just as bad and biased towards their agendas of 'love and light' sillinesses and their schisms
    [4:43:11 AM] Shiloh: Yes I saw this and this was just like me in grade 8; when I was more interested in Sonja than algebra and trigonometry

    Why do math professors always go off on these random tangents?


    Easier to call us names and evil dragons

    Let them sit in their judgement seats:

    I thought we (you and I) and the forum got past that awhile ago? The fact that you are here speaks volumes no?

    Judgement seats? What is this thread about? Judgement of NABS?

    But Carol pretends to like science
    yes as does Brook

    This is the hypocrisy

    Yes...they run:

    Interesting. When have I run? Do tell? I've posted more peer reviewed science papers on this forum than any other member. That includes you.

    Fact is I have more KNOWLEDGE in the tip of my little finger about the "science" of genetics than this whole forum body. Due to circumstance beyond my control I made it my business to KNOW.

    The info is just as bad and biased towards their agendas of 'love and light' silliness's and their schisms:

    (sorry I had to repair the the spelling)

    Question Tony: What is so wrong with Love and light and expressing the relevance to it?

    Recently I saw that you posted an article regarding genetics on another venue. Do you as a professor of science really believe this?

    Keyword: Associate professor and to the point

    Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome

    Sanford has argued for devolution in his book Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome (2005, 2008)


    Formerly an atheist since the mid-1980s, Sanford has looked into theistic evolution (1985–late 1990s), Old Earth creationism (late 1990s), and Young Earth creationism (2000–present). According to his own words, he did not fully reject Darwinian evolution until the year 2000. An advocate of intelligent design, in 2005 Sanford testified in the Kansas evolution hearings on behalf of intelligent design, during which he denied the principle of common descent and "humbly offered... that we were created by a special creation, by God."

    He stated that he believed the age of the Earth was "less than 100,000" years. An analogy Sanford uses to illustrate evidence of design is that of a car versus a junkyard: "A car is complex, but so is a junkyard. However, a car is complex in a way that is very specific — which is why it works. It requires a host of very intelligent engineers to specify its complexity, so it is a functional whole." Intelligent design advocate William Dembski touts the accomplishments of Sanford as evidence of the scientific status of intelligent design, since Sanford is a specialist in genetic engineering and an Associate Professor in Horticulture. However, Sanford's position is rejected by most geneticists and biologists

    A car vs a junkyard? How scientific is that!

    While boasting peer reviewed paper one cannot find an ounce of it at his alma mater Cornell University? AND stanford AND John C/0/1/0/all/0/1

    Noting there are plenty of "peer reviewed" papers published at his alma mater on genetics. I know as I've read many of them. genetics/0/1/0/all/0/1

    save some pay for unit work...$32.00? His peer reviews work is again as "associate":

    "We report here a novel phenomenon, namely that nucleic acids can be delivered into plant cells using high-velocity microprojec-tiles. This research was conducted in the hope of circumventing some of the inherent limitations of existing methods for delivering DNA into plant cells1–6. After being accelerated, small tungsten particles (microprojectiles) pierce cell walls and membranes and enter intact plant cells without killing them. Microprojectiles were used to carry RNA or DNA into epidermal tissue of onion and these molecules were subsequently expressed genetically."

    Here's a NABS clue for you:

    The walrus was... 1890901109.

    Intro to my prevailing NABS and science thereof:

    So let me get this straight, you do not support NABS yet support Luciferian Ritual as proposed recently by a Thuban?

    Ritual and the natural half life:

    The success of an interaction ritual is a function of the degree of emotional energy transferred in a social exchange and is contingent upon the presence of the following ritual conditions: physical co-presence, mutual focus of attention, common emotional mood, and a boundary to outsiders. The experience of high levels of emotional energy is a notable occurrence and individuals seek to preserve the memory of this emotional energy through the use of symbolic expressions. The emotional charge carried by social symbols, however, has a natural half-life and will tend decay over-time unless the symbols are “revitalized” through subsequent interaction rituals.

    Thus ~ Example:


    Using the Bath Abby and my first post in the Egyptian Folklore thread upon which I was working to interpret my own pixel download I "viewed" certain things of an Egyptian nature.

    Most particularly to be revealed: "the code in the glyphs"

    The beginning ~ three N's ~ Symbol Water

    Symbol water? Huh?

    Three N's symbol is the glyph for WATER.

    It's a CODE in the Glyphs.

    Mer... light that rotates within itself ~ vortex in nature

    N~ Nu~ Nun

    (further explanation is probably time)

    Setting that Thought/Thoth aside for a moment:

    In the first post I show the Pillars of Ptah/Path: … ill-part-1



    Bath Abby is RIPE with Egyptian symbolism!

    In Video posted by SA:


    Front of Bath Abby: … 67a6_o.jpg

    There are TWO LADDERS on each side of the Abby. There are 12 apostles on these pillars.

    Each ladder has 72 steps

    72+72 = 144

    12x12 = 144 = 9

    12X9 = 108 = 9

    (Hint: for locating accounting error made; if the number is divisible by 9 you made a transposition in numbers)

    'Transposition Error'
    When two adjacent numbers are transposed, the resulting mathematical error will always be divisible by 9 (e.g. (72-27)/9 = 5). Bank tellers can use this rule to quickly find their errors in many cases. Transposition errors also occur in accounting firms, brokerages and all other areas of finance.

    (In the Mayan calendar, a baktun is a period of 144,000)

    Exodus 12 in the Bible. In fact if you get to Exodus 12:12 it says:

    "For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: "I am the Lord".

    AND, Last but NOT LEAST:

    The ENNEAD = group of NINE deities in Egyptian mythology … ennead.jpg

    Among Egyptian pesedjets, the most important was the Great Pesedjet, also called the Ennead of Heliopolis, after its centre of worship. Heliopolis (Egyptian: Aunu, "place of pillars") was dedicated to the worship of the god Atum

    Place of the Pillars of Ptah:

    Center of the Cross of Ptah ~ what did that guy say in the video about the center point of the cross?

    Note the Wells Cathedral of version of Pillars of Ptah Pillars/Jacobs Ladder

    Note the black pillar and the three windows/Stars above (zoom in for close up/ -+ at the bottom of image. Run mouse over picture for virtual tour)

    360° PANORAMAS … stairs.htm

    In this virtual tour you have nine pillars (including the center one) and Jesus on the Cross under an Astronomical Clock

    Look above and you'll see the same three circular windows the center to represent... look closely … n_tran.htm … 11big.html … erse#84321 … erse#84317


    One more on the Wells Cathedral and Cross of Ptah:

    Spin yourself to the stained glass window...look up a bit.....look at the shield.

    See the cross of Ptah in the shield? With a rod and a spiral?

    24dfnfl. … window.htm

    All derived notion (long before watching this video last week)is in a NABS VIDEO ON EXTREME NABS to be picked apart by....whoever as NABS?

    Holy Moses!

    I can't take any more bad water...

    When was the last time you ACTUALLY had a conversation with Jesus?

    Some great wisdom in those words. "you will do better things than I", the one I use over and over again......" He who would know everything, but fails to know himself misses the knowledge of everything".............I fail to see how these important messages from a great profit who knew that love I spoke of above, cannot be recognized. And it certainly was recognized. It became the foundation for some of the most powerful religions in the world. And what is the symbol of most of those religions? It would be Jesus on the cross.

    Now this much I can recognize in the teaching of Jesus...he would not want to be remembered on the cross.

    Delusional NABS?

    Harmonic Series:

    Notice designated numerical value given to f-Sharp



    Frequency Wavelength:


    Note 11 in Harmonic Series and F-Sharp:

    Tom Danley also became interested in the Great Pyramid. Here is an extract from his interview in FATE magazine in 1998.

    "In the Great Cheops Pyramid in the King's Chamber an F-sharp chord is resident, sometimes below the range of human hearing. Former NASA consultant Tom Danley feels the sound may be caused by wind blowing cross the ends of the air shafts and causing a pop-bottle effect. These vibrations, some ranging as low a 9 hertz down to 0.5 hertz, are enhanced by the dimensions of the Pyramid, as well as the King's Chamber and the sarcophagus case inside. According to Danley, even the type of stone was selected to enhance these vibrations."

    In a 1997 video, JJ Hurtak said "this chord (F-sharp) is the harmonic of planet Earth to which native Americans still tune their instruments, and is in perfect harmony with the human body."

    In the Great Pyramid these sounds are infrasonic vibrations, meaning they are below the level of human hearing.

    Another researcher, John Reid, an acoustic engineer stated that while he was lying in the coffer and vocalizing various tones he was staggered by the intensity of the reflected energy. He said "the effect of lying in the sarcophagus while toning its prime resonant frequency is almost like taking a bath. Waves of sonic energy wash over your body almost like water".
    It does not appear that all this was accidental or incorporated for a ritual. It must have had a more important purpose. … tcount=205 … tcount=204 … arpfrm.htm

    Fractal Geometry of Music: … tcount=197


    Turns to this:

    … _RoAZt0cH4




    Starting with this:

    Johann Sebastian Bach


    Played forward and backward

    First the Musical Offering:


    Crab Cannon Mobius Strip


    "A crab canon—also known by the Latin form of the name, canon cancrizans—is an arrangement of two musical lines that are complementary and backward, similar to a palindrome. Originally it is a musical term for a kind of canon in which one line is reversed in time from the other (e.g. FABACEAE <=> EAECABAF). A famous example is found in J. S. Bach's The Musical Offering"


    Keith Emerson Updated version:


    And last Bach's Never ending (Infinite) Cannon




    Now that's a tangent!


    Question put forth to be repeated: What is so wrong with Love and light and expressing the relevance to it?

    And yes....after a long talk with the Admin he convinced me to return. Got coffee?

    Hello Brook!

    Your message from the above represents a 'cooking pot' of your interests and ideas in a number of statements blended together, but I could crystallize a few questions and I will comment on your message, as so appropriate.

    I thought we (you and I) and the forum got past that awhile ago? The fact that you are here speaks volumes no?

    Judgement seats? What is this thread about? Judgement of NABS?
    Granted, I am far from a tactful contributor and I have been 'reprimanded' many times to 'watch my linguistic manners'. So your evaluation of what I meant by judgement is not quite the interpretation I had intended.
    One of my 'pet ires' is the 'opinionated expressionism' of nabsers and mainstreamers and generally most observers and commentators on whatever topic; who do not appear to have researched or discerned about whatever they are talking about.
    If then those selfsame 'researchers' pretend to educate their fellows with what more informed commentators consider to be inadequate nous of the topic, then the outcome of their 'teachings' most likely results in misinformation, disinformation and deception of the general human mindedness, which can be termed somewhat naïve or gullible under the parameters of the criteria of evaluations applied.

    So with the label 'judgement' I addressed this kaleidoscope of 'opinions', often vehemently defended in a natural egocentric self-righteous agenda and not so much an actual 'judgement' as say relevant to a jurisdiction, acting on its execultive and legislative assemblies.

    Question Tony: What is so wrong with Love and light and expressing the relevance to it?
    Again, here I am using the colloquial meaning of the 'Love and Light' motto of the 'New Age Movement or religion' as say one of its philosophical cornerstones. There are many critics of this movement, who likewise emphasize this expression as lacking definition and context in its overgeneralised usage.
    The relevance dear Brook of a detailed analysis of just what love is and what light is and how those labels can become integrated in an advanced Omni-Science is ubiquitous indeed and the Thuban essays and messages often delve into great detail to define and correlate those labels in associativity and correspondences. What is questioned with the 'love and light' of the nabsers is its generality and not its functionality nor its importance or relevance.

    Recently I saw that you posted an article regarding genetics on another venue. Do you as a professor of science really believe this?
    I distanced myself from the fundamentalist position of John Sanford and certainly do not support his quasi-science in that regard. I do however support his general observation and position regarding the DNA-degeneration of all genomes as a function of the accumulation of the deterioration of the telomerase functionality, caused by cellular mitosis. This relates to many inherent 'blockages' in the genomatrix within the Gaian cocoon and the inactivity of much of the 'junk-DNA'.
    If you claim to know something about genetics, then you might harbour the realisation, that whatever the functionality of the biochemical genomatrix infers, its progenitor must be definable in a biophysical manner more elementary than the macroscopic chemical nature of the double helix. Furthermore, this biophysicality then itself will find its genesis and origin in the physics of the crystalline geometries and the fractal patterns of the algorithms of the abstract encodings of the ontological mathematics.
    I believe, that you are well aware of the Fibonacci algorithm, underpinning the maximisation of data and information compression found in all avenues of nature. So I am hinting at the nonphysical nature of the genomatrix, which utilizes its biophysical and biochemical manifestation from a more fundamental algorithmic 'perfect genobase'.
    In the starhuman future, this 'super dna' will become available to 'cure diseases' and 'repair' the telomerase depletions and so 'heal the genetic blockages' causative of the many ailments of the morphed body forms.
    The cosmic primordial quantum-geometric dna then becomes precursive for the transcription of the 'stepped down' genomatrix in the old human world, suffering the hindrances of the imperfect gene expressions from the Mendelian-Darwinian-Lamarckian evolutionary history.

    So let me get this straight, you do not support NABS yet support Luciferian Ritual as proposed recently by a Thuban?
    I would say with a thorough conviction here; that you are right out of the waters and your comfort zone; should you attempt to address the label of 'Luciferian nature' here. And I am saying this, because in the time I have come to know your mind, I have drawn certain conclusions as to your dualistic philosophy and worldviews. Raven and myself have often attempted to clarify and elucidate and even prove in scriptural encodings, that the 'Morning Star' and the 'Evening Star' and Venus and Lucifer and Jesus and the 'Serpent of Eden' are all one and the same; but that the religious labels of Red Dragon and Satan and Devil are all different and archetypical descriptors, which are often confused by the casual reader.
    Btw, I am no adherent of ritual and consider it unnecessary. You are referring to a statement of Xeia in a reply to mudra in this instance, and as you are aware of.

    Brook shares some aspects and details of her cosmology
    I answered your 'love and light' question above and might add that I could not decipher your mentioning of Eric Dollard. I commented on him before and there are many Moabytes who follow all kinds of quasi-scientists and quacks and I would not exclude you in this in my assessment.
    People like McCanney and Dollard and even Haramein are no qualified scientists and such things as the 'Electric Universe Theory' has a component to it, which is valid, such as the omniscient nature of galactic and intragalactic cosmic magnetic fields due to their interacting rotational dynamics. But the nonsense then masquerading as some alternative and embellishment of say Hannes Alven's work, (who originated much of this idea) is misleading and disinformative to a general populance and viewership, sadly lacking in even a basic and standard science education.

    There is a detailed message here on "Hologenomic Epigenetics", you might find interesting:

    Hologenomic Epigenetics - The Key to the higher dimensional Genetics

    Radio National
    with Robyn Williams
    on Sunday 01/11/1998

    Lamarck's Signature

    A talk about the ideas of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, a French aristocrat who provided one of the two more unconventional theories of evolution.


    Robyn Williams:
    This program has always been a good home for Mavericks. And why not? Unrelenting orthodoxy can be boring. And one of the great scientific Mavericks of history was Jean Baptiste Lamarck, a French aristocrat who provided one of the more unconventional theories of evolution, you know, the one that says giraffes' necks get longer as they stretch for food, and the neck extension gets passed to baby giraffes.

    All of which is, of course, scientific heresy. But Lamarck also founded invertebrate zoology; he actually coined the term 'vertebrate' and he also popularised the word 'biology' all those years ago. Not bad for someone dismissed too quickly as a man who got it wrong.

    Well one of Lamarck's disciples is Professor Ted Steele from the University of Wollongong. He claims to have found confirmation of Lamarck's idea of evolution at the cellular level. His theories too, you won't be surprised to hear, are also considered controversial. And here he is to tell you all about them.

    Ted Steele::
    My office had clearly been disturbed. There imprinted on the note pad was the outline of a message. I deduced that my close associate, John, had left the incriminating note.

    I explained to my wife over the phone that the distinctive curves of the Js and Ts bore all the hallmarks of John's particular writing style.

    In science we often depend on 'signatures' to interpret events and phenomena we either cannot see directly or only perceive in vague outline. All fossilised reconstructions in biology require empathetic interpretative skills and indeed day-to-day data interpretation in the more quantitative sciences such as physics and molecular biology, require the same 'signature recognition' skills.

    The identification of sub-atomic particles in atom smashing machines depends on the 'tracks' such elementary particles leave in 'cloud chamber' detection devices. The detection of elusive neutrinos coming from the sun depends on sensitive devices located deep underground. A unique positive signal is recorded when a neutrino makes a rare direct hit with another sub-atomic particle.

    And in the well known cases of comets and asteroids, we have no doubt that the craters on the moon's surface are the impact sites of such large cosmic bolides. Indeed, we are absolutely certain that similar and visually distinct craters on the earth and other bodies in the solar system, are caused in this way, even though we rarely witness the impact event itself.

    Today I want to tell you of the history and significance of some of the data which has arisen from our research on the molecular genetics of the immune system, the system which allows our body to produce disease-fighting antibodies in the bloodstream.

    My principal collaborators in this scientific adventure are Professor Bob Blanden of the John Curtin School of Medical Research, and Dr George Weiller of the Research School of Biological Sciences at the Australian National University in Canberra.

    The evidence we now have in hand is quite unequivocal: etched into the very fabric of our chromosomes are the telltale signs of what we will technically describe as 'soma-to-germline genetic impact events'.

    The strength and quality of this evidence is now as strong, metaphorically speaking, as our confidence in the origin of craters, the impact sites of cosmic bolides. We thus have clear evidence for what we have termed is 'Lamarck's Signature' written into our genes. A story we have now recounted in a book for the general reader. Let me explain.

    In 1809, 50 years before Darwin's 'Origin of Species' appeared, the great French biologist, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck first articulated the emerging concept that species transform themselves 'one into the other'. Lamarck is thus one of the founding fathers of modern biology and evolutionary thinking.

    Lamarck assumed that bodily characteristics acquired in the parents by use or disuse of a tissue or organ system reacting to a sustained environmental stimulus could be inherited by the offspring. That is, the notion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

    In modern parlance, Lamarck, and later Charles Darwin, assumed what we would now term 'soma-to-germline flow of genetic information'. The dictionary defines the word 'soma' as 'of the body', not part of the reproductive germ cells, our eggs or sperm.

    In contrast to Lamarck, Charles Darwin's central idea of 1859 was that parents possessing the best characteristics for survival in that environment would be 'selected' to produce the next generation of offspring. This is the process of natural selection. Over eons of evolutionary time, Darwin imagined that new species would arise through natural selection of favoured types.

    This revolutionary proposal has ripped through the intellectual and spiritual life of mankind. It is, in the words of the philosopher Daniel C. Dennett, 'Darwin's Dangerous Idea' because it contradicted prevailing religious views that God created all species in a period of about a week a few thousand years ago.

    But Darwin also had another equally dangerous idea which he borrowed, and modified from Lamarck, and from his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, namely the notion of the genetical inheritance of acquired characteristics. Darwin called his idea 'pangenesis'.

    The spur for his theory arose from Darwin's acute observations of the exquisite variations and adaptations of plants and animals, particularly the latter, when domesticated by man. To quote Darwin's own words:

    '... with animals the increased use or disuse of parts has had a marked influence ... in the domestic duck ... the bones of the wing weigh less and the bones of the leg more, in proportion to the whole skeleton, than do the same bones in the wild-duck; and this change may be safely attributed to the domestic duck flying much less, and walking more, than its wild parents.'

    And Darwin went on to state:

    'The great and inherited development of the udders in cows and goats in countries where they are habitually milked, in comparison with these organs in other countries, is probably another instance of the effects of use.'

    Darwin considered that during an acquired adaptation, the somatic cells of the target organ would be excited to emit genetic material in a form he called 'gemmules', also known as 'pangenes'. They were thought to be discharged into the bloodstream and in the course of their circulation around the body they would register on the germ cells, the sperms and eggs, and be transmitted as part of the genetic endowment to the next generation.

    His idea of a role for somatically emitted 'gemmules' having an inherited effect on what we would now call the 'germline DNA' is very similar in principle to our current ideas on the genetic evolution of the immune system.

    Why has this apparently innocuous proposition been so controversial?

    First, in 1885, three years after Darwin's death, a German biologist, August Weismann, responding to the challenge of Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis, erected his now famous 'barrier' between the somatic cells and germ cells. 'Weismann's Barrier' was assumed to protect the germ cells from any type of genetic change within the body.

    The bulk of Weismann's experimental refutation focused on testing whether acquired parental mutilations could be inherited.

    He is most famous for his work on chopping off the tails of rats shortly after birth. He then showed in breeding experiments extending over many generations, that such tail chopping at birth never produced a tailless offspring.

    Critics of this experiment have pointed out that such experiments did not test Lamarck's idea. A short tail caused by chopping is a modification that was not produced by the rat. In contrast, Lamarck believed that only modifications produced by a response of the rat to the environment would be inherited.

    Of course any rational individual would have known that the Jewish custom of circumcision of young boys has never resulted in a baby boy born without a foreskin.

    The Lamarckian theme was next developed by the Austrian biologist, Paul Kammerer. His most famous experiment concerned his work on the midwife toad, Alytes Obstetricians.

    Most toads and frogs mate in water, yet Alytes mates on dry land. Normal water-borne species of the male toads mating in water firmly grasp the female around the waist, maintaining the embrace for considerable time, days and weeks, until she spawns her eggs. To maintain this grip on the slippery female, the male develops calloused and horny-spined nuptial pads on its palms and fingers. However the Alytes variety, mating on dry land, do not have or need these pads because the female's skin is dry and rough. Paul Kammerer reported that if Alytes were induced to copulate in water like other toads, over several generations they eventually developed nuptial pads as an acquired hereditary trait.

    Critics dismissed these results as fraudulent, and these unproven charges drove Kammerer to suicide.

    The third historical influence which has contributed to making Lamarckian thought a 'no-go' zone in science, can be attributed to the activities of the Russian plant breeder, T.D. Lysenko.

    Lysenko was appointed by Joseph Stalin to improve Russian agriculture during the 1930s through to the 1950s. He applied questionable and non-scientific procedures in an effort to demonstrate crop yield improvement using a seed treatment and germination process referred to as 'vernalisation'.

    The Lysenkian approach to reviving Lamarckian ideas completely alienated Western scientists because he also ruthlessly pursued his scientific opponents who were executed by Stalin, or sent to the Gulag.

    But what about our recently published data on the genes which encode the disease fighting antibodies of the immune system? These data point to 'Lamarck's Signature' identified as the imprint of numerous soma-to-germline genetic impact events etched into the DNA of our chromosomes encoding antibody genes. Events which have repeatedly occurred over 400-million years of evolutionary time from sharks to humans.

    The first point to make is that antibody genes have a unique structure which allows us to identify clear DNA sequence patterns in what we call either the 'germline configuration' or the 'somatic configuration'.

    In general terms the 'germline configuration' refers to the pattern of the genes in our sperm or eggs. The 'somatic configuration' refers to the particular structure of the antibody genes when they are expressed in our circulating white blood cells, the B-lymphocytes.

    In the 'somatic configuration', antibody genes in response to foreign invading germs, undergo rapid mutation. Those mutant B-cells expressing the fittest antibody gene sequence are then selected and induced by the invading microbe to secrete antibodies.

    Essentially we find that there are many tell-tale features of the 'somatic mutation pattern' literally written into the 'germline configuration.'

    The simples interpretation is that they have arisen there by the reverse transcriptase-mediated soma-to-germline flow of genetic information.

    Lamarck's legacy in modern biology we believe is now quite pervasive. It is written as 'soma-to-germline genetic impact signatures' into the DNA of our chromosomes. And we do not think at all that it is restricted only to the genes of the immune system. As project 'Hugo', the 'human genome project', uncovers the sequence of many more of our genes, we may find Lamarck's signature written all over them.

    Indeed much present evidence points to such a Lamarckian gene feedback loop operating for many other genes in the cell, the so-called highly conserved 'housekeeping genes' which keep us functioning normally.

    I thank you for listening.

    Robyn Williams:
    And thanks for explaining those genetic mysteries, which of course you can find in Ted Steele's book and read it at your leisure. It's called 'Lamarck's Signature' and is published by Allen & Unwin. Professor Steele is at the University of Wollongong.

    Next week, Antoinette Holm from Newcastle tackles The Body Machine. I'm Robyn Williams.

    Guests on this program:

    Professor Ted Steele
    University of Wollongong
    Dept. of Biological Sciences
    Wollongong, NSW
    Author of the book: "Lamarck's Signature",
    published by Allen & Unwin

    From the Principle of Recursive Genome Function to Interpretation of HoloGenome Regulation by Personal Genome Computers.

    Andras J. Pellionisz
    HolGenTech, Sunnyvale, California


    Recursion on is widespread, not excluding genomics; see in quantum theory, in neural network algorithms, recursive PCR and search- & alignment algorithms. By removal of "Junk DNA" and "Central Dogma" axioms, the principle of recursive genome function (Pellionisz, 2008) permits, and the compute-need of analysis of DNA necessitates to supersede dogma and enter a new era of consideration if the intrinsic algorithms of genome function are based on a DNA>RNA>PROTEIN>DNA (etc) recursion.

    The intertwined genomic- and epigenomic processes result in the concept of HoloGenome Regulation.

    An array of recursive algorithms is surveyed for consideration to interpret recursive genome function: recursion in quantum theory of the HoloGenome, Back-propagation, Tensor Network Theory, Support Vector Machine neural net approaches - utilized e.g. in microRNA mining.

    Closest attention is focused on "fractal interpretation of genome function" wherein "pyknon-like elements; PLE" (repetitive motifs, Rigoutsos et al., 2006) are the material basis of self-similar repetitions in the DNA, to govern fractal growth (FractoGene, 2002).

    New results of an analysis of the smallest full DNA of free living organisms (Mycoplasma Genitalium) where the found PLE frequency over rank log/log curve follows the Zipf-Mandelbrot Parabolic Fractal Distribution Curve (ZMPFDC), while A,C,T,G random-strings of identical length did not show PLE-architecture; ZMPFDC did not appear.

    Fractality of DNA provides "algorithmic reference sequence" and thus "fractal defects" can be targeted, reducing the burden on brute force. Deployment of Personal Genome Computers (PGC) accelerates computing, based on FPGA-hybrids eminently suited for small-bit-size string manipulations, developed for defense, financial & graphic computing.

    "Fractal defects" correlate with hereditary syndromes. Existing software ported to PGC with hybrid hardware benchmarks acceleration by orders of magnitude.

    Verification of the value of human DNA at $5,000 and the value of its interpretation provides a margin of $60,000 making FPGA-hybrid PGC under $20,000 hw and $3,200 sw feasible for the ecosystem.

    The singularity of inversion of cost/value takes genome computing to end users, like computers went from monsters of mainframes to widespread and user-friendly PC-s, thereby positively disrupting the ecosystem of computing.

    Wiki-reference on 'orthodox-standard' interpretation.

    Size of junk DNA

    About 95% of the human genomehas at one time been designated as "junk", including most sequences within intronsand most intergenic DNA. While much of this sequence may be an evolutionaryartifact that serves no present-day purpose, some junk DNA may function in ways that are not currently understood. Moreover, the conservationof some junk DNA over many millions of years of evolutionmay imply an essential function. Some who consider the "junk" label as something of a misnomer, but others who consider it appropriate as junk is stored away for possible new uses, rather than thrown out; others prefer the term "noncoding DNA" (although junk DNA often includes transposonsthat encode proteins with no clear value to their host genome). About 80% of the bases in the human genome may be transcribed,[3] but transcription does not necessarily imply function.[citation needed]

    Broadly, the science of functional genomics has developed widely accepted techniques to characterize protein-coding genes, RNA genes, and regulatory regions. In the genomes of most plantsand animals, however, these together constitute only a small percentage of genomic DNA (less than 2% in the case of humans).[4] The function, if any, of the remainder remains under investigation. Most of it can be identified as repetitive elementsthat have no known biological function for their host (although they are useful to geneticists for analyzing lineageand phylogeny). Still, a large amount of sequence in these genomes falls under no existing classification other than "junk". For example, recent experiments removed 1% of the mouse genome and were unable to detect any effect on the phenotype[5]. This result suggests that the DNA is nonfunctional. However, it remains a possibility that there is some function that the experiments performed on the mice were merely insufficient to detect. This can also be evidence for reconstructing ancestral lineages.

    While overall genome size, and by extension the amount of junk DNA, are correlated to organism complexity, there are many exceptions. For example, the genome of the unicellular Polychaos dubium(formerly known as Amoeba dubia) has been reported to contain more than 200 times the amount of DNA in humans[6][7].

    The pufferfish Takifugurubripes genome is only about one tenth the size of the human genome, yet seems to have a comparable number of genes. Most of the difference appears to lie in the junk DNA. This puzzle is known as the C-value enigmaor, more conventionally, the C-value paradox[8]. Endofwiki
    Principle of Recursive Genome Function Supersedes Dogmas; By Andras Pellionisz, Online Ahead of Print; (Scientific Visionary Vindicated)

    A Eureka Moment concerning the fractal character of neuronsled in turn to a novel picture of genomics where protein structures act back recursively upon their DNA code-- in outright contradiction to prevailing orthodoxy. A household name in neurosciencefor his tensor network theory, Dr. András Pellioniszhas recently had another far-reaching discovery borne out. This insight has now received striking confirmation in stunning results from the new field of epigenetics-- promising a whole raft of novel medical diagnoses and therapies.

    Sunnyvale, Calif. (PRWEB) July 16, 2008 -- A landmark article on "The Principle of Recursive Genome Function" (received December 7, accepted December 18, 2007) by András J. Pellionisz appears online in Springer's e-Journal Cerebellum.

    The paper marks the first anniversary of an historic event--the release of pilot results for ENCODE, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project. Building on the results of the Human Genome Project, the ENCODE effort revealed a far more complex DNA coding sequence than was ever previously imagined. "There's a lot more going on than we thought," said Collins, who is director of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Dr. Collins issued a mandate a year ago "the scientific community will need to rethink some long-held views".
    A happy few did not need to rethink either the "central dogma of molecular biology" (Crick, 1956) or the misnomer of "junk" DNA (Ohno 1972), since they never believed them in the first place. The dictum claiming that a flow of information from proteins back to DNA "never happens" or the idea that 98.7% of the human genome should be disregarded as junk was never very believable.

    As a direct response to Dr. Collins' call, the principle of recursive genome function (PRGF) in one stroke sweeps away two dogmas which prevailed for over 50 years concerning the function of the double helix.

    Recursive genome function is a process whereby proteins iteratively access information packets of DNA to build hierarchies of more complex protein structures. Such recursive development is illustrated in the fractal growth of cerebellar Purkinje neuron.


    Starting from a primary information packet, a Y-shaped, fractal protein template is constructed by a "forward growth" process - in accord with the traditional picture - via transcription of DNA to RNA (where, in turn, RNA builds nucleic acids up into structural protein). In the course of constructing the Y-shaped template, the primary gene is turned on. Thus, the most primitive part of the process retains Watson's simplified scheme. The principle does not contradict the 'DNA makes RNA makes proteins' picture, but rather goes beyond it - dispensing with both the hitherto forbidden feedback mechanism as well as the entire notion of junk DNA.

    On the contrary, the genetically crucial process known as methylation demonstrates just such a "backward" flow. In a stunning reversal of long-held views, it now appears that environmental influences can act directly on the genetic code. Moreover, methylation of DNA is not merely epigenetic, but HoloGenomic:

    Dr. Alexandre Akoulitchev, Oxford University, UK (not involved in the study) says: "The PRGF of Pellionisz is helping not only his recursive algorithmic approach to the genome (FractoGene), but puts the various meanings of 'epigenetics' into the perspective of clearly defined novel axioms. The PostModern Age of Genomics (starting with his, synthesizes inconsistent interpretations and haphazard notions of "epigenetics" into a solid scientific foundation of HoloGenomics."

    Leroy Hood (2003) and finally Richard Dawkins (2008) have suggested that genomics is now a branch of information science. With modern genomics becoming postmodern genome informatics, a natural question arises: What axioms will take the place of outmoded assumptions?

    The traditional axioms could not put to a dignified rest because, as the wisdom has it, "data never kill theories, only better theory can kill less tenable theories."

    The principle of recursive genome function addresses this fundamental, decisive role. The time has come to go public, after more than a decade of clandestine work - not even asking for support.

    András Pellionisz is a biophysicist, formerly of New York University. Since heading up HelixoMetry in Silicon Valley, he has been busy assembling a portfolio in anticipation of the time when the imposing dogmas and their bulwarks would give way. A widely published author, Pellionisz remained largely silent for 15 years to spare him a collision with the powers that were.

    His pioneering work in biological neural networks, aired in over a hundred publications, won him both NIH support and recognition by way of the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Senior Distinguished American Scientists.

    When Pellionisz also made a bold step and published his research on the fractal geometry of cellular development based on a recursive DNA paths (1989), his next NIH application was overlooked by his peers and the establishment maintained a double lock on genomics. Their ideology was: Don't look back on DNA, since recursion can "never happen" and even if you would, "there is only junk."

    As a scientist with his first degree in engineering, he developed a neural net application for NASA, using the parallel computers of the time (so-called Transputers).

    By 2005 fundamental problems with underlying axioms of genomics became too obvious. Meanwhile, millions, if not hundreds of millions were dying of junk DNA diseases while 98.7% of the human DNA was officially still considered untouchable.

    Together with his fellow pioneers, Dr. Pellionisz launched the trial balloon of International PostGenetics Society. Indeed, almost a year ahead of disclosing the official conclusions of ENCODE that "junk" DNA is anything but, the IPGS became the first organization to officially abandon the misnomer at its European Inaugural in 2006. At that meeting, Pellionisz pioneered the approach of diagnosis (leading to therapy and eventual cure) of junk DNA diseases caused by fractal defects in genomic regulatory sequences.

    In late 2006 a manuscript attempting to close the chapter on junk DNA was co-authored by 20 Founders of IPGS. Those suffering from "junk DNA diseases" probably wish that the manuscript was given the benefit of a peer-review.

    Instead, the mounting pressure caused publication of ENCODE results 3 months earlier than planned. Thirty major papersshredded long-held views and printed staggering statements such as "the concept of genes is a myth." A deafening silence ensued.

    Rather than heeding advice of Dr. Collins of "re-thinking long-held beliefs" research went "genome-wide" for more data, as next-generation sequencing made the entire genome of many species (including humans) available with rapidly melting price tag.

    Application of brute force to turn out more data instead of revising axioms created its own problems, however. A dreaded DNA data deluge looms large. Without a combination of algorithmic reduction as well as building the proper computing architecture, the brute force approach of full genome sequencing and genome-wide analysis have already hit a compute- and data-wall.

    The old bottleneck "get info" (sequencing to obtain data). The new bottleneck is "use info" (understanding what sequenced data mean). The promise inherent in the Principle is that an algorithmic reduction delivers us an understanding of physiological and therefore pathological genome function in a new light. This clears the road for rapid advancement beyond a long-overdue breakthrough. In HoloGenomics, all, including non-genic conditions can now be focused upon. This is the direct response to consumers, including those who are not even patients. For those impatient enough to prevent some undesirable conditions, the principle opens an opportunity.

    Brian Flanagan
    Phone: ( 1) 319-338-6250begin_of_the_skype_highlighting ( 1) 319-338-6250

    Last edited by shiloh on Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:38 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014

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