The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Floyd on Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:31 am
    mudra wrote:There is truth and untruth to be found in every belief depending on how we look at it.
    What is beautifull is that we don't have to believe any of it .

    Is this a nother way of saying we should turn a blind eye to all the ugly untruths in the world. I find this statement to be a bit vague though. On balance there is more untruth in every belief espescially ones that are forced down our necks. Thats part of the reason we all joined this forum right? Isnt this the case?

    Even you must disagree with some things Mudras Mudras. Numbing our analytical and critical faculties is not entirely the way forward.
    The danger of passive philosophies is that we can leave ourselves wide open to fascism, destruction, abuse, theocracy, mind control, and aggression.

    Just to. 'not believe in it' isnt enough in some circumstances.

    It is not practical for everyone to live in a metaphorical cave in the forest and just to 'be'.

    Or in the wise words of Rabindranth Tagore, proto ecologist, thinker and poet.
    "Truth cannot afford to be tolerant where it faces positive evil."

    Never a truer word was spoken.
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Sanicle on Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:28 am
    Thanks for the introduction to Rabindranath Tagore Floyd. I found some others I like that may speak to you too.

    "A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it."

    "The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."

    "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."

    "By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower."

    "Age considers; youth ventures."

    "From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watches them play and forgets the priest."

    "If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out."
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:08 am
    Floyd wrote:
    mudra wrote:There is truth and untruth to be found in every belief depending on how we look at it.
    What is beautifull is that we don't have to believe any of it .

    Is this a nother way of saying we should turn a blind eye to all the ugly untruths in the world.

    Forgive me my poor dialectics.

    No not at all Floyd.
    I was pointing to that place that is transcendent to the realm of beliefs that is faith for lack of a better word.
    Not anything religious or dogmatic but that power that is rooted at the core of our being that I call presence where our freedom lies.
    From that place of Being we take actions and decisions that are leaning towards the greatest good for all as we recognize we are integral part of a life stream that pervades everything.
    When we forget or are ignorant of that deep presence that we are, than we are only left with beliefs without Conscience that are easily thrown down at one another's throat as you say.
    Presence is'nt weak and passive. It is power and integrity that can stand by their own.

    Even you must disagree with some things Mudras Mudras. Numbing our analytical and critical faculties is not entirely the way forward.

    Although in my relation with people I am naturally inclined to Namaste people, the things I disagree with in this world aren't lacking Floyd.

    Love from me

    Last edited by mudra on Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
  4. admin

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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:58 pm
    Floyd wrote:Thanks Shil mate.

    What is the purpose of your group. Is there a practical element to it? Would you say it was a force for positivity in the world?
    Does your group have a founder/head. Would you consider yourself a christian sect?
    Is your group superlative to all other religious groups/sects? Or is it not?
    Would you consider yourself a cult leader? Or not?
    Is there something to differentiate the Thuban group from other groups that may be termed cults or new religious movements?
    If so why would this be the case? Is religious freedom toleratated within your group? Could I be a muslim and a Thuban? Or a Wiccan and a Thuban?
    What makes your beliefs more cogent than that of JZ Knight or any number of alien cult religions?

    I would be interested to see if these questions could be addressed without reference to scripture or messages.

    Gimme the full burger.

    Is there a short answer to this lol ??

    Thanks in advance.

    Im happy to say I take no notice of the bible in any of its forms and is quite possibly my least favourite mish mash of a book for all the bad in this world it has been responsible along with documents of other anthropomorphic religions and the blood letting control and violence done in their name. Dont take it personally though. Its a free world. apparently!

    ps. Dont mind a bit of mancini
    I shall reply to your pertinent questions in some details, following this introduction to the Thuban label, Floyd. This introduction should however nevertheless satisfy a basic curiosity.

    But I might say, that the second video tunes by Henry Mancini following, encompasses the 'Raison de Etre' for the Thuban Dragon Den in a nutshell.

    Some Explanations for easier Understanding

    What is Thuban?

    Thuban, which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10,808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

    What is Logos?

    Logos are the words and the will of God or call it Source. At one time Logos manifested in a person we all know as Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yeshuah.

    Why the emphasis on the Gospel of Thomas

    The Gospel of Thomas is the most uncorrupted teaching of Jesus. It is considered highly dangerous to the present human mind as its encodings (the actual message of the gospel) shake all of societies current foundations and beliefs. It is the basic manual for Thuban.

    What is this THUBAN = 66 = ...

    This is the usage of gematria where each number of the English alphabet is assigned with a number. A=1, B=2...Z=26. So THUBAN = 20+8+21+2+1+14 = 66 The selected word can than be equaled with all others having the same total or same root. Gematria extends to 66 = 6+6 = 12 = 21 =1+2 = 3

    This is also part of the decoding process. The alphanumeric encodings can be used in many (albeit neccessarily selfconsistent) arbitrary ways and divers manners to DECODE the language characteristic...Alchemy.

    What is with this decodings? Where do they come from? How?

    Decoding process is a super conscious connection to the source, it happens in a way of "information download" or as those that experience it would say - you just know it but not only that, you also feel it. In decodings there is also application of gematria and science applied by a more logical types with their mind-body while those that are naturally more intuitive prefer to feel things via their own body-mind.

    What is NABS

    NABS is an abbreviation for New Age Bullshit. It is used to describe or label something as such. Something that has little or no basis of any kind or is simply just a misinterpretation or fear and prejudice driven belief.

    What is the Thuban timeline

    The Timeline is tied in with revelations and prophecy in the Bible as well as encompassing all other timelines such as the Mayan and and other mythologies which talk about this time period such as Hopi. One can define this timeline as a data transmission from the super conscious (full/partial remembrance of self) collective group mind of all humanity.

    What is with all this Roman Catholic stuff

    The labels as God, Devil, Satan, Noah, Adam, Eve...etc are used since they are familiar to most people and there already is a certain understanding of them. But more important than that...they present a certain archetypes. An archetype is an original model of a person, personality, or behavior, ideal example, or a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated; a symbol universally recognized by all.

    Now if u are bothered by the label such as for example Devil, can replace that with example Nibaldo or John...just as long as you associate it with a correct archetype.

    So unlike with the one we know as Jesus, the bible stories and its characters were never a real person. They are metaphysical concepts such as for example Adam, Eve, Noah, his Ark, wife, the sons, the flood...etc

    Bible is not to be taken literally as it can be dangerous to do so. Also when reading the bible use KJV version. Other newer ones are corrupted and "adjusted". But it is not only the bible that is used, it is also the Torah, Scrolls of Qumran and Nag Hammadi.

    At this point it is also worth mentioning that all the devils and demons are man made. They reside in the dominion of instant thought aka Astral dimension aka Noosphere and this is part of the gathered data....the collective mind of Earth aka Gaia.

    I do not get any of this, how about an example

    Noah and his wife Amzara are simply metaphysical labellings for the Darkness emerging from the Light and the other way around as the primal manifestation of the Creator-Creation Duality from its prior Void=Eternity quasi-oneness.

    Genesis 1:
    In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

    Meaning the 'Oneness' of God emerging from an undefinable Duality as a Void=Eternity, which necessitates its 'splitting apart' or bifurcation to allow definition of this selfsame Duality. God so becomes a Creator=WaveMind=Yang=Light=White=Male Principle=Heavenly Kingdom of Spirit=Love=Father as one half of this duality, the other half being the Goddess as the Creation=ParticularBody=Yin=Darkness=Black=Female Principle=Earthly Kingdom of Matter=Mother.

    Genesis 2:
    And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waters.

    Meaning that the Goddess was 'mindless' as the Creation and 'lost' in her own forgetfulness as the 'other half' of the Creator. But SHE mirrored the original VOID=Deep, both HER and HE had emerged from - SHE became the 'Missing Body' of the Creator and HE became the 'Lost Mind' of HER. So the 'wave of the cosmic energy of Love' pervaded the Deep Unconsciousness of the Creation as the metaphysically defined Earth and as Gaia=Mother of all Matter to allow her in evolutionary time to remember herself and where she had come from.

    Please check "Who is You" for a visual depiction of this.

    Are you running some sort of a church here?


    We do not support organized religion. The Church Corporation distorted and manipulated all data. You are loved by the Source and you will not be sent to hell. Hell is a man made concept. You now need to merge the good & evil inside of yourself, or to say it differently, you need to stop bullshitting yourself.

    No amount of prayer or meditation will do that for can bent your back to your God as many times as you want or make sure you are in your local church each will not change a thing. It is you and the insides of you that matter.

    How is all of this connected to the ET (extra terrestrials)?

    The data gathered on this planet is being used to be presented to them, to the entire Universe. The ET themselves are already present on this planet in the form of all flora and fauna.

    Why the Dragon association ??

    The ultimate identification of a Dragon is the Electromagnetic Sinusoidal Waveform or Sine Wave. This comes from the Omni science.

    Also the reptilian brain stem is more ancient than our new mammalian mid brain, it is the ancient forerunner in the first intelligent land dwelling creatures. The "ancient monkey" was than hybridized. This hybridization were mutations that mostly occurred from the quantum space. Call it a higher dimensional intelligence fields (ET), like how in 3D you cast a dark shadow, these higher dimensional intelligence fields cast 'light' shadows, you cannot see them because Earth is in 3D.

    So these 'light' shadows intermingled with Earth's creatures and affected their DNA through morphogenetic resonance fields. We are in fact 3D shadows of higher dimensional intelligence, our body is only a partial representation of the true higher D reality.

    The Dragon symbol is that of a Serpent as depicted in many ways and forms - it is a root memory.

    You expect me to read all that?? Tell me: Who am I? Why am I here?

    You are a data collector. You are the voyager probe from the 1st movie of Star Trek, you are here to experience and to bring that experience back to the Source, the Creator Energy. You were sent here by the Creator so that it can experience itself. You are part of the a little Creator.

    You are most unique and so is your existence and this planet you live on.

    What about the planet?

    You live in a "quarantine" which extends over the planet and its surroundings (encompassing the Moon). It is a huge information gathering and storage "facility". The data is being gathered. Data of all sorts and diverse as life itself on this 3D world. Coming December 21, 2012 there will be a birth. The planet will be "reborn" and all the data will be released into the Universe.

    WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!!!???!! You crazed puppet!!

    No one.
    If any of us is a puppet than we are Logos' puppets. But so are you and everything/everyone else.

    How can i donate?

    You can not. We do not accept donations. We do not charge for information. There will be no adds on this site to make any money from. There are no books for sale or anything like that.

    The above description was written by Spregovori and is supplemented by the following descriptor by Xeia Sui Generis. More information can be obtained in the links provided.

    Aquaries1111 wrote:I did notice some time past Carol when you swiftly deleted some disgusting Thuban posts from Raven and Fates (a new member) who just signed on to impress everyone here about his character. I have no qualms with the Thubans. I respect their religion, as I respect All religions.
    Religion? We are not a religion and you know it. You saying it like this shows how much you want to stir the pot.

    You say you respect all religions? Are you talking about tolerance and being accepting? and then you applaud when posts that might shed some light into the real you get censored out...ofc what was i thinking...double standards.
    I still remember back when The Mists of Avalon was first MP3 and many of us ranted when we were being censored out on Avalon and how this forum was to stand out for TRUTH and not being afraid to expose things..because after was all about information. What happened to that? But Debra i understand if you have no clue as to what i'm talking you weren't even here.

    FYI Thubans are all sovereign exhumans in self definition and independent of each other without gurus or leaders or any authoritarian hierarchy, including religious doctrine (like your beloved Ucadia)

    We are all apolitical by definition, we are Cosmic anarchists and communal sharers, etc etc.. All interested can go to the Thuban section of this forum to find out more.

    Btw, you can come here and talk all you want about your own character but you don't impress us...we know better.
    I don't know why you poke us on Skype when you obviously have no respect for us. Had i seen this post before yesterday i would've never added you back. If you find that you can't live without us and deep inside yourself you yearn for Logos, you need to humble yourself and show us that you've changed...for REAL.
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:34 pm
    I think you hit the nail on the head Floyd. Thuban = OABS
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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:55 am
    THEeXchanger wrote:3 DAYS of DARKNESS -NABS or NOT ??? 26 SEP 2013
    The timing of the '3 days of darkness' will have interesting motives, regarding the 'end of the world' and the '2nd Coming of Jesus-Yeshuah' prophecies. The Nabs misinformation and abuse of 'older historical sources' by disinformation agencies remains prevalent in the manipulation of the global human groupmind by the cosmically applicable memeplex, sourcefed and created in the human mentality genomatic matrix.

    The Three Days of Darkness (spiritual-metaphysical as a reconfiguration of the aforementioned memeplex) according to the Thuban archives:



    Friday the 13th

    Morning falls in thickness
    Her heavy air, Grey
    Diamonds scintillating in
    The dawn sky
    Haze of centuries lay over
    The city like a blanket
    Fog of endings
    The silence pierced by
    Raven caw
    Black Beaked and carrion feasted
    Mother of all
    Dove winged she bleeds white
    The thirteenth tribe gathers
    We came to start a fire
    Do not pretend to know me
    Or from where I come
    Gather around our corpses
    And see what flesh the saints eat.
    Julienne Alvarez ® Sept., 13 2013=9/13/13

    How much rain?
    From the afternoon of Sept. 9 through midday on Sept. 13, 14.62 inches of rain fell in Boulder. Average September rainfall in Boulder is only 1.63 inches, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Jon Erdman, adding that Boulder picked up almost nine times its average September monthly rainfall in almost four days.

    The factual versus the New Age BS aka Nabs

    Shiloh, Saturday, September 21st, 16th, 2013

    Posts: 6594
    THE13thBRiDGE-SUSAN - Posted 2 Days Ago

    THE13thBRiDGE-SUSAN - Posted 2 Days Ago
    Padre Pio and the Three Days of Darkness


    “My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe.”
    - Jesus, September 14, 1976
    Comment by shiloh:

    This part simply relates to The Italian-European papacy becoming 'transcontinental' and so is fulfilled by the 'Last Pope' of the Irish Saint Malachy, predicted in the 12th Century in the Argentinian papacy of Francis Bergoglio. The 'prophecies' so relate to the history of the Roman Vatican following the times of Malachy and Nostradamus of the 16th Century and stipulate a 1272 year cycle between 741 and 2013.

    This is also the decoding for the Nostradamus quatrain II.41

    Nostradamus - Quatrain: Century 2, Quatrain 41

    The great star will burn for seven days,
    The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
    The big mastiff will howl all night
    When the great pontiff will change country.

    No fanciful conspiracy theories or Nabs interpretations are required.

    Francis is first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years

    By Josh Levs and Holly Yan, CNN
    March 14, 2013 -- Updated 1643 GMT (0043 HKT)


    The new pope is Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the former archbishop of Buenos Aires, who takes the name Pope Francis.
    The announcement came on Wednesday, March 13, the first full day of the cardinals' conclave in the Sistine Chapel.

    Then-Archbishop of Buenos Aires Bergoglio is seen in Vatican City in this undated photo. He's the first non-European pope in the modern era and the first South American pope.

    Pope John Paul II receives Cardinal Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Vatican on February 21, 2001.


    It was 741 when someone from outside Europe last led the Roman Catholic Church
    That's when Pope Gregory III, born in Syria, ended his 10-year reign
    That's just one of several unusual things about the new Pope Francis

    (CNN) -- Pope Francis is a first in many ways. He's the first Latin American pontiff; the first Jesuit; the first Francis -- and the first non-European in 1,272 years.
    The last time someone from outside Europe led the Roman Catholic Church was the year 741.
    That's when Pope Gregory III, born in Syria, ended his 10-year reign.
    Before him, there were popes from Bethlehem (St. Evaristus, from 97 to 105), Jerusalem (Pope Theodore I, from 642 to 649) and modern-day Libya (Saint Victor I, from 189 to 199).

    Meet Pope Francis

    And, of course, the church counts Peter, disciple of Jesus from the Holy Land, as the first pope.
    Several other Syrians have also served as pontiff.
    The majority of popes have been Italian.
    Over the centuries, the length of reign has varied widely.
    Pope Pius IX reigned the longest, more than 31 years, from 1846 to 1878.

    See the longest-reigning popes
    The record for shortest reign goes to Pope Urban VII, who served for 13 days in 1590.
    See the shortest-reigning popes

    Shiloh, September 21st, 2013

    Last edited by shiloh on Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Floyd on Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:19 pm
    Sanicle wrote:Thanks for the introduction to Rabindranath Tagore Floyd. I found some others I like that may speak to you too.

    "A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it."

    "The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."

    "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."

    "By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower."

    "Age considers; youth ventures."

    "From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watches them play and forgets the priest."

    "If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out."

    Yes. The good news is that none of these words are incompatible with the quote I mentioned.
    Thankyou dear Sanicle. Good to see you have been busy though.
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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Floyd on Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:29 pm
    Aquaries1111 wrote:I think you hit the nail on the head Floyd. Thuban = OABS

    Labels are labels I guess.
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    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:06 am
    Floyd wrote:Thanks Shil mate.

    What is the purpose of your group. Is there a practical element to it? Would you say it was a force for positivity in the world?
    Does your group have a founder/head. Would you consider yourself a christian sect?
    Is your group superlative to all other religious groups/sects? Or is it not?
    Would you consider yourself a cult leader? Or not?
    Is there something to differentiate the Thuban group from other groups that may be termed cults or new religious movements?
    If so why would this be the case? Is religious freedom toleratated within your group? Could I be a muslim and a Thuban? Or a Wiccan and a Thuban?
    What makes your beliefs more cogent than that of JZ Knight or any number of alien cult religions?

    I would be interested to see if these questions could be addressed without reference to scripture or messages.

    Gimme the full burger.

    Is there a short answer to this lol ??

    Thanks in advance.

    Im happy to say I take no notice of the bible in any of its forms and is quite possibly my least favourite mish mash of a book for all the bad in this world it has been responsible along with documents of other anthropomorphic religions and the blood letting control and violence done in their name. Dont take it personally though. Its a free world. apparently!

    ps. Dont mind a bit of mancini
    1. What is the purpose of your group.

    The pupose of Thuban is to 'End the Quarantine' of this planetary civilization within its 'cosmic context' and to 'Ban the Falseness' of fake images which are generic and fundamental in the 'mental atmosphere' or 'Noosphere' of this planetary orb. Those 'fake images' aka the 'worship of manmade idols' became focalised on planet Earth to allow a greater Cosmic Agenda to reharmonise itself from its own beginnings and whose origins can be defined as the 'Birth of the Universe' itself.
    2. Is there a practical element to it?

    The praxis of the Thuban data stream is the infiltration of the 'mental atmosphere' by the "Dragon Information Collective" and in its purpose to directly confront the 'false images' of the historical generic mentality matrix. This then manifests as a 'War between thoughtforms' which can also be defined as a war between Logos created meme waves or thoughtforms and astral projections of human mind created memeplexes, often colloquially labelled as angels and demons and devils and gods of divers sorts and definitions.
    3. Would you say it was a force for positivity in the world?

    The necessity for the existence of the JCCJ-MD is precisely the mere notion of positivity being in some form of contra selfstate with its antistate, then termed negativity. This polarity dichotomy became the effect of the birth of a physicalized universe itself; when the eternal void unitized itself in its own boundaries of self expression and thus creating the notion of all forms of limitations, both in physicality and as the paradox of the eternal nothingness or void. Thuban then attained its authority to testify for the JCCJ-MD as its agency by its own remembrance of associations with the masterdragon in its then particularised and divided polarised state as a male JC and a female CJ Mind-Body Descartian and a Wave-Particle Heisenbergian Dualism.
    Those stated dichotomies originate from the same data base and matrix, but are expressed in rather different semantics.
    The former uses the language and vocabulary of often metaphysical descriptors from mythology and religion and cultural annotations; whilst the latter has a specialized lexicon labelled as the 'natural philosophies of the sciences'.
    Thuban then performs the office of bringing the positive and negative polarities together in hybridstates of the JCCJ-MD masterdragon and in a context of self-similarity and adaptive approximation of the particular individuated self expression towards the wave-morphed eigenstate.
    4. Does your group have a founder/head.

    Yes, the founder of Thuban is the World TwinLogos, also known as the JCCJ Masterdragonhood or JCCJ-MD; who can best be described as the wavefunction of the Universal Protoseed in omni-scientific definition of a 13-dimensional timespace matrix.
    As this wavefunction is by nature and definition all pervasive, omnipresent and omniscient in terms of the data collected in the historical evolvement of the linearization of the multidimensional timequantum; the JCCJ-MD as a waveform superquantum, seeks to particularise itself in its constituent parts, namely ANY sentient morph within its own body gestalt.
    This then becomes exemplified in the Thuban motto of: "The One in the Many and the Many in the One!".
    Thuban Dragons then know from the depth of their beingnesses, that they are themselves the constituent parts of the JCCJ-MD and all Thubans have accepted the invitation of the JCCJ-MD to host the JCCJ-MD in cosmic homage and homesteadfastness.
    5. Would you consider yourself a christian sect?

    The meaning of 'Christian sect' depends on the cosmology and worldview of the labeller and so the semantic address for this label will itself become mind filtered and so become subject to the memeplexes present in the 'mental world' of the labellers.
    As the JCCJ-MD is often associated with the label of 'Christianity' and its linearized historical evolution as a 'world religion'; Thuban is very comfortable to be labelled as a 'Christian sect'; being fully aware that the Dragon Arks in the Cosmic nomenclature would render the label of 'Christian sect' as a 'Cosmic Family' hosting the Allness both within and without its individuated hybridized universal morphology.
    6.Is your group superlative to all other religious groups/sects? Or is it not?

    In terms of the hybrid nature of Thuban as a direct consequence from the authority of the JCCJ-MD, Thuban is superlative to all nonhybridized 'groups' native on planet Gaia Terrestrialis, because Thuban by nature carries the World Logos authorized task to assimilate all nonhybridized 'groups' as 'cosmic sibling groups'. And as the JCCJ-MD encompasses all physical and mental existence in whatever modes of particularisation and wavenatures expressed by the morphed sentiences; Thuban or any other label acting under the auspices and authority of the JCCJ-MD must necessarily also encompass all subsystems and constituent parts.
    The overall 'work' of Thuban so can be restated as a 'gathering or Homecoming of a Cosmic Starbased Family'.
    Subsequently, many scattered subgroups and individual data collectors exist upon planet Earth; which are Thuban, yet which remain unawares of their own affiliation to cosmic dragon ambassadorship.
    All such individuations find themselves however in a deep emphathy and sympathy to the JCCJ-MD 'Universal Wave Umbrella' and are in communication with the masterdragon via telepathic data exchange as an effect of the ubiquitous omnipresence of the latter.
    7.Would you consider yourself a cult leader? Or not?

    As can be ascertained from comments following, the label of 'cult' or 'movement' or 'guru' derives from the linguistics and semantics used by whatever individual or 'group' or civilization to draw particular distinctions between events and occurrences and to allow those differences to to aid the individual co-creating data collector to manifest hisher individuated worldviews and cosmologies.
    As said in an earlier message however; Thuban has no hierarchy and no leadership, except the Council of 24 Elders, which represent a fractalised double-tiered Twelveness on many levels of locale-nested similarity multiplication.
    Iow, the Thuban Dragon Universe does not require nonlocalised 'government', as all Dragons are unified in their cosmology of universal dragon honour and integrity. Thubans KNOW how a cosmic Civilisation functions, being based upon the uniqueness of the individual, albeit in full recognisance of its own origin and source energy definitions as ambassadorhood for the 'Allness' in Dragon Gnosis, Insight or Science.
    8.Is there something to differentiate the Thuban group from other groups that may be termed cults or new religious movements?

    The label of 'cult' or 'religious- or spiritual movement' is used by the Thuban messages in the context of its utility and usage by the quarantined Terra civilization. The basic difference between the Thuban 'cult' and any other 'cult or movement' is that it represents a hybrid movement, which INCORPORATES and renders physcicalised, both the native Terrestrial form of self expression AND a non-native, or say a timespace-warped form of this nativity in what is called Extraterrestrial.
    9. If so why would this be the case?

    This distinction can be made and is implemented by the aforesaid warping mechanics of the spacetime matrix and as can be defined in a form of advanced quantum mechanics or a 'harmonized hybridization' of the wave-particle or mind-body duality inherent in a nonwarped spacetime of 3 spacial and one temporal physical dimension or density taxonomic classification, also known as a 'flat Minkowski metric' in the science based nomenclature.
    10. Is religious freedom tolerated within your group?

    The label of 'religious freedom' infers an a priori differentiation between those 'religions' or 'churches' to have been made by the labeller. Every Thuban knows, that such distinctions depict a syntax of classifications, which is unnecessary in the cosmic sense of jurisprudence from which the Dragonworld operates from. As Thubans treasure the uniqueness of the 'Universal Individuation' of all data collectors for the 'Unification of the Parts' as holofractal representatives of the Allness; all labels of 'religious affiliation' become a simple flavour or essence of the cocreative data collector for this 'Oneness'.
    11. Could I be a muslim and a Thuban? Or a Wiccan and a Thuban?

    Yes, every Thuban dragon can be 'labeled' as a Sufi Muslim AND as a Mystic Christian AND as a Abrahamic Starseeded Jew AND as a Tantric Buddhist AND as a Brahmanic Hindu AND as a Pagan Druid.
    As a matter of definition from the 'Thuban Coven Archives'; every DragonQueenBee or DQBee represents a Cosmic or Extra-Intra-Terrestrial form of a 'Cosmic Witch', honouring the universal seasons and the naturalness of the Body-Mind Interaction between the environment and the embodiment morphs. Corollarily, every DragonKingBee or DKBee supplements hisher unique DQB as the major 'missing ingredient' of the old beehives found on Gaia Terraastralis aka Gaea Serpentina.
    12. What makes your beliefs more cogent than that of JZ Knight or any number of alien cult religions?

    The simple answer is that a polarity context native to this planetary orb requires a notion, that a' Clear Distinction' is necessitated to be made available to all cosmic quarantinees. The 'choices made' by the exposees to the Thuban data stream then will allow all individuated morphs of whatever genetic conglomeration, to attune their individuated measuring equipment to either resonate or dissonate with the information received through their perceptions, which can be labelled as their biophysical brains acting like antennas for 'ElectromagneticMonopolar Radiation' or EMMR.
    The many 'groups' and individuals in all strata of Terran civilization then 'attune' to different degrees and percentages to the Dragon Nous; which in the required Gaussian distributed frequency extrema totally rejects the Thuban Logos or fully embraces the same.
    No 'group' or 'cult' or 'religion' or 'philosophy' is rejected or 'cast out' in its entirety by the Thuban Encompassment of the World Twin Logos due to its holofractal distribution functions however.
    The 'prodigals' then become assimilated within the context of the 'Unification and Oneness of Universal Existence'. What is truly banned into the LoFaB of the 'Unified Wave-Particle' or Mind-Body morphology as a 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' physicalized and manifested by the particularised JCCJ-MDs from their master template of the JCCJ-MD; are the 'falsehoods of MENTAL creations', which can then simply be labeled as 'wrong thinking'.
    I would be interested to see if these questions could be addressed without reference to scripture or messages.

    Gimme the full burger.

    13. Is there a short answer to this lol ??

    Yes and this answer is the answer to a question: "What and who and where and why and how does the Universe and I exist?
    Answer: "To experience Itself simultaneously as Individuation of "All That Can Exist" within all possible space and time tapestries in a full logistical self awareness of conscious sentient interaction with Itself."

    The True Creation-Creator MotherFather Gate of the BaaB as the True Creator-Creation FatherMother Void of the AbbA


    Shiloh, Monday, September 23rd, 2013 - Day of the Equinox in a Cosmic Order-Chaos Reconfiguration in Dichotomy of dyadic monadicity​
  10. admin

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    • Post n°20

    Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    shiloh on Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:26 am
    [*]Post n°4
    Re: 3 DAYS of DARKNESS -NABS or NOT ??? 26 SEP 2013
    shiloh Today at 12:11 am

    Carol wrote:I've always read that the 3 days of darkness would be the result of a pole shift. The earth would stop it's rotation at which time being bombarded by a various sort of cosmic rays (gamma rays from deep space, micro "type " rays from nibiru if it's there and solar rays). Basically, the magnetosphere would be compromised and also go through a reversal. This has nothing to do with the 2nd coming of Christ. During this time the planet's gravity would be affected where it would be almost impossible to stand up. A series of quakes around the globe would precede massive winds as the planet gears up to rotate again also producing tsunamis and ocean displacement. This information is based on some of the scientific evidence left behind from previous pole shifts that Velikovsky wrote about in his book.

    This is not science Carol; but a serving of Nabs and quasi science.

    The energy of the rotating earth or any celestial orb obeys rather precise laws of physics. The angular momentum relates to the mass and so inertia of the planet and stopping it would require this 'rotation energy' to become CONSERVED in the earth's dynamics itself. So in other words, if the earth stopped rotating it would stress geophysically to such an extent, it would break up into pieces.

    A real scientific descriptor from Cornell University:

    What would happen if an impact caused Earth to stop rotating?

    If the Earth was struck by an object which caused it to stop rotating or begin rotating in the opposite direction, what effect would that have on the Earth?

    If an object struck the Earth and was large enough to cause Earth to stop rotating or to reverse its rotation, it would be catastrophic for the Earth in almost every possible way! I think I'll just list some of the things that might happen:

    1. If the Earth's rotation INSTANTLY stopped, everything not fixed to the Earth would continue to rotate around at the same velocity that they were before due to conservation of momentum. To us it would feel like a giant earthquake where the Earth would suddenly start "moving" in the opposite direction of the rotation. Buildings would collapse, the oceans would wash up onto land in large tidal waves, and there would be a large atmospheric wind shear at the surface. (The atmosphere is not attached to the planet either and would keep rotating too). Since we are traveling at about 460 m/s at the equator (about 1000 miles per hour) we would be tossed pretty far. (We wouldn't fly off the earth, though. Escape velocity is much higher.) As my officemate said when I told him about this question "We would be thrown into the wall at 1.5 times the speed of sound as the building was tipped off its foundation."

    2. Seismic waves from the impact would travel through the earth causing massive earthquakes. Depending on the size and velocity of the impactor, the earth might even break apart.

    3. Much of the atmosphere would be boiled off. A fireball would expand outward destroying material in it's path and polluting the rest of the atmosphere.

    Those things would probably kill all life and level everything on the Earth's surface! It would be much worse than the extinction event that may have contributed to dinosaur extinction.

    If we were magically able to stop the Earth with no bad consequences, life on a non-rotating or retrograde (backwards) rotating planet would be very strange.

    * On a retrograde rotating planet, the sun and all the stars would rise in the west and set in the east.

    * If the rotation was very slow, the day could be very long. This would have a huge effect on plant and animal life on the earth, some of which could not survive many days with no sunlight.

    If there are any physics enthusiasts out there, from knowledge of the mass of the earth, the radius of the earth, the earth's escape velocity (use as impactor velocity), the rotation period of the earth, and the average density of the earth you can calculate a very rough estimate of the size of an impactor needed to stop the earth's rotation. If I assume that the earth collides with an object just sitting in its orbit right at the edge at the equator I get a rough radius of 1600 km for the needed size. In reality, you would probably need something much, much bigger. There are not any objects of this size in the solar system that we don't know about, which means that this scenario can't really happen.
    [*]Excerpt from wiki:

    Astronomers reject the idea of Nibiru, and have made efforts to inform the public that there is no threat to Earth.[22] They point out that such an object so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye. A planet such as Nibiru would create noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets.[23] Some counter this by claiming that the object has been concealed behind the Sun for several years, though this would be geometrically impossible.[14] Most photographs showing "Nibiru" by the Sun are in fact of lens flares, false images of the Sun created by reflections within the lens.[24]

    Astronomer Mike Brown notes that if this object's orbit were as described, it would only have lasted in the Solar System for a million years or so before Jupiter expelled it, and that there is no way another object's magnetic field could have such an effect on Earth.[25] Lieder's assertions that the approach of Nibiru would cause the Earth's rotation to stop or its axis to shift violate the laws of physics. In his rebuttal of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, which made the same claim that the Earth's rotation could be stopped and then restarted, Carl Sagan noted that, "the energy required to brake the Earth is not enough to melt it, although it would result in a noticeable increase in temperature: The oceans would [be] raised to the boiling point of water ... [Also,] how does the Earth get started up again, rotating at approximately the same rate of spin? The Earth cannot do it by itself, because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum."[26]

    In a 2009 interview with the Discovery Channel, Mike Brown noted that, while it is not impossible that the Sun has a distant planetary companion, such an object would have to be lying very far from the observed regions of the Solar System to have no detectable gravitational effect on the other planets. A Mars-sized object could lie undetected at 300 AU (10 times the distance of Neptune); a Jupiter-sized object at 30,000 AU. To travel 1000 AU in two years, an object would need to be moving at 2400 km/s – faster than the galactic escape velocity. At that speed, any object would be shot out of the Solar System, and then out of the Milky Way galaxy into intergalactic space.[27]
    Extraordinary Nabs masquerading as 'science':

    ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation
    Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.


    As the giant comet approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused. There are conflicting pulls, gravitational as well as magnetic. The Earth is normally magnetically aligned, along with the other planets in the Solar System, according to an axis that exists in your part of the galaxy. This axis reflects the sum of a number of solar systems and other matter not understood yet by your scientists, but is normal and natural for your part of the galaxy. Now comes the giant comet, from a distance, swinging through your Solar System, and picking up speed as it approaches. It outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23 times as large as its weight is due to its makeup, having less silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would look to the 12th Planet as the Moon does to the Earth. Where the gravitational pull on the surface of the 12th Planet is better than half again as much as on the surface of the Earth, accounting for the stocky appearance of the large hominoids who live there, in the tug of war regarding Magnetic Alignment the 12th Planet's mass gives it a 4-to-1 advantage. There is no contest.

    At first, your planet Earth reacts by additional swirling about in matter deep within its core. In the final days, as the giant comet begins passing between the Earth and its Sun, total interference occurs. The Earth slows in its rotation, and actually stops. The Earth's rotation is due to the balanced gravitational pull of the neighborhood, and the 12th Planet is a very big bully. The part of the Earth facing this bully is loath to leave, essentially, and this causes the rotation to gradually stop. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or night. The period of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans who experienced this described this as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is more correct. Rotation also stops because the magnetic influence of the giant comet, which is aligned according to the larger Universe where it spends most of its cycle, has essentially gripped the Earth. The Earth has not yet joined the alignment of the giant comet, but what was occurring before, the steady, slow roll, has by now stopped. To make the switch, and magnetically align with the giant comet, is much more of an adjustment than simply slowing and stopping rotation. Thus this slowing of rotation occurs with little trauma.

    Note: below added during the May 18, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

    Planet X grips the Earth, causing rotation stoppage, well before being between the Earth and Sun. It does so because it is approaching from the south, it's north pole to the Earth's south pole, at an angle such that the side of the Earth facing the Sun is more affected by the approach. Thus, while at some distance from the point of passage, it has gripped Earth to the point of not letting the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift go. During this week, the size of the approaching Planet X horrifies those on the daylight side of the Earth. At first a reddish blob only a fraction of the size of the Moon, it grows in size and appears to twist and turn like a dragon in the sky. The ancients recorded this as a fire dragon in the sky, as the tail of swirling moons gave this appearance. When approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it approached.

    All rights reserved:[*]
    Another 'real science' description:/

    What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?

    The probability for such an event is practically zero in the next few billion years. If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator. All of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock. This means rocks, topsoil, trees, buildings, your pet dog,
    and so on, would be swept away into the atmosphere.

    If the process happened gradually over billions of years, the situation would be very different, and it is this possibility which is the most likely as the constant torquing of the Sun and Moon upon the Earth finally reaches it's conclusion. If the rotation period slowed to 1 rotation every 365 days a condition called 'sun synchronous', every spot in the Earth would have permanent daytime or nighttime all year long. This is similar to the situation on the Moon where for 2 weeks the front-side is illuminated by the Sun, and for 2 weeks the back side is illuminated. This situation for the Earth is not the condition of 'stopped' rotation, but it is as close as the laws of physics will let the Earth get.

    If it stopped spinning completely...not even once every 365 days, you would get 1/2 year daylight and 1/2 year nightime. During daytime for 6 months, the surface temperature would depend on your latitude, being far hotter that it is now at the equator than at the poles where the light rays are more slanted and heating efficiency is lower. This long-term temperature gradient would alter the atmospheric wind circulation pattern so that the air would move from the equator to the poles rather than in wind systems parallel to the equator like they are now. The yearly change in the Sun's position in the sky would now be just its seasonal motion up and down the sky towards the south due to the orbit of the Earth and its axial tilt. As you moved along constant lines of Earth latitude, you would see the elevation of the Sun increase or decrease in the sky just as we now see the elevation of the Sun change from a single point on the Earth due to the Earth's daily rotation.

    For example, if you were at a latitude of +24 degrees North in the Summer and at a longitude where the Sun was exactly overhead, it would slide gradually to the horizon as Fall approached, but since the Sun has moved 90 degrees in its orbit, it would now be due west. Then as we approach Winter, you would now be located on the dark side of the Earth, and would have to travel in longitude to a location 180 degrees around the Earth to see the Sun 1/2 way up the sky because in the Winter, the Sun is 48 degrees south of its summer location in the sky. It's a little confusing, but if you use a globe of the Earth and orient it the right way, you can see how all this works out.

    As for other effects, presumably the magnetic field of the Earth is generated by a dynamo effect that involves its rotation. If the Earth stopped rotating, it's magnetic field would no longer be regenerated and it would decay away to some low, residual value due to the very small component which is 'fossilized' in its iron-rich rocks. There would be no more 'northern lights' and the Van
    Allen radiation belts would probably vanish, as would our protection from cosmic rays and other high-energy particles. This is a significant biohazard.

    From Ask the Astronomer
    Copyright 1997 Dr. Sten Odenwald

    As the giant comet approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused.

    The Nabs 'addicted' Earthlings are 'confused' alright!

    Shiloh, September 24th, 2013

    Post n°6
    Re: 3 DAYS of DARKNESS -NABS or NOT ??? 26 SEP 2013

    shiloh Today at 2:12 am

    Carol wrote: What we do know is that the poles shifted. I'm not going to worry about the rest of it. That fact I can hang my hat on. Pretty much everything else is just that. Everything else. It isn't even worth getting worked up over earth changes as this is a likely future event as well.

    And even if my consciousness ceased to exist at the passing during a possible pole shift, I'm okay with that too. Poof. It's over in a blink of an eye. That was my last NDE a few weeks ago. I guess this recent incident left me feeling emotionally detached from all theories, speculations, mind-sets, ideologies... and so on.

    Poof. Gone. Dying wasn't that bad at all. The experience was liberating. However, surviving also spurred me onto getting my will in order.

    shiloh.. as brilliant as you are you've yet to master the art of simplicity. Be well my friend. I wish you aloha.

    (109) Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a man who had a hidden treasure in his field without knowing it. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son did not know (about the treasure). He inherited the field and sold it. And the one who bought it went plowing and found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished."

    (88) Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you and give to you those things you (already) have. And you too, give them those things which you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    Gospel of Thomas Didymos - Lambdin

    Post last edited Sep 25th 2013​
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014

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