The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°101

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:06 pm
    Brook wrote: Done deal.... 83084. Uninvited and removed to please whomever.

    No worries...this will NEVER happen again I promise. ALL uninvited posts have been removed except the ones quoted. Sorry bout that.

    If your name is mentioned in a private conversation and posted public I would assume it's only fair to give you the right to express yourself .
    I would even see it as invite for you to do so . I do not see the point otherwise.
    When words were spoken did they improve on silence ?

    I understand your reaction Brook.

    Love from me
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°102

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:13 pm
    mudra wrote:
    Brook wrote: Done deal.... 83084. Uninvited and removed to please whomever.

    No worries...this will NEVER happen again I promise. ALL uninvited posts have been removed except the ones quoted. Sorry bout that.

    If your name is mentioned in a private conversation and posted public I would assume it's only fair to give you the right to express yourself .
    I would even see it as invite for you to do so . I do not see the point otherwise.
    When words were spoken did they improve on silence ?

    I understand your reaction Brook.

    Love from me
    First of all Mudra. Let us get one thing straight shall we! The private conversation is exactly that! "Private". It was never allowed to be posted Public by me. However, for the record, I will state, Tony is usually quite tactful with his postings; however he is "now" abusing the system based upon his prophesies which he sees "fit to post" based upon some "Hosea" Prophecy. Now; if I am to take a fall; and to be chosen to play the role of "Lilitu" via the Pleiadians; then surely I am strong enough to play such roles. If this is to come to some sort of "completion" in the Minds of the ones needing the role player; then I say; let me be the One! I am oozing with balance; so much so; that the challenges are not so challenging. Do you comprehend Mudra? You shine your light so bright I wonder sometimes if you can even see the Stars! Now; for you Mudra; let some darkness balance the light that shines so bright even the Suon sometimes forgets who it is! Love to You - From "Us".

    Last edited by Aquaries1111 on Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Floyd on Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:24 pm
    siloh. I have to say. If those those things happened to your offspring i wish you all well.
    I wish that they travel well on in endless space.

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:57 pm
    Thank You aquaries for sharing your own point of view on the matter and thank for your song for me.
    Skype conversations I believe belong to those who hold them and hence are private as you say.

    I like to think Tony's choice to make them public is born from a desire for transparency.
    An opportunity as well by doing so to give matters that haven't been tackled face to face a chance to be settled.
    As these postings act as an invite for people concerned to express themselves would they wish to.

    I am looking at the stars tonight but clouds are hiding them.
    I don't think it has anything to do with the light that I shine though lol
    It's been a rainy all day today.

    My world is one of colors.
    Never are they as beautifull though and do they catch my heart and soul so much than when they are gently interwoven with shades of greys.

    Don McLean - Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics


    Love for You

    Susan - the Exchanger - Posted Nov 4th 2013


    This is a good example, provided by Brook
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  5. admin

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    • Post n°105

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven on Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:44 am
    mtruth1. mtruth2.



    A critique of 'Ex Satanist' Mark Passio with counter critiques....

    counterculture history, conspiracy theory & reviews

    Mark Passio and the Illuminati Hoax
    with 115 comments

    Just when you thought the world had enough disinfo memes, a new franchise is born: and Mark Passio wants to tell you what is really going on and what the hidden meanings are to life! It’s not like Mark is hiding his source material, since he starts his four-part video series on the Illuminati occult conspiracy by naming the four “titans” whose research his theories are grounded in (meaning here are the dudes who’s ideas I ripped off to create my franchise).
    David Icke is first on the list, of course. In case you don’t follow conspiracy kooks, Icke is an obvious disinfo agent who claims contact with giant reptile creatures from another dimension that only he is allowed to see? Like most disinfo agents, Icke slips in the occasional truth to better make the spoonful of disinfo go down. Passio’s credibility sinks even further with the next two “researchers’ whose work form the basis of his worldview: Jordon Maxwell and Micheal Tsarion, two obvious kooks who push UFO and alien conspiracy stories, while also retreading Aleister Crowley as a dark magician secretly running the world. (The truth is Crowley became a professional huckster similar in many ways to Icke, Maxwell, Tsarion and Passio, although Crowley’s connections to British intelligence—James Bond creator Ian Fleming was his handler at the end—are well documented at this point, while any possible intel connections on the others remain to be uncovered.) Passio also lists Terence McKenna, who is really more of a psychedelic mystic than occult conspiracy researcher, but since McKenna has a huge fan base and believes in UFOs, you can see why Passio would want to tie himself to those coattails.

    To give an idea of the quality of this “research,” expect to find a string of logos with pyramid shapes. These logos will all be claimed as evidence of an Illuminati occult conspiracy, because, after all, no one would be stupid enough to put a triangle in their logo unless they were being controlled by the Illuminati, right? See, the triangle is super important because it represents how a small number of people on top control the huge amount of people on the bottom. Duh? Using this logic, anytime you see the color “red,” its safe to assume the Rothschilds are behind that op. This is about as rigorous as Passio research gets and expect a lot of hypnotic music and quick cuts and dissolves to lots of symbols and fear-loaded sigils, the end result of which will make you very, very fearful, since it’s obvious the Illuminati intend to kill most of the planet in the next few years. One wonders, however, where their profits will come from once they get rid of us stupid consumers? I guess the Illuminati don’t care about profits.
    Yes, the super rich old money cabal meets in secret and organizes a future that guarantees their ancestors will continue to rule the planet just like they do. What else would you expect the super rich old money to do? And I don’t think they’re in a hurry to install this supposed one-world government either, since manufacturing war requires at least two sides, and war has been the economic engine driving the world economies for centuries. Unless, of course, they can devise a war against alien life-forms or creatures from another dimension. At that point, a one-world government scam will work.

    The real point of all this disinfo is to keep the people fearful and confused. Once you believe you are surrounded by chemtrails, or UFO landings, or Illuminati agents trying to poison you, you lose the ability to mount an effective investigation into what is really going on. The 9/11 conspiracy was a magic ritual designed to sweep us into war and hide the electronic transfer of billions of dollars. But it wasn’t anything like the scenario being pushed by this cabal of disinfo agents. What they do is take the hypnotic mind control being used for brainwashing one side of a dialectic and claim that’s actually a true representation of the mind of the Illuminati and how they work, and not just another mind control op in progress. It doesn’t matter what altar you pray at, all magic is based around bell, book and candle, and the only real rule is big dog eats first.
    To give an idea of what “good” versus “bad” research looks like, a real researcher named Antony Sutton wrote a book detailing how Skull & Bones moved members into elevated positions in medicine, education, government, and then those characters began affecting major changes within those professions, the end result of which has been to further the dumbing-down process while centralizing power and control (and manufacturing war for profit). Sutton also said Skull & Bones could be related to the Illuminati, since it was a German secret society transplanted to Yale right after the country’s biggest educational secret society (Phi Beta Kapa, organized by Freemasons) went above-ground in the 1840s, a move that angered the Yale chapter who wanted a completely secret society for the educated elite. The main thing about Sutton, however, is he talked about real people and had real facts to back up everything. With characters like Icke and Passio, however, it’s a giant web constructed of rumor and coincidence. Whether these people know they are deep in some intel rabbit hole, or whether they knowingly spread this garbage is the only question in my mind.

    Since I never heard of Maxwell and Tasarion, I decided to do a little research. Strangely, Maxwell had no wikipedia entry. Even stranger, many people had apparently tried to start a wikipedia page on Maxwell, yet this page was mysteriously always getting deleted by those higher up the wikipedia chain. Now why would that be, I wonder? I did come across an accusation that Maxwell was a 30-year CIA veteran and a 33rd Freemason, but since zero evidence was offered to back up either claim, I didn’t feel that rumor was very useful. However, then I came across a likely reason why Maxwell doesn’t like wikipedia. See, in 2003, Maxwell was accused of running an internet scam. His real name, by the way, is Russel Pine. “…both Jordan Maxwell, aka Russell Pine, and Vic Varjabedian, from about December 1999 to January 2003 conducted a nationwide scheme to defraud customers using an internet website and in-bound telemarketing calls. The defendants maintained this website,, where they sold fake international driver’s permits, bogus credit repair services, and sham debt termination programs.” You can find the complaint here:

    I wanted to know more about Russel Pine and his internet activities, but the trail went dead, although I’m sure a real gumshoe like Daniel Hopsicker could probably blow this fraud out of the water with a few months of effort. So I’m writing this blog to see if anyone can offer more evidence of fraud involving any of these characters. One thing for sure, the websites for all of them sure look similar, as if a template is being passed around to amp up fears of an occult conspiracy. Hopefully, this blog will prevent some people from falling down that rabbit hole.

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°106

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:15 pm
    Raven wrote:



    A critique of 'Ex Satanist' Mark Passio with counter critiques....

    counterculture history, conspiracy theory & reviews

    Mark Passio and the Illuminati Hoax
    with 115 comments

    Just when you thought the world had enough disinfo memes, a new franchise is born: and Mark Passio wants to tell you what is really going on and what the hidden meanings are to life! It’s not like Mark is hiding his source material, since he starts his four-part video series on the Illuminati occult conspiracy by naming the four “titans” whose research his theories are grounded in (meaning here are the dudes who’s ideas I ripped off to create my franchise).
    David Icke is first on the list, of course. In case you don’t follow conspiracy kooks, Icke is an obvious disinfo agent who claims contact with giant reptile creatures from another dimension that only he is allowed to see? Like most disinfo agents, Icke slips in the occasional truth to better make the spoonful of disinfo go down. Passio’s credibility sinks even further with the next two “researchers’ whose work form the basis of his worldview: Jordon Maxwell and Micheal Tsarion, two obvious kooks who push UFO and alien conspiracy stories, while also retreading Aleister Crowley as a dark magician secretly running the world. (The truth is Crowley became a professional huckster similar in many ways to Icke, Maxwell, Tsarion and Passio, although Crowley’s connections to British intelligence—James Bond creator Ian Fleming was his handler at the end—are well documented at this point, while any possible intel connections on the others remain to be uncovered.) Passio also lists Terence McKenna, who is really more of a psychedelic mystic than occult conspiracy researcher, but since McKenna has a huge fan base and believes in UFOs, you can see why Passio would want to tie himself to those coattails.

    To give an idea of the quality of this “research,” expect to find a string of logos with pyramid shapes. These logos will all be claimed as evidence of an Illuminati occult conspiracy, because, after all, no one would be stupid enough to put a triangle in their logo unless they were being controlled by the Illuminati, right? See, the triangle is super important because it represents how a small number of people on top control the huge amount of people on the bottom. Duh? Using this logic, anytime you see the color “red,” its safe to assume the Rothschilds are behind that op. This is about as rigorous as Passio research gets and expect a lot of hypnotic music and quick cuts and dissolves to lots of symbols and fear-loaded sigils, the end result of which will make you very, very fearful, since it’s obvious the Illuminati intend to kill most of the planet in the next few years. One wonders, however, where their profits will come from once they get rid of us stupid consumers? I guess the Illuminati don’t care about profits.
    Yes, the super rich old money cabal meets in secret and organizes a future that guarantees their ancestors will continue to rule the planet just like they do. What else would you expect the super rich old money to do? And I don’t think they’re in a hurry to install this supposed one-world government either, since manufacturing war requires at least two sides, and war has been the economic engine driving the world economies for centuries. Unless, of course, they can devise a war against alien life-forms or creatures from another dimension. At that point, a one-world government scam will work.

    The real point of all this disinfo is to keep the people fearful and confused. Once you believe you are surrounded by chemtrails, or UFO landings, or Illuminati agents trying to poison you, you lose the ability to mount an effective investigation into what is really going on. The 9/11 conspiracy was a magic ritual designed to sweep us into war and hide the electronic transfer of billions of dollars. But it wasn’t anything like the scenario being pushed by this cabal of disinfo agents. What they do is take the hypnotic mind control being used for brainwashing one side of a dialectic and claim that’s actually a true representation of the mind of the Illuminati and how they work, and not just another mind control op in progress. It doesn’t matter what altar you pray at, all magic is based around bell, book and candle, and the only real rule is big dog eats first.
    To give an idea of what “good” versus “bad” research looks like, a real researcher named Antony Sutton wrote a book detailing how Skull & Bones moved members into elevated positions in medicine, education, government, and then those characters began affecting major changes within those professions, the end result of which has been to further the dumbing-down process while centralizing power and control (and manufacturing war for profit). Sutton also said Skull & Bones could be related to the Illuminati, since it was a German secret society transplanted to Yale right after the country’s biggest educational secret society (Phi Beta Kapa, organized by Freemasons) went above-ground in the 1840s, a move that angered the Yale chapter who wanted a completely secret society for the educated elite. The main thing about Sutton, however, is he talked about real people and had real facts to back up everything. With characters like Icke and Passio, however, it’s a giant web constructed of rumor and coincidence. Whether these people know they are deep in some intel rabbit hole, or whether they knowingly spread this garbage is the only question in my mind.

    Since I never heard of Maxwell and Tasarion, I decided to do a little research. Strangely, Maxwell had no wikipedia entry. Even stranger, many people had apparently tried to start a wikipedia page on Maxwell, yet this page was mysteriously always getting deleted by those higher up the wikipedia chain. Now why would that be, I wonder? I did come across an accusation that Maxwell was a 30-year CIA veteran and a 33rd Freemason, but since zero evidence was offered to back up either claim, I didn’t feel that rumor was very useful. However, then I came across a likely reason why Maxwell doesn’t like wikipedia. See, in 2003, Maxwell was accused of running an internet scam. His real name, by the way, is Russel Pine. “…both Jordan Maxwell, aka Russell Pine, and Vic Varjabedian, from about December 1999 to January 2003 conducted a nationwide scheme to defraud customers using an internet website and in-bound telemarketing calls. The defendants maintained this website,, where they sold fake international driver’s permits, bogus credit repair services, and sham debt termination programs.” You can find the complaint here:

    I wanted to know more about Russel Pine and his internet activities, but the trail went dead, although I’m sure a real gumshoe like Daniel Hopsicker could probably blow this fraud out of the water with a few months of effort. So I’m writing this blog to see if anyone can offer more evidence of fraud involving any of these characters. One thing for sure, the websites for all of them sure look similar, as if a template is being passed around to amp up fears of an occult conspiracy. Hopefully, this blog will prevent some people from falling down that rabbit hole.

    Interview with an Extraterrestrial

    -- P. Lutus, Ashland, Oregon -- --​

    (Scene: In an artificial bubble on the surface of Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons, an alien explorer describes his visit to Earth.)​

    Can you give us a general picture of Earth and its inhabitants?​
    The planet is rather pretty, with lots of natural resources. "Fertile" isn't too strong a word, especially when compared with most places in the local system. There are lots of energy sources, easily accessed, and lots of chemical resources as well. And we think this fertility is why the Earth's inhabitants -- the "humans" -- have such distorted ideas about reality.

    You mean like the silica worms on Venus, who, because they can't see through their atmosphere, have the idea that their planet is the entire universe?​
    No, the humans are much worse. They can see and study the entire universe, but they still think they are the center of everything, that their planet is the reason the universe exists.
    (collective gasp from audience)​

    But only the young humans, the larvae, have these distorted ideas, right?​
    No, that would be true here, but on Earth even old humans have a larval view of reality. Some never mature beyond expecting a deity, or a government, or nature herself, to satisfy their craving for transformation.

    What is this transformation? Don't they understand what they are?​
    Not in the slightest. They believe they are super-beings, or are mystically connected to a super-being, so everything is simultaneously temporary and unsatisfactory, to be someday replaced by fame, justice, immortality, or something called "true love."

    Do any of them have our concept of nature as a connected whole, of which all are a part? How do their beliefs differ?​
    The earthlings have it exactly backward. They think nature exists for them, designed to meet their needs, not that they are part of nature, as we understand it --
    (another gasp)​

    -- But it is much worse than that. They can't understand why nature won't meet their most trivial needs, and they are possessed by dissatisfaction. If they look at their planet's moon, it is unsatisfactory because they can't build a house on it. Everything is too hot or too cold, too big or too small. Reality is viewed solely in terms of a human's immediate needs.

    How did they stay so backward for so long?​
    Mostly by looking in the wrong places. You may not believe this, but many of them rely on each other for structure and meaning -- they even form units, composed of a leader and followers. The leader pretends to need followers, and the followers pretend to need a leader. Naturally, the most dangerous leaders -- and followers -- are those who forget it's a game. This game used to be called "religion," now it is called "government."

    Are there any regions of more advanced behavior, a place where we could safely present ourselves?​
    Emphatically not. In fact, there is one area of Earth that is much worse than the others -- it's called "America." The Americans have raised dissatisfaction to an art form. They rarely notice events and creatures of great beauty, and completely miss spectacular examples of nature's generosity. For example, I once monitored the brain-waves of a human observing a sunset. After a moment, he thought "If only this sunset were 10% prettier, why then I would be happy."

    What causes this distorted view of reality?​
    Well, humans have only recently acquired intellectual skills, therefore those skills are in a dangerous, immature form. We have seen this in other places -- the Earthlings have Godlike thinking powers grafted onto animal personalities. They have the ability to destroy themselves through badly formed ideas, but no ability to curb their passions.
    Their most serious problem is that they still believe in authority --
    (gasps and laughter)​

    -- yes, I know it is hard to believe. Many species throughout the universe have successfully made the transition from animal, instinctive mental processes to true intellect, and along the way they come to recognize authority for what it is: the last vestige of animal thought and behavior. But the transition away from authority can be difficult. The humans are about halfway through this learning process -- they still believe in centralized control of individual behavior, and yet they have developed fusion weapons, as though they had any chance to control such weapons with their pack-animal political system.

    Don't they have some version of science and mathematics to help them transcend their animal passions?​
    Most don't even know what science and mathematics are, and many of the rest think science can only be practiced by someone called a "scientist." --

    -- Yes, and that is the best evidence for their primitive state. They don't recognize scientific thought as the principal way to evolve from the half-animal, half-civilized state in which they are now living. They don't understand that science is the moral property of all thinking creatures.

    Well, at least they realize they are in transition between the world of animals and intelligent beings?​
    No, actually they think they are intelligent beings, with no supporting evidence at all. Humans study the geological record of species that have been transformed to meet new requirements, but they don't realize they are themselves in the midst of such a transformation.

    Can we help them? Can we share any part of our knowledge base with them, ease them toward intelligent behavior?​
    No, I cannot recommend that. They would only use our tools to kill each other, and our ideas would either confuse or frighten them. I recommend that we stay out of their view, as the other advanced species have decided to do, and let them wake up by themselves, in their own good time.
    Thank you for your report. Make it so. It is requested that none of our craft approach Earth, or become visible from there.
    Send out this request: Stay away from Earth -- they must show evidence of civilized behavior before we can allow them to join our community in the stars.

    Last edited by shiloh on Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:17 am; edited 1 time in total

    Jorgelito - Posted Mar 16th

    I like the Platters. Very nice.

    Post last edited Mar 19th​
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°107

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:01 am

    The Great Evil of Thuban in the Serpents of Eden

    {Presented in the Spirit of 'Humour Noir' of the Dark Comedy of the never to be fall into the pits of sarcasm in a Genre of La Presentation}


    Another Way to portray the World Logos as done by the Warriors of the Love and the Light engaged in eternal mortal combat with the Darkness of Creation in the Slaying of the terrible Dragons from the Depths of Fiery Hells and the Realms of Swords and Words of Icey Heavens

    Lucifer becomes Satan the Dragon


    There was a time when the being we call Lucifer was one of the greatest lights in heaven. He was dedicated to serving the Creator as head of the seraphim- the highest echelon of the angelic host.

    Unfortunately, Lucifer became increasingly jealous of the attention, love and guidance the Creator was giving to the prospering galactic human race. He felt God had placed them above the seraphim.

    Lucifer began to hate the humans and see himself as a slave to Divine Will. He desired to have free will and usurp God's kingdom. His great power and negative emotions had corrupted him.

    Lucifer began influencing others of the angelic host with his new way of thinking. One third of the angels were swayed by his twisted philosophy. He promised them all free will, should they exalt him above God. As leader of the coming mutiny, he would give them a new kingdom. He believed that with cunning schemes he could transcend God as lord of the universe, and extinct the race of galactic humanity.

    One aspect of his plan was to incarnate in 4th density as a reptilian who was to become king of the ancient Draconian Empire, which spanned much of the galaxy. The empire's headquarters was on a 4th density planet that orbited the star
    Thuban (also known as Alpha Draconis), in the Draco constellation. Upon assuming the throne as King Lingarak, he convinced his people that the prospering galactic humans posed a threat and needed to be wiped from existence. Many of the fallen angels had incarnated into the same race.

    So began the Great War, hundreds of millennia ago - remembered in history as the Orion Conflict, for its centre stage was within the
    Orion arm of the local galaxy. Lucifer then became known as Satan, the arch enemy of God, and one third of the angels had sided with his empire.


    For a long time the Draconian Empire and the fallen angels fought with galactic humanity, which had amassed a large resistance - armies from other galaxies answered their call for help and joined them. Some of the dark forces eventually surrendered, but a lot still remain hidden in many places. The resistance achieved a great victory when Satan himself and many of his closest henchmen were taken into custody. Their punishment was to be quarantined in the lowest astral plane of earth, known as the bottomless pit.

    Satan and his minions managed to gain access to the material world via portals opened by human followers (satanic cults). Unable to incarnate, they can only
    possess people and animals. Satan has possessed many humans. One of his well-known hosts was Hitler. Through him, he tried to impose his tyrannical will upon the planet, as he did elsewhere. Fortunately he failed at that time. However, through many more hosts, his New World Orderagenda continues.

    Satan's human followers also perform moonchild rituals, whereby babies are completely possessed by his forces. Below is a quote from a
    website concerning these rituals:

    The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic.

    God gave a deadline, at which point the ultimate fate of Satan and his followers would be decided once and for all, based upon how they may have evolved since being placed in the bottomless pit.
    Unfortunately they continue to hate humans with a passion, and work toward their extinction. Especially those on earth - who are a hybridisation of all branches of humanity throughout the galaxy and beyond. After many millennia, the deadline has come and a massive showdown on the astral and material planes of earth has begun.
    It may become obvious in the near future, as the dark ones intend to reveal themselves en-masse to the world, with their human followers joining them in the Final Battle. Beyond earth, the war still rages today.
    Many star systems have been contaminated by the fighting. Some worlds destroyed and the ecosystems of others seriously compromised.



    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.


    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.


    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger, what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    [​IMG] 03-01-2010, 06:50 PM #78

    Kerry Cassidy
    Project Avalon Co Founder
    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Posts: 146

    Project Avalon

    Control of avalon - domain name transfer
    Hi all,

    For those who are not aware, Project Avalon was taken off-line for the past few hours due to a dispute between Bill Ryan and myself in regard to the removal (closing) of the Thuban thread. I closed down the Forum to prevent further destruction of this thread and to ascertain from Bill, why it had been closed. I later learned that he had not actually closed it himself but wrote a message advising the Mod team that it should be closed. As a result it was closed. I have not seen this message. I advised Bill that I temporarily shut down the forum for a few hours and wanted to discuss this and other things that he has been doing that are in violation of copyright law as well as slander of a certain individual. I wanted to prevent any further violations of this nature, due to the fact that his actions threaten me, my status as a youtube director, Project Avalon and Project Camelot as his actions leave us open for lawsuits.

    For some reason Bill chooses to ignore this and continues to make disparaging remarks about Jack Burns who accompanied me recently on my trip to Europe and in the U.S. conducting Camelot interviews. Bill was of course invited to come along declined as he wished to remain in Switzerland and did not want to go along with me or with Jack. As I mentioned on Camelot, my plan is for Jack Burns to work with me via my new site Project Camelot Productions to create Camelot conferences worldwide, once an investor has been found.

    It will be of special interest to all that Bob Dean has embraced Jack Burns as a brother and we spent many wonderful hours chatting about many subjects while in Laughlin. Bob and Jack share a background in the military. I will be releasing an upcoming interview with Bob in which he substantiates further witness testimony from several of our whistle blowers.

    It is important that people recognize that with over a million visitors a month and a pending TV show in the works Project Camelot is vulnerable to become a target of the PTB (powers-that-be) at any time. It is with this in mind that all must realize that using a very famous song such as the Beatles IMAGINE on a Camelot video would be unacceptable... without first obtaining the copyright license. This is common knowledge in Hollywood as well as in media circles worldwide.

    I have now relinquished control of the domain name. I wish to state here that I do not agree with the editorial stance of this forum and do not agree with the removal of the Thuban thread. This site is now completely under Bill Ryan's control.

    I am working to establish an overall portal page where links to all our respective sites will be including a link to Project Camelot.

    Best wishes,

    ..."if you build it they will come"
    Field of Dreams
    ..."if you build it they will come"
    Field of Dreams
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Age: 51
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    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    welcome tipiray | interesting avator [​IMG]
    [​IMG]Love ~ The eXchanger [​IMG]
    "BRiNGiNG iT BACK to The Round...The ORiGiNAL ROUND"
    "Will it to, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13"[​IMG]{/td}
    {td=right|bcolor:#051d3a} {/td}
    [​IMG] 03-06-2010, 03:15 PM#1551

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: North Carolina
    Posts: 288
    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Can you share your thoughts on The World Tree, Níðhöggr, the eagle & Ratatoskr.

    Thank you.......{/td}
    {td=right|bcolor:#051d3a} {/td}
    [​IMG] 03-06-2010, 05:13 PM#1552

    Avalon Administrator


    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: North of 45° in Canada
    Age: 47
    Posts: 515
    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    After numerous discussions it has been decided that the Thuban Q&A thread will be restored to the original location. After an intensive review of all the material pertaining to Thuban, it was shown that only the threads in the social group "Thuban Council" showed a violation of the guidelines.

    The Review of Abraxasinas activity at Project Avalon including that of the post in the social group "Thuban Council" warrants the ban remain in place and the thread (Q&A) he created to remain read only.

    We recognize the desire of many of our members to have this material available again and are happy to be able to do so However we do feel it is not in line with the mission of Project Avalon and therefore do not support or endorse the contents of the threads nor does Project Avalon accept responsibility for any harm, physical or otherwise that users may suffer reading this material.

    Last edited by GaiaLove; 03-09-2010 at 06:14 AM.{/td}
    [​IMG] 03-09-2010, 06:05 AM#1553

    Post last edited Mar 6th 2011

    Shiloh - Posted Jun 30th 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°108

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven on Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:39 am
    shiloh wrote:

    The Great Evil of Thuban in the Serpents of Eden

    {Presented in the Spirit of 'Humour Noir' of the Dark Comedy of the never to be fall into the pits of sarcasm in a Genre of La Presentation}


    Another Way to portray the World Logos as done by the Warriors of the Love and the Light engaged in eternal mortal combat with the Darkness of Creation in the Slaying of the terrible Dragons from the Depths of Fiery Hells and the Realms of Swords and Words of Icey Heavens

    Lucifer becomes Satan the Dragon


    There was a time when the being we call Lucifer was one of the greatest lights in heaven. He was dedicated to serving the Creator as head of the seraphim- the highest echelon of the angelic host.

    Unfortunately, Lucifer became increasingly jealous of the attention, love and guidance the Creator was giving to the prospering galactic human race. He felt God had placed them above the seraphim.

    Lucifer began to hate the humans and see himself as a slave to Divine Will. He desired to have free will and usurp God's kingdom. His great power and negative emotions had corrupted him.

    Lucifer began influencing others of the angelic host with his new way of thinking. One third of the angels were swayed by his twisted philosophy. He promised them all free will, should they exalt him above God. As leader of the coming mutiny, he would give them a new kingdom. He believed that with cunning schemes he could transcend God as lord of the universe, and extinct the race of galactic humanity.

    One aspect of his plan was to incarnate in 4th density as a reptilian who was to become king of the ancient Draconian Empire, which spanned much of the galaxy. The empire's headquarters was on a 4th density planet that orbited the star
    Thuban (also known as Alpha Draconis), in the Draco constellation. Upon assuming the throne as King Lingarak, he convinced his people that the prospering galactic humans posed a threat and needed to be wiped from existence. Many of the fallen angels had incarnated into the same race.

    So began the Great War, hundreds of millennia ago - remembered in history as the Orion Conflict, for its centre stage was within the
    Orion arm of the local galaxy. Lucifer then became known as Satan, the arch enemy of God, and one third of the angels had sided with his empire.


    For a long time the Draconian Empire and the fallen angels fought with galactic humanity, which had amassed a large resistance - armies from other galaxies answered their call for help and joined them. Some of the dark forces eventually surrendered, but a lot still remain hidden in many places. The resistance achieved a great victory when Satan himself and many of his closest henchmen were taken into custody. Their punishment was to be quarantined in the lowest astral plane of earth, known as the bottomless pit.

    Satan and his minions managed to gain access to the material world via portals opened by human followers (satanic cults). Unable to incarnate, they can only
    possess people and animals. Satan has possessed many humans. One of his well-known hosts was Hitler. Through him, he tried to impose his tyrannical will upon the planet, as he did elsewhere. Fortunately he failed at that time. However, through many more hosts, his New World Orderagenda continues.

    Satan's human followers also perform moonchild rituals, whereby babies are completely possessed by his forces. Below is a quote from a
    website concerning these rituals:

    The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic.

    God gave a deadline, at which point the ultimate fate of Satan and his followers would be decided once and for all, based upon how they may have evolved since being placed in the bottomless pit.
    Unfortunately they continue to hate humans with a passion, and work toward their extinction. Especially those on earth - who are a hybridisation of all branches of humanity throughout the galaxy and beyond. After many millennia, the deadline has come and a massive showdown on the astral and material planes of earth has begun.
    It may become obvious in the near future, as the dark ones intend to reveal themselves en-masse to the world, with their human followers joining them in the Final Battle. Beyond earth, the war still rages today.
    Many star systems have been contaminated by the fighting. Some worlds destroyed and the ecosystems of others seriously compromised.



    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.


    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.


    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger, what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    [​IMG] 03-01-2010, 06:50 PM #78

    Kerry Cassidy
    Project Avalon Co Founder
    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Posts: 146

    Project Avalon

    Control of avalon - domain name transfer
    Hi all,

    For those who are not aware, Project Avalon was taken off-line for the past few hours due to a dispute between Bill Ryan and myself in regard to the removal (closing) of the Thuban thread. I closed down the Forum to prevent further destruction of this thread and to ascertain from Bill, why it had been closed. I later learned that he had not actually closed it himself but wrote a message advising the Mod team that it should be closed. As a result it was closed. I have not seen this message. I advised Bill that I temporarily shut down the forum for a few hours and wanted to discuss this and other things that he has been doing that are in violation of copyright law as well as slander of a certain individual. I wanted to prevent any further violations of this nature, due to the fact that his actions threaten me, my status as a youtube director, Project Avalon and Project Camelot as his actions leave us open for lawsuits.

    For some reason Bill chooses to ignore this and continues to make disparaging remarks about Jack Burns who accompanied me recently on my trip to Europe and in the U.S. conducting Camelot interviews. Bill was of course invited to come along declined as he wished to remain in Switzerland and did not want to go along with me or with Jack. As I mentioned on Camelot, my plan is for Jack Burns to work with me via my new site Project Camelot Productions to create Camelot conferences worldwide, once an investor has been found.

    It will be of special interest to all that Bob Dean has embraced Jack Burns as a brother and we spent many wonderful hours chatting about many subjects while in Laughlin. Bob and Jack share a background in the military. I will be releasing an upcoming interview with Bob in which he substantiates further witness testimony from several of our whistle blowers.

    It is important that people recognize that with over a million visitors a month and a pending TV show in the works Project Camelot is vulnerable to become a target of the PTB (powers-that-be) at any time. It is with this in mind that all must realize that using a very famous song such as the Beatles IMAGINE on a Camelot video would be unacceptable... without first obtaining the copyright license. This is common knowledge in Hollywood as well as in media circles worldwide.

    I have now relinquished control of the domain name. I wish to state here that I do not agree with the editorial stance of this forum and do not agree with the removal of the Thuban thread. This site is now completely under Bill Ryan's control.

    I am working to establish an overall portal page where links to all our respective sites will be including a link to Project Camelot.

    Best wishes,

    ..."if you build it they will come"
    Field of Dreams
    ..."if you build it they will come"
    Field of Dreams
    [​IMG] 03-06-2010, 03:15 PM#1551

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Age: 51
    Posts: 4,921

    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    welcome tipiray | interesting avator [​IMG]
    [​IMG]Love ~ The eXchanger [​IMG]
    "BRiNGiNG iT BACK to The Round...The ORiGiNAL ROUND"
    "Will it to, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13"[​IMG]
    [​IMG] 03-06-2010, 05:13 PM#1552

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: North Carolina
    Posts: 288

    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Can you share your thoughts on The World Tree, Níðhöggr, the eagle & Ratatoskr.

    Thank you.......
    [​IMG] 03-09-2010, 06:05 AM#1553

    Avalon Administrator


    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: North of 45° in Canada
    Age: 47
    Posts: 515

    [​IMG] Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    After numerous discussions it has been decided that the Thuban Q&A thread will be restored to the original location. After an intensive review of all the material pertaining to Thuban, it was shown that only the threads in the social group "Thuban Council" showed a violation of the guidelines.

    The Review of Abraxasinas activity at Project Avalon including that of the post in the social group "Thuban Council" warrants the ban remain in place and the thread (Q&A) he created to remain read only.

    We recognize the desire of many of our members to have this material available again and are happy to be able to do so However we do feel it is not in line with the mission of Project Avalon and therefore do not support or endorse the contents of the threads nor does Project Avalon accept responsibility for any harm, physical or otherwise that users may suffer reading this material.

    Last edited by GaiaLove; 03-09-2010 at 06:14 AM.
    Post last edited Mar 6th 2011

    Shiloh - Posted Jun 30th 2010

    [8:08:12 PM - April 29th, 2014 -8UCT] Shiloh: Indeed
    [8:08:26 PM] Shiloh: Yggdrasil became 'enlightened' about the sexuality
    [8:08:36 PM] Shiloh: He can’t imagine a sexual Logos
    [8:08:39 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:08:50 PM] Shiloh: Not 'pure ' enough
    [8:08:50 PM] Sirius 17: he became a fuc11ing virgin like someone else we know
    [8:08:54 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [8:09:10 PM] Shiloh: He went overboard with Cleopas remember?
    [8:09:20 PM] Sirius 17: overboard?
    [8:09:26 PM] Sirius 17: about what, I don’t remember?
    [8:09:32 PM] Shiloh: Putting Japanese Disney porn
    [8:09:33 PM] Sirius 17: sexually?
    [8:09:46 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:09:50 PM] Shiloh: I can’t recall what you call it
    [8:09:59 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes anime
    [8:10:02 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [8:10:09 PM] Shiloh: Puerile imo
    [8:10:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:10:15 PM] Sirius 17: juvenile
    [8:10:23 PM] Shiloh: Cleopas told him not to 'seduce' her with it
    [8:10:26 PM] Shiloh: and he changed
    [8:10:28 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:10:34 PM] Sirius 17: good for her
    [8:10:51 PM] Sirius 17: i think yggdrasil went off the deep end when he discovered Hagar was a guy
    [8:11:08 PM] Shiloh: Now people look at Thuban's open cosmic sexuality as perverse
    [8:11:15 PM] Sirius 17: because they were sharing some pretty salacious conversations before he went nuts
    [8:11:16 PM] Shiloh: It is really sick this human mind
    [8:11:41 PM] Shiloh: I looked at some modern 'porn' and find it repulsive
    [8:11:46 PM] Sirius 17: it is
    [8:11:49 PM] Shiloh: I mean what they call it?
    [8:12:06 PM] Shiloh: They want deep throat the woman gags and can’t breathe etc.
    [8:12:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is violent
    [8:12:26 PM] Shiloh: They film slapping and extended anal and whatever
    [8:12:41 PM] Shiloh: Whatever happened to NATURAL clean lustful desirous cosmically attuned and shared sex?
    [8:12:41 PM] Sirius 17: and portrays women as almost being raped and violated
    [8:12:48 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [8:12:53 PM] Shiloh: Exactly
    [8:12:54 PM] Sirius 17: why i can't stand to watch the sh9t
    [8:13:05 PM] Sirius 17: American porn is THE worst
    [8:13:07 PM] Shiloh: It amazes me, that people actually get turned on by that
    [8:13:12 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [8:13:13 PM] Shiloh: LA
    [8:13:34 PM] Sirius 17: well this is what the fuc11ing media and TV has pushed
    [8:13:36 PM] Shiloh: This is so different as to what turns me on
    [8:13:48 PM] Sirius 17: their sick idea of entertainment
    [8:13:48 PM] Shiloh: Yet we are a 'perverse sexcult'
    [8:14:02 PM] Sirius 17: no they have removed all erotica
    [8:14:07 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [8:14:08 PM] Sirius 17: and made it like a drug
    [8:14:11 PM] Shiloh: This is the key yes
    [8:14:13 PM] Sirius 17: hard core
    [8:14:15 PM] Shiloh: No more erotica, like in the Eastern Temples remember?. Now this is 'pure'!
    [8:14:28 PM] Sirius 17: pure fuc11ing and abuse
    [8:14:46 PM] Shiloh: I would not call it fuc11ing
    [8:15:11 PM] Sirius 17: this kind of sh9t turns on pedophiles and abusers, the shaved pussys , as$ slapping, anal sex and the undercurrent of brutality
    [8:15:16 PM] Shiloh: It is mere pretense of real natural sexual desire
    [8:15:29 PM] Shiloh: I agree
    [8:16:03 PM] Shiloh: But it reaffirms our 'promiscuity'
    [8:16:31 PM] Shiloh: Because if the old human sexuality has gone that perverse, there must be a cosmic balance required
    [8:16:49 PM] Sirius 17: i agree
    [8:16:55 PM] Sirius 17: dragon sex
    [8:17:01 PM] Shiloh: Lol yes
    [8:17:01 PM] Sirius 17: Sssssssex
    [8:17:51 PM] Sirius 17: but then again, who the hell can have dragon sex?
    [8:17:57 PM] Sirius 17: not too many
    [8:18:13 PM] Shiloh: No because they are lost in the mainstream brainwashings
    [8:18:25 PM] Sirius 17: where do you want me to put this?
    [8:18:51 PM] Shiloh: About morality and the sheer hypocrisy of what is 'proper' and open and what is hidden as true perversions
    [8:19:00 PM] Shiloh: Lol
    [8:19:08 PM] Shiloh: This SHOULD be shared
    [8:19:19 PM] Shiloh: But they might ban us then
    [8:19:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes but in what context?
    [8:19:36 PM] Shiloh: Reply to the post of 'Evil Thuban'
    [8:19:46 PM] Sirius 17: lol where the h5ll is that
    [8:19:52 PM] Shiloh: Let me think
    [8:19:57 PM] Shiloh: Opscam I think
    [8:20:13 PM] Sirius 17: do you want to get us banned?
    [8:20:16 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:20:55 PM] Shiloh: Silly Jenetta thinks you are not right but are writing
    [8:20:56 PM] Sirius 17: um Carol, if you’re reading this, don't ban us
    [8:21:26 PM] Shiloh: Lol Logos rules not human censors
    [8:22:01 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see, yes she had to add Brandy to her coffee
    [8:22:18 PM] Sirius 17: hot toddy
    [8:23:44 PM] Shiloh: I recently edited this thread on the new forum
    [8:23:52 PM] Shiloh: But it is on Moa
    [8:24:15 PM] Sirius 17: well you know we have discussed similar things before
    [8:24:19 PM] Sirius 17: the human puerile mind
    [8:24:27 PM] Sirius 17: so maybe let’s just leave it for now
    [8:24:42 PM] Sirius 17: i am not too keen on stirring the hornets
    [8:25:18 PM] Sirius 17: but....maybe if we talk about sex they might read us more lol
    [8:25:22 PM] Sirius 17: hahaha
    [8:27:16 PM] Shiloh: They do and this should be published to 'clear up those old misconceptions'
    [8:27:30 PM] Shiloh: let me find the post
    [8:28:36 PM] Sirius 17: oh dear lord lol

    Last edited by Raven on Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Posts: 451
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    • Post n°109

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven on Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:03 am

    The Cosmic Sexual Agenda of the Reptilian Memeplex

    [2:42:17 PM- Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 -+10UCT] Shiloh: read this post on spruz to see the 'agenda'
    [2:42:27 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [2:42:31 PM] Shiloh: It is cosmic sexuality taking over
    [2:42:51 PM] Shiloh: Of course utterly distorted by the dragon slayers
    [2:43:50 PM] Shiloh:
    [2:48:31 PM] Sirius 17: this is a long article on this reptilian guy
    [2:48:38 PM] Sirius 17: where is your commentary again?

    [2:49:03 PM] Shiloh:

    James Bartley fits the typology of a 'self unbeknown' 'ptb agency', also associated with a rather well known disinformation website 'Angelfire' of the Nabsers.
    The following excerpt of 'sexual reptilian seduction' of the human genus represents a 'turning upside down' of the cosmic truth of a high order and is published here as an expose of just how the self deception of the human mindedness is 'controlled' by its own attraction to deceive itself.
    Changing the 'manipulation' of the 'feeding of the reptilian multi dimensional mind on human sexual energies, both male and female' to an agenda of redefining what is a cosmic starhuman sexual expression of freedom in contrast to one 'manipulated' by the inbred human 'devil mind' of suppression and denial; then allows the discerning and informed reader to understand the genesis of the creation of the human genus as a cosmic incubator for all species in the universe and including the incarnated reptilian brainstem mind at the core of the mammalian midbrain and the human topbrain then encompassed and extended by a draconian aura brain, the latter defining starhumanity aka cosmic dragonhood and as templated by the 'Serpent of Eden' who is no other than the 'Son of Man' of the 'cosmic eucharist' of the Christ Consciousness of the Logos of all worlds and creations.
    This essay and material below serves as a prime example as to how the human mind is manipulated by its own inbred ignorance and cosmic naivety in utilizing the core cosmic energy of creation in its self sabotage of placing the 'human nous and wisdom' before its cosmic progenitor and ancestral lineage. The core energy of creation is in fact the blending of sexual energies in a natural and setting and context of both a physical and a mental maturity; both prerequisites, which have been abused and misunderstood by the human collective since its extraterrestrial beginnings so 104,000 years ago.

    Caveat: Dont forget to ask for a consultation with James Bartley at 'affordable rates', if you wish to learn more about the sexcrazed EVIL' reptilians of the LIVE VEIL!

    [2:52:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [2:52:18 PM] Sirius 17: oh dear lord
    [2:52:56 PM] Shiloh: Mudra and burgundia etc have bought right into this Bartley moron
    [2:53:09 PM] Shiloh: Spreading disinfo because of it
    [2:53:41 PM] Sirius 17: great, so is this where David Icke gets his reptilian meme from, this guy?
    [2:53:53 PM] Shiloh: Or vice versa
    [2:53:57 PM] Shiloh: I dont know

    [2:54:43 PM] Sirius 17: Inspired by David Icke, Bartley is a prominent promoter of the lizard people idea: “[T]he actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension [that should, I suppose, be time, but it probably isn’t] and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. […] The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind” (or Bartley’s own mind, but he doesn’t entertain that hypothesis). Furthermore “[t]he Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly ‘incurable diseases’.” You see, “[t]he reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum." And Bartley has proof: “to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.” Indeed; how would we dumb lovers of reason and evidence counter that one?

    [2:55:03 PM] Sirius 17: yeah this is bs
    [2:55:08 PM] Shiloh: This is an excerpt from a skeptic site
    [2:55:40 PM] Shiloh: So they would dismiss all and sundry but they are ok with this moron
    [2:55:43 PM] Sirius 17: well from the above it is obvious how they have it all backwards
    [2:56:13 PM] Shiloh: I posted this because the dragon sex is described as the human-ET interaction
    [2:56:26 PM] Sirius 17: they are talking about demonic possession here as if it is these reptilian beings lol
    [2:56:29 PM] Shiloh: And this is just what we feel from the Logos
    [2:56:53 PM] Shiloh: Cosmic sexuality IS like a possession dear
    [2:56:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [2:57:03 PM] Shiloh: It is Abba desiring Baab
    [2:57:17 PM] Shiloh: Humans cannot process this energy
    [2:57:27 PM] Sirius 17: nope
    [2:57:32 PM] Shiloh: Logos possession is 'eating the lion'
    [2:57:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the true 'reptilian' brain
    [2:57:53 PM] Sirius 17: dragon brain
    [2:57:58 PM] Sirius 17: idiots lol
    [2:57:58 PM] Shiloh: As the 'aura brain' yes
    [2:58:13 PM] Shiloh: The triple serpent
    [2:58:30 PM] Shiloh: One 'white one' from above two from below in black and gold
    [2:58:40 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i would like to sit Icke down and have a major discussion on archetypes with him and bash his ignorance with facts
    [2:59:02 PM] Shiloh: They know better so sharing data is almost pointless
    [2:59:02 PM] Sirius 17: he went so off the beaten path with this 'reptilian' BS
    [2:59:21 PM] Shiloh: But I was thinking of putting this on facts versus nabs
    [2:59:44 PM] Sirius 17: well it is horrible, you can't talk to any of these people, they think we are possessed by some reptilian evil overlord
    [2:59:49 PM] Sirius 17: if they only knew
    [2:59:51 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:00:02 PM] Shiloh: Son of Man = 97 = Serpent = Present = Circle of God
    [3:00:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes there the serpent
    [3:00:40 PM] Sirius 17: so scary
    Sirius 17

    James Bartley
    [James Bartley is an Abductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence- Counterintelligence and Special Operations. James has worked in the Semiconductor Industry, the Telecommunications Industry and in County Government as an Ombudsmen. James also worked for the Civil Service at a major military command in an Intelligence related capacity. He is a former business owner.] bartley.
    I am available for consultations at very affordable rates. For more information please e mail me.

    Encyclopedia of American Loons
    It’s … The Encyclopedia of American loons! Our new and exciting series presenting a representative sample of American loons from A-Z.
    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    #472: James Bartley

    James Bartley is an “[a]bductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare” and “a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence–Counterintelligence and Special Operations”. That combination has proudly earned him his own page at, and Bartley lives up to its standards.

    Inspired by David Icke, Bartley is a prominent promoter of the lizard people idea: “[T]he actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension [that should, I suppose, be time, but it probably isn’t] and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. […] The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind” (or Bartley’s own mind, but he doesn’t entertain that hypothesis). Furthermore “[t]he Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly ‘incurable diseases’.” You see, “[t]he reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum." And Bartley has proof: “to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.” Indeed; how would we dumb lovers of reason and evidence counter that one?

    It appears that the greatest threat to the reptilian overlords is posed by the abductee community, i.e. Bartley. “When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone ‘too far’ they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer.” And as proof of how intensely the reptiles infiltrate human life “[t]he reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah.” However, Bartley’s efforts to unmask the reptilian community are counteracted by plants within the UFO/conspiracy research community itself.

    At least Bartley has some sound advice for us: “I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like.” Rest assured, James. You may also wish to be aware of astral dreamscape manipulation, which has something to do with orgone energy. Bartley is also involved in the MILAB conspiracy promotion, and apparently he has some connection to this website (he has his own profile there, where you can see a “lecture” he gave at “Roswell 2007”). Enjoy.

    Diagnosis: Keep a reasonable distance

    Posted by
    G.D. at 12:19 PM icon18_edit_allbkg.

    Last edited by Raven on Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:57 am; edited 1 time in total
  10. admin

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    • Post n°110

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven on Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:05 am

    James Bartley fits the typology of a 'self unbeknown' 'ptb agency', also associated with a rather well known disinformation website 'Angelfire' of the Nabsers.
    The following excerpt of 'sexual reptilian seduction' of the human genus represents a 'turning upside down' of the cosmic truth of a high order and is published here as an expose of just how the self deception of the human mindedness is 'controlled' by its own attraction to deceive itself.

    Changing the 'manipulation' of the 'feeding of the reptilian multi dimensional mind on human sexual energies, both male and female' to an agenda of redefining what is a cosmic starhuman sexual expression of freedom in contrast to one 'manipulated' by the inbred human 'devil mind' of suppression and denial; then allows the discerning and informed reader to understand the genesis of the creation of the human genus as a cosmic incubator for all species in the universe and including the incarnated reptilian brainstem mind at the core of the mammalian midbrain and the human topbrain then encompassed and extended by a draconian aura brain, the latter defining starhumanity aka cosmic dragonhood and as templated by the 'Serpent of Eden' who is no other than the 'Son of Man' of the 'cosmic eucharist' of the Christ Consciousness of the Logos of all worlds and creations.

    This essay and material below serves as a prime example as to how the human mind is manipulated by its own inbred ignorance and cosmic naivety in utilizing the core cosmic energy of creation in its self sabotage of placing the 'human nous and wisdom' before its cosmic progenitor and ancestral lineage. The core energy of creation is in fact the blending of sexual energies in a natural and setting and context of both a physical and a mental maturity; both prerequisites, which have been abused and misunderstood by the human collective since its extraterrestrial beginnings so 104,000 years ago.

    Caveat: Dont forget to ask for a consultation with James Bartley at 'affordable rates', if you wish to learn more about the sexcrazed EVIL' reptilians of the LIVE VEIL!




    by James Bartley
    ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians
    THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control
    Spiritual Warfare is Control of the Mind

    This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers "The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians" and "Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing." It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community.
    This information is not for those who are having to retake "Alien Abductions 101." If you desire information about "Grays" or "Missing Time" or "Hybrids" than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, sleepiness, extreme anger and the like which would compel them to stop reading it. This is predictable.

    This paper is meant for readers with a heightened sense of Awareness about the Alien Abduction Syndrome and who have taken their personal quest for the truth to the next level. To all of you who have done so or have made the decision to move on to a higher state of awareness I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've always been of the opinion that when you treat people as if they are intelligent they will act as if they are intelligent. Now more than ever we need people like yourselves who are willing to stand in the gap.


    I use the mindset of an Intelligence Analyst when studying the Alien Abduction Syndrome. There is much confusion within the UFO Research Community as to the exact definition of terms such as "Intelligence" "Counterintelligence" and of course "Disinformation."
    It seems to me that for the most part there is complete ignorance as to what the latter truly means. Time and again I hear accusations of "disinformation" bandied about the internet and UFO Research Community as if the accusers actually understood the meaning of the terms. I will clear this up once and for all.
    In the first place, having had a security clearance or prior involvement within the Surface Intelligence/Security and Aerospace communities does not an authority on the UFO subject make.
    There are many individuals around today who make much of having had Top Secret Clearances or involvement in the Aerospace or Psychic Warfare communities and use their backgrounds (or alleged backgrounds) as justification to speak as an authority on the UFO subject.
    To the gullible and impressionable, an individual possessed of a Top Secret Clearance spends all their days reading Top Secret documents. This is patently absurd. The only reason one would have such a clearance is in the event he or she is ever required to witness or read Top Secret Information or Technology.
    In the day to day operational world unclassified and confidential classifications on documents are the norm even for those involved in Elint (Electronic Intelligence Collection) with NSA.
    There are people in the Cryptologic Community who have Top Secret Crypto level clearances merely because they are required to carry a small piece of equipment which is necessary for them to do their jobs. In the military world every last piece of equipment is accounted for when working with crytologic or communications related equipment and the users are held to strict accountability for their safety.
    (In the strictest sense "Cryptologic" is not the same as "Cryptanalysis." The former involves the art of encrypting or enciphering ones own ciphers. The latter involves the art of deciphering or reading the ciphers of other nations. There are some who perform both task. People involved in this line of work are known as "Creeps" or "Crippies" in certain branches of the armed forces.)
    The aforementioned individuals who carry the special equipment seldom if ever see real classified documents. Typically it is the finished product i.e. the Intelligence Summary which is Top Secret or above and distribution of the latter is limited only to those with an absolute "Need to Know" in the form of briefings from intelligence personnel (junior officers, non-coms and even enlisted men) or in an Intelligence Summary Briefing document which the officer will read privately. Any real "Insider" will tell you that.
    I'm sure that is a severe disappointment for all those caught up in the phony intrigue of the UFO Community where every researcher is so important that they simply must have a separate agency spying on them personally.
    And that is another point I want to make. There is a fundamental difference between Intelligence on the one hand and Security on the other. Most tend to regard them as one and the same which they are most certainly not. One does not get "spied" upon by "intelligence agents." That is to presuppose the researcher or abductee knows more about the UFO phenomenon than the deep black Aerospace/Intelligence apparatus which is not the case.
    Even those who were utilized as operatives within deep black mind control programs involving aliens and have broken free are still trying to piece their fragmented memories together because at that level knowledge is limited by Levels of Awareness and not by clearances. Moreover the deep black manipulators are loathe to allow these special individuals to slip from their grasp and will strive at all hazards to bring them back under their control. There is a WAR going on.
    Why should you stamp a document top secret within a secure underground facility where selective mind control is enforced and alien beings make up part of the environment?
    Who are you trying to safeguard the information from within the confines of an underground facility? Let me guess: Abductees in a trance state who will probably think they had a strange dream if they remember anything at all.
    Simple common sense is in order here but unfortunately common sense is very uncommon.
    One is "spied" upon by security elements tasked with either determining the quality or the sources of information of a given individual or with undermining their efforts to exploit the information through various and sundry means.


    Our team takes the viewpoint of an Intelligence Agency when dealing with the subject of alien abductions. We are not interested in "Educating the Public" or any other such nonsense. Simple worldly common sense would dictate that the public is completely disinterested in the subject and even if it had the slightest degree of interest it certainly wouldn't obtain any valid information WHICH WILL PREPARE THEM FOR WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS IN STORE FOR THEM. The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.
    Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome. Why? Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.
    The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.
    We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities. The problem at this time is that it is the Reptilians, their gray minions and human cosmic vassals who seem to be aware of and exploit the full potential of certain abductees as multidimensional operatives. I will elaborate on exactly why this is the case shortly.


    In the strictest sense the craft of "Intelligence" means THE ART OF DIVINING THE INTENTIONS AND CAPABILITIES OF AN ENEMY OR A POTENTIAL ENEMY.
    Please note that I didn't use the words "research" or "investigate." Our team does not view the alien abduction syndrome as some sort of scientific curiosity the knowledge of which will ensure us everlasting fame and popularity. Neither are we interested in knowing about the "good" aliens because "good aliens" are not the problem.
    Unlike the reptilian host Boylan who claims there is not a single negative alien in the universe and is prepared to claw your eyes out in defense of his viewpoint, our team knows there are good aliens. We are simply not interested in them. Maybe if they showed up more often we'd be interested but unfortunately that hasn't been the case.
    I stated that the craft of Intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy.


    Here is a small sampling of the known capabilities of the Reptilians.
    The reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum.
    The reptilians can manipulate the human "dreamscape" and install all manner of conditioning and programming much of which is erotic or perverse in nature. They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population. I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.
    The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.
    The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population. It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth. These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.
    Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.
    The reptilians do not need spaceships to travel in. They merely create a portal entry in the house of the abductee they need to work with. They literally walk through this space/time opening and appear in your bedroom in full physical density.
    There is a whole subcategory of abductees, especially female abductees who have been genetically altered to accommodate the needs of their particular reptilian handler. The relationship of the reptilian handler and the female abductee can be likened to that of the Master Adept and the female "Scarlet Woman" within the context of a tantric sexual magickal working.
    Women who have been genetically altered by reptilians have certain attributes unique to them. Some of them may develop an acute sense of smell which makes them extremely sensitive to human male pheromones. In some extreme cases they may have been conditioned by their reptilian handlers to lose all sexual interest in human males to the point where they feel nothing but contempt for them. Women having reptilian experiences may go through periods of time when they are craving Vitamin C and will even binge on Tomatoes or Citrus Fruits.
    A natural consequence of the sexual encounters between the reptilians and women (some of which have been extremely brutal with the women having their hair pulled and their faces and bodies clawed at and bruised) is that the libido of some women is heightened to an extraordinary degree to the point where their every waking thought is consumed with the notion of sexual intercourse. In some cases this may cause the women to become extremely promiscuous.
    In the case of those who do not have partners or are unable to find them they may be compelled to resort to compulsive self-gratification i.e. masturbation. In both instances the aliens "harvest" the sexual energy from these women.
    It is not uncommon for light phenomena or even portals to manifest during these women's sexual encounters with men. If the woman is a host for an entity the consciousness of the human female (what’s left of it anyway) may depart during sexual intercourse and view the scene from above whilst the reptilian entity takes complete control of the female host.
    The latter example gives us an example of the androgynous nature of the phenomenon because the reptilian entity or entities within the host are often as not male reptilians and it does not matter in the slightest that the entity is having sex with a human male.
    A friend of mine will shortly be going public with information about the sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline aspects of the reptilians vis a vis a particular category of abductees. Barbara Bartholic has known of this aspect of the syndrome for many years. My friend's book will set the research world on its collective ear.
    Likewise, a male abductee who is hosted will sometimes have his consciousness exit his body prior to or during sex. Many women have described how their boyfriends or husbands "changed" during or after camping trips and that the person they came back home was not her husband or boyfriend but someone or something else. This is especially the case with those abductees who have a history of substance abuse especially with methamphetamines and in particular, crank.
    In the case of those females who have been "turned off" from the notion of sex with human males they become for all intents and purposes the sexual property of their reptilian handler. The reptilian may make an appearance to frighten or even attack the men who are potential partners in their lives.
    I've known personally the husband of a woman who had been "turned" in this fashion who was attacked by his wife's reptilian handler. Her lover whom she had had an affair with was also attacked. This woman has only recently regained an interest in sexual intercourse with human males.
    The reptilians promote the use of certain methamphetamines in particular "Crank" or "Crystal Methedrine" in order to better control and in some cases, to ultimately utilize the abductee as a Host. The latter types of amphetamines have a "sympathetic resonance" to the reptilians and some of their gray workers. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases going back to the 1970's whilst most abduction researchers were still learning about "Grays" and "Missing Time" and "Hybrids". In fact most abduction researchers are still stuck in "The Gray Areas."
    There is a historical basis for the utilization of potions and drugs by countless cultures ancient and modern in order to establish long term contact with non-human intelligences despite what the reptilian host Boylan would have you believe. There is nothing new about this, it is merely another facet albeit a profoundly disturbing one, of the reptilian agenda. I strongly recommend reading "Drugs and Magic" by my friend George Andrews.
    The reptilians and their gray minions can control and manipulate abductees to a startling degree. They have a profound influence on abduction researchers in particular. They first strive to activate the ego of the abduction researcher and once that is accomplished the researcher becomes a black hole in regards to information he or she has obtained from abductees and it becomes an impossibility to obtain meaningful hardcore information from them.
    I must stress that our team is not interested in the "Gray Areas."
    These manipulated researchers will seem completely oblivious to the significance of hard core information given to them by abductees. If they run a support group they will ensure that no hardcore information is discussed in group by moving the discussion away from those who are willing to share the hard core information. This is done in conjunction with "Neutralist- Positivist" elements within the group who consistently and persistently downplay and marginalize testimony from abductees who have a better understanding of the alien abduction syndrome, thus quashing any meaningful discussion on the subject. Much better to talk about the Aquarian Age than what the reptilians are doing to the abductees.
    Manipulated abduction researchers become very territorial and view themselves as clearing houses of all abduction related data arbitrarily deciding what "their" abductees or "their cases" should and should not believe or whom they may even speak with about the subject.
    This form of control is especially evident within the internet where "moderators" or "facilitators" of UFO discussion groups set the tone and agenda for what is or is not posted onto the 'net. Again, Neutralist- Positivist elements assist in "shouting down" or marginalizing any meaningful discussion until what is left are abstract discussions about "raising ones vibrations" or meaningless diatribes about "polarities." These positivist- neutralist abductees have been in effect, NEUTRALIZED.
    The UFO research community at large is a self regulating feculent mess. The government doesn't even need to send in agent provocateurs although they do so just to stir up the pot and whip up various elements into a frenzy over "hoaxes," "frauds," "imminent landings" all of which aren't even worth expending mental energy on. It never ceases to amaze me how little it takes to generate a firestorm of controversy amongst the UFO research community.


    The reptilians and their gray vassals promote love obsessions and other emotional dramas between abductees beginning at a very early age. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases as has her protégé Eve Frances Lorgen. Barbara and Eve have collaborated on a book that will blow the lid off the whole Love Obsession syndrome. This information is not for the squeamish. This aspect of the syndrome is much more pervasive amongst abductees than previously realized.
    Unless you have gone through the emotional anguish and upheaval of the "Alien Love Bite" (a term coined by a Bay Area abductee) then you are not qualified to even venture an opinion about it. This is a fundamental aspect of the emotional and energetic harvesting of abductees.
    The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will. They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information. Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.
    By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say. I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.
    Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.


    At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft. An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings. The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.
    I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


    Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities. They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program." Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities. These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations. Moreover, the health of certain members of the abductee's family is often targeted for reprisals.
    Many abductees who have had consciously remembered reptilian encounters are victims of extreme back pain which was instigated by the reptilians. This form of back pain results in extreme emotional and physical anguish, which is harvested by the reptilians as an energy source. I know personally a woman who is in her sixties and who refused to cooperate in a love-bonding scenario( a love bite set up by the aliens) with a twenty two year old male and was subsequently punished for her transgressions. She was immobilized on her back for several days with excruciating back pain.


    If these types of physical manipulations were not so common I would not suggest they are part of the modus operandi of the reptilians, but they are in fact very common. They represent a patterned data correlation, which cannot be ignored by "researchers." It is not surprising when you consider that some of these abductees have extra vertebrae, extra ribs, major organs shifted around to off the wall places etc.
    The reptilians manipulate specific parts of the abductees body such as the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, sexual organs and so forth for the express purpose of depriving them of good health, which is one of the most insidious forms of control and manipulation that I can conceive of. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies, Candidiasis, Yeast Infections, Fibromyalgia and numerous other illnesses and the whole gamut of gynecological problems are common amongst female abductees. Regarding the gynecological problems, Barbara Bartholic says "sooner or later it will sink in why that part of the female anatomy keeps breaking down."
    Unfortunately, when women seek relief for illnesses from male physicians ignorant of the unique problems women have, these abduction related illnesses are not understood by many researchers to be related to the abduction syndrome.
    Often times the abductees will undergo extensive physical examinations only to be told by their physicians that there is nothing wrong with them. If anything they find the by-products of the illnesses such as infections and the like but seldom find the root source of the problem let alone a cure. These types of imposed illnesses can plague abductees for years. These illnesses come up again and again within the life experience of countless abductees and yet for the most part they are not considered to be an aspect of the abduction syndrome.
    When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone "too far" they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer. It is an excruciating way to die and the reptilians extract every last iota of physical and emotional anguish from their victim until their demise.


    If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.
    This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.
    Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.
    That is what the "V" symbol is all about. A common symbol found on abductees appears to be the Triangle and most so-called abduction researchers regard it as such which again reveals their collective ignorance about these matters. What they are actually looking at is the Trikona.
    The Trikona (an inverted three sided pyramid or a V) symbolizes the Yoni or the female sexual organ which is the abode of the sleeping fire snake and the source of the kundalini (serpent) energy generated through the Tantric Kaula rites.
    What salient point do women most often report regarding sexual intercourse with reptilians? They experience the most powerful full body orgasms they have ever had sometimes lasting for hours!
    In a Tantric Magickal Working the Adept seeks to activate the kundalini chakra of the female "Scarlet Woman." Once the kundalini is activated and forcefully propels itself through the other chakras finally exiting the crown chakra, the resultant "Ojas" or electromagnetic energy is magickally imbued into metal discs laid atop the middle chakras in order to store the electromagnetic energy.
    These metal discs are stored in hermetically sealed containers for later use. These ojas are then imbued into the Adept so at a later time he may impregnate a woman with semen which in turn has been imbued with the power of these ojas in order to procreate a child of special qualities for special purposes.
    The latter is just one example of the various usages of the ojas generated by the activation of the kundalini energy by a human Adept. Never mind what the reptilians can do, we're just talking humans here.
    I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python. Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe. It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.
    I shouldn’t have to add anything about the impact these two men had on history in general and western civilization in particular.


    Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind. And where does this force come from? Human women! The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni. The female sexual organ.
    Much of the latter information comes from the Adept Kenneth Grant's outstanding book "Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God" which is essential reading for anyone interested in the abduction syndrome.
    The V for Victory sign was actually originated by Crowley not Winston Churchill. Can you see now why the series about flesh eating reptilians invading this planet from outer space was called "V"?
    In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.
    The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.
    Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.
    The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet. Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.
    Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871! It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race. And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!
    The all powerful energy which the Subterranean Nordics harnessed was referred to as Vril, i.e. the V or Trikona, the source of the kundalini serpent energy.
    What was he trying to tell us? That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?
    To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."
    Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history." One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!
    Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention. It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space! Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are? An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!
    Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet? And there are still some abductees out there wasting their valuable time with "researchers" who discount any such connection.
    The above information flies in the face of those neutralist-positivist elements who would have you believe that throughout the vast cosmos, only human beings are capable of evil doings. Such a ludicrous notion is alarming and pervasive today, which in itself is indicative of conditioning and programming.
    These are just some examples of the capabilities of the reptilians as witnessed by qualified observers of the past, present and hopefully the future.

    ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians

    Keeping in mind that our definition of intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy. Does it seem logical to assume that with these capabilities, the reptilians have any intention of relinquishing their control and overlordship of the human race?
    We must look at this situation in a mature fashion and learn to work from our strengths and not our weaknesses. The only way we as a race will be able to throw off the yoke of this cosmic vassalage is to obtain as much meaningful information as possible, through which we can develop effective countermeasures and an offensive capability of our own.
    We must have the maturity to recognize the reality of our environment. Even here on the surface world all of the banks, telecommunications companies and utilities companies are merging at a tremendous rate. Hundreds of thousands of U.N. Troops are already deployed here ready to undertake what the U.N. euphemistically refers to as "Peace Enforcement."
    Again it comes down to intentions and capabilities. What are all of these multi-national corporations capable of doing once they become a single monolithic block? At the very least they can develop a command and control infrastructure which will survive whatever economic or financial catastrophe that may or may not be looming in our collective future.
    That is only what is going on in the surface world. Our team is really interested in what is going on in the subterranean world, which has everything to do with abductees.
    Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.
    It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle. The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.
    They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness. The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.
    The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential. If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.


    In the intelligence and counterintelligence world there is a mode of operating known as thinking or working "in opposites." "Opposites" is a language unique to the intelligence and special operations community as well as to those within the ranks of the secret societies. It basically means saying or thinking the opposite of what you really intend to do. When any members of the Bilderbergers give public or televised speeches, they routinely speak in this fashion when they discuss seemingly mundane topics such as economics or education. It is a hidden or occulted language, which the public at large is not meant to comprehend.
    For example, if I am running a spy in a foreign country I may pass on a message to him or her prior to mission start which reads "Establish your bona fides. Ingratiate yourself upon your local community. Look to activation five years from this date." In other words the message means to not do anything but establish the credibility and lifestyle of a regular person in the community even if it means establishing a family and a business. A classic "Sleeper Operative."
    However if we are talking in "opposites" what I am really saying is "establish contact with agent x immediately. Operation to commence in 48 hours upon receipt of message. The goods will be moved to safe house. You will be provided with escort to move them" and so on and so forth.
    It is implicit in this mode of communication that there exists a prior understanding between the parties involved.
    Let us now apply the mindset of thinking in "opposites" to what the reptilians know about abductees and what we in turn can learn from them.
    The reptilians and their vassals can manipulate abductees both in and out of the physical body. They are well aware of this inherent human capability to separate our astral or ethereal consciousness/soul matrix from the physical body.
    Medical procedures have been performed on abductees in which they are subjected to real physical procedures. While they are in this environment the aliens see them and react to them. The abductee can experience pain and discomfort and can even see the physical after effects of the procedures i.e. puncture marks, clamp marks etc.
    At the same time the other half of them may be lying in their bed at home wondering how the hell they can be in two places at once. This is an example of bi-location. In other words, the aliens can manipulate a very real physical body which senses and feels as your "real" body does despite the fact that by all appearances you are still safely esconced in your own bed.
    This happened to me once when this odd looking midget "nurse" with a nurse's uniform and hat, a phony black wig which was crooked and a gray wrinkled face injected my upper left bicep with a hypodermic that looked similar to one of those large black pencils 1st grade children learn to write with. This "nurse" was very bossy and definitely displayed poor bedside manner.
    Afterwards I was allowed to get up from the table. I walked outside of this "clinic" and stood beneath a bright blue sky and looked at and felt the puncture mark on my upper left bicep with my right index finger. I was running my finger over the puncture wound and felt the soreness.
    All the while my other half was lying in my bed with my eyes closed trying to reconcile this image in my mind and the accompanying discomfort I was feeling in my real arm. An abductee friend telephoned at that point and when I answered the phone I described to her what just happened. Although there was not a puncture mark on my "real" arm nevertheless, the soreness was still there.
    What can we learn from this? Perhaps the aliens are working on cloned bodies which feel sensations that are recorded by your real physical body or they have a means to split us off and work on our ethereal bodies in another aspect of vibrational creation where full physicality is seemingly retained?
    The procedures performed have a very real effect on our bodies here in this dimension. There may be much more to this but the point I'm trying to make is that it’s apparent the aliens know about this capability within us and exploit it for their own ends. I suggest that we learn from such experiences and learn to exploit the situation for our own benefit.
    It is also essential that we recognize the reality of cloning and the fact that some of us do have cloned bodies.


    Much teaching and training goes on at altered states of awareness within alternate realms of existence. In these altered states of awareness we perform tasks and carry out certain functions, but for many, the critical thinking faculty has been switched off. We seem to have lots of information "downloaded" into us but for the most part we are unable to access that data in the normal state of awareness. Many abductees develop a feeling of self- importance merely because they are a student who has attended "UFO University." I have lost count of the times I have attended these classes and I can tell you it has not materially benefited my life here on the surface one iota.
    Some of the training is of a paraphysical nature, i.e. walking through solid objects, levitation and the like. It is not uncommon within the framework of some of the eastern metaphysical traditions and even some western ones that initiates learn to develop these types of abilities over time through adherence to a rigorous discipline. "Whatever the mind of Man can conceive of and believe in, he or she will achieve."
    Many abductees are subjected to testing and training procedures which seem to be designed to determine their decision making process under duress. Often times the scenarios involve "escape and evasion" or ones which place the abductee in situations where they have to choose between rescuing strangers or loved ones. Some seem designed to determine the attitudes, biases or morals of abductees.
    Could it be that this program is designed to identify those with inherent leadership capabilities and who could be utilized in some capacity in a futuristic war? Conversely, could it be designed to identify those who are merely good "followers?" Much of the training that some of the abductees are going through is military in nature with advanced weaponry, including learning how to fly certain alien craft. I know for a fact that some of this weapons training is being conducted in cloned bodies at the behest of the reptilians.
    We also know that certain deep black elements within the military are conducting an intensive training program in an alternate realm of existence. This training seems geared towards ensuring that the abductees in this particular program survive the coming cataclysms here on the surface. We also know that a particular segment of the military in the high desert of California is working for a particular race of reptilians that our team is very familiar with.
    One of my closest friends is undergoing this sort of Cosmic G. I. Jane training. Myself and some close colleagues of mine have also found ourselves in some of these scenarios.
    At least we can infer that the deep black military expects something of a drastic nature to occur here on the surface in the not too distant future and that they have a vested interest in the survival of at least some abductees.
    We can also infer that the reptilians also have a vested interest in the survival of some abductees. (Our team does not ascribe to the notion that "Hybrids" will eventually supplant the human population here on the surface. This completely ignores the huge drama that is played out by the reptilian overlords and their energetic and emotional harvesting of the human race, which to them is the stuff of life itself. What Barbara Bartholic refers to as the "Great Human Nintendo Game." It also fails to take into account the number of hosts currently operating on the surface as an active fifth column at all levels of society.
    This training is truly comprehensive. I've watched this woman change from a battered and abused housewife to a trained operative honed to a razors edge imbued with the "Killer Instinct."
    She has had to endure extreme forms of "training." To wit: She has experienced gang rapes by apparent military personnel in order to show her that this is something she may have to deal with in the future and that she must learn to block it out. During these sessions she is telepathically reminded of her sexually abusive stepfather (a former Navy man) who frequently raped her and her sisters beginning when she was four years old. They remind her that she developed a capacity to "disassociate" at that time and to utilize that capability during this training scenario and in the future should the need ever arise. She is told that she cannot allow these types of gang rape experiences to "turn her into a basket-case."
    What is interesting is that her reptilian handler showed up during one of these "training exercises" and indicated to the human in charge of the operation to cease and desist as if he, the reptoid, had decided that she had had enough.
    It also begs the question, was her stepfather brought into the picture PRECISELY to practice these base perversions upon her? Whether the stepfather was consciously aware of his ultimate role in this project is irrelevant. In the intelligence and security world most people are more often used than useful.
    Do I agree with this sort of training? No. But as a student of military history I can tell you that its not uncommon during wartime for women to be raped three times in three days by troops moving in three different directions. Indeed the selling of entire conquered and subjugated populations into slavery was an accepted part of "The Right of Conquest" during war and was practiced for thousands of years. In any event we must learn to adapt to the most extreme environments.
    I have to reconcile the fact that my close friend is under for lack of a better term "mind control" and can be made to turn on me at the drop of a hat. The possibility exists and has to be accounted for. Again, I think this way because I recognize the reality of my environment.
    What can we learn from this if we apply the notion of opposites? At the very least a segment of the abductee population is being trained to become multi- dimensional operatives and to survive the coming cataclysms on the surface. These cataclysms may spell doom for countless humans on the surface. We can infer that this training is designed to prepare the abductees to eventually function in an adversarial role against an enemy or a perceived enemy and that the intelligence behind this training is deadly serious about it. They have put my friend through hell when she has been uncooperative with them.
    Again, myself and some members of our team have taken part in some of this training with our friend. However much of our training has been of a different nature.
    I guess the reader has gathered by now that there is more to this than the "gray areas" of missing time, hybridization etc. I will tell you this: When I have discussions with Barbara Bartholic the words "abduction," "aliens," "UFOs" seldom if ever come up. Too basic. We are thinking in terms of centuries and populations.

    THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control

    Before I delve into the issues of counterintelligence, disinformation and propaganda I want to make two important points.
    First, our team does not believe in any of this "equality" crap. An abductee who is manipulated and is a wellspring of accusations, chaos, confusion, discordance, egotism, gossip, misery, and possessed of a mercurial and resentful temperament is NOT equal to those abductees with a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of their own personal destiny who are willing to submit their ego and ambitions for the greater good within the team concept.
    We have identified an "X" factor amongst some abductees who seem resistant to some of the very basic conditioning and mind control of the reptilians, which seems to be the norm within "the Muppet Show." Chaos, confusion, discordance and resentfulness are symptomatic of a reptilian and demonic influence.
    Our time is valuable. We only spend our productive time with productive people. Napoleon said, "I may lose a battle but I will never lose a minute." Napoleon knew that in War, Time was the one ingredient that if lost can never be regained.
    By saying that I am not marginalizing or invalidating the nature of some people's experiences. Please do not hear what I didn't say.
    I am merely saying that if we had our druthers we would prefer to develop a friendship based on mutual admiration and respect with an abductee who has a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of self worth rather than a manipulated puppet who sows discord and misery as a natural by-product of its existence.
    I know wherein I speak because I was stupid enough to allow a reptilian host into my experience not once but twice. This entity has facilitated support groups in the southwest and has recently placed a website on the internet.
    The entity writes in "Opposites" from the beginning to the end of this particular website. On the one hand it says it has "stopped" alien abductions in its life and on the other it says it is seeking to bridge the gap between the human race and the reptilians. It mentions just enough "negative" reptilian information (the best disinformation always has an element of truth in it) to compel some abductees having reptilian experiences to seek her/it out as a source of information which is the worst thing an abductee could ever do. I have seen this evil host sit down with the children of abductees and show them sketches of reptilians and aliens from a binder she carries (I call it her "Family Album." She obtained some of those stinking sketches from me.) and asks them what kinds of aliens they have seen and to not be afraid of them and to accept them as a normal part of their life.
    My friend has seen black ethereal cartoon-like "noodles" coming out of the top of the entity's head while it was in a trance state. On another occasion when it was in a trance state and whilst African drum music was being played at high volume, this reptilian host lay on its back and "air humped" i.e. vigorously thrust its loins upward in a sexually aggressive manner for over two hours.
    Several eyewitnesses have seen astral reptilian "pods" floating in and out of its abdomen after a "rebirthing" workshop in Sedona, Arizona. This brings me to a very important point, which needs to be addressed.
    I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like. Such places serve as "the membrane" between dimensions which is precisely why UFO's are frequently seen over areas with high electromagnetic anomalies. (That doesn't mean I believe UFO's are strictly interdimensional in nature. There is a school of thought which holds that the UFO phenomenon is either Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional in nature and are mutually exclusive to each other. I disagree. It all relates to frequency and resonance.)
    Occult Ritual activity is practiced in areas where electromagnetic anomalies exist because it is easier to create portals to allow beings from other dimensions into our space-time continuum.
    The whole idea behind meditation is to seek the divinity which resides within. Its not meant to open oneself up to every marauding reptilian or demonic entity in the universe which seems to be the chief form of amusement for many New Age La Dee Dah's today.
    "Spirit Guides " compel people to travel to places like Sedona Arizona or Machu Pichu Peru and take part in meditative workshops and then their family and friends wonder why they act so differently when they get back.
    The aforementioned reptilian host has tried to attack me in the astral dreamscape and during sleep has tried to possess me. I have woken up tingling from head to toe feeling that icky reptilian energy saturating my bedroom. It has attempted to intimidate me in ways too numerous to count. Much of this happened to me whilst I was trying to expose the "support group facilitator" for what it was. A full on host for a reptilian entity.
    Most "normal" humans simply can't do some of the things this entity can do. I am doubtful that the female host is even aware of its own abilities. She/it is not the only reptilian host whom I have battled in the astral dreamscape. There have been others but I am unwilling to mention them by name because they may not be aware that they have these abilities.
    A well known researcher who likewise has a website (its getting to be a prerequisite for these hosts) and has lectured extensively appeared to someone I'm very close to in the astral form and watched as a reptilian being which my friend had never seen before (she is familiar with a different species) brutally raped and sodomized her. My friend is extremely psychic and can see astral entities and can see the reptilian image superimposed over host.
    During this brutal rape the "researcher" sat at the edge of the bed watching my friend's plight with undisguised glee.
    Likewise, I was told personally by another lecturer within the UFO research community that there are times when she does not see her own reflection in the mirror. Instead she sees the face of someone or something else looking back at her.
    Are these the types of "people" you want to obtain information from regarding the alien abduction syndrome?
    The reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah. Demon Infested Deborah brought unimaginable amounts of grief and misery into my life.
    Demon Infested Deborah was possessed of the most crudest, perverse and vulgar characteristics imaginable and she was the hypnotherapist of the reptilian host's support group! (She called herself an "alchemical hypnotherapist" whose mission in life was to "deprogram people." She should have started with herself.)
    Only a reptilian host could have found someone like her. In fact some of the most whacked out and confused people I've ever met were in that host's "support group." Demon Infested Deborah now resides in a suburb outside of Atlanta Georgia.
    Do we have any volunteers who are willing to submit to a hypnotic regression by someone who is literally possessed of multitudes of trouble making spirits and who has the most feces oriented behavior imaginable? Any takers? And if you do not believe in demonic possession you are merely revealing your ignorance because its a given in many societies and cultures in the world except this one. I identified at least five different demons inside of Demon Infested Deborah at which point I stopped counting.
    My only "crime" as regards my treatment of the reptilian host and Demon Infested Deborah was that I loved them unconditionally, did not judge them and did everything in my power to help them overcome whatever challenges they may have had but I may as well have tried to stop a tidal wave with my bare hands. It is simply not in the base nature of reptilian beings and demonic entities to repay your kindness with anything other than sheer grief and misery.

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