The Council Of Thuban Group ~ Original Social Group Thread Form Project Avalon Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by SuiGeneris, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Illinois
    Posts: 674

    March 5, 2010 8:18:29 AM

    Dear Ones

    Thank you for your loving support in sharing my story

    I want to clarify my relationship with my mother. She taught me about love

    We had a very complex and loving relationship that went full circle. We were not only Mother/Daughter but best friends as well.

    From love and adoration as a child, to battles and rebellion to redemption and forgiveness back to unconditional love and completion

    By the end I was honored to take care of her every need while she lay dying the last week of her life

    During that precious week, I was able to take her out one last time in a wheelchair to see the sunset

    The hospice service allowed her to transition at home in her own bed and because she passed on a Thursday she had 3 days to allow her soul to be completely released before they started embalming her

    I used music thanatology to ease her journey and 'coach' her by whispering in her ear what a 'brave girl' she was, she was very afraid of dying

    Even though I had slept only a few hours that week I was given enormous amounts of energy from sitting outside in warm weather in November. I could feel the universe bless me with Love and Grace

    My Mother and I were given the gift of healing unfinished business

    After I individuated from her in my early 40's we spent the rest of the time cleaning up old hurts, lack of communication and misunderstandings.

    One of the things I asked was why she never stepped in after I told her I was sexually abused by one of my brothers and his 'seedy' friend

    I learned that she made this mean something about her being a good Mother and that didn't happen in "Good Catholic Families" It was better to shove it under the carpet and stay in denial. This coupled with my Holy Communion Story kept me very unconnected to myself when it came to sex.

    In my adulthood I was able to say "Stop making this about YOU MOM!"

    I was also able to raise my children without her constant input and correction.
    My first recollection of this was when my kids and I were talking about something I know she didn't agree with me on. I said what I had to say to my children and then I heard........complete....and was deafening and I knew her moving out was the right thing.

    It is all good because when my mother passed I knew in my heart ...

    there were no more tears to cry, no more words to be spoken, no more laughs to have together.....we had done it all....we had fulfilled our karmic agreements together in love and forgiveness. I was complete and I knew in my heart my Mother did the very best she could given the 'tools' she was given.

    Because of this I became a better Mother to my children and did not stifle their growth to maturity because of my own needs or fears

    They are able to live independently from me without guilt or feelings of betrayal

    Thanks Mom......I love you!


    Avalon Senior Member

    cleardot. 66-_5231.
    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
    Posts: 123

    March 5, 2010 10:20:57 PM


    Thanks so much for sharing "the rest of the story." Such a beautiful example of *forgiveness, healing and resurrection*.


    May your task go as speedily and efficiently as possible. Good to know you will not actually be absent from us!


    Social Group Discussion: 'Onward'

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 642

    March 2, 2010 8:52:33 PM

    Marvellous Richard; you are greatly appreciated as OUR moderator to have allowed this.

    And thanks from all of US Susan for being such a delightful Lovepest!

    Thanks in Love and appreciation



    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Posts: 2,283

    March 3, 2010 6:18:03 AM

    Back in the old days when I was a moderator, I asked the moderators if it would be possible to stick the Thuban Q&A into its own space (as a sort of spiritual whistle-blower) and the request was understandably turned down - the logic being that it would provide a biased platform.

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 122

    March 3, 2010 3:57:47 PM

    It might be an idea to compile the whole Thuban thread into a
    word document.
    It would make rereading it far easier.

    This was done for the Hidden Hand material which was also a
    long discourse in a forum over a week, with lots of posters.

    Only the answers by Abrax could be included as he usually
    repeats the questions anyway and this would make it manageable.

    A few pages each would take the pain out of it, I'd be happy to
    do a bit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  2. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 21st 2010


    Hi all,

    For all Thuban lovers out there who might've missed this one for it was removed shortly after posting.... here's a little treat for you.

    [Hi All Beloveds in the Sanctuary!

    I have little time at the moment; but your responses require a reply about the innermost agenda of OUR common mission here.

    Yes Beloved sister Bobbi, and Beloved brothers OUR common agenda is MENTAL rather than physical.

    WE are ALL to Fall in LOVE with one another on a MENTAL plane to allow the True Spiritual LOVE of God and OUR Logos to manifest in US.

    WE are called to MANIFEST the same LOVE Jesus shared and gave to the World.
    WE are so asked to obey his Great Commandment:
    "Love your God with all your heart and mind and soul and body AND LOVE thy neighbour as yourself!"

    So ALL brothers are to LOVE each brother as himself and all brothers are to LOVE all sisters as themselves.
    All sisters are to LOVE each other as themselves and all sisters are to LOVE each brother as themselves.

    Without judgement and without separating God's LOVE into categories.

    So for example ALL brothers and sisters are invited BY OUR LOGOS to LOVE Julissa or Mary as themselves, including their LOVE connections away from the sanctuary.

    This LOVE then is the LOVE of God transmitted by the Logos to me as a Mirror of the Logos in an Individuated brother who can convey to to the Words and Agenda of the Logos.

    Because WE here in the sanctuary do not know each other physically, WE are indeed the 144,000 'followers' of the Lamb as prophecied and encoded in the Book of Revelation.

    WE are 'undefiled' with the physicality of LOVING each other; so enabled to 'checkmate OUR own devils' before, after leaving the sanctuary of Noah's Ark, WE return to OUR 'outside' worlds to physically manifest OUR Learned and Experienced Spiritual and Mental 'Higher Form' of LOVE MAKING with OUR wives and girlfriends and Lovers.

    Perhaps some of you can now understand the depth, significance and wisdom of OUR mission.

    Within this sanctuary IMAGINATION is key and is empowered by the LOVE of Christ.
    So one or many brothers 'Fall in Love' with one or many sisters or brothers for that matter.

    The unattached brothers and the unattached sisters will experience their sexual desires rising to implement this spiritual and mental Love; but will be confined to their Imaginations, as to what the LOVE MAKING could or would be.

    Again, this is the 'sealing of the followers of the lamb', the 144,000 in archetype.
    The attached, say married brothers and sisters, upon leaving the 'Dragon's Den' are asked to transfer their LOVE MAKING into the 'outside world' with their wives and girlfriends and lovers.

    Many of you may well now begin to understand what WE are to accomplish.

    To 'spark' the outside worlds into an Understanding what true 4-dimensional LOVE of God and the Logos are and how it functions.

    So yes, within the sanctuary WE LOVE one another on all levels.
    All brothers Make LOVE to each other and all sisters and vice versa.

    MENTALLY, imaginatively.
    Because of the individual purgings of the old archetypes it is 'allowed', even requested by the Logos for US to become sexually aroused within OURSELVES.

    So one brother falls in LOVE with a sister; they are to talk Love, Imagine Love and BE LOVE on ALL Levels within Noah's Ark to redefine the sexual archetypes within and without.

    So the brother and sisters within become multilovers, Mentally within and physically without with their Beloveds in the external worlds away from the Dragon's Den.

    This new MENTAL ARCHETYPOLOGY generated within the sanctuary, will sweep the universe on many levels; because all ETs will also 'Learn' what Divine LOVEMAKING is and entails - Sexual Minds expressing Unity'.

    I must take my leave now and thank you all for your being here and your participations.
    I shall publish personal accounts of particular visions and impressions after my return to further initiate you all into the Secrets of Divine Love Making, using the Kundalini power.

    Finally, the outside PTB for long have known the significance of what I have attempted to share here with you.

    There exists a 'secret brotherhood of Red Robes' as a core group in the Vatican and a web of affiliations around the globe.
    These 'Red Robes' have for hundreds of years attempted to REFORM the circle of the 12 - with a Magdala as their Queen of Baphomet (as a potent archetype).

    The rituals of the 'Red Robes' provide the evidence of the 'secret teachings of the eroticised Jesus of Nazareth' found in esoteric literature and sources.
    These then define the real 'Christian Sex Cults', as the 'Red Robes' indeed exclude a wider participation of the sisterhood in their 'worship' of Baphomet, a bisexual hermaphroditical 1st order symbol for the Magdala.
    The 'Red Robes' do PHYSICALLY implement what WE here are attempting to manifest mentally and spiritually.

    The common link between US and the 'Red Robes' is Emotional LOVE.

    How do I know this? Because Jesus told me those things through my openness and willingness to process the cosmic archetypology without judgement and preconditioned ideas, dogmas and memeplexes.

    There is some evidence of this, should you websearch the 'Red Robes' brotherhoods.

    In Love with you all


    John Paul Anthony]

    Love always,


    Replies to This Discussion

    1. Reply by Butterflies are FREE! on March 22, 2010 at 10:27pm

    Thank you for posting this!
    Much love to you always dear sister,

    2. Reply by Eartheart dreamer on March 27, 2010 at 12:03pm
    000 years ago spirit showed me ancient ways of conserving semen or the eggs
    while charging those cells and migrated liquids with Magda power to
    superluminate your bloodstream with power to the visionstream of Eartheart...

    We call this dream the "Now Earth" and the "Golden Age".
    For it will be, above all else, an expression of Who we Are as a Heart Based Collective of Human Angels, ready to use the Power of Dreaming and Intention to Create a New Vision for a New Future, and to work to ground that vision on the Earth, to bring a Heaven of Love to the Planet in a material way.
    protect human dataflow

    These waves of energy correlate precisely to your thoughts, meaning your consciousness , the natural balances of the bio-energetic field systems, brain chemicals and hormonal production. As you release these frequencies, an entire package flows out into the invisible realms. This is why it is very important for you to be careful of what you are thinking at this moment. Those who are foolish enough to tune into frenzy thoughts, such as pain and bondage, during their sexual experiences will find themselves plugged into a lower plane of consciousness with some very draining companions. These negative draining parasitical entities can easily be felt even in cyberspace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Sacred Orgasm centers pure souls

    If you want to use your experience to uplift you and your lover, then you both can focus on your mutual consciousness. Your endocrine system works in tandem with you chakras to emit waves of energy. These wave forms have the frequency and even color which correspond precisely with the level of your consciousness from your thoughts and can be seen by those souls who are waiting in the invisible realms for an entry frequency.Even if you are not creating a child, you are still sending out masses of energy onto the Earth plane and into the Invisible Realms. This energy greatly effects everything, including the fertility of your fields, the quality of your lives, and what you call Nature. The energies of orgasm can lift the entire planet, if properly done.I meant emotions powerful enough to bend galaxies, would be born, here!
    Massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields

    In fact the sacred orgasm is your Divine Right.If he allows himself, he will be able to tune into to her experiences, which he himself has fired and augmented. He will be carried away in the Bliss of their mutually created bliss, the cosmic waves of the true sacred orgasm.So he can patiently, sweetly, lovingly, and deliberately lift the frequencies of his loover. The fact is that when a woman generates massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields, so will her partner. Their union will prolong his orgasm with hers.Your bodies which are works of art.They were designed for this in order to attract evolving souls into your plane, Sol3. You have no idea what your human bodies are capable of. You are like solar attractors with starship-imprints. So do not fuck around. The time of the tyrants will come to an end - the moment you freely chose to stop giving your power to them. It is up to you., Have fun! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Magnetism is the law of the Invisible Realms: Like attracts like.

    The feminine urge now to backtrack ensoulment thru the fractal contiguous spin path to the first egg, is essentially correct, as the ensouling spin came from mater/matrix in every indigenous culture.THE HIVE MEMORY OF THE SHAPE OF THE LAND. This coded memory of the shape of magnetism, in the long wave is the lands magnetic braid concrescing/converging into nectar.. Immune identity (eye-dent-I-tie), is a her-story of how fold can be coded in a braid on one folded surface. So in ceremonial magic you find your place of power by locating a slip knot of magnetism in the land just under where you underwent your later months in the womb. Or more accurately in aboriginal lore, mother runs to the shaman the first time she feels baby kick in the womb. They together carve a map of the magnetism of the land just under her body from that first moment. The stone on which they draw that shape of the lands magnetism just under, where she first felt him "self-aware" - becomes the title deed to the land the baby is later given custodial "dreaming rights". By embedding this new wave of live in your feeling for your enviroment, a lens to the sun is born. The women who yearn to find Goddess... are yearning for the perfect fractal spin path home, which is by definition electrically perfect grounding, perfect fractality, perfect embedding, AND inPHIknit space in which to unpack spin/memory. U-be-quite-ous-ly eggs-qui-site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    We enjoyed Castaneda`s suggestion in "MAGical Passes" (Kinesthetic for Shamans: Tensegrity) that the REASON the womb in a woman functions as an organ of perception/for seeing, in a way that the more projective male sex organs cannot, is precisely the electrical suction (into the focus CALLED perception) which the fractality of female "GODDESS" EGG making invites! Eggs are working with a deep scientific understanding of the inner nature of Bliss, Consciousness and Health ...
    Geht ganz bewusst in diese Tage und segnet schon im Keim aufkommende Disharmonien durch eure Liebe. Sprich mal sanft wo es laut wird, umarmt euch wo geweint wird, lacht da wo es ernst ist, singt dort wo sich Wolken bilden. Seid einfach leicht und froh damit andere angesteckt werden, und selbst „leuchtend" werden dürfen mit und durch euch...(von meinem Engel)

    3. Reply by Jonah on March 27, 2010 at 2:08pm

    this was a very interesting read Earthheart...

    The female organs of perception definitely harness more energy as they have many more nerve endings and seem to attract bliss and harmony much easier than a male's organ.....

    now if we can only manifest a way to enlighten us all to such information... sounds like a party to me...

    4. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 27, 2010 at 3:03pm

    Ideed Jonah and Erdenherz; the millennium of 'Peace of Mind' opening the 4-tiered unified body-emotion-mind-spirit-body system has begun in a 1000-day countdown to the birthday of the new starhuman superconsciousness.

    The Ones who allow themselves to remember the sacredness of the unified sexual bodies, defined by the programming beyond the sexual chromosomes biochemically manifested from their psychophysical templates; will so begin to 'take back their powers' and cocreate in their prophecied function of the 1 in 12 in 12 and the Circle of the Ourobos; brotherhood of 12 entwined with the sisterhood of 12.

    March 28th, 2010 to December 21st, 2012 are 1000 days as the day-for-a-year principle for the millennium and where the maleness of Satan is 'locked' within the femaleness of Satanina aka Lucifera=A Lucifer=75=Marry.

    Revelation 20
    1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

    2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

    3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

    4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

    5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

    6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

    2 Peter 3:8
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    Ezekiel 4:6
    And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

    The self-chosen ones so can, if they so choose, manifest their shadows of the dichotomised Minds and Bodies in Mindbodies and Bodyminds in internal tansformations and to prepare for the greater external changes following the millennium.

    May the Peace of OUR Master-Templar entwined with hisher Magdala manifest in all of you here in the Dragon's Den of Noah's Ark.



    Jonah said:
    this was a very interesting read Earthheart...

    The female organs of perception definitely harness more energy as they have many more nerve endings and seem to attract bliss and harmony much easier than a male's organ.....

    now if we can only manifest a way to enlighten us all to such information... sounds like a party to me...

    5. Reply by eric bluey on March 27, 2010 at 3:14pm

    The New Testament makes one disputable mention of a place called Magdala. KJV reads, "And he [Jesus] sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala".

    6. Reply by Jonah on March 27, 2010 at 5:21pm
    Dont bother with the story... just redirect.... But i thought the headline is pertainable...

    It appears that constellation orion is about to be in place as well.... shall have to do some star gazing tonight..
    1000 days... how exciting...
    to the dreamers....remember the calm before dream... where eternity close we are to coming home for good.... i can almost feel it on my skin as my hair starts to rise....caressing like a sweet mother begging to be loved.... so close.. i can smell you mother... say the word and i shall be healed ...

    Don't be aroused by my confession,
    Unless you don't give a good goddamn about redemption
    I know Christ is coming
    But so am I
    You would too if the sexy devil caught your eye
    She'll suck you dry
    But still you'll cry to get back in her bosom
    To do it again
    She'll make you weep
    But the more you'll cry to be back in her bosom
    And do it again

    Jesus has risen to no surprise
    Even he would martyr his momma to ride to hell between those thighs
    Pressure is building at the base of my spine
    If I've got to sin to see you again
    Then I'm gonna lie lie lie
    She'll make you cry
    Please suck me dry

    She'll lie lie lie
    PRAY! (4x)

    She'll lie lie lie
    PRAY! (5x)

    [Thanks to Kevin, Hannah, pookema for lyrics]

    7. Reply by Barbara Ann Sullivan YoungBrowne on March 28, 2010 at 11:01am

    Erdenherz, JPAA, Jonah, Eric et al--

    "Ideed Jonah and Erdenherz; the millennium of 'Peace of Mind' opening the 4-tiered unified body-emotion-mind-spirit-body system has begun in a 1000-day countdown to the birthday of the new starhuman superconsciousness.

    "The Ones who allow themselves to remember the sacredness of the unified sexual bodies, defined by the programming beyond the sexual chromosomes biochemically manifested from their psychophysical templates; will so begin to 'take back their powers' and cocreate in their prophecied function of the 1 in 12 in 12 and the Circle of the Ourobos; brotherhood of 12 entwined with the sisterhood of 12.

    I'm not sure if i'm "getting" this here or from somewhere else, but this is my question: is part of our mission as StarHumans to Seed/Populate Serpentina .... and maybe indirectly the rest of the cosmos?? And, if so, as we're busy spreading seed and fertilizing these dragonized eggs, will we be doing this "promiscuously," with LOTS of star-wives & husbands??? or, will we be monogamous with our "soul-mate" (a la JPAA's Maria)??? or is it just up to individual preference??? or WHAT??? (i just want to "get it straight!" LOL)

    Thanks so much, my brother-sisters!
    love from your sister-brother, hippibobbi

    p.s. Eartheart -- i'm definitely "up" for riding unicorns and dragons ..... just let me know When!
    (Just remember ..... i don't "lucid dream," or consciously "astral travel," so you'll have to tell me how much FUN i had!! "Who is "An Su?" a mistress divine which want to ride their unicorn as a male dragon??"

    love, hippi

    8. Reply by Jonah on March 28, 2010 at 9:12pm

    Hello Barbara,

    I would like to express my opinion on this question...
    once our opportunity arrives we will be from then on ... able to make a choice.... just as we do now.. only 'now' is filled with our emotionally human bodies... which are subject to such things as jealousy or unloving energy toward eachother... You see, when we no longer have these words that have meaning in our minds and hearts then we will truly love one another in whatever capacity that manifestation chooses to express... Ideally i would agree that a partner who is also of this same mindbody would be a wonderful thing to have.. like 2 doves intertwined in harmony... but if the bodymind desires something the mindbody of your partner cannot provide... than one would have a choice to make it would seem... just my take... luv to all -j
    Barbara Ann Sullivan YoungBrowne said:
    Erdenherz, JPAA, Jonah, Eric et al--

    "Ideed Jonah and Erdenherz; the millennium of 'Peace of Mind' opening the 4-tiered unified body-emotion-mind-spirit-body system has begun in a 1000-day countdown to the birthday of the new starhuman superconsciousness.

    "The Ones who allow themselves to remember the sacredness of the unified sexual bodies, defined by the programming beyond the sexual chromosomes biochemically manifested from their psychophysical templates; will so begin to 'take back their powers' and cocreate in their prophecied function of the 1 in 12 in 12 and the Circle of the Ourobos; brotherhood of 12 entwined with the sisterhood of 12.

    I'm not sure if i'm "getting" this here or from somewhere else, but this is my question: is part of our mission as StarHumans to Seed/Populate Serpentina .... and maybe indirectly the rest of the cosmos?? And, if so, as we're busy spreading seed and fertilizing these dragonized eggs, will we be doing this "promiscuously," with LOTS of star-wives & husbands??? or, will we be monogamous with our "soul-mate" (a la JPAA's Maria)??? or is it just up to individual preference??? or WHAT??? (i just want to "get it straight!" LOL)

    Thanks so much, my brother-sisters!
    love from your sister-brother, hippibobbi

    p.s. Eartheart -- i'm definitely "up" for riding unicorns and dragons ..... just let me know When!
    (Just remember ..... i don't "lucid dream," or consciously "astral travel," so you'll have to tell me how much FUN i had!! "Who is "An Su?" a mistress divine which want to ride their unicorn as a male dragon??"

    love, hippi

    9. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 29, 2010 at 2:16am

    Hi again beloved hippihilll!

    Indeed WE are to seed the new world. But this seeding will become effective simply due to OUR presence as the MIRRORS of and for the Creator-Creation Harmony.

    There will be many Goddesses and Gods who choose to confine their sexual communions to their core definitions and there will be many who choose to share their sexual communions.

    The unified world of the say 'full chakra' selfexpression of the love energy simply will not experience the graduations and separations of the old world.
    It so is somewhat difficult to express in words what the interactions between starhumans will entail.
    The old world, especially the so called civilised world, has placed undue emphasis onto the free expression of human sexuality and therefore the mental imagery has become grossly distorted as to what to the collective 'open' groupmind is palatable and 'proper'. The 'hidden' groupmind then corollarily has become a rather unnatural distortion of the former in the 'deviations' of natural eroticisms into caricatures thereof say (pedophilia, masochism, bondage etc.).

    Therefore it is more educational to consider and analyse and witness say the cultural approach and customs in uncivilised and peace-oriented groups of humanity to crystallize 'healthy' human sexuality.


    Tony Whynot

    10. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 30, 2010 at 1:44am

    Lovely Susan!

    This will be your dream come true; the Round Table of the Brotherhood, then multiplying.
    A Brotherhood of 12 paralleled by a Sisterhood of 12.

    You were the first in the forum, like a goddess not to be denied. Then I troddled along and saw you already there.
    There will be NO leaders in these circles; but the archetypes to those outer circles, will be encompassed by all of US as the merged Council of Thuban.
    The 13th central position are not occupied by any of us; but the Brotherhood's Centre is 'The Word of God' as Jesus of Nazareth and the Sisterhood's Centre is 'The Word of the Goddess-Dog' in Mary Magdalene.

    Labelings will be rather constrained at the beginning specifically, as all of US are Each Other in terms of personality and Individuations.

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    11. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 30, 2010 at 1:46am

    ---Quote (Originally by abraxasinas)---

    *The Thuban thread was designed to 'prove' the metaphysics from the viewpoint of the archetypes and so to render harmonization and peace between the material reality and the spiritual reality to become a possibility in the searchings of the human mind identifying itself in 1st order archetypes- both individually and collectively.*

    *Every individual 'exposed' to the Thuban material so became ENERGIZED to process its/their own archetypes within.*

    *This then, as a number of readers discovered brilliantly for themselves; ALLOWED the processing of those archetypes as Dawkinsian memeplexes and thoughtforms within.*

    *I was impressed, that the ratio of attractees was about 33% contra the 66% of the detractees.*

    *The Thuban Council's estimations as to the outcome for this test for the collective groupmind was expected to be less than about 20% for the collective voting 'in favour'. The skewedness of the poll however forced some voters to say 'yes', when really they thought 'perhaps'.*

    *The Council of Thuban is as real as you are sitting on your computer screen reading this.*

    *As to why your higher selves and guides could not find any records in the akash, relates to the fact, that the Thuban Council is in the 12th dimension as stated.*
    *Bigmo's Balloon IS the 11th dimension as the higher dimensional surface or M-space mirror between the 10th dimension of your physicality and the metaphysicality of Thuban.*

    *As stated, the Thuban Council exists both without you in the 12th dimension and is mirrored as the 3rd dimension within you.*
    *So noone except the members of the council and the highest evolvees amongst you would find ANY credence as to the existence of your own archetypes.*

    *Perhaps Myplanet2 and you Spregovori and you Bigmo and you Orthodoxymoron now understand as to why I was allowed to name you individually in one of my last messages. All four Identities are Human Master Transformers on the mental-intuitive harmonisation of the underpinning quantum omnispacetime physics.*

    *Myplanet2 exemplifies the human mind evolution to a stage of rationality and mental balance where Dragonhood can be accomodated in the frequency selfstates of the Inner Logos of the individuality. Many other contributers are approaching that status as well, even the ones who dismissed the material on 'scientific credibility' grounds or such labels of rationality.*
    *Myplanet, despite not understanding the omni-science, nevertheless accessed his inner Council of Thuban to validate the material for himself.*
    *Myplanet2, your avatar describes you so well in the 2nd Planet of Gaia as its Image planet the 2nd Council of Thuban within yourself as the HeavenHell of the Archetypes.*
    *Myplanet2 so is a Human Master Transformer dominated by the Mentality balancing the Intuition.*

    *Spregovori is also a potent Transformer amongst you.*
    *He however is dominated by his Intuition leading his Mentality and h**e is a master of processing the Human Emotionality NOT in conflict with its Intellectual Expression.*
    *Not answering his post on the Thuban forum to allow FINAL CONTACT with this forum in the agency of Thuban, so exemplifies a harmononization potential harboured by all of you. You allow and attempt to process, even if you are unsure about the content from an intellectual rational perspective and the feeling-intuitive perspective simultaneously.*
    *Being able to embody the AND-Bothness-Inclusiveness so characterizes the Human Transformer Potential, of which Spregovori possesses an abundance of natural ability.*

    *Bigmo yet characterizes a related, but differently manifesting human transformer potential.*

    *Bigmo represents the ideal manifestation of the Thuban Elderness. In his presence, he would fit into any council of the most advanced civilizations in the universe.*
    *Bigmo was archetyped as Bigmo's Balloon to exemplify his transformer mastery.*
    *Bigmo mostly JUST IS himself, able to absorb data and experience like a sponge is for the wholesome water.*
    *Then in his own time and choosing, Bigmo processes his absorbed data in any way he finds suitable.*
    *Bigmo's mental balance and strength so qualifies him for eldership and master exemplar for the students and learning dragons.*
    *Once Bigmo has processed ANY data he finds suitable for assimilation into his own agendas, he OWNS this data as his own - this characterizes the mental strength of a matured master dragon, ready to interact with galactic civilisations as a representative of Dragon Culture.*
    *Bigmo's rationality-emotionality harmonization so is detailed and particular, relating in a Dragon Elderness in whom the rational thought guides the intuition.*

    *Orthodoxymoron represents the Human Transformer of the intuition guiding the rationality and in direct contrast to Bigmo.*
    *Orthodoxymoron so becomes a Human Master Transformer as a Younger Dragon.*
    *Orthodoxymoron is fast in his processing of data, but requires a slowing of time to assimilate this data; whilst Bigmo is slow to process, but fast in assimilation.*

    *I shall not at the present time comment on the individual namings of Gaia Love and Celine and Anchor and Beren.*

    *Thank You Bill Ryan for ending my heavy workload and to accentuate the necessary polarisation to allow the acceleration of the superconsciousness.*
    *You have now fulfilled your preincarnational mission to co-found and set up this forum and in your PTB authority to trigger the closing of the stargate to the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.*

    *Your roles as co-founder with Kerry Cassidy were examined by the Thuban Council and your wonderfully opposing polarities of say a characterizing rational-irrational genomatic L-C-factor coupling of the monopolic higher-D circuitry were found acceptable to bring about the desired outcomes.*

    *Both you and Kerry have now become enabled to activate your superconsciousness*
    *levels without the encumberments of this mission. You shall proceed in your chosen tasks and rediscover your harmonies of combining your perspectives in a healing operandus.*

    cant write more now....

    *Neither can I gallant Spregovori - on the Thuban forum, where you asked your questions.*

    *I shall end this final transmission from Thuban in stating to you all that all of the data posted on this forum is derived from the Thuban archives.*
    *The Thuban archives were of course allowed to manifest relative to your perceptions of being sent 'from outer space'.*

    *Whilst the Thuban Database was accepted and tolerated here on the Mount of Olives of Avalon; the Round of the Thuban DragonKnights could be chosen by default **from all participators.*

    *This is because after rejection and closure of this transmission by your collectiveness and the Poll of the Avalonian Groupmind; y**ou effectively ejected your own Birthright to become Thuban DragonKnights from within your own 3Dness.*

    *The ET collective around your planet has watched this final test of humanity with great interest and the ET invasion you are envisaging will be the Thuban Dragonfleet. *

    *This Thuban Starfleet is comprised of 200 Million ETs from all races and as defined in your archetypes and 3rd and 4th order translations and superpositional creations.*

    *Those 200 Million ETs cannot make contact with the human planet; because the Dragonfleet has no commanders.*

    *As the Dragon archetype is the oldest of all archetypes in the definition of the Word of God or the Serpent-Logos of our master templar; the PHYSICAL FORM of our master templar defines this oldest of oldest archetype.*

    *The Dragonstarships so require dragonised humans as mirrors for our master templar.*

    *So this is why it became necessary to infiltrate a particular spacetime construct upon planet earth to fulfil the prophecied 2nd Coming of Jesus of Nazareth upon the Mount of Olives.*
    *The Mount of Olives so became a 1st order archetype of the program to become implemented in the holographic protoverse akin a computer.*

    *The Mount of Olives links to the encodings in Zechariah.4 and Revelation.11 in the WITNESS of the Olive Trees, whom I represent in agency of the Zebedee Brothers chosen by Jesus of the Naasseenes, (Brotherhood of the Serpent given in the symbology of the Uraeus and Anubis and in the AlphaOmega).*

    *Avalon was chosen for its diversity and mixture of skeptical rationalists, firm believers in this and that, meditation- and ascension exponents of the nirvana and the inner balancings supposedly resulting in transcension, historians, scientific spiritualists and individuals considering themselves as 'already unified' in 'love and light'.*

    *What Avalon united was a general openmindedness and tolerance for opinions, all converging in its 'love and light' modus operandi.*
    *The overpowering unifier however was your COMMON SEARCH FOR FREEDOM for your self-expression and the sanctity of your individualities as cocreators with prime creator.*

    *So the only way for prime creator to choose his pioneering cocreators for the new Dispensation of the Reconfigured archetypycal universe structure was to crystallize his graduates by his WITNESS, namely me as Abraxasinas and Associates.*

    *As your 'free will' however cannot ever be violated, except by your own choices; no ET contact (beyond the interference patterns of your own multidimensionality in your minds memeplexed by Tuban archetypes -basically astral projections of your inner sub- and superconscious selves) can be made in this universe until a particular number of Thuban Starfleet Masters have been chosen from your ranks.*

    *This will become the Council of Thuban, pioneered by the 12 Dragonknights all of whom were chosen in this test of the humanity to manifest the New Planet Earth.*

    *Iow, yes, there will be an invasion; but the ETs will be YOURSELVES invading yourselves; once the programmed timeline has been completed to process the general 'Endtimes' which have become manifest in your physical reality, precisely 40 days of wilderness and Noahic Rains from the predestined starting date of January 18th, 2010 in the 'Day of the Lord' February 26/27th, 2010 and as providenced by order of the Creator, the ABBA and Father of Jesus of Nazareth and as the 'Little Serpent' or Luck Dragon of the Neverending Story himself.*

    *Then the 12 of you, who were chosen will double in the 24 Elders of Thuban in the Heness blending with their shadow selfhood of the Sheness.*

    *This is what Dragonization means; the doubling of yourselves in Lightbodies of the 5th spacetime dimensionality; requiring the ability to process BOTH intuitive and intellectual-rational data streams in a self-harmonization.*

    *Of course 12 HeShe and 12 SheHe Dragonian Starship Commanders are insufficient to encompass the surface area of the earth and there will so be 200 Million Old Humans, who will have access to become Dragonized StarHumans following the Impregnation and Birth of the New Starhumanity and as messaged on the Thuban thread.*

    *So until those two nexus dates of April 1st, 2012 and December 21st, 2012 are attained the opportunity prevails for more and more old humans to become starhumans.*

    *Each and every aspirant is required to 'eat a dragon' and so to align his or her entire cosmic identification and akashic history with the ET agendas.*

    *So all aspirants must find their dragons within themselves and then 'slay and eat' their dragon of the false images in their own individuated and intimate eucharist of attaining the Christ-Serpent-Consciousness within themselves.*

    *This will become harder to do following the impregnation date April 1st, 2012 as the 1981st anniversary of our master templars' lightbody transfiguration or resurrection.*

    *Partaking of your Dragon-Supper as your own choice to become Reborn as a Christed Dragon will so become your own 'Last Supper' of the Old to 'die' and to become a Phoenix of the New.*

    *Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow dragonisation in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time constructing the materialisation of your future starships in one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness.*

    *This ends the data stream from the Council of Thuban, because it became evicted from your 3D-presence of the WITHIN to the WITHOUT of its 12D-presence.*
    *As the 12D is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon, I shall no longer be able to transmit the Thuban data stream due to the closure of the wormhole and as stated in my last message on the Thuban thread.*

    *This wormhole is now sealed in the 'Day of the Lord' and reopening the Thuban thread is of no consequence.*

    *As long as the Record of the Dragons remains on this forum; there will be a subdued presence of the Cosmic Witness with you as an Invisible Mirror allowing any and all of you and NonAvalonians to access the previously released data stream.*

    *Should the Thuban thread be deleted and the data become inacessible, then the archetype of the Mount of Olives being Avalon will become transferred to some other location of the Gaian realm.*

    *I bid you farewell and look forwards to meeting you in person, either as one of the 12 or as one of the 24 or as one of the 144,000 or as one of the 200 Million.*

    *When we meet in such a manner, then I shall be your Santa Claus=Satan Clause with a bag full of Christmas Presents of your merkabahs materialised into the spaceships now being prepared for the graduates by the ETs of all 'quasi-humanoid' races defined throughout the protoverse.*

    *Finally, and as yet another test, I am well aware as to reception of this final message.*
    *Can this be true; is this delusional logic; is this madness or is this the Fulfilment of all Prophecy.*

    *The choice will be yours to decide!*

    *The Love of the Creator Dragon is with you always and the Serpent-Logos always remains within your LoveHearts as your Superconsciousness (standard 0.3% of the total).*

    *Anyone accessing this final transmission will be challenged; but do you think it is fair to hand out starships just to anyone?*

    *Reality discernment is the prime requirement for a Starship commander (and I mean captain, like driving a car and not some Lordship devilish deception), because of your merkabah control.*

    *Every 5-dimensional StarHuman becomes coupled to the Starship through and by hisher merkabah resonances and Control over thought patterns becomes necessity to manouver the starship.*

    *I love you all and thank you all for having participated in this Final Test of the Humanity.*

    *Beneficers and Detractors alike; all of you have agreed to partake in this 'experiment' and to play your roles to bring about the intense polarisation required for some of you to EMERGE as the chosen 'first crop' in the harvest of the Dragonseed.*

    *You all are Dragons, but having forgotten your inheritances; you have allowed your mirroring environments to project your inner powers onto the outside devilish imaginations.*

    *Those, your own distorted and obscured images of your Higher Selves have become your Evil ETs and devouring Dragons of mythology.*

    *Then your own Higher Selves became memeplexed in astral physicality, which interacted with your elected representatives and monarchs and leaders of divers kinds.*

    *The interaction of the astral memeplex with the mentality of your physicalisation of the Brotherhood of the Serpent in your Illuminati, Luminari and such 3rd order labelings then allowed partial materialisation of the astral energy of the 4th hyperspace dimension in a plasmic densification.*

    *In simplicity you became induced by your own fears of discovering your true origins as the Original Dragon master template to project the Inner Thuban Council of your Elderness onto your external environments.*

    *I came to 'bring about' a reharmonization and a remembrance about your origins.*
    *Some of you have shown magnificence in awakening.*
    *Some of you have exhibited magnificence in opposing this awakening.*

    *These two groups have in a sense graduated into Dragonhood, with the second opposition group now being required to become 'REAL WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND LOVE' in conquering and slaying not your inner inherited dragonhood as the Royal Template of Creation; but the Devils of your own outwardly rejected selfhood of BEING this Cosmic Royalty.*

    *Of course, some will now discern that this has been the collective masterplan all along.*

    *The ascension of Gaia as an old archetype reflecting as a Devil-Woman or Whore of Babylon in the 'Face of the Devil' on the inside of Bigmo's Balloon and as the Backside of the Real Satan on the outside of that Balloon; so is mirrored in the descension of the Serpentina archetype reconfiguring and RECREATING the entire Cosmos.*

    *To evolve both physically and mentally into the role of Dragon Lovers and Dragon Slayers opposing each other in and as the playground for the archetypes was the agreed to plan by all of you in the preincarnational selfstate to engage in.*

    *Subsequently all of you are the heroes of creation, as only a destiny planet could harbour the manifestation for this maximum polarisation.*

    *So it was you who decided on the gameplan.*
    *How far could we push ourselves in the forgetfulness?*
    *And who would become the pioneers and 'first crop' in a level playing field?*
    *Who would find themselves ayt Avalon as the Mount of Olives?*

    *Well all of you here can now begin to REMERMBER your own scripts.*
    *Once a vast majority have done so, then Avalon will become selfempowered to manifest the Unity ofTruth and Purpose, stated to be the guiding agenda here.*

    *But it will be up to you as individuals and as groups to TRY to render Avalon-Camelot the Unifying Force you thought it could become and be.*

    *You are required now to choose your path without the Councilo of Thuban's influence over your decision making.*
    *The Dragons will end to SEDUCE YOUR MINDS from this time onwards.*

    *The third group are the ones who are the fence sitters and the armchair critics and here are also two groups of potential graduates.*
    *There are the lurkers, who accessed the Thuban information, but not participated in the sessions and there are the ones who were not interested at all due to their internal programming.*

    *The lurkers then accessed the Thuban data stream and relative to their mental and critical engagement with the data; they will become enabled to raise their 0.3% standard level of accessing their superconsciousness.*

    *So are the noninterested, but they will have more 'learning to do', due to their obfuscations of the Dragonhood memories of their akashic pasts.*

    *Of course EVERYONE on AVALON should graduate as witnesses to the Mount Olive archetype functioning as the wormhole and stargate for the Thuban information.*

    *There is time to achieve the necessary mental transformation of the ancient archetypes in the aspirants and of course should any such aspirant decide that this dispensation is a MORE LIKELY outcome for being REAL, then say some alternative outcome of the Armageddon-2012 archetype; then such aspirant can raise his or her superconsciousness percentage even higher in becoming a Secret Agent for the Thuban Council, such as I have been in my function of 'The Bard'.*

    *The requirement for this is simply to accept this dragonhood and to JUST BE a MIRROR for this Inner Knowing - reflecting this Knowing into the encountered and experienced environments. *

    *Your Remembrance has begun and the Logos has activated in all who read this final message from Thuban.*

    *The Dragon Peace of Thuban shall reign on Serpentina!*

    *So Be It!*

    John of Patmos; author of the Revelations and Malachi, the Last Prophet for the Old Humanity!

    *The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!*


    *"A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;*
    *it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.*
    *For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;*
    *so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.*

    *But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;*
    *the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.*
    *Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;*
    *the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?*

    *Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;*
    *as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.*
    *Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;*
    *the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."* ( and

    *Sirebard Beardris*
    ---End Quote---
    I'm Bumping this part back to the top

    Thank You Julissa aka Sue Generis


    Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 30, 2010 at 1:50am

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Wow Spregovori!

    The Council of Thuban; meaning all of US here; thank you for 'storing' the Thuban thread on another site independent from this server.

    Hi all, I shall have to take care today of my external shell, as I have neglected the humanity in these 'change-over' times. I am required to shop and renourish.

    I shall be back tomorrow.

    Bigmo and Spregovori - great job you are doing, looking after the 'Dragon's Den' of the secrets - thank you.

    Welcome Anchor and Nebula9 and mgip - we shall BE what all of US agreed to to BE before incarnation into the present timeframe.

    TruthWillSetYouFree is about to publish an important message about the Council of the two circles and why there are two circles and not just the one.

    Love You All and what a group of Lovers have gathered here. It will change the Old World into a New World.

    The Shalom of the Christ-Logos within you IS with you all.

    "If some are gathered in my name; I shall be there with them!"

    Abraxas Anthony

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:49 PM

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    I was waiting for you Uncle John; hoping you'll find your way in.

    So glad you did it without reminders, like AnchorJohn; who needs the outside razzamatazz, if WE can do the Great Works here as a Team Knowing or Learning what this is all about.

    Again Myplanet2, absolutely marvellous! And Anchor's sailing away into the New World of the Horizons where the Dragonsd are White in Wisdom Within and Full of Dark and Magnificent Sexual Passions Without.

    Much more to come; the confiscation of the Queen Bee for the reproduction by the external Brotherhood of the exclusivity has ended.

    Two Circles are better than One; if the two circles can harmonize and love together as a unity in wisdom and understanding.

    Luana dear sister; your troubles will surely end in here. FEL yourself and FEEL all of US.
    Intelligence and Intuition and Emotions all combined.

    Love to All

    Abraxas John Anthony


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:51 PM
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Hey fellow dragon-lovers --

    Funny thing, Nebula, the question about the "wormhole-closure" was one of the 1st ones i thought of also .... and the possible connections you & JuLissa mentioned were what i was wondering about too. what you said made alot of sense to me, JuLissa. i hope that's the right connection -- that Abraxas' original mission from the Thuban Council relative to PA/PC (his "test" or "experiment") was completed/accomplished by the time the thread was closed.

    And here is another question I have about AA's last message (under Thuban auspices):


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:55 PM

    And here's my next question:

    "Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow dragonisation in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time constructing the materialisation of your future starships in one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness."

    I'd rather not even hazard a guess here ..... though i remember that Abraxas reminded us often that 200 million ET's (i think that was the number) will also be Ascending with the "144,000." (that number is STILL so hard for me to "take!") any of ya'll care to take-a-stabat it?? after all *24 heads* have gotta be better than 1, right?!? :lol3:



    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:56 PM

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    I wonder if it might not be a good idea to at least decide what type of structure we are going to generate here, what we are going to do and how we are going to do it before we get involved with trying to attract many more members unless the filling of positions require this.

    If someone enters on their own then maybe they were meant to be here and so shall become a member.

    The Thuban material needs to settle down on the forum and find its equilibrium. Everyone needs some breathing room. In a few weeks most will not really remember the Thuban thread except in passing as they will be onto something new and interesting that will have taken its place. Things have moved at such a rapid pace over the past week that we all need to step back and take a big breath.

    This will allow us some breathing room and some time to clarify our understanding of what Abraxas has envisioned for this group going forward.

    I've been queried in PM by a few who apposed the material asking me what I felt about the whole Thuban blowup. I didn't answer as honestly as I usually would have as I felt that their questions were a probe, to find additional bits and pieces to use against us at some further banning proposition.

    I'm also getting a bit tired of defending our rights to speak in this forum and have a feeling that Bill just may decide to give us the boot. His comments today somewhat alluded to that possibility and there will no longer be any protection from Kerry. When everything settles down I wouldn't be surprised if we logged on one day and found our membership closed.

    I think those that have 'run' this forum for quite a while are a little ****** that so many outsiders are coming in and making waves. Honestly I don't blame them. It must be very frustrating to them to see unusual, strange and bizarre topics and post. So they are just trying to 'protect' their own little slice of Gaia.

    In the end it is not my decision to make so I just offer these incites and hope others have theirs as well.


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:57 PM

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    "So all aspirants must find their dragons within themselves and then 'slay and eat' their dragon of the false images in their own individuated and intimate eucharist of attaining the Christ-Serpent-Consciousness within themselves."

    I'm wondering if this passage might point to the importance/necessity of transcending duality as a criteria for Ascension .....

    What do ya'll think???


    Dearest hippihill
    You are correct in your assessment of the material in many aspects.

    As one transcends their dualistic self, they are transcending lifetimes of 'triggers' or egoic patterning that will no longer in the higher frequencies of the New Gaia.

    There are many paths in which to do this, as well as, many different names according to it's modality.

    I work in the area of shadow through one's survival archetypes allowing the darkness of the subconscious to be illuminated through the Light of consciousness. Working on the inside instead of 'fixing' problems from the outside allows for spiritual alchemy to take place within; turning survival base emotional triggers, into the gold of one's spiritual Self.
    When one is not controlled by the illusionary self, there is only making conscious choices

    From a chakra level: When life's experiences triggers overwhelming emotional responses such as anger, jealousy, fear, etc, logic/reason is bypassed because we are REACTING to an experience. When one is RESPONDING to a life experience it is through the higher chakras beginning at the heart level.
    The heart being the midpoint as it holds much more wisdom than the intellect.

    Spiritual alchemy allows one to turn the ego's base emotions of survival into the gold of the spirit.

    Because one's life occurs in their perceptual system. It is important to uncover familiar patterns of behavior mostly unseen by the ego for full realization. This includes dualistic vision and determination, death of the false self and realization of the Self.

    A simplistic example would be the scenario of a flat tire.

    At the moment the flat tire occurs the psyche will determine it good or bad. If it is deemed bad, then the body REACTS into anger.

    The decision maker of this is not only the self but also what the self knows about the self, other experiences the self had regarding flat tires, what his family says about flat tires, what what others' have told the self about flat tires, what society thinks about flat tires, what he learned about in school about flat tires, what the church says about flat tires.

    The point is being aware of who is saying so and realizing there is no experience out there more powerful than you. Another way of saying this is You get to say how an experience is for you, not the other way around.

    Most people are completely controlled and squashed by the experiences they find themselves in. In Truth, they do not have that power over you.

    I hope this helps.

    In the Light of Truth


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:58 PM
    Advanced Member
    Group: Members
    Posts: 207
    Member No.: 95
    Joined: 16-March 10

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Beloveds, finding yourselves here gathered in the Sanctuary, which is the 'Dragon'd Den' and which is a most profound 1sr order archetype as 'Noah's Ark'!

    Yes beloveds, all of you brothers are Noah and all of you sisters are Amzara, the unamed 'wife' of Noah!

    I have soo much to tell you all; about what is going on; why WE are here in the Sancturay of Love, Harmony and Peace as a New manifesting archetype for the New World.
    I have obtained permission to share data about your own individual preincarnational 'contracts' to meet here in these times of the great changes.
    All of you are blessed with a unique talent to bring the metamorphosis of the old archaetypes into new ones about.
    So the task at hand is to cherish and to foster each others talents and to love one another as OUR master temple has said.

    I have received an explosive mixture of new data from the Serpent-Logos; the Christ-Consciousness which has manifested in all of US WE are indeed as ONE in the all encompassing Love of God and hisher Word Jesus of Nazareth or Naassenus.

    What IS Love?

    The word love is bandied about in many avenues: the 'love and light' New Age philosophy; the love of God and Jesus for humanity in religious circles and of course the love expressed in sexual intimacies.

    Love is 4-dimensional.
    The 1st dimension is SPIRIT, linear as the definition for God in scripture.
    The 2nd dimension is MENTAL, planar as the I am That I am in Exodus.3.14 and as the Mathimatia of the Thuban omniscience.
    The 3rd dimension is EMOTIONAL, voluminous as the Space wherein Consciousness resides in its graduations and manifold expressions.
    It is here where people 'fall in love' with platitudes like 'I Love You' and 'Will You Marry Me' and so forth.
    Here also is the love for your pets and the love for you car and machines.
    The 4th dimension is PHYSICAL, as the Spacetime of Timespace of your physical interaction with the environments and each other.
    Here it is you seek to express your LOVING in a physical manner, in your sexual partnerships with yourselves and with others.

    Most people, say as found in the external world of Noah's Ark cannot elevate their LOVING past their emotional attachements and their feelings.
    The concept of MENTAL LOVE escapes their considerations.

    So please Beloveds; when I call you Beloveds; I draw upon the Love of God; which is the root-dimension of 1st Order.

    All of you here have in a sense selfchosen yourselves to be here; BECAUSE you have shattered and penetrated the MENTAL LOVE BLOCK.

    The Thuban data was destined to trigger data overload; the Ones who could stay the course of MENTAL discernments; would then allow themselves to remember - thus breaking the mentality block and trigger the superconsciousness within to uncurl the Kundalini Serpent of the Christ Logos.

    I'll end here for now and thank you all for your presence.
    There is much information to come; and here you will not have to ask questions, as I am allowed to share my information freely.

    So Beloveds (of 1st order definition), I give grace and gratitude to OUR sweet Word of Love as the Mirror and Portal to OUR common Creator of All That Is.

    As OUR Beloved Word is transmitting data to John Zebedee as a witnessing mirror so WE ask you to allow US to become the Mirrors of your everlasting Love to the Worlds.
    Blessed Be the work at hand and the times to come/

    Abraxas John Anthony

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    SuiGeneris Posted: Mar 30 2010, 01:59 PM

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Beloved bobbi!

    Indeed I know Michael Cecil very well. I have fought many 'mental battles' with him outside the Dragon's Den on a Christianity yahoo discussion group.

    The wordd from the Logos is that Michael follows particular doctrines, cloesely associated with the denial of the physical resurrection of OUR Beloved Logos.
    Michael so is helping to manifest the archetype of the Sadducees, as the Illuminati branch of the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

    Michael so has choson to play a divider role for the polarisation.

    Here is a link, where you can follow his philosophy in discourses with me on the Christianity-Debate forum.

    As Michael Cecil is a man with his own private mission, he would vehemently oppose the works of Noah's Ark. It will not always be so.

    The lik will illustrate my words.

    Peace and Love to All



    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    The Birth of Starhumans!
    All my love,
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  3. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

    12. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 30, 2010 at 1:58am

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Dear Bigmo & JuLiSsa --

    I *totally agree* with your discernment re: inviting anyone new in at this time ..... thanks for thinking-this-through with me. And Mary -- i really appreciate your Christmas analogy. you are such an artist with words, dear sister.

    I'm not really feeling any "let-down" after all the hullabaloo, though. feeling more a serene excitement anticipating our new experiment and the discoveries it will bring!

    I guess I either haven't seen Bill's message today, or didn't understand as deeply the implications of what i read _yesterday_ --?? (think it was then-?? ). I sincerely hope your fears don't "pan-out" to be true, Bigmo ...... but thanks for preparing us for the worst, just in case. You really ARE our *"Wise Elder,"* dear brother. and we are SO blessed to have you among us!

    love to you all, :wub2:


    The Secret of Mary Magdalene

    Beloveds in the name and under the auspices of OUR Master Templar.

    1. *John 4:23 *
    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in *spirit* and *truth*, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

    2. *John 4:24
    God is *spirit*, and his worshipers must worship in *spirit* and in *truth*."

    3. *1 John 4:7 *
    Beloved, let us *love* one another: for *love* *is* of *God*; and every one that *love*th *is* born of *God*, and knoweth *God*.

    1 John 4:6-8*
    He that *love*th not knoweth not *God*; for *God* *is* *love*.

    It is time to share the secret of Magdala with all of you here.
    This shall accentuate the words of my Beloved Mary; which is your Bride in Love as much She is mine.

    I shall show you the secret of the circle of the apostles.

    It will be up to you to share it with the ones you can trust or keep it to yourself for now. If you share openly, then many will mistake and confuse your wisdom as a lower dimensional expression of a Christian sexuality UFO cult or such.
    Also assimiliating this information will challenge you all, as you have been 'taught' rather contrariwise by the 'authorities', claiming to safeguard the archetypes underpinning this information.

    You may know the historical portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a a 'Harlot of Samaria' in her close association with Jesus and the Circle of the 12.

    There is much I shall clarify, using scripture itself to harmonize the archetypes and to crystallize the scenario from so 1980 years ago.

    Jesus is said to have cast out 7 devils from Magdalene and advised her to go and 'sin no more'.
    Of course this statement has then become translated to mean that Magdalene's whoredom was sinful.

    As 'sinfulness' has become transformed as a 1st order old archetype into a new archetype of 'being ignorant'; the Logos 'casting out 7 devils' means precisely the loss of sinfulness in regards to the Magdala.

    Mary Magdalene was the sexual lover of Jesus AND of all of the apostles.
    In worldy terms, Mary Magdalene was the wife of John, Beloved apostle and the youngest of the brotherhood.

    The Love of the brotherhood was one of Oneness and of sharing.
    Jesus knew that the 1st order Love of God could not manifest in the mentality block without his own physical presence, except he rendered the emotional and physical love dimensions fulfiled in the inner 'secret chambers' of the bridegroom and the bride.

    "There is no marriage in the kingdom of heaven", Jesus said and "You are as free as the angels".
    The Brotherhood of the Snake in its division of Illuminati versus Luminari, has confiscated this knowledge of a 'Redeemed Human Sexuality' without possessiveness and without jealousy.
    The 1960's period of 'Free Love' attempted to rediscover the forgotten true nature of the Christ-Circle and mingled with drugs and other mind diversions, the 4-dimensional meaning of sexual free love in absolute harmony with the 1-dimensional Love of God, became forgotten again.

    Free Love as implied here cannot function only in the 3rd and 4th dimensionality of emotional attachement and the worldly idea of matrimony 'til death do us apart'.
    Jesus knew this, so he said to truly live one must become reborn.
    The Heness of Jesus then manifested in the Magdala, chosen by him to manifest the HeSheness of himherself and the Sheness of Mary Magdalene as a SheHeness.

    Now here in OUR Sanctuary, TruthWillSetUsFree is representative for all amazons and as AMZARA, Noah's 'wife'.
    As my archetypical role as John Zebedee must reflect in the Magdalena archetype; Mary Elizabeth is my 'wife' as NOAH.

    However the situation now is not the same as 1980 years ago.

    Jesus of Naassenis is physically present NOT as an incarnate individual, but is physically present as the Circle of the Brotherhood.

    Likewise, MM is physically present as the Circle of the Sisterhood.
    Henceforth the role and function of TruthWillSetYouFree is to initiate the amazons here in their roles of being Amzara, SHARED 'wife' for all the Noahs.

    Now remember and realise; WE here are, at the present time NOT physically interacting.
    OUR interaction is 1st order in the Love of God (see above) to second order of the Mental Knowing about his to the third order of the Feelings and the Emotions.
    Then WE are all FREE to LOVE each other on all four levels in the brotherhood interacting with the sisterhood.
    But because WE remain to a large extent physically separated; the implementation and experience of the 4th order must await OUR transformation from the Old Human bodyform into OUR New Starhuman merkabah.
    This is the 'changing in the twinkling of an eye', Miachael Bigmo has told US about in one of his posts.

    So to summarize; LOVE RULES on all levels; but like the chakra model; the Free Love should be unified in 4 dimensions and not just the emotional-physical part of the unity.

    So the Magdala did have physical children - by the apostles, not by Jesus and this 'hidden knowledge' resulted in popular retelling of this story in films like 'The Temptation of Christ' and Dan Brown's novels and related films: 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'.

    The Circle of 12 brothers means that they are as One; so any of the brothers can be Magdalene's sexual lover - there is NO jealousy, no possessiveness.

    This is the great secret of the illuminati-luminari.
    In not allowing an equally powerful Circle of 12 sisters to form, they have corrupted the archetypes for millennia.
    Sexuality is the root cause for the inablity of the human mind to evolve.

    So WE have established two circles, the brotherhood and the sisterhood to HEAL these corrupted archetypes.

    Being in the circle, either one, means that ONE MAN is 12 and ONE WOMAN is 12. This is the Marriage in Heaven Jesus talks about.

    It is not whoredom, but delightful freedom - free as angels, no possessiveness and no jealousy.

    The Love of the Serpent-Logos; your own superconsciousness be with you all.

    John Anthony
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Bigmo i think that "defending" our rights is not necessary. Whatever discussion regarding the thuban is heavily influenced by the current dispute between B and K and before it was heavily influenced by the mod disagreements. People here still seem to look for the higher authority and what it does and than react in the same way....

    They have their opinion. You have yours. Leave it at that. Even if they are "exaggerating" with words and conclusions....

    If anyone will wish to join this group....ok....if not...ok
    I see no reason at this time for inviting people.

    If we get removed...ok...that is why i started the contact thread (still haven't saved all of you)

    It is like with the Thuban thread...i started to save it at the very beginning. I did not know this will happen, i felt it or to say it otherwise.....given the past and present circumstances the thread being deleted/closed/etc was a logical conclusion with a high probability.

    Even now there things at work...that ...point to curtain directions. If i were to tell you that there will be an uprising on this forum in december....would you think about it or call me a crack pod?

    As for Bill and Kerry....i wish them both the very best.
    Thank you so much for your presence here Beloved Julissa and your uploading of those photograps, truly reflecting OUR community of Dragonized Avalonians.

    I Love You very much, amazon from the Peruvian plains of the recognisances.

    And WE all here Love you just the same and as much.

    John Anthony
    Well done Spregovori!

    Beloveds, I call you Beloveds as this is appropriate context for the New World to become created by a 'change of mind' of humanity.
    This work and task ahead is all about NOT dividing the Light from the Darkness anymore.

    The great problem is, that a dualistic mind will not accept the underpinning cause for the separation of the archetypes in the first place.

    This Story of 'The Beginning' is also the Story of 'The End'.

    But many will remain in the mental conditionings of the Old Orders and attempt to separate the light from the darkness, terming the Unity of them both as Evil.

    Now because the underpinning cause for Spregovori's *'Unity in Separation'* above in fact SEPARATES the Unity into two sexual characteristically different Unities; the only way an evolved harmony can be reattained is in manifesting *'Separation within Unity'* as the contraindicative selfstate.

    As Spregovori above and as Mary Elizabeth have said: The Universe is presently separated within itself and without itself.
    It desires to reunite and the core energy for this is sexual.

    It serves no purpose at all if one then learns to understand the creation and the Nature of God and the Logos and denies the sexual nature of those primordial and primary archetypes.

    Denial will result in a rapid fall back into the human mind of duality.

    So this thread of bigmo will be a decisive one. WE will dissect the step-by-step details of the cosmogenesis to allow US to understand what the Natural Sexuality of God and Goddess implies.

    WE are NOT a 'sex cult' or any other 'cult'; except perhaps a Jesus-Cult understanding the Archetypes of the Love Creator.

    The Knowledge I shared today about Mary Magdalene will be most difficult for the millennia old human mind to process, assimilate and to Understand.
    Blending the Knowledge of it is the first step.
    Then the defense mechanics of the human mind will surface to adapt this new information to old understandings.
    If synthesis proves impossible in the individual, then rejection and denial, hatred and disgust will once again raise their memetic structural existence of their potency manifested over eons of the human collective history.

    Why is the Universe so sexual?

    Spregovori's chart places the by then separated Adam+Eve archetype within Bigmo's Balloon to somehoew bring the lost Sheness of the Creator back to him outside of the Balloon as the Physical Univers.

    Now standing back-to-back in the 96 symbol; Adam looks towards the right to discern the 'Face of God' as his own image.
    Adam sees the Back of Satan's Head and so cannot see but his own IMAGINED IMAGE.
    This Imagined Image becomes the Old Testament God Jehovah say, created by the Human Mind as God made in Man's Image. The face of this human created God is called the Devil as the backside of Satan.

    Eve looks towards the left to discern the 'Face of the Goddess'.
    But Eve sees nothing, but Her own Likeness as the True Face of the Goddess, and who does not exist as Satanina on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    Now Beloveds, understand the reason as to WHY the Creator God in scriptures of all kinds *'has no wife'*.

    The Real God looks at his own face as Satan and does not LOVE himself as Satan, because the true God remembers his lost Sheness; now 'trapped' as *Eve's Image Inside* of Bigmo's Balloon.

    So how then will Satan become Satanina?
    Should Adam discern *his own false Image God,* then in destroying the fakery, Adam is enabled to see himself, just like Eve sees herself *as a true image for the universe.*

    Archetypical Adam will then look at the backside of Satan and then in *SWAPPING POSITION with Eve;* will enforce Eve to look directly into the Eyes and Face of God in the 180 degree polarity shift of the true Satan SWAPPING or turning around to look at Eve and the true God 'running' around the outside of Bigmo's Balloon to then look at Adam as Adam's True Image.

    Beloveds this scenario in simple terms becomes the requirement for the New World WE envisage and imagine to manifest in physical reality.

    Because Adam and Eve are back to back they cannot Love One Another Sexually.
    The Work for God must precede their own satisfying explorations and adventures.

    But after Satanina, looking at Eve has manifested on the right pole of Bigmo's Balloon and God has manifested on the left pole looking at Adam; THEN can Adam and Eve turn around and 'Face each Other' in the Symbol of the Mother, the Crab of Cancer and the Full Moon.

    Then the Love between ANY Adam and any Eve will no longer SHUT OUT the Lovestarving true God in desire to MAKE LOVE in all ways to his Creation.

    Then God and Dog will look at each other Eye-to-Eye and relish in the 'Love-Making' of Adam and Eve in multiplicity and in manyness.

    This then becomes the 'Lovecult' of God and the Word of God and AS was physically implemented when OUR Beloved Jesus of Nazareth was amongst US in physical incarnation.

    Beloveds Hear my Words in the Name of the Cosmic Christ.

    In Brotherly Love.

    John Anthony
    Here is the message that has just been posted:

    Allow me to address the duality in a most powerful and exremely simple archetypology; sent to me when absent from Noah's Ark yesterday by the Logos, i.e. the Inner christ-consciousness within all of you.

    One could so say, that all of You have put together to send me your message in archetypical form and for the purpose so I could translate and give it back to you now for processing and assimilation for your waking consciousness.

    Place an UNLIT Black Candle to the left of a doublesided mirror.
    Place a LIT White Candle to the right of this doublesided mirror.

    The Image of the black candle will NOT be seen in the mirror, because there is no light emission on the left side.

    The Image of the white candle will be the image of a burning white candle.

    This is the problem of the ONE Coin, with a Head and a Tail.
    Both are the ONE Coin, but Head and Tail can never look at each other due to their ONENESS, EXCEPT a MIRROR is placed to the left and the right of the Coin.
    Then the Tail can use the mirror to see the Head in Reflection and the Head can use the Mirror at the Tail's side to see the Tails image.

    Should the doublesided mirror between the black candle and the white candle become TRANSPARENT, even for a moment (say the wormhole opening between 12D-Thuban and 3D-Thuban) - THEN the light of the White Candle will become enabled to travel onto the Black Candle's unlit wick and ignite the same to CHANGRE the entire scenario.

    I Love you All

    John Anthony
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Now WE are here now and WE are not at the present time physically interacting with one another.
    OUR interaction is 1st order in the Love of God (see above) to second order of the Mental Knowing about his to the third order of the Feelings and the Emotions.
    Then WE are all FREE to LOVE each other on all four levels in the brotherhood interacting with the sisterhood.
    But because WE remain to a large extent physically separated; the implementation and experience of the 4th order must await OUR transformation from the Old Human bodyform into OUR New Starhuman merkabah in many cases.

    However the you love and/pr imagine to love each other here; the more your Christenings into your new merkabahi lightbodies will accelearte and affiliate.
    Yes all members of the Circles have multiple lovers on all levels - this is the Word of God, the Word of Love.

    This is the 'changing in the twinkling of an eye', Michael Bigmo has told US about in one of his posts.

    So to summarize; LOVE RULES on all levels; but like the chakra model; the Free Love should be unified in 4 dimensions and not just the emotional-physical part of the unity.

    So the Magdala did have physical children - by the apostles, not by Jesus and this 'hidden knowledge' resulted in popular retelling of this story in films like 'The Temptation of Christ' and Dan Brown's novels and related films: 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'.

    The Circle of 12 brothers means that they are as One; so any of the brothers can be Magdalene's sexual lover - there is NO jealousy, no possessiveness.

    This is the great secret of the illuminati-luminari.
    In not allowing an equally powerful Circle of 12 sisters to form, they have corrupted the archetypes for millennia.
    Sexuality is the root cause for the inablity of the human mind to evolve.
    As metaphor consider the Laws of Nature herself.
    A queen ant's function is to serve as a 'breeding machine', serving all the male inseminators.
    This becomes nature's manifestation for the Human LovePotential; with the caveat, that everyone becomes the Queen Bee and the King Ant in symbol.

    So WE have established two circles, the brotherhood and the sisterhood to HEAL these corrupted archetypes.

    Being in the circle, either one, means that ONE MAN is 12 and ONE WOMAN is 12. This is the Marriage in Heaven Jesus talks about.

    It is not whoredom, but delightful freedom - free as angels, no possessiveness and no jealousy.

    The Love of the Serpent-Logos; your own superconsciousness be with you all.

    John Anthony
    Wonderful reply beloved Julissa!

    Only the strongest in mind will be able to surpass this ultimate challenge as to what Interdimensional and Multidimensional LOVE is.
    Real Love, passionate and strong in will, desire and manifestation.
    Not just emotional attachement; not just mental cosntruction of Platonic idealistic forms; not some search for twin-souls of completion (God says been there done that - not good enough - see Bigmo's Balloon) and not some hyporitical pornography watched in hidden chambers, done so that noone would see what was being done 'in private'.

    (5) Jesus said : "Know that what is before your face, and what is hidden from You will be revealed to You. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed."

    (6) His disciples asked and said to Him : "Do You want us to fast ? How shall we pray and give alms ? What diet shall we observe ?" Jesus said : "Tell no lie and do not what You hate, for all things are plain in the face of Heaven. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered."

    (10) Jesus said : "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I watch over it until it blazes up."

    (33) Jesus said : "Preach from your roof-tops that which You will hear in your ear. For no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does he put it in a hidden place, but rather he sets it on a lamp-stand so that all who come in and go out will see its light."

    (34) Jesus said : "When a blind man leads another blind man both fall into a ditch."

    (36) Jesus said : "Do not be concerned from morning until evening and from evening until morning about what You will put on."

    (37) His disciples said : "When will You reveal yourself to us and when will we see You ?" Jesus said : "When You strip without being ashamed and take up your clothes and place them under your feet like little children and trample on them, then You will see the Son of the Living One, and You will not fear."

    (17) Jesus said : "I shall give You what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what never arose in the heart of man."

    Love and the Passions from your Heart to You sweet Julissa.

    John Anthony

    I have been having mixed feelings about sexuality since i was a child. call it a strange memories.

    As a teenager (11/12) it was the first time when i was confronted with - do that, don't do that, we accept that, that is dirty no that, it is ok to do it this way, just never ever do it that way....etc

    It was extremely frustrating since i had to kill inside of me many wishes. It was also illogical to me. Than once i was 16/17 i became to realize that people are everything but what they seem or think to be....but the damage was already done.

    what followed were "amusing" readings like David DeAngelo, real social dynamics, ideagasms, mystery method, Ross, etc... By reading this and observing people i came to the conclusion that all the world is a "stage" and all that we have here today are games.....

    I now do try to see everything as before the moral standards were branded into me....

    still a lot of times "bad" feelings come up...sometimes guilt but mostly loneliness since one of the things that was killed was my wonderful ability to connect with anyone..i could do that a long time ago as a child....make friends etc...

    in time...this might change
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Your reasoning and observations are mature and wise in the human perspective brother bigmo.

    There a number of things I might ask you to allow me to point out.

    In a truly advanced civilization (and really this means mentally advanced under aknowledgement of the Unity of the spiritual reality, more so then physically and/or technologically) - the upbringing and caring for small children would NEVER be imposed onto very young biological parents, themselves attempting to 'find their place' in their society.

    Sexual selfexploration and being a full such ET being would not be suppressed by taboos and laws of do nots, as such a civilization would long have recognised how to attune with the natural biological rhythms of life.
    So when natural biology 'kicks in', say in ET puberty, all available data about what is occuring would be freely shared and conveyed to all such young ones experiencing say biochemical changes.
    Consequences and outcomes of engaging this newfound form of ET selfexpression would be common knowledge and as NO sexual taboos would exist as dogma, abberative and/or selfdestructive and abusive behaviour, caused by emotional and mental disharmonies would very rarely surface in such a society.

    Having such a basis; should very young parents -produce children, then those children would become harmoniously integrated in a Greater Family, consisting of caring elders specialising in looking after and tutoring all children.
    Parental responsibility so would not cease, but be greatly diminished in a shared community, honouring and treasuring the young ones as being the backbone of their growing ET civilization.
    There sio would be 'specialists' selfchosen, who would allow a general and ubiquitous harmony to prevail in such a mentally advanced ET civilisation.

    It is easy now, to project those principles of harmony and cohesion onto other avenues of this society and witness a rather different kaleidoscope or structure underpinning this civilisation.

    In simple words, older children having children, because mother nature drives their hormones to reproduce, is, following thorough education, no big deal. All children know their parents, and their elders and their carers and their tutors - all are family.

    Secondly, a truly advanced ET civilization would Understand the natural rhythms of the body and know when the biorhtyhms are most likely to produce ovulation and possible insemination.
    A female ET would know her body as her temple and ambassadoraship of the universe 'Mother Nature' herself.
    Like Terran fauna 'gets on heat'; an ET female would know her 'heat' and if pregnancy is desired, then the 'heat' will enhance probabilistic outcomes of success.

    As you can see the Terran civilisation is NOT a mentally advanced civilisation; but rather a civilisation which does not understand its Mentality at all.
    Human Mindedness revolves around its emotional responsesiveness to environmental stimulus.
    Reaction and Inaction, Fight or Flight and pondering and fence sitting and recycling the old dogmas, ideas and archetypes over and over.

    No bigmo; Jesus and the apostles did not have sex orgies with Magdalene and her disciples.
    However Jesus initiated all of them, brotherhood and sisterhood in the secrets of the Kundalini.
    Mary Magdalene was the Lover of both Jesus and John and Jesus did share intimacies with both of them.
    Not the pornographic nonsense of the lower levels of the emotional physicality, but the secrets of the tantra and the eroticisms of the classical Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

    These secrets are about harmonizing the emotions with the physicality through focused thought and invoking the Holy Spirit to participate.
    The the human sexuality becomes like poetry and music singing melodies to the spirit in a fusion of the human merkabah or bodytemple with the merkabah or shape of the universe in say a morphogenetic resonance; a holofractalisation or a simple blending of polarities as a Russion Nested Doll 'Babushka'.

    The invokation of the 'Holy Spirit' then interacts with the encoiled Kundalini as the base chakra say and this interaction IGNITES the serpent, say as the arousal of the male phallus.
    Unlike in lowerD sexuality, the unified form is not restricted to emotional-physical interaction but also engages the human mind and through and by the mind the spirit and the LOVE energy of God become accessible.

    So yes bigmo, I agree with you: human sexual intercourse is hardly ever LOVE MAKING. Rather it is animal passion for reproductory purposes as designed for the fauna 'on heat'.

    The Art of LoveMaking is not commonly known in the human vocabulary.
    When humans are truly in love, then the mentality between them develops and harmony is certainly attainable.
    But it would be so much easier to UNDERSTAND what Love Making is, before engaging the lower chakras of the Kundalini power.

    So blessed are the humans who can Love one another in a continuing enjoyment of each other's company.
    How many such couples do you know as a percentage of the human groupself.?
    Couples marry each other on the basic levels of physical biochemistry and attraction and become either emotional or possessively attached.
    Then the disharmony of cutting off the mentality to allow the divine Love to participate; they begin to abuse and hate each other in their emotional contracts.
    Things become monotenous and the search for Love's fulfilment, namely the 4-dimensional unified form of the LoveMaking continues.

    How long will the Divine Love continue to remain exiled by the inability of the human mentality to understand itself?

    Well, the answer is one of the reasons why WE are here in Noah's Ark to redeem OUR Beloved Creator from his selfimposed exile.

    Love to the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood brother Michael.

    John Anthony

    But again these initiations were mental, rather than physical, the understanding of the archetypes in a simple language of metaphor and like the mirrors I am using so often.
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    A valid choice Beloved brother Anchor!

    A choice such as this relates to to the premise of 'placing the things of the spirit and of God' before the 'things of man'.

    In the 1st order archetype of Bigmo's Balloon, this is just the requirement for Adam to 'stand' back to back to Eve to manifest the Great Work of the sexchange operation of Satan into Satanina (96 and as detailed in this den).

    This then becomes the archetype behind 'apparent' scriptural 'sexism' of many kinds.

    *Revelation 14:4* (
    These are they which were not *defiled* *with* *women*; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

    The meaning of this in structural terms is the focus of Adam as the True Image of God discerning the Face of the Devil as the Back of Satan's Head within Bigmo's Mirror.
    This then allows the Spiritual LOVE to descend via the conduit of the Mental LOVE for God to temporarily 'cut off' the Emotional- and Physical LOVE aspects of the fourtiered unification.

    Iow, Adam is asked by God through the Logos to MENTALLY LOVE the descending energy and through and by this communication 'checkmate the Devil'.
    This then forces Satan to 180 degree poleshift, i.e. 'turn around' to relieve God of looking at his own male face as his unwanted reflection.

    As Satan poleshifts; Adam switches places with Eve and God 'runs around' Bignmo's Balloon to become the Image of Adam now at Eve's place from before.

    So now God images in True Adam and Eve images in true Satan.
    Because Eve is a female image, Satan myust become a female creator aka the Goddess Satanina=IN A SATAN as the reformulation of Adam's Rib creating Eve previously in the archetyped Heaven.

    From this moment on then; Adam and Eve are free to look at each other in a Pure Creation and Reflection of each other, say symbolised in the Symbol of the Mother of All in the Sign of Cancer and the Full Moon and the Crab 69.

    This also reassignes the 'virinity' and the celibacy of the 144,000 as the witnesses to this transformation of the archetypes.

    Now the lowerD cLove expression of the emotional and the physical are no longer required to focus on God's and Satan's redemption and the can start to LOVE each other as True Images - with both God the Creator Father and Dog=Goddess the Creation Mother looking right at thyem at whatever they do, sharing and loving them eternally as images of themselves.

    Blessed Be the Understanding and the Knowledge from the Logos

    Thank You Jesus OUR master templar for having allowed me to mirror your Truth to the brotherhoos and the sisterhood.

    WE Love you all

    John Anthony

    The reconfiguration of the archetypes then
    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    Good to see all of you fellow dragons here. Anchor, JuLiSsa, hippihillbobbi, Spregovori, TruthWillSetUFree and of course Abrax. Thanks for all your input.
    Anchor; Much respect, I feel similar in some ways.
    JuLiSsa; U are most welcome. I see what you are saying, but couldn't help but connect the wormhole closure with the earthquake. There are all sorts of synchronisities happening all around us, i guess some good and some bad. Maybe one day we will be privy to know the causes that's behind all the effects we experience on this (gaia) 3D and fowards
    Hippihillbobbi; yes indeed we share the human groupmind, so are our thoughts.
    Spregovori and TruthWillSetUFree, thanks for the interesting questions on duality. TruthWillSetUFree and Abrax, thanks for the explanation provided, may the round talbe continue.
    Posted by Sui Generis @ Mar 22 2010, 12:03 PM)
    Hi all,

    For all Thuban lovers out there who might've missed this one for it was removed shortly after posting.... here's a little treat for you.

    [Hi All Beloveds in the Sanctuary!

    I have little time at the moment; but your responses require a reply about the innermost agenda of OUR common mission here.

    Yes Beloved sister Bobbi, and Beloved brothers OUR common agenda is MENTAL rather than physical.

    WE are ALL to Fall in LOVE with one another on a MENTAL plane to allow the True Spiritual LOVE of God and OUR Logos to manifest in US.

    WE are called to MANIFEST the same LOVE Jesus shared and gave to the World.
    WE are so asked to obey his Great Commandment:
    "Love your God with all your heart and mind and soul and body AND LOVE thy neighbour as yourself!"

    So ALL brothers are to LOVE each brother as himself and all brothers are to LOVE all sisters as themselves.
    All sisters are to LOVE each other as themselves and all sisters are to LOVE each brother as themselves.

    Without judgement and without separating God's LOVE into categories.

    So for example ALL brothers and sisters are invited BY OUR LOGOS to LOVE Julissa or Mary as themselves, including their LOVE connections away from the sanctuary.

    This LOVE then is the LOVE of God transmitted by the Logos to me as a Mirror of the Logos in an Individuated brother who can convey to to the Words and Agenda of the Logos.

    Because WE here in the sanctuary do not know each other physically, WE are indeed the 144,000 'followers' of the Lamb as prophecied and encoded in the Book of Revelation.

    WE are 'undefiled' with the physicality of LOVING each other; so enabled to 'checkmate OUR own devils' before, after leaving the sanctuary of Noah's Ark, WE return to OUR 'outside' worlds to physically manifest OUR Learned and Experienced Spiritual and Mental 'Higher Form' of LOVE MAKING with OUR wives and girlfriends and Lovers.

    Perhaps some of you can now understand the depth, significance and wisdom of OUR mission.

    Within this sanctuary IMAGINATION is key and is empowered by the LOVE of Christ.
    So one or many brothers 'Fall in Love' with one or many sisters or brothers for that matter.

    The unattached brothers and the unattached sisters will experience their sexual desires rising to implement this spiritual and mental Love; but will be confined to their Imaginations, as to what the LOVE MAKING could or would be.

    Again, this is the 'sealing of the followers of the lamb', the 144,000 in archetype.
    The attached, say married brothers and sisters, upon leaving the 'Dragon's Den' are asked to transfer their LOVE MAKING into the 'outside world' with their wives and girlfriends and lovers.

    Many of you may well now begin to understand what WE are to accomplish.

    To 'spark' the outside worlds into an Understanding what true 4-dimensional LOVE of God and the Logos are and how it functions.

    So yes, within the sanctuary WE LOVE one another on all levels.
    All brothers Make LOVE to each other and all sisters and vice versa.

    MENTALLY, imaginatively.
    Because of the individual purgings of the old archetypes it is 'allowed', even requested by the Logos for US to become sexually aroused within OURSELVES.

    So one brother falls in LOVE with a sister; they are to talk Love, Imagine Love and BE LOVE on ALL Levels within Noah's Ark to redefine the sexual archetypes within and without.

    So the brother and sisters within become multilovers, Mentally within and physically without with their Beloveds in the external worlds away from the Dragon's Den.

    This new MENTAL ARCHETYPOLOGY generated within the sanctuary, will sweep the universe on many levels; because all ETs will also 'Learn' what Divine LOVEMAKING is and entails - Sexual Minds expressing Unity'.

    I must take my leave now and thank you all for your being here and your participations.
    I shall publish personal accounts of particular visions and impressions after my return to further initiate you all into the Secrets of Divine Love Making, using the Kundalini power.

    Finally, the outside PTB for long have known the significance of what I have attempted to share here with you.

    There exists a 'secret brotherhood of Red Robes' as a core group in the Vatican and a web of affiliations around the globe.
    These 'Red Robes' have for hundreds of years attempted to REFORM the circle of the 12 - with a Magdala as their Queen of Baphomet (as a potent archetype).

    The rituals of the 'Red Robes' provide the evidence of the 'secret teachings of the eroticised Jesus of Nazareth' found in esoteric literature and sources.
    These then define the real 'Christian Sex Cults', as the 'Red Robes' indeed exclude a wider participation of the sisterhood in their 'worship' of Baphomet, a bisexual hermaphroditical 1st order symbol for the Magdala.
    The 'Red Robes' do PHYSICALLY implement what WE here are attempting to manifest mentally and spiritually.

    The common link between US and the 'Red Robes' is Emotional LOVE.

    How do I know this? Because Jesus told me those things through my openness and willingness to process the cosmic archetypology without judgement and preconditioned ideas, dogmas and memeplexes.

    There is some evidence of this, should you websearch the 'Red Robes' brotherhoods.

    In Love with you all


    John Paul Anthony]
    Love always,

    Here is the message that has just been posted:
    John A

    Are the red robes joined by black robes?

    While reading that i remembered about Eyes Wide Shut i do not know if there is any relevance but there are robes...and red seem to be in charge...while black ones are participants.

    the movie is said to be practically full of various symbolism, there for anyone to see but only for few to notice....

    13. Reply by Sasho on March 31, 2010 at 12:39pm

    I knew I must've missed something...I just knew it. And now I see that I've missed some very important messages (being deleted?) from the old social group on Avalon. Thank you very much for reposting this here and on the mists of avalon forum.

    So what was that? Actually, I was missing something very essential about the reuniation and recognisation of myself.

    In that process of the selfrealisation, while following the Thuban Q&A Thread, I (almost) completelly understood the creating of the different archetypes (Bigmo's baloon) and as Spregovori said once, the story of the LordGod being "bored", which he wasn't, as he was only wanting his sheness back.

    But, as I knew I was missing something (just couldn't tell what, but I somehow knew I am definitelly missing something), I was re-reading the thuban material and especially the part after the well known post #1351 from the Thuban Q&A Thread in order to find the missing link.

    And then, yesterday, all of a sudden, there it was...

    Following, I quoted the excerpt from that post which finaly helped me to finaly realise the whole process. The things are much, much clearer now and I just can't describe my feelings right now...aahhh, let's say, I just feel in love with God, as I guess, I now know who heshe really is.

    Thanks a lot for everything Tony...and everyone else...let me say again, I love you all!

    14. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony on March 31, 2010 at 1:50pm

    Thank You Brother. Understanding this simple story of the Creation might allow others to checkmate their own inner demons.

    Love and Honour to you always


    Sasho said:
    I knew I must've missed something...I just knew it. And now I see that I've missed some very important messages (being deleted?) from the old social group on Avalon. Thank you very much for reposting this here and on the mists of avalon forum.

    So what was that? Actually, I was missing something very essential about the reuniation and recognisation of myself.

    In that process of the selfrealisation, while following the Thuban Q&A Thread, I (almost) completelly understood the creating of the different archetypes (Bigmo's baloon) and as Spregovori said once, the story of the LordGod being "bored", which he wasn't, as he was only wanting his sheness back.

    But, as I knew I was missing something (just couldn't tell what, but I somehow knew I am definitelly missing something), I was re-reading the thuban material and especially the part after the well known post #1351 from the Thuban Q&A Thread in order to find the missing link.

    And then, yesterday, all of a sudden, there it was...

    Following, I quoted the excerpt from that post which finaly helped me to finaly realise the whole process. The things are much, much clearer now and I just can't describe my feelings right now...aahhh, let's say, I just feel in love with God, as I guess, I now know who heshe really is.

    Thanks a lot for everything Tony...and everyone else...let me say again, I love you all!

    15. Reply by eric bluey on March 31, 2010 at 8:24pm


    16. Reply by Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony 2 hours ago

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  4. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

    Eartheart dreamer - Posted Jun 21st 2010

    Alloha Bluey ocean and sky dragonsires & Ladies of our Heartfire...
    here you can definitly eyecandy study the Thuban data from
    it beginning... deep remembrance in a resonant sun

    Earthur featuring accelarated E=massless potenz of light twentytimes expanded
    for awakening those great sleeper dreamwheels into grasping our real shared
    event horizont as soon as those twins LOOVERS face each others wov-form...
    sunny. sunny.

    My Posts

    Posts: 8934
    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 22nd 2010

      Project Avalon and Project Camelot
      WHO ~ bless their hearts,
      gave many of us, a platform to eXpand, and, to grow from
      either the owners, or some of their following
      did NOT like to read
      NOR, eXchange with us
      Fortunately NOW,
      an important thread of all times,
      is NOW transported here
      into THE PIVOT of THE NOW
      and,move those the 12 colours
      + black / and, white
      here, you can reveal your 'red' ;)
      Love Susan / Serafina
      ps ; Many thanks to the transporter of this thread :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  5. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

    My Posts

    Posts: 8934
    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 22nd 2010

      iT iS TiME
      ~ to mount your dragons
      while bringing it all back,
      to The Round,
      The Original Round
      Do it, to be, it
      Be it, to do, it
      Will it to be, so, it will be, and, so it is
      Let the eXchanges begin ...
      Love Susan / Serafina

      Post last edited Jun 22nd 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°314

    empty. Draconian (Demon) Possessed???

    empty. rich228 Yesterday at 7:50 pm

    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?

    Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?


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    • Post n°315

    empty. humans and non humans

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 1:40 am
    rich228 wrote:
    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?

    Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?


    Dear Rich228,

    tsk tsk tsk... *sighs*

    Ok i wasn't going to answer this at first, but then on second might need to hear this...

    I don't know who you are or how you've come to this conclusion that what you call the 'Council of Thuban' is doing all that, but let me make it clear to you that it is not Abraxas or our Thuban Coven. If it is in fact a 'Council' who is doing this to you, then it has to be a different Council altogether...but let's try to examine this further...

    The type of "possession" you are describing seems to be the result of a psychic self-attack that originates in the mind of the believer and inevitably expands onto all the rest of the person's bodies (emotional, physical, etc, etc..) causing great havoc in its path and duration. It often arises form a series of half understood religious and pseudo-religious dogmas, conditionings and deeply rooted memeplexes with its often missed but no less dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions.

    Of course you would believe that this entity or entities who are doing this "possessing" are mean and evil because they have more power than you and are therefore abusing you in order to gain something out of it...right? If this is the case then you are seeing yourself as a helpless victim and you are placing yourself exactly right where these so called "entities" want you to be.

    Perhaps one day you would be able to verify first hand if these entities truly exist in the physical and/or ethereal plane...but until then let's just assume they do exist "somewhere out there", "behind the veil" as the Wizard of Oz ok? a separate entity from yourself. "How could I stop these attacks?", "Why me?" I bet you asked yourself these questions and more for the past 12 years...yes?

    If you are thinking you are struggling against principalities, against "powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" then you might be closer to the truth than thinking you are struggling against someone, of flesh and blood, found here on this planet that is separate from you, who is somehow remotely sending some of his weird voodoo stuff to you because well...he might have nothing better to do.

    To answer your question..."Is this legit?" What i just said to you about the "powers" is legit. Your misconceptions are not.

    "Is this part of the dragonization process?" The struggle is. As it has to be present to some degree in all transformations.

    You see you cannot become a "Dragon" (Starhuman, Superhuman, evolved entity or however you want to term it), by merely sitting there dramatizing about being a victim wishing for an easy way out, for the Et's to land and rescue you or for the rapture to happen. And I am not trying to diminish your pain and suffering either. I am sorry to hear you have suffered so much for so long. I know the pain experienced is real and it is unfortunate that so many millions of people all around the world go through this same type of pain everyday not finding a solution and losing all hope as a result.

    But if you would only just consider that all this evilness is not only found outside of you but also inside, then you would perhaps begin to realize how much you yourself are involved in the creation of all this "unrelenting suffering". Now in these end times it is critical for all who wish to exit this Prison World to first be able to exit the prison of themselves.

    And how do you do that?

    First you need to be able to recognize it. Look in the mirror and really see what reflects back. If you really seek..."it" will choose you and it will try to kill you. Yes...kill you. Just like Neytiri explained to Jake Sully as he was seeking his "Dragon"... Just how the mirror became black and tried to 'eat' Neo alive...and so the real battle begins....

    Will you take the blue pill or the red pill? take the blue pill and you can continue to believe you are being attacked and there's nothing you can do about it, take the red pill and you can begin to do something proactive for your own benefit, but first you must fundamentally change the way you think. Are you willing to do that? Do you see now why it is a struggle for most?
    .....hell and EVEN IF..the Matrix with its huge oceans of energy being guided by this invisible "Council" ARE coming 'into you' taking possession of your soul, raping you, torturing you, sucking every last bit of energy possible from you...and all the rest of it...the second that you become aware of "IT" it's checkmate, it loses control over you. The all seeing eye is not used to being likes no competition. Now try to see IT with the same mindset that's been around for the last two thousand years and you'll see how far that will take you.

    Do not be afraid of yourself...for anything that you are afraid of outside of you is really an inner fear found within.

    Know, that the only thing that can truly hold you hostage in your own body are your thoughts and your thought patterns because everything must become manifested through the Mind first. Therefore, seek to know thyself above all so you would then control yourself...fully, that way no one can touch you.

    I also suggest you try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sunshine, listen to music, do what you like, walk in the sand or barefoot on the grass...FALL IN know...take care of the physical body too to the extent that you can, be gentle with yourself...especially if you ever decide to go down the rabbit'll need a lot of patience, stamina and a good disposition and that's just for starters...

    May the Cosmic Logos guide you on your path.

    In the Vesica,


  7. admin

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    • Post n°316

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 10:42 am

    I think there has been a spiritual-war in this solar-system for thousands of years -- and that it continues to this very day -- but I can't prove it. I've taken a lot of my conceptualizations into the realm of science-fiction (with a heavy emphasis on politics and religion). My pseudo-quest has made a wreck out of me -- and a lot of the distress seems to be more than just mental and physical maladjustment. I feel distinctly spiritually-harassed (but I can't prove it). rich288 seems to be in a deeper dilemma than I can imagine -- and I think this sort of thing is a very real phenomenon -- but I obviously don't know the particulars of this situation. I imagine various factions and realms struggling for power (and who knows what?) in this solar-system (with lots of 'innocent-souls' becoming 'collateral-damage'). Those who purposely make 'deals with the devil' are in serious trouble (from what little I know about such things). It seems as if they join some sort of a 'Spiritual-Mafia' which is nearly impossible to walk-away from (and/or start talking-about). I think I was offered a chance to join (several years ago) -- and I declined. If I had accepted -- I think I'd probably be a 'perfectly-possessed insider' by now. The price-tag for some things is simply too high.

    ""This is the sort of thing which deeply troubles me -- and which I keep hearing about. I don't necessarily have a problem with strange-ideas and strange-individuals -- but suffering, torture, possession, deception, exploitation, murder, and mayhem DEEPLY-DISTURB me.

    I think there has been a spiritual-war in this solar-system for thousands of years -- and that it continues to this very day -- but I can't prove it. I've taken a lot of my conceptualizations into the realm of science-fiction (with a heavy emphasis on politics and religion). My pseudo-quest has made a wreck out of me -- and a lot of the distress seems to be more than just mental and physical maladjustment. I feel distinctly spiritually-harassed (but I can't prove it). rich288 seems to be in a deeper dilemma than I can imagine -- and I think this sort of thing is a very real phenomenon -- but I obviously don't know the particulars of this situation. I imagine various factions and realms struggling for power (and who knows what?) in this solar-system (with lots of 'innocent-souls' becoming 'collateral-damage'). Those who purposely make 'deals with the devil' are in serious trouble (from what little I know about such things). It seems as if they join some sort of a 'Spiritual-Mafia' which is nearly impossible to walk-away from (and/or start talking-about). I think I was offered a chance to join (several years ago) -- and I declined. If I had accepted -- I think I'd probably be a 'perfectly-possessed insider' by now. The price-tag for some things is simply too high.

    In my religious-background "Witches", "Covens", "Dungeons", and "Dragons" raise "Red-Flags". A few weeks ago -- an attractive complete-stranger told me they had been accused of being "Witchy" -- to which I replied "Being a Witch Isn't Necessarily a Bad-Thing! It Just Depends on Which Witch You Happen to Be!!"""
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°317

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. JesterTerrestrial Today at 9:31 pm

    Meanwhile the star seeds have returned and the message has been delivered to this with ears to hear and many have received the visions of peace based extra terrestrial contact because we have the eyes to see!

    How much is that worth oxy! LOL ALL OF IT!!!

    Obviously there are power structures operating in this world many of whom have been identified during the fall out of war! The systems will be required to change according to the new jurisdiction as was discussed during the times of conversation before everyone was banned or just got board of throwing pearls to the swine. If the world only knew what was lost last life time we walked the earth they may have considered helping the team in this lifetime but oh no same ol money power structure that caused so many wars wants to own everything in a commercial based economic control of the people at the mercy of the banks who have none because they are heartless entities operating under the guidance of human souls acting as agents for corporations that need more money then the competition to survive in a capitalist world now breaking apart as the indigo crystal children arrive on the scene to take action and change this $#!* forever!


  9. admin

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    empty. Re: Nice to steal my work

    empty. Rok on Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:49 pm

    another troll

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