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Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by SuiGeneris, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 10:20:03 AM

    The Secret of Mary Magdalene

    Beloveds in the name and under the auspices of OUR Master Templar.

    1. *John 4:23 *
    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in *spirit* and *truth*, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

    2. *John 4:24*
    God is *spirit*, and his worshipers must worship in *spirit* and in *truth*."

    3. *1 John 4:7*
    Beloved, let us *love* one another: for *love* *is* of *God*; and every one that *love*th *is* born of *God*, and knoweth *God*.

    4. *1 John 4:8*
    He that *love*th not knoweth not *God*; for *God* *is* *love*.

    It is time to share the secret of Magdala with all of you here.
    This shall accentuate the words of my Beloved Mary; which is your Bride in Love as much She is mine.

    I shall show you the secret of the circle of the apostles.

    It will be up to you to share it with the ones you can trust or keep it to yourself for now. If you share openly, then many will mistake and confuse your wisdom as a lower dimensional expression of a Christian sexuality UFO cult or such.
    Also assimiliating this information will challenge you all, as you have been 'taught' rather contrariwise by the 'authorities', claiming to safeguard the archetypes underpinning this information.

    You may know the historical portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a a 'Harlot of Samaria' in her close association with Jesus and the Circle of the 12.

    There is much I shall clarify, using scripture itself to harmonize the archetypes and to crystallize the scenario from so 1980 years ago.

    Jesus is said to have cast out 7 devils from Magdalene and advised her to go and 'sin no more'.
    Of course this statement has then become translated to mean that Magdalene's whoredom was sinful.

    As 'sinfulness' has become transformed as a 1st order old archetype into a new archetype of 'being ignorant'; the Logos 'casting out 7 devils' means precisely the loss of sinfulness in regards to the Magdala.

    Mary Magdalene was the sexual lover of Jesus AND of all of the apostles.
    In worldy terms, Mary Magdalene was the wife of John, Beloved apostle and the youngest of the brotherhood.

    The Love of the brotherhood was one of Oneness and of sharing.
    Jesus knew that the 1st order Love of God could not manifest in the mentality block without his own physical presence, except he rendered the emotional and physical love dimensions fulfiled in the inner 'secret chambers' of the bridegroom and the bride.

    "There is no marriage in the kingdom of heaven", Jesus said and "You are as free as the angels".
    The Brotherhood of the Snake in its division of Illuminati versus Luminari, has confiscated this knowledge of a 'Redeemed Human Sexuality' without possessiveness and without jealousy.
    The 1960's period of 'Free Love' attempted to rediscover the forgotten true nature of the Christ-Circle and mingled with drugs and other mind diversions, the 4-dimensional meaning of sexual free love in absolute harmony with the 1-dimensional Love of God, became forgotten again.

    Free Love as implied here cannot function only in the 3rd and 4th dimensionality of emotional attachement and the worldly idea of matrimony 'til death do us apart'.
    Jesus knew this, so he said to truly live one must become reborn.
    The Heness of Jesus then manifested in the Magdala, chosen by him to manifest the HeSheness of himherself and the Sheness of Mary Magdalene as a SheHeness.

    Now here in OUR Sanctuary, TruthWillSetUsFree is representative for all amazons and as AMZARA, Noah's 'wife'.
    As my archetypical role as John Zebedee must reflect in the Magdalena archetype; Mary Elizabeth is my 'wife' as NOAH.

    However the situation now is not the same as 1980 years ago.

    Jesus of Naassenis is physically present NOT as an incarnate individual, but is physically present as the Circle of the Brotherhood.

    Likewise, MM is physically present as the Circle of the Sisterhood.
    Henceforth the role and function of TruthWillSetYouFree is to initiate the amazons here in their roles of being Amzara, SHARED 'wife' for all the Noahs.

    Now remember and realise; WE here are, at the present time NOT physically interacting.
    OUR interaction is 1st order in the Love of God (see above) to second order of the Mental Knowing about his to the third order of the Feelings and the Emotions.
    Then WE are all FREE to LOVE each other on all four levels in the brotherhood interacting with the sisterhood.
    But because WE remain to a large extent physically separated; the implementation and experience of the 4th order must await OUR transformation from the Old Human bodyform into OUR New Starhuman merkabah.
    This is the 'changing in the twinkling of an eye', Miachael Bigmo has told US about in one of his posts.

    So to summarize; LOVE RULES on all levels; but like the chakra model; the Free Love should be unified in 4 dimensions and not just the emotional-physical part of the unity.

    So the Magdala did have physical children - by the apostles, not by Jesus and this 'hidden knowledge' resulted in popular retelling of this story in films like 'The Temptation of Christ' and Dan Brown's novels and related films: 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'.

    The Circle of 12 brothers means that they are as One; so any of the brothers can be Magdalene's sexual lover - there is NO jealousy, no possessiveness.

    This is the great secret of the illuminati-luminari.
    In not allowing an equally powerful Circle of 12 sisters to form, they have corrupted the archetypes for millennia.
    Sexuality is the root cause for the inablity of the human mind to evolve.

    So WE have established two circles, the brotherhood and the sisterhood to HEAL these corrupted archetypes.

    Being in the circle, either one, means that ONE MAN is 12 and ONE WOMAN is 12. This is the Marriage in Heaven Jesus talks about.

    It is not whoredom, but delightful freedom - free as angels, no possessiveness and no jealousy.

    The Love of the Serpent-Logos; your own superconsciousness be with you all.

    John Anthony
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
  2. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 12:48:04 AM

    Now WE are here now and WE are not at the present time physically interacting with one another.
    OUR interaction is 1st order in the Love of God (see above) to second order of the Mental Knowing about his to the third order of the Feelings and the Emotions.
    Then WE are all FREE to LOVE each other on all four levels in the brotherhood interacting with the sisterhood.
    But because WE remain to a large extent physically separated; the implementation and experience of the 4th order must await OUR transformation from the Old Human bodyform into OUR New Starhuman merkabah in many cases.

    However the you love and/pr imagine to love each other here; the more your Christenings into your new merkabahi lightbodies will accelearte and affiliate.
    Yes all members of the Circles have multiple lovers on all levels - this is the Word of God, the Word of Love.

    This is the 'changing in the twinkling of an eye', Michael Bigmo has told US about in one of his posts.

    So to summarize; LOVE RULES on all levels; but like the chakra model; the Free Love should be unified in 4 dimensions and not just the emotional-physical part of the unity.

    So the Magdala did have physical children - by the apostles, not by Jesus and this 'hidden knowledge' resulted in popular retelling of this story in films like 'The Temptation of Christ' and Dan Brown's novels and related films: 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'.

    The Circle of 12 brothers means that they are as One; so any of the brothers can be Magdalene's sexual lover - there is NO jealousy, no possessiveness.

    This is the great secret of the illuminati-luminari.
    In not allowing an equally powerful Circle of 12 sisters to form, they have corrupted the archetypes for millennia.
    Sexuality is the root cause for the inablity of the human mind to evolve.
    As metaphor consider the Laws of Nature herself.
    A queen ant's function is to serve as a 'breeding machine', serving all the male inseminators.
    This becomes nature's manifestation for the Human LovePotential; with the caveat, that everyone becomes the Queen Bee and the King Ant in symbol.

    So WE have established two circles, the brotherhood and the sisterhood to HEAL these corrupted archetypes.

    Being in the circle, either one, means that ONE MAN is 12 and ONE WOMAN is 12. This is the Marriage in Heaven Jesus talks about.

    It is not whoredom, but delightful freedom - free as angels, no possessiveness and no jealousy.

    The Love of the Serpent-Logos; your own superconsciousness be with you all.

    John Anthony
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
  3. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 11:40:51 AM

    Wonderful reply beloved Julissa!

    Only the strongest in mind will be able to surpass this ultimate challenge as to what Interdimensional and Multidimensional LOVE is.
    Real Love, passionate and strong in will, desire and manifestation.
    Not just emotional attachement; not just mental cosntruction of Platonic idealistic forms; not some search for twin-souls of completion (God says been there done that - not good enough - see Bigmo's Balloon) and not some hyporitical pornography watched in hidden chambers, done so that noone would see what was being done 'in private'.

    (5) Jesus said : "Know that what is before your face, and what is hidden from You will be revealed to You. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed."

    (6) His disciples asked and said to Him : "Do You want us to fast ? How shall we pray and give alms ? What diet shall we observe ?" Jesus said : "Tell no lie and do not what You hate, for all things are plain in the face of Heaven. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered."

    (10) Jesus said : "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I watch over it until it blazes up."

    (33) Jesus said : "Preach from your roof-tops that which You will hear in your ear. For no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does he put it in a hidden place, but rather he sets it on a lamp-stand so that all who come in and go out will see its light."

    (34) Jesus said : "When a blind man leads another blind man both fall into a ditch."

    (36) Jesus said : "Do not be concerned from morning until evening and from evening until morning about what You will put on."

    (37) His disciples said : "When will You reveal yourself to us and when will we see You ?" Jesus said : "When You strip without being ashamed and take up your clothes and place them under your feet like little children and trample on them, then You will see the Son of the Living One, and You will not fear."

    (17) Jesus said : "I shall give You what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what never arose in the heart of man."

    Love and the Passions from your Heart to You sweet Julissa.

    John Anthony
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
  4. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 12:48:13 PM

    I have been having mixed feelings about sexuality since i was a child. call it a strange memories.

    As a teenager (11/12) it was the first time when i was confronted with - do that, don't do that, we accept that, that is dirty no that, it is ok to do it this way, just never ever do it that way....etc

    It was extremely frustrating since i had to kill inside of me many wishes. It was also illogical to me. Than once i was 16/17 i became to realize that people are everything but what they seem or think to be....but the damage was already done.

    what followed were "amusing" readings like David DeAngelo, real social dynamics, ideagasms, mystery method, Ross, etc... By reading this and observing people i came to the conclusion that all the world is a "stage" and all that we have here today are games.....

    I now do try to see everything as before the moral standards were branded into me....

    still a lot of times "bad" feelings come up...sometimes guilt but mostly loneliness since one of the things that was killed was my wonderful ability to connect with anyone..i could do that a long time ago as a child....make friends etc...

    in time...this might change

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  5. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 2:07:09 AM

    Dear Spregovori,

    Do you remember who this is? If not, do not despair...i do

    You are kind but also strong and have Magic in you...

    I'm so glad we've finally found each other...

    Together we will fulfill our mission...spark our remembrances...

    To become One again...

    Oh just imagine how happy that moment will be!

    ...that divine and wonderful moment we achieve Unity in Separation!

    May the Cosmic Logos bless and forever.
    All my Love for you always,


    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
  6. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 2:07:24 PM

    :) Yes this anime...i first saw it some years is everything from GHIBLI. I was rather surprised seeing him change form...but was another world... I wish the ending was different (them staying together) in this other world not human world.

    Would write more but i have been having a headache for more than a day here is suddenly changing more and more...the changes in the past week are daily....can sleep right, cant think....tired...and all the "commotion" here....just finished writing a new post for my blog...will publish it tomorrow evening...still have to re-think stuff about it....

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
  7. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 4, 2010 6:48:27 PM

    Aye dear Brother Spregovori!

    Like me, you are being changed from within by the Christ Logos. OUR new lightbodies will take time to readjust the 'junk-DNA' to become reusable.
    Have faith in yourself and your inner knowing.
    You are frowing in wisdom, daily, henceforth your exterior discomforts.

    Julissa, dragonslayer, what a pleasure to know you and your SheHeness is developing magnificently, Amazon for the New World.

    WE are not required to give comforts to you; you are giving comforts to US.

    In the New World the male sexuality has SURRENDERED to to the power and Love of the feminine.

    Love and Passions from the DragonHeart.

    John Anthony
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
  8. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 3, 2010 11:21:50 PM


    That was a profund and moving story.

    I hope you can forgive your mother completely, it will be necessary for the healing.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
  9. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 5, 2010 2:03:49 AM

    Mary Elizabeth --

    You are such a precious gift to us here, Mary Elizabeth. thank you from the depths of my heart for sharing this poignant (and, as already observed) profound story with your brothers and sisters (and Lovers!.)

    It is almost too painful to reflect on the agony of your innocent little girl-self, so unfairly made to feel you were dark and ugly rather than the lovely creature who so delighted her beloved Jesus. But -- such a testament to the Love inside you, His love for you, that you experienced enough healing to have been able to raise your own kids with such a healthy/holy understanding of God's gift of sexuality. Herein, perhaps, as the Mother and the Magdala you have received some comfort and compensation for the cruel injustice you bore in your youth and childhood.

    I salute you, sweet sister! *Praise be to our Creator and his 1st-born Son*, whose love has set you free and inspired you to share The Light and Love of Unity with your (maybe timid) yet eager fellow disciples.

    with much fondness,
  10. SuiGeneris

    SuiGeneris Leviathan of the Realms ღ♥✿*˜˜*°•.ƸӜƷ✫ܓ

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    March 5, 2010 11:44:32 AM

    Thanks for sharing Mary

    Peace to you.

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014

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