Shiloh and Raven Permanently Banned on MOA - Thuban Bashing Thread

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    What is A True Thuban and Islam and Cognitive Dissonance?

    [12:13:08 AM] Hades 88: [Sunday, December 27, 2015 8:19 PM]
    <<< Xeia's 'Thubanness' has become obscured by her soul remembrance, which is as strong as ever, BUT her human mindedness has become very badly corrupted by the islam memeplex

    what xeia dislikes is what is being done in this quotation. she does not approve of you (or anyone else for that matter) to appoint who is the "real deal" (or who "gets it") and who is not and by what standards. she also dislikes the "recent change" with "war on islam" as in...if one "member of thuban" wants to go and be at war, why should that make any other, who does not, less of a thuban or not a thuban...etc she is not trying to defend islam, the problem is that this here is not an army and there should be no orders to follow to be a "proper member".
    she also dislikes being labeled in any manner due to whatever reason or being rejected and shunned due to having a different mindset. perception of one does not equal that of the other. it is rarely the case this can happen.

    [Sunday, December 27, 2015 8:19 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< Rok expected the big physical changes in 2012 and as the changes in the metaphysics did not translate straight away into the physical Rok LOST FAITH period

    [Sunday, December 27, 2015 8:19 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< Rok is likewise, even in his loss of communal unified purpose he felt before 2012

    me, it is not so much about what did or did not happen in 2012, while there were certain "hopes" (if it can even be called like that) i was always very much a realist, the "tangible guy". i used to, at times, put more of my attention to "personal things" which touched me directly, but have since mostly stopped with that. thuban this, thuban that, that forum, other forum, that comment, ban, this moderator, that chat, some statement...whatever really. most might see this as being numb but i see it as not giving a fuck about petty little things. "small irritations, big issues" might be a good title for a wide audience article but in my case it all goes to the recycle bin. the online/virtual stuff that is. most of the skype group chat exchanges fall unto that. some more physical issues can not be as easily ignored, since they seek you out even if you do, but aside from that, it is pointless to try to change anything outside of yourself without a proper just let it be, let them be.
    the forum posts, skype chats, agendas, is all so very much mundane...some can be interesting to read, but just to read, since it has become more than obvious by now that it is not the way or solution to anything.

    [2:51:01 AM] ShilohaPlace: ISIS's First Step: Conquer Rome, Defeat Christianity
    Dale Hurd


    ROME -- The Islamic State has a plan to conquer Rome. Yes, it might sound crazy, but ISIS believes the conquest of Rome is central to its mission.
    They believe it is necessary to fulfill what Islam teaches was the prophecy of Muhammed and to prepare the return of the Muslim messiah: the Mahdi.
    "ISIS thinks that Rome is one of its primary goals and is in its timetable," Robert Spencer, author of The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, said.
    "It has a timetable where in the 10 years, by the year 2025, it hopes to bring about Armageddon, the final struggle between good and evil or between the Muslims and the non-Muslims," he explained. "And that one of the chief stepping stones to that Armageddon battle is the conquest of Rome, which they think they're going to be able to do with the next five years, by 2020."
    Two Cities, One Mission
    Muslim scholars say Muhammed prophesied that the two great Roman cities would be conquered: Constantinople and Rome. Constantinople is now Istanbul, a Muslim city.
    Rome remains to be conquered.
    "Once Rome is conquered, in this view, within the next five years, then Israel will follow shortly after. They also believe that during this time period they're also going to conquer Saudi Arabia and Iran," Spencer said.
    Now, before you laugh, consider that phase one of the Islamic State's plan to take Rome may already be underway: flooding Europe with ISIS fighters under the cover of the current refugee crisis.
    "They're not talking about doing it by conventional armies; they're talking about doing (it) by overwhelming these lands with sympathizers from within, and in influx of people from outside," Spencer said.
    "And that's something we see happening right now in Europe. And so it's not that far outside of the realm of possibility that they could at least make these attempts," he continued.
    The Islamic State reveals part of its plan in its publication "Black Flags From Rome." It will use sleeper cells and expects to get help from Muslims serving in European armies and from non-Muslim sympathizers.
    It also wants to fire missiles into Italy that it has captured on the battlefield.
    Islamic Armageddon
    This is a threat that is hard for Italian and foreign policy expert Emaneule Ottolenghi to be concerned about. He said Europe has more pressing problems because of ISIS.
    "The concern should be commensurate to the reality of the threat," he said. "The Islamic threat does not pose that kind of threat today. My main concern is with the lone wolf terrorist who plots a terror outrage against a school, against a supermarket, against a shopping mall, against an airport."
    And it certainly is hard to see how ISIS could conquer Rome, a city of 3 million people in a nation of 60 million people. But it is not hard to see ISIS attempting it.
    The conquest of Rome has been a primary goal since the beginning of the Islamic State.
    "They think that the conquest of Rome will be the complete sign of Islam's superiority over Christianity and defeat of Christianity," Spencer said.
    They also see the fall of Rome on an eschatological timeline that will culminate in a battle against the infidel armies near Dabiq, Syria; their version of Armageddon, according to Spencer.
    "And they think that once this battle takes place at Dabiq, this final battle which they see coming 10 years from now 2025, then the Muslims will battle the non-Muslims in this town in northern Syria," Spencer said.
    "And then Jesus, the Muslim prophet, and Mahdi will return to the Earth, and they will together conquer and Islamize the world," he said.
    Celebration by Killing
    If their plan for Rome succeeds, ISIS says it will throw homosexuals from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa.
    But the main event, as they see it, will be the beheading of the Pope in St. Peter's Square, broadcast and live-streamed to a horrified international audience.
    Spencer said a member of ISIS recently said "'Once we take Rome we are going to carry out mass beheadings in St. Peter's Square."
    "And so this is the plan, to convert St Peter's Square into a huge site of executions to people judged to be enemies of Allah, chief among them the Pope, in order to cow and frighten the rest of the world into submitting to their rule," Spencer said.
    It's a plan that, for now, has little chance of success.
    But in his new book, The ISIS Apocalypse, author and expert William McCants says ISIS has recently taken a longer term view of the conquest of Rome and the return of the Mahdi, and is willing to wait in order to build up its forces.
    ISIS is now next door to Italy in North Africa. More importantly, Islamic State fighters are reportedly already inside Italy, some posing as refugees, going about their lives, waiting for the day when the battle for Rome begins.

    [2:52:17 AM] ShilohaPlace: My present timeline zoom points to 2020 as culmination of a timeline ending in 2018, 70 years after the creation of modern israel
    [2:53:08 AM] ShilohaPlace: I cant see 2025 as having any significance in Universal Logos terms
    [3:09:52 AM] ShilohaPlace:


    [7:13:49 AM] Sirius 17: Post Pris Today at 12:01 am
    Eartheart wrote:
    Autsch, what an experimental trap for pixi-energy in a mirrorcabinet of a good tarned prism to see the true reflection of those orion stuges (ooopps
    to the ironic namecalling- but exquse ma-dame - this is allready higher avalon mistizism 4me...
    Lawless The tolerant treshold of this cern-loop repeats again - dad sad
    No holy in those books of old and mindfool applied propaganda -
    even Dr. Oxy's repetition point just to the much directer sources... Hadriel
    $4 mindframes and content Harp

    Would you kindly rephrase this in a way that's easier to... comprehend? I do not wish to assume who this... pixi-energy is. Very Happy
    [11:58:16 AM] Allisiam: so we are orion stuges now
    [11:58:18 AM] Allisiam: nice
    [11:59:06 AM] Allisiam: EH is now coming out of the woodwork i guess
    [11:59:18 AM] Allisiam: have not seen many posts from him in a long time
    [12:02:26 PM] Allisiam: not sure if he is referring to us or what the hell
    [12:03:17 PM] Allisiam: at least with Dan Winter you could obtusely follow his woo woo talk, EH takes it to a whole other level
    [12:09:38 PM] Allisiam:

    [12:09:51 PM] Allisiam: they are getting high on all that Angel smoke Tony
    [12:10:52 PM] Allisiam: maybe we have it all wrong and we should just check out of reality like they have, i want what they are smoking
    [12:11:30 PM] Allisiam: must be nice to just be able to ignore everyone and everything going on around you
    [12:11:48 PM] Allisiam: how planetary and global minded of them
    [12:12:25 PM] Allisiam: oh wait, there are people who are getting beheaded and killed? llalalalalalalalala i can't hear you
    [12:12:59 PM] Allisiam: people starving to death...oh we'll just send em love and light
    [12:13:14 PM] Allisiam: they can eat all our happiness right up
    [7:15:08 AM] Sirius 17: apathy is deadly
    [7:15:19 AM] Sirius 17: but ignorance is worse
    [7:15:55 AM] Sirius 17: Carol

    Posts: 15869
    Join date: 2010-04-07
    Location: Hawaii
    Post n°3
    Re: Do you believe in angels? I do: DR MAX PEMBERTON explains why a homeless man and the goodness of one woman means that he does
    Post Carol Today at 10:23 am
    Eartheart, what an insightful way to describe what's happening throughout the multi-dimensional universe. Each day, each of us (husband and myself) pray to the saints and angels to download their healing energies into all living beings, creatures and entities throughout multi-dimensions, while continuing to embrace the planet with their healing energies. I suspect many others are called from within to pray and direct that same energy as well.

    "The enochian alphabet projection knowhow to use the own
    unityportal to fold and braid lightrays/thoughtforms so as
    to charge/load the holo with all your parts and bodies up,
    wholehearthedly (bodymindsoul) plus plasmabody plus a
    remembrance of your dreambodies plus your angel and a
    natural flower of life remedy stabilisa-thor will hold it 4U..."
    What is life?

    [7:17:16 AM] raxnae: love and light, stupid it is
    [7:17:47 AM] Sirius 17: it is disgusting given what is going on in the world
    [7:18:19 AM] Sirius 17: if they want to spread love and light go fuck your neighbor like seriously
    [7:18:25 AM] Sirius 17: fuck his or her brains out
    [7:18:46 AM] raxnae: methinks they lack a brain, this I do
    [7:19:34 AM] Sirius 17: hang on rax i am going to go meditate on world peace, i'll let you know when that has ever worked
    [7:19:44 AM] raxnae: lol
    [7:20:20 AM] Sirius 17: i wish i had another account now so i could get banned all over again lol
    [7:20:47 AM] Sirius 17: i think i will make one tonight specifically for this Angel smoke post
    [7:20:51 AM] raxnae: honestly wash your hands of this you must, clear thoughts from pointless diatribes
    [7:21:04 AM] Sirius 17: naw
    [7:21:31 AM] Sirius 17: Xeia thinks it would be good for them to hear what we think of them and so i am gonna give it to them
    [7:21:38 AM] Sirius 17: doggy style
    [7:21:57 AM] Sirius 17: and i do hope i offend the fuck out of them, literally
    [7:22:52 AM] raxnae: yes give in to the hatred, swing your lightsaber at Carol and your journey into the dark side will be complete muwahahaha lol
    [7:23:21 AM] Sirius 17: it is not hate to point out someones grevious erroneous logic rax
    [7:23:33 AM] Sirius 17: it is called rationality and reality in other terms
    [7:23:35 AM] raxnae: I'm making a joke lol
    [7:23:38 AM] Sirius 17: oh
    [7:23:43 AM] Sirius 17: they need a big dose of it
    [7:24:26 AM] raxnae: but bringing rationality to the inheriently irrational is a pointless endeavour all they will do is lalalalallalalalalala
    [7:24:37 AM] Sirius 17: sorry, i fail to find anything humorous about their ignorance
    [7:25:13 AM] Sirius 17: there worded best
    [7:25:24 AM] raxnae: then they will pity you and wish you love and light and have to apologize for the incoming ban lol
    [7:26:39 AM] raxnae: they ride on high horses that are really about the size of ants but in their imaginations they ride in high altitude with lack of air causing health concerns lol
    [7:27:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes but at this point much of the western world is just like them and seemingly can tune reality out at will
    [7:27:39 AM] raxnae: sad but true
    [7:27:49 AM] Sirius 17: meanwhile in the middle east the body count continues to pile up
    [7:27:56 AM] Sirius 17: but lets not think about that
    [7:28:07 AM] Sirius 17: or why that might be happening
    [7:28:50 AM] Sirius 17: and it is happening for much the same reasons, people completely out of touch with reality over there too and their precious Quoran
    [7:29:28 AM] Sirius 17: you know they believe very strongly in angels in the Quoran
    [7:29:30 AM] raxnae: the caliphate is now embodied in surtur's flames, encompassing the whole world all we can do is go out like frej ramming out horns deep into his eye and dying with a tired smile
    [7:29:34 AM] Sirius 17: they call them Jinn
    [7:29:43 AM] Sirius 17: we call them demonic
    [7:30:08 AM] Sirius 17: they are literally playing with hellfire
    [7:30:24 AM] Sirius 17: their own corrupted and fucked up thinking has created this monster called Islam
    [7:30:31 AM] Sirius 17: oh and it is real
    [7:30:31 AM] raxnae: yes its interesting how some pagan arab elements survive in modern islam like the jinn
    [7:31:15 AM] Sirius 17: the devil has literally come down to 'Georgia'
    [7:31:31 AM] raxnae: oh i know it haha
    [7:31:49 AM] Sirius 17: yes you would lol
    [7:31:57 AM] Sirius 17: bad boy
    [7:33:14 AM] raxnae: I am very bad, I offered god and the devil my soul for their hearts lol
    [7:33:37 AM] raxnae: they still have yet to take me up on that offer
    [7:34:19 AM] Sirius 17: the heart of the Logos is offered freely everyday rax and many choose to ignore it, too much love and light blinding them
    [7:34:52 AM] raxnae: sad but true
    [7:35:22 AM] Sirius 17: well fuck, you know if the world could really see itself clearly at this moment in time it would radically change things
    [7:35:45 AM] Sirius 17: and so the Logos will give it the mirror
    [7:36:08 AM] raxnae: eventually all will have to face the mirror whether in life or in death
    [7:36:34 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:37:26 AM] raxnae: but let them ignore it as long as they can lalalalala, it will bite them in the ass eventually when surtur comes with burning sword to chop off their heads
    [7:39:18 AM] Sirius 17:

    Matthew 25 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
    2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
    3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
    4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
    5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
    6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
    7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
    8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
    9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
    10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
    11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
    12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
    13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
    14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
    15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
    16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
    17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
    18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
    19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
    20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
    21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
    22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
    23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
    24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
    25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
    26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
    27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
    28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
    29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
    30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
    32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
    33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
    34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
    35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
    36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
    37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
    38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
    39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
    40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
    41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
    42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
    43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
    44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
    45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    [7:39:46 AM] Sirius 17: OLIVIA=68=LOGOS=VIA OIL
    [7:40:22 AM] Sirius 17: the real Olivia dd never got
    [7:40:27 AM] Sirius 17: Logos
    [7:40:52 AM] Sirius 17: she also asked for her to be banned from the Mists
    [7:41:13 AM] Sirius 17: go ahead Carol, ban the Logos from your forum
    [7:42:28 AM] raxnae: it is as Tony said, a time to decline
    [8:06:48 AM] Sirius 17: see rax, it is like this, if the world gave a big enough outcry at the outragousness of the slaughter, starvation and lack of care for it's fellow beings the world could be just as Lennon sang in his song Imagine. The problem is very few really know themselves. If they knew what they really were, they would all be so ashamed right now of their behavior they would literally go try to hide under rocks. All this violence and bloodshed and killing would end instantly, done over, in the blink of an eye.
    [8:07:26 AM] Sirius 17: and when this Timeline runs its course that is what will happen
    [8:07:29 AM] Sirius 17: they will KNOW
    [8:08:31 AM] raxnae: let us hope so heh
    [8:08:55 AM] Sirius 17: love hopes all things
    [8:09:15 AM] Sirius 17: and not some anemic pathetic human love but the real deal
    [8:09:50 AM] raxnae: yeah I can't seem to break those I care about free from the so called human love issue lol
    [8:10:22 AM] Sirius 17: because they still don't know themselves either rax
    [8:10:44 AM] Sirius 17:

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    [8:11:13 AM] Sirius 17: this is not human egotistical crap either
    [8:11:37 AM] Sirius 17: it is a very heavy burden to know and watch as most of the world doesn't
    [8:11:51 AM] Sirius 17: sweating blood, this kind of thing
    [8:12:07 AM] raxnae: yes I bare that burden with pride that I am not blinded
    [8:12:31 AM] Sirius 17: there is this word in this passage at the end that everyone ignores
    [8:13:33 AM] raxnae: oh yeah I was going to ask you, what was your interpretation of the hotel california song
    [8:13:56 AM] Sirius 17: ALL=25=Y
    [8:14:02 AM] Sirius 17: 25=7
    [8:14:13 AM] Sirius 17:

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    [8:14:57 AM] Sirius 17: I told you
    [8:15:03 AM] Sirius 17: the nightman has the keys
    [8:15:11 AM] raxnae: ooooooh right lol
    [8:15:52 AM] raxnae: it slipped my mind today for some reason lol
    [8:18:02 AM] raxnae: I want to protect my family, but I also want them to know the truth of the Logos and Anti-Logos but I don't know how to show them
    [8:18:26 AM] raxnae: they still worship a dead man nailed to a cross
    [8:18:36 AM] Sirius 17: NIGHTMAN=NIGHT=58=STAR=FATHER MAN=28=LAMB
    [8:19:27 AM] Sirius 17: well you can only give them data rax
    [8:19:57 AM] Sirius 17: show them the Thuban library and let them seek
    [8:19:59 AM] raxnae: they fear any data concerned with the devil mind as mentioned before with them wanting me to take down my poem lol
    [8:20:17 AM] Sirius 17: yes they fear Islam
    [8:20:26 AM] Sirius 17: it is actually a healthy fear
    [8:20:53 AM] Sirius 17: but your poem is one of thousands on the internet pointing out the truth about islam
    [8:21:07 AM] Sirius 17: maybe you can google others works and show them they are not dead from it
    [8:22:22 AM] raxnae: well I was thinking the other day when you were arguing with your aunt, when she mentioned thomas jefferson's quran you should have linked the islamaphobes quotation page Tony made that has a quote by Thomas Jefferson against Islam lol
    [8:22:26 AM] Sirius 17: but the reality is at least in the west very few have been killed for their views
    [8:22:38 AM] Sirius 17: different story in the middle east of course
    [8:22:56 AM] Sirius 17: oh i missed that one
    [8:23:18 AM] Sirius 17: but yeah its like knocking on wood
    [8:23:28 AM] Sirius 17: dull sound
    [8:23:30 AM] raxnae: haha yup
    [8:24:31 AM] Sirius 17: the Logos will protect them as well
    [8:25:14 AM] Sirius 17: especially if their eyes can be opened and informed
    [8:25:32 AM] raxnae: its to the point that the Logos has to show a very large very precise mirror to open the eyes of the west

    [8:26:05 AM] Brook Schiner: Hay guys! Is the Logos going to protect me from all the puke love and light I've been seeing coddled at MOA? I do sincerely hope so....LOL How are you doing?
    [8:26:22 AM] Sirius 17: lol hardly Brook
    [8:26:38 AM] Brook Schiner: btw...been following this discussion and it's quite interesting
    [8:26:44 AM] Sirius 17: doing ok here, hope your christmas went good
    [8:26:56 AM] raxnae: I'm doin alright just hold a mirror to the love and light til they blind themselves lol
    [8:27:02 AM] Brook Schiner: It was too quiet....I missed having my kids with me
    [8:27:09 AM] Sirius 17: awww i bet
    [8:27:44 AM] Brook Schiner: Braydon has a new girlfriend...and it's looking pretty serious
    [8:27:51 AM] raxnae: or force shock them like Emperor Palpatine lol
    [8:27:57 AM] Brook Schiner: lol
    [8:28:04 AM] raxnae: show them the power of the dark side
    [8:28:53 AM] Brook Schiner: I wanted to puke when I saw carol protecting Pris today. I was going to go out with a bang....but I'm not even sure it's worth the time frankly
    [8:29:02 AM] Sirius 17: i can't imagine losing any one of my children, it is hard to find the words Brook, but I know it is a deep deep loss, both you and Tony one should have to lose a child.
    [8:29:19 AM] Brook Schiner:'s the worst
    [8:29:57 AM] raxnae: I agree wash your hands of them
    [8:30:09 AM] raxnae: moabytes arent worth the trouble
    [8:30:11 AM] Sirius 17: yes it is a full on party over there with all the common sense chucked out now, they can spread the luv n light fest like no tomorrow
    [8:30:24 AM] Brook Schiner: yep...I can't stand the ass kissing
    [8:30:48 AM] Sirius 17: well just say the B word and your gone
    [8:30:50 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:30:56 AM] Brook Schiner: lol
    [8:31:15 AM] Sirius 17: Jonah didn't know what hit him it was so swift
    [8:31:41 AM] Brook Schiner: I;m sure....she did the same to Lionhawk..and called Lionhawk TOXIC!
    [8:31:57 AM] Sirius 17: Carol is like a Jedi warrior with her light saber saving the universe from the evil darkness of Thuban
    [8:32:14 AM] Sirius 17: same thing yes
    [8:32:18 AM] Brook Schiner: guys are the worst! lol
    [8:32:27 AM] Sirius 17: yes we are bitches, we know lol
    [8:32:35 AM] Brook Schiner: Life's a bitch
    [8:32:40 AM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [8:32:47 AM] Brook Schiner: they better get over it
    [8:32:55 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:33:00 AM] Sirius 17: time to wake up world
    [8:33:10 AM] Sirius 17: reality check coming to a neighborhood near you soon
    [8:33:22 AM] Sirius 17: just look at what is happening in Europe
    [8:33:24 AM] Brook Schiner: gathering it awareness....right!?!?!?
    [8:33:35 AM] Sirius 17: yes pathetic
    [8:33:52 AM] Sirius 17: gathering in opinions censoring the truth it should read
    [8:34:22 AM] Brook Schiner:'s coming....I see it and I wanted to show you and Tony something that John was working on just before he goes with what you posted to get banned
    [8:34:41 AM] Sirius 17: well share it here if you like
    [8:35:05 AM] Sirius 17: if you are not comfortable with that then I can open a chat with Tony and I
    [8:35:14 AM] Brook Schiner: Okay...but it's going to get ... well....just watch...
    [8:37:13 AM] Brook Schiner: They just released this Movie in august....John is close friends with the producer/director/writer of this film. In fact Giovanni was the first friend of John;s I called when he died. I didn't want Giovanni to hear any other way than from me. His phone number has been in my phone for eons...check out the trailer...first..there's a whole lot more to this to be hold on
    [8:38:37 AM] Brook Schiner: Here's the trailer...
    [8:38:41 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [8:40:37 AM] Brook Schiner: Here is the main actor in that 2007
    [8:40:51 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [8:41:42 AM] Brook Schiner: that post you did there was something numbered as to what to look you remember it?
    [8:42:29 AM] Sirius 17: omg Brook
    [8:42:37 AM] Sirius 17: John was working on this film?
    [8:42:44 AM] Brook Schiner: Yes....
    [8:42:59 AM] Sirius 17: i am speechless
    [8:43:10 AM] Brook Schiner: Now John and Giovanni had a rather heated exchange before he died....
    [8:43:46 AM] Brook Schiner: John told me that Giovanni was all twisted up....about 9/11...and this is the inspiration to this movie he wrote and directed
    [8:44:46 AM] Brook Schiner: Now in the'll notice..Harry lennix....Harry lennix gave eulogy at John's funeral....
    [8:45:05 AM] Brook Schiner: In that is a photo of harry lennix and I about flipped my wig
    [8:46:42 AM] Brook Schiner:
    [8:46:42 AM] Sirius 17:
    [8:42 AM] Brook Schiner:
    <<< that post you did there was something numbered as to what to look you remember it?

    no you will have to refresh my memory here
    [8:46:58 AM] Brook Schiner: Okay I will...,hold on....
    [8:47:36 AM] Brook Schiner: enlarge that photo....look at the hospital gown...that is the same gown I got John back from the coroners off's filled with pyramids!
    [8:47:39 AM] Sirius 17: yes ok the same hospitial gown John was in
    [8:47:50 AM] Brook Schiner: yes...there's more...
    [8:48:02 AM] Brook Schiner: So...
    [8:48:04 AM] Sirius 17: yes i had a vision about John while i was in the hosptial in this gown as well
    [8:48:46 AM] Brook Schiner: here I am seeing this and wondering how in the hell that happens? That photo of Harry in that gown is from the movie the Algerian
    [8:49:43 AM] Brook Schiner: Now john is more like me....on the 9/11 thing. Giovanni was all gungho over it according to John.
    [8:50:10 AM] Brook Schiner: As I'm sure you can tell from the trailer right?
    [8:50:46 AM] Sirius 17: not sure if you are aware but first part of 2014 i was hosptialized and put into a psychiatric ward here for 3 weeks. It was brought on by a huge Logos download where i temporarily lost my frame of reference and i think i was like in the land of the dead and living at the same time. I had visions of you helping me through various people. I may of talked about this some in some of our chats we shared on the forums.
    [8:51:39 AM] Sirius 17: but yes it is strange, wonder if Giovanni knew, when did this film come out?
    [8:53:11 AM] Sirius 17: but in my visions i saw John in this same hosptial gown which i may of seen it before on your fb posts or in mists, not sure, but i felt him there. many of my visions were pyramid related

    [8:53:31 AM] Brook Schiner: Now....I've known Giovanni for quite some time. Like I said his phone number is in IPhone....still! I remember about a year before I left California....Giovanni was in Cuba...he took some great photos of a tobacco cigar factory and made a calendar which I have somewhere around this house because the photos were quite nice.....Now check this out.....and on your above statement ....No I did not know that..But you know I'd be there in a heartbeat for you if I did know....

    [8:53:57 AM] Sirius 17: you were there, in logos fashon lol
    [8:54:07 AM] Sirius 17: and you did comfort and help me
    [8:54:32 AM] Brook Schiner: Now here is another video commercial done by Giovanni...and the actor in it? The same Ben Youcef that was in the movie the Algerian.....check this
    [8:54:50 AM] Sirius 17: btw how did John feel about 911?
    [8:56:47 AM] Brook Schiner: Check out the clock in the beginning...stop it if you have to but check out the clock...and in the end...look at the TWO TOWERS in the end....the reflection....
    [8:56:52 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [8:57:07 AM] Brook Schiner: John felt as I did...that it was an inside job...
    [8:58:35 AM] Sirius 17: well i see the towers but what am i missing here?
    [8:58:45 AM] Brook Schiner: Now...all of a sudden after this video is done we are repairing relations with Cuba! TASTE THE FUTURE!
    [8:59:04 AM] Brook Schiner: The clock in the beginning flashes 7L
    [8:59:05 AM] Sirius 17: time on the alarm in the beginning is 5 am
    [8:59:22 AM] Brook Schiner: run it again
    [8:59:46 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see it says 5:7L yes
    [8:59:52 AM] Brook Schiner: YES!
    [9:00:00 AM] Brook Schiner: WTF is that?
    [9:00:05 AM] Brook Schiner: Right?
    [9:00:34 AM] Sirius 17: well i would say it is Logos but yeah it is interesting
    [9:01:01 AM] Brook Schiner: Well the same year that came out Cuba was economically 7LARGE on world index for import export....which has surpassed anything they ever have...I looked it up
    [9:01:12 AM] Brook Schiner: 7L
    [9:01:38 AM] Sirius 17: this Ben Yousef guy in these trailers who is he? i saw a video after this cuba one that shows him as part of the interfaith collition and this i find interesting
    [9:01:48 AM] Brook Schiner: Watch this...hold on..
    [9:03:28 AM] Brook Schiner: Ben is an actor...but look at this...
    [9:03:34 AM] Brook Schiner:

    [9:04:26 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [9:05:23 AM] Brook Schiner: Now...let's get to what you posted....
    [9:05:33 AM] Brook Schiner: hold on....
    [9:06:09 AM] Sirius 17: sure, i have not seen the full film the Algerian yet, but this is curious as hell
    [9:07:45 AM] Sirius 17: you know that Islam uses these interfaith rallies to spread its message it is a relgion of peace and as a form of Taquia which is a form of lying that is encouraged to spread Islam
    [9:09:50 AM] Brook Schiner: crap! HOld on ...I'll hav to find it on your forum...because of course the removed it all from the damned MISTS!!!!!!!!!!
    [9:10:29 AM] Sirius 17: yes nice of carol
    [9:10:48 AM] Sirius 17: if you give me a lead i can help you look
    [9:10:58 AM] Brook Schiner: give me a link to that thread you guys started on the banning...I'll show you then
    [9:11:31 AM] Brook Schiner: I know where it's at on the post
    [9:12:07 AM] Sirius 17:

    [9:12:53 AM] Sirius 17: this one is where we are keeping a log of the banned posts

    [9:13:02 AM] Sirius 17: the other one is all the Islam posts
    [9:15:24 AM] Brook Schiner:'s not there....Tony made a pdf of it....the article and shared it with me...but I can't find it right now....
    [9:17:10 AM] Brook Schiner: Hold on I think I know where it's at....
    [9:18:54 AM] Sirius 17: oh i have those
    [9:19:24 AM] *** Sirius 17 sent Truth is the New Hate Speech of Islamophobia.pdf ***
    [9:19:36 AM] *** Sirius 17 sent The Ontological Metaphysics behind the Physical Manifesto of Islam.pdf ***
    [9:19:48 AM] Sirius 17: these are the two pdfs he made
    [9:20:10 AM] Brook Schiner: give me the first one again please I accidently canceled it...doh!
    [9:20:16 AM] Sirius 17: they are also on my wall too on fb
    [9:20:35 AM] *** Sirius 17 sent Truth is the New Hate Speech of Islamophobia.pdf ***
    [9:21:45 AM] Sirius 17: little blurb about Taquia

    [9:23:49 AM] Brook Schiner: That's it...Truth is the new hate speech....on page 8 it numbers what to expect in America....
    [9:23:54 AM] Brook Schiner: now check this...
    [9:24:03 AM] Sirius 17: very true words in this video, you can kill a man with a bullet but you cannot kill an idea
    [9:24:32 AM] Sirius 17: chillingly true
    [9:24:48 AM] Brook Schiner: Number 3,4, and 5 on that list
    [9:25:08 AM] Brook Schiner: Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches
    and mosques on the virtues of Islam
    [9:25:41 AM] Brook Schiner: Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the Internet as possible by buying the related corporations or
    a controlling stock.
    [9:25:53 AM] Sirius 17: 3. Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches and mosques on the virtues of Islam. Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the same monotheistic faith.
    4. Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office to bring about favorable legislation toward Islam and support potential sympathizers by block voting.
    5. Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the Internet as possible by buying the related corporations or a controlling stock.
    [9:26:12 AM] Sirius 17: yes all happening now
    [9:26:21 AM] Sirius 17: and years before 911
    [9:26:39 AM] Brook Schiner: I remind you of the movie that John worked on....that JUST got released this year.....after his death in 2012....
    [9:26:43 AM] Sirius 17: more so now they have a Muslim sympathizer in the white house
    [9:27:11 AM] Sirius 17: and an entire cabnet of Islamic advisors
    [9:27:12 AM] Brook Schiner: That movie was in the works a long time ago....but JUST got released? Do you find that odd?
    [9:27:15 AM] Sirius 17: it is reality
    [9:27:55 AM] Brook Schiner: And remember I said they had a heated argument about this whole thing just before he died!
    [9:28:11 AM] Sirius 17: no actually, the Logos does play both sides Brook, hard to see but i see how it is manipulating Islam to force the polarity to a head
    [9:28:54 AM] Sirius 17: the Logos plays the light within the dark and the dark within the light, it is a war going on yes
    [9:29:07 AM] Sirius 17: yes i recall you said this
    [9:29:32 AM] Sirius 17: do you think they killed John on purpose?
    [9:30:15 AM] Brook Schiner: Then I get to California to bury my son....and Harry Lennix shows up...and the city council is giving adjourning motions? That is political...that is son was involved in politics?
    [9:30:19 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [9:30:29 AM] Sirius 17: yes i watched that one
    [9:30:42 AM] Sirius 17: it was very odd
    [9:31:21 AM] Brook Schiner: No...John was ONLY involved in politics with one person I know of and that was another dead guy....Robin Williams who was in plenty of trouble with the Islam folks...the cheered his death
    [9:31:26 AM] Brook Schiner: Check it
    [9:32:09 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [9:32:22 AM] Brook Schiner: That was the reason they cheered RW death
    [9:33:31 AM] Brook Schiner: Now that photo I shared with John and Robin who john work on plenty of films with....was not from a was from a political get out and vote rally and that photo was from the after party
    [9:33:55 AM] Sirius 17: yes Robin is right, they get to fantasy Allah heaven and get raisins
    [9:34:01 AM] Sirius 17: god he is hilarious
    [9:34:29 AM] Sirius 17: yeah you shared it with me, tagged me in it recall
    [9:34:35 AM | Edited 9:34:40 AM] Sirius 17: i think i am still tagged in it
    [9:34:51 AM] Sirius 17: you tagged me while John and Robin were alive
    [9:34:54 AM] Sirius 17: still
    [9:35:01 AM] Sirius 17: well in bodies
    [9:35:07 AM] Sirius 17: i consider them both very much alive
    [9:35:11 AM] Sirius 17: as waveforms now
    [9:35:16 AM] Sirius 17: Logos
    [9:35:33 AM] Sirius 17: they are trying to help us Brook, i know you can see this
    [9:36:07 AM] Sirius 17: the 'dead' can't do much without bodies who can understand them though
    [9:36:14 AM] Sirius 17: except watch
    [9:37:45 AM] Brook Schiner: John has been telling me this for quite sometime...I'm just too dense sometimes to get it....I didn't know until recently he was involved with these jokers....Not Robin...but Giovanni and Harry lennix...Harry lennix....there's a whole lot more on Harry Lennix....and he did not care for Robin Williams....AT ALL!
    [9:39:00 AM] Brook Schiner: Harry lennix flamed one of the movies Robin was in before he died. Harry lennix is becoming the godfather of Hollywood in case you were not aware....
    [9:39:38 AM] Brook Schiner: Here's another one Harry and John were working on...get this....
    [9:39:39 AM] Sirius 17: does he have ties to Islam? I am not as familar with Hollywood as you hon
    [9:40:07 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [9:40:37 AM] Brook Schiner: It's shakesphere for the getto...
    [9:41:40 AM] Brook Schiner: From the pdf...from Tony... * Convert angry, alienated black inmates and turn them into militants
    [9:41:56 AM] Sirius 17: yes you see it
    [9:42:36 AM] Brook Schiner: Are you getting what I'm meaning here? What was in the son was working on for crying out loud!
    [9:42:57 AM] Sirius 17: yes i hear you
    [9:43:04 AM] Brook Schiner: Good
    [9:43:11 AM] Sirius 17: but he was decieved ok
    [9:43:12 AM] Brook Schiner: I know you would get it
    [9:43:32 AM] Brook Schiner: Absolutely....he was just in it to MAKE MOVIES.....
    [9:43:40 AM] Sirius 17: and now he is out of the body he is warning you as you are him alive do you read me?
    [9:43:50 AM] Brook Schiner: YEP
    [9:43:52 AM] Sirius 17: good
    [9:45:05 AM] Brook Schiner: This is so's been in the works long before France...but look at the turn of events? Look at that trailer's just been August
    [9:45:06 AM] Sirius 17: JOHN=47=74=JESUS
    [9:45:14 AM] Sirius 17: 47=TIME
    [9:45:22 AM] Sirius 17: 11
    [9:45:25 AM] Sirius 17: 2
    [9:45:59 AM] Sirius 17:

    (11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

    [9:46:10 AM] Sirius 17: Now read this and what i just said about you reading me
    [9:46:22 AM] Sirius 17: there it is right there for you in the GOT Brook
    [9:46:27 AM] Sirius 17: Jesus's words, not mine
    [9:47:12 AM] Sirius 17:

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    [9:47:31 AM] Sirius 17:

    (47) Jesus said, "It is impossible for a man to mount two horses or to stretch two bows. And it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters; otherwise, he will honor the one and treat the other contemptuously. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. And new wine is not put into old wineskins, lest they burst; nor is old wine put into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, because a tear would result."

    [9:47:38 AM] Sirius 17: some more GOT codes
    [9:47:50 AM] Sirius 17: all confirmed by your own testimony
    [9:48:02 AM] Sirius 17: and we did not nor could not make that up for you
    [9:48:40 AM] Sirius 17:

    (74) He said, "O Lord, there are many around the drinking trough, but there is nothing in the cistern."

    [9:48:49 AM] Brook Schiner: Indeed I see it...and when I saw that pdf information I about flipped because I was investigating this whole thing with Giovanni and John and Harry....
    [9:49:04 AM] Sirius 17: i see, makes sense
    [9:49:18 AM] Sirius 17: tell me more about how you came to know Pris and BR
    [9:49:28 AM] Sirius 17: i am just starting to read their silly thread
    [9:49:32 AM] Brook Schiner: from that pdf
    [9:49:35 AM] Sirius 17: you know the contact one
    [9:49:37 AM] Brook Schiner: Let the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and national media that terrorists have hijacked
    Islam, when in truth, Islam hijacked the terrorists.
    [9:49:56 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [9:50:27 AM] Brook Schiner: Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the U.S. by spotlighting their voting record as the highest percentage of all minority and
    ethic groups in America.
    [9:50:46 AM] Sirius 17: yeah that one is chilling isn't it?
    [9:50:51 AM] Brook Schiner: That is in that Ben Yousef video...I posted here
    [9:52:22 AM] Brook Schiner: Well...there's actually a whole lot more I could share but it's rather I'll leave it at that because I'm sure the others here might be interested ..I'm certain Tony will be interested...I promised him I would share this with him and here I have.
    [9:53:19 AM] Brook Schiner: I do want to reiterate ....Cuba will play a part here...just watch....just watch....
    [9:53:38 AM] Brook Schiner: It may not seem like it now....but it will
    [9:55:32 AM] Sirius 17: yes well you could be right hon
    [9:55:54 AM] Sirius 17: and i do trust that John is helping you to see things
    [9:56:16 AM] Brook Schiner: here is one more that will chill you...same guy...
    [9:56:21 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [9:56:39 AM] Brook Schiner: I do trust John had been working to get me to see this...
    [9:59:01 AM] Sirius 17: you know what this is so decieving too
    [9:59:19 AM] Sirius 17: Islam pretending to get along with the infidel
    [9:59:54 AM] Sirius 17: now show those interfaith church goers the Homs video of the slaughterhouse and see how cosy they feel about it
    [9:59:55 AM] Brook Schiner: Yell ''foul, out-of-context, personal interpretation, hate crime, Zionist, un- American, inaccurate interpretation of the Quran''
    anytime Islam is criticized or the Quran is analyzed in the public arena.
    [10:00:08 AM] Brook Schiner: Exactly
    [10:00:14 AM] Sirius 17: oh it is not allowed to be critisized
    [10:00:34 AM] Sirius 17: ever wonder why we get banned?
    [10:00:40 AM] Brook Schiner: Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches
    and mosques on the virtues of Islam. Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the same
    monotheistic faith.
    [10:00:48 AM] Sirius 17: the truth often gets banned
    [10:00:52 AM] Sirius 17: everywhere
    [10:01:27 AM] Sirius 17: and it is the lies that are spread, including all these zionist conspiracy theories, they are just bait and switch games ok
    [10:01:45 AM] Sirius 17: the MB and Islam has been spreading this shit using hollywood too
    [10:02:20 AM] Brook Schiner: Well....I have a bad feeling about what John got next to....and I think he would be appalled at this whole thing. Remember this....John and I were very close....I knew how he thought on these matters....
    [10:02:42 AM] Sirius 17: yes but remember now he has gone cosmic
    [10:02:50 AM] Sirius 17: his mind is not human anymore
    [10:02:57 AM] Sirius 17: this is the real ET contact hon
    [10:03:40 AM] Brook Schiner: That is understandable....but in his human mind this would fry him and he would not have participated if he knew what this was leading to you see what I mean?
    [10:04:01 AM] Sirius 17: yes but he is no longer human and he is immune to such thoughts
    [10:04:10 AM] Sirius 17: he knows full well what he is now
    [10:04:10 AM] Brook Schiner: a given
    [10:04:32 AM] Brook Schiner: I get that...
    [10:04:41 AM] Sirius 17: and so take comfort that you are getting his higher dimensional advice
    [10:04:52 AM] Brook Schiner: I do
    [10:05:41 AM] Sirius 17: this will help Susan too as her mother just passed as well
    [10:05:59 AM] Brook Schiner: I think he also nudged me to tell this and show this to Tony....because I had a dream about this with Tony in it....and I don't dream of Tony...LOL
    [10:06:16 AM] Sirius 17: whynot lol
    [10:06:21 AM] Brook Schiner: LOL
    [10:06:27 AM] Brook Schiner: You know what I mean
    [10:06:28 AM] Sirius 17: i think we have all dreamed of Tony
    [10:06:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes i am teasing lol
    [10:06:42 AM] Brook Schiner: Wel...that was the first one I ever had
    [10:06:45 AM] Sirius 17: i hope it was sexy
    [10:06:49 AM] Brook Schiner: no
    [10:07:01 AM] Sirius 17: oh well those will come lol
    [10:07:02 AM] Brook Schiner: it was Sirius....LOL
    [10:07:09 AM] Sirius 17: lol good one
    [10:07:42 AM] Brook Schiner: Well...sweety I have to go...the dog is barking and needs to be fed....feed me he's yelling!
    [10:07:58 AM] Sirius 17: DOG=GOD yes feed the dog
    [10:08:05 AM] Brook Schiner: LOL...yes
    [10:08:14 AM] Sirius 17: give him a kiss for me
    [10:08:34 AM] Sirius 17: omg i saw the cutest french bull dog the other day at the bank, i wanted to take him home with me
    [10:08:39 AM] Sirius 17: i thought of you
    [10:08:47 AM] Sirius 17: and your baby
    [10:09:06 AM] Sirius 17: too much cuteness all packed into those bulldogs
    [10:09:16 AM] Brook Schiner: Will do....I'll share a video I made of him here too...see ya later!
    [10:09:27 AM] Sirius 17: take care Brook
    [10:10:10 AM] Brook Schiner: computer is stuck...I'll share it later and go feed the dog....later
    [10:10:21 AM] Sirius 17: sure
    [10:10:23 AM] Brook Schiner: you too...take care
    [10:11:48 AM] Brook Schiner: Unstuck....enjoy
    [10:11:53 AM] Brook Schiner:


    [10:14:29 AM] Sirius 17: hey Brook, we are Sirius too

    [12:34:28 PM] Kali 666: [11/18/2015 8:16:09 PM] Raven: i just noticed you left that chat
    [11/18/2015 8:16:29 PM ] Wyzard: Yes the time has come to 'take sides'
    [11/18/2015 8:16:43 PM] Raven: i guess i will also, i am tired of the monologue myself
    [11/18/2015 8:16:52 PM] raxnae: yes I was recently watching Robert Bob Dean's Cosmic Top Secret on Xen
    [11/18/2015 8:17:00 PM] Wyzard: I am rather disappounted with xeia
    [11/18/2015 8:17:22 PM] Wyzard: her wanting to 'go there and 'help' asha buying her food etc is just obnoxious
    [11/18/2015 8:17:51 PM] Wyzard: They also started their own chat now so this was my Logos trigger to distance myself
    [11/18/2015 8:18:02 PM] Raven: oh they did, i wouldn't know
    [11/18/2015 8:18:10 PM] Raven: they never invite us so whatever
    [11/18/2015 8:18:22 PM] Wyzard: Look at the last few lines where Zaina says go to that room or something
    [11/18/2015 8:18:30 PM] Raven: i left both chats also
    [11/18/2015 8:18:52 PM] raxnae: I made this so I could continue seeing the Logos information through you guys cause I am a student and wish to learn the true true as one movie put it
    [11/18/2015 8:18:58 PM] Raven: well likely they have had an alternate chat for a while
    [11/18/2015 8:19:08 PM | Edited 8:19:49 PM] Wyzard: You did not have to but if you read the above you know that they cant be trusted; especially in the developments since this dream
    [11/18/2015 8:19:29 PM] Wyzard: No read the last few lines it is all about 'helping' asha
    [11/18/2015 8:19:34 PM] Wyzard: or ex Roger
    [11/18/2015 8:19:35 PM] Raven: yes i see
    [11/18/2015 8:19:54 PM] Wyzard: merci
    [11/18/2015 8:20:03 PM] Raven: [1:31:36 PM] Daenerys Targaryen: I have nothing
    [1:31:58 PM] Daenerys Targaryen: two mugs I have and one fork
    [1:32:03 PM] Zaina: lol
    [1:32:09 PM] Daenerys Targaryen: really
    [1:32:20 PM] Zaina: i think i may start sending you things give me your address
    [1:32:34 PM] Daenerys Targaryen: You have my address
    [1:32:40 PM] Xeia: i don't
    [1:32:41 PM] Zaina: no not any longer
    [1:32:47 PM] Xeia: so you can put it in my window
    [1:32:53 PM] Xeia: wait
    [11/18/2015 8:20:09 PM] Raven: yes poor asha
    [11/18/2015 8:20:29 PM] Wyzard: Its all fake
    [11/18/2015 8:20:40 PM] Raven: of course as we have known for years
    [11/18/2015 8:20:40 PM] Wyzard: And no thuban would fall for it
    [11/18/2015 8:21:01 PM] Wyzard: So her dragon nature is not what i thought it was
    [11/18/2015 8:21:02 PM] Raven: i was being sarcastic of course in saying poor asha
    [11/18/2015 8:21:10 PM] raxnae: lol
    [11/18/2015 8:21:10 PM] Wyzard: I know lol
    [11/18/2015 8:21:38 PM] Wyzard: I had my suspicions though for a while, she being 'so nice' to exRoger
    [11/18/2015 8:21:42 PM] Raven: how many years of her monologues, she makes Susan's monologues look like nothing
    [11/18/2015 8:21:51 PM] Raven: years of her ranting and raving bs
    [11/18/2015 8:21:52 PM] Wyzard: You got it
    [12:35:57 PM] Kali 666:
    For someone who is always spitting on 'hurt human feelings', you sound pretty "hurt" here Tony
    [12:36:20 PM] Kali 666: hurt as in a 12 yr old teenager in school recess
    [12:36:45 PM] Kali 666: oh look, she is talking to Asha....hmmff! I am outta here!
    [12:37:41 PM] Kali 666: the level of hatred and utter contempt you feel for her is out of this world
    [12:40:28 PM] Kali 666: [Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:19 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< You did not have to but if you read the above you know that they cant be trusted;Telling Brandon that i cannot be trusted...
    [12:41:51 PM] Kali 666: Typical father figure Super Ego memeplex you have there
    [12:42:15 PM] Kali 666: in reality super immature and childish
    [12:43:22 PM] Kali 666: [Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:17 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< I am rather disappounted with xeia
    her wanting to 'go there and 'help' asha buying her food etc is just obnoxious
    [12:43:47 PM] Kali 666: what is truly obnoxious, is you even caring if i were to send her money or not
    [12:43:51 PM] Kali 666: or help her in any way
    [12:44:00 PM] Kali 666: shape or form
    [12:46:07 PM] Kali 666: [11/18/2015 8:20:29 PM] Wyzard: Its all fake
    [11/18/2015 8:20:40 PM] Raven: of course as we have known for years
    [11/18/2015 8:20:40 PM] Wyzard: And no thuban would fall for it
    IF you and Raven knew that she was lying and being a fake and that in truth she is not peniless, then that was between you and i did not know that for a fact

    [12:46:47 PM] Kali 666: [Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:21 PM]
    <<< So her dragon nature is not what i thought it was

    What in the world would you OR RAVEN know about my "Dragon nature"
    [12:48:27 PM] Kali 666: Your hatred is such that you cannot even call her by her own name
    [12:48:39 PM] Kali 666: she is "exRoger" now eh?
    [12:48:39 PM] raxnae: it seems you took up that offer, unfortunately I am not eligible to respond as it is not me involved personally invested etc.
    [12:48:59 PM] Kali 666: what offer?
    [12:49:12 PM] raxnae: to look at the beginning of the chats birth
    [12:49:35 PM] Kali 666: does it matter where in the chat this is?
    [12:49:47 PM] Kali 666: i am not allowed to look?
    [12:50:39 PM] raxnae: not really I'm just surprised you actually took the time to look is all, it shows a personal investment, when the ET mind would just process the data and counter argue based on logic and reason instead of emotion
    [12:51:42 PM] Kali 666: don't 'et mind' me with Tony's speech
    [12:51:45 PM] raxnae: your "roaring ocean" is showing lol
    [12:52:00 PM] Kali 666: i am bringing it up to light
    [12:52:08 PM] Kali 666: for Rok to see
    [12:52:12 PM] Kali 666: is that bad?
    [12:52:20 PM] raxnae: neutral
    [12:52:32 PM] Kali 666: why should it remain hidden and "forgotten"
    [12:52:46 PM] Kali 666: when it shows people's true colors?
    [12:53:07 PM] Kali 666: it shows Tony's true sentiments
    [12:53:21 PM] Kali 666: despite him always saying he despises "human feelings"
    [12:53:39 PM] raxnae: if you have reason to believe this then let it be so, but you still are reacting emotionally and not looking at it impersonally, its like the cave of darkness on Dagoba where Yoda was found, you take in only what is within you
    [12:54:17 PM] Kali 666: i look at it yes
    [12:54:20 PM] Kali 666: i look
    [12:54:27 PM] Kali 666: as i look at this for example:
    [12:54:30 PM] Kali 666: [Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:18 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< well likely they have had an alternate chat for a while
    [12:54:38 PM] Kali 666: which is of course NOT TRUE
    [12:54:54 PM] Kali 666: just more of her poisonous assumptions
    [12:55:13 PM] Kali 666: she LOVES to do this all the time
    [12:55:38 PM] raxnae: assumptions make an ass of all of us, but why did she feel the need to say this is the question? how were the rest of the more active chatters treating Tony and Raven?
    [12:55:56 PM] Kali 666: how am i to know?
    [12:56:12 PM] raxnae: then you are hiding what should not be hidden
    [12:56:26 PM] Kali 666: just because nobody speaks on that group chat, that automatically has to mean i have secret chatrooms on the side where they are not invited???
    [12:56:37 PM] Kali 666: please...that is so childish
    [12:57:55 PM] Kali 666: Zaina and i were in that new group with Asha so that she could give her actual real address...and at any point i thought that she was lying saying she had no money if in reality she did
    [12:58:27 PM] Kali 666: soon thereafter not even days later zaina left appalled and in FEAR of Thubans and that group chat was destroyed
    [12:58:35 PM] Kali 666: but that is not the point
    [12:58:50 PM] Kali 666: the point is on the LIES created to make others look bad
    [12:58:57 PM] Kali 666: why does it have to be like this?
    [12:59:05 PM] Kali 666: where is the honor in that?
    [12:59:28 PM] raxnae: the point is as always the Devil Memeplex of Islam ensnaring others and the ability to discern truth from bs
    [12:59:56 PM] Kali 666: islam is new here Brandon...Tony just realized this himself not more than a month or two ago
    [12:59:57 PM] raxnae: this was ranted about days on end by Asha
    [1:00:05 PM] Kali 666: he said it himself
    [1:00:13 PM] Kali 666: so?
    [1:00:33 PM] Kali 666: Tony also rants and posts his own cosmology over and over
    [1:00:37 PM] Kali 666: so what?
    [1:00:42 PM] raxnae: everytime Tony posted raw data he was called names etc. all rather unwarranted
    [1:00:53 PM] Kali 666: he can do it but no other Thuban can?
    [1:01:21 PM] raxnae: if you have raw data and information to dispense then dispense it
    [1:01:27 PM] Kali 666: but the data should stand up for itself in any case
    [1:01:32 PM] Kali 666: it needs no defending
    [1:01:39 PM] raxnae: if not then what is the point of arguing about it?
    [1:01:58 PM] Kali 666: the problem is that there never was a real argument
    [1:02:00 PM] Kali 666: ever
    [1:02:12 PM] Kali 666: no discussion, no questions asked
    [1:02:16 PM] Kali 666: and IF asked
    [1:02:18 PM] Kali 666: no answers.
    [1:02:25 PM] Kali 666: just "secrets"
    [1:02:29 PM] Kali 666: evasives
    [1:02:41 PM] Kali 666: nothing else
    [1:02:44 PM] raxnae: Asha is immune to the asking of questions and discussions based on logic and reason
    [1:03:07 PM] raxnae: therefore why bother?
    [1:03:20 PM] Kali 666: am i asking you to bother?
    [1:03:55 PM] raxnae: I'm merely pointing out the true issue involved in this, not the human personal egotistical bs
    [1:04:40 PM] Kali 666: then what is the small chat excerpt i reposted up here if not exactly that?
    [1:06:04 PM] raxnae: perhaps they misjudged you and if they did they are at fault on the human level, but those were words not swords cutting off your head, the question is can you overlook the human bs, forgive and forget, because if you cannot forgive then they will always have power over you
    [1:07:04 PM] Kali 666: would you like it if i said to other people that you cannot be trusted?
    [1:07:49 PM] raxnae: if I were compromised it would be the best course of action whether I liked or disliked it, they thought you were compromised because of your seemingly loyalty to Asha
    [1:10:18 PM] Kali 666: you were not here in the beginning of Thuban Brandon, but if you were you would have witnessed how this "movement" of Thuban all began in the first place and under what mottos and understandings
    [1:10:26 PM] Kali 666: it was never ever meant to be a one man show
    [1:11:01 PM] Kali 666: and back then many of us were hooked by the notion of everybody neing very very different but all working together under a common goal
    [1:11:21 PM] Kali 666: our DIFFERENCES were respected and honored and valued and praised
    [1:11:31 PM] Kali 666: that is what started it all
    [1:11:51 PM] Kali 666: you can ask Rok if you do not "trust" me that i say the truth
    [1:12:06 PM] raxnae: you are right I was not here at the beginning, I arrived at the DECLINE just as all things rise and fall
    [1:13:01 PM] Kali 666: so then, back then, the notion of one Thuban being against another for philosophical reasons or whatever was abhorrent
    [1:13:39 PM] raxnae: that may be so, but it doesn't change the fact that Islam is the Enemy of the World
    [1:15:01 PM] Kali 666: the fallout came when individual feelings began clashing with Tony's Logos downloads or agenda
    [1:15:21 PM] Kali 666: then the separation began to occur
    [1:16:05 PM] Kali 666: those who 'know' and those who do not 'know', those who are 'attuned' and those who are not 'attuned'
    [1:16:24 PM] raxnae: its only natural among groups, especially on the human hive mind of the internet, where there are multiple overminds and differing levels of loyalty to each
    [1:17:28 PM] Kali 666: something like that was never supposed to be 'natural' in a group like Thuban...a group of supposedly awakened and enlightened beings
    [1:18:01 PM] Kali 666: then the idolization of the "et's" became more and more evident
    [1:18:38 PM] Kali 666: using terms like the "ET mind" as a praise versus the term "human mind" used as a form of insult
    [1:19:11 PM] Kali 666: and a "true" Thuban is supposed to notice this knee bending and go quietly into the night?
    [1:19:15 PM] Kali 666: bend over and take it?
    [1:20:00 PM] Kali 666: just because the self professed "leaders" aka Tony and Raven decide it to be so?
    [1:20:42 PM] raxnae: it is what it is
    [1:21:03 PM] Kali 666: all whilst people like Susan would rant and beg for help and other members would also go through their own individual hells and noone would care because it was not in their Logos timeline?
    [1:21:26 PM] raxnae: obviously your loyalty to the hive mind of thuban is still existant or you wouldn't be here talking
    [1:22:00 PM] raxnae: we all have our personal hells to go through Xeia, I've spoken to Susan many times
    [1:22:26 PM] Kali 666: if a Thuban reaches out to another Thuban in lend a hand....does it have to be advertized on the group chats for all others to see? does it have to be posted as propaganda as the good deed of the day in one of the Thuban posts on teh forums for all the world to see?
    [1:22:48 PM] Kali 666: and if it is not done that way...people are all of a sudden changing "loyalties"???
    [1:23:21 PM] raxnae: the sharing of data is of importance and interaction is to be observed and run through ones data processor
    [1:23:58 PM] raxnae: that is what Thuban comes down to, the sharing of information and data
    [1:25:02 PM] Kali 666: Tony and Raven think that everything Thuban needs to be done and run through them for them to pass judgement on it and to see if it is in accordance to their agenda, otheriwise it is "bs" or backstabing or whatever...that is not just is dogmatic
    [1:25:17 PM] raxnae: and the truth is you need to make peace not war
    [1:25:29 PM] raxnae: the true war is with something far worse
    [1:25:39 PM] raxnae: that people are literally losing their heads over
    [1:25:56 PM] Kali 666: how can i make peace when i read through these chats and all i see is defamation?
    [1:26:22 PM] Kali 666: killing of character
    [1:26:42 PM] raxnae: because you're smart and know the only way to restore character is to be the character
    [1:26:52 PM] Kali 666: to later say: " is not you, it is your human mind we despise"
    [1:27:01 PM] Kali 666: we judge
    [1:27:20 PM] raxnae: of course we all judge, that is in our nature
    [1:28:04 PM] Kali 666: Tony spoke of the environment that you are in...the company that you keep...etc
    [1:28:35 PM] Kali 666: are Thubans now supposed to run a check with him to see if it is ok if we chat with this person or that one?
    [1:29:14 PM] raxnae: did you fail to follow the timeline that you know more about than I do?
    [1:29:40 PM] Kali 666: even more so after in more than one occasion he has said his personal "goodbyes" to all of us saying that he is now officially retired and over with Thuban as it is
    [1:31:07 PM] Kali 666: so he decides to "leave" Thuban and then i am being judged because i had ONE TIME, ONE CHAT with Asha and Zaina, after which btw, Zaina BLOCKED ME for no other reason than her thinkiing I am anti-islam as Tony is?
    [1:32:05 PM] raxnae: can you not follow the paradigm shifts?
    [1:32:25 PM] Kali 666: do you know i have a very nice painting my mother bought for me in the Alhambra of Spain, which has Arabic letters in it praising Allah hanging right on the wall in my living room?
    [1:32:32 PM] Kali 666: Does THAT make me a terrorist Tony?
    [1:33:04 PM] Kali 666: yes Brandon...i do keep track of all that
    [1:33:12 PM] raxnae: that is more like a joke than an actual provocation lol
    [1:33:20 PM] Kali 666: no
    [1:33:23 PM] Kali 666: it is the TRUTH
    [1:33:33 PM] Kali 666: i do have it, i can take a picture to prove it
    [1:33:42 PM] Kali 666: but that is not the point
    [1:34:28 PM] Kali 666: do i have to completely HATE everything ever associated with the islamic culture in order to qualify for Logos salvation?
    [1:34:51 PM] Kali 666: teh arts?
    [1:34:53 PM] Kali 666: the music?
    [1:35:08 PM] Kali 666: the written language?
    [1:35:13 PM] Kali 666: the dresses?
    [1:35:17 PM] Kali 666: everything?
    [1:35:29 PM] Kali 666: and if i do not hate
    [1:35:36 PM] Kali 666: what does that make me?
    [1:35:42 PM] Kali 666: anti-Logos?
    [1:35:46 PM] Kali 666: says who?
    [1:35:48 PM] Kali 666: you?
    [1:35:52 PM] Kali 666: Raven?
    [1:35:56 PM] Kali 666: please
    [1:36:37 PM] Kali 666: Raven and Tony treat us Thubans as if we were the same bunch as the people out there who know not what's going on
    [1:36:44 PM] raxnae: You can like or dislike whatever you want it still does not change the fact that the CORE VALUES of the culture are anti life
    [1:37:15 PM] raxnae: or have you not read a quran?
    [1:37:38 PM] Kali 666: i know what the agenda is
    [1:37:49 PM] Kali 666: in the mind of Tony
    [1:37:55 PM] Kali 666: he has explained it himself
    [1:38:10 PM] Kali 666: and he has also said, that he will do it alone if he has to
    [1:38:37 PM] Kali 666: ofc he knows very well that is not true as he knows very well that Raven will too
    [1:38:55 PM] Kali 666: and that is all fine
    [1:39:09 PM] Kali 666: they have the right to go about their lives as they choose to
    [1:39:26 PM] raxnae: this is basically turning into a dispute between a labor union and the chairman of the board
    [1:39:55 PM] Kali 666: but when using the label Thuban, there is no way they can dissasociate Tony's agenda with the rest of Thubans who were here since the beginning
    [1:40:20 PM] Kali 666: so the thing is that now, everybody thinks ALL THUBANS are haters
    [1:40:45 PM] Kali 666: that we all share exactly the same sentiment as Tony's
    [1:42:36 PM] raxnae: you can move to a muslim country and convert for all I care, but I have watched the history of Islam, for any of its beauty it is far more covered in death and destruction
    [1:42:52 PM] Kali 666: Where is the respect for individuation that was professed at the beginning?
    [1:43:30 PM] Kali 666: listen, it can be islam now, judaism later, or any other religion
    [1:43:38 PM] raxnae: I know this because they personally tried to subvert me and convert me into a militant islamic terrorist
    [1:43:40 PM] Kali 666: that is not the point
    [1:44:11 PM] raxnae: I have no hatred of muslims themselves
    [1:44:15 PM] raxnae: only their idea
    [1:44:58 PM] Kali 666: if you want to talk about islam so much...let's do it
    [1:45:30 PM] Kali 666: i agree that all the atrocitoes commited lately "in the name of" have been and are barbaric
    [1:45:42 PM] Kali 666: just as they were for ages
    [1:45:55 PM] Kali 666: "in the name of......" (fill in the blank)
    [1:46:04 PM] Kali 666: ofc they are
    [1:47:26 PM] Kali 666: even a very asleep sheeple new to the new age would be able to see something so horrible and ofc he would be offended and would tremble in fear watching those terrible pictures of babies dead with mutilated bodies that btw resemble a lot of the pictures of palestinian children killed by the zionists
    [1:47:45 PM] Kali 666: but ok...let's all agree that those barbarities are non natura and must stop
    [1:47:58 PM] Kali 666: ok so far?
    [1:48:32 PM] raxnae: sure
    [1:48:50 PM] Kali 666: yes they are very very terrible and horrible
    [1:49:01 PM] Kali 666: glad we are all in agreement
    [1:49:18 PM] raxnae: the problem is an idea can't be killed or fought naturally, it must either transform into a new idea, or die a natural death after running its course
    [1:49:51 PM] Kali 666: now you tell me, why post and repost those images over and over in facebook, in the on Skype...
    [1:49:53 PM] Kali 666: why?
    [1:50:23 PM] raxnae: to simply act as a mirror of truth that the west still to this day denies
    [1:50:37 PM] Kali 666: over and over?
    [1:50:45 PM] raxnae: yes over and over until it clicks
    [1:50:56 PM] Kali 666: yes and then it clicks ok?
    [1:51:04 PM] Kali 666: the person already knows it is true
    [1:51:09 PM] raxnae: and then the idea can die
    [1:51:18 PM] Kali 666: and the person is already appaled and hating islam as much as you do
    [1:51:25 PM] Kali 666: and then over and over again
    [1:51:27 PM] Kali 666: why?
    [1:51:48 PM] Kali 666: it is like asking a person to eat a rotten apple who they can see already it is rotten
    [1:52:00 PM] Kali 666: they take a bite and they can verify that in fact it is rotten
    [1:52:13 PM] Kali 666: but you want them to take their time and eat it slowly and eat it all
    [1:52:25 PM] Kali 666: just to convince them that the apple is already rotten
    [1:52:40 PM] Kali 666: thing is...the person already KNOWS that it is
    [1:52:45 PM] Kali 666: then what?
    [1:52:50 PM] raxnae: one bad apple spoils the bunch
    [1:53:17 PM] Kali 666: yes but you have it in your your face and you see it and you already despise what you see
    [1:53:34 PM] Kali 666: and your mind is set already that what you face in front of you is evil
    [1:53:38 PM] Kali 666: you are already convinced
    [1:53:42 PM] Kali 666: why more?
    [1:53:50 PM] Kali 666: why more to the same person?
    [1:54:11 PM] raxnae: because if one good man fails to act when evil is going on, then we are doomed
    [1:54:41 PM] raxnae: to paraphrase a popular quote
    [1:54:52 PM] Kali 666: so you expect each person that you convince .go out there and take action?
    [1:55:02 PM] Kali 666: how?
    [1:55:11 PM] Kali 666: to take arms against islam?
    [1:55:17 PM] Kali 666: will you Rax?
    [1:55:27 PM] raxnae: I already did and have and still am
    [1:55:46 PM] Kali 666: will you go kill if it comes to that?
    [1:56:14 PM] raxnae: I am not inclined to kill in blood but rather in thought
    [1:56:22 PM] Kali 666: will you join Tony and go kill Islamists?
    [1:56:24 PM] raxnae: a revolution of the mind
    [1:56:46 PM] raxnae: to "kill an islamist" can simply mean to free them from Islam's idea
    [1:56:48 PM] Kali 666: and how will you do that on the virtual world?
    [1:57:07 PM] Kali 666: and how do you suppose you will achieve that?
    [1:57:23 PM] Kali 666: by showing the muslims how wrong they are?
    [1:57:30 PM] Kali 666: and how right you are?
    [1:57:37 PM] Kali 666: do you thik they will listen to you?
    [1:58:02 PM] raxnae: not at first, but eventually the snowball becomes an avalanche
    [1:58:34 PM] Kali 666: you mean you have grasped Tony's idea of a "revolution of the mind"
    [1:58:36 PM] Kali 666: right?
    [1:58:50 PM] Kali 666: you want then to help incept people with an idea
    [1:58:53 PM] Kali 666: yes?
    [1:59:13 PM] raxnae: just throwin seeds over my shoulder as a past time activity
    [1:59:24 PM] raxnae: whilst the rest of the world blindly goes about the rat race
    [1:59:27 PM] raxnae: why care?
    [1:59:36 PM] raxnae: because I do thats all that matters to me
    [1:59:51 PM] Kali 666: yeah what you do matters to you ofc
    [2:00:09 PM] Kali 666: Tony is definitely on a mission here
    [2:00:21 PM] Kali 666: he has said it need to quote him directly
    [2:00:38 PM] Kali 666: although the quote is forever stamped here on Skype history
    [2:01:13 PM] Kali 666: a mission that he says himself has just come upon realizing fairly recently
    [2:01:37 PM] Kali 666: due to the turn of events and a certain video he watched of a university gathering
    [2:01:41 PM] raxnae: it does not matter when one realizes the truth, it is the merit of the realization itself that counts most
    [2:02:16 PM] Kali 666: yes...i realize many truths also...and so do many other millions of people throughout the world Rax
    [2:02:54 PM] Kali 666: but that new realization of his has turned Thuban into a "new machine" now
    [2:03:35 PM] raxnae: as per predictions of your very own timeline
    [2:03:40 PM] Kali 666: and this is what is troubling to me
    [2:03:54 PM] Kali 666: my own timeline?
    [2:04:05 PM] Kali 666: you mean Tony's timeline right?
    [2:04:22 PM] Kali 666: you are referring to the charts he makes?
    [2:04:28 PM] raxnae: you mean the one you followed for years but now somehow can't stomache?
    [2:04:42 PM] Kali 666: i can and do read them
    [2:05:03 PM] Kali 666: in detail...i like to spend my time looking into them...always have
    [2:05:30 PM] Kali 666: as i like to look into many other things i find interesting in detail
    [2:06:10 PM] Kali 666: so i do not know where you get this that "i cannot stomache" it
    [2:06:34 PM] raxnae: because it predicted this very new machine you are bringing to the surface
    [2:06:44 PM] Kali 666: i am telling you that these charts...these many timelines ARE and have always been Tony's
    [2:06:55 PM] raxnae: even if at the time you did not realize it
    [2:07:32 PM] Kali 666: or it could also be, that the new machine was created exactly to appear inside the timeline
    [2:07:51 PM] Kali 666: purposefully
    [2:09:19 PM] raxnae: lets put on our tin foil hats here for just a moment, just a moment, its all a jewish conspiracy, zionists et all planted the one known as Tony to engage a specific kind of war against Islam for what?...........?Profit yes!
    [2:10:14 PM] Kali 666: the modus operandi is nothing new
    [2:10:19 PM] Kali 666: the purpose is
    [2:10:29 PM] Kali 666: the ultimate goal
    [2:11:14 PM] Kali 666: when i first looked into Thuban and became enamoured with it as an idea...i looked at the altruistic purpose
    [2:11:18 PM] Kali 666: it sold
    [2:11:26 PM] Kali 666: the ultimate goal
    [2:11:49 PM] Kali 666: you can ask the rest of the Thubans aside Tony and Raven what that was
    [2:12:16 PM] Kali 666: the "working together" part....never worked
    [2:12:29 PM] Kali 666: but that does NOT mean that it could not have
    [2:12:47 PM] Kali 666: i am sure that it could have worked and wonderfully
    [2:13:13 PM] Kali 666: but NOT under the mandate of one single person
    [2:14:05 PM] raxnae: so what is it, do you blame the messenger or the message?
    [2:14:05 PM] Kali 666: ther ewas even a time when Tony kept repeating that Thuban was going to be passed on to the femmes to guide
    [2:14:20 PM] Kali 666: the messager made the message
    [2:14:47 PM] Kali 666: just as he says mohammed made the Koran up
    [2:15:06 PM] raxnae: actually he says mohammed never existed
    [2:15:11 PM] Kali 666: what was Thuban if not Tony's "downloads"?
    [2:15:25 PM] Kali 666: i am saying that it has metamorphosized into this
    [2:16:11 PM] Kali 666: it has not transmuted into anything, it has only transfomed from one idea into another
    [2:16:56 PM] Kali 666: what is to say than a few months from now all of a sudden he will feel that something else is the new enemy? then what?
    [2:17:16 PM] raxnae: nothing can transmute without a philosopher's stone, and that can only be found by changing ideas until you find the idea that supercedes all other ideas and answers the sum of all things
    [2:18:18 PM] Kali 666: i said forcefully feeding people something that they are not ready to hear is but a futile attempt to try to change their hearts
    [2:18:38 PM] Kali 666: specially when it comes to muslims and their beliefs
    [2:18:49 PM] raxnae: right now the world is very obvious to anyone with an eye to see, Islam is like Surtur's Fire threatening to engulf the entire world, the only thing that can stop it is by changing and redefining Islam as an idea
    [2:20:13 PM] raxnae: do the mosulmen want war or peace? they speak out of both sides of their mouth, serpent tongued, it will end in war or peace as all things do. war.........war never changes
    [2:20:37 PM] Kali 666: war is already happening
    [2:20:46 PM] Kali 666: it will not "end up in"
    [2:20:51 PM] Kali 666: it is already happening
    [2:21:12 PM] Kali 666: people die and we do not find out
    [2:21:14 PM] Kali 666: why is that?
    [2:21:24 PM] Kali 666: who controls the media?
    [2:21:45 PM] Kali 666: the same media that is painting the muslims as the new antichrist
    [2:21:55 PM] Kali 666: is that new?
    [2:22:00 PM] Kali 666: who were blamed for 911?
    [2:22:18 PM] Kali 666: so Thuban is going to help with that rethoric?
    [2:24:14 PM] Kali 666: [Thuban as a group], the name that it implies, the weight that it carries....IT is going to help spread that propaganda?
    [2:25:12 PM] Kali 666: you write the word Thuban in something, it automatically implies a group of people.....NOT one man.
    [2:25:31 PM] Kali 666: who is at the helm of this machine?
    [2:26:34 PM] Kali 666:
    These are questions I raise.
    [2:26:52 PM] Kali 666: to be considered by ALL.
    [2:28:24 PM] Kali 666:
    and it does NOT mean i have "islamiphilia" or whatever made up label Tony loves to attach to me, not in the least
    [2:29:32 PM] Kali 666: i am not an islam lover nor am i a jew lover or whatever
    [2:29:50 PM] Kali 666: and i REFUSE to "take sides" in the ways IMPOSED onto me by another
    [2:30:11 PM] raxnae: if you think my side was imposed you are sorely mistaken
    [2:30:20 PM] Kali 666: i simply have my OWN mind and i raise questions
    [2:30:43 PM] raxnae: I've known for years the evils of Islam but lacked the will to fight it but now I have a will and a way and I will follow it to my grave
    [2:30:44 PM] Kali 666: No Brandon...not by you. It was Tony the one who said sides needed to be taken
    [2:31:01 PM] Kali 666: and he said that merely because he felt he needed to do so himself
    [2:31:26 PM] raxnae: no I have hated Islam ever since it first broke my heart way before Thuban even existed
    [2:32:10 PM] Kali 666: we all have our very own experiences...but imagine those who only had good experiences with it
    [2:32:21 PM] Kali 666: what about them?
    [2:32:32 PM] raxnae: I had good experiences with it as well
    [2:32:45 PM] Kali 666: as have i
    [2:33:37 PM] raxnae: I read a book called "The Alchemist" where the boy goes to the land of Moors from Spain and falls in love with a muslim girl who will wait for him until he finishes his quest, the only problem is that in reality Islam does not allow its women to marry outside their religion
    [2:33:58 PM] Kali 666: and yet some do
    [2:34:06 PM] Kali 666: did you know that?
    [2:34:10 PM] raxnae: and are called apostates and hunted
    [2:34:17 PM] Kali 666: nope
    [2:34:29 PM] Kali 666: not if their family does not practice
    [2:34:34 PM] raxnae: unless they live somewhere they can't be attacked so easily
    [2:34:52 PM] Kali 666: there are millions upon millions of people Brandon who are only religious just for show
    [2:35:03 PM] Kali 666: even in my own country
    [2:35:38 PM] Kali 666: the problem begins when you begin to beLIEve that ALL people are a certain way
    [2:35:48 PM] Kali 666: then you run into trouble
    [2:36:11 PM] raxnae: when did I say all people are the same?
    [2:36:21 PM] Kali 666: not all muslim countries are the matter how much the US mainstream media may want to sell that idea
    [2:36:32 PM] raxnae: Islam as an idea is what is the same as it has been for a thousand years
    [2:36:49 PM] raxnae: the US media kisses Islam's ass or are you blind?
    [2:37:58 PM] Kali 666: their customes are different, their dress, their languages are different, their political affiliations, as is ther way of worship too...even within the same "islamic" blanket religion
    [2:38:47 PM] raxnae: all Islam bows to the Caliphate, as long as there is a Caliphate Islam is the same fucking pox riddled blanket
    [2:39:05 PM] Kali 666: not even the people within the same family unit can be considered the same...imagine labeling all muslim countries
    [2:40:01 PM] raxnae: what do you know of war Xeia? I've been in it literally I know WAR
    [2:40:13 PM] Kali 666: people have the same wishes and hopes and dreams and sensitivities there just as here in this country as in South America and everywhere all around the world
    [2:40:42 PM] raxnae: sure everyones all love and light until they pull that knife from their back
    [2:40:55 PM] Kali 666: i don't need to be in a plane releasing bombs over people's heads in order to know the killing and the devastation happening in a war zone
    [2:41:25 PM] Kali 666: do you believe now that i am pro war?
    [2:41:36 PM] raxnae:


    this is my closing statement

    [2:41:47 PM] Sirius 17: This is what you don't understand Xeia. Islam is a memeplex and a very dangerous one. Where is it we have ever said all Muslims are bad? It is a meme war and you are making it about the personal again. It is a mental war that involves everyone ok every human being. This memeplex called Islam you could very well say that it is the devil made manifest and real ok.
    [2:42:10 PM] raxnae: exactly
    [2:43:18 PM] Kali 666: what i made the fact that you began to make up things like me having a chat with other Thubans and that you were not invited
    [2:43:39 PM] Kali 666: i made it personal when you agreed with Tony that for that reason, "I canot be trusted"
    [2:44:14 PM] Kali 666: i made personal the personal things you and Tony love to say about me personally
    [2:44:28 PM] Sirius 17: i didn't make that up, it is something i thought could be occuring, when we are in a chat with you and you don't speak in like 6 months or whatever i figured you must be talking to other people.
    [2:44:30 PM] Kali 666: that is what i made personal
    [2:45:11 PM] Kali 666: you "thought could be occurring"...cannot mask the vibes...the feelings you had at the time
    [2:45:16 PM] Kali 666: even if i read it weeks after
    [2:46:01 PM] Kali 666: no ofc not, and as a matter of fact, i also did not speak to Zaina for many months before that
    [2:46:15 PM] Kali 666: why when she came online i went to say hi
    [2:47:06 PM] Kali 666: Asha i had spoken to her sporadically but it is also not like Tony or you think...and i have no clue as to why he says that i have been brainwashed by her or something

    [2:47:48 PM] Sirius 17: Xeia your hostilities toward Tony and I have been clearly apparent to us for a few years now ok. So don't go pretending there hasn't been animosity towards us from you for a while now. Pretty much when you went down to Cancun with Rok the first time you became irrationally hostile towards us and anything Tony tried to help you with. Why do you think he went silent for so long, he was tired of dealing with you and Roks drama on a quite frequently daily basis and so he had enough, can you blame him? How many hours did we listen to you and try to help you and Rok see eye to eye and you blame Tony for what exactly now??? It is Tony's fault? Really?

    [2:47:59 PM] Kali 666: this childish attitude of: "you cannot be the friend of my sworn enemy" has gotten pretty ridiculous
    [2:48:28 PM] Kali 666: my "hostilities" as you call them are not new
    [2:48:48 PM] Kali 666: as i have always brought QUESTIONS into the table
    [2:48:52 PM] Sirius 17: well you still have yet to take responsibility for your own mind and somehow it is all our fault?
    [2:49:08 PM] Kali 666: and if i had something, anything to say to you, i said it straight up
    [2:49:24 PM] Sirius 17: right likewise
    [2:49:34 PM] Sirius 17: why we continually added you into our discussions ect
    [2:49:43 PM] Sirius 17: but we are such bastards for that i guess
    [2:49:45 PM] Kali 666: i never went inventing things out of thin air just because of suppositions
    [2:49:57 PM] Kali 666: what discussions?
    [2:50:17 PM] Kali 666: the only chat that Tony ever talked in was ABC and only Rok was there
    [2:50:17 PM] Sirius 17: no one is inventing anything except your perceptions of Tony and I are rather purile
    [2:50:26 PM] Kali 666: everything else you had on the side
    [2:50:42 PM] Kali 666: and you never saw me complaining as to why you talk to other people in private without me
    [2:50:50 PM] Kali 666: not perceptions
    [2:50:55 PM] Sirius 17: sec i have a phone call
    [2:50:57 PM] Kali 666: i put it right here for all to see
    [2:52:02 PM] Kali 666: i do not make anything up, everything that i have ever brought to light has been as a result of basically Tony saying how "dissapointed" he is of me because of some whatever comment i made
    [2:52:11 PM] Kali 666: but you know what? he is not my father
    [2:52:34 PM] Kali 666: i do not have to care if he dislikes me or not
    [2:52:38 PM] Kali 666: at least Rok is right on that
    [2:59:45 PM] Sirius 17: sorry Carla is is going to fly out tomorrow to see my father in Utah
    [2:59:54 PM] Sirius 17: they were calling to confirm the flight plans
    [3:01:40 PM] Sirius 17: Tony's dissapointment in you is in how you constantly put things into the personal and can't seem to see things through an objective lens. At times when you misunderstand him so deeply that you make this whole thing about him or me for example and it isn't.
    [3:02:04 PM] Sirius 17: you seem to think that you are the only one here with feelings

    [3:02:04 PM] Kali 666: [Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:17 AM]
    <<< [11:11:30 AM] ShilohaPlace: Moa was simply another library for Thuban see

    [11:11:43 AM] ShilohaPlace: we are not really welcome there just tolerated
    [11:11:51 AM] raxnae: yeah I thought that was what you were leaning towards
    [11:12:39 AM] ShilohaPlace: I dont know how xeia will react to my words but I am disappointed in her allegiance to this moron
    [11:13:02 AM] ShilohaPlace: Raven is the only one fully with the Logos I might say
    [11:13:05 AM] ShilohaPlace: there is noone else

    [3:02:19 PM] Kali 666: yes i seem to be
    [3:02:29 PM] Kali 666: how do you explain this statement above?
    [3:02:41 PM] Sirius 17: well that is how he feels i guess, what can i say? i don't tell him what to say
    [3:02:58 PM] Kali 666: how many times has Tony said that he does not care for feelings or hurting other people's feelings?
    [3:03:39 PM] Kali 666: seems he is interested in human "allegiances" ofc created in HIS mind, because i have NO allegiance to Asha
    [3:03:57 PM] Kali 666: so much for not caring about 'human feelings'
    [3:04:33 PM] Sirius 17: well he really doesn't, but at the same time he is very cognizant of the fact that peoples feelings do get hurt. It is not his job to consider feelings too much though but to do the work he does for the Logos. He has often said no one has to agree with him or read or follow his work. But then if you do at least try to understand where he is coming from.
    [3:07:16 PM] Kali 666: in teh beginning it was all about loyalty for Thuban when it was banned (as a group) from Avalon, and camaraderie and friendship and love between us, and now, just because HE decided to change over the years, due to his own personal frustrations with Mary and ultimately with Debra, all of a sudden him or "Thuban" has turned into the machine who does not care for "human feelings", in fact it rejects them as if it was something negative
    [3:07:27 PM] Kali 666: that is NOT integration
    [3:07:30 PM] Kali 666: that is rejection

    [3:07:33 PM] Sirius 17: Asha is full of shit and always has been incase you haven't noticed or decerned. Her entire monologue is pure self agrandizment and completely fabricated, even down to the names she chooses for herself ect. What Tony can't understand is how anyone would or could engage with her or buy into her BS. So when he sees you making smiley faces at her and agreeing with her crap yeah i guess it kind of pisses him off as he thought you had better decernment skills then to fall for her line of shit.

    [3:08:38 PM] Kali 666: that is his problem not mine
    [3:08:48 PM] Sirius 17: by human emotions he means ones like, jealousy, hatred, envy, vanity, ect ok
    [3:08:55 PM] Kali 666: just because he hates her, that doesn't mean that i have to also
    [3:08:58 PM] Sirius 17: those he rejects because they disallow the cosmic
    [3:09:15 PM] Sirius 17: he doesn't hate Asha, see you totally misunderstand him Xeia
    [3:09:24 PM] Kali 666: oh and you see none of those feelings in the excerpt i pasted above between you two?
    [3:09:32 PM] Sirius 17: he can't stand her fucked cosmology and philosophy and sees it for what it is, total BS
    [3:09:50 PM] Sirius 17: just like he can't stand NABS crap either, it is disinfo and not really helping anyone
    [3:09:59 PM] Sirius 17: Ashas philosophy only helps Asha ok
    [3:10:12 PM] Kali 666: of course he hates her...with a PASSION. He can't stand her!! So much so that he is calling her exRoger now
    [3:10:25 PM] Kali 666: but that is his hatred
    [3:10:34 PM] Kali 666: it should not be made into a Thuban one
    [3:10:36 PM] Sirius 17: no it is calling a spade a spade
    [3:10:46 PM] Sirius 17: did you look at all the names she called him?
    [3:10:55 PM] Sirius 17: fucking pig facist mother fucker ect
    [3:11:06 PM] Sirius 17: but if she says it is somehow ok?
    [3:11:14 PM] Kali 666: is it?
    [3:11:21 PM] Sirius 17: does he care is what you should ask
    [3:11:23 PM] Kali 666: you think it is?
    [3:11:41 PM] Kali 666: yes he always says that. that he does not care for what people think of him
    [3:11:49 PM] Kali 666: but then that is not entirely true either is it?
    [3:12:13 PM] Sirius 17: let me tell you something, even after calling him every fucking name in the book and under the sun you know what Tony did for Asha as a gesture of his true intent and feelings for her?
    [3:12:21 PM] Kali 666: if he truly did not care, then he would forgive and forget as Brandon says and would continue on
    [3:12:22 PM] Sirius 17: he did her Astro chart
    [3:12:42 PM] Sirius 17: come on Xeia, stop making this personal
    [3:13:52 PM] Sirius 17: you think he has not forgiven Asha? He refuses her fucked ideology but as far as a person goes he is ok with her. but he doesn't have to listen to her bs if he chooses, just like you left chats before right?
    [3:13:53 PM] raxnae: well good night ladies, I'll let you two figure it out from here I merely did my part to defend my reasoning and stance as being my personal choice rather than some brainwashed bs, time for me to deal with whatever demon is caught in my dreamcatcher doll this night haha
    [3:14:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes goodnight rax
    [3:14:24 PM] Sirius 17: sweet dreams
    [3:14:34 PM] raxnae: night Raven you too when you get to bed
    [3:14:41 PM] raxnae: night Xeia same to you
    [3:14:43 PM] Kali 666: rest well Brandon

    [3:16:20 PM] Sirius 17: what has Asha ever done for Tony except call him a fucking chair farting facist and to fuck off? ask yourself what the hell happened to Asha's mind to say these things to him?
    [3:17:20 PM] *** Sirius 17 sent astroasha.jpg ***
    [3:18:07 PM] Sirius 17: now look at the date on that and see when he did it
    [3:18:30 PM] Sirius 17: finished the day after her birthday
    [3:18:35 PM] Sirius 17: so some fucking asshole he is
    [3:18:39 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [3:19:04 PM] Kali 666: why do you call him that?
    [3:19:09 PM] Sirius 17: who does that, makes someone an astrology chart, which takes hours btw for someone whos guts they hate?
    [3:19:11 PM] Kali 666: why are your projections so ugly?
    [3:19:22 PM] Sirius 17: because that is what your painting him as
    [3:19:36 PM] Sirius 17: Asha called him worse incase you didn't notice
    [3:20:03 PM] Kali 666: I am painting him? HOW?!?? by bringing to light what HE has said himself?
    [3:20:18 PM] Sirius 17: Tony knows that I dont consider him an asshole ok, he has zero problem with my words
    [3:20:37 PM] Kali 666: ofc he knows that
    [3:20:58 PM] Kali 666: the point i am trying to make is that YOU are the one trying so HARD to make it sound as if i am
    [3:21:22 PM] Sirius 17: but you are making him out to be somekind of asshole saying what you said above? That is all i am saying. That suddenly because you think you have him all figured out that it is HIS way or the highway .
    [3:21:25 PM] Kali 666: by projecting YOUR version of things onto me
    [3:21:29 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [3:21:35 PM] Kali 666: you do
    [3:21:38 PM] Kali 666: you have always done this
    [3:21:47 PM] Kali 666: you are an expert on it by now
    [3:22:20 PM] Kali 666: always trying to make it sound ten times worse
    [3:22:23 PM] Sirius 17: sure its all my fault Xeia, again don't take any responsibility for your own words
    [3:22:36 PM] Kali 666: always implanting ideas and notions onto people
    [3:23:13 PM] Kali 666: i do take responsibility for mine, but whenever i confront him or you on yours, you do not look at it
    [3:23:41 PM] Kali 666: it is always us who are at fault of not seeing the Logos truth or some whatever
    [3:24:01 PM] Sirius 17: you cannot reason with the unreasonable Xeia
    [3:24:15 PM] Sirius 17: and your emotionality and mindset is unreasonable
    [3:24:37 PM] Sirius 17: i am not the one filled with hostility and neither is Tony and we never have been
    [3:24:51 PM] Sirius 17: you have been projecting your own fears and feelings onto us
    [3:24:53 PM] Kali 666: yes you two are and have always been
    [3:25:19 PM] Kali 666: my only fear as far as Thuban is concerned i already wrote here for all to see
    [3:25:44 PM] Kali 666: i try to bring it up because i see it turning into something ugly
    [3:26:09 PM] Sirius 17: this is your own perception of us and no matter how much we tell you it is not true you continue to point out how terrible we are and inconsiderate and whatever else you think.
    [3:26:33 PM] Kali 666: many Thubans themselves may not care as they are too burdened with their 3d lives atm maybe but i care since associations have already been made since a long time ago
    [3:26:55 PM] Kali 666: then we were told Thuban was basically over, only to see for ourselves that that wasn't it at all
    [3:27:11 PM] Sirius 17: well then disassociate yourself from Thuban if you are so concerned with tarnishing your own precious image Xeia. This is your choice you know. We are not being hostile, how have we been hostile to you?
    [3:28:07 PM] Kali 666: anyone who calls me names and insults me is being hostile to me
    [3:28:18 PM] Sirius 17: where did we call you names?
    [3:28:31 PM] Kali 666: Tony is being very hostile to me telling Brandon that i am not to be trusted
    [3:28:39 PM] Kali 666: that is hostility
    [3:29:11 PM] Kali 666: Tony has..all the time and i have pointed them out to him myself in person on the ABC chat, so do not act as if you do not know
    [3:29:11 PM] Sirius 17: well maybe he actually feels you can't be trusted, i will let him answer that one
    [3:29:32 PM] Kali 666: you second him on that
    [3:29:39 PM] Kali 666: as you said nothing against it
    [3:29:46 PM] Kali 666: in fact you agreed with him
    [3:30:10 PM] Kali 666: like i said making it sound as if i had this chat going on with them from a long time ago
    [3:30:17 PM] Sirius 17: well you seem rather hostile to me
    [3:30:52 PM] Kali 666: yes because you are feeling exactly the same as you put will call it a mirror i am sure
    [3:31:02 PM] Sirius 17: i said as far as i knew you were talking to each other away from Tony and I ok, not that you were, it was a guess on my part
    [3:31:24 PM] Kali 666: do not pretend to treat me as some forum member and not a Thuban
    [3:31:52 PM] Kali 666: i have been here since the beginning and i am as much a senior member of Thuban as you can be
    [3:32:27 PM] Kali 666: your "guesses" are POISON

    [3:33:52 PM] Sirius 17: and i drew my conclusions about this after i got out of the hosptial and then all of a sudden i am told by several people, including you that i must be possessed or something. i was told by Susan, then Fates ect that I was under or had put Tony under some kind of demonic spell. So it seemed to me that Susan or whoever might be talking about me behind my back, this is where i felt it from. Then when you didn't talk to me after i got out of the hosptial for months on end, i figured you must believe it yourself.
    [3:34:43 PM] Sirius 17: now i don't know who started this thing that Raven is somehow possesed crap and i don't care
    [3:34:47 PM] Kali 666: keep with your 'guessing games'
    [3:35:01 PM] Kali 666: instead of coming to me DIRECTLY and ASKING me
    [3:35:09 PM] Sirius 17: i pretty much ignored it
    [3:35:16 PM] Kali 666: which is what any civil person would have done
    [3:35:37 PM] Kali 666: you decide to "guess" as you say...right...and then go and keep spreading poison about other people
    [3:35:45 PM] Kali 666: bad karma for you Raven
    [3:35:51 PM] Sirius 17: then when JT won't even talk to me for months either and everyone stopped talking to me like i had some disease.
    [3:36:00 PM] Kali 666: so?
    [3:36:05 PM] Kali 666: what do i have to do with JT?
    [3:36:07 PM] Sirius 17: i have not spead any poison about anyone Xeia
    [3:36:16 PM] Sirius 17: nothing
    [3:36:54 PM] Kali 666: he is the one who all of a sudden "mysteriously" decided to block me and on facebook also thinking that i was his ex wife in disguise
    [3:37:07 PM] Kali 666: or something like that
    [3:37:14 PM] Sirius 17: i don't blame you for that, i am just saying from my perceptions and all of you were not talking to me anymore i figured you also must of agreed with them and had drawn conclusions about me and so i just went on
    [3:37:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i got blocked on fb by you, susan and others
    [3:37:51 PM] Sirius 17: first by you
    [3:37:59 PM] Sirius 17: so what do i conclude from that?
    [3:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: did i take it personal? yes at first i did, it hurt my feelings
    [3:39:01 PM] Sirius 17: but then i allowed myself to see past the personal and just let it be
    [3:40:40 PM] Sirius 17: so fyi for you and anyone else listening in here, i am very demonically possessed and so you should be afraid, be very afraid lol
    [3:41:02 PM] Sirius 17: so you can all stop guessing now
    [3:41:09 PM] Sirius 17: demon exposed
    [3:41:12 PM] Sirius 17: happy?
    [3:42:10 PM] Sirius 17: did anyone consider my feelings? do i have any?
    [3:42:25 PM] Sirius 17: does it matter?
    [3:57:18 PM] Sirius 17:
    [2:21 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< who controls the media?

    the same media that is painting the muslims as the new antichristand this is ignorance right here, it really doesn't matter what side of the media is saying this. It only matters if it is true or not, and can you or anyone else decern the truth. If you start to really look into this 'religion' called Islam and look at it objectively you will find that it is infact the antichrist and its manifestation into IS is also within the Thuban timeline and has been explained rather lucidly now by many, not just the media, but many other people and truth tellers have been saying it only it is falling on DEAF ears and has been for some time. The reason why is this thing called multiculturalism and this push to globalize and make everyone get along no matter their belief, culture or background. And this would work IF Islam were not a cult of death insistant on killing any and all non-believers.

    [3:57:33 PM] Sirius 17: What is so difficult to understand here?
    [3:58:30 PM] Sirius 17: has not Tony been saying all along that we are living in the end times?
    [3:58:46 PM] Sirius 17: and that this thing has to polarize to the max in order for events to change?
    [3:59:05 PM] Sirius 17: he has not changed his message
    [3:59:27 PM] Sirius 17: nor his stance on the falseness and ignorance that pervades our world
    [4:00:09 PM] Sirius 17: the anti showed itself to Thuban yes in various people, it got exposed in individuals
    [4:00:12 PM] Sirius 17: BUT
    [4:00:22 PM] Sirius 17: now it is becoming exposed in the MANY
    [4:00:44 PM] Sirius 17: and this is what IS has become
    [4:00:53 PM] Sirius 17: the outward manifestation of true evil
    [4:01:02 PM] Sirius 17: a real devil
    [4:01:15 PM] Sirius 17: hellbent on killing anyone or anything that gets in its path
    [4:01:28 PM] Sirius 17: including all of its believers if it has to
    [4:01:54 PM] Sirius 17: look at IS, they are willing to sacrafice their very lives to this thing called Islam
    [4:02:04 PM] Sirius 17: and its false prophet Muhammad
    [4:02:17 PM] Sirius 17: it is NO joke
    [4:03:05 PM] Sirius 17: so maybe you can see that prophecy is being fulfilled before your very eyes
    [4:03:13 PM] Sirius 17: and it isn't personal
    [4:03:17 PM] Sirius 17: this is global Xeia
    [4:03:21 PM] Sirius 17: it effects us all

    [4:03:51 PM] Brook Schiner: There's something wrong with the world today
    I don't know what it is
    Something's wrong with our eyes
    We're seeing things in a different way
    And god knows it ain't his
    It sure ain't no surprise
    [4:04:05 PM] Brook Schiner:


    [4:05:50 PM] Sirius 17: lol sexy beast Steven
    [4:05:55 PM] Sirius 17: good song
    [4:05:57 PM] Brook Schiner: yep
    [4:08:46 PM] Brook Schiner: Tell me what you think about our situation
    Complication - aggravation
    Is getting to you
    If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin'
    Even if it wasn't would you still come crawling
    Back again I bet you would my friend
    [4:08:49 PM] Sirius 17: oh Brook you never did answer my question, maybe you missed it way above
    [4:09:00 PM] Brook Schiner: What question?
    [4:09:04 PM] Sirius 17: what is your assessment of BR and Pris
    [4:09:12 PM] Sirius 17: who are they and where do they come from?
    [4:10:05 PM] Brook Schiner: They're trolls just like I said...go look at her most recent posts ....I said....they would bury themselves....they don't need me to be's happening right
    [4:11:23 PM] Brook Schiner: Blue Smurfs....from the old Avalon....they think their ET/Avenging to make sure the ...get this UNIVERSE gets destroyed with all of us so THEY can build anew one...I kid you not
    [4:11:24 PM] Sirius 17: oh i am still stuck in this contact thread of theirs
    [4:11:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i see some astrotheology and such mixed into their philosophy
    [4:12:32 PM] Sirius 17: they do have a lot of interesting things to say but only a nabs mind would get sucked in by it
    [4:12:44 PM] Brook Schiner: That
    [4:12:45 PM] Sirius 17: when they mention the cabal controling things
    [4:13:10 PM] Brook Schiner: that's the whole get sucked in...then get recruited...and cause chaos in the forums
    [4:13:14 PM] Sirius 17: what they fail to realise is the cabal is everyone subconsciously contributing to the mass of archetypes and symbols
    [4:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: they are everywhere yes
    [4:13:32 PM] Sirius 17: and they can be read for those with eyes to see
    [4:13:59 PM] Sirius 17: this cabal is like a logos double agent
    [4:14:10 PM] Sirius 17: it is ourselves playing both the light and dark sides
    [4:14:17 PM] Sirius 17: in this memewar
    [4:14:54 PM] Sirius 17: so yes there are ptb and then there is the PTB lol
    [4:15:10 PM] Sirius 17: so they are pretty easy to read as they exclude the real PTB
    [4:15:14 PM] Sirius 17: the Logos
    [4:15:26 PM] Sirius 17: anyone who hates Jesus gets disqualified
    [4:15:27 PM] Sirius 17: period
    [4:15:38 PM] Sirius 17: he is the gate keeper
    [4:16:17 PM] Sirius 17: and this BR guy hates Jesus with a passion
    [4:16:45 PM] Sirius 17: he is totally glorifying death and being disembodied
    [4:16:52 PM] Sirius 17: very deceptive shit
    [4:16:53 PM] Brook Schiner: Check this ....Carol just told her there ARE angels....Apparently BR has not told her that part yet...LOL
    [4:16:57 PM] Brook Schiner:

    [4:16:58 PM] Sirius 17: it is exactly what Islam is doing
    [4:18:28 PM] Brook Schiner: She is going to do herself in at the the expense of losing the Thubans that something?
    [4:18:39 PM] Brook Schiner: all by herself
    [4:18:45 PM] Sirius 17: do we care
    [4:18:59 PM] Brook Schiner: I know...but do you see the irony?
    [4:19:16 PM] Sirius 17: no one read or replied or listend to our stuff for years, Carol made sure it was all chucked to the bottom of the forum
    [4:19:37 PM] Brook Schiner: NO! NOT TRUE....lots of people read your posts!
    [4:19:47 PM] Sirius 17: so i am surprised to see her defend Jesus, and religion ect
    [4:20:06 PM] Brook Schiner: they may not have understood...Like BBB....but lot's of people read it.
    [4:20:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes but who ever dared to reply ?
    [4:20:16 PM] Brook Schiner: I did
    [4:20:28 PM] Brook Schiner: I did
    [4:20:33 PM] Brook Schiner: Several times
    [4:21:05 PM] Sirius 17: i am not talking about you guys silly, i am talking about anyone outside coming in and speaking up, mostly we were attacked on that forum by many people
    [4:21:24 PM] Brook Schiner: Sometims I was a little snarky when I saw the chats with my name in them....but I also praised several posts as rock on!
    [4:21:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this also pissed of many people
    [4:21:51 PM] Sirius 17: including the Thuban group
    [4:22:10 PM] Brook Schiner: Well...what did you expect?
    [4:22:17 PM] Sirius 17: but this is how the Logos wants it and so it is how we roll
    [4:22:36 PM] Sirius 17: because by exposing all of ourselves to the world it burns all human ego
    [4:22:46 PM] Brook Schiner: Yeah...I kinda got that already...I may be a little dense at times..but I got it
    [4:22:53 PM] Brook Schiner: lol
    [4:22:56 PM] Sirius 17: you finally learn to get over yourself and insecurities and just be real see
    [4:23:24 PM] Sirius 17: well it goes totally against most peoples idea of a good time
    [4:23:27 PM] Brook Schiner: That's hard for most people because their very insecure
    [4:23:31 PM] Sirius 17: they don't like being exposed and open and honest
    [4:23:36 PM] Sirius 17: and this is what is wrong with the world
    [4:23:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:23:46 PM] Brook Schiner: I know
    [4:24:34 PM] Sirius 17: and so i know peoples feelings get hurt but in the end we all stand as one and learn to tolerate each other, this is what it is all about
    [4:24:41 PM] Sirius 17: but at this point, the old world is toast
    [4:24:45 PM] Sirius 17: kaput
    [4:24:51 PM] Sirius 17: and so it is all burning
    [4:24:57 PM] Brook Schiner: As I'm sure you've realized by now...I'm not insecure....LOL So I just roll with it when it happens....that's why when BR attacked me in such a cruel way I was able to brush it off
    [4:25:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes you have grown as many here have
    [4:25:35 PM] Sirius 17: grown out of your limited self absorbed human mind
    [4:25:42 PM] Sirius 17: and into a cosmic one, inclusive
    [4:25:46 PM] Sirius 17: and full of wisdom
    [4:26:15 PM] Brook Schiner: God I hope's been a ride and about time I'd say....
    [4:26:35 PM] Sirius 17: oh well the ride isn't over
    [4:26:44 PM] Brook Schiner: I know
    [4:26:47 PM] Sirius 17: it is about to get really intense
    [4:26:55 PM] Brook Schiner: yep
    [4:27:03 PM] Sirius 17: it has to to crack the cosmic egg open
    [4:27:22 PM] Sirius 17: to birth the new world
    [4:27:34 PM] Sirius 17: out of this shithole we are in now
    [4:27:47 PM] Brook Schiner: I got that from the posts you guys have been doing
    [4:27:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes those evil Thubans lol
    [4:28:18 PM] Sirius 17: reptilian dragon bastards
    [4:28:18 PM] Brook Schiner: guys are decadent!
    [4:28:43 PM] Sirius 17: it is kind of funny how people take symbols and names so personal
    [4:28:54 PM] Sirius 17: like how they can't get over us calling ourselves dragons see
    [4:28:55 PM] Brook Schiner: yes it is....
    [4:29:09 PM] Sirius 17: Jesus is the master dragon of all
    [4:29:15 PM] Sirius 17: Rainbow Serpent
    [4:29:52 PM] Sirius 17: so the avatar is very very old and comes from the foundations of the earth, not some nabs forum that is afraid of reptiles lol
    [4:30:16 PM] Brook Schiner: yeah ....I get that now. You know...many have a hard time understanding the writing you guys did. IT took me awhile to get.
    [4:30:22 PM] Sirius 17: but can you see how the disinformation has spread so much idiotic fear and crap?
    [4:30:33 PM] Sirius 17: now they are not even worried about Islam
    [4:30:40 PM] Sirius 17: it is a huge deception
    [4:30:43 PM] Brook Schiner: correct
    [4:31:01 PM] Brook Schiner: those videos I posted showed that...
    [4:31:08 PM] Sirius 17: Tony and I were decieved right along with many too
    [4:31:33 PM] Sirius 17: thinking the leftests and green parties were somehow looking out for humanity
    [4:31:47 PM] Sirius 17: not knowing all the while they had sold out to Islam
    [4:31:51 PM] Brook Schiner: That is why I want Tony to see them...I hope thye don't get lost in the last conversation that just happened here
    [4:32:01 PM] Sirius 17: no he will see them
    [4:32:06 PM] Brook Schiner: good
    [4:32:13 PM] Sirius 17: he back reads pretty carefully
    [4:33:13 PM] Sirius 17: i mean who the hell would question the first black president of our nation if you were truly non racial and non biased
    [4:33:29 PM] Sirius 17: no one who would vote for him that is for sure
    [4:33:39 PM] Sirius 17: and so we all were had
    [4:33:58 PM] Brook Schiner: ya know.....where was CAROL with that post when that thread blew up? Jesus is real....where was she? Masturbating?
    [4:34:13 PM] Sirius 17: in trying to be politically correct good little americans welcoming all nationalities and races to our political houses
    [4:34:32 PM] Sirius 17: lol we wish, she probably has not got laid in too long
    [4:34:50 PM] Sirius 17: it might actually screw her head back on if she was getting fucked
    [4:35:01 PM] Brook Schiner: I guess!
    [4:35:25 PM] Sirius 17: Jesus was not some sexless being people had him made out to be lol
    [4:35:32 PM] Sirius 17: this is also another huge deception
    [4:35:55 PM] Sirius 17: this whole world is love starved
    [4:36:15 PM] Sirius 17: and completely obsessed with sex, even the Muslims, just look at them and the 72 virgins shit
    [4:36:15 PM] Brook Schiner: I can't wait to see Priss kiss Carols ass with that post! How the hell is she going to respond with a cat meme? lOL
    [4:36:29 PM] Sirius 17: yeah another cat meme
    [4:36:49 PM] Sirius 17: well carol told her she was perfectly safe
    [4:36:54 PM] Sirius 17: would not be banned
    [4:37:02 PM] Brook Schiner: several time
    [4:37:09 PM] Sirius 17: so i dont know, she might test this water lol
    [4:37:38 PM] Brook Schiner: It's like watching a comedy of errors
    [4:37:46 PM] Sirius 17: it is
    [4:38:04 PM] Sirius 17: meanwhile the truth gets sidetracked
    [4:38:13 PM] Sirius 17: buried
    [4:38:28 PM] Sirius 17: this is happening globally too not just on forums
    [4:38:40 PM] Sirius 17: the truth has become the new hate speech
    [4:38:50 PM] Brook Schiner: Well kiddo...I'm going to get to bed it's late....the truth will eventually come out...when it does there well be some people with their pants down around their knees....just watch
    [4:39:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes there will be
    [4:39:33 PM] Sirius 17: take care and have a good night Brook and thanks for sharing the stuff about John with us
    [4:39:51 PM] Brook Schiner: You bet....have a good evening!
    [4:40:00 PM] Sirius 17: i hope it helps Susan and anyone else dealing with a great loss
    [4:40:10 PM] Sirius 17: you too
    [4:40:43 PM] Brook Schiner: night now...

    [6:35:37 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [1:32 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< do you know i have a very nice painting my mother bought for me in the Alhambra of Spain, which has Arabic letters in it praising Allah hanging right on the wall in my living room?
    Does THAT make me a terrorist Tony?

    It makes you 'caught' in the islamic memeplex Xeia. Much of your other rantings are so far off track in being as 'judgemental' carrying insufficient information towards me and Raven as you accuse us to be

    [6:36:52 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [1:34 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< do i have to completely HATE everything ever associated with the islamic culture in order to qualify for Logos salvation?

    Hate is the wrong expression but islam IS the antilogos and your wishy washy realisation as to what Logos and AntiLogos are, is at the core of your disappointments
    The point is you ARE mentally compromised and find yourself between the truth and the falsity . And yes this is a statement and a judgement borne from valid observations

    [6:41:16 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [1:37 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< i know what the agenda is
    in the mind of Tony
    he has explained it himself
    and he has also said, that he will do it alone if he has to
    ofc he knows very well that is not true as he knows very well that Raven will too
    and that is all fine
    they have the right to go about their lives as they choose to

    And indeed we shall and the reason for this isolation and split from you are the WORDS of the Logos, which both you and Rok despise or not take seriously. And this in a matter of fact becomes decisive and why i questioned your Thubanness. It is, again, NOTHING personal -- live and let live follow your own logos to your heart desire. But whatever YOUR logos then might be and entail it is NOT the same as the Logos of Thuban, albeit some parallel subject to approximation
    You completely miss the meaning of individuation here. Individuation WITHIN the Unity of the Logos is not the same as individuation with every individual having its own and different Logos
    Logos Unification is The requirement for any New World to be born from the Old
    Islam is NOT a religion, it is supremacy politics. Are you too deaf and blind to examine facts - ask Rok; but Rok would have to read the quran first before he should comment upon it

    [6:46:53 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [1:56 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< will you join Tony and go kill Islamists?

    What a dishonest statement indeed! Muslims are as much victims of islam as are infidels. But as islam has hijacked the minds of muslims, they are in fear and trapped by this abominable ideology.
    [6:49:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: Your analysis is fundamentally so erroneous, that it infers me going on a antiislam hate rampage, physically and mentally?
    [6:49:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: You could not be more self deluded in your self righteousness
    [6:50:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: The memeplex called Islam must be superceded and 'eaten' by a bigger memeplex - Logos authorized. But your general ignorance of not following or considering Thuban arguments and analysis speaks for itself

    [6:56:36 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [2:20 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< war is already happening
    it will not "end up in"
    it is already happening
    people die and we do not find out
    why is that?
    who controls the media?
    the same media that is painting the muslims as the new antichrist

    What rot? Why are the true spokespersons who try to tell the world what the ideology of islam is BANNED - from the UK? Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders and more? The truth tellers are banned as islamophobes sponsored by the worldwide infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood which is politically motivated and uses religiosity as a smokescreen. But yes Islam IS tje antiLogos antichrist you got this right. By the way muslims are not, islam is!

    [6:58:41 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [2:36 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< not all muslim countries are the matter how much the US mainstream media may want to sell that idea

    You are showing your anti zionist heart too the fullest, turning things upside down

    [6:59:50 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [2:36 PM] raxnae:
    <<< Islam as an idea is what is the same as it has been for a thousand years
    the US media kisses Islam's ass or are you blind?

    The Us is politically infiltrated on all levels, fbi, cia, white house but still not as compromised as much of Europe even the heart of western civilization

    [7:00:50 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    This is what you don't understand Xeia. Islam is a memeplex and a very dangerous one. Where is it we have ever said all Muslims are bad? It is a meme war and you are making it about the personal again. It is a mental war that involves everyone ok every human being. This memeplex called Islam you could very well say that it is the devil made manifest and real ok.
    [2:42:10 PM] raxnae: exactly
    [7:00:52 PM] ShilohaPlace: ditto

    [7:03:44 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [2:50 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< no one is inventing anything except your perceptions of Tony and I are rather purile

    Not becoming a civilised human femme, but when the human mind is hijacked then the childishness appears

    [7:04:55 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [2:47:59 PM] Kali 666: this childish attitude of: "you cannot be the friend of my sworn enemy" has gotten pretty ridiculous

    Actually no, the sworn enemy of the Logos ZISthe antilogos and must be eliminated/absorbed. There is no win win in THIS instance

    [7:10:57 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [3:24 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< you cannot reason with the unreasonable Xeia
    and your emotionality and mindset is unreasonable
    i am not the one filled with hostility and neither is Tony and we never have been
    you have been projecting your own fears and feelings onto us


    [7:12:14 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [3:26 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< many Thubans themselves may not care as they are too burdened with their 3d lives atm maybe but i care since associations have already been made since a long time ago
    then we were told Thuban was basically over, only to see for ourselves that that wasn't it at all

    Thuban is a 13/12d projection in to the 3/4D normal physical world Xeia
    [7:12:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Its director is the Logos NOT Tony, Raven or xeia
    [7:14:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: Because Tony and Raven LOVE" and fully accept this Logos THROUGH its recorded WORDS and nothing else, except to be retranslated commentary, say historical contexts, timelines and science; a REAL THUBAN is a a FOLLOWER and FAMILY of THAT Logos and that Logos alone.
    [7:15:00 PM] ShilohaPlace: So denying scriptural suppositions, such as the Physical resurrection automatically disqualifies ANYONE from being a true Thuban
    [7:16:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is by YOUR Words and Thoughts you qualify or disqualify yourself from being a Thuban Starhuman/ET and not by the words, statements or debates of any others

    [7:17:27 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [3:29 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< well maybe he actually feels you can't be trusted, i will let him answer that one

    Anyone not in agreement with the Logos as per the scriptures, cannot be trusted!

    [7:29:22 PM] Kali 666: you want to turn Thuban into a cult
    [7:29:36 PM] Kali 666: and it was never supposed to be one
    [7:30:03 PM] Kali 666: you never told us that we needed to agree with you in order to qualify as a Thuban
    [7:30:28 PM] Kali 666: now you have turned into a whole different person
    [7:31:00 PM] Kali 666:
    [6:42 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< and the reason for this isolation and split from you are the WORDS of the Logos, which both you and Rok despise or not take seriously. And this in a matter of fact becomes decisive and why i questioned your Thubanness It is, again, NOTHING personal - live and let live follow your own logos to your heart desire. But whatever YOUR logos then might be and entail it is NOT the same as the Logos of Thuban

    [7:31:10 PM] Kali 666: This is the heart of the matter right here
    [7:31:31 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is
    [7:31:53 PM] Kali 666: you are making it so that "the Logos of Thuban" = Tony's cosmology
    [7:31:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: There is ONE Logos and there are as many sublogi/worlds as there are individuals
    [7:32:12 PM] ShilohaPlace: No, it seems you cannot read
    [7:33:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: Tony is a messenger, one of many. A scribe and record keeper and a decoder and translator. There is NOTHING personal whatsoever in this 'job'.
    [7:34:14 PM] Kali 666: that is what you always say, but then you go around spreading statements such as this:
    [7:34:16 PM] Kali 666: [6:42 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< But whatever YOUR logos then might be and entail it is NOT the same as the Logos of Thuban
    [7:34:53 PM] Kali 666: so it comes down to, "if your Logos is not the same as my Logos then you are out"
    [7:35:00 PM] ShilohaPlace: I am a little more aware of the POLITICAL deception, being very old World related, than say 6 years ago, when I was more naive and 'outer worldly'. My data base and basis has not changed at all
    [7:35:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: You are free to have a sublogos as i am free to have a sublogos and those sublogii CAN indeed encompass the personal
    [7:35:41 PM] Kali 666: so you are saying that you are not the same as you were 6 years ago when Thuban was created?
    [7:35:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: The encompassing LOGOS is inviolable.
    [7:35:57 PM] Kali 666: so since you have changed then Thuban must also change?
    [7:36:08 PM] ShilohaPlace: You are either FOR it or you are AGAINST it. There are no other choices
    [7:36:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: Thuban was created as an idea Xmas 2009
    [7:36:38 PM] Kali 666: BUt the problem is that you EQUAL yourself with the "encompassing Logos"
    [7:36:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: If you read the statement first post i made a prediction, knowing very well that this was just a personal idea.
    [7:37:31 PM] ShilohaPlace: I said that from January 18th, 2010 the universal logos would TAKE OVER and enhance and validate the 'human idea'
    [7:37:36 PM] Kali 666: and you are here deciding who is with it and who isn't
    [7:37:40 PM] Kali 666: who is to trust and who isn't
    [7:37:52 PM] Kali 666: and you seem to think that is all ok
    [7:37:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: I did NOT expect anything to come from that. I expected the 'idea' to die or be just a little memeplex
    [7:38:29 PM] Kali 666: whatever you expected is irrelevant as you soon were able to see what it quickly turned into
    [7:38:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Because Thuban took off then, including your participation, which i remember well; I realised that the CONTROL of Thuban was no longer in my jurisprudence.
    [7:39:04 PM] Kali 666: people FOLLOWED you into a group, BUT this group was supposed to be VERY DIFFERENT than everything else that was ever 'out there'
    [7:39:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: Your words are driven by your human ego dear, and you are NOT listening to what i say.
    [7:39:50 PM] Kali 666: that is what you always said also, that "it is not in your hands" and yet...things always seemed to revolve around you and your so called "downloads"
    [7:40:12 PM] ShilohaPlace: I do not want to cuddle your human ego, it is very boring and as boring as Thuban Logos quotes must be to your human mindedness
    [7:40:22 PM] Kali 666: i do listen...i listen very carefully and perhaps too closely for some to like
    [7:40:50 PM] Kali 666: i do wonder what Rok thinks about all this
    [7:40:50 PM] ShilohaPlace: Go ahead Xeia and create your own cosmology and call it whatever you like. What i did at xmas 2009 this you can do also.
    [7:41:24 PM] Kali 666: and you will continue to use the Thuban label in your new agendas?
    [7:41:54 PM] Kali 666: can you not see than whenever you use that label, you are automatically using the name of all of us?
    [7:42:11 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [7:39 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< people FOLLOWED you into a group, BUT this group was supposed to be VERY DIFFERENT than everything else that was ever 'out there'

    This is correct. But this difference can only be seen and evaluated if people actually consider the information.
    [7:43:02 PM] Kali 666: Rok and I have considered the i am sure other Thubans also
    [7:43:07 PM] ShilohaPlace: Briefly, a synthesis between what is called spirituality/religion with science and the ancienct scrolls CANNOT be found anywhere on this planet except the Thuban data base.
    [7:43:42 PM] Kali 666: we consider and we question
    [7:43:47 PM] ShilohaPlace: But to see this, one must be familiar with the global database somewhat. This is common sensical and logical
    [7:44:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: There is NO NEW AGENDA
    [7:44:26 PM] Kali 666:
    [7:14 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< a REAL THUBAN is a a FOLLOWER and FAMILY of THAT Logos and that Logos alone.

    but we are not followers

    [7:44:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: There is an evolving agenda, like an empty canvass as the basis becomes painted in
    [7:44:34 PM] Kali 666: NOT followers
    [7:44:35 PM] ShilohaPlace: I am
    [7:44:38 PM] Kali 666: never followers
    [7:44:42 PM] ShilohaPlace: I am
    [7:45:23 PM] ShilohaPlace: I follow the universal Logos whose bodyform IS the entire universe of space and time So I am subject to it in both mindform and in bodyform
    [7:46:04 PM] ShilohaPlace: The 'unbeliever' in islam is mirrored in the 'unbeliever' in the Logos
    [7:47:38 PM] Kali 666: you might be, but then what you do and say have to do with what your own cosmology is now, what it has turned into over the years; and not with what Thuban stood for in our beginnings

    [7:47:42 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [7:41 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< can you not see than whenever you use that label, you are automatically using the name of all of us?

    Just because you defended the Thuban label in the past on more secular grounds, does not mean you need to continue association with Thuban if the metaphysical aspects of this label become contra your personal logos and logoistics
    [7:48:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: You fail to see the agenda

    [7:48:16 PM] Kali 666:
    [6:42 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< whatever YOUR logos then might be and entail it is NOT the same as the Logos of Thuban I can then easily turn this around and say to you that YOUR Logos is not the true Logos of Thuban
    It is NOT 'MY AGENDA'. It is the agenda encoded

    [7:49:07 PM] Kali 666: your agenda now encompases actions that would not have been tolerated when you actually CONSIDERED other people's voices
    [7:49:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Perhaps you thought of Thuban as some personal cosmology from the start Xeia. You misunderstood
    [7:49:22 PM] Kali 666: no, i did not
    [7:49:34 PM] Kali 666: i took it as something of divine origin
    [7:49:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: Your personal wishes for the 1-1 romantic partnerships, we debated years ago as being a subplot and not the main plot for example
    [7:50:00 PM] Kali 666: something that must not become spoiled by any one individual agenda of the moment
    [7:50:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: You keep confusing the Logos impersonal and the Logos personal
    [7:50:44 PM] Kali 666: then perhaps you are the one who should consider choosing a different label for your newly-found stance
    [7:50:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Much of what you said is perfectly in order as a personal logos. our differences relate to the encompassment
    [7:51:53 PM] ShilohaPlace: I can then easily turn this around and say to you that YOUR Logos is not the true Logos of Thuban...Sure and i am stating now that YOUR Logos is not the Logos of Thuban. So it seems my Thuban is not your Thuban

    [7:51:53 PM] Hades 88:
    [6:45 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    <<< ask Rok , but Rok would have to read the quran foirst before he should comment upon it

    i am not really that much interested in "holy books", but if you open either of them, you will find atrocities, judgements, threats, questionable morals...etc Belief is a dangerous thing. Islam (and other religions) is problematic and we would all be better off without it, but it is here and it is being "accommodated" on a "equal rights" level, same goes for other religions

    [7:52:34 PM] Kali 666: YOU Are the one who has turned Thuban into Tony's show
    [7:52:50 PM] Kali 666: You are the one who has brough separation within Thuban
    [7:53:02 PM] Kali 666: with all your judgements and hatred for certain members
    [7:53:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: And this position is shared by many Rok, including all so called atheists. It has a great positive in the application of reason and rational thought. But it misses the raison de etre for the existence of anything
    [7:53:40 PM] Kali 666: you have transformed it into something ugly that none of us ever thougth to be associated with
    [7:54:00 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [7:52 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< YOU Are the one who has turned Thuban into Tony's show
    You are the one who has brough separation within Thuban
    with all your judgements and hatred for certain members

    This is getting rather boring Xeia. Your repetitions of YOUR personal opinions

    [7:54:37 PM] ShilohaPlace: I see the ugliness of your islamophilia Xeia and i also see your brainwashed mind
    [7:54:52 PM] Kali 666: this has NOTHING to do with ISLAM
    [7:54:56 PM] Kali 666: ZERO
    [7:55:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: It has everything to do with the antilogos and the antilife memeplex
    [7:55:21 PM] Kali 666: you only want to make it so in order to avoid looking at the issues i am bringing forth
    [7:56:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: Your issues are humanocentric and are based on your emotional feelings of injustice and victimisations, just as the islam memeplex
    [7:56:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: Ask a specific question and i will answer it
    [7:56:29 PM] Kali 666: which is in fact your insistance on being the one who gets to decide who is Thuban and who is not, who is with Logos YOUR logos, and who is not
    [7:57:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: Regarding your generalities read the mountains of expositions i posted over the years
    [7:57:22 PM] Kali 666: and then you go out into the virtual world and post under the Thuban label and the world thinks it is the Thuban "bunch" who have all turned crazy
    [7:57:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: I observe anyone calling themselves Thuban (as I define it yes, FROM the codes) and then compare and check compatibility and affiliation.
    [7:58:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: ALL of my statements regarding you and Rok or anyone BEING Thuban relates to this single criterion
    [7:58:53 PM] ShilohaPlace: There never was or is ANY PERSONAL JUDGEMENT apart from being 'logos attuned' or not
    [7:59:25 PM] ShilohaPlace: As said again, your 'Thuban' might be a parallel. Go for it, create it whatever as your own New World
    [7:59:55 PM] Kali 666: you should've come clean 6 YEARS AGO!!!
    [8:00:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: Simple LEAVE or disassociate yourself from this 'ugly thuban label'

    [8:00:17 PM] Hades 88:
    [7:41 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< i do wonder what Rok thinks about all this

    well since you is boring and pointless. have i mentioned i did not ask to be here, quite contrary i specifically told you not to add me to yet another group chat? the russians are comming, not oh wait the muslims are comming, no oh wait the islamist are comming. yes, yes they are. hordes and hordes of uncontrolled meme induced/inflicted/infected bunch of them transitioning just 50 miles away from me. well actually not so much anymore atm, winter is coming or amm winter is here. bit warm though so far. that nasty global warming making people all upset since this is the 7th (i think) consecutive chrismats without any snow. a tragedy to behold, while here on sykpe there is yet another tragicomedy in its full swing. who is right, who is the today's contestants.... no really can you all people just go screw yourself?
    on a more "serious" note...this arguing here is pointless. the pointed out differences were pointed out before this current point and were also just as pointless. the only thing different are the points. one point today, another point tomorrow. islam point atm...
    time to let go?

    [8:01:28 PM] Kali 666: The honorable thing to do would be for you Tony to form a cult under your new auspices and agendas and give it a brand new name
    [8:01:40 PM] Kali 666: and then seek followers under that label
    [8:02:17 PM] ShilohaPlace: January 18th, 2010 decided this particular form of Thuban operating under the auspices of the Universal logos.
    [8:02:28 PM] Kali 666: so that you won't have to drag us Thubans into what you are doing now or decide to do in the future
    [8:02:38 PM] ShilohaPlace: Only Universal logos can change this label, not its messengers and testimony keepers.
    [8:03:17 PM] Kali 666: yes very conveniently said after everything has been built with OUR HELP!!
    [8:03:20 PM] ShilohaPlace: Why do you insist of calling yourself a Thuban? You are not if you reject the codes
    [8:04:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: YOUR HELP was when you WERE a true Thuban, even if you did not make certain choices. You were nevertheless a Son Not prodigal. And the Prodigal son leaves the Homestead if you can remember this code.
    [8:05:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: The Homestead does not change , the Son does make its cjhoices as you have done.
    [8:05:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: Dont ask the father to change the homstead for the Son, but wish the Son well finding a new homestead.
    [8:06:20 PM] Kali 666: of course you want me out
    [8:06:25 PM] Kali 666: i am the stone in your shoe
    [8:06:29 PM] ShilohaPlace: Lol
    [8:07:00 PM] ShilohaPlace: What does the Father do to the prodigal Son? can you remember?
    [8:07:03 PM] Kali 666: i am the ONLY one who ever voiced her mind unafraid
    [8:07:27 PM] ShilohaPlace: As said yesterday, you were an Amazone. Did you see that comment?
    [8:07:38 PM] Kali 666: i see ALL comments
    [8:08:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: So not all comments are critical of your dispositions.
    [8:08:23 PM] Kali 666: i will go to sleep now
    [8:08:42 PM] Kali 666: i do hope you "share" this convo on one of your posts Tony
    [8:08:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Rest well waterflyer!
    [8:08:56 PM] Kali 666: Rok, i need to talk to you later
    [8:09:00 PM] Kali 666: GN
    [8:19:21 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [8:01 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< The honorable thing to do would be for you Tony to form a cult under your new auspices and agendas and give it a brand new name
    and then seek followers under that label

    What followers? Again I am the follower and dont look for followers. I might share the reasons as to why i am a follower of the Universal logos though. But this is fyi and no coercion. Just data sharing as raven said so many times as well.
    [8:21:03 PM] ShilohaPlace: I post this convo on the banning thread
    [8:21:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: with the videos

    [8:24:03 PM] Hades 88: i am work here so i don't do very well with being responsive in a timely manner...
    xeia if you think tony screwed up just tell him that, as in "tony, you are such a screw-up" and then let it go...or you can endlessly argue about it
    me and thuban are on a break. a relationship kind of break. you are not as serious as you were before, yet you still meet and fuck from time to time...or however that actually goes...
    but i expressed my feelings (dear me) about it some time about the same time when tony also stated he is DONE with it... when he renounced his ROLE...i also said things feel over for me as well
    i do not feel i have to get anything back from it, or that i have to care or upset or in any way annoy or bother myself with what thuban is doing today or what thuban might be doing tomorrow, i do not feel entitled to a label, neither do i think anyone can own it...
    whatever my past involvement in thuban it does not mean that whatever happens today is on me or that i am by no choice of mine a part of it
    from the abstract point of view on what thuban is, was, what it might never have been and what it might become...that is a place where i will not go. you do not see eye to eye with thuban. i do not (no longer) see (bother with) thuban at all and do not see eye to eye with you xeia. but that is not news, should not be news at all.
    and to add a bit about islam and its bright insights...why stop there...why not fucking destroy (in all ways and meanings possible) every fucked up religion that ever infected the minds of men (and women)

    [8:27:17 PM] ShilohaPace: This is actually the agenda Rok
    [8:27:48 PM] Hades 88: but this means christan too...and its saviour and everything he said
    [8:28:19 PM] Hades 88: this prophet, that prophet....just burn them all
    [8:28:49 PM] ShilohaPlace: There will be a New Book and this book is encoded as a '3rd Testament' or 'Boojk of Life' which will do away with all false images, including fake science and false spirituality, including religion
    [8:28:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: No
    [8:29:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: The 3rd testament is the culmination of all of this planatary civilization's history.
    [8:29:25 PM] Hades 88: no, no more books, no more following, no more laws
    [8:30:01 PM] Hades 88: no more priest cast and secret keepers
    [8:30:29 PM] ShilohaPlace: Oh there will be laws, 'Laws of Nature;' and the Birth of a new science as the 'one language code' learning from the past dichotomised history of the planet.
    [8:31:17 PM] ShilohaPlace: True, the 'priests' will be gone and be replaced by teachers of whatever, experts, artisians, scientists, doctors, ET translators etc
    [8:32:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: There will be councils of the elders instead of politicians. There will be administrators, somewhat but not as nationalistic, as you can see in the scifi.
    [8:33:02 PM] ShilohaPlace: Local government as the fractsals of the super governemnt which will not govern, but become a standard template
    [8:33:20 PM] ShilohaPlace: I understand your distastes and fears regarding any control.
    [8:33:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Let me show you one code, which nutshells the real new World Admoinistration.
    [8:34:28 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    (81) Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him who possesses power renounce it."

    [8:34:35 PM] ShilohaPlace: What does this mean?
    [8:35:23 PM] ShilohaPlace: It means, that 'the more jurisdiction and administrative power one has' , the more it must be given away and shared wit, well the constituency which is 'governed'.
    [8:36:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is a kind of administration utterly foreign to this planet; but as it is encoded it will come to pass.
    [8:38:08 PM] ShilohaPlace: In practical terms this also means a 'Council of Elders' read 'Group of informed Administrators' will reproduce themselves on many levels: Planetary; Continental; National; District; City; Town; Suburb; Street; Family etc.
    Kali 666
    Hades 88
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
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    empty. Re: Raven & Shiooh have been generating multiple membership accounts to continue to spam

    empty. Carol Today at 11:44 am


    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Open Statement from Thuban to the Mists Of Avalon forum | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban

    Lemon Drop
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    Open Letter From the Thubans

    Lemon Drop Dec22,2015 at 4:18 am

    Open Statement from Thuban to the Mists Of Avalon forum Unpalatable replies can easily be deleted by the 'omniscient scepter holders' to hide their own administrative incompetencies! Once the incompetence and hypocrisy is exposed, the recourse becomes the deletion, obscuration and banning of controversial 'alternative' information.

    Be consistent Carol in your administration of the Mists of Avalon Forum and like the Camelot and Project Avalon forums before you; ban all Thubans, who offend your sentiments and sensitivities of social etiquette and acceptable tactfulness.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:56 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Being consistent means deleting spam across multiple threads.)

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    Durendal Dec22, 2015 at 5:04 am

    Hello all, I am new to the forum here. I wanted to introduce myself properly but in light of what i am reading above I am not sure I will be welcome here myself. I don't like forums who ban members for speaking their minds. I just left a forum where I got totally fed up with them censoring information and banning good people for no reason. Is that what is happening here? I was told about this forum from a long time friend and how open and receptive it was to alternative views and that it had a decent readership. Reading the above I can see I may be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone care to explain why these people were so offensive? I haven't had the time to read all their material as I work a lot and have limited time, but what I have read so far I am impressed with. So what is really going on here and is it worth my while to even post here or should i just pass through? Namaste, Durendal

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    Re: Open Letter From the Thubans

    Sanicle Dec 22, 2015 at 5:59 am

    I should like to point out to you and others who come across these types of postings that IF you read the reason Carol gave for banning the two members who have been banned.
    For the reason : repeated posting graphic images of abused child No, you will NOT read anything in what they're posting now that is the reason for their banning. And you will not see those sad and horrible images that she objected to in these new posts because they were deleted. Please read the info more carefully before you judge this forum and Carol unfairly. (And if you are just another version of either Shiloh or Raven posting as others, you asked for what you got by repeating these image postings after Carol had asked you not to. Simple. You did it to yourselves. Get over it already. )

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    Re: Open Letter From the Thubans

    Carol Dec 22, 2015 at 11:07 am

    There were on 2 members banned for "repeatedly" violating the forum rules. There were also generating multiple new membership accounts for themselves to continue their spamming after being banned for posting graphic pictures of abused / dismembered dead children across 6 other threads. Raven and Tony were playing tag team posting the same identical content generating complaints from other members. This was not the first time they've done this, which subsequently resulted in other member complaints about their spamming where some of the other members stopped posting as a result of being treated with disrespect by these two. In addition, Raven has been using Shiloh's account to post - also against the forum's rules.. then came back to post again using his account after being banned. Subsequently both are now permanently banned along with anyone else who has just joined the forum to create conflict. In addition, the other thread they are referring to was moved to the admin section of the forum, not destroyed. It will be moved back at a later time. Anything a banned member posts after being banned will be deleted.

    _________________ japa013-.32304. What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post n°5

    Re: Open Letter From the Thubans

    orthodoxymoron Dec 22, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    This might not be the time or the place for the following comment BUT the problems various forums face might be somewhat similar to what God is supposed to have faced with Rebellious-Elements in Heaven. I don't mean to be 'preachy' BUT there are legitimate reasons for rules, restrictions, administration, censorship, and banning. I frankly don't mind a lot of things which others object to. I honestly welcome the various challenges presented by various challengers. I find it stimulating and invigorating. I've been playing a Most-Dangerous Guessing-Game regarding what is Acceptable and what is Forbidden. I never know if I'm helping or hurting. I never know what's true or false, when considering most of what we discuss on this site, so I mostly treat everything as science-fiction. Anyway, I've appreciated the input and insights rendered by the current-offenders -- but I understand and appreciate the position taken by administration. It is important to know when to back-down (or even to cease and desist). I am valiantly attempting to cease and desist presently. I think I've more than made my case (in some rather unconventional and upsetting ways), and I think I need to sit-down and shut-up. One more thing. When Rebels Without a Clue get what they want, they are often NOT Satisfied, and seek more and more Forbidden-Goals. I'm presently reading a 1992 Church of England Book of Common Prayer, to attempt to understand and appreciate a possible Judeo-Christian Middle-Way. Rebellion and Divisiveness are SO Overrated.

    • Carol
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    default6-.32309. Re: Open Letter From the Thubans default6-.32309.

    Carol Dec 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    It saddens me Oxy that it has come to banning as I personally like Shiloh and did send him a private email offering him the opportunity to change his password, so that Raven wouldn't have access to his membership account. I sent him the email because I didn't know if it was all Raven's posting & spams using hers and his accounts, or if he was also a participant in spam posting what she was posting. He chose not to email me back or accept the offer to alter his password. As this thread was generated by Raven, using her new generated identity of Lemon Drop (among others,) I will likely move it into the back admin section later today or tomorrow so that other members have an opportunity to read it.
    _________________ japa013-.32312. What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Re: Open Letter From the Thubans

    orthodoxymoron Dec 22, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    There are literally dozens of Thuban-Posts on "My" Threads. I've placed most of them there myself (borrowed from other threads). I rather enjoyed being "Chewed-Out" by Raven (a few years ago). That "reaming" got heavily-edited, and I often wish I had a copy of the "original-harangue". I've used a lot of that sort of thing as "stage-props" for my "pseudo science-fiction". You can't get this sort of thing by reading or watching science-fiction -- and the religions and churches don't go anywhere near this "dangerous-stuff". This is unique. Unfortunately, overexposure to the unorthodox is a bit like over-scratching an itch (to the point that it bleeds). Once again -- One Must Know When to Stop.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Carol Admin default6-.32317.
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    default6-.32317. Re: Open Letter From the Thubans default6-.32317.

    Carol Dec 22, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    yup... was sorry it had to be edited due to the sexual content along with graphic images, yet that type of posting can get the forum into trouble.
    _________________ japa013-.32320. What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016

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