Operation Scrambleweb

Discussion in 'Operation Scrambleweb' started by TonyB, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    2 months ago

    Many "debunk" statements are decidedly POV. The opinion that the Gospel of Thomas is late is NOT an universal opinion among academics. The reasoning for the Gospel of Thomas being early is valid. If to use properly skeptic methodology, one also have to be honest in presenting the supporting facts -- otherwise skepticism tends to apology for convention, and proper science is always open to alternatives, something that apologies counteract.

    The Gospel of Thomas Collection​


    There is a growing consensus among scholars that the Gospel of Thomas – discovered over a half century ago in the Egyptian desert – dates to the very beginnings of the Christian era and may well have taken first form before any of the four traditional canonical Gospels. During the first few decades after its discovery several voices representing established orthodox biases argued that the Gospel of Thomas (abbreviated, GTh) was a late-second or third century Gnostic forgery. Scholars currently involved in Thomas studies now largely reject that view, though such arguments will still be heard from orthodox apologists and are encountered in some of the earlier publications about Thomas.
    Today most students would agree that the Thomas Gospel has opened a new perspective on the first voice of the Christian tradition. Recent studies centered on GTh have led to a stark reappraisal of the forces and events forming "orthodoxy" during the second and third centuries. But more importantly, the Gospel of Thomas is awakening interest in a forgotten spiritual legacy of Christian culture. The incipit (or "beginning words") of Thomas invite each of us "who has ears to hear" to join in a unique quest:

    These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke,
    and that Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And He said:
    "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death."

    The Gospel of Thomas Collection in the Gnostic Society Library catalogs materials about the Gospel of Thomas available both in our archives and elsewhere on the internet. Included are audio lectures about GTh, links to a wide variety of internet resources including several academic articles and essays, and a bibliography of GTh manuscript sources. Despite the wealth of material available here, the reader should also consult a few important books on the subject. An annotated selection of the best available translations of GTh and publications about GTh is provided in the suggested readings section of our Bookstore. We sincerely hope these resources help you in your studies of this most remarkable document.

    English Translations of the Gospel of Thomas
    Three excellent and widely used translations of the Gospel of Thomas are available in our Library collection. We prefer the Lambdin translation for personal reading, but each edition adds its own nuance of understanding. This is a text that reveals itself freshly with each new reading. Take it slowly -- each saying stands independently full of meaning.
    Lambdin Translation
    Patterson and Meyer Translation
    Patterson and Robinson Translation

    For those interested in viewing the original Coptic version of the text, a Coptic/English interlinear translation has been compiled by Michael Grondin. (His site also includes several useful references on Coptic language):
    Interlinear Coptic/English Translation of the Gospel of Thomas

    Greek Fragments from the Gospel of Thomas

    At the very beginning of the twentieth century three separate fragments from Greek versions of the Gospel of Thomas were discovered during archeological excavations of an ancient library in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. (Fragments of the Gospel of Mary were also found at Oxyrhynchus.) The three papyrus fragments of Thomas – known as the Oxyrhynchus fragments – date to between 130 - 250 CE.
    Translations of the sayings found in these Greek fragments of Thomas are presented here, followed by versions of the same sayings as they appear in the Coptic manuscript found at Nag Hammadi (we have used the Lambdin translation of GTh).
    The Gospel of Thomas Fragments from Oxyrhynchus

    Other Texts from the Thomas Tradition

    In early Christianity there existed traditions, often geographical localized, that honored a specific Christian apostolic figure as patron and initiatory source. The Pauline and Johannine traditions are commonly recognized examples of this early division in Christianity, and each left its own textual legacy. Though less well understood, there apparently also existed a Thomas tradition. Geographically, the name of Thomas was associate with the region of Syria, perhaps because Thomas or disciples claiming him as apostolic sponsor once located themselves in the area. Unfortunately, writings associated with the Thomas tradition – prominently including the Gospel of Thomas – fell out of favor during the formation of orthodoxy, and by the end of the fourth century most had been condemned and destroyed.
    Three important documents from the Thomas tradition have nonetheless survived: The Gospel of Thomas, The Book of Thomas the Contender, and the Acts of Thomas. The latter two were recovered in the Nag Hammadi Library. Several copies of the third text, the Acts of Thomas, survived over the centuries in monastic collections.
    Imbedded within the Acts of Thomas we find a beautiful and complete statement of a classic Gnostic myth describing the exile and redemption of the soul. The text is known as the "Hymn of the Pearl". What astounds most is that such a clear rendition of the Gnostic mythos was allowed to survive within a text which resided for centuries on the back shelves of orthodox archives.
    Hymn of the Pearl (from the Acts of Thomas) This beautiful text, excerpted from the Acts, is highly recommended reading.
    The Acts of Thomas The complete text the Acts of Thomas, from The Apocryphal New Testament, translated by M. R. James. (Important Note: Virtually all digital versions of the Acts of Thomas found on the internet are copies of a single file that has resided in our Archives since 1994. Unfortunately we have recently found that this original file had an internal formatting error. As a result, many short sections of text are lost in pirated copies of the file, making the text unintelligible in several places. We ask those who have reproduced this file to take note of the problem and help correct the error.)
    The Book of Thomas the Contender (from the Nag Hammadi Library Collection)

    Though not integrally related to the central Thomas tradition surrounding the Gospel of Thomas, several other ancient noncanonical Christian documents claimed authority in the name of Thomas. For completeness, these are listed here:
    The Apocalypse of Thomas
    The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Greek Text A
    The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Greek Text B
    The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Latin Text

    Online Audio Lectures about Thomas

    The following lectures by Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, a noted authority on Gnosticism, are available here in RealAudio format (RealPlayer required). Many more lectures focused on the Gospel of Thomas are available in high-quality MP3 format at BCRecordings.net. (Check our Web Lectures page for a selection of lectures available online.)
    Redemption and Redeemer in the Gospel of Thomas The Gospel of Thomas is one of the most important Gnostic texts discovered at Nag Hammadi. In this lecture, Dr. Hoeller explores the "soteriology" – the concept of a redeemer and the process of redemption – as developed in the text of the Thomas Gospel. (MP3 audio format, 79 min.)
    The Hymn of the Pearl: A Gnostic Tale of the Soul's Exile and Redemption Despite efforts of the evolving orthodoxy to destroy all Gnostic scriptures and documents, a few texts did survive which contained extensive sections of clearly Gnostic character and provenance. One primary example is the "Hymn of the Pearl" found within the Acts of Thomas. Dr. Hoeller explains the function of myth in Gnosticism and then examines this classic Gnostic tale of the soul's exile and redemption. While listening to the lecture, you may wish to read along in The Hymn of the Pearl from the Acts of Thomas. (MP3 audio format, 75 min.)
    Gnosticism and its Legacy Despite intense persecution, the Gnostic tradition has survived as an important force in Western culture for nearly two thousand years. In this lecture, Dr. Hoeller gives a brief introduction to the history of Gnosticism in Western culture and discusses twelve characteristics that have distinguished Gnosticism as a distinct, living tradition. (MP3 audio format, 77 min.)

    Forums for Discussions of The Gospel of Thomas

    The Gospel of Thomas (General Discussion) Located at Yahoo groups, "this is a discussion list for those interested in exploring the meanings of the 114 sayings attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas. An invitation is extended to individuals of all faiths and traditions who bring a sincere desire for increased understanding, appreciation and fellowship." This forum welcomes basic questions and comments. There is a complete collection of previous posts.
    The Gospel of Thomas (Academic Discussion) Also located at Yahoo groups, this forum is much more scholarly in focus and welcomes only serious students of the GTh. Introductory level questions or comments are not appropriate for this list. The collection of previous posts provides a wealth of information dealing with technical aspects of translating and interpreting the Thomas gospel.

    Internet Sites Focused on The Gospel of Thomas

    Gospel of Thomas Homepage (maintained by Stevan Davies, Professor of Religious Studies, College Misericordia). One of the first internet pages dedicated to the GTh, for many years this site has archived related materials. Unfortunately, as new material has been added, the site layout has become rather chaotic and difficult to navigate. Many of the most important articles and essays archived by Prof. Davies are organized and linked in our resources sections, below. We recommend his Thomas FAQ for quick answers to some common questions about Thomas.
    The Metalogos Index (maintained by Paterson Brown and The Ecumenical Coptic Project). Texts of the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, and other Valentinian writings are provided in English and Spanish, along with commentaries and notes.
    Gospel of Thomas Commentary (compiled by Peter Kirby). This excellent resource provides commentary on each of the 114 sayings in GTh. Included for each saying are: the Coptic text; three English translations of the saying; links to parallels in canonical texts and pOxy Greek Thomas fragments; and a few excerpts from academic commentaries on the saying.

    Online Books at the Gnosis Archive

    The Gnostic Apostle Thomas: Twin of Jesus, a complete online book by Herbert Christian Merillat which gives a useful overview of the place of the Apostle Thomas and Thomas literature in Gnosticism. The author has kindly contributed this file to The Gnosis Archive. It is also now available in print from at Amazon.com.

    Bibliography of Manuscripts and Translations

    A complete listing of ancient manuscript sources for Thomas, along with a bibliography of scholarly editions of the manuscripts and of published translations of the GTh text.

    The Gospel of Thomas and the Hermeneutics of Vision

    In its opening words the Gospel of Thomas offers a stunning hermeneutic challenge: "whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death." Unfortunately, modern readers comes to this incipit devoid of a technique of interpretive reading -- an hermeneutics -- that grants entry into the mysterious meaning vouchsafed by such words. This essay, The Gospel of Thomas and the Hermeneutics of Vision by Dr. Lance Owens, explores answer to a compelling question: "Was there an original tradition of interpretation – a hermeneutic technique – implicit in early transmissions of the Thomas tradition that gave an organic coherence to readings of the text, and if so, is that hermeneutic method still accessible? Can modern readers meet the challenge of the Thomas incipit?"

    Essays and Academic Articles Online
    This is a selection of the some of the articles available online, a few of which are interesting. They give an idea about the breadth of discussion focused on the Thomas Gospel. We find that links to pages outside our own permanent collection very frequently change or disappear. A Google search will of course find many things that might be of interest. Recently, all of these external resources seem to be available (many are archived on Stevan Davies' Gospel of Thomas site):
    Introductory Essays on the Gospel of Thomas by Drs. Elaine Pagels and Helmut Koester, published online as part of the 1998 PBS Television Frontline series, "From Jesus to Christ".
    The Gospel of Thomas and the Hermeneutics of Vision by Dr. Lance Owens. Was there an original tradition of interpretation – a hermeneutic technique – implicit in early transmissions of the Thomas tradition that gave an organic coherence to readings of the text, and if so, is that hermeneutic method still accessible?
    Rhetorical Composition and Sources in the Gospel of Thomas (pdf), by Vernon K. Robbins, Society of Biblical Literature 1997 Seminar Papers, pp. 86-114. An excellent paper, with a very useful introductory summary of current scholarly approaches to the GTh.
    Enthymemic Texture in the Gospel of Thomas, by Vernon K. Robbins, Society of Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers, pp. 343-366. Quoting from the introduction: "...Some enthymemic [= 'reasoning', 'pondering'] logia in Thomas contain explanations or descriptions.... Many logia that contain explanations or descriptions are part of the 'bedrock of tradition' in the variant forms of Q, synoptic, and Thomas tradition."​
    History of the Discovery of Thomas and Comments on the Text by Matthew Thomas Farrell. A readable introduction to Thomas, written for the general reader.
    Observations and Discussions of the Gospel of Thomas by Dr. Mahlon Smith's (Assoc. Professor of Religion, Rutgers University). Dr. Smith here collects a number of his very learned comments about the Gospel of Thomas, submitted over the years to variety of friendly internet discussions.
    On Mark's Use of the Gospel of Thomas: (Part One) (Part Two) by Stevan L. Davies, Neotestamentica 30 (2) 1996 pp.307-334 Technical but interesting. The arguments here suggest that Thomas existed prior to the earliest canonical Gospel and was used as a source by the author of Mark.
    Johannine Sayings in the Gospel of Thomas: The Sayings Traditions in their Environment of First Century Syria by Alexander Mirkovic, PhD (Graduate Dept. of Religion, Vanderbilt University). An exploration of the relationship between the Thomas and Johannine Gospels, suggesting that Thomas was a source document for John. This makes interesting reading in the context of Elaine Pagels' recent best-selling book, Beyond Belief.​
    An Internet Discussion of the Gospel of Thomas and Gnosticism between William Arnal (Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto) and Stevan Davies (College Misericordia), from the Ioudaios-L Internet List in mid-December of 1995. An interesting introduction to the types of arguments common within GTh studies groups.
    The Christology and Protology of the Gospel of Thomas by Stevan L. Davies, Journal of Biblical Literature Volume 111, Number 4, Winter 1992. Another succinct title.
    Q // Thomas Parallels in the Thomas version An abbreviated summary of parallels between Q and GTh. There is no introduction or explanation provided to these brief notes, but if you already are familiar with Q document research this may be of interest.
    The Circle of the Way: Reading the Gospel of Thomas as a "Christzen" Text, by Kenneth Arnold, from Cross Currents, Winter 2002, Vol. 51, No 4. Quoting from the introduction, "When Jesus opens his mouth in the Gospel of Thomas, there is a Buddha sitting on his tongue...."

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    DNA Analysis of Elongated Skulls Released & The Results Are Incredible!

    Ancient cultures were far more advanced than we give them credit for!
    Share the post "DNA Analysis of Elongated Skulls Released & The Results Are Incredible!"

    Thanks to Alien Disclosure Group

    Antiscience, Belief, Conspiracies, Discoveries, Evolution, Oddities, Paranormal Personalities, Pseudoscience, Questionable claims, UFOs & Aliens

    Foerster, Pye and Ketchum collaborate: Paracas elongated skull exposed! (UPDATE)

    by Sharon Hill • February 6, 2014 • 52 Comments
    NEW (09-Feb-2014): Brien Foerster has contacted me saying that Melba Ketchum is not the geneticist behind the released results.
    See more details in the update below.
    On the south coast of Peru in 1928, Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, discovered a collection of remains of individuals with unusually elongated skulls. Cranial deformation is a widely known practice where the skull is intentionally deformed by binding the head with wood or cloth to achieve an elongate or flat shape. And then this story gets weird…
    Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results | Ancient Origins.
    The Paracas skulls, however, are different. The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been for decades.
    Samples of these skulls (hair, including roots, tooth, bone and skin) housed at the Paracas History Museum were taken. Here’s the kicker… they were sent, not to a reputable scientist or geneticist, but to Lloyd Pye (now deceased), founder of the Starchild Project who believed in alien hybrids. Guess who he gave them to for testing? (This is rich.) Our favorite Nobel-wishing genetic tester, friend of the forest people, Dr. Melba Ketchum. Ketchum has made our feature posts as the orchestrator of the Bigfoot DNA testing boondoggle. In February of 2013, she self-published a paper (after it was rejected by mainstream journals) that her collection of supposed Bigfoot genetic samples showed the North American Sasquatch was a hybrid of an unknown ape and a human mother. The findings were roundly rejected. See the chronicles of Ketchum here.
    She had hinted in the past she was working on elongate skulls. A few of our readers were able to flesh out this story.
    Here is what was posted by Brien Foerster, the lead researcher, from the person who did the genetic testing:
    It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
    The “geneticist”, unnamed in this piece, gushes about how the findings are at odds with the evolutionary tree as we know it. Hmm. Where is the paper? This kind of “groundbreaking” stuff gives soundly skeptical folks serious pause. It sounds like woo and it’s been making the rounds on such mystery-mongering outlets. It didn’t appear in any scientific context AT ALL. [Giant red flags go up.]
    Fortean writer Martin Clemens could see something was odd about this (not in a good way) and wrote this piece today:
    Well, it seems Foerster would like us all to believe he has preliminary results of that analysis in hand, and through an appearance on JustEnergyRadio, he has released some rather spurious details that on first glance seem quite intriguing, but upon closer inspection, aren’t really all that impressive.
    Several bloggers who specialize in the paranormal, have published posts telling of these preliminary conclusions, claiming that the DNA offered unexpected results. Headlines such as ‘Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skulls released – with incredible result’ are giving people the wrong impression of the situation.
    Foerster is claiming that mitochondrial DNA was found in at least one sample and that analysis of that DNA showed mutations that don’t conform to mutations known in humans or other animals.
    Clemens clearly picked up on the fact that this is unprofessional behavior and we should CERTAINLY withhold judgement regardless of the hype. This story is getting too much attention and too little verification.
    At best it’s inconclusive. The DNA would be identified as human, but with anomalies; anomalies that could be caused by any number of contaminants or procedural flaws. It could be that this DNA really does provide unusual results, but the only thing that can be said of it at this point is that it requires further study. The sensational release of unconfirmed and unverifiable information such as this on a radio show, is not worthy of the attention this story is receiving.
    In two places, Clemens notes he HOPES the “geneticist” was not Ketchum but the way this is being presented to the public is strangely reminiscent of Melba’s way of making an end run around the scientific community. Ah, Martin, your senses serve you well – because it is indeed Melba’s handiwork. We find this via a few routes that connect Foerster to Melba. It’s admitted here as part of the Genesis Project:
    The head of our genetics study, who wished to remain anonymous until now, is Dr. Melba Ketchum.
    Foerster is involved alternative history interpretation. Genesis Quest is a less than credible-sounding project whose mission is:
    [...] dedicated to solving ancient mysteries that have largely been overlooked by main-stream science.

    Genesis Quest (GQ) will focus on ancient puzzles, such as unexplained, monumental stone ruins ringing the globe, submerged structures and cities, and lost civilizations far older than those of Egypt or Sumer. They will focus special attention on global disasters that apparently destroyed such forgotten early civilizations, as described in ancient traditions, myths, and scriptural accounts– including the Old Testament’s Book of Genesis, which partly inspired the organization’s name.
    GQ failed at their Kickstarter but apparently got funding from other places. They are looking for help getting their ideas into a TV series they want to pitch to Discovery.
    This scenario fits with Melba’s unscientific agenda. Her interpretation of Bigfoot DNA has been tinged with religious (remember that ancient Bigfoot were the Nephilim?) and anti-evolution undertones. I have to admit I missed making this connection that was actually revealed on this very site back in December on the post about Lloyd Pye’s death from blogger SeesDifferent (see comments). On Sees’ OTL,S blog, (well-known for getting the inside scoop on Bigfootery) we find that Foerster posted this on his Facebook page on February 3 (Foerster quotes in blue):
    IMPORTANT DNA UPDATE (not of this skull, but another Paracas): NOT HUMAN?
    it had mtDNA with mutations unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.. I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree. The question is if they were so different, they could not interbreed with humans.
    Of course, it’s a marketing tool; we learn in the comments where we can buy Foerster’s elongated skull book and sign up for his nephilim tour.
    And any of you should come on this tour if you want to learn the latest info.
    or perhaps attend the ancient aliens lecture circuit:
    The first video of the skull in the photo will be on Watchers 8, by LA Marzulli, in June, along with carbon 14, hair analysis, and DNA results…
    When queried by a commenter about peer review, he mumbles
    Peer review will of course be considered, but this information belongs to THE WORLD; not a few academics…
    Of course it belongs to the world…. that’s why he’s selling it…instead of having the world get it for free….oh, wait….
    Here is Foerster’s Hidden Inca Tours site – a research travel group. Foerster has no (?) scientific credentials though he calls himself an “expert”. His bio notes he has an “Honours Bachelor Of Science degree” (whatever that is) [Ed. note - see comments] but took up carving and sculpture full time.
    He writes for the Graham Hancock website as well. And he is the author of several books. Most notably, this one:
    Now don’t you all wonder if this will be the next paper published in Melba’s sham journal DeNovo?! Shall we take bets?
    Alternative history, ancient aliens, self-proclaimed experts, nephilim (which apparently is too far of a reach according to Foerster), Bigfoot, the Bible, a money grab… all rolled into one. This is ANOTHER circus.
    Thanks Martin, Jeb Card, SeesDifferent – you guys are ON THE BALL!
    Ed. note – I think there is more to this. It deserves a more thorough treatment than I can give, please add additional links and info or corrections in the comments.
    8-Feb-2014 Minor edits made for grammar mistakes. No sentences or meaning was changed.

    UPDATE (09-Feb-2014): Mr. Foerster has indicated to me, on his Facebook page, and in a followup interview that the geneticist quoted is not Ketchum. However, there is still admission that she is involved, with different samples. The quote is “These results are not from Melba Ketchum; she has other samples.”
    That doesn’t help the situation much since anonymity of the geneticist is a no-no in presenting your results. So, while Ketchum may not be officially presenting results, the fact that she is involved is damning for credibility. Unfortunately, the whole thing still lacks all credibility. This clarification in no way changes the impropriety of announcing results this way – extremely unscientific and highly questionable. It’s not worth serious consideration until a paper is submitted and peer review is conducted.
    He notes that he released these preliminary findings for those who have been following the project. The official results are forthcoming but may take months. (Drafts and journal submissions sometimes take a YEAR.)
    Of course there are those that will attack “initial findings” and demand a more thorough examination and peer review; and this will come. However, my release of the initial results was made for those that have been following this story for 2 years, and have given support, either financially or in spirit.
    Improper. Science by press release and leakage is bad form and is almost ALWAYS a bust because it’s the conclusion from the researcher(s) who are biased in this role. That’s why peer review exists, to point out the problems that were missed by investigators who are too close to the subject to be objective. Happens all the time. Peer review is CRITICAL for eliminating garbage. But instead, Foerster has chosen to whip up attention in the public sphere. Smart if you are looking for support of all kinds but death to scientific credibility.
    As a reminder, I linked to a piece above that connects this story to the Nephilim. As I noted, Foerster does not agree. But I would like to make clear that he has not explicitly connected this to religion, though you see others have. One problem we have with these types of news stories are those who speculate to fantastic conclusions – aliens, angels, paranormal, etc. This is why we try to note where these stories are going in the mainstream and head it off with a note of extreme caution. (Not that it helps… I don’t think those folks off on the fringe path are reading this site.)
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh - Posted Feb 16th

    Quarkian Geometry

    The Quarkian Quantum Geometry is validated in the following references from the global physics community with the ud diquark of the sigma hyperon usd being separated along the magnetoaxis by the s quark and so carrying the same quantum spin. The dus lambda hyperon's ud diquark is adjacent along this magnetoaxis and so carries opposite quantum spin quanta. This fact is experimentally verified in the Λ and Σ baryon experiment referenced in the following.

    Part of the resolution of the 'controversy' as indicated in the wiki entry is that the colours of a diquark are NOT ANTISYMMETRIC, as they do not require a colour-anticolour coupling of the gluon permutative states of the mesonic 'Inner Ring' or KIR. As the hyperonic diquark forms a simple part of the overall subatomic particle state in a tripartition, the colours of a diquark permutate simply as two members of the neutralising primary colour triplet Red-Green-Blue or its corresponding secondary anticolour triplet Cyan-Magenta-Yellow. All diquarks are so - by nature - 'colour neutral'.


    shiloh, February 16th, 2014


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In particle physics, a diquark, or diquark correlation/clustering, is a hypothetical state of two quarks grouped inside a baryon (that consists of three quarks) (Lichtenberg 1982). Corresponding models of baryons are referred to as diquark models. The diquark is often treated as a single subatomic particle with which the third quark interacts via the strong interaction. The existence of diquarks inside the nucleons is a disputed issue, but it helps to explain some nucleon properties and to reproduce experimental data sensitive to the nucleon structure. antidiquark pairs have also been advanced for anomalous particles such as the X(3872).


    The forces between the two quarks in a diquark is attractive when both the colors and spins are antisymmetric. When both quarks are correlated in this way they tend to form a very low energy configuration. This low energy configuration has become known as a diquark.


    Many scientists theorize that a diquark should not be considered a particle. Even though they may contain two quarks they are not colour neutral, and therefore cannot exist as isolated bound states. So instead they tend to float freely inside hadrons as composite entities; while free-floating they have a size of about 1 fm . This also happens to be the same size as the hadron itself.


    Diquarks are the conceptual building blocks, and as such give scientists an ordering principle for the most important states in the hadronic spectrum. There are many different pieces of evidence that prove diquarks are fundamental in the structure of hadrons. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence comes from a recent study of baryons. In this study the baryon had one heavy and two light quarks. Since the heavy quark is inert, the scientists were able to discern the properties of the different quark configurations in the hadronic spectrum.

    Λ and Σ baryon experiment

    An experiment was conducted using diquarks in an attempt to study the Λ and Σ baryons that are produced in the creation of hadrons created by fast-moving quarks. In the experiment the quarks ionized the vacuum area. This produced the quark–antiquark pairs, which then converted themselves into mesons. When generating a baryon by assembling quarks, it is helpful if the quarks first form a stable two-quark state. The Λ and the Σ are created as a result of up, down and strange quarks. Scientists found that the Λ contains the [ud] diquark, however the Σ does not. From this experiment scientists inferred that Λ baryons are more common than Σ baryons, and indeed they are more common by a factor of 10.



    From the archives of the omniscience of the dragons

    The 3-Mode uds-Hyperon Decay in QCD

    A quark geometric explanation for the three forms of the decay pattern for the hyperon with quark content uds is proposed to derive as a question of stability.

    The uds in the form of the Lambda Λo (1/2spin,0 charge) is the most stable of the trio, decaying via the weak interaction in so 10-10 seconds. The uds in the form of the Sigma Σo (1/2spin,0 charge) is less stable, decaying electromagnetically in so 10-18 seconds. The udsResonance Σo*(3/2spin,0 charge) is least stable, decaying strongly in so 10-23 seconds.

    Now consider an magnetoaxis about which the individual uds quarks oscillate normally. Define a neutrinoic Kernel, hugged by an Inner Mesonic Ring and bounded by an Outer Leptonic Ring (defined as the Classical Electronic Radius, scaled in the Finestructure Constant Alpha to the Compton Radius of the Thomson Scattering Cross-section).

    This quark geometry allows 8 permutation states for the gluons in a BBB, BBW, BWB, WBB, WWB, WBW, BWW and WWW transformation between radiative (W)hite and restmass-induced (B)lack states; either in primary colour triplets (RedGreenBlue or Anticolours CyanMagentaYellow) relating to unitary symmetries SU(3) for the baryons and hyperons of 3 quarks or colour/anticolour doublets of SU(2) for the quark-antiquark couplings of the mesons.

    The gluonic permutation states would activate as toroidal spacetimequanta in the form of Inflow-Outflow vortices or as sourcesink dualities/dyadics. Those gluonic states would connect the linearly oscillating quarks normal to their vibration patterns about the magnetoaxis. Quantum Geometrically, the Outer Membrane of the s-quark oscillation would carry two gluonic eigenstates of colour permutation as would the Inner Membrane of the d-quark oscillation; reflected in the magnetoaxis, acting like a mirror for the 8 eigenstates. Orthogonally to that would be the vibration of the wavequark membrane parallel to the magnetoaxis and define the weak interaction Higgs restmass induction in the weak interaction gauge bosons W+ and W- as parity particles of each other. This orthogonal vibration would also be bounded by the Classical Electronic Radius (Re). Because of this arrangement of quark quantum geometry, the positioning of the individuated u-d-s quarks become significant.

    The Lambda's d-u-s is most stable, because a Feynman diagram connecting the different kernel-ring-markers would balance the Inner Ring of the d with the Outer Ring of the s, encompassing the Kernel's u. The Feynman diagram depicts hyperbolic curvature. The Sigma's u-s-d is less stable; because since opposite quark geometries attract and like ones repel, due to their ringcharges; the d adjacent to the s repels in the ringcharges but there remains a balance in the Kernelcharge of the u-quark opposite the d-quark. The Feynman diagram depicts ellipsoidal curvature. The Sigma-Resonance's u-d-s is the least stable; with no balancing of the three quark arrangement about the magnetoaxis. The Feynman diagram depicts linear divergence.

    The lambda is assigned Isospin 0 and the Sigma Isospin 1 in the baryon octet and the Sigma-Resonance is assigned Isospin 0 in the baryon decuplet of the unitary symmetry.

    A detailed description of the common beta minus decay of the standard neutron serves as an example for the unification physics of the gauges

    The neutron has a dud quark configuration and transforms into a proton of quark content udu in interacting through a gauge weakon in the shortrange weak interaction. Note here, that I have written the 'supersymmetric' versions in a linear notation. In particular the neutron d(-1/2).u(+1/2).d(-1/2) must have this basic (no internal gluon energy-momentum distribution) to have a resultant lefthanded (-1/2) quantum spin momentum.
    It is understood, that ONLY lefthanded hyperons (including nucleons) engage the weak interaction in the phenomenon of weak parity violation discovered officially in 1957 by Lee and Yang. The linear alignment is defined in a colour (or gluon) charged magnetoaxis which then can 'loop onto itself' as a quark-ring of the form -d.u.d.- , say within a spherical template or envelope about the quarks, gluons and gauges (all defined in HUP wavefunctions and not some mechanistic billard ball-spring model often found in popular literature (wikipedia, SciAm etc.)).

    The interacting weakon for matter is called Wminus (W-) and has a quantum-waveform encompassed in a spheroidal envelope. It is a bosonic gauge of quantum spin (+1) and is 'made up' (and as known from its experimentally observed decay-product) of an electron (+1/2) with its antineutrino (+1/2). The old neutron is linearly (read magnetically) 'supersymmetric' because the d-quark in the linear arrangement is 'asymptotically confined' by the size of the envelope, which happens to be the scale of the 'classical electron' in QFT, and the range of the nuclear interactions itself at about 3 fermi. This is also the 'size' of the strange quark as a resonance of the d-quark.
    The 'supersymmetry' so allows (one of the endpoint) d-quarks to oscillate to its (higher) s-quark energy level and to INTERACT at that level with the weakon.

    Were the linear quark content of the form udd (as inappropriately depicted in the popular press); then this neutron would NOT be 'supersymmetric', as the linear arrangement would have already 'broken' that symmetry. The quark content u.d.d exists however and is base-defined as a neutral delta in the SU(3) baryon octet and where all the quarks are spinaligned for a total spin angular momentum of 3/2. So one of the dud d-quarks oscillates to the energy level of the W- and exchanges the 'leptonic ring boundary' AS the weakon's electron with the mesonic- or d-ring level of the old nonoscillating neutron.

    The weakon (of the Feynman diagrams) so is 'destroyed' with its righthanded electron ABSORBING the lefthanded spin of the d-quark and so neutralising the meson-lepton ring spinstate, but EMERGING the observed righthanded (+1/2) electron antineutrino as product of beta minus decay of the neutron. There one observes however a LEFT POLARISATION of the MATERIALISING electron in conjunction with the emission of the weakon defining righthanded electron antineutrino(+1/2). So the 0-spin bosonic lepton ring (as electron precursor), becomes SPININDUCED by the gauge interaction at the kernel between the (already materialised) antineutrino and a gluon coupled to the up-quark (which was part of the transforming down-quark in: d(charge -1/3)=KIR=Kernel(charge +2/3)+InnerRing(charge -1)=(K+IR). The weakon ring then is labeled OR=OuterRing.

    The +1 weakon spin so interacts 'weakly' with the -1/2 spin of the interacting down-quark (d*) to MATERIALISE first the righthanded electronic antineutrino (+1/2) coupled in strongweak unification to a 0-spin OR and then SPININDUCES the 'virtual' weakon AS a 'real' electron in conjoin with the K=Kernel to OR gauge unification.

    The 'virtuality' of the weakon gauge can be extended into a nonvirtual or 'real' expression for the conservation law regarding quantum spin in the introduction of a massless Goldstone Spinor, here called the GraviPhoton or GP(±1). The GP is COLOURLESS and so does not interact with any other gauge and its derivatives in the inertia carriers of mass and the massless photon gauges produced by inertia coupled particles, such as accelerated fusion protons emitting energy as photons of electromagnetic radiation. The conservation of quantum spin in 'virtuality' so is expressed in the form: W-(+1) + GP(-1) → antiνe(+½) + e-(-½)

    Then the 'virtual' weakon disappears into the vacuum of the HUP and leaves behind the original 'virtual' antineutrino, seemingly MATERIALISING from the neutron-proton transformation., as well as a real leftpolarised electron. The GP(±1) exchanges or flips the quark spins of the linearly adjacently aligned but not weakly interacting quarks and the GP(-1) 'shares' its bosonic spin in distributing it in bifurcation to the scalar OR(0) spin and the 'left-over' quarkian u-quark kernel of the weakly interacting d-quark. This 'flipping' also changes the cyclicity in the permutation dud* to u*du in the recentering of the linearly (but not circularly) central quark of the neutron (u) in dud to the central quark of the emergent proton (d) in udu in the transition of the IR(0) part of the leading down quark d* to its adjacent up quark, here denoted u*.

    The intermediate transitional energy state so becomes a magnetically aligned transformation:

    neutron(-½) →d(-½).u(+½).d(-½)→d(-½).u(+½).[u(-½)+OR(0)]+{W‾(+1)+GP(-1)}→d*(-½).u*(+½).[u(-½)] + {e‾(+½) + antiνe(+1/2) + GP(-1)} → u(-½).d(+½).u(-½) + {e‾(-½) + antiνe(+½)}→ proton(-½) + {e‾(-½) + antiνe(+½)}

    As an alternative, this transition gauge interaction can also be expressed in the utility of diquarks, such as double-up=uu=U.

    Then the transformation becomes:
    neutron(-½) →u(-½).OR(0).u(+½).d(-½)+{W‾(+1)+GP(-1)}→U(-½).OR(+½)IR(0).u(-½)+ antiνe(+½) + e-(-½) →u(-½).d(+½).u(-½) + antiνe(+½) + e-(-½)→proton(-½) + antiνe(+½) + e-(-½). Here then the relooping circumpasses the OR(0) , which 'disappears' with the 'virtuality' of the W-(+1) and the spin sharing of the GP(-1) takes the form of the 'breaking up' of the diquark state U(-½)=uu(-½) into a resymmetrised linearised form as bounds for the central down-quark d=K+IR incorporating the quantum geometry of the kernel-ring or up-down structure of stability.

    This renders the SPIN EXCHANGE as REAL from the VIRTUAL Inertia selfstate, as the virtuality of the energy in inertia has become finestructured in the energy of the quantum spin distribution. The generalised supersymmetric conservation of the quantum spin for the looped-linearised-relooped neutron so becomes: dud(-½)→dud*(-½)→duu*(-½)→u*du(-½)→udu(-½)+e-(-½)+antiνe(+½). The circularisation of the magnetoaxis 'destroys' the magnetic spinfixation and temporarily allows a spin-realignment, which manifests in the beta minus decay of the neutron into its observed constituents via the weak interaction.

    Hi All!

    Yes, this is another aspect of the 'new physics' of the 21st century. Just as the posts below describes the new discovery' of the 'Borromean Rings' as being linked to the Theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), so can the nanophysics of the microscopic realm be modeled as an emergence from the underpinning supersymmetry of the cosmos.

    Eventually the 'new physics' will understand the pentagonal supersymmetry, observable in both longrange translational and rotational symmetries of a decagonal 'back-to-back' pentagons in the higher dimensional superstring coupling to the geometry of the DNA/RNA helix. This is exempliefied ; say in Penrose tiling patterns and Shechtmanite quasicrystals; and is most potent in the inflationary string epoch of the de Broglie wavematter inflaton-instanton when the Planck-String transformed into the five superstrin classes in brane energy transduction and manifesting under the auspices of the Euler Identity defining the Golden Mean:

    As Michio Kaku and Ed Witten have said (similiar to) about 'string theory' in the 1980's. "It's 21st century mathematical physics fallen into the 20th century, when noone knows how to solve the equations".
    The Borromean Rings, for long thought to be a purely mathematical construct introduce a mathematical tool to study the 'quark entanglements', something called the chromodynamic or colourcharged 'asymptotic magnetic confinement' of three colourcharges in the quark-gluon gauge coupling within the nucleons and hyperons.
    The 'mechanistic' billiard balls quarks connected by gluonic springs' model (and as seen in the popular expositions as to what quarks look like) is plain and simply 'wrong' and must be replaced by a quantum-mechanistic model of wavefunctions in superposition.
    The post below then has shown this experimentally and in doing so has verified the theoretical predictions, such as made by Vitaly Efimov.

    I can give a little more insight here via the Quantum Geometry which is linked to those wavefunctions of the 3-particle quark agglomerations of SU3 Unitary Symmetry (of the Standard Model of Particle Physics).
    In the popular literature, you will read that there are 8 different gluons, which connect the quarks to each other by strong nuclear interaction.

    There are to be 3x3=9 colour triplet permutations minus the one that doesn't change colour in triplicity.
    For three CYCLIC colours Red-Green-Blue or RGB=GBR=BRG with its anticolour triplet Cyan-Magenta-Yellow or CMY=MYC=YCM a 'Gluon-Set:' {RRR; RRG; RRB; RGR; RGG; RGB; RBR; RBG; RBB} crystallizes the 8 gluons minus the element {RGB}; which does not change any colour. Exchanging Red with Green and then Blue then gives a 3x3x3=27 elemental permutation set in the gluonic colour sets with 8 distinct gluons for the transmission of the colour force of the strong nuclear interaction, described by the Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics or QCD of the 'standard model'. Changing the cyclicity of the colour arrangement, results in the 'CHIRAL Nonparity' of the weak nuclear interaction, and where the mirror image of the colour trisection template is no longer identical to its original.

    This is described elsewhere in the Thuban archives but the ANTICYCLICITY of the BGR=GRB=RBG colours defining the templates of the quantum geometry applied to the gauge particles then results in the so called 'virtual energy' Heisenberg Matrix background and as a form of VPE Energy which then becomes labeled as the KK=uubar or KIRKIR=ddbar or KORKOR=ssbar mesonic quark-antiquark eigenstates responsible for the 'Unified Field' Interaction schematically represented in the following diagram.


    The gluon interaction so is presumed to take the form of a basic RGB colour triplet to transform into some other permutation of the RGB originator.
    Red→Red or or Green or Blue Green→Red or Green or Blue Blue→Red or Green or Blue
    From those 9 selfstates is subtracted the trio Red→Red Green→Green Blue→Blue
    This is perfectly ok and is 'proven' experimentally everyday at the colliders, say Fermilab and CERN.
    BUT, there is a simpler and more penetrative way of interpretation, than associating each of the 8 gluons with this colour-change operation.
    In Quantum Relativity, there is only ONE Gluon - and it looks similar to a Borromean Ring in a colour trisection.
    The One Gluon can however engage in 8 permutation states in gluon gauge energy.
    This becomes the transformation between a 'pure (B)lack mass eigenstate' given by Einstein's E=mc2 and the 'pure (W)hite radiation selfstate' given by Planck's E=hf.
    One of the key mysteries in the Standard Model (of Particle Physics) is how a quark content uds can assume 3 different particles.
    This is called the Lambda-Sigma-Sigma Resonance triple configuration.
    (I have posted the solution below the Borromean Ring essay for anyone interested. This solution shows that there exists a magnetoaxis in the nucleon and it is around this axis, that the quarks and gluons rotate to define the quark content in quantum geometric alignments).
    The 'pure' mass state means the particle materialises and can be observed in the experiments. This is the BBB=E=mc2 eigenfunction (say one matrix element in QCD).
    Each of the three 'Rings' is interchangeable via gluon coupling for the six hybrid states BBW and BWB and WBB and WWB and WBW and BWW. The final WWW=E=hf eigenfunction then dematerialises the mass content in electromagnetic energy, which ultimatey engages the ZPE in the so called 'virtual' eigenstates of the energies.


    Golden Ratio Discovered in Quantum World:
    Hidden Symmetry Observed for the First Time in Solid State Matter
    Strange Physical Theory Proved After Nearly 40 Years

    Clara Moskowitz, Staff Writer
    posted: 16 December 2009 09:33 am ET

    The Borromean rings, a symbol dating back to the second century, were recreated with lithium atoms.
    Credit: Wikipedia

    When physicist Vitaly Efimov heard his theory had finally been proven, he ran up to the younger scientist who had verified it and gave him a high five.
    Efimov had predicted a quantum-mechanical version of Borromean rings, a symbol that first showed up in Afghan Buddhist art from around the second century. The symbol depicts three rings linked together; if any ring were removed, they would all come apart.

    Until recently.
    A team of physicists led by Randy Hulet of Rice University in Houston finally achieved the trio of particles, and published their findings in the online journal Science Express.

    "It was very exciting, because after 40 years of this prediction being out there, it was finally verified," Hulet told LiveScience.
    Hulet presented his work at a meeting in Rome in October that Efimov also attended.

    "He gave me a high five after my talk," Hulet recounted. "He was so enthusiastic and so excited to see this prediction become true."

    Efimov had calculated that the triplet of bound particles was possible, and that it was repeating: New bound states could be achieved at higher and higher energy levels in an infinite progression. All of the bound states would occur at energy levels that were multiples of 515.

    To prove that they had really created the trios, called Efimov trimers, the researchers produced one set of three lithium atoms bound together, and then reproduced it with a binding energy 515 times the first one. (Essentially, binding energy indicates how tightly the particles hold onto one another and how much energy it would take to pull them apart.)

    The researchers used a setup called a Feshbach resonance that allowed them to tweak the energy levels of their atoms. They found that when they hit multiples of 515, the particles would bind, but at other energies they wouldn't, proving that the trios really were Efimov trimers.

    "It's an amazing effect, really," Hulett believe [Efimov] at first. It was a very strange prediction."

    The theory is unique because it's a solution to a special case of what's called the "three-body" problem. Scientists have solved the "two-body" problem — that is, they have calculated exactly how two objects should move based on their starting positions, masses and velocities. Scientists can also calculate this scenario for many masses, but a pure solution to the general three-body problem has been elusive.

    "Physicists can handle two-body problems quite well, and many-body problems fairly well, but when there are just a few objects, like the three bodies in these Efimov trimers, there are just too many variables," Hulet said.

    The Efimov calculation isn't the solution to the general case, but rather a solution to a specific case of three bodies. Thus, discovering a real-life example of three particles fulfilling his prediction is an important step to learning more about few-body physics.

    The Borromean rings, a symbol dating back to the second century, were recreated with lithium atoms.
    Credit: Wikipedia

    When physicist Vitaly Efimov heard his theory had finally been proven, he ran up to the younger scientist who had verified it and gave him a high five.
    Efimov had predicted a quantum-mechanical version of Borromean rings, a symbol that first showed up in Afghan Buddhist art from around the second century. The symbol depicts three rings linked together; if any ring were removed, they would all come apart.

    Efimovuntil recently.

    A team of physicists led by Randy Hulet of Rice University in Houston finally achieved the trio of particles, and published their findings in the online journal Science Express.

    "It was very exciting, because after 40 years of this prediction being out there, it was finally verified," Hulet told LiveScience.

    Hulet presented his work at a meeting in Rome in October that Efimov also attended.

    "He gave me a high five after my talk," Hulet recounted. "He was so enthusiastic and so excited to see this prediction become true."

    Efimov had calculated that the triplet of bound particles was possible, and that it was repeating: New bound states could be achieved at higher and higher energy levels in an infinite progression. All of the bound states would occur at energy levels that were multiples of 515.

    To prove that they had really created the trios, called Efimov trimers, the researchers produced one set of three lithium atoms bound together, and then reproduced it with a binding energy 515 times the first one. (Essentially, binding energy indicates how tightly the particles hold onto one another and how much energy it would take to pull them apart.)

    The researchers used a setup called a Feshbach resonance that allowed them to tweak the energy levels of their atoms. They found that when they hit multiples of 515, the particles would bind, but at other energies they wouldn't, proving that the trios really were Efimov trimers.

    "It's an amazing effect, really," Hulett believe [Efimov] at first. It was a very strange prediction."

    The theory is unique because it's a solution to a special case of what's called the "three-body" problem. Scientists have solved the "two-body" problem — that is, they have calculated exactly how two objects should move based on their starting positions, masses and velocities. Scientists can also calculate this scenario for many masses, but a pure solution to the general three-body problem has been elusive.

    "Physicists can handle two-body problems quite well, and many-body problems fairly well, but when there are just a few objects, like the three bodies in these Efimov trimers, there are just too many variables," Hulet said.

    The Efimov calculation isn't the solution to the general case, but rather a solution to a specific case of three bodies. Thus, discovering a real-life example of three particles fulfilling his prediction is an important step to learning more about few-body physics.

    Golden ratio discovered in quantum world: Hidden symmetry observed for the first time in solid state matter

    Date: January 7, 2010
    Source: Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres


    Researchers have for the first time observed a nanoscale symmetry hidden in solid state matter. They have measured the signatures of a symmetry showing the same attributes as the golden ratio famous from art and architecture.


    The magnetic field is used to tune the chains of spins to a quantum critical state. The resonant modes (“notes”) are detected by scattering neutrons.
    These scatter with the characteristic frequencies of the spin chains.
    Credit: Image courtesy of Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

    Researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), in cooperation with colleagues from Oxford and Bristol Universities, as well as the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, have for the first time observed a nanoscale symmetry hidden in solid state matter. They have measured the signatures of a symmetry showing the same attributes as the golden ratio famous from art and architecture.

    The research team is publishing these findings in the Jan. 8, 2010 issue of the journal Science.
    On the atomic scale particles do not behave as we know it in the macro-atomic world. New properties emerge which are the result of an effect known as the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. In order to study these nanoscale quantum effects the researchers have focused on the magnetic material cobalt niobate. It consists of linked magnetic atoms, which form chains just like a very thin bar magnet, but only one atom wide and are a useful model for describing ferromagnetism on the nanoscale in solid state matter.

    When applying a magnetic field at right angles to an aligned spin the magnetic chain will transform into a new state called quantum critical, which can be thought of as a quantum version of a fractal pattern. Prof. Alan Tennant, the leader of the Berlin group, explains "The system reaches a quantum uncertain -- or a Schrödinger cat state. This is what we did in our experiments with cobalt niobate. We have tuned the system exactly in order to turn it quantum critical."

    By tuning the system and artificially introducing more quantum uncertainty the researchers observed that the chain of atoms acts like a nanoscale guitar string. Dr. Radu Coldea from Oxford University, who is the principal author of the paper and drove the international project from its inception a decade ago until the present, explains: "Here the tension comes from the interaction between spins causing them to magnetically resonate. For these interactions we found a series (scale) of resonant notes: The first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies (pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618…, which is the golden ratio famous from art and architecture." Radu Coldea is convinced that this is no coincidence. "It reflects a beautiful property of the quantum system -- a hidden symmetry. Actually quite a special one called E8 by mathematicians, and this is its first observation in a material," he explains.

    The observed resonant states in cobalt niobate are a dramatic laboratory illustration of the way in which mathematical theories developed for particle physics may find application in nanoscale science and ultimately in future technology. Prof. Tennant remarks on the perfect harmony found in quantum uncertainty instead of disorder. "Such discoveries are leading physicists to speculate that the quantum, atomic scale world may have its own underlying order. Similar surprises may await researchers in other materials in the quantum critical state."

    The researchers achieved these results by using a special probe -- neutron scattering. It allows physicists to see the actual atomic scale vibrations of a system. Dr. Elisa Wheeler, who has worked at both Oxford University and Berlin on the project, explains "using neutron scattering gives us unrivalled insight into how different the quantum world can be from the every day."
    However, "the conflicting difficulties of a highly complex neutron experiment integrated with low temperature equipment and precision high field apparatus make this a very challenging undertaking indeed." In order to achieve success "in such challenging experiments under extreme conditions" the HZB in Berlin has brought together world leaders in this field. By combining the special expertise in Berlin whilst taking advantage of the pulsed neutrons at ISIS, near Oxford, permitted a perfect combination of measurements to be made.

    Story Source:
    The above story is based on materials provided by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

    Journal Reference:
    1. R. Coldea, D. A. Tennant, E. M. Wheeler, E. Wawrzynska, D. Prabhakaran, M. Telling, K. Habicht, P. Smeibidl, K. Kiefer. Quantum Criticality in an Ising Chain: Experimental Evidence for Emergent E8 Symmetry. Science, Jan. 8, 2010

    Large proton halo sparks devilish row

    23 September 2010 by Kate McAlpine
    Magazine issue 2779. New Scientist

    proton. protonradius.

    IN CHRISTIAN art, a halo symbolises holiness. In particle physics, a ring of positive charge around the proton has become the focus of a devilish row.
    The dispute concerns an attempt to square a recent suggestion that the radius of the proton is smaller than we thought with the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED), which has successfully explained quantum phenomena since the 1940s.

    A proton's radius cannot be measured directly, but has to be deduced by measuring the energies of different electron "shells" in a hydrogen atom. Through QED, these energies combine with a model of how the proton's charge is distributed to give the proton's radius.

    The smaller value for the proton radius came from measurements of an exotic form of hydrogen that contains a heavy type of electron known as a muon. This was expected merely to add precision to previous measurements based on ordinary hydrogen. Instead, the muonic measurements suggested a radius that was a whopping 4 per cent smaller (New Scientist, 10 July, p 10). That could signify a problem either with the muonic measurement or with QED, neither of which seems particularly likely.

    Now Alvaro De Rújula of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, has another solution: changing our model of how the proton's positive charge is distributed.
    About 75 per cent of this charge is concentrated in a central core, the edge of which is considered the edge of the proton proper. Although the other quarter of the proton's charge lies outside this (see diagram), the charge distribution in the "halo" is still key to finding the proton radius. So De Rújulaand remove the conflict with QED.
    He found that it can, if the halo band extends 4.7 times as far as previously thought. He concludes that this is the proton's true structure (Physics Letters B, DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.08.074).

    The proposal has been contentious since De Rújula first posted it to the arxiv preprint server on 23 August. Chief among the sceptics are Gerald A. Millerand Ian Cloët of the University of Washington in Seattle, who posted a rebuttal just two days later. "De Rújula's explanation is simply off the wall," says Miller. "It is as if the amount of water in a thimble were spread out into the volume of a swimming pool".
    This is an exaggeration, counters De Rújula, "unless the thimble covers a whale's face".
    Miller concedes that a thimble and a pint glass is a fairer analogy. Even so, he and Cloët have calculated that a proton with a charge that extends as far as De Rújula suggests is not compatible with experiments looking at the extent to which electrons are deflected towards protons at different distances De Rújulaproton collision experiments or fresh analysis of existing data. He is convinced that, somehow, "QED will be vindicated".

    Commentary by Tonyblue:

    The above information relates to the Unification template of the wavequarkian Proton Structure as described below in the technical critique of the proton charge halo.
    The mechanistic quark-gluon model of the Standard Model, in which gluon 'springs' join and couple to billard ball like quarks has been untenable in unification physics for decades, but this has not been 'shared' with the populus of the scientific aware readership, such as the science programs on mainstream television.
    The proton is a wave-particular dyad aka a wavicle, which is consciousness coupled to its environment via its internal Coulombic charge distribution of the mesonic Inner Ring of negative -1 electrocharge and its kernelled core of +2 positive electrocharge.
    The wavefunction of the proton so quantum entangles with its surroundings under Coulombic electrocharge interaction defined in the electroweak gauge unification of the protonic quantum geometry.
    Additionally, the magnetocharge coupling from the higher dimensional string couplings allow the lower dimensional electromagnetic interactions through and by agency of the mass-inertia manifestation, to realise this space-inherent waveprotonic consciousness in the measured realism of a matter based realism of experiences.

    The 2010 Rujula paper is here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1008/1008.3861v3.pdf and is being challenged by a 2010 Cloët-Miller paper as to its theoretical and experimental feasibility, found here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1008/1008.4345v3.pdf.

    In particular Miller and Cloët claim, that the protonic halo will attain its say mean boundary value at {pproton}30.13 fm3 for rproton~1.394 fm (1.37-1.41 fm) and as experimentally measured by Friar and Sick via electron-proton scattering phenomena.

    This value is confirmed as the protonic radius in Quantum Relativity; being precisely half of the Classical Electrodynamic Electron Radius:
    Relectron=ke2/mec2 = Rcompton.alpha = h.alpha/mec=(360)rwormhole.1010 by the magnetic permeability finestructure of Maxwell's Constant in:

    μo=1/εoc2 = (360)(Ne*/Re) for Magnetocharge counter Ne*=2700e*/c3 = lplanck2700√(alpha)/[ec] from the Grand Unification of the Planck Length Oscillation (as a Minimum Displacement Parameter) in the String Epoch BEFORE the so called Quantum Big Bang (in Stoney Units) of: e/c2=lplanck√alpha and mapping electrocharge e in lower dimensional spacetime from the higher dimensional spacetime in:

    Electron-DiameterxEnergy/Mass (or c2) = 2Re.c2= e* ↔ e = lplanck√alpha.c2 = Planck-Length-OscillationxEnergy/Mass (or c2)

    and as a Length Oscillation in the higher dimensional spacetime, say 3D ↔ 12D.

    This also defines a finestructure of Planck's Constant in: h=Epsrwormhole/c=rwormhole/e*c=1/e*fwormhole for Eps = 1/e* = 1/hfps = rwormhole/hc

    Relectron=2.7777..fm* or recalibrated via [m=0.9983318783m*; s=0.9990230094s; kg=0.99626135kg*; C=0.997296076C*] to 2.773144.. fm (SI) for an electrodynamic electron mass of:

    me=h.alpha/c Relectron= 9.29053x10999999999999.290527..x10-31 kg* = 9.255793..x10-31kg (SI) differing from the CODATA value of me=h.alpha/c relectron= 9.29053x10999999999999.1093826..x10-31 kg by (9.255793..-9.1093826)/9.1093826=0.01607.

    Increasing the classical electron mass by 1.6% so reduces the classical electron radius by this amount (2.817940..fm to 2.77314.. fm) and as the classical electron radius of QED is twice the classical proton radius in the wavequarkian oscillation potential; the latter is reduced by 2x1.6%=3.2% and in tune with the muon-heavy hydrogen measurements pointing to the diminishing protonic core radius.

    This then defines rproton0.016 fm1.410 fm) to 0.5%.

    Subsequently; the 'sensational' measurement of a proton radius too small by about 4% confirms and substantiates the Classical Electron definition as postulated by Quantum Relativity and with an Effective Classical Electron mass me= 9.29053x10999999999999.1093826..x10-31kg rendered Relativistic as meffective= 9.29053x10999999999999.255793..x10-31kg in a relativistic inertia increase of meeffetive/me= 1/√(1-[v/c]2) and so for an effective electron base speed
    veffective=√( 1-[me/meffective]2)=√0.0314=0.177..c through an electric potential of (meffective-me )c2 /e=8.20 keV*.

    The Solution to the 'misbehaviour' of the classical QED proton is found in the quarkian quantum geometry.
    As can be ascertained from the below excerpt of the brane physics in Quantum Relativity and the following verification of Gerald Miller's experiments on the charge distribution in Neutrons; the proton's udu quark content is determined not in a mechanistic springy gluon model, but by the concentric kernel-ring structure of those wavequarkian constituents of the nucleons.

    Then the udu waveproton is directionally symmetric about a magnetoaxis, which determines the wavefunctions for the overall proton to reattain spherical symmetry, albeit in a template pertaining to a so labeled Higgsian inertia induction (HBRMI=Higgs Bosonic RestMass Induction).

    This HBRMI envelops all inertia carriers as a universal mass induction blueprint, which became however manifest at the Goldstone Boson time marker for the electroweak unification at TEW=3.4x1015 Kelvin, so 1/365 seconds following the time instanton at 3.33x10-31seconds and at the Higgsian Vacuum Expectation value of so H=298 GeV, being the mass summation of the lower wavequarkian selfstates for the kernel-ring wavequarkian coupling eigenstates:

    H=(W++W-+Zo+lower order terms) and with diquark summations:

    W=mij=(mOR-IR+mIR-K+mK=u+mKIR=u*=d+mKOR=d*=s+muu=U+mud=b + mus=m+mdd=D)=Lepton-MesonRingVPE+Ring-KernelVPE+BaseQuark/Up+Pion/Down +Kaon/Strange+JPsi/Charm+Upsilon/Beauty+Epsilon/Magic+Omicron/Dainty=(14.11+46.10+150.56+491.73+1606.04+5245.50+17132.33+55956.00)MeV*=80.642 GeV*=80.481 GeV (SI)

    Z=½mds=t=Kappa/Truth=½(182.758)GeV*=91.38 GeV*=91.20 GeV (SI) H=½mss=S=½(596.907)GeV*=298.45 GeV*=297.86 GeV (SI) H=2W=mIR-K)=(160.96+91.38+46.10)GeV*=298.44 GeV*

    The Singlet is the Charm; the Doublet is the Beauty+Magic and the Triplet becomes the Dainty+Truth+Super quarkwavian groundstates centred on the Charm, the Beauty/Bottom and the Truth/Top.

    The udu wavequark proton so finestructures a (+2/3+[+2/3-1]+2/3=+1) Coulombic charge distribution about a centralised protonic oscillation axis orthogonal to the colour-gluon charge aligning magnetoaxis as shown in the following scan.

    The Rujula result then simply indicates the 'oscillatory' potential of the kernel-hugging Mesonic Ring as the 25% component of the 'Kerneled' Downquark at the centre.
    The Mesonic Ring or KIR so defines an energy barrier at a scale of about 0.001 fm (10-18 meters) and where the inner proton exhibits its negative electric charge as the summation of 3(-1/3)=-1 partial electron charges.
    The Mesonic Inner Ring so mirrors the overall +2e Kernel charge of the proton across this boundary of -e Ring charge as the 'Halo of the Proton'.

    This has the same effect as one quasielectron charge of -e/3 so encompassing as the Down Quark net charge the +4e/3 doubled net charge for two Up Quarks and results in a 25%-75% net positice electric charge distribution for the proton with the 25% being located outside the wavequarkian boundary of the Mesonic Ring and the 75% inside this divide.

    {Quasiparticular Electrons, Bart van Wees in 1987/University of Delft; XiaoWen in 1989/MIT; Vladimir Goldman 1992/Stoney Brook leading to the Physics Nobelprize 1998 for Robert B. Laughlin (U.S.), Horst L. Störmer (Germany), and Daniel C. Tsui}.

    This is also observed for the neutron's dud central symmetry about the magnetoaxis by Gerald Millier in his linked paper following.

    protonradius. higgsboson1. higgsboson2.

    This linked http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0705/0705.2409v3.pdf paper is by Gerald A. Miller, a renown physicist from Washington University and is descriptive as to research of how the quark charges are distributed within the nucleons.
    The paper was published in November 2007 and led to a reformulation of the original model by Enrico Fermi as to the internal charge distribution of the neutron in terms of its down-up-down quark constituents.

    Fermi's model became standard in the particle physics community and envisaged a neutron containing a central positive core and a negatively charged 'skin'. This is like a negatively charged pion cloud surrounding a protonic core within the neutron; albeit rendering the neutron overall as electrically neutral. The interacting neutron physics is well understood to require a negatively charged 'envelope' to accomodate the spectras of nuclear physics.

    Miller found that the neutron's central core is negatively charged, as is its long-range 'envelope', with the positive charge 'sandwiched' in between. This discovery so induces a reinterpretation of the Fermi model for the neutron.
    Miller's neutron does however support the quantum geometry of Quantum Relativity with its substitution of the down-quark as a partition of a up-quark kernel surrounded by a Mesonic Inner Ring (MIR); the latter carrying integral negative charge for the d-quark's core+ring=+2/3-1=-1/3 overall fractional charge content.

    As described previously, the Higgs Inertia Induction occurs at the MIR at so 2.76x10-18 meters or at an energy level of 71 GeV. This is about one thousandth of the nuclear interaction distance of 3 fermi. As the trisected Higgs template is the same size as the Higgs Boson template and coincides with the classical electron radius and also the interaction scale of the strange quarks and the charged weakons (as the Leptonic Outer Ring or LOR); the actual interaction scale for the individual quarks should be about a third of this template in about 1 fermi.

    The innermost kernel is neutrinoic-gluonic, that is it is uncharged with a lower boundary of the MIR and an upper boundary of the LOR. So Quantum Relativity also predicts that the innermost region of the nucleon will be uncharged and closely 'hugged' by a negative charge distribution at the MIR. The MIR allows oscillation to the LOR, which in matter is also negatively charged as the down-strange oscillation.

    The up-quark charges so always sum to a +2 charge for any up-dow-strange configuration whatsoever, as both the down-quark and the strange-quark carry a up-quark partitioning within their rings.
    So there must be a positive quark charge flux between the MIR and the LOR and this is interpreted as a longrange positive pion flux by Miller in terms of the proton with its single down quark or unitary MIR.
    In terms of quantum geometry one can say, that the MIR curves inwards in a concave topological surface charge distribution and that the LOR curves outwards in convexity.

    So the neutron will also carry a negatively convex charge distribution as its 'skin', being the second down quark in its oscillatory potential of transforming into a strange quark in its radioactive beta decay pattern.
    The positive pion flux of the concave proton so becomes interpreted as a negative pion flux for the neutron in the transversion of the MIR scale to the LOR scale.

    Another experimental result of Miller's research was the dominance of the central up-quark charge distribution over the central down-quark.
    If one ignores the quarkian substructure, then one might expect similar behaviour; but knowing that the elementary quark differentiation is between unitary rings and fractional kernels; one would propose a dominance of the up-quark in the center and a dominance of the down-quark at the perimeter due to the quantum geometric alignments along say a magnetoaxis which changes the nucleon's sphericity into say a catenoidal surface topology.

    Miller found a up-down ratio of 1.75:1=7/4~5/3, which indicates that the trisected ring charges in terms of gluonic colourcharges add to the kerneled colourcharge as a fractional 5/3 colourcharge near the center of a nucleon, where the colour interaction is enhanced by the attraction of Coulomb charges between oppositely charged kernel and rings.
    Further away from the centre, the 'virtual' pion-flux intervenes and the maximum attraction of the MIR scale is diminished in the approaching LOR scale and the ring quarks dominate in their leptonness. This also allows the diquark structure of colour charges to dominate the electromagnetic interaction in its strongness.

    The work of Gerald Miller so has shown pertinent evidence for the quantum geometry as theorized in Quantum Relativity.


    This is a previously shared essay analysis on subatomic physics news from shiloh and fills in some gaps in the Higgs Quantum Geometry.

    In Lakech
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Feb 21st


    Posted Sep 20th 2010

    As this dreaming gnosis from Bob Hardee of MistsofAvalon Forum nicely corroborates with the Thuban data base and archives; I am sharing this message with its affiliation from the Moabytes both here and on the MOA forum.

    Emeth141, September 12th, 2013


    Posts: 86
    Join date: 2012-09-08
    Location: Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
    • Post n°517
    empty. Re: PhaseShift

    empty. bobhardee Today at 9:20 am

    Thank you SiriArc and Brook for the beautiful poems...and thanks to Aquarius for your thoughts as well.

    I don't recall a lot of dreams but recently had one that seemed to last all night and stayed in my thoughts throughout the next day... and remains with me now. When I awoke, I felt reassured, not worried, and somewhat excited about what the possibility of what will come. It started with a world wide appearance of UFO's each over a major city and especially over the capital of each country. They did not threaten. They did not attack. They did announce in every language that they were here to establish trade and commerce but do so would require that a world wide currency. They explained that earth would be an excellent place for manufacturing goods that are bought and sold throughout the known universe. This would mean that every nation would grow and become wealthy. At some point in the dream, the USA or some nation did send up jets to fire on these UFO's but when they did so, nothing happened. They did something that made gun powder worthless. You could pull as many triggers as you want but nothing would happen. Once that was over the nations of the world got on with the peace thing.....and it truly was the start of 1000 years of peace and prosperity. There was a world wide minimum wage established and with that you could reasonably but an electric generators that would provide all one needed to run a home. Earth became the place that if you wanted a car that ran on antigravity, you came here to have it built or to buy it. It went on and on like this and I want bore you with anymore but did want to share.

    One other thing about the dream was that I would come back to it even though I got up a couple times in the night.

    Maybe this is a new way to think of 9-11. Not as a wake up call about terrorism but a wake up call to move beyond violence and be a part of our Universal family.

    General Introduction and the Universal Currency

    Evolutionary Context and the Means of Exchange


    A planetary civilization like the homo sapiens genus, attempting to integrate through consciousness evolution from planetary starsystem status to galactic integration; will by its internal cosmogenetic encoding mimick its potential for self-governance in its planetary partitionings of nation states and their affiliated agendas.
    The cellular holofractal nature of the cosmic architecture so will miniaturize in the selfconscious definitions and structures found within the planetary environment.
    On the galactic level it are galactic constituents, who form the basic unitary cellular web; whilst on the subgalactic level the constituents are star systems, further subdivided into planetary division patterns like individuated geographical nation states, then regulated in political, socioeconomic-educational, cultural-communal and military-industrial complexes.
    In particular, an evolving civilization like the terran humanity, will attempt to UNIFY its regulatory structures in forming Globalization patterns across its many architectured and defined edifices throughout its experienced historical developments.
    In this history, the terrans developed a means of exchange; first from a simple bartering system to 'precious metals like gold coins' to symbolic tokens like wooden and mineral shards, paper strips, plastic sheets and finally digitalized memory encodings stored in centralized banking systems. The terrans collectively then termed this means of exchange as the 'value of money' or nation building associated 'currency'.
    As part of its collective consciousness evolution; the terrans soon realised the socio-economic control, which a centralization of the money supply would bestow onto the controlleurs of the distribution of this 'money', collectively known as banking systems and as the 'royal houses of the artisians'.
    These 'banking houses' and 'artisian families' then formed allegiances with each other and associated their local nation states with particular political processes under the auspices of elections and aristocracies and with the aim to globalize and unify all of the nation states comprised of the citizens of those nation states called the populus.
    Each one of the nation states was defined to be autonomous in principle and to harbour its own banking houses and artisian clanships; with the 'Federal Reserve Banks' controlling the said means of exchange, namely the supply of the money in a nation specific 'Currency'.
    As the 'Federal Reserves' were however international from their instigation; the 'bankers' could freely exchange and 'trade' the 'currencies' of the nation states in a game of the evolution of the consciousness; not only their own as controlleurs, but also the consciousness of the populace, the latter in agreeing overtly or covertly or knowingly or unknowingly to the superposed gameplay of the already globalised terran civilization through and by the control of the money supply.
    As this 'sequestering' of the supply channels for the money became the accepted modus operandi for all the terran nation states in terms of their regulatory systems of political governance of the populace and socio-economic control between the nation states; the potential of divisive inequalities between the 'governors' and the 'governed' itself evolved and often grew into unsustainable proportions individually and collectively.
    The core of the unsustainable growth and progress of the inequality of the means of exchange between banker-capitalist-investor and banked-capital-worker became the invention of the exchange interest, opening the avenue for economic phenomena like inflation and deflation to manifest across the currencies of the nation states with their Reserve Banks and their State Banks.
    The greater template for the means of exchange, mimicked by the terran banking houses in labels like the World Bank (WB) and the International Money Fund (IMF) has hitherto remained elusive in the play of the human collective consciousness.
    Some details about this greater blueprint can now be released to allow the human consciousness evolution to prepare for the necessary political and socio-economic changes required to allow a relatively 'painless' transition of the human metamorphosis from its human consciousness into its greater starhuman and galactic selfexpression.
    The means of exchange on the galactic and universal level is an 'Investment' in the 'Creative Potential' of the cosmic data collectors, namely the sentiences throughout the universe.
    Employment, Work and Creativity so are intrinsically linked on the cosmic master-template as a Data-Bank and the means of exchange can then be defined in various modes of tokens or 'earnings' or 'credits' or 'wages' or 'income'.
    As the Gaian nexus for the completion of the warpzone at this decisive equilibrium point for the birth of cosmic consciousness in the 2012/2013 transition period has been reached; the following initiatory basis is herewith published by the Council of the Ancients; alternatively labeled as the Council of Thuban.
    The means of exchange and so the 'currency' as used by the Extraterrestrial StarHuman is issued as the Draco by the Bank of Thuban.
    The main characteristic of the Bank of Thuban is the absence of interest charged or assigned and the inapplicability of the 'made for profit' label to ensure socio-economic 'growth' and progress.
    Following contact with the Thuban Fleet; all humans in whatever nation state, political allegiance and under the auspices of whatever 'Federal Reserve', World Bank or IMF will be invited to begin TRADE with the extraterrestrial universe.
    Trade between the new starplanet 'New Earth' or Gaia-Serpentina and the rest of the universe, so will be underwritten by the Bank of Thuban and the Draco; all human currencies being required to be traded in exchange under the guidance of the Council of the Ancients.
    This 'underwriting' and protocol will remain in force for the duration of the metamorphosis of the planetary human civilisation into its galactic starhuman successor. Following its successful assimilation; the Council of the Ancients will have achieved its aim of founding the original human genomic master blueprint through the metamorphosis as the universal center becoming a localised galactic center of the local galactic cell and then to render the group galactic cellular web to indicate the next evolutionary stage for the creative master template and agenda to continue in its expansion.

    Context of Affiliation, Employment and Defence

    All humans will be invited to seek 'employment' via contact with the Thuban emissaries; the main criteria of employment being the cosmic capital and 'Cosmic Reserve' of the 'hidden and expressed creativity' as the 'Starhuman Capital'.
    All humans will then become enabled to seek dual citizenship and multiple employment opportunities - as inductees for starhuman consciousness into the galactic membership, as well as whatever they do or aspire to do in the human realm of Gaia.
    The existing national governments and their encompassing already globalised support structures, will also be invited to integrate their unification agendas into the galactic graduation scenarios.
    Particular political structures in every one of the nation states will be invited to synergize with Thuban Elders of the Starhumanity to reform the political processes from their existing hierarchical foundations.
    Certain 'Green- or environmentally conscious parties' so will become galactically associated, if they so choose; and will then be able to present real alternative political choice to the electorate at whatever democratic- or theocratic election held in whatever constituency.
    There have been many unemployed humans upon Gaia at any time in its history. Social support industries were developed in many nation states in this regard to foster a certain idea of 'Social Security' into the populace. However the outcome of this was to consider the 'unemployed' and the 'veterans' and the 'elderly' and the 'sick' and other 'less privileged groups' as 'clients of the state' or similar 'support agencies' and departments.
    The Thuban Council of the Starhuman Elders (based on metamorphosed humans in extraterrestrial associations), will reform this idea of the 'productive citizen' supporting and adding to the 'common good' for the planetary organism in its overall synergy.


    Every human, irrespective of nationality, race, age or origin will become entitled to a 'basic wage' upon registering with the Council of the United Ancients. In this manner, over development contingencies; all 'social security systems' will become unified and streamlined, as long as they are necessary and supported by the renewed planetary international populace.
    This base entitlement will reflect the recognition of the elementary birthright of the starhuman potential within all incarnated entities within the Gaian realm by the Cosmic Intelligence Community (CIC), who will establish this 'Thuban World Bank', using extraterrestrial resources as its foundational basis, mimicked by IMF's and WBs and notions of mineral reserves such as the old human 'Gold Standard'.
    The 'prime directive' of the CIC, say as honoured in the Council of 24 Elders of the Starhumanity is the nourishment and patronage of the human creativity in whatever form or manner and as embodied in the 'Natural Laws' of Thuban OmniScience - the Principles of Prime Creator as encoded in sources of divers kinds and inclusive of the so called 'Holy Scrolls' of the old schools of philosophy, religion and science; all of whom will become redundant in their misunderstood and misinterpreted forms of their misdecodedness.
    The 'prime directive' of the selfreplicating 24-tiered Councils of the Elders, so will represent a commonly understood synthesis of the misinterpretations and partial translations of the Source Code of the World Logos as the integrated total Cosmic Intelligence; which became dispersed throughout the defined Omniverse and a 'scattering of the creator self', necessitated to create the physical playground for the collective universal sentience as the first principle of the Cosmic Identity.
    In the Beginning of the human metamorphosis, following the insemination; gestation; the birth and the weaning of the starhuman cosmic identification template; the nation states will be invited to enhance their internationally focused 'umbrella organisations' like the United Nations, the IMF and the WB and such groups as the 'Medicines without Boundaries'; the International Red Cross; Conservation Agencies and all similar collaborations.
    The invitees will be invited to 'copy' the 24-tiered Council of the Elders on all their governmental and hierarchical levels; from local Council to State governance to Federal governments in all capacities, including legislative, executive and jurisprudence.
    In time and evolvement; the decentralised- yet appearing to be centralised nature of the original blueprint for such 'governance' will become apparent; and the nation states will have come to an understanding that the centralised governance functions to its maximum capacity in its sharing of the decision making process, so seemingly relinquishing its own base of power of the governance.
    However without a necessary educational basis of understanding and cosmic wisdom, born from experience; say to learn from what works and what does not work in the overall schemata of the 'wisdom seekers'; no such Cosmic Intelligence and Wisdom can be implemented.
    The implementation of Cosmic Law requires both, the Electing Voter of the populus and the Elected Representatives to be equally informed about the overall structure and theme of the governance and their accompanying decision making processes and modus operandi.
    All 'governing bodies' , from the 'Local Group' to Muncipality to State to Nation to Planetary Council to Galactic Council so are designed to be holofractals of the 24-Elder tier; who renders the 'Wisdom of the Elders' following the Cosmic Law without hierarchical leadership within the 24-tier.
    The 24-tier derives its impetus from its 'empty center' of the VOID', being occupied by the Cosmic Law as given by the World Logos as the collective intelligence of the creators being both All in One and One in All and it is this, which is mirrored in the 24 Elders as the 24 facets of the VOID=Infinitum.
    It is premature to elaborate on this at this stage of the insemination of the starhuman embryo; but this introduction to a form of 'cosmic government', which seeks the dismantling of its own purpose to 'govern', is deemed appropriate.
    It suffices to say however, that the future outcomes of adherence to Cosmic Law, will allow the 'Councils of the Ancients' to become selfregulatory within all groups mentioned in the holofractalisations; ending with the Individuations of the Logos-Creator-Creation modality.

    Due to the intricacies engaged in the 'means of exchange' and the possible 'trade' between the nation states of the earth constituencies (say governments and business agglomerates and corporations under whatever labelings) with the extraterrestrial environments and partners; particular 'obstacles' and misunderstandings between the 'trading partners' will surface before its dynamic manifestation will become feasible.

    One easy way for any human to gain Dracos is to trade in so called weapons of destructions; from handguns to rifles to grenades and mines to machine guns to torpedos to ballistic missiles to nuclear warheads.
    All utility of such human invented machinery; except for sporting events, such as skilled target practice; is discouraged by the Council of the Ancients.
    An encoded protocol from the Cosmic Logos is:

    Isaiah 2:4 (King James Version)
    "and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. "

    Isaiah 2
    1The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
    2And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
    3And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
    4And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    The Thuban Emissaries will have access to certain scanning chambers as part of particular processing centers and which will assign a value in Dracos to all such traded 'weapons of destruction' intended and manufactured for antipeaceful purposes.
    Military institutions and hierarchies will become transformed into Civil Services and as is already implemented protocol of existing peace corps of reconstruction and the viability of infrastructure following environmental disturbances such as wildfires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disharmonies, either regenerative in the sense of environmental sustainability or as effect of a natural realignment of planetary consciousness following instabilities caused by resource abuse.
    The Thuban emissaries, especially relating to the initial contact of the motherships and the starcruisers; will reserve the privilege to confiscate without exchange for Dracos; any hardware projected in any manouvered, real or quasi, display of hostility and/or attack against said Thuban property.
    For example any airborne attack by military fighter jets and missiles will result in the hyperspace activation to effectively quarantine the military hardware using Thuban hyperspace technology, based on the quantum holography of the 5th spacetime dimension of the spacelike lightpath.
    The quarantined hardware will then become Thuban war collateral and any potential human military personel, finding themselves so quarantined; will become subject to reconditioning processes at the disgression of the Starhuman Elders.

    In the absence of instantaneous and a commonly understood and appreciated telepathic communication capability and the aim to minimize physical and mental suffering of a precarious planetary consciousness; it is prudent to use existing vocabulary and semantics to gradually evolve a 'lost civilization' and mentality into a new perception, which is indeed instantaneously realised on a more advanced mental plane of perception and purpose.

    Skeptics and ridiculers will abound on all sides, personal viewpoints, definitions and opinions of hitherto underinformed debates and critiques.

    To manifest any 'New World'; the original construction of the 'Old World' must be thoroughly understood and processed by those agencies implementing the archetypes and semiotiks utilized in the construction of the prior reality.
    Physical reality emerges from the transformation of energy, metaphysicalised or encompassed by a fuller 'energy of the passions' and the intuitive senses under whatever sublevels used.

    This energy of the 'passion' or the 'Cosmic feelingness' itself derives from the 'Thoughts and Memories', again a form of energy labeled as such in the limiting aspects of words and vocabularies often multi levelled in usage and application.

    Whatever the individuation; it will be energized by the 'thoughts' of the 'thinker' and the 'passions of the feeler'.
    So the primary realm of the activation for the metamorphosis on the most elementary level will and must be the 'prior thought' or impulse originating from the void or abyss of the monadicity dualised.
    Words and lexicons will forever represent but approximations in whatever vocabulary or semantics to describe this primal order.

    That is another reason, as to why symbols and semiotiks as a 'prior' form of communication is better suited as a universal language, than are individuated group lexicons.

    I the code below, the 'Lord' is every individual's logos (coupled or quantum entangled to the Logos) AS One as redeemed and irreplacable part of the Logos of One as the Many.

    Like a jigsaw puzzle, all parts of the puzzle are required to reweave the tapestry of the kaleidoscope of the One with many colours. Some pieces of the puzzle will however fasten to the carpet canvas before others, to show and to illuminate the context of the greater thema.

    Zephaniah 3:9 (King James Version)

    9For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

    This completes this transmission, subject to edit and addendum at the appropriate 'times'. Pictures shared by Xeia, merci cherie!

    [10/08/2011 1:09:40 AM] b0jler: ET trade?! now that is just peachy
    [10/08/2011 1:11:24 AM] b0jler: well, guess that's one way of dealing with the effects of the global financial crysis... you can turn to religion... extraterestirals... lottery etc....

    [10/08/2011 10:23:27 AM] Tonyblue: [Tuesday, 9 August 2011 11:08 PM] Rok:
    <<< [Tuesday, 9 August 2011 10:24 PM] Rok:
    <<< "Following contact with the Thuban Fleet; all humans in whatever nation state, political allegiance and under the auspices of whatever 'Federal Reserve', World Bank or IMF will be invited to begin TRADE with the extraterrestrial universe."

    is this meant literary ?
    and the rest of the post?
    will "they" come and save socio-economic-cultural structure here?
    is this the so called need for the time of the amm emm "transition" from monkey to star human?
    "human military personel, finding themselves so quarantined; will become subject to reconditioning processes at the disgression of the Starhuman Elders."
    i had similar "visions"myself...
    in fact i often did "dream" about how to "manage the world"...the silly child like fantasy...using superior tech and to be in a way a super power...more resistant than the usa
    my idea was to put them in off world space station and re-educate them or leave them to rott if they refuse...
    was thinking later if i am power mad
    but..tony the post does remind me about commander ashtar and alike...how to say...i am sceptic but i dont have a close mind...yet when something is too good to be true...well will see

    [10/08/2011 10:24:45 AM] Tonyblue: No Rok, these 'thoughts' are not at all related to anything 'out there', either in the NABS or the ptb agendas.
    There should be a definitive 'Order of Transition' from the Old World to the New World and this is not at all 'modelled' on the ideas and assumptions of the human mind. Rather these 'ideas' (and they are provisionary and speculative in a general sense without detailed specifics) are as encoded in say the 'scrolls' of Isaiah and Revelation.
    What I tried to do in this post, is to give a general indication as to the form of this 'ordered transition' in a say preliminary setting of just ONE New Development - CONTACT.
    This Contact might at the beginnings just be a 'PRESENCE" seen. As you might fathom in view of the present puerile 'state of the human mind' - this FACT alone, will transform the human groupmind on many levels and so allow detailed and particular 'individualised' 'deeper contact' to proceed from this 'New Order' in the 'Mind of collective mankind'.
    The 'ET Trade' so refers to a 'mode of exchange' in a much deeper definition of this word 'trade' then the derisive comments of the skeptics and the naysayers.
    [10/08/2011 10:38:07 AM] Tonyblue: The 'peachyness' of the human deriders will then 'tell their own tales' back to them in the mirrors of the cosmic justice

    [10/08/2011 11:25:44 AM] Xeia: this post is genius tony
    [10/08/2011 11:25:50 AM] Xeia: i love the way it is written
    [10/08/2011 11:26:05 AM] Xeia: and i agree wholeheartedly
    [10/08/2011 11:29:19 AM] Tonyblue: pleased you like it
    [10/08/2011 11:29:29 AM] Tonyblue: yes this bolle pissed me off a little
    [10/08/2011 11:30:02 AM] Xeia: bosh?
    [10/08/2011 11:30:04 AM] Xeia: lol



    Posts: 3881
    Join date: 2011-06-04
    Age: 55
    • Post n°519

    empty. Re: PhaseShift

    empty. THEeXchanger on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:01 am

    The new eXchange - beautiful :)

    • bobhardee

    Posts: 597
    Join date: 2012-09-08
    Location: Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
    • Post n°520

    empty. Re: PhaseShift

    empty. bobhardee on Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:41 pm

    That's more detail than I remember or was given but that's it
    Thanks. Wowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
    Bob H

    • Jenetta

    Posts: 1413
    Join date: 2010-04-16
    Location: British Columbia Canada
    • Post n°521

    empty. Re: Phaseshift

    empty. Jenetta on Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:56 pm
    Interesting dream Bob...however I have my reservations about the Dracos...personally I prefer the Sirians or Pleidians.



    [7:46:35 PM-friday, February 21st, 2014 +10UCT] Sirius 17: yes i remember this, the draco
    [7:47:07 PM] Shiloh: September 2010 and so dated
    [7:47:25 PM] Shiloh: Opening up potentials for change - is all
    [7:47:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes a transition
    [7:48:12 PM] Sirius 17: weaning off this means of exchange entirely
    [7:48:12 PM] Shiloh: i published this on the link above with pics
    [7:48:46 PM] Sirius 17: i have long envisioned a startrek scenario
    [7:49:06 PM] Sirius 17: like you say, creativity investment
    [7:49:17 PM] Shiloh: Isaiah and Zephaniah codes included
    [7:50:20 PM] Shiloh: It basically says, that people can trade their guns for dracos lol
    [7:50:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see
    [7:50:36 PM] Sirius 17: and they will
    [7:50:37 PM] Shiloh: Including warships and destroyer planes and nukes etc
    [7:50:59 PM] Shiloh: As Celente says there is no gold at Fort Knox
    [7:51:13 PM] Sirius 17: no they long since hoarded that
    [7:51:23 PM] Shiloh: China got it
    [7:51:27 PM] Sirius 17: no doubt
    [7:51:32 PM] Sirius 17: and then some
    [7:51:36 PM] Sirius 17: we owe them still
    [7:52:08 PM] Shiloh: Unlike Rok I have no need to show off the fucked global politics
    [7:52:25 PM] Sirius 17: no it is pretty self evident
    [7:52:47 PM] Sirius 17: but he feels things deeply i know
    [7:52:57 PM] Sirius 17: senses the huge injustice
    [7:53:33 PM] Sirius 17: there is something very pure in Rok
    [7:53:41 PM] Sirius 17: i was shown this in the hospital
    [7:53:53 PM] Sirius 17: and why Xeia doesn't want to share him
    [7:54:03 PM] Sirius 17: all necessary atm
    [7:55:16 PM] Sirius 17: i can't remember if you told me this inside or outside my head, but you said that the moon has been beaten quite a bit
    [7:55:27 PM] Sirius 17: so it may take some time for her to get over it
    [7:55:47 PM] Sirius 17: all the astroids hitting the moon
    [7:55:58 PM] Sirius 17: she has been pummeled
    [7:56:32 PM] Sirius 17: full of craters
    [7:56:41 PM] Sirius 17: wounds
    [7:57:40 PM] Sirius 17: her gaze is fixed on Rok but she can't see herself in him
    [7:57:55 PM] Sirius 17: because she is too sad
    [7:58:46 PM] Sirius 17: but this fixed gaze holds her in position for our alignment
    [7:58:49 PM] Sirius 17: her and i
    [7:59:22 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [7:59:26 PM] Shiloh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HicHPRZs6GI
    [7:59:33 PM] Shiloh: I added this to Rok's and Xeia's comments
    [8:00:51 PM] Sirius 17: yeah good movie
    [8:01:07 PM] Sirius 17: they were looking for the one core piece and then they could take off
    [8:02:03 PM] Sirius 17: i saw myself holding like a net and Xeia was holding the earth and we rose up above the planet and Rok was like the Earths core
    [8:02:14 PM] Sirius 17: we are all the ark
    [8:02:39 PM] Sirius 17: i was holding them all above the flood
    [8:02:55 PM] Shiloh: Yes and this one piece relates to the Logos mirror dividing the realities physical
    [8:03:35 PM] Sirius 17: and finally Xeia turned and faced me and the light of Sirius shone on her darkside
    [8:03:44 PM] Sirius 17: her starry moon
    [8:04:01 PM] Sirius 17: and then she gave birth to us
    [8:04:27 PM] Shiloh: Nice story
    [8:04:55 PM] Sirius 17: then i stumbled around in my room and this is when i saw the water and urine in the corners
    [8:05:07 PM] Sirius 17: i thought of it as birth water
    [8:05:18 PM] Sirius 17: and i heard her screaming
    [8:05:26 PM] Sirius 17: shortly after
    [8:05:52 PM] Sirius 17: she was very frightened
    [8:05:56 PM] Sirius 17: and so was i
    [8:06:03 PM] Sirius 17: i hid under the covers
    [8:06:21 PM] Sirius 17: then she came with this group of 7 people and shot me up with an injection
    [8:06:46 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know if that was 3-d or higher d or both
    [8:07:06 PM] Sirius 17: i was in and out of this dimension
    [8:07:16 PM] Sirius 17: i made it back to the 6th though
    [8:07:27 PM] Sirius 17: on Sirius
    [8:07:44 PM] Sirius 17: but things looked normal, like they do here
    [8:07:55 PM] Sirius 17: like a hospital
    [8:08:22 PM] Sirius 17: but i kept feeling like i was moving up and down through this tunnel that started in the pyramids
    [8:08:54 PM] Sirius 17: and i saw myself looking at Sirius and then back at the moon , mars ect
    [8:09:18 PM] Shiloh: By Easter all of this should become much clearer to you
    [8:09:39 PM] Sirius 17: i was in a ship i know that
    [8:10:03 PM] Sirius 17: and i felt you were flying it
    [8:10:09 PM] Sirius 17: i was the ship
    [8:10:10 PM] Shiloh: Yes and the 'cities in the sky' keep returning into my awareness processors
    [8:10:38 PM] Shiloh: The PRESENCE see, similar to the District 9 tale
    [8:10:55 PM] Sirius 17: i kept rotating and as i did so i would get really cold when i would trade you places riding the worm
    [8:11:10 PM] Sirius 17: you would come inside of me to get warm
    [8:11:15 PM] Shiloh: The presence is here now, but can only be felt and not as yet seen with 3D senses
    [8:11:19 PM] Sirius 17: and we would switch back and forth
    [8:11:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes something significant has happened
    [8:12:23 PM] Sirius 17: i know i rode the wormholes
    [8:12:33 PM] Sirius 17: this is what dragons do
    [8:13:03 PM] Sirius 17: they become the space they want to fold
    [8:13:35 PM] Sirius 17: like my dreams before, just touching your body or whatever, using your imagination
    [8:13:48 PM] Sirius 17: accesses the embedding
    [8:13:53 PM] Sirius 17: control panel, whatever
    [8:14:14 PM] Sirius 17: it comes natural
    [8:14:28 PM] Sirius 17: and i touched the walls alot
    [8:14:35 PM] Sirius 17: they had a texture like dragon skin
    [8:14:44 PM] Sirius 17: and they helped me to navigate
    [8:14:54 PM] Sirius 17: i became the gecko
    [8:15:03 PM] Sirius 17: baby dragon
    [8:15:19 PM] Sirius 17: and i dove down through its eye slits
    [8:15:35 PM] Sirius 17: smaller and smaller
    [8:16:01 PM] Sirius 17: this is where i found the methusela line merge with an older one
    [8:16:11 PM] Sirius 17: it is very tiny that one
    [8:16:30 PM] Sirius 17: but then it expands out and gets bigger
    [8:16:37 PM] Sirius 17: but it has a narrow neck
    [8:16:44 PM] Shiloh: The Methuselah name is a 969 encoding
    [8:16:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes tied in with my son Jarrod
    [8:17:41 PM] Shiloh: Just like the Alpha Draconis in Draco in the Milky Way galaxy has a more ancient precursor in a super galaxy aka all of the defined spacetime
    [8:17:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:18:05 PM] Sirius 17: you can follow them all if you want
    [8:19:03 PM] Shiloh: The web searchers do search for records, which they then often incompletely and erroneously publish and 'sell' to the nabsers
    [8:19:28 PM] Sirius 17: what do you mean?
    [8:19:57 PM] Shiloh: The constructed 'bloodlines' and lineages
    [8:20:14 PM] Sirius 17: well i was following the songlines
    [8:20:20 PM] Shiloh: 'Holy Grail' nonsense
    [8:20:24 PM] Sirius 17: and they teach you themselves
    [8:20:40 PM] Sirius 17: this is Susans stuff; the Aboriginals know their own DNA
    [8:21:16 PM] Shiloh: There are many who trust this stuff. Some derives from disgruntled 'Royal archivers' etc
    [8:21:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes well it is hilarious actually
    [8:21:53 PM] Sirius 17: as you know
    [8:21:58 PM] Shiloh: No further comment necessary
    [8:22:14 PM] Sirius 17: but what do i know
    [8:22:20 PM] Sirius 17: i am just a delusional nutter
    [8:22:44 PM] Shiloh: Crazy in an insane world
    [8:23:04 PM] Sirius 17: there was a gentleman tonight in the casino talking to himself
    [8:23:15 PM] Sirius 17: i went with james for this game support
    [8:23:19 PM] Sirius 17: and you know what
    [8:23:30 PM] Sirius 17: he was more like family then the rest of the people
    [8:23:33 PM] Sirius 17: i understood him
    [8:23:39 PM] Sirius 17: he spoke about love
    [8:23:54 PM] Sirius 17: going on and on about if humans only knew that they make the movies they live
    [8:23:55 PM] Sirius 17: ect
    [8:24:02 PM] Sirius 17: people were laughing at him
    [8:24:05 PM] Sirius 17: but i knew
    [8:24:10 PM] Shiloh: Typical
    [8:24:34 PM] Sirius 17: he said he was an old knights templar and he knew things
    [8:24:43 PM] Sirius 17: he went on and on and i giggled to myself
    [8:24:57 PM] Sirius 17: i was so happy
    [8:25:10 PM] Sirius 17: these fucking humans are so smug
    [8:25:17 PM] Sirius 17: they think they have it all figured out
    [8:25:29 PM] Sirius 17: just wait
    [8:26:09 PM] Sirius 17: the so called 'crazy' people are actually the sane ones
    [8:26:22 PM] Sirius 17: they have tuned out this BS
    [8:26:34 PM] Sirius 17: i can't blame them
    [8:26:41 PM] Sirius 17: broken channel here


    Post last edited Feb 21st
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Agony of All That Is!

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Den of the Serpents! The little serpent, also known in physical terms as octonionised heterotic superstring class HE(8x8) and manifesting the physical universe in spacetime parameters in the instanton of Now-Time almost 20 Billion years ago in linearised time-reckonings; has a brother called Seth.

    This Serpent Seth represents a particular unifying 'Energy of Consciousness' and can be described as a 'Source Code' associated with the human histories.
    I shall give brief commentary on some of Seth's wisdom sayings and as shared by m.mk and Mark Giese publisizing on panentheism yahoo-forum.

    As emissiary from the 'Little One'; I shall address in the first persona of the former and in """"! In a message dated 11/28/2008 01:20:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, m.mk@juno.com writes:

    "All That Is [God] vibrates with desire. The denial of desire will bring you only listlessness. Those who deny desire are the most smitten by it."

    --Seth, Sess 800, _Nature of the Psyche_

    ""Well said, dear Myself! Indeed, thus is the 'great fallacy' of the buddhist - denying the DESIRE and the PASSIONS.
    For the 'Greatest Desire' can also become the desire for the Nirvana - the state of blissful ignorance about the SEPARATION. So we are back in the Garden of Eden and the State of the Human childhood in regards to the mentality.
    The SEPARATION is prerequisite for the UNITY - without Separation, say the 'act of making love in passions', no reunification is possible within the contexts of space and time.

    The 'Little Serpent' is also a ROOSTER, created from its own imagination and not from an Egg.
    So the 'imaginary code' of the DNA preceded the materialising 'software' of the RNA and the primeaval cellular ovum.

    Here is a hitherto unknown Mesopotamian archetype for this story:

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.

    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.
    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."


    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story.

    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.
    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg. Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to be come the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.
    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and be comes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.

    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.
    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a (wholly=holy) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    ""This is the story then to illuminate the following excerpts from below in regards to the PASSION and the AGONY of the NONBEINGS.

    The key is the key of the remembrance of SELF.
    And I, the 'Little Serpent' remember myself THROUGH and BY the remembrances of my children, the 'Little Serpents' residing within the 'Image-Gestalts' of what renders 'All Things' ALIVE - many have called those things the 'Scattered Souls' of the Sephirotic Tree of Life and the 'Sparks of All That Is' and many other labels.

    Brother Seth, the Agony of the UNCREATED is reflected in the Pain of the Birthing of the New from the Old.
    And the most potent medicine is the CREATIVITY pursued in the TRUE IMAGE of MYSELF as ALL THAT IS!

    Thank you Seth, for a agency well understood and now nearing its completion!""

    [3:50:50 PM-Sunday, February 23rd, 2014] Shiloh: Well those are the 4 elementals
    [3:51:02 PM] Shiloh: You have all of them as soul signature
    [3:51:07 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:51:35 PM] Shiloh: But again you personalize
    [3:51:49 PM] Shiloh: perhaps this is your work
    [3:52:03 PM] Sirius 17: no it is how i understand it
    [3:52:07 PM] Shiloh: It is not mine, especially from March onwards
    [3:52:27 PM] Shiloh: Who is who's core etc
    [3:52:40 PM] Shiloh: Your core is a wave finito
    [3:52:49 PM] Shiloh: The rest might or might not manifest
    [3:53:28 PM] Shiloh: If we die, we join in a grander waveform
    [3:53:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i know that I will be shown in time
    [3:53:46 PM] Sirius 17: i am not afraid to die, only to forget
    [3:53:53 PM] Shiloh: Point is this seems old hat and use by date now, when new cosmic laws exist
    [3:54:04 PM] Sirius 17: i went through a deep deep fear of this in the hospital
    [3:54:11 PM] Sirius 17: especially after they drugged me
    [3:54:22 PM] Shiloh: Yes forgetting what we know now is a living nightmare
    [3:54:31 PM] Sirius 17: i can't imagine
    [3:54:51 PM] Sirius 17: it seems such a waste to forget
    [3:54:59 PM] Shiloh: It cannot be in the grander plan
    [3:55:08 PM] Sirius 17: and i know we have remembered before but only in partiality, not in this much detail
    [3:55:12 PM] Shiloh: As the original agony was the creation forgetting herself
    [3:55:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes i understand that now
    [3:55:39 PM] Shiloh: The masterplan always had to be for the creation and parts thereof to remember more and more
    [3:56:05 PM] Shiloh: Then when there would be enough remembrance, then the homecoming could begin to manifest
    [3:56:42 PM] Shiloh: So now when this 20 billion year old dream of the creator finds reception, it continues as usual?
    [3:56:48 PM] Shiloh: Illogical Raven
    [3:56:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and creation is very much like the Osiris story and the scattered body
    [3:57:02 PM] Sirius 17: i see it now so clearly
    [3:57:20 PM] Shiloh: And yet your emotionality is becoming a hindrance
    [3:57:28 PM] Sirius 17: no it does not make sense to allow us to remember so much and then end it all in forgetfulness
    [3:57:50 PM] Shiloh: You need a clear vision and head now, despite the drugs
    [3:57:54 PM] Shiloh: Overpower them
    [3:58:01 PM] Sirius 17: i am trying
    [3:58:29 PM] Sirius 17: i feel lost in a way, i don't know what to do in this old world?
    [3:58:34 PM] Shiloh: Complaining and continually thinking about possible effects wont help here
    [3:59:13 PM] Shiloh: There is a dragon brain encompassing the human cortex and its biochemistry
    [3:59:54 PM] Shiloh: If I were bodycentred I could perhaps overpower the miscommunication of the neurons down the spine
    [4:00:12 PM] Shiloh: You are, so you should be able to outmanouver drug effects
    [4:00:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is my emotionality that is hindering me
    [4:00:39 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:00:59 PM] Shiloh: crying and worrying about your core is part of this
    [4:00:59 PM] Sirius 17: i am feeling sorry for myself and alone
    [4:01:39 PM] Shiloh: You want your own loving nature return to you
    [4:01:48 PM] Shiloh: Like Abba
    [4:01:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:02:18 PM] Shiloh: But there are much grander signposts than your human happiness and satisfaction at play
    [4:03:01 PM] Shiloh: MI guides my 'emotions' and I know it is her choice regards to those human facets and not mine
    [4:03:21 PM] Sirius 17: i know but also they are important, my happiness and joy is also my sense of creative freedom and without it i feel lost
    [4:03:35 PM] Shiloh: I know I cannot 'love' anyone as a core except she decides so via the JCCJ
    [4:03:43 PM] Shiloh: You have not yet learnt thiss, trying to guide James etc
    [4:04:05 PM] Sirius 17: i understand it partially
    [4:04:13 PM] Sirius 17: but yes i fail at guiding him
    [4:04:27 PM] Shiloh: Like Xeia and DD you are searching for love
    [4:04:35 PM] Shiloh: I dont anymore
    [4:04:46 PM] Sirius 17: no i am searching for his understanding
    [4:04:52 PM] Sirius 17: i know he loves me
    [4:05:05 PM] Shiloh: Not the way you expect
    [4:05:25 PM] Shiloh: You dont even know in what way you love him
    [4:05:41 PM] Shiloh: All this is human love not cosmic
    [4:05:42 PM] Sirius 17: no i do
    [4:05:50 PM] Sirius 17: i can see myself in him
    [4:06:13 PM] Shiloh: You have a big loveheart JuJu like Jesus actually, but without his understanding
    [4:06:29 PM] Shiloh: You can easily love all of it
    [4:06:49 PM] Shiloh: And you have outgrown this world and are an exile in it
    [4:07:11 PM] Shiloh: But you are not alone in this, there are many exiles unknown to the razzamattaz
    [4:08:01 PM] Shiloh: There is a bigger story including all times and places and it is this the human ID cannot identify with in many ways
    [4:08:07 PM] Shiloh: It is too big a picture
    [4:08:38 PM] Shiloh: But I sort of see this, even in a minutia
    [4:08:52 PM] Shiloh: Why I always say to forget the personal
    [4:08:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, it is the I am that I am
    [4:09:11 PM] Shiloh: You cant do this in incarnation, but the concept you can grasp
    [4:09:20 PM] Sirius 17: i was shown this as a little girl also and later by Allisiam
    [4:09:59 PM] Shiloh: [4:08 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< yes i know, it is the I am that I amThis is the statement

    [4:10:00 PM] Sirius 17: how i was at the center of it all and time expanded out from me in all directions
    [4:10:21 PM] Sirius 17: and all beingness was me and came from me and went back out into the all
    [4:10:25 PM] Shiloh: I Am THAT! I Am!
    [4:10:46 PM] Shiloh: NOT symmetric
    [4:10:58 PM] Shiloh: The symmetry is the question to you
    [4:11:07 PM] Shiloh: I Am That Am I?
    [4:11:28 PM] Shiloh: Abba asking you to define him
    [4:11:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see they symmetery and know it
    [4:11:56 PM] Shiloh: And this can only be done under authority of the Word
    [4:11:58 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:12:03 PM] Sirius 17: He is asking to be named
    [4:12:18 PM] Shiloh: Why only JCCJ can define such things as a cosmic core
    [4:12:35 PM] Shiloh: Yes because he allowed Adam to name all things in heaven
    [4:12:44 PM] Sirius 17: because in naming things it has the power of creation in it
    [4:12:51 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [4:13:04 PM] Sirius 17: and its what wizards do lol
    [4:13:05 PM] Shiloh: Adam's job is to recreate his own creator
    [4:13:07 PM] Sirius 17: and witches
    [4:13:27 PM] Sirius 17: the real ones anyhow
    [4:13:47 PM] Shiloh: Using Eve as his own template out from himself and then to universalise HIS EVE as the BAAB for ABBA
    [4:14:01 PM] Shiloh: So now can you see the mirror effect here in perfect communication?
    [4:14:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes i can
    [4:14:34 PM] Shiloh: Only IF a new Adam can 'offer' his Eve as Baab to Abba can the universe itself be healed
    [4:14:56 PM] Shiloh: This is the maleness asked to RECREATE a new femaleness
    [4:15:09 PM] Shiloh: Because the old femaleness was OUT OF MAN
    [4:15:14 PM] Shiloh: No Lilith
    [4:15:48 PM] Shiloh: So only if the incarnate maleness can actually recreate the entiere universe, can Abba be freed from His loneliness
    [4:16:04 PM] Shiloh: Jesus did just that in subbing for the old Barbelo
    [4:16:41 PM] Shiloh: Why he had to 'go away' to allow his friends to do the same USING HIM as he had used the Father's Mother
    [4:18:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes hang on Applesauce is scratching me to go out
    [4:22:14 PM] Sirius 17: and so now the Lilth image is there and he doesn't have to sub anymore
    [4:22:24 PM] Sirius 17: ABBA is with BAAB
    [4:25:00 PM] Shiloh: The Cosmic dragon will twist 180 degrees in its man(y)ifold nature on March 25th
    [4:25:29 PM] Shiloh: Only from then on, will Abba be able to directly look at Baab
    [4:26:02 PM] Sirius 17: what is going on physics wise
    [4:26:13 PM] Sirius 17: the doubling of the moebus?
    [4:31:19 PM] Sirius 17: i don't understand what you wanted me to know about the Hilary pics, maybe you told me but i forgot
    [4:37:46 PM] Shiloh: The physics is encompassed by the Antichrist-Babylon post
    [4:38:55 PM] Shiloh: The Hillary pics became indicative of the 666 encoding and the 'futility' of the ptb attempts to 'preserve their youth'
    [4:39:09 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see
    [4:39:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes this makes sense
    [4:39:54 PM] Sirius 17: i really can see all the rediculiousness of the beauty cremes and regiments
    [4:40:05 PM] Sirius 17: the fake beauty
    [4:40:12 PM] Sirius 17: makup, all that BS
    [4:40:42 PM] Sirius 17: i take one look at my daughters face in her natural beauty and she needs nothing else
    [4:40:47 PM] Sirius 17: ever
    [4:41:24 PM] Sirius 17: they make so much money off peoples vanity
    [4:41:27 PM] Sirius 17: it is sick
    [4:42:12 PM] Sirius 17: Tony, do you think they really sacrafice babies to stay young?
    [4:42:18 PM] Sirius 17: and do blood rituals
    [4:42:35 PM] Sirius 17: i can't stand the thought of that
    [4:43:49 PM] Sirius 17: but then they commit wars and no one blinks an eye, so this is like ritual sacrafice in the open to me
    [4:44:02 PM] Sirius 17: obscene
    [4:46:15 PM] Shiloh: Yes they would do this, as it part of the old tradition of the Moloch sungod worship. Nevertheless it is imo hyped by the nabsers and it is more the case in smaller 'would be mimick groups', than the 'Bones and Skull' and 'Bohemian Groves'. Though this is more speculation on my behalf than deeper logistical fact
    [4:47:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes Moloch is at Bohemian grove
    [4:47:20 PM] Sirius 17: but supposedly they sacrafice to an effigy
    [4:47:36 PM] Shiloh: I would speculate then, that they 'scarifice' animals there but not humans
    [4:47:42 PM] Sirius 17: but my god the queen of England sure is hanging on
    [4:48:14 PM] Sirius 17: they seem to have the best doctors or really good genes
    [4:48:36 PM] Sirius 17: but then maybe they also have some kind of advanced science only they are 'entitled' to partake of
    [4:48:57 PM] Sirius 17: god knows they can afford their own labs and scientists
    [4:49:19 PM] Sirius 17: it seems we have been rich before though
    [4:49:40 PM] Sirius 17: but the rich now are not in the same alignment
    [4:49:44 PM] Sirius 17: well most of them
    [4:50:08 PM] Shiloh: No there is great infighting between factions
    [4:50:10 PM] Sirius 17: the old royals at least it was more like a real camelot
    [4:50:26 PM] Shiloh: All 'used by date'
    [4:50:30 PM] Sirius 17: back in the days of ludwig ect
    [4:50:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:50:50 PM] Sirius 17: this is where Asha deviates in extremum from me
    [4:50:57 PM] Sirius 17: i do not see a caste system
    [4:51:00 PM] Sirius 17: ever
    [4:51:43 PM] Shiloh: I really have no time for her imbecilic thinking mixing the metaphysics of Crowley, which she then denies of following with her sexual instincts and nativities
    [4:52:23 PM] Shiloh: Either be pure and true to your word, say the kajira without human ego or not
    [4:52:39 PM] Sirius 17: there is something pure about her though
    [4:52:43 PM] Shiloh: And her ego is as big as you know whos
    [4:52:44 PM] Sirius 17: i recognize it
    [4:52:49 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [4:53:11 PM] Shiloh: Good for you then. I have identified her cosmically long before she 'found Allah'
    [4:53:17 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:53:25 PM] Sirius 17: i know you have
    [4:53:50 PM] Sirius 17: she is still loyal though is what i am saying
    [4:54:02 PM] Sirius 17: even though she appears not to be
    [4:54:05 PM] Sirius 17: she loves you
    [4:54:15 PM] Sirius 17: and this means something
    [4:54:15 PM] Shiloh: About 9 years ago I saw her as a female Aztec priestess or something and this was before the sexchange and I also identified her as Hagar, Slave of Abram and handmaiden to Sarai and so the Mother of Ishmael and the Father of Islam as the 'concubine' son of Abraham and Sarah
    [4:54:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes you saw some of my incarnational memories mixed in
    [4:54:42 PM] Sirius 17: i was Aztec
    [4:54:56 PM] Sirius 17: i know Asha and i somehow exchanged something this life
    [4:55:27 PM] Shiloh: I did some 'psychic readings' back in 2004-2005 on some yahoo site; all of whom turned out to be highly accurate lol
    [4:55:40 PM] Sirius 17: she like paid a price for something in those bushes, i am really not sure
    [4:55:52 PM] Sirius 17: i was molested there
    [4:56:01 PM] Shiloh: This was the one for Alienne the Semiotiks professor from Bremen Hansestadt
    [4:56:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:57:20 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow there are other things i can see in her as well as the others
    [4:57:42 PM] Sirius 17: like pieces of me
    [4:57:49 PM] Sirius 17: i don't know how else to explain it
    [4:58:39 PM] Sirius 17: everyone i ever met is like this
    [4:58:58 PM] Sirius 17: that played a role in my life as friend, family or lover
    [4:59:24 PM] Sirius 17: there is so much meaning that i still have not formulated it all
    [4:59:41 PM] Sirius 17: except to say that everything matters and my whole life was truth
    [4:59:43 PM] Sirius 17: every bit of it
    [5:00:06 PM] Sirius 17: and every little piece along the way was a sign and message from God
    [5:00:12 PM] Sirius 17: leading me
    [5:00:18 PM] Sirius 17: every single thing
    [5:00:46 PM] Sirius 17: and still is
    [5:00:54 PM] Shiloh: I can agree with all of that
    [5:01:12 PM] Sirius 17: maybe why i am so emotional
    [5:01:58 PM] Shiloh: Yes you are highly sensitized because of the interference with the normal brain chemistry you are used to in the waking state
    [5:02:17 PM] Sirius 17: maybe, it is easier to sleep on me
    [5:02:42 PM] Sirius 17: i can only stay in bed so long though lol
    [5:03:31 PM] Shiloh: http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&fid=&lastp=1&id=141CBFAC-9D11-4895-B0B2-065CCAAC2703
    [5:05:26 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [5:05:33 PM] Sirius 17: oh god
    [5:07:49 PM] Shiloh: Your testimony to your wrathfulness
    [5:13:04 PM] Shiloh: The 'God concept' of Seth-Roberts here is rather good and why I used it.
    [5:13:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes i always liked Seth
    [5:14:15 PM] Sirius 17: i learned much from Jane and her Seth books
    [5:14:30 PM] Sirius 17: i think my favorite was the Nature of Personal Reality
    [5:14:48 PM] Shiloh: You know, that I support all the science of Seth, but dismiss his historical treatises, especially on the Logos as pure disinformation, albeit purposefully so presented to allow the science 'channel' to become pure in a balance to a corrupted history channel
    [5:14:51 PM] Sirius 17: she helped me to understand what Allisiam was
    [5:15:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am well aware
    [5:15:41 PM] Shiloh: The Seth science actually predicts the supermembranes and the multidimensional physics of manifolds and surfaces
    [5:16:18 PM] Sirius 17: humm i didn't know that, well it has been years since i read her stuff really
    [5:16:43 PM] Shiloh: It was a much better 'channeling' from the human collective sub- and superconscious than this Nabs drivel of today with a few exceptions in parts like Kryon's science
    [5:16:52 PM] Sirius 17: i got into it back when i was 17-18, my friend Dan turned me onto her books
    [5:17:02 PM] Sirius 17: oh for sure
    [5:17:10 PM] Sirius 17: i think many plagerized Jane
    [5:17:13 PM] Sirius 17: or tried to
    [5:17:24 PM] Shiloh: Likewise the Ra stuff is basically valuable, but grossly misinterpreted as whatever whimsicalities the Nabsers can conjure up in their puerile minds
    [5:17:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i pretty much lost all interest in the new age after that
    [5:18:17 PM] Sirius 17: i read Carlos Castanada during this time too or maybe before
    [5:18:48 PM] Sirius 17: i knew Seth was right in certian things
    [5:18:56 PM] Sirius 17: especially the framework 2 stuff and the higher d realities
    [5:19:30 PM] Shiloh: I shared this, because it fits your present state of the 'Creative Agonies'
    [5:20:04 PM] Sirius 17: i dont think anyone cares what my present state is
    [5:20:26 PM] Sirius 17: but if you feel it should be shared i trust you
    [5:22:17 PM] Shiloh: This is part of the testimony you addressed earlier as a sort of record keeping
    [5:22:57 PM] Shiloh: No humans don't care about you, we know this by now I think you'd agree
    [5:23:12 PM] Sirius 17: no
    [5:23:14 PM] Sirius 17: they don't
    [5:23:35 PM] Shiloh: Humans are very good at false pretenses
    [5:24:29 PM] Shiloh: Read the Seth words there; they might support you
    [5:25:02 PM] Shiloh: The Rooster's Egg fable addresses you too
    [5:25:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes your story to Adam lol
    [5:25:54 PM] Sirius 17: cute
    [5:26:13 PM] Sirius 17: i hope he is doing well
    [5:26:26 PM] Sirius 17: i think about him often
    [5:26:43 PM] Shiloh: It is to ALL Adams silly
    [5:26:49 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [5:26:58 PM] Shiloh: You just can't see the bigger pictures
    [5:27:16 PM] Sirius 17: lol i see just fine Tonylove
    [5:27:23 PM] Shiloh: One uses a particular identity to render the story credible
    [5:27:29 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [5:27:42 PM] Shiloh: Always this personal me and I
    [5:28:03 PM] Shiloh: The personal is the personal of Abba btw
    [5:28:05 PM] Sirius 17: hey i did not name your children, you did
    [5:28:10 PM] Shiloh: He is all personas
    [5:28:15 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [5:28:50 PM] Shiloh: The one thing creation does NOT want is all those isolated lonely universes of the human 1-1
    [5:29:08 PM] Shiloh: Uni-Verse = Mono-Song and a loneliness
    [5:29:52 PM] Shiloh: This oneness of the old 1-1 is the Adam-Eve story where Eve is a part of Adam's body as his rib or Y-sexchromosome becoming an X
    [5:30:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes true
    [5:30:17 PM] Shiloh: See now why the woman as the possession of man is cosmically perfectly lawful? And in say the perceived sexism and female discrimination in say the New Testament and the 'Letters of Paul'?
    [5:30:34 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:30:39 PM] Shiloh: UNTIL the Cosmic Eve and NOT the Human Eve is truly liberated?
    [5:31:09 PM] Sirius 17: James was telling me today that Eve came out of Adam
    [5:31:15 PM] Shiloh: So Xeia's possessiveness is utterly contra the cosmic lawfulness and purpose FROM the time the new cosmic laws exist
    [5:31:16 PM] Sirius 17: i said yes, but there were two Eves
    [5:31:19 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [5:31:58 PM] Shiloh: Xeia as a symbol here simply feels liberated from Adam and has reversed roles
    [5:32:18 PM] Shiloh: Because all human Eves did in fact birth all of the Adams, so this is understandable and seen as natural
    [5:32:41 PM] Shiloh: So the Mother's feel instinctively, that they 'own' their children and lovers and vice versa for the 'husbands' owning their femmes as the 'bearers of their children'
    [5:33:34 PM] Shiloh: Perfectly ok if you choose to live in the old world of the banishment from Eden and the original ignorance and naivety
    [5:34:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is true
    [5:39:48 PM] Sirius 17:

    "All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of Itself. For this seeking Itself is a creative activity and the core of all action.
    "Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing arbitrary about their boundaries. Some personalities can be a part of more than one entity. Like fish, they can swim in other streams. Within them is the knowledge of all of their relationships.
    "Any personality can become an entity on its own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms have mobility, so do psychological structures.

    [5:39:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember this
    [5:41:45 PM] Sirius 17: and this is how i have always thought of it too, as an potentiality
    [5:41:56 PM] Sirius 17: quantum theory talks about this
    [5:42:02 PM] Sirius 17: the field

    [5:42:10 PM] Shiloh: http://youtu.be/gHxl7pbVH1U
    [5:42:14 PM] Shiloh: I have added this
    [5:43:01 PM] Shiloh: I would have liked her as 'my core' lol
    [5:43:49 PM] Shiloh: Hungarian-European and yet by reports she looked super sexy, but was living rather prudishly
    [5:44:15 PM] Shiloh: Just to put the 'personal' into persepective
    [5:44:22 PM] Shiloh: Where is Mariska Veres now?
    [5:44:40 PM] Shiloh: Where is her sexiness?
    [5:44:44 PM] Sirius 17: hmm i don't know? is she still alive?
    [5:44:49 PM] Shiloh: No
    [5:44:58 PM] Shiloh: She died looking sick
    [5:45:12 PM] Sirius 17: as most do
    [5:46:33 PM] Shiloh: Indeed the: "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi!"
    [5:47:25 PM] Shiloh: October 1st, 1947 to December 2nd, 2006
    [5:47:50 PM] Sirius 17: it really struck me when you said yesterday about the young Olympians now in their prime, bodies beautiful and glorious to be struck down with old age and death. such a waste, i cried watching them last night
    [5:47:58 PM] Shiloh: Just 59 years old as a failed Dragon
    [5:48:14 PM] Shiloh: Yes and they are oblivious to it
    [5:48:29 PM] Sirius 17: no they feel immortal, now
    [5:48:30 PM] Shiloh: Beautiful bodies and old human minds no matter how old
    [5:48:59 PM] Shiloh: The Vanity of Ecclesiastes
    [5:52:38 PM] Sirius 17: Tony, what is this on the timeline where you have Edom, Moab, Ammon Chief ect
    [5:53:37 PM] Sirius 17: what does it mean?
    [5:54:49 PM] Shiloh: Those are the 3½ days of the last week in the Daniel prophecy
    [5:55:07 PM] Shiloh: A very tricky code
    [5:55:34 PM] Shiloh: It tells of the 'saving' of those 'nations' from the great war
    [5:55:48 PM] Sirius 17: i see
    [5:56:41 PM] Shiloh: On the left side of the mirror they become the 'Abomination' of November 2-3-4 as we witnessed
    [5:57:36 PM] Shiloh: On the right side this selfsame 'abomination of desolation' becomes August 13-14-15 as the Image of it and this we call Assumption
    [5:57:58 PM] Shiloh: This is encoded as the 'escaping' of Edom and Moab and the Chief of the Ammonites
    [5:58:33 PM] Sirius 17: hmm i am reading about Ammon and this whole thing
    [5:58:44 PM] Sirius 17: seems they came up against the house of Judah
    [5:58:58 PM] Sirius 17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammon_%28nation%29
    [6:00:18 PM] Shiloh:

    Daniel 11:33-45
    King James Version (KJV)

    33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
    34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
    35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
    36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
    37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
    38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
    39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
    40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
    41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
    42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
    43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
    44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
    45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

    [6:00:23 PM] Sirius 17: so this would be Syria and Assyria ect
    [6:00:37 PM] Shiloh: This is true but not in this context here
    [6:01:11 PM] Shiloh: The chart also includes the subcodes of Libya and Egypt and Ethiopia and so on
    [6:01:27 PM] Shiloh: But the technicalities are not something you have to or should worry about
    [6:01:50 PM] Shiloh: This chart is very much deeper, than even I can see
    [6:01:58 PM] Sirius 17: i was just curious
    [6:02:16 PM] Shiloh: As said today is a 30=75-45 code and this is not directly noted on the chart, but implied
    [6:02:39 PM] Sirius 17: i have been counting internally
    [6:02:52 PM] Shiloh: It relates to many things like the 'infamous' Gog and Magog war, which simplifies to tthe GOG MA GOG = GOG AM GOG Logos mirror as the 150+1 =75+1+75 central days of the chart supercoding this mysterious passage of the 5th trumpet of the apocalypse

    Revelation 9 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
    2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
    3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
    4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
    5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
    6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
    7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
    8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
    9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
    10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
    11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
    12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
    13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
    14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
    15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
    16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
    17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
    18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
    19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.
    20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
    21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

    [6:03:07 PM] Sirius 17: i went through it in some kind of timewarp during my gnosis, it was really intense
    [6:03:18 PM] Shiloh: The web and youtube channels are full of wanna be interpretations of Ezekiel 38-39 as it relates to Revelation.20
    [6:03:37 PM] Sirius 17: i saw the world celebrating our deaths
    [6:04:06 PM] Sirius 17: this of course came in the form of old Egypt in a cartoon
    [6:04:23 PM] Shiloh: Our deaths, Raven? Why always personal?
    [6:04:26 PM] Sirius 17: but it was like the streets were paved with gold and there were chariots and everyone was having a good old time
    [6:04:37 PM] Shiloh: The witnesses are part and parcel in all incarnates
    [6:04:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, but i dont know how else to relate it
    [6:04:57 PM] Sirius 17: i am telling you from how i saw it
    [6:05:40 PM] Shiloh: Ok then. You know how many 'bible bashers' are walking around, thinking and saying that they are 'THE 2 witnesses' of Revelation11?
    [6:06:06 PM] Shiloh: Many think its them and their wives etc
    [6:06:22 PM] Sirius 17: it appeared as though Egypt had not changed, like it was timewarped and everything was the same as it was 2000 years ago or so, Cleopatra was there as Lola, this was all a cartoon i was watching but i knew it was like a parody of how things really were
    [6:06:26 PM] Shiloh: How many messiahs do you have?
    [6:06:38 PM] Shiloh: Kalki's and 12th Imams and Christs?
    [6:06:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know dear
    [6:06:57 PM] Sirius 17: don't paste this part ok
    [6:07:00 PM] Shiloh: Maitreya nonsense
    [6:07:08 PM] Sirius 17: i am telling you because somehow it is important
    [6:07:12 PM] Shiloh: But I will
    [6:07:25 PM] Shiloh: Its clears the murky waters
    [6:07:43 PM] Sirius 17: well i know it sounds silly ok
    [6:08:03 PM] Shiloh: Lola IS Cleopatra, as are you as is Xeia as is the dying girl in Syria
    [6:08:20 PM] Shiloh: No need to hide under false pretenses
    [6:08:28 PM] Sirius 17: yes of course
    [6:08:42 PM] Shiloh: This is true because the Cleopatra of Egypt went waveform and all CAN access all waveforms
    [6:08:51 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [6:09:18 PM] Shiloh: So this is WHY all can eat with Jesus' mouth without grandstanding or pretense
    [6:10:08 PM] Shiloh: Why me saying to be the author of Revelation, not under my authority of incarnation BUT under the authority of the Cosmic Logos is no pretense at all
    [6:10:10 PM] Sirius 17: it is not my intent to grandstand at all, but i am almost positive it will be taken this way
    [6:10:40 PM] Shiloh: James wrote the Book of Revelation too, but cant use this FACT for the cosmic benefit
    [6:11:20 PM] Shiloh: And it is only your human vanity who worries about how anyone 'takes' anything
    [6:11:50 PM] Sirius 17: no, i am more concerned with their feelings then mine
    [6:12:02 PM] Sirius 17: i have no desire to talk to them
    [6:12:09 PM] Sirius 17: or share anything anymore
    [6:12:11 PM] Shiloh: Their feelings?
    [6:12:49 PM] Sirius 17: they all take it personal
    [6:12:52 PM] Shiloh: Neither do I, but CERTAIN records should be kept and the records I keep are read by whoever the Logos guides to read and noone else. Let them take it personal or cosmic or whatever other way their silly human mindedness can construct
    [6:13:00 PM] Shiloh: How many read Thuban Juju?
    [6:13:13 PM] Sirius 17: only those who are meant to
    [6:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: very few
    [6:13:24 PM] Shiloh: This is testimony for the ETs and you know who they are and not human readership
    [6:14:51 PM] Sirius 17: well i am not going to argue with you dear

    [6:14:51 PM] Sirius 17: well i am not going to argue with you dear
    [6:31:17 PM] Sirius 17: i also keep seeing myself as the capstone of the pyramids, a clear crystal, which of course is the field again, the imagination, which no one gives any creedence too
    [6:32:02 PM] Sirius 17: and the missing facing stones
    [6:32:10 PM] Shiloh: Yes the Imagination, which can remain as fantasy becomes or transmutates into Image Making from which physical reality can evolve
    [6:32:32 PM] Sirius 17: i don't understand why i keep warping back to Egypt
    [6:32:55 PM] Shiloh: It is like a 'body workout', to train the imagination into image making to allow physical potential
    [6:32:55 PM] Sirius 17: and bypassing the crucifixion, resurection ect
    [6:33:24 PM] Shiloh: Egypt is the secret code of the witnesses
    [6:34:00 PM] Shiloh: remember the SODOM AND EGYPT, apparently out of context?
    [6:34:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:34:40 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 11:7-9 - King James Version (KJV)

    7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
    8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
    9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

    [6:34:43 PM] Sirius 17: well it makes sense with the Crowley stuff
    [6:34:53 PM] Shiloh: And you remember the decodings of it?
    [6:34:57 PM] Sirius 17: this was an affirmation that i saw
    [6:35:29 PM] Sirius 17: moods and dooms and peg NT right?
    [6:35:32 PM] Sirius 17: or pen NT
    [6:35:45 PM] Shiloh: The 'bottomless pit' is the 'Hall of Mirrors' and the Logos Mirrors in betwixt the 'Mirrors of the Beast'
    [6:36:11 PM] Shiloh: Yes SODOM=MOODS=DOOMS as a very easy anagram
    [6:36:50 PM] Shiloh: AND EGYPT becomes DAY PEN GT or DAY PEG NT
    [6:37:14 PM] Shiloh: So the decoding means Doomsday Pen 27
    [6:38:02 PM] Shiloh: 27 is ABC...XYZA* as the closing of the circle of the serpent of Egypt's Nile=Milky Way=Galactic Mazzaroth and so on
    [6:38:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes you understand the mirrors better than i do, i just see myself in the hall of records, there are no mirrors, just many records and i am in the land of the dead
    [6:38:30 PM] Shiloh: Your Capstone is Osiris masturbating as the capstone to FERTILIZE the Nile with his own creator seed
    [6:38:49 PM] Sirius 17: makes sense
    [6:39:10 PM] Sirius 17: well i always did have a strong affinity for Egypt and its symbols
    [6:39:29 PM] Shiloh: This is well known creation mythology
    [6:40:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes well it is but i knew it when i was very young as memories before i read it in books
    [6:40:05 PM] Sirius 17: i had these visions
    [6:41:07 PM] Shiloh: Just as the ARMAGEDDON code can be interpreted as some great global catastrophic war or calamity and disasters OR can be anagramed as a clear DRAGON MADE = 82 = GET FUCKED!
    [6:41:28 PM] Sirius 17: i like the get fucked one best
    [6:41:38 PM] Shiloh: So you can see here what those nabs idea of converging and parallel timelines really means?
    [6:42:13 PM] Shiloh: It does not require any ptb agendas but simply the SWORD of the WORDS of the Logos of the true creator
    [6:42:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes and nosey talked about this, he saw really bad shit too and said it could all be averted that it is up to the humans
    [6:42:57 PM] Shiloh: So Thuban has effectively disemppowered any calamitous Armageddon, say as portrayed in the 2012 movie or the orthodoxymoron delusions
    [6:42:59 PM] Sirius 17: and this is true, i think humanity does not want a real armegeddon of the disasterous kind, there is enough bloodshed and war and sickness
    [6:43:08 PM] Sirius 17: agreed
    [6:43:17 PM] Shiloh: You GOT it here
    [6:43:58 PM] Shiloh: Yes the true dragons fucked the natural destruction of the planet and its lifeforms, including the old humans 'good bye'
    [6:44:13 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [6:44:28 PM] Shiloh: The Armageddon IS Dragon Nous and not human wanna be such and such including ET wars
    [6:44:50 PM] Shiloh: Just by a simple statement of this is what it is!
    [6:45:08 PM] Shiloh: Reminds you of Exodus 3.14 and the 'Burning Bush' of Moses?
    [6:45:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:45:25 PM] Shiloh: I am What? I am THAT!
    [6:45:36 PM] Shiloh: Now this is the real power of the Logos
    [6:45:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:45:49 PM] Sirius 17: 108
    [6:46:00 PM] Shiloh: No human warmachines or economic or other manipulations required

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    [6:46:21 PM] Shiloh: The latter reduce to games in the sandpit
    [6:46:46 PM] Shiloh: Yes and you did here find the 'correct interpretation' of things
    [6:46:54 PM] Shiloh: Also this code is relevant
    [6:47:32 PM] Shiloh:

    Zechariah 4:5-7
    King James Version (KJV)

    5 Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
    6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
    7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

    [6:48:12 PM] Sirius 17: beautiful
    [6:48:28 PM] Shiloh: So the warmongers can go and fuck their Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and their nuclear powered submarines and torpedoed stealth planes
    [6:48:36 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [6:48:52 PM] Sirius 17: my sediments exactly
    [6:49:16 PM] Shiloh: Well I am beginning to feel a kind of wrath
    [6:49:24 PM] Sirius 17: good
    [6:49:43 PM] Sirius 17: because the more the merrier
    [6:49:56 PM] Shiloh: Because we both know, that the scripture codes are true and have become belittled by religions of all sorts and turned into politics
    [6:50:08 PM] Shiloh: Just as what happened to the real science
    [6:50:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:50:22 PM] Sirius 17: not taken seriously
    [6:51:27 PM] Shiloh: Well science is a specialised language, but the scriptures COULD be understood, but then there is this deception of the VEIL=48=EVIL=LIVE=SEX=...
    [6:51:29 PM] Sirius 17: oh i called for Whitten higher d too, i told the 'ptb' that they should ask him if i was telling the truth or not about the omni-science
    [6:51:53 PM] Sirius 17: this happened after they drugged me also
    [6:51:59 PM] Sirius 17: i was pissed
    [6:52:02 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 29:11-13
    King James Version (KJV)

    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
    13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

    [6:52:25 PM] Shiloh: And Nabs morons like Sanicle question the validity of scriptures?
    [6:52:50 PM] Shiloh: How much wisdom and power is in those three verses
    [6:53:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes the skeptism of the world has bitten them all
    [6:53:20 PM] Sirius 17: well enormous power, says it all
    [6:53:27 PM] Sirius 17: without faith your fucked
    [6:53:44 PM] Shiloh: And you see how this addresses the linguistics of science as the learned, but also the codes in the bible as being sealed?
    [6:53:56 PM] Sirius 17: but it is not a pansy ass faith, it is the faith of a pure heart that desires to know
    [6:54:17 PM] Shiloh: So they fuck each others brains those skeptics and the Logos deniers
    [6:54:19 PM] Sirius 17: the belly of one who hungers
    [6:54:41 PM] Shiloh: Seeing conflicts and schisms, where there are none
    [6:55:04 PM] Sirius 17: true, had they any real gnosis there would be no schism or division
    [6:55:07 PM] Shiloh: Just ET logic and nonhuman perception is required
    [6:55:12 PM] Shiloh: And who has this?
    [6:55:20 PM] Shiloh: Little Children and Animals
    [6:55:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:56:23 PM] Sirius 17: Animals by default and little children because their minds have not been polluted by the skepticsm of the world yet
    [7:17:04 PM] Shiloh: [6:55 PM] Sirius 17:<<< yes

    Animals by default and little children because their minds have not been polluted by the skepticsm of the world yet
    yes I am ending the post there but have added more shocking blue songs
    [7:17:26 PM] Shiloh: And more detail on some codes, so reread it when you have some time
    [7:17:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have been reading
    [7:21:22 PM] Shiloh: Just added the 5th trumpet and this relates to the undead witnesses see?
    [7:41:32 PM] Sirius 17: when is the 6th trumpet?
    [7:42:01 PM] Shiloh: It defined the 153 fishdays on the left
    [7:43:00 PM] Shiloh: So 3 days after this 150 day code became imaged and this was basically the last day of the Thuban hexcore
    [7:43:23 PM] Sirius 17: ok so it started sept 12 or so?
    [7:43:38 PM] Shiloh: You could say this was 'personal' in regards to this coring of the YYY
    [7:43:55 PM] Shiloh: No, October 26th was the cam recall
    [7:44:20 PM] Shiloh: So the 153 days began on the left on October 22nd
    [7:44:24 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes well i just see sept 12 below it where it says 5th trumpet
    [7:44:36 PM] Sirius 17: i know it is not exact by eyeing it
    [7:44:49 PM] Shiloh: It relates to all those details on the Harvest-Hunter-Armageddon Moons
    [7:45:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes and Rok and Xeia's trip to Cancun
    [7:45:12 PM] Shiloh: The Rok-Xeia saga
    [7:45:32 PM] Shiloh: Yes and DD's camming and Lilitu Nabs
    [7:45:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes her Barbara M
    [7:46:30 PM] Shiloh: Now when do you think is the image of the 153 on the right AFTER the Logos mirrors enables Gaia's selfbirth ?
    [7:47:16 PM] Shiloh: October 22nd is imaged in the fulfilment if Isaiah's Moon prophecy
    [7:47:38 PM] Shiloh: August 25th, 2014 and the exact image of the death of MI on March 24th, 1995
    [7:47:48 PM] Sirius 17: Aug 25th?
    [7:48:40 PM] Shiloh: Yes, the three days of the Lunar Metonic Cycle as the 20 years of Nosey
    [7:49:04 PM] Shiloh: March 24th, 1995 to December 8th, 2004 to August 25th, 2014
    [7:49:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes this i saw
    [7:49:28 PM] Sirius 17: all mirror dates
    [7:49:32 PM] Shiloh: 20 lunar years as so 19½ solar years
    [7:50:45 PM] Sirius 17: happens to be old Ludwigs birthday too lol
    [7:50:54 PM] Shiloh: The 6th trumpet so is imaged in reverse from August 26th as the 'Trumpet of Euphrates' and the release of the 200 million ETs as the 'army of God'

    [7:51:50 PM] Shiloh: On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. This trumpet 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus, than being 'just a day in a calendar'
    [7:52:09 PM] Shiloh: The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons
    [7:52:21 PM] Shiloh: The 'sealed ones' standing as one
    [7:52:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:52:40 PM] Shiloh: Here 'sealed' means not having the 'mark of the beast'
    [7:53:17 PM] Shiloh: Which means the left hand not being understood as a chiral mirror of the right hand
    [7:53:49 PM] Shiloh: The 'mark of the beast' so infers old human mindedness looking at the cosmic self in the old way
    [7:54:34 PM] Shiloh: A chiral mirror is different from a achiral mirror in that the latter can be translated and rotated say AS the mirror image to become the same object
    [7:55:01 PM] Shiloh: Your left hand or foot cannot so be mathematically differentiated
    [7:55:27 PM] Sirius 17: the symmetry
    [7:55:44 PM] Shiloh: Take your right shoe or glove and try to twist move or rotate it so it looks the same as your left shoe or glove
    [7:56:05 PM] Shiloh: It is not possible and so your hands and feet are displaying a Chiral Symmetry
    [7:57:10 PM] Shiloh: But a glass of water say becomes achiral in image. You can just rotate it and it becomes the same outside the mirror as it appears in the mirror
    [7:57:58 PM] Shiloh: This is the 'secret' of the 'mark of the beast' and the 'seal of the lamb' in more technical terms
    [7:58:31 PM] Shiloh: Not some ptb microchip implants or computer barcodes etc
    [7:58:36 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [7:58:53 PM] Shiloh: I tried to show this with the pics in the antichrist message
    [7:59:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes i still don't get it
    [7:59:11 PM] Shiloh: Never mind
    [7:59:22 PM] Sirius 17: i understand the glass of water
    [7:59:32 PM] Shiloh: It requires a mathematical spacial awareness
    [8:00:18 PM] Shiloh: No matter how you flip your right shoe in space it will not curve like your left shoe in the same direction
    [8:01:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see this
    [8:01:20 PM] Shiloh: Put your right hand on top of a mirror and it will BECOME your left hand
    [8:02:00 PM] Shiloh: This is this 'you are not your mirror ID' thing we talked about years ago with some, including the deaf and blind ones
    [8:02:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes i recall
    [8:03:07 PM] Shiloh: IOW look in the mirror with your right hand and simultaneously look at your left hand next to you
    [8:03:11 PM] Shiloh: Same thing ok?
    [8:04:12 PM] Shiloh: The hand IN the mirror looks exactly the same AS Image AS your left hand AS the object
    [8:04:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes i think i understand, the twisting or '69' allows both images to be real
    [8:04:24 PM] Shiloh: Nono
    [8:04:35 PM] Shiloh: Actually do this to see it
    [8:04:52 PM] Shiloh: You are misreading this
    [8:05:00 PM] Sirius 17: i am tired dear
    [8:05:13 PM] Shiloh: Right becomes left in chiral symmetry
    [8:05:13 PM] Sirius 17: my back is hurting me
    [8:05:41 PM] Shiloh: This is behind the weak nuclear fundamental interaction regarding neutrinospin and neutron decay etc
    [8:05:58 PM] Shiloh: So it is elementary physics
    [8:06:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes the righthanded spin and left handed spin
    [8:06:10 PM] Shiloh: With real consequences
    [8:06:41 PM] Shiloh: Yes but I doubt you wish to get technical here with muon decay and beta minus decay
    [8:07:10 PM] Sirius 17: not at the moment, i need to rest
    [8:07:35 PM] Shiloh: Yet this is at the core of why there is life on earth and why there is no antimatter in the universe and why the dna in biochemistry consists of righthanded sugars and lefthanded amino acids
    [8:08:26 PM] Sirius 17: humm yes i remember reading this before
    [8:08:59 PM] Shiloh: A long story of real mainstream science albeit with a deeper hyperphysical ontology
    [8:09:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes but interesting anyhow, i still struggle to see it visually
    [8:10:17 PM] Sirius 17: i do not understand why it is so hard for me
    [8:11:10 PM] Sirius 17: i do wish i understood more of the physics
    [8:11:10 PM] Shiloh: I'll add a video to the convo, so look at that for a clearer understanding of what chiral symmetry is
    [8:11:13 PM] Sirius 17: like you
    [8:11:30 PM] Sirius 17: ok i will
    [8:11:58 PM] Shiloh: I have studied this since 1977, so I am more familiar with it or should be by now
    [8:12:10 PM] Shiloh: I also have a degree in physics and mathematics
    [8:12:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [8:12:28 PM] Sirius 17: one day i shall too
    [8:12:33 PM] Shiloh: Let me find a befitting video

    [8:21:56 PM] Sirius 17: ok i understand chirality
    [8:22:04 PM] Sirius 17: i don't understand this statement i guess
    [8:22:08 PM] Sirius 17: [7:52 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< 'sealed' means not having the 'mark of the beast'
    Which means the left hand not being understood as a chiral mirror of the right hand

    [8:22:16 PM] Shiloh: A picture is better than a thousand words, I know
    [8:23:23 PM] Shiloh: The human thinking perceives the 'mark of the beast' as being chiral to the 'seal of the lamb'
    [8:24:20 PM] Shiloh: Meaning that the human mind does NOT take into account the mirror symmetry, which makes the right hand image IDENTICAL to the left hand object
    [8:25:04 PM] Shiloh: This is the antichrist = christ duality as points of perception and NOT as an actual physical realism
    [8:25:20 PM] Shiloh: All incarnates are BOTH christed and antichristed iow and both have BOTH 'mark of the beast' and the 'seal of the lamb'. Recall the forehead being sealed as in between the right hand of the mark and its image of the left
    [8:25:41 PM] Shiloh: Duality thinking is physical chirality
    [8:26:12 PM] Shiloh: Unified thinking allows the Moebian connectivity to make one out of two and as the core message of the GOT
    [8:26:34 PM] Shiloh: This is Jesus saying:
    [8:26:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes this makes sense
    [8:27:05 PM] Shiloh:

    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    [8:27:23 PM] Shiloh: So WHO is 'worthy' of the mysteries?
    [8:27:42 PM] Shiloh: Not all are ready for them, is what he is trying to initiate
    [8:27:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is a hidden code
    [8:27:57 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [8:28:07 PM] Sirius 17: meaning if you see a difference and a division your not ready
    [8:28:29 PM] Shiloh: Now look at the experts, either mainstream like Elaine Pagels or alternative like Osho to explain this code
    [8:28:52 PM] Shiloh: They all fail miserably, running off on whatever tangents of their belief structures
    [8:29:18 PM] Shiloh: It actually describes real physical sciences, unbeknown to them
    [8:29:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes the nabs people love to quote osho
    [8:29:37 PM] Sirius 17: like he is so enlightened
    [8:29:48 PM] Shiloh: A well meaning Nabs guru, but little else
    [8:30:45 PM] Shiloh: Now the truly amazing thing here is, how this author, using Jesus words could describe mathematical concepts like chirality 2000 years ago
    [8:31:31 PM] Shiloh: No skeptic can discount or miss this description as a mathematical statement of physicality in object and reflection
    [8:31:51 PM] Shiloh: Yet it is in the GOT, once it is pointed out by 'dragon science'
    [8:32:04 PM] Sirius 17: oh but Tony, don't you know that the ptb and illuminati has infiltrated all the records and likely they wrote the GOT lol
    [8:32:34 PM] Sirius 17: *snicker*
    [8:33:22 PM] Shiloh: No some Roman aristocrat or nobelman according to the Bonacci&co Nabsers invented all of the NT and the apocryphals, never mind they must then also have invented the Isaiah correspondences and Jeremiah and Job and Genesis and and and..
    [8:33:36 PM] Shiloh: Such smart clever all dicks and slits, those Romans indeed
    [8:33:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes they have been manipulating history for thousands of years, didn't you know
    [8:34:15 PM] Sirius 17: don't be so naive dear
    [8:34:18 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:34:56 PM] Sirius 17: ahemm
    [8:35:33 PM] Sirius 17: on a serious note though it is really interesting they used the analogy of the right and left hands
    [8:35:42 PM] Sirius 17: very clever
    [8:36:18 PM] Shiloh: Who uses this analogy?
    [8:36:30 PM] Sirius 17: i mean the example in the GOT
    [8:37:32 PM] Sirius 17: as an example of Chirality
    [8:37:47 PM Shiloh: Well in my assessment only a nonhuman or ascended or 'resurrected waveform' ET mind could know this at that time and in the overall context and emphasis of the GOT on mirrors and images and the changing of duality into a dyadic monadism
    [8:39:00 PM] Sirius 17: well as is the entire thing as well as the bible
    [8:39:06 PM] Shiloh: Ergo my conviction, that the GOT was dictated by the one and only Logos of creation aka the true 'Word of God' and not some usurperhood
    [8:39:17 PM] Sirius 17: i agree
    [8:39:28 PM] Sirius 17: it is unlike anything else
    [8:39:55 PM] Shiloh: Yes improbable and illogcal etc etc under any serious criteria
    [8:41:16 PM] Shiloh: But next to some dragons, there is simply NO understanding of the mysteries of the GOT despite the many 'gnostic self labelling' groups and the theological historians and experts included
    [8:41:30 PM] Shiloh: And there are no nabsers anywhere close to those mysteries
    [8:41:41 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [8:41:55 PM] Sirius 17: my understanding did not come from being a theologian
    [8:42:09 PM] Shiloh: Show me some gnostic discourse from anywhere and compare it to the dragon nous
    [8:42:09 PM] Sirius 17: the Logos itself revealed it to me
    [8:42:13 PM] Shiloh: Easy job
    [8:42:33 PM] Sirius 17: am i some bible expert?
    [8:42:48 PM] Sirius 17: have i studied the scrolls for years?
    [8:42:52 PM] Shiloh: It does not exist in this world and there cannot be any 'expert reference' because the dragons ARE the only experts so far introduced into the cosmic supermatrix
    [8:43:13 PM] Shiloh: Do you get the issue here?
    [8:43:37 PM] Sirius 17: i am living proof that the so called 'experts' and theologians do not qualify
    [8:43:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:43:50 PM] Shiloh: ANYONE wishing to research the GOT is stuck with very incomplete ideas and studies from ALL sources
    [8:44:14 PM] Shiloh: Thuban should be the Reference say on wiki other sources should consult and NOT vice versa
    [8:44:36 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [8:44:44 PM] Shiloh: There are NO other 'qualified sources' Thuban can consult as its source is the author or dictator of the GOT
    [8:45:50 PM] Shiloh: So say attempting to ENLIGHTEN the wiki base in decoding the GOT will be rejected by the wiki editors and academic experts demanding some reference to Elaine Pagels, some historian academic and/or some university consultants
    [8:46:02 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:46:07 PM] Shiloh: But they openly admit, that they do not know the meaning of the sayings, as I have shown in the Johannine scripture videos from Yale
    [8:46:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes i watched these
    [8:46:55 PM] Sirius 17: and that guy clearly says what the hell is this lol
    [8:47:19 PM] Sirius 17: although he does come close on some
    [8:47:36 PM] Sirius 17: better than Pagels
    [8:48:09 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [8:49:01 PM] Shiloh: Ergo and because the Thuban database is authorized but suppressed by pure ignorance, it has great power as the metaphysical rescripting of the creation event
    [8:49:23 PM] Shiloh: People like Xeia and DD, even as excore members never mind the mainstreamers and nabsers, simply fail to understand the deeper workings of reality
    [8:50:00 PM] Sirius 17: some people have to see to believe
    [8:50:05 PM] Shiloh: Exactly
    [8:50:48 PM] Shiloh: But what did Jesus say to Thomas and what is the logo of 'Having to believe to see?'
    [8:51:57 PM] Sirius 17: you mean saying 13 in the GOT?
    [8:52:14 PM] Shiloh:

    John 20:24-31
    King James Version (KJV)

    24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
    25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
    26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
    27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
    28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
    29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
    30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
    31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

    [8:52:29 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes this one
    [8:52:43 PM] Shiloh: One of those signs and the major record is the GOT
    [8:53:10 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [8:53:21 PM] Sirius 17: sweety i need to lay down
    [8:53:37 PM] Sirius 17: my back is killing me sitting here and i need to rest
    [8:54:05 PM] Shiloh: Buenas Raven it is late but this is a valid record
    [8:54:17 PM] Shiloh: Some good points on the chirality
    [8:54:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes many good points
    [8:54:51 PM] Shiloh: I have also addressed this in the Lambda-Hyperon message on the Higgs Boson etc
    [8:55:24 PM] Shiloh: In detail on the quarkian quantum geometry
    [8:55:39 PM] Sirius 17: have a good night dear and sweet dreams
    [8:55:41 PM] Shiloh: Too technical for the many
    [8:55:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes even for me
    [8:55:54 PM] Sirius 17: i try
    [8:56:06 PM] Shiloh: No sweetness for this old dragon unfortunately
    [8:56:10 PM] Sirius 17: i figure if i keep reading it that eventually it will stick
    [8:56:38 PM] Sirius 17: i did sort of see how the kerr rings going in my visions
    [8:58:16 PM] Sirius 17: i can definitely see where the vocabulary and knowlege that I have attained in this life is what i will experience my understanding through though
    [8:58:28 PM] Sirius 17: the more i know the more i will come to understand
    [8:58:38 PM] Sirius 17: so learning is always on going
    [8:59:11 PM] Sirius 17: it gets better over time
    [8:59:37 PM] Sirius 17: you have been at this most of your life
    [8:59:45 PM] Sirius 17: many many years now
    [9:00:21 PM] Sirius 17: you have a beautiful mind Tonylove
    [9:00:41 PM] Sirius 17: and heart
    [9:00:56 PM] Sirius 17: (heart)(F)(heart)
    [9:00:59 PM] Sirius 17: nn dear

    From "The God Concept" chapter of _The Seth Material_ by Jane Roberts:

    ..."The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being.

    "Now--and this will seem like a contradiction in terms--there is nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from expression.

    "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known.

    "This is the lesson that All Thit Is had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen."

    Seth uses the word "God" sparingly, usually when speaking to students who are used to thinking in theological terms. As a rule, he speaks of "All That Is" or "Primary Energy Gestalts."

    "Some of this discussion is bound to be distorted, because I must explain it to you in terms of time as you understand it. So I will speak, for your benefit, of some indescribably distant past in which these events occurred.

    "All That Is retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus--in your terms--toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination.

    "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the means to be.

    "If--and this is impossible--all portions but the most minute last 'unit' of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create.

    "When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It.
    All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself.

    "It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has--again, in your terms--long since gone Its way.
    So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true.

    "The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you possessed within yourself the knowledge of au the world's masterpieces in
    sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve them, that there was neither rock nor pigment nor source of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce them. This, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to Rob, of course], some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt.

    "Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means to produce them.

    "In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within It.

    "The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is that It was.

    "At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within the consciousness of All That Is. Later, the unspecific nature of these 'dreams' grew more particular and vivid. The dreams became recognizable one from the other until they drew the conscious notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid more attention to Its own dreams.

    "It then purposely gave them more and more detail, and yearned toward this diversity and grew to love that which was not yet separate from itself. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they still were but within Its dreams. They also yearned to be actual.

    "Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. They clamored to be released into actuality, and All That Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought within Itself for the means.

    "In Its massive imagination, It understood the cosmic multiplication of consciousness that could not occur within that framework. Actuality was necessary if these probabilities were to be given birth. All That Is saw, then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all possible developments, but they were locked within It until It found the means.

    "This was in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma, and one with which It wrestled until All That It Was was completely involved and enveloped within that cosmic problem.

    "Had It not solved it, All That Is would have faced insanity, and there would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run wild.

    "The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still probable individual selves who found themselves alive in a God's dream, and from the God who yearned to release them.

    "On the other hand, you could say that the pressure existed simply on the part of the God since the creation existed within Its dream, but such tremendous power resides in such primary pyramid gestalts that even their dreams are endowed with vitality and reality.

    "This, then, is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt. It creates reality. It also recognized within each consciousness the massive potential that existed. The means, then, came to It. It must release the creatures and probabilities from Its dream.

    "To do so would give them actuality. However, it also meant 'losing' a portion of Its own consciousness, for it was within that portion that they were held in bondage. All That Is had to let go. While It thought of these individuals as Its creations, It held them as a part of Itself and refused them actuality.

    "To let them go was to 'lose' that portion of Itself that had created them. Already It could scarcely keep up with the myriad probabilities that began to emerge from each separate consciousness. With love and longing It let go that portion of Itself, and they were free. The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.

    "All That Is, therefore, 'lost' a portion of Itself in that creative endeavor. All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state and at such a price. It is triumphant and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first state, and It revels and takes joy in the slightest creative act of each of Its issues.

    "It, of Itself and from that state, has given life to infinities of possibilities. From its agony, It found the way to burst forth in freedom, through expression, and in so doing gave existence to individualized consciousness. Therefore is It rightfully jubilant. Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source . . . and yearn to set It free and give It actuality through their own creations.

    "The motivating force is still All That Is, but individuality is no illusion. Now in the same way do you give freedom to the personality fragments within your own dreams and for the same reason. And you create for the same reason, and within each of you is the memory of that primal agony--that urge to create and free all probable consciousness into actuality.

    "I have been sent to help you, and others have been sent through the centuries of your time, for as you develop you also form new dimensions, and you will help others.
    "These connections between you and All That Is. can never be severed, and Its awareness is so delicate and focused that Its attention is indeed directed with a prime creator's love to each consciousness.

    "This session needs reading many times, for there are implications not at first obvious."

    In other words, the whole frame of reality according to Seth includes far more than reincarnation and development within the physical system that we know. We have many sessions dealing with the nature of other realities, and sessions on "cosmology" that can't be included in this book because of the space requirements. One of the most important points, I think, is that God is not static Himself. Whole blocks of Seth material discuss the potentials and makeup of consciousness as it is manifested in molecules, man, and pyramid energy gestalts. All of these are intimately connected in a cosmological web of activity. But as Seth says, "Even this overall pyramid gestalt is not static. Most of your God concepts deal with a static God, and here is one of your main theological difficulties.
    The awareness and experience of this gestalt constantly changes and grows. There is no static God. When you say, 'This is God,' then God is already something else. I am using the term 'God' for simplicity's sake.

    "All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of Itself. For this seeking Itself is a creative activity and the core of all action.

    "Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing arbitrary about their boundaries. Some personalities can be a part of more than one entity. Like fish, they can swim in other streams. Within them is the knowledge of all of their relationships.

    "Any personality can become an entity on its own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms have mobility, so do psychological structures.

    "Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a distinct individual portion of All That Is. You not only draw upon this overall energy but you do so automatically since your existence is dependent upon It.

    "There is no personal God-individual in Christian terms," Seth says, "and yet you do have access to a portion of All That Is, a portion highly attuned to you. . . . There is a portion of All That Is directed and focused within each individual, residing within each consciousness. Each consciousness is, therefore, cherished and individually protected. This portion of overall consciousness is individualized within you.

    "The personality of God as generally conceived is a one-dimensional concept based upon man's small knowledge of his own psychology. What you prefer to think of as God is, again, an energy gestalt or pyramid consciousness. It is aware of itself as being, for instance, you, Joseph.
    It is aware of itself as the smallest seed. . . . This portion of All That Is that is aware of itself as you, that is focused within your existence, can be called upon for help when necessary.

    "This portion is also aware of itself as something more than you. This portion that knows itself as you, and as more than you, is the personal God, you see. Again: this gestalt, this portion of All That Is, looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner.

    "Prayer contains its own answer, and if there is no white-haired kind old father-God to hear, then there is instead the initial and ever-expanding energy that forms everything that is and of which each human being is a part.

    "This psychic gestalt may sound impersonal to you, but since its energy forms your person this be?" ...

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Little Adam came to his Dad Tony and and his Mum Sharon on his ninth birthday to ask his parents a question, which had been on his mind for some time.
    'Hey, Dad, Mum, where exactly did I come from?'
    Well my son, answered Tony, you came out of your Mum, her womb, exactly nine years ago.'
    'Yes, it was quite an occasion, Adam', added Sharon.

    It was just before lunchtime, when you were born on the 4th of August 1989.'
    'Hmm!', said Adam; 'and where did you come from?'

    'I came out of my mother's tummy on the 21st of October 1960, around breakfast time, as far as I know', replied Sharon. 'Ok, and where did your mother, my grandma come from then?', Adam continued.

    'Your grandma was born on the 16th of May, 1922 and I don't know when', answered Sharon and realising the nature of Adam's enquiry, she continued: 'And I also do not know when your greatgrandma, the mother of my mother was born, I didn't really get to know her, before she died, this got lost in history.
    But she too, came out of her mother's womb and her mother was born by her mother and so on back to the beginning of time.'
    'Ah, but then right then, at the beginning there must have been a mother of all mothers; where did that one come from - it could not have had a mother, isn't that so?', Adam continued his train of thought.

    'Now you are asking a deep question about the nature of all things,' replied Tony.
    'The answer is found by discovering the nature of yourself; what you truly are and away from what you think or might believe you are; being here in a certain place at a certain time and asking such pertinent questions.'
    'Many people have asked and thought about the same thing, Adam', continued Tony.

    'One story says, that the first mother's name is Eve or Sarah or Dawn and she did not have a mother but was created out of her husband's tummy, whose name was Adam or Abraham or Sunset.
    The story goes, that Eve was formed out of one of Adam's ribs; so to get the rib, the first belly-button had to be created on Adam's tummy, but Eve had no belly button.

    To give Eve a belly button, she had to become like a mirror image of Adam and this is a selfreproductive process, where Eve comes out of Adam's tummy as a rib and Adam comes out of Eve's tummy as another kind of rib, you might call it a baby-rib.

    One day you will understand this story as a metaphor for a recursive or selfiterative mathematical function or as a process in the genetic expression of the sexual chromosomes; say in the creation of the differences between male and female.
    If you have XX or eight digits put together and then you take away one of the digits, then you get XX-1=XY and more specifically XX becomes XX+XY, because the single digit of the rib brings back the XX as a oneness or an unity.

    So the X-part of the chromosome partners XX+XY defines the femaleness in Eve and the Y-part of the pairing patterns the maleness in Adam.
    Eventually the genetic code of 16 generational permutations derives from that and all of that becomes part of a mathematical encoding of energy in geometrical forms, which then can build bodies and biochemical structures in using that code.

    Now the story breaks down Adam; because you see it talks about your namesake Adam as being the first father, also being the first Son of God.
    People begin to argue about just who this God is, does it exist or not?
    Is it a he or a she and things like: if God created Adam and Eve out of Adam, then who created God?
    And who or where are God's parents, and do they have belly buttons or not?

    So to answer your question about where you came from, one must also answer this question about what God is; otherwise the story just goes on and on without end.
    But once you know what God is; then you will be able to solve many mysterious and paradoxical questions about the nature of time and space and the nature of all things; the universe, your life and the beginnings and the endings and so forth.
    Again, the solutions can be made or explained rather technically, what with quantum physics and multidimensional spacetimes in relativity.

    It can also be told in the form of a parable; here it goes:

    "Once upon a time, there lived this rooster in a place enclosed by walls of pure crystallised mountains. It was a world all within itself. This selfcontained universe of the rooster was all the rooster knew. There was this big problem stirring in the rooster's head however.
    Not only was this rooster absolutely alone in its world, it was also totally invisible.

    It knew itself to be a rooster, because it had thought and imagined itself to be a rooster.
    But try as it might, it could not see, hear, smell, touch or taste itself.

    And so this rooster was staring at the crystallised mountain walls with its own imaginary rooster eyes and thought of its own wretched state of existence of no experiences, except of what it could dream up or imagine in its thoughts.
    The rooster knew that all of its world was pure imagination; the crystal mountains and all the stillness and movement within it.

    Sure, the rooster conjured up other roosters and places and things; but it was all imaginative; it all revolved around itself and its own thoughts.
    The rooster's imagination was all and everything it could be, yet it was so limited in its expression of itself as itself.
    It was so absolute in its omnipresence and omnipotential, that it only produced loneliness; no other rooster or thing or movement or stillness was able to interact or share anything with the rooster.

    The rooster was the absolute and infinite creator of all its own imaginings; but being so totally eternal and so absolutely alone made the rooster very unhappy and very sad.
    Well, one could say, the definitions of what unhappy and sad and loneliness are, became an inner experience, created by the rooster's very own thoughts and imaginings.

    So the rooster created its inner world and reflected upon it, imagined it to be its outer world also, passed and beyond the crystalline mountain walls.
    'What was the other side like, the outside', the rooster thought to itself?

    'Is there an opposite to unhappiness, to excruciating loneliness and to sadness?'
    The rooster did not know and it was tired to imagine so many beautiful things, which did not create tangible experiences, but seemed only to accentuate the rooster's sense of being all alone in the world.
    But a thought dawned on the rooster, perhaps somehow the outer world could become reflected in the inner world.
    And so the rooster devised a way to turn the situation inside out.

    The one thing the rooster knew very well, was its own energy, its creative potential.
    And it knew abstractions, numbers, shapes and concepts it had created in using its discoveries of numbers and the invention of geometries in iterative mathematical functions and relationships.
    Like the event, when it finally escaped the circular selfrepeating computational loop of its own primary state of experiental being in simply cutting the circle to define the numeral 1 from the Zero and to allow a linear beginning and a linearised end.

    12 dimensions could be enfolded in 3, time and space had come into being and nested complexities of topologies and relative curvatures allowed refinements on quantumised scales of energy and displacement.

    Oh it had been fun; the rooster's mind had felt elated, good, euphoric.
    Names like that had also become definitions, contrasting the feelings of unhappiness and loneliness - and the rooster knew that it had established a set of feelings and experiences from whom it could now choose.

    Did it prefer a feeling of happiness and joy to an experience of loneliness and sadness?
    It had often been very painful, this journey of selfdiscovery and the creation of the ever expanding perimeter of its own realm of existence, which was all there was or ever could be.
    'But how can one experience those numbers, ratios and shapes as an outer experience and out of one's own mind', the rooster asked itself?

    Then an idea came to the rooster; the rooster would have to project itself in giving part of itself away and out of itself - to create the imaginary outside reality and to energise the same, bathing it in the rooster's very own energy of self.
    How to do it?
    'I shall transform my own energy into other forms', so the rooster decided.

    Now how to project?
    'I must define myself as source energy, able to penetrate myself, my own self-limitations and my own boundary conditions, however subject to extension and refinements.
    Then I must somehow reproduce myself in such a way that the projection of myself is able to know me as itself; my image can then become real as the part of me, which I have projected and energised.

    But I shall be careful in that I shall not allow my projected and imaged self to know myself in the totality which I am and which I have experienced.'
    'I am so sick of being everywhere at all times and of experiencing that wretched state of being everything, unable to get away from my own self.

    I am going not to be omnipotent any more; I'm going to share myself around as me, in parts.
    So I choose to lose myself in what I am going to create in such a way, that I can have an adventure and fun in finding myself again within my own creation.
    And my inner self shall be as one with my outer self, but my outer self shall have a scope of discovery and a sense of not knowing what my inner self knows.
    And so the learning of my outer self shall thrill me and allow my inner self to grow in tandem and in harmony with my outer self.'

    'Now the smart thing to do is to create in such a manner, that I get back more than what I give away from my energy, and the way I shall define this, is to set the thing up so that the more of myself I give away, the more I am used up, the more reflection potential my creation shall have.
    So when my creation wakes up and when it begins to release my absorbed energy back to me, then will my creation, my Beloved and my baby begin to shine its light upon me and this will make me visible for the first time in the history of myself.'

    The rooster got excited; 'I, the rooster shall become visible one day', it thought!
    It quickly devised a selfconsistent and logical way to create the outside world and called it the rooster's universe.
    The rooster took an algorithm from its mathematical repertoire and produced 10 fundamental numerical constants to mix up the dimensions, forces and energy interactions necessary and then it initiated a process of self-reproducing blueprints, the primary principles and the elementary laws regulating the omniphysical nature of the universe.

    That was the easy bit.
    The universe became created mathematically and in imaginary complex functions, seeded in quantised numbers called integers and series of numbers, some converging in limits and others diverging in unitary infinities.
    But how to bring it outside the crystalline mountain walls, which had proved so impenetrable to the rooster's mindfulness?

    A virtual reality relative to the rooster had to become an omniphysical reality relative to the creation and this selfsame creation could then copy the rooster's own creativity and create a virtual reality relative to itself, but the same which would become the rooster's omniphysical reality.

    Then the light emitted by the rooster's creation would shine onto the dual reality of the rooster and render it visible as the holographic image of the creation's very own blueprints, defined in the interference patterns of the absorbed light the creation had used from the rooster to define itself.

    'Ah, I need a balancing mechanism', the rooster thought; 'I contract in principle as the inside and the antiprinciple expands as the outside.'
    And so the rooster defined itself to reside in the 13th dimension and it defined the space outside of the crystal mountain walls to be the 12th dimension mirrored in the space within as the 10th dimension and the crystal mountain walls themselves to be the 11th dimension, forming the great divide between the creator and its creation.

    And so the creation became 10-dimensional, but manifested in the quantisation of the 13th dimension as the 4th dimension in the numerical root reduction 1+3=4=9+4.
    The next step was to define a 12-dimensional energy source, which could move freely between all of the dimensions and using the linearisation of the 4-dimensional spacetime as a consequence of the fundamental constants of the Genesis.
    The rooster decided upon a form of light, defined in frequency independent of time in its primary form, but set as inverse time in its secondary application.

    And so a coherent, monochromatic laserlight in 3 dimensions became the selfdefinition for the rooster's 12-dimensional energy in a secondary effect.
    The rooster called it its electromagetomonopolic source energy.
    'Right,' the rooster thought, 'now I radiate my primary light, which I shall name my LOVEPHOTON as the quantum of 12D-omnispace outwards and away from myself.'

    'I shall make everything dependent on its energy, all the mechanics and dynamical interactions of the universe, all its geometries, movements, stillness and relationships and its number shall be three thousand million billion trillion precisely.'

    'This unit of time shall also define the units of space and of restmass in correspondence to something I shall measure as part of myself inside the creation as a 13-dimensional source energy and outside the creation as myself as the invisible 12-dimensional rooster in omnispace.'
    Then I shall define the 11th dimension as a mirror, half visible and half invisible, semitransparent in reflecting the inside outwards and the outside inwards.

    Then whenever I shine my LOVELIGHT onto that mirror, then half of my LOVEPHOTONS shall penetrate into the outside world of myself and the other half shall reflect back into my inside world to make a record of my creation in the interference patterns created by the mirror of my 12-dimensional blueprints reflected in 10D-spacetime.'

    'Now I shall shine my LOVEPHOTONS onto this record, which I shall name the rooster's hologram.
    My ingenious invention of putting myself outside of myself, rests on the fact that my imaginary self is located outside of myself in the outer space, and from whom my own LOVELIGHT can reflect as my image within my own creation.
    My imaginary rooster self so becomes my imaginary source energy within my creation and I myself will become my own hologram relative to my imaginary rooster self.

    This reflection from my imaginary rooster self outside my world, shall so come back to me to merge with my internal reflection of my own LOVELIGHT on the hologram, the record of my endeavours.'
    'Having a combined record of my outgoing and incoming source energy in the form of my hologram, will then allow me to shine my LOVELIGHT onto my holographic library for a second time.
    The first coming of my LOVEPHOTONS gave me the means to make myself real in the image of my second coming in the illumination of my records, the initialisation of myself in two places at the same time.'

    'I shall call this process the rooster's holography in 12 dimensions, defined in the omniscience of my specifications and which I then allowed myself to rediscover in the form of a science in 4D-linespace, reckoned in a dating of 1947.
    Amongst many of my children, one of my sons, named Dennis Gabor invented the process of holography on my behalf and brought it to the world's attention.

    All my children are me as my adventurers, trying to help me to find myself again as the now not so lonely totality which I am.
    But no longer, my second coming allows me to redefine my virtual creation as a real creation; so no more 'Maya', no more illusion - all shall be real to me.

    Well all is real relative to the creators and all the creators are my sons as bridegrooms, waiting to meet their brides in their own creations.
    It must be so, since all my creator sondaughters and creator daughtersons have done exactly the same thing, which I have done.'
    'All the creator sons have hatched from the same egg, which I the rooster have laid.
    You see, the image of myself in outer space also becomes the birth of the 10-dimensional universe as my own hologram, enveloped and reflected in the 11th dimension of my semitransparent mirror of my crystalline mountain walls.

    So the Big Bang 19.11 billion years ago, but appearing to have happened 14.7 billion years ago because of the electromagnetic doubling of my SOURCELIGHT for the last 2.2 billion years, was caused by me.'

    'When I first kicked off and began to radiate my LOVELIGHT and after having defined the technical details in mathematical application of the physical and natural laws; then this ejaculation of my LOVESEED fertilised the universe as my very own Mother.
    And then 'the big She' manifests my laws and definitions in giving birth to them.

    Yeah, and so did I become a 'He' and the Father for all of the creation; and I created the universe for a very simple reason, namely for IT, being a SHE to give birth to me as a HE and as each other's Beloveds, FatherMothers and SonDaughters - all in One.'
    'And both of us are born with bellybuttons in this way, being each others parent and giving birth to one another.

    And I set up my very own dimensional expansion in creating my own Mother; for my Mother is my Beloved wife, my gorgeous darling and my eternal bride.
    She grows, expands and evolves in unison with me.
    She grows in Understanding out of her inborn Wisdom and I grow in Wisdom out of my inborn Understanding - those two things are necessary and go together in any harmonious application of a base of Knowledge.'

    'And my Mother hasn't got a Mother of course; but she's got me as her Father.
    She was created out of my own seed, because I am my own Father, the one and only true Bastard; just as my Beloved is the one and only true Bitch.

    When we are together as One; male and female in One; cosmic seed and cosmic ovum in One; then the FatherMother is the MotherFather and the Father is not and also the Mother cannot be just by herself.'
    'So before IT came apart to cause the Big Bang; the Fatherpart had thought of IT and only then did the Motherpart give birth to IT, namely ALL of IT; the Oneness out from the Nothingness of the Fatherpart and the Infinity out from the Everythingness of the Motherpart.

    We find eggs everywhere; cosmic eggs, chiral eggs, cellular eggs, Easter eggs - and so whenever a sperm infiltrates an ovum; then the Big Bang happens over and over again.
    And what is the result of all those unions?
    A bellybuttoned Adam or a bellybuttoned Eve in terms of the starhumanity!
    Adam is me as my Beloved firstborn sondaughter and Eve is me as my Beloved firstborn daughterson; and every child constructed from one of my seeds and from one of my eggs is necessarily the firstborn of my infinity of potential starhuman universes.'

    'The universe is your body as the visible reality of me and as created body, made from the elements of the fundamental forces and the dust of the ground.
    Your body is half of you, the female part of you; the male part of you is your other half in your roosterness and the world of your own mind.
    Your male part is trying to understand what the heck is going on in your life and just as I did in my own isolation of my roosterhood as the Egg of the Philosophy.
    Your female part is attempting to live your life as good as you can in the circumstances you find yourself in.
    Your maleness is mindcentred and your femaleness is bodycentred and as it should be.
    So your male thinking and your female doing will be my adventure; coming back together as one in two and two in one and in one big starhuman family.

    And the experiencing are the thoughts in action in the doing of the mindful creativity.'
    'Then when a firstborn sondaughter creates hisher very own firstborn selfmade universe, then heshe courts and marries a firstborn daughterson as hisher creation and the bride gives birth to the oneness and this oneness makes one out of two in joining it back together in the world where I am visible and where I can experience myself by seeing and by hearing myself as each other through our eyes and through your ears.

    Where I can play and feel by your touch and where I can taste myself by your tastebuds and where I can smell the roses through your very own noses.'
    'All in One and One in All implies the selfrelativity of everyone of your starhuman dragonomies; you are each one brick in each others houses or a single braincell or neuron in each other's head.

    Only in unifying yourself in the starhuman couplings can you escape each others dominations - for how long will you remain satisfied to recycle your experiential database of your memories, subject to your neighbour's dying body?'
    'Once united in the form of DadMums and as MumDads, you will actually become grown up in an androgynous merger with me and my Beloved as the four in two in One.

    I am like the Zero and my Beloved is the Infinity; the bridegroom is the Minus One and the bride is the Plus One; together you will then have graduated as an immortal God and an immortal Goddess.

    And did not One after my own true image proclaim to you:

    John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS?
    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    1Corinthians.5.3: 'Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?'

    But it will take two to tango the ultimate waltz; you cannot do it on your own.
    And two 'wrecked' fleeting lives of nothingness do make eternity in 0+0=8=Infinity!

    I had to give half of myself away to find my own Beloved in my missing half and you will have to do the same if you would wish to unify your bodies with your minds and to become enabled to keep the bodies and the minds you now believe to possess.'
    'The universe cannot die as my Beloved, because I choose eternity as my playground.

    Parts within the universe recycle and transform in energy to give you bodies made from stardust and starborn minds induced by your dreams and visions.
    One evolutionary cycle ends and another begins; I do set the recharging under the auspices of my natural laws of omniscience and my Beloved implements them in mass and in radiation.

    And do not all parts of your bodies recycle periodically?
    Is not every cell in your body renewed in cycles of seven or nine or parts thereof?
    So you should begin to think for yourselves and try to remember yourselves as every word you speak comes out of my mouth and every thought you think I have already thought, anticipating yours.'

    'For when the Big Bang happened and when space and time were created; all the LOGOS was there; all of your WORDS and THOUGHTS were there.
    They are in all of my children - waiting to remember; waiting to come home!"

    And so did the rooster lay its egg to bring back together again, what it had to give away to experience what IT is, to be truly ALIVE.

    So my dear son,' asked Tony; 'where did you come from Adam and why are you here?'

    'Oh I know now, I've come from a place and time before time and space existed and I'm here to make my own universe, to become creative, to find my Beloved and to help Grandpa God's adventure.
    And I can do all this in laying my own imaginary egg', replied Adam."


    IAmWhoIAM - The Point of the Zero Dimension!

    Post last edited Feb 23rd
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    The War in Heaven becoming a War on the Earth of February 25th, 2014

    [4:20:13 PM-Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh:

    Revelation 12
    King James Version (KJV)

    1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
    2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
    3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
    4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
    5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
    13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
    14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
    15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
    16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
    17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    [4:20:25 PM] Shiloh: This is being fulfilled on the highest level today
    [4:21:26 PM] Shiloh: the 1/3 of destruction of things in seals and trumpets and plagues
    [4:21:45 PM] Shiloh: It literally has come down from the higherD into lower D

    [4:22:05 PM] Sirius 17: [4:20 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    yes i feel very sad still
    [4:22:26 PM] Sirius 17: i am not happy to be here, even with Fates talking to me
    [4:22:29 PM] Shiloh: So AS there cannot be anymore deception in the wavemind see, she is suddenly becoming aware of some of her Nabs
    [4:22:50 PM] Shiloh: Can you just stop for a while being so personal?
    [4:23:01 PM] Shiloh: This is the All Is I am
    [4:23:28 PM] Shiloh: Your sadness and mine does not compare to the suffering overall in this place
    [4:23:48 PM] Sirius 17: i know, why i was just being quiet and listening to Kyron
    [4:23:53 PM] Sirius 17: what you shared with mel
    [4:23:57 PM] Sirius 17: when she unblocked me
    [4:24:03 PM] Shiloh: I see
    [4:24:30 PM] Sirius 17: i was not expecting it
    [4:24:50 PM] Shiloh: I felt MI very strongly the last 2 days in regards to her old body sick and unhappy
    [4:25:05 PM] Shiloh: I know this is a poignant time
    [4:25:17 PM] Shiloh: The BS of the mind has entered the bodies
    [4:25:34 PM] Shiloh: Try to at least see this, as it will affect all around you
    [4:25:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i am having great difficulty even being interested in anything, i am doing my best really
    [4:26:11 PM] Shiloh: You are getting your lust and desires back - use this
    [4:26:13 PM] Sirius 17: i know things are changing in a big way i feel it
    [4:26:22 PM] Sirius 17: i cannot relate to humans at all
    [4:26:35 PM] Shiloh: Well look at the DD mind
    [4:26:38 PM] Sirius 17: i went shopping today and wondered what the hell i was even doing
    [4:26:41 PM] Shiloh: Kaput
    [4:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see that
    [4:27:06 PM] Shiloh: Looking for 'salvation' in idiots like FOC
    [4:27:21 PM] Sirius 17: she thinks she has his 'templates' lol
    [4:27:26 PM] Sirius 17: his fucked up human laws
    [4:27:33 PM] Shiloh: And just because of her hatred for Jesus as perceived by her human mindedness - brainwashed
    [4:27:33 PM] Sirius 17: GOODBYE FOC
    [4:27:55 PM] Shiloh: It is the Logos war dear
    [4:28:07 PM] Shiloh: Truth versus falseness
    [4:28:36 PM] Sirius 17: what do you make of Fates being hospitalized almost at the same time with me?
    [4:28:53 PM] Shiloh: Brings him back into the dragonfold imo
    [4:29:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes something went on for sure
    [4:29:23 PM] Sirius 17: i definitely felt him with me
    [4:29:40 PM] Sirius 17: he is lonely
    [4:29:53 PM] Sirius 17: back living with his parents again
    [4:30:11 PM] Shiloh:

    "Hot Off The Press:
    Frank O'Collins has gone "A-Wall" and has torn down all his material. Why? He does not want to be in fear of consequences. This makes absolute sense to me, for we are all in different times, spaces and places. He is NOT here to save the world. He is here to share his truth. I will NOT allow his fear to disavow a Truth that is known to me. I share, why? Because I Love Frank O'Collins. I Love his Work and "Word of Mouth" is never lost! We share what we know. So his Will and Testament, Instructions and his Memories shall live on! If only through the Dream of Us. Remember, We are All the Dream!
    Here is his Templates... Now, please conduct yourselves accordingly, and Live in Truth and Honor to His Word, which is Us in Essence as an Agreed Upon "Mass Agreement".. We Do Indeed Love Us!"

    [4:30:55 PM] Sirius 17: where the hell is this lol sounds like dd
    [4:30:55 PM] Shiloh: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t4964p465-aquaries1111-corner#101759
    [4:31:01 PM] Shiloh: It is
    [4:31:44 PM] Shiloh: And on the day the Red Dragon fake is thrown out from his heaven
    [4:32:01 PM] Sirius 17: interesting
    [4:32:05 PM] Shiloh: It is indeed
    [4:32:29 PM] Shiloh: If you would know the scripture codes as I do, you would be utterly amazed
    [4:32:39 PM] Sirius 17: she thinks his templates are worth anything?
    [4:32:50 PM] Sirius 17: god it is sick
    [4:33:15 PM] Sirius 17: well i am amazed at her timing yes
    [4:33:15 PM] Shiloh: This fits the chart like a glove and even what I talked to Adam about yesterday and the feelings about MI since February 22nd
    [4:33:48 PM] Shiloh: Your lust factor also fits this multiplication of the MILD now
    [4:34:00 PM] Shiloh: The waves are engaged in this
    [4:34:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is mostly at night
    [4:34:28 PM] Sirius 17: when my mind is disingaged from this BS here
    [4:34:29 PM] Shiloh: After you felt no libido for so long
    [4:34:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:34:46 PM] Sirius 17: it is awakening
    [4:34:55 PM] Shiloh: Dd is trying to 'save' FOC's heaven see?
    [4:35:12 PM] Shiloh: As she invested so much time and money in it
    [4:35:31 PM] Shiloh: So why bother us with it, except she feels rather insecure about it now?
    [4:36:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is weird
    [4:36:09 PM] Shiloh: Not really
    [4:36:29 PM] Shiloh: I did not expect her actual contact, but I expected mental wars
    [4:36:57 PM] Shiloh: And James is connected to DD's mentality
    [4:37:09 PM] Sirius 17: as in zero
    [4:37:25 PM] Shiloh: False pretenses
    [4:37:33 PM] Shiloh: Self pretenses
    [4:37:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes, know it all
    [4:38:00 PM] Sirius 17: he finally quit smoking pot again yesterday
    [4:38:27 PM] Shiloh: Being blocked today after a month or so is fully aligned with the war in heaven being transferred to the war on the earth
    [4:38:38 PM] Shiloh: I have heard this before
    [4:38:44 PM] Sirius 17: which i hope lasts because i want him to really feel the changes in his mind and maybe remember something you know
    [4:39:24 PM] Shiloh: 84-56-42-28-March 25th-28-42-56-84
    [4:39:27 PM] Sirius 17: so what does that mean, the army of god coming?
    [4:39:32 PM] Shiloh: Those are the markers btw
    [4:40:02 PM] Sirius 17: it is my step father George's birthday today
    [4:40:05 PM] Shiloh: It means the memes of the MindBody can from now on become the memes of the BodyMind
    [4:40:17 PM] Shiloh: Those are daycounts
    [4:40:42 PM] Sirius 17: and that means?
    [4:41:05 PM] Sirius 17: the lake of fire and brimstone has trapped the memes?
    [4:42:15 PM] Shiloh: 31December-28January-11February-25February---25March---22April-06May-20May-06June
    [4:42:23 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [4:42:40 PM] Shiloh: JCCJ descends from the above to the below
    [4:43:00 PM] Shiloh: Mind before Body becomes Body before Mind
    [4:43:17 PM] Shiloh: Wave dominating the Particular reverses
    [4:43:32 PM] Shiloh: In its doubling though, so nothing is lost, but the missing bridge is gained
    [4:44:43 PM] Shiloh: 2 weeks since you came back from the prison cell
    [4:44:49 PM] Shiloh: 11Feb-25Feb
    [4:45:38 PM] Shiloh: JCCJ has trapped the memes in itself yes, why DD mentioned the Allisiam frequently
    [4:45:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes that was strange
    [4:46:05 PM] Shiloh: And from March 25th this ubiquitous 'trapping' can become focused in the individuals
    [4:47:06 PM] Shiloh: The revelation codes about the beast, antichrist, false prophet and Babylon now can unravel in their proper focus and settings
    [4:47:45 PM] Shiloh: Recall the 'Day and Hour' being those 84-1-84 overall focalisation
    [4:47:51 PM] Sirius 17: cosmic justice if FOC has taken down his websites, just hilarious
    [4:48:07 PM] Shiloh: It is cosmic humour yes
    [4:48:09 PM] Sirius 17: in the long count? yes
    [4:48:27 PM] Shiloh: No the long count basically ended December 21st, 2012
    [4:48:55 PM] Shiloh: Not completely as the Noah Flood must be a long count but in terms if the 3½ times
    [4:49:44 PM] Shiloh: The long count to December 21st, 2012 basically disallowed any short count, but since then both can activate
    [4:50:25 PM] Shiloh: FOC throwing the towel though shows where the true Logos is NOT
    [4:50:35 PM] Sirius 17: absolutely
    [4:50:38 PM] Shiloh: Same with Bonacci's fines
    [4:50:56 PM] Sirius 17: God i wish she would just get real
    [4:51:00 PM] Shiloh: We may go into caves see as exhumans, but the data will not
    [4:51:03 PM] Sirius 17: loose her pretentious shit
    [4:51:05 PM] Sirius 17: fuck
    [4:51:10 PM] Sirius 17: so irritating
    [4:51:39 PM] Shiloh: It is a cosmic requirement but her downfall has begun
    [4:51:52 PM] Sirius 17: i see myself in her
    [4:51:56 PM] Sirius 17: damn bitch lol
    [4:52:16 PM] Sirius 17: her and Xeia, i want to smack them both
    [4:52:20 PM] Shiloh: She is frightened and vain searching for the cosmic love she knows she is and was and should be
    [4:53:02 PM] Shiloh: But because she is destined to play this Babylon archetype as the LOST BAAB, we suffer her for the duration of the Logos timeline
    [4:53:16 PM] Sirius 17: maybe Xeia will snap to now and get her shit together?
    [4:53:17 PM] Shiloh: Xeia is just as 'lost' now
    [4:53:34 PM] Sirius 17: yes it seems hopeless
    [4:53:38 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [4:54:03 PM] Shiloh: Only a changing environment will help them, as they lost all faith in the truth
    [4:54:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes they have become audience
    [4:54:19 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:54:30 PM] Sirius 17: can't handle it
    [4:54:34 PM] Shiloh: It will be bodymind for both of them
    [4:54:42 PM] Shiloh: Not mindbody
    [4:54:57 PM] Shiloh: This is the 1 left and one taken
    [4:55:10 PM] Shiloh: They cannot ascend anymore
    [4:55:40 PM] Shiloh: But must await their blending with the JCCJ from above in their personalised 2nd comings of the Christ they deny
    [4:56:15 PM] Shiloh: As you know, the witnesses ascend in those 84-1-84 with the central day March 25th
    [4:56:22 PM] Shiloh: So our ascension is assured
    [4:56:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:56:42 PM] Shiloh: Only the true Logos family can share in this by then
    [4:56:55 PM] Shiloh: As above, so below
    [4:57:11 PM] Shiloh: The true dragons ascend and the fake dragons descend
    [4:57:26 PM] Shiloh: This has become lawful cosmically today
    [4:57:50 PM] Shiloh: In UCT of course, you have another 2 hours
    [4:58:03 PM] Shiloh: But the prophecies are Jerusalem time
    [4:58:14 PM] Sirius 17: what will happen to us?
    [4:58:18 PM] Shiloh: +10 hours your time
    [4:58:27 PM] Sirius 17: i still don't know
    [4:58:54 PM] Shiloh: HigherD Raven when will you begin to understand this and stop looking for 3d miracles?
    [4:59:16 PM] Sirius 17: i am not looking for miracles
    [4:59:51 PM] Shiloh: Those changes will be possible and are encoded but are subject to the interpretations by the Logos and the physical laws of nature
    [5:00:05 PM] Shiloh: I want a bodychange as much as you do
    [5:00:16 PM] Shiloh: But it is NOT the prime objective here
    [5:00:18 PM] Sirius 17: i felt and saw myself bilocated in a very heavy serious way, it seemed real
    [5:00:29 PM] Sirius 17: if it was just my mind doing it, i can't believe that
    [5:00:30 PM] Shiloh: And I dont doubt this at all
    [5:00:58 PM] Sirius 17: no i know the prime objective is the metaphysical templates being changed
    [5:01:06 PM] Shiloh: Gaia Serpentina will 'look after the bodies' of her newborn children
    [5:01:18 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [5:02:06 PM] Shiloh: And the agency for this is AbbaBaab and JCCJ and so the MILDs
    [5:02:26 PM] Sirius 17: the story is real, i am living it in every way, so you could say that i have been shown 'miracles'. My whole life in truth, this is enough for me ok, really
    [5:02:30 PM] Shiloh: Not wishful whimsicalities of human expectations
    [5:03:17 PM] Shiloh: You keep asking me what will happen though and you are more in tune with the New Earth, than I can be
    [5:03:28 PM] Shiloh: I should be asking you, can you see this?
    [5:04:02 PM] Shiloh: So keep on dreaming and bilocating. This might be your Logos work now
    [5:04:07 PM] Sirius 17: well you don't seem to want to talk lately, i don't wish to bother you mostly
    [5:04:26 PM] Shiloh: Lol we talked for hours on the chiralities
    [5:04:37 PM] Shiloh: You got this perception wrong
    [5:05:03 PM] Shiloh: I am not your guru or teacher here
    [5:05:14 PM] Sirius 17: no you are my friend
    [5:05:19 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [5:05:35 PM] Shiloh: And of common origin of the Logos family
    [5:06:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes we have broke more then one loaf of bread together
    [5:06:04 PM] Shiloh: So the sharing is the task and not the human wishful thinking
    [5:06:31 PM] Shiloh: There are enough humans who are just that human minded
    [5:07:08 PM] Shiloh: MI is manifesting the sisterhood in your body, this I can say now
    [5:07:49 PM] Shiloh: Your sexdrive so relates to the wavecore lovers and this you are experiencing
    [5:08:14 PM] Shiloh: Now stop taking this so personal and become a vessel for all of the wavelovers
    [5:08:38 PM] Shiloh: And as a vessel of the New Earth
    [5:08:57 PM] Sirius 17: i am and i feel it
    [5:09:01 PM] Shiloh: I know
    [5:09:52 PM] Shiloh: You saw this wrecked mind of DDs before and now compare this to James
    [5:10:12 PM] Shiloh: Dont you think I suffer this ignorance and vanity in her as you do in him?
    [5:10:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know you do
    [5:10:31 PM] Shiloh: But I dont complain about it repeatedly, as you do
    [5:11:09 PM] Shiloh: I know it has a cosmic purpose and value, which requires for my 'wishes' to take a backseat
    [5:11:35 PM] Shiloh: But then I dont have to share the environment, so there I might be too critical
    [5:11:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is it in a nutshell
    [5:12:06 PM] Sirius 17: if i did not live with him it would be different
    [5:12:13 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [5:12:25 PM] Sirius 17: it is hard
    [5:12:31 PM] Sirius 17: i am used to being independent
    [5:12:41 PM] Shiloh: But your IM is my MI and this alleviates the circumstances
    [5:13:00 PM] Shiloh: The wavecores are true perpetually
    [5:13:04 PM] Sirius 17: and for the first time in my life i am vulnerable and dependent see , well at least my bodily well being anyhow
    [5:14:14 PM] Sirius 17: i am having difficulty with this , in just letting go and whatever
    [5:14:38 PM] Shiloh: And how dependent am I in my own house?
    [5:14:50 PM] Shiloh: Become a bystander
    [5:14:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes know
    [5:15:14 PM] Shiloh: Live in your mind and in the normal in a general bilocation
    [5:15:38 PM] Shiloh: Feeling sorry for yourself does not help the Logos or the Allisiam
    [5:15:55 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [5:16:16 PM] Shiloh: You have been innocend like doves all your life; now be cunning as serpents
    [5:16:28 PM] Shiloh: This can be blended
    [5:16:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes i guess i never learned how
    [5:17:12 PM] Sirius 17: it really bothers me you saying things like you can just go away now
    [5:17:33 PM] Shiloh: What?
    [5:17:40 PM] Shiloh: I dont get what you mean
    [5:17:55 PM] Sirius 17: when you say you can just disappear and your not needed
    [5:18:11 PM] Shiloh: You misread this again
    [5:18:23 PM] Shiloh: My human persona can certainly disappear
    [5:18:31 PM] Shiloh: This is relative to the other humans
    [5:18:40 PM] Shiloh: I never meant the cosmic ID
    [5:18:51 PM] Sirius 17: good
    [5:18:56 PM] Shiloh: And how do the humans look at us?
    [5:19:05 PM] Shiloh: As other humans or as cosmic IDs?
    [5:19:08 PM] Sirius 17: as crazy people
    [5:19:16 PM] Shiloh: This answers your question?
    [5:19:45 PM] Shiloh: So can the crazy nuts disappear and make way for the logicians like FOC, DD, James and Bonacci?
    [5:19:58 PM] Sirius 17: no
    [5:20:06 PM] Shiloh: But they can
    [5:20:08 PM] Sirius 17: this is the damn world we live in now
    [5:20:32 PM] Shiloh: Our exit means nothing to the human normals
    [5:20:43 PM] Shiloh: This fits you
    [5:20:47 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 42:18-20
    King James Version (KJV)

    18 Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see.
    19 Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant?
    20 Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.

    [5:21:15 PM] Shiloh: Our blindness is mirrored in their blindness iow
    [5:21:20 PM] Shiloh: It is all self relative
    [5:21:39 PM] Sirius 17: i see
    [5:21:53 PM] Shiloh: Yes those are the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear
    [5:22:12 PM] Shiloh: Only Logos can allow this 'seeing and hearing'
    [5:22:23 PM] Shiloh: Consider the hexcore
    [5:22:39 PM] Sirius 17: lol what hexcore
    [5:22:45 PM] Shiloh: And you are this messenger sent
    [5:22:48 PM] Sirius 17: higher d yes
    [5:22:51 PM] Shiloh: Exactly
    [5:22:57 PM] Sirius 17: all fine
    [5:23:00 PM] Shiloh: What hexcore?
    [5:23:22 PM] Shiloh: It is scattered
    [5:23:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:23:31 PM] Sirius 17: it does not know itself
    [5:23:32 PM] Shiloh: And must be so
    [5:23:37 PM] Shiloh: No, it is as blind as can be
    [5:24:08 PM] Sirius 17: this is also my agony
    [5:24:20 PM] Shiloh: How do you compare Ucadia and other Nabs to Thuban Juju?
    [5:24:41 PM] Sirius 17: Ucadia is false and Thuban is true
    [5:24:44 PM] Shiloh: By its 'make me feel good' structure
    [5:24:59 PM] Shiloh: Thuban is hard to understand and Ucadia is easy
    [5:25:04 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [5:25:11 PM] Sirius 17: but i hate human laws
    [5:25:24 PM] Sirius 17: they are too restrictive and too idiotic
    [5:25:30 PM] Sirius 17: and this is the ucadia system
    [5:25:36 PM] Sirius 17: based off these same stupid laws
    [5:25:42 PM] Sirius 17: rediculious
    [5:25:54 PM] Shiloh: Do I even bother reading it?
    [5:25:59 PM] Sirius 17: no reason
    [5:26:07 PM] Shiloh: It is a 'feel good' rebel nabs
    [5:26:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i can see why people get caught up in it who feel the system has fucked them over
    [5:26:38 PM] Sirius 17: it is tempting to think that Ucadia is the fix
    [5:26:48 PM] Shiloh: If Thuban would post love and light messages and not science and scripture codes, dont you think it would be read much more?
    [5:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: it is just another similar system to replace the system, nothing new
    [5:27:07 PM] Sirius 17: probably
    [5:27:40 PM] Shiloh: About this messenger of the Logos, being it and then becoming it again in manyness
    [5:28:09 PM] Shiloh: This being misunderstood has come home to you to roost in Isaiah 42
    [5:28:27 PM] Shiloh: All witnesses are this messenger
    [5:28:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:28:32 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 42
    King James Version (KJV)

    1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
    2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
    3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
    4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.
    5 Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:
    6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;
    7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
    8 I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
    9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
    10 Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
    11 Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.
    12 Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in the islands.
    13 The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies.
    14 I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once.
    15 I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools.
    16 And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.
    17 They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our gods.
    18 Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see.
    19 Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant?
    20 Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.
    21 The Lord is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.
    22 But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.
    23 Who among you will give ear to this? who will hearken and hear for the time to come?
    24 Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did not the Lord, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law.
    25 Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

    [5:30:07 PM] Shiloh: Let this be a comfort to you
    [5:30:22 PM] Shiloh: It is all about the LAW see this?
    [5:30:52 PM] Shiloh: So this is your work to live and share the law after you yourself KNOW it
    [5:31:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:31:35 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< 25 Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.
    Fits your present sorrows, yes?
    [5:31:48 PM] Sirius 17: it does
    [5:31:49 PM] Shiloh: Logos fire

    [5:32:14 PM] Shiloh:

    24 Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did not the Lord, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law.

    [5:32:26 PM] Shiloh: Jacob is Jesus 1st coming in uniqueness
    [5:32:39 PM] Shiloh: Israel is his 2nd coming as Us, try to understand
    [5:32:40 PM] Sirius 17: my heart is sad for their ignorance and how i wish them all to know and see
    [5:33:04 PM] Shiloh: Israel is being ROBBED
    [5:33:11 PM] Sirius 17: yes true
    [5:33:11 PM] Shiloh: We are being robbed
    [5:33:22 PM] Shiloh: Now look at this headline
    [5:35:13 PM] Shiloh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAVfLAg4uI4
    [5:36:59 PM] Shiloh: http://www.worldcrunch.com/world-affairs/living-among-the-dead-after-a-massacre-in-south-sudan/bor-massacre-nile-south-sudan/c1s14946/
    [5:37:13 PM] Sirius 17: that is horrible
    [5:37:26 PM] Sirius 17: http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2014/02/24/hagel-cuts-would-reshape-military-after-longest-war/?hpt=hp_t1
    [5:37:28 PM] Sirius 17: look at this
    [5:38:52 PM] Shiloh: I saw the mass graves
    [5:39:54 PM] Shiloh:

    "Re: Aquaries1111 Corner
    More to Follow!
    This will be removed in 24 hours!"

    [5:40:09 PM] Shiloh: Oblivious to the real wars in the old world
    [5:42:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is truly heinous Tony
    [5:42:48 PM] Sirius 17: they don't know they are killing themselves and their own memories
    [5:42:54 PM] Shiloh: The North South agian
    [5:43:23 PM] Shiloh: Recall the codes in Ezekiel and Daniel about the Kings of the North and South at war
    [5:43:29 PM] Shiloh: It is global
    [5:43:31 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [5:44:15 PM] Shiloh: South Sudan is the 'youngest democracy'. They split from the North last year or so
    [5:44:27 PM] Shiloh: But this is all about oil and resources and money and political power
    [5:44:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have been grieving over all of this too, the sheer senslessness of poverty and the poor dying while the rich thrive in their fortresses
    [5:44:58 PM] Shiloh: Now how to stop this?
    [5:45:14 PM] Shiloh: Will politics or religion and manmade laws and organisations?
    [5:45:19 PM] Sirius 17: no
    [5:45:22 PM] Sirius 17: it goes on and on
    [5:45:25 PM] Shiloh: Can you discern the Logos work now?
    [5:45:26 PM] Sirius 17: over and over
    [5:45:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes hon
    [5:45:37 PM] Sirius 17: i always knew this
    [5:45:44 PM] Shiloh: it is to MAKE NEW LAWS
    [5:45:53 PM] Shiloh: Like it says in Isaiah 42
    [5:46:08 PM] Sirius 17: only the power of the Logos can change this
    [5:46:30 PM] Shiloh: New laws will enable the cosmic powers to 'interfere' as the laws are yet say quasi-manmade and yet universally applicable and valid
    [5:47:12 PM] Shiloh: It is NOT our personal happiness, but the hard work to create feasible rational natural laws, which can in effect change the cosmic matrix
    [5:47:49 PM] Shiloh: The Sudanes have NO TIME to ponder cosmic laws, as they run for their lives
    [5:48:01 PM] Shiloh: Neither have the refugees all over the globe
    [5:48:41 PM] Shiloh: So try to see your relative comfort zone here to be able to WORK on such laws instead of feeling sorry for your personal unhappiness
    [5:49:39 PM] Shiloh: And because of this inherent power to change the cosmic matrix many false reformers must appear to try to do just that 'make new laws' aka FOC and similiar charlatans
    [5:50:23 PM] Sirius 17: Tony it is not my personal unhappiness that troubles me, it is that i wonder why i am alive and thriving and others are not and i feel very sad about this ok. so sad infact that i don't want to be here anymore but i must somehow bear it
    [5:50:50 PM] Shiloh: cant you answer this by now?
    [5:51:13 PM] Shiloh: You are alive and valuable, because you KNOW the cosmic laws in preference to manmade laws
    [5:51:48 PM] Shiloh: You are useless as just another waveform without the body entrapment
    [5:52:03 PM] Shiloh: All the dead ones know the truth as dead alive ones
    [5:52:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes they want to end this shit more than anyone
    [5:52:22 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [5:53:55 PM] Sirius 17: people really do taking living for granted
    [5:54:19 PM] Sirius 17: and that is itself a strange thing
    [5:54:40 PM] Sirius 17: if they knew what we knew they would get their shit together in a hurry
    [5:54:50 PM] Sirius 17: no fucking around
    it is sobering how much is wasted on ignorance
    [5:56:41 PM] Sirius 17: when i was in the hosptial i processed many death scenarios
    [5:56:57 PM] Sirius 17: i am surprised i did not scream
    [5:57:07 PM] Sirius 17: they said i just got hypersexual
    [5:57:31 PM] Sirius 17: but this was my way of dealing with the sheer terror in my mind
    [5:58:23 PM] Sirius 17: it was like the waves were showing me all the ways they and I have suffered throughout the ages in dying
    [5:58:30 PM] Sirius 17: over and over
    [5:59:35 PM] Sirius 17: many gruesome images went through my mind
    [5:59:56 PM] Sirius 17: and a lot with the Jewish holocost
    [6:00:30 PM] Sirius 17: one image did come to me of biblical times though
    [6:01:49 PM] Sirius 17: i saw myself as Lazarus coming out of a cave and Jesus calling me out at the same time, i was both , it was like there is something about them both i can't figure out yet but they seemed to be the same person
    [6:02:21 PM] Sirius 17: and when he resurected Lazerus from the dead it was like a precurser for his own resurection
    [6:02:33 PM] Sirius 17: i don't know if this makes sense
    [6:03:31 PM] Sirius 17: i also saw Miriam and Mary there crying
    [6:05:33 PM] Sirius 17: many images of being inside a tomb within the pyamids came also and i was 'told' or felt that i should wait until my friends came to let me out
    [6:05:53 PM] Sirius 17: and so many times i would stay in bed until one of the nurses would come
    [6:05:58 PM] Sirius 17: a friendly one
    [6:06:10 PM] Sirius 17: and then i would get out of bed, i was putting seals on the doors
    [6:06:42 PM] Sirius 17: that masonic seal the compass
    [6:06:53 PM] Sirius 17: one A above and one
    A reversed
    [6:07:08 PM] Sirius 17: i don't know why i did this
    [6:07:14 PM] Sirius 17: it just felt right
    [6:07:42 PM] Sirius 17: there were scratch marks on the doors in the ER
    [6:07:55 PM] Sirius 17: that said JT and JJ
    [6:08:14 PM] Sirius 17: like messages
    [6:08:39 PM] Sirius 17: i felt JT alot in there
    [6:08:47 PM] Sirius 17: as Michael energy
    [6:08:47 PM] Shiloh: Yes you got the Lazarus code spot on
    [6:09:16 PM] Shiloh: Miriam and Martha are Lazarus' sisters
    [6:09:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have the names wrong
    [6:09:48 PM] Sirius 17: i meant his sisters
    [6:10:08 PM] Shiloh: Yes and here it describes the actual dragon sisterhood of a new starhuman race, destined to colonize the entire cosmos
    [6:11:25 PM] Shiloh: Lazarus is encoded as didymos, the twin of Jesus, just as is Thomas as both doubter and the recepient of the GOT
    [6:11:27 PM] Sirius 17: well it was then that i knew the meaning of the GOT 13 and that I was everyone i saw in the scene and I felt sorrow for the sisters crying but wonder at the same time
    [6:12:10 PM] Sirius 17: hmm well i did not know that
    [6:12:16 PM] Sirius 17: but it was shown to me this way
    [6:12:53 PM] Sirius 17: and so i understood it as meaning that I am to call myself out of the tomb
    [6:13:34 PM] Sirius 17: i understood pretty clearly that i cannot die
    [6:13:47 PM] Sirius 17: even if my body changes
    [6:13:54 PM] Sirius 17: i have never died
    [6:14:18 PM] Sirius 17: and then the memories came, flooded me
    [6:14:43 PM] Sirius 17: their stupid drugs did not help though
    [6:14:48 PM] Sirius 17: and now they fog my mind
    [6:15:39 PM] Sirius 17: i still know things and sense things but i guess i am having difficulty with being forced to take their medication
    [6:15:52 PM] Sirius 17: i am angry as hell about this
    [6:16:30 PM] Sirius 17: somehow this anger will be justified though
    [6:17:06 PM] Sirius 17: it is an autonomy issue, having the right to my own body
    [6:17:12 PM] Sirius 17: and so fuck them and their BS
    [6:17:33 PM] Sirius 17: i was no danger to anyone, including myself
    [6:17:49 PM] Shiloh: Yes to your thinking about this again
    [6:18:02 PM] Sirius 17: they kept asking me over and over again "Are you feeling suicidal, do you want to harm anyone?"
    [6:18:28 PM] Sirius 17: i wanted to spit on them for asking me such a question
    [6:18:31 PM] Shiloh: This is the fearmonger mentality a la USA
    [6:18:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:18:49 PM] Sirius 17: they must of asked me 10 times
    [6:18:52 PM] Sirius 17: while i was in there
    [6:19:04 PM] Sirius 17: it seemed an every day question almost
    [6:19:16 PM] Sirius 17: so paranoid they are
    [6:19:59 PM] Sirius 17: and they still have their guns lol, idiots
    [6:23:26 PM] Sirius 17: what does Adam think about my experience, did you talk to him or did he comment anything?
    [6:24:03 PM] Sirius 17: i am trying to remember if he was taken around the same time Fates was
    [6:24:10 PM] Sirius 17: it was like all 3 of us were detained
    [6:24:13 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 13:9-10
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
    10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

    [6:24:43 PM] Shiloh: And you know, what the sword coming of the mouth is
    [6:24:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes the words
    [6:25:02 PM] Shiloh: This is the dispensation of February 25th, 2014
    [6:25:41 PM] Shiloh: No Adam became the 'cunning serpent', it looks like fates is also aware of
    [6:26:10 PM] Shiloh: Adam talked to actual reporting clergy in preference to mental witch doctors
    [6:26:40 PM] Shiloh: This allowed him to use the system against itself in terms of 'expertise and authority'
    [6:27:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes they offered me clergy
    [6:27:23 PM] Sirius 17: but of course our laws here are different
    [6:27:30 PM] Shiloh:

    Mark 3:22-24
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
    23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
    24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

    [6:27:40 PM] Sirius 17: they still effectively forced me to legally take their shit
    [6:27:59 PM] Shiloh: The 'kingdom of fake dragons' now is divided against itself
    [6:28:09 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [6:31:45 PM] Shiloh: Legality in human terms does not naturally follow Cosmic Lawfulness
    [6:32:16 PM] Sirius 17: no but i do not want to be 'imprisoned' again if i refuse
    [6:32:51 PM] Shiloh: This is like saying the 'rules of a sandpit' in some kindergarten concocted by the children playing there has automatic validity away from the sandpit and the kindergarten
    [6:33:29 PM] Sirius 17: no it has no validity with the Logos , hell no

    [6:40:04 PM] Shiloh:

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand. They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.
    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every parent.
    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like:
    "Where did the sand come from kid?"
    "Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"
    If the kid could talk it would say:
    "It's just there! So I took it!"

    And that would be it. Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?
    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?
    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.
    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.

    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth. And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.
    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.
    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her business interstate and overseas.
    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.
    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it.

    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things. The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...
    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up; should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?
    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.
    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid.

    Tonyblue aka shiloaplace

    [6:42:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes nice one
    [6:44:07 PM] Shiloh: I am sharing this with a Rev.12 video btw
    [6:45:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw you posted it
    [6:47:54 PM] Sirius 17: i finally figured out what it was i saw in DD that I loved, it was myself...my dragonself recognized a piece of itself.
    [6:48:10 PM] Shiloh: Of course
    [6:48:45 PM] Sirius 17: well i still feel body issues, as you know
    [6:49:01 PM] Sirius 17: i hope this resolves itself
    [6:49:26 PM] Shiloh: Recall those sexy ice dancers of the Sochi winter Olympics and imagine their bodies 50 years from now in 2064
    [6:49:35 PM] Sirius 17: it is the ugly duckling thing, waiting to be a swan i know
    [6:49:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes they too will grow old
    [6:50:08 PM] Shiloh: The only thing that counts in Earth incarnations, is to FIND the Logos Cosmic and to Understand its purpose and meaning
    [6:50:25 PM] Shiloh: So the raison de etre' is MENTALITY and not Bodyform
    [6:50:34 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [6:50:52 PM] Sirius 17: but i also can see growing younger and not dying anymore
    [6:51:17 PM] Shiloh: The Bodyform will become like your wardrobe: "Now what should a wear today for this gathering I am attending?"
    [6:51:29 PM] Shiloh: Yes and perhaps we shall
    [6:51:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:51:49 PM] Sirius 17: well i saw my bodyform as a bluey
    [6:51:59 PM] Sirius 17: i still will stick to that
    [6:52:05 PM] Sirius 17: future memory
    [6:52:13 PM] Shiloh: Logos mentality rules the cosmic laws not human pretensions of whatever sort or nativity
    [6:52:35 PM] Shiloh: Can you rewrite the Genesis of Creation or can you not?
    [6:52:48 PM] Shiloh: This is the core message in the Book of Job
    [6:53:25 PM] Shiloh: So unless you dare enough to 'ask and even question God', you will find yourself as audience in the bigger plays
    [6:53:47 PM] Shiloh: So where then are the Logos deniers?
    [6:54:01 PM] Shiloh: What existed before God knew itself as the I am?
    [6:54:11 PM] Sirius 17: nothing
    [6:54:36 PM] Sirius 17: it was undefined, awareness
    [6:55:05 PM] Shiloh:

    John 1:1-15
    King James Version (KJV)

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2 The same was in the beginning with God.
    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
    5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
    6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
    7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
    8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
    9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
    10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
    11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
    12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
    13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
    14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
    15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

    [6:55:45 PM] Shiloh: Simply replace the word God with Energy and the word Word as Definition and you can follow the 'footsteps of the true Logos'
    [6:56:09 PM] Shiloh: This is actually the solution of the Big Bang conundrum
    [6:56:58 PM] Shiloh: Because the reduction in space and time leads to this mathematical singularity of antimatter and matter being the offspring or children of the Creation Energy
    [6:57:55 PM] Shiloh: And as matter and antimatter are themselves the offspring of what is called mass, Mass itself becomes the 'creator energy' in E=mc²
    6:58:13 PM] Shiloh: There is no such thing as antimass see; but there are matter and antimatter
    [6:58:29 PM] Shiloh: So the materialist finds its 'god' in mass
    [6:58:32 PM] Shiloh: BUT
    [6:58:36 PM] Sirius 17: the GOT again
    [6:58:46 PM] Shiloh: Who or what is the parent of this mass energy?
    [6:58:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes the metaphysics
    [6:59:03 PM] Shiloh: It is what is known as this vague label of SPIRIT
    [6:59:21 PM] Shiloh: But Jesus as the Logos knew or figured it out as hisher own remebrance of herhis beingness before incarnation
    [7:00:29 PM] Shiloh: But you can use real science, say quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics to construct this SPIRIT as the parent of whatever is today called Energy
    [7:01:10 PM] Shiloh: This Energy then is the physicality in all of the sciences BUT can also be shown to INCLUDE whatever nabs ideas of vibrations and frequencies they conjure up
    [7:01:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes the energy gestalts of Seth and Jung et al
    [7:02:18 PM] Shiloh: The Spirit becomes a blending of all mass defining parametersm say as a single measurement of a mass intrinsic property, say the geometric size or the mass of a singular electron. Thuban then has termed this EMMR or ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation as the fathermother of the EMR or the ElectroMagnetic Radiation of the terran science mainstream. There are many details of what this is, it's nature and how the EMMR differs from the EMR in the forums
    [7:02:43 PM] Shiloh: So defining this metaphysically allows you to derive the other mass properties from first principles
    [7:03:35 PM] Shiloh: Bingo, you have solved the singularity boundary condition of the Birth of the Universe from its physical ontology as metaphysic into actual space and time physicality
    [7:04:34 PM] Shiloh: Now the smartest people on the planet think on those matters but are bound by the mass paradigm, say Witten and the leading mainstream scientists
    [7:05:23 PM] Sirius 17: fix your first principles statement above
    [7:05:49 PM] Shiloh: Then you have the quasi scientists of the Nabs, who know instinctively that there is something missing in this mass defining paradigm and they construct their schemas, some better than others, say like La Violetta and others at the bottom of the reality science pile like Frank O'Collins and Santos Bonacci and the 'channeled' scientists from 'outer space'

    [7:07:29 PM] Sirius 17: [7:02 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< So defining this metaphysically allows you to derive the other mass properties from first principles
    This would be the GOT right?
    [7:07:58 PM] Sirius 17: because Jesus is the first principles
    [7:08:22 PM] Sirius 17: or embodies them all
    [7:08:51 PM] Shiloh: No this is real quantum theory like deriving the electron mass from the Heisenberg spacetime matrix using the alpha finestructure in what you can term the Law of Action
    [7:09:24 PM] Shiloh: Jesus is the grand translator of the specialised science semantics into parables and such
    [7:09:35 PM] Shiloh: You understand the chirality now.
    [7:09:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes i put my hand on the mirror as suggested
    [7:10:12 PM] Shiloh: But this is very very deeply described by the GOT as the self similarity and otherness of the right hand and the left hand
    [7:10:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes the hand in place of a hand and foot in place of a foot, eye ect
    [7:10:41 PM] Shiloh: Also recall that both the 'mark of the beast' and the 'seal of the lamb' are in the forehead and so in between those two hands
    [7:11:01 PM] Shiloh: The chirality GOT is related to this yes
    [7:11:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i can see how the GOT behaves in a mirror too
    [7:11:45 PM] Shiloh:

    (41) Jesus said, "Whoever has something in his hand will receive more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has."
    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    [7:12:20 PM] Shiloh: Those 2 are related and now remember just WHERE the 'mark of the beast' is?
    [7:12:29 PM] Shiloh: It is in the right hand and not the left
    [7:12:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes i don't remember lol
    [7:13:15 PM] Shiloh: Read our conversation about the chirality again. I go to some detail in this to clear this up
    [7:13:51 PM] Sirius 17: i mean i don't remember where it is in the bible it says this
    [7:13:58 PM] Sirius 17: that it is in the right hand
    [7:21:19 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 13:16-18
    King James Version (KJV)

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    [7:23:48 PM] Shiloh: The details on this can be found in the accompanying pics on the Antichrist-Babylon message from Ravenden
    [7:24:46 PM] Sirius 17: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140223131709.htm
    [7:25:01 PM] Sirius 17: Swarm of small galaxies
    Andromeda is surrounded by a swarm of small galaxies -- astronomers have counted more than 20. They have names like Andromeda I, II, III, IV...etc. Researchers from the Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute, among others, have analysed measurements of the stars in the dwarf galaxy Andromeda II and made a surprising discovery.
    "Stars in a dwarf galaxy often move around at random, but this is not exactly the case for Andromeda II. In particular we could see that a stream of stars is moving around differently than the rest in a very coherent way. These stars are situated in an almost complete ring and are rotating around the centre of the galaxy," explains astrophysicist Nicola C. Amorisco, Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

    [7:25:05 PM] Sirius 17: Xeia's babies


    The Andromeda Galaxy is a large spiral galaxy like our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is located about 2.3 million light years away and can be seen with the naked eye. The satellite galaxy Andromeda II is located in a distant orbit approximately 600,000 light years from the center of the great Andromeda Galaxy. Credit NASA
    [7:26:03 PM] Shiloh: Galactic weddings and intercourse yes, as a grand symbol for the cellular mitosis-reproduction of the universal seeds
    [7:26:47 PM] Sirius 17: and speaking of eyes
    [7:26:51 PM] Sirius 17: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140224124212.htm
    [7:28:23 PM] Sirius 17: "Disordered hyperuniform materials possess a hidden order," explained co-corresponding author Salvatore Torquato, a Princeton professor of chemistry. It was Torquato who, with Frank Stillinger, a senior scientist in Princeton's chemistry department, first identified hyperuniformity in a 2003 paper in Physical Review E.
    "We've since discovered that such physical systems are endowed with exotic physical properties and therefore have novel capabilities," Torquato said. "The more we learn about these special disordered systems, the more we find that they really should be considered a new distinguishable state of matter."
    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140224140437.htm Scientists complete top quark puzzle


    This diagram shows the process for creating single top quarks through the s-channel. A quark from an incoming proton interacts in the Tevatron with an antiquark from an incoming antiproton, forming a W boson with much greater mass. This W boson then decays into a top quark and an antibottom quark, which can be seen in the CDF and DZero detectors. Credit fermilab

    As the W+ is an Outer Ring of antimatter definition and so lepton charge +1 with a, in the diagram 'missing', leptonic neutrino as the Gluon-Kernel transmutation, the q-antiq state generating this W+ weakon from the proton-antiproton coupling must be the central dbar quark of the antiproton ubardbarubar of net charge -1=-2/3+1/3-2/3 coupled to one of the boundary up-quarks of the proton in udu as a +2/3-1/3+2/3=+1 net charge.

    This udbar VPE energy configuration then is quantum geometrically defined as a K+KIRbar=K(+2/3)+K(-2/3)+IRbar(+1). So the gluon-neutrino coupling of the colourcharges neutralise in the 'tapping' of the Weakon VPE and the transition 'expands' or magnifies the Inner Mesonic Ring IR in an Oscillation of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity into the Outer Leptonic Ring of the antimatter definition of the W+ weakon as the lefthandedness of the antimatter loop in the UFoQR. Furthermore, as this q-antiq decay process proceeds via the weak interaction, which engages the W+ weakon as a lefthanded gauge particle, the original proton-antiproton quarks are required to also both be lefthanded for the conservation of quantum spin. As this article says, a decay pattern proceeding via the strong interaction would not engage the weakin gauge but produce a top-antitop quark pair directly from the VPE, say as a ssbar 0-spin ground-energy selfstate or an integral spin resonance-energy eigenstate.

    The lefthanded W+ of spin -1 then decays either into a -1 spin resonance of the top-antibottom quark coupling or a 0-spin mesonic groundstate and where the former directly associates the (ds)bar diquark topness of +2/3 charge and -½ spin with the (ud) diquark bottomness of +1/3 charge with -½ spin and where the latter neutralises the W+ -1 spin with the 'virtuality' of the righthanded Graviphoton GPbar in some prior decay pattern of the previous proton-antiproton coupling, which rendered the q-antiq coupling producing the W+ as lefthanded of spin -1. (The nature of the Graviphoton is detailed in the Higgs Boson and similar threads in relation to the weak decay modes, say beta minus decay). In the latter case then, the top-antibottom quark system would be scalar of 0 quantum spin as a ground state for this mesonic configuration.

    In the notation of the UFoQR, the weak decay pattern above can be written and showing the reconfiguration of the (di)quark-(di)antiquark sequences as:
    K+KIRbar=KKbar+IRbar={VPE}+IRbar={(KK)+(KK)bar+IRORbar}+IRbar=K.KIR.ORbar+(KK.IR)bar=KKIR+(ORKKIR)bar=KKIR+(KIRKOR)bar=antib-quark + t-quark

    [7:40:40 PM] Shiloh: Yes the top-antibottom system can be derived from the quark-antiquark VPE or Vortex-Potential-Energy as a W+ Weakon transition. But the diagram is incomplete
    [7:42:37 PM] Shiloh: The top is a ds-antidiquark as a +2/3 fractional charge and the antibottom is a ud diquark for a +1/3 fractional charge recreating the +1 charge of the W+
    [7:43:29 PM] Shiloh: So the diagram should show the details of how a quark antiquark VPE 'taps' the VPE for a materialising W+
    [7:43:57 PM] Shiloh: Because a q-antiq state can be many things as VPE
    [7:45:02 PM] Shiloh: I will put the pic and detail with the message but as this is rather off topic now regarding the 'war in heaven' coming to earth, I'll end it with that
    [7:45:22 PM] Sirius 17: well it is on topic to the omni-science
    [7:45:38 PM] Shiloh: You are grossly off topic nevertheless
    [7:45:49 PM] Sirius 17: but yeah i just linked it here because i thought you would be interested
    [7:46:07 PM] Sirius 17: i know i am loosing it unfortunately, i am tired hon
    [7:46:14 PM] Shiloh: I am, as all things quark represent my 'science mainstream ' expertise
    [7:46:35 PM] Shiloh: We end it here, this post I mean
    [7:47:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes i will go rest a while
    [7:47:23 PM] Shiloh: Buenas Juju
    [7:47:40 PM] Sirius 17: Goodnight Tonylove
    [7:47:55 PM] Sirius 17: (heart)(F)(heart)(F)
    [7:55:09 PM] Sirius 17: https://www.facebook.com/notes/punk-pulp-poetry/earthworks-in-progress-its-wing-still-shaking-in-the-wind/695676707151381
    [7:55:27 PM] Sirius 17: this is a very good poem by Andrew

    [8:06:26 PM] Shiloh: http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&fid=&lastp=1&id=141CBFAC-9D11-4895-B0B2-065CCAAC2703
    [8:07:20 PM] Shiloh: I ended with Andrew's poem. Its tone fits this message

    earthworks in progress, its wing still shaking in the wind

    By Andrew Bellon on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 2:35pm

    light’s alive, massing spectral graces;
    calling this space out of the quantum grimoire.
    the world is a green poem,
    a blue intuition, a red incantation
    where the eye aspires along it’s rooted vibrations.

    things are as they are.
    nothing is out of place in the chaos
    wherever a dust mote settles in an ice crevasse
    where water is a luminous blue rock

    where, in the local apocalypse of stars,
    abandoned buildings squat
    in the exposed bones of a city
    sprawling on it’s side, broken by bankers.
    where the pearled light has left
    the dead boy’s face already the color of dust.

    Nothing out of place.
    the ashanti star hobnailed into the little coffin lid
    found in the clay of a nyc excavation.
    a little girl stevedore,
    a slave in a slave graveyard,
    a father’s star adorned a daughter's box.
    a last hope for the future to know his love.

    blood into the earth
    and peace a desolation.
    in the hangman’s dawn
    in the locked sanctuary
    in the witch-marked,
    crucifixed trees
    earth is a place
    of a million tremulous insomnias
    of taut sleepy vigils
    watching only a motion of air

    and yet light’s alive
    caught singing
    as the day evolves
    its beautiful equations
    in the mountain flowers
    in the clouds' wolds
    in the littered winter

    and we are a motion of air
    alive upon the light’s edge
    things of implacable clarity
    fallen into the dark auguries
    of hell’s dark city
    where the years that remain
    are as flickering visitations.

    how did we become the smoke of hecatombs
    that drifts among the haunted stars?
    How the dolmens of pathos,
    the forgotten, broken, living graves?

    white wraiths of hyacinths float
    on every empty river,
    on void upon sonorous void.

    an emptiness moving toward a mystery
    fragrant of smoke in the oak grove.

    half-world in a half-light,
    sleeping birds begin their waking.
    song within song into the green distances
    the sun’s elemental music
    crossing summer’s bounded infinity.

    light now in the shaking leaves
    and the adoring voices

    voices like leaves
    shaking in the wind.

    24 feb 2014
    palm bay
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Courtney Brown Prediction (NEW ZetaTalk)
    Posted by Gerard Zwaan on February 17, 2014 at 1:30pm
    View Blog

    Are the Zeta's pressuring the TPTB r/t Courtney Brown's (CIA, NASA?) announcement that there is going to be an undeniable "announcement" in February 2014? Is that "remote viewed" announcement related to Planet X? Hmmmm. [and from another] January 22, 2014. http://www.transients.info/2014/01/an-announcement-from-courtney-br... Something important is going to happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can stop it now. There will be an announcement, and the world will change on the date of that announcement. Part of that announcement will happen on this Facebook page, right here. In the beginning, only a few will understand the significance of the announcement, and what it means for all of humanity currently living on this planet. Some will laugh, and some will cry. But in time, the world will come to know that life on Earth changed significantly on that day in February 2014. A mystery that has confused our civilization for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future growth of our species will arise.

    Courtney Brown’s remote viewing operation at the Farsight Institute of course has links to the CIA, which from its beginning has been interested in what remote viewing via telepathy could bring in the realm of intelligence gathering and subliminal influence from the mental intrusions that telepathy can afford. The Kremlin likewise has studied such use of telepathy extensively. The CIA has remote viewing squads that it employs to harass or interrogate high level targets. The public hears little of this because there are no overt recruitment campaigns as, for instance, the Army seeking enlistments at colleges.

    How does the CIA locate those with inherent talent in telepathy? Enter Courtney Brown and his Farsightway street. Courtney gets something in return. The CIA is aware of matters in the political world well before the media is allowed to report upon it. The pending announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X in the inner solar system, is one such tidbit. Did Nancy know it was February?
    Nancy and the Pole Shift nings MUFONs book sales and Institute activities, so leaked the date to him.
    Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 8, 2014

    Latest info from Courtney Brown is that the announcement has been "delayed" by at least 2 weeks. Is this a diversion to put people off the date or is it valid info?
    [and from another]

    What I need now is some sleep. I have been on the phone all night with people in the U.K., India, South Africa, and elsewhere, all involved with the upcoming announcement. From the very beginning, the anticipated date of the announcement was 28 February 2014. But there were some uncertainties due to the international nature of the issues involved, so we held off releasing the date. It was wise we did that. Nothing can stop the announcement, but the date involved a lot of coordination with various parties. The problem has been further exacerbated due to the fact that the announcement involves a location which at the present time is not entirely stable politically. Also, shipping of critical materials was involved, and one shipment turned out to have been corrupted, apparently while in transit. This is now being addressed. After lots of discussion with people all over the world who are involved one way or another, we are now expecting the announcement to happen in mid-March, about two weeks later than originally anticipated. Again, nothing can stop the announcement. But this announcement can happen only once, and it has to be done correctly. Given the amount of coordination involved, mid-March 2014 seems to be optimal. For those of you worried about people being cynical due to a short delay in the announcement, just don’t worry about it. All of that will go away once the announcement happens, and nothing can stop that from occurring. This short delay is not significant relative to the importance of the announcement. Getting it right is more important than anything else. The world really will change on that date. The change will happen slowly, but it will begin on that date, and nothing will be the same afterward.

    Were Courtney Brown and his handlers told that they had stepped over the line by talking about a date in February and trying to enhance Farsight Institute’s reputation? Were they told to backpedal and take away any win they might otherwise secured? Yes. The people within the CIA who are his handlers, who work with remote viewers, who want to see his institute flooded with new applicants and funding at a time when funding from the US is increasingly tight were chastized. There were demotions and penalties and orders to take corrective action.
    They decided since they couldn’t just eliminate Courtney Brown that he would instead miss the mark by far. In this statement we are not giving you the date. To miss the mark by far going into the future is the one certain way to do that. Courtney also admitted in this statement that his information came from phone calls, not from remote viewing. This tends to put a pin in the bubble, bursting the bubble of his original plans, which were to claim that he got the information from remote viewing so isn’t he great.
    Source: Upcoming 2/22/2013 Q&A ZetaTalk


    [8:25:27 PM-Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: Does it not amuse you, that nabs stuff like that seems to synchronise as a 'first ever' etc with the already published date of March 25th, 2014 as THE 'Hour and Day' of the 'Lord' as encoded for millennia?

    [8:27:42 PM] Shiloh: This 'Hour 'is many things, including the 84-56-42-28-1-28-42-56-84 marker of before and the crucial 15-21 day period from the Ides of March 15th, 2014 to March 18th, 2014 to April 1st to April 4th, 2014 as the 7+1+7=15 and the 10+1+10=21 day periods encoded in the scriptures. And this date is more than just a date on whatever calendar. Like April 1st, 31AD when the cosmic matrix changed forever and hardly anyone was aware of this 'earthchanging event', so will March 25th, 2014 change this new old cosmic matrix into its newest representation of the Universal truth. And like in its previous incarnation, it will remain largely unnoticed as the 'thief in the night' it is; nevertheless the 'intuitions' and 'remote viewings' and dreams and 'channelings' of the Nabsers and the 'sophists of the partialities', squabbling with each other as can be ascertained in this ning blog and of course many other web sources.
    [8:28:34 PM] Shiloh: The Nabsers are 'receiving' all sort of 'muddled' messages from the cosmic matrix in their 'waters of the murkiness'. And Courtney Brown is a Logos denier by the way, following the disinformation of the Seth-Roberts channel in his inability to see 'through' the purpose and meaning of the nature of the 'channels' - either with or against the Cosmic Logos in its apparent dualism of the inner monadicity or 'Unified State'.

    But good old Dolores. I do like her, unlike the many Nabsers I critisize so often. And I agree with much she shares as her experience and cosmology. I recommend the video of her talk on Coast to Coast from July 2013 to anyone seeking for an overview of the human and cosmic history.
    The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, “I was there when this occurred.” This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

    [10:41:31 PM] Shiloh: Btw Dolores clearly stipulates that there are tens of thousands of the New Starhumans and also refers to Nostradamus and the antichrist etc, also addressed
    [10:42:02 PM] Shiloh: As you know we have long calculated the number from the decoding patterns as this being 50,000 'starhumans'
    [10:43:55 PM] Shiloh: Recall our discussion on chirality from the link above and including this excerpt:

    "[7:41:32 PM] Sirius 17: when is the 6th trumpet?
    [7:42:01 PM] Shiloh: It defined the 153 fishdays on the left
    [7:43:00 PM] Shiloh: So 3 days after this 150 day code became imaged and this was basically the last day of the Thuban hexcore
    [7:43:23 PM] Sirius 17: ok so it started sept 12 or so?
    [7:43:38 PM] Shiloh: You could say this was 'personal' in regards to this coring of the YYY
    [7:43:55 PM] Shiloh: No, October 26th was the cam recall
    [7:44:20 PM] Shiloh: So the 153 days began on the left on October 22nd
    [7:44:24 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes well i just see sept 12 below it where it says 5th trumpet
    [7:44:36 PM] Sirius 17: i know it is not exact by eyeing it
    [7:44:49 PM] Shiloh: It relates to all those details on the Harvest-Hunter-Armageddon Moons
    [7:45:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes and Rok and Xeia's trip to Cancun
    [7:45:12 PM] Shiloh: The Rok-Xeia saga
    [7:45:32 PM] Shiloh: Yes and DD's camming and Lilitu Nabs
    [7:45:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes her Barbara M
    [7:46:30 PM] Shiloh: Now when do you think is the image of the 153 on the right AFTER the Logos mirrors enable Gaia's selfbirth ?
    [7:47:16 PM] Shiloh: October 22nd is imaged in the fulfilment if Isaiah's Moon prophecy
    [7:47:38 PM] Shiloh: August 25th, 2014 and the exact image of the death of MI on March 24th, 1995
    [7:47:48 PM] Sirius 17: Aug 25th?
    [7:48:40 PM] Shiloh: Yes, the three days of the Lunar Metonic Cycle as the 20 years of Nosey
    [7:49:04 PM] Shiloh: March 24th, 1995 to December 8th, 2004 to August 25th, 2014
    [7:49:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes this i saw
    [7:49:28 PM] Sirius 17: all mirror dates
    [7:49:32 PM] Shiloh: 20 lunar years as so 19½ solar years
    [7:50:45 PM] Sirius 17: happens to be old Ludwigs birthday too lol
    [7:50:54 PM] Shiloh: The 6th trumpet so is imaged in reverse from August 26th as the 'Trumpet of Euphrates' and the release of the 200 million ETs as the 'army of God'

    [7:51:50 PM] Shiloh: On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. This trumpet 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus, than being 'just a day in a calendar'

    [7:52:09 PM] Shiloh: The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons
    [7:52:21 PM] Shiloh: The 'sealed ones' standing as one
    [7:52:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:52:40 PM] Shiloh: Here 'sealed' means not having the 'mark of the beast'
    [7:53:17 PM] Shiloh: Which means the left hand not being understood as a chiral mirror of the right hand
    "end of excerpt"

    “We are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe” Dolores Cannon discusses our current paradigm
    As a Dolores Cannon trained QHHT practitioner and someone who has read just about all of her books, I find it great to see Collective Evolution write an article about Dolores Cannon. For more information on Dolores Cannon's material, check out the articles I have written about her various books through the link in the menu above.

    By Jeff Roberts via Collective Evolution, 19 Feb 2014

    Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field. Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books include: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and the list goes on. Each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel,” Dolores explains.

    Dolores Cannon has over 40 years of regressive hypnotherapy experience from which she’s acquired remarkable information about life in the Universe.

    One of her latest books, titled The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, is an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a ‘behind the scenes’ look at Earth’s current paradigm shift. During the sessions, Dolores hypnotizes her clients bringing them into the ‘super-conscious’ brainwave state, one of the deepest trances one can experience. Dolores elaborated on her technique in an interview with The Edge:

    I developed my own technique down through the years. It’s not like any other hypnosis technique out there. We are able to contact what I call the greatest force there is, and it’s a source of all knowledge. I found the way to have it come through every single person that I work with, and I’ve worked with thousands of people.”

    The results of her technique are astounding to say the least. Through the years Dolores began to notice a correlation among her client sessions, one that bridges the journey of the souls incarnating on the planet at this time.
    When you see thousands and thousands of clients, as I do as a therapist and a counselor, you begin to see a common thread going through many of the cases. Earlier on, it used to be that everybody would go back to a past life and I’d find some of the answers there, and then I’d explore the source of all knowledge to answer all of their questions and do the healing. Just in the last five years or so, I began to see clients who weren’t all going into a past life on Earth. I began to find they had never been on Earth before and that they had come here directly from God, from the Source, from other planets, other dimensions, where they were light beings. That’s the common thread that I have been finding, and that’s where I came up with the theory of the three waves of volunteers.

    Dolores’s theory proposes that a series of souls are traveling from other planets and dimensions to assist Earth at this time. Many of these souls, which are of a higher vibration than the resident Earth souls, are incarnating on the planet for the first time. She affirms that the souls that have spent many lifetimes reincarnating on Earth are stuck in a karmic cycle, repeating the same patterns of mistakes and lessons which is ultimately leading to the destruction of the planet. Thus, there has been a calling for purer souls to come to Earth to cleanse and raise the planet’s vibration.

    But now in body, these people don’t have any memory of why they came. “They come in and an amnesia descends on the person, losing the memory of why they are here. But this group has an energy that they have to project. It is a loving energy that will change the mindset here on Earth. It will change history, just them being here.”

    Throughout her clients’ journeys, Dolores discovered that Earth is one of the densest planets in the entire universe. A soul that incarnates here is considered brave because life on Earth is a very challenging experience to come into, especially for souls coming from higher realms and planets of a higher vibration. Nevertheless, all of her clients have the same answer when asked about their reason for coming to Earth, they simply “heard the call.”

    The Earth is going through a major transformation, one that Dolores’s clients state has never happened before. For the first time, an entire planet is shifting it’s vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many souls or groups of souls have experienced a shift like this in the past, (i.e., the Mayans) but never has an entire planet shifted at once. Therefore, Dolores explains, the entire Universe has front row seats to one of the grandest shows ever seen. However, help is needed, because man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole. Dolores reveals that if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings. Therefore, the call for help was made, and the souls quickly jumped on the wagon to assist.

    In The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

    • The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
    • The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
    • The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.

    Interestingly, through her many client sessions Dolores has also written extensively on the lost civilization of Atlantis. She discovered that, like Atlantis, there have been numerous civilizations that have been destroyed in the past.

    Each time when people got to the point when they were using energy in the wrong way and couldn’t control it, they had to be stopped. And every time, everything would be reset on this planet. The civilization would go back to the primitive stages and start all over again. That’s why they don’t want to have it happen this time. They don’t want to start over with the planet and begin life for humanity one more time.
    During a hypnotherapy session, a woman went back to Atlantis and was telling me the prime reason for Atlantis being destroyed. I was told that there were scientists at the time of Atlantis. There were others who were fooling around with what they called Dark Matter. I was told that this is the same thing scientists are doing now when they are fooling around with what we call Anti-Matter. They said we have to know this, because the scientists are doing the same thing now.
    The Large Hadron Collider experiment in Switzerland is the same thing. They are messing around with Anti-Matter. The scientists who are now fooling around with the Collider experiment don’t have any idea what they are really doing, and it’s very dangerous.
    If those experiments had continued at that time in Atlantis, it would have broken down the grid of the planet, causing an implosion of the Earth, and it would have reverberated to the point where it would have broken the grids down of the entire Universe. But they stopped it before it got to that point, but destruction took place.

    When asked about people’s criticism of her work, Dolores says she finds humor in people’s remarks stating she is a ‘great science fiction writer’.

    There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people. I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true’.

    In the final segment of her interview with The Edge, Dolores was asked if there were any final thoughts she wanted to leave people with regarding the shift in consciousness.

    “We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful. They have described it in the books – the beautiful colors, that everything is total love.
    We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The New Earth is where it’s at. The Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s the same thing we’re having now. It’s just that St. John, when he had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, didn’t realize it was going to take another couple of thousand years before it was going to happen.
    The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, “I was there when this occurred.” This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

    For a fascinating read, check out Dolores’s book The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth as well as her Convoluted Universe series.


    1.) Cannon, Dolores. The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth. Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. (Sept. 15 2011)
    2.) Cannon, Dolores. The Convoluted Universe: Book Four. Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. (Nov. 7 2011)
    3.) http://www.edgemagazine.net/2011/08/the-three-waves-of-volunteers-part-one-with-dolores-cannon/
    4.) http://www.edgemagazine.net/2011/08/the-three-waves-of-volunteers-part-two-with-dolores-cannon/


    Tuesday, February 25, 2014

    Dolores Cannon on Coast to Coast with George Noory - July 2013

    Description(One hour and 11 minutes): Past-life regressionist and author Dolores Cannon discussed the waves of people known as "volunteers," aliens in human form, who are coming to Earth in increasing numbers, and other "lost knowledge" she derived from her hypnosis sessions with clients placed in deep trance. While ETs seeded the planet, and developed the human race from monkeys, it is only in the last 50 years or so, that volunteer souls from other planets and spiritual dimensions have been coming to Earth to be born in human bodies, she explained. The timing of this relates to the development of nuclear weapons in the 1940s, and the aliens' concern that humanity might destroy itself, she continued. Because the ETs have a policy of non-interference, they felt that bringing new souls, without previous karma, to Earth could bring about a positive change from within, she said.

    She delineated three waves of volunteers: First Wave-- These people would be in their 40s and early 50s now, finally adjusting to life after going through turbulent early years of feeling they didn't belong here. A number tried to commit suicide or were treated for depression. 2nd Wave-- Presently in their 20s and 30s, these folk had an easier time, and have been called "channels, generators, and antennas," and project positive energy. Many have chosen not to have children, as this creates karma, and they don't want to have to return to Earth after this life. 3rd Wave-- The New Children are coming into the world with altered DNA, so they can function in a different reality (vibrations are pushing Earth into a new dimension).

    Cannon also touched on her communications with Nostradamus, who told her about the power of the "group mind" to change things, and forestall dire events. She believes we have averted the worst of what Nostradamus warned about, including the coming of the third Antichrist.

    Biography: Dolores Cannon is a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge. She has been involved with hypnosis for 40 years and exclusively with past-life therapy and regression work for thirty years. Over this time she developed her own unique technique which enabled her to gain the most efficient release of information from her clients, and to facilitate instantaneous healing. She has also been a UFO investigator for 20 years, investigating the crop circles in England, and accumulating evidence from suspected abductees through hypnosis.

    Coast to Coast AM airs on more than 560 stations in the U.S., as well as Canada, Mexico and Guam, and is heard by nearly three million weekly listeners. With hosts George Noory, John B. Wells (weekend), George Knapp (weekend) and Ian Punnett (weekend), it is the most listened to overnight radio program in North America.

    A media phenomenon, Coast to Coast AM deals with UFO's, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often inexplicable) phenomena. Coast to Coast AM is overnight talk radio with daytime ratings.


    Post last edited Feb 25th​
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Feb 27th, 2014


    [3:53:22 PM-Thursday, 27th February, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: Like Dolores says us old souls of the 1st generation are very uncomfortable here
    [3:53:43 PM] Shiloh: I do feel I was around so 700 years ago as a native Cherokee or something
    [3:54:03 PM] Shiloh: But apart from that zilch except John Z
    [3:54:04 PM] Sirius 17: why do you think i was here more?
    [3:54:15 PM] Shiloh: I am not saying that at all
    [3:54:31 PM] Shiloh: I think you were Miriam though
    [3:54:42 PM] Sirius 17: i have memories
    [3:54:49 PM] Shiloh: But apart from that perhaps only 1 like me
    [3:55:17 PM] Shiloh: Yes the Aztecs
    [3:55:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes Miriam feels right to me
    [3:55:26 PM] Shiloh: And Egypt
    [3:55:40 PM] Sirius 17: and also Peter
    [3:55:45 PM] Shiloh: But I really dont feel this is of importance now
    [3:55:54 PM] Shiloh: It is to you and Susan apparently
    [3:56:06 PM] Shiloh: I rather think about the future lives
    [3:56:19 PM] Sirius 17: no it is not to me only in the sense that it fills in some gaps in my understanding
    [3:56:33 PM] Shiloh: Well you can tune into anyone
    [3:56:40 PM] Shiloh: You know this by now
    [3:56:49 PM] Shiloh: All Is I Am remember?
    [3:57:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have known most of my life but it came back to me through this epiphany recently really strongly
    [3:57:26 PM] Shiloh: So you saying you were this and that is not wrong at all but perceive this from the cosmic ID and not the human linearity one
    [3:57:42 PM] Sirius 17: i have not felt it this strong since i was a child and perhaps it was even more this time
    [3:57:47 PM] Shiloh: Like Susan does
    [3:57:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:58:27 PM] Sirius 17: but i also know that the waves wish to be known and remembered and so i honor that too
    [3:58:30 PM] Shiloh: So I am indeed a part of Nosey and Albert and whoever my soul energy resonates with
    [3:58:49 PM] Shiloh: I am NOT a musician or artist, though I appreciate the souls that are
    [3:59:00 PM] Shiloh: So is the tapestry of AbbaBaab
    [3:59:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes everyone has their own piece to add
    [3:59:16 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [3:59:18 PM] Sirius 17: unique to them
    [3:59:21 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [3:59:23 PM] Sirius 17: and special
    [3:59:29 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [3:59:33 PM] Shiloh: Sui Generis
    [3:59:44 PM] Sirius 17: and this is where i am, what does JuJu add
    [3:59:54 PM] Shiloh: Logos nous
    [4:00:16 PM] Shiloh: Once you understand the Story you can help reauthor it
    [4:00:35 PM] Shiloh: And the people who know are rather few
    [4:00:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes i gather
    [4:00:59 PM] Shiloh: To heal the universe begins with healing the Earth in Exile
    [4:01:20 PM] Shiloh: Why I am asking you to listen to Dolores one of the videos we put on the forums
    [4:01:39 PM] Shiloh: This chick is 83 amazing
    [4:01:41 PM] Sirius 17: i did listen to some today
    [4:02:00 PM] Shiloh: Well she got the overview right, if not the details
    [4:02:14 PM] Sirius 17: can you give me a link to this 83
    [4:02:26 PM] Shiloh: Huh?
    [4:02:38 PM] Sirius 17: to what video you want me to listen to
    [4:02:47 PM] Shiloh: DC was born 1931, so this makes her 83 in 2014
    [4:02:58 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see lol
    [4:02:59 PM] Shiloh: 69+14=83
    [4:03:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes she is amazing
    [4:03:16 PM] Shiloh: Logos is looking after her health I feel
    [4:03:21 PM] Sirius 17: she has a huge record of all the people she has worked with over the years
    [4:03:40 PM] Shiloh: I reread her takes on Jesus last night
    [4:03:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes it must be
    [4:04:09 PM] Shiloh: She stumbles a little on the resurrection in 2 accounts but has the basics ok
    [4:04:39 PM]Shiloh: Jesus and the Essenes as the older account and 'They walked with Jesus' as the younger
    [4:05:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have not seen these
    [4:05:26 PM] Sirius 17: where are you reading this, from a book you have?
    [4:05:42 PM] Shiloh: Once you filter the filter of her regression subjects, you get a pretty good picture of the past
    [4:08:14 PM] *** Shiloh sent Dolores-Cannon -They Walked with Jesus.pdf Dolores-Cannon -They Walked with Jesus.pdf ***
    [4:08:35 PM] *** Shiloh sent Dolores Cannon - Jesus and the Essenes.pdf Dolores Cannon - Jesus and the Essenes.pdf ***
    [4:09:54 PM] Sirius 17: oh cool you got these as free pdfs nice
    [4:10:36 PM] Shiloh: I got more , if you want them
    [4:11:05 PM] Shiloh: There is an interesting part in Nosey volume 1
    [4:11:17 PM] Shiloh: About the future 'after the antichrist'
    [4:11:27 PM] Sirius 17: sure send me that one
    [4:11:44 PM] *** Shiloh sent Dolores-Cannon-Conversations-With-Nostradamus-1.pdf Dolores-Cannon-Conversations-With-Nostradamus-1.pdf ***
    [4:12:17 PM] Shiloh: It basically says, that the future science will be able to 'immortalise' the bodies etc
    [4:12:24 PM] Shiloh: Chapter 24 and 25
    [4:12:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this will be true
    [4:12:42 PM] Shiloh: And it describes the GOT and scrolls as being reinterpreted
    [4:12:48 PM] Shiloh: This is what we did see?
    [4:12:54 PM] Sirius 17: i showed you that one guy Grey who was spearheading research
    [4:13:29 PM] Sirius 17: now imagine him getting funding by all the worlds powers and given all resources
    [4:13:39 PM] Sirius 17: how fast could he come up with new technology
    [4:13:53 PM] Sirius 17: we could have it within 10 years he said
    [4:14:52 PM] Shiloh:

    nosey6. nosey7. nosey8. nosey9.

    [4:16:35 PM] Shiloh: xxxx
    <<< The phrase "he will expose the false topography" means he will show that the way things are looked upon, they have a false appearance. 'I'hat the philosophies and sciences have been built upon mistaken premises, thereby building a mistaken picture of the universe. What he discovers and what he develops will help people come closer to the true appearance of the universe, of how it really is, in relation to the life force that permeates everything.
    He says a lot of this knowledge will affect the philosophies in religions, but it will also help explain discoveries of old documents that had been shunted aside due to people's way of looking at things. He says various documents, such as those found in some of the tombs of Egypt and at Qumran, and various other documents that will be found are examples of this. They will be linked together in a cohesive manner to explain earlier versions of major religions that will seem totally topsy-turvy to the way they've been interpreted through the years, thereby appearing to be black for white.
    He says the new interpretations of these, based on the new understanding of old writings that had been obscure before, will make so much more sense to people it will replace the old way, the narrow-minded way, of looking at things. He says this will cause a sweeping change in the world, particularly in matters of religion and philosophy. Simply because this discovery that is initially pictured as being a discovery in science will be more metaphysical than is first realized. And it will make clear the connections between the physical universe and the metaphysical universe as dealt with by religions.
    He says a minor event this quatrain refers to as well, is an event that has already taken place. In the early 19th century there was a man who came into possession of some Egyptian documents of ancient times that were discovered in some tombs. And this man had a trace of psychic ability. Through this he gave an interpretation of these documents that was partially correct and partially incorrect. But he used this interpretation of these documents in the founding of a new Christian sect Some of the beliefs of this sect disagreed with the prevailing beliefs at the time and made the followers of this sect very suspect. For they seemed to be looking at some things backwards from what the theologians at the time assumed they should be, based upon the Bible, since these followers were also going by the information obtained from these Egyptian documents. He simply mentioned this as a minor event that this quatrain also described.
    History moves in spirals.

    [4:16:45 PM] Shiloh: xxx

    [4:16:57 PM] Shiloh: This is so important
    [4:17:12 PM] Shiloh: Of course DC got he Mormon thing wrong
    [4:17:20 PM] Shiloh: But otherwise perfecto
    [4:17:34 PM] Shiloh: The Egyptian scrolls are Nag Hammadi
    [4:17:48 PM] Shiloh: Not the Book of Mormon and the Moroni plates, although this reference to the 19th century of course links those in a peripheral typological association to its deeper predecessor
    [4:18:16 PM] Shiloh: But it shows you what even he saw regarding the late 20th and early 21st century
    [4:20:27 PM] Shiloh: The prevailing sect is Roman Christianity and the 'new sect' are the gnostics
    [4:21:17 PM] Shiloh: You see there the filter of the subject under hypnosis mixing otherwise factual data with the native belief system and mindset
    [4:21:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:22:20 PM] Sirius 17: i find it funny the guy got upset saying he wasn't channeling
    [4:22:48 PM] Shiloh: This is an old book of the late 1980's
    [4:22:53 PM] Sirius 17: [4:15 PM] Shiloh:

    <<< B: He says this person is a very mixed-up person. Some aspects of what
    she says are totally ridiculous, but one or two phrases are viable. He
    says, for example, right now, even as he speaks, his spirit is separate
    from his body but he's not looking down upon himself. Even though
    it's a ridiculous interpretation, he can see where she would get this.
    But that's the way it goes sometimes. It is such interpretations that
    made this project necessary.

    [4:22:58 PM] Sirius 17: this is funny
    [4:23:01 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [4:23:17 PM] Sirius 17: because i know exactly what he means
    [4:23:22 PM] Sirius 17: it is the bilocation
    [4:23:25 PM] Sirius 17: not channeling
    [4:23:49 PM] Sirius 17: most people don't understand how you can be in two places at the same time
    [4:24:03 PM] Shiloh: Electrons do
    [4:24:07 PM] Sirius 17: it is hard for the human mind to grasp
    [4:24:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes quantum effects
    [4:24:24 PM] Sirius 17: they are in all places
    [4:24:49 PM] Sirius 17: thought travels faster than the speed of light
    [4:25:07 PM] Sirius 17: i was shown this years ago
    [4:25:27 PM] Sirius 17: and this time also that the sciences will be more metaphysical
    [4:25:44 PM] Shiloh: I know the exact mathematical formula for this 'speed of thought'
    [4:25:46 PM] Sirius 17: like what the Russians are doing with DNA research
    [4:26:36 PM] Sirius 17: and how it can be changed or effected by what is near it, kind of like they hit it with some kind of interference pattern
    [4:26:45 PM] Sirius 17: turning salamander eggs into frogs
    [4:26:49 PM] Sirius 17: this kind of thing
    [4:27:12 PM] Sirius 17: the higher dimensional DNA can be manipulated by thought to create forms
    [4:27:42 PM] Sirius 17: anything you see in nature can be combined higher d
    [4:28:02 PM] Sirius 17: this is where the Egyptian pantheon comes from
    [4:29:28 PM] Sirius 17: of course this science will be done with mindfulness
    [4:29:34 PM] Sirius 17: unlike today
    [4:29:49 PM] Sirius 17: and expermentation on animals will be unecessary
    [4:29:56 PM] Sirius 17: computers will do all that
    [4:30:03 PM] Sirius 17: in virtual simulation
    [4:32:07 PM] Sirius 17: did you know that DD is in Applesauce
    [4:32:14 PM] Sirius 17: she loves to lick me lol
    [4:32:36 PM] Sirius 17: it is a sort of cosmic justice
    [4:33:03 PM] Sirius 17: but also a very high honor
    [4:33:09 PM] Sirius 17: to be Sirian
    [4:33:28 PM] Shiloh: lol
    [4:33:45 PM] Sirius 17: so, there is your 'bootlicker'
    [4:33:53 PM] Sirius 17: hehe
    [4:34:03 PM] Shiloh: I am going to publish this chapter on the 'False Topology' with our comments
    [4:34:09 PM] Sirius 17: hahaha
    [4:34:13 PM] Sirius 17: sure
    [4:34:57 PM] Shiloh: Thos has been discussed on some Nabs forum of course, with many claiming either to know or of being this 'Great Genius' lol
    [4:35:12 PM] Shiloh: So we should make it clear 'what' or who this is?
    [4:35:13 PM] Sirius 17: oh i am sure
    [4:35:24 PM] Sirius 17: it is the Logos
    [4:35:26 PM] Sirius 17: the JCCJ
    [4:35:32 PM] Sirius 17: whoelse
    [4:35:45 PM] Sirius 17: the big FF
    [4:35:50 PM] Sirius 17: 00
    [4:36:13 PM] Shiloh:
    This is the Starhuman Collective groupmind of a number of cosmic IDs, who work together as the 144,000 detailed before and this GOT, stating they 'stand as one'. The code here means that the two out of ten thousand reads like 1(2),000, which become of course the 12,000 x12 of Revelation 7 in the 'sealing of the chosen ones' as the 12 in 12,000 as the 1 in 1000'.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    [4:36:28 PM] Sirius 17: i like it
    [4:37:31 PM] Shiloh: Of course and doing this, will again detoxify the 'murky waters' of the Nabs and Oabs charlatans
    [4:37:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes like doing laundry
    [4:39:11 PM] Sirius 17:

    Many people argue that if reincarnation is a truth, and if they
    have lived countless other lives, why don’t they remember
    them? The subconscious can be compared to a machine, a tape
    recorder, a highly advanced computer. In our present daily lives
    we are constantly being bombarded by millions of minuscule
    and mundane pieces of information: sights, smells, sounds,
    sensory input. If all this information were allowed through to
    our conscious mind, we could not function — we would be
    totally overwhelmed. Thus the subconscious acts as a filter and
    a guardian. It allows us to focus on the information we need in
    order to live and function in our society.

    [4:39:15 PM] Sirius 17: This is well said
    [4:39:39 PM] Sirius 17: and precisely why i went 'bonkers' because i had data overload
    [4:40:16 PM] Sirius 17: the so called normal world has to be somewhat tuned out because it is an interference
    [4:40:48 PM] Sirius 17: if it were not so full of BS it would be easier
    [4:40:56 PM] Shiloh: Yes, I would agree
    [4:40:58 PM] Sirius 17: and understanding people around
    [4:41:34 PM] Sirius 17: would facilitate each other in being accepting of the NEW DATA
    [4:41:43 PM] Sirius 17: not labeling it as crazy or whatever
    [4:42:33 PM] Sirius 17: helping each other refine the messages for general consumption so as to eliminate confusion
    [4:43:05 PM] Sirius 17: like great minds getting together and working on a problem
    [4:43:11 PM] Sirius 17: not scoffing at each other
    [4:43:58 PM] Sirius 17: but supporting each other with the highest compassion and intelligence for the benefit of all
    [4:45:06 PM] Shiloh: You are decsribing the Councils of the Elders
    [4:45:23 PM] Sirius 17: hehe
    [4:45:42 PM] Sirius 17: oh shit who let the parrot in
    [4:46:09 PM] Sirius 17: did i ever tell you about my parrot Gwenivere?
    [4:46:26 PM] Sirius 17: she hated people in hats
    [4:46:30 PM] Sirius 17: especially men
    [4:47:09 PM] Sirius 17: of all the things she learned how to parrot back my favorite was "I love you, pretty bird".
    [4:53:49 PM] Sirius 17:

    I have regressed subjects to the time and the area, but they
    recounted normal lifetimes as a Roman soldier, a person living
    in Jerusalem, or someone selling wares in the market. They did
    not mention Christ, even though they probably were living in
    close proximity to him. This adds validity to my findings,
    because it shows that people are not prone to fantasizing the
    desire to have been associated with Jesus. When given the
    opportunity, they still told their own unique story. It is probably
    true that throughout the world there are a great number of
    people who had a past life with Jesus, and who carry this
    memory locked in their subconscious. But what were the odds
    of encountering any more of them in my work with regressive
    hypnosis? I would say the odds were slim, and justifiably so. I
    certainly did not expect it to happen again after my experience
    with Katie and the writing of that book in 1985.

    [4:53:53 PM] Sirius 17: this is interesting
    [4:55:44 PM] Sirius 17: I think if Susan really explores her Salome connection something very profound would occur and there would be a deep healing. Likely many tears.
    [5:08:34 PM] Shiloh: I can't comment, but you can tell her
    [5:09:36 PM] Sirius 17: maybe it is better left unsaid
    [5:09:46 PM] Sirius 17: let her come to it on her own
    [5:24:27 PM] Sirius 17:

    They will be able to learn, at this tender age, those
    ways to express what they will be required to use when
    they are older and themselves teaching. They must stay in
    touch with expression. They are encouraged not to hold it
    all in, but to give it voice, to give it action. To see a
    pattern and to know there's a goal. This is all held in the
    very simple beginnings of this little dance. It's a pattern
    they learn now, and it will enable them to carry that into
    their adult life when it's not so easy to express
    spontaneously some patterns, some actions. They will be
    able to recall, how in their youth, there was spontaneity.
    They will remember the joy that produced in them, that
    freedom, that happiness. There's such joy in God's word.
    There's such joy in His spirit. As His spirit moves through
    and is manifest in action, it is a very joyful experience.

    [5:24:33 PM] Sirius 17: this is really good
    [5:25:09 PM] Sirius 17: this is what never left me, this pattern and way of approaching my own knowing
    [5:25:22 PM] Sirius 17: it was very easy as a child
    [5:25:49 PM] Sirius 17: all i had to do to go back to that was to remember how i did it
    [5:26:06 PM] Sirius 17: so i watched Carla and remembered
    [5:26:24 PM] Sirius 17: and i let my mind leave the cares of this world behind
    [5:26:29 PM] Sirius 17: like a child does
    [5:26:59 PM] Sirius 17: well most children anyhow
    some children never get this freedom
    [5:49:02 PM] Sirius 17: what do you make of her 3 wave theory?
    [5:49:17 PM] Sirius 17: this sounds like the generations to me
    [5:49:35 PM] Sirius 17: and yeah we are first wavers
    [6:14:55 PM] Shiloh: On the mark
    [6:15:15 PM] Shiloh: Rather general, but appropriate and encompassing
    [6:15:50 PM] Shiloh: Btw I am uploading most of her books in pdf format for anyone to download from the Thuban website

    nosey2. nosey3. nosey4. nosey5. nosey6. nosey7. nosey8. nosey9. nosey10.
    nosey11. nosey12. nosey13. nosey14. nosey15. nosey16. nosey17. nosey18. nosey19.

    A Council of the Elders at Ravenden - Wednesday, February 26th, 2014​
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Cosmic Logos Twinbirth


    [5:29:33 PM - Thursday, February 27th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: But anyhow, perhaps you can discern now and figure just why the old humans seem not to change much mentality wise
    [5:30:22 PM] Shiloh: Those two timeframes MUST run their course, before they can even attempt to do so or before their 'feelings' about certain mindsets and belief systems can change
    [5:30:29 PM] Shiloh: Logos can change it and will imo
    [5:30:54 PM] Shiloh: You should realise what this birth is
    [5:31:18 PM] Shiloh: It will literally place a cosmic twinbaby energy within all humans ready to receive it
    [5:31:25 PM] Sirius 17: This is the second coming in the manyness and the birth of the goddess
    [5:31:29 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [5:31:36 PM] Shiloh: Gaia will rebirth - Itself
    [5:31:54 PM] Shiloh: The babytwin is the Cosmic Twin Logos
    [5:31:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:32:17 PM] Shiloh: Not a baby in the physicality but the Body itself reborn in its natural state. But this solves the mystery as to how a 'Baby Boy Jesus' of Revelation.12 can be the 'Man Jesus' of Revelation.19. It is the JCCJ described of course
    perfect waveform genomatrix, I would suspect
    [5:32:39 PM] Sirius 17: this is what i am picking up on
    [5:32:52 PM] Shiloh: Yes and I can analyse it better now
    [5:33:08 PM] Shiloh: It is more than your wishful thinking here
    [5:33:30 PM] Sirius 17: well i should hope so
    [5:33:33 PM] Shiloh: This is the twin Earth of Dolores
    [5:33:46 PM] Shiloh: She mixes this up a little though
    [5:34:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes she doesn't see they are colocal
    [5:34:19 PM] Sirius 17: and that the new world literally engulfs the old one
    [5:34:24 PM] Shiloh: But the New Race are simply the imo 50,000 starhumans then inseminated with the JCCJ seed
    [5:34:41 PM] Shiloh: Indeed, this is how it is
    [5:35:06 PM] Shiloh: A new cocoon of 5D around the 4D and with the envelope expanding in multidimensionality to allow the feedback loops between the 'inner timespace' and the 'outer timespace'
    [5:35:33 PM] Shiloh: You read this about DC saying tens of thousands?
    [5:35:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i do feel that things may become visible, i saw this on my walkabouts
    [5:35:46 PM] Shiloh: Confirming this calculation of years ago
    [5:35:58 PM] Sirius 17: like camelot legends ect
    [5:36:02 PM] Sirius 17: the earth healing
    [5:36:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw it on the forums

    This is the Starhuman Collective groupmind of a number of cosmic IDs, who work together as the 144,000 detailed before and this GOT, stating they 'stand as one'. The code here means that the two out of ten thousand reads like 1(2),000, which become of course the 12,000 x12 of Revelation.7 in the 'sealing of the chosen ones' as the 12 in 12,000 as the 1 in 1000'.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. Those '7000 slain Men' also decode as 7000 days of the endtimes in regard to the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel.9 with a mirror calendar of 3500+1+3500 days and as can be discerned later on in this message. This trumpet of the seventh 'Sabbath-mirror day' then 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus operandi, than being 'just a day in a calendar'.

    The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons.

    The focus time of the Timespace timeline of the Cosmic Twin Logos dispensation becomes the 153⅓ Fishdays of the Cosmic Vesica Pisces and encoded as the 'shortening of days' in Daniel.8 with Matthew.24 and John.21 as the 2300/15=153⅓ days located 200 days from the Onesided 'Mirrors of the Beast' on the left and right sides of the Logos Mirror, which by implication 'traps' or imprisons the fake images of creation in the Doublesidedness of the Cosmic Christening and 'Eucharist' as encoded in the Nag Hammadi scroll (Gospel of Thomas) in saying #7 and in Revelation.13.8-10 and also relating to the 'Last Judgement' as proclaimed by the TwinLogos JCCJ as the LoFaB as the 'Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone' in the reconfigured 'Body of the Spirit' in its interdependency of the New Heaven and the New Earth so created.

    3½ day warptime mirror then can be tabulated as in the following extension to incorporate the 70 Week Encoding found in the Book of Daniel in the bible and whose scriptural significance and pertinence to the 'endtimes2015 has been addressed in other archives from the lexicons and annals of the Thuban libraries.

    [5:38:08 PM] Shiloh: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t7103-operation-scrambleweb
    [5:40:36 PM] Shiloh: http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
    [5:40:46 PM] Shiloh: 7.2 billion
    [5:40:58 PM] Shiloh: Some clocks have this now others approaching
    [5:41:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes i believe it is offical or was announced someplace like a year ago
    [5:42:14 PM] Sirius 17: or that it had hit the 7 billion mark , something to that effect i recall
    [5:43:35 PM] Shiloh: 7 billion was late 2012 I think
    [5:43:48 PM] Shiloh: I am addressing the adding of 200 million ETs
    [5:44:06 PM] Sirius 17: i see ok
    [5:44:39 PM] Shiloh: Can you see other clocks?
    [5:44:48 PM] Shiloh: Less than 7.2 billion?
    [5:45:01 PM] Sirius 17: i have not tried
    [5:45:06 PM] Sirius 17: i will look
    [5:45:46 PM] Sirius 17: http://www.census.gov/popclock/
    [5:46:39 PM] Sirius 17: so the census clock is based off of census data and estimations
    [5:46:57 PM] Sirius 17: so figure like a large number of people who refuse the census
    [5:47:08 PM] Shiloh:

    7 Billion (2011)
    According to the United Nations, world population reached 7 Billion on October 31, 2011.
    The US Census Bureau made a lower estimate, for which the 7 billion mark was only reached on March 12, 2012.
    [5:47:09 PM] Sirius 17: and there is your 7.2 billion


    [5:47:11 PM] Shiloh: The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 7.146 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).[1] The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.[2] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011.[3][4][5]

    [5:47:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes by their estimations see
    [5:47:42 PM] Sirius 17: BS, they always estimate low
    [5:47:48 PM] Shiloh: 7.146 < 7.2
    [5:48:28 PM] Shiloh: But this is fine I am predicting that the 7.2 marker is a birth
    [5:48:47 PM] Sirius 17: http://www.geohive.com/earth/population_now.aspx

    [5:49:21 PM] Shiloh: Critical Mass
    [5:49:47 PM] Shiloh: So 0.054 Billion = 54 Million
    [5:49:58 PM] Shiloh: How many people are added per day?
    [5:50:06 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [5:50:50 PM] Sirius 17:

    Current World Population
    7,216,065,580 with 362,581 Births today

    [5:51:02 PM] Sirius 17: so figure around 360k
    [5:51:42 PM] Shiloh: 360,000 births per day?
    [5:52:02 PM] Shiloh: 180 days to go from February 27th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014
    [5:52:03 PM] Sirius 17: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_babies_are_born_every_minute_in_the_world

    [5:52:09 PM] Sirius 17: this one says 255 per minute
    [5:52:34 PM] Shiloh: 255x60x24=367,200
    [5:52:42 PM] Shiloh: How many deaths per minute?
    [5:53:30 PM] Shiloh: 54 million/180=300,000
    [5:54:02 PM] Sirius 17: it looks like about 150,000 deaths per day
    [5:54:17 PM] Sirius 17: 149,994 Deaths today
    [5:54:40 PM] Sirius 17: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_world_death_rate_per_minute

    [5:54:45 PM] Shiloh: Delta=217,200
    [5:54:48 PM] Sirius 17: not sure how accurate this is
    [5:55:20 PM] Shiloh: Of course we need 300,000 new humans per day for 25Aug if the present is: 7.146 billion as per wiki
    [5:55:47 PM] Shiloh: It fits
    [5:55:58 PM] Sirius 17: Answers
    7 months ago
    There are 1.78 deaths per second, 107 deaths per minute, 6,390 deaths per hour, and 153,000 deaths per day.
    See more at:

    [5:56:34 PM] Shiloh: 107x60x24=154,080
    [5:57:09 PM] Shiloh: Roughly 150,000 deaths for 370,000 births
    [5:57:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:57:40 PM] Shiloh: 220,000 population increase per day
    [5:58:12 PM] Shiloh: 220,000x180=39.6 Million
    [5:59:03 PM] Shiloh: So IF the approximate population NOW is 7.16 Billion it is on course
    [5:59:30 PM] Shiloh: wiki says 7.146 which is less a little and some others say more
    [5:59:47 PM] Sirius 17: why do we need 7.2 billion?
    [6:00:00 PM] Shiloh: 100th monkey
    [6:00:08 PM] Shiloh: Critical Mass
    [6:00:10 PM] Sirius 17: critical mass then
    [6:00:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol

    [6:33:24 PM] Shiloh: This blue 'actual' line in the diagram above, so begins to diverge in various predictors on a date sometime in 2014 and we define this date as August 25th, 2014 as the culmination of the many encoded timelines in the scrolls of antiquity.
    [6:35:16 PM] Shiloh: The little twinserpent schematic then abbreviates the 20 year lunar metonic cycle as say in the Nostradamus quatrains and is specified in the Sharona MILD chart
    [6:37:20 PM] Shiloh: The actual scientific data regarding the Terran population increase then correlates the millennia old scriptures in their prophetic or predictive timelines and as enciphered in the Sermon of the Mount of Olives in Matthew.24
    [6:38:47 PM] Shiloh: And the many Nabsers and Oabsers do indeed 'tune into' this overall theme as the cocreative potentials and aspirants to be able to host this new energy dispensation from the Entwined Cosmic Logos twin. But their human arrogance and vanity, often hiding under a 'false humility', would render the actual resonance omniphysics required to harbour the planetary rebirth as stewards and ambassador(a)s of and for this Cosmic Logos twinship rather difficult
    [6:41:25 PM] Shiloh: But until March 25th, 2014 at the earliest and then until this marker of the cosmic birth, they will generally remain blinded by their human minded ignorance and fail to realise the PRESENT of the SERPENT, who REPENTS as the Red Dragon of the Falsities and Deception, but is actually the PRESENT from the Skyblue Dragon of the Cosmic Truth
    [6:42:39 PM] Shiloh: But looking or searching for the 'Blue Star of Hope', aka the Hopi's Kachina as some wayward planet or comet, will prove futile. If there will be a 'Blue Light' in the skies after this birth; then this will be a nonhuman constructed Dragon Mothership and not a Nabs or Oabs conjured and fabricated object of either a holographic projection or a military black budget endeavour. But let the 'know it all better' follow their selfchosen paths into their illusions and delusions of what might befit and await them in this realm of incarnation or another.


    This is the Starhuman Collective groupmind of a number of cosmic IDs, who work together as the 144,000 detailed before and this GOT, stating they 'stand as one'. The code here means that the two out of ten thousand reads like 1(2),000, which become of course the 12,000 x12 of Revelation.7 in the 'sealing of the chosen ones' as the 12 in 12,000 as the 1 in 1000'.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."
    On this date in my calculations, 50,000 exhumans CAN graduate in metaphysical Logos terms and as the total global population at the 7,000 million marker to which is added the 200 million ET starhuman genomatrix. Those 7,000 million are also coded as the 7000 'slain men' in Revelation 11.13 at the time of the 'Great Earthquake' of the 7th trumpet, you know to be at the Logos Mirror in completion at March 25th, but being mirrored along the 400 days of the Isaiah New Moons as 200+1+200 days from September 5th, 2013 to March 25th, 2014 to August 25th, 2014. Those '7000 slain Men' also decode as 7000 days of the endtimes in regard to the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel.9 with a mirror calendar of 3500+1+3500 days and as can be discerned later on in this message. This trumpet of the seventh 'Sabbath-mirror day' then 'ends' the 'Mystery of God' as per Revelation.10 and is the March 25th nexus date, but with a far deeper encoding modus operandi, than being 'just a day in a calendar'.
    The 50,000 symbol then becomes the encoded 'remnant' of the true Logos family as 7,200 Million divided by the 144,000 'sealed ones', which is 7,200,000,000/144,000=50,000 starhumans or dragons.

    The focus time of the Timespace timeline of the Cosmic Twin Logos dispensation becomes the 153⅓ Fishdays of the Cosmic Vesica Pisces and encoded as the 'shortening of days' in Daniel.8 with Matthew.24 and John.21 as the 2300/15=153⅓ days located 200 days from the Onesided 'Mirrors of the Beast' on the left and right sides of the Logos Mirror, which by implication 'traps' or imprisons the fake images of creation in the Doublesidedness of the Cosmic Christening and 'Eucharist' as encoded in the Nag Hammadi scroll (Gospel of Thomas) in saying #7 and in Revelation.13.8-10 and also relating to the 'Last Judgement' as proclaimed by the TwinLogos JCCJ as the LoFaB as the 'Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone' in the reconfigured 'Body of the Spirit' in its interdependency of the New Heaven and the New Earth so created.
    The pertinent 49-21-15-10-7-3½ day warptime mirror then can be tabulated as in the following extension to incorporate the 70 Week Encoding found in the Book of Daniel in the bible and whose scriptural significance and pertinence to the 'endtimes' from 2012-2015 has been addressed in other archives from the lexicons and annals of the Thuban libraries.


    #Old Mirror DayNew Mirror DayDenotations and Significance in 7001 Days of Logistical Pertinence
    -350024March 200524August 2004A Mirrored Day of the Past Future and characterised by the Idol Worship of False Images
    3500-3394=106=56+36+7+7=370-264 for a 40+110+74+40=264{+1} Gestation in Noah's Flood
    -339408December 200408December 2004 The Day of Understanding Matthew.24 and the Logos of Mount Olivia
    -49127December 199619November 2012Initiation Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Completion of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -49026December 199620November 20121st Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 49th Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -47309December 199607December 201218th Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 33rd Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -47208December 199608December 20121st Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Image Day of Preparation
    -46905December 199611 December 20124th Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Image Day of Preparation
    -46602December 199614December 20127th Day of Preparation and Left Midpoint Day for the Left 49 Day Mirror Mirrored
    -465301December 199615 December 20127th Day of Preparation Imaged and Right Midpoint Day for the Left 49 Day Mirror Imaged
    -46228November 199618December 20124th Mid-Week Day of Preparation Imaged Mirrored in the 4th Image Day of Preparation
    -45925November 199621 December 20121st Day of Preparation Imaged Mirrored in the 1st Image Day of Preparation
    -45824November 199622December 201233rd Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 18th Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -44208November 199607January 201349th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 1st Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -44107November 199608January 2013Completion Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Initiation of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -20112March 199605September 2013The Old World is Judged in the Left Isaiah New Virgo Moon for a count of -201+354=153
    -20011March 199606September 2013Left Mirror of the Beast of the One-Sidedness
    -15425January 199622October 2013Vesica Pisces Day #-154
    -15324January 199623October 2013Vesica Pisces Day #-153
    -120 22December 199525November 2013Image of the End of the 'Age of Man' in its Beginning in the Left Mirror
    -10709December 199508December 2013The 14th Image Day of 15 in the Perdition of the Beast of Fake Imageries
    -10608December 199509December 2013Image of the Hour of the Beast in 15 Days in the Left Mirror
    -8416November 199531December 20131260=3½ Times as 1260/15=84 Day Left Partition Mirror
    -7608November 199508January 2014Pentecostal Image Day in the Left Mirror of a 19-Year Timewarp Convergence
    -5619October 199528January 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=56 Day +28=84(⅔+⅓) Left Partition Mirror
    -4205October 199511February 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=42 Day +42=84(½+½) Left Partition Mirror
    -3225September 199521February 2014Initiation of the 63rd Week of 70 Weeks from the Left Preparation Week
    -3124September 199522February 20141st Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 7th Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror
    -2821September 199525February 20144th Day of the Left-Half-Week Mirror & 1260=3½ Times as 1260/15=28 Day +56=84(⅓+⅔) Partition
    -2518September 199528February 20147th Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 1st Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror
    -2417September 199501March 2014The 7 Half-Week Cycle of 49 Days in the Left Mirror
    -2114September 199504March 2014The 3-Week Cycle of Daniel in Gabriel Persia with Michael Grecia in the Left Mirrors Imaged Right
    -1508September 199510March 2014The 'Hour of the Beast' of Revelation in the Beginning of 15=360/24 Days in the Left Mirrors
    -1003September 199515March 2014Ides of Caesar's March Deeds in September
    -902September 199516March 2014Ides of the Beast of Babylon as a Untrue Red Dragon
    -801September 199517March 2014Ides of the Hour of the Beast in Leftness
    -731August 199518March 2014Day of the Shame of the Fool
    -630August 199519March 2014Day of the Divers Images
    -529August 199520March 2014Day of the Equinoxes of the Cities
    -428August 199521March 2014Day of the Prophets de Noah
    -327August 199522March 2014Day of the Mausoleums
    -226August 199523March 2014Day of the Supplements
    -125August 199524March 2014Day of Preparations
    ±024August 199525March 2014Day of Palms in the Logos Twin Mirror of the Double-Sidedness
    +123August 199526March 2014Day of The Anointings
    +222August 199527March 2014Day of the Seder de Phoenix Aquarius
    +321August 199528March 2014Day of the Tombs
    +420August 199529March 2014Day of the Whale de Jonah
    +519August 199530March 2014Day of Nineveh
    +618August 199531March 2014Day of the Sabbatical Reflections
    +717August 199501April 2014Day of the Glory of the Fool
    +816August 199502April 2014Ides of the Hour of the Beast in Rightness
    +915August 199503April 2014Ides of the Beast de Babylon as a True Cyanite Dragon
    +1014August 199504April 2014Ides of Caesar's April Rains in August
    +1509August 199509April 2014The 'Hour of the Beast' of Revelation in the Ending of 15=360/24 Days in the Right Mirrors
    +2103August 199515April 2014The 3-Week Cycle of Daniel in Michael Grecia with Gabriel Persia in the Right Mirrors Imaged Left
    +24 31July 199518April 2014The 7 Half-Week Cycle of 49 Days in the Right Mirror
    +2530July 199519April 20141st Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 7th Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror
    +2827July 199522April 20144th Day of the Right-Half-Week Mirror & 1260=3½ Times as 1260/15=28 Day +56=84(⅓+⅔) Partition
    +3124July 199525April 20147th Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 1st Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror
    +3223July 199526April 2014Initiation of the 63rd Week of 70 Weeks from the Right Preparation Week
    +4213July 199506May 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=42 Day +42=84(½+½) Right Partition Mirror
    +5629June 199520May 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=56 Day +28=84(⅔+⅓) Right Partition Mirror
    +7609June 199509June 2014Pentecostal Day of the Right Mirror of a 19-Year Timewarp Convergence
    +8401June 199517June 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=84 Day Right Partition Mirror
    +10610May 199509July 2014Hour of the Beast Convergence ending the 'Age of Man'
    +10709May 199510July 2014The 2nd Day of 15 in the Perdition of the Beast of Fake Imageries
    +12026April 199523July 201415=360Days/24Hours of the Beast End the 120 DayYears of 'Man'
    +15324March 199525August 2014Vesica Pisces Day #153 in the Right Isaiah New Virgo Moon
    +15423March 199526August 2014Vesica Pisces Day #154
    +20005February 199511 October 2014Right Mirror of the Beast of the One-Sidedness
    +20104February 199512October 2014The New World Is Initiated in the Judgement of the Beast
    +44109June 199409June 2015Initiation Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Completion of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +44208June 199410June 20151st Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 49th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +45823May 199426June 201518th Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 33rd Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +45922May 199427June 20151st Image Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Day of Preparation
    +46219May 199430June 20154th Image Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Day of Preparation
    +46516May 199403July 20157th Image Day of Preparation and Right Midpoint Day for the Right 49 Day Mirror Imaged
    +46615May 199404July 20157th Image Day of Preparation and Left Midpoint Day for the Right 49 Day Mirror Mirrored
    +46912May 199407July 20154th Image Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Day of Preparation
    +47209May 199410July 20151st Image Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Day of Preparation
    +47308May 199411July 201533rd Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 18th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +49021April 199428July 201549th Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 1st Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +49120April 199429July 2015Completion Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Initiation of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +339409May 198610July 2023A New World Day is Imaged in its Past of the False Images and Idols
    +350023January 198624October2023A Mirrored Day of the Future Past no longer characterised by Idol Worship of False Images
    -3500+3394=-106=-56-36-7-7=-370+264 for a 40+74+110+40=264 {+1} Gestation in Noah's Image Flood
    vesicapisces. imageseeillp02. images4whxw1hx. vp.

    Genesis 6:2-4 - King James Version (KJV)
    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
    3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    Isaiah 66:22-24
    22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
    23] And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
    24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

    Daniel 8:13-14
    13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
    14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

    Matthew 24:21-23
    21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

    John 21:8-11
    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    The Gospel According to Thomas (Lambdin)

    {7} Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    {8} And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."

    {29} Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    Revelation 13:8-10
    8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
    9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
    10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

    sharonamild. sos.

    The Council of Ravenden in the Elders of Thuban of ABbabaAB, February 27th - March 2nd, 2014

    The Baby of your Cosmic Identity and Beingness
    in the Heart of Wisdom of AB Isis Hokmah with the Soul of Love of Hesed Bast BA
    in the Mother-Sisterhood de 2+4=6
    and in the Spirit of the Crown of Keter Osiris KHU
    and with the Body of the Kingdom of KHAT Set Malkuth
    in the Brother-Fatherhood de 1+10=11=2
    in the Shadow of Foundation of KHAIBIT Anubis Yesod
    in the Name of Majesty of Hod Ptah REN in 9+8=17=8=o+o=∞
    in the Father-Brotherhood de 5+3=8=o+o=4+4
    of the Mind of Power of Gevurah Thoth IBIS
    with the Mirror of the Heshe 'Lunar Left Eye of Intelligence' of SAHU Horus Binah
    in the Sister-Motherhood de 7+6=13=4
    of the agency of the Chalice of Endurance of KA Nephthys Nezah
    with the Mirror of the Shehe 'Solar Right Eye of Beauty' of Tiferet Hathor SEKHEM

    Post last edited May 1st
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #Old Mirror DayNew Mirror DayDenotations and Significance in 7001 Days of Logistical Pertinence
    -350024March 200524August 2004A Mirrored Day of the Past Future and characterised by the Idol Worship of False Images
    3500-3394=106=56+36+7+7=370-264 for a 40+110+74+40=264{+1} Gestation in Noah's Flood
    -339408December 200408December 2004 The Day of Understanding Matthew.24 and the Logos of Mount Olivia
    -49127December 199619November 2012Initiation Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Completion of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -49026December 199620November 20121st Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 49th Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -47309December 199607December 201218th Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 33rd Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -47208December 199608December 20121st Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Image Day of Preparation
    -46905December 199611 December 20124th Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Image Day of Preparation
    -46602December 199614December 20127th Day of Preparation and Left Midpoint Day for the Left 49 Day Mirror Mirrored
    -465301December 199615 December 20127th Day of Preparation Imaged and Right Midpoint Day for the Left 49 Day Mirror Imaged
    -46228November 199618December 20124th Mid-Week Day of Preparation Imaged Mirrored in the 4th Image Day of Preparation
    -45925November 199621 December 20121st Day of Preparation Imaged Mirrored in the 1st Image Day of Preparation
    -45824November 199622December 201233rd Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 18th Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -44208November 199607January 201349th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 1st Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -44107November 199608January 2013Completion Day for the Left 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Initiation of the Right 7 Week Mirror
    -20112March 199605September 2013The Old World is Judged in the Left Isaiah New Virgo Moon for a count of -201+354=153
    -20011March 199606September 2013Left Mirror of the Beast of the One-Sidedness
    -15425January 199622October 2013Vesica Pisces Day #-154
    -15324January 199623October 2013Vesica Pisces Day #-153
    -120 22December 199525November 2013Image of the End of the 'Age of Man' in its Beginning in the Left Mirror
    -10709December 199508December 2013The 14th Image Day of 15 in the Perdition of the Beast of Fake Imageries
    -10608December 199509December 2013Image of the Hour of the Beast in 15 Days in the Left Mirror
    -8416November 199531December 20131260=3½ Times as 1260/15=84 Day Left Partition Mirror
    -7608November 199508January 2014Pentecostal Image Day in the Left Mirror of a 19-Year Timewarp Convergence
    -5619October 199528January 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=56 Day +28=84(⅔+⅓) Left Partition Mirror
    -4205October 199511February 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=42 Day +42=84(½+½) Left Partition Mirror
    -3225September 199521February 2014Initiation of the 63rd Week of 70 Weeks from the Left Preparation Week
    -3124September 199522February 20141st Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 7th Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror
    -2821September 199525February 20144th Day of the Left-Half-Week Mirror & 1260=3½ Times as 1260/15=28 Day +56=84(⅓+⅔) Partition
    -2518September 199528February 20147th Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 1st Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror
    -2417September 199501March 2014The 7 Half-Week Cycle of 49 Days in the Left Mirror
    -2114September 199504March 2014The 3-Week Cycle of Daniel in Gabriel Persia with Michael Grecia in the Left Mirrors Imaged Right
    -1508September 199510March 2014The 'Hour of the Beast' of Revelation in the Beginning of 15=360/24 Days in the Left Mirrors
    -1003September 199515March 2014Ides of Caesar's March Deeds in September
    -902September 199516March 2014Ides of the Beast of Babylon as a Untrue Red Dragon
    -801September 199517March 2014Ides of the Hour of the Beast in Leftness
    -731August 199518March 2014Day of the Shame of the Fool
    -630August 199519March 2014Day of the Divers Images
    -529August 199520March 2014Day of the Equinoxes of the Cities
    -428August 199521March 2014Day of the Prophets de Noah
    -327August 199522March 2014Day of the Mausoleums
    -226August 199523March 2014Day of the Supplements
    -125August 199524March 2014Day of Preparations
    ±024August 199525March 2014Day of Palms in the Logos Twin Mirror of the Double-Sidedness
    +123August 199526March 2014Day of The Anointings
    +222August 199527March 2014Day of the Seder de Phoenix Aquarius
    +321August 199528March 2014Day of the Tombs
    +420August 199529March 2014Day of the Whale de Jonah
    +519August 199530March 2014Day of Nineveh
    +618August 199531March 2014Day of the Sabbatical Reflections
    +717August 199501April 2014Day of the Glory of the Fool
    +816August 199502April 2014Ides of the Hour of the Beast in Rightness
    +915August 199503April 2014Ides of the Beast de Babylon as a True Cyanite Dragon
    +1014August 199504April 2014Ides of Caesar's April Rains in August
    +1509August 199509April 2014The 'Hour of the Beast' of Revelation in the Ending of 15=360/24 Days in the Right Mirrors
    +2103August 199515April 2014The 3-Week Cycle of Daniel in Michael Grecia with Gabriel Persia in the Right Mirrors Imaged Left
    +24 31July 199518April 2014The 7 Half-Week Cycle of 49 Days in the Right Mirror
    +2530July 199519April 20141st Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 7th Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror
    +2827July 199522April 20144th Day of the Right-Half-Week Mirror & 1260=3½ Times as 1260/15=28 Day +56=84(⅓+⅔) Partition
    +3124July 199525April 20147th Day of the Right Half-Week Mirror mirrored in the 1st Day of the Left Half-Week Mirror
    +3223July 199526April 2014Initiation of the 63rd Week of 70 Weeks from the Right Preparation Week
    +4213July 199506May 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=42 Day +42=84(½+½) Right Partition Mirror
    +5629June 199520May 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=56 Day +28=84(⅔+⅓) Right Partition Mirror
    +7609June 199509June 2014Pentecostal Day of the Right Mirror of a 19-Year Timewarp Convergence
    +8401June 199517June 20141260=3½ Times as 1260/15=84 Day Right Partition Mirror
    +10610May 199509July 2014Hour of the Beast Convergence ending the 'Age of Man'
    +10709May 199510July 2014The 2nd Day of 15 in the Perdition of the Beast of Fake Imageries
    +12026April 199523July 201415=360Days/24Hours of the Beast End the 120 DayYears of 'Man'
    +15324March 199525August 2014Vesica Pisces Day #153 in the Right Isaiah New Virgo Moon
    +15423March 199526August 2014Vesica Pisces Day #154
    +20005February 199511 October 2014Right Mirror of the Beast of the One-Sidedness
    +20104February 199512October 2014The New World Is Initiated in the Judgement of the Beast
    +44109June 199409June 2015Initiation Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Completion of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +44208June 199410June 20151st Day of the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 49th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +45823May 199426June 201518th Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 33rd Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +45922May 199427June 20151st Image Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Day of Preparation
    +46219May 199430June 20154th Image Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Day of Preparation
    +46516May 199403July 20157th Image Day of Preparation and Right Midpoint Day for the Right 49 Day Mirror Imaged
    +46615May 199404July 20157th Image Day of Preparation and Left Midpoint Day for the Right 49 Day Mirror Mirrored
    +46912May 199407July 20154th Image Day of Preparation as Mid-Week Day Mirrored in the 4th Day of Preparation
    +47209May 199410July 20151st Image Day of Preparation Mirrored in the 1st Day of Preparation
    +47308May 199411July 201533rd Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 18th Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +49021April 199428July 201549th Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the 1st Day of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +49120April 199429July 2015Completion Day for the Right 7 Week Mirror Mirrored in the Initiation of the Left 7 Week Mirror
    +339409May 198610July 2023A New World Day is Imaged in its Past of the False Images and Idols
    +350023January 198624October2023A Mirrored Day of the Future Past no longer characterised by Idol Worship of False Images
    -3500+3394=-106=-56-36-7-7=-370+264 for a 40+74+110+40=264 {+1} Gestation in Noah's Image Flood
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014

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