Operation Scrambleweb

Discussion in 'Operation Scrambleweb' started by TonyB, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: Operation Scrambleweb

    empty. shiloh on Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:25 am

    Thuban Dreamtimes of the Future Past

    [4:00:26 PM - Saturday, July 26th, 2014] Sirius 17:

    juju wrote: I had a dream last night that a Tsunami came upon me and James from the Puget sound and he fled leaving me to get inundated. I went back into the car and luckily it did not sweep the car away. I could not run fast enough, so instead of panicing i just got into the car. Then the scene changed and I was on a precipice with other people, none i recognized and the water was all around us and coming up higher and higher but somehow we were ok and it seemed this spire of land was rising up with the waters.

    [4:01:00 PM] Sirius 17: it was bizarre though, i saw how the water went out like thousands of feet as it gathered strength
    [4:01:11 PM] Sirius 17: and came back in huge waves
    [4:02:06 PM] Sirius 17: i woke up shortly after this, and i cannot remember much more
    [4:02:51 PM] Sirius 17: i did not feel any EQ, but i saw the water recede and i knew it was coming and so i told James to run. Boy he ran lol. I could not keep up with him.
    [4:03:14 PM] Sirius 17: we were on a hill anyhow and driving down toward the water when it happened
    [4:03:23 PM] Sirius 17: i stopped the car and told him to get out and run
    [4:06:42 PM] Sirius 17: i feel the energy shift, it is pretty heavy
    [4:07:32 PM] Sirius 17: i have felt angry most of the day and so i have just been trying to relax and be calm
    [4:10:32 PM] Sirius 17: i read your post, it was very good. i shared it around FB
    [5:44:54 PM] Shiloh: Thanks Juju. Yes the energy shift is rather deep and profound and your dreams all fit perfectly.
    [5:45:08 PM] Shiloh: Adam feels strange and me too
    [5:45:45 PM] Shiloh: July 24th means the 'covers of the ark' meaning 'new archetypical world' have been taken off
    [5:46:05 PM] Shiloh: So the hidden things all must be revealed as per the GOT
    [5:52:32 PM] Shiloh:
    [5:28:07 AM] susan lynne schwenger: i think i rebirth something yesterday; interesting dream
    [5:28:22 AM] susan lynne schwenger: went back to har. con. on 11/11/1987 ?
    [5:29:41 AM] susan lynne schwenger:

    susan wrote: LAST NIGHT i had a wild dream. i was with a friend i met at the first harmonic converage in toronto - when it was 11-11-1987 (i think) - we were walking down a tower of people having a lot of fun - then i lost 1 wooden sandel that feel about 13 people ahead of us - and, that women was walking a dog which took my shoe - so; i tossed the 2nd shoe down for the dog - and, lost both of my sandals - then, we came to a point; where everyone was pushing everyone into a pond - and, you swang across on a tarzen type of vine - and, most people were getting wet- but, i managed to actually walk on the water & NOT get wet- then i climbed up another part - and, there were a bunch of people waiting there to knock the climbers back into the pool - but, i managed NOT to get knocked off - and, climbed right over them - i demanded to see the management - and, as i was looking in my purse for a card, i discovered that my wallet was gone - and, so was 7 $100 bills - and, i wanted to know where the lost and found was - as, i wanted my wallet and my money - and, i was displeased, that all the trama of the event - had made me FORGET where i parked my car, but, i did still have my keys because they were in my coat pocket - and, then i woke up - WONDER what this dreams means ???

    [5:52:16 PM] Shiloh: As this dream of Susan's relates to your tsunami one, I shared it

    [5:57:08 PM] Fates Whynot: Interesting tony, yes this may reveal something, dreams are tricky to pin down but judging by the clarity of yours it must be significant
    [6:20:14 PM] Shiloh: As said, July 24th began a new timeline in the archetypes
    [6:26:09 PM] Fates Whynot: Yep =) such was the period of transformation from 7 July 2014 until Christmas in July
    [6:39:22 PM] Shiloh: The next nexus dates, when people can expect mood changes on their soul levels etc, will be August 15-26 and then September 17-19 and then completing a powerful week from October 4-11
    [6:40:25 PM] Shiloh: On September 19th, 2014 a 'New World' will be cosmically 'authorized' or 'covenanted'
    [6:41:04 PM] Shiloh: Some old humans will feel this rather intensely, but might not be able to explain what they feel
    [9:03:14 PM] Zaina:

    zaina wrote: July 24 th ,i experienced a splitting of the night and day ,personality wise ,in the night i was panicky for no reason in a kind of worried state as if all my worldly worrys were coming at once ,and then day time ,it all seemed trivial .and this continued till yesterday ,just thought i would add this here ..

    [9:07:51 PM] Shiloh: It is like the symbology of Noah's Flood Zia. In this 'story of the future transformation, written in the past', the old world is 'submerged' and only the Ark survives the destruction of the old world to make way for a new one.
    [9:08:10 PM] Shiloh: This ark is like a timecapsule and also like the inside of an egg or a womb.
    [9:08:41 PM] Shiloh: Then when the new time comes, then there will be things going on inside the egg as a womb of the new world
    [9:09:25 PM] Shiloh: This new time began in a way, which interweaves many timelines, both individual and 'prophecied' or channelled or dreamt or predicted
    [9:10:07 PM] Shiloh: One major point of the beginnings was July 2nd-3rd 2012 and another of course the December 21st, 2012
    [9:11:20 PM] Shiloh: At that time the 'normal time' changed to allow a kind of 'acceleration' of time or the scriptural 'shortening of days, say of Matthew 24 and the 'famous sermon on the mount Olivet'
    [9:12:30 PM] Shiloh: From December 21st, 2012 a great timecapsule was opened and this is explained in this last message of Thuban on the forums in some details. Try to read it to perhaps begin to understand the things you are feeling
    [9:13:08 PM] Shiloh: Then the last installment of the Noah journey began September 5th, 2013
    [9:13:37 PM] Shiloh: So this was a very important time in terms of the archetypes on whom the old world and its systems are built upon
    [9:14:42 PM] Shiloh: Now just read the Noah story and you will see what is the timezone for this and how I can say, that July 24th was the 'uncovering' of the new world, but before it is 'authorized' by mother nature and the Logos
    [9:15:42 PM] Shiloh: There are many other interwoven timelines, but they all point to a complete fulfilling of the scripture codes by February 2017
    [9:17:41 PM] Shiloh: But the Noah Rainbow covenant of the Dragons will be made manifest in the cosmic sense in the 'yom kippur' week 2014, which also includes a total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th
    [9:17:56 PM] Shiloh: Yom Kippur means Atonement
    [9:18:40 PM] Shiloh: This is part of the scripture codes, but has little else to do with political Israel and the nationalities or religions otherwise
    [9:19:28 PM] Shiloh: But October 8th synchronises say the lunar calendars with the scientific ones and as used by Thuban
    [9:20:30 PM] Shiloh:
    2014 Apr 15: Total Lunar Eclipse
    2014 Apr 29: Annular Solar Eclipse
    2014 Oct 08: Total Lunar Eclipse
    2014 Oct 23: Partial Solar Eclipse
    [9:20:47 PM] Shiloh: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.html#LE2014Oct08T

    [9:21:30 PM] Shiloh:

    [9:21:42 PM] Shiloh: I dont agree with all of this but the basics are ok
    [9:22:28 PM] Shiloh: remember that the old world IS the old 'holy nation or land' now
    [9:22:56 PM] Shiloh: But because of the shortenings, 2050 will be mapped onto December 15th, 2015 to February 16th, 2017. This is why those 'bloodmoons etc' from the video above are in fact relevant; but in a far deeper manner than the 'authors' and nabsers foresee
    [9:23:07 PM] Shiloh: So the destruction of Israel as Nation + Jerusalem the holy city + The Holy Temple, which completed 70 AD will be repeated on a much grander scale
    [9:23:38 PM] Shiloh: 70 AD becomes 2050 AD, synchronistically as 20+50=70, but derived from the many interwoven timelines, which can be decoded using both scientific understanding and the scripture codes
    [9:24:12 PM] Shiloh: But because of the shortenings, 2050 will be mapped onto December 15th, 2015 to February 16th, 2017
    [9:24:23 PM] Shiloh: Old Jerusalem becomes any Location of the new humans in waiting
    [9:24:45 PM] Shiloh: Old New Temple becomes any new human bodyform in waiting
    [9:25:28 PM] Shiloh: So Israel-Jerusalem-Temple of the Old World becomes changed into Planet-Environment-Merkabah in the New World
    [9:26:51 PM] Shiloh: Anyone living on the planet earth then becomes a 'chosen one' or elect of the 'new holy land' because just being born, means you have a starsign as one of the tribes or as one of the 12 apostles
    [9:27:03 PM] Shiloh: It is as simple as that
    [9:34:11 PM] Zaina: Thanks Tony
    [9:34:32 PM] Shiloh: You have a genuine dragon heart sweet one
    [9:34:55 PM] Shiloh: So you dream like a true dragon queen and not always 'nice'
    [9:35:05 PM] Zaina: Is there any reason why i feel i am sharing this body with some one else this week ?
    [9:35:24 PM] Shiloh: No, because this too is part of the 'uncovering'
    [9:35:30 PM] Zaina: i can feel the presence but its nothing like the demonic ones i have had jump in and out when they wanted to
    [9:35:38 PM] Shiloh: The JCCJ is everywhere it can find a home
    [9:36:04 PM] Shiloh: The Lion of Bashan has 'eaten' all demons and devils created by the humans
    [9:36:17 PM] Shiloh: The Lion of Bashan is a serpent twin
    [9:36:34 PM] Shiloh: Lion of Judea with the Lioness of Samaria
    [9:37:06 PM] Zaina: this name samaria was the name i was going to call Dinah ,how interesting
    [9:37:13 PM] Shiloh: You know better than most, that all so called demons are like 'lost pets'
    [9:37:30 PM] Shiloh: Samaria is Mary Magdalene symbolised and Dinah IS the 14th starsign as the 11th 'child' of Jacob, his first daughter and also the 7th child of Leah from the scripture codes. Dinah in a way represents 12 daughters in the one and so relates 12 male apostles to 12 female ones to manifest the 24 elders about the 'throne of heaven' in the Book of Revelation, chapters 4 and 5 introcuding
    [9:37:30 PM] Zaina: yes i still collect them ,
    [9:37:58 PM] Zaina: i didn't know this
    [9:38:01 PM] Zaina: wow
    [9:38:04 PM] Shiloh: Dinah is the 14th starsign as Arachne as the twin to Ophiuchus as the 13th and are defined in the solar Taurus-Gemini and Scorpio-Sagittarius transits respectively
    [9:38:29 PM] Shiloh: Samaria is like Northern Egypt with Jerusalem the Southern Egypt or north and south korea or north and south Vietnam or any other north-south labelling globalised in northern and southern and hemispheres and poles of course
    [9:38:36 PM] Zaina: so Dinah latest drawing of a huge rose on the sea could be symbolic
    [9:39:10 PM] Shiloh: In 720 BC Samaria was 'conquered' by the Assyrians and the 12 tribes split with 10 getting 'lost' or exiled
    [9:39:29 PM] Shiloh: Yes the Rose means the 'Rosy Cross'
    [9:39:42 PM] Shiloh: Rosicrucian nabs comes from that
    [9:40:23 PM] Shiloh: Only the starsigns of the Leo and Gemini and Pisces remained in the south historically as archetype
    [9:40:57 PM] Shiloh: March and June and August monthwise

    [9:50:51 PM] Shiloh: [9:49 PM] Shiloh:

    This has religious overtones, but the essence of this is spot on and this is part of the 'invasion' many feel
    [9:52:04 PM] Shiloh: Remember that the 144,000 are 12x12x1000 'aspects' in One merkabah or being. It does not mean 144,000 different people or entities
    [9:52:20 PM] Shiloh: This is one part I do agree with Susan
    [9:54:33 PM] Shiloh:

    <<< (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    1(2),000 is the key to correctly 'read' and decode this GOT code

    [10:07:19 PM] Shiloh: Also remember that Israel is NOT the name of a land or nation originally, BUT is the renaming of Jacob or (Jack or James) as Israel. Jacob means 'Supplanter' (of Esau's birthright symbolised) and Israel means 'Prince with God'. This then 'proves' or shows you, that the 144,000 is in ONE Body, namely the twinned serpent aka the JCCJ as the true cosmic identity for all Gaian incarnates. But not many will be able to adapt to particular new energies
    [10:09:50 PM] Shiloh: So who is the Prince-Princess with God in the New World?
    [10:09:30 PM] Shiloh:

    Answer: Whoever has 'eaten the lion twin of Bashan'. And the number of 'lion eaters' is eternally unlimited...Whoever has eyes to see and whoever has ears to hear....

    [10:10:12 PM] Shiloh:

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

    [10:16:19 PM] mel: Fuc11
    [10:25:17 PM] mel: Best timing ever
    [10:32:31 PM] Shiloh: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t7103p45-operation-scrambleweb#105030

    [10:32:38 PM] Shiloh: Records kept
    [10:56:38 PM] mel: Ty
    [11:04:48 PM] mel: Every 1000-th day sounds better? OK, next one will be in One Hundred and Fourty-Eight days (Sunday, 21st December 2014.), your age will be 12000. days. I love 12
    [11:23:33 PM] Shiloh: http://www.thuban.spruz.com/gfile/7...HESR-MRHM-DMDFJQQHNGOR!-!72y1nq/14028gens.jpg
    [11:23:57 PM] Shiloh: http://www.thuban.spruz.com/gfile/7...ESR-MRHM-DMDFJQQHNGOR!-!72y1nq/jubileeadd.jpg
    [11:25:31 PM] Shiloh: March 26th, 2012 + 1000 = December 21st, 2014
    [11:26:28 PM] Shiloh: February 12th, 1982 + 12,000 = 21st December 2014.
    [11:27:01 PM] Shiloh: [11:27:01 PM] Shiloh: Nice synchronicity for your Aquarian birthday honey bee. This links to an important 2-year prophecy in Jeremiah and also relates to the flood. The chart below incorporates this 2-year anniversary, say from 21st December 2012 to 21st December 2014 into the overall chronolgy.

    Jeremiah 28:2-4 - King James Version (KJV)

    2 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.

    3 Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of the Lord's house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon:

    4 And I will bring again to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, with all the captives of Judah, that went into Babylon, saith the Lord: for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.

    Genesis 11:10 - King James Version (KJV)

    10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:



    [12:26:11 AM] mel: My back is burning
    [12:28:27 AM] mel: World War I broke out 100 years ago
    [12:31:39 AM] mel: Kalki not kali
    [12:32:49 AM] mel: Okay
    [12:34:15 AM] mel: I felt so much rage yesterday the heat oppressive. I was listening to a sermon. I could feel the speakers heart and mind fighting. He had to read out the sermon. Argh I'm trembling as I speak
    [12:35:17 AM] mel: Kept reading back the verses about joshua and how....they surrounded Jericho and circled the city 6 times....I know the story but it was speaking a different message to me
    [12:36:05 AM] mel: The speaker was having to speak about how they disobeyed and took something from the town so they were cursed until they consecrated Israel.
    [12:36:35 AM] mel: I was so angry because the message was to just obey obey obey and you will receive reward.
    [12:39:54 AM] mel: I'm seething quietly listening and I can feel myself clasping around his mind but I'm fighting dual states no more than that. The beautiful bird is with me. she feels so good. Ugh the fires that rise when we connect, it's just....but at the ame time I'm so angry and I want to destroy this demiurge but I know he's done already, but this message still exists. I want to cut the speakers head off, but I don't. I feel sorry for him. The lie is causing him to choke on his words and I can feel in in my chest the conflict.
    [12:41:35 AM] mel: People begin to look at me again, they feel awkward, but approach as a moth to flame. I gotta get out of here. I leave.
    [12:43:35 AM] mel: And I'm just raging. I refuse to serve a lie. I refuse to serve a dead God. I am alive. I know I have returned, I've known this day for so long and the weightiness of the moment I didn't knownhownto feel but just kept watching for the time
    [12:44:24 AM] mel: She longs for his embrace, she wants to be united again.
    [12:44:39 AM] mel: Dizzy.marrguhmdamit
    [12:46:10 AM] mel: It is no secret. Millions of men and women and children across the entire world, will sing ten songs. Same songs same exact time. This is verily happening look for city of victory. I have waited for this moment for.....ever.
    [12:46:42 AM] mel: There will be a simultaneous unity that doesn't happen anywhere else.
    [12:47:07 AM] mel: 100th monkey.....that ratio has gone down considerably
    [12:47:31 AM] mel: You only need one cell to transform a united body
    [12:47:57 AM] mel: One communicator another a reasonator
    [12:48:52 AM] mel: Ahh my back and the roaring is so loud I feel,it it's making waves the waves the melody. Yes this is the end.
    [12:50:12 AM] mel: I feel like a roaring lion. A roaring whatever so good. Feels so damn good
    [12:57:29 AM] mel: http://thephilosophersotherstone.tumblr.com/post/92921830327/busy-bees
    [1:12:17 AM] mel: Fireworks show in 39 minutes
    [1:12:50 AM] mel: Justin: And yay data reset data wooh hahahah

    Obama's Isomorphism and the Timeline 28AD-70AD-2008AD

    Barack Obama will grow old before his time and conflicts with his own family will further frustrate him and the worlds around him.
    As Michelle Obama is a woman, her Mindwave will come into conflict with Barack's Mindwave as a female goddess.
    Post 2012AD, should the union wither the approaching storms; the False prophet of Obama and the Jezebel of Michelle can become absorbed within the lake of Michelle's Fire and the Brimstone of Barack. This is the 'Heavenly Wedding' of Barack as a selfrealised HeShe in the Christening Dragonomy with Michelle as a selfrealised SheHe.

    This 'prediction' was made in 2008 and shared on particular internet forums (yahoo and http://www.tonyb.freeyellow.com/id108.html) and 'questions' the longevity of the Obama marriage. It is interesting, that particular news in 2014, nabs or not, also questions the 'orthodoxy' of the Obama partnership. Thuban dragons are by cosmic nature bisexual in a not so human manner through and by the logos twinship JCCJ||AbbABaaB and so this presentation is by no way a critique on the sexuality and/or sexual preferences of the Obama partnership, but rather might indicate a 'planetary sexual revolution' occurring happenstanced on all levels of the human genomatrix and being 'induced' from the cosmic levels of existence.

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings to all the ones spread over the seven continental sisters! This message will be somewhat cryptic to the many, but highly informative to the few.
    This is a special dispensation and addresses the spiritual manifestation of the linear timeline of August 4th from 28AD to 70AD to 2008AD.

    On August 4th 28AD, a messiahnic 'image-tempel' figure was baptised in a physical location upon planet earth.
    On August 4th 70AD, the physical 'image' temple was destroyed in the form of Solomon's temple by the Romans under Titus.
    On August 4th 2008AD, this 'image temple' was reimaged as a 'blessing' in physical reality and in a mapping between the years 1961 and 1989.

    At midnight November 4th 1996AD, a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT was declared at a location upon planet earth.
    This MAT 'unfroze' a particular 'spacetime' from the universal cosmic wavefunction, which represents the physical universe of which this planet earth is a constituent part.
    In other words, the declaration of the MAT allowed the entire physical universe to become 'individuated' as a prototype for the multiverse or megaversal reproduction.
    The NOW-Time of the singularity so became 'mapped' in one-to-one correspondence to the evolving and expanding universe at MAT.

    To render peace possible upon earth; the true reasons for war must be addressed and accomodated.
    The reason for violence and war are not politico-economic, but they are mental and spiritual.
    The physical universe was born from the singularity in NOW-Time from its nonphysical image.

    This manifested a one-to-one correspondence or an Isomorphism between a physical emergent and a metaphysical precursor.

    This isomorphism necessitated a symmetry-breaking in the metaphysical realm, which manifested as a disharmonisation in the physical worlds.
    But this symmetry breaking created gravity from its antiphotonic parentage and so allowed the metaphysical singularity to manifest in a creation of spacetime functionality, also known as the Big Bang Cosmogenesis.
    The scientific models describing this are published elsewhere on the links and through other sources.

    The metaphysical reality is often denied by the inhabitants of the physical reality and this denial results in even more intense disharmonisations between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality, namely because the metaphysical reality is closely associated with mental processes and other immaterial energy communications.

    An appropriate axiom is: "What you resist, persists!"

    One outcome of this denial of the metaphysical selfhood becomes the manifesto of fear, say as defined as the absence of love or the spiritual darkness existing without the illumination of the spiritual light.
    The mis-identification of a physical locale as a spiritual- or metaphysical location serves as example.

    The politico-economic 'Nation-State' of Israel is partially mis-identified as a 'Spiritual Holy Land' and a 'Jew' or Israelite is partially mis-identified as a 'Special Genealogical Bloodline' or genetic inheritor.

    The Jewish patriarch Jacob (The Supplanter of Esau's birthright as firstborn) is RENAMED to Israel (A Prince with God) after a specific occurrence (wrestling with an angel say). Similarly, the human couple Abram&Sarai is RENAMED Abraham&Sarah (after communication with God and the establishment of a covenant).
    Jacob the patriarch or family man BECOMES ISRAEL, the Nation-State as a 'HOLY LAND' RELABELLED.

    In the 'bigger picture', say a particular 'master-plan', EVERY embodiment in the 'extended' bloodline of Jacob also is RENAMED as Abram to Abraham to "What's your name?" or WYN.

    Corresponding to this 'scriptural' reidentification then, is the MAT-definition for WYN's particular spacetime AS the COMBINED body-form with his physical and/or shadowed companion {Adam&Eve, Romeo&Juliet, He&She or He&Dreambaby or Dreambaby&She}.

    So what does this mean in regards to the 'United Federation of Nationstates' upon the planet earth?

    The metaphysical 'Unification of United New Earth' has become blueprinted in the MAT and the 'fulfilment of prophecy' with respect to the 'blessings' associated with the August 4th timeline (details are found elsewhere).
    This 'Unification upon earth', begins however to REHARMONISE the 'broken symmetry' between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality.

    The establishment of the archetypology, does not however infer the physical manifestation of this archetype in full.
    Albeit certain partial orderings of this reharmonisation will engage the definition processes for the MAT and the timelines of prophecy.

    And so we find a most unlikely scenario (as relative to the politico-economic structures controlling the earthly scenarios) in terms of the physical manifestations within the timeline markers as compared to the historical engagements without those markers.
    To fulfil prophecy, the politico-economic structures must be infiltrated, say in the form of a double-secret-agency.
    In familiar humanoid terms; the 'inside story' goes like this.

    The politico-economic structure is a manifestation of the timeline in self-evolution.

    The restricted and physically separated 'dominions' merge and blend through a historical timeline, say a precessional Maya-cycle UNTIL this blending reaches a certain saturation point, say the accessibility of physical global communication.
    This worldwide 'web' of physical communique so renders the harbouring superorganism as 'unified' in the 'physical' sense and allows the metaphysical 'web' to SHADOW this development.
    But the 'masterplan' requires INDIVIDUAL parts of the superorganism to become 'selfaware' enough to harbour the MAT definitions of what a spacetimed universe represents in the 'greater order of things' and as NO INDIVIDUAL can hitherto accomodate the necessary spacetime parameters required; and as the timeline is 'fulfilled'; whatever modality is in control (the politico-economic system) must CRYSTALLISE the means to further 'fulfil' the timeline.

    Then for the prophecied endtime scenarios to play themselves out; the controlling system itself; will 'groom' the INDIVIDUAL required to change the course of its own agenda of control.

    This shall manifest as follows;
    Barack Hussein Obama is a secret double-agent, but he may only be partially aware of this role.
    His birthday is August 4th, 1961 and he is 'blessed' in the blessings of the Jordan, August 4th, 28AD.
    His role is to REPRESENT a MIRROR to the world as a 'honest politician' and filled with integrity.
    Barack Hussein Obama IS that, what he is trying to represent and 'there is no guile or deceit' in his mouth.
    History is repeating itself, with the metaphysical messiah of 28AD MIRRORING the world around himself in a physical context.

    Now some insight information.
    Jesus walked alone and without disciples or apostles from December 8th 24AD until his baptism by John the Baptist on August 4th, 28AD.
    Jesus did proclaim the 'kingdom of god' during that time, but without the blessing, he was one of many.

    Obama was a peacemaker on the campus at Harvard; unifying the pro-Palestinians with the anti-Palestinians as well as black and white; Obama was elected president in that role.

    After the blessing, Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and upon returning confounded the 'temple scribes' and also began to work in parallel with John the Baptist and began to associate disciples, from whom he later chose the apostles as direct inheritors of his wisdom, knowledge and 'gnosis'.

    Obama is 'handcuffed' until January 20th, inauguration day, but MUST choose his 'inner circle' of advisors and 'co-decision' makers in his 'days in the wilderness'.

    Now Jesus chose his 'inner circle' of his own will or intuition; but Obama MUST chose those, who 'allowed him' into office.

    So the overall situation for the global community is this.

    There is ONE Obama, who would, and is expected to, to 'MAKE a difference' and to 'manifest change in the order of things'; BUT Obama, the 'Most powerful man in the world as the president of the United States of America' CANNOT do so, without the collaboration of the politico-economic controllers 'behind the throne'.

    There is ONE Jesus, who would and could 'MAKE a difference' and who 'manifested change in the order of things'; because he acted locally and in relative obscurity with a personally chosen circle of immediate friends and initiates.
    What is the outcome of the True Barack Hussein Obama, the peacemaker and a Prince of Peace; who IS a TRUE Prophet of the SHALOM, but who is TRAPPED as a FALSE Prophet in the Image of the Beast of prophecy (Revelation.12-13ff)?

    Barack Obama will grow old before his time and conflicts with his own family will further frustrate him and the worlds around him.
    Barack Obama will tread the footsteps of Jesus as a promised messiah and desiring in his heart to fulfil the expectations placed upon him, he will continually be frustrated by the 'advisors' and 'power mongers' about himself.
    Barack Obama has an agenda of peace and 'goodwill to all men'; this is his office given to him by the circle of the illuminati.

    This illuminati KNEW, that the image of the USA as a global leader had to be changed and modified.
    This illuminati groomed Obama and opened certain doors to radiacally change the global perception and selfimage of the USA as mirrored to the rest of the world.
    The circle of the illuminati is NOT a group of people knowingly conspiring to 'rule the world'.

    The individual members of the illuminati are only peripherally connected to each other. Partial reason for this is the elimination of blackmail, abduction and the exposure to personal perils.
    The individual members of the illuminati are normal people and inheritors of the Abrahamic starseed promises like everyone else.
    What differentiates the illuminati-members is their independence from monetary and fiscal constraints and their thorough acceptance of the metaphysical realities.
    The illuminati has been instrumental in 'manipulating' the intelligentsia and the academics on one side of the spectrum and the under-educated and the bourgoise- and the peasantry on the other side.
    The academic 'rational' elite has been 'brainwashed' in the form of a limited 'power sharing' in the academic world and the 'irrational' populus has been 'brainwashed' in the form of the mass media.
    This mass media has become 'controlled' in its strict adherence to the principles and the modus operandi as set out by the 'brainwashed' academia.
    The illuminati fully embraces the 'gnosis' of astrology, scripture, science fiction and utopian scenarios.
    The illuminati knows that to stay in control; both the academical powersharing and the deception of the populus must remain steady.
    The illuminati also knows, that for some strange reason the prognostications of all things seems to fade out near the Mayan nexus point of 2012.
    All the fiscal freedom in the world, seems to be insufficient to ensure the continuity of the illuminated BEAST of the System.

    This BEAST of revelation is the Trap and Prison of Barack Hussein Obama.
    Obama speaks like a Dragon and has the horns of a lamb. Obama is a True prophet of God; yet he is also a False prophet of the Beast in whose image he has power to be what he is.
    Obama is the Image of God AND the Image of the Antigod.

    The God is metaphysical and the Antigod is the SAME God as a physical image.
    Jesus of 28AD was both, the Son of God and the Son of the Antigod as the Son of Man and as the Son of Satan.
    Because Jesus had a physical body, was he the Son of the Devil. Everyone in embodiment IS a Son of darkness!

    Obama and WYN, both are the Son of God in the footsteps of Jesus and also the Son of the Devil as say White and Black Lucifers or as the Morning Star of the Dawn and as the Evening Star of the Sunset as Venus and as Venusia and as White and Black Madonnas.
    The Falseness in Obama is the falseness of his embodiment and the Truth in Obama is the truth of his metaphysical embodiment as a spirit.
    Because Obama is a man, his MindWave is True, but his embodiment as a ParticleWave is False.
    As Michelle Obama is a woman, her Mindwave will come into conflict with Barack's Mindwave as a female goddess.
    Post 2012AD, should the union wither the approaching storms; the False prophet of Obama and the Jezebel of Michelle can become absorbed within the lake of Michelle's Fire and the Brimstone of Barack. This is the 'Heavenly Wedding' of Barack as a selfrealised HeShe in the Christening Dragonomy with Michelle as a selfrealised SheHe.
    In either case, the 'Death of the false Images' is the fulfilment of all prophecy and the 'scriptures' of the 'Holy writ' shall become placed upon the dustshelves of the human histories.
    To conclude; Barack Hussein Obama is divinely commissioned to do what he is saying he intends to do.
    Barack Obama is HELPING to bring the war between the 'Heaven of spirit' and the 'Hell of an earth' to an end.

    The name Barack Hussein Obama carries within the reconciliation between Christianity and Islam and so between the Western paradigmn and the Middle eastern worldviews.
    Barack Obama will EXEMPLIFY to the whole world what a 'honest politician' looks like and how such should behave.
    Barack Obama so will MIRROR the corruption of the BEAST of the polito-economic systems back to the world, the populus and the illuminati.
    Barack Obama so will SHARE the frustrations of the populus in NOT being able to implement the things he promised as the 'false prophet', groomed by the illuminati.

    The whole world will FALL into DESPAIR, because Obama will be seen to be powerless to effect change.
    Because Obama has NO apostles and NO 'followers' who SHARE his visions, and despite the adoration of millions; because of that particular ONENESS of being a powerless messiah - the BEAST SHALL FALL!

    The BEAST shall fall and then many Obamas shall converge to reconstruct a United Nations, not toothless as a global instrument, but being comprised of Wisdom Carriers; native tribal chiefs from all around the globe and the seven continental sisters.
    An Orb of Elders, Unified within the vison of Barack Hussein Obama and a vision shared by themselves as their own vision; shall REINVIGORATE the oratories of Barack Obama and of Martin Luther King and of JFK and Abraham Lincoln and the founding fathers and of all the 'Speakers' in the office of Solomon, the Wise.

    Then the global war machine shall be dismantled and all military 'expenditure' shall become of civil service to construct and reconstruct infrastructures and the basic amenities on a global scale.
    Then the fiscal war machine shall be dismantled and all the monetary dependencies shall be transformed into a 'credit exchange mechanism' which is all inclusive and a function of beingness within locality.
    Then all national governments shall be abolished in a universal 'party of unity' and because of certain external occurrences post 2012, this party shall be democratically 'elected' into office on a worldwide scale irrespective of the prevalent political system in place.

    Then there will be only a global government of selected elders, interacting with local governments - there will be no nation states, but there will be community government.
    Whoever 'lives' at a certain place will make the regulations and means of trade and exchange for that place. Subsequently all territorial quarreling will become superfluous: the Tibeteans 'rule' Tibet and the Chinese 'rule' China; the Kurds 'rule' Kurdistan and the Mohicans 'rule' Mohicana and the Palestinians 'rule' Palestine.
    There will be an understanding that the place called Israel is no longer a geographical location, but a reference to the global community as a whole.
    The Mohican is an Israelite as much as the Tibetean, the Chinese, the Kurd and the Palestinian.
    So the Israelite in Israel is BOTH, an Israelite from Abraham through Isaac and Sarah and also a Palestinian from Abraham through Ishmael and Hagar.
    The woman of geographical Jerusalem so can call herself a Jewish Goddess or and and a Palestinian Goddess.
    The Mohican- or Tibetean Goddess will also be a Hebrew Sarah=Princess and if She chooses to reside in the New Palestine, then She will also become a Palestinian Goddess - all in one.

    Then there will be another open door for the Israelites which wish to change residences.
    There will be a NEW Geographical ISRAEL, following the renaming of the Old Israel as the New Palestine.
    So the Hebrew Gods and Goddesses, who do not wish to remain in Palestine as Israelites; they can easily migrate to the NEW IS-RA-EL called AUS-TRA-LIA.
    Australia will be known as as one of the seven sisters and linked in blood to America as a twinship sister and also associated with seven sisters in the Pleiadean sky.

    And there will be communication between the Pleiadean sisters and the seven Gaian sisters and many things will be known and understood and a new science will be known to enable many things and the old terran science will be the prototypical backbone for the new science and people post 2012 will turn on their TV's and view the stories pre 2012 and shake their heads in amazements: 'How could the world not understand what is so clear today? But we were all so blind, but now we can clearly see!"

    And Barack Hussein Obama will say: 'Yes, it all was worthwhile after all!"

    IAmWhatIAm - Betwixt the Physical and the Metaphysical Realities yet divided but to be as One again!

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:26 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  2. admin

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    • Post n°61

    empty. Re: Operation Scrambleweb

    empty. Raven on Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:59 pm​
    shiloh wrote: Thuban Dreamtimes of the Future Past

    [4:00:26 PM - Saturday, July 26th, 2014] Sirius 17:

    juju wrote:I had a dream last night that a Tsunami came upon me and James from the Puget sound and he fled leaving me to get inundated. I went back into the car and luckily it did not sweep the car away. I could not run fast enough, so instead of panicing i just got into the car. Then the scene changed and I was on a precipice with other people, none i recognized and the water was all around us and coming up higher and higher but somehow we were ok and it seemed this spire of land was rising up with the waters.

    IAmWhatIAm - Betwixt the Physical and the Metaphysical Realities yet divided but to be as One again!

    [4:07:19 AM - Sunday, July 27th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: [3:52:34 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:52:44 AM] Shiloh: I am not 'running' Juju
    [3:52:57 AM] Shiloh: Time is up for the 'Old Thuban'
    [3:53:28 AM] Shiloh: If I feel to say something i shall, mostly not
    [3:54:04 AM] Shiloh: But you can see the energy shift felt by the true dragon, humble yet authoritative with respect to human mindedness
    [3:54:34 AM] Shiloh: This 'authority' is the thing the human mind hates like nothing else
    [3:54:40 AM] Sirius 17: yes i do
    [3:54:59 AM] Shiloh: And you and me are the only ones, which have accepted that, perhaps zia too
    [3:55:28 AM] Shiloh: Susan is very human minded, despite her 'being ethereal'
    [3:56:21 AM] Shiloh: The dragon surrenders only to the Logos and never to human mindedness and its vanities
    [3:56:37 AM] Shiloh: This has been your burden for a few years now
    [3:56:50 AM] Sirius 17: yes, along with A too, even A likes to seem mysterious and all knowing when in reality she is facing her mirrors of self deceptions as well, evident in her hate spewed voice
    [3:57:01 AM] Shiloh: Of course
    [3:57:18 AM] Shiloh: vain in extremum, using her education to 'show off'
    [3:57:39 AM] Shiloh: And of course us using 'big words' is arrogance
    [3:57:48 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:58:02 AM] Shiloh: Not realising this is the language the science uses to be ET and not human
    [3:58:30 AM] Sirius 17: lawyers like to do that to talk over people
    [3:58:45 AM] Sirius 17: legalese came from that
    [3:59:07 AM] Shiloh: So we are justified in calling ourselves 'dragons' fates tries to but is not there yet, often mixing up his 'big words' with fantasy games and childishness actually, but he seems to be getting there at his own pace and way
    [3:59:53 AM] Sirius 17: and now most people can't understand a damn thing they say in a court of law so they have to hire another lawyer just to even have a fair chance. it is disgusting the human interpretation of law
    [4:00:33 AM] Shiloh: Disgusting is an understatement
    [4:00:52 AM] Sirius 17: abomination might be better, i know
    [4:01:08 AM] Shiloh: deceptive is another
    [4:01:36 AM] Sirius 17: oh very
    [4:01:51 AM] Shiloh: Any human law has no power except on this planet though
    [4:02:12 AM] Shiloh: The science lingo has cosmic validity. This is a big difference
    [4:02:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes because it is provable
    [4:02:33 AM] Sirius 17: and stands on its own legs
    [4:02:42 AM] Shiloh: Mathematical equations expressed in some alphabet describe the same cosmic laws
    [4:02:43 AM] Sirius 17: empirical evidence
    [4:03:25 AM] Shiloh: Legalise is like nabs and requires a belief structure and 'adherence'
    [4:03:32 AM] Sirius 17: lol true
    [4:03:38 AM] Sirius 17: and a following
    [4:04:00 AM] Shiloh: Science, even if evolving from basic states like on this planet, nevertheless has cosmic value
    [4:04:24 AM] Shiloh: Human law to me will go the way of the Dodo
    [4:04:33 AM] Sirius 17: yes it does because it is a true means to understanding things and oneself in relation to it all
    [4:04:57 AM] Sirius 17: it must
    [4:05:06 AM] Sirius 17: human laws promulgate death
    [4:26:27 AM] Shiloh: [4:18:10 AM] Sirius 17: but she is 100% in alignment with HER purposes and HER tasks and HER dreams
    [4:18:15 AM] Shiloh: yes
    [4:18:34 AM] Shiloh: BUT she still 'calls herself' Thuban so this is a positive
    [4:18:46 AM] Sirius 17: yes, they all still hang out
    [4:18:59 AM] Sirius 17: gathering around the fire lol
    [4:19:08 AM] Shiloh: This is from the Christ consciousness or soul imo
    [4:19:09 AM] Sirius 17: some of them are getting crispy
    [4:19:14 AM] Shiloh: Same for Xeia
    [4:19:30 AM] Shiloh: Time's up for the old Thuban
    [4:19:45 AM] Shiloh: Because I feel the new Thuban is here
    [4:20:08 AM] Shiloh: From October, this should be even more intense
    [4:20:39 AM] Shiloh: Crispy in the boiling fat of the chips perhaps
    [4:20:43 AM] Sirius 17: yes i feel it too, i can actually see it in people and the happenings globally
    [4:21:11 AM] Shiloh: Globally it will be a delayed effect, but yes a kind of war could be evolving
    [4:22:14 AM] Sirius 17: i sense that contact is imminent
    [4:23:01 AM] Shiloh: It has already occurred. This is what you feel. I dont see physical contact as yet.
    [4:23:18 AM] Sirius 17: oh this is what i was referring, physical contact
    [4:23:32 AM] Shiloh: Perhaps if the warmongers on both sides get out of hand, then it could happen before 2016-2017
    [4:23:33 AM] Sirius 17: no but it is on the horizon
    [4:23:41 AM] Sirius 17: yes this is what i mean
    [4:24:02 AM] Shiloh: The Earth consciousness must evolve first
    [4:24:02 AM] Sirius 17: if they ratchet up to WW3 it will accelerate it
    [4:24:22 AM] Sirius 17: remember what Einstein said about WW4
    [4:24:26 AM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:24:36 AM] Shiloh: There wont be a WW4 on Earth
    [4:25:08 AM] Shiloh: Because a few old humans have evolved enough to qualify as starhumans
    [4:25:10 AM] Sirius 17: it would mean total annihilation if they use the nukes
    [4:25:29 AM] Shiloh: They are indeed the 'elect' who will be 'saved' by the Logostwin
    [4:25:30 AM] Sirius 17: and the Logos will not allow that
    [4:25:39 AM] Shiloh: Mindblend lol
    Sirius 17
    [4:28:43 AM] Shiloh: http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/...BFAC-9D11-4895-B0B2-065CCAAC2703&pageindex=21
    [4:29:09 AM] Shiloh: MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed “False Flag”

    [4:29:37 AM] Shiloh: This is something you should read for one way, this military conflict could develop
    [4:30:27 AM] Shiloh: I did not share this on Moa, because there are many other threads which address 'conspiracies', nabs and real
    [4:32:16 AM] Shiloh: I would consider this MH17 event as a real conspiracy of the Nato-US militarisation against Putin
    [4:33:02 AM] Shiloh: The analysis seems scientifically valid and rational
    [4:33:30 AM] Sirius 17: it is strange
    [4:33:58 AM] Shiloh: Of course Putin and co are also in the 'wargame' zone and certainly not 'innocent'
    [4:34:07 AM] Sirius 17: and seems to correlate with the downing of the other flight, the one that is still missing
    [4:34:39 AM] Sirius 17: have you noticed though now look how many planes are falling out of the sky recently
    [4:35:16 AM] Shiloh: yes, many feel that the MH370 was hijacked and perhaps went to Garcia, a US military confiscated island and that it was then intentionally 'shot down' to 'end the story in the mainstream'
    [4:35:57 AM] Shiloh: What impressed me in that article was the correlation with the 'sarin gas attack' blamed on Syria's Assad.
    [4:37:03 AM] Shiloh: It nailed this one perfectly. See how after Obama was 'hindered' to 'take out' certain depositories in Syria, the global mainstream yahoo over 'evil' Assad just vanished?
    [4:37:24 AM] Sirius 17: so Ukraine would love nothing more than for NATO and the US to get Russia out of its hair
    [4:37:40 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [4:38:42 AM] Shiloh: Of course, again Assad is a warmonger like the CIA, but in this case it were the west-aligned 'rebels' you used chemical warfare. Yet some of those images of dying people was faked
    [4:39:28 AM] Shiloh: The flight MH370 also 'disappeared' from the general human mind, after the 'authorities' admitted, that they searched at the wong place
    [4:39:36 AM] Shiloh: It seems all connected
    [4:39:50 AM] Sirius 17: well ISIS is real and it all started in Syria basically, so he was not lying after all about the rebels
    [4:40:02 AM] Shiloh: Yes, the west wants Nato expansion
    [4:40:09 AM] Sirius 17: oh hell yeah they do
    [4:40:29 AM] Sirius 17: and the reason why is that the US military has its fingers in to many pies
    [4:40:34 AM] Sirius 17: they need the manpower
    [4:40:35 AM] Shiloh: True, yes, ISIS is a kind of climax of whereto the 'rebels' might go
    [4:40:46 AM] Shiloh: It is a bet each way for the real warmongers
    [4:41:19 AM] Shiloh: Some 'rebels' are pro west, like in Syria and other rebels like ISIS are anti west
    [4:41:21 AM] Sirius 17: plus the US is broke
    [4:42:12 AM] Shiloh: "So lets confuse the humans by blaming both in different contexts to 'have it both ways' for us to manipulate the global communication network via the mainstream!"
    [4:42:53 AM] Shiloh: At the core of all this is however NOT the ptb, but the INSANE human mindedness
    [4:43:28 AM] Shiloh: The human mindedness being USED by old memeplexes CREATED through the 26000 years of the human history
    [4:43:52 AM] Shiloh: Created BY the humans themselves and NOT some evil ETs
    [4:44:14 AM] Sirius 17: yes to enact war, because humans worship the beast of MONEY
    [4:44:22 AM] Sirius 17: and wars generate money
    [4:44:29 AM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:46:29 AM] Shiloh: The Logos calls this 'The Sin/Ignorance' of the Fathers given to the Sons and children. But this is 'religious gobbledegook' and inadmissable by the selfrighteous human insanity called 'independent opinionated 'thinking''
    [4:47:32 AM] Shiloh: A real conspiracy to equate the true Logos with politisized and manipulated religions of all kinds and including the nabs revered 'eastern Nirvana mysticisms'
    [4:48:37 AM] Shiloh: Iow there is a real global attempt under way, which tries to 'get rid' of a true Christianity not found in TV evangelism and the Vatican or the Anglicans, BUT the true historical Logos
    [4:48:56 AM] Sirius 17: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/v...g-magnay-mh17-russia-warplane-theory.cnn.html
    [4:49:04 AM] Sirius 17: watch this, your article is verified here
    [4:50:11 AM] Shiloh: There you go and from CNN. They are trying hard to 'cover their backs' now
    [4:50:36 AM] Sirius 17: 3 to 5 km from the plane this Ukrainian plane was
    [4:50:40 AM] Sirius 17: so he could see it
    [4:50:49 AM] Sirius 17: the MA-17
    [4:50:57 AM] Sirius 17: probably helped the BUK target
    [4:51:03 AM] Shiloh: When the mainstream broadcasts things like that, you know the 'plans of the warmongers' has somewhat backfired
    [4:51:27 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:53:06 AM] Shiloh: Well my take is that Ukrainian Air Control directed the pilot of MH17 to deviate course over the warzone so an Ukrainian jet could fire at it. It was hit and deviated the wrong way and then the Ukrainians and not the rebels took it out with already stationed BUKs to avoid it crashing at the 'wrong place'
    [4:54:04 AM] Shiloh: It was meant to crash at a certain place, but did not because the jet did not do enough damage to prevent the plane of changing course
    [4:55:12 AM] Sirius 17: yes looking at the images that plane is full of bullet holes
    [4:55:16 AM] Shiloh: Then the global mainstream media was fed fake data and manufactured 'evidence' to blame the pro russian rebels
    [4:55:18 AM] Sirius 17: large ones
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Jul 26th

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°284

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System -- Final Cut

    empty. shiloh Today at 2:09 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    I think I've been doing some very dangerous speculation over the past several years -- yet I think I will continue to model a contrarian theological perspective -- not because I think I know better -- but because I think it is better to consider all of the possibilities -- especially regarding the most important subjects imaginable. I keep thinking about Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer -- where in antiquity they were all simply Interdimensional Spirits. I keep using Reptilian Terminology because I am trying to understand that hypothetical phenomenon. Therefore I am thinking of these Interdimensional Spirits as being Interdimensional Reptilians. At some point, I suspect that Michael was instrumental in the Genetic Engineering of the Human Being -- How and Why -- I know not. I further suspect that Michael became a Human Being -- and that this did not sit well with Gabriel especially. I get the feeling that Lucifer was (and is) somewhat opportunistic and renegade -- whereas Gabriel and Michael are more hardline idealistic -- but with very different philosophies of physicality and governance. Anyway, I've been thinking of Gabriel as fundamentally being Pure Draconian Reptilian -- Lucifer as Tall Grey (or Hybrid) -- and Michael as Completely Human. This doesn't mean that these three can't exist in other physicalities -- it simply indicates their possible preferences and loyalties. I sometimes think I might've had contact with one or more of them -- or at least with representatives of them. Just speculation. I get the feeling that the plan is to eliminate Human Physicality completely. I keep thinking of Michael as being the Ancient God who got overthrown and demoted after creating Humanity. I get the feeling that Gabriel is considered by most of the universe to be the new God -- with Michael being a Universal Personna non Grata. I get the feeling that Lucifer started out fighting side by side with Michael -- but saw the writing on the wall -- and switched loyalties to Gabriel -- serving Gabriel as the God of This World -- as an Agent of God-Satan to buffet Humanity. Just speculation, mind you. I have no idea if this hypothesis is even partially true. I am simply thinking in terms of Gabriel and Lucifer against Michael and Humanity. Legion, Constantine, and The Prophecy seem to have a bias in this direction -- but I am very selective regarding which aspects of these productions I actually take seriously. I'm trying to look at the Bible and the writings of Ellen White with this radical hypothesis clearly in mind. So far, it seems to work frighteningly well. I truly hope that my speculation is absolute bullshit. I HATE thinking like this -- but what am I supposed to do with an Insane World -- and even more Insane Theology??? Some day I'd love to have an off the record briefing by some sort of agent who knows the absolute truth about all of this crazy stuff. You know -- like the briefing Townsend (Martin Sheen) gave Jesse Marcel in Roswell. Skip to 1:10:00. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40ib9nOfIGE Here now is a continuation of the Reptilian Interview:


    Question: First of all, you handle with a very large time scale. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs, survived the—as you called it—artificial cataclysm and evolved then over 40 million years and your evolution was completed 10 million years ago. This sounds very unbelievable to me. Can you say something to this?
    Question: I understand. But I have another question. You've mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. This happened very long before your kind became really intelligent (as far as I have understood you). Why do you know so many things about that "first war" and about the evolution of your species?

    Answer: This is a good question (much better then the previous) and I have not explained it properly to you. Our knowledge about the first war comes completely from an ancient artefact, which was found around 16,000 years ago from our archeologists on the continent you call North America today. They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimetres. The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal.

    This "memory plate" was manufactured from the last bomb survivers of human race from "Procyon" already 65 million years ago but it was completely intact when we found it. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The plate contained detailed descriptions of both species (but more about the humanoids) and about the events and weapons, including the fusion bomb. It contained also a description of the animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent ancestor species. The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. You see, we know the real truth about our roots since 16,000 years. Before that time, there was a more religious idea of our creation.

    Note by Michael Relfe: Assuming that this female is providing accurate information, from what she has been taught, it now becomes apparent that eveything the "reptilians" understand about their history is from an unknown alien artifact, created by an unknown alien group at an unknown time for an unknown purpose. Just as the reptilians enjoy subjecting humans to propaganda and disinformation, it seems that some other group is "running a game" on the reptilians as well. So this "advanced" reptilian race has no hard facts on their history, contrary to what they would have humans believe.

    Lol dear proxy Michael!

    Notwithstanding the - to some - obvious Nabs related origin of the Lacerta files - created for a particular purpose by the human termed ptb label; there is if course rather a significant amount of intentionally obscured 'insider data' made public in this interview.

    You might have one 'educated guess' or two as to where or what the 'ancient ancestors' or the creator of the Reptilians are and represent from the most ancient of almanacs. One somewhat misled nabs adherent, we have 'nicknamed' 'Alex the Great' was provided with some actual omniscientific 'insights' and information, which described just this 'missing link' in your discourse publisized here.

    It has something to do with Black Holes as data emitters, but being triggered from the 12th dimension.


    PS.: Here is a public video, which has translated the 'Lacerta Interview' into audio.

    Its origin is from a nabs site (http://www.alternativerealities.org/2012/02/lacerta-files-debunked.html), mostly 'believing' the account and misinterpreting the 'astral reality' of particular dimensional 'spacetime intersections' or 'twilight zones' and inhabited by human created memeplexed morphs and thoughtforms, with actual physical alien entities.

    The statement, that the 'Lacertians' are actually native to the planet Earth is of course true; but a 'scientific fact', easily verified by anyone with enough 'insider information' regarding the Evolution of the human genotype from its multicellular origins 2,200 million years ago and including the Cambrian and Mesozoic 'creation of new lifeforms' explosions of so 600 and 250 million years ago.
    After all, there are 4 'brains' and not just 3 as is 'believed' and measured even by the Terran scientists and researchers. You might know this as the Reptilian brainstem, enclosed by the mammalian midbrain and enveloped by the human topbrain or cortex. But around this anatomy is an 'auric' dragon brain, which allows the linear chronological evolvement to close in on itself and so ending the evolution from the brainstem to the braincrown.

    Generally however, the 'Lacerta files' are akindred and a modernization of typical nabs information sponsored and 'encouraged' by the 'ptb'. The 'urantia book' and the 'terra files' and the 'star wars' agendas of say the Marciniak-Clow publications and most of the 'channelled information', freely available on a multitude of websites aligns with the 'Lacerta files' and represents a typical 50-50 distribution of 'true chronological-historical-scientific data' mirrored in utter untruth and disinformation, infused to confuse and 'control' the thinking processes of the projected 'readership' by the 'nabs sponsors of the ptb'.

    shiloh hidden-09.
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    • Post n°62

    empty. Re: Operation Scrambleweb

    empty. shiloh on Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:01 pm

    The Human Mind -Through Abba's Eyes!

    Honey Bee wrote:

    <<< Hi z
    i feel very off

    [5:54:32 AM-Wednesday, July 30th, 2014-+10UCT] Shiloh: This feeling 'odder and stranger' by the day will become a permanent 'perception' for all people which are 'close to what is called the logos fire'.
    [5:54:58 AM] Shiloh: Imagine the following to perhaps understand this a little better.
    [5:55:50 AM] Shiloh: Imagine yourself to BE the 'Goddess of Creation' or alternatively the Creator Abba in a separation of the two - yin and yang or Baab and Abba aka Creation and Creator say.
    [5:57:07 AM] Shiloh: THEN IMAGINE what either of them would FEEL looking and empathizing with the horror occurring on this planet of the humans, which represents the 'Weaning Room' for their children.
    [5:58:25 AM] Shiloh: Then Imagine to use your eyes and senses to witness and testify in observation just what the human mentality in this 'cot room of the babies' has become.
    [5:59:24 AM] Shiloh: Then Imagine what this 'war zone' would be and become, should all those 'children' be enabled to SHARE your perceptions as a parent.
    [6:00:27 AM] Shiloh: How this global mental toxidity would change in an instant and the mere thought of shooting say bullets at each other becomes an unfathomable eventuality
    [6:01:44 AM] Shiloh: The 12 weeks from July 19th, 2014 to October 11th, 2014 represent a cosmic reconfiguration of the genomatrix.
    [6:03:16 AM] Shiloh: Each week allows one birthsign to 'find' its opposite, like a Taurus Venus twinning with a Taurus Vulcan and a Saturnian Capricorn finally merging with Saturnia and a Cancerian Full Moon blending with the New Moon of the MotherFather and so on. In general, this becomes the decoding of the 24 Elders about the 'throne of God and the lamb' in Revelation 4 and 5 as the twinning of 12 apostles male with 12 apostles female and similar allegories, also encompassing the 12 sons with one daughter as the 'tribes of israel', so describing the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus-Arachne as the 'twinning of the sexes' in the one sister of 12 brothers aka Dinah as archetype, later incarnating as Mary Magdalene.
    [6:13:01 AM] Shiloh: July 26th to August 2nd in this manner 'reconfigures' the starsign of Joseph Aquarius, a male planet association of Uranus so 'meeting' Urania as say Dinah as Josephine and doubling its birthstone, say a Jacinth or Garnet in Magenta.
    [6:14:24 AM] Shiloh: As Aquarius (honey bee's starsign) is the 2nd sign of the zodiac in reverse motion; the 2nd sign of Taurus in forwards motion becomes mirrored in this week.
    [6:17:12 AM] Shiloh: In reverse, the Taurus Venus-Vulcan twinship, will manifest from September 27th to October 4th, 2014 to then mirror the Aquarius week back to itself in a further energization of those 84 days doubled in 168 days as 3½+3½ = 7 Times of prophetic timelines and serving the bridging fof the OT/Daniel to the NT/Revelation and many other generalised timelines.
    [6:18:52 AM] Shiloh:

    Daniel 12:6-7 - King James Version (KJV)

    6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

    7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

    [6:19:48 AM] Shiloh: It is then this 'scattering of the wholesome people', which is found at the core of the individual old humans, who are indeed 'close to the Logos fire'
    [6:20:41 AM] Shiloh: All old humans will feel discomforts to varying degrees in this timezone, but the true dragons will experience this more intensely, as some of the comments here do indeed indicate

    [6:21:19 AM] Shiloh:

    Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin

    (10) Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."

    (13) Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like."
    Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a righteous angel."
    Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."
    Thomas said to him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like."
    Jesus said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out."
    And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"
    Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up."

    (82) Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom."

    [29/07/2014 3:56:17 AM] Sirius 17: warning, this article and video cannot be unseen once viewed, but this is some perspective of what is happening in the rest of the world. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach.

    [29/07/2014 4:09:43 AM] Sirius 17: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/28/world/meast/syria-crisis/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 another source
    [29/07/2014 4:19:23 AM] Kali 666: that is the most gruesome thing i've ever seen Raven
    [29/07/2014 4:19:25 AM] Kali 666: :(
    [29/07/2014 4:21:43 AM] Sirius 17: [Tuesday, 29 July 2014 4 AM] Kali 666:

    <<< that is the most gruesome thing i've ever seen Raven
    :(yes me too Xeia and remember this is Muslims killing other Muslims

    [29/07/2014 4:23:45 AM] Kali 666: [Tuesday, 29 July 2014 4 AM] Sirius 17:

    <<< yes me too Xeia and remember this is Muslims killing other Muslimsit may be but the again it could also be as "muslim" as "al qaeda"
    [29/07/2014 4:24:07 AM] Kali 666: what type of evil are we really fighting here?
    [29/07/2014 4:24:47 AM] Kali 666: why are they being meticulously cut up in those ways? it said for "unknown reasons"
    [29/07/2014 4:24:57 AM] Kali 666: i am concerned about that
    [29/07/2014 4:25:10 AM] Kali 666: this has to go higher up than just 3d

    [29/07/2014 4:25:16 AM] honeybee: I forgot. I did have a dream. July. 7.
    First, I was admitted into this brand new establishment, a media center. College. Center of the communications of the world. Ultra modern. Posh. A working college of musicians artists, etc. The only draw back was everything was monitored close. Stringent rules. You make a mistake, you're out. I was there one day. I got kicked out by night because I was associated I both a crime my room mate committed. It was quick no time to pro test.mi didn't mind. Walked out the campus and wandered around farms. And saw some students getting drunk at a party off campus, but it didn't bug me,whatever.

    Also of a great earthquake and a flood. The earth shook, I was standing on a hill, maybe overlooking a city resembling San Francisco. Everything fell and burned. But then that wasn't what was bad. It was the water. The seas reared up and engulfed every thing. I remember seeing the water taking several different people through their eyes, at different places, different times, but it was all the same. They stood still facing the wave, and I watched the wave come and hit them square on, and they were washed away. Some reason, I was not washed away. I remember looking under the ocean that was the entire earth and saw the old cities, cars, technology and stuff. Then a scene living on grassy hills. We created ways, some of us survived. We made technology super efficient. Like, solar harvesters...zero point energy stuff as ell which powered thousands of times better with no emission no waste no tearing u from the earthl we all ate chicken....eggs. Not the chickens. It was different. Ee ate from the land, we worked together and technology flourished and advanced so rapidly...like within a few weeks we made our own flying hehicles. The earth was like it was brand new. Then the waters receded and all was grassy hills it was beautiful and perfect.

    I forgot when in the dream, but a king approached me and our friends. He looked like that Persian king from 300. He wanted our technology, our food. He already had a storehouse but wanted us to surrender ours. It looked like he had saved meats and sausages and stuff from the old world. We didn't have that, we had this food we just made ourselves...but they looked like sausage but didn't make sense cause we didn't eat meat anymore...but I remember we wernt scared and I forgot what happened after that.

    [29/07/2014 4:25:40 AM] Sirius 17: it is the group ISIS that is doing it, they are trying to instill fear in the region and form the Caliphate, the state of Islam
    [29/07/2014 4:26:19 AM] Kali 666: yes i hear what is being said about that group
    [29/07/2014 4:26:28 AM] Kali 666: and i don't fully buy it
    [29/07/2014 4:26:47 AM] Zaina: Not many Muslim do in the west either
    [29/07/2014 4:27:04 AM] Kali 666: this is all a propaganda campaign
    [29/07/2014 4:27:54 AM] Kali 666: this is a much greater evil who is forming and taking control of ALL these "groups"
    [29/07/2014 4:27:59 AM] Kali 666: and moving them like chess pieces
    [29/07/2014 4:28:58 AM] Sirius 17: well at the root of all this of course is a spiritual/mental war indeed
    [29/07/2014 4:29:13 AM] Kali 666: the name ISIS is no coincidence either
    [29/07/2014 4:29:30 AM] Kali 666: as nothing is for the masters of this hell hole
    [29/07/2014 4:32:26 AM] Sirius 17: the greatest sin is ignorance, this ISIS group and others like it, Al Queda for example ect do not know themselves, they war against their own thoughts of course, the fake vs the real. It is the human mind in ignorance of what it truly is that perpetrates this kind of evil, nothing else.
    [29/07/2014 4:35:55 AM] Sirius 17: what you are seeing in this video is the physical manifestation of their inner hate
    [29/07/2014 4:37:19 AM] Kali 666: [Tuesday, 29 July 2014 4 AM] Hades 88:

    <<< ISIS is a saudi arabia/israel proxy...all backed by good ol usa ofc

    [29/07/2014 4:38:01 AM] Sirius 17: does it matter?
    [29/07/2014 4:38:11 AM] Kali 666: yes
    [29/07/2014 4:38:26 AM] Kali 666: it sways conciousness of people
    [29/07/2014 4:38:38 AM] Kali 666: their minds get taken by the lies they hear on CNN
    [29/07/2014 4:39:14 AM] Kali 666: and all their minds in great numbers do help with things in the astral
    [29/07/2014 4:39:27 AM] Kali 666: help who and with what purpose matters
    [29/07/2014 4:39:56 AM] Kali 666: why the HUGE campaigns of disinformation

    [29/07/2014 4:40:06 AM] honeybee: you likely could turn into a broadcaster thru all 12 levels and affect and effect a lot of people all at the same time. This is happening. It has already begun.
    My friend. She keeps seeing, as well I at the same time.....the numbers 144 or 147 the second 4 keeps interchanging
    During a specific gathering. She first saw red. Red V. Then she described two triangles, one up one down. On top of each other. In a circle.
    Every time, it's been the red lines or the symbol of Solomon. But this past Sunday.....she said she saw the temple.
    She also has been seeing blue disc and purplish disc. She keeps saying, this is it. The end. A new beginning, a rebirth, finally we will all be home as one.
    She said fishes, big fishes as of late, are near extinction.
    She said infinity was placed within the heart, the infinity placed within the heart.
    i saw a seal myself yesterday. It was swirling colors. Like.. Ravens icon but there were circles in it
    I saw the infinity 8 within a circle. But there were some lines connecting one point to another within the circle.
    One on the left one on the right.
    She saw the ampuledron, she said it sparkled and burned to her and she remembered it, but with wings.
    I asked her how did she long for something. She had never seen. She said, "Because... I don't know... it's the eternity planted in heart."
    What os. Saturday...she said the river flows, it utters this,...oneness in everything. This was Saturday
    We were talking about duality. Everything intertwined is that. But right then the phrase came to me
    "On each side we stand witness" We have conquered hades.....I won't forget what she said.
    She didn't even realize what she said,how she couldn't wait to open the gates.
    And I told her, well. Don't you know, who has the key?
    She went silent and changed the subject.
    Saturday morning we watch the fireworks and the fiery eagles.
    We are connected to everyone everything and we are so on fire, ecstatic

    [29/07/2014 5:00:00 AM] Sirius 17: yes Honeybee, I hear you

    [29/07/2014 5:00:35 AM] honeybee: Just happy it was like looking into each other's eyes being as one. Overwhelming feelings of love and we were trembling so hard. All around the world our friends were feeling the love, they were messaging us and tweeting
    But we felt it togtether. It did. Not end there.
    Later that day she felt the rapture of the Holy Spirit. Between her and I we feel it as fire
    Hot just hot and it's hard to main tain cause the vibrations I start to see fractals and colors and get wrapt in energy.m
    But there is a difference in the way we percieve. She was feeling this ecstatic joy.
    I was seeing the old ways and how it was all.....like.... They were using it to feel what we feel naturally. I'm sorry I can not disclose exactly until the plan has completed.
    They use emotional words and other energy rousing phrases and ideas to gather them
    To connect. But with us, it's different, like they were allowed to succeed, so we can have our opportunity
    To leaven the entire. The entire batch.
    It was not for those who built it, not for the dead demiurge that they believed in and got them this far.
    Can feel it. Pt hey got this far, and on the day of victory, I can not deny the unshakeable disconnect, the confusion, the feelings of...wait, is this, it doesn't feel like it should.
    But they finish what they started because they can not stop now.
    And my mirror, the tree, she sees herself as a moon and a bear, she calls me the tiger, the fishy
    She's happy and receiving and waking up and I am happy we are coming soon.

    [29/07/2014 5:10:02 AM] Sirius 17: are you still writing your poetry?

    [29/07/2014 5:10:08 AM] honeybee: She has hinted she's the eagle. Her name means. Faithful and true.

    [29/07/2014 5:10:34 AM] Sirius 17: beautiful

    [29/07/2014 5:10:52 AM] honeybee: Her sun. Gemini. Moon. Aries. Lilith, Gemini. Ascendant gemini Venus taurus.
    Her mirror is this Sagittarius male who is ten years younger then I. What she feels, he exhibits openly he experiences what she feels and I don't know if he knows
    I call her starlight, she is the parallax. She says we are shooting stars. She remembers the beginning
    In the darkness, she said she was....circles a number of them.
    But when we feel the connection she calls it Gods love. And praises God for the unity. She longs for it so much. She is like me. She entrains her energies upon the people around her. She's infectious, like me.
    If this is to be posted please change our names. We are within and they look for us frantically
    Poetry. Hmm ok let's see
    She wrote this on the 9th I think.

    O Father, my God, how I am free!

    Always when You are here with me

    For it is in every moment I see

    Your Love so powerful and truly meant to be

    For it is Thy Love that sets me free

    O Father, my home is where You are

    It is a place that no other on Earth could ever come to par.

    In my heart, my body may You dwell within as Thy temple

    O how in Thy presence, I shake all a’tremble

    O the beauty of Your love, it is so simple

    My eyes glistening like the night stars all a twinkle

    Feel my mind, soul, spirit, heart ready to praise Thee as one
    in ensemble.""​

    [29/07/2014 5:20:51 AM] honeybee: May 29

    [29/07/2014 5:21:05 AM] Sirius 17: Nice honeybee

    [29/07/2014 5:21:11 AM] honeybee:

    All that i saw
    Were they reflections?
    Or were they projections?
    Or simply

    Daring to believe
    The unspeakable dream
    In instants the heat is leaking
    I trip, I quip, turn quick
    Wary of seeing

    I promised I prayed
    To hold on to my faith
    To not get lost
    That ocean
    That gaze

    Some days
    I was all but crazed
    The waves crash
    My heart feels the lash
    Of the bent bow
    The arrow never flown

    Wanting to be the prey
    To be pierced by release of the bow
    Meet me at sundown
    For a duel
    We keep pacing
    We turn aim,
    Meet eye I'm,

    Gun cocked and triggers quiver to fire
    But it's already burning
    The airs feeding the pyre
    But fear.
    The fear
    Choking, holding breath
    Wanting to breathe

    But duty speaks.
    We never fire.
    We retire.

    And expire

    If sleep is death
    And to live is sleeping to that dream
    Give me the final breath
    So I can live in that realm
    Our home
    In unity

    Love doesn't need reality
    But love is infinite fatality

    I'm dying
    Let me fade I beg
    How can I know such...
    And have it torn away

    I can't explain
    And this I can't contain
    I need to flow
    Blow it all
    Blow it all away

    How ride.
    I was okay.
    I was serving, hard. Content.
    Then windfall of that day.
    I failed again,
    Fell hard

    But I thought I was changed
    I held back
    I was good
    I kept the faith

    And this is the next day
    The pain
    The confusion
    The life drains away

    My light, where are you?
    Moonless void returns
    The very place from which I came
    Birth, life, sudden death.
    Three days
    Taken away
    Time is compounding
    Manically I can't keep this distress at bay
    Why perfection
    Now such mess
    What did I do wrong
    To arrive at this phase

    Who have I hurt
    I've cared as I have obeyed
    Why now
    Why alone am I again
    Why have you returned my shame?

    Why can't I stop despairing
    Why writes all this pain

    Because. I died. I died. I died.

    I'm dead from today.

    Forgive me
    I thanked you so much.
    And vowed to honor
    To lose my heart just as I found it

    I'm simply,
    Complexed, confounded.

    Drown me. I'm tired.

    But thanks all the same.

    I was given my twin
    It is your right to take her away.

    May I please
    Fall sleep
    And allow myself to dream just once
    What I wouldn't allow to see

    Imagine me and you
    You and me

    What is sweet
    If I didn't wake up
    I don't ever want to see
    Another day alive
    Another day denied
    I see, the bind,
    Death and life have intertwined
    Breath is death
    Repose to take flight
    Silence in the dark.
    Please sing me the song of the night.

    Pattern I cannot refuse
    I swear the muse

    The poet

    The artists, 
All produced,

    Of days of late,
They all must be fused

    Or chained to the same 
River of fate

    They communicate as one
In a ratio 
Of infinite arcs

    Infinite points

    Bound by a single 
    A poem of some

    Or none alone
    Writing blindly, nightly,
    never knowing connected 
By the.
    The muse trumpets melody
In infinite perspective projected.​

    [29/07/2014 5:24:16 AM] Sirius 17: I need to get going honeybee, these are good dear, I hope your saving them somewhere
    [29/07/2014 5:24:27 AM] honeybee: They are. I gotta go on a road trip might not be back on so just posting. Thanks for replying
    [29/07/2014 5:24:54 AM] Sirius 17: yes take care dear and enjoy your trip

    [29/07/2014 5:26:04 AM] honeybee: Last one for now.

    the fuse

    the fuse is lit
    see the proliferation,
    a fireblossom of wit,
    writ all over about anything
    and nothing
    a pattern adds up the image
    message sent.
    clouds fade
    the fire is blazing
    the light is shading the lines
    the lies are dying
    and emotions are flying
    to and frow the flow
    wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here it goes
    hear the trumpet blow
    enter the muse. [/quote]

    [29/07/2014 6:05:58 AM]honeybee: She wrote July 25

    "Words cannot fully describe,

    How He eternally flows like the endless ocean tide

    How great His power is, more than is seen in the mountains
    so majestic, tall, and wide

    How gentle and kind He is to His people, like a cool stream
    and light giving life to a tree.

    His love is in everything you see."

    "May this Love forever live on as music of endless, blissful rhyme...." July 24

    [29/07/2014 6:30:50 AM] Zaina: Dance me to the end of love !

    [29/07/2014 3:14:41 PM] Sirius 17:

    I keep seeing a church in California...in my mind's eye...with a group of well-dressed and solemn people meeting with Lucifer (who is dressed in black with a long cape) and looks like a combination of Ra in Stargate and Anna in 'V', and is very cold and stoic. Lucifer is wearing round black-rimmed glasses. The subject is theology, governance...and transition of power. The conditions have finally been met...which require Lucifer to transfer control of the solar system to 10,000 human beings.

    Lucifer is furious...and is arrogantly hissing 'We had you fooled!' 'What took you so long!' 'We didn't think you could do it!' 'You got out of our grasp just in time!' 'If you only knew what we had planned for you!' 'OK...you can try to rule yourselves!' 'Good luck! You're going to need it!' 'If you only knew what we've been through because of you!' 'If you only knew what we've had to do to keep you alive!' 'We were good to you!'

    With that...Lucifer rises...struts out of the room...and into an elevator...which descends to an unkown sub-level...boards a waiting leviton train...travels to Pine Gap, Australia at twice the speed of sound...and boards a mothership...filled with hardcore followers (humans, reptilians, and greys)...destination - Sirius. The date: December 21, 2012. (Perhaps I got the name and date wrong -- but I continue to think along these lines.)

    Proxy Mike; your vision of Lucifer here is actually a correct interpretation of the human mindededness confused by its own creations.


    [29/07/2014 3:14:52 PM] Sirius 17: interesting vision he has
    [29/07/2014 3:17:43 PM] Sirius 17: most of the rest of his stuff I just scanned, I can't take the time to read it
    [29/07/2014 3:17:57 PM] Sirius 17: this popped out at me because it was highlighted in blue

    The 'angelic messenger' to Daniel is the 'Man Gabriel' in the Torah, then becoming 'The Morning Star' or the 'Evening Star' of Venus aka Aphrodite aka Lucifer as the 'ascended (awaiting descension in the eucharist)' 'Christ-Light-Body of the Resurrection' in the Book of Revelation with 2Peter1.19 and as the 'angelic messenger' for John, author of the Apocalypse.

    Daniel.8.15-17;9.20-22: -KJV
    15And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.
    16And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.
    17So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.

    20And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God;
    21Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.
    22And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.

    26And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
    27And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

    28And I will give him the morning star.
    29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

    15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
    16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

    19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
    20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

    21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    SERPENT=19+5+18+16+5+14+20=97=PRESENT=REPENTS=SON OF MAN = CIRCLE OF GOD = ...

    [8:29:21 AM] Shiloh: More drama and like the little children the Israelis are killing every day
    [8:29:31 AM] Sirius 17: but her name is Brandy
    [8:29:39 AM] Sirius 17: yes, it is sad
    [8:30:28 AM] Sirius 17: such a waste all of it, tragic
    [8:30:59 AM] Shiloh: It will only get worse. Try to read the deeper meanings into this Abba's Eyes post
    [8:31:24 AM] Shiloh: Only the ones that can see like that can make a difference now
    [8:31:45 AM] Shiloh: It is called empathy for the WHOLE as part of itself
    [8:31:46 AM] Sirius 17: yes i know, i try to share everything i can, my awareness
    [8:31:57 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:32:12 AM] Shiloh: I know, but most cannot This is why tragedies must follow tragedies
    [8:32:21 AM] Sirius 17: i am in empathy with everything, we are not alone in this, i see others too
    [8:32:59 AM] Shiloh: I know YOU are but how many out of 7 billions and NOT the ones asking and waiting for gods and messiahs
    [8:33:00 AM] Sirius 17: but it has not reached enough of a saturation point yet to run the dominos
    [8:33:06 AM] Shiloh: It won't
    [8:33:31 AM] Shiloh: The human mind cannot understand in its false humility, nor its vanity
    [8:34:07 AM] Shiloh: It is a partnership work between the god without and the god within
    [8:34:19 AM] Shiloh: It is NOT just outside OR just within
    [8:34:24 AM] Sirius 17: no it can't, it will keep making excuses ad nauseum
    [8:34:32 AM] Sirius 17: the human mind anyhow
    [8:34:44 AM] Sirius 17: true
    [8:34:47 AM] Shiloh: Yes and continue to kill for its body senses
    [8:35:01 AM] Shiloh: Cosmic ID versus human ID
    [8:35:21 AM] Shiloh: How many can reject their human IDs?
    [8:35:36 AM] Sirius 17: very few i would think
    [8:35:42 AM] Shiloh: It is evolved from the body centredness - fight or flight etc
    [8:37:02 AM] Shiloh: human nous has reached its end, as the power dynamics are so isolated, the 'general populus' can no longer participate effectively
    [8:37:16 AM] Shiloh: The cosmic position of this planet now is that it is in emotional overdrive and flux
    [8:37:18 AM] Sirius 17: you did say that 50,000 should be ready to 'graduate' , old humans like us who do have the understanding and have processed this
    [8:37:39 AM] Shiloh: The animal instincts are the 'release of tension' now and no longer human rationality
    [8:37:54 AM] Sirius 17: yes it is very insane now
    [8:37:57 AM] Shiloh: The brainwashing and control has reached saturation point and as you can see on the forums, 'no normal humans' will be able to cocreate effectively, except in the destruction mode
    [8:37:58 AM] Sirius 17: out of control
    [8:38:39 AM] Sirius 17: yes, nitpicking and cutting each other to shreds instead of finding common ground
    [8:38:46 AM] Sirius 17: sharing the common story
    [8:38:57 AM] Shiloh: Indeed, this is the cosmic agenda now regarding this planet - "out of control" and including the so called ptb, the meditating doo gooders and the charlatans and deceivers
    [8:40:23 AM] Sirius 17: yes this meditating for peace crap that is going around is really naïve.
    [8:40:40 AM] Sirius 17: as if it will do any good
    [8:40:43 AM] Shiloh: But this extreme polarisation will now enable the 'remnant' on the plane, say the true wisdom carriers to FEEL like the Abba-Baab mode and those 'wise ones' are not at all found in the politics, the mainstreams, the alternatives or any populist realm
    [8:41:41 AM] Shiloh: It will be found in isolated exiled pockets all around the globe and not many people on you tube or the forums are 'wise ones', despite their self beliefs of being such
    [8:42:35 AM] Shiloh: All this is of course written for the 'remnant'

    [8:44:19 AM] Shiloh:


    (42) Jesus said, "Become passers-by."

    [8:44:51 AM] Shiloh: This means think like a human and act like a human and you will be unable to 'not be of this world of doom'
    [8:45:09 AM] Sirius 17: very true
    [8:45:26 AM] Sirius 17: you could get swept away in the frenzy
    [8:45:30 AM] Sirius 17: and destruction
    [8:45:49 AM] Shiloh: 99.999% of humans are like that. I see 50,000 'wise ones'
    [8:46:29 AM] Shiloh: Those are the 'remnant' and the real ETs now
    [8:46:48 AM] Sirius 17: aye and they know who and what they are
    [8:47:31 AM] Shiloh: And they are mostly unknown without forums and video channels and websites
    [8:47:49 AM] Sirius 17: yes 'hidden'
    [8:48:19 AM] Shiloh: Logos will bring them together from the 12x12 codes 1(2)000=1
    [8:51:42 AM] Sirius 17: hehe yeah
    [8:57:13 AM] Shiloh:

    2 Peter 2:20
    For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

    1 John 4:4
    Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    1 John 5:4-5:
    4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
    5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

    [8:58:08 AM] Shiloh: So where does this leave the Logos deniers?
    [8:58:12 AM] Sirius 17: oh good ones
    [8:58:46 AM] Shiloh: The Zeitgeist 'religion' believers and the Bonacci-Tsarion-Murdock antichrists?
    [8:59:13 AM] Sirius 17: like the Neanderthal, going extinct
    [9:02:53 AM] Shiloh: Eventually, they will go there, yes in their present embodiments physical AND metaphysical/spiritual
    [9:09:08 AM] Sirius 17:

    Ezekiel.39.7-12 - KJV
    7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.
    8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
    9And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:
    10So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.
    11And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.
    12And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

    [9:09:20 AM] Sirius 17: Tony can you talk about this more?
    [9:09:27 AM] Sirius 17: it is Ezekiel 39
    [9:10:33 AM] Sirius 17: this valley of Hamongog, i saw it in a vision and all these things being buried under a huge monument
    [9:11:37 AM] Shiloh: Yes the tricky bit is, that Ezekiel 38-39 seems to describe a time before the Revelation millennium, but then after those '1000 years as 1 day' there is this final war AFTER Armageddon in Revelation.20
    [9:12:14 AM] Sirius 17: yes so this is talking about after
    [9:12:23 AM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 20:7-9 - King James Version (KJV)
    7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
    8And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
    9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

    [9:12:25 AM] Sirius 17: well that is how i see it anyhow
    [9:12:56 AM] Shiloh:

    Ezekiel 38:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
    2Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
    3And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

    [9:13:19 AM] Shiloh: yes, the key is to understand, that the millennium is NOT 1000 or any length of time
    [9:13:52 AM] Shiloh: The Gog and Magog war is indeed AFTER the 'Day of the Lord' and the 'Hour of the Beast'
    [9:14:57 AM] Shiloh: Namely the 'Day of the Lord' relates to those messages on the 'New World' where the 'weapons of war' are exchanged for 'Dracos' etc to fulfil the Isaiah sayings of:

    [9:16:09 AM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 2:4
    And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    [9:16:27 AM] Shiloh: So you can see, that Ezekiel.38 is related to Isaiah.2
    [9:17:28 AM] Sirius 17: yes i see that
    [9:17:33 AM] Shiloh: To my understanding this 'Day of the Lord' will come a brief time after the 'Cities of Light' can be seen in the skies abpove all population centres of the globe
    [9:17:52 AM] Shiloh: Then those 'sayings' can physicalize and not before
    [9:18:09 AM] Sirius 17: thank you, why i asked

    12And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.
    13Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God.
    14And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall they search.
    15And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.
    16And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.

    [9:19:06 AM] Sirius 17: and this, what does this mean?
    [9:21:11 AM] Sirius 17: the 7 months ?
    [9:25:53 AM] Shiloh: I discussed this before in one of the chats. It relates to the timelines of course
    [9:28:56 AM] Sirius 17: yes i know we talked about it before, i could not remember what you said though
    [9:29:47 AM] Shiloh: I must retrace this too
    [9:29:48 AM] Sirius 17: its ok though
    [9:30:10 AM] Shiloh: I received a specific download on this
    [9:31:05 AM] Shiloh: What is the passage?
    [9:31:28 AM] Sirius 17: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel 39&version=KJV
    [9:32:00 AM] Sirius 17: We were talking about Gog and MaGog at one point

    [22/01/2014 5:03:35 AM] Shiloh: I added Ezek.38-39 already so I dont have to specify as I highlighted both dates
    [22/01/2014 5:03:50 AM] Shiloh: But this confirms this 7 month code as Gog and Magog

    1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

    2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:

    3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.

    4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.

    5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.

    6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the Lord.

    7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.

    8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

    9 And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:

    10 So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.

    11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.

    12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

    13 Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God.

    14 And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall they search.

    15 And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.

    16 And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.

    17 And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.

    18 Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.

    19 And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.

    20 Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord God.

    21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.

    22 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward.

    23 And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

    24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them, and hid my face from them.

    25 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name;

    26 After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

    27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations;

    28 Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.

    29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord God.

    [22/01/2014 5:04:42 AM] Shiloh: You can time this now
    [22/01/2014 5:05:30 AM] Shiloh: Good night JuJu
    [22/01/2014 5:07:36 AM] Shiloh:

    [Wednesday, 22 January 2014 5 AM] Shiloh:

    <<< Hamonah.Ham the Son of Noah

    [22/01/2014 4:54:20 AM] Shiloh: I think there is a 7 month code in Ezekiel 39 from the mirror
    [22/01/2014 4:54:28 AM] Shiloh: This would be October 2014
    [22/01/2014 4:54:36 AM] Sirius 17: how long have i been here?
    [22/01/2014 4:54:40 AM] Sirius 17: since when
    [22/01/2014 4:54:58 AM] Sirius 17: i can't seem to keep track of thyme
    [22/01/2014 4:55:10 AM] Sirius 17: LOL
    [22/01/2014 4:55:48 AM] Shiloh:

    11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.

    12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

    13 Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God.

    14 And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall they search.

    [22/01/2014 4:56:01 AM] Sirius 17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyme
    [22/01/2014 4:57:08 AM] Sirius 17: we are free baby
    [22/01/2014 4:57:20 AM] Shiloh: 210 days from March 25th is October 21st
    [22/01/2014 4:57:31 AM] Sirius 17: i am moving
    [22/01/2014 4:57:35 AM] Sirius 17: i can feel it
    [22/01/2014 4:58:02 AM] Shiloh: October 11th is the end of the last week of the 200
    [22/01/2014 4:58:13 AM] Shiloh: October 8th is Yom Kippur
    [9:34:26 AM] Sirius 17: oh yeah i was out there, it must of been just before i went in then
    [9:34:35 AM] Sirius 17: i was getting tremendous downloads

    [9:35:04 AM] Shiloh: [9:33 AM] Shiloh:

    <<< 210 days from March 25th is October 21st
    Sirius 17: i am moving
    Sirius 17: i can feel it
    Shiloh: October 11th is the end of the last week of the 200
    Shiloh: October 8th is Yom Kippur - Atonement on the cosmic level

    [9:35:10 AM] Shiloh: This is your answer
    [9:35:27 AM] Shiloh: Just as this 84 weeks twinned see this now?
    [9:35:35 AM] Shiloh: How the downloads are connected
    [9:35:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [9:35:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [9:48:33 AM] Shiloh: Gog and Magog has so nothing to do with political Israel as say proposed in videos like this, except the name Is-Ra-El as Jacob aka the Adam of the scriptures in general and with Old Adam becoming New Adam in the Cosmic Man we know as Jesus of Nazareth, the physical ancestor of ALL ETs also known as Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah and the Pigeradamas of the Gnostics or Leonardo's Vitruvius

    (46) Jesus said, "Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said, whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the kingdom and will become superior to John."

    (85) Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death."

    So can deduce that should you wish to become a starhuman from your human template, as who your cosmic parentage must become in the Image of the JCCJ

    Ephesians 6:12
    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Matthew 16:17
    And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

    John 6:53
    Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

    1 Corinthians 15:50
    Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  5. admin

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    empty. Re: Operation Scrambleweb

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:27 am

    The Ezekielean Timeline of Thuban for the Endtimes 2009 to 2017


    [8:27:33 AM] *** Sirius 17 sent Serpent Tamer.png ***
    [8:27:47 AM] Sirius 17: I don't know if you like it, but I made this for you
    [8:28:08 AM] Sirius 17: I am messing around with flightoftheraven site
    [8:28:46 AM] Sirius 17: http://www.cosmosdawn.net/forum/index.php?threads/first-imagine-it-then-image-it.157/#post-782
    [8:29:04 AM] Sirius 17: it is also here if you have problems downloading
    [4:22:11 PM] Sirius 17: I made a few more and some for Fates
    [4:22:35 PM] Sirius 17: I put them on his FB, don't know if he has seen them
    [4:22:39 PM] Shiloh: Oh I 'stole' 3 of them very good work
    [4:22:49 PM] Sirius 17: oh they are for anyone
    [4:22:52 PM] Shiloh: put the Thuban Elders as an avatar
    [4:23:15 PM] Sirius 17: I am having fun with it and if you have a request of any photos you want I can do those too
    [4:23:46 PM] Shiloh: I changed fate's dragon to it
    [4:24:06 PM] Shiloh: Good work and looks nice on xenoforo
    [4:24:35 PM] Shiloh: I must finish a chart on Ezekiel and when done I use those pics as signature
    [4:25:14 PM] *** Shiloh sent ThubanEze.gif ThubanEze.gif ***
    [4:27:09 PM] Sirius 17: yeah I saw you were working on this on moa
    [4:27:36 PM] Sirius 17: i did a bunch of transfers last night of the Imagine it thread
    [4:27:49 PM] Sirius 17: and tried to make it look nicer, some of the graphics
    [4:28:22 PM] Sirius 17: i am uploading these as crops then downloading them lol
    [4:28:33 PM] Shiloh: Good I am still keeping freeyellow and circlepad for the moment
    [4:28:35 PM] Sirius 17: just using paint and screenshots
    [4:28:45 PM] Shiloh: spruz is paid until July 2016
    [4:29:07 PM] Shiloh: yes the editor all working fine now in 8.1?
    [4:29:10 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i figured
    [4:29:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes it seems to be
    [4:29:21 PM] Sirius 17: i still have bad lag at times
    [4:29:47 PM] Sirius 17: but last night the kids went to bed early so i had all the bandwidth to myself and it didn't lag at all
    [4:29:55 PM] Shiloh: I see
    [4:30:22 PM] Sirius 17: sometimes when you get into that circle pad editor it slows way down, especially when you add effects
    [4:31:00 PM] Sirius 17: and when it lags or freezes it becomes really hard to get things the way you want
    [4:31:21 PM] Shiloh: It is not suitable for 'advanced' messages
    [4:31:29 PM] Sirius 17: you click on a slider bar and the thing goes zooming over to the other side and you only wanted it to go like a millimeter lol
    [4:31:39 PM] Shiloh: Like my freeyellow it is like a first start kit
    [4:31:50 PM] Sirius 17: yeah, but it is nice for graphics
    [4:32:06 PM] Shiloh: And you will have full access on xenforo to do what you like
    [4:32:24 PM] Shiloh: Yes I think you might be able to import the fonts somehow
    [4:32:30 PM] Sirius 17: thank you, i figured
    [4:32:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes i have no idea how
    [4:32:55 PM] Sirius 17: i am just screenshoting it all
    [4:32:57 PM] Shiloh: It is a hectic time for me atm as you see
    [4:33:00 PM] Sirius 17: and croping
    [4:33:18 PM] Shiloh: Once those 7 months are up, I will focus on the new forum atm I cant
    [4:33:28 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am sorry, i don't mean to bother you
    [4:33:57 PM] Shiloh: You dont bother me, but I liked to see you transferring data
    [4:34:21 PM] Shiloh: You must understand that the future of the web is in V servers not the shared ones
    [4:37:34 PM] Shiloh: Aquarius week ends tomorrow also. Recall I said this is Aquarius transfiguration week?
    [4:37:42 PM] Shiloh: Seems so
    [4:37:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes, i thought it started on the 2nd
    [4:38:00 PM] Shiloh: No it ends on the second
    [4:38:13 PM] Sirius 17: oh and then it goes into what again?
    [4:38:24 PM] Shiloh: Gemini starts on the 2nd imaged in Capricorn
    [4:38:33 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [4:38:56 PM] Shiloh: Look at this last chart of the 7 years the midpoint mirror is the August week 15-22
    [4:39:00 PM] Shiloh: I know
    [4:39:07 PM] Shiloh: 2013
    [4:39:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was going to ask you about that
    [4:39:41 PM] Shiloh: Let me finish it I should be able to publish the big version tonight
    [4:39:51 PM] Shiloh: It is 7 years
    [4:39:58 PM] Shiloh: of Ezekiel
    [4:40:01 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [4:40:06 PM] Sirius 17: wait
    [4:40:08 PM] Shiloh: AND defining Thuban
    [4:40:10 PM] Sirius 17: what do you think of this
    [4:40:13 PM] Sirius 17: Fates Whynot

    Yesterday at 2:03pm ·

    Don't make pacts with demons by the way, they will always cheat you to their advantage. In fact, many times i make pacts just to cheat them. They barely understand equivalent exchange so balancing the scales can be easily tipped in your (or their) favor. Most are going to lie to you, besides why would you want to be limited by the slavery of a demon when there are realms to explore and universes to see?

    [4:40:32 PM] Sirius 17: i saw this on his wall and wondered what is he thinking?
    [4:40:43 PM] Shiloh: The demons here are NOT independent of the human minds 'conjuring' them
    [4:40:50 PM] Shiloh: Who?
    [4:40:55 PM] Sirius 17: Fates
    [4:41:13 PM] Shiloh: He fails to understand his demiurge here
    [4:41:39 PM] Sirius 17: yes he seems to be afraid of them
    [4:41:43 PM] Shiloh: Like Susan he has not assimilated the duality as yet
    [4:42:11 PM] Sirius 17: ok that makes sense, yes
    [4:42:15 PM] Shiloh: Demons and Devils are human made creations period and NOT independent of the human mind
    [4:42:32 PM] Sirius 17: i know that
    [4:42:38 PM] Shiloh: BUT they exist as far as their creators externalise them
    [4:42:42 PM] Sirius 17: it is the rest of the Thubans i wonder about
    [4:43:02 PM] Shiloh: I dont think anyone has 'assimilated' except Zaina. Mel is getting there
    [4:43:17 PM] Sirius 17: probably not
    [4:45:35 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 22:18-19 - King James Version (KJV)

    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    [4:45:46 PM] Shiloh: This code decodes this
    [4:46:36 PM] Shiloh: The dragon or starhuman is asked to EAT and ADD to the codes BUT then will have to EAT all the demons, devils and 'evil' in the worlds of creation
    [4:47:22 PM] Shiloh: But the dragon is told NOT to TAKE AWAY from the codes, as then he will become disqualified to cocreate as a starhuman in the 'Book of Life'

    [4:48:08 PM] Shiloh: This is why in Rev.11 the 'witnesses' can 'turn water into their own blood' see?
    [4:48:27 PM] Shiloh: This shows that the environment becomes INTERNALIZED
    [4:48:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was just thinking about that the other day
    [4:48:52 PM] Sirius 17: and the 108 code
    [4:49:25 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 11:1-6 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

    2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

    3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

    4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

    5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

    6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

    [4:50:01 PM] Shiloh: This SHOULD make those interwoven codes clear to all starhuman aspirants as the true Logos witnesses and family
    [5:14:01 PM] Shiloh: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t7103p60-operation-scrambleweb#105150
    [5:17:33 PM] Sirius 17: nice looks good Tony
    [5:22:47 PM] Sirius 17:
    The Layers

    By Stanley Kunitz

    I have walked through many lives,
    some of them my own,
    and I am not who I was,
    though some principle of being
    abides, from which I struggle
    not to stray.

    When I look behind,
    as I am compelled to look
    before I can gather strength
    to proceed on my journey,
    I see the milestones dwindling
    toward the horizon
    and the slow fires trailing
    from the abandoned camp-sites,
    over which scavenger angels
    wheel on heavy wings.

    Oh, I have made myself a tribe
    out of my true affections,
    and my tribe is scattered!
    How shall the heart be reconciled
    to its feast of losses?
    In a rising wind
    the manic dust of my friends,
    those who fell along the way,
    bitterly stings my face.

    Yet I turn, I turn,
    exulting somewhat,
    with my will intact to go
    wherever I need to go,
    and every stone on the road
    precious to me.

    In my darkest night,
    when the moon was covered
    and I roamed through wreckage,
    a nimbus-clouded voice
    directed me:
    “Live in the layers,
    not on the litter.”
    Though I lack the art
    to decipher it,
    no doubt the next chapter
    in my book of transformations
    is already written.
    I am not done with my changes.

    5:25:06 PM] Sirius 17: oh that was Stanley Kunitz, I shared it - nice little gem that another poet shared
    [5:26:07 PM] Sirius 17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kunitz
    [5:38:18 PM] susan lynne schwenger: ROFL - REGARDING shiloh's comment on duality - shiloh is actually using his eyes to see things; he can't even see himself- and, then actually WASTES his time giving out his info to others, who can't even see it for themselves - and, then they are believing it, as their own validated truth !!! BTW that isn't how a person is supposed to work towards the validating information, it falls MORE INTO THE CATEGORiES OF ALLOWING yourself to get HOODWINKED !!!
    [5:39:55 PM] Shiloh: You seem to have found a new 'allegiance' here Susan. I wish you welll
    [5:41:01 PM] susan lynne schwenger: you NEVER learn - you forget even what a trigger is
    [5:42:04 PM] Shiloh: As said, no further commentary on humanmindedness and perception and 'judgement' is required
    [5:43:41 PM] Sirius 17:

    King of the River

    Written by: Stanley Kunitz

    If the water were clear enough,
    if the water were still,
    but the water is not clear,
    the water is not still,
    you would see yourself,
    slipped out of your skin,
    nosing upstream,
    slapping, thrashing,
    over the rocks
    till you paint them
    with your belly's blood:
    Finned Ego,
    yard of muscle that coils,

    If the knowledge were given you,
    but it is not given,
    for the membrane is clouded
    with self-deceptions
    and the iridescent image swims
    through a mirror that flows,
    you would surprise yourself
    in that other flesh
    heavy with milt,
    bruised, battering toward the dam
    that lips the orgiastic pool.

    Come. Bathe in these waters.
    Increase and die.

    If the power were granted you
    to break out of your cells,
    but the imagination fails
    and the doors of the senses close
    on the child within,
    you would dare to be changed,
    as you are changing now,
    into the shape you dread
    beyond the merely human.
    A dry fire eats you.
    Fat drips from your bones.
    The flutes of your gills discolor.

    You have become a ship for parasites.
    The great clock of your life
    is slowing down,
    and the small clocks run wild.
    For this you were born.
    You have cried to the wind
    and heard the wind's reply:
    "I did not choose the way,
    the way chose me."
    You have tasted the fire on your tongue
    till it is swollen black
    with a prophetic joy:
    "Burn with me!
    The only music is time,
    the only dance is love."

    If the heart were pure enough,
    but it is not pure,
    you would admit
    that nothing compels you
    any more, nothing
    at all abides,
    but nostalgia and desire,
    the two-way ladder
    between heaven and hell.
    On the threshold
    of the last mystery,
    at the brute absolute hour,
    you have looked into the eyes
    of your creature self,
    which are glazed with madness,
    and you say
    he is not broken but endures,
    limber and firm
    in the state of his shining,
    forever inheriting his salt kingdom,
    from which he is banished



    Last edited by shiloh on Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:44 am; edited 7 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°64

    empty. Re: Operation Scrambleweb

    empty. Carol on Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:40 am

    There have been people trying to start WWIII since the sixties and people out there preventing them. I'm on the side of prevention. Huge changes are in the offing and they are for the benefit of mankind, not mankind's demise.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°65

    empty. The Inner and the Outer Worlds: Tales From The Ouroboros Tails

    empty. Raven on Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:08 pm

    The Inner and the Outer Worlds: Tales of Tails From The Ouroboros


    [10:28:51 AM] Fates Whynot: Yep ^.^ they live with me =)
    [10:28:56 AM] Fates Whynot: We have a dragons den!
    [10:29:07 AM] Allisiam: yes, I gather, I am happy for you sweetheart
    [10:29:09 AM] Fates Whynot: Soo much gnosis here
    [10:30:09 AM] Fates Whynot: I have taught them even the advanced thuban topics
    [10:30:10 AM] Fates Whynot: Omniversal knowledge, archytypical data grid, nabs memes, ect
    [10:30:12 AM] Fates Whynot: They are learning Thomas' discernment
    [10:32:51 AM] Fates Whynot: They have been wanting to meet the thubans for a while, they know you all very well through my loving descriptions
    [10:33:06 AM] Fates Whynot: We talk about you guys all the time
    [10:33:30 AM] Fates Whynot: Which reminds me, I need to reorganize the dragons, of the 13 original dragons back in 2011 some have left
    [10:33:35 AM] Fates Whynot: Like 44
    [10:33:51 AM] Fates Whynot: (Can I please kick her out, sorry tony)
    [10:34:14 AM] Allisiam: she is not even in this chat Fates
    [10:34:16 AM] Xeia: 44 was an original Dragon?
    [10:34:20 AM] Fates Whynot: (For obvious reasons)
    [10:34:27 AM] Fates Whynot: Hey xeia
    [10:34:39 AM] Fates Whynot: Yes, I had her as a original dragon
    [10:34:44 AM] Fates Whynot: She was uncertain
    [10:34:55 AM] Allisiam: or what do you mean by kick her out?
    [10:34:56 AM] Fates Whynot: What do you have to say on that xeia
    [10:34:59 AM] Fates Whynot: Lol
    [10:35:35 AM] Fates Whynot: She's not in the chat but I keep records of you guys, your numbers, roles, auric main and complementary colors, ect
    [10:35:52 AM] Fates Whynot: I showed you a long time ago remember xeia
    [10:36:09 AM] Fates Whynot: She was 11=22=DD
    [10:36:19 AM] Fates Whynot: 44
    [10:36:22 AM] Fates Whynot: You get it
    [10:36:29 AM] Xeia: she was never uncertain...she plain out refused
    [10:36:39 AM] Fates Whynot: Refused? Haha ummm
    [10:36:46 AM] Fates Whynot: You wish, you refused her
    [10:36:53 AM] Fates Whynot: =P
    [10:36:54 AM] Xeia: no
    [10:37:02 AM] Xeia: Raven can testify
    [10:37:05 AM] Xeia: or Tony
    [10:37:11 AM] Fates Whynot: No one liked her, but still
    [10:37:19 AM] Xeia: it's not about liking
    [10:37:24 AM] Fates Whynot: I considered her in my notes because of tony
    [10:37:32 AM] Fates Whynot: Tony loved her remember
    [10:37:39 AM] Allisiam: anyone who is incarnated and living can be a Dragon, a true Dragon does not exclude anyone, only their BS false human mentality
    [10:37:47 AM] Fates Whynot: I know
    [10:37:59 AM] Fates Whynot: I just want an inner circle of thuban
    [10:38:08 AM] Fates Whynot: I report like that to the red dragons
    [10:38:11 AM] Fates Whynot: They do it
    [10:38:17 AM] Xeia: so you're saying she was an original?
    [10:38:21 AM] Fates Whynot: 13 is the number of the original coven
    [10:38:28 AM] Fates Whynot: I want to keep that number
    [10:39:05 AM] Allisiam: it is not up to me to decide, the Logos chooses, I do not
    [10:39:28 AM] Fates Whynot: Let me organize please, I know it's open ended and non exclusive, that's why my friends are now Thubans
    [10:39:30 AM] Fates Whynot: But it makes my life easier
    [10:39:48 AM] Xeia: i didn't ask you to decide, i asked to know how you consider her
    [10:39:52 AM] Fates Whynot: The question is, is 44 a thuban dragon and worthy of a chair in the inner circle
    [10:40:06 AM] Allisiam: I consider everyone a potential Dragon
    [10:40:10 AM] Fates Whynot: Sigh
    [10:40:15 AM] Fates Whynot: Core chat...
    [10:40:18 AM] Fates Whynot: Get it
    [10:40:19 AM] Xeia: fates did not mean in potentiality
    [10:40:38 AM] Allisiam: how they process their human BS is not up to me, all are included
    [10:40:57 AM] Fates Whynot: Ok raven, I am doing it again anyway
    [10:41:02 AM] Fates Whynot: I am not doing it for you
    [10:41:22 AM] Fates Whynot: It just makes filling and keeping my thuban docs up to date easier
    [10:41:31 AM] Fates Whynot: If I can write a 2 for raven
    [10:41:42 AM] Fates Whynot: 1 tony
    [10:41:42 AM] Fates Whynot: 3 zia
    [10:41:45 AM] Fates Whynot: 4 asha
    [10:41:48 AM] Fates Whynot: 5 jt
    [10:41:48 AM] Fates Whynot: 6 fates
    [10:41:57 AM] Fates Whynot: Ect ect
    [10:42:06 AM] Xeia: [10:40 AM] Fates Whynot:

    <<< The question is, is 44 a thuban dragon and worthy of a chair in the inner circle

    i asked her this countless times, and her answer was always no
    [10:42:07 AM] Allisiam: sure Fates
    [10:42:53 AM] Fates Whynot: Ok =)
    [10:43:00 AM] Allisiam: the real question should be, who or what is this 'inner circle' and if you understand this Fates then you would have your answer
    [10:43:13 AM] Fates Whynot: There is a lot of thuban content now, adding two new members makes it more complex
    [10:43:39 AM] Fates Whynot: It's those with nous
    [10:43:44 AM] Fates Whynot: Not limited to a number
    [10:43:45 AM] Allisiam: I will give you a clue, ask the master dragon code 108
    [10:43:56 AM] Fates Whynot: 9
    [10:44:08 AM] Allisiam: in the 'little book'
    [10:44:13 AM] Fates Whynot: True false infinity
    [10:44:21 AM] Fates Whynot: One to all
    [10:44:35 AM] Allisiam: GOT it?
    [10:44:42 AM] Fates Whynot: Yes oh got 108
    [10:44:52 AM] Fates Whynot: Alright
    [10:45:31 AM] Fates Whynot: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/thomas/gospelthomas108.html
    [10:45:37 AM] Fates Whynot: I try =P
    [10:47:38 AM] Allisiam: 44 has an eternal essence, just like all of you do and weather or not she 'agrees' to be a Dragon or not, still will not negate this. Her eternal self IS a Dragon and therefore included. Hope this helps.
    Allisiam wrote: GOT (Gospel of Thomas) (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man.

    [10:48:29 AM] Allisiam: goes back to this saying...eat or be eaten
    [10:48:53 AM] Allisiam: meaning, unless you surrender to the lion it will still become you
    [10:49:00 AM] Allisiam: you just won't notice
    [10:49:14 AM] Allisiam: and will therefore be blind as a bat
    [10:50:02 AM] Allisiam: and what do we do with blind people? we help them to see
    [10:50:22 AM] Allisiam: best we can anyhow
    [10:51:52 AM] Allisiam: In' Lakech=I am another you
    [10:52:10 AM] Allisiam: so in helping them to SEE, you are helping yourself
    [10:52:48 AM] Allisiam: regardless if they understand this or not
    [10:55:17 AM] Xeia: he was not talking about dragons in potential
    [10:56:06 AM] Xeia: from that point of view you can argue all humans incarnated have this "eternal essence"
    [10:56:19 AM] Xeia: but i have my doubts

    Allisiam wrote: GOT (Gospel of Thomas (80) Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world."

    [10:57:08 AM] Allisiam: this body is scattered all across the globe and infact is the whole living world itself and everyone and everything on it
    [10:57:10 AM] Xeia: he was talking about a specific inner circle of Thuban Dragons
    [10:57:23 AM] Allisiam: yes and so am i
    [10:57:39 AM] Allisiam: I am trying to explain to you what it is
    [10:57:44 AM] Xeia: don't bother

    Allisiam wrote: GOT (Gospel of Thomas) (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away."

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."

    [11:05:01 AM] Xeia: and i'm sure you have right?
    [11:05:47 AM] Allisiam: I have eaten the lion
    [11:06:17 AM] Xeia: good then you will not experience death then
    [11:06:23 AM] Allisiam: i have never died
    [11:06:40 AM] Xeia: are you an Ascended Master now?
    [11:06:45 AM] Allisiam: just changed clothes
    [11:07:15 AM] Xeia: Raven this "High and Mighty" attitude of yours is getting pretty disgusting
    [11:07:17 AM] Allisiam: I am what I am
    [11:07:50 AM] Xeia: it is impossible to have a simple conversation with you
    [11:08:18 AM] Allisiam: it is difficult to talk with humans
    [11:08:25 AM] Xeia: instead of talking about the specific issue you always spam with Jesus quotes
    [11:08:37 AM] Xeia: yes go ahead insult me
    [11:08:54 AM] Xeia: i am sure it makes you feel better about yourself
    [11:09:55 AM] Allisiam: no actually it is highly frustrating, i would 'feel' better if you would try to understand
    [11:10:15 AM] Xeia: what makes you so sure that i don't "understand"
    [11:10:27 AM] Xeia: that is the problem with you
    [11:10:36 AM] Xeia: you assume you are the only one who ever does
    [11:10:56 AM] Allisiam: i don't assume anything i just know
    [11:11:04 AM] Xeia: it says waaay more about you than you will ever realize
    [11:11:14 AM] Allisiam: i know what i know
    [11:11:40 AM] Xeia: yes sure "you know"....well then this so called "knowledge" of yours is pretty miniscule
    [11:12:00 AM] Allisiam: it is not 'my' knowledge, it is universal
    [11:12:23 AM] Xeia: ofc
    [11:12:28 AM] Xeia: you know what?
    [11:12:34 AM] Xeia: ....
    [11:12:36 AM] Allisiam: just some can claim it and some cannot yet, but it is available to all
    [11:12:43 AM] Xeia: gross
    [11:12:52 AM] Xeia: you cannot see yourself
    [11:13:20 AM] Allisiam: on the contrary, i see 'myself' perfectly as i have tossed out all human made mirrors
    [11:13:35 AM] Xeia: look at yourself and what YOU do, and then worry about "universal" mind
    [11:14:08 AM] Allisiam: i am always looking at 'myself'
    [11:14:13 AM] Xeia: yes i know...you are the only one who can "see perfectly"
    [11:14:18 AM] Xeia: sure you are
    [11:14:28 AM] Xeia: be well Raven
    [11:14:40 AM] *** Xeia has left ***
    [11:14:58 AM] Allisiam: I am not the only one who sees Xeia, there are others who know themselves too
    [11:19:34 AM] Allisiam: [10:56 AM] Xeia:

    <<< from that point of view you can argue all humans incarnated have this "eternal essence"they do
    [11:20:07 AM] Allisiam: [10:56 AM] Xeia:

    <<< but i have my doubts

    human mind talking
    [11:23:01 AM] Allisiam: doubt comes from trusting the 'human' eyes interpretation of things. The ET 'eyes' see things differently
    [11:27:25 AM] Allisiam: you are all 'ascended Masters' you just don't remember, for if you did you would not call me all 'high and mighty' you would instead respect me as another you instead of judging me in your very human mirror of the 'Vanity of Vanities'.
    [11:29:25 AM] Fates Whynot: =)
    [11:31:09 AM] Allisiam: [11:12 AM] Xeia:

    <<< gross
    you cannot see yourself

    you cannot see me, and I am gross?
    [11:31:26 AM] Fates Whynot: Seriously... xeia left... she ALWAYS does that...
    [11:32:32 AM] Allisiam: it is ok Fates, some of us can't stand the 'fire'
    [11:32:46 AM] Fates Whynot: I have to agree with raven here
    [11:33:07 AM] Fates Whynot: The whole numbering thing is just to make my job easier
    [11:33:28 AM] Fates Whynot: Right I know, she still has memeplexes
    [11:33:44 AM] Fates Whynot: Logos fire burns the nous of your paradigm
    [11:34:12 AM] Allisiam: [11:08 AM] Xeia:

    <<< instead of talking about the specific issue you always spam with Jesus quotes

    poor Jesus, always gets the blame

    [11:34:14 AM] Fates Whynot: She just needs to grow up
    [11:34:23 AM] Fates Whynot: Jeese... seriously
    [11:34:30 AM] Fates Whynot: Ughh xeia
    [11:34:45 AM] Fates Whynot: She is lost and confused
    [11:35:42 AM] Fates Whynot: I just need an "active roster"
    [11:36:10 AM] Fates Whynot: So I can give tasks for our new dragons learning and so I can set your time periods again
    [11:36:14 AM] Allisiam: a non-zombie list?
    [11:36:15 AM] Allisiam: lol
    [11:37:17 AM] Allisiam: sorry, i am trying to find humor in the walking dead zombie thing, it actually is not funny
    [11:37:26 AM] Fates Whynot: Hahaha
    [11:37:35 AM] Fates Whynot: No that is funny, you are just lagging
    [11:37:45 AM] Allisiam: i know, what is up with Skype omg
    [11:37:55 AM] Fates Whynot: Yes, a non zombie list is a good term
    [11:38:07 AM] Fates Whynot: I mean, my question with 44 is if she is still active
    [11:38:17 AM] Fates Whynot: She is a dragon, duh, but is she active
    [11:38:30 AM] Fates Whynot: =P
    [11:38:35 AM] Allisiam: she still posts occasionally on moa but i don't know about the chats, she has me blocked now for a long time
    [11:38:52 AM] Fates Whynot: It's just housekeeping for me
    [11:39:11 AM] Allisiam: but yes she is still 'active' as i can feel her
    [11:40:08 AM] Allisiam: she feels the same way about me as Xeia does
    [11:40:34 AM] Allisiam: i am just the 'arrogant bitch', parrot, know it all who can't see herself
    [11:40:46 AM] Allisiam: as Susan says, the big FF=66
    [11:40:54 AM] Allisiam: Fat fuck...so disgusting...yadayadayada blah blah

    Allisiam wrote: GOT (Gospel of Thomas) (66) Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That one is the cornerstone."

    [11:41:24 AM] Allisiam: i am nothing
    [11:41:27 AM] Allisiam: 0
    [11:41:31 AM] Allisiam: zero
    [11:45:42 AM] Fates Whynot: You are the cornerstone, as we all are, I will always accept you as such
    [11:46:24 AM] Fates Whynot: And dragon tail nipping is fine I just take the observational side as much as I can
    [11:46:40 AM] Allisiam: i just swallow the tail
    [11:48:30 AM] Allisiam: the tails seem to like it lol
    [11:53:32 AM] Fates Whynot: Hahaha
    [11:53:46 AM] Fates Whynot: Now that is logos knowledge raven =P
    [11:53:53 AM] Fates Whynot: Oroboros
    [11:55:19 AM] Allisiam: (heidy)(heart)(heidy)

    the current situation in the world {{{{Thuban News}}}}

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Jorgelito - Posted Aug 1st

    night out with the boys


    What a cat! Do you think he knows that's not another cat but is pretending anyway to have some fun? Or is he checking out a new cat on the block that does not belong in his territory? I think the cat is smart enough to know. But even a cat can get so wrapped up in things (like us) that it forgets that it knows, adding to the delicious showing of fangs and clawing that no good sonnaofbitch.

    Soul likes to experience things -- things we might not find acceptable -- it's interested in a wide range of energies -- and doesn't make judgements the way we do -- but does enjoy it -- like the cat seems to.

    Post last edited Aug 7th
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Aug 13th

    Mirrors of the Human Self

    [4:48:26 AM- Thursday, August 14th, 2014] The Geni-Vayeb:
    Hilarious - being told that i am too into material things by raven - who doesn't even know me, what makes me ROFL - is that i sold my home, gave away 80% of my furniture and, about 80% of my clothing, and, 80% household goods-and, although i did sell some of it, its lead me to a point where i now live very simply - although i don't currently make a lot of money, i make enough, and, i can still help others - coming from someone who doesn't even know me - i've got to laugh (esp; when she also trys to paint others in the group with the same brush) - polish your mirror darling, because the reflection you are seeing, is that of yourself - maybe, its time to clean, cleanse, and, clear your mirror - after_all, the group knows where you landed NOT very long ago, have you ever considered that it is your own 'ill' being, ill feeling, and, ill thinking that put you there - under LOCK DOWN -- YUP, eXtensions, etc., YOU are stuffed full of them !!! fortunately, only TONY & Fates have fallen prey to you - and the extensions spells !!!
    the rest of the group is smart, and, have all taken their leave !!! (extensions, put people in the hospital - just ask fates)
    are, ask your own higher guidance, that is, if you can even reach them right now - eXtenions are very dangerous shi20 !!! and, it results in carrying around a lot of weight, that isn't your own - you are what you choose to own, and, right now, a lot of the eXcess weight you are carrying, isn't what you originally contracted to carry - PONDER THAT F.F.

    [2:39:00 PM] Fates Whynot: Idk what's up with the geni vayeb, I think she may have dementia
    [2:39:23 PM] Fates Whynot: She keeps saying the same thing over and over like she's stuck on repeat
    [4:19:33 PM] Allisiam: yes data overload
    [4:19:45 PM] Allisiam: stay away from the weed
    [4:20:02 PM] Allisiam: it alters time and memory too much, it is not useful
    [4:21:17 PM] Allisiam: The geni-vayeb is just finding herself in her own mirrors see, like many others right now
    [4:21:51 PM] Allisiam: they are putting out reflections of themselves
    [4:23:01 PM] Allisiam: these are very difficult times Fates, as you have experienced and it will take a strong mind to hold it together
    [4:23:26 PM] Allisiam: try to stay focused
    [4:23:56 PM] Allisiam: i know you like going out there
    [4:24:03 PM] Allisiam: but their is a war going on
    [4:24:24 PM] Allisiam: if you stay out too long you will get hammered
    [4:25:09 PM] Allisiam: it is ok to bilocate but maintain your base
    [4:25:14 PM] Allisiam: your foundation
    [4:26:52 PM] Allisiam: it requires both wisdom and understanding right now, as i found out
    [4:27:01 PM] Allisiam: you can't rely on pure Sophia
    [12:35:40 PM] Shiloh:

    [12:35:40 PM] Shiloh: http://youtu.be/uBkXxHT43hg

    The SEA of the SEE of the Mirrors of the Silent Flute - Erupting!

    Post last edited Aug 13th

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