Introducing.. Susan Lynne Schwenger Aka The Exchanger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    BUT, by happenstance...
    iT iS pre-natally determined by :
    LEVEL SEVEN, The Higher Self
    LEVEL EiGHT, The Essence aka THE CORE
    LEVEL NiNE, THE MONAD, the magical capstone
    that moves you thru past, present & future times
    that they are all meant to cross our paths,
    those 'real' roads that run through The Fractals of TiME
    and, they dove-tail iNTO THE PiVOT of THE NOW...

    The roads for your missions, your purposes and your tasks,
    and, ALL of THiS, is for an assortment of 'great' reasons...
    for you to truly discover...

    and, how it is, that you fit
    0, to 1 to 12, and, 13 to 24, and, 25 to 36...
    in an iN12D UNIVERSE...

    iT iS through
    The Journey to The 13th BRiDGE (The13thBridge)
    through these 13 keys & lines of spirit
    that a roadmap eXists:

    iT iS through THE ROADMAP,
    WE WiLL shed, the old 'i am'
    and, turn that into a 'WE ARE'
    and, NO longer stand alone as simple 'i's'
    the old, i am that i am,
    has been transported iNTO

    AND, in this process
    that we have walked through
    we have lit...
    what is commonly termed as,

    THE FiNAL FiRE...
    which is THE FLAME of
    of ALL that was,
    and, of ALL that WiLL BE...
    and, so,
    WE SIMPLY, WiLL iT to BE,
    so, iT Will BE, and,
    so, iT iS !!!
    THE GREAT REMEMBERiNG will begin...
    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    susan lynne schwenger

    "WE KNOW...

    yes, real 'knowing' is THE ALL that iS

    part of the reason

    you search for the reason for your own existence...

    is to find 'The Pearl"

    and, yes, there are 'great' pearls
    of knowledge
    of magic
    of wisdom

    the 'truth' that you are really searching for

    iT iS hidden deeply inside of you

    it contains your missions,
    your purposes
    and your tasks...

    those things you brilliantly choose,
    those thing you danced boldly with,
    prior to you choosing to incarnate
    into your current 'life' cycle...

    give me the ability
    to gaze into your book of lives,
    this is NOT just any type of book,
    but, records of how it is
    that you came to this point
    to cross my path

    those records
    are stuffed full of dialogue
    things that make your soul stir
    things that make your heart happy
    things that make your spirit sing !!!

    those ones, that sparked your soul
    those ones, that touched your heart
    and; those ones, that had you glow
    share me with the lives
    that were amongst
    your favourite ones,
    the ones,
    that hold drops of tears on the pages,
    of things, that made you cry tears of joy
    of things, that made you cry tears of sorrow
    the ones,
    that deeply affected,
    and, then effected,
    great changes in your life

    share with me,
    how it is, you became caring

    share with me,
    how it is, you become considerate

    share with me,
    how it is, you became kind,

    share with me,
    and, how it is,
    that you become thoughtful...

    as, we streak thru the akasha of your lives,

    share with me,
    the parts that ignited your soul
    the parts that sparked a remembrance
    that is deeply embedded in your soul

    the parts that made you joyful

    the parts that made you sad

    the parts that made you laugh

    the parts that made you cry

    for iT iS

    this type of insight

    which will allow me

    to see,
    to sense
    and, to know
    the magic that sparks
    your soul !!!

    this is a journey of REMEMBRANCES

    and, this is a journey of FRAMiNG & REFRAMiNG aka RE-FRAMiNG EVENTS

    and, all of this is logged in your TiMELiNE

    and, you have an assortment of TiMELiNES

    which, occur under the movement of THE COSMOS

    in 'real' time, which is, known as: COSMiC TiME


    you are a spiritual eXemplar

    you set an eXample

    you are a spiritual eXplorer

    you search for ways to eXpand

    the totality of your energetic eXpressions...

    ENERGY is colour, frequency, light,

    sound, tone and vibration from zeropoint

    thru 1d, 2d, 3d,

    thru a triad

    thru 4d, 5d, 6D,

    thru a trine

    in your lower six expressions

    and, this all mates

    to your 7d/10d, 8d/11d, and, 9d/12d

    higher self (7)

    essence or core (8)

    and, your monad (9)

    which follows up, and, through

    the joining of your 'real' trinity to:

    10d - the low causal plane

    11d- the mid or middle causal plane

    and, 12d - the high causal planes

    and, EVEN iF YOU ARE NOT AWARE of iT

    iT iS, AWARE of YOU

    THERE WiLL BE...

    those places, and, those spaces of space,

    those places, and, those spaces of time,

    those places, and, those spaces hidden between space,

    those places, and, those spaces hidden between time,


    and, those places, and, those spaces hidden between time

    and, those places, and, those spaces hidden between space

    and, when you are working with them

    simply ask them all to align

    in 100% alignment with your missions, your purposes, and,

    your tasks, so, that everything comes into a 'divine alignment'

    whenever you exchange with anything,

    in any energetic expression of exchange,

    you will become, something more, or something less,

    so, set yourself on a path of:

    much gathering more on every plane of your chosen eXistences

    THiS iS an easy, fun and simple thing to do...

    but, spiritual work related to the spirit of your soul...

    is always, and, in all ways very important work...

    so, always weave, what i call : well-WELL into all equations

    and, THIS way, you will become a 'real' eXchanger

    whenever you engage your senses,

    which are both higher, and, lower ones,


    whenever you exchange with anything, or something

    it will spark your awareness levels, so:

    whenever you feel drained by anything, or something

    whenever you feel energized by anything, or something

    whenever you feel anything, or something

    whenever you hear anything, or something

    whenever you interact with anything, or something

    whenever you observe anything, or something

    whenever you perceive anything, or something

    whenever you read anything, or something

    whenever you say anything, or something

    whenever you see anything, or something

    whenever you sense anything, or something

    whenever you taste anything, or something

    whenever you think anything, or something

    whenever you touch anything, or something

    these are all things

    of a spiritual nature

    that moves you or that makes you think,

    or makes you feel,

    it touches your soul,

    you are NOT learning something...

    you are remembering

    what you have always known.

    iT iS a gentle awakening.

    iT iS a nudge.

    "Forget all the reasons
    it will NOT work
    and believe the one reason
    that it will"
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    "and, then my soul
    it saw you ...

    and, then my spirit
    it sensed you...

    and, then my heart
    it skipped a beat...

    and, it all
    kind of went...

    oh, there you are...

    i've been looking
    all over for you'"

    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "the best love ...
    is the one
    that makes you a better person,
    without changing you
    into someone
    other than yourself"

    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "we are energy,
    and energy never dies...

    iT simply just changes its form"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "SPiRiT KNOWS"
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    WHO COMES to YOU to eXchange

    THE 13 ASPECTs or 13 KEYs
    to THE SPiRiT of YOUR SOUL
    that run thru 72 + 72 = 144 x 2 = 288 + 144
    =432 pearls or keys or sparks

    iT iS NOT your back that hurts...
    BUT, iT iS The Heavy Burden
    you continue to carry

    iT iS NOT your eyes that hurt...
    along with THE UNSEEN

    iT iS NOT your head that hurts...
    iT iS YOUR lack of 'real' knowing
    still dancing with unprocessed THOUGHTs

    iT iS NOT THE THROAT that hurts...
    and, that which
    you DO NOT eXpress
    or, thrust out of you...
    that makes you STAY
    in The Mode WiTH ANGER

    iT iS NOT THE STOMACH that hurts...
    is trying to eat you inside,
    and, WHAT THE SOUL
    does NOT DiGEST

    iT iS NOT THE LIVER that hurts...
    for iT is PLUGGED
    and, still stuffed full
    of ANGER & rages...

    iT iS NOT YOUR HEART that hurts,
    BUT, sadly, a lack of LOVE

    iT is possible to be loving,
    but, NOT loveable
    and, iT iS possible
    to be loveable,
    but, NOT loving...
    so, CHOOSE to BE BOTH !!!

    AND, iT iS LOVE itself,
    which is THE END RESULT

    that contains:

    of ALL of THE MEDiCiNEs !!!

    iF you do NOT heal yourself
    from the people,
    who caused the hurt
    along with,
    separate the hurt
    thru healing of thyself

    that have come in the past
    to hurt you...

    you will continue a process
    to bleed onto the things,

    along with the people
    that did NOT cut you down,

    nor reduce you in size,
    and, you will reject the helper
    in the form of "The Healer"

    do NOT ever ignore the need to heal

    do NOT ever ignore 'The Healer'

    for Healer / Healee is a very important monad to process...

    and, rarely, if ever,
    can this be done alone !!!

    This is why eXchanging and healing
    are very important keys in your life...

    iT iS through processing the pain,
    that you will bring about a new way to be free"

    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    Harmonic Converage

    "life is just one great big continuous circle ...

    of giving energy, and , of receiving energy,
    ever eXpanding into each and every equation,

    you choose to eXchange within...

    You are the eXchanger,
    and, it is your will that eXpands the length, width and depth
    of your eXchanges, and, these factor iNTO your life !!!

    Be grateful, and, be mindful of all eXchanges,
    and, be especially thankful for who
    and, what is that is currently eXchanging in your life !!!

    Do NOT waste time complaining about what you lack !!!
    If you put full focus on gratitude, the things you are truly grateful for,
    in your life, you will start a process to:

    attract abundance and attract prosperity iNTO your LiFE...


    Simply, will it to be, so, it will be, and, SO iT iS"

    susan lynne schwenger

    12 + 1 = 13 Keys
    A Discovery by: Susan Lynne Schwenger ~ 13
    Susan Lynne Schwenger ~ THE eXchanger ~ 13
    aka White Lotus Star aka Talks with Thunder aka Talks with Thunders


    We appreciate all the good things, that others have had to say about us...
    it truly has touched our heart & it keeps us on the good tracks:)
    (They are NOT listed in any particular order)
    (over 300+)
    The Link below, is where most of our customers have parked their comments
    "You are a powerful healer, who knows well
    The Medicine for The Spiritual Direction from a spiritual point of view.
    You are here to express it and, to share it
    Lynard Bluewolf
    Registered Member of The Cherokee Nation

    Maha Yogi A.S. Narayana (from 1985) said:
    "You are here, NOT by accident, NOR by happenstance, it is, by a very deliberate,
    intended, and, well orchestrated plan, for, this is always 'the way' of 'The 13th Grand Cycle',
    and, you will have much work to do,
    to prepare yourself.
    The Great Spirit of The Grandfather, he walks with you, in time, there will be others.
    The power of all your 12 completed grand cycles is with you, for you know,
    you are guided by ViViANE, and, Seraf'ina both known to you,
    both already working with you, along with "G".
    It will NOT be easy work, although,
    it will take more than two decades, and, when you get to that point,
    and, you look back, you will see, quite clearly, it will all have been 'worth' your 'while'.

    The information, you have, is ancient, as, well, as advanced, and, when you put it out there,
    you will be seen, as, a modern day version of Rudolf Steiner, do you know who he is ?
    You are one, who holds the potential to bridge, and, to span the gaps,
    between philosophy, magic & mysticism.
    Super Psychic Maha Yogi A.S. Narayana aka Alfred Schmielewski (1975-1986) JULY 1985

    "Susan has a comprehensive knowledge of metaphysics and spirituality
    and has an amazing recall of past lifetimes and other-worldly selves.
    She blends modern and ancient knowledge from many dimensions and time frames
    to paint a cosmic picture of reality.

    I find it a joy to interact with Susan on matters of metaphysics and spirituality."

    Sal Rachele, Sedona, AZ ~ Author of Life on The Cutting Edge

    Author of EARTH CHANGES and 2012: Messages from the Founders
    Living Awareness Productions
    "Susan possess great knowledge on magic and goes beyond the knowledge
    to apply it in a way that effects great changes for others and herself.
    She is in the realm of a high magician and works in the Light and from her heart."

    Rebecca Jeringan
    Well known Radio/TV Talk show host
    "Susan is a powerful healer and bridge-builder,
    a conscious link between the dimensions and realms.
    Her work, carries the potential to connect many
    with the heart-source of their divine nature."

    Mark David Gerson ~ Author
    "The one who shines her light on the knowledge...
    You are a record keeper, You are NOT only able to read the records,
    you are able to scribe into the secured sections of the light libraries,
    that is, way beyond profound"

    Little Flower / MS - Author of: The Private Book ~ Black Magic Reversed
    You will know when you are ready, ready knows...Lynard Bluewolf

    "Interesting report...The information about you NOT manifesting
    your work in 3D ways
    caught my attention...

    that makes sense, based on information you've given me before,
    and the information we found. Part of me says...

    When that gal brings all that down into 3D,

    whew, she's going to part the waters."

    Angel-Light Love

    You are THE WiSE ONE... always appreciate having you on the show
    you have rafts of knowledge - thank you for sharing

    Love, Dougie Slap-Author

    Tony Bermanseder

    "You know the secret of the serpents"...
    "and, you will draw serpents and dragons"

    Philip Gardiners or

    17/03/2009 4:00 PM

    "You know, who it is, that you are !!!
    The White Bear, The White Buffalo, The Tortoise & The White Unicorn,
    along with The Grandmother Spider, are all a part of your medicines.
    The Eagle & The Condor, they fly with you.
    The 'pure' dragon, along with the intertwined black & white serpent energies,
    along with the shark, they too, are a part of your medicines...
    they are alive, and, they are seen within your eyes...
    you, know, what it is, that you are, you are a GRANDER !!!
    A Grand Maestro ~ 1200 BCE Cusco, Peru !!!
    You are an ancient one, you are here, as a healer, record keeper,
    and, sky traveler, with many important messages to deliver !!! "

    Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa, Bantu Shaman, South Africia

    "Pretty silly, to come all this way, do all this preparation,
    which i must say, you have done, quite eloquently, and, very well
    and, then, NOT do it, NOW isn't it !!!
    i thought i had dealt with every member of The Counsel,
    now, i see, i have dealt with all of them, except one - THREE
    NOW, go, and, be that 'THREE'..NO excuses"

    Peter Farley (2006)
    "This is your time to shine...
    you know that, nothing can hold you back,
    it is all aligning for you, you are an amasing teacher...
    you don't have one paint brush/or, one colour, you've got many, many gifts
    with so many aspects, it is a grand opportunity for you, to utilise all these aspects
    You are limitless--You are totally ready~~Your big heart is open, and, ready
    You have come to a good, and, centred state--
    This is the year, that you, susan, brings your work, out into the world
    It is all aligning for you !!! "

    Caroline Davina Best
    Author/Ascension Teacher/Radio Host/Spiritual Intuitive/Spiritual Psychology Councilor

    You are going to be experienced by others, as quite a power_house ...
    you also want what you want to inspire, to serve the common good.
    You are going to be an influential person, definitely, with this chart.

    Shepherd Hoodwin ~ ~ Author / Chanel of Michael Entity Group (16.25 to 26.47)
    WOW !!! 333 333 315
    Your Qabalistic numbers are interesting
    003 = Three is the number of Binah (understanding).
    It is also the number of triplicity, and, there are many, many things that could be mentioned here.333 = 333 is the number associated with the Qabala of the Nine Chambers,and is a number of love and sex.
    351 = 351 is the mystic number of the 26th path,and is related to Solar energy being transmuted into something much more beautiful,i.e. Splendor.
    This is also a number of the Angels of Malkuth.
    351 = Wizard
    531 = Ruler of Air
    981 = The ten plagues of Egypt, which must be in your arsenal of defense.
    9-9-9 = This is a triplicity of Lunar energy, which Is female generative energy
    9-9-9 also refers to judges and judgment.These numbers correspondences seem to line up with what you are saying about yourself,which is NOT surprising.

    "You are here as a teacher...when are you going to write ???
    Your knowledge was what you brought here to operate on...
    If it was NOT for the candle, The Torch would NOT be lit."

    (Susan says: "Do you think my 111 keys real ?)

    "Yes, it's part of your old ancient path, your experience, in Atlantis,
    it is your knowledge, you came to bring people to a higher consciousness
    • contact intercircle publishing, I'll help you get published."

    AT 1:29:29 minutes into the show
    "Your souls progression dowses to 9D,
    Yep, it dowses up 360 degrees. You are done."

    tone3jaguar Fringe Metaphysics
    Greetings Susan: I have reviewed your website and the energy of you
    is wonderful and I support your service in the Light,and your dream
    and your global service of light. I understand the counsel of guidance very well;
    as I have been all of my life directed by a counsel of this size as well.
    You are aware of and working with a high level of light counsel
    and understand the energetics of this group as ONE mind counsel,
    ONE heart, ONE voice, I know that the counsel in the vibration of
    which they are do not need form, because of your level of higher understanding,
    they are pure energy, I understand you wish to translate this level of counsel
    to those that are seeking your services.
    Art is an amazing messenger.
    I am the medium between your higher self
    and you so that you here on earth can have a beautiful representation
    of the magnificence you are, along with The Counsel of Thirty-Three (33),
    so that others can see it and respond.
    So if it feels right for you to use an aura portrait or Spiritual Guide portrait
    so that those seeking you can recognize your light and heart intent
    then I would just leave it up to your higher self to channel thru me
    how it will look in order to accomplish that goal.
    So all you need do is purchase a portrait for a Spiritual Practitioner on and leave the rest up to your counsel
    in the trust that they will direct me to create the best image
    to represent all of you together.
    In light with love from heaven on earth

    ~ Eloryia


    "Susan has an uncanny ability to give a "heads up" about what is to come...
    and has often given me advice that I realized was crucial after the fact.
    Sometimes I look back and think and has often given me advice that I realized was crucial...
    "why didn't I listen more carefully and follow through?"
    To be allowed the privilege to sit with her, in her sacred space with her guides, is a "real" journey,
    she brings in things whose pure energies need to be experienced, to be believed,
    she is a "master" and, then some ...
    Elaine Cerro, Reiki Master/Yoga Teacher Toronto, ON

    "Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience.
    You are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before.
    In time you will have much to offer the rest of us.
    I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons beckoning.
    Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like,
    but I can see significant growth in the future. Susan regularly demonstrates her skill and 'gifts' for
    accessing ancient knowledge and for exploring the subtle energy fields of our multi-dimensional Polyverses.
    Some would refer to this ability as NeoShamanism, others would see Susan as
    a teacher's teacher of Metaphysical Principles and of Esoteric Philosophy.
    Most importantly she expresses her talents with true Integrity and, has a genuine desire to 'Keep it Real'.
    I have worked in PR for Trance Channels/Mediums from the U.S./Canada/Britain and Ireland
    and thus have developed a keen sense of one's sincerity in this field.
    Susan's 'other worldly' skills offer a special inspiration in the guidance of Seekers who quest for knowledge of 'who they are' and 'why they are'.
    Micah Sun, director/ChromeCoda Projects Analyst ~ Oracle ~ SpiritLife Counsellor

    Susan is a very caring dear soul, so radiant and evolved - a natural psychic intuitive
    of a beautiful High Priestess of lore,
    here in embodiment to assist humanity in its awakening process.
    She is very much in touch with the remembrance of who she truly is
    and her ability to access akashic records
    in her readings is almost that of a non-human intelligence.

    She is adept at communicating in multidimensional levels with other Light Beings
    of the higher dimensional realms to access information for her divine mission.

    Her in depth knowledge of and rare intuitive relationship with crystals, precious stones, minerals and ancient artifacts is truly ahead of our times!

    Lots of love, Chooi-Chin

    Reading with Steve Rother & The Group
    AT the 1hr, and, 3 minutes
    Susan to Steve: "I really appreciate the good work you are doing
    in this world, it's making a huge difference!!!"
    As, Steve says to Susan:
    "Susan/White Lotus Star~WE KNOW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE !!!
    You're part of the family!!! Have we meet?
    (Susan says: no, we've never meet, i think, you & i,
    exchanged maybe one email, a long time ago)
    Steven says: Let me tell you what they are showing me...
    You have been here many, many, many lifetimes
    as a healer and, as a teacher.
    Your timing on this planet, was criticial.
    You have have been here many lifetimes,
    where you have been too early, or, people have gotten afraid of you,
    or, you know, you got stoned or tortured
    --we've done some pretty horrible things on this planet before,
    when we get afraid of people, and, that has happened to you !!!
    So, that is what we call "the seed fear"
    --and, that is something most healers in many, many lifetimes have,
    to some degree, that is part of what you will be dealing with,
    over probably the next 2 - 3 years.
    You are getting real close to getting to what you came to do.
    (susan says: yes, i am)
    You've tried it a couple of times, and, looks like it didn't work,
    and, you got really discouraged here
    --but, am i right about that
    (susan says: well, it was always about more than just me,
    but, then, i could never find people that wanted to be part of a group)
    OK, well, the timing is right NOW, that's the main thing,
    that has happened .. so because of that,
    you are going to start to see some of this unfold NOW.
    So just relax, and, once again the timing has been the biggest issue,
    and, there is a reason for it.
    I mean, when we come in with stuff too far ahead of the game,
    people get scared, it's real simple, people get scared,
    it has to be brought in real gentle, and, easy way.
    Much of your life has been around that being here, at the right time.
    You almost came in an generation early,
    do you know your grandmother on your mother's side?
    Are you close to her ?
    (susan says: Yes, i was close to her)
    Yes, she originally, was going to be your mother,
    mother, originally was going to be your sister...
    does that make sense to you ???
    (susan says: yes)
    Know that when you think about it,
    it will make a lot of sense to you, re; family dynamics
    but the reality of it, is that you did it specifically to be here on time
    and, you are here, so don't get discouraged,
    i know you've been waiting a long time
    i know a lot of stuff doesn't seem to be working,
    or didn't work, but, you are on the right track here !!!
    (susan says: i won't worry
    ~i am here to bring them back to the round, the original round)
    Sounds good to me, i love the whole round table concept
    ~i think you've got a big piece of this, enjoy the ride...
    (susan says: thank you)
    send me a book when you are finished
    (susan says: i'll send you my third signed one)
    Thank you for sharing Susan it sounds like you have quite a life to lead,
    it sounds intriguing !!!
    3/23/2009 at 38:00 approx.
    Walks with Thunder & Annette
    (i want to create radiant zones)
    Very creative work, its more than just a centre
    -creating methods/theories/formulas for healing & regeneration
    & growth, that sort of thing
    -you are a very creative person
    -very successful lucrative business
    (30 years ago The Source said:
    "i would create, and, found the worlds (largest and,)
    most unusual spiritual university"
    -this is a great place, i can close my eyes and see it
    -rolling hills / its more than just little cabins/activities,
    futuristic design, as, well as earthiness
    -this will be successful
    -its almost a mastermind type of thing
    - finances will just happen
    -you'll see the property/ it will all fit together, its a wonderful idea
    -Blessings from Walks with Thunder
    (if you've never had one of his blessings, YOU are in for a treat)
    "i call The Grandfather & The Grandmother spirits
    from all the directions that love you, all the nations,
    that love you from the north, the south, the east, and, the west
    above, below, and, within,
    from the thunder nations, the stone nations the ancestors,
    the fairy nations, the angelic realms
    i ask that they focus their power,
    their will and, their intent to create exactly,
    what it you think it should be,
    susan to have it come in a good and powerful
    but gentle way and, to remove the blocks in your path,
    to have this dream come true and,
    i ask, what you should have asked for,
    but, didn't be added
    i ask, that your hearts desire be fulfilled
    i thank the nations that gathered for their assistance."
    Walks with Thunder & Annette

    "Susan is one of the more enlightened ones"...
    "One of your biggest gifts, is bringing harmony to chaos
    you're very good at going in, and, bottom lining what a person needs to know in order to be effective,
    but, that is also at a corporate, and/or global level
    I am actually seeing you going in, and, stream-lining companies -consulting to companies
    Call yourself The Green Machine/or The Green Consultants...
    You will have an amasingly successful company, what you do as a team,
    you will come in, establish trust, you will tell them how to be profitable
    by more than 30% in less than 3 months, create weekend courses,
    where the teams have to bond with one another and, it becomes an epiphany for the company,
    here is where you streamline the companies, you can springboard them into something more,
    you are, pragmatic person, who knows how to keep order during chaos
    here is where you can both be tornados, and, clear away everything that doesn't work
    your parters greatest strength is being able to bottom line, create a better reputation in some way,
    a person who helps develop stock in a company, to take them more global You are on the right path,
    timing is NOT this year, but, is 2010, 6 months away, think about launching this offically in 2010.
    The two of you, i see you teaching there is comfort, and, confidence in change... you are so good at bringing order to chaos, the change you will bring, is going to make a big difference
    Susan, she is one of the more enlightened ones...
    At the 1:08 spot of the show
    Mona Van Joseph is famous as Las Vegas' own Mystic Monaâ„¢!
    She's the author of "Chancing Life, Wisdom in a Dice Toss,"
    hostess of "The Psychic Viewâ„¢" radio show,
    a featured Las Vegas columnist,
    and licensed Las Vegas psychic


    Karen Anderson ~Divine Journeys at 1:02:29 min mark (Susan says: I have a significant message to get out)
    "You've done a lot of writing in a past life -Yes, You are definitely on the right track,
    there is a Counsel of a wise beings around you,
    you resonate with wise energy,
    they are telling me, you are one of us...
    You are understanding that
    -it's a major shedding.
    You have heard them well, in dream_state learning
    - Information on Dreaming-Dream Programming.
    You are an enormous teacher,
    you haven't yet stepped into this role.
    You are a public speaker, large groups,
    i see hundreds of people
    -Archangel Gabriel, is standing to your left,
    she says, you are a wonderful student
    - you resonate with both,
    you are a natural flow to speak to men, and, to women
    - you balance it well
    Radio - TV - airwaves to get you out there,
    newspaper articles, in a big paper, that you write for,
    like this is going to be something that will catapult you forward,
    so others can hear more about you,
    invite you, to be a feature speaker,
    invite you, to be part of a panel
    -it has to do with the "higher spiritual text".
    Great peace will follow you
    - abundance of opportunity,
    You have a lot of sacred geometry around you.
    The White Buffalo travels with you... it will always be with you.
    (Susan says: White Calf Buffalo Woman is my Grandmother)
    You were a "famous writer, in a past life" once you step out of your comfort zone...
    they will have your back,
    when you wish upon a star, wish upon the stars,
    what you want, you deserve the best, this is your year,
    there is a lot for you
    -they are showing me the infinite eight,
    they are showing it to me, over and over again"
    (Susan says: The 111 Keys, are they real ?)
    111 keys, sacred languages and, rolls of ancient knowledge
    work with the council
    111-powerful number, master number
    You have a lot of sacred languages, ancient scrolls of knowledge,
    keep working with this council, so, that people will embrace it"
    "111 keys in a year of 1-1-1 (2008) it is a powerful number,
    a master number being really sure, in what you are saying,
    it is really strong, heaven is backing it all up for you.
    You are very magical...
    You have merlin energy about you, you are a magician at heart !!!
    back to Mists of Avalon times, it was real !!!
    Knowledge that will be impacting
    glastonbury / tintagel
    - arthurian connection bubbles forward from you
    " Connection to Stonehenge, and, to Glastonbury
    "Key Components to be set in motion"
    "You are a huge/huge/huge healer
    -instant shifts / body scans / you know where to work, quite a gift"
    "You are a special , special soul - i am so honoured to meet you"
    "a lot of abundance coming to you"
    "huge love - head to head, your equal"
    "you've known for a long time, you've held back, now is time"
    "You've known for a long time"
    "You do body scans, you know exactly where to work,
    that is quite a gift, quite a gift, you are a special, special soul,
    its an honour to meet you"
    "You are are ready...heaven says yes"
    "you've known for a long time, you've held back, now is time"
    Karen Anderson, Divine Journeys


    THANK YOU for sharing with me.
    What a wonderful treat to touch base
    and enjoy your wonderful pictures.
    We are at such a profound moment in human history
    and my heart reaches out to you with great love and joy that you are here...
    now...and embracing your many gifts!
    With Many Blessings, Kira Raa
    Shephard Hoodwin, read our chart on:
    Susan, your chart #36, c1e7, 343,
    King Cast Sage with Discarnate Priest Essence Twin/and,
    Task Companions-Double Cardinal
    King Casting~Ordinal,
    Double Server Casting~Double Cardinal
    So, we have quite a cardinal chart~and, overleaves, also cardinal.
    Dominance is the King Goal, this is quite a cardinal chart.
    You are going to be experienced by others, as quite a power_house to others...
    you are going to come on strong, to other people.
    It exudes out of you, without you really having to do anything about it.
    The combination of sage/priest - is formidable,
    with the sage, the ability to communicate, and, the priest energy, inspiring/empathy
    the king casting suggests, you wish to master both of those
    so, you are looking to improve how you communicate/and, how you inspire
    you also want what at what you inspire, to serve the common good.
    You are going to be an influential person, definitely, with this chart !!!
    Shepherd Hoodwin ~ ~ (16.25 to 26.47)

    There is nothing WORLDY to certify what you do !!!
    I have been around a lot of gifted people, when I think of you there is NO category.
    It is, as if all the wonderful information that you have stored inside you,
    NEEDs that uniqueness to express itself...
    i clearly understand, your desire for a clean slate to fully honour your Goddess nature
    & maybe that's what the purif is really about...
    pass on those tools of power, to others, to assist them, on their journey ...
    You have already sold me on your excellence and I am really a tough customer to please.
    What i have gotten from you, is NOT of this world, the talisman you created for me,
    is a treasure,
    something, i will NEVER part with. It is indeed an object of power...did you know,
    it is something brought back to me from the future ...i love you, CARA SU...



    Susan, has a deep sense of loyalty, honesty, and inspires other people's confidence
    because she knows how to keep secrets 1958, was the year of the dog,
    i was NOT surprised to learn, this is The Year of The Golden EARTH DOG well grounded,
    both feet solidly on the ground. She is clever, and genuine.
    A perfectionist, she sees that projects have a beginning and an end,
    and she always see things all the way through. Earth gives this Dog an element of security,
    for she is inspiring and confident. In Love, love is no big deal for them,
    it's just a natural part of life.
    If it happens,its ok, but if its not, no great enthusiasm is lost.
    The best person for the Earth Dog is a strongly independent someone who
    relishes freedom and it will be beautiful union, when the Earth Dog
    and their Fire Horse mate do come together.


    Hi Susan: I was very impressed with your experience and your qualification
    I took a look at some of the websites that you have written information on...
    and was thrilled at the crystal grids that you have been working with at your sanctuary...
    As you spoke about the 12 & 13 I did indeed feel a tingling sensation
    throughout my body to the core... so indeed I feel as I am one of them...
    I also feel that we knew or worked with each other in a Lemurian past life...
    since our conversation...
    as you say I feel altered and more attuned to who I am...
    and the connection I have with you...
    I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you...

    I did it finally, and to thank you for the help with this,
    i had no idea what I was doing...
    I got more visions and started plugging it together than she was XXXXX,
    then the rest came to me about her. she's telling me that now,
    things will be moving and happening
    much faster as far as my learning goes,
    that took the longest time and if i would have separated
    and tried to figure it all out, it would have been moving backwards
    and it would have tied up much more time. now, she's telling me that downtime is over,now we get to work.
    Gee, thanks, Susan. LOL get some rest, we will chat later"
    love, XX
    " This women is the most spiritual, Christ Conscious being I have ever met,

    She is not the atypical Capricorn, with Mars in Capricorn as she does not seem to have to martyr herself,The Capricorn energy is very similar to the Christ energy that Jesus had while alive.Her Cancer/Capricorn opposition seems to fill her with the needed sensitivity,nurturing, and level headedness that is necessary for her to pursue vast spiritual goals. I find her mind vast, inter dimensional, open, and extremely aware of many levels of consciousness at once.
    Jupiter in Scorpio pierces all levels of consciousness in order to bleed through to her incredible, uncomparable compassion for Earth, Humanity, and all animals.
    It is the Moon in Cancer with Jupiter in Scorpio that stretches her aura to a wide range in order to embrace emotionally all things as they happen.
    I have yet to meet a person who cares more for all things living.
    I believe she has thereby transferred a physical need to bond with people and all things to a spiritual crescendo of God Consciousness which I feel is uncomparable.
    Given the opportunity to step aside from her conscious mind,
    drift into the meditative state of spirit, I feel she can connect with all beings alive
    or passed over, should she desire. She is also mature enough, and protected enough to delve into most all things esoteric.
    Her powers, gifts, and awareness are infinite and beyond comprehension.
    Few people can connect and understand myself for one,
    and yet Susan finds it easy to interact with me on multiple levels
    since the mid 80's.
    You can only communicate with someone if you are a like vibration.
    I feel she can connect with various individuals on multiple levels.
    Her mind is so quick, and lightning fast, that at times
    I feel her thoughts are far ahead of what she is speaking,
    trying to get out her thoughts in a human way,
    with a super human presentation.
    "It makes for quite a sight!" I believe Susan~has the ability to alter life
    as we know it on Planet Earth for the better,and that she has the ambition,
    and drive to do whatever she wants."

    Farley Malorrus, Blessings in the Light
    ~ Author of: Twilights First Gleaming Letter dated : November 7th/2005
    "You are an old ancient one, aren't you !!!"
    "1000 watt light bulb"
    "Yes, you know especially because everyone is talking about the thirteenth bridge
    the thirteenth bridge~and, YOU ARE the bridge "

    Kerrie O'Connor
    "13 Lines of Spirit, i've NOT seen that before !!!
    when you truly awaken to all that you are, you will remember, THESE WORDS !!!

    Bishop Allen Right (1977) 35 YEARS AGO
    "You have incarnated, into The Ancient Order of The White Rose, 67 times"
    The Michaels thru Nancy Gordon
    Susan, the lifetime you feel most closely aligned with now is one that was lived
    in the realm of Atlantis.
    You have continued to manifest a sense of "otherworldliness" about you, even on a conscious level.
    In that life, you were a (high) priest of NO small repute,
    and you taught astral projection and astronomy.

    THE MICHAELS, thru Karen Murphy 3/19/2006
    Susan, you have agreed in this life to help pave the way
    for a heretofore new way of thought about healing.
    When the transition that you and these others is complete,
    Western medicine as it is known at this time will be viewed as obsolete.

    THE MICHAELS, thru Karen Murphy (2006)
    (over 165 comments)

    SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS through this link
    at (


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    DavV said: December 1st, 2013 12:00 pm
    "hi susan thank you for your reply. ive been following your entries on &
    and find them very interesting ~ DavV

    Tim said: November 15th, 2013 5:54 pm
    Thanks for everything!

    Tim said: November 14th, 2013 2:43 pm
    Thank you for taking the time to talk to me the other night
    and for reaching out.
    I have saved the links for the sites that you gave me.
    The energy work that you suggested has been helpful.
    Feel free to contact me via email XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
    I would like to keep in touch
    - would love to chat more with you and keep up the exchanges.
    ~ Tim

    Saying Hello - said: September 14th, 2013 1:18 pm
    You may not realize it, but your wisdom is slowly going viral via Facebook.
    I had to stop in to thank you for sharing your wisdom acquired in a rare view of life
    (for most of us). I did a gut check, and one of the points gave me pause....
    I wish you well and wanted to offer my thanks.
    Any chance you live near me? Wink SayingHello

    Achim Zdunek, High School Friend said: September 14th, 2013 1:17 pm
    I recall us in the smoking areas at west humber high school, nice memories come back.
    You were always in my top 5 that I liked at that time,
    thanks for the friendship now and back at that time.
    I recall you were real and interestingly different,
    separate from the rest" ~ Achim Zdunek

    Bill Simone said: September 13th, 2013 6:59 pm
    Susan, inspite of what you might want to forget,
    you are in my mind a very selfless, loving individual,
    that was there for me..Much more but later..
    You made and handled millions for others,
    but also made more than the CEO,s of many companies ..
    You fought for recognition, but in my mind you always had it..
    Be very well... Bill Simone

    Doug said: August 7th, 2012 7:46 pm
    Susan, Don't give up yet. I believe your work is already reaching
    the four quadrants of the universe.
    Your vision is helping many you do not even know.
    Your commitment to a better world where we live in love and freedom
    is shared by forces you may not even know.
    The contract you have with yourself may have changed
    or may need to be changed.
    Maybe it's time for a new look at things to avoid burning out,
    squelching the wonderful work you are doing. Doug

    john said: August 7th, 2012 7:42 pm
    I just visited your website at,
    Most interesting a soul you are.

    jorgelito said: August 7th, 2012 7:39 pm
    This is a wonderful thing you are sharing.
    It feels like a river of energy pouring through me!

    Jorgelito said: August 7th, 2012 7:38 pm
    Susan... What a delightful one you are. I've been flooded with light
    coming in contact with you. It's not what you do, Or even what you know.
    It's who you are.
    Keep up the good work being who you are!
    That's all I have. Just wanted to let you know. J

    Blake said: August 7th, 2012 7:06 pm
    Thanks Susan, I felt I had to step away from the Thuban forum - although I still treasured the material. But then it soon seemed like a pointless act since I was still going back regularly to read the posts anyway. Decent of you to send that request as I rather imagined I would simply be relegated to an even more peripheral than before. Not that it should effect me. Life is great and I'm just focusing more on the joy and revelation and surrendering to what was designed to happen and be true to my responsibility. Thanks. Oh, and I can't say I read all of your entries, but every so often I catch something of interest that I appreciate. -Blake

    Doug said: August 7th, 2012 2:17 pm
    Susan The "missing corner of the world", you say, you know the missing corner of the world, this has caught my attention and resonates with I don't know what. Would you care to share your thoughts on this? Jorgelitp

    Majeed said: August 7th, 2012 2:12 pm
    have a very interesting personality and ideas Happy New Year and stay happy and safe .... Majeed

    doug said: August 5th, 2012 7:51 pm
    Susan, Don't give up yet. I believe your work is already reaching the four quadrants of the universe. Your vision is helping many you do not even know. Your commitment to a better world where we live in love and freedom is shared by forces you may not even know. The contract you have with yourself may have changed or may need to be changed. Maybe it's time for a new look at things to avoid burning out,
    squelching the wonderful work you are doing.

    Jorgelito said: August 5th, 2012 7:38 pm
    This is a wonderful thing you are sharing.
    It feels like a river of energy pouring through me!
    joined your site at Jorgelito

    jorg said: August 5th, 2012 7:37 pm
    Susan What a delightful one you are.
    I've been flooded with light coming in contact with you
    . It's not what you do, Or even what you know.
    It's who you are. Keep up the good work being who you are!
    That's all I have. Just wanted to let you know.

    Francis Vilmot said: January 25th, 2012 3:31 pm
    Kindness as Understanding are painted upon your Face !!!..
    .Thanks for sharing !!!...:♥Francis Vilmot

    Greywolf said: July 26th, 2011 9:08 pm
    Greetings Susan, This absolutely fascinating and falls in line with what my spirit guides
    told me that it is not the end of the world but a dawning of new spiritual awareness.
    I have the greatest admiration and respect for you and your findings
    and look forward to the 13th Grand Cycle especially as the number 13
    has always been special to me (d.o.b 13 Sept 1940)
    Blessings of love and light Francis Billington aka Greywolf

    Lynard Bluewolf said: February 10th, 2011 6:49 pm
    You are a powerful healer, who knows well
    The Medicine for The Spiritual Direction from a spiritual point of view.
    You are here to express it and, to share it Lynard Bluewolf
    Registered Member of The Cherokee Nation

    draisesomials said: January 22nd, 2011 8:58 am
    Thank You For This Blog, was added to my bookmarks.

    Jonah said: January 11th, 2011 4:53 pm
    Greetings Susan, I'm not sure if i've ever properly thanked you
    for the amazing work you've done over the years....
    A wonderful fullfillment and testament of what you are in the name of the logos...
    It's strange that I have not attempted to exchange with you more often...
    I have always been in awe of your beautiful energy....
    The reason why I am exchanging with you now...
    .I remember seeing a while back... you had constructed a sort of Natal Chart...
    that was printable for anyone who wanted to construct one for themselves.....
    I cannot find that link however... it is somewhere i know...
    but everytime i start looking for it..
    . i end up reading something else i have not read yet....
    so.... Can you please sent me that link again...
    .in case you were wondering...
    Thank you for your time Susan...
    May the one continue fueling the inner burning path...
    until we meet as one....- jonah

    peabbivauneme said: January 1st, 2011 7:36 pm
    Happy New Year, everyone! :)

    Les Prosser said: December 29th, 2010 9:48 am
    i love your work.. Susan

    Tony Redhouse said: December 24th, 2010 9:14 pm
    Bless you Susan. The Spirit treasures you as a Gift...
    Tony Redhouse

    Raymo Weasel Moccasin said: December 8th, 2010 12:29 pm
    "wow all this stuff you are telling me is opening up my mind a whole lot more"
    Raymo Weasel Moccasin

    Brett Sheriff said: November 27th, 2010 4:27 pm
    thank you miss susan ...keep up the good work ,,,high 5 ,,,
    xoxo Brett Sheriff

    Xenobia81/R.M. Ippolito said: November 21st, 2010 8:31 am
    Wow Susan, my head was tingling the whole time I was reading this!!
    Even as I write I'm still feeling the buzz..
    . THANK YOU for all the work you have put into your calculations!
    Xenobia81/R.M. Ippolito

    Lynard Bluewolf said: November 21st, 2010 8:29 am
    susan-you are a dear friend
    And for years I've always known you were on your path and wanted to support!
    I love that at the end of my career I have all you guys that I touched on!
    you will know, when you are ready, ready knows" ;) Lynard Bluewolf,
    "Ahh, Lynard, those words, are on a little sheet of paper in my medicine bag, thank you :) Love/Susan~Talks with Thunder with Thunders

    Carson Foster said: November 16th, 2010 8:03 pm
    Congrats Susan on generating the launch package. I truly hope you get the recognition
    and credit you deserve from the community at large
    ~ you are destined for special things and great service
    as we transition into the NEW.
    Talk soon:) Blessings from this universe to yours,
    Carson Foster
    "The real voyage of discovery
    consists not in seeking new lands
    but seeing with new eyes" - Marcel Proust

    Jason akabookbinder said: September 16th, 2010 4:48 pm
    Hello Susan, Thank you for taking the time to see me,
    I was very impressed with your energy,wisdom,and honesty.
    I hope I didn't take up/waste too much of your time,
    as I can see your very involved with many aspects of the universe.
    Would like to chat more when you have more time. All details are correct.
    It was truly a joy to meet you! Thank You Again. Regards Jason

    Madaline at said: July 11th, 2010 6:28 pm
    Hi Susan, after the conversation we had. you've brought more clarity for me,
    your experiences, your insights. blessings...we are one.
    I love you...Madaline

    Jane said: July 5th, 2010 10:01 am
    WOW, you shine, how do you do that ?
    Answer: thank you for the compliment, the shining is The Grandpa Eagleman,
    and, The Grandmother Star Spider Woman,
    who come in, thru me, and, light me up ;) my heart/and, my soul
    are one, with them - when you do that , reconnect with your ancestors
    - everyone will shine like this

    Veronika TWB said: July 5th, 2010 9:42 am
    it is wonderful - even it is a lot of work that you are writing a book
    and i am proud of you (smiling) i learned a lot from you
    just by listening and i am really thankful,
    and thats why you need to bring your wisdom
    and knowledge out, books are a good tool to do that
    Love Veronika TWB
    Talks With Butterflies

    Tony Bermanseder said: July 5th, 2010 9:41 am
    I liked your video, You are a PR classic for interfacing
    with the mainstream
    Love JPA Tony Bermanseder

    Lizzi M. ~ Light Centre Belgravia said: July 5th, 2010 9:40 am
    Hi Susan, Great to connect with you. Your work looks fascinating,
    I love your photos. :) Lizzi M.

    Brook said: July 1st, 2010 11:25 pm
    I hope the rumor I'm hearing is not true, and you are leaving?
    If that is are going to be surly missed, and I hope you will stay in touch.....
    .If I cannot convince you to stay...would you please at least keep in touch?...
    here is my email address
    Many blessings! Brook

    Grayeagle Jones said: June 22nd, 2010 7:05 pm
    Susan, are you working for the opposiition to the Holy Writ?
    I find it to be very inspiring and up lifting.
    Goes along with my Cherokee teachings.
    Osda iga...Grayeagle Jones

    Barb ~ said: May 5th, 2010 5:18 pm
    Hello Susan, I noticed you are a DivineTeacher.
    Can you call ? i would like to hear from you. B
    arb be.light(at)

    Liara Covert said: April 27th, 2010 8:20 pm
    Great 2 connect with your show Happy Holiday & Happy Boxing Day!
    Love & Light, Liara

    TOrqued said: April 27th, 2010 8:18 pm
    Hello Susan/White Lotus Star You blew me away tonight
    - Sincerely TOrque

    DCS - PARANORMAL 101 said: April 27th, 2010 8:16 pm
    Thanks! Just wanted to send out a thank you note for participating
    in the round table discussion last night,
    was a great show and I had a wonderful time connecting
    with you all! Namaste! DCS PARANORMAL 101 on

    CYNASTRY said: April 27th, 2010 8:12 pm * Thanks for joining the show!
    Thanks for all the great content you added to the show!

    DAVE12345 said: April 27th, 2010 8:11 pm
    Hello! Your are, and, your show are very interesting (i'm listening now).
    It is one of my favourite things, the history of the universe and creation,
    and anything to do with that type of thing. I've already got a rough idea
    about the creation of the universe and the dispertion of consciousness
    into individualization, ie the races spoken about.
    it's always good to hear this type of stuff, you know, the 'bigger picture',

    Barbara Delong ~ Cosmic Deck of Initiation said: April 27th, 2010 8:07 pm
    Thank you so much for the amazing review on the deck of cards ...
    you were very kind. Your adventure looks like it is going to be amazing ...
    send post cards! Love and Light Barb

    Abraxasinas said: April 22nd, 2010 12:02 pm
    Susan the Exchanger - just like Isis eXchanged the lost spiritual phallus of Osiris
    with the symbol of Grandma Spiderwoman of the Hopi Lore.
    The Arachne then wove the web to allow Horus of the Horizon to be born in the symbol of the Wisdomkeeper of the Ages - the Sphinx.
    So Isis PERSISTED like OUR Susan does
    to do and say and write what she considers to be right
    and what 'feels' ok. Indeed she is a 'Keeper of The Secrets'
    and an Ambassadora for The Highest Feminine,
    The Creation of The Universe as Cosmic Womb herself.
    Susan the EXchanger has become The SHARER of The Secrets of Creation
    and many of her sisters will follow her into a New Dawn
    following a long and enduring night.
    The Mothers Dream Love BOTH the male and the female. Abraxasinas Abraxasinas

    From a posting board in 2004: said: March 23rd, 2010 4:12 pm
    Hi Susan Well, some surprises here, for sure:). Cadre 1, entity 7
    also known as the "Sweetheart Entity". You are a 6th level old sage,
    and I am thinking what you call cadence position refers to the casting,
    which appears to be King cast.
    While I really felt priest from you, I can certainly see a king cast sage
    as well especially with the discarnate priest essence twin,
    and a discarnate priest task companion.
    Discarnate essences can 'lend' the flavour of their energy
    to those incarnate essences to whom they are close,
    such as essence twins and task companions.
    King casting provides a certain mastery of what you
    attempt through your life's tasks, and knowing you,
    I would say you are certainly true to both your role and your casting.
    You certainly have some pretty strong overleaves
    which explains a lot of what you have accomplished in your life.
    Enjoy the journey! love XXXXXXXX (2004)

    XXXXXXXX said: March 23rd, 2010 4:03 pm
    Thank you exchanger for your help. Thank you very much.
    This is a sincere thank you! I was completely and utterly dead.
    You changed everything. Thank you!
    I know something massive has been done to me...
    and I feel that I need time to recover from this....
    I am positive and feel much better.
    Thank you again Susan! You saved me from desperation and almost death.
    Thank you! Love XXXXXXXX

    XXXX said: March 23rd, 2010 4:02 pm
    Hi Susan! I am writing to you because if I don't I will forget, because too many things are happening.... Saturday nothing happened apart from being tired weak and with my common aches and desperation.... Sunday morning I thought I was going to die. The pain in my heart was unbearable, I could feel someone taking out the metallic bits or whatever from it. It happened at least three episodes of heavy pain followed by extreme crying like crazy. I thought I could feel the removal of those things.... but I had the feeling that all my left side was in big trouble as if there were so many bits left. I had that vision that my heart was damaged so much that there was no solution to it... I was approximately more than one hour.... I would say 3 hours of complete pain and exhaustion. the pain in my back disappeared on sunday during this procedure.... the rest of Sunday I was in bed, I was dead. The emotional pain that I released during that episode was even incredible to myself... I did not know there was so much pain buried there with those bits.... During sunday night, my heart was sore and went to sleep exhausted. At approx 1-2am I was awoken by my gorgeous entities (the 3 I talked about before, and I saw them) because I usually see their outer surface/like shadows. The pain is gone..I feel like a have a new heart. I know something massive has been done to me... and I feel that I need time to recover from this.... I am positive and feel much better.
    So, Thank you exchanger for your help. Thank you very much.
    This is a sincere thank you! I was completely and utterly dead.
    You changed everything. Thank you!
    I know something massive has been done to me...
    and I feel that I need time to recover from this....
    I am positive and feel much better.
    Thank you again Susan! You saved me from desperation and almost death.
    Thank you! Love XXXX

    illuminate said: March 22nd, 2010 11:43 am
    stay excellent and THX from all us out here, for all your wonderful eXchanging!
    your hard work is appreciated, keep shining!! illuminate

    5th element said: March 22nd, 2010 11:42 am
    Susan - just amazing stuff I was a public speaker for 5 years
    - so I am coming from that perspective with feedback.
    Can you adjust the lighting? It is a bit dark and hard to see you.
    Is there anyway to provide a little background on the council of 33
    or it just assumed that the viewer would have that info?
    Also - a graphic to display the 13 bodies might be nice.
    But seriously - really nice work __________________ 5th element

    Nagual said: March 22nd, 2010 11:31 am
    Hi eXchanger! I've been reading many of your posts and really like the way you think.
    Thank you. Nagual

    Marian/Joy said: March 22nd, 2010 11:30 am
    Hullo lovely one, You have such wonderful energy..
    I have read most of your posts and find them very beautiful,
    so thank you for them..... Avalon has some real gems here....
    Love and Light Namaste Marian/Joy

    jazzjad said: March 22nd, 2010 11:30 am
    thank you for great work jazzjad

    Darek/jazzgad said: March 22nd, 2010 11:29 am
    namaste' Susan /KulKulKan wow, I stop reading posting on PA months ago
    but I wondered how the new energies are affecting the forum and stumbled
    on your tread "THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs"
    last nite ,after reading with renew enthusiasm ,
    I had semi lucid dream of going into sort of portals of different colors
    thanks Darek/jazzgad

    XXXX said: March 20th, 2010 3:09 pm
    Hello Exchanger Thank you very much for your healing and messages!
    I must say that I am feeling much much better. My heart is just fine.
    The massive pain is gone...GONE GONE GONE.
    My heart is just brand new... My back pain also stopped as soon as my heart was healed...
    both of them quite close in time... My dreams have been extremely intense
    for the last 3 weeks. I have the impression that there were entities,
    quite a few of them, working with my back... like performing surgery...
    or something... Last night they have been working on my back...
    they told me to relax... and I feel that there were at least three...
    At an emotional level I am more stable...
    I believe last month was almost a dying period.. I wanted to die
    and I believed that basically I a sense.
    So thank you dear Exchanger for everything you have done for me.
    Please let me know how can I pay for your services
    . I really appreciate what you have done for me.
    Thank you for your efforts and thank you for being so kind
    and helpful to me. Blessings and much light and love to you! XXXX

    Unifed Serentity said: March 20th, 2010 1:22 pm
    Great messages, I do enjoy reading your responses.
    If you ever want to chat, I'd love to. Christina

    WONDROUS stories said: March 16th, 2010 10:12 pm
    I have an abilty to feel people extremely well. I realise that you are of a differen
    t ilk to me my friend,hope you fare well on your adventures
    ,look after yersen on a true course my dear,all the best
    ,i will share a thought with you @stone circles, places of majesty.
    Waynester,lol,oak and cuddles,tree hugger Jack.X.
    Please understand that humour is essential to undertand the bounty within.

    JohnWDoe said: March 16th, 2010 8:00 pm
    hope your doing well! i have been reading your concepts on genetic modificatio
    n and higher views of dimensions, your insight is very noted. Id like to call myself
    in the middle or "on the fence" so i really take no sides but take it all in
    and i gotta say your words DO resonate with me. If we all were together the simple **
    we argue about would diminish greatly (don't ya think?)
    the REAL people here with genuine love will always open a door
    and show you all the respect a strong woman like you deserves.
    You are very special and i hope you know that! Take care eXchanger!

    STEELHORSEHD said: March 16th, 2010 7:25 pm
    Hello. My name is Dan I was moved so much by your post on our purpose
    for coming here that I felt compelled to contact you.
    You see, what you wrote was almost word for word myself.
    We are so close in thought and feelings. I would love to share them with you
    and see if there is an answer for us in this somewhere.
    Nothing is by chance so neither is this. A Friend Dan

    KttyK said: March 16th, 2010 7:22 pm
    I have spent the last several weeks mainly lurking waiting for the changes
    on the forum to calm and collect, connect and flow i wanted to let you know
    that your posts often make me smile, I feel some sort of connection,
    your logic from vegetables to flowers resonates with me,
    some sort of old spiritual connection somewhere
    thank you for taking the time out to connect with the ground crew
    i remember early on that you had a 'ring' like st clairs
    - does that still exist and how does one join?
    last bit - about me - i write poetry and have a black cat called Magic
    - I am in the UK. have a splendidly balanced day

    eric/Viking said: March 16th, 2010 4:54 pm
    Hi Susan Thanks you for your reply which was more in depth than expected.
    Many thanks. Enjoyable story on the plane...
    Oh btw I have a very old IBM laptop which is still going strong!
    How do I feel that I know you?? strange...! Have we met in dreamtime??
    Ok, how do I access my akashic records?
    Eric/viking ________________ Where there is Vision, there is Hope....

    illuniate said: March 16th, 2010 4:50 pm
    YOU~hello Susan, my name is Tania... I know you don't know me,
    but I have read so many of your wonderful contributions to Avalon since day one
    , and I wanted to say thank you! I also wanted to say that I'm sorry you aren't feeling well
    (I'm reading the healing thread) and that I truly hope you start feeling better asap!
    sending you waves of love and healing energy...
    I will keep you in my prayers. hang in there! much Love!

    Shirley said: March 16th, 2010 4:31 pm
    thank you so much for sharing this story... it made my heart 'pang' if you know what I mean...
    sometimes love feels like pain with an up-note, ya know?
    My father prevented me from bringing home to the U.S from Germany in '67,
    our 15 yr old dog, named Rex. He was as old as I at the time.
    My heart was broken to smithereens for his sake, not mine,
    as it would appear to him that he was LEFT...
    not understanding that I was powerless to affect a different outcome!
    At 56, I still envision meeting up with him again,
    in fact, I've known for some time that he "gets it"...
    but it took years for the grief to dissipate, about 30 yrs really!
    love to your sweet spirit! Shirley

    Tribe of Light said: March 16th, 2010 4:28 pm
    i just wanted to say thanks.... i posted the question largely
    because i felt it is a very pertinent one...
    in fact, one that is not easily answered, but one that needs to be,
    especially for the multitude of readers that visit the site to glean information. blessings.

    Dakini ~ Paula said: March 16th, 2010 4:27 pm
    My dear, YOU are one of the advanced, a true helper and healer. A visionary.
    Thank you for your presence on this site. Paula

    Dakini said: March 16th, 2010 4:24 pm
    I can see the Mystery School and Avalon teachings in you. Have a great day! Paula

    Dakini said: March 16th, 2010 2:47 pm
    i see how complex your work is and the amount of time and lifetimes
    you have spent getting to this level - not many on Earth are so adept.
    Amazing. Do you also do readings for people? Paula

    Judykoot said: March 16th, 2010 2:46 pm
    thanks I always enjoy your posts

    Orion Morris said: March 16th, 2010 2:40 pm
    Thank you for the message! You do have those mysterious and beautiful eyes!

    Jane said: March 16th, 2010 2:39 pm
    I just wanted to thank you for what you wrote on the singles thread.
    It really hit home for me. I have been in alot of pain and feeling very badly
    for what I have attracted. I'm trying really hard to get out of my comfort zone
    and participate on this forum, I'm finding it very difficult.
    I admire the way you write with such ease.
    So anyway thank you again, I always enjoy reading your posts.

    XXXXX said: March 16th, 2010 2:28 pm
    Susan, thanks for all the advice... having had time to think now
    from all you said and my exchange of additional info with you,
    I'm happy. It purged something for me, as no one knew of this relationship.
    I never lived with her, but tried to help her... it seemed like a need of mine
    from the past, deep, though i will help anyone if i can. I feel i can move on now happily
    - I will follow your advice.
    Thanks for the advice, and keep posting those great threads! XXXXX

    XXXXX said: March 16th, 2010 2:21 pm
    Hi Susan, thanks for the great words...from an angel (cos they came at exactly the right time...).
    I agree with what you say. You are the first person i have told the story to, and the last.
    The crisis is over, it took a day, thanks to your help. My heart is lighter already.
    I will repay someone else for the help you have given me, and thats how it goes.
    Giving is natural and it comes back one hundred fold
    . If you knew how far i had come spiritually from where i started,
    the elite upbringing hurt my gentle soul, so i travelled, solitary,
    to the farthest outposts of the planet doing third world finance and infrast
    Hi Susan, thanks for the great words...from an angel
    (cos they came at exactly the right time...).
    I agree with what you say.
    You are the first person i have told the story to,
    and the last. The crisis is over, it took a day, thanks to your help
    . My heart is lighter already.
    I will repay someone else for the help you have given me,
    and thats how it goes. Giving is natural and it comes back one hundred fold.
    If you knew how far i had come spiritually from where i started,
    the elite upbringing hurt my gentle soul, so i travelled, solitary,
    to the farthest outposts of the planet doing third world finance and infrastructure deals.
    Now i am going home to my place by the river to just "be". if you ever come to my city again,
    be sure to call by, ok angel? May i go wherever you are going....
    bye and thanks, Piersructure deals. Now i am going home to my place
    by the river to just "be". if you ever come to my city again,
    be sure to call by, ok angel? May i go wherever you are going....
    bye and thanks, XXXXX

    WORKINGWONDERS@AOL.COM said: March 16th, 2010 2:14 pm
    HI Susan, I do like You'r perspective about single People esp the one about some ppl
    may attract un-legitement cheaters but at the same time de-tract them away from us,
    its funy, sad, and true. THANKS

    Bob said: March 16th, 2010 2:09 pm
    I always appreciate and respect what you have to say. THANK YOU :)

    alyscat said: March 16th, 2010 2:08 pm
    Are your "lead balloon comments" the same as we used to call "pregnant pole vaulter"
    comments (well, that as a funny as a pregnant pole vaulter...)
    Probably showing my age here. alys

    Steve said: March 16th, 2010 2:06 pm
    Thank you Again it's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for taking the time for me.
    Not much going on the forum tonight. I decided to leave the studying for the morning
    and spend time here. I guess it won't hurt to go to bed early. Have a great night. Steve

    Luana said: March 16th, 2010 2:04 pm
    also...I've been reading the posts and I just want you to know that you're appreciated.
    Your advice was really good. Always love to hear what you think. Hope you are well. Luana

    Luana said: March 16th, 2010 2:01 pm
    Thank you Susan, you're such a joy! I really would like to meet you someday,
    I think we'd have a blast. Have a good night

    EphipaME said: March 16th, 2010 1:55 pm
    Hi Susan!.. you are just amazing today as always!...
    I look back now, and realize that I must have had a water initiation.
    This was about 20 yrs ago, I was floating on top of the water at our hideaway
    we called it Beaver Pond, a navigable creek that swelled into a very large pool of water...
    I floated, naked, ears just below the water & heard the water as my breath went in
    then out and my tears flowed into the merge w/the water...
    total immersion/blending/vulnerably exposed became one.
    Is this what you mean? As this memory came foremost to my mind.
    One of my special moments in life. THANKS

    EGG said: March 16th, 2010 1:49 pm
    appreciated your message, and thank you for it. Very kind of you. THUMBS UP !!! (*) Egg

    JesterTerrestrial said: March 16th, 2010 1:45 pm
    Have a great day Hi Susan...Keep up the good work. Just read your post. Interesting times!
    I wish you the best success on the work you will be doing in the future what ever it may be.
    Was great to have met with you here and have exchanged with you in person.
    I hope that if you are in the area here this summer that you stop in at the market.
    Perhaps I will organize a ground crew meeting there later in the summer
    . Hope to talk again sometime, peace JT - Mike

    THANKS said: March 16th, 2010 1:40 pm
    I see that you are doing some really important advanced level white magic and healing practices.
    I am very greatfull that you have taken an interest in me. I see that as a huge compliment
    to how far along I have come with my spiritual work on my own with very little help
    from any other humans. I hope that my paradigm of how I go about doing my work
    can help you in your endeavors. I also hope that if I am supposed to learn all
    of this numerology stuff for some reason, that the reason for it will show itself
    so I can stop being confused by all of this.
    Please do not hesitate to ask me for the assistance of my team of multiversal gods.
    They can evolve to help with tasks in any way nessesary.
    Also please do not hesitate to continue to stay in contact with me
    as I will do my best to stay in contact with you. NAME WITHHELD

    I have never even needed to wield any power through myself.
    All I have ever had to do is ask for the power to be wielded. S
    o yes I am in command of not only multiple creator gods,
    but also all of the other types of higher density intelligence as well.
    They just do what I ask them to do. I show them gratitude by thanking them.
    That is it. I am very greatfull that you have taken an interest in me.
    I see that as a huge compliment to how far along I have come with my spiritual work
    on my own with very little help from any other humans.
    I hope that my paradigm of how I go about doing my work can help you in your endeavors.
    I also hope that if I am supposed to learn all of this numerology stuff for some reason,
    that the reason for it will show itself so I can stop being confused by all of this.
    Please do not hesitate to ask me for the assistance of my team of multiversal gods.
    They can evolve to help with tasks in any way nessesary.
    Also please do not hesitate to continue to stay in contact with me
    as I will do my best to stay in contact with you. THANKS

    tone3jaguar said: March 16th, 2010 1:19 pm
    Thanks for the Healing Work I had a significant emotional purging over the last few days.
    Very similar to what I experienced during the third DNA shift.
    I dowsed that you uncorked a blockage for me.
    Thank you. tone3jaguar Fringe metaphysics

    RENE ~TRANCOSO said: March 16th, 2010 1:10 pm
    I love your beautiful, heartwarming, overwhelming posts.
    I love the spirit of your 'messages'. Love, RENE

    Unified Serenity said: March 14th, 2010 9:56 pm
    Hi ------------------------------------------------- Great messages,
    I do enjoy reading your responses. If you ever want to chat, I'd love to. C

    Tom said: March 14th, 2010 7:46 pm
    Do you ever feel angry and mad, nasty and negative and you just don't know why?
    Well, that is exactly how I was feeling, and, felt for the past 20 years.
    When I made my appointment with Susan I never thought it would alter,
    nor change my life, and, i didn't believe in any hocus pocus stuff either.
    I knew things were not right about me, and, i knew there had to be answers to why,
    so, why not, and, it was the best darn thing, i ever did for myself.
    The healing, and, the reading work, was beyond amazing,
    it actually, helped me to change my life.
    WOW - now i am happy, and, on a new road

    Sandra said: March 14th, 2010 7:39 pm
    "I have had the pleasure of receiving a healing session from Susan,
    and, also attended her seminars. I also enjoyed the healing session
    that I received from her, and, she provided useful ideas
    ,and, tools that i utilise every single day.
    I would recommend Susan, and, her work to anyone
    who is interested in her services, and,
    something that is way beyond the norm. Many thanks, and, much blessings to you, Sandra

    Shirley said: March 14th, 2010 7:35 pm
    As, a seminar attendee of Susan's personal development seminars back in the 80's
    ~ i know first hand, what a difference they have made in my life,
    i am very honoured, and, very proud to give her a testimonal
    ~as, i know that her work stands in an a category by itself,
    as, a healer-herbalist & iridologist, with interests in spirituality,
    she has been a continual guiding force in my life,
    and, i have benefited immensely from her work. I would highly recommend her,
    and, her work.

    Maurice O. said: March 14th, 2010 7:21 pm
    "I never believed, any of this remote healing stuff although,
    once, i experienced susan's stuff... and, touched into her energy,
    and, my own energy, i've never felt like this before ... t
    hat now, the old skeptic is a believer.
    She took her time, to show me, how to maintain most of it, all by myself,
    and, that to me, is a sign of a real master, and, real teacher.
    No doubt i have been living through hell, before crossing paths with Susan,
    she's NOT kidding when she says, learn how to create your own little slice of heaven,
    in this NOW. Eternally grateful, Love Maurice O.

    MH said: March 14th, 2010 7:20 pm
    â??Thank you, for removing all the claws & hooks & shackles,
    from this lifetime, and, other lifetimes, there is NO doubt,
    that i could feel & sense the lifting of negative energies, all around me,
    and, with just doing a few simple things,
    i have managed to keep myself, clean, and, clear.
    You truly did teach me, about being a true "piece of peace"
    Thank You Susan for healing, and, for loving me, and mostly for 'the full eXchange'
    - it made a world of difference to me" MH

    MA said: March 14th, 2010 7:20 pm
    "Susan has always amazed me, i met her when i was just under 55,
    and, she was only 25, she had a very specific shining in her eyes
    , that was vastly different, and, i knew, it was important
    , to do, as, she says, exchange with her.
    She has been my personal coach, my good friend,
    and, the best mentor and, teacher to me, for over 25 years.
    She is the real magical, as, she is mystical.
    Her guidance, as, well as her healings, were always 'spot on'
    and, they blew away, and, cleared a lot of things,
    that had been trouble spots for me, my whole lifetime,
    and, all her work, has made a world of difference to me.
    My mother died when i was an infant,
    and, i always had a hard life, also, i had many problems,
    also with my own children, without Susan,
    i would have likely never learned how to go clean
    , and, to go clear, she always taught me something new,
    and, she totally and completely altered and changed my life...
    i am so grateful for all she has done for me. M.A.

    Antonella / isis said: March 14th, 2010 7:19 pm
    Hi Susan, I just read your post on Soul Purposeâ?¦WOW!!! Antonella / isis

    Mystique said: March 14th, 2010 7:18 pm
    Congratulations I look forward to seeing and hearing your finished work.
    You seem so passionate about it and I am fascinated by your subject matter.
    Please keep us posted. Very interesting. Mystique __________________
    "The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it." Ayn Rand

    Rocky_Shorz said: March 14th, 2010 7:17 pm
    why do I always get such important messages from the words that you share... ;)

    Michael (aka bigmo) said: March 14th, 2010 7:16 pm
    it is a pleasure to read your posts. Michael (aka bigmo)

    RENE ~ TRANCOSO said: March 14th, 2010 7:16 pm
    i love your beautiful, heartwarming, overwhelming posts. Hardly ever read the whole lot,
    but I loved the spirit of your 'messages'. Thank You , darling. Love, RENE ~ TRANCOSO

    Lee said: March 14th, 2010 7:15 pm
    I appreciate all your insights. You can check out more on my website...
    www I will look forward to furthering our friendship,
    and send many many Blessings from snowy Boulder, Colorado!
    What's your name, by the way? Cheers, Lee

    Inkoze said: March 14th, 2010 7:14 pm
    thank you X ------------------------------------------------- Happy Holidays to you too Susan....
    BTW I love your posts.... Wishing you only the best for the new year!

    MUDRA said: March 14th, 2010 6:12 pm
    Much Love to you too dear Susan . And yes these words I wrote then I could write again now .
    Life is about changes dear . Now is the time to seize this opportunity ,
    grab that thread of Light tight in our hands and move on where ever we feel
    we may serve the best in carrying on with our work .
    Knowing that in the Love flow we are One and in the end we will join together again .
    Blessed be your journey dear . May beauty guide your steps and your heart remain strong.
    It has been a pleasure for me to meet you here in the sacred land of Avalon .
    What we shared will remain forever in our hearts transcending into new energy .
    The work goes on .. lets do our very best to add to the next wave of Light .
    Love for You sister Always mudra

    John - Relayer said: March 14th, 2010 5:33 pm
    I knew from the first time I met you here on Avalon that you are very private.
    And I respect that. Susan, I wish you all the best in the future and
    I sincerely hope you achieve all your goals and you have an extremely healthy
    and fulfilling life. You deserve no less. I ask you one favor my friend;
    can you every now and then let me know how you are doing and what you're up to,
    that is all I ask. Please take care Canadian lady and may love and light fill your world forever.
    Immense love to you, John Relayer Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
    only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.
    And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.
    A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. Martin Luther King

    burgundia said: March 14th, 2010 5:27 pm
    it was nice meeting you Susan, let me know about your book...

    Diane said: March 14th, 2010 5:23 pm
    Hi. I've enjoyed your posts. Aloha, Diane

    Avid said: March 14th, 2010 5:19 pm
    Dear Susan, I've really loved your comments and constructive advice
    - thank you xxxx pauline The love you withhold is the pain that you carry

    Inkoze said: March 14th, 2010 5:15 pm
    Hi X ,,, just checking up on u... Hi EXchanger, i enjoy and look forward to your posts.....
    You are in my prayers... we all have to do what we have to do..
    . The univerese works in mysterious ways eh? Be well..
    Be strong and go with you heart and intuition.... Peace to you my friend Tamara

    Mudra said: March 14th, 2010 5:03 pm
    the vault Dear Susan, I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness
    or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.
    I believe that what is mirrored in Avalon is the state of the world and in the state of the world
    is mirrored ourselves. Even when in service to others the work is always on self.
    That requires complete honesty with self at all times. The greatest challenge is always within.
    And beyond this : Anyone who has waded Through Love's turbulent waters,
    Now feeling hunger and now satiety, Is untouched by the season Of withering or blooming,
    For in the deepest And most dangerous waters, On the highest peaks,
    Love is always the same. May you fare well and be in peace
    Thank you for the sincere heart you have put in Avalon. This will keep it burning. mudra

    Mudra said: March 14th, 2010 5:02 pm
    I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness
    or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.
    I believe that what is mirrored in Avalon is the state of the world and in the state
    of the world is mirrored ourselves. Even when in service to others the work is always on self.
    That requires complete honesty with self at all times.
    The greatest challenge is always within. And beyond this :
    Anyone who has waded Through Love's turbulent waters,
    Now feeling hunger and now satiety, Is untouched by the season
    Of withering or blooming, For in the deepest And most dangerous waters,
    On the highest peaks, Love is always the same.
    May you fare well and be in peace
    Thank you for the sincere heart you have put in Avalon. This will keep it burning. mudra

    14Chakras said: March 14th, 2010 4:59 pm
    Your contributions are appreciated. We all have stuff to share
    and we get something out of each other's stuff, they don't always get commented on,
    but it's not a competition! It's about coming up higher. Best, Michael

    burgundia said: March 14th, 2010 4:58 pm
    burgundia thank you Susan very much...:wub2

    From a posting board in 2004 said: March 14th, 2010 11:36 am
    Hi Susan Well, some surprises here, for sure:). Cadre 1, entity 7
    also known as the "Sweetheart Entity". You are a 6th level old sage,
    and I am thinking what you call cadence position refers to the casting,
    which appears to be King cast. While I really felt priest from you,
    I can certainly see a king cast sage as well especially with the discarnate priest
    essence twin, and a discarnate priest task companion.
    Discarnate essences can 'lend' the flavour of their energy
    to those incarnate essences to whom they are close, such as essence twins
    and task companions. King casting provides a certain mastery of what you
    attempt through your life's tasks, and knowing you
    , I would say you are certainly true to both your role and your casting.
    You certainly have some pretty strong overleaves
    which explains a lot of what you have accomplished in your life.
    Enjoy the journey! love XXX

    FOSSILISED - KENT said: March 12th, 2010 6:14 pm
    please accept my most sincere thank you for your voice susan.
    i kind of lost mine but seem to be finding it again.i have to say you have always
    been a positive frequency in my own veiw of this little blue dot in a most big universe.
    i havent read everything you've posted, but everything i have resonates.
    thank you again sincerely peace,love,and harmony squared to the power of infinity to all.............

    goddess said: March 12th, 2010 5:49 pm
    You are really amazing! You know what you are talking about! Well, try to take care,
    YOU ALSO Please let me know if there is something I can do of service to you/and/or lionhawk.
    I am really willing to do so but I do not know how...
    Thank you Thank you Thank you Blessings,light and love Goddess

    Goddess said: March 12th, 2010 5:44 pm
    You are really amazing! You know what you are talking about! Thank you Thank you Thank you Blessings,light and love Goddess

    GODDESS OF PURPLE LIGHT said: March 12th, 2010 5:42 pm
    I am fine! Nothing compared to how I was in November...My heart is fine...
    sometimes it hurts a little.. just for a little while... and my fine. B
    ut my dreams are just amaSing!...very intense...
    there is a lot of action in my dreams and also know that a lot of entities
    are working on me during the night. From the physical point of view...
    it seems that I am re-structuring... FROM YOUR GREAT WORK So yeah!
    Amasing change! Now I can see entities much easier than before...
    So yeah! It is increadible... I know that work is still being done...
    it is like I have been turned upside down... Thank you Susan for all your work!

    Maire / truth will set you free said: March 12th, 2010 5:35 pm
    Hugs, hugs and more hugs !!! Here is some extra hugs and love go girl! Maire TRUTHWILLSETYOUFREE

    Eloryia said: March 10th, 2010 4:49 pm
    Hi Goddess Thank you for your support this evening on chat. In light with love
    from heaven on earth Eloryia

    Rocky_Shorz, said: March 9th, 2010 2:10 am
    why do I always get such important messages from the words that you share ??? Rocky_Shorz

    El ~Fifth Element said: March 4th, 2010 2:06 pm
    I just wanted you to know that I have really enjoyed your posts and have grown
    a great deal from reading them this past year (while I was a looky-loo).
    I am sending loving thoughts your way and I truly hope that you find what you need in your lif
    e El

    Mary ~ TruthWillSetUFree said: March 4th, 2010 1:48 pm
    My God Susan you absolutely Rock!! You are exquisite in your wisdom and willingness
    to BE who you are! My heart is bursting with love and admiration every time
    I read one of your posts Thank you for being who you are in this crazy dualistic world
    I am a Capricorn too love! In the Love of our OneNess, Mary TruthWillSetUFree

    rystal Storm a.k.a DCS [The Mind of DCS] said: February 28th, 2010 12:10 am
    PARANORMAL 101: thanks for coming on Susan HOST] Crystal Storm a.k.a DCS [The Mind of DCS] (Author/Researcher)
    presents a special round table discussion on the topics covered on Paranormal101
    the last month! Experts? Well, maybe not "experts" but they sure know a lot,
    and have great information to share with you! Its a two hour discussion
    you don't want to miss, with different perspectives and opinions concerning Science
    and Mysticism, Co-Creation, metaphysics, Government Conspiracy Theories,
    Practical Avatars of our times, UFO's and much more!
    Call in and participate in the discussion! So far the line up includes Jeff Grupp
    from Antimatter Radio, Patrick Cooke with Matrix radio and more to come! Don't miss it

    Thanks for everything !!! said: February 25th, 2010 2:32 am
    Susan, that was kind of cool that we could share our abilities with each other. I liked that.
    Thank you for taking the scare out of being totally controlled by beings,
    which were NOT in alignment with me, and, for removing all of them, so quickly :)
    You realigned things for me magnficently, and, it really helped me to put things
    into a much better, and, consice order ~ and, MY DREAMING really improved,
    too Thanks for everything !!! love, XXXXXX said: February 24th, 2010 10:40 pm
    Birthstar Report for Susan Punarvasu (20� Gemini to 3�20' Cancer) General Characteristics: Intellectual and spiritual wisdom, material prosperity, good natured, quiet, patient, devout,
    lives in comfort. Translation: Good Again Symbol: Bow and a quiver of arrows Animal Symbol:
    Female Cat - sensitivity and need for independence Ruling Planet: Jupiter Nature: Deva (god-like)
    Presiding deity: Aditi tends the ground on which healthy seeds can bear fruit. Earth Goddess Favorable: Caring; loving; nurturing; easily contented; friendly good natured; simplistic life; lives in the moment; generous; shares with others; religious inclinations; interested in spiritual writings and philosophies; potential in the communications field - can be good writers and inspiring speakers;
    profound imagination; purifies self to make spiritual progress; ability to connect with others;
    successful projects. Get your free vedic chart

    Maha Yogi A.S. Narayana (from 1985) said: February 24th, 2010 3:24 pm
    "You are here, NOT by accident, NOR by happenstance, it is, by a very deliberate, intended,
    and, well orchestrated plan, for, this is always 'the way' of 'The 13th Grand Cycle',
    and, you will have much work to do, to prepare yourself. The Great Spirit of The Grandfather,
    he walks with you, in time, there will be others.
    The power of all your 12 completed grand cycles is with you, for you know, you are guided by ViViANE, and, Seraf'ina both known to you, both already working with you, along with "G".
    It will NOT be easy work, although, it will take more than two decades,
    and, when you get to that point, and, you look back, you will see, quite clearly,
    it will all have been 'worth' your 'while'.
    The information, you have, is ancient, as, well, as advanced, and,
    when you put it out there, you will be seen, as, a modern day version of Rudolf Steiner,
    do you know who he is ?
    You are one, who holds the potential to bridge, and, to span the gaps,
    between philosophy/magic/mysticism, Super Psychic Maha Yogi A.S. Narayana
    aka Alfred Schmielewski (1975-1986) JULY 1985

    BROOK said: February 24th, 2010 2:58 pm
    hi Susan! Been away for awhile.. and I see you decided to stay.. in fact you seem to glow!
    That is a great thing.. and I'm glad to see your words and essence :)

    I really felt your love for me said: February 23rd, 2010 1:21 pm
    I really felt your love for me when you worked with me, thank you for helping me
    to remove the scare of being taken over. Your work, along with work i've been doing with another,
    has resulted in the huge change in my viewpoint, I'd say both served to get me able
    to confront the next truth about myself and my family. blessings and highest love, XX

    Indigo Wisdom Talk ~ Danielle said: February 19th, 2010 2:40 pm
    "Greetings...I know you are back for a purpose and I salute you on your path...
    keep up the great works!
    it sounds like your mind moves very quickly, start a blog so you can have a forum
    to share your light-experiences in a coherant way so that people who are interested
    or never had that happen can understand Susan...
    love light and god-speed in your travels! Danielle Indigo Wisdom Talk

    Bishop Allen Wright -1977-33 years ago said: February 17th, 2010 3:14 am
    "13 Lines of Spirit, i've NOT seen that before !!! when you truly awaken to all that you are, you will remember, THESE WORDS !!! Bishop Allen Wright (1977) 33 YEARS AGO

    Kerrie O'Connor said: February 17th, 2010 3:10 am
    "You are an old ancient one, aren't you !!!" "1000 watt light bulb" "Yes, you know especially because everyone is talking about the thirteenth bridge the thirteenth bridge~and, YOU ARE the bridge " Kerrie O'Connor

    Donna, unlimited mind said: February 15th, 2010 12:24 am
    i just have to tell you that some of the things that were discussed on that thread created quite a DNA elevation. i did not sleep for two days, and could almost write a book on some info that kept pouring in... the awareness of yes and how to observe energy. the click happened when i read about seeing screens in dreams. after that so many things clicked into place that it catapulted me into another frequency of information. any how, thanks again for being you. xoxo donna, unlimited mind September 2008

    Calvin said: February 15th, 2010 12:21 am
    You are Full of light !!! eXchanger, I was very drawn to your posts on this page, and felt like i should just send you an email I am curious to get your insight on these times eXchanger, and hopefully learn more about you and your feelings. Love and Peace Calvin

    samantha aka wildfire ~ Author said: February 15th, 2010 12:19 am
    love all this site does... keep up your great vibe it is needed here love samantha
    aka wildfire Author-Wildfire Create a life worth living.
    Create a Planet worth living on. Create a Universe worth living in.

    Julie / CosmicFever said: February 15th, 2010 12:18 am
    You know I've been following your posts since this thing started.
    The manner in which you present yourself is sincere and shines
    with Truth and good intent. I believe Love and Peace will prevail.
    Thank you for the time you put into Avalon. Love and Peace
    , Julie / CosmicFever Sep 2008 said: February 15th, 2010 12:15 am
    Susan/White Lotus Star...WOW !!!! You definitely have a very special
    and unique and rare type of hand. You are a old soul and have a long journey ahead of you.
    Your healing abilities will increase along with your energy ,
    so be careful that you carefully moniter the energy flow as it can be very overwhelming
    to some folks. In a past life you were a very very powerful healer and gifted guide.
    You even knew nostrodamus.
    Thank you for sending me the photos they are very unique and very different that's for sure.
    A lot of the things you did and knew back at the beginning of atlantis will start
    or should be resurfacing now. Take care and many blessings to you
    Leean ~ the palmistry lady

    Empowerment Sanctuary said: February 15th, 2010 12:12 am
    EmpowermentSanctuary Hi Susan, Thank you so much for dropping by Empowerment Sanctuary today! Loved your energy and light - thanks so much for sharing with us today! Be blessed

    Lola Noble said: February 15th, 2010 12:11 am
    Susan/White Lotus Star, thank you for your insight and wisdom. I have seen you in chats from time to time and I like your unconditional love for mankind. It shows through your voice and actions. BTW, I really enjoyed what you had to say at the Paranormal 101 show yesterday. Keep the peace and life force brimming forward. Best regards, Lola Noble

    Micah said: February 15th, 2010 12:10 am
    I applaud your efforts. Dream well... Susan/ White Lotus Star Love/ Micah

    Steve Sterling/Stream Star said: February 15th, 2010 12:09 am
    I listened to your first radio show in the archieves... and i made a connectedness then forged a new center and, originated a new now Thank You Steve/Stream Star

    NoisyNora said: February 15th, 2010 12:06 am
    Thank you so much for the wonderful show & reading! I find so much inspiration everywhere I look. People have been coming into my life that I know now are for a reason. Thanks again. NoisyNora

    KENTROVERSY said: February 15th, 2010 12:05 am
    WOW !!! 333 333 315/333 333 351 Your Qabalistic numbers are interesting 003 = Three is the number of Binah (understanding). It is also the number of triplicity, and, there are many, many things that could be mentioned here. 333 = 333 is the number associated with the Qabala of the Nine Chambers,and is a number of love and sex. 351 = 351 is the mystic number of the 26th path,and is related to Solar energy being transmuted into something much more beautiful,i.e. Splendor. This is also a number of the Angels of Malkuth. 351 = Wizard 531 = Ruler of Air 981 = The ten plagues of Egypt, which must be in your arsenal of defense. 9-9-9 = This is a triplicity of Lunar energy, which Is female generative energy 9-9-9 also refers to judges and judgment.These numbers correspondences seem to line up with what you are saying about yourself,which is NOT surprising. Namaste...KENTROVERSY 2007

    Sal Rachele, President -- Author said: February 15th, 2010 12:03 am
    I have known Susan, since 1999 and would heartily recommend her as a seminar leader, teacher, healer, organizer and business person. She displays a high degree of integrity in business matters and enjoys working with people. She is trustworthy and fair in financial transactions and goes out of her way to make sure exchanges are equitable. She has a great deal of knowledge in the areas of metaphysics, spiritual growth, holistic healing, network marketing, entrepreneurship and creativity. She has a wealth of ideas and has assisted in many projects and programs ranging from health to mysticism. I believe Susan is a great asset in business, working with a team or organization, and brings a lot of expertise to situations requiring a sharp mind and dedicated soul. Sal Rachele, President -- Author, Channel, Mystic, Recording Artist Living Awareness Productions

    Shepherd Hoodwin ~ said: February 13th, 2010 3:18 am
    The combination of sage and priest is formidable, it is both about communicating, and, inspiring There's also the ability as a sage, both to communicate, intellectually, the priest energy, to have empathy for others, and, to help in a more emotional way, so its balance these two qualities as well. King casting suggests that you want to master both qualities, so you're looking to improve how you communicate, and, how you inspire, Your double server secondary and tertiary casting/double cardinal. Which means that you also want what you communicate and inspire to others to serve the common good. With dominance and power, you are going to be an influential person, definitely with this chart. Shepherd Hoodwin ~ (16.25 to 26.47)

    Caroline Davina Best / said: February 13th, 2010 3:11 am
    This is your time to shine... you know that, nothing can hold you back, it is all aligning for you, you are an amasing teacher... you don't have one paint brush/or, one colour, you've got many, many gifts with so many aspects, it is a grand opportunity for you, to utilise all these aspects You are limitless--You are totally ready~~Your big heart is open, and, ready You have come to a good, and, centred state-- This is the year, that you, susan, brings your work, out into the world It is all aligning for you... Caroline Davina Best / Ascension Teacher Published Spiritual Author Course Facilitator Public Speaker Trained in many energetic healing modalities Private Practice Spiritual Intuitive Radio Host - Bridge to Ascension with The Council of 12 Energy Healing Practitioner Qi-Gong Shabashi Practitioner Spiritual Psychology Councilor

    Philip Gardiners said: February 13th, 2010 3:07 am
    "You know the secret of the serpents"... "and, you will draw serpents and dragons" Philip Gardiners www.firesnake. com www.philipgardiners 17/03/2009

    abraxasinas said: February 13th, 2010 3:05 am
    abraxasinas susan=19+21+19+1+14=74=jesus= cross=beauty=messiah=74=energy= beauty=clouds=songs=tony=[47]=john=mum=beast=....

    Joe, Mascaragoop said: February 13th, 2010 2:16 am
    Dear Susan, What a beautiful Michael Teachings chart you have. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Good? It's amazing. When you reach the 7th-Level, you'll have so much valuable information (not that you don't already), caring, understanding, and beautiful expression to pass on to those of us who'll await eagerly to listen, absorb, demonstrate, and learn from. And if I may say so myself, it would be a true honor to know you in this life. You've shared much divinity on this board, and it's been a true gift to read inherited and wise expressions passed on to us from an Old Sage. I've seen most people react to this type of information with either fear, bewilderment, or sheer boredom. Hear, hear! Thank goodness for these Message Boards. The 6th-Level can often be very hard to experience. It's as if you're trying to move forward to freedom, but you are still attached to several strands that hold you back. Or it can feel like trudging through deep mud. But when you reach the other side, ugh. It can be true bliss. The 7th-Level is a wonderful reward. Your Cadence Casting is in the King position, so, you probably operate like one. Sage/King Cast sounds like a fascinatingly rich combination. Both your Priest Essence Twin and Task Companion are discarnate, there's a strong "Priestly" quality that bleeds through you~through Cadence Mates.

    ED said: February 13th, 2010 2:07 am
    You would have a setup to be a major, large scale teacher or healer, of some sort, or a new age celebrity, whatever your life work is. All those exalted overleaves, and especially Power and Dominance, make you very high-powered. All the best, Ed Susan says: (LiFE WORK: TO LEAVE HISTORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS to MAGICAL THINKING)

    TOrque said: January 27th, 2010 3:46 pm
    Hello Susan~White Lotus Star You blew me away tonight- Sincerely TOrque

    SHAY said: January 26th, 2010 1:57 am
    Susan has been a truly integral aspect of my evolving consciousness and ascension. Her vibrations have been echo within me and all who have been blessed to meet and interact with. Her services I highly recommend to all who wish to learn to SEE outside of the box. Shay

    Angel & Eric said: January 26th, 2010 1:56 am
    It was a mutual honor to share yesterday! Angel & Eric

    Mar Key Duk Tov said: January 17th, 2010 10:34 am
    My SiStar of the WINGMAKKERWILL I support 100% her efforts and do so with the full support of First Source who is our Commander in looking forward to the Round being complete and do so plan on helping her bring this about.

    Curtis said: January 16th, 2010 7:05 pm
    Susan, I want to thank you! The pressure has dissipated significantly! There is still some pressure if I move my head in certain ways and I'm frankly glad as I want this growth to fulfill its potential. I called for your help last night after we spoke, invited you in and asked my guides to work with you in service to the light. I greatly appreciate you! Love, Curtis July 29, 2009

    Dougie Slap said: January 7th, 2010 5:28 pm
    You are THE WiSE ONE... always appreciate having you on the show you have rafts of knowledge thank you for sharing Love, Dougie

    Gerardus~GEE said: January 7th, 2010 5:26 pm
    Thank you for your note... AND Happy Birthday to You! Yeah, I remember now from the TL days that You and Fred were very close to my birthday. Birthdays come and go - Awareness never moves! Happy 2010 to all - Gerardus GEE WHiZ P.S. I'm wondering: How could someone that young (29) be that wise? Hmmm... ..

    Majorion said: January 7th, 2010 5:24 pm
    Hi eXchanger, "THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them" - what an amazing thread with loads of great information, its rare that I see so much truth frontloaded in one thread like that. Be my friend! :eek:riginal: Majorion

    Peter Farley, said: January 7th, 2010 2:14 pm
    THE TiME for FOOLING AROUND, is OVER "Pretty silly, to come all this way, do all this preparation, which i must say, you have done, quite eloquently, and, very well and, then, NOT do it, NOW isn't it !!! i thought i had dealt with every member of the council, now, i see, i have dealt with all of them, except one - THREE NOW, go, and, be that 'THREE' NO excuses" Your sound encoding, will be done along with the rest of the group this weekend. Peter Farley 2006

    singularitylight said: January 7th, 2010 2:10 pm
    i appreciate your posts. You have a discerning mind and a true loving heart. You have that nice feminine/nurturing quality that comes through energetically, although the content of your posts are generally different. You are a bit more of the detective. Thank you for your consistent work and love singularitylight

    garrymayani said: January 7th, 2010 2:09 pm
    Hi, I found your information really amazing, seems you knew everything, hope you can help me understand everything from the root... Peace, love & light be with you.. garrymayani Philippines

    Céline said: January 7th, 2010 2:06 pm
    You have a heart that has more capacity to love, then most... thank you for sharing it. Your efforts are not unnoticed... i am grateful... as are so many others.. be well and know you are loved Céline

    22~50 said: December 28th, 2009 10:14 pm
    25/12/2009 7:00:59 P.M. GMT Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom Happy Christmas to you, and many Happy returns for your Birthday for 27th Love 22~50

    Rossinna Ippolito said: December 28th, 2009 6:18 pm
    Happiest of birthdays to the lovely Susan, one of the people I most admire!

    Francis "Grey Wolf" Billington said: December 28th, 2009 5:27 pm
    Francis "Grey Wolf" Billington To view your greeting please click on the following link:

    Carson said: December 28th, 2009 3:54 pm
    Susan, Much love and many blessings for this year ahead of you. I have a feeling about all of the changes and us being exactly where we need to be. I hope you had a great Christmas and we'll catch up soon ~ as there is time ahead for our collaborations to manifest. Peace be upon you... Blessings from this universe to yours, Carson "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes" - Marcel Proust

    JAMES STEVENS said: December 27th, 2009 12:26 am
    Good Evening Susan Wishing a delightful birthday,,, You are a True Friend, that has help US All,,,

    Liara Covert said: December 26th, 2009 12:43 pm
    Great 2 connect with your show Happy Holiday & Happy Boxing Day! Love & Light, Liara

    John Pedersen said: December 26th, 2009 9:32 am
    Fascinating website, Susan! Hope that your Christmas was blessed and that your 2010 will be very enlightened. Warm Regards, ~John

    soapcrates said: December 22nd, 2009 6:09 pm
    ACK! Hi there - just changed a few bits n pieces - thanks for the tip. By the way - I swear with every picture you are getting younger. Well done if you have found the fountain of life or the holy grail can i have a sip ? hey did you managed to form your own group in the end before you stopped writing as much? Whats your progress been so far? soapcrates

    LiONHAWK said: December 22nd, 2009 3:40 pm
    I have no issues as to your credentials as I already know they come from on high. But very interesting as to how high they go. Well, I would also like to learn more about you. You sound like someone who has got it covered. Sounds like we have a lot of notes to compare. Are you up for that? lol Thank-you LiONHAWK

    Vision ~ Greybeard ~ Chris said: December 22nd, 2009 3:36 pm
    Vision Hi Susan Wishing you a happy Christmas and a great 2010 (3) May your "dream" come into being. Love Chris greybeard

    MS said: December 22nd, 2009 3:20 am
    "THE ONE who brings THE LiGHT to THE KNOWLEDGE" (is you) Little Flower / MS

    tone3jaguar said: December 22nd, 2009 2:46 am
    dowsing yours souls progression to 9D/33 - Yep, it dowses up 360 degrees. You are done. tone3jaguar Fringe metaphysics

    CacklingMuse said: December 22nd, 2009 2:41 am
    thank-you for your kind words and healing serenity CacklingMuse

    THE THANKSGiViNG THREAD said: December 21st, 2009 11:20 am
    Thank you Susan and thank you for all you do for the good of all! KAREN

    Traveler said: December 18th, 2009 11:55 am
    That was a stunning presentation eXchanger, thank you. Thanks again to all. This has helped already. Traveler

    STEVEN HAIRFIELD said: December 18th, 2009 12:05 am
    3/17/2009 10:42 PM CHECK OUT: AT 1:29:29 minutes into the show Susan/The eXchanger says: I believe i am here to do something signifant Steven Hairfield: "yes, you are, you are here as a teacher" "when are you going to write ???" "your knowledge was what you brought here to operate on" Susan: I feel like a candle, trying to hold itself up to a torch Steven Hairfield: "If it wasn't for the candle, the torch would NOT be lit." Susan says: "Do you think my 111 keys real ? Steven Hairfiled: "Yes" "it's part of your old ancient path, your experience, in Atlantis, it is your knowledge" "you came to bring people to a higher conscious - contact intercircle publishing, i'll help you get published."

    JesterTerrestrial said: December 17th, 2009 11:34 pm
    Susan, I hope all is well. I do know you have some amazing information to share with so many. I hope you do write a book and continue to eXchange with us all. Please, Have a beautiful day no matter where you are JT JesterTerrestrial

    Dougie Slap said: December 17th, 2009 3:06 pm
    You are THE WiSE ONE... always appreciate having you on the show you have rafts of knowledge thank you for sharing Love, Dougie

    Tim said: December 16th, 2009 3:37 pm
    you have a familiar glow..

    Angel-Light Love (Traveling Angel) said: December 16th, 2009 11:59 am
    You know what, I want to know the WHYS of YOU, too! Recently i decided that you are beyond my level (not better than me but beyond me). Getting something about "comprehension." I was "blown away" by all the implants and "installations" in your chakras revealed in the analysis. It was almost like you were a "bionic woman" of sorts. I was shown some of them. They "remake us" into who we are with the implants, encodements, programs, etc. Enjoy, in joy joyfully! Angel-Light Love (Traveling Angel) Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator (Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment) Healing Love Lighthouse (A Love Work Supported By Donations)

    TOBiAS - said: December 16th, 2009 11:23 am
    July 6/2009 You're reincarnating while staying in the same body yes, you are rebirthing yourself watching the old susan fade out, while the new you truly comes in tobias: (HIS LAST SHOW)

    WALKS with THUNDER said: December 16th, 2009 11:21 am
    Very creative work, its more than just a centre -creating methods/theories/formulas for healing & regeneration & growth, that sort of things - hands on creativity -you both are very creative people WALKS with THUNDER His Grandfather was a Medicine Man for the Caddo tribe & Annette

    STEVE ROTHER & The Group said: December 16th, 2009 11:11 am
    Sounds good to me, i love the whole round table concept i think you've got a big piece of this, enjoy the ride... (thank you) send me a book when you are finished (i'll send you my third signed one) Thank you for sharing Susan it sounds like you have quite a life to lead, it sounds intriguing !!! STEVE ROTHER & THE GROUP

    STEVE ROTHER & THE GROUP said: December 16th, 2009 11:10 am
    Let me tell you what they are showing me... you probably already know this to some degree but you have been here many, many, many lifetimes as a healer and, as a teacher. Your timing on this planet, was criticial You are getting real close to getting to what you came to do. (yes, i am) You are on the right track here !!! (i won't worry~i'm here to bring them back to the round, the original round) STEVE ROTHER & THE GROUP

    Mark David Gerson said: December 16th, 2009 11:03 am
    "Susan is a powerful healer and bridge-builder, a conscious link between the dimensions and realms. Her work, only now beginning to move from her and out into the world, it carries the potential to connect many with the heart-source of their divine nature." Mark David Gerson

    Rebecca Jeringan ~ Journeys with Rebecca said: December 16th, 2009 11:02 am
    "Susan possess great knowledge on magic and goes beyond the knowledge to apply it in a way that effects great changes for others and herself. She is in the realm of a high magician and works in the Light and from her heart." Rebecca Jeringan Well known Radio/TV Talk show host of The Journeys with Rebecca Show Channel of the Elohim

    100thmonkey said: December 16th, 2009 11:01 am
    Thanks for this thread eXchanger. Michael stuff really fits with how I have come to see the world, but fills in a lot of detail. (A l-ooot... I'm going to have to come back to this thread a few times to absorb it. ) The summary you gave of the Michael Teachings also sounds a lot like the Abe Lincoln Teachings: "Be excellent to each other, - and party on, dudes!"

    Karen Anderson - Divine Journeys said: December 16th, 2009 11:00 am
    "The White Buffalo Travels with you... it will always be with you !!! " Karen Anderson - Divine Journeys

    Mona Van Joseph ~ Mystic Monaâ?¢! said: December 16th, 2009 10:59 am
    She (meaning Susan) is one of the more enlightened ones... One of your biggest gifts, is bringing harmony to chaos The change you will bring, is going to make a big difference !!! Mona Van Joseph is famous as Las Vegas' own Mystic Monaâ?¢!

    Farls said: December 15th, 2009 2:55 pm
    The signs in your chart: 3rd house is in teaching 9th house is higher teaching 8th house is esoteric teaching 12th house is spiritual teaching You are covered with it !!! All over, Farls

    Ermina said: December 15th, 2009 2:49 pm
    22/06/2009 9:05 AM Ditto dear sister! We've been through so much.... Time to be in joy.... I have some catching up to do.... love/ermina ********************** Susan says: Ermina & i, met at the 1st Harmonic Converage 11/11/1987--22 years ago in Toronto - if you were there, please contact us !!! We'd love to do a radio show about that event !! ! It was a pivotal day !!!

    Farley said: December 15th, 2009 2:31 pm
    PART 3 She is also mature enough, and protected enough to delve into most all things esoteric. Her powers, gifts, and awareness are infinite and beyond comprehension. Few people can connect and understand myself for one, and yet Susan finds it easy to interact with me on multiple levels for over 10 years now. You can only communicate with someone if you are a like vibration. I feel she can connect with various individuals on multiple levels. Her mind is so quick, and lightning fast, that at times I feel her thoughts are far ahead of what she is speaking, trying to get out her thoughts in a human way, with a super human presentation. It makes for quite a sight!" A part of her Astral Self has always been with me, since we met, and we are intimately bonded on a spiritual level at all times, so we can literally 'feel' each other, even though far apart. I believe Susan~White Lotus Star has the ability to alter life as we know it on Planet Earth for the better, and that she has the ambition, and drive to do whatever she wants." Farley Malorrus, Blessings in the Light Author of Twights First Gleaming

    Farley said: December 15th, 2009 2:29 pm
    part 2 It is the Moon in Cancer with Jupiter in Scorpio that stretches her aura to a wide range in order to embrace emotionally all things as they happen. I have yet to meet a person who cares more for all things living. I believe she has thereby transferred a physical need to bond with people and all things to a spiritual crescendo of God Consciousness which I feel is uncomparable. Given the opportunity to step aside from her conscious mind, drift into the meditative state of spirit, I feel she can connect with all beings alive or passed over, should she desire. cont'd part 3

    Farley said: December 15th, 2009 2:28 pm
    August 08, 2006 : " This women is the most spiritual, Christ Conscious being I ever met, throughout time. I am wondering if she did not have a hand in creating this, the 3rd dimension. She is not the atypical Capricorn, with Mars in Capricorn as she does not seem to have to martyr herself, with the exception of sacrifice in love relationships which epitomizes her karma. The Capricorn energy is very similar to the Christ energy that Jesus had while alive. Her Cancer/Capricorn opposition seems to fill her with the needed sensitivity, nurturing, and level headedness that is necessary for her to pursue vast sp ritual goals. I find her mind vast, inter dimensional, open, and extremely aware of many levels of consciousness at once. Jupiter in Scorpio pierces all levels of consciousness in order to bleed through to her incredible, uncomparable compassion for Earth, Humanity, and all animals. cont'd part 2

    shec27 said: December 15th, 2009 2:13 pm
    Wednesday, May 07, 2008PM Thank You Susan Your words and strength have touched me shec27

    Kira Raa said: December 15th, 2009 2:12 pm
    Wednesday, May 07, 2008 : Hello Dearest One! Susan, THANK YOU for sharing with me. What a wonderful treat to touch base and enjoy your wonderful pictures. We are at such a profound moment in human history and my heart reaches out to you with great love and joy that you are and embracing your many gifts! With Many Blessings, Kira Raa

    burgundia said: December 15th, 2009 2:09 pm
    thank you Susan very much... burgundia

    Peggy said: December 15th, 2009 2:09 pm
    Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Susan, has a deep sense of loyalty, honesty, and inspires other people's confidence because she knows how to keep secrets 1958, was the year of the dog, i was NOT surprised to learn, this is The Year of The Golden EARTH DOG well grounded, both feet solidly on the ground. She is clever, and genuine. A perfectionist, she sees that projects have a beginning and an end, and she always see things all the way through. Earth gives this Dog an element of security, for she is inspiring and confident. In Love, love is no big deal for them, it's just a natural part of life. If it happens , its ok, but if its not, no great enthusiasm is lost. The best person for the Earth Dog is a strongly independent someone who relishes freedom and it will be beautiful union, when the Golden Earth Dog and their mate do come together, maybe a 66/67 fire horse (grin) Peggy

    Jon said: December 15th, 2009 1:39 pm
    Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Hi Susan: I was very impressed with your experience and your qualification I took a look at some of the websites that you have written information on... and was thrilled at the crystal grids that you have been working with at your sanctuary... As you spoke about the 12 & 13 I did indeed feel a tingling sensation throughout my body to the core... so indeed I feel as I am one of them... I also feel that we knew or worked with each other in a Lemurian past life... since our eXchange... as you say I feel altered and more attuned to who I am... and the connection I have with you... I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you... Jon

    Shay said: December 15th, 2009 1:36 pm
    Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Susan has been a truly integral aspect of my evolving consciousness and ascension. Her vibrations have been echo within me and all who have been blessed to meet and interact with. Her services I highly recommend to all who wish to learn to SEE & MOVE way outside of the box. Love, Shay

    ViKiNG - Eric said: December 15th, 2009 1:34 pm
    love your vision and what we could/will do... Anything is possible with a few visionary interactive minds. Kind Regards Viking/Eric

    Unified Serenity ~ Christina said: December 15th, 2009 1:31 pm
    Unified Serenity Great messages, I do enjoy reading your responses. If you ever want to chat, I'd love to. Christina

    Darek/jazzgad THANK YOU for GREAT WORK said: December 15th, 2009 1:29 pm
    namaste' Susan /KulKulKan wow, I stop reading posting on PA months ago but I wondered how the new energies are affecting the forum and stumbled on your tread "THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs" last nite,after reading with renew enthusiasm. I had semi lucid dream of going into sort of portals of different colors I think my daughter was with me too. Today while reading more of your material I got entrained into like meditative state-that is also telling me I know you, can you tell me how ? thanks Darek/jazzgad thank you for great work

    CXXXXXX said: December 14th, 2009 10:59 am
    TIME of QUESTION: 19/07/2009 1:04:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time answer: (26/11-13 energies) QUESTION: Dearest Susan, On July 7, we had the most monumental Lunar Eclipse ever on Earth. A major shift and influx of energy occurred. On July 21, the 5th Dimension will be fully anchored on Earth. Please be there in your heart for us who are just arriving now..... On August 8, will be the last day of the period ushering in the Lion's Gate, allowing Truth to be revealed. The energies of the spiritual are incredible now..... more than I have ever experienced. Please....I need to know now....what happened on Pan? Representatives of Pan are being invited to attend in meditation on July 21. What happened? Was I a part of it? Was Pan a destroyed version of Earth? Was Queen Mab in charge? Titania? I know you were there, because you were the one who first told me about Pan. (this in approx 1996) I can't read the Akashic records...yet. I will, in very due time. Please, can you help me out with info on Pan? Thank you for the spiritual assistance at this great time in Earth history. Love you with all my heart, Cxxxxxx (See Answer:

    Your Mom in Spirit Veronika twb said: December 12th, 2009 3:32 pm
    WOW, hello Susan, glad to find you here also! I love you... Your Mom in Spirit Veronika twb

    Michael said: December 12th, 2009 1:24 pm
    Happy Holidays! Great to hear from you Susan! Its lonely trying to communicate when there truly are so few who are really connected, who really see. I am so honored to have met you online. I am shifting my consciousness. Its not what I had expected. It feels more like my higher self is descending. I'm not "ascending" I am reconnecting deeper still. Love Michael Dearest Michael...The secrets, are all hidden deep within, so, please dig deep-most people who listen to the 1st show, and, the 4th show on - are connecting, so, give it another listen - approx 1 1/2 hrs time is needed to cover both show~awaken that dreamer, it's onboard equipment, NOT, dead would, just will it to be, so, it will be, and, so, it is 333333315* Read through the new stuff coming on this website, we've only uploaded about 10% of what will be here, perhaps, by 1/1/2010~it is an amasing journey to the 13th bridge Happy Holidays to you ~ and, please keep in touch. There will be a lot of shows, in the new year along with a good / solid course... available via teleconferences Brightest Blessings to You, of energy, light and love, Susan ~ White Lotus Star

    acnbest ~ Aaron said: December 11th, 2009 5:34 pm
    Hi Susan it's Aaron. From Meditation group on Thursday November 5 with Allen.It was fascinating listening to you, learning from you, and benefiting from your truly powerful and genuine energy. I look forward to meeting with you again. Regards

    garrymayani said: December 11th, 2009 11:32 am
    Hi, I found your information really amazing, seems you knew everything, hope you can help me understand everything from the root... Peace, love & light be with you.. garrymayani Philippines

    Majorion said: December 10th, 2009 5:52 pm
    Hi eXchanger, "THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them" - what an amazing thread with loads of great information, its rare that I see so much truth frontloaded in one thread like that. Be my friend! Majorion

    woo hoo said: December 10th, 2009 5:10 pm
    09-10-2009, 02:05 AM Hey , Susan, you must feel better! When we corresponded by email you were a little low on energy, dealing with your frustrations with renovation, selling, all of the earthly and relationship stuff. You must have been set free... let me know what happened... I tried to read most of your posts... whew, so glad you didn't leave rock, I knew you were a walk in when I saw your photo... not your avatar photo , but the email one I think. You are beautiful...Glad you are well. Take care, L*****

    Shirley aka MOXIE said: December 10th, 2009 5:08 pm
    Thank you SO much e-hug blessings! Shirley

    TULLY said: December 9th, 2009 7:29 pm
    16/03/2008 7:04 PM 5 STARS Great show - Susan aka White Lotus Star has an interesting angle on metaphysical concepts - wonder if she has diagrams on what was talked about. Look forward to 3/22 show. Thank you! God Bless and Take Care. Tully

    Sal Rachele ~ said: December 9th, 2009 7:26 pm
    07/05/2008 10:04 PM Susan has a comprehensive knowledge of metaphysics and spirituality and has an amazing recall of past lifetimes and other-worldly selves. She blends modern and ancient knowledge from many dimensions and time frames to paint a cosmic picture of reality. I find it a joy to interact with Susan on matters of metaphysics and spirituality. Sal Rachele, Sedona, AZ -- published author of two books Living Awareness Productions â?¢ teacher, healer, mystic and priest â?¢ psychic, intuitive and clairvoyant reader â?¢ author, musician and recording artist â?¢ conscious channel for ETs, angels, ascended masters & Co-Founder of Sananda Mystery School

    Elaine Cerro, Reiki Master/Yoga Teacher said: December 9th, 2009 7:23 pm
    07/05/2008 10:04 PM "Susan has an uncanny ability to give a "heads up" about what is to come... and has often given me advice that I realized was crucial after the fact. Sometimes I look back and think and know she has often given me advice that I realized was crucial before an event, and, then ask myself "why didn't I listen more carefully and follow through?" To be allowed the privilege to sit with her, in her sacred space with her guides, is a trip !!! She brings things in, whose energies need to be experienced, to be believed, she is a "master" and, then some ... Elaine Cerro, Reiki Master/Yoga Teacher Toronto, ON

    Jodie / Harmonious Whole said: December 9th, 2009 7:18 pm
    13~Susan~MaMaS 07/05/2008 10:05 PM COMMENT FROM: Susan, you are so wonderful! Your energies beyond your words are uplifting and inspiring. Thank you, I am amazed and so deeply grateful for the encouragement and positive energies shared, that correlatives and triggers offered through our interactions at this level are like little treats Jodie / Harmonious Whole

    ELM said: December 9th, 2009 7:16 pm
    19/10/2008 5:05 PM Greetings! Thank you for adding us as a friend and for tuning into Lightworker Radio. Much appreciated! Blessings to you and your lightwork~ Christina

    Rebecca Jerigan ~ said: December 9th, 2009 7:14 pm
    16/11/2008 7:59 PM Susan possess great knowledge on magic and goes beyond the knowledge to apply it in a way that effects great changes for others and herself. She is in the realm of a high magician and works in the Light and from her heart. Rebecca Jerigan Well known Radio/TV Talk show host of The Journeys with Rebecca SHOW Channel of the Elohim

    Mark David Gerson said: December 9th, 2009 7:12 pm
    16/11/2008 8:05 PM Susan aka White Lotus Star is a powerful healer and bridge-builder, a conscious link between the dimensions and realms. Her work, only now beginning to move from her and out into the world, carries the potential to connect many with the heart-source of their divine nature. - Mark David Gerson

    MO said: December 9th, 2009 7:10 pm
    16/11/2008 8:14 PM I think we all have ties to Susan/White Lotus Star, or we all have ties to each other, but we forgot about that. And, Susan/White Lotus Star has the abilities to act as "the one" to restore our memories. She worked to repair what was wrong with me. love/MO

    Mo ~ Malina said: December 9th, 2009 7:08 pm
    16/11/2008 8:18 PM Thank you! you are an absolutely amazing individual! We've activated different things in each other, just being in contact. It's quite astounding to be around, when the two of us get together! love, MO

    MO ~ Malina said: December 9th, 2009 7:06 pm
    i just wanted to let you know, I did it, finally, and to thank you for the help with this, i had no idea what I was doing... I got more visions and started plugging it together than she was there, then the rest came to me about her. she's telling me that now, things will be moving and happening much faster as far as my learning goes, that took the longest time and if i would have separated and tried to figure it all out, it would have been moving backwards and it would have tied up much more time. now, she's telling me that down time is over, now we get to work. Gee, thanks, Susan/White Lotus Star--LOL get some rest, we will chat later" love, Mo ~ Malina

    bright_sorcerer ~ Nick said: December 9th, 2009 7:02 pm
    28/11/2008 6:05 PM Blessings, my friend. Thank you so much for the friend invite. I'm going to add you to my faves as well...that way I'll know when your next show is. It sounds like subject matter that holds a great deal of fascination for me. Thanks again. Blessings! Nick

    C.O. said: December 9th, 2009 7:00 pm
    22/07/2009 12:54 AM I just feel like crying tears of of joy (my eyes are welling up now) in thanks to you for teaching me and for pointing me in the right direction. I can't express to you how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed are you who serves to bring others along in their evolution in this way. So blessed are you to use your gifts to help others like you do. I love you, we ALL love you and thank you, dear Heart. With so much love and gratitude, xxx C.O.

    C.O. The Magic lives on ! ! ! ! ! said: December 9th, 2009 6:56 pm
    Dearest Susan: You are most blessed, Susan. Everyone you touch is forever changed Use your incredible gifts always for the goodness of all, as that is also for the goodness of you. Much love to you always, my dear Sister. I am always here for you. Love, CO ~ P.S. Angel Light Love has confirmed your original findings, that xxx, who has split her soul into several entities, as did AA Michael, does indeed have part of her soul in residence within me. If it is true that xxx was her son, and you were xxx, ~so, you are part my child. And that would also explain, in one part only, our deep connection. You are doing so well, living in joy, creating with your gifts, and spreading your love. I am so proud to be a part of your life! The Magic lives on!!!!

    C.O. said: December 9th, 2009 6:52 pm
    Dearest Susan, As I have said to you before, I do not think that any one being has the answers. We are all very complex. You are teaching many others to STRETCH beyond their prior level of comprehension. This is such a gift, that you have, and that you share. You worry that some will steal your ideas, but the truth is, lol, that even if they take notes, they still cannot "get it" enough to share it. Even if you were to write a book right now, you might be as Rudolph Steiner was in the 1920's -1930's - way ahead of their time. SOMETIMES, IF YOU ARE A GENIUS, YOU JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT, AND BE THANKFUL. I told you that you would be one to go down in history, and I don't know any other living soul that I could say that to. (Just between you and me, I do not know anyone who has the knowledge that you do.) But, this can be both a curse and a gift. You feel somewhat "used" for not being fully compensated for sharing these gifts, but if you think of the wise old saying that "goodness is its own reward," it might help. I know you also want a normal life full of love and just normal stuff. You seem to me to be achieving that, which is a huge source of joy for me. Accept with grace that you are beyond everyone else's capabilities. And, most of so thankful that God has made you so sweet and lovable as well so as that you are blessed with many loving friends surrounding you at all times. You are most blessed, Susan. Everyone you touch is forever changed. Love, CO

    Michael- said: December 9th, 2009 6:40 pm
    17/02/2009 10:22 PM Susan, What a joy to have met !!!

    Steve Sterling Ministries / Stream Star said: December 9th, 2009 6:38 pm
    14/03/2009 9:18 AM Susan/White Lotus Star you are soo awsome I just love it when u show up --the room lights up-- I mean it's always a thrill when u are around !! thank u soo much, you a real wonderful flower indeed - Steve / Stream Star

    Ann Marie said: December 9th, 2009 6:33 pm
    Ann Marie 11/07/2009 9:12 AM Love your toe reading info Susan!!! on I can just see everyone taking their shoes off to get a peek of who they are. Love, Ann Marie

    Shaman Marie said: December 9th, 2009 6:31 pm
    17/07/2009 10:49 PM Sending Infinite Blessings And Love Your Way!!!

    elmar said: December 9th, 2009 6:28 pm
    07/06/2009 3:35 PM Susan it was a pleasure chating with you. I wish you the best there is, love - Elizabeth

    ERMINA said: December 9th, 2009 6:27 pm
    08/06/2009 1:46 PM I need to send you more than a shot of energy because you are blowing me away. i'm in awe so much so that I've been speechless to put into words all that I'm feeling and processing...... you are helping me ground and so much more. And not just me but so many. You're so articulate and my throat is full of stuff to come out. You're brilliant or should I say brilliance :) Thank you and wow I just got a major insight. With appreciation, love/ermina

    Ann Marie said: December 9th, 2009 4:01 pm
    12/06/2009 1:50 PM Hi Susan! Blessings and thanks so much . You are beautifuil. Love, Ann Marie {Is that you playing the piano?} ************************* Thanks for the compliment, the piano players is Sal Rachele, ANGEL DANCE is the album 1st cut

    ERMINA said: December 9th, 2009 3:58 pm
    22/06/2009 9:02 AM Thank you, and have been thinking about you lots this wkd. So much has been unfolding since you called me when I was so down/sad and wanting to just be out of here. Thinking of you with so much gratitude.... thank you Susan for that and much more. Love you/Ermina

    Sam said: December 9th, 2009 3:53 pm
    22/06/2009 9:04 AM Who did the music ??? ****************************** Susan says: In the credit section, it shows ANGEL DANCE by Sal Rachele who is part of my immediate soul family c1e7 and, it is used with permission ;) love/susan~mamaS~13

    ERMINA said: December 9th, 2009 3:48 pm
    22/06/2009 9:05 AM Ditto dear sister! we've been through so much.... time to be in joy.... I have some catching up to do.... love/ermina ********************** Ermina & i, met at the 1st Harmonic Converage 11/11/1987--22 years ago in Toronto - if you were there, please contact us !!! We'd love to do a radio show about that event !!! It was a pivotal day !!!

    Mille said: December 9th, 2009 3:41 pm
    18/03/2008 10:48 AM Hello Susan, Yes we did have an interesting conversation... you opened up for me something new but i'm wanting to learn more about the Unversal Bridge & Grid... i was online today, listened to blogtalk.. was a good day. i felt good vibes all day.. :) Peace Love & comfort... keep in touch.. hope to see you on BlogTalkRadio... Hugs xxx Love & light Mille :>) ***************************** Susan says... it's 3/27/2008, and, guest on paranormal 101 on 3/22/2008

    PARANORMAL 101 said: December 9th, 2009 3:39 pm
    PARANORMAL 101 09/03/2008 4:38 PM you're the best!

    TULLY said: December 9th, 2009 3:38 pm
    16/03/2008 7:04 PM 5 STARS: Sunday, March 16, 2008 7:01:46 PM Comments from TULLY: Sunday, March 16, 2008 12:48:52 PM Great show - Susan/White Lotus Star has an interesting angle on metaphysical concepts - wonder if she has diagrams on what was talked about. Look forward to 3/22 show. Thank you! God Bless and Take Care. Tully

    Philip Gardiners www.firesnake. com said: December 9th, 2009 3:35 pm
    17/03/2009 4:00 PM "You know the secret of the serpents"... "and, you will draw serpents and dragons" Philip Gardiners www.firesnake. com www.philipgardiners

    STEVEN HAIRFIELD, said: December 9th, 2009 3:33 pm
    17/03/2009 10:42 PM STEVEN HAIRFIELD, CHECK OUT: AT 1:29:29 minutes into the show you said: I believe i am here to do something signifant--and, we said "yes, you are, you are here as a teacher" "when are you going to write ???" " your knowledge was what you brought here to operate on" you say: I feel like a candle, trying to hold itself up to a torch. we say: "If it wasn't for the candle, the torch would NOT be lit." you say: "Do you think my 111 keys real ? " We say: Yes" "it's part of your old ancient path, your experience, in Atlantis, it is your knowledge" "you came to bring people to a higher conscious- contact intercircle publishing, i'll help you get published."

    RadiantConversations said: December 9th, 2009 3:31 pm
    19/03/2009 10:10 AM Hello, Thank you for stopping by our show, Radiant Conversations. You are right, many of us are being called out to speak and be heard. The shift is here.....Cherry Divine

    ERMINA said: December 9th, 2009 3:29 pm
    25/03/2009 11:24 AM - mar 10th/2009 curtis reads me comments from ermina: Susan, I just listened to your reading and powerful, right on and clear. I saw Arch Michael while listening, and something happened at my thymus and root.... all this is very beautiful!!! :)

    ERMINA said: December 9th, 2009 3:28 pm
    10/04/2009 9:43 PM :) that's a great idea thanks.... susan working wonders..!!! Love, Ermina

    Ann Marie said: December 9th, 2009 3:27 pm
    05/06/2009 10:14 PM Thanks Susan! It was a pleasure

    Peek said: December 9th, 2009 3:26 pm
    15/04/2009 8:09 PM It's about time you posted your photo...beautiful !

    Ruben Ricart said: December 9th, 2009 2:44 pm
    08/12/2009 4:33 PM Showing some support and spreading positive energy... THANKS

    Mike www.HolsteinFarmersMarket said: December 9th, 2009 2:43 pm
    24/11/2009 1:00 PM Hi Susan i would like to thank you for your friendship and all the kinds words of wisdon you have shared with me, have a great day and I hope to talk to you soon Mike www.HolsteinFarmersMarket

    PARANORMAL 101 said: December 9th, 2009 2:41 pm
    17/11/2009 5:45 PM Susan/White Lotus Star, we'd love to have you on the show this sunday night, let us know. Oneness

    NO NAME said: December 9th, 2009 2:40 pm
    19/11/2009 4:31 PM Your contributions are appreciated. We all have stuff to share and we get something out of each other's stuff, they don't always get commented on, but it's not a competition! It's about coming up higher

    Micah Sun ~ chromcoda said: December 9th, 2009 2:39 pm
    07/05/2008 10:02 PM "IT'S always, and, in all ways" (SEE i do utilise your ideas, and, even quote your lines) IT'S always, and, in all ways about having in exactly the right direction Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. You are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us. I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons beckoning. Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like, but I can see significant growth in the future. Susan regularly demonstrates her skill and 'gifts' for accessing ancient knowledge and for exploring the subtle energy fields of our multi-dimensional Polyverses. Some would refer to this ability as NeoShamanism, others would see Susan as a teacher's teacher of metaphysical Principles and of Esoteric Philosophy. Most importantly she expresses her talents with true Integrity and, has a genuine desire to 'Keep it Real'. I have worked in PR for Trance Channels/Mediums from the U.S./Canada/Britain and Ireland and thus have developed a keen sense of one's sincerity in this field. Susan's 'other worldly' skills offer a special inspiration in the guidance of Seekers who quest for knowledge of 'who they are' and 'why they are'. Micah Sun, director/ChromeCoda Projects Analyst/ Oracle/ SpiritLife Counselor

    LEZLEE said: December 9th, 2009 2:36 pm
    06/05/2008 8:24 AM 5 STARS -- I listened to the link you sent and it was really great!! Congrats! lezlee

    Director/Producer --John Board said: December 9th, 2009 2:36 pm
    28/03/2008 5:37 PM 5 STARS ... Will you send me the script too? Both the pictures tell me lots. Thanks. I am sure you will be successful for thoughtfulness, energy and joy are all there to be seen. Best, John John Board ****************************** Susan says... Thanks John, (who you will discover if you look at his link above, is quite famous) One of the books, is currently being developed into a full length major motion picture to be made in SPRING of 2010. It will be directed, and, produced by: John Board (who can easily be searched online)

    cheesegurlfly said: December 9th, 2009 2:32 pm
    24/03/2008 7:26 PM 5 STARS great information THANKS !!!

    TULLY ~ 5 stars said: December 9th, 2009 2:31 pm
    24/03/2008 7:21 PM 5 STARS Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:52:52 PM Good information. Bad 'sound effects'; they were distracting and unpleasant.... being honest guys. Blessings *** Tully **************************** Susan says: DEAREST TULLY... you are right / i was guest, not in charge of the console, the sounds were NOT great ;) will have to shake up 'oneness' LOL & request something with an angelic/or elemental/fey flavour !!! thanks for listening much love and, gratitude Susan/MamaS/13

    liniyogini at blogtalk said: December 9th, 2009 2:28 pm
    23/03/2008 12:48 AM liniyogini AT blog talk ... Hey, I listened to your show... sounded great... and I would have instant messaged but hadn't registered. I have now tho. Well, back to the tasks at hand... and bed at a relatively decent hour instead of 4 am (like I did this morning!) You are great !!! love E. (liniyogini at blogtalk)

    Elaine said: December 9th, 2009 2:26 pm
    22/03/2008 12:03 AM Susan's good points: *generous, loving* *a loyal friend and confidante* *caring, non judgemental* *helpful, insightful* *wise, and willing to share her wisdom* and many many more.... Love Elaine

    MAEG said: December 9th, 2009 2:24 pm
    20/03/2008 8:36 AM Thank you so very much for having that chat with me. Sure helped me. Also, thanks for the link. MAEG

    Twinkling Star ~ Chooi Chin said: December 9th, 2009 2:23 pm
    PART 3 So folks, do pay attention to her deep rantings of the higher dimensional esoteric stuffs - although it gives me a headache sometimes ('cos when I call her on my lousy net phone - it's gets very difficult to hear as the line's bad) as it can get a bit far out for me too but I always made it a point to take notes (yes I would literally write down some of the stuffs she says 'cos it makes sense later). Susan, hey you can add this to your testimonial too - as part of the statement of your divine mission, the beautiful unique great Being that you Are. Micah, her double Helix/Divine compliment is like the Christ/Magdalene, Lord Sananda/Lady Nada beyond twin flame match! Wow! What a reunion! I'm just so happy for you two! Congratulations! Happy as can be! What an inspiration for us lonely hearts... Love & hugz, Chooi-Chin P/s: Spoke to Carol Hathor for awhile (just like how she cleansed me in 1998 - we lost touch and I got her again after 9 yrs!) She's marvelous - I feel she's also one of us - get in touch with her to discover her amazing magic - say I introduced you. Here's to our work as Emissaries of Light, as this is the time of reconnection - we each bring a unique aspect of divine gifts to the table - unity is strength! And Love is the answer!

    Twinkling Star ~ Chooi Chin said: December 9th, 2009 2:22 pm
    PART 2 She just had a recent radio reading with Kerrie O'connor... and I listened to it. Wow! It's spot on! When Susan ask what she's here to do. Kerrie said 'Susan is the Ancient Bridger - bringing the DNA coding of the 9th Dimensional! Wherever she walks to, she shifts and changes for us - pivotal to that as an interconnecting bridge, finding ancient souls such as us - helping us wake up and charging us with her 1000 watt energy - anchoring the new energies, reconnecting with other ancient soul groups and evolving cluster of consciousness. She'll be connecting and working with global groups later with me and Rebecca. She sends her soul song up to the Universe...and it comes bouncing back like crystalline rain, waking us up to our soul song, helping us to understand who We Truly Are... (onto part 3) never enough room ;)

    Twinkling Crystal Star ~ Chooi Chin said: December 9th, 2009 2:20 pm
    19/03/2008 7:43 PM Twinkling Crystal Star" Wizards of hearts, WE are transmuting now - carbon base to crystaline base DNA, undergoing a rewiring, clearing, healing, transforming and upgrading, it's no wonder you're in numbness and some of us are in limbo. I find that after reading the Lightworkers activation you deciphered, the constant ringing in my ears stopped and my 3rd eye's spinning and is tingling most times... I MUST do it more seriously, like read it with complete attention. I'm sure we had all been together in a team before - more than a few times - felt like in Atlantean/Lumerian days too. Susan being the 13th bridge...bringing all of us back together - a reunion of connected souls in eXkavier! Bless her for starting it! (onto part 2)

    Chooi-Chin said: December 9th, 2009 2:13 pm
    19/03/2008 2:18 PM Susan is a very caring dear soul, so radiant and evolved - a natural psychic intuitive of a beautiful High Priestess of lore, here in embodiment to assist humanity in its awakening process. She is very much in touch with the rememberance of who she truly is and her ability to access akashic records in her readings is almost that of a non-human intelligence. She is adept at communicating in multidimensional levels with other Light Beings of the higher dimensional realms to access information for her divine mission. Her indept knowledge of and rare intuitive relationship with crystals, precious stones, minerals and ancient artifacts is truly ahead of our times! Lots of love, Chooi-Chin

    OldEnough2Know said: December 9th, 2009 2:11 pm
    19/03/2008 11:04 AM With Gratitude and Much Respect, A question please.... Hearing you tonight for first time, gave me renewed hope that there are people here who have learning that can help me move forward with my endeavor to learn who I am really am (spiritual enlightenment ) The recycled mass marketed authors have taken me about as far as I can go and I was feeling frustrated QUESTION: DO YOU TAKE ON STUDENTS, or mentor or consult or anything. I'd be most grateful for any information you might give that would enable me to consume the learning you have to offer. RG at (OldEnough2Know on BlogTalkRadio ****************************** Susan says: We are in the process of finishing 3 books, and, a childrens book, and, developing a real interesting 2 day, 7 day, 14 day, and, 21 day trip We will be announcing info on that soon, Brightest blessings of energy, light and love / Susan ~MaMaS~13 White Lotus Star The Journey to The 13th Bridge

    TULLY said: December 9th, 2009 2:08 pm
    19/03/2008 10:12 AM New Cosmology and the Future Vision of our Universe and Reality Hi Susan... Road Maps - (lovely idea - to find our way 'Back Within') The road maps you speak of sound fascinating. I am a pretty good navigator :) - and hope to have 100% success - and confirm for myself "That Reality" (as I am sure that is your objective for others to expand into their Total Self). I have already been experiencing changes in reality myself. I will be trying that 'affirmation' that you speak of often ("I Command and Demand with 100% pure intent.....") to see how far it takes me :) Was thinking also, that it would be marvelous to see some diagrams on what you were talking about last night... I could almost see them. By chance, would you have any material available online to check out? Take Care - catch up with you later... Tully

    TULLY said: December 9th, 2009 2:04 pm
    19/03/2008 10:11 AM Dear Susan, I would like to send a quick note to thank you for your wonderful insights last night - into the Nature and Ability of the Soul. These are exciting times - and I feel Reality Changing every day. Many experiences have opened me to another level of reality and it excites me to find others that can comment on this new (to us in the here and now; but ancient) cosmology and vision of Our Universe and the nature of the Creator and who we really are. How truly "Great and Wonderful" we are. I look forward to further comments on; Wingmakers - bringing in energy; Mill Master-tube travel; splintering and fragmenting of the soul on other time lines; akashic records... and all the rest of what is on your mind... Blessings, Take Care and God Bless. Tully.

    BLACK ANGEL said: December 9th, 2009 2:02 pm
    19/03/2008 10:13 AM 5 STARS

    LEZLEE said: December 9th, 2009 2:01 pm
    "Yes indeed Susan is amazing ! " lezlee

    E,C, said: December 9th, 2009 1:50 pm
    P.S. HMMM...your trend of the raised "X" even has me doing it ~ magically, i might add !!! THANKS, thanks a lot !!! XXXOOO E.C.

    E.C. said: December 9th, 2009 1:49 pm
    05/10/2009 4:03 PM We can't say Thank you too many times, or I love you... For all the times you have helped me .... all the energy work.... listening to me talk about my kids.... my hard times.... sending out energy as I was sitting in the lawyer's office before my first and last meeting regarding a settlement ... sharing your knowledge ... showing integrity... your prediction of my settlement was the eXact amount you predicted it would be, how did you know that ??? Your talents amaze me, thank you for the eXchanges, you truly are The eXchanger Love, E.C.

    C.O. said: December 9th, 2009 1:44 pm
    22/07/2009 12:54 AM I just feel like crying tears of of joy (my eyes are welling up now) in thanks to you for teaching me and for pointing me in the right direction. I can't express to you how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed are you who serves to bring others along in their evolution in this way. So blessed are you to use your gifts to help others like you do. I love you, we ALL love you and thank you, dear Heart. With so much love and gratitude, C.O.

    Diana ~ said: December 9th, 2009 1:41 pm
    24/07/2009 12:13 AM You are the most interesting person I have met We are all connected so if you are a higher me it doesn't surprise me. How did you get the looks and I look like a little Granny? (ha) Diana

    Angel-Light Love said: December 9th, 2009 1:38 pm
    24/07/2009 1:36 AM You know what, I want to know the WHYS of YOU, too! Recently i decided that you are beyond my level (not better than me but beyond me). Getting something about "comprehension." I was "blown away" by all the implants and "installations" in your chakras revealed in the analysis. It was almost like you were a "bionic woman" of sorts. I was shown some of them. They "remake us" into who we are with the implants, encodements, programs, etc. Enjoy, in joy, joyfully! Angel-Light Love (Traveling Angel) Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator (Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment) Healing Love Lighthouse (A Love Work Supported By Donations) E-Mail: E-Mail: Blog:

    Angel-Light Love said: December 9th, 2009 1:36 pm
    24/07/2009 10:27 AM Interesting report. The info about not manifesting your work in 3D ways caught my attention. That makes sense based on info you've given me before and info we found. Part of me says "Wow! When that gal brings all that down into 3D, whew, she's going to part the waters." Angel-Light Love Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator (Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment) Healing Love Lighthouse (A Love Work Supported By Donations) Mail: 101 S. Coit Rd. #36-234, Richardson, Texas 75080 Voice Mail: 972-949-4342 Blog:

    Billy Pacholski said: December 9th, 2009 1:34 pm
    24/07/2009 10:39 AM Here is the link to The Reading of The eXchanger by Billy Pacholski Enjoy it !!!

    C.O. said: December 9th, 2009 1:32 pm
    24/07/2009 I know you have the magic! What greats had that kind of magic? Well, all of the spiritual postings mentioning them, they all say they are back. ;) Yes, you did amazing good work in recognizing xxx in me. Thank you, dear friend, thank you!!! That is quite astonishing, having now been verified, and will help me greatly now at this phase. Now I know why, and I can fully justify this feeling of belonging. That is so empowering to my spirit. Thank you for subtly insisting that I go to XXX. It has already changed my life to have this information, and to be able to use it wisely. In other words, thank you for changing my life for the better!! It is only a few in our lives who are able to help us this way. And you have done this for me. You are never alone, not then, not now, not ever. It was all just an illusion of separateness. We are all here together now. Glory be! I am so happy that you think my letter was the nicest you ever received... deserve those letters everyday from everybody in your life! Please realize, Susan, that every time I really, really need you.... you appear, like magic. L ike the other night. I didn't realize how hurt I was over that slight at xxx.... but you called me right away to check on me, and then you called the next day to check on me. I want you to know how much that touched my heart, and how appreciative I am for your love and support. You might think it was no big deal, but it was! Love, xxx P.S. I may have big news to share with you tomorrow (lol, later today). In fact, I trust that I will. I believe I have found the Book to be written, and it is big.

    P.M. said: December 9th, 2009 1:25 pm
    25/07/2009 6:06 PM Incidentally, both you and Angel-Light are bionic women, brilliant individuals with slightly different talents. , you both contribute immensely to the welfare of the universe. I am fortunate to have met BOTH of you!!! You are both incredibly talented. Good luck with the radio show, send me the link after the show. Lots of love as ever.. xxx

    Curtis-H-Folts- said: December 9th, 2009 1:23 pm
    05/08/2009 6:04 PM "YOU are ONE of THE MOST COMPLICATED GENIUESES, I've ever had the privilege of knowing, and, loving" Curtis Here is that reading on my show:

    GLOWING THANK YOU.(CO) said: December 9th, 2009 1:20 pm
    17/08/2009 12:22 AM GLOWING THANK YOU... iF we lit a candle, for every kind word you've spoken. Every caring deed you've done. Every life you've touched, the room would be full of a radiant glow. Thank you! Dear Susan, Thank you with all of my heart for explaining what was happening today, and also for all that you do. Thank you for Being. Love, C.O.

    OldEnough2Know said: December 9th, 2009 1:15 pm
    18/03/2008 8:20 PM Thank you for the gifts of insight you gave us Susan! I have been experiencing a lull in my search for spiritual wisdom/learning, having gleaned much benefit from other gifted authors and teachers, like Wilde, Myss, Zukav, Virtue, Hicks, etc. However, it seems to me that these esteemed teachers are not able to give us the undiluted truth, as you have, as they have to navigate the constraints of mass media. Hearing your delivery of sharp spiritual sight and your telling us in such a way as to respect that we are intelligent enough and able to receive the wisdom which would move us forward, gave me a renewed hope that I may continue on a never-ending journey of enlightenment. Susan, please keep us informed where we will be able to purchase your writings; please keep us informed as to when and where your retreats/classes/seminars will be and please let us know if you would consider taking on any student(s) or mentoring a willing student. Of course, I have set my show reminder for your next show. With strongest prayers and most positive thoughts, I wish you Strength, Peace and never ending blessings.

    PARANORMAL 101 said: December 9th, 2009 1:11 pm
    18/03/2008 3:04 PM Susan, thanks for the vast knowledge you have shared with us !!! It was a stellar show, on 3/15/2007 on We got record listeners and callers. WOW there is so much good stuff !!! We could do an infinite amount of shows! The 3 of us mesh well together... thanks again, can NOT wait till next Sat. thanks; susan We cant wait till the 22nd to do it again.. Peace & Oneness,

    Mille said: December 9th, 2009 1:08 pm
    18/03/2008 10:50 AM Good Afternoon Hello Susan.. Was checking messages..on blog.. saw your name on Tully's blog page.. which reminded me of our chat we had a few days ago... I am very interested to learn more of our dimensions, densities, other planets Gateways portals.. i hope we remain friends forever... i thank you for sharing, please keep in touch if i didn't already share my email.. here it is xxx write me anytime or leave a message on Blogtalkradio.. see you later.. Peace & Light Mille xox

    Tully said: December 9th, 2009 1:05 pm
    16/03/2008 7:04 PM 5 STARS: Sunday, March 16, 2008 7:01:46 PM Comments from TULLY: Sunday, March 16, 2008 12:48:52 PM Great show - Susan aka White Lotus Star has an interesting angle on metaphysical concepts - wonder if she has diagrams on what was talked about. Look forward to 3/22 show. Thank you! God Bless and Take Care. Tully

    Mille said: December 9th, 2009 1:04 pm
    18/03/2008 10:48 AM Hello Susan, Yes we did have an interesting conversation... you opened up for me something new but i'm wanting to learn more about the Unversal Bridge & Grid... i was online today, listened to blogtalk.. was a good day. i felt good vibes all day.. :) Peace Love & comfort... keep in touch.. hope to see you on Blog... Hugs xxx Love & light Mille :>) Susan when is your next Blog Talk Show?

    PARANORMAL 101 said: December 9th, 2009 1:01 pm
    09/03/2008 4:38 PM you're the best! Oneness

    Rebecca Anne ~ said: December 9th, 2009 11:32 am
    January 15th, 2009 Hello, found you on BTW Hi, I am looking forward to connecting with you. Your energy is a bright light. Check out my profile too. I could even be a guest on your show if you want. Hope to hear from you. Blessings Rebecca Anne

    Jay Hill said: December 9th, 2009 11:29 am
    February 11th, 2008 Hi; I was speaking with you in the chat in Red Hearts show, would like to talk more about the omni dimensional travel and the questing you have done. I have been opened to experiencing the cross feeling of being grounded in multi dimensions. What I have done is not structured as your travels sound to be. Do you host a weekly show? I hope I see you around. Jay

    PARANORMAL 101 said: December 9th, 2009 11:26 am
    January 13th, 2009 I would like to offer you you're own show/night on P101 if you're interested. We have a established group of listeners and we'll let you do anything in the realms of P101 and meta, please let me know ~Oneness

    cathies DistantEchos / Cathie said: December 9th, 2009 11:18 am
    3/13/2009 still waiting to see you post your show for today ... Friday the 13th.... and if you need anyone to help you i would be glad and honored hun..... your intellegence may intimidate some but it does NOT me... i value all i learn from you... you, as with ,so many others enlighten me and make my path a more easier route... thank you gf love ya hugggggs Cathie

    'Hessonite' said: December 9th, 2009 11:15 am
    july 11th, 2009 schedule ??? hello, please tell me your schedule tyvm! Namsate'

    hi from stream star said: December 9th, 2009 11:08 am
    November 3rd, 2008 I apprecaite you spending your time with me tonight there is alot of power when u show up and love /Have a blessed week

    PARANORMAL 101 ~ ONENESS said: December 9th, 2009 11:02 am
    August 16th, 2008 Hi Susan...We want you on Part Duex with Chad Lilly on Paranormal 101, I know you have a lot of information, so gather them all up and get ready for exposure! Check my page to see when to call in tomorrow, if not Sunday, keep contact Oneness / S

    Kevingva ~ Kevin said: December 9th, 2009 10:53 am
    October 1st, 2008 Hello Susan I listened to few of your interventions on this radio. I guess the latest was on Paranormal101. I tried to find your website but I found only your myspace. Do you have books? Are you doing readings? or ??? I am located in Geneva, Switzerland Warm Regards Kevin

    HireLyrics ~ Rox (born to serve) said: December 9th, 2009 10:50 am
    Many spiritual teachers talk about addiction as one of the most honored challenges we chart for ourselves in this realm. Kind of like graduate work here on earth. Anyway, it could be that when your 9th density self merged with your physical self last year, you simply retained a flesh/challenge - being addicted to nicotine. The affliction of addiction if insidious because it's 3-fold, physical, mental, and spiritual. The solution to addiction, though is to recognize that it's not your beast to tame and turn it over to whatever power you tap into. I began recovering from my addiction over 14 years ago, based on my turning it over to my higher power which is my inner realization of who I really am. I believe I am rox of akashic. I believe I was working in the hall of records where souls come to check out memories to prepare them for the brutal experience here on earth and decided to come to help with the effort of documenting the truth as humanity evolves towards fairness. Okay, don't want to scare you away. Your method of calling with the highest intent, the purest intent with run away any impulse to pick up anything against your will. We are free! Love~Rox

    HireLyrics ~ Rox (Born to Serve) said: December 9th, 2009 10:48 am
    May 3rd, 2008 Hi Susan/White Lotus Star! Thank you. Every time I am blessed to encounter you I feel the veil(s) being lifted just a few more fractions of an inch. I've been so compelled to find an explanation for who I feel deep inside I really am. I listened to your radio show over and over again and used some of the techniques to ask for things that are helping me. Albeit slowly, and sometimes I feel I am spiritually retarded it's so slow, but I'm getting benefits I didn't have before: I'm asking the highest piece of me to come to me in my dreams, asking to remember my dreams and asking for safe passage. What you just said about 1958 and 2010 being the halfway mark and the 13 hells! Oh my! I just turned 51, was born in 57 and have more an more clarity about why I agreed to come here now and who I really am. I check from time to time to see when you are going to have a show so I can call in. Your method of calling with the highest intent, the purest intent with run away any impulse to pick up anything against your will. We are free!

    STREAM STAR / Steve Sterling said: December 9th, 2009 10:25 am
    From: Stream Star August 16, 2008 hi I am so glad you came by / it really blessed me/ thank you Steve Sterling

    NEWCITY / Craig said: December 9th, 2009 10:21 am
    Connections~Hi, it took me all this time, to find your energy back on my account. i had to shut down this lap top, a nd, re-boot WOW i am so gratefull. lol Craig

    STEVE STERLING said: December 9th, 2009 10:11 am
    Stream Star said: April 21st/2008 I listened to your first by yourself audio I am interested in you as a person Its fascinating the way your past shaped together and your birth into such a diversified field of concentratedness I applaud you for your sticktuedness over 40 years in magic ! I have studied lots of kabala the tree of life and anything I can get my hands on / to go along with my experience and mandate when God spoke to me audibly on 1977 I am interested in your recent near death experience feel free to call me or email me I enjoyed your dissertation and I commend you for your thoroughness also your expression about how you prepare for sleep Thanks Steve Sterling

    STEVE STERLING said: December 9th, 2009 9:50 am

    STEVE STERLING said: December 9th, 2009 9:47 am
    Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:34:33 AM I listened to your first archieve crosssing the cat and made a connectedness forged a new center originated a new NOW and, WOW WOW- brilliant, you are brilliant - WOW Thanks Steve Sterling

    STEVE STERLING said: December 9th, 2009 9:35 am

    Steve Sterling / Stream Star said: December 9th, 2009 2:02 am
    hi ~ I listen to your first by yourself audio I am interested in you as a person Its fascinating the way your past shaped together and your birth into such a diversified field of concentratedness I applaud you for your sticktuedness over 40 years in magic ! I have studied lots of kaballa the tree of life and anything I can get my hands on / to go along with my experience and mandate when God spoke to me audibly on 1977 I am interested in your recent near death experience feel free to call me or email me, again I enjoyed your dissertation and I commend you for your thoroughness also your expression about how you prepare for sleep Thanks Steve Sterling

    Rebecca Anne said: December 9th, 2009 12:59 am
    Hello, found you on BTW Hi, I am looking forward to connecting with you. Your energy is a bright light. Check out my profile too. I could even be a guest on your show if you want. Hope to hear from you. Blessings Rebecca Anne

    Michael said: December 9th, 2009 12:50 am
    I was guided to re-visit blog13. I stumbled onto your 13 dream audio, and it confirmed that you indeed are aware. My goodness. GREAT radio blog this evening. I was on from 9:50 to 12:02. It timed out and wouldn't let me log back in, but the audio kept streaming. Ah, technology! With all your energy, I can imagine you travel at night. Imagine if we could recall everything now! - Have a nice night Love, Michael

    Kimberley1111 said: December 9th, 2009 12:27 am
    HARMONIC CONVERANGE 22 YEARS AGO 8/16/1987 toronto event Hi Susan,,, Cool! glad to know we got connected so many years ago ;-) 8/16/1987 toronto event WOW~so good to find you again 22 years ago, how times flys Love & Light Kimberley

    Morrighan Lynne said: December 9th, 2009 12:23 am
    looking forward to connecting more! You're such a doll and I'm honored our paths have crossed. Blessings, Morrighan

    Denis Barnes (Spiritual Pilot) said: December 9th, 2009 12:08 am
    Denis Norman Barnes i would like to know more about you. Hi. Susan any chance that we can come to talk about you, i would like to have you on my show asap please. that is if your not so worked under, i do believe that your back in the UK,..... over to you x **** BRIDGE TO ASCENSION WITH THE COUNCIL OF 12 **** I WORK WITH AND TRANSMIT LOVINGLY ENCODED MESSAGES & WISDOM FROM THE COUNCIL OF 12 (a group of 12 Ascended Masters who comprise of Mother Mary, Joan of Arc, Quan Yin, Yogananda, Christ, St. Germain, Kuthumi, metatron etc.) & THE GALACTIC 7 (a conglomerate of Star Family Beings) all of whom are here to assist you in our Ascension Process *** WWW.DENISBARNES.COM.

    Galadril said: December 8th, 2009 11:58 pm
    19/07/2009 Enjoyed chatting with you this evening. Many blessings, Galadril

    JAMES STEVENS said: December 8th, 2009 10:52 pm
    Monday, September 08, 2008 Thank you 13 / The eXchanger, this has been one heck off a ride, NO matter how hurt and in deep despair I was in, I have a dear kind friend name 13 who has stood beside me in my "Darkest Night of the Soul" She has been very kind supportive and with her Unconditional Love,indeed I love her words of wisdoms, I thank you for working behind the background on my growth In Due Kindness to You BlueswordAngel JAMES

    Janet Harson said: December 8th, 2009 10:24 pm
    You employ your mind to bring organization, ranking and order in the world around you. Approaching any matter with precise and rational criteria, you remain self-confident and efficient even when criticized. Having a wide strategic vision, you draw up realistic plans and gradually, step by step, move in a chosen direction. You are earnest and thorough. You prefer to earn your living with intellectual work. You strive to keep up-to-date knowledge and enhance your professionalism by learning all the new aspects of your profession. You can't stand chaotic circumstances and try to make every idea look sensible and logical.. You experience joy when people feel comfortable and at ease being with you You have an inventor's talent and gumption. In situations that are require you to demonstrate your personal qualities, you act in a strong, persistent and consequential manner. Your Devoted, Janet Harson

    Janet Harson said: December 8th, 2009 10:23 pm
    Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:03:15 AM Your plans are usually realistic and aimed at the distant future. You are at your best when involved in joint activities as a strategic planner. You are interested in new social ideas that can be used for other people's benefit. If a person you sympathize with is in trouble, you may try to protect him or her from misfortunes. You are an orderly, meticulous, practical and highly conservative character. Your ability to concentrate and generalize makes you a good organizer. Your main fortes are patience and purposefulness; your ambitions make you unstoppable. You talk little but say much. You express your thoughts, your arguments are weighty and powerful. You are generally interested in ideas that can be applied for practical results. Having a wide strategic vision, you draw up realistic plans and gradually, step by step, move in a chosen direction. You are earnest and thorough. You prefer to earn your living with intellectual work. You strive to keep up-to-date knowledge and enhance your professionalism by learning all the new aspects of your profession. You can't stand chaotic circumstances and try to make every idea look sensible and logical.. Your kindness wins you many friends. You have a philosopher's nature and enjoy public authority. Your devoted, Janet Harson

    Janet Harson said: December 8th, 2009 10:22 pm
    Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:03:15 AM You probably believe that any information should be verified for its credibility and chance of practical usage. You are cautious in making new contacts. You take authentic interest in other people's affairs and get a lot of valuable information from interaction with them. You are relaxed and unconstrained in public. You value duty and responsibility, which you want your interactions to be based on. In relationships your motto is 'quality is more important than quantity'. Partnerships are important for you both at work and in private life. Unfolding your potential in this area is one of your most important goals. Your professionalism can often be of benefit in organizations with rigid vertical administrative hierarchy. Your ambition, purposeful nature and patience can form the basis of your success in social activities. Your talent may be related to administration, planning and control. Your sense of duty and responsibility for the results are qualities that earn you the respect of your colleagues. Your career can be of marked public character. . Your Devoted, Janet Harson

    Janet Harson said: December 8th, 2009 10:17 pm
    Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:03:15 AM The stars gave you unquenchable optimism, generosity and confidence. You take on everything with enthusiasm and inspire others to cooperate. You like to promote ideas and effortlessly combine anything with everything. Your creative powers are brilliant Your merits need to be recognized and appreciated by the public. Praise only pushes you towards new hievements. You have burning desire to explore the wide world, expand your horizon and travel. At any moment you are prepared to share your knowledge, money and experience. Your credo can be described with the phrase: "A big fish needs a big pond". It can be hard and even impossible to determine what your personality is all about - because you are a combination of many characters, lines of action and points of view. You are extremely sensitive and prepared to understand and accept anyone and, maybe, get the side benefit of increasing your own rating. You experience joy when people feel comfortable and at ease being with you. Your freedom, especially the freedom of feelings, is a very important thing and you become outraged if someone tries to restrict it. . You have an inventor's talent and gumption. In situations that are require you to demonstrate your personal qualities, you act in a strong, persistent and consequential manner. Partners play a major part in your life. It's their respect and high esteem that makes you feel validated. It's very important for you to see yourself fulfilled in public life. Your Devoted, Janet Harson

    NoisyNora said: December 8th, 2009 10:06 pm
    Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:20:07 AM Thank you so much for the wonderful comments! I find so much inspiration everywhere I look. People have been coming into my life that I know now are for a reason. Thanks again. NoisyNora

    stream star said: December 8th, 2009 10:05 pm
    Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:34:33 AM I listen to your first archieve crosssing the cat and made a connectedness/ forged a new center / originated a new now wow-- brilliant, you are brilliant -- wow

    Micah Sun, Chromecoda said: December 8th, 2009 10:02 pm
    Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:28:51 PM I applaud your efforts. Dream well Susan/White Lotus Star, Love/ Micah

    Gary Jones Harris said: December 8th, 2009 10:01 pm
    Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:08:28 AM Thanks for dropping by the show, I really appreciated your positivity in the chat room.

    Lola Noble said: December 8th, 2009 10:00 pm
    Sunday, May 25, 2008 4:10:32 AM Susan/White Lotus Star, thank you for your insight and wisdom. I have seen you in chats from time to time and I like your unconditional love for mankind. It shows through your voice and actions. BTW, I really enjoyed what you had to say at the Paranormal 101 show yesterday. Keep the peace and life force brimming forward. Best regards, Lola Noble

    Empowerment Sanctuary said: December 8th, 2009 9:58 pm
    Thursday, June 05, 2008 Hi Susan, Thank you so much for dropping by Empowerment Sanctuary today! Loved your energy and light- thanks so much for sharing with us today! Be blessed

    Leean / said: December 8th, 2009 9:57 pm
    Thursday, June 05, 2008 Susan/White Lotus Star...WOW !!!! You definitely have a very special and unique and rare type of hand. You are a old soul and have a long journey ahead of you. Your healing abilities will increase along with your energy , so be careful that you carefully moniter the energy flow as it can be very overwhelming to some folks. In a past life you were a very very powerful healer and gifted guide. You even knew nostrodamus. Thank you for sending me the photos they are very unique and very different that's for sure. A lot of the things you did and knew back at the beginning of atlantis will start or should be resurfacing now. Take care and many blessings to you Leean ~ the palmistry lady

    stream star said: December 8th, 2009 9:55 pm
    Saturday, June 14, 2008 Thank you for your interaction the whole room lights up when you show up on my radio show Your Brilliance, and, Your Energy, along with Your Light All three of them are absolutely amasing !!! Stream Star from

    BlueswordAngel aka James said: December 8th, 2009 9:49 pm
    Monday, September 08, 2008 Thank you 13 / The eXchanger, this has been one heck off a ride, NO matter how hurt and in deep despair I was in, I have a dear kind friend name 13 who has stood beside me in my "Darkest Night of the Soul" She has been very kind supportive and with her Unconditional Love,indeed I love her words of wisdoms, I thank you for working behind the background on my growth In Due Kindness to You BlueswordAngel JAMES

    Julie / CosmicFever said: December 8th, 2009 9:45 pm
    Saturday, September 20, 2008 You know I've been following your posts since this thing started. The manner in which you present yourself is sincere and shines with Truth and good intent. I believe Love and Peace will prevail. Thank you for the time you put into Project Avalon & Project Camelot. Love and Peace, Julie / CosmicFever

    Calvin said: December 8th, 2009 9:44 pm
    Monday, September 22, 2008 You are Full of light !!! eXchanger, I was very drawn to your posts and felt like i should just send you an email I am curious to get your incite on these times eXchanger, and hopefully learn more about you and your feelings. Love and Peace Calvin

    Donna, Unlimited Mind said: December 8th, 2009 9:40 pm
    Wednesday, September 24, 2008 I just have to tell you that some of the things that were discussed on that thread created quite a DNA elevation. I did not sleep for two days, and could almost write a book on some info that kept pouring in... the awareness of yes and how to observe energy. The click happened when st clair responded to sara jane, and i read that he sees screens in his dreams. After that so many things clicked into place that it catapulted me into another frequency of information. Any how, thanks again for being you. xoxo Donna, unlimited mind

    Samantha - Author of Wildfire said: December 8th, 2009 9:37 pm
    Wednesday, September 24, 2008: Love all this site does... keep up your great vibe it is needed here love samantha aka wildfire Create a life worth living. Create a Planet worth living on. Create a Universe worth living in.

    Radine said: December 8th, 2009 9:24 pm
    AA Michael~ Curtis asked me to send you confirmation that he called on Michael as he knew you were too. Blessed Be! T hank you so much for your support and the blessing that you are! Hugs, Radine! ThePeaceChurch

    Liara said: December 8th, 2009 9:24 pm
    Thnx 4 speaking up! Appreciate your reflections on the Goddess Roundtable on July 26. Look forward to your coming BTR shows. I sense profound connections that merit further exploration. Love & Light, Liara from Liara Covert

    XXXXXXX ~ Radio Talk Show Host said: December 8th, 2009 9:22 pm
    My experience was amasing, she has an uncanny ability, to remove blocks, and, lay a new foundational grid, that connected me, back to my original trine. NOW, i can meet with them. This woman, is amasing. Her work has literally transported me into new dimensions and densities. Not to mention, new levels of health & wellness. She removed things that were all tangled in my upper densities & higher dimensions & it has truly set me free. She is profoundly intuitive, and, operates, as she says, from The CrossRoads of Infinite Possibilities, which made it all possible. She gave me back my life. My first introduction was reading her posts in some forums, and, then, hearing her speak on her radio show, and, it was during a show, that, i started to feel, the power of her healing, and, knew, i must do, a session with her. Myself, i would highly recommend her to anyone who really wants profound changes, she does have the abilities to bring you back, into all of your selves, and, for me, this added up toa fuller, happier, healthier, and, much richer life. Thank You, from the bottom of my heart, for all that you are, and, all that you have done for me. I am, eternally grateful, for having this experience, it was intense, but, had major results. I know, i was divinely guided, and, divinely lead, to do this, to exchange with you, I am grateful, you completely turned around my whole life, in ways that are so wonderful. Thank You...Thank You...Thank You Much Love XXXXXXX ~ Radio Talk Show Host

    Mr. X said: December 8th, 2009 9:04 pm
    11-17-2008 02:07 AM You are, absolutely full of light! Mr X

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE 12 + 1 = 13 keys or paintings


    <div style="width:480px; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="" height="360" width="480"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a></div>


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "those who have walked
    softly upon the earth,
    those who have traveled bravely
    through the fire of life
    those who have blown the air
    as, good wind through all exchanges
    will leave sparks of 'good energy', and,
    it all flows through the magic of:
    colour, frequency, light, sound, tone and vibration
    wherever they go"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "The story of my past, present, future and now
    - through The Pivot of The Now"
    -Susan Lynne Schwenger

    An old soul...
    through 25 year old eyes !!!


    "The old healer to the soul:
    iT iS not your back that hurts, but the burden.
    iT iS not your eyes that hurt, but injustice.
    iT iS not your head that hurts, it's your thoughts.
    Not the throat, but what you don't express or say with anger.
    Not the stomach hurts, but what the soul does not digest.
    iT iS not the liver that hurts, it's the anger.
    iT iS not your heart that hurts, but love.
    And iT iS love itself that contains the most powerful medicine
    The END RESULT...
    which is weaved
    thru THE ViRTUES."
    ~Susan Lynne Schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "little girls with dreams become women with vision"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    *7 months old - July 1959, with Murray Bruce "Muff" Schwenger

    "little boys, and, little girls with big dreams
    become the men, and, the women with the big visions"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "little people with big visions
    become the men, and, the women who live their dreams"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "it all starts iN THE DREAM
    - AWAKEN, your DREAMER"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    become ONE, and, THE SAME"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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