Introducing.. Susan Lynne Schwenger Aka The Exchanger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    working with feathers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    working with feathers
    (sometimes; you actually morph into an old wise one)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last ceremony for
    The Medicine People,
    The Ancestors for
    The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) People
    to retire The Thunderbird Mounds,
    and, to transition those souls
    still roaming the low and high astral
    into the low, mid and high causal,
    and, back to The Creator - The Great Spirit of God,
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    who held The North Gate on 23 October 2010
    (2+3+1+0+2+0+1+0=9 = Endings & New Beginnings
    7 Ok ~ Full Moon ~ Long Count
    with Biljana Banchotova, White Electric Mirror
    Kin 198
    Harmonic 50
    susan lynne schwenger
    in 2010 (i was in my 52nd year - 51 3/4 years old)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 OCT 2010
    The Humber River,
    near The Thunderbird Mounds,
    Toronto, Ontario
    Photographer: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    you can find her work on facebook at:
    Whirling Wisdom Art Creations

    (2) Whirling Wisdom Art Creations | Facebook


    Last ceremony for The Ancestors for The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) People
    to retire The Thunderbird Mounds, and, to transition those souls
    still roaming the low and high astral into the low, mid and high causal, and, back to The Creator
    - The Great Spirit of God, Biljana Banchotova, Biljana 23 October 2010
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger ~ Author / Poet

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 OCT 2010 -- Ceremony on
    The Thunderbird Mounds - gathering water
    from The Humber River - the river, i was born on
    ~ this is the area of turtle island;
    that The Thunders aka The Thunderbirds
    & Medicine People from all the tribes gathered
    (i was in my 53rd year (52) in this pic)
    The Day of The Final Ceremony
    ~ The Lighting of The Final Fire
    from here, i went into ceremony
    on The Burial Mound
    and, held the 'north' gate
    ~ profoundly interesting day
    23 OCT 2010
    Not far from The Thunderbird Mounds in toronto on The Humber River, in Ontario, Canada
    - the river, i was born on
    - gathering water for The Ceremony
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    YEAH, that day Biljana, myself, and, a group of 13 of us, did a special ceremony on The Thunderbird Mounds
    - we took this picture, when Biljana, and, I, were gathering water from The Humber River, in Toronto
    - for use, in The Ceremony

    this is the area of turtle island; that The Thunders aka The Thunderbirds from all the tribes gathered

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne SchwengerGrandmothers Circle the Earth
    January 5, 2017 ·

    been trying to tell folks this for almost 40 years...
    do they listen ??? some do, most do NOT
    REMEMER...that every generation is just this,
    another generations seventh one to come...
    be a piece of peace,
    do all you can do to bring about the 'good' change
    and, always and in all ways do the 'good' work
    Reflect on that, and, then act accordingly
    WiLL, as THE WAY...
    will it to be, so, it will be, and, so, iT iS"
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    333 333 315
    The eXchanger
    join us on



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    February 25, 2019 ·
    Shared with Public

    in my quest to organize myself
    ~ Susan the little girl who had everything,
    but, sort of had NOTHING AT ALL
    ~ The Misunderstood One
    yup, that was my Childhood icon,
    sure glad, i have outgrown that !!!
    Sitting here,
    with a GRATITUDE for the toys,
    that, i was NEVER allowed to play with:
    I've lived a rather interesting life,
    when i was young,
    the manager for america tours
    for The Beatles visited our house,
    and, i got given an amazing present,
    a full set of big bobbin' head beatles,
    that are even personally signed !!!
    i was about maybe 6 or 7,
    i was the envy of every kid
    in the neighbourhood
    - everyone wanted NOT only
    to see my bobbin' heads !!!
    they also wanted to play with them,
    and, take them home with them,
    so, they were very likely
    my first 'real' treasure !!!
    - i remember my dad wasn't crazy
    about that guy
    (in fact, i knew, he did NOT like him)
    and, he also did NOT like this guy
    giving his daughter anything,
    I remember he often warned me
    about people, and, their eyes...
    and, if you were smart,
    you listened to my Dad,
    he was old, and, he was wise,
    and, young and sharp, at the same time...
    he had a sense of people,
    and, it was a sense, i also normally had...
    so, he told me to be nice,
    but, to excuse myself, and, go next door,
    and, NOT come back
    until he came to get me
    Well, i sure did like them,
    but, i have to admit,
    this guy was a bit creepy,
    so, i said thank you,
    realized that my dad,
    seriously wanted me out of the way,
    he was also sending very strong telepathed messages,
    so, i did as he was instructing...
    and, disappeared into the big old willow tree next door.
    This very likely, was one of my favourite hideouts...
    i spent countless hours there, sometimes alone,
    and, sometimes with my good friend Lindy.
    ~ SO, WOW,
    i've still got them,
    i thought they were all smashed etc.,
    but, they are still in really good condition 1f642.
    NOW...i've PLACED them front row and centre,
    in my big dining room buffet,
    which i cleaned out today...
    and, NOW they are sitting
    next to my original album collection
    of the first three records, i collected...
    today, i own a store, which houses a very large
    collection of old LPS, vintage ones;
    hard to find, if it isn;t perfect;
    it is NOT in my store !!!
    My 1st big album
    i bought was Sargent Peppers Lonely hearts club band
    i got it at the record store in downtown toronto,
    known as: Sam The Record Man
    - it even had lyrics printed on the album,
    so, you could KNOW the words,
    and, sing it when you played it..
    amazing, but the album is still pristine
    they do NOT make things today,
    in most cases, like they made them 50+ years ago
    .and, i also got my snoppy vs the red baron
    it is a 45 size record
    which i sometimes played at 78 rpm
    - and, danced, and, laughed
    - and, pretended to shot bullets etc;
    very likely with the unloaded antique shot gun
    that was stored in my closet
    yup; i grew up in a house
    of gun collectors
    in the closet also was an old ladies gun
    from the 1800s,
    which had been altered from a 6 shooter
    to being a 7 shot hand gun
    of course, we also grew up with beebee guns,
    and, cap guns, and, you could say,
    those were the good old days !!!
    yeah; i remember how i laughed
    life was interesting, playing projecting thoughts
    games with others, and, others actually could
    read your mind.
    i found out real young, i was real good at this fine art.
    All 4 of my grandparents, where exceedingly gifted.
    All 4 of them were very high up in an organization
    where you practiced egyptian magic,
    the reading materials on the book shelves,
    also was pretty darn interesting,
    and, i was immediately drawn to looking at these old books,
    and, i recognized patterns in things.
    i knew what a lot of it was, without even being told
    yeah, i was that kid, born with a star in her hand,
    and, i was born triple cauled, and, allowed to eat my sack.
    i was 6 lbs 6.6 oz when i was born
    on the 3rd day; 25th december full moon
    my mum, went into labour, on the 27th day,
    or, 3 days later; i was born at 1;11 pm,
    but; didn;t take my first breath til 3;45pm or 15;45
    it was a 7 lk, or 7 wind date on the maya calendar
    and, a 3 kin day, on a dreamspell calendar
    - who would know, how these dates would come
    to play a role in my life, in years to come.
    i was only 4, when i got my first record player
    a gift from the old lady Dorothy Kangas,
    who lived next door
    (see had a horrible husband,
    who beat her up; she was also a huge
    influence on my life, and; is likely the reason
    i never got abused by a man !!!
    YOU COULD NEVER punish me
    sending me to my bedroom
    was a treat, i loved my big bed
    ~it was a double bed,
    my parents likely wore out ROFL
    YUP, i could tell you some pretty funny stories
    some of the noises,
    that came from behind their door
    and, thru the wall
    make pictures shake on my walls
    what the heck, where they doing in there !!!
    i knew something was going on in there,
    but, i was never brave enough
    to get out of bed, open their door,
    and, find out.
    one night, my brother,
    who had a room on the other side,
    got out of bed, opened the door,
    i'm sure he thought someone was getting killed !!!
    and, he screamed;
    mom, mom are you alright
    do you want me to call an ambulance
    - and, all i remember is my dad screaming
    get out of here !!!
    at this point, i still didn't know what the heck they were
    doing, and, learned young, sometimes, it is good to just
    mind your own business
    my parents you could say; had a very active sex life !!!
    no doubts about it, i was made with great levels
    of love and passion, and, all that good stuff that goes into
    the making of a baby.
    i was NO accident, in fact, i was well-planned
    since, i loved NOTHING better than going to my big bedroom
    closing the door, and, having my own dance party !!!
    i spent a lot of my life outside, and, in that room
    it housed all my collections of crystals, rocks and stones
    real interesting items, even my double lemurian hand made wand
    which, i recently gifted to my friend Biljana's young daughter
    who is interested, in the same sort of things; i'm interested in...
    everything was MAGIC
    MUSIC was #1 - DANCING was #1 - and
    GOOD FOOD was #1,
    if it wasn;t #1 - it wasn;t happening at our house !!!
    We lived close to the airport,
    so; we always had an interesting
    string of visitors
    - John Board, Director of the Movie - The Birds,
    was my mum and dad's best man at their wedding,
    and, for different periods of time, John lived with us !!!
    (when he wasn;t directing or producing in hollywood)
    he always, a lot of fun)
    he remembers, my dad, who built the car
    that ran on water...and, a lot of other things,
    my dad could fix almost anything
    i realized today; that i have so many different types of collections of things
    i also saw; that i had a 3rd album stashed away
    it was the #1 album on my the day i was born
    in 27 dec 58 - The Chipmunks
    ~ and, then after sorting that,
    and, a lot of interesting old bottle collections,
    including a hand blown gun that is about 4 feet long
    i found a box my mum had labelled before she died,
    with my name on it,
    and, inside there was some interesting stuff:
    First, there are my long lost Raggedy ann dolls
    - on my 1st birthday, all my friends came
    (we were all babies, i guess my mum had a gathering of
    all the magical ladies) and, everyone had brought me a doll
    - so, i have these '6' amazing original raggedy ann and her friends
    - along with,

    The Littlest angel doll
    & A pillow my great grandmother hand made and hand embroidered & stitched
    and, there are 3 different issues of the book
    The Littlest Angel (even a 1st edition)
    and, there is even a Raggedy Ann Bank
    with has 8 cdn silver dollars from 1958
    Ironically; all of the 8 gift givers are still alive
    (and, i'm planning a party for my 60th birthday
    in the spring on a long weekend when everyone comes up
    to the cottage)
    - my mum said in the note
    iF i kept them all together
    that we'd all live good and long lives)
    and, that i'd be glad, she never let me play with them
    kind of an interesting note !!!
    ALWAYS wondered where they were,
    always got told, when i asked where are they,
    i want to see them, and, play with them,
    my mum always had some sort of excuse...
    and, i also found MY FIRST STUFFED ANIMAL,
    So, glad i stayed up to sort more boxes
    it has proven to be an interesting day !!!
    YEAH, lots to be grateful for
    ~Life has been a good hard - sometimes, fun ride
    i started my gratitude journal
    and; did 1 day, then i did 4 days in 1 day
    and; tomorrow; i'll likely need to find 15 things to be grateful for; hopefully; i had exciting dreams tonight
    - susan lynne schwenger






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      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      this needs some serious editing; but; it is a fun sort of story; my life 1f609.

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      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      i moved it to a 'NOTE' - as, i likely need an editor
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    • Jonathan Black
      We are so similar. Big willow tree and bb fund
      and guns and vinyl and famous musicians and so much more.
      Now I know why I feel comfort from you. I’m a collector of things and love olds stuff.
      I have really awesome turntables and love to reminisce sometimes and break out the vinyl.
      Your interesting in ways like me. My two youngest kids are four years apart and with both mommies water broke
      Ate Christmas Eve and were to be born the 25th as was both their stated due dates
      but her labor went longer than it was supposed to be and for both labor was induced and they were born on the 26th.
      Crazy sauce.....
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      • 3y

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Photograph of The Thunderbird...
    we were calling in The Ancient Order of The Thunders,
    as, Biljana & myself were off to do The Ceremonies on The Thunderbird Mounds in Toronto, Ontario in Canada,
    and,we snapped a photograph of one.
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    November 14, 2010 ·
    Shared with Your friends

    Photograph of The Thunderbird...
    November 14, 2010
    Photograph of The Thunderbird ???
    aS I wAS calling in The Ancient Order of The Thunders,
    SINCE Biljana & I were off to do The FINAL Ceremonies on The Thunderbird Mounds
    in Toronto, Ontario in Canada, for the Iroquois-Haudenosaunee People, I snapped a photograph...
    is it one, I see it,
    and, it isn't the size of a normal big bird
    this is a huge one
    so; maybe I finally snapped its picture ?
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger

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